
Galeri Jawa & ITS PRODUCTS


1. Galeri Batik Jawa revives Batik (Kelengan, Jw)

In 2007, Galeri Batik Jawa began producing unique creations and a cool on batik by using 100% natural from tinctoria. The blue color is obtained by of indigo leaves, no chemical at all. Indonesian people know indigofera tinctoria as "tanaman Nila, Tarum, Tom" or by saying: "Nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga (Due to a drop of indigo, damaged milk)".

Natural blue dye famous as "The color of the Kings, the King of " is already well known in the earth's civilization since 2500 years before Christ. Both are used for fabrics kingdom and the people in various parts of the world, including in batik, , ulos and traditions of various fabrics in the archipelago. At batik indigo dye is staining the early stages of the so-called "kelengan" before further processing with other natural including a batik Sogan. The Netherlands, 300 years ago, came to the archipelago of also to trade natural indigodye.

However, since Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, various colors synthetic/ chemical have produced and begun to be mass production, and replace the use of natural indigo dye. In 1986, Craft Agency (World Craft Council), therefore, encourages the use of natural dyes again because chemical dyes contain carcinogens and environmentally unfriendly.

Galeri Batik Jawa – ready to wear 1

For this reason, since 2007, Galeri Batik Jawa decided to specialize in reviving indigenous Javanese local wisdom in utilization environmentally friendly natural dyes. In addition to the fact that vegetable natural dyes resource wildly grow and easily cultivated in the country, as well as to provide new jobs to the community. Galeri Batik Jawa also aims to strengthen women's batik crafter in various villages in Java as well as to save thousands of traditional batik motifs. Those objectives are in line with the UNESCO statement when Batik is inscribed as Masterpieces of the Oral and Cultural Heritage for Humanity in 2009.

2. Galeri Batik Jawa: Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons Alam

Now, 100% indigofera tinctoria and various other vetegable natural dyes have been reviveb in the painting and stamp batik that characterized Galeri Batik Jawa products. Since 2009, through a national scale domestic market this product has become part of Indonesian heritage fabric development for contemporary fashion and lifestyle.

Since 2008, Galeri Batik Jawa has entered the international market through various exhibitions, festivals and the World Economic Forum in Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Italy. To meet the domestic and international markets that recognize four seasons, Galeri Batik Jawa currently produces a wide range of clothing for every season that comes with a variety of accessories, scarves, fans, purses and bags. Galeri Batik Jawa uses tagline "Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons"

Galeri Batik Jawa: “Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons” in the Indonesia Fashion Week 2013.


Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons

3. Galeri Batik Jawa: World Record of Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) - Organizer of the World Most Productive on Batik of Natural Indigofera tinctoria

Every month, hundreds of scarves, fabrics and ready-made clothing for the environment-friendly and user-friendly batik have been produced. This achievement is able to provide jobs and income for more than 200 women batik painting and stamped artists who live in various villages in Java, and has encouraged the growth of young people who work through the batik. The needs of Indigofera tinctoria leaves as raw material for natural blue indigo batik generate large amounts of Indigofera tinctoria plant cultivation which provides prosperity and new job opportunities for farmers. During the years 2009 to April 2013 was recorded in the Galeri Batik Jawa "log book", this company has produced over 10,711 batik cloth and shawl on 100% natural colors using natural indigo dye alone, while


10,371 other batik fabrics are combined the color indigo natural dyes with other plants such as mahogany, jelawe, duwet, manggo, etc.

Galeri Batik Jawa batik demo and exhibition in Asian Fair, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka, Japan, 2013

Based on the abovementioned data, on May 19, 2013 in the Pendopo Kepatihan Yogyakarta, Galeri Batik Jawa and the Society of Indonesian Batik Lovers “Sekarjagad” and the Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (The Sultan of Yogyakarta) were awarded the 4

Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the Organizer of the World Most Productive on Batik Dyeing of Natural Indigofera tinctoria delivered by Mr. Jaya Suprana, the Director of MURI.

Galeri Batik Jawa Natural batik indigo

Galeri Batik Jawa received World Record of MURI, 2013


4. Galeri Batik Jawa, cultural heritage for contemporary world

Galeri Batik Jawa has participated in quite a lot of domestic and international exhibitions and fashion shows. One of them was a fashion show at Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 is supported by Sarinah.

The Galeri Batik Jawa concept at Jakarta Fashion Week 2013 was to present cultural heritage for contemporary world. This is mean that batik as cultural heritage still preserved not only its motive but also its condition as a cloth or jarik in the Java language. To meet the needs of todays function and design, the batik cloth is used as a subordinate with stitched material but no cuts at all. Until one time, when it is needed, it may be returned as a subordinate batik fabric (jarik). The subordinate clothes paired with a modified top of the and contemporary designs, added scarves, hats, bags and other accessories.

Galeri Batik Jawa in the Jakarta Fashion Week 2012.


Galeri Batik Jawa in the Jakarta Fashion Week 2012.

During Gelar Batik 2013, Galeri Batik Jawa presented 40 collections in the fashion show that highlighted the Galeri Batik Jawa tagline "Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons". A wide range of clothing for every season that comes with a variety of accessories, scarves, fans, purses and bags were performed.


Opening dance by Batavia Dancers exhibites the batik proces of “Natural Indigo Batik for All Seasons”

Galeri Batik Jawa Spring Collections


Galeri Batik Jawa Summer Collections

Galeri Batik Jawa Autumn Collections 9

Galeri Batik Jawa Autumn Collections

Galeri Batik Jawa Autumn & Winter Collections


Galeri Batik Jawa Winter Collections

Galeri Batik Jawa Winter Collections


Galeri Batik Jawa Winter Collections 12

Galeri Batik Jawa has also produced various types of scarves / shawls to meet those contemporary fashions and life style. This type of product becomes one of the masterpiece of Galeri Batik Jawa and Indonesia as well.

Galeri Batik Jawa shawl


Galeri Batik Jawa silk shawl

Galeri Batik Jawa silk shawl 14

Galeri Batik Jawa silk shawl

Galeri Batik Jawa hand woven silk shawl 15