

Vol 58

9 - 22 March 1920

Book No 4





Gazettes & Debah?:; Sec,.\..; i Parliamer.i Ut.!;·:')1 Building Rooli' No. FB-025 PUBLISHED B~ AUTH~ 60WRNOR6ENERAL.



'l'he Oounoil met at the Council Olllunbcl',lmplll'inl Seoretal'i!\t, Delhi, 01\ MoudRY, the ~2nd March, 1920.

PXI8BN't : lIla EloelleuollJARON CnSLJlUORD, p.c., G-.){,S.I., o.v.l.1t, G.O.H.G" o.o.B.n" Viceroy and Govel'nor General, pl'eridin[1, ~md 60 Members, ·of·.,vhom 52 were Additional Momber.,

STATEMENTS LAID ON THE TABLE. ,The Bon'ble Sir William Vinoent :-" My Lord, Iill~g to lay 11 u. on tho tablet [L statl'Jncnt SllO'\Tin'g the Mltion hl~ell against prellSelJ .. ad news- . J'''pers llnd~r the Defence of India' Aot sinDe its onactweut, 'rhioh was promisod dn reply to a question Rskcd by the lIoll'hlo Mr. 8achchidannrula Sinha on the 2~tQ aepte-mber, HJl9," . . Tile Hon'(Jle Sil' \Villia~ Vinc6nt :-" My )~Ol'd, I beg to lay on t.he Taulo a. statcwcutt l-lhOWlug thu nUlllbel·. of Eurol)cans, A.D,·lo- Indians and Indians employe!\ in the GOVCI'OID6JtL of lDdia Be

T.A6 Hon'bla Rai Sita, Nath ltay B9Jhe.duraskctl :- ll·;! ul. l~ "(({) Will Govcrnmollt lay on till: table n (lOllY J)f :Mr. Doran's :Uid~t'6 Hr, DOI' ..I\', 01' Evidenoe hefore the Public SCl'vices COlUmissit'u P tn~;:'t~, • . (b) Dill)'1 ,', 'DOI'1I11 hold the nPllointlll.o,u ts . of Su pcrin·tendon,t.. A~sistall t ~~\b.!l~", Dhr.otOl' General, ro~tmastel' GClleral nud DJrClltOl' Gaueml, and lhd ho express Ci~m%t.I.. 1oll. tho opinion that the duties ann r(!spo'1~ibilitics of It Suporintendent of Po~t Offiocs arc more dillicUlL And onllrou8 tn.all .hoss of all officeI' in oharge oh 1.'clegraph Division r ,1 t' Tho HOll'blc Sit' Ge\)l'go Ba-:

/I (a) A (:0pyt ui;\lr, J.)O\'Ull'S writ,ten e,·Ht.'lC6 flU'Ui!1!P,U tu. :,110 Royal Commin.qiou is Jllid OJ~ thG lllule._ J'Hr. DOf;,n \\" ,!; not orally c:.atrlHlccl IJJ' tlw .Publio 8erdoes Comulissioll . (b) Yes," t .n.lt AI'I""'I!li:L A: t :\Cl lot uded !n I bt'~': P.v,:,'.tl;, ;,.<, f Vid~ Apper.(\ix Jt ( 15M J (:\Ul~'::-II'l0"'~1J HOg "" A)" _ n I;;) A .\ "L'"'1) ..,\."P\··!",,\,-, I U t".Il"', [ illli ~U(! Nllth nay BlJh(l(ll~r i .s" G~ol'fJq Ba1'ile8 ; [22~D M.l.ROH, 1920, J Sir IVillia1lJ 1"inue"e i J{/~(II; S(Ihib :3h~;, ' Nawu; lJllutto,]

Th~ llon'blo Ra.i Bita Nath Ra.y llal)adllf asked :-.

~. II Will Governmeut ~tato-" li) the lwt'l'ftge pay of the olRoora of UIC rrelegraph Service, (6) Imperial. (0) Provincial, on lst Ja:IlInr\', 1910 j' (ii) tho IH'CMl~ l)ny of tbrse officers uflcl' tho reoent increase in ttlCit' pay i (iii) Iho o.1ditioilat annual inllroM" in cxptllditurp. on this /lecount.; (101 th~ averll~o Imy of Supcl'it'ltendo!lbi of Po~t Office!! On 1st Jl\lllul.ry lin 9 i (v) the 1wcrllgn puy of Superintcndm.b of l'cst Cffiol's 1,roJMc

The Hon'ble Rai Sita. J:..la.th Ray B:',hadur nske

~~~~1~~ 3. /I (a) What· re~ommeO(ll\tiolls have Government n)llde in cOllDection a.r.dJ1UIOlal with tIle report of the Public Sen'kes Oommi,sioll "to iln))fOVe HIe Pl'OSI)octs of _001, th' tilt! meulbers of 0 ProvIncial lheclltiv(! and Judicilll Son'ices? " - (6) Are Government nWlITe that great ir· onvelliencc is felt by IUcmhcl'R of those tiel'vioce 1>y tho faot of tlJeir being ciIlSSO

~~~.~~c~. 1. fA Are CJoycrnme"t, R\I;'t'O of tho fnet t,hnt !!'l'oat inconvonience is felt br 1"""."\00('" tb. JP' Is:, and 2nr1 olus.s 1)ns"cl\,~tW3• for wnnt of accon1UJo~bti

10 CtI'Tllllge that 1\ Il\lflkicllt number of 1st nnd 2nd OJasil otlrriagos nrc attaolmn til the Punjab Mail jl /I The Hon"ble Sir Ar~hllr And~rl3(\n l'cplied :-

II Government have recoiveil no coml)lRint, hllt they hav(\ brought tho matter to the notice of the Railway Admiuilltl'8tioo, who prnpO/IO. f,1i: an f'lperimpula.l monsure, (.0 an pplc.mont tho nco.omlllo{iltt.ion 011 the Punja.b Mail by runuhlg tl~e Dt)1hi·8alllasl.(1l. through lIervicc Carri!H:e \fhiohnow tt'I'rninaics at Saulaaau. t.o and from KarAChi. If the halBo 18 found to warrant tho running of thi. extra oorringc, it. will bo oontioued perUll\n6n~ly." The llon'ble Kha,n Sa,hib Shah lJa,w&z BhlJtto n,~ked :- 5. CfWif·b referenco to tho rCMnt IItatement by HoV'crnment ~irin~ tho R~nreA ~::'I:!. for the Ilpproxinlat~ C(l~t per annum for jncrep.~e!l of poy TeOl'ntlv slfnctinned :W:'1! th. tor the I. C. 8., the Publio Works Department, the· lIfe,iicnl, PI'o~lnoiQl Civil, 1:.:;~:I4~ l'oliotl, J~duoation and "Pnrest Service" wilt Oovornmf!nt state the "pproximfltc &,U\¢I'ctD.4. cost at eRch of t.hose servioes prior to tho· inCr0l1808l\notioned for it P' 'l'he Hon'ble Mr. 'V. II. Hailey replied:-

II The flpproximi\to COllt 1lor annulU of the sevoral sorrices berore the increases of pay recently sllllctioned was ll! follows :- .ft Illdiau Civil Sorvioe ••• • ~,1.5,110,OOO PuLlio W.orks Dap~rtmenb, Provilluial and II!lPQri~r - 97/111,000 Indian Medical tim ice . oil>! OO,noo Pro\·jlloi.1 Civil Service 1,16,011.1:00 Indi&D Police ~:imiee ;;S,OO.OOO . PrcTincial Palica Servico U,OO,OUO' Iridian J!dUpalioDlIl ticrvic" £1,00,1'110 .l'rovinoi.l Eduolrional Sonico ~1',OO,ClOU . 'Indian }'oreat Service 24.0u,OUO" The Hon'bla Mr~ G. S. Khaparde RIlkcd ;-' 6~ u (0) With r~fercnce to tho question put hy the Hon'bJo Mr. Chanda 8nd·~n~"ei.t~ld ft.Dswered bv the Rno'blfl tho Home 1IIImbcr rt'garding :Mr. Bbs.llkarlal ·on 30th :~~k.r\.ol Jnlluary, 1920; will Government be plcAsed to staLo whetiltir th6 PJ~dod of 0: DIIAL . quarant.ip8 in tho C8SD of .Mr. Shankariu.l ~lCLonded all the tilltO frotU 20lh t\ pril, 1919 to 80lh May, 191.9, i,e., 40 dU)'3 ? '. .' . (b) Is not the UI\UI'.1 pEriod of qnarantine n w('ck or t.aD dn.va? If no, whnt werc t~IO (';l'cumshl noel! which Ill!c('s.~i ht.te:l tile I? ItE:llSi In of.t11!~ perioll to :W c1a)'~ ? .(0) Is it. It fact' "hat during this I'Cl'ior\. of 40 daya J\f.r ~hnnknrl'll. WAS called fOUl' limc~ 8 night. i.e., at!) P.lI., l~ 1'.l(,.~3 A.)(. and 0 A.l:{ t by wnrdl'rll, thcrehv rlepdd'lg llim 01' Cl'Cll a sinda nirltt's o· ntinnou3 I'C'!;L ? . (J) Is it n fllcJ."lba~ (.\ OOln'iet '""mler, hy IlIlme I'litclil, TVI1S f;pf'ciaUy dpIil\ted to ~oe ~hat Mr. Shnnkarlal did DO'· speak \\·ith any. 01 her' I'dsor:el' duriug the time he w:la in jail cxoept tbeillst .ror~nighr. when Il.r.otbcr 1116/1, name' unknowD, W/I.Y tlCputoo' to carryon the work. tif the above named Pl1rdil? . (e) Is it II. fact ~hat not. permitting n prll\'lllor vJ ,,:,c.'l.k wit.h allY other ni hie lelia ,," pl'iaOllers, comh!ric(l with solitary confin()ment, is the hardest formal' Funishment whioh it i9 withiu tho powors of lhe jail authorities to inflict? j. . .. r.rhe·Ho~·blo·S~r William Vbicent re'plied:;- ,.

