Watershed/Urban Regeneration 場所:大韓民國 建設交通部 國際會議室 in Accord with Nature 日時:2002.5.10 14:00 ((自然共生型流域圏・都市再生)自然共生型流域圏・都市再生)

2002.5.10 場所:大韓民國 仁川大學校 Director, Environmental Department, 韓國水資源學會 學術發表會 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), 日時:2002.5.11 10:30 Ministry of Land, infrastructure and Transportation(MLIT),

Katsuhide YOSHIKAWA Dr.Eng. ((吉川勝秀)吉川勝秀)

Ⅰ.The Relationship between Water, Rives, Nature and Man & Civilization ((水、川、自然と人、文明との係わり)水、川、自然と人、文明との係わり) 1.A Look at the Cites and Rivers Ⅰ 1. A Look at the Cites and 1) Rivers 2)World 2.Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ((都市と川を眺める)都市と川を眺める)

Ⅱ.Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature ((自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生)自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生) 1. Adopted as a National R&D Initiative 2. Examples of Outcome

Population (Thousand) 日本の人口急増 ; ((隅田川)隅田川) in a certain era

Rapid Japan Increase




• In the year 1900 The population as same as France and U.K. • In the year 2000 2 times more than France and England (around 1970 when water quality deteriorated) Land subsidence →Flood barrier for high tide ((地盤沈下地盤沈下 Scenery of present Sumida River in Tokyo →高潮堤防) ((隅田川の現況)隅田川の現況) -Urban Renewal and Super-Levee & River Walk Construction-

Tokyo; Nihon-bashi River((日本橋川)日本橋川) -symbolic river of Tokyo in 400 years/ discussion of digging highway-

Tents of the open air life people in the river walkway ((リバー・ウォークの野リバー・ウォークの野 外生活者のテント) Highway of the riverside ((河畔の高速道路)河畔の高速道路)

1956 before the Tokyo Olympic ((オリンピック前の橋)オリンピック前の橋)

Even with the Nihon-bashi River.…. →Many highways over other rivers((日本橋川ですら→全国に)日本橋川ですら→全国に) 「空撮Pro Atlas 東京23区」(株アルプス社)より present Present and in the Future Tokyo; ((東京・神田川)東京・神田川) ((現状と将来像)現状と将来像)現状と将来像) -River restoration/the urban restoration headquarters-



Present Future From 「Tokyo River (東京都都市計画局資料より) in the future」

Tokyo; River((東京・渋谷川)東京・渋谷川) Kyoto; -River restoration/the urban restoration headquarters- ((京都・鴨川)京都・鴨川) -city for 1000 years-

(night view)

Hiroshima; Oota River((広島・太田川)広島・太田川) River in Rural District; ((地方部の川;四万十川)地方部の川;四万十川)

The green belt and river walk((河畔緑地、河畔歩道)河畔緑地、河畔歩道) (Restoration plan just after the war/ perfect destruction by atomic bomb) London; Thems River ((ロンドン・テームズ川)ロンドン・テームズ川)

The 1st world exposition(1851) More than hundred years ago…… Slow Sand Filtration(around 1830)/ Flash –away Type Sewerage(1848)

Paris; Seine River((パリ・セーヌ川)パリ・セーヌ川) Roma; Tevere River((ローマ・ローマ・ テベレ川) -The city for 2 thousand years-

・River Walks

・Sightseeing City in the world ・The Paris large Reconstruction (1853~70) ・Flash –away Type Sewerage(1880)→Treatment by Soil Bacteria of Farm-land(1890) Highway ・ From 7 hills/ Riverside was reclaimed/ River Walks

Firenze; Arno River Berlin; Spree River ((フィレンチェ;アルノ川)フィレンチェ;アルノ川) ((ベルリン;シュプレー川)ベルリン;シュプレー川) - The City from Renaissance 1400~ -

