
Kings and Vocabulary Queens 1 Monarchy A system of government where a country is ruled by a king or queen. An absolute monarchy is where the mon- arch is the supreme power, not limited by government

laws. We have a constitutional monarchy today: this Key facts means that the power is shared between the govern-  William the Conqueror invaded Britain in ment and the Queen as Head of State. 1066 and took the Saxons’ land from them.  A new sort of feudal system was introduced 2 Heir A person who will inherit a title or property when the in which land was managed by barons. owner dies. In monarchy, the heir to the throne is usually  Kings and queens inherit the throne in a the first born child. system where the first born child is heir.  The Magna Carta was drawn up because 3 Parliament A system of running the country consisting of the mon- King John made unfair decisions and the arch, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. barons wanted to limit his power 4 Democracy A form of government as we have in the UK where the  King Henry VIII was responsible for the people elect their members of parliament—the MPs. country becoming Protestant as he wanted a divorce and the refused, so he broke 5 Medieval Also called the middle ages—the period from 5th Century away from Rome . age to 15th century.  Queen Elizabeth I’s reign was marked by 6 Feudal sys- A system where a peasant received land to work on in exploration of the world and increased tem exchange for their labour. They were controlled by bar- power for the country. ons and knights and all were controlled by the king  ’s reign was marked by the growth of the British Empire. 7 Knight A nobleman prepared to fight for the barons who were  The monarchy still survives today although superior to him the main power is in government. This is 8 Baron A higher ranked nobleman who was loyal to the king in known as constitutional monarchy. exchange for land and power

9 Peasant The lowest rank of the feudal system, working the land in exchange for home and food 10 Reformation The change from being a Catholic country to a protestant country 11 British Em- The collection of lands throughout the world which were pire under the control of the British monarchy 12 Royal houses The ’s family, sometimes over several genera- tions - e.g., the House of Tudor, the House of Windsor Map of the British Empire The Spanish Armada tries to invade England but is defeated at the Port Of Timeline of Events Calais in France.

1066—1087 1199—1216 1509—1547 1558—1603 1837—1901 1952—present The reign of The reign of King John The reign of Henry VIII The reign of Elizabeth I The reign of Victoria The reign of Elizabeth II William the con- 1215: The signing of the 1533: Henry breaks 1588: The English 1876: Queen Victoria 2015: The Queen be- queror Magna Carta from the Catholic defeat the Spanish was crowned the comes the longest reign- church Armada “Empress of India”. ing Monarch.