II (a) The answer is in.the 1\00rmlltiro'. {b)'Ib~rtJ i~ no fixed lb~t nf tlme fol' qunran!;nC' •. Tho ]Jerkd IB .le~:' to Ihe dj~fJretlOn of the 8111)Cl'IIlt,~lld6nt Ijf tha--Jzill nctlnJ on the ad\"J.ee or the mcrlico.l.offict:r. ~ho GOI.:mrnullt of Indiu 11I1ve,' h(j\Hrl'~r,addr('p..q(:d tb3 Chief COl.:!missioncr or ;)p.llJi 11 Hh !\ view to I.'nsure tDlI t tho rr?riod (If qtiar8utiHc ~bnll not bu unduly 1)]'0101 ged in future CI.:5!!/'. (c) Ul1d(lr. IlIl:tlgrnJlh tie.J., (if the !-'ul.jllb Jfli! Manual flle Fr(f:eli\~ ~r every prisoner In IllS c,;,l! mil~tJr. Ilsc.crtn,ll.lf.ld !It cflch cl1llDgC \If gun.rd. ,till9 mOots9 doubtless occaw.m:dly iTllkellS l'cbtl p.1iti f..le('ller~. 1510 (lUES'l'IONS AND ll.;~:HVBRS . . [Sil' TJ'iltit/j)l Villoetlt; .'J,', G, S, !:./iap,II'do.} [22'NU 'MARou, 1\J20.]

(d) '1'ho um!at-trial wl\l'd is always, lILulCt, 'pnmgl'tlph S02 of tho 1I.b.uunl, iu tho t1hnl·gi'. of n warder 01' trustworthy comict-officol'. As ~hnll kel' Lal was ~ocomlllodakd [lul~~wat.ely./\ sepal'lIte ()olH'iot-oflicer, wh050 name is oOl'tl'ctly givr?O as l'ul'dil in the qUilstio!\,. was c1ctailccl for t.his duty in his cnse. (e) 'l'he answer i!; ill 1.he llOglllhr~,.1J .

T)t€l Hon'ble.1~r. G. S. Kha.pa.rdc /lSI,Cd :-~ The kv,,\'- ~.. ". br.th. 7. ,i (a) III it 1\ fact· tbat Mr. 8Il\·:>..rkar ntHt his urol.her h!W8 not beon given .r•. . the benefit (If the lloYRl Rmllesty P (b) III it. llOt a fact th!itl\Ir, 86yarknr I\ml his bl'ollll'r had 011CO in IH16 8'nt!· at Qllot·hel· time in 19113 SUblllit.ted 1,ctitiQl1S to Govel'jHneut stating that they ·wQuld, during tbo continuanoe of war, serve the :Empirfl' by enlisting in tho ~rfllY, if l'elcl\S?d, n.lld would, after tho pl\S8in~ of t.he Refol'lus Hill, tl'J: ~,() waKo the A(It. a. success aut! would st,l\1ul h] Inw rtnd order? . , (c) If IIUSWCrs to (0) and (0) ~e 'in the affll'mnth'e, will Govarnmellt he pleased to stRtO. tho oir(mmstR-MCS by !'Cf\son of whidl t.hey Wel'Cl llot rr.ll·asQd ncoordiug to tho ~enn8 of the ItUJlle!lty ~ (d) Is it a fact that under tho treatment. in t,lIc :\l\th\nUW8, these 81\\'(\rkrtl' IlI'othcl's have buon brokell in h~U.h nlld l'cduce(l ill weight r . (8)))0 GOHrnrnl.'nt ,llI'OpOSJ to dit'cct th6 Suporiutclltlallt. uf the Aud!\Ula.!I!1 jl\il to transfrr (ho brothl'TS to an' Indian jail for thn hellelH of (',hoit' hl):\ltll ? " The Hem'ble Sh- Willia,m Vincont l'eplied :-- "The aDswer to (n) is in the nffil'mati\'Q, ' ~ (0) 'l'wo petitioD!j wore l'ccei,ed frOID Vinayak t>EHllodar Sllvarkal'-Olltl in19H.nml allothol.' in 10l7,thl'ough tho SuperinleuJeut, Port Blair. In the former he offered bis services to Govemmellt lturing tho war in nlly capaoity and pr&),e{l that '" genoml amnosty ho granted to RII politioal prisoners. The aecoml petition WAS oonfined to tho latter· proposal. No petitions ou either of thO£o lIubjects han been- reooived fl'Om Ganeah Damodar Savarkar: nor 1lav.O any boon" received from citllel' of the brothers to tho cff"o~ that if "released, they would help towf\rrls the i;\lCCc9!lflll npplioatioll of the rtoforms Ad - . (0) Because titoif release Willi not considered to be complltihle with the publio sn.fety, Their cases 1\1'6 howm·cl· being re·oxamined. . (d) VinRy1!.k Oa.modsl' Sa\'arkiu was fhAt attacke(l with dysent61-,. in and during the 8l1oce('ding t;1\'(1lve months be bart relapses from. ti~e to time .. He htUl, . however, been frre front symptoms of .the disease for the Ja~t fire _, months-thov.,.:1 t\ cel'luln aMount ()f llelJility remnins nnel 11C has lOfj~ weight. . . No representation!) luwe heen. l'ecai ~f'(l :Is r~r.nl'cls the health of Oanes!!. (c) Tho aus\\'31' is- ill the Ill'ol\i;ivr.." , .' f'•• . Tho Ron'bie Mr. G. S. X!hapa.1"doUllkcd:-

KUIl)IJ~r .r S •.• f Will tho Govel'nment ho plel'j.sel~ to st·at,c in tabula.r fOl·tn- POllllclIol . olf".cSe.... «(l) tIle Dtunber or all the political offenders. incillding the dctonus, internees; State l)risoners, nOll l1Cr5011!1 oOllviat(;d nnder Lhe Indian Penal Coda or otherwise an~ COlllincd ill ji1.ils or kept under J'c!lll'iotionin elloh· P\'ovinco iq Illdi8 and in the AndaDll\ns on the 2:3rd Deoond)cl', I9H} i (b) thoir origilll11 sentences or I'I~rincls of: l'I~gtl'ictiOll (!l'der-I'd by th(\ (lxccutiV&j . . • (0) the {'ol·iO(.1. un~orgouc by each j (el) tho numbe\' and lISnIBll .of those who W')I'(l l'al~s('d ;ifter a.lUm'sly was procJaimed;; anfl . . • (e) the lla~llt6 of, conc'cssions, ii' lili~'I' gl'Rutetl If) thollu wllo were not gireu the DCnfiJit cif t.he 1{oynl :\'ullle:it j ?" .. Tltc lIonJbleSil' WilUa,1ll Vinoont replied .;_._ . " GO\"l1l'nmlJut ;,'\VO /lot beell ablo t(J colleot-/\U ita: iDf()rllntioll Il.skell 1'01' uy the HO!l'bJe }JnmlJerj hut U Iit..ai<:lfJt'IlI,;/o is laid oU the table c;iviug the total .'.". --.-..-, .. ~~~- '---- ... ~.~~,--- .. --.~ .. ---_._.! ... "'-.--...... : .. _- •.. '-'~- . ....:.. .. -...... ,. _ .• , .. ,--- QtJj~A'l'JONfj AND ANSW Jm::;. lijll r 22sD 11Au~H, 1920. J ( SiI' l1'Wiam "f7inceul;' ~tt'. ;y, lS. Urllm'; 1;'"£11 . B:l:ccllclIc!l tilt) OO'1lI111~nde;··il~' Ohiqf; Sil' A"t.hlfl' ~~mICI'8Ul~.] flgill'cl! by pro\'incos Il.!llast &~Cl)rt(\illml, 'llite fUrt.lt6l infol'lllnt.i)1ll'oqnit'oll will be collect eel from IOMI Goverllmonts and oillhodi!lli i l\ n stat6mellt 'I'hioh will be la.icl on the Lnhle nt n (ntill'c moeting of Cllll1loil,"

The Hon'ble J.\<~h·. VI. E. Drum. askr.d :--

9. tI Would the GOYO \'Illllcnt be pleasod to flll'nisil !lily infol'lYln!:ioll l'cgat'd. ~~;.!:~I.r. illg the propos;\ls reiat.iug tr) t.he fnt!ll'C uf t.lw [ndhn O;!fcilOC FOI'CIl,? " hm,

His Exoellency the CBmDu,nder-in-Chief l'cpliod:-

1/ Pl'opost'~ls rO,~m'ding tho futnro of the Iudian Defence FOl'ce hnvo UOOIt !;llbilliited to the Secrctlll'Y of- Shlto, and his instructions .are a I'I'nit.od, , . , .: Draft Dills have been pl'Opal'OO in aocortitlllcc with tht>"e' Pl'op9snls. In I.he oas!) of the }Jmopcnn Branch. of tho Indian D... fcueo l?orce, tho reoommendu. tiolls of the Goverumout of India involvo Ulo(lificntion~ whioh nrc COli sid cr.){l C88cnt.ial, All. WIH'·timo l'ocluirOlllcntli iu tho mllttCI' of traini!;1g and tCfI11;'! of servioe lUust necessarily dift'''l' from those ,~hiol.J Ilpply to an nuxiliary fOt'Od in t.itaC8 or peace, In Ordtlf to' I\Scertnin tho nature of the l'6quisltc ohnnges demanded by local conditionFl nnd tho intore,ts of Ooailllt'roo and Iodm;tl'v, ChAmbors of OOll1mercu, Planters and 'fl'ades Associations and other rci1t'e...,eu·t. ativ6 bodio.~ have been cOllsulted, wit.h tho l'e6ult that a scheme lUts boen crolved whi(lh, it ill beliu'ved, will moot wiLL gene l'll~ !\llpronl. AH Tcgll.l'US tho Indiall .i)I'!lIlCh, tue possibility or future impro,'olUent and developmeut are le.es cOI,t:tin, The' Army ill Indi& Committe" have had und~r eonsidel'l1tioD tho question of an Indian ~'otritori!\l b'oroo, and' tile' drK.ft Billl'clating to the Indian Bl'anch.J\{~s boon designed nJ a fr&mo-worlt Oil wllicll thi~ portion of the Indian Defence ll'ot'oe oou1<1 be,built up into ·8uob· 0. Tl1rri· tOl'la,l .Foroe, to be expalldod ou·n, voluntarybnD18 to the extent wRrrauted by pt'ogr~ in reoruHmenr. and Inilit~'(y h'aining," .