Many river studies by Reonald da Vinci / in his 40s Duesseldorf; Rhine River Köln; Rhine River ((デュッセルドルフ;ライン川)デュッセルドルフ;ライン川) ((ケルン;ライン川)ケルン;ライン川)

Digging Riverside ・Setting up Autobahn, 1979~82 the temporal (高速道路の地下化)(高速道路の地下化) Before Digging Autobahn flood wall (高速道路の地下化) against flood (from 1989,4 years ) ・Let it be

After Digging, in the Winter of 1995

Bostn; Charles River((ボストン;チャールズ川)ボストン;チャールズ川) U.K(Liverpool, Manchester); Mersey River Basin((イギリス;マージ川流域)イギリス;マージ川流域) ・The river has been Long history on river & water front polluted most in restoration(河川・水辺再生の長い(河川・水辺再生の長い Europe after the 歴史) Industrial Revolution. (From rivers to Boston Harbor) ・Restoration of Economy, Restoration of Watershed= “Mersey River Basin Campaign” ((マージ川流域キャマージ川流域キャ ンペーン)

「デザインされた都市:ボストン」、神田・小林、1991より Big Dig of the Highway, which blocks the ・ Restoration of Economy, Restoration of Watershed way for downtown and water front. ・Action Plan for 25 years (水辺解放;高速道路の地下化)(水辺解放;高速道路の地下化) ・600 NGO, 3 NPO, Administrations, Enterprises

Shanghai(上海); 黄浦江

1300+300=1600 (2010→2480)

・Land subsidence→high tide disaster / Terrace on flood tide barrier→sightseeing spot ・An economy special district behind opposite bank Wuhan(武漢市); Cháng Jiáng(長江) The Key-station of the Cháng Jiáng Food Protection((長江治水の長江治水の -Important Embankment(high wall )- 拠点)=荊江大堤防

(Retarding basins(分洪区) at the opposite 700 side of the river. )

Three Gorge Dam Construction Site (三峡ダム建設現場、1997)

Model of dam and channel

A lock gate downstream at the existing dam

Removal Site ・230 million people damaged by the flood inundation in 1997 ・100 million people upstream the ・4 million people be moved for the restoration of flood retarding dam(上流に1億人が居住、四川省). capacity and re-forest. • 1997.江主席陣頭指揮/訪日・訪露延期 ・More than 1 million people be • 2億3千万人2億3千万人浸水被害 (2.8兆円、3004人死浸水被害 (2.8兆円、3004人死) moved(百万人以上の移転)(百万人以上の移転) • 4百万人移転;遊水地復元/森林化

Bangkok; Chao Phraya River (ソウル;漢江) Seoul; Hangang ((バンコク;チャオプラヤ川)バンコク;チャオプラヤ川)

>1000 1000 Singapore; Singapore River Hong Kong((香港)香港); 沙田 ((シンガポール;シンガポール川)シンガポール;シンガポール川)

・City Planning: Singapore Model 300→ 400 City Planning : Hong Kong Model ・Restoration of river/ purification of river water ・Garden Islands; 70~80% of country nationalized 600→700

Ⅰ 2. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ((これまでの時代、これかの時代)これまでの時代、これかの時代)

〇 Temperature 〇 Sea Level up about 100 meters continuously Temperature declined for long (℃) time ○T highest 100 10 0 ×1000 years around 6000 years ago 600 0 ×1000 (縄文の海進の時代/ ヒプシ・サーマル) 0 years Temperature ○Small ice age about change(℃) several hundred 100 4 years ago 50 ○Global warming meters recently 0 Sea縄文の海進 Level up 100 (33~5m~5m上)

