
The Journal of Neuroscience, September 1990, 10(g): 2965-2973

Cerebral Synthesis and Release of Kynurenic : An Endogenous Antagonist of Excitatory Receptors

Kenton J. Swartz,1,2 Matthew J. During,* Andrew Freese,* and M. Flint Beal* ‘Program in Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, and ‘Neurochemistry Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Excitatory amino acid (EAA)-mediated synaptic transmis- release it into the extracellular space, (3) the majority of CNS sion is the most prevalent excitatory system within the mam- synthesis results from the transport of L-kyn- malian . Activation of EAA receptors has been postu- urenine across the blood-brain barrier, and (4) extracellular lated to contribute to neuronal cell death in , epilepsy, levels of kynurenic acid can be dramatically and selectively , and Huntington’s disease. Kynurenic acid is increased by pharmacologic manipulation of precursor levels. an endogenous substance that inhibits EAA receptors and may therefore influence important physiologic and patho- logic processes. The release of intracerebrally synthesized As a broad-spectrumantagonist of excitatory amino acid (EAA) kynurenic acid into the extracellular fluid (ECF), where it may receptors, kynurenic acid can antagonize electrophysiological act at EAA receptors, has not been established in vivo. We responsesto NMDA and (KA) receptor , studied the synthesis and release of kynurenic acid in the and to a lesser degree, quisqualate (QUIS) receptor agonists rat using intracerebral microdialysis coupled with (Perkins and Stone, 1982, 1985; Ganong et al., 1983; Stone and high performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence Connick, 1985; Ganong and Cotman, 1986; Stone and Burton, detection. The basal ECF concentration of kynurenic acid in 1988). Recent evidence suggeststhat kynurenic acid acts at both the rat corpus striatum was 17.1 + 1.1 nM. Peripheral admin- the allosteric site and the agonistrecognition site on the istration of the immediate biosynthetic precursor of kyn- NMDA receptor complex, as well as at non-NMDA receptors urenic acid, L-, resulted in marked dose-depen- (Birch et al., 1988a, b; Danysz et al., 1989). Interest in kynurenic dent increases in striatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid centersaround its possibleinvolvement in several neuro- acid, peaking at 2-2.5 hr. The highest dose of L-kynurenine logic diseaseswith proposedexcitotoxic etiologies (Schwartz et (100 mg/kg), administered peripherally, resulted in a 108- al., 1984; Stone and Connick, 1985; Schwartz and Ben-Ari, fold increase in plasma kynurenic acid levels and a 37-fold 1986; Choi, 1988; Dingledine et al., 1988; Stone, 1989), as well increase in cerebral ECF levels. Peripheral administration of as its potential relevance for physiologic regulation of excitatory kynurenic acid, at a dose that caused plasma levels to in- synaptic transmissionmediated by endogenousEAAs (Forsythe crease 430-fold, resulted in only 4-fold increases in striatal et al., 1988; Foster and Kemp, 1989a;Mayer et al., 1989; Thom- ECF concentrations. The precursor responsiveness of stria- son et al., 1989). tal ECF kynurenic acid to peripherally infused L-kynurenine Kynurenic acid was one of the first metabolites of was blocked by the central application (via the dialysis probe) to be isolated and characterized in (Ellinger, 1904; of , an inhibitor of the immediate syn- Homer, 1914); the intermediary role of L-kynurenine was sub- thetic for kynurenic acid, kynurenine aminotrans- sequently demonstrated(Heidelberger et al., 1949; Fig. 1). Syn- ferase. Administration of L-tryptophan was less effective than thesis of kynurenic acid from L-kynurenine is catalyzed by kyn- L-kynurenine in increasing ECF kynurenic acid concentra- urenine aminotransferase (EC, which has been tions and did so at a considerably later time interval (8 hr). extensively studied in mammalian liver, kidney, and intestine Infusion of L-kynurenine, but not L-tryptophan, through the (Mason, 1954, 1957, 1959; Mason and Gullekson, 1960; No- dialysis probe dramatically increased striatal ECF concen- guchi et al., 1973; Okuno et al., 1980) and has also been found trations of kynurenic acid. Administration of glutamate, in the rat brain (Minatogawa et al., 1974). Recently, the presence NMDA, , kainic acid, or via the of kynurenic acid in the mammalian brain has been unequiv- dialysis probe for 10 min had no effect on basal ECF levels ocally demonstrated (Carla et al., 1988; Moroni et al., 1988a, of kynurenic acid. The conclusions drawn from the present b; Turski et al., 1988; Swartz et al., 1990). Using brain slice study are that (1) kynurenic acid is present in ECF within preparationsin vitro, Turski and colleagues(1989) demonstrated the CNS, (2) the CNS can synthesize kynurenic acid and the synthesisand releaseof kynurenic acid when L-kynurenine was added to the incubation media; however, no kynurenic acid Received Feb. 7, 1990; revised Apr. 19, 1990; accepted Apr. 25, 1990. could be found in the absenceof added L-kynurenine (in all This work was supported by a Harvard University grant to K.J.S. and Grants cases,225 PM). NINCDS 16367 and NS 10828-14A. We wish to thank Walter J. Koroshetz, While it has been shown that brain tissue can catalyze the Edwin J. Furshpan, and Barbara A. Barres for reviewing the manuscript. formation of kynurenic acid from L-kynurenine and that kyn- Correspondence should be addressed to Kenton Jon Swartz, Program in Neu- roscience, Harvard Medical School, 220 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02 115. urenic acid is presentin brain tissue, it remainsunclear whether Copyright 0 1990 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/90/092965-09$03.00/O the CNS synthesizesand releaseskynurenic acid in vivo. Kyn- 2966 Swartz et al. * Synthesis and Release of Kynurenic Acid in the Mammalian CNS