',('he. Hoo'ble Mr. W. E. Crt!tti aaked:- , 10. H(a) tho GO'l'crnUlcut awaro that It1(~inll commcl'cial-ol,inioll is Ulumi. R... uw~ llwm in favOl:l' of consf;rnr.tion of railways by IJrivllte euterprise, anrl claims Umt ;t.~rtf!'JO' illl:mccliakopporLunity should bo given to IJI'ivt\tll cnterpril!O £01' the construe. ~~~;>t~.Y t.iOll of railways ttllOIl which Go\'crnUlr.nt R.l'e not willing or ablo' to cmhnl'k t!uhrl,rlu, forthwith? (II) Is if; It het that His J~x:callenoy tho yiceroy made a pronouncement, til I.ho 00:1£61'0I1Cll of Ch!llUbllr9 of COIllllll1l'CO In OfllouUn to tho e1fo(!~ tJitlt it will pl'obahly U6 impossihle fOl' somo tilllO to como for India to ouilrl thu rail- ways she rcqutl::,s Ollt of Budget a.1l0 tmuuts 0\" the proceeds of direct borrow. ing ? , . (0) Is it a. fl!d that the nailw~,y BO/lrc\' n.rt:' not il! favo'll' of COtlstl'llet.ioll nr rnilways hy pl'i mtc lluterpriliO ? .

(el) If the p.nsl\'Cl' to pnrt (0) is iu thc IIffiI'm ath'6j will Gorcrnmcnt st-llte t.ho l'eilSOllii for tlw \'iows of. t)"j RR.ilwl\y IJollrd and whAt nlterul\tivo t.hey lJrOpose? (c) If tho ttllS\\'1)r to put (0) is Ll thu ll~gatiVtl, will Govorumcnt ~tl\tf.l OU what terms HI'.)), are willing to gJ'all~ C(;IH:rsaiolls for tho fJUi'P060 of cj)oonr~gillO' " COnfth'uction of l'nilwl\ysby eriVtlto olltcrrris:: ? • ;:I (f) IC no i'olicy regarding tho futureis yet settled, do OOV01'lIDlCn& pl'npoee to o:l1lS~tlt }Juhlic op;niol! n')'ough tllO l~~unJ e1l!mnols bern; /\lIy propc.liuls I\n\ PlJ:, fOl'll'lll'd to t.1w iJucroLal'Y (jf StajIJ P .,

'I'}Hi Hun'hle Sir A:\'i;':nu' Al1dM'SOn replied ;_ .. ' <1(,) (iOyernmcllt h:!.vu );0 p~lrtjclllnl' infonnatioll wllloh \l'(JllId lead them in [;1.1 ppdse thlt t.htlL'c ia Any c.tcejitiL1J)IJI demand at present of th(j naturo refer. ",.,1 in (\1\ II,;! Md: or tb, Indian C·\ljl!))(;:,flir\,'ommnnit., ;'hollcol: f hpJ! h!ll'o j" ,'QIJ}~UIl'JONS AND ANSWlmS, r. Si,' Arthur Ai/denoll; lilt'. TV, 1:'. OI'II'!I~; 11},', [22N]) llAltcH, 1020.:1 1F. 11. llrr(/ey. )

the ul'rlinnry course l'c(l(lind, tlJlpJimltiolls ,for v)n(:(~~,i01l!1 fJ'om firms i ut{'l't)llt{!d i,n f he )lromotioa of se"('l'tll' projeots. .'\ }lad, from any othol' cOI1!:idel'at ion, th(' conllncrcilll community mt1S~ he' fully aware thnt owing to shorto.;.:o of mntcl'iall' lind the bigh prille of IUOllOY. the present'is an unfllroumblo timo fOl' Rtartillt~ nell' constl'l1ction, The principal dmunn

The Hon:'bl~ J)ir. W. E. Crum ask eel :- 11. "(a) Is'it a fac~ thatofficersr~'ho are (lb~iged by regulation to' keep one or more horSes only draw ho1'89 allowance at· the rate of Rs. 30 per horse I)ef month? ' . . (b) If tllo answer to (a) ill in the affirmative, arc Government IH'Opnl'ed to incce:;'8f) the nllow/lnce and, if 80, ,to what eItent? ' • (c) Will any increase gl'l\nl.cd hn.ve any retrospecth-e effect?"

The Hon'ble IvIr. W, M. Hn.iley re})licd :-:... "((,) It is not clem' to \"hllt OhLSM of otnccrs the question refers. Civil OJlicct's on compa'ratilic1y low pay whoRe duties hn'oln~ 1\ large alllount of moving about within a sllort disbuHJe aro frequently ghclI horse 'R II 0 \I'U IlCcs. Oertain sca\r:3 WCl'e pl'escribed ill a HCGolutioLl of 1888, hut thes6 arO no IOllger binding, and Provincial GO'o'el'lll)lent.s nrc at prt'llent empf.Jwcred to grant horae al!olyunceg nt lIuch' rates as Ihey thillk fit. (0) 'Jtho matt('r is oue for dcCiliiou iu nccol'llanco with local circumstance!. (e) Goyernment arc oppused on principle to tho grallt of cOIlC'essioul; with )'ctl'ospccll yo dIed."

The Ron'ble Mr. W. E. Crum :_u I beg to ask a supplementary 4ncst.ion, 'JIIy I.ord. Can tho .Hou'blo Mewb!,f gi\'c tne any iuformativn rcglll'ding lnilitltry offic{'11l ("

The Bon'ble Ilir. ,W. M. Hailoy :_fI Tho, question of future !:raDgem~nt8 to h: made for mounted military officcr~ and tho amount or '1i1)!RO ra.llownnce re(luired in oases whoro it is dlt,\\'U '8 n Ilcpllrato item is liB/) whioh W6 hopo, \v ill 'rccci\rl) oonaidtralion from tho Afll1Y it) Judia . CIjl11tni~ion."

The JJon'ble !'til.'. W. l~. Crunll\~kcrl :--- hoY ... ~d 12, "(a) DilFGuverr1l1wnf. by (\ lott'!r, l1at€ll17th Fchruf,ry HHU, to local .How.no•• el tho (j1l\"OJ'lnncllts COlUllltUlicllt\1 the dcdsjl)l\ of the Sool'et1l1'Y or Stato reglU'ding' hl.!.\,:r!l\! ra~ l'"l"'~ I llflY of the Imperinl J.>olkl) ;. lJ.OES'1'lON3 AND t.r~:nvHlts. IMt{

I: 22ND MUOH, 19~O,)· (,lIr, W. R, UI'WIJ i Sir If'iJ{i.flfll. l'i1locnt; lilt. 11. J, Patel.] .

(b} III the sam') Cl)tnllluniott.tion (lid (lovBrn\lj~llt shto th'\t thi:l qU(\lltili1l of OI'~!'Ai!lS all'llrll.:lCI3 ulf-ictod othor slll'vico.> lind (lJllht .!lot hr.; dtltll(',tlilltl:l fiJ:' the Police il1dcf'll1\d~'I1~ ly ? (c) Hall a lUll,· 801\\e of ply. including· O\'8~se:IS allolV,\IlOl', heall lllotc1 y ib.mod l'or tho Polioe, hywllicb this ovei'~eji allowanoe h:ts ba'3ll lH'actictl.lly merged in, ~nd u:>t added to, tho pay M,notitltlUd in .b'ehl'\IC\!'j' UH') ? (el) .A~

The lIon'ble Sir Wi1li~m yincellt I'ollliou:-

"(ca), (b) anel (c), The a.uswor is iu the ufilrmHtive.".t; (d) ,OOVel'lllllllDt have just reoeived memoria-Is On the&uh.icr.t r.':oal cE.:I'Lniu offico!'s, 'fhcy \Vere already R\V81'eft-oOl lll'tiolcs iu the press that some dissatisfaction existcIl. . (e) 'l~hi':l dissatisftt.Ction seorus to be largdy uased on 11 mlsunuerstauuillg uf tho position, '.I'he rates of pay n.nnounoctl jn tllo·lctLer of 17th :h'ehl'uarr. 19J.O, were rates fixed by the Socreuwy of State for India, after considcrntion of the views of tho Government of India ami Locnl Governments, l\S suitable fOl' officers rccruited irl'thc United Kingdom.. Up to tha.t dato tho SecretilrJ of 8ta to ba\lllot dcfinit.oly a.cccpted the prinoipla that the pay of the IDl~erial Hel'.vices should be fixed 011 li.n Indian basis, Bud that the ndditioqal &lnount required to oht-lli~ r~o~uits of 8 suitab~e t1P~ from the United King~oU18~olllll tak~ the shape o~'ov~rseas allow8noe. The Lp~'\1 Gov6mmcllt.s and t.he Pohee comn~lttee.'1 convened "Y many of them to oonSIdel' the question had. however, beell asked to consider tbo prinoiple of the expatriation or overseas ntlowll.noe set f~rth in paragraph 322 of the Joint Heport, fud ,!"hile in all Cl\~eS t~e rates of,pay reoommended 1>y them were the rat.es requIred to o.ttraotc&Jldldstes f(.'crnitetl in the U nit.e('ilU bn~is ahove desoribed would be leoadjusterl eo tiS to (I.ocorti with that prillci'!le. Iu t.he eirclllnsl..;lU(.'.eS tho Govcrnmcijt of Indio. callnot ntllllit that oflice~ of the Indian Police ha.ve any logit.imnw grievance Oil this groUl·rI.· Thiti·1ViU ,' of conrsu, not preclude Looal Governments froUl consiool'L'3 un the ruOli~' tho l'eprlJ!ltlutations all'eady rceoiv(',d, and I\lly t1U\t IIllly be received,"

The Hon'blo Mr. V. J. Pa.tol asked :.-

18 /I Wiii GorCi'lllnent lay Oll the f;ubJe t\ atatclllont r;bo\\'illf~ \rhat actiOll It.,ollltl~u. • t t-k I ft 0' • 't' I nltb" thq ha.ve ah~cl\dy takon ?l'prOpl)!iB 0 ,11.'0 larea el' 11\ ~on,lloctlon WI tI ~ lG t{.~OI'I ..t Ttc601utiolla ;-,f the 1m portal War Oou(ol'enco, 10) 7, l'cglll'(l!Ug t.llC fOltoWlllg ~r:'I~~or.M", l\:.\l)jecLs :-. (i) NSI'allJcfellce of the Empire, .. (it)' '.limde COlllwissiollUl' .SCl'ViCI.I, . (iii) Ropl'esentntioll of ~udil~ ill future IUlperil~1 'Confl'l'enccCl. . (iv) -Cal'e of Lhl7 gravos of Iudi/lH lloldi('l's. (v) '~f1nst.ituHoll of t.hfi l~lIlp;d~. (vi) IlllIIt'ri'al },Hneral R:sv:lrct's nlUC~lI. (vii) 1Il1pel'iall!rcC-crencc. (lH'ii) Hecipl'I)Clty between 111r1'1 aOli lite };ml'h·c." flU' L'('r]'l'O'T~' .\ :-"J) .-.I ";\",""".'1:)1:" ~ .(".,\) • J.'tU ,1._:.... ,.\.1.""U 1. J.:4.!..'''-'. [hill RcceliellCtl tile OOiJl)lUI-mler·ilJ· Cldd; ~ifr. I', J. Pldel; Sir WiW,tIlI l[(fl'l'h :I ., His Excellency the Conuuander-in-Chief n'pliod:- "I lay \IPOlL the table tl.slatemrnt- giying t.JllI infol'uHltiou 3S!\{·<1 for by t,h~ non'ble Momber!:. .

