Business and Finance Section
These minutes have not been formally approved and are subject to change or modification by the Board at a following meeting: July 22, 2013 The Regular Public Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Monday, July 22, 2013 by President Bustos in the Board Meeting Rooms President Bustos made the following announcement: This meeting is being held in accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Act,” Chapter 231, Laws of 1975. The notice of this meeting listing the agenda items was mailed to the The Herald News the El Diario, The Record, Star Ledger and to the presidents of the five employee groups. A copy of the meeting notice listing the agenda items was delivered to the Office of Municipal Clerk and posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall. A copy was also posted in the Passaic Board of Education Administration Building. On attendance eight members were present: Vice President Diaz, Mr. Carrera, Ms. Flores, Mr. Miller, Mr. Patel, Mr. Rosario, Mr. Van Rensalier and President Bustos. Ms. Capursi was absent. Report from Business Administrator/Board Secretary The following represents communications presented for distribution at the July 22, 2013, Committee of the Whole Meeting: 1. Revised Summary of Bills & Early Release of Vendor Checks July 2013 2. Secretary’s & Treasurer’s Report May 2013 June 2013 3. Interest Earned June 2013 The following represents email communications sent to the Board of Education for the period of July 1, 2013 through July 19, 2013 1. Board Meeting Minutes Committee of the Whole Meeting—June 20, 2013 Closed Session Meeting—June 20, 2013 Regular Public Meeting –June 24, 2013 Closed Session Meeting—June 24, 2013 2.
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