News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media Contact: Rick Anderson Connie Martin/Apple Bank (718) 986-1596 (212) 224-6455
[email protected] [email protected] APPLE BANK FOR SAVINGS PROMOTES STEVEN DIMAGGIO TO FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AND BROOKLYN SOUTH DISTRICT MANAGER BROOKLYN, NY – MAY 10, 2017– Apple Bank for Savings has announced the promotion of Steven DiMaggio to First Vice President and Brooklyn South District Manager. Mr. DiMaggio, who has been with Apple Bank for over 18 years, was most recently Vice President and Branch Manager at the Borough Park branch office located at 4519 13th Avenue in Borough Park, Brooklyn. James Matera, Executive Vice President and Head of Apple Bank’s Consumer Banking Division, said, “We are very pleased to announce Steve’s promotion to First Vice President and Brooklyn South District Manager for the bank. Since 1999 when he first joined Apple Bank as a teller, Steve has been a tremendous asset to the bank, particularly in Brooklyn, where he has managed numerous offices throughout the borough.” As Brooklyn South District Manager, Mr. DiMaggio will be based in Apple Bank’s Borough Park office at 13th Avenue. He will be responsible for the oversight of the Bay Ridge-Fifth Avenue, Bay Ridge/426 86th Street, 13th Avenue/Borough Park, 16th Avenue/Borough Park, 18th Avenue/67th Street, 86th Street/Bensonhurst, Coney Island, Brighton Beach, Kings Highway, Flatbush Avenue and Staten Island Mall branch offices. Mr. DiMaggio joined Apple Bank in 1999 as a teller in the 18th Avenue and 67th Street branch in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Shortly afterward, he was promoted to Executive Assistant and moved to the Brighton Beach and then Kings Highway branch offices.