Tl18 Hon'ble Mr. V. J. Pa.telIlS~f!d:-

ci'W"~I'ol1 14. U (a) lias the attention of Gonirnmant heen elra 1m tQ U,o 91}(Jech (,f rry.~r""~~i Lord Selhorne 011 t,ho OOVCl'lll1lellt or Tnelia Dill to t.be (:m~(\I. thnt Lh(\l'll lIun' tl~JoA :~~., I)[lSRih)Y be four ~ndial1 gOlltlomen 011 the ViCC1'O\"S Rxccuth'c CClilIlcil if the Il.. " cr, ] la w Iliembol' is also nn IlIdiBn r ,. (b) Is it' a fact that LOI'd SydcnfHlw, ill )lis ~l)C('(:h on tho Gove1'lluu:nt of J1\(114 Bill, 001)01'''00 t.hat. thcre latty btl £0\11' Indians Ilt oneo on Uw Exocu" tivo COUilCil of the Vicel'oy ? (0) Is it a fact tlmt Lord Sinha tJxIH'l!:.isefl a similar vicw iu 0110 (If IJis l;pe.rohes in Bombay? (cl) If the IllliWC1' Lo (a). (b) Or (0) 110 in t.he nffhulatiro, tlv GOl'el:llHlcnt l'I'OPOS6 to reconsider the nus\\'cr giren On Ihe 231'<1 l1~ebT\lan' In~t t.o my question rf.'gMdillg tbe cOlDposition of the E.xccutiyc CO\lMil ? II •

The Hon'ble Sir Willia.m Marris replied :-:. "(u), and (0). Ycs. (h) • (d) l.'hc GOVGl'IllUAnt of India flce no reasoll to J'c'coIJsiilcr the interpreta" tiou placed ou t.be rooommcudatiou of the Joiut .Comlllittilc ill the reply rcf~r" red to. 'fheyadhere to 'be viow that if the Joiut Oommittee had iutended to nrouso the expeotation' Lliiit four Indian l.{cmbora ,~ollld be nppoillt.ed, that iutention would havo 17cen explioitly stated."

The l:on"ble Mr. V. J. Pa/.al :-'11 bag to 48k " sttpptcmC3l1tttry question, my Lord. Am I to understand that the Governmont do not accept the illterl)rc~!ltion of Lord Sulborne, Lord Sinlin and JJord Sy(18nh~m on tIle recommendations of t·he Joiu' Oommitl:~tJ in this respect?"

'fhe Hon'ble Sir William Nlarris !_" 'lll..to Government of Iudia, Illy LQrd, do Dot.know Whl\t."·M in J.JOrd8ellJor118's mind, and they have no authority to interpret or e:tpound his thoughts or those of the othor geutl~· :,:Jcn to whoOl the que~tioll rcft,ts, 'Ihoy tJlink it obvious tchat 110 mcmber of the Oommittee, oven the Chairman, liltS Iluthority, witbout the ooncurrence of hill colleagues, to bind the Oommlttee tIS a whole to 2\llY nuthorita.Live statement, especially in " re.mark m!l.tle ill the COUI'SC of the debate, '!'ho Government of Illdia nan only tako thClf stand U1)01\ the fOl'lu(ll utt.crnooe of the Committee :is n 'l\'hoh~,"

The HOll'ble Mr. v. J. Patelnsl\tJ(l :-- l'rhollUI t" 15. II (aJ Is it true that nl' the 123 perso\ls !lcnteno(!(llJy UOllllnisstOlllll'S "UlllUlfter , . llG:D.t'.II'TIIOllt appomtet1 \In( I til' th. (l De f <'n<:e o·r .rd' n ,:/, 1\ Ct t 0 t.IT 0 . D' enCftS III, COlluee f.". lOll W1Ll1 {rll!O~~~';~4 the disturbances in Gujtlrat, ag IUallY as 51 are still iu jail? ",Vera Lhcro any ~1~'::!~:i:,- l)l'eTi~llS ~ollvicLi,oll!i agnins~ :lny o~ thc~o G1/ .(h) On wlic,t pdnciJ'lc il; the questIOn o-f grantlUg amnesty cletOl'lllmC(l? (0) b11; true tbat tll'~ roltce report '. was oallto(l for herot'a the. ol'tler of l'olellso \\'il~ pal:lsed in fA,'onr of 111 0 pCl'f;OnS nlrrady l'deasl!ll? If so, \l'J.;:t is the l)oliee j'Crmt in I.he case of th(' ill P(:I';'('I1I'l· not yet l'eleM:r.!l? (d) Are their elise:! Stilllllldcl' consi(lcl'atioll 01' hav0 t,lio), hCt')l 'fmolly dccidpd? (e) Is it a fact that aU lJcrsolls 1;p.ntcllc(!(l lo II b~l'iU not t:xcl:eding seven yenril only llltHl been rr.lensed r" -, ...... -- .. - .-._,.-.._ ...•. --.. -----... --~-- .. -- .. - ... ~ _•.... , - ~ ...... ". ,-, ..... ' ...... -. _... -.... -.. -. Q,lfES'jllmm AND A Ntr\V,EHf:i. lrd5 221m }'b.l!CH, H)20. ~I {Sil' WiUiIHJI, rillceu.f; .3It" TT, .7. PcttL'l; ,ViR B:rcellclloll the (JtJmmalld/Jr·il~· OM¢.] '.rhe lIon'ble Sir '\Villiam V;,lcent repliar! ;.- "(n) Of tho 128 pFlrSOJl9 convictr.d by the Gujrmt h~hnna.ls, 72 persons have bl.lCIHcle

The H~n.'ble Mr. V. 'J. Pa.tel asked :-. 16: ':.{a) Are Indian, clerks !ecl'u~t.cd Ilt somo oo~tt'~ 8ua~ as Ambala., ~J~:~::OI RawalpmGl, Lahore, eta, for serVlces In' )\{esopotaulIl 111 the Supply nnd g~~t.n 1'rallsport Corps, gl'antcd 150 F(W cent. of their snl>stnnti ve pay tl.!i oversens UOI uu•• allowance, while such clerks recruited for the Oombined Lahol\l' D6p6~, Dadal', Ilrc g~tting only 50 per oent, of their substililtire pay as (}verscns a.llowance. (b) If the aUS',iur is in tho affirmative do Government propose to tn.ko neoos- sr.ry 8. .ctioll to rcmedy this inequality? " . , HiS Excellenoy the OOJnmander-in-Chief replied :- " Clerke. of the Supply and Transport Oorps, scrving,in MeSOllotmuia,' recoive consolidated mtes of pay all the sClLie shown in tho statemont- whioh is laid upon. tho table, Clerks for the Oombinod L ahour Oorps, Dad!\.~J nrc engaged on locall'ates antl al'e not lSont over,seM."

Th\l Hon'ble Mr. V. J. Pate! asked ;- '17, "Whnt cQnclll!lio,ns, if any, ha.ve been Rrril'()d at ?!l the question offr1!~~~r 01)Sel'v~llg abb.olute equaht'l bo~\Voon ~uropc~n an(i lmiU1U mCUlbcl'R of the ~~~~Hl" Imnerml Sel,\lccs who lUlVn reccl\'cd then h'l\l1l111g nlJrond, whether thoy have 11.\11 !~\'lAallt ,~ .. . b . 'l" IlSOM"frDO reachod that Sl'l'\'lCO by Iltl'Cct rl-'{:rtutrnent 01' ! promotion r :;\':'~~terl .. l