1986). Accurate placement of probes was verified postmortem by gross and light microscopic visualization of coronal sections cut through and on either side of the probe path. Microdialysis. The dialysis probes were of concentric design and had a 4-mm length of exposed membrane so the diffusion surface spanned the entire dorsoventral coordinates of the rat striatum. Probes were constructed using the design of Sandberg et al. (1986) with minor mod- Periphery ifications. Hollow dialysis fibers (5-kDa cutoF, Cuprophan, Hospal, Edison, NJ) were sealed at 1 end with epoxy resin (Devcon, Danvers, MA). A length of hollow vitreous silica fiber (0.17-mm outer diameter; Anspec, MI) was inserted into the dialysis tube flush to the sealed end. The dialysis tubing with the vitreous silica fiber in situ was then inserted through a length of 23-gauge stainless-steel tubing into which another length of vitreous silica fiber (outlet) had been placed. Both ends of the 23-gauge tubing were sealed with epoxy resin with the dialysis mem- brane protruding from 1 end of the probe. The length of the exposed membrane surface was controlled by coating the dialysis membrane with epoxy resin. The probe was perfused using a Carnegie Medicin microperfusion pump (model CMA/lOO) via PE-50 tubing. The per- fusate consisted of an artificial extracellular fluid (ECF) containing the following: 135 mM Na+, 2.8 mM K+, 1.0 mM Mg2+, 1.2 mM Ca2+, 200 FM ascorbic acid, and 2.0 mM phosphate at pH 7.4. The flow rate in all experiments was 2.0 pl/min, with fractions collected at 30-min (L-kyn- urenine studies) or 60-min (L-tryptophan studies) intervals. Probes were calibrated in vitro by placing them in standard solutions containing 20.0. and 200.0 nM authentic kynurenic acid and measuring the recovery of kynurenic acid in the dialysate. The in vitro recovery of all probes used (n = 10) was 11.3 -t 0.4% (mean i SEM). Analytical measurements of kynurenic acid. Kynurenic acid was mea- sured using HPLC with fluorescence detection (Swartz et al., 1990). The HPLC system used for the analysis of kynurenic acid consisted of the following: pump A, Waters Model 5 10 Solvent Delivery System; pump CNS B, Waters M45 Solvent Delivery System; a BIORAD Automatic Sam- pler (refrigerated) Model AS-48; a Waters 470 Scanning Fluorescence Figure I. Proposed biochemical pathway for the ofL-tryp- Detector; a Shimadzu C-RSA Chromatopac Integrator; and a BBC Goerz tophan to kynurenic acid. The diagram depicts the peripheral conversion Metrawatt SE- 120 chart recorder. The HPLC-fluorescence method uti- of tryptophan to kynurenine, which enters the CNS on the large neutral lized a mobile phase of 4.5% acetonitrile, 50 mM sodium acetate (pH, and is converted to kynurenic acid within the 6.20, adjusted with glacial acetic acid) pumped through an 8-cm HR- CNS (see Figs. 2-6). More than likely, only minimal tryptophan is 80, C-l 8, 3 u reverse-phase column (ESA Inc.) at a flow rate of 1.O ml/ converted to kynurenic acid within the CNS (see Fig. 4). min. acetate (0.5 M, not pH adjusted) was delivered post-column at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The injection volume was 50 ~1. The urenic acid found in the brain could originate from peripheral fluorescence detector was set at an excitation wavelength of 344 nm (18-nm band width) and an emission wavelength of 398 nm (18~nm pools and then transfer into the brain from the blood. Further- band width). The retention time of kynurenic acid under these condi- more, kynurenic acid synthesis from physiologically supplied tions was 4.3 min, with a sensitivity of 15 x lo-l5 mol’injection (signal : precursors has not been demonstrated in vivo or in vitro. In this noise ratio, 5). For