The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88533-1 - The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More information Index Abarbanel, Isaac, 101, 112, 118–119, 121–122, 168 Alashkar, Moses, 122–123 Abdelhac, Aron, 35 Albalag, Isaac, 34 Abelard, Peter, 193 Albo, Joseph, 45, 50–51, 85–86, 123, 156, 211–212, Abendana, Isaac, 177 271, 272 Abendana, Jacob, 53, 176–177, 178, 294 Aldabi, Meir, 32 Aboab, Immanuel, 179 Alemanno, Yoh. anan, 101, 117, 121, 125–126, Aboab, Isaac, 177 128–130, 132–133, 156–157 Aboab, Samuel, 179 Alexander, Isaak, 215 Abraham bar H. iyya, 36 Alexander the Great, 105 Abraham ben David, of Posquieres` (Rabad), 28, Alexander-Frizer, Tamar, 175 32 al-Farabi, 221–222 Abraham ben Isaac, 33, 73 Alfasi, Isaac (the Rif), 28, 298 Abraham ben Judah, 80 al-Ghazali, 11, 128, 129 Abraham ibn Daud, 24, 104 al-Harizi, Judah, 24 Abraham ibn Ezra aliyah, 296, 299–300. See also Zionist movement Ascher influenced by, 263 Alkabetz, Solomon, 174 folktales of, 271 Allony, Nehemya, 7, 174 Halevi as associate of, 23, 296, 298 Almangari, 162. See also Sangari, Isaac Halevi’s daughter married to, 192 Almoli, Solomon, 102 on magic, 153–154 Altmann, Alexander, 216 Mendelssohn on, 233, 234 Amelander, Menahem, 192 neoplatonists influenced by, 35 Amos (prophet), 291 on worship and belief, 72, 118 Amsterdam, 176–177, 178–179 writings in Hebrew language, 36–37 Anatoli, Jacob, 40 Abraham (Patriarch), 3, 222 Andalusian Jewish intellectuals, 23–27, 31–32, 36, Abulafia, Abraham, 75–76, 101 66, 175–176, 230, 297–298, 308–309 Abulafia, Meir ben Todros ha-Levi, 31, 32–33 animals, 155–156 academic treatment of the Kuzari, 4–12, 293–295 anonymous preacher, 168 accidents of transmission, 21–22 anti-rationalism.
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