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HARVARD UKRAINIAN STUDIES GUEST EDITOR Robert A. De Lossa, Harvard University EDITOR Lubomyr Hajda, Harvard University EDITORIAL BOARD Michael S. Flier, George G. Grabowicz, Edward L. Keenan, and Roman Szporluk, Harvard University; Frank E. Sysyn, University of Alberta FOUNDING EDITORS Omeljan Pritsak and Ihor Sevöenko, Harvard University BOOK REVIEW EDITOR Larry Wolff ASSISTANT EDITOR Daria Yurchuk ADVISORY BOARD Zvi Ankori, Tel Aviv University—John A. Armstrong, University of Wisconsin—Yaroslav Bilinsky, University of Delaware Axinia Djurova, University of Sofia—Olexa Horbatsch, University of Frankfurt—Halil inalcık, University of Chicago—Jaroslav D. Isajevych, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, L'viv—Edward Kasinec, New York Public Library— Magdalena László-Kufiuk, University of Bucharest—Walter Leitsch, University of Vienna—L. R. Lewitter, Cambridge University—G. Luciani, University of Bordeaux—George S. N. Luckyj, Univer- sity of Toronto—M. Łesiów, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin—Paul R. Magocsi, Univer- sity of Toronto—Dimitri Obolensky, Oxford University—Riccardo Picchio, Yale University—Marc Raeff, Columbia University—Hans Rothe, University of Bonn—Bohdan Rubchak, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle—Władysław A. Serczyk, University of Warsaw at Białystok—George Y. Shevelov, Columbia University—Günther Stökl, University of Cologne—A. de Vincenz, University of Göttingen—Vaclav Źidlickjr, Charles University, Prague. COMMITTEE ON UKRAINIAN STUDIES, Harvard University Stanisław Barañczak Patricia Chaput Timothy Colton Michael S. Flier George G. Grabowicz Edward L. Keenan Jeffrey D. Sachs Roman Szporluk (Chairman) Subscription rates per volume (two double issues) are $28.00 U.S. in the United States and Canada, $32.00 in other countries. The price of one double issue is $18.00 ($20.00 overseas). Correspondence should be addressed to HARVARD UKRAINIAN STUDIES, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, 1583 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-2801, U.S.A. Telephone: 617-495-4053; fax. 617-495-8097. E-mail correspondence: [email protected]. Internet: www.sabre.org/huri/. HARVARD UKRAINIAN STUDIES Volume XXI Number 1/2 June 1997 Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Publication of this volume has been made possible by the generous support of Ukrainian studies at Harvard University by the Very Rev. Myroslav Oleshko. The editors assume no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by contributors. © 1999, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved ISSN 0363-5570 Published by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Printed in Canada by Transcontinental Books, Inc. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. CONTENTS SPECIAL SECTION: NEW VOICES IN UKRAINIAN STUDIES From "Chicken Kiev" to Ukrainian Recognition: Domestic Politics in U.S. Foreign Policy toward Ukraine SUSAN D. FINK 11 The Coming of "Chrysler Imperial": Ukrainian Youth and Rituals of Resistance ALEXANDRA HRYCAK 63 Speaking of Surzhyk: Ideologies and Mixed Languages LAADABILANIUK 93 "Brothers, We Are All of Cossack Stock": The Cossack Campaign in Ukrainian Newspapers on the Eve of Independence KAREL С BERKHOFF 119 Indigenous and Diaspora Elites and the Return of Carpatho- Ruthenian Nationalism, 1989-1992 RAYMOND A. SMITH 141 (Re-)Writing History: Oleksandr SokolovsTcyi and the Soviet Ukrainian Historical Novel KATRIN BERTRAM 161 REVIEW ESSAY Polish Landowners in Volhynia, Podolia, and Kyiv Gubernia (1863-1914) in Daniel Beauvois' La Bataille de la Terre TADEUSZ EPSZTEIN 173 REVIEWS Bohdan Strumiński, Linguistic Interrelations in Early Rus': Northmen, Finns, and East Slavs (Ninth to Eleventh Centuries) (Andrii Danylenko) 197 Carol Belkin Stevens, Soldiers of the Steppe: Army Reform and Social Change in Early Modern Russia (Marshall Poe) 200 Valerie A. Kivelson, Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century (Marshall Poe) 202 Richard S. Wortman, Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy. Vol. 1, From Peter the Great to the Death of Nicholas I. (James Cracraft) 205 Martin Schulze Wessel, Russlands Blick aufPreussen: Die Polnische Frage in der Diplomatie und der Politischen Oeffentlichkeit des Zarenreiches und des Sowjetstaates (Larry Wolff) 208 Theophilus C. Prousis, Russian Society and the Greek Revolution (Alexander Dillon) 211 Daniel Beauvois, Le Noble, le Serf et le Revisor: La Noblesse Polonaise entre le Tsarism et les Masses Ukrainiennes (1831-1863) (Roman Serbyn) 213 Susan P. McCaffray, The Politics of Industrialization in Tsarist Russia: The Association of Southern Coal and Steel Producers, 1874-1914 (Klaus Gęstwa) 217 Robert E. Blobaum, Rewolucja: Russian Poland, 1904-1907 (Brian A. Porter) 220 Robert Weinberg, The Revolution of 1905 in Odessa: Blood on the Steps (Henry Abramson) 222 Robert J. Kaiser, The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR (Yuriy Smolnikov) 223 Piotr Eberhardt, Przemiany Narodowoście na Ukrainie XX wieku (Stephen Rapawy) 225 Vojtech Mastny, The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity: The Stalin Years (Barbara Keys) 227 Leonid Kistersky, С. Michael Soussan and Daniel L. Cruise, eds., Security in Eastern Europe: The Case of Ukraine (Yuriy Smolnikov) 228 David J. Elkins, Beyond Sovereignty: Territory and Political Economy in the Twenty-First Century (John A. Armstrong) 230 Paul Kolstoe, Russians in the Former Soviet Republics (Ian Bremmer) 232 Roger S. Clark and Madeleine Sann, The Prosecution of International Crimes: A Critical Study of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (Paul Thomas Rabchenuk) 234 Andriy Chirovsky, Pray for God's Wisdom: The Mystical Sophiology of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky (George C. Berthold) 236 Bryan D. Spinks, Western Use and Abuse of Eastern Liturgical Traditions: Some Cross-Sections in its History (Peter Galadza) 237 Ernst С. Suttner, Church Unity: Union or Uniatism? Catholic- Orthodox Ecumenical Perspectives (Michael A. Fahey) 239 Paul Bushkovitch, Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Andrei Pliguzov) 241 Jonathan Sutton, Traditions in New Freedom: Christianity and Higher Education in Russia and Ukraine Today (William Gleason) 243 Iurii IasynovsTcyi, Ukraïns'ki ta bilorus'ki notoliniini irmoloi 16-18 stolit': Kataloh і kodikolohychno-paleohrafychne doslidzhennia (Milos Velimirovic) 244 Yakov Soroker, Ukrainian Musical Elements in Classical Music (Yakov Gubanov) 246 Larysa Briukhovetsica, Poety chna khvylia ukraïns'koho kino Mariia Mykolaichuk, ed., Bilyiptakh z chornoiu oznakoiu. Ivan Mykolaichuk: Spohady, interviú, stsenarïi (Bohdan Y.Nebesio) 248 Emery George, ed., Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology (Michael M. Naydan) 250 Donald Rayfield, The Literature of Georgia: A History (Dodona Kiziria) 251 AION-SLAVISTICA. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento di studi dell'Europa orientale, Sezione Slavistica. Vol. 2,1994. (Andrii Danylenko) 255 Mykola Fedosiiovych Tarasenko, Myroslav Iuriiovych Rusyn, Ada Korniïvna Bychko, et al., eds., Istoriiafilosofiï Ukrainy: Khrestomatiia (Natalia Kovalchuk) 257 BOOKS RECEIVED 260 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS Karel Berkhoff is an independent researcher in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He completed his master's degree at Harvard University and his doctoral degree in the Department of History at the University of Toronto. Katrin Bertram currently is a researcher in computational linguistics in Berlin. She completed her doctorate in the Department of Slavistics at Humboldt Uni- versity. Laada Bilaniuk is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington. She completed her doctoral work in the Depart- ment of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. Tadeusz Epsztein is a Lecturer at the Institute of History at the Academy of Arts and Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Susan D. Fink is a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy. She has worked on issues concerning domestic ethnic lobbies both as a master's student at the Naval Postgraduate School and as a White House fellow. Alexandra Hrycak is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Reed College. Her doctoral work was completed in the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago. Raymond A. Smith is currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Politi- cal Science at Columbia University. Michael Żurowski is an independent researcher in Toronto. GUEST EDITOR'S NOTE The current issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies features a special section with works by younger scholars who present a broad survey of the directions in which Ukrainian studies have headed since Ukraine's independence in 1991. Independence itself has both stimulated and challenged the field. A survey (through American citation indices) of scholarly literature devoted to Ukrainian topics shows a very sharp increase between 1989 and 1992, with a peak in 1993/ 94 and a leveling thereafter. Part of this growth has been due to the rise of a new generation of scholars that are looking at Ukraine from a variety of different disciplines. In the current issue of HUS anthropology and cultural studies are represented by Alexandra Hrycak and her study of Bu-Ba-Bu and the significance of "Vyvykh-92" as a marker of a new type of nationalism in early independent Ukraine; social anthropology is represented