dialysate measurements, the recovered dialysate (60 report, we used in vivo microdialysis coupled with a highly sen- ~1) was diluted 1:l with fresh artificial ECF, and 50 ~1 of the mixture sitive and specific assay to measure kynurenic acid in striatal was directly injected onto the HPLC system. Aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA), L-kynurenine, and L-tryptophan did not interfere with the extracellular fluid (ECF). Our objective was to establish the measurements of kynurenic acid when added to standard solutions or presence and origin of kynurenic acid in cerebral ECF and to to ECF containing exogenous or endogenously synthesized kynurenic determine the responsiveness of kynurenic acid to peripheral acid. Plasma kynurenic acid measurements were made using the same loading of precursors in a dynamic in vivo system composed of HPLC system, with minor modifications in sample preparation pro- cedures. Freshly collected blood (200 ~1) was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm extracerebral metabolism, a blood-brain barrier, and CNS me- for 10 min. The resulting plasma (50 ~1) was separated off, diluted to tabolism. The results presented in this report demonstrate that 1 .O ml with 0.5 M HClO,, and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 min to the brain synthesizes and releases kynurenic acid and that ce- remove precipitated . Fifty ~1 of the resulting supematant was rebral ECF levels of this neuroprotective agent can be manip- directly injected onto the HPLC system. ulated pharmacologically. Systemic precursor loading studies: efects on striatal ECF kynurenic acid. In several experiments, precursors (L-kynurenine or L-tryptophan) were administered peripherally while striatal ECF was sampled. Dialysis Materials and Methods probes were implanted for a minimum of 1.5 hr before baseline fractions Experimental animals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-300 gm) were were collected. Three 30-min fractions were collected before any ma- purchased from Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA) and nipulation was attempted. L-Kynurenine sulfate and L-tryptophan (Sig- maintained under standard conditions with ad lib access to water and ma, St. Louis, MO) were dissolved in sterile 0.9% saline (pH, 7.4) and Rodent Lab Chow 5001 (Purina Mills Inc.) under a 12-hr dark/light administered intraperitoneally in a vol of 3-4 ml/kg. One group of rats cycle. All experiments were started between 7:00 and 8:00 A.M. Rats received either saline alone (n = 5) or L-kynurenine at doses of 100 mg/ were anesthetized with freshly prepared chloral hydrate (350 mg/kg, kg (n = 4), 75 mg/kg (n = 4), 50 mg/kg (n = 4), or 25 mg/kg (n = 2). i.p.), with small additional doses throughout experimentation to main- The quantity of L-kynurenine sulfate given was calculated as the free tain stable anesthesia. Anesthetized rats were placed in a Kopf stereo- base. Another group of rats received either saline alone (n = 4) or 100 taxic frame and maintained on a homeostatic heating pad at 37°C. mg/kg L-tryptophan (n = 5). Microdialysis was continued for up to 4 Dialysis probes were implanted into anterior striata (either unilaterally hr at 30 min intervals when L-kynurenine was given and for 10 hr at or bilaterally) through small burr holes drilled in the skull at the fol- 1-hr intervals when L-tryptophan was given. lowing coordinates: 0.5 mm anterior to the bregma, 2.6 mm lateral to Cerebral precursor administration studies: effects on striatal ECFkyn- the midline, and 7.0 ventral to the skull surface (Paxinos and Watson, urenic acid. In order to determine which reactions of the kynurenine The Journal of Neuroscience, September 1990, W(9) 2967

