Benjamin Opratko, Universität Wien

[email protected] U

ZEITSCHRIFTENSCHAU März – September 2010

PolitischeU Vierteljahresschrift ...... 3

LeviathanU ...... 3

ProklaU ...... 4

BlätterU für deutsche und internationale Politik...... 5

ForumU Wissenschaft...... 12

AusU Politik und Zeitgeschichte ...... 13

Theory,U Culture and Society ...... 21

SociologicalU Forum...... 22

TheoryU & Society...... 24

EconomyU and Society...... 25

PoliticalU Theory...... 26

CulturalU Studies...... 28

JournalU of Peace Research...... 30

InternationalU Organization ...... 32

InternationalU Relations ...... 33

InternationalU Theory...... 34

EuropeanU Journal of International Relations...... 35

JournalU of European Public Policy...... 35

GlobalU Governance ...... 37

GlobalizationsU ...... 38

InternationalU Studies Quarterly ...... 39

InternationalU Studies Review ...... 40

InternationalU Peacekeeping ...... 41

DevelopmentU and Change ...... 42

ReviewU of International Studies ...... 43

ThirdU World Quarterly ...... 43

JournalU für Entwicklungspolitik...... 45

MillenniumU ...... 45

CambridgeU Review of International Affairs...... 49

TheU British Journal of Politics & International Relations ...... 50

WorldU Politics ...... 51

WorldU Development...... 52

ZIBU - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen...... 56 iz3wU ...... 57

PerpherieU ...... 60

GeoforumU ...... 60

EnvironmentU and Planning D: Society and Space...... 64

EcologicalU Economics...... 67

JournalU of Political Ecology...... 75

Capitalism,U Nature, Socialism...... 75

GlobalU Environmental Politics ...... 77

JournalU of Environment & Development ...... 78

ReviewU of International ...... 79

HistoricalU Materialism...... 80

ReviewU of Radical Political Economics ...... 82

RethinkingU Marxism ...... 85

NewU Left Review ...... 86

InternationalU Socialism ...... 87

NewU Political Economy...... 89

MonthlyU Review...... 90

DasU Argument ...... 92

CapitalU & Class ...... 94 grundrisseU ...... 95 PerspektivenU ...... 97

KurswechselU ...... 97

AntipodeU ...... 99

ProgressU in Human Geography ...... 101

InternationalU Journal of Urban and Regional Research...... 105

EuropeanU Urban and Regional Studies...... 109

PoliticalU Geography...... 110

UrbanU Studies...... 112

EnvironmentU and Planning A...... 119

EconomicU Geography...... 124

SocialU Politics...... 125

GlobalU Social Policy...... 126

WSI-MitteilungenU ...... 128

WiderspruchU ...... 130

JournalU of European Social Policy ...... 132

JournalU of European Integration...... 133 expressU ...... 134

SozialismusU ...... 137

SozialismusU Supplement ...... 142

InternationalU Feminist Journal of Politics ...... 142

EuropeanU Journal of Women’s Studies ...... 143 feminaU politica...... 144

GenderU & Society...... 145

FeministU Theory ...... 148

FeministU Economics...... 149

FeministU Review ...... 151

SignsU ...... 152

LatinU American Research Review...... 155

LatinU American Perspectives...... 156

NuevaU Sociedad...... 159 Politische Vierteljahresschrift

März 2010 Oskar Niedermayer Von der Zweiparteiendominanz zum Pluralismus: Die Entwicklung des deutschen Parteiensystems im westeuropäischen Vergleich

Marc Debus / Martin Ejnar Hansen Die Dimensionalität der Reichstage der Weimarer Republik von 1920 bis 1932

Christina Eder Ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg?

Carina Schmitt / Falk Ebinger Alles eine Frage des Managements?

Anke Hassel Sozialpolitik im Finanzföderalismus – Hartz IV als Antwort auf die Krise der Kommunalfinanzen

Andrea Römmele / Henrik Schober / Martin Thunert / Svenja Falk Vom strategischen Nutzen des Wissens für die Politikberatung

Sven T. Siefken Ist denn alles Politikberatung?

Petra Stykow „Bunte Revolutionen“ – Durchbruch zur Demokratie oder Modus der autoritären Systemreproduktion?

Juni 2010 Adrian Vatter / Deniz Danaci Mehrheitstyrannei durch Volksentscheide?

Susumu Shikano / Thomas Bräuninger / Thomas Gschwend Sachpolitik oder Parteipolitik?

Nicole Schulte-Kulkmann / Sebastian Heilmann Politikdiffusion im Schatten des Parteistaats: Die Integration Chinas in das internationale Regime zur Geldwäschebekämpfung

Achim Goerres Die soziale Norm der Wahlbeteiligung

Gerald Schneider / Nicole Koenig Diplomaten zwischen Sozialisation und Kalkulation: Bestimmungsfaktoren des Berufserfolgs im Auswärtigen Dienst

Fritz W. Scharpf / Marcus Höreth / Martin Höpner / Michael Zürn / Stephan Leibfried Kampf um Souveränität?


März 2010 Jacques Delors / Reinhard Blomert / Sabine von Oppeln Heute muss man die Deutschen von Europa überzeugen

Jens Alber Der Soziologe als Hofnarr – Zur politischen und soziologischen Aktualität des Denkens von Ralf Dahrendorf

Andrew Linklater Über die Bewahrung des Friedens in Europa

Michael Zürn Über die Fallstricke theoretischen Starrsinns. Eine Antwort auf John J. Mearsheimer „Warum herrscht Frieden in Europa?“

Georg Vobruba Das politische Potential der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik

Dietrich Thränhardt Offene Grenzen in der EU – Todesmauer in der NAFTA. Entwicklungen, Strukturen und Diskurse

Jürgen Hoffmann Perspektiven der europäischen Arbeitsbeziehungen und Gewerkschaften zwischen Modernisierung, Europäisierung und Globalisierung

Philipp H. Lepenies Gezählte Armut

Rudolf Burger Willensfreiheit als philosophisches Problem

Juni 2010 Egon Bahr Strategische Partnerschaft mit der russischen Föderation

Hartwig Berger Verkehrte Kreisläufe

Die Finanzkrise und die Handlungsfähigkeit des Nationalstaat

Wolfgang Streeck Noch so ein Sieg, und wir sind verloren. Der Nationalstaat nach der Finanzkrise

Renate Mayntz Die Handlungsfähigkeit des Nationalstaats bei der Regulierung der Finanzmärkte

Ingo Bode Die Malaise der Krankenhäuser

Jürgen Kocka Mode und Wahrheit in der Geschichtswissenschaft

Sven Jochem Wandel und Zukunftsaussichten des schwedisch-sozialdemokratischen Modells

Dieter Senghaas Rettung durch den Kleinstaat!?

Helmut Dubiel Marcuses Asche. Ein Essay


Nr. 158, März 2010 Postkoloniale Studien als kritische Sozialwissenschaft Hannah Franzki, Joshua Kwesi Aikins Postkoloniale Studien und kritische Sozialwissenschaft

Aníbal Quijano Die Paradoxien der eurozentrierten kolonialen Moderne

Tanja Ernst Postkoloniale Theorie und politische Praxis: Die Dekolonisierung Boliviens

Maria Framke, Jana Tschurenev Umstrittene Geschichte. (Anti-)Faschismus und (Anti-)Kolonialismus in Indien

Petra Neuhold, Paul Scheibelhofer Provincialising Multiculturalism. Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf Multikulturalismus, Diversität und Emanzipation

Sook-Young Ahn, Ralf Havertz „Rumpf, Arm und Faust“. Orientalismus im Verhältnis zwischen Südkorea und Japan

Stefanie Kron Grenzen im Transit. Zur Konstitution politischer Subjektivitäten in transmigrantischen Räumen

Sabine Nuss Ich möchte kein Eisbär sein. Warum der Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen die Welt nicht gerettet hat

Nr. 159, Juni 2010 Marx! Alex Demirović Struktur, Handlung und der ideale Durchschnitt

Urs Marti Marx und die politische Philosophie der Gegenwart

Jörg Stadlinger, Dieter Sauer Marx & Moderne. Dialektik der Befreiung oder Paradoxien der Individualisierung?

Paul Burkett, John Bellamy Foster Stoffwechsel, Energie und Entropie in Marx’ Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Jenseits des Podolinsky-Mythos (Teil 1)

Hanno Pahl Marx, Foucault und das Projekt einer Wissenssoziologie der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Jannis Milios, Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos Marxsche Theorie und Imperialismus

Klaus Müller, Rudi Schmidt Von der griechischen zur europäischen Krise

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik

Februar 2010 Kriegsjustiz durch die Hintertür Helmut Kramer

Bankenregulierung? Fehlanzeige! Lucas Zeise

Das Comeback der Kommunen Tim Engartner

Bildungsstreik: Fortsetzung folgt Maximilian Pichl

Die "Neugründung" Boliviens Helge Buttkereit

Klimaschutz am Abgrund Thomas Breuer

Margot Käßmann und die rechten Kampagneros Albrecht von Lucke

Gefangener im Weißen Haus Norman Birnbaum

Im paschtunischen Sumpf Hans-C. von Sponeck

Der Fall Honduras Benedikt Behrens

Der Unruhestifter Heribert Prantl

Public Private Partnership: Die Plünderung des Staates Werner Rügemer

Demokratie wagen! Alex Demirovic, Lothar Wentzel und Martin Allespach

Die Weggesperrten Jan Pehrke

Goethes Liebe zum Islam Ekkehart Krippendorff

"Krieg wird es immer geben" Barack Obama

„Wir haben allen Grund zu erschrecken“ Margot Käßmann

März 2010 Die Linkspartei: Blick in den Abgrund Albert Scharenberg

Hartz IV oder Menschenwürde Martin Staiger

Drehtür-Lobbykratie Kim Otto

Islamophobie und Antisemitismus Achim Bühl

Afghanistan – Friede als Ernstfall Eva Senghaas-Knobloch

Angola: Fußball, Erdöl, Armut Jürgen Ostrowsky

Ukraine in Blau Wilfried Jilge

Die Überschreitung der Grenzen Harald Welzer

Unser Obama-Problem Ekkehart Krippendorff

Haiti und der Hass auf den Westen Jean Ziegler

Drogen-Geopolitik Raul Zelik

Ende eines Jahrhundertmythos? Michael Schneider

Integration als Konzept: Die Grenzen der Toleranz Josef Isensee

Mehr Sicherheit um jeden Preis Christine Wicht

Im Morast der Steuerhinterziehung Annegret Falter

Häuserkampf und Stadterneuerung Andrej Holm und Armin Kuhn

Die Mauer als Werbegeschenk Michael Carlo Klepsch

Antiideologisch denken Dieter Segert

"Die Zeit ist reif für einen neuen Politikentwurf" Institut Solidarische Moderne

April 2010 Zehn Jahre Merkel und das Dilemma der CDU Albrecht von Lucke

Nebelkerzen im Finanzkasino Wieslaw Jurczenko

Subventionierte Störfälle Wolfgang Ehmke

Digitale Bürgerrechte – von Karlsruhe nach Brüssel Ralf Bendrath

Afghanistan: Feuern auf Verdacht? Reinhard Mutz

Die Verwilderung der Niederlande Jan Herman Brinks

Die Craxi-Berlusconi-Connection Susanna Böhme-Kuby

Sudan: Wahlen ohne Demokratie Christian Jahn

Die Schlacht der Silberpfeile Uli Gellermann

Halbierte Moderne? Detlef Hensche

Weltcup der Niedertracht William Pfaff

Papst Benedikt oder Die große Täuschung Uta Ranke-Heinemann

Integration durch Konflikt: Der Streit um das Minarett Wolfgang Hecker

Islam und Demokratie: Ein Widerspruch? Mohssen Massarrat

Bedingungslose Freiheit? Daniel Kreutz

Griechische Tragödie Hermannus Pfeiffer

Die große Spaltung: Kapitalismus auf Chinesisch Christopher Hayes

Failing Cities? Janna Greve

Der braune Faden Kurt Nelhiebel

Weltgeschichtliches zum Tage Achim Engelberg

"Die 'Hartz-IV'-Regelleistungen sind nicht verfassungsgemäß"

"Die konkrete Ausgestaltung der Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist nicht verfassungsgemäß"

Mai 2010 Triade der Trippelschritte Otfried Nassauer

Putins postsowjetische Sowjetunion Wolf Oschlies

Mit dem Scheckbuch gegen die Taliban? Behrooz Abdolvand und Michael Liesener

Sarkozy im Sinkflug Bernard Schmid

Island: Wunderland ist abgebrannt Sarah Ernst

Südkoreas "Green New Deal" Jörg Michael Dostal

Rechts am Rhein Frank Überall

Elena: Die neue Volkszählung Daniel Leisegang

Bloß nicht verhungern Georg Rammer

Zahlenspieler und Müßiggänger Andreas Karsten

Amerikas und Israels wahre Interessen William Pfaff

Sozialdemokratie der Angst Tony Judt

Das Mandat der Gewerkschaften Oskar Negt

Machtwechsel der Ideen Birgit Mahnkopf

Fortschritt und Enttäuschung: Obamas Gesundheitsreform Thomas Gerlinger

Die Elemente der Erziehung Hartmut von Hentig

Die Reformpädagogik als internationale Bewegung Micha Brumlik

Geschichte als Waffe Günter Morsch

Wie ticken die Reichen? Jens Becker

Memorandum 2010 der Arbeitsgruppe Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik

Juni 2010 Die Übergangsregierung Albrecht von Lucke

Von der Griechenlandkrise zum Euro-Kollaps? Sebastian Dullien

Finanztransaktionssteuer jetzt! Rudolf Hickel

Volkswirtschaftslehre im Dornröschenschlaf Ralf-M. Marquardt

Großbritannien nach dem Patt Heinrich Senfft

Magyarische Malaise Dániel Fehér

Spanien: Ambivalente Abtreibungsnovelle Kirsten Achtelik

Bürgerkrieg in Bangkok Wolfram Schaffar

Afrikas Achillesferse Jörg Goldberg

Euro-Krise made in USA William Pfaff

Die Finanzkrise als Demokratiekrise Katja Pink und Thilo Bode

Der große Betrug James K. Galbraith

Die Magie des Wachstums Harald Welzer

Kein Ort, nirgends Ulrich K. Preuß

Das tägliche Brot der Demokratie Heribert Prantl

Oskar Lafontaine: Der Unvollendete Oliver Nachtwey

Zeit für einen Strategiewechsel Jerry Sommer und Paul Schäfer

Die Emanzipation des afrikanischen Fußballs Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling

Für ein Grundeinkommen, wider die Froschperspektive und Ronald Blaschke

Brüsseler Lobbyismus-Krake Pia Eberhardt

Appell an die Vernunft

Juli 2010 Demokratie ohne Volk Albrecht von Lucke

Schwarz-gelbe Geisterfahrt Dierk Hirschel

Hamburger Bildungskampf Annett Mängel

Auf dem Weg zu einem "Polizeistrafrecht"? Michael Wagner-Kern

Soldatentrauma Afghanistan Marion Schneider

Obamas Klima-GAU? Arne Jungjohann und Jens Kendzia

Südkoreas Arroganz, Nordkoreas Rache Siegfried Knittel

Kleptokratie in Kirgistan Alexander Warkotsch

Yes, we Gauck!? Karl D. Bredthauer

Adel verpflichtet Uli Gellermann

Die verlorene Gleichheit Kate Pickett und Richard Wilkinson

Von der Schuldenspirale zur Schuldenbremse Jürgen Leibiger

Vom Klassenkampf zum Korporatismus Walther Müller-Jentsch

Zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft: Israel – der eingemauerte Staat Heiko Flottau

Unser Krieg am Hindukusch Gerhard Stuby und Norman Paech

Für einen deutschen Pazifismus Ekkehart Krippendorff

Multitude und Metropole Antonio Negri und Michael Hardt

"Ich erkläre hiermit meinen Rücktritt vom Amt des Bundespräsidenten - mit sofortiger Wirkung"

August 2010 Kick it like Roosevelt Albert Scharenberg

Vergauckt: Viel Taktik, keine Strategie Gerhard Stuby

Wider die Tarifeinheitsfront Detlef Hensche

Leeres Versprechen Kernfusion Sylvia Kotting-Uhl

Angriff auf den Angriffskrieg Gordana Zečić

Mexiko: Drogenkrieg und Demokratieverfall Florian Gräfe

Frankreich: Die neue Macht am Golf Rahi Rafii

Ungarn und Slowaken in der Nationalismusspirale Rudolf Walther

Europas neue Diplomatie der Macht Jürgen Wagner und Martin Hantke

Was für ein Lebensmensch! Karsten Krampitz

Das utopische Gefälle Jürgen Habermas

Sprengsatz Philosophie Katajun Amirpur

Ankara auf Ostkurs? Dirk Rochtus

Bankster vor Gericht Werner Rügemer

Das G20-Debakel: Warum wir einen grünen New Deal brauchen James K. Galbraith

SPD: Intellektuellenpartei a.D. Norbert Seitz

Neoleninismus in der Postdemokratie Micha Brumlik

Nestbeschmutzer von Rang Winfried Maaß

Grundlagen für eine gemeinsame Netzpolitik der Zukunft

Der Schutz der Autoren bleibt das wichtigste Ziel

Forum Wissenschaft

1/2010 Die Kurve kriegen in Ökonomie + Arbeit aus Unrecht + Lobbyismus Werner Rügemer Community Payback. Arbeits-Unrecht und Finanzkrise

Ulrich Müller, Dieter Plehwe Wölfe im Schafspelz. Verdeckte Einflussnahme auf Politik und Medien

Thomas Münch Die ARGE. "Fördern und Fordern oder Exklusionsmaschine?

Irina Vellay Vertragslose Arbeit. Workfare: Indiz eines Paradigmenwechsels

Georg Fülberth Jörg Huffschmid

Julian Plenefisch Kritische Regionalwissenschaften. Plädoyer für ihre Vernetzung

Christopher Coenen Schöner neuer verbesserter Mensch. Auf dem Weg in die Leistungssteigerungsgesellschaft? (I)

Albrecht Kieser Pannen und Gefahren (II) oder: Gen-Medizin auf dem Acker

Gudrun Hentges, Justyna Staszczak Leben in Zwischenräumen. Geduldete Flüchtlinge in Deutschland

Vera Weghmann Banken für die Reichen. Liberalisierung von Finanzdienstleistungen - Freihandelsabkommen mit Indien

Joan Jara "Deja la vida volar". Victor und Joan Jaras Erbe

Werner Ruf "Staatsräson". Für Linke ein klärenswerter Begriff

2/2010 Nach-Denk-Ansätze. Studium, Studiengänge - und weiter? Alexa Tegeler Studierende unter Druck. Leistungsbewertungen, Prüfungen, Verschulung

Bundesverband ausländischer Studierender Positionspapier. Der BAS zur Weiterentwicklung des Bologna-Prozesses

Lutz R. Reuter Lehrkräftebildung im Akkreditierungssystem. Ein Praxisbericht

Peter Grottian, Jörg Rostek, Michael Kolain Noch mal zum Bildungsstreik. Wie er zum Erfolg werden könnte

Silke Gülker Autonomer, aber weiter unsicher. Neue Führungspositionen - wissenschaftliches Karrieresystem verändert?

Weert Canzler, Andreas Knie, Dagmar Simon Kaskaden zu Schleifen. Deutschlands Innovationssystem ist herausgefordert

Dagmar Simon, Andreas Knie In Bewegung. Innovationen im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem

Petra Sitte, Tobias Schulze Zurück in die Zukunft. Eröffnungsbilanz schwarz-gelber Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik

Christopher Coenen Schöner neuer verbesserter Mensch. Auf dem Weg in die Leistungssteigerungsgesellschaft? (II)

Linus S. Geisler Die Lebenden und die Toten. Abschied der Tranplantationsmedizin von der "Tote-Spender-Regel"?

Dietrich Schulze Alternative Botschafter: Gegen Militärforschung an Universitäten

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte

9/2010 Nahost-Konflikt Wider die "Kultur des Konflikts": Palästinenser und Israelis im Dialog Alexandra Senfft)

Herausforderungen für die Regierung Benjamin Netanjahus Efraim Inbar

Völkerrechtliche Implikationen des Goldstone-Berichts David Kaye

Einsatz ohne Wirkung? Barack Obamas Nahost-Politik Patrick Keller

Zwischen Konfrontation und Evolution: Parteien in Palästina Michael Bröning / Henrik Meyer

Bedeutung und Wandel der Arabischen Friedensinitiative Michaela Birk / Ahmed Badawi

Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung in Israel und Palästina Heike Kratt

10/2010 Entwicklungspolitik Die Millenniumsentwicklungsziele - eine gemischte Bilanz Uwe Holtz

Nord-Süd-Beziehungen: Globale Ungleichheit im Wandel? Tanja Ernst / Ana María Isidoro Losada

Entwicklung durch Handel? Detlef J. Kotte

Zur Kritik des Entwicklungsdiskurses Aram Ziai

Aufstrebende Mächte als Akteure der Entwicklungspolitik Sachin Chaturvedi

Mehr Kohärenz in der Entwicklungspolitik durch Geberkoordination? Günther Maihold

Wirkungsevaluierung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Jörg Faust

11/2010 DDR 1990 Das unselige Ende der DDR - Essay Wolfgang Templin

Der vergessene "Dritte Weg" Martin Sabrow

Eine demokratische DDR? Das Projekt "Moderner Sozialismus" Rainer Land

Doppelte Demokratisierung und deutsche Einheit Michael Richter

Die demokratische DDR in der internationalen Arena Jennifer A. Yoder

Die gescheiterte Wirtschaftsreform in der DDR 1989/1990 Wolfgang Seibel

Abschied von West- Wilfried Rott

12/2010 Argentinien und Brasilien Argentinien und Brasilien zwischen Rivalität und Partnerschaft Peter Birle

Erfahrung der Zeit - politische Kultur in Argentinien und Brasilien Claudia Zilla

Brasiliens Aufstieg: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen regionaler und globaler Politik Wolf Grabendorff

Wandel durch Klimawandel? Wachstum und ökologische Grenzen in Brasilien Imme Scholz

Reaktivierte Unternehmen: Die empresas recuperadas in Argentinien Kristina Hille

Vom Umgang mit der Diktaturvergangenheit Klaus Hart

13-14/2010 Gewerkschaften Niedergang oder Comeback der Gewerkschaften - Essay Hans-Jürgen Urban

Zukunft der Sozialpartnerschaft in Deutschland - Essay Rainer Huke

Arbeitsbeziehungen und gewerkschaftliche Organisation im Wandel Klaus Tenfelde

Krise und strategische Neuorientierung der Gewerkschaften Ulrich Brinkmann / Oliver Nachtwey

Die Gewerkschaften im Fünf-Parteien-System der Bundesrepublik Anne Seibring

Perspektiven des gewerkschaftlichen Kerngeschäfts: Zur Reichweite der Tarifpolitik in Europa Thorsten Schulten

Gewerkschaften zwischen struktureller Europäisierung und sozialpolitischer Stagnation Jürgen Mittag

15-16/2010 Homosexualität Homosexuelle zwischen Verfolgung und Emanzipation - Essay Volkmar Sigusch

Eine Regenbogengeschichte Benno Gammerl

Diskriminierung von Homo- und Bisexuellen Melanie Caroline Steffens

Homosexualität und Fußball - ein Widerspruch? Tatjana Eggeling

Respekt und Zumutung bei der Begegnung von Schwulen/Lesben und Muslimen Bernd Simon

Homosexualität und internationaler Menschenrechtsschutz Hans-Joachim Mengel

AIDS-Prävention: Erfolgsgeschichte mit offenem Ausgang Michael Bochow

17/2010 Stadtentwicklung Die Zukunft der Städte Walter Siebel

Stadt, Solidarität und Toleranz Sophie Wolfrum

Heimischsein, Übernachten und Residieren - wie das Wohnen die Stadt verändert Christine Hannemann

Rekonstruktion! Warum? Katja Marek

Gentrifizierung im 21. Jahrhundert Ingrid Breckner

Auf Angst gebaut Michael Zinganel

18/2010 Europa nach Lissabon Die zweite Begründung der europäischen Integration - Essay Ludger Kühnhardt

EU-Außenbeziehungen nach Lissabon Matthias Dembinski

Governance-Dynamik in der Eurozone Daniela Schwarzer

Das Lissabon-Urteil: Implikationen für die Europapolitik Peter-Christian Müller-Graff

Demokratisierung der EU-Agrarpolitik Ann-Christina L. Knudsen

Offene Koordinierung in der EU-Rentenpolitik Niklas Schrader

Staatsschiff Europa Stephan Leibfried

19/2010 Lobbying und Politikberatung Von der Symbiose zur Systemkrise - Essay Thomas Leif

Das Bezugssystem Politik - Lobby - Öffentlichkeit Rudolf Speth

Wissen ist Macht? Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung der Bundesregierung Thurid Hustedt / Sylvia Veit / Julia Fleischer

Das Mosaik der Interessenvermittlung im Mehrebenensystem Europas Hans-Jörg Schmedes

Grassrootscampaigning und Chancen durch neue Medien Kathrin Voss

Blicke hinter die Kulissen: Aus dem "Alltag" eines Politikberaters André Chahoud

20/2010 60 Jahre ARD Die ARD - Begleiterin deutscher Zeitgeschichte - Essay Dietrich Schwarzkopf

Spannungsverhältnisse - eine kritische Würdigung der ARD Diemut Roether

Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Gemeinschaft Konrad Dussel

Die Welt im Blick: ARD-Auslandskorrespondenten Gemma Pörzgen

Die ARD in der DDR Michael Meyen

Von der Vielstimmigkeit zur Marke: 60 Jahre ARD-Hörfunkprogramme Hans-Jürgen Krug

"Tatort" und "Lindenstraße" als Spiegel der Gesellschaft Knut Hickethier

21-22/2010 Pakistan und Afghanistan Pakistan, seine Stammesgebiete und der Afghanistan-Krieg Jochen Hippler

(Post)koloniale Politik in den Stammesgebieten Pakistans Aasim Sajjad Akhtar

Die Rolle des Militärs im politischen System Pakistans Olaf Kellerhoff

Impressionen aus dem Alltag in Pakistan. Zwei Gespräche Nusrat Sheikh / Khalida Ghaus

Zu wenig, reichlich spät - Stabilisierungsmaßnahmen in Afghanistan zwischen Terrorismus- und Aufstandsbekämpfung Thomas Ruttig

Das Engagement der arabischen Staaten in Afghanistan Inken Wiese

Fragil und umkämpft - Frauenrechte im neuen Afghanistan Renate Kreile

23/2010 Menschen mit Behinderung Mongolisch ist mongolisch und klingt so wie mongolisch - Essay Katja de Bragança

Die Geschichte der Behindertenpolitik in der Bundesrepublik aus Sicht der Disability History Elsbeth Bösl

Behinderung und Menschenrechte: Die UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen Valentin Aichele

Ja zur Vielfalt (sonder-)pädagogischer Angebote - Essay Thomas Stöppler

Über Widersacher der Inklusion und ihre Gegenreden - Essay Hans Wocken

Draußen vor der Tür: Die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Menschen mit Behinderung Lisa Pfahl / Justin J.W. Powell

24/2010 Arabische Welt Die Säkularisierung des arabischen Denkens: Zur Trennung von Vernunft und Religion Sonja Hegasy

Die Diskrepanz zwischen wirtschaftlicher und menschlicher Entwicklung in der arabischen Welt Markus Loewe

Autoritäre Herrschaft in der arabischen Welt Nadine Kreitmeyr / Oliver Schlumberger

Partizipation von Islamisten in der arabischen Politik Amr Hamzawy

Gesellschaftliche Differenzierungsprozesse und Wandel des Frauen- und Familienrechts in Marokko Kamal El Guennouni

Partikularismus statt Pluralismus: Identitätspolitik und Presse im Irak Andrea Fischer-Tahir

Waffenproliferation, Kleinwaffenkontrolle und "Waffenkultur" im Jemen Marie-Christine Heinze

25-26/2010 Zukunft der Erinnerung Wozu Gedenkstätten? Jan Philipp Reemtsma

Zur Zukunft der Erinnerung Volkhard Knigge

Erinnerungskultur und Zukunftsgedächtnis Harald Welzer

Virtuelles Erinnern Dörte Hein

Historisches Erinnern an Schulen im Zeichen von Migration und Globalisierung Carlos Kölbl

Die DDR im vereinten Deutschland Thomas Großbölting

Der Geschichte ins Gesicht sehen Tobias Winstel

27/2010 Jugendkulturen Jugendkulturen heute - Essay Klaus Farin

Jugend zwischen Partizipation und Protest - Essay Beate Großegger

John Lennons Tod und die Generationswerdung der "68er" Detlef Siegfried

Held der Arbeiterklasse: Zur John-Lennon-Rezeption in der DDR Michael Rauhut

Jugendkulturen in der politischen Bildungsarbeit Silke Baer / Harald Weilnböck / Peer Wiechmann

Islamische Jugendkulturen in Deutschland Götz Nordbruch

28-29/2010 Haiti Als die Möbel "zu tanzen begannen" - Szenen aus Haiti Hans-Ulrich Dillmann

Wiederaufbau nach dem Erdbeben - Perspektiven für Haiti Jürgen Pohl

Haiti - Die "erste schwarze Republik" und ihr koloniales Erbe Oliver Gliech

Voodoo für das haitianische Volk Sonja Norgall

"Sak vid pa kanpe" - Die Zerbrechlichkeit des haitianischen Staates und die Stabilisierungsmission der Vereinten Nationen Julia Schünemann

Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Tourismus? Was kann Haiti von der Dominikanischen Republik lernen? Klaus Lengefeld

Herausforderungen für die Jugend in Haiti - Essay John Miller Beauvoir

30-31/2010 Deutsche Einheit Zwanzig Jahre danach - Essay Konrad Weiß

Diskurse der deutschen Einheit Raj Kollmorgen

Deutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung Klaus Schroeder

Von der privilegierten und blockierten zur zukunftsorientierten Transformation Rolf Reißig

Wirtschaft in Ostdeutschland im 21. Jahrhundert Michael C. Burda

Deutsche Kultur im Einigungsprozess Rüdiger Thomas

Hoytopia allerorten? Von der Freiheit zu bleiben Felix Ringel

32-33/2010 Klimawandel Klimawandel: Keine gemeinsame Teilhabe an der Welt Sunita Narain

Warum zwei Grad? Carlo C. Jaeger / Julia Jaeger

Vertrauen geschmolzen? Zur Glaubwürdigkeit der Klimaforschung Silke Beck

Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen globalen Klimaabkommen? Wolfgang Sterk

Wie die Menschheit die Klimakrise meistern kann - ein optimistisches Essay Dirk Messner

Klimawandel und Erdsystemmanagement Reinhard F.J. Hüttl / Markus J. Schwab / Bernd Uwe Schneider

Futur Zwei. Klimawandel als Gesellschaftswandel Claus Leggewie

34-35/2010 Weltstaatengesellschaft Rio reloaded - Essay (Christiane Grefe)

"Wir werden lernen müssen, besser zuzuhören" – Übersetzung des Doppelinterviews mit Thomas Fues und Siddharth Mallavarapu Jeanne Lätt / Thomas Fues / Siddharth Mallavarapu

"We will have to learn to be better listeners" - Double interview with Thomas Fues and Siddharth Mallavarapu Jeanne Lätt / Thomas Fues / Siddharth Mallavarapu

Internationale Institutionen und nichtstaatliche Akteure in der Global Governance Michael Zürn

Globaler Rechtspluralismus Andreas Fischer-Lescano / Lars Viellechner

Internationale Arbeitsregulierung für ein menschenwürdiges Leben weltweit Eva Senghaas-Knobloch

Souveränität wiedergewinnen: Suche nach den Grundelementen eines neuen Multilateralismus Inge Kaul

Staat muss sein. Muss Staat sein? Essay Ekkehart Krippendorff

Theory, Culture and Society

27(1), January 2010 Ash Amin The Remainders of Race

Richard Swedberg, Wendelin Reich Georg Simmel’s Aphorisms

Andrea Mubi Brighenti On Territorology: Towards a General Science of Territory

Carolyn L. Kane ‘Programming the Beautiful’: Informatic Color and Aesthetic Transformations in Early Computer Art

Paolo Palladino Picturing the Messianic: Agamben and Titian’s The Nymph and the Shepherd

Michael S. Carolan The Mutability of Biotechnology Patents: From Unwieldy Products of Nature to Independent ‘Object/s’

Vikki Bell New Scenes of Vulnerability, Agency and Plurality: An Interview with Judith Butler

Karen Engle On Monsters, Death and Derrida: Jacques Derrida: Live Theory by James K.A. Smith and New York: Continuum, 2005

27(2-3), March 2010 Changing Climates Bronislaw Szerszynski, John Urry Changing Climates: Introduction

Bronislaw Szerszynski Reading and Writing the Weather: Climate Technics and the Moment of Responsibility

Nigel Clark Volatile Worlds, Vulnerable Bodies: Confronting Abrupt Climate Change

Myra J. Hird Indifferent Globality: Gaia, Symbiosis and ‘Other Worldliness’

Kathryn Yusoff Biopolitical Economies and the Political Aesthetics of Climate Change

Aaron M. McCright, Riley E. Dunlap Anti-reflexivity: The American Conservative Movement’s Success in Undermining Climate Science and Policy Theory, Culture & Society March/May 2010 27: 100-133, doi:10.1177/0263276409356001

Bradley C. Parks, J. Timmons Roberts Climate Change, Social Theory and Justice

Melinda Cooper Turbulent Worlds: Financial Markets and Environmental Crisis

John Urry Consuming the Planet to Excess

Erik Swyngedouw Apocalypse Forever?: Post-political Populism and the Spectre of Climate Change

Sheila Jasanoff A New Climate for Society

Ulrich Beck Climate for Change, or How to Create a Green Modernity?

Mike Hulme Cosmopolitan Climates: Hybridity, Foresight and Meaning

Elizabeth Shove Social Theory and Climate Change: Questions Often, Sometimes and Not Yet Asked

Brian Wynne Strange Weather, Again: Climate Science as Political Art

27(4), July 2010 Gregor McLennan The Postsecular Turn

Susan Ruddick The Politics of Affect: Spinoza in the Work of Negri and Deleuze

Donald, Stephanie Hemelryk Tang Wei: Sex, the City and the Scapegoat in Lust, Caution

Vikki Bell On Fernando’s Photograph: The Biopolitics of Aparición in Contemporary Argentina

Alev Çinar Globalism as the Product of Nationalism: Founding Ideology and the Erasure of the Local in Turkey

Neil Narine Global Trauma and Narrative Cinema

John W.P. Phillips Art, Politics and Philosophy: Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancière

Sociological Forum

25(1), March 2010 Political Position and Social Knowledge John Levi Martin and Matthew Desmond

Witness Citizenship: The Place of Villa Grimaldi in Chilean Macarena Gómez-Barris

Bare Bodies: Nudity, Gender, and the Looking Glass Body Martin S. Weinberg and Colin J. Williams

Race, Gender, and the Black Women’s Standpoint Catherine E. Harnois

Bloody Language: Clashes and Constructions of Linguistic Nationalism in India A. Aneesh

Broken Bond: An Exploration of Human Factors Associated with Companion Animal Loss During Hurricane Katrina Lisa K. Zottarelli

Does an Immigrant Background Ameliorate Racial Disadvantage? The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second- Generation African Americans Arthur Sakamoto, Hyeyoung Woo and ChangHwan Kim

On Boundaries Cynthia Fuchs Epstein

Conquering Stereotypes in Research on Race and Gender Bethany P. Bryson and Alexander K. Davis


The Sociology of Race in the Age of Obama Philip Kasinitz

Backlash 9/11 Aristide Zolberg

Living Through the Hoop Douglas Hartmann

Asian Americans in Class Vivian Louie

Race and Imperialism in the New Millennium: A New Global Approach to Korean America Angie Y. Chung

Black on the Block Anthony Orum

Marked Deirdre A. Royster

Success Through Selectivity? Milton Vickerman

25(2), June 2010 Crafting the Neoliberal State: Workfare, Prisonfare, and Social Insecurity Loïc Wacquant

Embracing and Resisting Ethnoracial Boundaries: Second-Generation Immigrant and African-American Students in a Multicultural University Sherri Grasmuck and Jennifer Kim

“Where the Danger Lies”: Race, Gender, and Chinese and Japanese Exclusion in the United States, 1870–1924 Catherine Lee

Micro-Situational Antecedents of Violent Atrocity Stefan Klusemann

Contradictory Behavior During Genocides Bradley Campbell

Good Country Living? Exploring Four Housing Outcomes Among Poor Appalachians Melissa Latimer and Rachael A. Woldoff

Social Capital Across the Life Course: Age and Gendered Patterns of Network Resources Steve McDonald and Christine A. Mair

Wall Street Scandals: The Myth of Individual Greed Laura L. Hansen and Siamak Movahedi


Symposium on William Julius Wilson’s More Than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City Margaret L. Andersen

Framing Racial Inequality Kimberly McClain DaCosta

Why William Julius Wilson Matters Gregory D. Squires

More Than Just Race: If We’re Going to Study Culture, Let’s Get It Right Deirdre Royster

More Than Just Race: A Rejoinder William Julius Wilson

Theory & Society

39(2),March 2010 Nation-states as empires, empires as nation-states: two principles, one practice? Krishan Kumar

Classification conundrums: categorizing chimeras and enacting species preservation Carrie Friese

Marx, formal subsumption and the law Marc W. Steinberg

Educate or serve: the paradox of “professional service” and the image of the west in legitimacy battles of post- socialist advertising

Zsuzsanna Vargha

39(3-4), May 2010 Special Issue in Memory of Charles Tilly, 1929-2008. Cities, States, Trust, and Rule / Guest Edited by Michael Hanagan and Chris Tilly

Cities, states, trust, and rule: new departures from the work of Charles Tilly Michael Hanagan and Chris Tilly

Cities, states, and trust networks: chapter 1 of Cities and States in World History Charles Tilly

Unanticipated consequences of “humanitarian intervention”: The British campaign to abolish the slave trade, 1807–1900 Marcel van der Linden

Is there a moral economy of state formation? Religious minorities and repertoires of regime integration in the Middle East and Western Europe, 600–1614 Ariel Salzmann

Inclusiveness and exclusion: trust networks at the origins of European cities Wim Blockmans

Colonial legacy of ethno-racial inequality in Japan Hwaji Shin

Legacies of empire? Miguel Angel Centeno and Elaine Enriquez

Cities and states in geohistory Edward W. Soja

From city club to nation state: business networks in American political development Elisabeth S. Clemens

Irregular armed forces, shifting patterns of commitment, and fragmented sovereignty in the developing world Diane E. Davis

Institutions and the adoption of rights: political and property rights in Colombia Carmenza Gallo

Taking Tilly south: durable inequalities, democratic contestation, and citizenship in the Southern Metropolis Patrick Heller and Peter Evans

Industrial welfare and the state: nation and city reconsidered Smita Srinivas

The forms of power and the forms of cities: building on Charles Tilly Peter Marcuse

Was government the solution or the problem? The role of the state in the history of American social policy Michael B. Katz

39(5), September 2010 Of risk and pork: urban security and the politics of objectivity Andrew Lakoff and Eric Klinenberg

Theory of practice, rational choice, and historical change Ivan Ermakoff

Global and everyday matters of consumption: on the productive assemblage of pharmaceuticals and obes Scott Vrecko

The dialectics of health and social care: toward a conceptual framework Paul Leduc Browne

Economy and Society

39(1) Economization, part 2: a research programme for the study of markets Koray Çalışkan; Michel Callon

Reconceptualizing financial innovation: frame, conjuncture and bricolage Ewald Engelen; Ismail Erturk; Julie Froud; Adam Leaver; Karel Williams

Economics and the ‘nonsense’ of law: the case of the Chicago antitrust revolution William Davies

Creating flows of interpersonal bits: the automation of the London Stock Exchange, c. 1955–90 Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra

Visualizing the invisible hands: the shadow economy in North Korea Hyung-min Joo

Review article: Reviving multiculturalism, reviewing representation Wendy Martineau; Judith Squires

39(2) Neo-liberal biopolitics and the invention of chronic homelessness Craig Willse

Calculating without numbers: aesthetic governmentality in Delhi's slums D. Asher Ghertner

Nature as adversary: the rise of modern economic conceptions of nature Earl Gammon

Socialism, knowledge, the instrumental valuation principle and the enhancement of individual dignity Andrew Cumbers; Robert McMaster

A new mentality for a new economy: performing the homo economicus in Argentina (1976–83) Daniel Fridman

Review article: The calling of the human sciences Charles Turner

39(3) Asian Families as Sites of State Politics Asian families as sites of state politics: introduction Youyenn Teo

State and family in modern Japan: a historical perspective Sheldon Garon

Shaping the Singapore family, producing the state and society Youyenn Teo

Making majority, undoing family: law, religion and the Islamization of the state in Malaysia Maznah Mohamad

Governing the middle-class family in urban China: educational reform and questions of choice Mary W. Crabb

The global child and non-governmental governance of the family in post-Suharto Indonesia Jan Newberry

Political Theory

28(2), April 2010 Corey Brettschneider A Transformative Theory of Religious Freedom: Promoting the Reasons for Rights

Jeremy Elkins The Model of War

Frank Lovett Cultural Accommodation and Domination

Jeffrey Edward Green Three Theses on Schumpeter: Response to Mackie

Gerry Mackie Reply to Green

Elizabeth Beaumont Review Essay: Dance of the Seven Constitutional Veils: Constitutional Design as Political Choice and Craft: Mechanisms of Democracy: Institutional Design Writ Small, by Adrian Vermeule. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007. Law and the Limits of Reason, by Adrian Vermeule. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Ben Berger Fear Itself: Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen, by Peter Alexander Meyers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. Governing through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear, by Jonathan Simon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Jodi Dean Book in Review: Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World, by Nancy Fraser. New York: Press, 2009.

