Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88533-1 - The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More information Index Abarbanel, Isaac, 101, 112, 118–119, 121–122, 168 Alashkar, Moses, 122–123 Abdelhac, Aron, 35 Albalag, Isaac, 34 Abelard, Peter, 193 Albo, Joseph, 45, 50–51, 85–86, 123, 156, 211–212, Abendana, Isaac, 177 271, 272 Abendana, Jacob, 53, 176–177, 178, 294 Aldabi, Meir, 32 Aboab, Immanuel, 179 Alemanno, Yoh. anan, 101, 117, 121, 125–126, Aboab, Isaac, 177 128–130, 132–133, 156–157 Aboab, Samuel, 179 Alexander, Isaak, 215 Abraham bar H. iyya, 36 Alexander the Great, 105 Abraham ben David, of Posquieres` (Rabad), 28, Alexander-Frizer, Tamar, 175 32 al-Farabi, 221–222 Abraham ben Isaac, 33, 73 Alfasi, Isaac (the Rif), 28, 298 Abraham ben Judah, 80 al-Ghazali, 11, 128, 129 Abraham ibn Daud, 24, 104 al-Harizi, Judah, 24 Abraham ibn Ezra aliyah, 296, 299–300. See also Zionist movement Ascher influenced by, 263 Alkabetz, Solomon, 174 folktales of, 271 Allony, Nehemya, 7, 174 Halevi as associate of, 23, 296, 298 Almangari, 162. See also Sangari, Isaac Halevi’s daughter married to, 192 Almoli, Solomon, 102 on magic, 153–154 Altmann, Alexander, 216 Mendelssohn on, 233, 234 Amelander, Menahem, 192 neoplatonists influenced by, 35 Amos (prophet), 291 on worship and belief, 72, 118 Amsterdam, 176–177, 178–179 writings in Hebrew language, 36–37 Anatoli, Jacob, 40 Abraham (Patriarch), 3, 222 Andalusian Jewish intellectuals, 23–27, 31–32, 36, Abulafia, Abraham, 75–76, 101 66, 175–176, 230, 297–298, 308–309 Abulafia, Meir ben Todros ha-Levi, 31, 32–33 animals, 155–156 academic treatment of the Kuzari, 4–12, 293–295 anonymous preacher, 168 accidents of transmission, 21–22 anti-rationalism. See faith and reason Adler, Nathan, 247 Apfelbaum, Abba, 140, 143 Adler, Nathan Marcus, 256, 259–260, 261 apologetics, 6–7, 64–66, 310–311 Ah. ad ha-Am, 306–307, 310, 312 Arabic language, 21, 102, 254–255, 280, 293–294, Ah. itub ve-z.almon, 37 300, 307 Akedat Yiz.h. ak (Arama), 50–51, 90 Aragon, 35 Akiba, Rabbi, 88–89 Arama, Isaac, 90, 117 Akrish, Isaac, 163–164, 174, 191 Aramaic, 184–185 Al Tehi ke-Avotekha (Duran), 81 Aranoff, Deena, 103, 109, 141 Alami, Solomon, 79 Archivolti, Samuel, 100, 102, 158 Alashbili, Yom Tov ben Abraham (Ritba), 33 Aristotelian philosopher (in the Kuzari), x 367 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88533-1 - The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More information 368 INDEX Aristotelian philosophy Avodat ha-Kodesh (Gabbai), 278–279 Aristotle’s four causes, 145–146 Azariah de Rossi. See De Rossi, Azariah Averroes and, 78–91, 171 Azriel of Gerona, 33, 73, 75 Halevi’s refutations of, 5, 7, 11, 66 within Italian Renaissance, 96 Baer, Issachar Falkensohn, 225 Kabbalists of Gerona on, 73–74 Baer, Simon Akiva, 192 within medieval Spain, 32 Baer, Yeruh. am ben Yissakhar, 78, 86, 223, 225, modern science not based on, 217 239–240, 241, 267 Zamosc’s commentary and, 222 Bah. ya ben Asher, 33 Arkush, Allan, 231 Bah. ya ibn Pakuda, 22–23, 45, 227 Aronson, Chaim, 281 Banet, Mordecai, 280 Arugat ha-Bosem (Archivolti), 100 Banet, Naphtali, 264 Ascher, Benjamin, 262–263 Baneth, David, 8, 25–27 Ashkenaz. See Germany Barcelona, Spain, 33, 37, 66, 85 