& L-kynurenine 100 mglkg -z- L-kynurenine 75 mgikg - L-kynurenine 50 mg/kg - L-kynurenine 25 mglkg -, 0.9 % saline

Time [hours]

Figure S. Striatal extracellular levels of kynurenic acid following pe- Figure 2. Chromatograms illustrating the measurement of kynurenic ripheral (i.p.) infusion of saline or L-kynurenine at doses of either 25, acid in rat striatal ECF. A, Sample representing basal kynurenic acid 50, 75 or 100 mg/kg. The vertical axis represents the fold change in levels that was collected 2 hr after dialysis probe implantation. B, Sample striatal concentrations of kynurenic acid, and the horizontal axis rep- collected 1 hr after peripheral administration of L-kynurenine (50 mg/ resents time (t) in hr. The peripheral infusion of L-kynurenine or vehicle kg). occurred at t,. Error bars represent SEM. All points after infusion of L-kynurenine were significantly different (p < 0.0 1) from baseline values by repeated measures ANOVA or from saline controls by Mann-Whit- ney U test (see Materials and Methods and Results). pathway (leading to kynurenic acid) exist in the brain, we compared the ability of centrally applied precursors to increase striatal ECF concen- trations of kynurenic acid. Dialysis probes were implanted into rat internal controls to negate the effects of variable L-kynurenine absorp- striata for a minimum of 1.5 hr before baseline fractions were collected. tion from the periphery. Dialysis probes were implanted bilaterally into After 3 30-min fractions were collected to establish basal concentrations the striata of 5 rats. Initially, both probes were-infused with artificial of kynurenic acid, artificial ECF containing either 100 PM L-kynurenine ECF. After 1.5 hr of mebaseline nerfusion. 3 consecutive 30 min baseline (n = 7) or 100 WM L-tryptophan (n = 10) was perfused through the fractions were collected from each probe. After the last fraction was dialysis probe for the next 2.5 hr (when L-kynurenine was administered) collected, artificial ECF containing either 1.0 mM (n = 3 rats) or 2.0 or 5 hr (when L-tryptophan was administered). Fractions were collected mM (n = 2 rats) AOAA was perfused through one probe, while the every 30 min, and kynurenic acid concentrations were determined. contralateral probe was perfused with artificial ECF alone as a control. Systemic precursor loading studies: effects on plasma kynurenic acid. Both probes were perfused for 1.5 hr (3 consecutive 30-min fractions). We compared the induction ofperipheral kynurenic acid formation after After the last fraction was collected, L-kynurenine (75 mg/kg) was ad- administration of L-kynurenine to the effects of L-kynurenine on intra- ministered peripherally via an intraperitoneal route. Dialysis fractions cerebral kynurenic acid synthesis. Rats were cannulated with intrafem- were then collected at 30 min intervals for the next 3.0 hr. Ipsilateral oral catheters prior to implantation of dialysis probes. Three baseline (AOAA-perfused) and contralateral (control) fractions were analyzed plasma samples were taken from each rat and 6 dialysis samples were for kynurenic acid. collected prior to any manipulation. One group of rats (n = 3) received Striatal release studies: effects of excitatory amino . The effects an intraperitoneal infusion of the highest dose of L-kynurenine admin- of various EAAs on kynurknic acid release-into striatal ECF was ex- istered in the precursor ECF studies (100 mgkg). Subsequent mea- amined. Glutamate. KA. auisaualic acid. NMDA. and auinolinic acid surements of plasma kynurenic acid determined the magnitude of the were dissolved in artificial ECE at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mM. increase in plasma kynurenic acid. In a separate group of rats (n = 3), Two rats were used to test each concentration of EAA. Rats were im- kynurenic acid (10 mg/kg) was given intraperitoneally to cause an in- planted bilaterally with dialysis probes into the anterior striatum and crease in plasma kynurenic acid of a greater magnitude than that ob- perfused with artificial ECF for 2 hr. Three 30-min baseline fractions served with L-kynurenine administration. In both groups, simultaneous were collected, EAAs were infused via the dialysis probe for 15 min, striatal ECF was monitored using microdialysis. and 30-min fractions collected for the next 2 hr. The dialysate concen- Enzyme inhibition studie.7. In order to establish that the kynurenic tration of kynurenic acid was measured in all fractions. acid measured in striatal ECF was synthesized in the CNS rather than Data analysis and statistics. All kynurenic acid values were calculated transported into the CNS from the periphery, we examined the ability and expressed in units of either nM (nmol/liter) or fold-change from of AOAA, an established inhibitor of kynurenine , to in- baseline levels (mean f SEM). Statistical comparisons were made using hibit the kynurenic acid surge produced by peripheral infusion of L-kyn- repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Mann-Whit- urenine (Metcalf, 1979; Turski et al., 1989). We designed a model with ney U test. 2966 Swartz et al. - Synthesis and Release of Kynurenic Acid in the Mammalian CNS

+ L-tryptophan 100 mg/kg dose, the responseof striatal ECF kynurenic acid peaked be- - 0.9 % saline tween 2.0-2.5 hr after infusion of L-kynurenine. The slope of the rise in striatal ECF kynurenic acid increasedwith increasing dosesof L-kynurenine; however, the difference in slopebetween the 75 and the 100 mg/kg groupswas minimal, suggestingthat a maximal rate of precursor uptake, synthesis,and releasewas reached. As illustrated in Figure 4, administration of L-trypto- phan (100 mg/kg, i.p.) also causedstriatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid to increasesignificantly. This increasein stria- tal ECF kynurenic acid was substantially smaller and occurred at a considerably later time interval as compared to L-kynuren- ine administration. Saline infusions (i.p.) had no significant ef-