The IJ.on'ble Sir Willia.~ Vincent l'eplied :-' .. In thoso Imperial ~cl'Vices in whioh deoisioU9 have booll al'rivcd at, ' ab!!o· Int.e equality has hccll observed betweon :F.mopaan lUld Indian momuers, who have l't'ceivcd their training abroad, exccpt in the foll,,\\';ng cases :-, (1) IJl t.he Imllcrial Customs Service diffcl'fd scales of pay CI.ist for the ilrllt two yeal'S. (2) Officers of llon·Jntliml domioile employed ill the lH'lim Oi\'il Service, Tndian Po\ic(\ Servinc, Indian Educational Service (men), l)ublio )Vorl,s Depa.rtmcnt, und U\ll'Openn AssistllnL S\IIJCriutelldcn Iii an(\ Cholllists in the hldia.n Geological Smye~ will draw ()VllfS:)M allowances when holding l'Ol;ts in the timo-scale. In the r-olsr. of the higher POIlL:! nbo,'C Lhe tiwfl-scaJo the ploy will be the sarno for all incumbents, .A II Indiall officers, hmHl\'Or, now iu the " Iudinn Oivil ~;en"icel :\s well as those 601ccte(1 ,~t the next five ·opeu conlpe· tiliyc cXllInia!lLions in EllNlllUd, II ill he oligil ill for G\'l'l'SCllS uilownllces l liubjtlCI o I fl' 1" . to J'ecom.idl)l'Rtiou lit th~ (\IJ( 0 t \6 l'encl,' '._-- ._._---- .'- ... - -'- .~ ...... -.- ..... '--' --- .--_ .. __ .. _--_ ...... _..... ~-----.---...... --.------.- .... --.--- .. [311'.1" •.7, ,Pillel; .flia FJ:fI','lItJII/:lltb" (:ommalldcJ'- [221W :M,ITIIJU, IH20,] itl-Ohirif; Sil' Wilti:.zm i"im;etlf.) 'llho lIon'ble l\lr. V. J'. Pateillsketl ;_ 18, :' ~(l) Is it a f!1::t , that high lxti.l'\ndiau clol'ks Ilm compelll'u to work undol' Hl"t.!lh noll·con~mls:iloncd offiucrs antl warrant olUcCl's ? II (b) Do, Go\'el'.nUl\ln~ prop~se to sec tlJll,t Supply and 'rl'lmspol:t olerks in )lcsopotaillla, holding the relatlvll rl~lIks of Jcm:l..d OffiOC1'S P" His Ex.ooJlency the nommandcr .. in.. Chiof rClllictl ;-- "'fhe answer' to ((/) is in thl: nffirlnath's. All civilian clerks attached to n fol'cO on active set,-ir.·u haro to servO under tho British or Inrlinll W8mmt OJ: DOll· cOIDmissiollCd officers who Aro oither tbo hMd clerk!!, 01' thoir 8uperiors in ~l'ading, in tho offices in which they Ilro em ployed. As regards (6) the de,PllJ'tmcntal 8uperioTl of tho civilia.n Supply ,and Trallsport o\cl'h, 8tH'ving In )fa~opotl\mil., nrc commi!lsioncd officers, . I may ex p\1\in t.lJa~ relntivE' rank is cOllferred 011 olerks . u,nd othel' oil-iliuns attached roo un army in the field in ol'n.cr to detl)l"mlnC thoil' status in rogard t.o quart.ers, passag~s, rations, mCSIliug, hOllot~I'!!, l'c'\'srds, etc, It:~ not conforl'l~d for the p'upolie of determining uII(ler whoso orderA Lhey should work. Thi~ is n clo.£l:lrt. f41lmt.allll!lLtcr llnd has nothing t.o dn with command and r8.n~. l!'or the gOlwral rnlpg rp'~l\rdin~ \.itO grnclin~ of oivilians with' au Arllly 1 \vould I'efor thll HOQ'hlc llcillbcr 1.0 Ohaptcl' XVIf, Fiehl Sen'loo RegltlationlJj Part II, aod ro Appcndix XlII of the lndilln Supplement. thereto." The Hon'ble llr. V. J. Pa.tel asked:-

19. II (

The Hon'ble Sir William Vincent replied :- ..

fI (a) Maulana MIl.l11ll0od Hasan wa.s intel'Ocd in Malta in Janua!'y, 1917, as a pri50nrr of ,,'M, uecausc he ,rnll guilty of nssisting tl,c King's (Juemil's, His present age, a8 far 118 cau bo ascertaillcd, is about 72 yeal'8. (0) He has recently ber.n Rent back from Malta, and is DOW (In hi" way to IndiB., 'J'he question of extending the bOllefit of \.110 amo(sty to him ie now under consideration,"

Th{~ BOll'bio !'fIr. V. (1. Pt\.tol askl

The Hon'ble Sil' Willinn1 Vincent )'eplicd:- "'rhe J{9u'ble Mcmhel' ;g rCrllrretl to til" Qnswer givcll to the IIon'b:o Mr. Kbn.parnA on the samc subiect," ~

The Hon'ble 1.,!1·. V'. J. Pn.teillsked:"":"

I'avt.rk"r 21. "ll1tve Governmellt c()l1shl{'l'crl the dO!'>irniJilit,y. of exte.ndlug ~he brotUCl"tI. arnnel'Ly clause of the Itoyn.l l'J'oclnlUntioii to thu Sa~nl'kl1r bl'othcrH of thn ]311mbl\v 'Prc

'1'1\0 Ben'hle Mr. V. J. Patel nskcd:..:o-

22. If (a) What pl'ogrc~s lilts beon rondo in tho ma.tter of adopting a flred r"¥i'IiUmall& oro('ntRgo of l'ecruitmont ill Indin in aU sorvices that nre now rCOl';titctl in .:d;~:'(o%' ~'In D'] d!l . 110'11' r"ol'lIlI· I) IU\ r '.4I,. ~"" .. n... (b) Is such pOl'ovntago ~o bo inoroa.~od lmnuaHy ? "

The Hon'hie Sir William. Vinoent I'eplied :- "(0) A fixetl per'~61\t,ag6 of l'ecruitruellt in Indil\ ha!l becn adO}ltL'

23. 11(0) Is it a fact thftt Presidents of some ProvindRl I..Icgislative Oouncil" llul~ 11II

Tho Hon'ble Sh.. William lYlarris replied ;- "((I) & (b) 'I'lie Government of India. havo no iuforw1I.tion, (0) It. is not I,'roposed to include in thll Hules or tho flrsL SUiuding Orders any pl'ovisioD dCltling with sllch disolosur~ j but thRL will not pr(~V6I1t tho local Counoils from markillg their own SllUse of the il'J'egnlarit,Y of suoh It procedul'e b,y n. 6uitaule nmeudmcnt of the Standiug Orders, if they \)ollsider such (li~o:osu.-o tmimpl'ulll:icty." '

The Hon'blQ Mr. V. J. Pat~]J. u~kcd :-- • , ' , .. " 24. 'I (I') Is it the Clll!t('m that \VIIi I men belonging to British n:gimellta are ClJorllht taken iuto tho Sltl'ply tlllll'j'l'RW;POl't Corps ali olerke,' thijj' , nre givl:n 8u.bslnn· ~~l:'fl tive milital1 rank uvc()l'dicg' to their pay r !¥~kr~ (0) If t.he nuswtr is in t,ho afihmntivo, do Oc..vCl'nmollt Ilropo~e to grant fl1?ch 8ubsllllll.he milltn)'y I'/wk (Indinn), to ih();~o Indin? eiorks ill t,ho SUl'l,ly IWU 'l\',lispurt. Corp" who hcloug to In(linl.l regIlllontf' P I 1:j15 q.lmSTlC1\8 AND ANSWERS. rifi~ Ra:celicl/c!! tile 0(·. '(llId~i···h.·O"i(i/'; 3.11'. r. 22N [) !)IAnoII, .1.\)20. J r. ,T. ]>16fcl j Sir !/7i1li(tr;1 Marf"is,. Sfl' lr'illia m 1-',"ce IIt.J

Bis }1xcellen~y the COlllmauder .. ill-Ohief re-jllied :-... "(a) Men bolonging to British regilUl'llW me llot ol'dinnl'ily elDployed in the Supply and 1'ransport OO\'PS AS clerh. '1'11e1'o arc, hO"'cver, a fol\' .British s/)1dicI's in tho otlice of tho Offioel' in chnrge, Supply and 'fmnaport Corps Reoords, but their rnnk is not govorned by their pny. . (b) ~fcn bcl011!;ing to Indian rt!gimcnt.s are not taken into tha Supply and rrl'sllsporL Corps I1S clerks,"

Tho Hon'bIe ri(r. V. J. Pa.telll-&kcd:- . ~.~r::~or 25. "What st{l})S do Governm-ont propose to take to seoure due repro· l:.~ "·"!lr0· carntllC 8eutll-t.ion by eleotion or tho wage-earning cl8~SCS of lll'itish India 011 tho Cll,.u.. oll llI.eLerllJ. Legislative Al!Sombly r,.ad tho Council of. State?" . 1.. A&!~mhly.\1." oto. The Hon'ala Sh' William M£J.rris replied:- t: As t.ho Ron'blc lIoUlbel' is prollnbJy aware, it is intended in tpo case or hoOt chnmhcra of the Indian JJegislatul'e, and more pl\Ttioult\l'ly in the CUBO or t.ht' Oonncil of Statfl, whioh is a rcrising chamber, t.o prescribe fl'anchi!le qUllliticl\.tions tfhich will he high~L' thnn thuso which lll'8 bcing adopted for' the provincial Legislative OouncilB. It is }lot possible, therefore, t.o include ,rage-carners in tho eloctoral rolll1 of either cl.!lmber. 'l'he intel'ests of this oll\b,\ will be provided fQl', 80 far as may be necessary and possible, by l1omination."

Tlie Hon'bloMr. V. J. Patel:-ClDo not tho rccoMmend!\tions of tho Joint, Oommittee suggest r.hat provision should be made for the l'oprcaenta- Hon.of wage-carning cllls!iCtI in the Lcgislntive Assembly and tho Council of State pit

The JIo:n'blc Sir Willia.m Me.rris :-" To the bf'lIt ~of IllY recol· lection, Illy J.. ord J there ill no sucb specific rccommendntion with reference to the Legislativo Assembly 01' tho Council of State."

The Hon'ble Mr. V. J. Patel asked:- J\P)llIGllUoIl' 26. Will GO\'crnment he pleased to obtain mutIny on the table the stat.e- r:.~~to mont asked £01' by me 0:1 the 19th J!'cbrunry, 1919, embodying the rules followed ~,::"~"CI,:o. in dco.Jinoll' with applicatiolls made by Indinlis to the India Office authorities :l.utJtnlllc. • If'· . ~l.' "f 1 J' I . for 1Iol'»(I\lIt· 111 EUll'lll.nt or appO!ntmel1~~ ]11 IIJ,lCIl' gl t ; on( !; LOwmg yenr )'1 year SIDCC •• I.llI,. ) fHO (~) the number of such ullplientions I'eceived, (b) t.he nppointmcnt. applied '1'01' in each ca~o and (0) tho reply gh (m to eiloh applicanL P

The Hon'ble Sir Willia.m Vincent replic(l:-

II As !!b~ted in roy reply to the HOIl'bl" Mombcl"s question on tho IOLl1 ]~'ebl'uarYI 1919, tho Government of India have no illformaUoll, but they pro- pose to address t.he India Office on t,he subjeot. If tho information is supp1if:d to the (loral'nment of Inltia, it will helllid on the table."