Aaron Keck Book in Review: Benjamin Franklin and the Politics of Improvement, by Alan Houston. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008

38(3), June 2010 John S. Dryzek Rhetoric in Democracy: A Systemic Appreciation

Carlos Fraenkel Theocracy and Autonomy in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy

David L. Marshall The Origin and Character of Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Judgment

Jimmy Casas Klausen Hannah Arendt’s Antiprimitivism

Roxanne L. Euben Review Essay: Making the World Safe for Compatibility: Hashemi, Nader. Islam, Secularism and Liberal Democracy: Toward a Democratic Theory for Muslim Societies New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Kamrava, Mehran. Iran’s Intellectual Revolution Cambridge. UK: Cambridge University Press. 2008. March, Andrew F. Islam and Liberal Citizenship: The Search for an Overlapping Consensus by Andrew F. March. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Julie E. Cooper Book in Review: Political Thought and History: Essays on Theory and Method, by J. G. A. Pocock. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009

38(4), August 2010 James Hankins Exclusivist Republicanism and the Non-Monarchical Republic

Ryan Balot Polybius’ Advice to the Imperial Republic

Michael Hanchard Contours of Black Political Thought: An Introduction and Perspective

Lawrie Balfour Darkwater’s Democratic Vision

Daniel I. O'Neill Review Essay: Whither Democracy?: Liberal Beginnings: Making a Republic for the Moderns, by A. Kalyvas and I. Katznelson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. James Madison and the Spirit of Republican Self- Government, by C. Sheehan. Cambridge University Press. French Political Thought from Montesquieu to Tocqueville, by A. de Dijn. Cambridge University Press. Soft Despotism, Democracy’s Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect, by P. Rahe. Yale University Press.

Diane Rubenstein Exceptionalism and Its Discontents: Deforming American Political Thought: Ethnicity, Facticity and Genre, by Michael J. Shapiro. Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 2006. Why Race Matters in South Africa, by Michael MacDonald. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006.

Michael Zuckert American Liberal Democracy on the Eve of the Obama Presidency: Freedom’s Power: The History and Promise of Liberalism, by Paul Starr. New York: Basic Books, 2007. Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, by Sheldon Wolin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008

Jacob T. Levy Book in Review: Rescuing Justice and Equality, by G. A. Cohen. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008

Cultural Studies

24(2) Brown: From Identity to Identification Brown: from identity to identification Kumarini Silva


SUSPECTS IN THE CITY. Browning the ‘not-quite’ Canadian citizen Jenny Burman

TINGS BROWN! Nationalists, regionalists and tourists making claims on the state Susan Harewood

475° FROM SEPTEMBER 11. Citizenship, immigration, same-sex marriage, and the browning of terror Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo; Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo


24(3) The Economic Crisis and After THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AND AFTER. Recovery, reconstruction and cultural studies Mark Hayward

MODERNITY AND COMMENSURATION. A reading of a contemporary (economic) crisis Lawrence Grossberg


SPIRITS IN THE NIGHT. Reasonableness and the etho-politics of securities law Darrin Hicks; Mathew Dunn

AFTER NEO-LIBERALISM? Markets, states and the reinvention of public welfare John Clarke

CELEBRITY AND SCHADENFREUDE. The cultural economy of fame in freefall Steve Cross; Jo Littler

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY. Economies of parable Randy Martin

CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DEBATE. Unfinished business: labour, management, and the creative industries Stefano Harney


THE SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE. A genealogy of ‘People’ and the Constitution(s) of the United States Matthew Scott Salt

THE WORK OF (CREATING) ART. Judith Scott's Fiber Art, Lola Barrera and Iñaki Peñafiel's ¿Qué tienes debajo del sombrero? (2006) and the challenges faced by people with developmental disabilities Benjamin Fraser


MUSIC RADIO AND GLOBAL MEDIATION. Producing social distinction in the Andean public sphere Joshua Tucker


Book Reviews


‘BEYOND BELIEF’ Gregory J. Seigworth

24(5) Cultural Studies: A Slovene Perspective INTRODUCTION. A Slovene perspective Hanno Hardt


SCIENCE IN POWER. Representing the Slovene nation through scientific work Maruša Pušnik


PEOPLE JUST LIKE US. Political celebrity and creation of national normality Breda Luthar


OCCIDENTALIZED PERCEPTIONS OF ITALIANS AND NATIONAL STEREOTYPES IN SLOVENE . Nationalist topics in contemporary Slovene writing and ethno popular music Ksenija Šabec


Journal of Peace Research

47(2), March 2010 David E. Cunningham Blocking resolution: How external states can prolong civil wars

Abel Escribà-Folch Economic sanctions and the duration of civil conflicts

Margit Bussmann Foreign direct investment and militarized international conflict

Ewan Harrison The democratic peace research program and system-level analysis

Tobias Böhmelt The effectiveness of tracks of diplomacy strategies in third-party interventions

Renat Shaykhutdinov Give peace a chance: Nonviolent protest and the creation of territorial autonomy arrangements

Neta Oren Israeli identity formation and the Arab—Israeli conflict in election platforms, 1969—2006

Tamir Sheafer and Shira Dvir-Gvirsman The spoiler effect: Framing attitudes and expectations toward peace

Jonah Victor African peacekeeping in Africa: Warlord politics, defense economics, and state legitimacy

Lee Ann Fujii Shades of truth and lies: Interpreting testimonies of war and violence

Joakim Kreutz How and when armed conflicts end: Introducing the UCDP Conflict Termination dataset

47(3), May 2010 David Sobek Masters of their domains: The role of state capacity in civil wars

Cullen S Hendrix Measuring state capacity: Theoretical and empirical implications for the study of civil conflict

Indra de Soysa and Hanne Fjelde Is the hidden hand an iron fist? Capitalism and civil peace, 1970-2005

Kristian Skrede Gleditsch andAndrea Ruggeri Political opportunity structures, democracy, and civil war

Alex Braithwaite Resisting infection: How state capacity conditions conflict contagion

Cameron G Thies Of rulers, rebels, and revenue: State capacity, civil war onset, and primary commodities

Karl DeRouen, Jr, Mark J Ferguson, Samuel Norton, Young Hwan Park, Jenna Lea and Ashley Streat-Bartlett Civil war peace agreement implementation and state capacity 47(4), July 2010 Michael D Ward, Brian D Greenhill and Kristin M Bakke The perils of policy by p-value: Predicting civil conflicts

Lars-Erik Cederman, Simon Hug and Lutz F. Krebs Democratization and civil war: Empirical evidence

Kyle C Beardsley Pain, pressure and political cover: Explaining mediation incidence

Anessa L. Kimball Political survival, policy distribution, and alliance formation

Silje Aslaksen Oil and democracy: More than a cross-country correlation?

David Fielding and Anja Shortland ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’: Political violence and counter-insurgency in Egypt

Clayton L Thyne Supporter of stability or agent of agitation? The effect of US foreign policy on coups in Latin America, 1960— 99

Syed Mansoob Murshed and Dawood Mamoon Not loving thy neighbour as thyself: Trade, democracy and military expenditure explanations underlying India— Pakistan rivalry

Nadir Öcal and Jülide Yildirim Regional effects of terrorism on economic growth in Turkey: A geographically weighted regression approach

Nils B. Weidmann, Jan Ketil Rød and Lars-Erik Cederman Representing ethnic groups in space: A new dataset

Lotta Harbom and Peter Wallensteen Armed Conflicts, 1946—2009

Kjell Erling Kjellman Alexandra, Andrew; Deane-Peter Baker & Marina Caparini, eds (2008) Private Military and Security Companies: , Policies and Civil—Military Relations. New York: Routledge.

Jørgen Jensehaugen Baramki, Gabi (2010) Peaceful Resistance: Building a Palestinian University under Occupation. New York: Pluto.

David Cortright Adolf, Antony (2009) Peace: A World History. Cambridge: Polity.

Kristian Skrede Gleditsch Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M; Henry E Brady & David Collier (2008) The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Heidi Østbø Haugen Brautigam, Deborah (2009) The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gerald Schneider Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce (2009) The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest To See and Shape the Future. New York: Random House.

Hanne Eggen Røislien Cook, Jonathan (2008) Israel and the Clash of Civilizations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan To Remake the Middle East. London & Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto.

Jonas Gräns Ehrhart, Hans-Georg & Charles C Pentland, eds (2009) The Afghanistan Challenge: Hard Realities and Strategic Choices. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Håvard Mokleiv Nygård Hassner, Ron E (2009) War on Sacred Grounds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Helge Holtermann Hechter, Michael & Christine Horne (2009) Theories of Social Order: A Reader (2nd edn). Stanford, CA: Press.

Mareile Kaufmann Jackson, Richard; Marie Breen Smyth & Jeroen Gunning (2009) Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda. Oxford, New York: Routledge.

Helga Malmin Binningsbø Jarstad, Anna K & Timothy D Sisk, eds (2008) From War to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jørgen Jensehaugen Kattan, Victor (2009) From Coexistence to Conquest: International Law and the Origins of the Arab—Israeli Conflict, 1891—1949. New York: Pluto.

Lars Seland Gomsrud McDonald, Patrick J (2009) The Invisible Hand of Peace: Capitalism, the War Machine, and International Relations Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Suk Chun Nalbandov, Robert (2009) Foreign Interventions in Ethnic Conflicts. Surrey: Ashgate.

Kristian Skrede Gleditsch Turchin, Peter & Sergey A Nefedov (2009) Secular Cycles. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Valerie Waldow Newman, Edward; Roland Paris & Oliver P Richmond, eds (2009) New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding. New York: United Nations University Press.

David E Cunningham Thyne, Clayton L (2009) How International Relations Affect Civil Conflict: Cheap Signals, Costly Consequences. Lanham, MA: Lexington.

International Organization

64(2), April 2010 Eliciting Substance from ‘Hot Air’: Financial Market Responses to EU Summit Decisions on European Defense Michael M. Bechtel and Gerald Schneider

Credible Commitments and the International Criminal Court Beth A. Simmons and Allison Danner

The Politics of Judicial Economy at the World Trade Organization Marc L. Busch and Krzysztof J. Pelc

The Enforcement Problem in Coercive Bargaining: Interstate Conflict over Rebel Support in Civil Wars Kenneth A. Schultz

Exchange Rate Proclamations and Inflation-Fighting Credibility Alexandra Guisinger and David Andrew Singer

Economic Liberalization via IMF Structural Adjustment: Sowing the Seeds of Civil War? Caroline A. Hartzell, Matthew Hoddie and Molly Bauer

64(3), July 2010 Feigning Weakness Branislav L. Slantchev

Labor Markets and the Demand for Foreign Direct Investment Sonal S. Pandya

Exchange Rate Regimes and Independent Central Banks: A Correlated Choice of Imperfectly Credible Institutions Cristina Bodea

Reality Asserts Itself: Public Opinion on Iraq and the Elasticity of Reality Matthew A. Baum and Tim Groeling

Trade Competition and Domestic Pollution: A Panel Study, 1980–2003 Xun Cao and Aseem Prakash

Transgovernmental Networks and Domestic Policy Convergence: Evidence from Insider Trading Regulation David Bach and Abraham L. Newman

International Relations

24(1), March 2010 Ayşe Zarakol Ontological (In)security and State Denial of Historical Crimes: Turkey and Japan

Øystein Tunsjø Hedging Against Oil Dependency: New Perspectives on China’s Energy Security Policy

Hans E. Andersson What Activates an Identity? The Case of Norden

Emma Hutchison Trauma and the Politics of Emotions: Constituting Identity, Security and Community after the Bali Bombing

Gideon Baker The ‘Double Law’ of Hospitality: Rethinking Cosmopolitan Ethics in Humanitarian Intervention

24(2), June 2010 Darshan Vigneswaran and Joel Quirk Past Masters and Modern Inventions: Intellectual History as Critical Theory

Edwin van de Haar The Liberal Divide over Trade, Peace and War

Matthew Alan Hill International Actors and Democratisation: Can USAID Deliver a Democratic Culture to Afghanistan?

Michael Tkacik Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Implications for US National Security

Aidan Hehir The Responsibility to Protect: ‘Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing’?

International Theory

2(1), March 2010 Outsourcing the responsibility to protect: humanitarian intervention and private military and security companies James Pattison

Enforcement and capacity building in international cooperation Johannes Urpelainen

UN reform, biopolitics, and global governmentality Hans-Martin Jaeger

Kantian nonideal theory and nuclear proliferation Thomas E. Doyle

Correspondence: Is Liberal IR Theory Ideological?

‘ Wahn, Wahn, Überall Wahn’: A reply to Jahn’s critique of liberal internationalism Andrew Moravcsik

Universal languages?: A reply to Moravcsik Beate Jahn

Tilting at windmills: a final reply to Jahn Andrew Moravcsik

2(2), July 2010 Global democracy: in the beginning Robert E. Goodin

Liberal International theory: Eurocentric but not always Imperialist? Martin Hall and John M. Hobson

The (classical) Realist vision of global reform William E. Scheuerman

Symposium on War and the State

War and the State: a synopsis R. Harrison Wagner

The logic and illogic of the security dilemma and contemporary realism: a response to Wagner’s critique Randall L. Schweller

The legacies of raison d’etat: a brief commentary on R. Harrison Wagner’s War and the State Michael C. Williams

On the limits of new foundations: a commentary on R. Harrison Wagner, War and the State Tarak Barkawi

Comments on R. Harrison Wagner’s War and the State: The Theory of International Politics James D. Fearon

War and the State: reply to comments R. Harrison Wagner

European Journal of International Relations

16(2), June 2010 Andrew Linklater Global civilizing processes and the ambiguities of human interconnectedness

John Williams Hedley Bull and Just War: Missed opportunities and lessons to be learned

Stefan A. Schirm Leaders in need of followers: Emerging powers in global governance

Jonathan Joseph The limits of governmentality: Social theory and the international

Tanja E. Aalberts Playing the game of sovereign states: Charles Manning’s constructivism avant-la-lettre

Alexander Thompson Rational design in motion: Uncertainty and flexibility in the global climate regime

Patrick A. Mello Review article: In search of new wars: The debate about a transformation of war

Journal of European Public Policy

17(3) Europe and the Management of Globalization Europe and the management of globalization Wade Jacoby; Sophie Meunier

The hidden face of the euro Nicolas Jabko

Globalizing European Union environmental policy R. Daniel Kelemen

Managed globalization: doctrine, practice and promise Rawi Abdelal; Sophie Meunier

The EU, the US, and trade policy: competitive interdependence in the management of globalization Alberta Sbragia

Europe and the new global economic order: internal diversity as liability and asset in managing globalization Orfeo Fioretos

The EU and financial regulation: power without purpose? Elliot Posner; Nicolas Véron

Managing globalization by managing Central and Eastern Europe: the EU's backyard as threat and opportunity Wade Jacoby

Betwixt and between? The European Union's redistributive management of globalization Brian Burgoon

17(4) Input and output legitimacy: synergy or trade-off? Empirical evidence from an EU survey Karl-Oskar Lindgren; Thomas Persson

The implementation of EU social policy: the ‘Southern Problem’ revisited Miriam Hartlapp; Simone Leiber

Accounting for input in comitology committees: an uncomfortable silence Gijs Jan Brandsma

News on the move: exogenous events and news coverage of the European Union Hajo G. Boomgaarden; Rens Vliegenthart; Claes H. de Vreese; Andreas R. T. Schuck

Explaining variation in the role of the EU Council Secretariat in first and second pillar policy-making Hylke Dijkstra

The willing, the unwilling and the unable – explaining implementation of the EU Biofuels Directive Lorenzo Di Lucia; Annica Kronsell

Beyond methodological nationalism: how multilevel governance affects the clash of capitalisms Helen Callaghan

‘A matter of principle’? EU foreign policy in the International Labour Organization Marianne Riddervold

Political analysis of European competition policy Yannis Karagiannis

17(5) Negotiation theory and the EU Negotiation theory and the EU: the state of the art Andreas Dür; Gemma Mateo; Daniel C. Thomas

Three islands of knowledge about negotiation in international organizations John S. Odell

Explaining the institutional foundations of European Union negotiations Jonas Tallberg

How institutional environments facilitate co-operative negotiation styles in EU decision-making Jeffrey Lewis

Between bargaining and deliberation: decision-making in the Council of the European Union Andreas Warntjen

Choosing a bargaining strategy in EU negotiations: power, preferences, and culture Andreas Dür; Gemma Mateo

Issue characteristics, issue linkage, and states’ choice of bargaining strategies in the European Union Heather Elko McKibben

Deliberation in negotiations Thomas Risse; Mareike Kleine

(How) do norms guide Presidency behaviour in EU negotiations? Arne Niemann; Jeannette Mak

What factors determine bargaining power and success in EU negotiations? Stefanie Bailer

17(6) The role of subnational authorities in the implementation of EU directives Enrico Borghetto; Fabio Franchino

European Union trade policy after enlargement: larger crowds, shifting priorities and informal decision-making Manfred Elsig

Small states in the European Union: structural disadvantages in EU policy-making and counter-strategies Diana Panke

Adapting to Brussels: Europeanization of the core executive and the ‘strategic-projection’ model Scott James

Bringing interests back in: using coalition theories to explain European wind power policies Joseph Szarka

Target-group influence and political feasibility: the case of climate policy design in Europe Tora Skodvin; Anne Therese Gullberg; Stine Aakre

EU soft law and the functioning of representative democracy: the use of methods of open co-ordination by Dutch and British parliamentarians Rik de Ruiter

Untangling the impact of Europeanization and globalization on national utility liberalization: a systematic process analysis of two Danish reforms Mads Leth Felsager Jakobsen

Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of European socialization Jan Beyers

Global Governance

16(2), April-June 2010 The Goldstone Report on the Gaza Conflict: An Agora Introduction Tom Farer

Valuing the Goldstone Report Dinah PoKempner

The UN’s Book of Judges Ed Morgan

The Goldstone Report: Ordinary Text, Extraordinary Event Richard Falk

Assessing the Goldstone Report Nigel S. Rodley

Concluding Remarks Tom Farer

Addressing the Perils of Peace Operations: Toward a Global Peacekeeping System Fred Tanner

International Norms in Statebuilding: Finding a Pragmatic Approach Christian Lotz

Postwar Mediation in UN Peace Operations: The Role of the Special Representatives of the Secretary- General Introduction: The SRSGs and the Management of Civil Wars Timothy D. Sisk

Mediation, Political Engagement, and Peacebuilding Katia Papagianni

SRSG Mediation in Civil Wars: Revisiting the “Spoiler” Debate Marie-Joëlle Zahar

Mediation and Peacebuilding: SRSGs and DSRSGs in Integrated Missions Cedric de Coning

16(3), July-September 2010 International Migration Introduction: International Migration and Global Governance Khalid Koser

The Global Financial and Economic Crisis and Migration Governance Bimal Ghosh

Global Governance: Migration’s Next Frontier Sergio Marchi

The Governance of International Migration: Mechanisms, Processes, and Institutions Kathleen Newland

The Historical Roots of Cooperation Between the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration Jérôme Elie

Survival Migration: A New Protection Framework Alexander Betts

The Governance of Labor Migration in Southeast Asia Susan Kneebone

Climate Change, Migration, and Governance Susan Martin

Review Essay: The New Migration and Development Optimism: A Review of the 2009 Human Development Report Alan Gamlen


7(1-2) Globalization and Crisis A Fair Globalization During Crisis Tarja Halonen

The Return of Crisis in the Era of Globalization: One Crisis, or Many? Barry K. Gills

The Multiple Crisis and Beyond François Houtart

Converging Crises: Reality, Fear and Hope Susan George

A Savage Sorting of Winners and Losers: Contemporary Versions of Primitive Accumulation Saskia Sassen

Globalisation, Crisis and the Political Economy of the International Monetary (Dis)Order Ankie Hoogvelt

What Next? An Explanation of the 2008–2009 Slump and Two Scenarios of the Shape of Things to Come Heikki Patomäki

The Global Regulatory Consequences of an Irrational Crisis: Examining ‘Animal Spirits’ and ‘Excessive Exuberances’ Grahame F. Thompson

The Economic Crisis, Capitalism and Islam: The Making of a New Economic Order? Wazir Jahan Karim

Critical Ideas in Times of Crisis: Reconsidering Smith, Marx, Keynes, and Hayek M. Scott Solomon

A Radical World Order Challenge: Addressing Global Climate Change and the Threat of Nuclear Weapons Richard Falk

Crisis and Global Governance: Money, Discourses, and Institutions James H. Mittelman

In the Shadows of Globalization: Civilizational Crisis, the ‘Global Modern’ and ‘Islamic Nihilism’ Mustapha Kamal Pasha

A Long View of Globalization and Crisis V. Spike Peterson

Lessons of a ‘Good’ Crisis: Learning in, and From the Third World Craig N. Murphy

The Global Crisis and Latin America Henry Veltmeyer

Globalization, Crisis and Social Transformation: A View from the South Ronaldo Munck

After 30 Years of Deadlock: Labour's Possible Strategies in the New Global Order Andreas Bieler; Ingemar Lindberg; Werner Sauerborn

International Studies Quarterly

54(2), June 2010 Rivalry and Revenge: Violence against Civilians in Conventional Civil Wars Laia Balcells

Economic Development, Income Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution Michelle L. Dion and Vicki Birchfield

Dealing with Tyranny: International Sanctions and the Survival of Authoritarian Rulers Abel Escribà-Folch and Joseph Wright

Diverting the Legislature: Executive–Legislative Relations, the Economy, and US Uses of Force David J. Brulé and Wonjae Hwang

From Global Village to Virtual Battlespace: The Colonizing of the Internet and the Extension of Realpolitik Mary McEvoy Manjikian

Globalization and the Welfare State: Testing the Microfoundations of the Compensation Hypothesis Stefanie Walter

Friends or Foes? Major Trading Partners and the Success of Economic Sanctions Elena V. McLean and Taehee Whang

Sovereignty as Dominium? Reconstructing the Constructivist Roman Law Thesis Ben Holland

The Army You Have: The Determinants of Military Mechanization, 1979–2001 Todd S. Sechser and Elizabeth N. Saunders

Cumulative Legitimation, Prudential Restraint, and the Maintenance of International Order: A Re-examination of the UN Charter System Joel H. Westra

The Politics and Economics of Official Ethnic Discrimination: A Global Statistical Analysis, 1950–2003 Jason Sorens

Identifying and Classifying Complex Interstate War Brandon Valeriano and John A. Vasquez

International Studies Review

12(2), June 2010 The State of Experimental Research in IR: An Analytical Survey Natalie Florea Hudson and Michael J. Butler

Westphalian Eurocentrism in International Relations Theory Turan Kayaoglu

Accountability, Participation and Foreign Aid Effectiveness Matthew S. Winters

Informalization, Inequalities and Global Insecurities V. Spike Peterson

Open Horizons: The Temporal Visions of Reflexive Realism Andrew R. Hom and Brent J. Steele

Global Actors in Transnational and Virtual Spaces Rebecca Tiessen

Post-Soviet and Liberal Transitions: Wherefore, to What Effect, and How? Mariya Y. Omelicheva

Reform, Change, and Democratization in the Middle East in Post-Bipolarity Bassam Tibi

The Rise of Transnational Crime: International Cooperation, State Contributions, and the Role of the Global Political Economy Dana Zartner

Book Reviews

Land, Blood and Ballots: The Curious Case of Resident Alien Franchise Uriel Abulof

Methodological Options for Identity Researchers André Lecours

Becoming Sovereign Matthew S. Weinert

Sovereignty and State Practice: and Being Ken Fraser

Linking China, India, and the United States Peter H. Koehn

How Should National History Be Written? Anthony Oberschall

International Peacekeeping

17(1) Peace Operations and the Protection of Cultural Property During and After Armed Conflict Sigrid Van Der Auwera

UN Integrated Peacekeeping Operations and NGOs: Reflections on Governmental Rationalities and Contestation in the Age of Risk Laura Zanotti

Space, Performance and Everyday Security in the Peacekeeping Context Paul Higate; Marsha Henry

Peacekeeping and Counter-insurgency – Two of a Kind? Karsten Friis

Bosnia's Success Story? Brčko District and the ‘View from Below’ Janine Natalya Clark

Striking the Right Balance: How to Rebuild the Afghan National Police Peter Dahl Thruelsen

Action Plan or Faction Plan? 's Eclectic Approach to Conflict Prevention Frank A. Stengel; Christoph Weller

17(2) Women, Peace and Conflict: A Decade after Resolution 1325 Introduction: Security Council Resolution 1325: Assessing the Impact on Women, Peace and Security Susan Willett

The UN Peacebuilding Commission and Gender: A Case of Norm Reinforcement Torunn L. Tryggestad

Discourses on Gender, Patriarchy and Resolution 1325: A Textual Analysis of UN Documents Nadine Puechguirbal

Does the Presence of Women Really Matter? Towards Combating Male Sexual Violence in Peacekeeping Operations Olivera Simić

Whose Zero Tolerance Counts? Reassessing a Zero Tolerance Policy against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers Machiko Kanetake

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers: A Threat to Impartiality Kate Grady

Unintended Consequences of Intimacy: Political Economies of Peacekeeping and Sex Tourism Kathleen M. Jennings

Politics by Other Means: When does Sexual Violence Threaten International Peace and Security? Letitia Anderson

Addressing Sexual Violence in Internationally Mediated Peace Negotiations Robert Jenkins; Anne-Marie Goetz

Gender, Women and Security Sector Reform Eirin Mobekk

Gendering Transnational Policing: Experiences of Australian Women in International Policing Operations Vandra Harris; Andrew Goldsmith

Afterword Cynthia Enloe

Development and Change

41(2), March 2010 Understanding the Southern African ‘Anomaly’: Poverty, Endemic Disease and HIV Larry Sawers and Eileen Stillwaggon

Managing Dissent in a Post-genocide Environment: The Challenge of Political Space in Rwanda Danielle Beswick

Accountability and Inaction: NGOs and Resource Lodging in Development Matthew Harsh, Paul Mbatia and Wesley Shrum

Securing the World and Challenging Civil Society: Before and After the ‘War on Terror’ Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind

Counter-terrorism and the Regulation of Civil Society in the USA (pages 293–312) Mark Sidel

An Exceptional Response? Security, Development and Civil Society in Spanish Policy after 11-M Alejandro Colás

Counter-terrorism and the Politics of Aid: Civil Society Responses in Kenya Jeremy Lind and Jude Howell

Osama or the Georges: Shifting Threats and State Policy towards Civil Society in Uzbekistan Daniel Stevens

41(3), May 2010 The Measurement of Socio-economic Gender Inequality Revisited Lourdes Beneria and Iñaki Permanyer

Post-Conflict Ambon: Forced Migration and the Ethno-Territorial Effects of Customary Tenure Jeroen Adam

Payments for Ecosystem Services in Nicaragua: Do Market-based Approaches Work? Gert Van Hecken and Johan Bastiaensen

Child Labour in African Artisanal Mining Communities: Experiences from Northern Ghana Gavin Hilson

Does Patronage Still Drive Politics for the Rural Poor in the Developing World? A Comparative Perspective from the Livestock Sector David K. Leonard, Jennifer N. Brass, Michael Nelson, Sophal Ear, Dan Fahey, Tasha Fairfield, Martha Johnson Gning, Michael Halderman, Brendan McSherry, Devra C. Moehler, Wilson Prichard, Robin Turner, Tuong Vu and Jeroen Dijkman

Capitalizing on Women's Social Capital? Women-Targeted Microfinance in Bolivia Kate Maclean

Structural Change, the Social Policy Environment and Female Employment in Turkey Ayşe Buğra and Burcu Yakut-Cakar

41(4), July 2010 Negotiating Statehood: Dynamics of Power and Domination in Africa Tobias Hagmann and Didier Péclard

Protection for Sale? War and the Transformation of Regulation on the Congo–Ugandan Border Timothy Raeymaekers

The Struggle Continues? The Spectre of Liberation, Memory Politics and ‘War Veterans’ in Namibia Lalli Metsola

Federal Restructuring in Ethiopia: Renegotiating Identity and Borders along the Oromo–Somali Ethnic Frontiers Asnake Kefale

Facing Up to the Centre: The Emergence of Regional Elite Associations in Angola's Political Transition Process Inge Ruigrok

The People, the Power and the Public Service: Political Identification during Guinea's General Strikes in 2007 Anita Schroven

The Party and the State: Frelimo and Social Stratification in Post-socialist Mozambique Jason Sumich

Maintenant, on sait qui est qui: Statehood and Political Reconfiguration in Northern Côte d’Ivoire Till Förster

Negotiating Statehood in a Hybrid Political Order: The Case of Somaliland Marleen Renders and Ulf Terlinden

Researching African Statehood Dynamics: Negotiability and its Limits Martin Doornbos

Review of International Studies


Third World Quarterly

31(2) Going South: capitalist crisis, systemic crisis, civilisational crisis Barry K. Gills

Rethinking the Imperial Difference: towards an understanding of US–Latin American encounters David Slater

Informality and Collective Organising: identities, alliances and transnational activism in Africa Ilda Lindell

CSR for Development Through Sport: examining its potential and limitations Roger Levermore

Corruption, NGOs, and Development in Nigeria Daniel Jordan Smith

Derivative Nature: interrogating the value of conservation in ‘Boundless Southern Africa’ Bram Büscher

One Worldwide Patent System: what's in it for developing countries? Morten Walløe Tvedt

The ‘Poverty’ of Political Society: Partha Chatterjee and the People's Plan Campaign in Kerala, India Nissim Mannathukkaren

Jazz in the Time of Globalisation: the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Ken Cole

Comparative Commonwealths: an overlooked feature of global governance? Timothy M. Shaw

31(3) Towards an Emancipatory International Law: the Bolivarian reconstruction Mohsen Al Attar; Rosalie Miller

World Turned Upside Down? Rise of the global South and the contemporary global financial turbulence Ravi Arvind Palat

The Geography of Warscape Benedikt Korf; Michelle Engeler; Tobias Hagmann

Resources and Rent Seeking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Stephanie Matti

Poor Practices: contestations around ‘Below Poverty Line’ status in India Bina Fernandez

What is Fair Trade? Andrew Walton

Empowering Women through Fair Trade? Lessons from Asia Anna Hutchens

The Tools of Whose Trade? How international accounting guidelines are failing governments in the global South Gabriella Y. Carolini

The ‘Neo-Taliban’ and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan Shehzad H. Qazi

31(4) Relocating Culture in Development and Development in Culture Introduction: relocating culture in development and development in culture Dia Da Costa

The Politics of Representation and Financial Fetishism: the case of the G20 summits Susanne Soederberg

Books vs Bombs? Humanitarian development and the narrative of terror in Northern Pakistan Nosheen Ali

Conscripts of Competitiveness: culture, institutions and capital in contemporary development Marcus Taylor

The Hollow Within: anxiety and performing postcolonial financial policies Maureen Sioh

A Million Dollar Exit from the Anarchic Slum-world: Slumdog Millionaire's hollow idioms of social justice Mitu Sengupta

Subjects of Struggle: theatre as space of political economy Dia Da Costa

Contested Credit Landscapes: microcredit, self-help and self-determination in rural Bangladesh Jason Cons; Kasia Paprocki

Afro-Brazilian Ancestralidade: critical perspectives on knowledge and development Alexandre Emboaba Da Costa

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik

1/2010 Lateinamerikanische Kräfteverhältnisse im Wandel Stefan Pimmer Neun Jahre PAN-Regierung in Mexiko: von der passiven Revolution zur Krise der Hegemonie

Lucio Oliver Schattierungen einer progressiven Regierung: Der erweiterte Staat in Brasilien

Tatiana Pérez Ramírez, Jaime Ortega Reyna Volksaufstand, indigene Revolte und die Konturen eines national-popularen Projekts in Bolivien

Diana Guillén Auf dem Weg zu einem alternativen Staats- und Gesellschaftsprojekt? Überlegungen zur jüngsten Vergangenheit Ekuadors

Mónica del Carmen Cerón Díaz Die Transformation der Kräfteverhältnisse in El Salvador: vom Ende des Bürgerkriegs zum Triumph der FMLN


38(3), March 2010 G. John Ikenberry The Liberal International Order and its Discontents

Michael Cox E.H. Carr and the Crisis of Twentieth-Century Liberalism: Reflections and Lessons

Tim Dunne The Liberal Order and the Modern Project

Ronnie D. Lipschutz What Comes after Liberalism? More Liberalism!

Cynthia Weber After Liberalism

Benjamin Miller Democracy Promotion: Offensive Liberalism versus the Rest (of IR Theory)

Jonathan D. Caverley Power and Democratic Weakness: Neoconservatism and Neoclassical Realism

Marjo Koivisto and Tim Dunne Crisis, What Crisis? Liberal Order Building and World Order Conventions

Audra Mitchell Peace beyond Process?

Oliver P. Richmond Resistance and the Post-liberal Peace

Anna M. Agathangelou Bodies of Desire, Terror and the War in Eurasia: Impolite Disruptions of (Neo) Liberal Internationalism, Neoconservatism and the ‘New’ Imperium

Rosemary E. Shinko Ethics after Liberalism: Why (Autonomous) Bodies Matter

Louiza Odysseos Human Rights, Liberal Ontogenesis and Freedom: Producing a Subject for Neoliberalism?