Lp. lnfuslon of fect on striatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid for up to ttyptophan or 9 hr (Figs. 3, 4). vehicle The involvement of cerebral and peripheral metabolism in the synthesisofkynurenic acid from L-tryptophan wasexamined by comparing the ability of precursorsto increasestriatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid when infused through the di- alysis probe directly. As shown in Figure 5A, L-kynurenine (100 PM) infusion via the dialysis probe resultedin marked increases (68.4 + 13.1-fold) in striatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid. L-Tryptophan (100 pM) infusion via the dialysis probe A resulted in minimal, nonsignificant increasesin striatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid (Fig. 5B). I- In order to determine whether L-kynurenine was converted to kynurenic acid within the CNS, we examined the ability of an inhibitor of kynurenine aminotransferase (applied locally Time [hours] within the CNS) to block the striatal ECF kynurenic acid re- sponseto peripherally infused L-kynurenine. AOAA inhibits the Figure 4. Striatal extracellular levels of kynurenic acid following pe- immediate synthetic enzyme for kynurenic acid, kynurenine ripheral (Lp.) infusion of saline or L-tryptophan, 100 mg/kg. The vertical axis represents the fold change in striatal concentrations of kynurenic aminotransferase(Turski et al., 1989). AOAA containing arti- acid, and the horizontal axis represents t in hours. The peripheral in- ficial ECF was infused into one striatum, and control artificial fusion of L-tryptophan or vehicle occurred at t,,. Error bars represent ECF was infused into the contralateral striatum. As illustrated SEM. The point corresponding to the peak in kynurenic acid concen- in Figure 6, when L-kynurenine (75 mg/kg) was given periph- tration (t = 6 hr) following &yptophan infusion was significantly dif- erally, the striatum receiving the AOAA showed only a small ferent (p < 0.01) from baseline values by repeated measures ANOVA or from saline controls by Mann-Whitney U test (see Materials and increasein kynurenic acid, while the contralateral (control) stria- Methods and Results). ta showeda dramatic increasein kynurenic acid, equivalent to that seenin previous experiments (seeFig. 3). The inhibition of striatal ECF kynurenic acid responseby AOAA was dose dependent. Infusion of control artificial ECF into the contra- Results lateral striata resulted in a 29.56 + lO.Ol-fold increasein kyn- Basallevels of kynurenic acid in striatal ECF were determined urenic acid, while the striatum receiving 1.O and 2.0 mM AOAA in 124 samplescollected at 30-min intervals in 45 anesthetized resulted in only a 6.29 * 1.79-fold and 4.75 f 0.40-fold in- rats. A representative chromatogram illustrating the measure- crease,respectively. ment of kynurenic acid in striatal ECF is shown in Figure 2. The peripheral formation of kynurenic acid from L-kynuren- These fractions were collected either prior to any experimental ine was also examined. In 6 rats, basallevels of kynurenic acid manipulation or during saline (0.9%)infusion into the peritoneal in plasma were 137.9 ? 25.5 nM. As shown in Figure 7, at the cavity. Baseline samplesand samplescollected during saline highestdoes of L-kynurenine (100 mg/kg), plasmalevels of kyn- administration did not significantly differ in kynurenic acid con- urenic acid increased108.7 * 11.7-fold (peakingat 1 hr), while centration. The basallevel of kynurenic acid measuredin these striatal ECF levels of kynurenic acid increased37.1 + 7.0-fold dialysateswas 1.94 -t 0.12 nM (mean * SEM). After correction (peaking at 2.5 hr). From data obtained in other preliminary for in vitro recovery (11.3 1% in 10 dialysis probes;see Materials experiments, we estimated that a doseof 10 mg/kg kynurenic and Methods), the ECF level of kynurenic acid, under basal acid administered peripherally would causeincreases in plasma conditions, was 17.1 -t 1.1 nM. kynurenic acid of equal or greater magnitude than seen with In initial experiments, we examined the effect of peripheral L-kynurenine (100 mg/kg). As shown in Figure 7B, intraperi- infusion of L-kynurenine or saline (0.9%) on striatal ECF kyn- toneal administration of kynurenic acid (10 mg/kg) causedplas- urenic acid concentrations. As illustrated in Figures 2 and 3, ma levels ofkynurenic acid to increase430.7 + 52.8-fold (peak- dosesof L-kynurenine from 25-100 mg/kg causeddose-respon- ing at 30 min). Simultaneous striatal dialysis measurements sive increasesin striatal ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid. showed that under these conditions, the striatal ECF concen- At 25 mg/kg, dialysate levels rose 3.85 f 0.58-fold; at 50 mg/ trations of kynurenic acid increasedonly 4.6 ? 0.4-fold (Fig. kg, 9.47 * 1.26-fold; at 75 mg/kg, 27.10 * 4.26-fold; and at 7A). The peripheral infusion of kynurenic acid (10 mg/kg) there- 100 mg/kg, 37.11 ? 7.04-fold. With the exception of the lowest fore caused4-fold larger increasesin plasmakynurenic acid than The Journal of Neuroscience, September 1990, fO(9) 2969