. The Hon'hle M.i'. V. J. Pa,tcll1Oked :-'- ltOCfll,it. 27. ".Is it the intention of GOYCl'lUllcnt to. defer 88kin~ the Scc;·"tllry of m."tfrom l!lIll~lId. State (e.I~~t ill t~8 m~t urgent caset;) for nuy ft'cflh reorults .Cl'Om. l~ngla.nd for tho pubhc SOfT-ICeS Hi tIle reformed OovernmcnLfi arc estnbh~hc(l? II

The Hou'blc Sir William ,nncont replied:~

II The lI.!llJwer is no," QlmSTIONf) AND ANSW,ERi'J. leHl l22~11 1YJAMII, 1920,] I: 1f/·, ]1 • .T, ,Patel; 8,:/, Wi,l!imn Pi/wellt,' JUs B!:~cllr/lcy Mit Oomi1l.((lt(le!'·;/~· Old~f',] The ~on'ble MI', V. J. ra.tel ssked :-. ~a, "Do GoVel'nLUont prol)o:JO to COli sidor tho (lc&irnbility'- (,,) of blol'oosing tbd pariod of their stay at Uolhi, (b) of cstahlislling at Delhi-- , (1) a teaching Bud l'osidential Unh·Cl1sit.Y,' (2) ,~n iust,itute of t.ec:hnology, and ,(8) an nll·India Oourt or TIovision or Appoal ?" The,Hon'hle Sir Willia.m Vincent l'epliod :-- "(a) GovernlUE\nt I\te prepared to cQl1siller the dO$irnbiJit.,. of ill()ron~ing .tho period of their stay in i)elhi, (b) (l)' The question or establishing a toaohing and re!lidential UuiVBt'llity at J)clhi haa for some Lime bC611 nuuer consiclorat.ioll by a OOlul.D.ittee. After the COlllmittee ha.s repol'ted, its l'ooommcnt.l:\tiolls will be COllsidcl'cdby the Govarn· mcnt, of Iuuifl., (2), Thero is already a small techuiollt I:lohool at n"lhi \\'h10h the Goyol'n- ment of India havo reoently lL'isistcd financially. 'l'ho quost.ion of enlarging its scope is one for future considemtioJl, (8) '{'he answer is in t.ue negative," The Bon'ble II"" V. J. Pat,al asked :-~ " , 29;' ":00 Governmont l11'opose to grant Ul'itisb rauk, 81lch as thl\.t of 1:1011- Gl'Illlt til' oommiSAioned and wa.rra.nt offioers, to &eloote{\ highly paid Indian clGrka in' ro'1~~~:·k thol3upply and TrS,nllpOlt Oorps in 'Mesopotamia? ': ~__ !i\W::' ., , pon 00I'Pf. ,! \ -HiS E:s.oelienoy the Commander·in-Chief replied ::-

tC 'llhero'i. nb 8tlOh proposal uu'der consideration. A copy. of tho existing •ol-d~f8"fe,garding the rahitive rank (If eivil offioials Ilnd subordinates in military ~ffi~S~)T~OU: ~m ployed ill the field, is laid nu the tal>Ie," Tho HOB'ble Mr, V. J.:PatelMked:-

SO,' II (/I) Is it l\ fact that sinoe April last aU promotion.q tortempora.ry 'l'::tporarv Indian clerks in the Supply and TI'8.Dl1port Corps in lrtesopotamia ha.ve been ~r.l'::jD' prohjbjt~1 for t.he periou of their agreement ? ~~ ~~ , ,; (b) .If thennswer is in tho 8,ffil'lllativo, will Oovernmuut state if reoruiting Vllrt ()orlJ~ officers:had not invnI'inbly hHld out hOJles of mphl l>fomotion to men before they, ~gn~ their n,grcemcnts. P"

His Excellency the Comm~nder·in·ChiefreplilJtl :-- ,"1'he Govcl'nment of India have no information on tho 911ujec~ and no oruel's 011 the matter havo heen i!lsucd. rromotions of tempor/u'Y c]erka in the fielrl aro not made by Army Head'lunrtera, India," , ' The Hon'ble Il'!r. V. J. Patel nsked :-,- "Will Goverllment lay on the t..1ble t\ statement &howing:- OOVU'Qllw~ '31:. , API 'Qll1tod (a) 'rho Select· Oommittees 011 G(J\'el'llUleut Dills a.ppointed during tlli~ l'l9~tOl:;,J;r , sossil);! ? " ' tblUDt.lol!, " (b) Uommiltees appcintt'id by vil'tue of rcsol\,tio)!,) p06scd ;)y the OOUlwH " " . . during Utll sessioll? 'til) Committeos n.ppuinted by Governmellt of: tbllil: own accord during the ecssion wi ilJ t,lI!} namcsvf non-official members put on raul! . sucb COlllmitte(l P " -~-'-"~-"--~ -_. __ ..... ~." -'---'~------"-' ... ~.---~---.-... - ... 15~lj Q.UJ~STIONf) AND ANSWBRS. l Si" Geol'[/O LOlOudes j }f(r. Y. J. Patel; 8i,' I: 22~D !.fA 11 ell, 1020,] William Mm'ris,] 'rhe Uou'ble fir George Lowndes replied:- "(a) aud (b) Tho Hon'ble lIenlbcr will fiuel all tho informRLiou he aRb fol' in Uw llroceeuings of t.he meotings ot Couuoil, of whioh he receive. COllios 8,8 they 1lI'(! Jmblishod, . (c) J:.. statement 0 is Ini~ on tho table showing tbe couslitlltion of otllor COll1lUlttees which have heen appointed dlll'ing tbe Ill'OStmt Re~sion."

The Hon'ble r~r. V. J. Pa.tel usked :- 32 ... (f/) } .. l'l' Oovet'nmollt mVQ'lC t.hnt there is a widospread complaint t.hat one of tho Cltnscs of tho failure of t.he Minto-Morley RoforntB is tho mis\1!!6 of t.ho power of the President.s of r~'OVilloial IJogislllot.ivo Counoils to diilaUow questions I\ud resolutions under tho \I puhlic interc!:t n formula P . (b) Do Go\'el'nDlcnt prolJOse in the rules tl, be fl'l1ln(!d umler the new Go\'ofllllleuL of India Ant to make l>Tol'ision limithlg 01' curtailing t.he power of t.he l"'Nlidcnt in thL~ behalf r "

Tho lIoll'bJe Sir William. MarriS roplicd :- ,r «(I) rrho Govtlrnmeut of Indin nre awaro t·hnt tho disAllowance of questions and l'Csolutious has occasionally beeu tho subject of adverse cl"itioisnJ, but they hnvc no information wlLi(:h leads thorn to suppose that. any considera.ble $eotion of the public attributes to the aotion in this mntter of t.he IJresidcnts of proviu o" oinl LQgislativtl OOllD.ci)!; the far-rcncbillg effects which the llon'ble Member appn!cntly would assign to it. ~. (b) As ths Hou'ble Member ill &\vBro from thtl cOllY supplicd to him, thc dmf~rules .undo!: seotion.l1 ,(5) ·of the Government of India Act include }>rovisioIl8 empowering tho Governor t() diaal10w any qUe8tiop o~ !esolution on . the ground that it cannot be put or moved oonsistently with the publio inter- est. 'l'he Government of Indin; howevor, h!l.l'c l.1ndor consideration a propo!lfll that the Goyernol' should have this powor only in: regan\ to resolutioDlI, but thoy must 8w/lit the viei\'s of local GOYCl"filltCuta upon. the point."

The Hon'ble Mlo. V. J. Patel 8!1kod ;-

»"110",·. 33. "((~) I:t.it not n fnct t;h!l.t qu~stion8 including qllQlaUons ha.vc never in the a».Ge or IlILO.UODI. past been disallowed by his h'J:collcllOY the I'l'esidcnt on tho ground that t.1tc quotlltions flrc of cxcc8sh·c length or that they oontain arguments? (lJ) Is it hue that scvern.1 such questions have been recently disallowed? (0) Is it prcpomd to provide in the rules to he made unclm' lhe ncw GOVP.l'll!~ICl1t of Iudia Act thn.t quostiolls shall not be <1isallowe(l 011 tho ql'ound· tha.t ql.otations ure of (:xocsf;ivo hmgth 01' thnt they conta.in lu'guments? '

'{'he H01.l~blc Sir Willia.m r..:;·;:,rris reilliod:-

If (a) r£he facta are not" as sug-gcstecl by the rr on'ble Melnbcr. Questions arc not. disallo\l'ed beoauso they ('.ontain q uotntions: quest.ions of eIcessive lCIl!.~th arc l1iliaUowed or r~turnf!{l for amllndmol1t, nnn iL ill tue plant.ius to denl iu the /sllmo way "With que~tjo1l8 whioh contain srgumoli(s, whet.her tho Ilrguments me embodier} ill the forol of quotations Qr not. , (b) Yes. (c) ~.':he DlUiW61' is in tho lIcgati\'e. It ill rt'opORCcl to ~)rodIJc in the standing order!; for tho !.l':;i81ativo Assembly and tho Uotluoil of State, ',yhich will l}o franwd uO(l~r tho Government or Indh\. Act., tllat a quos Lion ill ordui' to be nUlliissiblc,. lUust· llot contaill.. 8l'{;umcuts nor be of 6xotlsl!ivc lOllgth." --~ .. ------~-.----...-..-.. ... -.--... -.~-~-- (~,ur:S'r10NS AND ~\ N~WmtS, 15:H [29.tlO ~fA.n(jll, lOiW.] [ Mr. j 1Ul'cJiHll''' Nath BaJWrjoCf; S;r (JCGI'{ff: Bnrl!cs; J~[t', ](amit,i Kmmw Chall(l" j Sil' ,Jo.~11 TP (lod. ] T~8 Iion'ble ftIr. SUrendl'a.lIlath Ba.nerjollr asku:!:':' 34. "(a) H~s tbe attflutioll of GOVU!'llUlllut been drawn f.

The Bou'ble Mr. Ka.mini Kuma.r' Chanda. asked:- 36~ "(a) HilS Qny elIect becn given SI> fa!' ill the Scheduled Di&triet of OOVOl'lIbltO& Ajmer-M:erwsl'a to tho Cil'Cul!\l' of t.he Govermnnnt of India on lo~l self-gov- f.U~: 011 crnment of Yay 1918? . .o.~-=;,." . (b)' Is,:it afact that the AjUler lIullicipalitios n,cgnillotion, 1886, is being, revised ?;,z (0) 1£ the aoswer be in the aflirmlltire. will Government state whether in the'revisod. Rogulation full effect will be' given t.o the above-mentioned ·Qjro~liir·'ritl ,,!lether full opportunity \fill be afforded to the llcople· of ~hll.t distriot to oritioiso ita provisions before their cnactm~nt p" .. ':.1' ... ,";. .. . Tk~ Hon'blc Sir John Wood l'cplied :- "(a) 'l'he answer is in the ncgo.tivo. (b) The aUB\Vcr is in the affirmative..,,,· (e) It is proposed to give effect to tho circula.r 80 rm' as tho oircnmstances of the Munimpalitics iu Ajmct-:Mcrwara permit. ~'ho Chicf OOlUmissionor will give ~'a ·reasonable opportunity for public nl'iticislll befr,ro the revilled ReguJ~io~ is brought in~oforcc.1I .

