Field-Programmable Gate Array Technology Field-Programmable Gate Array Technology

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Field-Programmable Gate Array Technology Field-Programmable Gate Array Technology FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY TECHNOLOGY FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY TECHNOLOGY edited by Stephen M. Trimberger Xilinx with contributions by Stephen M. Trimberger Xilinx Dennis McCarty Telle Whitney Actel and The Technical Staff of Altera Corporation edited by Robert Hartmann ~. SPRINGER. SCIENCE+BUSINESS" MEDIA, LLC Library of Congress Cataloglng-In-Publlcatlon Data Field -programmable gate array technology / edited by Stephen M. Trimberger. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-6183-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-2742-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-2742-8 1. Gate array circuits. 2. Programmable logic devices. 3. Programmable array logic. 1. Trimberger, Stephen, 1955 - TK7895.G36F54 1994 621.39'5--dc20 93-39703 CIP Copyright © 1994 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1994 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1994 AII rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form orby any means, mechanical, photo-copying, record ing, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Printed an acid-free paper. to ross who had a vision Contents Preface xi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Logic Implementation Options 1 1.2. What is an FPGA? 2 1.3. Advantages of FPGAs 4 Low Tooling Costs 4 Rapid Turnaround 4 Low Risk 5 Effective Design Verification 6 Low Testing Costs 6 Standard-Product Advantages 7 Life Cycle Advantages 8 1.4. Disadvantages of FPGAs 8 Chip Size and Cost 8 Speed of Circuitry 9 Design Methodology 9 1.5. Technology Trends 10 Density 10 Speed 10 Architecture 11 1.6. Designing for FPGAs 11 Design Migration 11 1.7. Outline of Subsequent Chapters 12 1. Introduction 12 2. Programming Technology 13 3. Device Architecture 13 4. Software 13 5. The Future 13 6. Design Applications 13 7. Acknowledgments 13 8. References 13 1.8. References 13 viii FPGA Tecbnology Chapter 2. SRAM Programmable FPGAs 15 2.1. Introduction 15 2.2. Programming Technology 15 SRAM Programming 15 Advantages and Disadvantages of SRAM Programming 17 2.3. Device Architecture 19 Simple SRAM-Programmable FPGA Architecture 19 Design Trade-offs 23 The Xilinx XC2000 Architecture 29 The Xilinx XC3000 Architecture 35 The Xilinx XC4000 Architecture 43 Programming the FPGA 52 2.4. Software 53 Automated Design Implementation 54 Technology-Specific Synthesis 63 Manual Design 63 2.5. The Future 65 Programming Technology 65 Architecture 66 Software 66 Partitioning in Space and Time 67 Design Methodology 67 2.6. Design Applications 68 General Design Issues 68 Counter Examples 70 Efficient Multiplication by a Constant in an Artificial Neural Network 75 Distributed Arithmetic for Signal Processing 77 Applications of Reprogramming 79 A Fast Video Controller 83 A Position Tracker For a Robot Manipulator 84 A Fast DMA Controller 85 Custom Computing Applications 87 2.7. Acknowledgments 90 2.8. References 91 Contents ix Chapter 3. Antifuse Programmed FPGAs 97 3.1 Introduction 97 3.2 Programming Technology 99 3.3 Device Architecture 103 Principles of Programmable Routing 103 Routing Architecture of the Actel FPGAs 108 Actl Architecture 110 Act2 Architecture 113 Act3 Architecture 117 Programming and Testing 118 Capacity 124 Perfonnance 127 3.4 Software 128 3.5 The Future 132 3.6 Design Applications 133 Designing with ACT! and ACT2 FPGAs 133 Designing with ACT FPGAs: A 1TL Perspective 137 Migrating PLD Designs to FPGAs 140 Synthesis Design Flow 143 Designing Counters with ACT Devices 144 Designing Adders and Accumulators with the ACT Architecture 153 State Machine Design 160 Using FPGAs for Digital PLLs 164 Customer Design Examples 167 3.7 Acknowledgments 168 3.8 References 168 Chapter 4. Erasable Programmable Logic Devices 171 4.1. Introduction 171 4.2. Programming Technology 173 Logic Structures Using EPROM Transistors 175 x FPGA Technology 4.3. Device Architecture 179 Basic Concepts 179 Macrocell Architecture 180 Logic Array 180 Programmable Flip-Flops 181 Programmable Clock 182 110 Control Block 182 Design Security 182 Functional Testing 183 Operating Requirements for EPLDs 183 Architectural Evolution in Array-Based PLDs 184 4.3.1 - The "Classic" Family of PLDs 184 Functional Description of the EP 1810 184 4.3.2 - The MAX (Multiple Array matriX) Product Family 187 4.3.3 - MAX 7000 195 4.3.4 - MPLDs: Mask-Programmed Logic Devices 200 4.4. Software 204 4.5. The Future 218 4.6. Design Applications 224 4.6.1 MAX 5000 Timing 224 4.6.2 Using Expanders to Build Registered Logic in MAX EPLDs 228 4.6.3 Simulating Internal Buses in General-Purpose EPLDs 233 4.6.4 Fast Bus Controllers with the EPM5016 238 4.6.5 Micro Channel Bus Master and SDP Logic with the EPM5032 EPLD 240 4.6.6 FIFO Controller Using an EPM7096 243 4.6.7 Integrating an Intelligent 110 Subsystem with a Single EPM5130 EPLD 246 4.6.8 Controlling Complex CCD Imaging Systems with the EPS464 