100 1

u w- F&m 5. Striatal extracellular levels z of kynurenic acid following continuous 4, . cerebral (via dialysis probe) infusion of 100 PM L-kynurenine (A) or 100 WM .-VQ) c - via dialysis probe cz 60 L-tryptophan (B). The vertical axis rep- resents the fold change in striatal con- 1OOpM -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 centrations of kynurenic acid, and the L-tryptophan Time [hours] horizontal axis represents t in hours. Y E 4o _ via dialysis probe The L-kynurenine or L-tryptophan in- fusion via the dialysis probe was started at t,. Error bars represent SEM. The inset in B is scaled to IO-fold full scale to show the minimal increase in kyn- urenic acid that occurred after infusion of L-tryptophan. All points after infu- sion of L-kynurenine were significantly different (p < 0.01) from baseline val- ues by repeated measures ANOVA. Kynurenic acid concentrations in stria- -4. I. I., 3. I., . ,.I tal ECF following L-tryptophan infu- 7 sion were not significantly different from -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 ‘I 5 6 baseline values by repeated measures Time [hours] Time [hours] ANOVA. did L-kynurenine (100 mgkg), but striatal ECF levels of kyn- of kynurenic acid depicted in Figure 1. Kynurenic acid is a urenic acid were increasedlo-fold more by peripheral infusions metabolite of L-tryptophan that is formed by of of L-kynurenine than by peripheral infusions of kynurenic acid. L-kynurenine. Kynurenine aminotransferase(EC, the The ability of EAAs to stimulate kynurenic acid releaseinto synthetic enzyme for kynurenic acid, is thought to be localized the ECF wasalso examined. Among the EAAs tested(glutamate, in glial cells within the CNS (Minatogawa et al., 1974; Turski KA, quisqualic acid, NMDA, and quinolinic acid), none could et al., 1989). Brain tissue can synthesize L-kynurenine from be seento changethe ECF concentration of kynurenic acid for tryptophan (Gal, 1974), but L-kynurenine can also be trans- up to 2 hr after the infusion (15 min in duration) of the EAA ported acrossthe blood-brain barrier (Gal and Sherman, 1978). (data not shown). L-Kynurenine uptake systemsalso exist in rat brain (Speciale et al., 1989a). It has previously been estimated that Discussion approximately 40% of brain L-kynurenine is endogenouslysyn- Kynurenic acid is the only known endogenousinhibitor of EAA thesized from tryptophan by the enzyme indolamine-2,3-diox- receptorsin the mammalian CNS. Although its presencein the ygenase(EC while the remaining 60% is transported CNS has been established,it remains unclear whether it plays acrossthe blood-brain barrier (Gal and Sherman, 1980; but see a modulatory role in EAA neurotransmissionunder physiologic below). We examined the responsivenessof striatal ECF kyn- conditions and whether it may be involved in the pathogenesis urenic acid concentrations to peripheral administration of pre- of neurologic disease.For kynurenic acid to be of physiological cursors.Striatal ECF kynurenic acid showeddramatic increases or pathological relevance, it must be establishedthat it can be following intraperitoneal administration of L-kynurenine (see synthesized by CNS tissue and releasedinto the ECF in con- Fig. 3 and Results). Administration of L-tryptophan (100 mg/ centrations that can act at EAA receptors. This report presents kg, i.p.) also caused significant increasesin striatal ECF con- initial findings that begin to addressthese fundamental ques- centrationsof kynurenic acid (seeFig. 4). This increasein striatal tions. ECF kynurenic acid was substantially smaller and occurred at We recently developed a highly sensitive and specific assay a considerably later time interval than that seenwith L-kynuren- for kynurenic acid usingHPLC with fluorescencedetection. Us- ine administration. This lag would be consistentwith peripheral ing this assay, the basal level of kynurenic acid in striatal di- formation of L-kynurenine from L-tryptophan and transport of alysate was above the sensitivity of the method (15 x lo-l5 L-kynurenine acrossthe blood-brain barrier into . The find- mol/injection; Swartz et al., 1990). The basal concentration of ing that cerebral infusion of L-kynurenine, but not L-tryptophan, kynurenic acid in 124 samples(45 rats) of striatal dialysateswas resulted in increasesin striatal ECF kynurenic acid concentra- 1.94 * 0.12 nM (mean + SEM). In vitro recovery of kynurenic tions further suggeststhat L-kynurenine is the predominant pre- acid from the microdialysis probe (seeMaterials and Methods) cursor that crossesthe blood-brain barrier and is subsequently was 11.3 ? 0.4%. Correction using this estimate of recovery transaminatedto kynurenic acid (seeFigs. 1, 5). suggeststhat basal striatal ECF levels of kynurenic acid are Although the increasesin striatal ECF kynurenic acid were approximately 17 nM. However, correction for recovery using observed in a dialysis system thought to be localized within the salinesolutions is thought to underestimatethe actual ECF con- blood-brain barrier (Benveniste, 1989; Benvenisteet al., 1989) centrations of many and their metabolites by the possibility that kynurenic acid diffusesthrough, or is trans- 5- to IO-fold (Benveniste, 1989; Benveniste et al., 1989). ported across,the blood-brain barrier could not be ruled out. Basedon previous findings and those presentedhere, we pro- However, we found that a centrally applied inhibitor ofkynuren- posethe leading to the cerebral formation ine aminotransferaseblocked the increasesin striatal ECF kyn- 2970 Swartz et al. * Synthesis and Release of Kynurenic Acid in the Mammalian CNS

