H H H H H Serving the Children of H Queens and the World H H H H SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION 2 J>;GK;;DI9EKH?;HKIWANISJUNE 18, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.queenscourier.com Congratulations to +PVSOBMTt/FXTMFUUFSTt4UBUJPOFSZt#SPDIVSFT Kiwanis International 'MJFSTt#VTJOFTT$BSETt*OWJUBUJPOT 5JDLFUTt3BGþFTt4JHOT on your t%*(*5"-$0-03$01*&4 100th Anniversary t0''4&5$0-03#8t5)&3.0(3"1): -PV%J3JDPt+FSJDIP5QLF /FX)ZEF1BSL /: 5t't&BSMBOEQSOU!BPMDPN Michael Smith M. Smith Associate, C.P.A., P.C. ALL FAITHS CEMETERY 2204 Avenue U “For People of All Faiths” DANIEL C. AUSTIN Brooklyn, NY 11229 PRESIDENT & C.E.O. 718-332-2626 NON-SECTARIAN CHAIRMAN Proud Member of the 67-29 Metropolitan Ave, Kiwanis Club of Howard Beach Middle Village, NY 11379 (718) 821-1750 FAX: (718)-497-2750 My is &% Over 35 convenient branch locations throughout Queens! Bank Anywhere You See NYCB! Congratulations to the International Kiwanis Club as they Celebrate 100 Years of Service to our Community FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.queenscourier.com JUNE 18, 2015 KIWANISJ>;GK;;DI9EKH?;H3 4J>;GK;;DI9EKH?;HKIWANISJUNE 18, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.queenscourier.com kiwanis anniversary Kiwanis serving the children both here and abroad BY ROBERT POZARYCKI serious work, members also help
[email protected] raise funds through a variety of fun @robbpoz activities from luncheon meetings to community days at local parks. They’re professionals and nov- One can find such an example of ices, executives and staff members, fellowship and fun at the Kiwanis retirees and working people — Club of Glendale, which generally spanning every class, creed, race, meets every Thursday afternoon ethnicity and every other demo- at Zum Stammtisch Restaurant.