Katya Long Civilising International Politics: Republicanism and the World Outside

Anastasia Nesvetailova and Ronen Palan The End of Liberal Finance? The Changing Paradigm of Global Financial Governance

Elsje Fourie Book Review: General International Relations: Robert S. Ross and Zhu Feng (eds), China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics (London: Cornell University Press, 2008). Kevin J. Cooney and Yoichiro Sato (eds), The Rise of China and International Security: America and Asia Respond (London: Routledge, 2009). Guy Sorman, The Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century (New York: Encounter Books, 2008)

Ken Fraser Book Review: Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth, World Out of Balance: International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008)

Jan Gaspers Book Review: Janne Haaland Matlary, European Union Security Dynamics: In the New National Interest (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

Maxime Larivé Book Review: Andrew Cottey, Security in the New Europe (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)

Joe Hoover Book Review: Toni Erskine, Embedded Cosmopolitanism: Duties to Strangers and Enemies in a World of ‘Dislocated Communities’ (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008)

Henry Radice Book Review: Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss (eds), Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 2008)

David Chandler Book Review: Conflict and Peace Studies: Aidan Hehir, Humanitarian Intervention after Kosovo: Iraq, Darfur and the Record of Global Civil Society (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008)

Laurence Cooley Book Reviews: Jenny Engström, Democratisation and the Prevention of Violent Conflict: Lessons Learned from Bulgaria and Macedonia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009)

T.O. Corry Book Review: Michael J. Williams, NATO, Security and Risk Management: From Kosovo to Kandahar (London and New York: Routledge, 2009)

Catherine Yuk Ping Lo Book Review: Laura Neack, Elusive Security: States First, People Last (New York: Rowman and Littlefields, 2007)

David Macdonald Book Review: Christopher Coker, War in an Age of Risk (Cambridge: Polity, 2009)

Junpeng Li Book Review: Development and Environment: Mary E. Pettenger (ed.), The Social Construction of Climate Change: Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2007)

Jemima Repo Book Review: Gender and Human Rights: Jutta M. Joachim, Agenda Setting, the UN, and NGOs: Gender Violence and Reproductive Rights (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2007, 244 pp, $29.95 pbk, $59.95 hbk). Laura J. Shepherd, Gender, Violence and Security (London and New York: Zed Books, 2008)

A. Alexander Stummvoll Book Review: Religion and Politics: Massimo Franco, Parallel Empires: The Vatican and the United States — Two Centuries of Alliance and Conflict (New York: Doubleday, 2009, 223 pp., $26.00 hbk). Ian Linden, Global Catholicism: Diversity and Change since Vatican II (London: Hurst & Company, 2009)

Daniel Warner Book Review: Michael McKinley, Economic Globalisation as Religious War: Tragic Convergence (London and New York: Routledge, 2007)

38(4), August 2010 Ann Sagan African Criminals/African Victims: The Institutionalised Production of Cultural Narratives in International Criminal Law

Gideon Baker The Spectre of Montezuma: Hospitality and Haunting

Dan Bulley Home is Where the Human is? Ethics, Intervention and Hospitality in Kosovo

Jason P. Rancatore It is Strange: A Reply to Vrasti

Wanda Vrasti Dr Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying about Methodology and Love Writing

Brent J. Steele Irony, Emotions and Critical Distance

Andrew A.G. Ross Why They Don’t Hate Us: Emotion, Agency and the Politics of ‘Anti-Americanism’

Wesley W. Widmaier Emotions Before Paradigms: Elite Anxiety and Populist Resentment from the Asian to Subprime Crises

Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister The Power of Big Box Retail in Global Environmental Governance: Bringing Commodity Chains Back into IR

Steven Bernstein, Michele Betsill, Matthew Hoffmann, and Matthew Paterson A Tale of Two Copenhagens: Carbon Markets and Climate Governance

Barry Buzan America in Space: The International Relations of Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica

James Der Derian ‘Now We Are All Avatars’

Omar Assem El-Khairy Snowflakes on a Scarred Knuckle: The Biopolitics of the ‘War on Terror’ through Steve McQueen’s Hunger and Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker

Gerard Holden Book Review: Arlene B. Tickner and Ole Wæver (eds), International Relations Scholarship Around the World (London and New York: Routledge, 2009)

Edward Rhodes

Book Review: Ieva Zake, Nineteenth-century Nationalism and Twentieth-century Anti-democratic Ideals: The Case of Latvia, 1840s to 1980s (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008)

Manabrata Guha Book Review: Antoine Bousquet, The Scientific Way of War: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity (London: Hurst & Company, 2009)

Misti Lynnette Williams Book Review: Philip Hammond, Framing Post-Cold War Conflicts: The Media and International Intervention (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)

Ariel I. Ahram Book Review: Steven R. David, Catastrophic Consequences: Civil Wars and American Interests (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008). David M. Edelstein, Occupational Hazards: Success and Failure in Military Occupations (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008)

Alexander Warkotsch Book Review: Lael Brainard and Derek Chollet (eds), Too Poor for Peace? Global Poverty, Conflict, and Security in the 21st Century (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2007)

Alex Jeffrey Book Review: Rachel Kerr and Eirin Mobekk, Peace and Justice: Seeking Accountability after War (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007)

Nelli Babayan Book Review: Michael Cox and Doug Stokes (eds), US Foreign Policy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)

Olivia U. Rutazibwa Book Review: David B. MacDonald, Robert G. Patman, and Betty Mason-Parker (eds), The Ethics of Foreign Policy (Aldershot: Asghate Publishing Limited, 2007). Dominik Zaum, The Sovereignty Paradox, The Norms and Politics of International Statebuilding (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). David Chandler and Volker Heins (eds), Rethinking Ethical Foreign Policy, Pitfalls, Possibilities and Paradoxes (London: Routledge, 2007)

Francesco Ortoleva Book Review: Stephanie B. Anderson, Crafting EU Security Policy: In Pursuit of a European Identity (London: Lynne Rienner, 2008)

Randall Newnham Book Review: Beverly Crawford, Power and German Foreign Policy: Embedded Hegemony in Europe (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)

Andrew Futter Book Review: Jenifer Mackby and Paul Cornish (eds), US—UK Nuclear Cooperation after 50 Years (Washington DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2008)

Kamran Moshref Book Review: Nancy Fraser, Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009)

Susan Murphy Book Review: Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007)

Martin Koch Book Review: Achim Hurrelmann, Steffen Schneider and Jens Steffek (eds), Legitimacy in an Age of Global Politics (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)

Mutsumi Hirano Book Reviews: J. A. A. Stockwin, Governing Japan: Divided Politics in a Resurgent Economy, 4th edn (Malden, MA and Oxford: WileyBlackwell, 2008)

Raffaela Puggioni Book Review: Roberto Esposito, Bíos: Biopolitics and Philosophy (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

Peter Fragiskatos Book Review: Alison M.S. Watson, The Child in International Political Economy: A Place at the Table (London and New York: Routledge, 2009)

Ian Bruff Book Review: Uwe Becker, Open Varieties of Capitalism: Continuity, Change and Performances (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

Cambridge Review of International Affairs

23(1) Thinking about terrorism and just war Talal Asad

Expert intervention: knowledge, violence and identity during the Algerian crisis, 1997–1998 Jacob Mundy

Of ‘witch's brews’ and scholarly communities: the dangers and promise of academic parrhesia Brent J. Steele

Sociology and international relations: legacies and prospects George Lawson; Robbie Shilliam

Methodological nationalism and the domestic analogy: classical resources for their critique Daniel Chernilo

Towards the global social: sociological reflections on governance and risk in the context of the current financial crisis Robert Deuchars

Historical sociology, international relations and connected histories Gurminder K. Bhambra

Entropy and the trajectory of world politics: why polarity has become less meaningful Randall L. Schweller

Basic problems in the theory of uneven and combined development. Part II: unevenness and political multiplicity Justin Rosenberg

23(2) Counterinsurgency and terror expertise: the integration of social scientists into the war effort David Miller; Tom Mills

Preliminary results from voices of the Mada'in: a tribal history and study of one of Baghdad's six rural districts Adam L. Silverman

The roles of conflict resolution scholars in Georgian–Abkhaz and Georgian–South-Ossetian conflict and conflict resolution Susan Allen Nan

International relations scholarship, academic institutions and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict Maia Hallward

History writing and securitization of the other: the construction and reconstruction of Palestinian and Israeli security discourses Bezen Balamir Coskun

Conflict art: scholars develop the tactical value of cultural patrimony Erik Nemeth

Is anyone watching? War, cinema and bearing witness Simon Philpott

War's dark glamour: ethics of research in war and conflict zones Sascha Helbardt; Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam; Rüdiger Korff

The British Journal of Politics & International Relations

12(2), May 2010 Does One Trust Judgement Fit All? Linking Theory and Empirics Justin Fisher, Jennifer Van Heerde and Andrew Tucker

John Ruskin's Political Economy: ‘There is No Wealth but Life’ Christopher May

Half-Remembered Quotations from Mostly Forgotten Speeches: The Limits of Labour's European Policy Discourse Matthew Broad and Oliver Daddow

Much Ado about Not Very Much: The Electoral Consequences of Postal Voting at the 2005 British General Election Colin Rallings, Michael Thrasher and Galina Borisyuk

Learning from Northern Ireland? The Uses and Abuses of the Irish ‘Model’ Eamonn O'Kane

Blair's First Government (1997–2001) and European Security and Defence Policy: Seismic Shift or Adaptation? Lynne Dryburgh

Think Tanks in the and Germany: Actors in the Modernisation of Social Democracy Hartwig Pautz

New Labour's Ethical Dimension: Statistical Trends in Tony Blair's Foreign Policy Speeches Densua Mumford and Torsten J. Selck

Responding to the Global Credit Crisis: The Politics of Financial Reform Leonard Seabrooke and Eleni Tsingou

12(3), August 2010 ‘Mother's Boy’: David Cameron and Margaret Thatcher Stephen Evans

Belarus, Ukraine and Russia: East or West? Stephen White, Ian McAllister and Valentina Feklyunina

The Rise and Fall of Euro Preparations: Strategic Networking and the Depoliticisation of Labour's National Changeover Plan Scott James

Opening Up Open Marxist Theories of the State: A Historical Materialist Critique Andreas Tsolakis

Moral Argument and the Justification of Policy: New Labour's Case for Welfare Reform Judi Atkins

Community-Based Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland: A Neo-Traditionalist Paradigm? Cillian McGrattan

Failed and Friendless: The UK's ‘Preventing Violent Extremism’ Programme Paul Thomas

Pressure Group Direct Action on Climate Change: The Role of the Media and the Web in Britain—A Case Study Neil T. Gavin

World Politics

62(2), April 2010 Legislative Malfeasance and Political Accountability Eric C. C. Chang, Miriam Golden, and Seth Hill

Throwing Out the Bums: Protest Voting and Unorthodox Parties after Communism Grigore Pop-Eleches

Defying the Resource Curse: Explaining Successful State-Owned Enterprises in Rentier States Steffen Hertog

A Rentier Theory of Subnational Regimes: Fiscal Federalism, Democracy, and Authoritarianism in the Argentine Provinces Carlos Gervasoni

Captured Commitments: An Analytic Narrative of Transitions with Transitional Justice Monika Nalepa

62(3), August 2010 Bricks and Mortar Clientelism: Sectarianism and the Logics of Welfare Allocation in Lebanon Melani Cammett and Sukriti Issar

Choosing to Target: What Types of Countries Get Different Types of World Bank Projects Matthew S. Winters

Power and the Ascendance of New Economic Policy Ideas: Lessons from the 1980s Crisis in Israel Ronen Mandelkern and Michael Shalev

How Do Crises Lead to Change? Liberalizing Capital Controls in the Early Years of New Order Indonesia Jeffrey M. Chwieroth

World Development

38(3), March 2010 Aid and Debt Relief in Africa: Have They Been Substitutes or Complements? Robert Powell, Graham Bird

Is Corporate Aid Targeted to Poor and Deserving Countries? A Case Study of Nestlé’s Aid Allocation Laura Metzger, Peter Nunnenkamp, Toman Omar Mahmoud

Is Corruption an Efficient Grease? Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Laurent Weill

A Critical Appraisal of McKinnon’s Complementarity Hypothesis: Does the Real Rate of Return on Money Matter for Investment in Developing Countries? Tomoe Moore

Growth and Inequality in India: Analysis of an Extended Social Accounting Matrix Janneke Pieters

Accounting for Inequality in India: Evidence from Household Expenditures J. Salcedo Cain, Rana Hasan, Rhoda Magsombol, Ajay Tandon

Schooling Investments over Three Decades in Rural Tamil Nadu, India: Changing Effects of Income, Gender, and Adult Family Members’ Education Kei Kajisa, N. Venkatesa Palanichamy

Child Nutrition, Health Problems, and School Achievement in Sri Lanka Suzanne L.W. Wisniewski

Female Empowerment: Impact of a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines Nava Ashraf, Dean Karlan, Wesley Yin

Relative to What or Whom? The Importance of Norms and Relative Standing to Well-Being in South Africa Jeffrey T. Bookwalter, Douglas R. Dalenberg

A Test of the New Variant Famine Hypothesis: Panel Survey Evidence from Zambia Nicole M. Mason, T.S. Jayne, Antony Chapoto, Robert J. Myers

Health Insurance and Other Risk-Coping Strategies in Uganda: The Case of Microcare Insurance Ltd. Marleen Dekker, Annegien Wilms

Gold Digging Careers in Rural East Africa: Small-Scale Miners’ Livelihood Choices Deborah Fahy Bryceson, Jesper Bosse Jønsson

Life is Unfair in Latin America, But Does it Matter for Growth? Luisa Blanco

Complementary Labor Regulation: The Uncoordinated Combination of State and Private Regulators in the Dominican Republic Matthew Amengual

Do Interventions at School Level Improve Educational Outcomes? Evidence from a Rural Program in Colombia Catherine Rodríguez, Fabio Sánchez, Armando Armenta

Doing it for Themselves: Direct Action Land Reform in the Brazilian Amazon Cynthia Simmons, Robert Walker, Stephen Perz, Stephen Aldrich, Marcellus Caldas, Ritaumaria Pereira, Flavia Leite, Luiz Claudio Fernandes, Eugenio Arima

38(4), April 2010 The Developing World’s Bulging (but Vulnerable) Middle Class Martin Ravallion

Social Security Regimes, Global Estimates, and Good Practices: The Status of Social Protection for International Migrants Johanna Avato, Johannes Koettl, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler

Global Infant Mortality: Correcting for Undercounting Rebecca Anthopolos, Charles M. Becker

Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach Hidemi Kimura, Yasuyuki Todo

Investment Climate and FDI in Developing Countries: Firm-Level Evidence Tidiane Kinda

Productivity and Employment in a Developing Country: Some Evidence from Korea Sangho Kim, Hyunjoon Lim, Donghyun Park

Who Benefits from Promoting Small Enterprises? Some Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Bob Rijkers, Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi, Francis Teal

Poverty Status and the Impact of Formal Credit on Technology Use and Wellbeing among Ethiopian Smallholders Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool, Alex Winter-Nelson

Impact of Access to Credit on Labor Allocation Patterns in Malawi Hema Swaminathan, Rodrigo Salcedo Du Bois, Jill L. Findeis

Credit Program Participation and Child Schooling in Rural Malawi Yasuharu Shimamura, Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel

Promising Approaches to Address the Needs of Poor Female Farmers: Resources, Constraints, and Interventions Agnes R. Quisumbing, Lauren Pandolfelli

Are Female-Headed Households More Food Insecure? Evidence from Bangladesh Debdulal Mallick, Mohammad Rafi

Tests of Intrahousehold Resource Allocation Using a CV Framework: A Comparison of Husbands’ and Wives’ Separate and Joint WTP in the Slums of Navi-Mumbai, India Vimalanand S. Prabhu

Do Rights Work? Law, Activism, and the Employment Guarantee Scheme Original Research Article Anuradha Joshi

One Size Fits All? Decentralization, Corruption, and the Monitoring of Bureaucrats Christian Lessmann, Gunther Markwardt

Vulnerability of Victims of Civil Conflicts: Empirical Evidence for the Displaced Population in Colombia Ana María Ibáñez, Andrés Moya

38(5), May 2010 Growing out of Poverty: Trends and Patterns of Urban Poverty in China 1988–2002 Simon Appleton, Lina Song, Qingjie Xia

The Effect of ILO Minimum Age Conventions on Child Labor and School Attendance: Evidence From Aggregate and Individual-Level Data Bernhard Boockmann

Corruption, Manufacturing Plant Growth, and the Asian Paradox: Indonesian Evidence Virginie Vial, Julien Hanoteau

Certification, Partnership, and Morality in an Organic Shrimp Network: Rethinking Transnational Alternative Agrifood Networks Maki Hatanaka

The Effect of Infrastructure Access and Quality on Non-Farm Enterprises in Rural Indonesia John Gibson, Susan Olivia

How Important are Locational Characteristics for Rural Non-agricultural Employment? Lessons from Brazil Erik Jonasson, Steven M. Helfand

Jump-starting Self-employment? Evidence for Welfare Participants in Argentina Rita K. Almeida, Emanuela Galasso

When is Cheap, Cheap Enough to Bridge the Digital Divide? Modeling Income Related Structural Challenges of Technology Diffusion in Latin America Martin Hilbert

Has Mercantilism Reduced Urban Poverty in SSA? Perception of Boom, Bust, and the China–Africa Trade in Lomé and Bamako Michal Lyons, Alison Brown

Disentangling Bargaining Power from Individual and Household Level to Institutions: Evidence on Women’s Position in Ethiopia Ramzi Mabsout, Irene van Staveren

38(6), June 2010 Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality in Latin America: Findings from Case Studies Machiko Nissanke, Erik Thorbecke

Trade Liberalization and the Self-Employed in Mexico Gurleen K. Popli

Globalization and Smallholders: The Adoption, Diffusion, and Welfare Impact of Non-Traditional Export Crops in Guatemala Calogero Carletto, Angeli Kirk, Paul C. Winters, Benjamin Davis

Remittances and Vulnerability to Poverty in Rural Mexico Alejandro de la Fuente

Globalization and Formal Sector Migration in Brazil Ernesto Aguayo-Téllez, Marc-Andreas Muendler, Jennifer P. Poole

Seasonal Migration and Early Childhood Development Karen Macours, Renos Vakis

Earnings Mobility in Times of Growth and Decline: Argentina from 1996 to 2003 Gary S. Fields, María Laura Sánchez Puerta

Linkages Between Pro-Poor Growth, Social Programs and Labor Market: The Recent Brazilian Experience Nanak Kakwani, Marcelo Côrtes Neri, Hyun H. Son

Globalization and the Role of Public Transfers in Redistributing Income in Latin America and the Caribbean Emmanuel Skoufias, Kathy Lindert, Joseph Shapiro

Minimum Wages, Globalization, and Poverty in Honduras T.H. Gindling, Katherine Terrell 38(7), July 2010 Community-Based Risk Management Arrangements: A Review Ruchira Bhattamishra, Christopher B. Barrett

“Trade Matters in the Fight Against Poverty”: Narratives, Perceptions, and (Lack of) Evidence in the Case of Fish Trade in Africa Christophe Béné, Rebecca Lawton, Edward H. Allison

Assets, Activity Choices, and Civil War: Evidence from Burundi Tom Bundervoet

Who Should be Interviewed in Surveys of Household Income? Monica Fisher, Jeffrey J. Reimer, Edward R. Carr

Women’s Empowerment and the Creation of Social Capital in Indian Villages Wendy Janssens

How Does Public Assistance Affect Family Expenditures? The Case of Urban China Qin Gao, Fuhua Zhai, Irwin Garfinkel

Nutrient Intake of the Poor and its Implications for the Nutritional Effect of Cereal Price Subsidies: Evidence from China Satoru Shimokawa

Adult BMI as a Health and Nutritional Inequality Measure: Applications at Macro and Micro Levels Vasco Molini, Maarten Nubé, Bart van den Boom

The Impact of Improved Maize Varieties on Poverty in Mexico: A Propensity Score-Matching Approach Javier Becerril, Awudu Abdulai

Poverty and Inequality Among Ethnic Groups in Chile Claudio A. Agostini, Philip H. Brown, Andrei C. Roman

Remittances and Their Unintended Consequences in Cuba Susan Eckstein

38(8), August 2010 Are International Databases on Corruption Reliable? A Comparison of Expert Opinion Surveys and Household Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa Mireille Razafindrakoto, François Roubaud

Financial Reforms, Patent Protection, and Knowledge Accumulation in India James B. Ang

Patent Incentives, Technology Markets, and Public–Private Bio-Medical Innovation Networks in Brazil Michael P. Ryan

Does Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Protection Induce More Bilateral Trade? Evidence from China’s Imports Titus O. Awokuse, Hong Yin

Effects of Hub-and-Spoke Free Trade Agreements on Trade: A Panel Data Analysis Jung Hur, Joseph D. Alba, Donghyun Park

Foreign Presence, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Ghana Andreas Waldkirch, Andra Ofosu

Exchange Rate Volatility and Employment Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from Turkey Firat Demir

Return Migration and Occupational Choice: Evidence from Albania Matloob Piracha, Florin Vadean

Values, Cultural Practices, and Economic Performance: Theory and Some Evidence from Kenya Gilad David Aharonovitz, Elizabeth Kabura Nyaga

Pastoralists’ Conceptions of Poverty: An Analysis of Traditional and Conventional Indicators from Borana, Ethiopia Boku Tache, Espen Sjaastad

Trust, Market Participation and Economic Outcomes: Evidence from Rural China Qin Tu, Erwin Bulte

38(9), September 2010 Good for Living? On the Relationship between Globalization and Life Expectancy Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson

Debt Relief, Investment and Growth Pernilla Johansson

Geographical Diversification of Developing Country Exports Ben shepherd

Regulating Water Services for All in Developing Economies Esther Gerlach, Richard Franceys

Do Forests Help Rural Households Adapt to Climate Variability? Evidence from Southern Malawi Monica Fisher, Moushumi Chaudhury, Brent McCusker

“Ancient and Backward or Long-Lived and Sustainable?” The Role of the Past in Debates Concerning Rural Livelihoods and Resource Conservation in Eastern Africa Daryl Stump

Promoting Transparency in the NGO Sector: Examining the Availability and Reliability of Self-Reported Data Ronelle Burger, Trudy Owens

A Rural–Urban Comparison of Manufacturing Enterprise Performance in Ethiopia Bob Rijkers, Måns Söderbom, Josef L. Loening

Employment Vulnerability and Earnings in Urban West Africa Philippe Bocquier, Christophe J. Nordman, Aude Vescovo

Consumption Fluctuations and Welfare: Evidence from China Chun-Yu Ho, Wai-Yip Alex Ho, Dan Li

The Global Food Crisis and Guatemala: What Crisis and for Whom? Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet

ZIB - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

1/2010 Uwe Wagschal/Aurel Croissant/Thomas Metz/Christoph Trinn/Nicolas Schwank Kulturkonflikte in inner- und zwischenstaatlicher Perspektive

Johannes Marx Is There a Hard Core of IR? Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Betrachtung der Theoriend er Internationalen Beziehungen

Karsten Lehmann Interdependenzen zwischen Religionsgemeinschaften und internationaler Politik. Religionswissenschaftliche Anmerkungen zu politikwissenschaftlichen Religionskonzepten

Claudia Baumgart-Ochse Religiöse Akteure und die Opportunitätsstruktur der internationalen Beziehungen. Eine Replik auf Karsten Lehmann

Mariano Barbato Postsäkulare Internationale Beziehungen. Eine Replik auf Karsten Lehmann

Elizabeth Shakman Hurd Debates within a Single Church: Secularism and IR Theory

Jonathan Fox/Nukhet A. Sandal Toward Integrating Religion into International Relations Theory


Nr. 317 No he can't - US-Außenpolitik in alten Mustern Entwicklungspolitik: Ein zufälliger Treppenwitz - Unter liberaler Führung macht sich das BMZ unwichtig Paul Freude

Kuba: Reis und Bohnen - Wohin führen Raúl Castros Reformen den kubanischen Sozialismus? Sören Scholvin

Klimapolitik: No Gender - Der Klimagipfel versagte auch bei der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Ulrike Röhr

Guinea: Ein militärischer Ohnmachtsbeweis Guinea zwischen Furcht vor Gewalt und Hoffnung auf Demokratisierung Joschka Philipps

Antisemitismus: Völkische Projektionen - Antisemitismus in der ethnologischen Afrikaforschung Florian Eisheuer

Quicker on the Trigger - Obamas Außenpolitik oszilliert zwischen Dialog und Drohnen Richard Gebhardt und Jannis Kompsopoulos ' Immer auf der Kippe - Die USA und ihr wechselhaftes Verhältnis zu Israel Michael Hahn

Ein smarter Hinterhof - Lateinamerika hegt gegenüber Obamas Politik keine großen Hoffnungen mehr Tobias Lambert

Yes we might - Obamas Entwicklungs- und Afrikapolitik verharrt in Warteposition Jan Bachmann

Vereint gegeneinander - Konkurrenz und Kooperation der Weltmächte USA und China Sören Scholvin

»Der Obama-Effekt untergräbt die Linke« - Interview mit Peter Hudis und Kevin Anderson über US- Außenpolitik

So einfach ist es nicht - Eine Replik auf die Kritik der Ausstellung »Die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg« Christian Stock und Udo Wolter

Ich bin wer - Das postkoloniale Fotoprojekt Stagings Made in Namibia Dag Henrichsen

Rassismus: Tatortbesichtigung - Postkoloniales und Rassistisches in der sonntäglichen Krimiserie Stephan Cohrs

Gender: Trans-Formiert! - Das erste Festival für Transgender-Identitäten in Buenos Aires von Daphne Ebner

Nr. 318 Klare Fronten - Alte und neue Grenzregimes Südafrika I: Ein Arbeiterviertel im Museum - Der South End District in Port Elizabeth Thomas Schmidinger

Südafrika II: »Als AktivistIn lebt man gefährlich« Interview mit Ashraf Cassiem und Mncedisi Twalo

Iran: »Schwächer als je zuvor« Interview mit Meir Javedanfar über das Regime und die Opposition

Honduras: Elitäre Versöhnung - Die politische Krise nach dem Putsch Tobias Lambert

Haiti: Im Griff des Militärs - Die Geschichte Haitis zwischen Unterdrückung und Widerstand Peter Hallward

Entwicklungspolitik: Apfelstrudel nach Peking tragen Die letzten Züge der deutsch-chinesischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Dirk Olaf Reetlandt

Indien: Organic Mobile - Die Produktion von Biolebensmitteln boomt Nina Osswald

Überkreuzen, Überschreiten, Durchqueren - Die Kritik an Grenzen sollte jede Kategorie hinterfragen Birgit zur Nieden

Boundary-Work - Über das Verhältnis physischer, sozialer und symbolischer Grenzen Albert Scherr

Drinnen und Draußen - Die EU-Grenzen verschieben sich Henrik Lebuhn

Geteilte See - Die Grenzkämpfe auf dem Meer weiten sich aus Kai Kaschinski

Operation Rückbindung - Der marokkanische Staat fördert Zugehörigkeit über Grenzen hinweg Frederic Schmachtel

Alte Konflikte und neue Territorien - Was bringt die Grenze zwischen Nord- und Südsudan? Thomas Schmidinger

American Dream, Mexican Nightmare - Der Grenzraum in Südmexiko unter dem Einfluss der USA Kathrin Zeiske

Grenzenlos reaktionär - Die weltweite Revolution der Islamischen Republik Iran Jonathan Weckerle

Surrealsozialistisch - Nord- und Südkorea trennt noch eine richtige Feindesgrenze Rainer Werning

Medien: Tele-Visionen - Anspruch und Realität des Nachrichtensenders Al-Jazeera English Benedikt Strunz

Exotismus: Wilde Welten - Eine Ausstellung über die Aneignung des Fremden Ulrike Mattern

Interkultur: »Die Institutionen müssen barrierefrei werden« Interview mit Mark Terkessidis über sein neues Buch »Interkultur«

Moderne Nostalgie - Die neue HafenCity in Hamburg würdigt den Geist des Kolonialismus Anke Schwarzer

Nr. 319 Independence Cha Cha - 50 Jahre postkolonoiales Afrika Chile: Stolz fühlen - Die Unabhängigkeitsfeiern schüren den Nationalismus Sebastian Sternthal

Namibia at 20 - Eindrücke von den Unabhängigkeitsfeiern Godwin Kornes

Gebrochene Versprechen- In Eritrea wurde die Hoffnung auf Freiheit enttäuscht Eva-Maria Bruchhaus und Gaim Kibreab

Tumult in Thailand - Die doppelte Tragödie der oppositionellen Rothemden Oliver Pye

Zentralasien: Tal der Grenzen - Im Ferghana-Tal bestimmen Grenzziehungen das Alltagsleben Wladimir Sgibnev

Licht im Herzen - Wie sich der türkische Staat unter Premier Erdogan seine Diaspora denkt Jan Keetman

Was ist neu am Neokolonialismus? - Formelle und informelle Herrschaft im unabhängigen Afrika Reinhart Kößler

Eine sanftere Plünderung - Gibt es einen postkolonialen »New Scramble for Africa«? Henning Melber

Mit den Füßen im Schlamm - Frankreich und seine subalternen Zöglinge in Afrika Bernhard Schmid

Im weißen Jeep durch Tansania - Was EntwicklungshelferInnen von der deutschen »Schutztruppe« unterscheidet Wolf Kantelhardt

Feuer in seiner Spur - Ist die Krise in der DR Kongo eine Folge des (Neo-)Kolonialismus? Alex Veit

Eine vitale Fehlkonstruktion - Nigerias selbstbewusster Umgang mit seinem schwierigen kolonialen Erbe Axel Harneit-Sievers

Schlechte Aussichten für Autokraten - In Kenia soll eine neue Verfassung die verhärteten postkolonialen Strukturen überwinden Martina Backes

Radikalisierte Identitäten - Der Genozid in Ruanda und seine (post-)koloniale Vorgeschichte Kolja Lindner

»Not make us plenty trouble!« - Warum hängt der Tangué aus Kamerun im Münchner Völkerkundemuseum? Gruppe »Transnationale Genealogien«

Postkolonialismus: Spurensuche light - ZDF-Historiker Guido Knopp scheitert an der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte Joachim Zeller

Film: Balkan Queer Pride - Das Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund/Köln 2010 hatte den Schwerpunkt Südosteuropa Ulrike Mattern

Dissidenz: Nicht immer ganz einfach - Ein »Nachruf« auf den chinesischen Aids-Aktivisten Wan Yanhai Dirk Reetlandt

Debatte: Der dritte Zauberkasten Mit »Common Wealth« geben Negri/Hardt der Linken neues Futter von Gerhard Hanloser


Nr. 117 Fußball peripher Gerald Hödl Afrika in der globalen Fußballökonomie

Carlos Sandoval-García Fußball: Nationale Identität und Formen von Maskulinität in Costa Rica

Wilfried Schwetz, Donna McGuire & Crispen Chinguno Warum sich Gewerkschaften um Mega- Sportevents kümmern sollten. Gewerkschaftliche Organisierung im Umfeld der Fußballweltmeisterschaften 2006 in Deutschland und 2010 in Südafrika

Christina Peters Umkämpfter Raum: Die Popularisierung des Fußballsports in Brasilien von 1890 bis 1930

Robert Meyer, Janosch Prinz & Conrad Schetter Ein Spiel im Container? Zum Zusammenhang von Raum und Fußball

Wolfgang Hein & Reinhart Kößler PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: peripher

Rita Schäfer Prostitution während der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2010 - Legalisierung, Entkriminalisierung oder Verbot?


41(2), March 2010 Mobilizing Policy Finding yourself in the archives and doing geographies of religion Nina Laurie

Mobilizing policy: Models, methods, and mutations Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore

Relationality/territoriality: Toward a conceptualization of cities in the world Eugene McCann, Kevin Ward

Quo vadis neoliberalism? The remaking of global capitalist governance after the Washington Consensus Eric Sheppard, Helga Leitner

Recombinant workfare, across the Americas: Transnationalizing “fast” social policy Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore

Anti-poverty politics in Toronto and Mexico City Rianne Mahon, Laura Macdonald

Travelling technocrats, embodied knowledges: Globalising privatisation in telecoms and water Wendy Larner, Nina Laurie

Security and the future: Anticipating the event of terror Ben Anderson

Wheat as food, wheat as industrial substance; comparative geographies of transformation and mobility Jennifer Atchison, Lesley Head, Alison Gates

The organized hypocrisy of ethical foreign policy: Human rights, democracy and Western arms sales Richard Perkins, Eric Neumayer

Risk, rescue and emergency services: The changing spatialities of Mountain Rescue Teams in England and Wales Richard Yarwood

Making spaces: The ethnic Brao people and the international border between Laos and Cambodia Ian G. Baird

The limits to good governance and the state of exception: A case study of North Sea fisheries Liza Griffin

Seeding nature, ceding culture: Redefining the boundaries of the marine commons through spatial management and GIS Julia Olson

Breaking down fences: Recoupling social–ecological systems for biodiversity conservation in Namibia Arthur Hoole, Fikret Berkes

Governing minorities and development in Xishuangbanna, China: Akha and Dai rubber farmers as entrepreneurs Janet C. Sturgeon

Education for development, CD for Peace: Producing the “globally competitive” child Andrew Boulton

Analyzing empowerment: An ongoing process of building state–civil society relations – The case of Walnut Way in Milwaukee Parama Roy

41(3), May 2010 Property, liberty and the category Nicholas Blomley

Geography in interdisciplinarity: Towards a third conversation Gregory L. Simon, Jessica K. Graybill

‘Unionising’ the new spaces of the new economy? Alternative labour organising in India’s IT Enabled Services– Business Process Outsourcing industry Al James, Bhaskar Vira

Cognitive mapping of creative practice: A case study of three English design agencies Steven Pinch, Peter Sunley, James Macmillen

Environmental governance and the hybrid regime of Australian natural resource management Michael Lockwood, Julie Davidson

Has river rehabilitation begun? Social perspectives from the Upper Hunter catchment, New South Wales, Australia Alexandra Spink, Mick Hillman, Kirstie Fryirs, Gary Brierley, Kate Lloyd

Re-mapping regulatory space: The new governance of Australian dairying Jacqui Dibden, Chris Cocklin

Property matters: Agricultural restructuring and changing landlord–tenant relationships in England Brian Ilbery, Damian Maye, David Watts, Lewis Holloway

“It’s a gestalt experience”: Landscape values and development pressure in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand Damian Collins, Robin Kearns

Paper trails: The Outdoor Recreation Resource Review Commission and the rationalization of recreational resources Brent A. Olson

Agencement in housing markets: The case of the UK construction industry Heather Lovell, Susan J. Smith

The shift between worlds of production as an innovative process in the wine industry in Castile and Leon (Spain) José Luis Sánchez-Hernández, Javier Aparicio-Amador, José Luis Alonso-Santos

Structuring problems in sustainability science: The multi-level DPSIR framework Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg, Lennart Olsson

‘Body training’: Investigating the embodied training choices of/for mothers in West London Emma Wainwright, Susan Buckingham, Elodie Marandet, Fiona Smith

Reconciling indigenous need with the urban welfare state? Evidence of culturally-appropriate services and spaces for Aboriginals in Winnipeg, Canada Geoffrey DeVerteuil, Kathi Wilson

Rural gentrification in Catalonia, Spain: A case study of migration, social change and conflicts in the Empordanet area Miguel Solana-Solana

41(4), July 2010 Geographies of Peak Oil Social rental housing for Brazilian cities? Lessons from military housing and a right-to-buy program Márcio Moraes Valença

Geographies of peak oil: The other carbon problem Gavin Bridge

At the base of Hubbert’s Peak: Grounding the debate on petroleum scarcity Emma Hemmingsen

Oil in parallax: Scarcity, markets, and the financialization of accumulation Mazen Labban

Oil ‘futures’: Shell’s Scenarios and the social constitution of the global oil market Anna Zalik

Less is more: Spectres of scarcity and the politics of resource access in the upstream oil sector Gavin Bridge, Andrew Wood

Geographies of security and statehood in Norway’s ‘Battle of the North’ Berit Kristoffersen, Stephen Young

Eco-localisation as a progressive response to peak oil and climate change – A sympathetic critique Peter North

Some things old, some things new: The spatial representations and politics of change of the peak oil relocalisation movement Ian Bailey, Rob Hopkins, Geoff Wilson

Governmentality and security in the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Alan Ingram

“Twenty years is yesterday”: Science, multinational mining, and the political ecology of trust in New Caledonia Leah S. Horowitz

Greening the Dam: The case of the San Roque Multi-purpose Project in the Philippines Soyeun Kim

Imagining ‘home’: Diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation Anastasia Christou, Russell King

A critical political ecology of cotton and soil fertility in Mali Tor A. Benjaminsen, Jens B. Aune, Daouda Sidibé

Public-space planning in four Nordic cities: Symbolic values in tension Merle Jacob, Tomas Hellström

41(5), September 2010 Where do experiments end? Gail Davies

An Apollonian appreciation of Google Earth Gwilym Eades

Repetita iuvant! A reply to Gwilym Eades Paul Kingsbury, John Paul Jones III

On China’s growing geo-economic influence and the evolution of variegated capitalism Kean Fan Lim

Hydrocarbons, popular protest and national imaginaries: Ecuador and Bolivia in comparative context Tom Perreault, Gabriela Valdivia

Experiencing agricultural failure: Internal migration, tourism and local perceptions of regional change in the Yucatan

Environmental degradation narratives in Madagascar: From colonial hegemonies to humanist revisionism Jacques Pollini

When seed fails: The contested nature of neoliberalism in South Korea Sook-Jin Kim, Joel Wainwright

Feeling Slow Food: Visceral fieldwork and empathetic research relations in the alternative food movement Allison Hayes-Conroy

National identity in relief Anu Sabhlok

The consumption of space: Land, capital and place in the New Zealand wine industry John Overton

New power relations served here: The growth of food banking in Chicago Daniel Novik Warshawsky

Mobility and fisherfolk livelihoods on Lake Victoria: Implications for vulnerability and risk Fiona Nunan

Deconstructing public artopia: Situating public-art claims within practice Martin Zebracki, Rob Van Der Vaart, Irina Van Aalst

Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban Africa Gina Porter, Kate Hampshire, Albert Abane, Elsbeth Robson, Alister Munthali, Mac Mashiri, Augustine Tanle

“Racism in a Melting Pot…?” Trinidadian mid-life transnational migrants’ views on race and colour-class on return to their homes of descent Robert B. Potter, Dennis Conway, Godfrey St. Bernard

Bushfire and everyday life: Examining the awareness-action ‘gap’ in changing rural landscapes Christine Eriksen, Nicholas Gill

Food with a visible face: Traceability and the public promotion of private governance in the Japanese food system Derek Hall

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

28(1) Theme issue: Governing intimacy Mobilities, meetings, and futures: an interview with John Urry Peter Adey, David Bissell

Towards a politics of mobility Tim Cresswell

When species meet. Interdisciplinary conversations on interspecies encounters Jamie Lorimer, Gail Davies

Where species meet Steve Hinchliffe

Meeting with the microcosmos Myra J Hird

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the enemy! Jamie Lorimer

From ethical principles to response-able practice Beth Greenhough, Emma Roe

Jumping hurdles with mosquitoes? Uli Beisel

On the politics of lapdogs, Jim's dog, and crittercams Gail Davies, Alex Loftus

When Species Meet: staying with the trouble Donna Haraway

Review essay. The geography of Heidegger: revival of the place of being? Mikko Joronen

Guest editorial: Governing intimacy Natalie Oswin, Eric Olund

An intimate and imperial feminism: Meliscent Shephard and the regulation of prostitution in colonial India Stephen Legg

Ties that bind: governmentality, the state, and asylum in contemporary Ireland Deirdre Conlon

The queer intimacy of global vision: documentary practice and the AIDS pandemic Meredith Raimondo

Sexual tensions in modernizing Singapore: the postcolonial and the intimate Natalie Oswin

