St. Anthony’s Catholic Church Saturday, November 24th th 1432 River St., Niagara, WI 54141 & Sunday, November 25 Phone: (715) 251-3879 website: Fax: (715) 251-3642 email:
[email protected] Office Hours: Mon-Thu: 8:30a -12:30p Mass Schedule: Fri: 8:30a -12:00p Tues ……. 6:00 pm Appointments can be Wed ……. 6:45 pm made for any time of the Thurs ….. 9 am (Maryhill) day. In case of an Sat …….. 4:00 pm emergency, please call Sun …….10:30 am Fr Matt at 715-891-1560 Pastor: Fr. Matt Settle ……… cell: (715) 891-1560 ……….. email:
[email protected] Secretary: Sandra Powalka Deacon: Jerry Nardi Religious Education Coordinator: Grades PreK – 12………..Yvonne Voss…….email:
[email protected] Pastoral Council: chair - Glenn Lantagne Daily Finance Council: chair - Readings Faith Formation Committee: chair - Dawn Johnson Mon, November 26th Buildings and Grounds: chair - Rose Bousley & Terry Sweig Rv 14:1-3,4-5 Worship Committee: chair - Michele Eskritt Lk 21:1-4 th Tue, November 27 Karen’s Food Pantry: pick-up hours: Mondays 12- 3 pm, contact person: Teresa DePas Rv 14:14-19 Lk 21:5-11 St. Anthony Council of Catholic Women (SACCW): president: Rose Bousley 251-3249 th rd Wed, November 28 Meeting: Next meeting is December 3 . Rv 15:1-4 St. Vincent de Paul Niagara Conference: phone: 715-251-1574, president: Sharon Lk 21:12-19 Miland Meeting: 1st & 3rd Monday of each month in Parish Center from 6:30-7:30pm Thu, November 29th Knights of Columbus Council #2847: Grand Knight: Bruce Darne 251-4191 Rv 18:1-2,21-23; Meeting: 2nd Monday of each month at St Anthony Church 19:1-3,9 Lk 21:20-28 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION: Fri, November 30th Rom 10:9-18 Baptism: Please call the office to make arrangements (incl.