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J. M. CLARK. MANUFACTURE OF ORNAMENTAL TUBIN G. No. 174,117. Patented Feb. 29, 1876. oly2. 8 A. %zele, .. o/zverzów 22 2. e? (2%zee//7z 66w6. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JAMES M. CLARK, OF JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY. IMPROVEMENT IN THE MANUFACTURE OF oRNAMENTAL TUBING. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 174.1 17, dated February 29, 1876; application filed February 3, 1876. To all whom it may concern: the angle of the inclination of the grooves is Be it known that I, JAMES M. CLARK, of the reverse. Jersey City, in the county of Hudson and State The thin sheet-metal tube is inserted through of New Jersey, have invented an Improve this die at upon the draw bench, and pulled ment in the Manufacture of Ornamental Tub through such die. Either the tube or the die ing, of which the following is a specification: must be allowed to revolve in consequence Ornamental tubing for pencil-cases has been of the screw form of the grooves. This op made with grooves and ribs similar to a three, eration imparts to the tube the form shown four, or more threaded screw, and this orna in Fig. 2, and it is to be understood that a mentation has been done by a draw-plate die tube in the form shown in Fig. 2 has before properly shaped, and a spiral or twist man been made, and I do not claim the same. drel upon which the tube has been placed. The tube is to be run through the second Tubes and pencil - cases have been orna draw-plate die b, in which the grooves stand mented by an engraved figure put upon the at the opposite angle, the result of which is same by an engraving-engine, such figure be that the first ribs are crossed by a second set ing composed of ranges of diamond forms in of grooves that divide such ribs into quad relief.
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