‘Disreputable life’: race, sex, and intimacy Eric Olund

Bestiality and the queering of the human animal Michael Brown, Claire Rasmussen

Review essay. No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive Shannon Winnubst

28(2) Commentary: The new ecology of information: how the social media revolution challenges the university David Campbell

The coming of The Coming Insurrection: notes on a politics of neocommunism Andy Merrifield

Professional citizenship and medical nationalism in France Maria Fannin

Contesting identities, differences, and a unified Palestinian community Elizabeth Mavroudi

Down and then out in Bucharest: urban poverty, governance, and the politics of place in the postsocialist city Bruce O’Neill

Passenger mobilities: affective atmospheres and the of public transport David Bissell

On islands, insularity, and opium poppies: Australia’s secret pharmacy Stewart Williams

Parish and universe: Patrick Kavanagh’s poetics of the local John Tomaney

Splintering spheres of security: Peter Sloterdijk and the contemporary fortress city Francisco R Klauser

My Space: governing individuals’ carbon emissions Matthew Paterson, Johannes Stripple

“A beautiful soaking rain”: environmental value and water beyond Eurocentrism Leah M Gibbs

28(3) EUrope and the baroque Merje Kuus

Beware of contingency Dragos Simandan

Architecture, symbolism, and function: the Nazi Party’s ‘Forum of the Movement’ Joshua Hagen

Living in ‘multiple spaces’: extending our socioeconomic environment through virtual worlds Feng Li, Savvas Papagiannidis, Michael Bourlakis

Flesh, metal, road: tracing the machinic geographies of race Dan Swanton

Anxious enactments: postcolonial anxieties and the performance of territorialization Maureen Sioh

Learning to be global citizens: the rationalities of fair-trade education Jessica Pykett, Paul Cloke, Clive Barnett, Nick Clarke, Alice Malpass

Rural gentrification as permanent tourism: the creation of the ‘New’ West Archipelago as postindustrial cultural space J Dwight Hines

Everyday spaces of mental distress: the spatial habituation of home Ian Tucker

How (not) to be governed: Foucault, critique, and the political Louisa Cadman

28(4) More unfinished business: the Falklands/Malvinas, maritime claims, and the spectre of oil in the South Atlantic Klaus Dodds, Matthew C Benwell

Entering a risky territory: space in the age of digital navigation Valérie November, Eduardo Camacho-Hübner, Bruno Latour

Xeriscape people and the cultural politics of turfgrass transformation Daanish Mustafa, Thomas A Smucker, Franklin Ginn, Rebecca Johns, Shanon Connely

Legend-tripping in spooky spaces: ghost tourism and infrastructures of enchantment Julian Holloway

Landscape, territory, and civil society in Catalonia Joan Nogué, Stephanie Wilbrand

Architectures of affect: anticipating and manipulating the event in processes of videogame design and testing James Ash

The mythical forest, the becoming-desert: environmental knowledge production and the iconography of destruction in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela Bjørn Sletto

Locative media and cultures of mediated proximity: the case of the Mogi game location-aware community Christian Licoppe, Yoriko Inada

Carbon’s calculatory spaces: the emergence of carbon offsets in Costa Rica David M Lansing

Ecotourism: the modern predator? Implications of gorilla tourism on local livelihoods in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda Ann Laudati

Ecological Economics

69(5), March 2010 Facilitating the transition to a steady-state economy: Some macroeconomic fundamentals Philip Lawn

The art of the cognitive war to save the planet Miklós Antal, Janne I. Hukkinen

Pig genetic resource conservation: The Southern African perspective T.E. Halimani, F.C. Muchadeyi, M. Chimonyo, K. Dzama

Climate change, economics and Buddhism — Part I: An integrated environmental analysis framework Peter L. Daniels

Climate change, economics and Buddhism — Part 2: New views and practices for sustainable world economies Peter L. Daniels

Boulding's welfare approach of communicative deliberation Stefan Kesting

Can the concept of ecosystem services be practically applied to improve natural resource management decisions? Lisa A. Wainger, Dennis M. King, Richard N. Mack, Elizabeth W. Price, Thomas Maslin

Consistent and unbiased carbon dioxide emission multipliers: Performance of Danish emission reductions via external trade José M. Rueda-Cantuche, Antonio F. Amores

Water and poverty in rural China: Developing an instrument to assess the multiple dimensions of water and poverty Alasdair Cohen, Caroline A. Sullivan

Testing different types of benefit transfer in valuation of ecosystem services: New Zealand winegrowing case studies Ramesh Baskaran, Ross Cullen, Sergio Colombo

A meta-analysis of contingent valuation forest studies Melina Barrio, Maria L. Loureiro

Reconfiguring an irrigation landscape to improve provision of ecosystem services Neville D. Crossman, Jeffrey D. Connor, Brett A. Bryan, David M. Summers, John Ginnivan

Performance-based environmental index weights: Are all metrics created equal? Moriah J. Bellenger, Alan T. Herlihy

Valuing ecosystem services from wetlands restoration in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley W. Aaron Jenkins, Brian C. Murray, Randall A. Kramer, Stephen P. Faulkner

Empirical evaluation of agricultural sustainability using composite indicators José A. Gómez-Limón, Gabriela Sanchez-Fernandez

Triple win for trade in renewable resource goods by use of export taxes Ola Flaaten, Carl Erik Schulz

Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 in Canada Jie He, Patrick Richard

Institutional and ecological interplay for successful self-governance of community-based fisheries Xavier Basurto, Eric Coleman

Not irrational but habitual: The importance of “behavioural lock-in” in energy consumption Kevin Maréchal

Detecting the ‘conservation effect’ on the maintenance of natural capital flow in different natural parks Irene Petrosillo, Teodoro Semeraro, Giovanni Zurlini

Valuing quality changes in Caribbean coastal waters for heterogeneous beach visitors Nesha Beharry-Borg, Riccardo Scarpa

Assessing regional and global water footprints for the UK Yang Yu, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng, Dabo Guan

Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis Julia K. Steinberger, Fridolin Krausmann, Nina Eisenmenger

Robust Corporate Social Responsibility investment screening Filip Van den Bossche, Nicky Rogge, Kurt Devooght, Tom Van Puyenbroeck

An empirical assessment of U.S. state-level immigration and environmental emissions Jay Squalli

One solution for cross-country transport-sustainability evaluation using a modified ELECTRE method Nataša Bojković, Ivan Anić, Snežana Pejčić-Tarle

Geoffrey Heal, When principles pay: Corporate social responsibility and the bottom line , Columbia University Press (2008) Andrew J. Hoffman

Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers, Edited by Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder, The MIT Press, 2008 Thráinn Eggertsson

Nicholas Ashford and Charles Caldart , Environmental law, policy and economics: Reclaiming the environmental agenda, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge (2008). Rick Reibstein

Tim Jackson , Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet, Earthscan, London (2009). David I. Stern

69(6), April 2010 Special Section - Payments for Environmental Services: Reconciling Theory and Practice Know, live and let live: Towards a redefinition of the knowledge-based economy — sustainable development nexus Gabriela L. Sabau

Reconciling theory and practice: An alternative conceptual framework for understanding payments for environmental services Roldan Muradian, Esteve Corbera, Unai Pascual, Nicolás Kosoy, Peter H. May

The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: From early notions to markets and payment schemes Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Rudolf de Groot, Pedro L. Lomas, Carlos Montes

Ecosystem services: From eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder Richard B. Norgaard

Payments for ecosystem services as commodity fetishism Nicolás Kosoy, Esteve Corbera

Exploring the links between equity and efficiency in payments for environmental services: A conceptual approach Unai Pascual, Roldan Muradian, Luis C. Rodríguez, Anantha Duraiappah

An institutional analysis of payments for environmental services Arild Vatn

Common pool resource management and PES: Lessons and constraints for water PES in Tanzania Brendan Fisher, Kassim Kulindwa, Iddi Mwanyoka, R. Kerry Turner, Neil D. Burgess

The role of fairness and benefit distribution in community-based Payment for Environmental Services interventions: A case study from Menabe, Madagascar Matthew Sommerville, Julia P.G. Jones, Michael Rahajaharison, E.J. Milner-Gulland

Direct conservation payments in the Brazilian Amazon: Scope and equity implications Jan Börner, Sven Wunder, Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Marcos Rügnitz Tito, Ligia Pereira, Nathalia Nascimento

Payments for biodiversity conservation in the context of weak institutions: Comparison of three programs from Cambodia Tom Clements, Ashish John, Karen Nielsen, Dara An, Setha Tan, E.J. Milner-Gulland

Participation in the world's first clean development mechanism forest project: The role of property rights, social capital and contractual rules Yazhen Gong, Gary Bull, Kathy Baylis

Comprehensive bioeconomic modelling of multiple harmful non-indigenous species L.R. Carrasco, J.D. Mumford, A. MacLeod, J.D. Knight, R.H.A. Baker

Restoring and managing natural capital towards fostering economic development: Evidence from the Drakensberg, South Africa James Blignaut, Myles Mander, Roland Schulze, Mark Horan, Chris Dickens, Catherine Pringle, Khulile Mavundla, Isaiah Mahlangu, Adrian Wilson, Margaret McKenzie, Steve McKean

Energy savings from tree shade Original Research Article Ram Pandit, David N. Laband

Estimating natural resource harvests: Conjectures? Mary C.S. Menton, Anna Lawrence, Frank Merry, Nick D. Brown

Unravelling the argument for bioenergy production in developing countries: A world-economy perspective Magdalena Kuchler

The production and allocation of information as a good that is enhanced with increased use Ida Kubiszewski, Joshua Farley, Robert Costanza

Property rights in UK uplands and the implications for policy and management C.H. Quinn, E.D.G. Fraser, K. Hubacek, M.S. Reed

69(7), May 2010 Special Section: Ecosystem Services Valuation in China Luck or skill? An examination of the Ehrlich–Simon bet Original Research Article Katherine Kiel, Victor Matheson, Kevin Golembiewski

Bridging theories on environmental governance: Insights from free-market approaches and institutional ecological economics perspectives Lenka Slavíková, Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská, Jiřina Jílková

How costly is mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture?: A meta-analysis Bruno Vermont, Stéphane De Cara

Ecosystem services valuation in China Shuang Liu, Robert Costanza

Ecosystem services research in China: Progress and perspective Biao Zhang, Wenhua Li, Gaodi Xie

Total embodied energy requirements and its decomposition in China's agricultural sector Shuyan Cao, Gaodi Xie, Lin Zhen

Spatial and temporal flows of China's forest resources: Development of a framework for evaluating resource efficiency Shengkui Cheng, Zengrang Xu, Yun Su, Lin Zhen

Water conservation of forest ecosystem in Beijing and its value Zhang Biao, Li Wenhua, Xie Gaodi, Xiao Yu

Variations in ecosystem service value in response to land use changes in Shenzhen Li Tianhong, Li Wenkai, Qian Zhenghan

Valuing environmental externalities from rice–wheat farming in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Yao Lv, Shu-zhong Gu, Dong-mei Guo

Arable land requirements based on food consumption patterns: Case study in rural Guyuan District, Western China Lin Zhen, Shuyan Cao, Shengkui Cheng, Gaodi Xie, Yunjie Wei, Xuelin Liu, Fen Li

Impacts of the Natural Forest Conservation Program on the livelihoods of residents of Northwestern China: Perceptions of residents affected by the program Shixiong Cao, Xiuqing Wang, Yuezhen Song, Li Chen, Qi Feng

Multiple criteria evaluation of ecosystem services for the Ruoergai Plateau Marshes in southwest China Xiaoyun Zhang, Xianguo Lu

Energy quality Original Research Article David I. Stern

Valuing ecosystem services on the basis of service-providing units: A potential approach to address the ‘endpoint problem’ and improve stated preference methods Areti Kontogianni, Gary W. Luck, Michalis Skourtos

Finding common ground between ecological economics and post-Keynesian economics Tobias Kronenberg

Paying the piper and calling the tune?: A meta-regression analysis of the double-dividend hypothesis Niels Anger, Christoph Böhringer, Andreas Löschel

The economics of cropland conversion in Amazonia: The importance of agricultural rent Michael L. Mann, Robert K. Kaufmann, Dana Bauer, Sucharita Gopal, Maria Del Carmen Vera-Diaz, Daniel Nepstad, Frank Merry, Jennifer Kallay, Gregory S. Amacher

A framework for the assessment of ecosystem goods and services; a case study on lowland floodplains in England H. Posthumus, J.R. Rouquette, J. Morris, D.J.G. Gowing, T.M. Hess

The citizen versus consumer distinction: An exploration of individuals' preferences in Contingent Valuation studies Peter Howley, Stephen Hynes, Cathal O'Donoghue

Preferences for site and environmental functions when selecting forthcoming national parks Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Bo Jellesmark Thorsen

Decoupling waste generation from economic growth — A CGE analysis of the Swedish case Magnus Sjöström, Göran Östblom

The role of corporate sustainability performance for economic performance: A firm-level analysis of moderation effects Marcus Wagner Two unannounced environmental tax reforms in the UK: The fuel duty escalator and income tax in the 1990s Paul Ekins, Harold Kleinman, Sarah Bell, Andrew Venn

Balancing the use of wetlands for economic well-being and ecological security: The case of the Limpopo wetland in southern Africa Wellington Jogo, Rashid Hassan

Balancing state and volunteer investment in biodiversity monitoring for the implementation of CBD indicators: A French example Harold Levrel, Benoît Fontaine, Pierre-Yves Henry, Frédéric Jiguet, Romain Julliard, Christian Kerbiriou, Denis Couvet

Anxiety and technological change — Explaining the inverted U-curve of sulphur dioxide emissions in late 20th century Finland Jan Kunnas, Timo Myllyntaus

B69(8), June 2010

The state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments David Hoyos

Dimensions and logarithmic function in economics: A short critical analysis Kozo Mayumi, Mario Giampietro

Applying methodological pluralism to wildlife and the economy Shekhar K. Niraj, Vikram Dayal, Paul R. Krausman

Incidence of forest income on reduction of inequality: Evidence from forest dependent households in milieu of joint forest management Nimai Das

User financing in a national payments for environmental services program: Costa Rican hydropower Allen Blackman, Richard T. Woodward

Place oriented ecological footprint analysis — The case of Israel's grain supply Meidad Kissinger, Dan Gottlieb

The value of urban tree cover: A hedonic property price model in Ramsey and Dakota Counties, Minnesota, USA Heather Sander, Stephen Polasky, Robert G. Haight

Fat tails, exponents, extreme uncertainty: Simulating catastrophe in DICE Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton, Ramón Bueno

An economic analysis of Midwestern US criteria pollutant emissions trends from 1970 to 2000 Zhining Tao, Geoffrey Hewings, Kieran Donaghy

Income effects and the inconvenience of private provision of public goods for bads: The case of recycling in Finland Anni Huhtala

CO2 emissions of international freight transport and offshoring: Measurement and allocation María-Ángeles Cadarso, Luis-Antonio López, Nuria Gómez, María-Ángeles Tobarra

Seeds for livelihood: Crop biodiversity and food production in Ethiopia Salvatore Di Falco, Mintewab Bezabih, Mahmud Yesuf

Focus: (Re)productivity: Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine Hofmeister

Public participation for sustainability and social learning: Concepts and lessons from three case studies in Europe Eneko Garmendia, Sigrid Stagl

Efficiency of public goods provision in space Travis Warziniack

Using ecological indices to measure economic and environmental performance of irrigated agriculture Md A.S. Azad, Tihomir Ancev

69(9), July 2010 Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm Joan Martínez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien, Edwin Zaccai

Evaluating China's urban environmental sustainability with Data Envelopment Analysis Yan Yu, Zongguo Wen

The (limited) political influence of ecological economics: A case study on Dutch environmental policies Daan Boezeman, Pieter Leroy, Rob Maas, Sonja Kruitwagen

Measuring and decomposing sustainable efficiency in agricultural production: A cumulative exergy balance approach Viet-Ngu Hoang, D.S. Prasada Rao

Influences of transaction costs in environmental policy Anthea Coggan, Stuart M. Whitten, Jeff Bennett

Certified organic agriculture in China and Brazil: Market accessibility and outcomes following adoption Myles Oelofse, Henning Høgh-Jensen, Lucimar S. Abreu, Gustavo F. Almeida, Qiao Yu Hui, Tursinbek Sultan, Andreas de Neergaard

The bare necessities: How much household carbon do we really need? Angela Druckman, Tim Jackson

An improved input–output model for energy analysis: A case study of Suzhou Sai Liang, Can Wang, Tianzhu Zhang

Moral concerns on tradable pollution permits in international environmental agreements Johan Eyckmans, Snorre Kverndokk

Public acceptability of personal carbon trading and carbon tax Abigail L. Bristow, Mark Wardman, Alberto M. Zanni, Phani K. Chintakayala

The physical dimension of international trade: Part 1: Direct global flows between 1962 and 2005 Monika Dittrich, Stefan Bringezu

Peace, health or fortune?: Preferences for chicken traits in rural Benin Vidogbèna Faustin, Anselme A. Adégbidi, Stephen T. Garnett, Delphin O. Koudandé, Valentin Agbo, Kerstin K. Zander

A framework for classifying and quantifying the natural capital and ecosystem services of soils Estelle Dominati, Murray Patterson, Alec Mackay

Who bears the environmental burden in China—An analysis of the distribution of industrial pollution sources? Chunbo Ma

Regional sustainability in Northern Australia —A quantitative assessment of social, economic and environmental impacts Richard Wood, Stephen Garnett

Magali A. Delmas and Oran R. Young, Editors, Governance for the Environment, New Perspectives, Cambridge University Press (2009) Niki Frantzeskaki

Debal Deb , Beyond developmentality: constructive inclusive freedom and sustainability, Earthscan, London (2009) John Gowdy, Aneel Salman

Wim Soetaert and Eric J. Vandamme, Editors, Biofuels, Wiley Publishers (2009) David Pimentel

69(10), August 2010 Environmental sustainability as the first principle of distributive justice: Towards an ecological communitarian normative foundation for ecological economics Nathan Pelletier

Low discount rates and insignificant environmental values Colin Price

Energy use and economic development: A comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US during 100 years of economic growth Benjamin Warr, Robert Ayres, Nina Eisenmenger, Fridolin Krausmann, Heinz Schandl

A directional distance function approach to regional environmental–economic assessments Alexander J. Macpherson, Peter P. Principe, Elizabeth R. Smith

A theoretical model of agrobiodiversity as a supporting service for sustainable agricultural intensification Amani Omer, Unai Pascual, Noel Russell

Analysis of genuine saving and potential green net national income: Portugal, 1990–2005 Rui Pedro Mota, Tiago Domingos, Victor Martins

Sustainable governance of the agriculture and the Baltic Sea — Agricultural reforms, food production and curbed eutrophication Markus Larsson, Artur Granstedt

Farming vs forests: Trade-off between agriculture and the extraction of non-timber forest products Prabodh Illukpitiya, John F. Yanagida

The role of ambiguity in the evaluation of the net benefits of the MOSE system in the Venice lagoon Fulvio Fontini, Georg Umgiesser, Lucia Vergano

Trade-offs between ecosystem services: Water and carbon in a biodiversity hotspot Ryan A. Chisholm

Does encouraging the use of wetlands in water quality trading programs make economic sense? Matthew T. Heberling, Jorge H. García, Hale W. Thurston

Trade, environmental regulations and industrial mobility: An industry-level study of Japan Matthew A. Cole, Robert J.R. Elliott, Toshihiro Okubo

Austria's CO2 responsibility and the carbon content of its international trade Pablo Muñoz, Karl W. Steininger

Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities Jianjun Jin, Anabeth Indab, Orapan Nabangchang, Truong Dang Thuy, Dieldre Harder, Rodelio F. Subade

Refuting two claims about virtual water trade Erik Ansink

An experimental investigation of revealed environmental concern Natalia V. Czap, Hans J. Czap

Christos Zografos and Richard B. Howarth, Editors, Deliberative Ecological Economics, Oxford University Press (2008) Alex Y. Lo

69(11), September 2010 Special Section - Payments for Ecosystem Services: From Local to Global On the Ehrlich–Simon bet: Both were unskilled and Simon was lucky Philip Lawn

Externality or sustainability economics? Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh

Use and usefulness of sustainability economics Peter Bartelmus

Sustainability economics — General versus specific, and conceptual versus practical Stefan Baumgärtner, Martin Quaas

Payments for ecosystem services: From local to global Joshua Farley, Robert Costanza

Determining when payments are an effective policy approach to ecosystem service provision Robin J. Kemkes, Joshua Farley, Christopher J. Koliba

Global mechanisms for sustaining and enhancing PES schemes Josh Farley, André Aquino, Amy Daniels, Azur Moulaert, Dan Lee, Abby Krause

Ecosystem services from agriculture: Steps for expanding markets Marc Ribaudo, Catherine Greene, LeRoy Hansen, Daniel Hellerstein

Targeting and implementing payments for ecosystem services: Opportunities for bundling biodiversity conservation with carbon and water services in Madagascar Kelly J. Wendland, Miroslav Honzák, Rosimeiry Portela, Benjamin Vitale, Samuel Rubinoff, Jeannicq Randrianarisoa

Designing spatially explicit incentive programs for habitat conservation: A case study of the Bicknell's thrush wintering grounds Charles Kerchner, Miroslav Honzák, Robin Kemkes, Amanda Richardson, Jason Townsend, Christopher C. Rimmer

Understanding the impacts of Costa Rica's PES: Are we asking the right questions? Amy E. Daniels, Kenneth Bagstad, Valerie Esposito, Azur Moulaert, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

Why and how much are firms willing to invest in ecosystem services from tropical forests? A comparison of international and Costa Rican firms Thomas Koellner, Joachim Sell, Guillermo Navarro

Investing in human and natural capital: An alternative paradigm for sustainable development in Awassa, Ethiopia Travis W. Reynolds, Joshua Farley, Candice Huber

Valuing the environmental externalities of oasis farming in Left Banner, Alxa, China Yongping Wei, Robert White, Kelin Hu, Ian Willett

Goal programming synthetic indicators: An application for sustainable tourism in Andalusian coastal counties Francisco J. Blancas, Rafael Caballero, Mercedes González, Macarena Lozano-Oyola, Fátima Pérez

Between estimates of the emissions-income elasticity David I. Stern

The demand for earmarking: Results from a focus group study Steffen Kallbekken, Marianne Aasen

Corruption and the environmental Kuznets Curve: Empirical evidence for sulfur Alexandra Leitão

Ecolabeling, consumers' preferences and taxation Ingmar Schumacher

The end of economic growth? A contracting threshold hypothesis Philip Lawn, Matthew Clarke

Responsibility and trade emission balances: An evaluation of approaches Mònica Serrano, Erik Dietzenbacher

The effects of wildfire and environmental amenities on property values in northwest Montana, USA Kyle M. Stetler, Tyron J. Venn, David E. Calkin

Evaluating the impact of regional development policies on future landscape services Louise Willemen, Lars Hein, Peter H. Verburg

On the causal dynamics between emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and economic growth Nicholas Apergis, James E. Payne, Kojo Menyah, Yemane Wolde-Rufael

On the relationship between scale, allocation, and distribution Original Research Article Deepak Malghan

Can de-growth be considered a policy option? A historical note on Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and the Club of Rome Clément Levallois

Insurance, prevention or just wait and see? Public preferences for water management strategies in the context of climate change Klaus Glenk, Anke Fischer

A value chain analysis of the organic cotton industry: The case of UK retailers and Indian suppliers Alison Rieple, Rajbir Singh

Journal of Political Ecology

17 (2010) A political ecology of healing Elisabeth Middleton

Conservationist governmental technologies in the Western European Mountains: the unfinished transformation of the Pyrenees Ismael Vaccaro and Oriol Beltran

Capitalism, Nature, Socialism

21(2) From the Archeology of the Future Joel Kovel

Dark Satanic Mills: William Blake and the Critique of War Joel Kovel

Half-truths, Errors and Omissions Propel Current “Nuclear Revival” Karen Charman

The Transhumanism Bubble Stuart A. Newman

Biopatents and the Problem/Promise of Genetic Leaks: Farming Canola in Canada Thom van Dooren

Global Agrofuel Crops as Contested Sustainability, Part I: Sustaining What Development? Les Levidow; Helena Paul

Ecosocialism and Spirituality Frei Betto; Michael Löwy

Another Big Show Soon to Come Jen Coleman

Ecofeminism and the Global Movement of Social Movements Terisa E. Turner; Leigh Brownhill

Reclaiming Peoples' Power in 2009: A Victory for Ecosocialist Ecofeminism Wahu Kaara

Capitalism, Time-Space, Environment, and Human Well-Being: Envisioning Ecosocialist Temporality and Spatiality Peter Freund

Book Review: On Scarcity and Abundance Costas Panayotakis

Book Review: Killing Mountains Joseph Witt

Book Review: Managing the Earth's Wild Lands George Vrtis

21(3) Suffering a Sea-change Joel Kovel

Et in Arcadia, Oil! Darwin Bond-Graham

Oda al petróleo/Ode to Oil Francisco Seijo

The Brown Peril: Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Asian Neoliberalism Robert W. Larson

The Tragedy of Common Sense Part One: The Power of Myth John Clark

I Will Not Dance to Your Beat Nnimmo Bassey

From Cochabamba, A New Internationale and Manifesto for Mother Earth Terisa E. Turner

Climate Change: A History of Environmental Knowledge J. Donald Hughes

From Ecological Politics to Intrinsic Value: An Examination of Kovel's Value Theory Keith R. Peterson

A Case of Organized “Hysteria”: Claudia von Werlhof and the Viennese Thought Police Claudia von Werlhof

Looking at Life: The View from the Wisconsin Homestead Paul Buhle

Ecosocialism, , and the U.K. Greens Derek Wall

RICE Simki Ghebremichael

Book Review: The Truth About Chernobyl Rosalie Bertell

Book Review: Delving Below the Surface of Oil Politics Matthew T. Huber

Book Review: Exploring Alienation from the Natural World in Capitalist Labor Relations Greg Hall

Global Environmental Politics

10(2), May 2010 The Problem of Consumption Peter Dauvergne

COP-15 in Copenhagen: How the Merging of Movements Left Civil Society Out in the Cold Dana R. Fisher

Inside Copenhagen: The State of Climate Governance Radoslav S. Dimitrov

Public-Private Partnerships for the Earth: Politics and Patterns of Hybrid Authority in the Multilateral System Liliana B. Andonova

Overlap Management in the World Trade Organization: Secretariat Influence on Trade-Environment Politics Sikina Jinnah

Norms, Institutions and Social Learning: An Explanation for Weak Policy Integration in the WTO's Committee on Trade and Environment Melissa Gabler

The Legitimacy of International Regimes (review) Matthew J. Hoffmann

Science in Environmental Policy: The Politics of Objective Advice (review) Mary Manjikian

Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict Between Global Conservation and Native Peoples (review) Michael L. Lewis

10(3), August 2010 Transparency in Global Environmental Governance: A Coming of Age? Aarti Gupta

Information Disclosure and Environmental Rights: The Aarhus Convention Michael Mason

Transparency as Contested Political Terrain: Who Knows What about the Global GMO Trade and Why does it Matter? Aarti Gupta

Disclosure as Governance: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Resource Management in the Developing World Virginia Haufler

Tamed Transparency: How Information Disclosure under the Global Reporting Initiative Fails to Empower Klaus Dingwerth, Margot Eichinger

Transparency in Nonstate Certification: Consequences for Accountability and Legitimacy Graeme Auld, Lars H. Gulbrandsen

The National Context for Transparency-based Global Environmental Governance Ann Florini

The Future of Transparency: Power, Pitfalls and Promises Arthur P. J. Mol

Book Review Essay: Perspectives on Water Governance Erika Weinthal

Treasures of the Earth: Need, Greed, and a Sustainable Future (review) Michael Schoon

Global Democracy and Sustainable Jurisprudence: Deliberative Environmental Law (review) Cory McCruden

Negotiating Environment and Science: An Insider’s View of International Agreements, from Driftnets to the Space Station (review) Stephen Bocking

Journal of Environment & Development

19(1), March 2010 Raymond Clémençon and Mary Collins Editor’s Note: JED Is Moving to Electronic Publishing Only

Alexander S. Bozmoski and Nathan E. Hultman Participant Perceptions of Risk and Benefit in Carbon Forestry: Evidence From Central Tanzania

Zanxin Wang and Ying Lu Compensation for the Conversion of Sloping Farmland to Forest in China: A Feasibility Study of Payment Based on Carbon Sink

Adrian Cashman, Leonard Nurse and Charlery John Climate Change in the Caribbean: The Water Management Implications

Thomas G. Safford The Political—Technical Divide and Collaborative Management in Brazil’s Taquari Basin

Jayoti Das and Cassandra E. DiRienzo Is Ethnic Diversity Good for the Environment? A Cross-Country Analysis 19(2), June 2010 Motoko Aizawa and Chaofei Yang Green Credit, Green Stimulus, Green Revolution? China’s Mobilization of Banks for Environmental Cleanup

Jessica Coria and Thomas Sterner Tradable Permits in Developing Countries: Evidence From Air Pollution in Chile

Simone Novotny Couto Pereira Payment for Environmental Services in the Amazon Forest: How Can Conservation and Development Be Reconciled?

Rachel Gjelsvik Tiller Regime Management at the Bottom of the Food Web

Graeme Auld Assessing Certification as Governance: Effects and Broader Consequences for Coffee

19(3), September 2010 Angela Alonso and Raymond Clémençon Environmentalism Brazil: Between Domestic Identity and Response to International Challenges

Andréa Zhouri “Adverse Forces” in the Brazilian Amazon: Developmentalism Versus Environmentalism and Indigenous Rights Stephan Schwartzman, Ane Alencar, Hilary Zarin, and Ana Paula Santos Souza Social Movements and Large-Scale Tropical Forest Protection on the Amazon Frontier: Conservation From Chaos

Angela Alonso and Débora Maciel From Protest to Professionalization: Brazilian Environmental Activism After Rio-92

Marcos Sá Corrêa Environmental Journalism in Brazil’s Elusive Hotspots: The Legacy of Euclydes Da Cunha

Oswaldo Lucon and José Goldemberg São Paulo—The “Other” Brazil: Different Pathways on Climate Change for State and Federal Governments

Ricardo Abramovay Decarbonizing the Growth Model of Brazil: Addressing Both Carbon and Energy Intensity

Elizabeth Lima and Luiz F. L. Legey Water Quality Restoration in Rio de Janeiro: From a Piecemeal to a Systems Approach

Review of International Political Economy

17(2) Understanding the ‘new East Asian regionalism’ John Ravenhill

The ‘new East Asian regionalism’: A political domino effect John Ravenhill

Can FTAs deliver market liberalization in Japan? A study on domestic political determinants Mireya Solís

China's pursuit of free trade agreements: Is China exceptional? Yang Jiang

The perils of consensus: How ASEAN's meta-regime undermines economic and environmental cooperation Vinod K. Aggarwal; Jonathan T. Chow

When does track two matter? Structure, agency and Asian regionalism David Capie

Trade policymaking in the real world: Elites' conflicting worldviews and North American integration Malcolm Fairbrother

Ratification counts: US investment treaties and FDI flows into developing countries Yoram Z. Haftel

The politics of stock market development Pablo M. Pinto; Stephen Weymouth; Peter Gourevitch

Review Article: The political economy of national security Alexandra Homolar

17(3) International political economy and the question of ethics James Brassett; Christopher Holmes

A different take: Hollywood's unresolved business model Adam Leaver

A principal–agent analysis of China's sovereign wealth system: Byzantine by design Sarah Eaton; Zhang Ming

Standards, techno-economic networks, and playing fields: Performing the global market economy Allison Loconto; Lawrence Busch

Race to give? The selective effectiveness of United States trade capacity building assistance Samuel Brazys

US antidumping actions against China: the impact of China's entry into the World Trade Organization Ka Zeng; Wei Liang

Review Article: In the wake of neo-liberalism: deregulation, unionism and labour rights George Lafferty

Historical Materialism

18(1) Symposium on Giovanni Arrighi’s ‘Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century’ Alberto Toscano Beyond Abstraction: Marx and the Critique of the Critique of Religion

Liam Campling Editorial Introduction

Christoper Chase-Dunn Adam Smith in Beijing: A World-Systems Perspective

Richard Walker Karl Marx between Two Worlds: The Antinomies of Giovanni Arrighi’s Adam Smith in Beijing

Leo Panitch Giovanni Arrighi in Beijing: An Alternative to capitalism?

Lucia Pradella Beijing between Smith and Marx

Flemming Christiansen Arrighi’s Adam Smith in Beijing: Engaging China

Michael A. Lebowitz Trapped inside the Box? Five Questions for Ben Fine

Donald V. Kingsbury on Steve Ellner’s Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict and the Chávez Phenomenon, Eva Golinger’s Bush vs. Chávez: Washington’s War on Venezuela, and Gregory Wilpert’s Changing Venezuela by Taking Power: The History and Policies of the Chávez Government

Jeff Kinkle on Guy Debord’s Correspondence: The Foundation of the Situationist International (June 1957–August 1960), Michèle Bernstein’s All the King’s Horses, and McKenzie Wark’s 50 Years of Recuperation of the Situationist International

Frédérick Guillaume Dufour on Pierre Bourdieu’s The Social Structures of the Economy

Robert Knox on Bill Bowring’s The Degradation of the International Legal Order? The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics

Christopher J. Arthur Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: Capital in General

18(2) Kees van der Pijl Historicising the International: Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy

Adam Hanieh Khaleeji-Capital: Class-Formation and Regional Integration in the Middle-East Gulf

John Roberts Art After Deskilling

Ben Fine Locating Financialisation

William Beik Response to Henry Heller’s ‘The Longue Durée of the French Bourgeoisie’

David Parker Henry Heller and the ‘Longue Durée of the French Bourgeoisie’

Henry Heller Response to William Beik and David Parker

Emmanuel Barot on Sciences et dialectiques de la nature edited by Lucien Sève and Eftichios Bitsakis’s La nature dans la pensée dialectique

Steve Edwards on Caroline Arscott’s William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones: Interlacings, and Mike Sanders’s The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History

Owen Hatherley on Sabine Hake’s Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Mass Society in Weimar Berlin

Elizabeth M. Sokolowski and Amy E. Wendling New Waves in Philosophy of Technology edited by Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen, Evan Selinger, and Søren Riis

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: General Intellect

Review of Radical Political Economics

42(1), March 2010 John Sarich and Jason Hecht Competition and International Equity Returns: Some Empirical Tests of “Turbulent Arbitrage”

Andriana Vlachou and Charalampos Konstantinidis Climate Change: The Political Economy of Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms

Gabriel V. Montes-Rojas Confronting Neoclassical Myths about Self-employment in Latin America

David M. Brennan A Tale of Two Thailands: A Minskyan Analysis of Growth in Different Regimes

Vincent H. Shie and Craig D. Meer The Rise of Knowledge in Dependency Theory: The Experience of India and Taiwan

Peter Dorman Introduction

Geoffrey Schneider Democratizing the Classroom: Sequencing Discussions and Assignments to Promote Student Ownership of the Course

William M. Dugger Book Review: Economics in the Shadow of Darwin and Marx: Essays on Institutional and Evolutionary Themes. Geoffrey M. Hodgson. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2006

Daniel Egan Book Review: Alternative Theories of the State. Steven Pressman (ed.); New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

Michael Perelman Book Review: Findlay, Ronald and Kevin H. O’Rourke. Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Cloth, 2007

Richard Leitch Book Review: Labor and the Environmental Movement, Brian Obach (MIT 2004)

Haroon Akram-Lodhi Book Review: Pro-Poor Land Reform: A Critique. Saturnino M. Borras Jr.; Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2007

42(2), June 2010 David Barkin Introduction

Manuel Couret Branco and Pedro Damião Henriques The Political Economy of the Human Right to Water

Susan Spronk Water and Sanitation Utilities in the Global South: Re-centering the Debate on “Efficiency”

Jackie Dugard Can Human Rights Transcend the Commercialization of Water in South Africa? Soweto’s Legal Fight for an Equitable Water Policy

Jaqueline Ann Goldin Water Policy in South Africa: Trust and Knowledge as Obstacles to Reform

Rhodante Ahlers Fixing and Nixing: The Politics of Water Privatization

Antonio A. R. Ioris The Political Nexus between Water and Economics in Brazil: A Critique of Recent Policy Reforms

K. Ravi Raman Transverse Solidarity: Water, Power, and Resistance

Art Cohen Book Review Essay: Calling for an End to Second-Class Shitizenship: The Last Taboo—Opening the Door on the Global Sanitation Crisis Maggie Black and Ben Fawcett; London: Earthscan, 2007; The Big Necessity—The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why it Matters Rose George; New York, NY Metropolitan Books; Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies Elizabeth Tilley, Christoph Lüthi, Antoine Morel, Chris Zurbrügg and Roland Schertenleib,,

42(3), September 2010 Gerald Epstein The David Gordon Memorial Lecture: Finance without Financiers: Prospects for Radical Change In Financial Governance

Debating Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Introduction

Fred Moseley Criticisms of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply and Mankiw’s Presentation

Roy H. Grieve Time to Ditch AD-AS?