EPLD 247 4.7. References 250 Index 253 Preface A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a programmable logic device that implements multi-level logic. FPGAs resemble traditional mask-programmed gate arrays by their modular, extensible structure that includes both logic and interconnect. but differ in that their programming is done by end users at their site. No masking steps are required. In this respect. FPGAs resemble PLDs. FPGAs offer low risk, low incremental cost and fast prototyping advantages. FPGAs are revolutionizing the way systems designers implement logic. By radically reducing the development costs and the turnaround time for implementing thousands of gates of logic, FPGAs provide a new capability that affects the semiconductor industry and the CAE industry. They may also change the way digital systems will be designed in the future. The Scope of the Book The field of FPGAs is varied and dynamic. Many different kinds of FPGAs exist. with different programming technologies, different architectures and different software. This book describes the major FPGA architectures available today, covering the three programming technologies that are in use and the major architectures built on those programming technologies. The goal is to introduce the reader to concepts relevant to the entire field of FPGAs using popular devices as examples, without trying to enumerate every commercially-available product. This book includes discussions of FPGA integrated circuit manufacturing, circuit design and logic design. It describes the way logic and interconnect are implemented in various kinds of FPGAs. It covers particular problems with design for FPGAs and future possibilities for new architectures and software. This book compares CAD for FPGAs with CAD for traditional gate arrays. It describes algorithms for placement. routing and optimization of FPGAs. The FPGA device descriptions in this book include specifications of capacity and speed. These numbers are continually being debated by manufacturers. This book does not attempt to enter the debate; there was no attempt to reconcile device specifications from different vendors. FPGA devices and technology are improving rapidly, so specific numbers for gate counts and device speeds may already be obsolete. However, the general concepts, xii FPGA Technology such as programming methods, architectural constraints due to programming technologies, device scaling and preferred design methods will remain relevant long after the specific devices in this book have only historical interest. Intended Audience This book is intended to describe all aspects of FPGA design and development. For this reason, it covers a significant amount of material. An extremely detailed discussion of all these areas would make this book prohibitively long. Our intent is to make each section clear to readers with general technical expertise in digital design and design tools. Readers with significant experience in one of these areas may find the discussions superficial in that area, but useful in others. This book assumes the reader has an understanding of the fundamentals of digital electronics design. Experience designing or using ASIC gate arrays and software will make much of this book much easier to read, since many of the comparisons are with respect to gate arrays. Potential developers of FPGAs will benefit primarily from the FPGA architecture and software discussion. Electronics systems designers and ASIC users will find this book gives them a background on different types of FPGAs and shows applications of their use, which are useful for deciding when an FPGA is appropriate for an application. This book may be useful in a university setting where it can be used in support of a comparative FPGA architectures course, as background reading for a digital design course with FPGAs as the target implementation, or as supplemental reading for a Computer-Aided Design course for tools targeted to FPGA design automation. This book is not intended as a product specification for any integrated circuit or software product. Organization of the Book Chapter 1 introduces the FPGA in comparison with other logic implementation techniques. It defines the term FPGA in a form that is both general enough to include all types of devices currently being offered, and specific enough to be a guide for evaluating other devices that may appear. The bulk of chapter 1 is a comparison of FPGAs with mask programmed gate arrays, showing the FPGA advantages and disadvantages. The following three chapters describe three very different FPGA architectures and software. Chapter 2 describes Xilinx SRAM-based FPGAs, chapter 3 describes Actel antifuse-based FPGAs and chapter 4 describes Altera EEPROM-based FPGAs. The three architectures were chosen because they were the most common FPGAs currently in use and because they are very different in their approaches to field programmable logic. They have different programming technologies, different Preface xiii methods of implementing logic and different interconnection strategies.
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