Abbayé and Raba (Talmudic Sages)
INDEX Abbayé and Raba (Talmudic sages), 245 Asher ben Meshullam, 74–75 Abraham, 73, 154–159, 155–156nn52–54, Astronomy, 64n8 158n58, 166–168 Azriel of Gerona Abraham bar Ḥ iyya, 4, 55–58, anti-Maimonideanism and, 36 56–57n90, 62, 64, 67–69, 70, 191 creativity and, 29, 29n5, 32 Abraham ben Axelrad, 186–187, knowledge of God and, 120n53 186n131 Lebanon, explanation of term, 43 Abraham ben David, 3, 135–139, 135n3, logical argumentation and, 160 166–167 philosophic ethos and, 143–144 Abraham ben Isaac, 3, 135n3, 246 Sefer ha-Bahir and, 213n66 Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon, 145 Abraham ibn Ezra Ba‘alé ha-Nefesh (Abraham b. David), on Exod. 20:2, 232 135 on investigating God, 69, 70, 76, 80, Baḥya ibn Pakuda 80n65 divine unity and, 87, 138 Judah ha-Levi and, 129–131 hermeneutical techniques of, 88 on love of God, 89–90 investigating God and, 69–70, 80, 86, philosophic tradition and, 4, 62 137, 151–152 worship and, 93 love of God and, 90, 90n87 Abraham ibn Ḥ asdai, 156n54 on Psalm 100:3, 216 Aggadat Shir ha-Shirim, 46n56, 112, 177 Sefer ha-Bahir and, 198–199 R. Akiva, 116, 117, 118–119 worship and, 93, 198 Alef, interpretation of term, 203–205, B. Berakhot, 145n29, 147–148, 211, 212 148–149n35, 174, 177, 178 Alḥarizi, Judah, 71, 72–73, 164–165, Bere’shit Rabbati, 112, 177 175, 181, 199 Book of Beliefs and Opinions (Saadia ben Almohade invasion, 64 Joseph), 85, 90n88, 126 Anatoli, Jacob, 73–74, 92, 92n93, 247 Book of the Apple (Abraham ibn Animals, human beings vs., 220, 223 Ḥasdai), 156n54 Apple, explanation of term, 47–48, Book of the Commandments (Ḥ efets ben 47n60 Yatsliaḥ), 78–80, 83, 151–152 Arabic language, 4, 61–62n2, 63, 71, 76 Book of the Commandments Aristotle, 6, 19, 249 ( Maimonides), 150, 225, 227–228 Asher ben David Book of the Commandments (Samuel alef, meaning of term, 204 ben Ḥofni), 77–78 created world and, 160–161 on divine unity, 19, 137–139, Canticles.
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