
Education in

Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1982)

Heft 1794

PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021

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http://www.e-periodica.ch in Switzerland is cate which enables the entrance detect general characteristics, student leaves two or three administered principally by the to . particularly at years later after obtaining his cantons (of which there are 25, Each canton enacts its own and levels. "baccalauréat" or "Swiss Matur- each with its own Department of laws for the maintenance, In general, the pattern of ity Certificate". Education) and local authori- support and administration of primary education is that all At the secondary school and ties. As in England the Federal its public school system. children go to a common school young people al- or Central Government has no The principle of free, com- between the ages of six or seven ready tend to specialise, in power to determine the curri- pulsory education is maintained and 10 or 11. classical (Latin-Greek or Latin- culum of public or private throughout the country but Then, as in England, pupils modern languages), scientific schools. within this framework, account either continue at primary (mathematics sciences), or com- The Federal Authorities only is taken of regional differences school or enter a cantonal mercial. intervene in order to establish and traditions, particularly at the secondary school establish- Entrance to the commercial certain standards below which primary school level. ment. schools is at 14. For technical education must not fall, as well Thus the school systems At 16, after passing final schools of secondary level the as the requirements of the within the Swiss Confederation examinations, education may age of entry is 15. These schools "Federal Maturity Examina- vary from canton to canton but, be continued at the gymnasia provide a general education tion", the school-leaving certifi- as in England, it is possible to (senior high school) which the along with vocational training.

Parents, our free DIAVOX advisory service le petit poucet helps you to choose the AIGLON RIGHT SCHOOL Ecole active bilingue in the SWITZERLAND Boarding School in the The British International Müdem Institute of Languages RIGHT PLACE University Preparatory 19, avenue de Beaulieu, Boys and girls aged from 5 1 004 to 12 School in the French tel. 021/37 68 15 Primary classes only than 60 Swiss Alps French, German, English • more private schools and institutes The most up-to-date methods. programmes teaching: well reputed for • 250 boys and Intensive day courses from Scholastic year and its quality and diversity • boarding 4-1 1 weeks in small groups of summer Summer and Winter sports girls (11-18 years) from 16, courses • adults or private /nfor/naf/on; Oxford G.C.E. '0' and 'A' lessons. • Alain Spadone Levels Preparation for public exams. CH. LAKE OF American College Board Aims: Fluent oral and written 1884 Villars Chesières • communication. Tél: REGION • University preparation US, Télex: 456.222. LPP + CH Canton of - SWITZERLAND UK, Canada, Europe Good • favourable environments • sports, ski-ing for studying and mountain excursions HAPPY CHILDHOOD THROUGH • hub of a vast network of • Character building STUDIES international lines of emphasised communications • Summer Courses with BOARDING FOR • beautiful landscape - English and French tuition BOYS AND GIRLS healthy climate PRIVATE SCHOOL for forfoe/- fofo/waf/on aged from 5 to 1 5 ADVISORY BUREAU and entrance regwremenfs, 321 10 Ave de la Gare CH-1002 app/y to; ECOLE CHRflTEmERLE FRENCH PROGRAMMES Lausanne CP to 3rd form; O-Level Tel 021/22 77 71 Telex24390 P/?///p Z.. Parsons, /k7.A /Can fad/, Intensive tuition in French Aeadmasfer, A/p/on Co//epe, Holiday Courses — Summer, / S<95 C/?es/ères-V///ars, Christmas, Easter. Sw/'fzer/and. Under the patronage of the Association of private schools Te/: 7025/35 27 2 7 O/recfors: Jean and Mathilde Wegmüller (AVDEP) and the Tourist Office Te/ex: 456 27 7 /4C0Z. CA Ch-1807-/ Tel: 021-531193 of Lake of Geneva Region (OTV)

Le Manoir ST. GEORGE'S International school for young ladies Ch 2520 (lake of Bienne) SCHOOL Tel: (038) 51.36.36 Le Manoir is an international boarding school for young 1815 Clarens-Montreux ladies, influenced by the best Swiss and English educational principles. Certificate and Diploma in French, English and £?r/'f/s/t p/'r/s' 6oard/np sc/too/, founded /n 7S27. German, Italian and Spanish, GCE O and A levels, General Knowledge, Commercial branches, Secretarial Diploma. Beautifully situated by lake side. Purpose built: Domestic Science. Modern installations, language Extensive grounds. All sports. laboratory, tennis courts, covered swimming pool. Sauna. Preparation for G.C.E., S.A.T. and university entrance. Sport ground for volley and basketball. Chalet at Wengen in the Alps. Swiss and foreign references since 1939. Pnqu/r/es.' Summer holiday courses. The Rev. L.V. Wright M.A. Pr/Vic/pa/: Tel: Messrs. G. and J. Voumard, (021) 61.34.24 - Telex: 453131 geor Anglo-Swiss family 23