William Scarth Aggregate Demand-Supply Analysis and Its Critics: An Evaluation of the Controversy

Fred Moseley and Roy Grieve Reply to Scarth

Jakob Kapeller Some Critical Notes on Citation Metrics and Heterodox Economics

Barbara E. Hopkins The Institutional Barriers to Heterodox Pluralism

Erik K. Olsen Class Conflict and Industrial Location

Ron Baiman Toward a New Political Economy for the U.S

Leda Maria Paulani Brazil in the Crisis of the Finance-Led Regime of Accumulation

Armağan Gezici Distributional Consequences of Financial Crises: Evidence from Recent Crises

Elizabeth A. Ramey Seeds of Change: Hybrid Corn, Monopoly, and the Hunt for Superprofits

Victor D. Lippit Book Review: Growth and Development in the Global Political Economy: Social Structures of Accumulation and Modes of Regulation. Phillip Anthony O’Hara; London: Routledge, 2006

Phillip Anthony O'Hara Book Reviews: Comments on Victor Lippit’s Review of Growth and Development in the Global Political Economy

Engelbert Stockhammer Book Review: Money, Distribution Conflict and Capital Accumulation: Contributions to ‘Monetary Analysis.’ Eckhard Hein; Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

Dennis Lewycky Book Review: The Magna Carta Manifesto: Liberties and Commons for All. Peter Linebaugh Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008

William M. Dugger Book Review: Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade. Avner Greif. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2006

Matías Vernengo Book Review: The Conscience of a Liberal. Paul Krugman; New York: Norton, 2007, 296 pp., US$ 25.95

Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi Book Review: The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today. Edited by Robert Higgs & Carl P. Close, 2006, The Independent Institute

Miguel D. Ramirez Book Review: The Confiscation of American Prosperity. Michael Perelman; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Dan Irving Book Review: Poor Workers’ Unions: Rebuilding From Below. Vanessa Tait. Cambridge: South End Press, 2005

Sanjay Marwah Book Review: Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy. Jeff Manza and Christopher Uggen. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006

Hans G. Despain Book Review: FDR: The First Hundred Days. Anthony J. Badger. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 2008

Anthony P. D'Costa Book Review: Critical Perspectives on China’s Economic Transition. A “Critical Asian Studies” roundtable on the book China and Socialism. Martin Hart-Landsberg and Paul Burkett; Delhi: Daanish Books, 2007

Secil Pacaci Elitok Book Review: The Costs of Economic Liberalization in Turkey. Mehmet Odekon. New Jersey, USA: Lehigh University Press, 2005

Gordon Brent Ingram Book Review: Impasse in Bolivia: Neoliberal Hegemony & Popular Resistance. Benjamin Kohl and Linda Farthing; New York: Zed, 2006. Bumerán Boliviano: Hegemonía Neoliberal and Resistencia Social. Benjamin Kohl and Linda Farthing; La Paz: Plural Editores, 2007

Secil Pacaci Elitok Book Review: Markets and Cultural Voices: Liberty vs. Power in the Lives of Mexican Amate Painters. Tyler Cowen. Michigan, USA: The University of Michigan Press, 2005

Rethinking Marxism

22(2) Symposium: Crisis of Capitalism The Economic Crisis: A Marxian Interpretation Stephen Resnick; Richard Wolff

What's in It for Us? Rethinking the Financial Crisis Randy Martin

The Bull-of-Last-Resort: How the U.S. Economy Capitalizes on Nationalism David Brennan

The Green Economy: Grounds for a New Revolutionary Imaginary? Boone Shear

2008: A New Chapter for U.S. Imperialism Antonio Callari

Betting the House Anette Baldauf

Mortgage Stakeholders, 2008 Damon Rich; Larissa Harris

As the World Turns: Globalization, Consumption, and the Feminization of Work Drucilla K. Barker; Susan F. Feiner

Collaborators in Crisis Harriet Fraad

Tragedy and Farce in the Second Great Depression: A Marxian Look at the Panic of 2008 and Its Aftermath Asatar Bair

Beyond Equality David M. Bholat

Task of the Dreamer Marc Kaminsky

Marx Is Back: The Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) Project Marcello Musto

22(3) The Common and the Forms of the Commune

Introduction: The Common and the Forms of the Commune Anna Curcio; Ceren Özselçuk

On the Common, Universality, and Communism: A Conversation between Étienne Balibar and Antonio Negri Anna Curcio; Ceren Özselçuk

Subjectivity, Class, and Marx's “Forms of the Commune” Jack Amariglio

The Common in Communism Michael Hardt

Five Theses on the Common Gigi Roggero

A Common Word Aras Özgün

Rethinking Socialism: Community, Democracy, and Social Agency Antonio Callari; David F. Ruccio

The Common without Copies, the International without Cosmopolitanism: Marx against the Romanticism of Likeness Deborah Jenson

The Nature of the Common Federico Luisetti

Engendering Feudalism: Modes of Production Revisited S. Charusheela

On Producing (the Concept of) Solidarity Kenneth Surin

New Left Review

62, March-April 2010 Tony Wood Good Riddance to New Labour

Eric Hazan Faces of Paris

Yongle Zhang The Future of the Past

Malcolm Bull Green Cabinet, White Cube

Zeev Sternhell In Defence of Liberal Zionism

Gabriel Piterberg Settlers and their States

Rob Lucas Dreaming in Code

Immanuel Wallerstein Structural Crises

Peter Lawrence on Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion and War, Guns and Votes. Number-crunching solutions for global poverty from a former World Bank denizen

Paolo Flores d’Arcais on Jürgen Habermas, Between Naturalism and Religion

63, May-June 2010 Susan Watkins Blue Labour?

Tom Hazeldine The North Atlantic Counsel

Paul Nugent States and Social Contracts in Africa

Zhang Xudong Poetics of Vanishing

Hilary Rose and Steven Rose Darwin and After

Stefan Jonsson The Ideology of Universalism

Alistair Hennessy on Ronald Fraser, Napoleon’s Cursed War

Michael Mann on Peter Baldwin, The Narcissism of Minor Differences

Kristin Surak on John L Comaroff and Jean Comaroff, Ethnicity, Inc.

64, July-August 2010 Gavan McCormack Obama vs Okinawa

Adolfo Gilly 'What exists cannot be true'

Sabry Hafez The New Egyptian Novel

Mark Elvin Concepts of Nature

Slavoj Zizek A Permanent Economic Emergency

Peter Nolan and Jin Zhang Global Competition After the Financial Crisis

Fredric Jameson Regieoper, or Eurotrash?

Jacob Collins on Régis Debray, Le moment fraternité

Gregor McLennan on Terry Eagleton, Trouble with Strangers and Reason, Faith, and Revolution

Michael Hardt on Michel Foucault, Le gouvernement de soi et des autres and Le courage de la vérité

International Socialism

126, Spring 2010 The radical left and the crisis ISJ

Venezuela at the crossroads: Voices from inside the revolution Luke Stobart

Crisis and conflict in Pakistan Sartaj Khan & Yuri Prasad

Climate politics after Copenhagen Jonathan Neale

The changing face of racism Richard Seymour

CLR James and the Black Jacobins Christian Høgsbjerg

25 years after the Great Miners’ Strike Jack Robertson

Tony Cliff: Deflected permanent revolution in Africa Leo Zeilig

Rethinking imperialism: past, present and future Gilbert Achcar

Conceding the Russian Revolution to liberals Kevin Murphy

Book review: Getting the “Change We Need” Brian Richardson

Book review: Fighting for women’s liberation today Siân Ruddick

Book review: Socialism through devolution? Tim Evans

Book review: Refusing to be pessimistic Dan Swain

Book review: Resisting revisionism Matthew Cookson

Book review: Apologising for the Chilean coup Nathaniel Mehr

Book review: Vote for Prisoner 9653 John Newsinger

Book review: Finance and capitalism in Europe Christakis Georgiou

Book review: A true reflection of the system Ken Olende

127: Summer 2010 Analysis: The mould cracks ISJ

Marxism and feminism today Judith Orr

Interview: Zionism, socialism and nationalism Shlomo Sand & John Rose

Interview: Reviving the spirit of equality Richard G Wilkinson & Iain Ferguson

1937: the year of the sitdown John Newsinger

Reassessing the permanent arms economy Gonzalo Pozo

The Red Hussar: Daniel Bensaïd, 1946-2010 Sebastian Budgen

Empire and literature Gareth Jenkins

Feedback: Another side of anarchism Ian Birchall

A response to the sex work debate Gareth Dale and Xanthe Whittaker

Book review: Economic development Joseph Choonara

Book review: Sharing history Penny McCall Howard

Book review: Gramsci rendered whole Chris Bambery

Book review: Driving American decline G Francis Hodge

Book review: Philosophy on the barricades Stacey Whittle

Book review: Drama in three acts Louis Bayman

Book review: Dispelling “the Malthus myth” Martin Empson

Book review: Poles apart? Adam Fabry

Book review: Irrational records Paul Blackledge

Book review: Contesting the revolutionary tradition Leo Zeilig

New Political Economy

15(2) The Brave New World of Carbon Trading Clive L. Spash

Markets, Morality and Climate Change: What, if Anything, is Wrong with Emissions Trading? Simon Caney

Uncertainty Markets and Carbon Markets: Variations on Polanyian Themes Larry Lohmann

Understanding Carbon Offset Technologies Heather Lovell; Diana Liverman

Climate Change, Human Well-Being and Insecurity W. Neil Adger

The Political Economy of the MDGs: Retrospect and Prospect for the World's Biggest Promise David Hulme; James Scott

The International Labour Organization Guy Standing

Feature Review: The Shadows of Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment Peter Dauvergne (The MIT Press, 2008) Nicky Gregson

Monthly Review

61(9), February 2010 The Age of Monopoly-Finance Capital John Bellamy Foster

The U.S. Economy and China: Capitalism, Class, and Crisis Martin Hart-Landsberg

Beyond “Green Capitalism” Victor Wallis

István Mészáros, Pathfinder of Socialism John Bellamy Foster

An Untold Chapter in Black History Safiya Bukhari

Review: Exploring the Dialectic of the Bolivarian Revolution Michael A. Lebowitz

61(10), March 2010 What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster

Sanctions on Iran: What’s Missing from Obama’s New Dialogue Daniel Robicheau

Why Programs Fail

Saving History from Oblivion in Guerrero Peter Watt

Review: Margaret Randall’s Years in Cuba Mickey Ellinger and Jody Sokolower

61(11), April 2010 How to Visit a Socialist Country Richard Levins

The Limits of Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis as an Explanation of the Crisis Thomas I. Palley

Listen Keynesians, It’s the System! Response to Palley John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney

Reprise: Financial Instability: Where Will It All End? Harry Magdoff and Paul M. Sweezy

Poetry: You, Again Adrienne Rich

62(1), May 2010 The Financial Power Elite John Bellamy Foster and Hannah Holleman

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Propaganda System Edward S.Herman and David Peterson

Reprise: The Dialectic of Social Science Paul A. Baran

U.S. Terrorism in Vietnam. Review: Bernd Greiner, War Without Fronts: The USA in Vietnam, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009) Jeremy Kuzmarov

Know Thine Enemy. Review: Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009) Paul Le Blanc

The Rise and Fall of the United Farm Workers. Review: Miriam Pawel, The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope, and Struggle in Cesar Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009) Michael D. Yates

Poetry: For Howard Marge Piercy

61(2), June 2010 Capitalism, the Absurd System: A View from the United States Robert W. McChesney and John Bellamy Foster

South Africa’s Bubble Meets Boiling Urban Social Protest Patrick Bond

Awakening in Oaxaca: Stirrings of the People’s Giant Robert Joe Stout

El Salvador: Mining the Resistance Gabriel Zucker

Time to Pay the Piper. Review: Ariel Salleh, ed., Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice: Women Write Political Ecology (New York: Pluto Press, 2009) Rebecca Clausen

Sartre: Conversations with a “Bourgeois Revolutionary” Joseph L. Walsh

62(3), July-August 2010 Foreword to the Summer Issue John Bellamy Foster

Latin America & Twenty-First Century Socialism: Inventing to Avoid Mistakes Marta Harnecker 62(4), September 2010 The Wall Street Collapse and Return of Reality-Based Economics Robert Pollin

The Wisdom of Property and the Politics of the Middle Classes Jan Toporowski

Genocide Denial with a Vengeance: Old and New Imperial Norms Noam Chomsky

Chemical Catastrophe: From Bhopal to BP Texas City Tomás Mac Sheoin

Cultural Impersonations and Appropriations: A Fashion Report Al Sandine

Poetry: Workingclass nostalgia Marge Piercy

Our Last Chance to Save Humanity? Review: James Hansen, Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009) John W. Farley

A History of the Great Bust Still With Us. Review: Michael Perelman, The Confiscation of American Prosperity. From Right-Wing Extremism and Economic Ideology to the Next Great Depression (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) Richard Du Boff

Das Argument

285 Intellektuelles Engagement // Ringen um Weltbürgerrechte (II) Erich Wulff (1926-2010) – den Nachgeborenen ins Gedächtnis

Sigrid Asamoah Staat + Frau + Bürge = Staatsbürgerin

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Die untergründige Wahrheit der Dichtung … Volker Brauns Arbeitstagebuch 1977-1989

Volker Braun Werktage. Auszug

Ivo Hammer „Alle Macht in der Kunst geht vom Fleische aus“ … Über Alfred Hrdlicka (1928-2009)

Francisco Fernández Buey Rossana Rossanda – Kommunistin ohne Parteibuch

Edgar Morin Lob der Metamorphose

Regina Römhild Aus der Perspektive der Migration: Die Kosmopolitisierung Europas

Silvia M. Staub-Bernasconi Die Menschenrechte – Das Dilemma zwischen Universalismus und Pluralismus/Kontextualismus

Hans Jörg Sandkühler Die Kosmopolis des Rechts. Menschenwürde, Menschenrechte und Staaten

Claas Christophersen Kosmopolitische Demokratie und ihre Gegner

Arlie Russell Hochschild „Mama zu mieten“ und andere Dienste

286 Gesellschaftliche Planung und solidarische Ökonomie Fabio Frosini und Peter Kammerer Giorgio Baratta (1938-2010)

Elfriede Jelinek Da gibts nichts zu lachen (im Gedenken an Heiner Müller)

Sigrid Asamoah Latein noch ausreichend, Griechisch ungenügend?

Wolfram Adolphi Planung in China als Aufhebung der sowjetischen

Jörg Roesler Sozialistische Planung in einer solidarischen Ökonomie: Der Weg zum Ziel aus wirtschaftshistorischer Sicht

Alexander Recht und Alban Werner Aufgaben und Instrumente demokratischer Planung

Hans-Jürgen Krysmanski Gesellschaftliche Planung und das System der vernetzten Computer

Annika Beckmann und Daniel Fastner Ernsthafte Gedankenspiele: (dezentrale) ökonomische Modelle reflektieren

Jan Köstner und Bernd Röttger Kritische Anmerkungen zur Planungsdiskussion

Darko Suvin Lebensgemeinschaft oder Apartheid? Einwanderung in Europa

Elisabeth List Kritische Intellektuelle im „akademischen Kapitalismus“

Michael Jäger Das aufgeschlagene (B)logbuch. Individualität und Intellektualität im Internet. Vorläufige Beobachtungen

Thomas Wagner Direkte Demokratie statt Selbstvergesellschaftung: Die bonapartistische Offensive der Rechtsintellektuellen

287 Stärken von Frauen Ines Philipp Weg mit den Geschlechterrollen

Gerhard Schoenberner Gelehrige Schüler

Frigga Haug Auf der Suche nach Stärken von Frauen. Werkstattnotizen

Reinhild Traitler Die Stärke der Frauen ist, „es trotzdem zu tun“. Bericht aus dem Europäischen Projekt für Interreligiöses Lernen (EPIL)

Christine Lehmann Miss Marple ist schon lange tot. Ausstieg aus den Frauenformen

Cristina Vega Solís Schwarz und schön. (Vom) Neudenken eines antirassistischen Slogans bei Shirley Anne Tate

Nora Räthzel Eine hoffnungsvolle Beziehung zwischen Frauen-, Umwelt- und Arbeiterbewegung

Susi Zornig Die Farbe Lila mit der Farbe Purpur verwechselt? Feministische Fragen und Antwortversuche zum Fall Käßmann

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Wissenschaft und Parteilichkeit bei Margherita von Brentano

Heinz-Jürgen Voß ‚Natürlich’ gibt es kein Geschlecht: Von Theorien der Differenz und Gleichheit zweier Geschlechter hin zu vielen Geschlechtern

Dietmar Dath Schänderspiele

Etienne Balibar Europa: Die endgültige Krise?

Werner Rügemer „Es kann sein, dass wir das nicht überleben“. Die „Rettung“ Griechenlands und des Euro als Fluch der bösen Tat

Capital & Class

34(1), June 2010 Jo Grady From Beveridge to Turner: Laissez-faire to neoliberalism

David Kennedy and Peter Kennedy Towards a Marxist political economy of football supporters

Bill Lucarelli Marxian theories of money, credit and crisis

Gareth Dale Who were ‘the people’? Classes and movements in , 1989

Tony Burns Capitalism, modernity and the nation state: A critique of Hannes Lacher

Werner Bonefeld Abstract labour: Against its nature and on its time

Kevin Gray Book review: Iain Pirie The Korean Developmental State: From Dirigisme to Neo-liberalism, Routledge: London, 2007

Jamie Morgan Book review: Minqi Li The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy, Pluto Press: London, 2008; 208 pp.: 9780745327723, £19.99 (pbk)

Nathaniel Mehr Book review: Max Lane Unfinished Nation: Indonesia Before and After Suharto, Verso: London 2008

Guy Lancaster Book review: David R. Roediger The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class (3rd edition), Verso: London, 2007s

Maurizio Atzeni Book review: Geoff Mann Our Daily Bread: Wages, Workers and the Political Economy of the American West, University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC, 2007

Graham M. Smith Book review: Ernst Jünger On Pain, trans. and introduced by Durst DC; preface by Berman RA, Telos: New York, NY, 2008

Thomas Purcell Book review: Paul Paolucci Marx’s Scientific Dialectics, Brill: Leiden, 2007

Laurence Cox Book review: Mastaneh Shah-Shuja Zones of Proletarian Development, Openmute: London, 2008

D. Wood Book review: John Roberts The Intangibilities of Form: Skill and Deskilling in Art after the Readymade, Verso: London, 2007

Guy Lancaster Book review: Andrew Strathern, Pamela J. Stewart, and Neil L. Whitehead (eds.) Terror and Violence: Imagination and the Unimaginable, Pluto: London, 2006

Gerard Cotterell Rosemary Crompton Class and Stratification (3rd edition), Polity, 2008

Sheila Cohen Book Review: Ralph Darlington Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism: An International Comparative Analysis, Ashgate: Farnham, 2009

Tanaya Mohanty Book Review: Luc Boltanski and Eva Chiapello The New Spirit of Capitalism, Verso: London, 2005

Manish K. Thakur Book Review: Gregory Elliott Ends in Sight: Marx, Fukuyama, Hobsbawm, Anderson, Pluto: London, 2008


34 Moshe Zuckermann Zertretener Wurm

Birnstingl & Genoss_innen Antirassismus muss Praxis werden können! Für eine strategisch kluge, radikal positionierte, andockfähige antirassistische Bewegung

Coordinamento per lo sciopero del lavoro migrante in Italia 10 Thesen zu migrantischer Arbeit

Stefan Almer Die Sans-Papiers oder die „Tricksters“ des 21. Jahrhunderts

Sandro Mezzadra Autonomie der Migration – Kritik und Ausblick. Eine Zwischenbilanz

Interview mit Yann Moulier-Boutang aus: „razza operaia“; Padova edizioni, Mai 1992

Tomasz Konicz Krisenmythos Griechenland

Robert Zion Eine spinozianische Grundlegung der Linken II. Das ökonomische Tableau in Commonwealth

35 Ulrich Brand Organisierungsschwäche und relative Orientierungslosigkeit. Das sechste Europäische Sozialforum in Istanbul

Juliane Spitta Gemeinschaft, Multitude oder das Kommune. Begriffsperspektiven im Spannungsfeld zwischen nationaler Identifikation und kollektiver Aneignung

Isabell Lorey Gemeinsam Werden. Prekarisierung als politische Konstituierung

Gerald Raunig Etwas Mehr als das Commune. Dividuum und Condividualität

Karl Reitter Produktivität als Autonomie? Zum Abschluss der Trilogie Empire, Multitude, Commonwealth von Antonio Negri und Michael Hardt

Carlo Vercellone Die Krise des Wertgesetzes. Der Profit wird zur Rente. Bemerkungen zur systemischen Krise des kognitiven Kapitalismus

Jens Kastner Delegation und politische Dilemmata. Mit Pierre Bourdieu auf zapatistischem Gebiet

Max Henninger Nach dem Operaismus?

Anton Pam Buchbesprechung: Joel Andreas: Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class

Elmar Flatschart Buchbesprechung: Tobias ten Brink: Geopolitik. Geschichte und Gegenwart kapitalistischer Staatenkonkurrenz

Andreas Exner Buchbesprechung: Mattersburger Kreis für Entwicklungspolitik an den österreichischen Universitäten (Hg.): Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 2009/3, „Solidarische Ökonomie zwischen Markt und Staat. Gesellschaftsveränderung oder Selbsthilfe?“ minimol Buchbesprechung: Jens Erik Ambacher & Romin Khan (Hg.): Südafrika. Die Grenzen der Befreiung

Paul Pop Buchbesprechung: Walden Bello: Politik des Hunger


11, Sommer 2010 Wie rot ist Wien? Gruppe Perspektiven Thesen zur Wien-Wahl 2010

Assimina Gouma, Petra Neuhold, Paul Scheibelhofer, Gerd Valchars Migration – Fangfragen für das “rote” Wien

Fabio De Masi Die Beauty Queen der Finanzmärkte

Benjamin Opratko, Stefan Probst Sozialismus in einer Stadt?

Veronika Duma, Katherina Kinzel, Fanny Müller-Uri und Tobias Zortea Aufstand in der Vorstadt: Wiens verborgene Klassenkämpfe um 1900

Interview: Jakob Weingartner Sanfte Verdrängung: Gentrifizierung in Wien

Julia Hofmann, Florian Reiter Wiens Salzamt: Neoliberalismus und der Fonds Soziales Wien

Interview mit Ashraf Cassiem, Mncedisi Twalo, Romin Khan, Alexander Kleider und Daniela Michel Anti-Räumungskampagne: soziale Kämpfe in Südafrika

Michael Botka Kampf um die Stadt. Politik, Kunst und Alltag um 1930 (Rezension)

Maria Asenbaum Psychologie mit großem K (Rezension)

Stefan Probst Verordnete Ordnungen (Rezension)

Mario Becksteiner Prekär, aber allein? (Rezension)


1/2010 Krise in EUropa Joachim Becker EU in der Krise : Bruchlinien zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie

Brigitte Unger Wer ist schuld an der Finanzkrise

Birgit Sauer Das Geschlecht der Finanz– und Wirtschaftskrise. Eine Intervention in aktuelle Krisendeutungen

Sebastian Leitner Baltikum: Ein neoliberales Transformationsmodell fordert seine Opfer

Agnieszka Dziwulska Russland in der Krise

Elisabeth Springler Finanzkrise und die steigende finanzielle Belastungen der Haushalte durch Wohnkosten

Vanessa Redak und Beat Weber Finanzmarktregulierung nach der Krise: symbolische Politik und Aufrechterhaltung des Status Quo

Beat Weber und Stefan Schmitz Wer bietet mehr? Bestimmungsfaktoren der EU-Bankenhilfspakete in der Finanzkrise 2008/09

Christa Schlager und Georg Feigl Krisenbewältigung in der Europäischen Union: budgetpolitische Konsequenzen am Beispiel Österreichs

Klemens Himpele, Oliver Prausmüller >Bologna< – und weiter?

Aleksandra Riedl Hire and Fire – Personalpolitik an Österreichs Universitäten

Thomas König Das kann doch nicht alles sein

Nachruf Jörg Huffschmid (1940 – 2009)

2/2010 Im KlimaWandel. Globale Erwärmung und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit Christian Salmhofer, Brigitte Drabek, Andreas Strasser, Christian Finger Das Dilemma mit der Klimagerechtigkeit

Bernhard Obermayr Dänischer Winter. Über das Scheitern der Klimaverhandlungen in Kopenhagen

Markus Wissen Klimawandel, Geopolitik und »imperiale Lebensweise«

Tom Athanasiou, Sivan Kartha, Paul Baer, Eric Kemp-Benedict Greenhouse Development Rights. The Right to Develop in a Climate Constrained World

Anja Appel Die Genderbilanz des Klimadiskurses. Von der Schieflage einer Debatte

Martin Schenk Klima und Verteilungspolitik

Joël Decaillon, Anne Panneels Climate Change, the Industrial Policies and the Way Out of the Crisis

Klaus Dräger EU 2020 – realistischer als die Lissabon-Strategie?

Elisabeth Klatzer Aufbruch in schöne neue Zeiten ? Die Debatte um die Lissabon-Nachfolgestrategie Europa 2020 als Indikator für »neue« Weichenstellungen in der europäischen Integration?


42(1), January 2010 Getting Beyond the Plastinated Political Economy of “Late Modern Cannibalism” Harold A. Perkins

Minding the Undertow: Assessing Water “Privatization” in Cuba Karen Cocq and David A. McDonald

Class, Agency and Resistance in the Old Industrial City Andrew Cumbers, Gesa Helms and Kate Swanson

Immigrant “Illegality” as Neoliberal Governmentality in Leadville, Colorado Nancy Hiemstra

Negotiating “Streets for All” in Urban Transport Planning: The Case for Pedestrians, Cyclists and Street Vendors in Nairobi, Kenya Meleckidzedeck Khayesi, Heiner Monheim and Johannes Michael Nebe

The Crisis of Social Reproduction among Migrant Workers: Interrogating the Role of Migrant Civil Society Nina Martin

Imagining a Shared State in Palestine–Israel Elizabeth Mavroudi

The Promise of Patronage: Adapting and Adopting Neoliberal Development Kathleen O’Reilly

The “Moral Hazards” of Microfinance: Restructuring Rural Credit in India Stephen Young

Colored Property: State Policy and White Racial Politics in Suburban America by David M. P. Freund JENNA M. LOYD

Capitalism and Christianity, American Style by William E. Connolly TRISTAN STURM

2009–2010 Winner : Making Space for Peace: International Accompaniment as Alter-geopolitics Sara Koopman

42(2), March 2010 Watching the US Election from Abroad: Normative Theory and the Publics of American Politics Sarah Starkweather

US Hegemony and the Obama Administration: Towards a New World Order? Allan Watson

Neoliberalizing Race, Racing Neoliberalism: Placing “Race” in Neoliberal Discourses David J. Roberts and Minelle Mahtani

Marginalization, Facilitation, and the Production of Unequal Risk: The 2006 Paso del Norte Floods Timothy W. Collins

Are You in This Country? How “Local” Social Relations Can Limit the “Globalisation” of Customer Services Supply Chains Angela Coyle

Geographers Mobilize: A Network-Diffusion Analysis of the Campaign to Free Ghazi-Walid Falah Mark De Socio

From the Little Tree, Half a Block Toward the Lake: Popular Geography and Symbolic Discontent in Post- Sandinista Managua James Freeman

The Neoliberalisation of the Local State in Durban, South Africa Sagie Narsiah

Producing Privatization: Re-articulating Race, Gender, Class and Space Melanie Samson

Global Commodity Chains and the Marxian Law of Value Guido Starosta

Decolonizing Development: Colonial Power and the Maya by Joel Wainwright PAUL ROBBINS

42(3), June 2010 Capitalism and Conservation Capitalism and Conservation: The Production and Reproduction of Biodiversity Conservation Dan Brockington and Rosaleen Duffy

A Spectacular Eco-Tour around the Historic Bloc: Theorising the Convergence of Biodiversity Conservation and Capitalist Expansion Jim Igoe, Katja Neves and Dan Brockington

The Devil is in the (Bio)diversity: Private Sector “Engagement” and the Restructuring of Biodiversity Conservation Kenneth Iain MacDonald

The Conservationist Mode of Production and Conservation NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa Dan Brockington and Katherine Scholfield

Shifting Environmental Governance in a Neoliberal World: US AID for Conservation Catherine Corson

Disconnected Nature: The Scaling Up of African Wildlife Foundation and its Impacts on Biodiversity Conservation and Local Livelihoods Hassanali T. Sachedina

The Rich, the Powerful and the Endangered: Conservation Elites, Networks and the Dominican Republic George Holmes

Conservative Philanthropists, Royalty and Business Elites in Nature Conservation in Southern Africa Marja Spierenburg and Harry Wels

Protecting the Environment the Natural Way: Ethical Consumption and Commodity Fetishism James G. Carrier

Making the Market: Specialty Coffee, Generational Pitches, and Papua New Guinea Paige West

Cashing in on Cetourism: A Critical Ecological Engagement with Dominant E-NGO Discourses on Whaling, Cetacean Conservation, and Whale Watching Katja Neves

Neoliberalising Nature? Elephant-Back Tourism in Thailand and Botswana Rosaleen Duffy and Lorraine Moore

The Receiving End of Reform: Everyday Responses to Neoliberalisation in Southeastern Mexico Peter R. Wilshusen

42(4), September 2010 Colonial Minds, Postcolonial Places Mustafa Dikeç

Reflections on Scholarship and Activism Frances Fox Piven

Constituting Corporate Europe: A Study of Elite Social Organization William K. Carroll, Meindert Fennema and Eelke M. Heemskerk

Developmentalities and Calculative Practices: The Millennium Development Goals Suzan Ilcan and Lynne Phillips

Smoke and Mirrors: Inverting the Discourse on Tobacco Marv Waterstone

SYMPOSIUM Autonomy: The Struggle for Survival, Self-Management and the Common Organiser Paul Chatterton

Cracks and the Crisis of Abstract Labour John Holloway

Nowtopia: Strategic Exodus? Chris Carlsson and Francesca Manning

The Production of Commons and the “Explosion” of the Middle Class Massimo De Angelis

The Oaxaca Commune and Mexico's Coming Insurrection Gustavo Esteva

On Open Space: Explorations Towards a Vocabulary of a More Open Politics Jai Sen

Antagonism, Neo-liberalism and Movements: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Progress in Human Geography

43(1), February 2010 Noel Castree, Rob Kitchin, Vicky Lawson, Anssi Paasi, Sarah Radcliffe, and Charles Withers Roger Lee

Kate Boyer Of care and commodities: breast milk and the new politics of mobile biosubstances

Mark Pelling and Kathleen Dill Disaster politics: tipping points for change in the adaptation of sociopolitical regimes

Brian King Political ecologies of health

Melissa W. Wright Gender and geography II: bridging the gap — feminist, queer, and the geographical imaginary

Lynn A. Staeheli Political geography: democracy and the disorderly public

Ruth Panelli More-than-human social geographies: posthuman and other possibilities

Claire Dwyer and Gail Davies Qualitative methods III: animating archives, artful interventions and online environments

Sarah A. Radcliffe, Elizabeth E. Watson, Ian Simmons, Felipe Fernández-Armesto, and Andrew Sluyter Environmentalist thinking and/in geography

Roger Lee, Andrew Leyshon, and J.K. Gibson-Graham Gibson-Graham, J.K. 1996: The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy. Oxford: Blackwell

Anssi Paasi Book review: Cox, K.R., Low, M. and Robinson, J., editors 2008: The SAGE handbook of political geography. London: Sage

Garth Myers Book Review: Davies, A. 2008: The geographies of garbage governance: interventions, interactions and outcomes. Aldershot: Ashgate

Yehua Dennis Wei Book Review: Fan, C.C. 2008: China on the move: migration, the state, and the household. Abingdon and New York: Routledge

Don Mitchell Book review: Iveson, K. 2007: Publics and the city. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell

Noel Castree Book Review: Juris, J.S. 2008: Networking futures: the movements against corporate globalization. Durham, NC: Duke University Press

Parvati Raghuram Book Review: Kapoor, I. 2008: The postcolonial politics of development. Abingdon and New York: Routledge

Craig Jeffrey Book Review: Legg, S. 2007: Spaces of colonialism: Delhi’s urban governmentalities. Oxford: Blackwell

Nancy Hiemstra Book Review: Nevins, J., photographs by Aizeki, M. 2008: Dying to live: a story of U.S. immigration in an age of global apartheid. San Francisco, CA: City Lights

34(2), April 2010 Patricia L. Price At the crossroads: critical race theory and critical geographies of race

Deborah G. Martin, Alexander W. Scherr, and Christopher City Making law, making place: lawyers and the production of space

Trevor J. Barnes and Eric Sheppard ‘Nothing includes everything’: towards engaged pluralism in Anglophone economic geography

Sarah Curtis and Mylène Riva Health geographies I: complexity theory and human health

Juliana Mansvelt Geographies of consumption: engaging with absent presences

Lesley Head Cultural ecology: adaptation - retrofitting a concept?

Robert J. Mayhew Historical geography 2008—2009: Mundus alter et idem

Marius Schaffter, Juliet J. Fall, and Bernard Debarbieux Unbounded boundary studies and collapsed categories: rethinking spatial objects

Reece Jones The spatiality of boundaries

Fabio Massimo Parenti Book review: Arrighi, G. 2007: Adam Smith in Beijing: lineages of the twenty-first century. London: Verso. 432 pp

Simon Rycroft Book review: Cosgrove, D. 2008: Geography and vision: seeing, imagining and representing the world. London: I.B. Tauris. 256 pp. £45 cloth, £16.99 paper

Mauro Cannone Book review: Flint, J. and Robinson, D., editors 2008: Community cohesion in crisis? New dimensions of diversity and difference. Bristol: Policy Press

Richard Ballard Book review: Foster, J. 2008: Washed with sun: landscape and the making of white South Africa. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press

Noel Castree Book review: Leichenko, R.M. and O’Brien, K.L. 2008: Environmental change and globalization: double exposures. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Clive Gamble Book review: Livingstone, D.N. 2008: Adam’s ancestors: race, religion and the politics of human origins. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press

Engin F. Isin Book review: Mandel, R.E. 2008: Cosmopolitan anxieties: Turkish challenges to citizenship and belonging in Germany. Durham, NC: Duke University Press

Pablo Mendez Book review: Mitchell, K., editor 2008: Practising public scholarship: experiences and possibilities beyond the academy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell

Kenneth R. Olwig Book review: Rupke, N.A. 2008: Alexander von Humboldt: a metabiography. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press

34(3), Juni 2010 Jean Connolly Carmalt and Todd Faubion Normative approaches to critical health geography

Louise Reid, Philip Sutton, and Colin Hunter Theorizing the meso level: the household as a crucible of pro-environmental behaviour

Justin Wilford Sacred archipelagos: geographies of secularization

Sarah Elwood Geographic information science: emerging research on the societal implications of the geospatial web

Divya P. Tolia-Kelly The geographies of cultural geography I: identities, bodies and race

Roderick P. Neumann Political ecology II: theorizing region

Adrian J. Bailey Population geographies, gender, and the migration-development nexus

Ron Johnston Leslie Curry: the scholar, the teacher, and the climatologist

Robert P. Haining Reflections on Les Curry’s contribution to spatial analysis

Eric Sheppard Les Curry’s random spatial economy

John R. Gold Book review: Amedeo, D., Golledge, R.G. and Stimson, R.J. 2008: Person-environment-behavior research: investigating activities and experiences in spaces and environments. New York: Guilford Press

Richard Ek Book review: Bærenholt, J. and Granås, B., editors 2008: Mobility and place: enacting Northern European peripheries. Aldershot: Ashgate

Lee Bosher Book review: Coaffee, J., Murakami Wood, D. and Rogers, P. 2008: The everyday resilience of the city: how cities respond to terrorism and disaster. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Yi-Fu Tuan Book review: Cosgrove, D. and della Dora, V., editors 2008: High places: cultural geographies of mountains, ice and science. London: I.B. Tauris

Carl J. Griffin Book review: Featherstone, D. 2008: Resistance, space and political identities: the making of counter-global networks. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell

David Gibbs Book review: Goodman, M.K., Boykoff, M.T. and Evered, K.T., editors 2008: Contentious geographies: environmental knowledge, meaning, scale. Aldershot: Ashgate

Ulf Strohmayer Book review: Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R. and Valentine, G., editors 2008: Key texts in human geography. London: Sage

Joni Vainikka Book review: Salter, M.B., editor 2008: Politics at the airport. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press

34(4), August 2010 Mona Domosh The world was never flat: early global encounters and the messiness of empire

Angharad Saunders Literary geography: reforging the connections

Reuben Rose-Redwood, Derek Alderman, and Maoz Azaryahu Geographies of toponymic inscription: new directions in critical place-name studies

Kevin Ward Towards a relational comparative approach to the study of cities

Robyn Dowling Geographies of identity: climate change, governmentality and activism

Craig Jeffrey Geographies of children and youth I: eroding maps of life

Jim Glassman Critical geography II: articulating race and radical politics

Sarah Curtis and Mylène Riva Health geographies II: complexity and health care systems and policy

Chris Gibson Geographies of tourism: (un)ethical encounters

Ron Johnston Book review essay: What every human geography student needs to read to know the discipline?