Ashkenazi, Z. evi, 180 Barcelona, disputation, 37, 66, 85 Ashkenazim. See also Enlightenment period Baron, Salo, 8, 12 curriculum, 188–191, 301–302 Baroque Jewish culture, 171–174 early modern Ashkenaz, 180–193 Bartal, Israel, 309 Halevi as popular character in Ashkenazic Baruchson, Shifra, 46, 50, 51 folktales, 191–193 Barzilay, Isaac, 41, 116, 124, 143, 257 “leshon Ashkenaz”, 218 Barzillai, R., 73 role of print within, 181–182 Basel, Switzerland, 177 sixteenth-century openness to science and Basilea, Solomon Aviad Sar Shalom, 172–173 philosophy, 181 Basnage, Jacques, 205–206 astrology, 151–152, 219–222.See also magic; science Bassani, Samuel, 171 Atar, H. ayyim ben Moses, 277 Bedersi, Jedaiah, 29, 30, 65–66, 76, 93 Austria Beer, Peter, 242 Pressberg, 275 Beh. inat ha-Olam (Bedersi), 29 rule over Poland, 265 “Beit Bedersi”, 165–167 Vienna, 239–240, 241–242, 265–266 “BeitShemTov”,165–167 authority and authorship.See also Sangari, Isaac; Beit Yehudah (Levinsohn), 272, 302 witnesses;“Beit Bedersi”; “ Beit Shem Tov” Beit-Arie,´ Malachi, 22, 26, 56 authority, described, 57 beliefs. See faith and reason Brecher on, 258 Ben Abbas, Samuel, 255 divine authority, 57, 59 Ben Kardinal, Judah, 21, 24–25, 26–27, 32–33, of Greek and Roman classics, 157–160 38–39, 43, 64, 65, 66 the H. aver, described, 58–63 Ben Zeev, Judah Leib, 243–244 image and, 56–57, 295–300 Benayahu, Meir, 199 Italian reception of the Kuzari and, 161–169 Bennett, Solomon, 239 the Kuzari as a canon of cultural authority, Benveniste, Judah ben Israel ben Moshe, 255 174 the Kuzari as medieval Sephardic authority, Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 306 245 Berger, David, 37 of the Kuzari attributed to Ibn Tibbon, 63 Berger, Michael, 8 of Moscato, 139 Bergman, Samuel Hugo, 235 success of the Kuzari, 60 Berlin edition, 53, 237–239 time setting for the Kuzari, 59–60 Berlin Haskalah movement, 215–224, 237–239, authority (normative legal), xii–xiii 245, 298. See also Itzig, Daniel; Satanow, authority (rabbinic). See rabbinic tradition Isaac; Zamosc, Israel of Averroes, 32, 34, 78–91, 122, 171 Berliner, Abraham, 43 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88533-1 - The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More information INDEX 369 Berman, Lawrence, 294 Christians and Christianity. See also Catholic Bernays, Isaac, 256, 259–260 Church; converts to Judaism Bernays, Jacob, 265 Buxtorf’s translation intended for, 177. See also Bersohn, Nehama Rezler, 226–227 Buxtorf, Johann (the younger) Betulat Bat Yehudah (Luzzatto), 255, 256 Christian Hebraist projects in Amsterdam, 177 Be ìur (Mendelssohn), 233, 240 contents approach by Christian Hebraists, 206 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, 306 the Golden Age, 211 Bibago, Abraham, 89 Jewish tolerance of, 290–291 the Bible, 57, 84 Jewish-Christian polemics, 84–85 bibliomancy, 152 Kabbalah and, 195 Bing, Abraham, 256 the Kuzari on, x, 7–8, 11, 84–85 biure ha-Torah (“interpretations of Torah”), medieval philosophy of, 5 philosophy as, 160–161 modern reception of the Kuzari, 193–197 blacks, 228–229. See also slavery Noahide commandments, 290 Bland, Kalman, 83, 120 private teachings of Jesus Christ, 123 Bock, Tobias, 223, 231 prophets of, 234–245 