'l'lie Hon'ble nil-. Ka.mini Kuma.r Chandt\ asked !-

38: 1/ (a) Have any memorials beon recently l'eccivl}d from t.he mClUuers of ..Iorl&l. the '. Subordina.te Acci)uut Servico, or the ]\filit.. 'l~Y Accounts De)ad'lftent !::~~:fI' vraying for inorease of pay? If 60, has ally' MtlOll b(;cn tnkcn 011 r.uch :ll:at~··· meJli9rinis ? AooolI)l.~ :. '.j ••• •• • r::1'WJlr)' . (b) t.h0 questtun of lIl(:.rcnse of pay of CIll11o'yc<'>s 111 the lIIllla,ry Aooo1lll'* . , , Is • . • •• . ". .r'Dl.lIl Accounl,s·Deplll't.mellt UlulCt, cOllSlduratlOll? If SUI W 11m IS It hl{ely to be tolJ~or... o rlocide4J Is it under GlJutcmplatioll to make the inorease, jf any, with or l'I>y, l'ctrospootive eil'eot jl ., ' (0) III it 8 fncL thill, I·hc revised list showing the stallding of ell.ch member of the t:hibortlinnw Account ·Scl'vioc of the J)~l:'n.rtmollt hilS not ueoll issueu for· fhelnst 27 months jl 1£ eo, wili GUVCI nment st,a.te tho; .::15!.'!l ? Wltl'll , '. , is it ]ll'opOscd to issue thfl revised list? .,(t?}D!d any pars.ons h~)ldil1g pos/.q ill ~ho M;~it.al'l ACCQUl,lts ~cpartlllon! IJtoecedfor"iJ.oM \\'01'1' dlll'lng th,; recent North- Western FronLier.clistnrbauoe r if 60. hO\vJDlmy ~ Wero the P(lsts of

';I' "I ~\l'l" l :10'" 7;1 , .Il!,'/. 1;'JCLal 'l ey; JIIf r, 1'"HliiWI/. ",..' H 1/ilIGI' ll/i (UI(1 (t ; I', ~_~,,'I) 'KJ,A)',C'll, 1'120.l ',I 8il' ,l{-'illiam Vil/caut " lIf(/llI7'(l.j(l Sit' i/.i((lIilld1'O Oliam11'l( ,Nt/lldi,]

'l'he HOD.'ble r.ll'. \"1. M. Hailey repliocl:- " (,.) an~ (f,). Tho I).tt.eu'tion of tho I1ol\'blc 'HombC'l' is im'ited to t.he answer given to tho lIon'ble Mr. Khap!ut!e'a question on the S!l.me 8ubject on the 26th PebJ'uary, 1919. Since thon certain memorials 11:I.Vc bern received which have cit,ber boen rcjeotol·(JYO· ment Ilre oontemplated, nlHl ,IS II. first iUtltnlmellt of relicf a Tc·arraugomcnt oC tho proportion of the estaulisluU!wt in tho 1ligbcr anel lower graues has hcon deoided upon which has give!l tbe depart.mont 65 additional Rp,poilll:Ulents in the gl'llcles of IlCcoulltsnfs from ht April, 11119, reduoing" !\ shUllar numb~r of the clerical grades, rrhe furthel' step!! to hl) taken, inoluding" the possible application to the 1rIilital'Y ,Acoounts Del)lll'trucnt of u tiule·scsle of pay similar to that which bas Leuu }'cocntly sanoUoncd for tho. Civil Accounts Department., arc still unde)' consideration along ",it.h othc1r questions rcgarding the l)ost.war organisation of tho Department. It cn,lln~t be stated at present whethor any retrospective efl'ec~ will be given 0.' not to tho conoessioD& wllioh Me ultllnat,cly decided uIlon, III the meanwhile, owi ng to the demobilization of Al'my offioors who !tad been temporarily attached to the Military AOCOllut~ Department.. members of the Subordinate, Aooount Serdce ha,Y6 for tho past Y6a\', beeh fIocely promotod on 6 tempol'ary basis to t.he gl'aclo of lLlJuty Examiner. lhuing the past 10 month!! about 62 1)eputy :Examiuers have been appointed in this P'l8U1Wr, l.'his 8lT:1Dgemcnt ha.q entailed a chnin of vRcancicII in the lower grades n11(\ the (!mOIUlllcnts of the mell in such grades have accorclingly beell considerably. increased. War allowances have of oourse been granted to junior olerKs, on the scalo adOl)tcd b) the vRrious 1.1008.1 Govc)'nments and Administrations, '. (c) .rrhe issue of the grado.tiou list is a departmental mattel' and docs llot affect the prpmoti{)ris of the staff. I'l'Omotions ha.ve been notified to the end of December, 1919 .. The printing of the list 'Was suspended during the war owing to prtl8SU1'C of work, but a list bas just hoen issued. . . . (d) Yea. Ahout 40 perllla.nent aooonntnnts au(l clerks have been detailed ,. for field work in conneotion with the North-West Fronticr l!'orocj alld sub. p"o tem, promotions have bell :tHowed ill their l)\ncos. ,j - • The Hon'ble Mr, U:amini Kl1mar Chan.da Asked :-

37. IS (a) Is it 8 fnct that public meetiJlgs arc not 1l1loweu to be hold in any pi.~blic lllaca in Delhi e~c(lpt U11110r a ,licenso obtaillccl fr~m tho police or a Mng16trato? ' (b) Will thfl Govel'llment be plea.sed to consider tIle question ot' rel'oking tllis onler? "

The Hon't-le Sir Willi~.m Vincent l'cplied:- "Since the Dcllli I'jots of lSR6 1\ genoral oreIm' bas been in fol'oo' under Sections 30 to 32 of the l)olioo Act requiring pC1'80nS who ,d"b to eOl1VCrlA public meetin~8 iu puhlio pla.ces or to take processions th rongh tho pub1i(J Istt-oete to obt&in a licensl! befol'chand, A license is seldom if crer ,I'cfused. and t.hell only in very exccp~i9mtl circulllstances. No UIJplioatiol1sfol' public meet· jnga haye been rofused since 5th J\[ny, HW}. Governllleli(; do not prOpO!i9 to interfero ,lith the disCl'etioll of the District Mngi~trat6 in this maHcl', II

Tlle Hon'bleMaharaja Sir M&nindl'9. Chandra Na.ut'ii iUlli:cd:- , llOCrCl4=" III 38•. , (a) Is ita fact t,hllL the doJ'ks oC the Ourrenoy Oftice or UIl.lcut.t.L hwo !~~ ~r!rf:l\l Rubmittcd ~crel'/tl representations to Hili };x('.cllcnc,Y t.ho Viceroy, the Hon'hln f~:,&:l"nti'D the 1!'innl1('e :Member lind lho Cmlll'ollci' of Currency Rhwc 1917 fur an iucl't'tlsc g~~:,MY of t,heit pay ~l~(l thnt no definite reply 11M; h..,ell gil-ell to t.hNll SO fR.!' hy fill Y of these allthorItll~ ( I: 212m iUAI:ClI, 1fhO,j [Sii' M{!hUI'(lj(l iIlc:.i"dnJ OllOIU;1'(J Nalllli; JJf1 .. W,. ilt, llaile!/ i Sift WiUiafn l'itloent,]

, (b) Is it a fnet tuat SODle IJl'omi..qa wr.s heiil out to the olerk,. of tl.w, ~l!~loutti\ Olm:tlUuy Offier. in r,~gMd to the incrooso of their pal by Mr, Ol.lbba.y 1:1 J~no 1910, and thr;t JlO effect has yet beon giv(lu 0 redeem .that promIse? ' (G) Havu Govt'!rnlllcnt ghien, or arc they prepared t-:i give, Rny considtll'a' tiOll ':0 the said reprasout.ations and, if BO, when? II ' The Hon'hle Ml·. W. M. Halley replied:-

(I (a) '['he OUrl'cncy Offlcw clerks mCU10riltJisfJd in DCOOlllhcd917, nud liS 11 ftlMtdtt.hc pay of lhe lOIf(\l' appointm('nts W!1.8 increased. In SeptelnblW UllH, t.hu Govol'ument of .£ntli(\ !:IlMtioned the 6.:Itension, to the cle~ks in aU Mint, Assay and.Ourrenoy Ofilces of the measur~ (If temporary relief, on nooount of the riso in priCll8 due to tho war, which had rurcndy been or would, tbcl'canel', be sanotioned for 1'1'o\'i1!cial cstablishmollts serving ill the samo locality as t,noulSCives. ' 'lther again memorialised in October 1018, and \fOre informed that the ·.GoVtll'DmoQt of Indi1 did !lot seo allY mason to sanotion "DY speoinl measures of relief 01 her than tllO~e just mentioned. l~urther m6morials, pray· iug. fo\' I\J\ iucrease of pny, wat'a roceived (luring tbe last yenr, and in Aligust 1919 they W~l'e informed t.hat thoir memorials wel'e undol' consideration. (lJ) Nothing is known by the Government· of India of any promise f01' au increaso of 111\y held Ollt by ;}h, Gubbay in Juno 1919, t.o the olerke of tho Oalcutta, Ourrency Office. (0) The g-cncl'al questioll J'og!ll'ding the revision of the pay of all OUl'r6U(lY Offioe establishments tbroughout India is still under consideration, but ill expected to be settled ,'el'Y shortly. " ,