Craig Jeffrey Book review: Benei, V. 2008: Schooling passions: nation, history and language in contemporary western India. 368 pp. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press

Jouni Häkli Book review: Blokland, T. and Savage, M., editors 2008: Networked urbanism: social capital in the city. Aldershot: Ashgate

Noel Castree Book review: Morton, T. 2007: Ecology without nature: rethinking environmental aesthetics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

A.J. Christopher Book review: Murray, M.J. 2008: Taming the disorderly city: the spatial landscape of Johannesburg after apartheid. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

Cheryl McEwan Book review: Sharp, J.P. 2008: Geographies of post-colonialism. London: Sage

Kurt Iveson Book review: Shaw, W. 2007: Cities of whiteness. Oxford: Blackwell

Stewart Barr Book review: Smith, M.J. and Pangsapa, P. 2008: Environment and citizenship: integrating justice, responsibility, and civic engagement. London: Zed Books

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

34(1), March 2010 Reorienting Urban Development? Structural Obstruction to New Urban Forms PIERRE FILION

Security Zones and New York City's Shrinking Public Space JEREMY NÉMETH and JUSTIN HOLLANDER

Gazprom versus the Skyline: Spatial Displacement and Social Contention in St. Petersburg MEGAN DIXON

Defending Illicit Livelihoods: Youth Resistance in Harare's Contested Spaces AMIN Y. KAMETE

The Sound of Berlin: Subculture and the Global Music Industry INGO BADER and ALBERT SCHARENBERG

The Fairest Cape of Them All? Cape Town in Cinematic Imagination VIVIAN BICKFORD-SMITH

Local Governance and Participation under Neoliberalism: Comparative Perspectives VALERIA GUARNEROS-MEZA and MIKE GEDDES

Governing Ourselves: Citizen Participation and Governance in Barcelona and Manchester GEORGINA BLAKELEY

The ‘Right to the City’: Institutional Imperatives of a Developmental State SUSAN PARNELL and EDGAR PIETERSE

Building and Contesting Neoliberalism at the Local Level: Reflections on the Symposium and on Recent Experience in Bolivia MIKE GEDDES


Legitimation Crisis and the Greek Explosion PETER BRATSIS

Remember Remember the 6th of December . . . A Rebellion or the Constituting Moment of a Radical Morphoma? MIHALIS MENTINIS

Rebels with a Cause: The December 2008 Greek Youth Movement as the Condensation of Deeper Social and Political Contradictions PANAGIOTIS SOTIRIS

Neoliberalism, Identification Process and the Dialectics of Crisis CHRISTOS MEMOS

From the December Youth Uprising to the Rebirth of Urban Social Movements: A Space–Time Approach CHRYSSANTHI PETROPOULOU

Violence between Young People in Night-Time Leisure Zones – Edited by Amadeu Recasens Rioting in the UK and France – Edited by David Waddington, Fabien Jobard and Mike King Sophie Body-Gendrot

Globalization and Belonging – By Mike Savage, Gaynor Bagnall and Brian Longhurst Graham Crow

Cities in Contemporary Africa – Edited by Martin J. Murray and Garth A. Myers Marie Huchzermeyer

Unanticipated Gains. Origins of Network Inequality in Everyday Life – By Mario Luis Small Gwen Van Eijk

Learning to be Capitalists: Entrepreneurs in Vietnam's Transition Economy – By Annette M. Kim Danielle Labbé

Urban Utopias: The Built and Social Architectures of Alternative Settlements – By Malcolm Miles Gareth Rice

Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity – Edited by Xiangming Chen, with Zhenhua Zhou John Friedmann

Whose School Is It? Women, Children, Memory and Practice in the City – By Rhoda H. Halperin Katherine Hankins

34(2), June 2010 Planning and the Technological Society: Discussing the London Plan YVONNE RYDIN

The Importance of Being Connected. City Networks and Urban Government: Lyon and Eurocities (1990–2005) RENAUD PAYRE

The Cultural Production of Locality: Reclaiming the ‘European City’ in Post-Wall Berlin VIRAG MOLNAR

‘Weak-Center’ Gentrification and the Contradictions of Containment: Deconcentrating Poverty in Downtown Los Angeles ELLEN REESE, GEOFFREY DEVERTEUIL and LEANNE THACH

Poverty Concentration and Determinants in China's Urban Low-income Neighbourhoods and Social Groups SHENJING HE, FULONG WU, CHRIS WEBSTER and YUTING LIU

The Evolving Law of Disputed Relocation: Constructing Inner-City Renewal Practices in Shanghai, 1990–2005 MI SHIH

Enabling Housing Cooperatives: Policy Lessons from Sweden, India and the United States SUKUMAR GANAPATI

The Conversion of Social Capital into Community Development: an Intervention in Australia's Outback JENNY ONYX and ROSEMARY LEONARD

Memory, Uncertainty and Industrial Ruination: Walker Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne ALICE MAH

Practising Urban and Regional Research beyond Metrocentricity TIM BUNNELL and ANANT MARINGANTI

Building an image of Villages-in-the-City: A Clarification of China's Distinct Urban Spaces HIM CHUNG

The Making of Global City Regions — Johannesburg, Mumbai/Bombay, São Paulo and Shanghai – Edited by Klaus Segbers Kathy Pain

Taming the Disorderly City: The Spatial Landscape of Johannesburg After Apartheid – By Martin Murray Owen Crankshaw

As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces on the Pacific Rim – By Xiangming Chen Yehua Dennis Wei

Building the New Jerusalem. Architecture, Housing and Politics 1900–1930 – By Mark Swenarton Els Verbakel

Eurostars and Eurocities – By Adrian Favell Alberta Andreotti

Cultural Landscapes of Post-Socialist Cities: Representation of Powers and Needs – By Mariusz Czepczyński Slavomíra Ferenčuhová

Transforming Race and Class in Suburbia: Decline in Metropolitan Baltimore – By Thomas J. Vicino Katrin B. Anacker

Invested Interests: Capital, Culture, and the World Bank – By Bret Benjamin Ben Fine

34(3), September 2010 Participation in Urban Contention and Deliberation HILARY SILVER, ALAN SCOTT and YURI KAZEPOV

Conflict, Collaboration and Climate Change: Participatory Democracy and Urban Environmental Struggles in Durban, South Africa ALEX AYLETT

The Participant's Dilemma: Bringing Conflict and Representation Back In DEBBIE BECHER

Social Inclusion through Participation: the Case of the Participatory Budget in São Paulo ESTHER HERNÁNDEZ-MEDINA

Putting the ‘Community’ into Community Planning: Assessing Community Inclusion in Northern Ireland RUTH McALISTER

Public Participation in Post-Fordist Urban Green Space Governance: The Case of Community Gardens in Berlin MARIT ROSOL

Transnationalism as a Force for Ethnic Minority Enterprise? The Case of Somalis in Leicester TREVOR JONES, MONDER RAM and NICK THEODORAKOPOULOS

Does Urban Concentration/Dispersion Affect Immigrants' Professional Opportunities? The case of the Porto Metropolitan Area EMÍLIA MALCATA REBELO

The Expatriate Real Estate Complex: Creative Destruction and the Production of Luxury in Post-Socialist Prague ANDREW COOK

Stadium Architecture and Urban Development from the Perspective of Urban Economics GABRIEL AHLFELDT and WOLFGANG MAENNIG

Real Estate, the City and Place: The Crisis Unfolds ROGER KEIL

Capital Culture Revisited: Sex, Testosterone and the City LINDA McDOWELL

The Global Financial Crisis and Migrant Workers in China: ‘There is No Future as a Labourer; Returning to the Village has No Meaning’ KAM WING CHAN

‘Not Relevant to the System’: The Crisis in the Backyards MATTHIAS BERNT and DIETER RINK

How the State is Handling the Property Crisis in France: A Perspective on Recent Government Measures JULIE POLLARD

Crisis in the Resurgent City? The Rise of Copenhagen HANS THOR ANDERSEN and LARS WINTHER

Amsterdam in Crisis: How the (Local) State Buffers and Suffers EWALD ENGELEN and SAKO MUSTERD

Where the Ball Drops: Days and Nights in Times Square – By Daniel Makagon Designs on the Public: The Private Lives of New York's Public Spaces – By Kristine F. Miller The People's Property? Power, Politics, and the Public – By Lynn A. Staeheli and Donald Mitchell Lyn H. Lofland

Development and Dreams: The Urban Legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup – Edited by Udesh Pillay, Richard Tomlinson and Orli Bass Francisco R. Klauser

Negotiating Boundaries in the City: Migration, Ethnicity and Gender in Britain – By Joanna Herbert Joanne Britton

The Next Los Angeles: The Struggle for a Livable City – By Robert Gottlieb, Mark Vallianatos, Regina M. Freer and Peter Dreier Henrik Lebuhn

The New Urban Renewal: The Economic Transformation of Harlem and Bronzeville – By Derek S. Hyra Anna Marie Steigemann

Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City – Edited by Alev Çinar and Thomas Bender Kathleen Dunn

Con el Corazón Mirando al Sur: Transformaciones en el Sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Edited by Hilda Herzer Jan Dohnke

Planning and Diversity in the City: Redistribution, Recognition and Encounter – By Ruth Fincher and Kurt Iveson Patsy Healey

European Urban and Regional Studies

17(1), January 2010 Kjell Overvåg Second Homes and Maximum Yield in Marginal Land: The Re-Resourcing of Rural Land in Norway

Petra Derkzen Rural Partnerships in Europe — A Differentiated View From a Country Perspective: The Netherlands and Wales

Knut Bjørn Lindkvist Mistrust and Lack of Market Innovation: A Case Study of Loss of Competitiveness in a Seafood Industry

Michela Lazzeroni High-Tech Activities, System Innovativeness and Geographical Concentration: Insights Into Technological Districts in Italy

José Antonio Belso-Martínez International Outsourcing and Partner Location in the Spanish Footwear Sector: An Analysis Based in Industrial District SMEs

Stefan Krätke Regional Knowledge Networks: A Network Analysis Approach To the Interlinking of Knowledge Resources

Beatriz Larraz Iribas and Jose M. Pavia Classifying Regions for European Development Funding

17(2), April 2010 Adrian Smith and Judit Timár Uneven transformations: Space, economy and society 20 years after the collapse of state socialism

John Pickles The spirit of post-socialism: Common spaces and the production of diversity

Vlad Mykhnenko and Adam Swain Ukraine’s diverging space-economy: The Orange Revolution, post-soviet development models and regional trajectories

Stefan Bouzarovski Post-socialist energy reforms in critical perspective: Entangled boundaries, scales and trajectories of change

John Round and Colin Williams Coping with the social costs of ‘transition’: Everyday life in post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine

Diane Perrons, Ania Plomien, and Majella Kilkey Migration and uneven development within an enlarged European Union: Fathering, gender divisions and male migrant domestic services

Manuel B. Aalbers Book review: Loretta Lees, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly Gentrification. New York: Routledge, 2008.

Stuart Elden Book review: Rhys Jones Peoples/States/Territories: The Political Geographies of British State Transformation. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007

17(3), July 2010 Arne Isaksen and Knut Onsager Regions, networks and innovative performance: The case of knowledge-intensive industries in Norway

Rachel Parker Evolution and change in industrial clusters: An analysis of Hsinchu and Sophia Antipolis

Marco Antonsich Exploring the correspondence between regional forms of governance and regional identity: The case of Western Europe

Mireia Baylina and Nina Gunnerud Berg Selling the countryside: Representations of rurality in Norway and Spain

Cali Nuur and Staffan Laestadius Development in peripheral regions: Case studies in Sweden

Pernilla S. Rafiqui Varieties of capitalism and local outcomes: A Swedish case study

George Liagouras What can we learn from the failures of technology and innovation policies in the European periphery?

Political Geography

29(2), February 2010 Mapping the Swiss referendum on the minaret ban Marco Antonsich, Phil I. Jones

Flag planting and finger pointing: The Law of the Sea, the Arctic and the political geographies of the outer continental shelf Klaus Dodds

Lines of possession? The anxious constitution of a polar geopolitics Richard C. Powell

Reframing sovereignty: Indigenous peoples and Arctic states Heather N. Nicol

You are (not) here: On the ambiguity of flag planting and finger pointing in the Arctic Philip E. Steinberg

Breaking the ice: Can environmental and scientific cooperation be the way forward in the Arctic? Lotta Numminen

Zapiro and Zuma: A symptom of an emerging constitutional crisis in South Africa? Daniel Hammett

East is East, and West is West? Currency iconography as nation-branding in the wider Europe Jacques E.C. Hymans

The constitutive power of outsiders: The European neighbourhood policy and the eastern dimension Christopher S. Browning, George Christou

Learning from the ‘war on terror’ Matthew G. Hannah

The meaning of whitemen Keir Martin

Capital interrupted: Agrarian development and the politics of work in India Tatiana A. Thieme

Moving histories of class and community: Identity, place and belonging in contemporary England Steve Garner

29(3), March 2010 Copenhagen and the new political geographies of climate change Ian Bailey

Workers' strategies to secure jobs, their uses of scale, and competing economic moralities: Rethinking the ‘geography of justice’ Jamie Gough

Artificial states? On the enduring geographical myth of natural borders Juliet J. Fall

Negotiating hydro-scales, forging states: Comparison of the upper Tigris/Euphrates and Jordan River basins Leila M. Harris, Samer Alatout

Embodying the garrison state? Everyday geographies of militarization in American society Richelle M. Bernazzoli, Colin Flint

The Veil of Kyoto and the politics of greenhouse gas mitigation in Australia Nicholas A.A. Howarth, Andrew Foxall

Review essay: Borders in a “borderless” world Timothy Raeymaekers

Brewing Justice: Fair trade coffee, sustainability and survival Eva Villalón-Soler

Taking Southeast Asia to Market: Commodities, Nature, and People in the Neoliberal Age Tomas Larsson

The Jewish–Arab City: Spatio-politics in a Mixed Community Tovi Fenster 29(4), May 2010 Neoclassical geopolitics Nick Megoran

Interventions in teaching political geography in the USA Pauliina Raento, Julian Minghi, Kevin R. Cox, Fiona M. Davidson, Colin Flint, Guntram H. Herb

Confined within: National territories as zones of confinement Susan Bibler Coutin

Everyday political practices, democracy and the environment in a native village in Mexico City Turid Hagene

The shape of the nation: Visual production of nationalism through maps in Turkey Bülent Batuman

Demographics, ethnicity, religion, and politics in Florida Fred Shelley

Thinking territory politically Stuart Elden

29(5), June 2010 The State of critical geopolitics The State of critical geopolitics Marcus Power, David Campbell

The question of ‘the political’ in critical geopolitics: Querying the ‘child soldier’ in the ‘war on terror’ Jennifer Hyndman

Localizing geopolitics: Disaggregating violence and return in conflict regions Gearóid Ó Tuathail

Seeing Red: Baghdad and the event-ful city Derek Gregory

Recontextualising violence, power and nature: The next twenty years of critical geopolitics? Simon Dalby

Ungoverned space: Global security and the geopolitics of broken windows Katharyne Mitchell

Urban Studies

47(3), March 2010 Scott Baum, Kathryn Arthurson, and Kara Rickson Happy People in Mixed-up Places: The Association between the Degree and Type of Local Socioeconomic Mix and Expressions of Neighbourhood Satisfaction

Emily Talen The Context of Diversity: A Study of Six Chicago Neighbourhoods

Maria Nordström Children’s Views on Child-friendly Environments in Different Geographical, Cultural and Social Neighbourhoods

Ria Hutabarat Lo The City as a Mirror: Transport, Land Use and Social Change in Jakarta

André Sorensen, Junichiro Okata, and Sayaka Fujii Urban Renaissance as Intensification: Building Regulation and the Rescaling of Place Governance in Tokyo’s High-rise Manshon Boom

Sumi Hollingworth and Louise Archer Urban Schools as Urban Places: School Reputation, Children’s Identities and Engagement with Education in London

Benjamin Motte-Baumvol, Marie-Hélène Massot, and Andrew M. Byrd Escaping Car Dependence in the Outer Suburbs of Paris

Stephen Hincks and Cecilia Wong The Spatial Interaction of Housing and Labour Markets: Commuting Flow Analysis of North West England

Rong-Chang Jou, David A. Hensher, Yu-Hsin Liu, and Ching-Shu Chiu Urban Commuters’ Mode-switching Behaviour in Taipai, with an Application of the Bounded Rationality Principle

Alison Brown, Michal Lyons, and Ibrahima Dankoco Street Traders and the Emerging Spaces for Urban Voice and Citizenship in African Cities

Sarah Glynn Book Review: Searching for Community: Representation, Power and Action on an Urban Estate: Jeremy Brent, 2009 Bristol: Policy Press

Sandra Walklate Book Review: Policing and the Legacy of Lawrence: Nathan Hall, John Grieve and Stephen P. Savage (Eds), 2009 Cullompton: Willan

Ipsita Chatterjee Book Review: Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia’s Cities: Melissa Butcher and Selvaraj Velayutham (Eds), 2009 London: Routledge

Lisa Marie Hanley Book Review: Twenty-first Century Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America: Audrey Singer, Susan W. Hardwick, and Caroline Brettell (Eds), 2008 Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution

David Murakami Wood Book Review: Contemporary Urbanism in Brazil: Beyond Brasília: Vincente del Rio and William Siembieda (Eds), 2009 Gainesville, FL: The University Press of Florida

47(4), April 2010 Gregory Smithsimon Inside the Empire: Ethnography of a Global Citadel in New York

Frank van Oort, Martijn Burger, and Otto Raspe On the Economic Foundation of the Urban Network Paradigm: Spatial Integration, Functional Integration and Economic Complementarities within the Dutch Randstad

Daniel Heuermann, Benedikt Halfdanarson, and Jens Suedekum Human Capital Externalities and the Urban Wage Premium: Two Literatures and their Interrelations

Anna Matas, Josep-Lluis Raymond, and Josep-Lluis Roig Job Accessibility and Female Employment Probability: The Cases of Barcelona and Madrid

Judit Bodnar and Virag Molnar Reconfiguring Private and Public: State, Capital and New Housing Developments in Berlin and Budapest

Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, and Emi Uchida Economic Growth and the Expansion of Urban Land in China

Andrew Mondschein, Evelyn Blumenberg, and Brian Taylor Accessibility and Cognition: The Effect of Transport Mode on Spatial Knowledge

Jen-Jia Lin and Hsiao-Te Chang Built Environment Effects on Children’s School Travel in Taipai: Independence and Travel Mode

J. Peter Clinch and Eoin O'Neill Assessing the Relative Merits of Development Charges and Transferable Development Rights in an Uncertain World

Andrew Byerley Book Review: The Sage Companion to the City: T. Hall, P. Hubbard and J. R. Short (Eds), 2008 Los Angeles, CA: Sage

Pierre Filion Book Review: The Public Metropolis: The Political Dynamics of Urban Expansion in the Toronto Region, 1924—2003: Francis Frisken, 2007 Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

John Rennie Short Book Review: Boomburbs: The Rise of America’s Accidental Cities: Robert E. Lang and Jennifer LeFurgy, 2007 Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press

Shivanand Balram and Jennifer A. McRae Book Review: Managing Geographical Information Systems: Nancy J. Obermeyer and Jeffrey K. Pinto, 2008, 2nd edn New York: The Guilford Press

Hon S. Chan Book Review: Smart Urban Growth for China: Yan Song and Chengri Ding (Eds), 2009 Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

47(5), May 2010 Michael Ball Critical Commentary. Cities and Housing Markets: Changes and Continuities in the Aftermath of the 2007—08 World Financial Crisis

Margaret Cowell Polycentric Regions: Comparing Complementarity and Institutional Governance in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Randstad and Emilia-Romagna

Nadja Kabisch, Dagmar Haase, and Annegret Haase Evolving Reurbanisation? Spatio-temporal Dynamics as Exemplified by the East German City of Leipzig

Sarah Glynn Playing the Ethnic Card: Politics and Segregation in London’s East End

Andrew Aurand Density, Housing Types and Mixed Land Use: Smart Tools for Affordable Housing?

Davide Ponzini and Ugo Rossi Becoming a Creative City: The Entrepreneurial Mayor, Network Politics and the Promise of an Urban Renaissance

Jennifer Johns Manchester’s Film and Television Industry: Project Ecologies and Network Hierarchies

Michal Lyons and Colman Titus Msoka The World Bank and the Street: (How) Do ‘Doing Business’ Reforms Affect Tanzania’s Micro-traders?

Sylvie Charlot and Sonia Paty Do Agglomeration Forces Strengthen Tax Interactions?

Javier Bilbao-Ubillos Spatial Implications of New Dynamics in Production Organisation: The Case of the Automotive Industry in the Basque Country

Pierre Filion Book Review: Urban America: Growth, Crisis, and Rebirth John F. McDonald, 2007 Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe

Alex Law Book Review: Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neo-liberalism John Krinsky, 2008 Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press

Jonathan Ilan Book Review: Criminal Identities and Consumer Culture: Crime, Exclusion and the New Culture of Narcissism Steve Hall, Simon Winlow and Craig Ancrum, 2008 Collumpton: Willan

John McCarthy Book Review: Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces Tim Dixon, Mike Raco, Philip Catney and David N. Lerner (Eds), 2007 Oxford: Blackwell

Deborah Fahy Bryceson Book Review: Postcolonial African Cities: Imperial Legacies and Postcolonial Predicament F. Demissie (Ed.), 2009 London: Routledge

47(6), May 2010 Paul Routledge Obituary: Duncan Fuller 10 January 1972—3 October 2008

Paul Routledge Introduction: Cities, Justice and Conflict

Lila Leontidou Urban Social Movements in ‘Weak’ Civil Societies: The Right to the City and Cosmopolitan Activism in Southern Europe

Paul Chatterton So What Does It Mean to be Anti-capitalist? Conversations with Activists from Urban Social Centres

Nik Heynen Cooking up Non-violent Civil-disobedient Direct Action for the Hungry: ‘Food Not Bombs’ and the Resurgence of Radical Democracy in the US

Bruce D'Arcus The Urban Geography of Red Power: The American Indian Movement in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, 1968-70

Tim Bunnell, S. Nagarajan, and Andrew Willford From the Margins to Centre Stage: ‘Indian’ Demonstration Effects in Malaysia’s Political Landscape

Paul Routledge Nineteen Days in April: Urban Protest and Democracy in Nepal

Jim Glassman “The Provinces Elect Governments, Bangkok Overthrows Them”: Urbanity, Class and Post-democracy in Thailand

Justus Uitermark and Amy-Jane Gielen Islam in the Spotlight: The Mediatisation of Politics in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood

Ruth Panelli and Wendy Larner Timely Partnerships? Contrasting Geographies of Activism in New Zealand and Australia 47(7), June 2010 Arup Mitra Migration, Livelihood and Well-being: Evidence from Indian City Slums

Claudio O. Delang and Ho Cheuk Lung Public Housing and Poverty Concentration in Urban Neighbourhoods: The Case of Hong Kong in the 1990s

Antonio Páez, Ruben Gertes Mercado, Steven Farber, Catherine Morency, and Matthew Roorda Relative Accessibility Deprivation Indicators for Urban Settings: Definitions and Application to Food Deserts in Montreal

Simon Smith, Paul Bellaby, and Sally Lindsay Social Inclusion at Different Scales in the Urban Environment: Locating the Community to Empower

Louise Lawson and Ade Kearns ‘Community Empowerment’ in the Context of the Glasgow Housing Stock Transfer

Tuna Kuyucu and Özlem Ünsal ‘Urban Transformation’ as State-led Property Transfer: An Analysis of Two Cases of Urban Renewal in Istanbul

Jaume García, Daniel Montolio, and Josep Maria Raya Local Public Expenditures and Housing Prices

Miriam Hortas-Rico and Albert Solé-Ollé Does Urban Sprawl Increase the Costs of Providing Local Public Services? Evidence from Spanish Municipalities

Kala Seetharam Sridhar Impact of Land Use Regulations: Evidence from India’s Cities

W. Mark Brown, K. Bruce Newbold, and Desmond Beckstead Growth and Change in Human Capital across the Canadian Urban Hierarchy, 1996—2001

Franklin Obeng-Odoom Book Review: Where the Other Half Lives: Lower Income Housing in a Neoliberal World: Sarah Glynn (Ed.), 2009 New York: Pluto Press

Gerry Mooney Book Review: Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997: John Hills, Tom Sefton and Kitty Stewart (Eds), 2009 Bristol: Policy Press

Margaret Camina Book Review: Education in a Global City: Essays from London: Tim Brighouse and Leisha Fullick (Eds), 2007 London: Institute of Education, University of London

Rob Croudace Book Review: Sport & Tourism: A Reader: Weed, M. (Ed.), 2007 London: Routledge.

Shivanand Balram and Jennifer A. McRae Book Review: Climate Resilient Cities: A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters: Neeraj Prasad, Federica Ranghieri, Fatima Shah, Zoe Trohanis, Earl Kessler and Ravi Sinha, 2009 Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank

47(8), July 2010 Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon The Ambivalent Nature of Ethnic Segregation in France’s Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods

Tony Fahey and Bryan Fanning Immigration and Socio-spatial Segregation in Dublin, 1996-2006

Si-ming Li Evolving Residential and Employment Locations and Patterns of Commuting under Hyper Growth: The Case of Guangzhou, China

Maite Blázquez, Carlos Llano, and Julian Moral Commuting Times: Is There Any Penalty for Immigrants?

Paul Bishop and Peter Gripaios Personal Insolvency in England and Wales: A Spatial Analysis

Sarah Johnsen and Suzanne Fitzpatrick Revanchist Sanitisation or Coercive Care? The Use of Enforcement to Combat Begging, Street Drinking and Rough Sleeping in England

Qin Xiao Crashes in Real Estate Prices: Causes and Predictability

Richard Funderburg and Heather MacDonald Neighbourhood Valuation Effects from New Construction of Low-income Housing Tax Credit Projects in Iowa: A Natural Experiment

Cecilia Chu People Power as Exception: Three Controversies of Privatisation in Post-handover Hong Kong

Christopher Zegras The Built Environment and Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: Evidence from Santiago de Chile

Carlos Nunes Silva Book Reviews: Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century: Marco Amati (Ed.), 2008 Aldershot: Ashgate

Roberta Capello Book Review: Cities, Agglomeration and Spatial Equilibrium: Edward Glaeser, 2008 Oxford: Oxford University Press

Steve Hall Book Review: Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race, Urban Inequality and Criminal Violence: Karen F. Parker, 2008 New York: New York University Press

Kim Dovey Book Review: America’s Waterfront Revival: Port Authorities and Urban Redevelopment: Peter Hendee Brown, 2009 Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press

Anders Lund Hansen Book Review: New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate: Tom Angotti (Foreword by Peter Marcuse), 2008 Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press

47(9), August 2010 Special Issue: The Changing Configuration of the World City Network Ben Derudder, Michael Timberlake, and Frank Witlox Introduction: Mapping Changes in Urban Systems

Mario Polèse and Jonathan Denis-Jacob Changes at the Top: A Cross-country Examination over the 20th Century of the Rise (and Fall) in Rank of the Top Cities in National Urban Hierarchies

Ben Derudder, Peter Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Anneleen De Vos, Michael Hoyler, Heidi Hanssens, David Bassens, Jin Huang, Frank Witlox, Wei Shen, and Xiaolan Yang Pathways of Change: Shifting Connectivities in the World City Network, 2000—08

Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Annette Winkel Schwarz, and Søren Find World Cities of Scientific Knowledge: Systems, Networks and Potential Dynamics. An Analysis Based on Bibliometric Indicators

Arthur S. Alderson, Jason Beckfield, and Jessica Sprague-Jones Intercity Relations and Globalisation: The Evolution of the Global Urban Hierarchy, 1981—2007

Matthew C. Mahutga, Xiulian Ma, David A. Smith, and Michael Timberlake Economic Globalisation and the Structure of the World City System: The Case of Airline Passenger Data

Renato A. Orozco Pereira and Ben Derudder Determinants of Dynamics in the World City Network, 2000-2004

Sandra Vinciguerra, Koen Frenken, and Marco Valente The Geography of Internet Infrastructure: An Evolutionary Simulation Approach Based on Preferential Attachment

Gordon Pirie Trajectories of North—South City Inter-relations: Johannesburg and Cape Town, 1994—2007

Juan A. Córdoba Ordóñez and Cándida Gago García Latin American Cities and Globalisation: Change and Permanency in the Context of Development Expectations

47(10), September 2010 Michael Storper Why Does a City Grow? Specialisation, Human Capital or Institutions?

James Rhodes Managing the Parameters of Visibility: The Revelations of Katrina

Mike Raco and Emma Tunney Visibilities and Invisibilities in Urban Development: Small Business Communities and the London Olympics 2012

Anders Lidström Citizens’ Intermunicipal Political Orientations: Evidence from Swedish City-regions

Rachel Weinberger and Frank Goetzke Unpacking Preference: How Previous Experience Affects Auto Ownership in the United States

Elizabeth L. Sweet and Sara Ortiz Escalante Planning Responds to Gender Violence: Evidence from Spain, Mexico and the United States

J. Peter Clinch and Eoin O'Neill Designing Development Planning Charges: Settlement Patterns, Cost Recovery and Public Facilities

Laudo M. Ogura Effects of Urban Growth Controls on Intercity Commuting

Zachary Neal Refining the Air Traffic Approach to City Networks

Ran Tao, Fubing Su, Mingxing Liu, and Guangzhong Cao Land Leasing and Local Public Finance in China’s Regional Development: Evidence from Prefecture-level Cities

Libby Porter Book Review: Five Ring Circus: Myths and Realities of the Olympic Games C.A. Shaw, 2008 Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers

Libby Porter Book Review: Beijing: From Imperial Capital to Olympic City L. M. Li, A. J. Dray-Novey, and H. Kong, 2008 New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Rob Croudace Book Review: Olympic Tourism Mike Weed, 2008 Oxford: Elsevier

Annette Hastings Book Review: Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World’s Games, 1896—2012 J. R. Gold and M. M. Gold (Eds), 2007 London: Routledge

Kate Lindsay Book Review: Systemic Action Research: A strategy for Whole System Change Danny Burns, 2007 Bristol: The Policy Press

Environment and Planning A

42(3), March 2010 The student city: an ongoing story of neoliberalism, gentrification, and commodification Paul Chatterton

Harnessing science and securing societal impacts from publicly funded research: reflections on UK science policy David Demeritt

Love thy neighbour? Social mixing in London’s gentrification frontiers Mark Davidson

Floating choices: a generational perspective on intentions of rural – urban migrants in China Zhongshan Yue, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W Feldman, Haifeng Du

Polycentric urban development: the case of Hangzhou Wenze Yue, Yong Liu, Peilei Fan

Ethno-religious categories and measuring occupational attainment in relation to education in England and Wales: a multilevel analysis Ron Johnston, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Nabil Khattab, Tariq Modood

Educational inequality under China’s rural – urban divide: the hukou system and return to education Qiang Fu, Qiang Ren

The transformative potential of institutions: how symbolic markers can institute new social meaning in changing cities Sebastian Dembski, Willem Salet

World-city-entrepreneurialism: globalist imaginaries, neoliberal geographies, and the production of new St Petersburg Oleg Golubchikov

Seeking ‘telos’ in the ‘transfrontier’? Neoliberalism and the transcending of community conservation in Southern Africa Bram Büscher

Innovative strategies of agricultural cooperatives in the framework of the new rural development paradigms: the case of the Region of Valencia (Spain) Dionisio Ortiz-Miranda, Olga M Moreno-Pérez, Ana M Moragues-Faus

Gender, natural capital, and migration in the southern Ecuadorian Andes Clark L Gray

Sociopsychological perspectives on the active roles of domestic actors in transition to a lower carbon electricity economy Michael Nye, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Timothy Foxon

Cognitive continental drift: how attitudes can change the overall pattern of cognitive distances Claus-Christian Carbon

Geographies of religion and development: rebuilding sacred spaces in Aceh, Indonesia, after the tsunami Andrew McGregor

Becoming private property: custom, law, and the geographies of ‘ownership’ in 18th- and 19th-century England Carl J Griffin

42(4), April 2010 Featured graphic: The virtual ‘bible belt’ Matthew Zook, Mark Graham

From reds to red shirts: political evolution and devolution in Thailand Jim Glassman

Local and regional development in times of crisis John Tomaney, Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

'It's crunch time': the 'lost' geographies of the crisis 780 – 784 Thomas Wainwright

Music scenes to music clusters: the economic geography of music in the US, 1970 – 2000 Richard Florida, Charlotta Mellander, Kevin Stolarick

How to make progress in theories of spatial clustering: a case study of Malmberg and Maskell’s emerging theory Päivi Oinas, Caterina Marchionni

Competitive global city regions and ‘sustainable development’: an interpretive institutionalist account in the South East of England Rob Krueger, David Gibbs

Globalization from the edge: a framework for understanding how small and medium-sized firms in the periphery ‘go global' Nathan Young

Geographical knowledges and neoliberal tensions: compulsory land purchase in the context of contemporary urban redevelopment Brett Christophers

The intensity of ethnic residential clustering: exploring scale effects using local indicators of spatial association Michael Poulsen, Ron Johnston, James Forrest

Gentrification in the context of ‘risk society’ Andrejs Skaburskis

Reexamining the influence of work and nonwork accessibility on residential location choices with a microanalytic framework Brian H Y Lee, Paul Waddell, Liming Wang, Ram M Pendyala

Renewable energy and sociotechnical change: imagined subjectivities of ‘the public’ and their implications Gordon Walker, Noel Cass, Kate Burningham, Julie Barnett

Understanding the school journey: integrating data on travel and environment Colin Pooley, Duncan Whyatt, Marion Walker, Gemma Davies, Paul Coulton, Will Bamford

Commercial counterurbanisation: an emerging force in rural economic development Gary Bosworth

Development plans versus conservation: explanation of emergent conflicts and state political handling Evangelia Apostolopoulou, John D Pantis

The exercise of power to limit the development of new housing in the English countryside John Sturzaker

42(5), May 2010 Theme issue: Thinking waste and matter: from end-of-pipe to materialising economy The credit crunch and power relations in UK retail property Cliff Guy

The Darwins and the Cecils are only empty vessels Danny Dorling

Materiality and waste: inorganic vitality in a networked world Nicky Gregson, Mike Crang

Burying the ‘refuse revolution’: the rise of controlled tipping in Britain, 1920 – 1960 Timothy Cooper

Actor networks, modes of production, and waste regimes: reassembling the macro-social Zsuzsa Gille

Inextinguishable fibres: demolition and the vital materialisms of asbestos Nicky Gregson, Helen Watkins, Melania Calestani

The death of great ships: photography, politics, and waste in the global imaginary Mike Crang

The performativity of urban citizenship Adam M Pine

Crisis and institutional change in urban governance Crispian Fuller

Tracking grizzly bears in British Columbia’s environmental politics Jessica Dempsey

Pathologies of migrant place-making: the case of Polish migrants to the UK Nick Gill

Leveling the playing field? Urban disparities in funding for local parks and recreation in the Los Angeles region Pascale Joassart-Marcelli

A governmental contest: regulating US cinema during the Progressive Era Eric Olund

Links between ill health and regional economic performance: evidence from Swedish longitudinal data Bo Malmberg, Eva Andersson, S V Subramanian

Distance between home and work: a multilevel analysis of individual workers, neighbourhoods, and employment sites in Northern Ireland Ian Shuttleworth, Myles Gould

Optimising economic, environmental, and social objectives: a goal-programming approach in the food sector David Oglethorpe

42(6), June 2010 Small shop decline: shadow boxing in the dark? Alan Hallsworth

Measuring segregation—a cautionary tale Ron Johnston, Kelvyn Jones

Featured graphic Contemporary Mappa Mundi: American exceptionalism in the world city network Sandra Vinciguerra, Peter J Taylor, Michael Hoyler, Kathy Pain

Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change Elizabeth Shove

Getting ready for carbon capture and by issuing capture options Xi Liang, David Reiner, Jon Gibbins, Jia Li

Environmental injustices in transnational context: urbanization and industrial hazards in El Paso/Ciudad Juárez Sara E Grineski, Timothy W Collins

Navigation in new terrain with familiar maps: masterminding sociospatial equality through resource-oriented innovation policy Sjur Kasa, Anders Underthun

Can a community currency be independent of the state currency? A case study of the credito in Argentina (1995 – 2008) Pepita Ould-Ahmed

Notions of materiality and linearity: the challenges of marketing the Hadrian’s Wall place ‘product’ Gary Warnaby, Dominic Medway, David Bennison

Spatial structure and productivity in US metropolitan areas Evert J Meijers, Martijn J Burger

Built environment and property crime in Seattle, 1998 – 2000: a Bayesian analysis Stephen A Matthews, Tse-Chuan Yang, Karen L Hayslett, R Barry Ruback

Diversity or disadvantage? Putnam, Goodhart, ethnic heterogeneity, and collective efficacy Liz Twigg, Joanna Taylor, John Mohan

Ethnic population concentration and net migration in London John Stillwell

Migrant workers in the urban labour market of Shenzhen, China Mark Y Wang, Jiaping Wu

Devolution dynamics of Spanish local government 1476 – 1495 Maria Teresa Balaguer-Coll, Diego Prior, Emili Tortosa-Ausina

Consumer behaviour and the life course: shopper reactions to self-service grocery shops and supermarkets in England c. 1947 – 75 Adrian R Bailey, Gareth Shaw, Andrew Alexander, Dawn Nell

42(7), July 2010 Dying of the heat: diagnostic debates, calculations of risk, and actions to advance preparedness Sabrina McCormick

Roads to perdition in the knowledge economy Dragos Simandan

Mess among disciplines: interdisciplinarity in environmental research Andrew Donaldson, Neil Ward, Sue Bradley

‘Vertebrating’ the region as networked space of flows: learning from the spatial grammar of Catalanist territoriality David L Prytherch

Transecting security and space in Maputo Till F Paasche, James D Sidaway

Noise reduction: the postpolitical quandary of night flights at Brussels airport Stijn Oosterlynck, Erik Swyngedouw

The rise and fall of a micro-learning region: Mexican immigrants and construction in center-south Philadelphia Natasha Iskander, Nichola Lowe, Christine Riordan

Equity of urban service delivery: a comparison of different accessibility measures Tijs Neutens, Tim Schwanen, Frank Witlox, Philippe De Maeyer

What matters more for the decision to move: jobs versus amenities Thomas Niedomysl, Høgni Kalsø Hansen

Developing summary measures of health-related multiple physical environmental deprivation for epidemiological research Elizabeth A Richardson, Richard Mitchell, Niamh K Shortt, Jamie Pearce, Terence P Dawson

What was the deal for the participants of the Argentine local currency systems, the Redes de Trueque? Georgina M Gómez

Environmental governance in Russia: the ‘closed’ pathway to ecological modernization Masahiro Tokunaga

A psychological – geographical approach to vulnerability: the example of a Chinese urban development project from the perspective of the transactional stress model Anna Lena Bercht, Rainer Wehrhahn

The legitimacy and governance of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund: the ethics of global investment Gordon L Clark, Ashby H B Monk

Offsetting benefits? Analyzing access to forest carbon Esteve Corbera, Katrina Brown

42(8), August 2010 Theme issue: Ethical foodscapes?: premises, promises, and possibilities Featured graphic: Social stratification in the United States Stephen J Rose

When the tide goes out: gender, leadership and failure in the retail sector John Pal, Dominic Medway, Gary Warnaby

On Darwin, geography, and : another tale of the lions and the butterflies—episode 2? Daniel Z Sui

Ethical foodscapes?: premises, promises, and possibilities Michael K Goodman, Damian Maye, Lewis Holloway

Collective purchase: moving local and organic foods beyond the niche market Ruth Little, Damian Maye, Brian Ilbery

From ‘value-for-money’ to ‘values-for-money’? Ethical food and policy in Europe Tim Lang

Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India Jeff Neilson, Bill Pritchard

Local and green, global and fair: the ethical foodscape and the politics of care Kevin Morgan

Perspective and power in the ethical foodscape Susanne Freidberg

Palatable ethics Henry Buller

The politics of behavior change Clive Barnett

The politics of inequality in globalizing cities: how the middle classes matter in the governing of Buenos Aires J Miguel Kanai

Regional economic policy ‘in-the-making’: imaginaries, political projects and institutions for Auckland’s economic transformation Steffen Wetzstein, Richard Le Heron

Sex offenders and residential location: a predictive – analytical framework Elizabeth A Mack, Tony H Grubesic

Homelessness, travel behavior, and the politics of transportation mobilities in Long Beach, California Christine L Jocoy, Vincent J Del Casino, Jr

Low-income-country import competition and the structure of earnings inequality in Canada, 1996 – 2001 Sébastien Breau

Industrial clustering and technological innovation in China: new evidence from the ICT industry in Shenzhen Cassandra C Wang, George C S Lin, Guicai Li

Mobilizing cookstoves for development: a dual adoption framework analysis of collaborative technology innovations in Western India Gregory L Simon