-- artificial ECF Alone ulations. One possibility is that endogenousEAAs mediate the -z- artificial ECF + AOAA 1.0 mM releaseof kynurenic acid from glial cells, becauseseveral types + artificial ECF + AOAA 2.0 mM of glia have electrophysiologicresponses to EAAs (Barreset al., 1988, 1990a, b; Barres, 1989; Cull-Candy et al., 1989; Gallo et al., 1989; Usowicz et al., 1989; Cornell-Bell et al., 1990). In several experiments, the ability of glutamate, NMDA, quino- linic acid, KA, or quisqualic acid to stimulate kynurenic acid releasewas examined. The above EAAs were infused through i.p. infusion of the dialysis probe, at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 L-kynurenlne 75 mg/kg mM, for 15 min. No effects on kynurenic acid release were observed for up to 2 hr after EAA infusion (data not shown). These preliminary results suggestEAAs do not play a pivotal role in the releaseof kynurenic acid. Thus, given the findings that (1) peripheral L-kynurenine administration freely increases AOAA Infusion i contralateral #Ia dlalysls probe cerebral ECF levels of kynurenic acid, and (2) tissue levels of (Iprilateral) kynurenic acid are in the same range of ECF levels (low nM; Swartz et al., 1990), it would seem plausiblethat control may be exerted at the level of kynurenine releasefrom peripheral stores (liver or kidney). Whether kynurenic acid concentrations in ECF are within the physiologically relevant range is as yet unclear. In the mam- malian CNS, several types of EAA receptorsare believed to be activated by glutamate (Watkins and Olverman, 1987). As clas- sified by prototypical EAA agonists,they are NMDA, KA, and QUIS. Becauseconcentrations required to block non-NMDA receptors (activated by KA and QUIS) are in the millimolar range (Stone and Connick, 1985; Kessler et al., 1989), it is unlikely that kynurenic acid concentrations in ECF would be Time [ Hours ] sufficient to modulate thesenon-NMDA receptors. Johnson and Ascher (1987) first demonstrated that glycine Figure 6. Striatal extracellular levels of kynurenic acid following pe- potentiates NMDA electrophysiologic responsesand proposed ripheral (i.p.) infusion ofL-kynurenine, 75 mg/kg. One probe (designated ipsilateral) was perfused with artificial ECF containing 1.0 or 2.0 mM the existence of an allosteric modulator site on the NMDA- AOAA, and the other contained standard artificial ECF. The vertical receptor complex that is sensitiveto glycine (Llano et al., 1988). axis represents the fold change in striatal concentrations of kynurenic Glycine binding appearsto be a prerequisite for activity of the acid, and the horizontalaxis representst in hours.The ipsilateralin- NMDA receptor (Kleckner and Dingledine, 1988). Several fusionof AOAA was initiated at t = - 1 S, and L-kynurenine was in- NMDA-receptor antagonists, including kynurenic acid, have traperitoneallyinjected at t,. Error barsrepresent SEM. The contralateral ECF concentrations of kynurenic acid, after infusion of L-kynurenine, been shown to act at the glycine site on the NMDA-receptor were all significantlydifferent (p < 0.01) from baselineconcentrations complex (Foster, 1988; Honore et al., 1988; Kemp et al., 1988; by repeatedmeasures ANOVA. Both striatal responses to peripheral Birch et al., 1989a, b, c; Foster and Kemp, 1989b; Lester et al., L-kynureninewith AOAA containing ECF differed significantly (p < 1989; Shalaby et al., 1989). While kynurenic acid has affinity 0.01) from the responseto L-kynureninewith standardECF aloneby ANOVA. for both the recognition site and the glycine allosteric site on the NMDA-receptor complex, it is several times more potent at the glycine allosteric site (Danysz et al., 1989). The EC,, of kynurenic acid for the glycine site is approximately 15 urenic acid after peripheral L-kynurenine administration (see PM, whereas its affinity for the NMDA recognition site is ap- Fig. 6). These resultsindicate that kynurenic acid is synthesized proximately 200-500 PM (Kessleret al., 1989). Binding studies from L-kynurenine within the CNS. therefore suggestthat low micromolar concentrations of kyn- The permeability of the blood-brain barrier to kynurenic acid urenic acid are required to have activity at the glycine site on was also examined by simultaneousplasma and striatal ECF the NMDA-receptor complex. From data presentedin this re- measurements.At the highest dose of L-kynurenine (100 mg/ port, basalstriatal ECF levels of kynurenic acid in the rat were kg), plasma kynurenic acid levels increasedby loo-fold, and - 17 nM (but see Discussion above). These concentrations of striatal ECF levels increasedby 37-fold. However, when kyn- kynurenic acid are significantly lower than those that clearly urenic acid (10 mg/kg) was administered peripherally, plasma block the glycine allosteric site on the NMDA-receptor complex levels increasedby 400-fold, and striatal ECF levels increased in vitro. Microdialysis techniques,however, only allow the mea- by only 4-fold (see Fig. 7 and Results). These results, taken surement of kynurenic acid after diffusion and dilution from the together with the results of the enzyme inhibition studies and site of release,and therefore may underestimatethe concentra- cerebral precursor administration studies, provide strong evi- tion at the site of action (i.e., the ).These data suggest dence that the CNS synthesizesand releaseskynurenic acid in that for kynurenic acid releaseto be functionally important in vivo. Whether this releaserepresents an active processor simply rats, releasemay need to occur close to its site of action. We diffusion from cellular compartments remains unclear. have recently found levels of kynurenic acid in human ECF (n It will be of interest to examine what, if any, mechanisms = 2) to be an order of magnitude higher than those found in exist that control the releaseof kynurenic acid from glial pop- rats (18.3 nM in 12 human dialysates, 0.183 PM after correction The Journal of Neuroscience, September 1990, IO(g) 2971