The Hon'ble Ma.ha,ra.j~ S~r v Manindra . Challdra Nandti\sked :- "!~9:"r~J) Has a Publicity lJurenll been established .in conneotion 'with the~:; :::~;\t Home' Department of tho Goyernment of India P If so, .whon arid 'With what " ohjcot.s·a~d,:what !l.re It.s usual methods pf propaganda P (b) 'Will Gov')l'aruent lay on tIle tH.blc'the naIDes, pay and qunliflO& .. tiou& of all tho mell clIlpluyr.d in this brancb of the llome Department? (0) 'Wel'c tho mell appointed to thIS brllDoh roonlitcd through newspa.per advertisements P If not, how wUI'e thoy l'co,l'uitod P,. " ' The HOll'ble Sh' Willia.nl Vincent l'eplied:- ,j (a) There is no regular Publicity BU1'e~u attaohed to ~he Homo ~epart. lucnt,but an OffiCSf h3~ becn placed O£l SllCClal (luty to a~Vlse on questtons of publioity a.nd to prepare tho 1\{O\:al and Matedal )~rogl'e8S Itepo~t. Tho UCC~8· sity of publioity work wa.,:; dClJ1oustl'a~ed. h~ .~he wal' and tb~ O/hoo.r .on 8pecl~1 Duty a tho BUC(leS~or of the Celltl'a.l IJtihbclty nonrd. HIS pubhClty work IS largely, though n?L entirely,. (l~llfine~ to :mvising l,rorinoial publioity orgaui~a. tiona rind 1I1111plylDg useful m!ormaholl. , , (b) I placo a statotllont til 0'1 tho tubl0 giving ns far. as it ill In:aila.blo t.he information a.sked for by tho Hon'hlo Momhsr. , (c) rl1he 8,llS\I'el' is in the llegati VI}, ThcOfficcl's were 8oteotcd for thcl:lO Llpl'ointment~." The Hon'ble Ilfa"ha,l'A.ja. Sir Man.indra. Chan4lrI~, Nandi asked :.- , 40' .it 'What IJUildinCts (Ire cont.empl/\ted ill connootioll wit,h the })acea :!i!!.~~f:~" '1'f • 1 d ';I,r't d' t·' t "'ltD. Daoc~. Ullivcrsitv. Sohema awl tbo,:) partltlvIl,, , 0 f·' \ 10 Al ymenfSm~n au j"l( MInH' 1lJ lie S tl"tvfrdty in JJougal fOl"\Ilioh prOYillhll1t:'!I been l~ul.d(, ill tho lludX(l~ fur :1;2'j:~~ (undm' ""'!~IIIQ. IIt'ad XXXI Itud 15) !tnt] what 1S tbG '!fotllJ1at,:d COf;~ "f each of tlOlll i' " ~-. -_._. _.-. ,.-~.- .,-.. -~~---.----.---...... ------.-.---...... ----.-~- ... -.- - ... - .. - -- - - r. i1lt.. .s,,(~,,; Sil' l11((I~an~"a Jl.Tuil,:lI'<' Uftalldf'(/ N(ltldi j Sit' "Willinm ril/t:'1l1t; 11 is I$xccll~'1icy lhe Co-nm;fwdcl,·j;I·GM.'[{,] Th& lIc'n'blo xv.b·. Shafi roplied :-- " 11'1w Oovernul(·ut. of IiHlia are nut, a.ware what arldiLioual bllililillg~ will be I'eqllin:d in orclet' to cOllJpltltc th'o ,Ihcc., iJnivtJ1'sity schomo in itt! pl'OIient form sl~hol\gh there hns been oODshlera.blc oonespoudentla wit,ll the Govornment of .uon~al in lircyious YC(\fS Oil this Gubjod. A stai:el111'uLIl or the huildinga oUllt.Oi1l11111teti in OOJlnection with UlC l'nrtitioll of the lI),tntlnsing dilitfict togctlwr lrilh estimates of cost is IJlr.ood on the tahle. ' Ali l',,·g-ards MidllfiV.0l'C, lhe tot.d l',tiIU,\.tcu OO:.lt of buildings III HI!.1(j,88,iH5. Ko dch\llcd information is u.vailable, In the two laHer OMes the expcllrliturll "'ill. be spl'Cad over u number of years. It i8 not known \fhlt~ particular huildiug:t it is proposed toO commenC(l ill 1920·21." , The non'hle MaharAja. Sir Mo,nindra Chp,ndra. N'andi a::ke(\:- Pm"lI.. 11. "Will (lovornmellt be plcascr! to st.nto (1) the t,otalllumbt'!r of perliOl1S ~:~~t14 dctuiJl(.'(\ ill t.he \'arim,ls proviuocR of India lIndCl' (a) Dongal Hegulation I1 I of ru"~~m~~ 1818 Bnd similar }{ogulatiollS nnd (0) the J)ni'cDoc of Indilr Aot sinco U)16, ~~:~:~~lle. up to Sopt.mnber HH9, 1\1111 (2) how miluy of these have been released ill each I)1d!a ACI&. l)fovinco since the general amnesty nnnoullct!d it\ the King-]~lUl)6ror'.. 1'l'ocla- nll~tioll of December 23rd l:tst P" rl'he Houtble Sil· William VinoeDt roplicd :- "'1'ho llOll'bltl M(lmb61' is rcfnfl'~d to tho statomuut nlready placed 011 the t~lJlc. Fqrthcl: information is utt available.~' . ,The Hon'ble ,Sir . Ma.ho,:ra.ja .a.nindra. Oha.ndra. Nandi asked :- 42. "lG) Is it a. fllct that some of tho olerks of the Kiddol'pore dockyard submilted n peHtior. t{) His Elcallcnoy the ViC61'OY through the })ircctor of the Royal Indian 1fa.l'i11C of Bomllll.Y, jll A}l1'il 11)16, praying for a revision of their l)ay on the ground l among othel's, of hlgh prices tUld that, while tho soale of pa.y of tIle similar olass of employees ill tho Bombay dockyal'd was raisl'd in &lptcmbcr of 1:!J6 slImo yc..,\f, the olaims of the Kiddeq)ore IUCU were oomptute\y ignored? (b) Is it n. far.t tb~lt telUE1.)I'al'j' illcrcaso of pay" WR!I sanotioned to the clerica[ stalf of the Kidderpore docke in April1919 and WBS withdrawn sudden- lyon tho 15t.h of Dtloembcl' lu.st, ? If so, what is tho l';'f\80U ror the withd,'awal of this oouocssion ? (0) ])0 Go\'crnment propos" fo oonsider the R(tvilJability of revising the scalo of pay of or restoring the cOl1cc~siol1 rr. ~cs granted to Lhe Mid clerical !ltat!? " HiS ExcolHmcy the ()ommn.nder-in-Chief replied .:- 'I (a) It is a fact that sOllie (~f the clerk/; of the Kiddcl'j)orc dookyard sull· miLted a' pf:'tiliol1 to Hi~ ]~xcdlf.'IlCY tllo ,Yicel'oy through tllf~ Dh'ector, H.oynl India.n i\Ill.rine, Bombay, ill "pril J D18, Vrnyin g for a l'{)vision of U1P,ir pay 011 the ground, among othCl'fl, of l)igh prices, This petition was not forwnrd,~d to the GO'fernmcIlt of Ir.din, m; thfl Dirl'otoJ', HOY'll Inllinll .undne, on his own autboriLy, Sltnctioncd n temporll.1J rt:;'orga.uizatiou of the oIorical establishment of the dockyal'd, with increased rates of pay for ho~h tho IJ61'mnncnt Hnd tem· IJorn.ry establishmllnts with effoctfrom tho 1st April 1910, ' 'J1ho lin~lYer to (b) ia in the aOlrnH1,til'(;, bul ~lllly as l-egat'ds the pel'maneut cl(.ricltl f'lital)jishmollt. 'nl~ reason foJ' thiH deuif'iotl waR thnt, tho Direot.or, Q,URSTIONS AN}) A NS,\VERS. ] 52i; 1.22N't> MAMTl, 1920.] . [J1i$.E:rCilUCIWlf lite O{lllml(/IIcl6r·il*.Gld~t'; Sir ][ah(IJ'(lja ltittlill~Jt'~ (j,~{/'Il(lpi iVcf11di.]

H.o,:.al Indi(\u Marine. Lad no nuthurif.y to iuol'cn.::.'l tho ]niy ~f this illa~l'. G(')II- selJ.llcnt,ly, on tJll) matte!' being rflportccl to tile GovCrnltlcnt of Il1dia, on{(w!i \'1'61'0 iasue

The' Hon'ble Maharaja. Sil' Manindra Chandra Nandi 3~ked :- 43... (ll) Are tho Government awaro of t,he grievauoes of the Iudian guarcU QII.n.r~ in t.he 1'raffic Dopartmeut of tue Enstoru Uangal Lb,ihmy in t'cgllrd to qUR.l'teI'8, :to'i I::'" scala of pay, uuiform, holidays and tht: question of lean?' ,~~b. (b) Is it Il fsot that out of 129 Illl1i1l1l gultrds in the six ilistricts of the l~lls!;ern BEl 11 gal Railwl\Y, as many ns 82 tU'C wituont auy quartet'll, while ns ' many as 10;:; Europenn and A~p\o'Imli8.~ gUl\.rds ont of III only in tho same· lIlunbcr of distriots are provided with QU!U'lCl'8 P (c) Is it a faot that while the qlla.rter!; /?f u(,Mly R.1l the El1rOpOltll nnd Anglo-Indian guards are of whBt is technically kUOl\"ll as tho liD" typo uml hn \'Il genel'nlly two bcelroorns, two hathiooms, one living l"Jom. oue kitcheu, one pantry and one vOl'nue\all, the qUllrters of the Illdian gllr~rds oonsist of the U G " type and bave in most oases only onc ,bedroom wil;h R. small kitchen nttachcd tu tham P '. (41 A,J;'e the Govcrnl)1.eut aware of tho fact tllat in most of the plaocs wharo Indian guard! arc stationed, a is' ditflo'tlIt au(t lorpotimel. impossible to seoure hOlles RC?£IOmD?-c.dntion of Bny kind cvell for higb ront P . . " . '(e) Is it a fllct that the Indian guards iro taken into t~e HOl'vie" of t!tc Bastern Deogal Railway on Rs. 28 'B month in gruels A for the same work and tho same resllonsibility for which l~ttropean Bnd ,Anglo,Indian guards are takoll for' Rs, 95 a month ill gl'ado 0, and whilo tho latta!' guards generally get Its, ),60 1\ month after 5 ye~I'II' service, tho Indiau gual'(itI, aftor servico for tho same period, se1lie