Economic Geography

86(2), April 2010 Credit, Debt, and Everyday Financial Practices: Low-Income Households in Two Postsocialist Cities Alison Stenning, Adrian Smith, Alena Rochovská and Dariusz Świątek

Under the Lens: The Geography of Optical Science as an Emerging Industry Maryann P. Feldman and Iryna Lendel

Planning for Path Dependence? The Case of a Network in the Berlin-Brandenburg Optics Cluster Jörg Sydow, Frank Lerch and Udo Staber

Global Standards, Local Realities: Private Agrifood Governance and the Restructuring of the Kenyan Horticulture Industry Stefan Ouma

Economic Geography: The Integration of Regions and Nations – By Pierre-Philippe Combes, Thierry Mayer, and Jacques-François Thisse Julie A. Silva

Beyond Developmentality: Constructing Inclusive Freedom and Sustainability – By Debal Deb Brent McCusker

Uneven Paths of Development: Innovation and Learning in Asia and Africa – By Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka and Rajah Rasiah Julius Mugwagwa

Envisioning Media Power: On Capital and Geographies of Television – By Brett Christophers Terry Flew

Cities and Gender – By Helen Jarvis with Paula Kantor and Jonathan Clarke Winifred Curran

86(3), July 2010 Space-Time Variations of Human Capital Assets Across U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1980 to 2000 (pages 233–250) Allen J. Scott

Selling City Futures: The Financialization of Urban Redevelopment Policy (pages 251–274) Rachel Weber

Listing BRICs: Stock Issuers from Brazil, Russia, India, and China in New York, London, and Luxembourg (pages 275–296) Dariusz Wójcik and Csaba Burger

Cultivating Beyond-Capitalist Economies (pages 297–318) Sarah Wright

Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity – Edited by Xiangming Chen (pages 319–320) Yehua Dennis Wei

The Geography of Transport Systems, Second Edition – By Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois, and Brian Slack (pages 321–322) Andrew R. Goetz

The Polycentric Metropolis: Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe – Written and edited by Peter Hall and Kathy Pain (pages 323–324) Ludger Basten

Knowledge in the Development of Economies: Institutional Choices Under Globalisation – Edited by Silvia Sacchetti and Roger Sugden (pages 325–326) Pierre Desrochers

Universities, Knowledge Transfer and Regional Development: Geography, Entrepreneurship and Policy – Edited by Attila Varga (pages 327–329) Helen Lawton Smith

Social Politics

17(1), Spring 2010 Miriam Smith Gender Politics and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate in the United States

Martha Doyle and Virpi Timonen Obligations, Ambitions, Calculations: Migrant Care Workers' Negotiation of Work, Career, and Family Responsibilities

Matthieu Leimgruber Protecting Soldiers, Not Mothers: Soldiers' Income Compensation in Switzerland during World War II

Traci Levy and Elizabeth Palley Education, Needs, and a Feminist Ethic of Care: Lessons from Discomfort with Academic Giftedness

Susanne Schech and Mochamad Mustafa The Politics of Gender Mainstreaming Poverty Reduction: An Indonesian Case Study

17(2), Summer 2010 Jennifer Nixon and Cathy Humphreys Marshalling the Evidence: Using Intersectionality in the Domestic Violence Frame

Stephanie Paterson ‘Resistors,’ ‘Helpless Victims,’ and ‘Willing Participants’: The Construction of Women's Resistance in Canadian Anti-Violence Policy

Yagil Levy The Clash between Feminism and Religion in the Israeli Military: A Multilayered Analysis

Sheila Jeffreys “Brothels without Walls”: the Escort Sector as a Problem for the Legalization of Prostitution

Lyn Craig and Peter Siminski Men's Housework, Women's Housework, and Second Births in Australia

17(3), Fall 2010 Fiona Williams and Rianne Mahon Introduction: Transnationality and Gender: Power, Policy, and Otherness

Christine M. Jacobsen and Dag Stenvoll Muslim Women and Foreign Prostitutes: Victim Discourse, Subjectivity, and Governance

Helga Eggebø The Problem of Dependency: Immigration, Gender, and the Welfare State

Janine Dahinden Cabaret Dancers: “Settle Down in order to Stay Mobile?” Bridging Theoretical Orientations within Transnational Migration Studies

Karen M. Booth A Magic Bullet for the “African” Mother? Neo-Imperial Reproductive Futurism and the Pharmaceutical “Solution” to the HIV/AIDS Crisis

Andrea Krizsan and Raluca Popa Europeanization in Making Policies against Domestic Violence in Central and Eastern Europe

Global Social Policy

10(1), April 2010 Zahir Sadeque Global Social Policy Forum: Climate Change and Social Policy: An Introduction

Zahir Sadeque How Climate Change Will Shape the Social Policy Framework

Larry Lohmann and Sarah Sexton Carbon Markets: The Policy Reality

M. Adil Khan Climate Change Vulnerabilities of South Asia and Future Options: A Governance Perspective

Adele Anna Sasvari Changes in Climate Negotiations: Gender Equality Towards Copenhagen

Nazrul Islam Climate Change and the Challenge to Social Policies

A.V. Ramana Acharyulu The Impact of Climate Change: Social Policy Initiatives

Abdel-Bari Hassan Nasr Climate Change and Social Policy: Implications for Nomads and the Subsistence Economy in Darfur

Miriam Abu Sharkh and Ian Gough Global Welfare Regimes: A Cluster Analysis

Jane Jenson Diffusing Ideas for After Neoliberalism: The Social Investment Perspective in Europe and Latin America

Anna Shea, Mariko Nakayama, and Jody Heymann Improving Labour Standards in Clothing Factories: Lessons from Stakeholder Views and Monitoring Results in Cambodia

Gemma Wright and Michael Noble Recent Social Policy Developments in Africa

Sarah Hodges Review Article: Malthus is Forever: The Global Market for Population Control

10(2), August 2010 Nicola Yeates Introduction: Championing Human Rights for All

Ted Schrecker Human Rights Against the Global Marketplace

Timo Voipio Building Social Floors for Decent Societies

Christina Behrendt Crisis, Opportunity and the Social Protection Floor

Kevin Farnsworth Business and Human Rights

Claudio Schuftan Is There Such a Thing as a Fair and Human Rights-sensitive Process of Globalization?

Rianne Mahon After Neo-Liberalism?: The OECD, the World Bank and the Child

Francesco Duina and Peter Nedergaard Learning in International Governmental Organizations: The Case of Social Protection

Naren Prasad and Megan Gerecke Social Security Spending in Times of Crisis

Philippe Pochet and Christophe Degryse Social Policies of the European Union

S. Akbar Zaidi Review Essay: A New Social Policy?: ANTHONY J. BEBBINGTON, ANIS A. DANI, AND MICHAEL WALTON (EDS), Institutional Pathways to Equity: Addressing Inequality Traps, New Frontiers of Social Policy. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008. ANIS A. DANI AND ARJAN DE HAAN (EDS) Inclusive States: Social Policy and Structural Inequalities, New Frontiers of Social Policy. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008. CAROLINE MOSER AND ANIS A. DANI (EDS), Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy, New Frontiers of Social Policy. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008. MARGARET GROSH, CARLO DEL NINNO, EMIL TESLIUC, AND AZEDINE OUERGHI, For Protection and Promotion: The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008. ARMANDO BARRIENTOS AND DAVID HULME (EDS), Social Protection for the Poor and the Poorest: Concepts, Policies and Politics, Palgrave Studies in Development. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008


3/2010 Eckhard Hein Kommentar: Deflationäre Stagnation abwenden!

Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen Innovationen und Finanzmarkt

Werner Nienhüser, Heiko Hoßfeld Alles auf Betriebsebene regeln? Dezentralisierung der Tarifbeziehungen aus Sicht betrieblicher Akteure

Birgit Geissler Der private Haushalt als Arbeitsplatzreservoir? Zur Akzeptanz und Abwehr von Haushaltsdienstleistungen

Reinhard Bispinck Tarifpolitischer Jahresbericht 2009: Tarifverdienste mit kräftigem Plus - Effektivverdienste im Minus

Thorsten Schulten WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2010 - Unterschiedliche Strategien in der Krise

4/2010 Jörg Bogumil Wir brauchen einen kommunalen Rettungsfonds, aber nicht für alle Kommunen

Jutta Allmendinger, Christian Ebner, Rita Nikolai Bildung in Europa 2010 - Ziele erreicht oder verfehlt?

Miriam Gensicke, Alexander Herzog-Stein, Hartmut Seifert, Nikolai Tschersich Einmal atypisch, immer atypisch beschäftigt? Mobilitätsprozesse atypischer und normaler Arbeitsverhältnisse im Vergleich

Klaus Haberkern, Martina Brandt Intergenerationale und professionelle Unterstützung älterer Personen in Europa

Thorsten Schulten Europäischer Tarifbericht des WSI 2009/2010

Peter Ellguth, Susanne Kohaut Tarifbindung und betriebliche Interessenvertretung: Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel 2009

Winfried Heidemann Der Betrieb als Ort Lebensbegleitenden Lernens?

Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt Die berufliche Gleichstellung von Frauen braucht rechtliche Regulierung

5/2010 Arbeitsmarkt Wissenschaft: Neue Identitäten, neue Karrieren? Silke Gülker Arbeitsmarkt Wissenschaft - Strukturen und Trends

Georg Krücken, Albrecht Blümel, Katharina Kloke Hochschulmanagement - Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Profession?

Marc Torka, Andreas Knie Auf der Suche nach der Innovation: Grenzgänger zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Michael Grotheer Berufseinstiege - Promotionen - Kompetenzen: Hochschulen und Absolventen vor neuen Herausforderungen

Hans-Peter Klös Neue Signale für den Arbeitsmarkt - Zur Akzeptanz gestufter wissenschaftlicher Abschlüsse in der betrieblichen Praxis

Hildegard Matthies, Karin Zimmermann Arbeitsfeld Wissenschaft und Geschlechtersegregation

Michael Sondermann, Sebastian Bukow, Dagmar Simon Dauerhaft exzellent? Personalrekrutierung und Modelle nachhaltiger Karrierentwicklung im Kontext der Exzellenzinitiative

6/2010 Helga Spindler Ringen um das Existenzminimum

Thomas Haipeter Erneuerung aus der Defensive? Gewerkschaftliche Perspektiven der Tarifabweichung

Heinz-J. Bontrup, Ralf-M. Marquardt Beschäftigungsbedingungen und Unternehmenskultur in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft

Eva Kocher, Felix Welti Autonomie und soziale Sicherheit - Anforderungen an arbeits- und sozialrechtliche Regulierung

Kirsten Wüst, Brigitte Burkart Womit haben wir das verdient? - Weniger Geld bei besserer Leistung

Claudia Bogedan Qualifizieren statt Entlassen - Betriebliche Weiterbildung in der Krise

Ernst Niemeier Hat der Arbeitsmarkt wirklich von Hartz IV profitiert?

Joachim Möller Die deutschen Arbeitsmarktreformen: Nicht perfekt, aber unter dem Strich positiv

7/2010 Arbeit und Gesundheit in schwierigen Zeiten Uwe Lenhardt, Michael Ertel, Martina Morschhäuser Psychische Arbeitsbelastungen in Deutschland: Schwerpunkte - Trends - betriebliche Umgangsweisen

Thomas Langhoff, Ina Krietsch, Christian Starke Der Erwerbseinstieg junger Erwachsener: unsicher, ungleich, ungesund

Elke Ahlers Arbeitsbedingungen von Beschäftigten in Betrieben mit ergebnisorientiert gesteuerten Arbeitsformen

Wolfgang Dunkel, Nick Kratzer, Wolfgang Menz "Permanentes Ungenügen" und "Veränderung in Permanenz" - Belastungen durch neue Steuerungsformen

Karina Becker, Ulrich Brinkmann, Thomas Engel Differenz in der Einheit: Ein ostdeutscher Sonderweg im betrieblichen Gesundheitsschutz

Wolfhard Kohte Das betriebliche Eingliederungsmanagement - Ein doppelter Suchprozess

Rolf Satzer Das zu entwickelnde Instrument einer vorausschauenden, ganzheitlichen Gefährdungsbeurteilung

Herbert Bludau-Hoffmann, Roman Eberle, Klaus Holz-Skibinski, Uwe Spadzinski Finanzmarktkrise und Verkaufsdruck im Finanzdienstleistungssektor

Sylvia Skrabs, Alexander Wegener Trotz Krise: Tariflicher Gesundheitsschutz im Sozial- und Erziehungsdienst

Klaus Pickshaus Krise und Restrukturierung: Anforderungen an eine Gute-Arbeit-Strategie

8/2010 Beschäftigte und Gewerkschaften in der Wirtschaftskrise Hans-Jürgen Urban Wohlfahrtsstaat und Gewerkschaftsmacht im Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus: Der Fall Deutschland

Antonio Brettschneider, Tabea Bromberg, Thomas Haipeter, Steffen Lehndorff Konzepte gegen die Krise? Chancen und Ambivalenzen betrieblicher "Besser"-Strategien für Arbeitspolitik und Interessenvertretungen

Karina Becker, Ulrich Brinkmann, Oliver Nachtwey Die Krise in der Krise - Subjektive Wahrnehmungen und Reaktionsmuster von Beschäftigten

Ingrid Artus Die französischen Gewerkschaften in der Wirtschaftskrise: Zwischen Dialogue Social und Basismilitanz

Boy Lüthje Arbeitsbeziehungen in China: "Tripartismus mit vier Parteien"?

Vera Glassner Tarifparteien und Regierungen in Europa: Mit Tarifverträgen gegen den Abschwung?

Martin Allespach, Peter Donath, Michael Guggemos Aktiv aus der Krise

Wolfgang Uellenberg-van Dawen Die Krisenreaktion der Vereinten Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft


58, 1/2010 Steuergerechtigkeit - umverteilen ! Urs Marti Das Leiden der Neoliberalen an der Gerechtigkeit. Überlegungen zu einer linken Gerechtigkeitskonzeption

Michael R. Krätke Krise des Steuerstaats

Andreas Missbach / Mark Herkenrath Internationale Steuergerechtigkeit und Entwicklungsfinanzierung. Steuerflucht und die Rolle der Schweiz

Bruno Gurtner Steuervermeidung und Steuerhinterziehung. Wie Multis Standortunterschiede nutzen – und die Schweiz ihnen dabei hilft

Peter Wahl Chancen einer Finanztransaktionssteuer in Europa

Hanspeter Guggenbühl Lieber Wachstum als Kostenwahrheit. Weshalb die ökologische Steuerreform politisch chancenlos blieb

Denknetz Fachgruppe Steuerpolitik Radikale Wende in der schweizerischen Steuerpolitik

Axel Troost Sozial und gerecht umverteilen statt kaputtsparen. Die steuerpolitischen Konzepte der LINKEN

Mascha Madörin Weltmarkterfolg auf Kosten der Frauen. Steuerpolitik, Care- und Genderregimes in der Schweiz

Annemarie Sancar Gendergerechte Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Elisabeth Klatzer Gender Budgeting als Instrument der Gleichstellung? Fakten zur politischen Umsetzung in Österreich

Christine Michel / Natalie Imboden Gleichstellung und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Für Teilhabe der Frauen an allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen

Frigga Haug Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Krise. Zeitgemäße Notizen

Franco Cavalli Pharmaindustrie und globale Krebsbekämpfung. Profitstrategien mit schwerwiegenden Folgen in der Dritten Welt

Heiner Busch / Balthasar Glättli Ausschaffungsinitiative – ein verfassungspolitischer Skandal. Der Gegenvorschlag und die Position der Linken

Angelo Maiolino Überfremdung und Mediterranisierung in der Schweiz. Identitäten im Spannungsfeld

Anne-Lise Hilty / Martin Flückiger Zur Lage der Kurdinnen und Kurden in der Türkei. Eine politische Reportage

Pascal Pfister Die Renaissance des Streiks. Arbeitskonflikte im Lichte der schweizerischen Streikstatistik

Hans Schäppi Mit Wirtschaftsdemokratie den Kapitalismus überwinden? Zum Programmentwurf der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der Schweiz

Hans Peter Gansner Den Hass verstehen. Zu Jean Zieglers Buch „Hass auf den Westen“

Doris Stump Die Europäische Sozialcharta des Europarats – die Schweiz im Abseits

Rudolf Walther Die Entzauberung des Phantoms „Antitotalitarismus“

Mauro Basaure Kritik und kritische Theorie

Miriam Wischer zu Tove Soiland: Luce Irigarays Denken der sexuellen Differenz

Lilian Fankhauser zu Adelheid Biesecker et al.: Feministische Antworten auf die Krise

Erika Schläppi zu Claudia Michel: Rechte fordern. Frauenorganisationen und Menschenrechte

Journal of European Social Policy

20(2), May 2010 Francis G Castles Black swans and elephants on the move: the impact of emergencies on the welfare state

Jens Alber What the European and American welfare states have in common and where they differ: facts and fiction in comparisons of the European Social Model and the United States

Brian Burgoon and Fabian Dekker Flexible employment, economic insecurity and social policy preferences in Europe

Niklas Jakobsson and Andreas Kotsadam Do attitudes toward gender equality really differ between Norway and Sweden?

Maria C Gonzalez Workers’ direct participation at the workplace and job quality in Europe

Wim Van Lancker Book Review: Akvile Motiejūnaite Female Employment, Gender Roles, And Attitudes: The Baltic Countries In A Broader Context, Acta Universitatis Stockholmienis, 2008

Joan Costa Font Book Review: Scott Greer The Politics of European Union Health Policies, Press: Maidenhead, 2009

Luis Moreno Book Review: Chiara Saraceno (ed.) Families, Ageing and Social Policy: Intergenerational Solidarity in European Welfare States, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham/Northampton, MA

Michaela Schulze Book Review: Bruno Palier and Claude Martin (eds.) Reforming the Bismarckian Welfare Systems, Blackwell: Oxford, 2008

20(3), July 2010 Anne Grönlund and Ida Öun Rethinking work-family conflict: dual-earner policies, role conflict and role expansion in Western Europe

Rebecca Ray, Janet C. Gornick, and John Schmitt Who cares? assessing generosity and gender equality in parental leave policy designs in 21 countries

Markus Tepe and Pieter Vanhuysse Elderly bias, new social risks and social spending: change and timing in eight programmes across four worlds of welfare, 1980-2003

Louise Humpage Institutions, interests and ideas: explaining social policy change in welfare states incorporating an indigenous population

Bodil Damgaard and Jacob Torfing Network governance of active employment policy: the Danish experience

Susan Kuivalainen and Mikko Niemelä From universalism to selectivism: the ideational turn of the anti-poverty policies in Finland

Journal of European Integration

32(2) Europeanization, Domestic Legacies and Administrative Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and the Czech Republic Isa Camyar

Variations on a Theme. Governing the Knowledge-Based Society in the EU through Methods of Open Coordination in Education and R&D Rik De Ruiter

Europeanization of Lobbying Activities: When National Interest Groups Spill Over to the European Level Heike Klüver

National Elites and the Russian Minority Issue. Does EU–NATO Integration Matter? Anton Steen

Functionality in EU Foreign Policy: Towards a New Research Agenda? Christopher J. Bickerton

Review Article: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; Who is the Most European of Us All? Edelgard Mahant

32(3) From Conditionality to Persuasion? Europeanization and the Rights of Sexual Minorities in Post-Accession Poland Conor O'Dwyer

Multi-level Governance of Banking Regulation in the EU: Evidence from Developing Bank Supervision in Bulgaria and Hungary Aneta B. Spendzharova

Divergence within Convergence: Europeanization of Social and Labour Market Policies Olaf van Vliet

And We’d Like to Thank … Romania’s Integration into the European Union, 1989–2007 David Phinnemore

Challenges to Legitimacy in Food Safety Governance? The Case of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Mikael Klintman; Annica Kronsell

Review Article: Has the Dwarf Grown Up? A. Mert Kartal

32(4) The Strengths and Limits of New Forms of EU Governance: The Cases of Mainstreaming and Impact Assessment in EU Public Health and Sustainable Development Policy Robert Geyer; Simon Lightfoot

How Agents Weaken their Principals’ Incentives to Control: The Case of EU Negotiators and EU Member States in Multilateral Negotiations Tom Delreux; Bart Kerremans

European Union and Minorities: Different Paths of Europeanization? Ece Ozlem Atikcan

The Challenge of Implementing Minority Rights in Central Eastern Europe Malte Brosig

Review Article: Pension Reforms and the Political Economy of the Welfare State Olaf Van Vliet


3/2010 Günter Busch, , Werner Sauerborn »Krise in der Krise?«, zum Tarifabschluss im Öffentlichen Dienst ver.di-Gewerkschaftsrat »Gewerkschaftsverfassung«, statt eines Programms: Grundsatzerklärung von ver.di

WSI »Kettenverträgemassaker«, Warnung vor einem Anstieg von Zeitverträgen

WSI »Frühgotische Bescheidenheit«, Zahlen belegen: lieber anerkannt arm als alimentiert arbeitslos

»Besondere Dienstleistungen!?«, 1, 2, 3 – ganz viele Anlaufstellen

Gregor Zattler »Die gelbe Gefahr«, über Grenzen von Arbeitskonflikten in prekären Arbeitsverhältnissen pdf Datei (Langfassung)

Ingrid Kurz-Scherf »Dafür, aber doch dagegen«, fünf Anmerkungen zur Kritik am offenen Brief an Opel-GBR

Nicholas Bell »Das Meer mit den Händen aufhalten«, El Ejido zehn Jahre nach den Pogromen

Chris Chan »Lasst 100 Blumen blühn«, über Wanderarbeiter in NGOs in China, Teil I

Anne Scheidhauer »Mindestlöhne im Gemenge«, Zwischenerfolge für Freihandelszonengewerkschaft in Sri Lanka

Anne Allex »Bombentyp«, zum Wandel des Georg Elser-Bildes, zu Hellmut G. Haasis: »Den Hitler jag ich in die Luft«

Joachim John »AG politischer Streik«, über Perspektiven zunehmender Verrechtlichung, zu Veit Wilhelmy: »Kommt der politische Streik? – Weitere Materialien zu einem Tabu«, Band 2

4/2010 Achim Bigus »Verfahren, auch ohne Krise«, zu Notwendigkeit und Grenzen des »ökologischen Umbaus« der Autoindustrie

Gaston Kirsche »Tarife in schwerer See«, zu Lohnsenkungsversuchen bei HafenarbeiterInnen im Windschatten der Krise

Anton Kobel »Kein langer Riemen!«, ver.di erklärt ihre Grundsätze – ohne Widersprüche, Realitäten und Handeln für die Aktiven!

Martin Singe »Vollzugsdefizit«, staatlich erzwungene Schwarzarbeit in Knästen

Anton Kobel »Kaufhöfe im Angebot«, ... Kaufhofbelegschaften im Visier

John Logan »Maßstäbe senken oder setzen?«, über skandalöse Arbeitspraktiken der Deutschen Telekom in den USA

John Logan »Die Deutsche Telekom und T-Mobile in Zahlen«

Murat Cakir »Aghet«, zum Völkermord an den Armeniern und der Politik mit Begriffen - eine Rede anlässlich der Gedenkfeiern

Netzwerk »No borders« »Calais macht Euch fertig«, Eindrücke vom Leben ohne Pass auf den Straßen von Calais

»Operation ›Fehlerkorrektur‹«, »Freie Advokatur« – Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit in China?

Chris Chan »Lasst 100 Blumen blühn«, über Wanderarbeiter in NGOs in China,Teil II

Harald Rein »Außen vor«, Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Erwerbslosenbewegung, über Hannack/Jirku/Menze (Hg.): »Erwerbslose in Aktion«

Peter Nowak »Co-Management auf hohem Niveau?«, ein Interviewband mit Eurobetriebsräten liefert ein ernüchterndes Bild über gewerkschaftliche Politik, zu Stefanie Hürtgen: »Transnationales Co-Management«

5-6/2010 Ingo Schmidt »Zurück ins Zentrum«, über die Grenzen neoliberaler Krisenpolitik und falsche Sündenböcke

Stephan Krull »Die Autogesellschaft ist die Krise«, ohne Umbau kein Ausweg! – ein Plädoyer

»Niedriglöhne werden zementiert«, Gewerkschaftslinke verurteilen Tarifvertrag zu Leiharbeit

Gerd Dielmann »Welches Niveau bitte?«, zur Erprobung des Deutschen Qualifikationsrahmens

Siggi Frieß & Peter Birke »Umwege ins Paradies?«, fünf Thesen für eine Erneuerung der Arbeitszeit-Debatte

Andreas Bieler/Ingemar Lindberg/Werner Sauerborn »Universelle Besonderungen«, über die Rolle der Gewerkschaften in der neuen globalen Ökonomie

»Rückblick auf verborgenes Terrain«, Diskussion über die DDR und 20 Jahre 1989, Teil I

»Auto und Mobilität in der Krise«, Konferenz zur Transformation gesellschaftlicher Verkehrsverhältnisse

»Müssen wir in die Fußstapfen unserer Eltern treten?!«, blutige Auseinandersetzungen in chinesischem Vorzeigewerk von Honda

Mark Brenner »Schlanke Lager«, über Leanproduction im Einzelhandel der USA

»Migrationsmonopoly«, Arbeitsmärkte in Bewegung

»Nicht nur die Bahn für alle«, europäisches BahngewerkschafterInnentreffen und Demonstration in Lille

7/2010 Anton Kobel »Tarifeinheit im Betrieb?!«, Ja, aber wo, für wen, mit wem? Zum Urteil des BAG

Helmut Platow »Keine Opportunitätsfrage?«, Anmerkungen zu Tarifeinheit und Friedenspflicht à la BDA/DGB

Marcus Schwarzbach »Zu doof und selber schuld!«, Kampfbegriff ›Fehlende Ausbildungsreife‹, zum Berufsbildungsbericht

»Akzeptanzprobleme«, ver.di unterstützt Vorschlag von DGB und BDA zur Tarifeinheit, ver.di Publik im Gespräch mit Gerd Herzberg

»Schwarze Liste der Tarifumgehungen«, Deutscher Journalistenverband untersucht Verlage

Günter Busch & Werner Sauerborn »Das war’s noch nicht...«, sieben Thesen zum Ausbau der Mobilisierung nach dem 12. Juni

»Bei Abriss Aufstand!«, Widerstand gegen Projekt »Stuttgart 21«

»Nachhaltige Ergebnisse?«, eine Kontroverse um Demokratie im Betrieb, Ausschlussverfahren und Kriterien gewerkschaftlicher Interessenvertretung

Bart van der Steen »Organizing ist kein Zaubertrank«, ein Gespräch mit Peter Birke über »Die große Wut und die kleinen Schritte«

Kirsten Huckenbeck und Willi Hajek »Good bye«, Erinnerungen an Archi Kuhnke

»Rückblick auf verborgenes Terrain«, Diskussion über die DDR und 20 Jahre 1989, Teil II

Gaston Kirsche »LeiharbeiterInnenbelegschaft kieloben«, Tarifdumping per Werkvertrag – Medienmacht macht’s vor

Gaston Kirsche »Grauzone Werkvertrag«, Gespräch mit BR-Vorsitzenden Marcus Peyn

»Forum Soziales Europa (FSE)« Appell für eine europäische Mobilisierung zum 29. September 2010

Peter Nowak »Ohne Begriffe keine Eingriffe«, Erinnerung an einen linken Intellektuellen, zu: Christian Riechers: »Die Niederlage in der Niederlage. Texte zu Arbeiterbewegung, Klassenkampf, Faschismus«

8/2010 Christian Frings »Putz bei Klüh«, Putzarbeit soll (noch) billiger werden

Rolf Geffken »Eine stand auf«, über die rechtspolitische Bedeutung des »Emmely«-Urteils und Lehren aus der Kampagne

Gregor Zattler »Ohne Handbuch«, das Komitee »Solidarität mit Emmely«, über Erfahrungen mit einer etwas anderen Kampagne

WSI »Arbeitskampfflaute«, deutlicher Rückgang der Arbeitskämpfe im ersten Halbjahr 2010

Eberhard Schmidt »Zum Tode von Rainer Zoll«

»Vom Regen in die Traufe?«, erst Kurzarbeit – jetzt Wochenendschichten ohne Ende bei Daimler

Bernard Schmid »Wichtiger Erfolg der Sans Papiers«

Slave Cubela »Kroatiens FC St. Pauli«, der RNK Split als Element linker Gegenkultur auf dem Balkan

»Kulturrevolution von unten?«, Interview mit Sun Heng, Mitbegründer der »Heimstatt für WanderarbeiterInnen«

Gregor Kritidis »Krise als Katalysator«, über die Transformation der griechischen Arbeiterbewegung


3/2010 Redaktion Sozialismus "Spätrömische Dekadenz". "Stellungskrieg" im bürgerlichen Lager

Klaus Bullan Eltern & Kinder unter Druck. 185.000 Stimmen gegen Schulreform in Hamburg – woher kommen die?

Martin Künkler Es rettet uns kein höheres Wesen... Das Hartz-IV-Urteildes Bundesverfassungsgerichts

Joachim Bischoff Eine neue Phase der großen Krise

Andreas Fisahn Stabilitätskriterien & öffentliche Hinrichtung Griechenlands

Stuart Holland Wie ein europäischer New Deal zu entwickeln ist

Jörg Roesler Mixed Economy – notwendige Etappe auf dem Weg zur solidarischen Wirtschaft? Folgerungen aus Great Depression und New Deal

Klaus Steinitz Reclaim the Budget (zu Jürgen Leibiger)

Michael Schumann Die Herausforderung annehmen. Perspektiven der Gewerkschaften angesichts von Individualisierung und globaler Finanzkrise

Otto König / Richard Detje Beschäftigungssicherung durch Tarif. Der Metallabschluss in der "großen Krise" – strategische Fragen bleiben offen

Sybille Stamm / Günter Busch Öffentlich ist wesentlich. Über die Schwierigkeiten der Tarifrunde im Öffentlichen Dienst

Alexis Passadakis Scheitern der Klimaverhandlungen in Kopenhagen

Uli Cremer / Wilhelm Achelpöhler Afghanistan-Agenda 2010 – Wieder mehr Truppen!

Elisabeth Gauthier Sarkozys "Umbau" der Gesellschaft

Bernhard Sander Krisenängste und rechtspopulistische Mentalitäten. Frankreich vor den Regionalwahlen

Christina Ujma Die italienische Linke vor den Regionalwahlen

Jürgen Hofmann Wie ein Kulturgut gerettet wurde (zu Benser)

Brigitte H. Schulz Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

Antje Trosien Invictus (Filmkritik)

4/2010 Joachim Bischoff "Erst die Strafe, dann der Fonds!" Griechenland, das Schuldenproblem und der Euro

Alexander Ulrich / Anne Karrass Von einer Traumwelt in die nächste: Die Strategie EU 2020

Sabine Leidig Bürgerbahn statt Börsenwahn. Oder: Man könnte mit der Bahn ein Exempel statuieren

Redaktion Sozialismus DIE LINKE Antwort auf den finanzmarktgetriebenen Kapitalismus. Auf dem Weg zu einem modernen sozialistischen Grundsatzprogramm

Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Fluch der Prekarität. SPD fordert "Fairness" auf dem Arbeitsmarkt

Guido Speckmann Bohrende Fragen. Zwei neue Studien stellen linke Gewissheiten in Frage (zu Holger Knothe und Marcus Meier)

Klaus Steinitz Beziehungen zwischen sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Umwelt- und Klimakrise

Klaus Pickshaus Krise, Restrukturierung und Gute Arbeit. Thesen zu einer arbeitspolitischen Strategie

Lothar Wentzel Im Betrieb international handlungsfähig werden. Gewerkschaftliche Netzwerke in transnationalen Konzernen

Michael Wendl Am Rande einer tarifpolitischen Blamage. Der Tarifabschluss von ver.di mit Bund und Gemeinden

Johanna Klages 40 Jahre Neue Frauenbewegung. Anmerkungen zu Nancy Fraser

Yvonne Ploetz / Stefan Kalmring Emanzipation, aber bitte marktkonform? Plädoyer für einen globalisierungskritischen Feminismus

Jens Becker Disziplinierung durch Integration? Der lange Marsch der "68er"durch die SPD (zu Jeannette Seiffert)

E. Richter Nach der Transformation ist vor der Transformation (zu R. Reißig)

Johannes Springer Comuna im Aufbau (Filmkritik)

5/2010 Bernhard Sander Kleine Bundestagswahl

Uli Cremer Panzerhaubitzen, Hinterhalte & "gelbe Schleifen". Die Intensivierung des Afghanistan-Krieges und seine Folgen

Christoph Lieber Krise patriarchaler Strukturen in der Zivilgesellschaft. Familiengeheimnisse in Kirche und Schule lüften

Joachim Bischoff Vor einem Ende der Großen Krise? Fragile Konjunktur – Konkursspirale der Schulden

Joachim Bischoff Der Weg nach Ithaka. Griechenlands Schulden werden durch eine neue "Odyssee" nicht weniger

Fritz Fiehler Eine Jahrhundertkrise – deren nächste bereits absehbar ist? Greenspan-Kontroverse über Zinspolitik, Geldmarkt und Bankenreform

Richard Detje / Gerd Peter Demokratische Arbeit im Betrieb. Reaktivierung der gesicherten "arbeitswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse"

Günter Kasch Kontroverse um den "DGB-Index Gute Arbeit". Vor einem zweiten Frühling der Arbeitswissenschaft?

Christina Ujma Mehr Schatten als Licht. Zum Abschneiden der italienischen Linken bei den Regionalwahlen

Meisterdenker des Eurokommunismus. Pietro Ingrao zum 95. Geburtstag

Mario Tronti Person und Politik

Moishe Postone Kritik des Kapitalismus und die "große Erzählung"

Klaus Dörre Landnahme, Beschleunigung, Aktivierung. Replik zur Kritik

Stephan Ganglbauer Österreichischer Kommunismus (zu Walter Baier)

Siegfried Prokop Selbstverständnis und Realität des deutschen Kommunismus (zu Günter Benser)

Marion Fisch Precious – das Leben ist kostbar (Filmkritik)

6/2010 Redaktion Sozialismus Politikwechsel à la SPD?

Michael Hartwig Die Landtagswahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Wählerstrukturen und Themenschwerpunkte

Johanna Klages Krise der politischen Repräsentationen und Krise der Demokratie

Niels Kadritzke Griechenland – Einschneidende Reformen wirken nur mit europäischer Solidarität

Joachim Bischoff Der Euro, Griechenland und die zweite Phase der großen Krise

Karl Georg Zinn Ohne Rückblick kein Durchblick – und was für ein Ausblick? Die zweite Welle der großen Krise ist noch nicht die letzte

Michael Wendl Wie politisch ist der Finanzmarktkapitalismus? Anmerkungen zum Programmentwurf der Partei DIE LINKE

Reinhold Kowalski "Agenda" und "Non-Agenda" des Staates (zu Dellheim/Krause, Sichtbare Hände – Staatsinterventionismus im Krisenkapitalismus)

Christoph Ehlscheid / Klaus Pickshaus / Hans-Jürgen Urban Die große Krise und die Chancen der Gewerkschaften. Ein Beitrag zur Strategiedebatte

Christina Ujma Modernisierer, Strahlemänner & Neandertaler zwischen Hoffnung & Verzweiflung. Die britische Unterhauswahl

Jürgen Ostrowsky Südafrika – Zusammengehalten durch die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft?

Manfred Lauermann Gegendiskurs in Theorie und Praxis. Ludwig von Friedeburg (21.5.1924-17.5.2010)

Joachim Rauscher Von der "Wende von Salerno" zur "Bolognina". Neuere Literatur zur Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei Italiens

Ingo Materna Lenin und Luxemburg (zu Ulla Plener, Rosa Luxemburg und Lenin: Gemeinsamkeiten und Kontroversen)

Johannes Springer Klaus Wildenhahn (Filmkritik)

7-8/2010 Joachim Bischoff / Björn Radke Wahl mit Nachwirkungen

Christoph Lieber "Engel der Geschichte". Gauck, die Linke und Christa Wolfs "Stadt der Engel"

Guido Speckmann Kalter Kaffee? Zur Kritik des deutschen Nationalismus und WM-Patriotismus

Bernhard Müller / Bernhard Sander Rechtspopulismus auf dem Vormarsch

Hartmut Reiners "Wildsäue" oder "Gurkentruppe"? Das absurde Theater der schwarz-gelben Gesundheitspolitiker

Joachim Bischoff Systemkrise des Kapitalismus zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

Karl Georg Zinn Die "Neocons" sind doch keine Liberalen!

Helga Schwitzer Rahmenbedingungen und Perspektiven der Tarifpolitik

Hartmut Meine / Uwe Stoffregen Mehr Wirtschaftsdemokratie wagen! Auf dem Weg zu einer Alternative zum Finanzmarktkapitalismus

Jörg Jungmann Vereinte Ohnmacht oder organisierter Widerstand?

Joachim Beerhorst Ein Kopf- und Handbuch für die Bildungsarbeit (zu Allespach / Meyer / Wentzel)

Armando Fernández Steinko Der Fall Garzón und die Scheidelinie der spanischen Demokratie

Murat Çakir Die imperialen Gelüste der "Neo-Osmanen"

Antje Trosien Brot und Spiele? Brot oder Spiele? Von der WM wird Südafrika nicht satt. Autobiographie eines Freiheitskämpfers (zu Denis Goldberg)

Fritz Fiehler Ökologie und Gesellschaftskritik (zu Marcuse, Nachgelassene Schriften 6)

Hans-Georg Draheim Einführung in die Mikroökonomie (zu K. Müller)

Gine Elsner Mit Fanny und Goethe in Tel Aviv

Carmen Richard Vergebung (Filmkritik)

9/2010 Redaktion Sozialismus Krisenüberwindung? Die Herausforderungen für die politischen Lager

Joachim Rock (Gut-)Schein und Sein. Sozialpolitik zwischen Hartz IV und von der Leyen I

Bernhard Müller Soziale Spaltung als Zukunftskonzept? Die Spar-Agenda der schwarz-gelben Regierung

Rudolf Stumberger Der neue Untergang des Abendlandes. Wie aus der bürgerlichen Mitte Sozialrassismus wieder hoffähig gemacht wird

Uli Cremer Afghanistan – GRÜNE und SPD reagieren eher lau. Der "schmutzige Krieg" nach Wikileak

Richard Detje SPD – Phönix aus der Asche?