- L-kynurenine 100 mglkg (i.p.) - kynurenic Acid 10 mg/kg (i.p.)

i.p. infusion kynurenine, kynurenic ac

Figure 7. Plasma and striatal extra- cellular concentrations of kynurenic acid after peripheral injections (i.p.) of t-kynurenine or kynurenic acid. A, Plasma concentrations of kynurenic acid after L-kynurenine (100 m&kg) or kyn- urenic acid (10 mg/kg) peripheral in- fusions. Plasma kynurenic acid concen- trationsafter kynurenicacid infusions were significantly larger (p i 0.0 1) than changesafter injectionof L-kynurenine by ANOVA. B, Striatal ECF concen- trations of kynurenic acid after L-kyn- urenine (100 mg/kg) or kynurenic acid (10 mg/kg) peripheral injections. Changes in striatal ECF concentrations 0 of kynurenic acid after L-kynurenine in- -I I 2 3 -2 .1 0 1 2 3 4 fusions were significantly larger (p < 0.01) by ANOVA than changes after intraperitoneal injections of kynurenic Time [hours] Time [hours] acid.

for in vitro recovery; M. J. During and K. J. Swartz, unpublished on cerebral ECF levels of quinolinic acid using massspectros- observations). This is consistent with previous data suggesting copy, where basalECF levels of quinolinic acid are within the that regional brain-tissue content of kynurenic acid is an order limit of detection. Becauseperipheral t,-tryptophan loadingdra- of magnitude higher in humans and monkeys as compared to matically increasesECF concentrations of quinolinic acid and rats (Swartz et al., 1990). Furthermore, in these 2 patients, kyn- L-kynurenine loading apparently does so only minimally, we urenic acid concentrations increased 15-fold upon oral admin- suggestthat there may be an alternative pathway from L-tryp- istration of L-tryptophan. Recent evidence suggests that the gly- tophan to quinolinic acid that does not require L-kynurenine tine allosteric site is not saturated in vivo and may therefore be entry into the brain. In the periphery, L-tryptophan can be me- modulated by kynurenic acid (Thomson et al., 1989). Mayer et tabolized to , which can readily crossthe blood- al. (1989) have suggested that glycine acts as a positive modu- brain barrier, probably via the large neutral amino acid trans- lator of the NMDA receptor by blocking receptor desensitiza- porter (K. J. Swartz et al., unpublishedobservations). In brain tion. Kynurenic acid could therefore facilitate NMDA-receptor slice preparations, anthranilic acid can be metabolizedto 3-hy- desensitization via its action as an antagonist of the glycine droxyanthranilic acid, which can subsequentlybe metabolized allosteric site on the NMDA-receptor complex. to quinolinic acid (Baran and Schwartz, 1989). While it Although it is as yet unclear that basal levels of kynurenic doesnot appearthat L-kynurenine is a major precursor to quin- acid can physiologically modulate EAA receptors, the present olinic acid in the CNS, it can be metabolized to quinolinic acid studies indicate that peripheral administration of L-kynurenine in the periphery, possibly resulting in systemic side effects, be- or L-tryptophan can increase brain kynurenic acid concentra- cause NMDA receptors exist in peripheral tissues(Moroni et tions by 37- or 8-fold, respectively, into a range that may have al., 1986). Furthermore, the peripheral metabolism of L-kynu- activity at the glycine allosteric site on the NMDA receptor. renine would be expected to decreaseL-kynurenine available While acute L-tryptophan loading leads to dramatic increases for transport into the brain. The administration of in the ECF levels of the NMDA-receptor agonist quinolinic acid inhibitors, which would block the peripheral metabolism of (During et al., 1989) extremely high doses of L-kynurenine (600 L-kynurenine, could be usedin combination with L-kynurenine mgkg), only result in 6-fold increases in brain tissue levels of administration to increasecerebral synthesisof kynurenic acid. quinolinic acid (Speciale et al., 1987). Furthermore, Speciale et Thus, it appearspossible to increasekynurenic acid formation al. (1989b) infused 1 mM L-kynurenine via dialysis probes and within the CNS without concomitantly increasing quinolinic found no change in ECF quinolinic acid; however, basal ECF acid production. Such an approach would represent a novel levels could not be detected using their assay. 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