TEATROVA PRESENTS ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION (2020-2021) Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C.
[email protected] (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) The Artbientalistas Amazon Region Project is formulated in accordance with Ordinary Session 024 of May 20, 2020. In compliance with the provisions of the program, the following format is completed: SEMI-TERM FORMAT OF TERRITORIAL INTENTION ARTBIENTALIST PROGRAM No Sessión 024 Date and Time 20/03/2020 7:30 A.M. – 8:50 P.M. JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON // 1030656192 BOGOTÁ D.C GERENTE PROGRAMA ARTBIENTALISTAS KADIR ABDEL RAHIM GARZON // 79378589 BOGOTÁ D.C DIRECTOR TEATRO CASA TEATROVA Members JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ MARTÍNEZ // 1013586684 BOGOTÁ D.C PRODUCTORA TEATRO CASA TEATROVA DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS BERNATE // 1030540638 BOGOTÁ D.C LUNIMOTECNICO TEATRO CASA TEATROVA "The Amazon is a region that represents the multiculturalism and biodiversity of Colombia, its environmental conditions and its relationship with life manifestations, make its culture and artistic representations reflect a deep ecology and a special sense of identity and belonging to the territory. It is important for the Artbientalistas program to formulate a series of projects in this region given the current difficult social, environmental and cultural conditions, in which business and political conflicts of interest, deforestation, suspicious fires, irregularities in land use planning are reflected. , persecution of environmental leaders, land accumulation, among other situations that affect the conservation and development of the Colombian Amazon. On the other hand, the effects of hyper culturality have gradually reached these communities; loss of identity, history and sense of belonging to native cultures is a latent risk.