Joachim Bischoff Krise? Welche Krise?

Hermann Unterhinninghofen "Das Motto kann nur lauten: 'Hände weg vom Streikrecht!'" Die gefährliche BDA/DGB-Gesetzesinitiative zur Tarifeinheit

Steffen Lehndorff Renaissance der Arbeitszeitverkürzung?

Arno Georg / Gerd Peter Primäre Arbeits- und Präventionspolitik. Ein Beitrag zur gewerkschaftlichen Strategiedebatte

Jens Becker Zielloses "Krisengemurmel"

Christina Ujma Vom Sommertheater zur Existenzkrise. Ist Berlusconi politisch am Ende?

Andreas Diers Wolfgang Abendroth, der Staat und die Linke. Zum 25. Todestag am 15. September 2010

Gerhard Stuby Vergangenheitsbewältigung im Auswärtigen Amt (zu Browning, "Endlösung")

Johannes Springer Fish tank (Filmkritik)

Sozialismus Supplement

3/2010 EuroMemorandum-Gruppe EuroMemo 2009/10

4/2010 Immanuel Wallerstein, Horst Müller Systemkrise: Und was jetzt?

7-8 / 2010 Ralf Krämer, Herbert Schui Wachstum!?

International Feminist Journal of Politics

12(2) Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War. A FEMINIST STANDPOINT Cynthia Cockburn

One of the Boys? GENDER DISORDER IN TIMES OF CRISIS Claire Turenne Sjolander; Kathryn Trevenen

Women and Representation in Japan THE CAUSES OF POLITICAL INEQUALITY Mikiko Eto



Entangling Representations Jennifer Arroyo


Autobiography in a Poem Chipo Hungwe

European Journal of Women’s Studies

17(2), May 2010 Gail Lewis Editorial: Against the Odds: Feminist Knowledge Production and its Vicissitudes

Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier, and Mieke Verloo Discursive Dynamics in Gender Equality Politics: What about ‘Feminist Taboos’?

Vivian Anette Lagesen The Importance of Boundary Objects in Transcultural Interviewing

Ragnhild Sollund Regarding Au Pairs in the Norwegian Welfare State

Neloufer de Mel Book Review: Signifying Bodies: Narrating Gender, Ethnicity, Agency and Victimhood in Armed Conflict: Dubravka Zarkov The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2007

Heike Drotbohm Book Review: Dynamic Intersections of Cultural Belonging, Intimacy and Womanhood: Umut Erel Migrant Women Transforming Citizenship: Life-Stories from Britain and Germany. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009

Aisha Phoenix Book Review: ‘Browning’ The Black/White Beauty Binary: Shirley Anne Tate Black Beauty: Aesthetics, Stylization, Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009

Liesbet van Zoonen Book Review: Brilliant and Compulsory Nostalgia: Angela McRobbie The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change. London: Sage, 2009

Ani Ritchie Book Review: Cross-Cultural Constructions of Motherhood: Róisín Ryan-Flood Lesbian Motherhood: Gender, Families and Sexual Citizenship. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

17(3), August 2010 Kathy Davis On Generosity and Critique

Krista Cowman ‘Carrying on a Long Tradition’: Second-Wave Presentations of First-Wave Feminism in Spare Rib c. 1972—80

Adrienne Evans, Sarah Riley, and Avi Shankar Postfeminist Heterotopias: Negotiating ‘Safe’ and ‘Seedy’ in the British Sex Shop Space

Deborah M. Withers What is Your Essentialism is My Immanent Flesh!: The Ontological Politics of Feminist Epistemology

Donatella Campus Political Discussion, Views of Political Expertise and Women’s Representation in Italy

Chiara Saraceno Women and Gender Studies in Italy: Lack of Institutionalization or a Different Kind of Institutionalization?

Veronica Pravadelli Open Forum: Legitimacy/Change/Power: Is a New Course in Italian Gender Studies Possible?: A Response to Chiara Saraceno

Peter Moss Book Review: The Care Crunch?: Janet C. Gornick, Marcia K. Meyers et al. Gender Equality: Transforming Family Divisions of Labor London and New York, Verso, 2009

Emily Falconer Book Review: Putting the Political Back Into the Personal: Kath Woodward and Sophie Woodward Why Feminism Matters: Feminism Lost and Found Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

Ayça Kurtoğlu Book Review: Women’s violence in Question: Laura Sjoberg and Caron E. Gentry Mothers, Monsters and Whores: Women’s Violence in Global Politics London and New York: Zed Books, 2007

Helen Poulsen Book Review: Masculinities Explained?: Jack S. Kahn An Introduction to Masculinities Chichester: Wiley- Blackwell, 2009

femina politica

1/2010 Feministische Perspektiven auf Nachhaltigkeitspolitik Sherilyn MacGregor Earthcare or Feminist Ecological Citizenship?

Liane Schalatek Geschlechtergleichheit – (k)ein Mandat für internationale Klimaverhandlungen?

Franziska Müller Verhandelte Geschlechterverhältnisse: Gender in der internationalen Biodiversitätspolitik

Tanja Mölders Von der Frauen-Frage zum Vorsorgenden Wirtschaften – eine (re)produktionstheoretische Interpretation empirischer Befunde zur Gender-Dimension von Agrarpolitik

Thomas Krikser. Inga Nüthen Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und ihre Geschlechter − zum Status quo der Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

IRMGARD SCHULTZ. DIANA HUMMEL. MARTINA PADMANABHAN Feministische Perspektiven auf Nachhaltigkeitspolitik

ALEXANDRA SCHEELE Kurskorrekturen erfordert! Die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise in der feministischen Kritik. Einleitung

BIRGIT ERBE. CLAUDIA NEUSÜß Von „Lehman-Sisters“, Familienernährern und handfester Systemkritik: Einblicke in die bundesdeutsche feministische und frauenpolitische Debatte der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise

SABINE REINER. GABRIELE SCHAMBACH Business as usual. Restauration wirtschaftlicher und geschlechtlicher Strukturen in der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise

GÜLAY ÇAĞLAR Global – national – lokal. Transmissionsmechanismen der Krise und ihre geschlechtsspezifische Dimension im globalen Süden

GABRIELE MICHALITSCH Krise und Kritik: Über-Arbeiten oder Über-Leben

ROSA COSTA. IRIS MENDEL Ich möchte Teil einer feministischen Bildungsbewegung sein! Bemerkungen zum Sexismus in den Studierendenprotesten in Österreich

DORIS STRAHM Feministische Nachlese zur Minarettabstimmung in der Schweiz

SUSANNE ZWINGEL Darf Sicherheitspolitik geschlechtssensibel sein? Hillary Rodham Clintons bisherige Amtszeit als US- Außenministerin

TINA JUNG. JULIA GARSCHA Die Beharrlichkeit der Gender-Resistenz und die (Selbst-)Ermächtigung feministischer WissenschaftlerInnen? Brüche und Ambivalenzen im Kontext von Gender in der Politikwissenschaft

EVA BUCHHOLZ. JULIETTE WEDL „Eine tragfähige Opposition?“ Gründung der Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien/Gender Studies Association e.V.

ISABELLE KUNZE Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Rebecca Elmhirst (Hg.): Gender and Natural Resource Management

HEIDE MERTENS Christa Wichterich: gleich gleicher ungleich. Paradoxien und Perspektiven von Frauenrechten in der Globalisierung

INGRID KURZ-SCHERF Brigitte Aulenbacher, Birgit Riegraf (Hg.): Erkenntnis und Methode. Geschlechterforschung in Zeiten des Umbruchs

TINA JUNG Birgit Riegraf, Lydia Plöger (Hg.): Gefühlte Nähe – Faktische Distanz. Geschlecht zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Perspektiven der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung auf die „Wissensgesellschaft“

KARIN SCHÖNPFLUG Antke Engel: Queere kulturelle Politiken im Neoliberalismus

GESINE FUCHS Sabine Berghahn, Petra Rostock (Hg.): Der Stoff aus dem Konflikte sind. Debatten um das Kopftuch in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

Gender & Society

24(2), April 2010 Paula England The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled

Kristen Myers and Laura Raymond Elementary School Girls and Heteronormativity: The Girl Project

Catherine J. Taylor Occupational Sex Composition and the Gendered Availability of Workplace Support

Julie A. Kmec, Steve McDonald, and Lindsey B. Trimble Making Gender Fit and “Correcting” Gender Misfits: Sex Segregated Employment and the Nonsearch Process

Marina De Regt Ways to Come, Ways to Leave: Gender, Mobility, and Il/legality among Ethiopian Domestic Workers in Yemen

Carol J. Burger Book Review: Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls and Science Education. By Sandra L. Hanson. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009

Kumiko Nemoto Book Review: Asian American Women and Men: Labor, Laws, and Love. By Yen Le Espiritu. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007

Christopher M. Partridge Book Review: Gender and Social Policy in a Global Context: Uncovering the Gendered Structure of “the Social.” Edited by Shahra Razavi and Shireen Hassim. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

Susan Cody-Rydzewski Book Review: The Changing Landscape of Work and Family in the American Middle Class. Edited by Elizabeth Rudd and Lara Descartes. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2008

Walter R. Allen Book Review: Black Women in the Ivory Tower, 1850-1954: An Intellectual History. By Stephanie Y. Evans. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2007

Harry Thomas Book Review: Faeries, Bears, and Leathermen: Men in Community Queering the Masculine. By Peter Hennen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008

Jayne Howell Book Review: Women’s Migration Networks in Mexico and Beyond. By Tamar Diana Wilson. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2009

24(3), June 2010 Erin L. Kelly, Samantha K. Ammons, Kelly Chermack, and Phyllis Moen Gendered Challenge, Gendered Response: Confronting the Ideal Worker Norm in a White-Collar Organization

Amy Schalet Sexual Subjectivity Revisited: The Significance of Relationships in Dutch and American Girls’ Experiences of Sexuality

Sarah Thébaud Masculinity, Bargaining, and Breadwinning: Understanding Men’s Housework in the Cultural Context of Paid Work

Shelly Ronen Grinding On the Dance Floor: Gendered Scripts and Sexualized Dancing at College Parties

Kristen W. Springer Economic Dependence in Marriage and Husbands’ Midlife Health: Testing Three Possible Mechanisms

Linda Christiansen-Ruffman Book Review: Feminist Fieldwork Analysis. By Sherryl Kleinman. Los Angeles: Sage, 2007, 144 pp., $23.95 (paper)

Elaine J. O'Quinn Book Review: Girls’ Studies. By Elline Lipkin. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press, 2009, 243 pp., $14.95 (paper)

Kimberly Battle-Walters Denu Book Review: Doing Business with Beauty: Black Women, Hair Salons, and the Racial Enclave Economy. By Adia Harvey Wingfield. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008

R. Sophie Statzel Book Review: Cyber Racism: White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil Rights. By Jessie Daniels. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009

Stephen J. Scanlan Book Review: Environmentalism in Popular Culture: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and the Politics of the Natural. By Noël Sturgeon. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2009

Jill Mccorkel Book Review: Sisters Outside: Radical Activists Working for Women Prisoners. By Jodie Michelle Lawston. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009

Jane L. Lehr Book Review: Impotent Warriors: Gulf War Syndrome, Vulnerability and Masculinity. By Susie Kilshaw. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009

24(4), August 2010 Jennifer Lois The Temporal Emotion Work of Motherhood: Homeschoolers’ Strategies for Managing Time Shortage

Elizabeth Miklya Legerski and Marie Cornwall Working-Class Job Loss, Gender, and the Negotiation of Household Labor

Angela Howard Frederick “Practicing Electoral Politics in the Cracks”: Intersectional Consciousness in a Latina Candidate’s City Council Campaign

Colleen Nugent Children’s Surnames, Moral Dilemmas: Accounting for the Predominance of Fathers’ Surnames for Children

Lauren Jade Martin Anticipating Infertility: Egg Freezing, Genetic Preservation, and Risk

Christine L. Williams Book Review: Inventing Equal Opportunity. By Frank Dobbin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009

Adia Harvey Wingfield Book Review: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Skin Tone. By Margaret L. Hunter. New York: Routledge, 2005

Maria R. Rosales Book Review: Struggles Before Brown: Early Civil Rights Protests and Their Significance Today. By Jean Van Delinder. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2008

Nicholas Solebello and Sinikka Elliott Book Review: Intimate Fatherhood: A Sociological Analysis. By Esther Dermott. New York: Routledge, 2008, 176 pp., $45.95 (paper): Defiant Dads: Fathers’ Rights Activists in America. By Jocelyn Elise Crowley. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008. “I Didn’t Divorce My Kids!”: How Fathers Deal with Family Break-ups. By Gerhard Amendt. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus Verlag

Jenifer Bratter Book Review: Culture Keeping: White Mothers, International Adoption, and the Negotiation of Family Difference. By Heather Jacobson. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2008

Phyllis Moen Book Review: Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation Can Balance Family and Careers. By Mary Ann Mason and Eve Mason Ekman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family. By Diane F. Halpern and Fanny M. Cheung. Malden, MA: John Wiley, 2008

Feminist Theory

11(1), April 2010 Catherine Waldby and Melinda Cooper From reproductive work to regenerative labour: The female body and the stem cell industries

Fiona Summers Movement as a strategy to destabilize normativity: Cathy Sisler’s Aberrant Motion

Margaret E. Toye Towards a poethics of love: Poststructuralist feminist ethics and literary creation

Susan Richmond ‘From stone to cloud’: Mary Kelly’s Love Songs and feminist intergenerationality

Robyn Wiegman The intimacy of critique: Ruminations on feminism as a living thing

Birgit Schippers Kristeva’s time?

Denise deCaires Narain Mapping a return to feminist solidarity (or ‘diving into the wreck’ again)

Mary Evans Book review: Carole Seymour-Jones, A Dangerous Liaison: Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. London: Random House, 2008

Debra Ferreday Book review: Jacki Willson, The Happy Stripper: Pleasures and Politics of the New Burlesque. London and New York: IB Tauris, 2008

Clare Hollowell Book review: Yvonne Tasker and Diane Negra, eds, Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture. London: Duke University Press, 2007

Jennifer Marchbank Book review: Valerie Bryson, Gender and the Politics of Time. Bristol: Policy Press, 2007

11(2), August 2010 Special Issue on Arab Feminisms Nawal El Saadawi Foreword

Anastasia Valassopoulos Introduction

Hoda Elsadda, Haideh Moghissi, Miriam Cooke, and Anastasia Valassopoulos Dialogue section: Arab feminist research and activism: Bridging the gap between the theoretical and the practical

Ellen McLarney The private is political: Women and family in intellectual Islam

Islah Jad The conundrums of post-Oslo Palestine: Gendering Palestinian citizenship

Jane Hiddleston Imprisonment, freedom, and literary opacity in the work of Nawal El Saadawi and Assia Djebar

Abir Hamdar Female physical illness and disability in Arab women’s writing

Anastasia Valassopoulos Review Article: Arab feminisms: Lila Abu-Lughod, ed., Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Margot Badran, Feminism in Islam: Secular and Religious Convergences. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009. Miriam Cooke, Women Claim Islam: Creating Islamic Feminism through Literature. London: Routledge, 2001. Mona M. Mikhail, Seen and Heard: A Century of Arab Women in Literature and Culture. Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2004. Haideh Moghissi, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. London and New York: Zed Books, 1999.

Anna Ball Book Review: Lindsey Moore, Arab, Muslim, Woman: Voice and Vision in Postcolonial Literature and Film. London and New York: Routledge, 2008

Sindre Bangstad Book Review: Saba Mahmood, Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2005

Valerie M. Hudson Book Review: Georgina Waylen, Engendering Transitions: Women’s Mobilization, Institutions, and Gender Outcomes. ‘Gender and Politics’ Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007

Miriam Cooke Book Review: Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007

Conference Announcement: Affecting Feminism: Feminist Theory and the Question of Feeling Newcastle University, UK 10—12 December 2010 Keynote Speakers: Ann Cvetkovich, Kate Chedgzoy, Ranjana Khanna, Alison Light, Patricia Waugh

Feminist Economics

15(4) Editorial: Advances in Feminist Economic Inquiry Diana Strassmann

The Economics of Nursing: Articulating Care Valerie Adams; Julie A. Nelson

The Determinants of Married Women's Autonomy in Indonesia Anu Rammohan; Meliyanni Johar

Why Are Women Delaying Motherhood in Germany? Laura Romeu Gordo

Child Schooling and Work Decisions in India: The Role of Household and Regional Gender Equity Uma Sarada Kambhampati

Women and Retirement Pensions: A Research Review Therese Jefferson

Book Review: The ‘Woman Question’ and Higher Education: Perspectives on Gender and Knowledge Production in America Lois Joy

Book Review: Global Empowerment of Women: Responses to Globalization and Politicized Religions Kathryn Reklis

Book Review: Queer Economics: A Reader Stacy Sneeringer

Book Review: Sex Markets: A Denied Industry Jonathan Robinson

Welfare Transformed: Universalizing Family Policies That Work Book Review: Lisa Giddings

Book Review: Remapping Gender in the New Global Order Adrienne Roberts

Book Review: Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services Julie A. Nelson

16(1) Editorial: Toward a More Inclusive Feminist Economics Diana Strassmann

The Impact of Circular Migration on the Position of Married Women in Rural China Rachel Connelly; Kenneth Roberts; Zhenzhen Zheng

Maybe Baby: Comparing Partnered Women's Employment and Child Policies in the EU-15 Jérôme De Henau; Danièle Meulders; Síle O'Dorchai

The Effect of Domestic Work on Girls' Schooling: Evidence from Egypt Ragui Assaad; Deborah Levison; Nadia Zibani

Technological and Organizational Change and the Employment of Women: Early Twentieth-Century Evidence from the Ohio Manufacturing Sector Marina Adshade; Ian Keay

Book Review: Market Friendly or Family Friendly? The State and Gender Inequality in Old Age, by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Pamela Herd Carole A. Green

Book Review: Strange Reciprocity: Mainstreaming Women's Work in Tepoztlán in the “Decade of the New Economy”, by Sidney S. Perutz Greta Friedemann-Sánchez

Book Review: Contemporary Motherhood: The Impact of Children on Adult Time, by Lyn Craig Síle O'Dorchai

Book Review: Gender and the Politics of Time: Feminist Theory and Contemporary Debates, by Valerie Bryson Judy Wajcman

Book Review: The Women's Movement Against Sexual Harassment, by Carrie N. Baker Saranna R. Thornton

16(2) Men's Unpaid Work and Divorce: Reassessing Specialization and Trade in British Families Wendy Sigle-Rushton

Cultural Factors in Women's Labor Force Participation in Chile Dante Contreras; Gonzalo Plaza

Women, Real Estate, and Wealth in a Southern US County, 1780–1860 Catherine McDevitt

Gender Wage Discrimination and Poverty in the EU Carlos Gradín; Coral del Río; Olga Cantó

Affirmative Action and Corporate Compliance in South Korea Joonmo Cho; Taehee Kwon

Book Review: Imagining Economics Otherwise: Encounters with Identity/Difference S. Charusheela

Book Review: Feminism, Economics and Utopia: Time Travelling through Paradigms Bronwyn Winter

Book Review: Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy Carmen Diana Deere

Book Review: Discretionary Time: A New Measure of Freedom Valeria Esquivel

Book Review: Policy for a Change: Local Labour Market Analysis and Gender Equality Tracey Warren

Feminist Review

95(1), July 2010 transforming academies, global genealogies Clare Hemmings introduction: theorizing the ‘first wave’ globally Pamela L Caughie resisting heteronormativity/resisting recolonisation: affective bonds between indigenous women in southern Africa and the difference(s) of postcolonial feminist history William J Spurlin the home, the veil and the world: reading Ismat Chughtai towards a ‘progressive’ history of the Indian women's movement Kanika Batra the new woman and ‘the dusky strand’: the place of feminism and women's literature in early Jamaican nationalism Leah Rosenberg response: theorizing the ‘first wave’ globally Anuradha Dingwaney Needham introduction: worlds turned upside down Ann Genovese

‘door bitches of club feminism’?: academia and feminist competency Zora Simic

‘post-feminism’ in the legal academy? Margaret Thornton feminist publishing in a cold climate?: Australian Feminist Studies and the new ERA of research Mary Spongberg ambivalent optimism: women's and gender studies in Australian universities Barbara Baird feminist scholarship inside and outside the nation Ann Curthoys

Book Review: beyond mothering earth: ecological citizenship and the politics of care Susan Buckingham

Book Review: reading the L Word: outing contemporary television Yvonne Tasker

Book Review: radical gestures: feminism and performance art in North America Helen Spackman

Book Review: the Body of War: media, ethnicity, and gender in the break-up of Yugoslavia Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic

Book Review: we lived to tell: political prison memoirs of Iranian women Simone Weil Davis

Book Review: welfare reform and sexual regulation Jesook Song

Book Review: good girls & wicked witches: women in Disney's feature animation Hannah Hamad


35(3), Spring 2010 Comparative Perspectives Symposium: Indigenous Feminisms The Emergence of Indigenous Feminism in Latin America R. Aída Hernández Castillo

Reempowering Ourselves: Australian Aboriginal Women Bronwyn Fredericks

Onward with the Cordillera Indigenous Women’s Struggle for Liberation, Democracy, and SelfDetermination Erlinda CastroPalaganas

Restoring Lipan Apache Women’s Laws, Lands, and Strength in El Calaboz Ranchería at the TexasMexico Border Margo Támez

Killing Joy: Feminism and the History of Happiness Sara Ahmed

To Render Real the Imagined: An Ethnographic History of Lesbian Community in India Naisargi N. Dave

Everybody’s Afraid of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Reading Interviews with the Public Intellectual and Postcolonial Critic Mridula Nath Chakraborty

From Monkey Facts to Human Ideologies: Theorizing Female Orgasm in Human and Nonhuman Primates, 1967–1983 Jocelyn Bosley

“The Song of the Stitches”: Factionalism and Feminism at Tule Lake Heather Fryer

By Invitation Only: The American Library Association and the Woman’s Building Library of the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 Wayne A. Wiegand and Sarah Wadsworth

Women’s History: A Retrospective from the United States Bonnie G. Smith

The Circulation of Children: Kinship, Adoption, and Morality in Andean Peru by Jessaca B. Leinaweaver; Performing Kinship: Narrative, Gender, and the Intimacies of Power in the Andes by Krista E. Van Vleet; La Chulla Vida: Gender, Migration, and the Family in Andean Ecuador and New York City by Jason Pribilsky Florence E. Babb

Women in China’s Long Twentieth Century by Gail Hershatter; The Precious Raft of History: The Past, the West, and the Woman Question in China by Joan Judge; Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China by Susan Greenhalgh Min Dongchao

Queer Youth Cultures edited by Susan Driver Daniel Marshall

Transgender History by Susan Stryker; Transpeople: Repudiation, Trauma, Healing by Christopher A. Shelley C. Riley Snorton

Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspectives on SecondWave Feminism in the United States edited by Stephanie Gilmore; Radical Sisters: SecondWave Feminism and Black Liberation in Washington, DC by Anne M. Valk Benita Roth

Addressing Rape Reform in Law and Practice by Susan Caringella Maria Bevacqua

35(4), Summer 2010 Symposium: Black Women's Studies and the Transformation of the Academy But Some of Us Are Brave and the Transformation of the Academy: Transformation? Cheryl Clarke

Anthologizing and Theorizing Black Women’s Studies Valerie Lee

On Dolls, Presidents, and Little Black Girls Cheryl A. Wall

But Some of Us Are Brave: Black Women Faculty Transforming the Academy Winnifred R. BrownGlaude

Critical Race Black Feminism: A “Jurisprudence of Resistance” and the Transformation of the Academy Nikol G. AlexanderFloyd

On Butler on Morrison on Language Ernesto Javier Martínez

“Sing now, O Muse, of the recessive mutation”: Interrogating the Genetic Discourse of Sex Variation with Jeffrey Eugenides’ Middlesex Olivia Banner

Pedagogy of Anxiety Katarzyna Marciniak

Talk about Technology: Negotiating Gender Difference in Wyoming Coal Mines Jessica Smith Rolston

Women Left Behind? Migration, Spousal Separation, and the Autonomy of Rural Women in Ugweno, Tanzania Caroline S. Archambault

The VictimAgent Dilemma: How Migrant Women’s Organizations in the Netherlands Deal with a Contradictory Policy Frame Conny Roggeband

Commercial Surrogacy in India: Manufacturing a Perfect MotherWorker Amrita Pande

“The Sheik Who Loved Me”: Romancing the War on Terror Amira Jarmakani

Wealth of Selves: Multiple Identities, Mestiza Consciousness, and the Subject of Politics by Edwina Barvosa; Identity before Identity Politics by Linda Nicholson; After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Gender by Georgia Warnke Linda Martín Alcoff

Universal Human Rights in a World of Difference by Brooke A. Ackerly; Political Solidarity by Sally J. Scholz; Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World by Nancy Fraser Noëlle McAfee

Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender and Gaming edited by Yasmin B. Kafai, Carrie Heeter, Jill Denner, and Jennifer Y. Sun Jessica L. Ghilani

Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life by Evan Stark; Women, Violence, and the Media: Readings in Feminist Criminology edited by Drew Humphries; Sex, Violence, and Crime: Foucault and the “Man” Question by Adrian Howe; A Deafening Silence: Hidden Violence against Women and Children by Patrizia Romito Cheryl Hanna

36(1), Autumn 2010 Feminists Theorize International Political Economy Special Issue Feminists Theorize International Political Economy Kate Bedford and Shirin M. Rai

Toward a Feminist Political Economy of Capitalism and Carcerality Genevieve LeBaron and Adrienne Roberts

Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, Rights, and Freedom in Contemporary Antitrafficking Campaigns Elizabeth Bernstein

Working through Mass Incarceration: Gender and the Politics of Prison Labor from East to West

The Global Household: Toward a Feminist Postcapitalist International Political Economy Maliha Safri and Julie Graham

Hegemonic Developments: The New Indian Middle Class, Gendered Subalterns, and Diasporic Returnees in the Event of Neoliberalism Amy Bhatt, Madhavi Murty, and Priti Ramamurthy

The Rationality of Empowerment: Microcredit, Accumulation by Dispossession, and the Gendered Economy Christine Keating, Claire Rasmussen, and Pooja Rishi

Aid Effectiveness and Women’s Empowerment: Practices of Governance in the Funding of International Development Marie L. Campbell and Katherine Teghtsoonian

On Difference and Capital: Gender and the Globalization of Production Jennifer Bair

Gender, Labour, War and Empire: Essays on Modern Britain edited by Philippa Levine and Susan R. Grayzel; A Time for Tea: Women, Labor, and Post/colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation by Piya Chatterjee; Red Lights: The Lives of Sex Workers in Postsocialist China by Tiantian Zheng; Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry by Laura María Agustín; Embodying Women’s Work by Caroline Gatrell; Gender and Work in Capitalist Economies by Pamela Odih Suzanne Franzway and Mary Margaret Fonow

Routledge Handbook of International Political Economy (IPE): IPE as a Global Conversation edited by Mark Blyth; Everyday Politics of the World Economy edited by John M. Hobson and Leonard Seabrooke; The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein; World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms by Thomas Pogge; Beyond States and Markets: The Challenges of Social Reproduction edited by Isabella Bakker and Rachel Silvey Georgina Waylen

Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities by Linda McDowell; Property in the Body: Feminist Perspectives by Donna Dickenson; Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development edited by Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Corrêa, and Susie Jolly Carol Wolkowitz

The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards “Embedded Liberalism”? edited by Shahra Razavi; Engendering Governance Institutions: State, Market and Civil Society edited by Smita Mishra Panda; The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Nonprofit Industrial Complex edited by Incite! Women of Color Against Violence Elisabeth Prügl

Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development edited by Andrea Cornwall, Elizabeth Harrison, and Ann Whitehead; Body Politics in Development: Critical Debates in Gender and Development by Wendy Harcourt Carolyn H. Williams

Logics of Empowerment: Development, Gender, and Governance in Neoliberal India by Aradhana Sharma; The Gender Politics of Development: Essays in Hope and Despair by Shirin M. Rai; Social Justice and Gender Equality: Rethinking Development Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies edited by Günseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, and Ann Zammit Sarah Forti

Latin American Research Review

45(1) Who Votes for chavismo?: Class Voting in Hugo Chávez's Venezuela Noam Lupu

The Importance of Policy Frames in Contentious Politics: Mexico's National Antihomophobia Campaign Jordi Díez

La adicción a la mano de obra ilegal: Jornaleros tamaulipecos en Estados Unidos Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios

Corruption and Inequality at the Crossroad: A Multimethod Study of Bribery and Discrimination in Latin America Brian J. Fried; Paul Lagunes; Atheendar Venkataramani

The Hispanic Atlantic's Tasajo Trail Andrew Sluyter

Crecimiento económico, divergencia regional y distribución de la riqueza: Córdoba y Buenos Aires después de la independencia Jorge Gelman; Daniel Santilli

Bureaucratic Networks and Government Spending: A Network Analysis of Nuclear Cooperation in Latin America Isabella Alcañiz

Beyond Death and the Maiden: Ariel Dorfman's Media Criticism and Journalism Sophia A. McClennen

La neoliberalización de la solidaridad en el Chile democrático: Una mirada comparativa sobre discursos solidarios en 1991 y 2006 Cecilia Dockendorff; José Antonio Román Brugnoli; María Alejandra Energici Sprovera

Review Essays

Indigenous Agency in Colonial Spanish America R. Douglas Cope

Religion and Reform in Colonial Spanish America: Religious Experience in Latin American Culture before Independence Brian Connaughton

Society and the Sacred: New World Transformations of Religion and Identity Stephanie Kirk

The Academic Uses of Lo Indígena John A. Peeler

Making Sense of Latin American Immigrant Experiences in the United States Gail Mummert

Maras transnacionales: Origins and Transformations of Central American Street Gangs Sonja Wolf

Latin American Perspectives

37(2), March 2010 Steven Topik, John M. Talbot, and Mario Samper Introduction Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the Latin American Coffee Societies

Marie-Christine Renard The Mexican Coffee Crisis

David Conrad Johnson The International Coffee Agreement and the Production of Coffee in Guatemala, 1962—1989

Christopher M. Bacon A Spot of Coffee in Crisis: Nicaraguan Smallholder Cooperatives, Fair Trade Networks, and Gendered Empowerment

Mario Samper Costa Rica’s Response to the Coffee Crisis

Jaime Forero Álvarez Colombian Family Farmers’ Adaptations to New Conditions in the World Coffee Market

Angelika Rettberg Global Markets, Local Conflict: Violence in the Colombian Coffee Region after the Breakdown of the International Coffee Agreement

Jean-Christian Tulet Peru as a New Major Actor in Latin American Coffee Production

Guillermo Narváez Book Review: Challenges to Small-Scale Coffee Production in Mexico and Central America: Christopher M. Bacon, V. Ernesto Mendez, Stephen R. Gliessman, David Goodman, and Jonathan A. Fox (eds.) Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods, and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008

Steven Topik Fair Trade versus Free Trade in the World of Coffee: Gavin Fridell Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007

37(3), March 2010 Benjamin Kohl and Rosalind Bresnahan Bolivia under Morales: Consolidating Power, Initiating Decolonization

Nancy Postero Morales’s MAS Government: Building Indigenous Popular Hegemony in Bolivia

Pablo Regalsky Political Processes and the Reconfiguration of the State in Bolivia

Jeffery R. Webber Carlos Mesa, Evo Morales, and a Divided Bolivia (2003—2005)

Robert Albro Confounding Cultural Citizenship and Constitutional Reform in Bolivia

Fernando Oviedo Obarrio Evo Morales and the Altiplano: Notes for an Electoral Geography of the Movimiento al Socialismo, 2002—2008

Benjamin Kohl Bolivia under Morales: A Work in Progress

Brent Z. Kaup A Neoliberal Nationalization?: The Constraints on Natural-Gas-Led Development in Bolivia

Brian B. Johnson Decolonization and Its Paradoxes: The (Re)envisioning of Health Policy in Bolivia

Katherine McGurn Centellas The Localism of Bolivian Science: Tradition, Policy, and Projects

Rosaleen Howard Language, Signs, and the Performance of Power: The Discursive Struggle over Decolonization in the Bolivia of Evo Morales

Alex Dupuy Commentary Beyond the Earthquake: A Wake-Up Call for Haiti

37(4), July 2010 Benjamin Kohl and Rosalind Bresnahan Introduction Bolivia under Morales: National Agenda, Regional Challenges, and the Struggle for Hegemony

James Lerager Taking the High Road: On the Campaign Trail with Evo Morales

Linda Farthing Controlling State Power: An Interview with Vice President Álvaro García Linera

Álvaro García Linera The State in Transition: Power Bloc and Point of Bifurcation

Bret Gustafson When States Act Like Movements: Dismantling Local Power and Seating Sovereignty in Post-Neoliberal Bolivia

Gabriela Valdivia Agrarian Capitalism and Struggles over Hegemony in the Bolivian Lowlands

Nicole Fabricant Between the Romance of Collectivism and the Reality of Individualism: Ayllu Rhetoric in Bolivia’s Landless Peasant Movement

Joshua Kirshner Migrants’ Voices: Negotiating Autonomy in Santa Cruz

Claudia Peña Claros Un pueblo eminente: Autonomist Populism in Santa Cruz

Denise Humphreys Bebbington and Anthony Bebbington Anatomy of a Regional Conflict: Tarija and Resource Grievances in Morales’s Bolivia

Miguel Centellas Savina Cuéllar and Bolivia’s New Regionalism

Clayton Mendonça Cunha, Filho and Rodrigo Santaella Gonçalves The National Development Plan as a Political Economic Strategy in Evo Morales’s Bolivia: Accomplishments and Limitations

Linda Farthing and Benjamin Kohl Social Control: Bolivia’s New Approach to Coca Reduction

Paul Dosh, Nicole Kligerman, and James Lerager Women’s Voices on the Executive Council: Popular Organizations and Resource Battles in Bolivia and Ecuador

Jessica Camille Aguirre and Elizabeth Sonia Cooper Evo Morales, Climate Change, and the Paradoxes of a Social-Movement Presidency

37(5), September 2010 Peruvian Migration in a Global Context Introduction Ayumi Takenaka, Karsten Paerregaard, and Ulla Berg Peruvian Migration in a Global Context

Jorge Durand The Peruvian Diaspora: Portrait of a Migratory Process

Ayumi Takenaka and Karen A. Pren Leaving to Get Ahead: Assessing the Relationship between Mobility and Inequality in Peruvian Migration

Karsten Paerregaard The Show Must Go On: The Role of Fiestas in Andean Transnational Migration

Jessaca B. Leinaweaver Outsourcing Care: How Peruvian Migrants Meet Transnational Family Obligations

Elena Sabogal andLorena Núñez Sin Papeles: Middle- and Working-Class Peruvians in Santiago and South Florida

Angeles Escrivá, Ursula Santa Cruz, and Anastasia Bermúdez Migration, Gender, and Politics: The 2006 Peruvian Elections Abroad

Ulla D. Berg El Quinto Suyo: Contemporary Nation Building and the Political Economy of Emigration in Peru

Nueva Sociedad

226, Marzo/Abril 2010 Honduras, statu quo Rusia en América Latina (y viceversa) Vladimir M. Davydov

Terremoto en Haití: las causas persistentes de un desastre que no ha terminado Luis Rolando Durán Vargas

La seguridad social y las transformaciones sociales latinoamericanas Ernesto Aldo Isuani

Honduras: de la crisis política al surgimiento de un nuevo actor social Álvaro Cálix

Las democracias malas de centroamérica. Para entender lo de Honduras, una introducción a Centroamérica Edelberto Torres Rivas

Estado y violencia criminal en América Latina. Reflexiones a partir del golpe en Honduras José Miguel Cruz

Las secuelas regionales de la crisis de Honduras Carlos A. Romero

Centroamérica: ¿anomalías o realidades? Manuel Rojas Bolaños

Honduras y la mala hora de América Latina Pedro Páramo

Entre los valores y los intereses. Las relaciones entre América Latina y la Unión Europea tras el golpe en Honduras José Antonio Sanahuja

La cuestión militar. El golpe de Estado en Honduras como desafío a la democracia y al sistema interamericano Raúl Benítez Manaut y Rut Diamint

Brasil: de coloso regional a potencia global Wolf Grabendorff

227, Mayo/Junio 2010 La rebelión del coro. Movimientos sociales y democracia La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños. La factibilidad y necesidad de un nuevo organismo regional Alcides Costa Vaz

Cuba: las morbosidades políticas y los cisnes negros Haroldo Dilla Alfonso

Colombia y Venezuela: ¿democracias delegativas o autoritarismos competitivos? Mauricio Uribe López

De la revolución a la movilización. Confluencias de la sociedad civil y la democracia en América Latina Velia Cecilia Bobes

América Latina y los movimientos sociales: el presente de la «rebelión del coro» Marisa Revilla Blanco

Después de la «década de los pueblos indígenas», ¿qué? El impacto de los movimientos indígenas en las arenas de políticas de América Latina Salvador Martí i Puig

Desencuentros, convergencias, politización (y viceversa). El gobierno ecutoriano y los movimientos sociales Franklin Ramírez Gallegos

Las iniciativas de los movimientos indígenas en educación superior: un aporte para la profundización de la democracia Daniel Mato

¿Los movimientos sociales en el poder? El gobierno del MAS en Bolivia Moira Zuazo

La sociedad civil frente a la militarización de la seguridad pública en México Laura Loeza Reyes /Mariana Pérez-Levesque

228, Julio/Agosto 2010 Mare Nostrum. América Latina y las economías del Pacífico Crisis institucional en Nicaragua: entre un Estado privatizado y un Estado monarquizado José Luis Rocha Gómez

Venezuela: anatomía de una recesión profunda y prolongada Leonardo Vera

El referendo en América Latina. Diseños institucionales y equilibrios de poder Yanina Welp

La Iniciativa del Arco del Pacífico Latinoamericano. Un nuevo actor en el escenario de la integración regional José Briceño Ruiz

Asian noodle bowl: la integración económica en el Este asiático y sus implicaciones para América Latina José Luis León-Manríquez

China y América Latina: recursos, mercados y poder global Romer Cornejo / Abraham Navarro García

Economía de redes y redes económicas. Las comunidades chinas en América Latina Sergio Cesarin

Encuentros y desencuentros: las relaciones entre México y la República Popular China María Cristina Rosas

Colombia en el Pacífico. Avances y desafíos en la inserción internacional Hernando José Gómez Restrepo