Bonfil, Roberto, 95, 103, 116, 122, 125, 128 Wessely’s lectures, 256 Bonjorn, Bonet, 81 witnesses of, 232 Book of Creation. See Sefer Yezirah Cicero, 98, 112 Book of Expurgation, 198–199 circumcision, 115–116, 142 Book of Job, 61–62 Cividali, Avigdor and Raphael, 139 Book of Beliefs and Opinions. See Emunot Cividali, Joshua, 138 ve-Deot ( Saadia Gaon) classical status of books, xii–xiii, 21–22, 156–160, Brecher, Gedalia, 218, 251–252, 255, 258–259 161 ABriefHistoryofTime(Hawking), 242 Cohen, Shalom, 244–245, 249, 262 British Library, Harley Or., 26 communal Jewish prayer, 291 Buchner, Abraham, 290–291 Condorcet, Marquis de, 210 Budinger,¨ Moses, 264 Conservative movement, 259–260 Bunem, Simcha, 277 constellations. See stars Busi, Givlio, 47 contents approach Buxtorf, Johann (the elder), 202 of Christian Hebraists, 206 Buxtorf, Johann (the younger), 53, 177, 178, 193, described, 10–12, 55, 57 194, 202–206, 231, 251 Enlightenment period, 215 modern readership, 295 canonical texts, xiii–xiv, 17–18, 255. See also thesis approach and, 206 authority and authorship of traditional Ashkenazim, 275, 277 Canpanton, Judah ben Solomon, 33 “Conversation in Heaven Between Maimonides, Cappel, Louis, 205 Mendelssohn, and Anonymous,” 235–236 Carmoly, Eliakim, 44 converts to Judaism Caspi, Nathaniel, 39–40, 43, 52, 76 distinction between native-born Jewish and, 7. Cassel, David, 139, 252–254, 255, 294 See also superiority of the Jewish identity Castile, 34, 74–75 Enlightenment period on, 289 Catalonia, 33, 66, 72 H. aver on, 289 Catholic Church, 51, 197–201, 210–211. See also the Khazar king, ix, x, 58, 251 Christians and Christianity Khazar people, 251, 296, 300 censorship of the Kuzari, 197–201, 251 medieval period literary references to, 37–38 “chain of tradition” genre, 106 Copernicus, 217 Chavel, Charles, 70 Cordovero, Moses, 175 the Christian (in the Kuzari), 251 Cosmography (Munster),¨ 148 Christiani, Pablo, 66, 85, 194 cosmopolitanism, 3, 19, 308 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88533-1 - The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167-1900 Adam Shear Index More information 370 INDEX Council of Trent, 197 dimyonot (“heuristic” sciences), 153, 221–222 creation, 3, 5, 66, 232–235 divine providence, 3, 155–156 Crescas, H. asdai, 80–81, 87–88 “Divinitio et eruditio: Thoughts on Foucault” Crete, 118 (Huppert), 149 Culler, Jonathan, 1–2 divorce decrees (get), 184–185 culture Divre Shalom ve-Emet (Wessely), 240, 274 cultural nationalism, 305 Diwan (Halevi), 256, 257 imagined affinities, 309–311 doctor-patient analogy, 71, 80, 83, 88–89, 150–151, the Kuzari as a canon of cultural authority, 255 291 maskilic program, 236–237 Doron, Aviva, 298–299, 305 transmission of images and, 15–16 Dov Ber of Mezherich, 278 curriculum, the Kuzari within, 126–129, 132, dream of the Khazar king, ix, 58 188–191, 213, 261–265, 279–281, 289, 301–302 drugs. See doctor-patient analogy Czechowic, Martin, 37, 194 Druker, Abraham Heshel, 268 Duran, Profiat, 51, 63, 80, 83–84, 85, 97, 206 d’Aguilar, Moses Raphael, 179 Duran, Shimon ben Zemah, 85 d’Oliveira, Solomon, 178 Duran, Solomon ben Shimon, 85 Da Bologna, Luigi, 199–200 Duties of the Heart (Bahya ibn Pakuda).
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