10000 6000 0 years Sea Level up about 100 meter Temperature Change in 10000 years(1(1万年の気温変化)万年の気温変化) ((海面や約100メートル上昇)海面や約100メートル上昇) years 0 10000 5000 years 8000 3000 0 1000 2000 10000 5000 0 BC AD 1.1.四大文明 4 Civilization かんがい農業Irrigation 8000 3000 0 1000 2000 (1)メソポタミアとそ (BC.6000) Noah BC AD の周辺(中東) (1)Mesopotamia Eden Kinkha Flood Desert 最古の都市エリコ エデンの園 カナンへ ノアの洪水 砂漠化 Reclamation of Oldest(農耕、牧畜) City (BC.6000~5000) (BC.3500) (BC.2800) (BC.9000) Hunting,Picking Shell Mound Rice Marshy Land/ シュメール:ギルガメッシュ伝説シュメール:ギルガメッシュ伝説(森の番人,牛,大洪水)(森の番人,牛,大洪水) 3.日本3. Japan 狩猟,採取 貝塚 コメ 湿地に進出/3度 Sumer/ Gilgamesh Description(Forest God,Cows,Flood) (BC.4000) (BC.400) Swamp ,3 Times 旧約聖書 の列島改造 (2)Egypt 砂漠化 (AD.50,1550,1850) (2)エジプト Old Testament 河川かんがい農業(エジプト)Irrigation 砂漠化Desert Joumon Culture (縄文文化) (BC.3500) Mohenjo daro/Hrappa Desert (3)Indus(3)インダス ハラッパ,/モヘンジョ・ダロ(インダス) (BC.2500) 4.4.西欧 Europe (4)China(4)中国 Cháng Jiáng Yellow River Highland Roma Period / Reclamation 長江 黄河文明 ・・オランダ〇オランダHolland Hunting,Fishing Settlement Landfill Riceコメ、マユ 麦→コメWheat,Rice 狩人、漁師 高地定住 ローマ時代/土塁 Lowland干拓 ・フランス,ドイツ ( ~ ) ( ) (BC.5000) (BC.4500) BC.10000 4000 BC.4000 (BC.,AD.0) (AD.1000) 〇 France,Germany 2.2.サハラ砂漠 Sahara Water and Green Earth Record of Gallia War/Caesar 水と緑の大地 Forest Elephant,Hippopotamus Cow,Sheep Camel Desert砂漠 ガリア戦記 ゾウ、カバ、サイ 牛、羊 ラクダ Roman saw uncivilized(ローマ人の見た未開の川、森林) River,Forest Felling (BC.8000) (BC.4000) (BC.500) (BC.50) 気 気 タッシリ・ナジェール(トアレグ語:水流のある大地/洞窟壁画) Temperature (縄文海進) 温 Tassili n’Ajjer/Earth with Flow/Wall Painting change 小氷期 変 (縄文海進) Temperature化 小氷期 (℃) ( change ℃ Sea level up (℃)) Sea level up 3~5 m 3~5 m 10000年の変化 10000年の変化 海面上昇 海面上昇 Sea level low 100 m Sea海面が100m低 level low 100 m (平安海進) Fig.1(a)図 1(a) 1万年の目 Changes in 10000 years (平安海進) Fig.1(b) Changes in 10000 years

2 1 0 0 5 0 0 BC 0 0 0 AD 0 Population Increase in 2000 years 中 南 北 呉 新 秦 華 清 明 戦 春 × 人 宋 宋 南 Population ( million) 人 宋 宋 唐 隋 国 秋 民 北 蜀 後 前 中 共 元 朝 漢 漢 時 時 国 和 代 代 国 魏 ●A.D.1 0.6 Million 渤海 ●1000 7 楽浪郡 古朝鮮 朝 高 統 高句麗 韓 国 100 ●1600 10 大 鮮 麗 一 ( 大 朝( 韓 新 百済 馬韓 ●1700 30 民 羅 新羅 辰韓 鮮 国 「 ) 弁韓 稲「 ●1900 40 作 飛 伝 ● 来 2000 127 日 江 室 鎌 平 奈 古 弥 縄 奈 鳥 弥 」 本 戸 町 倉 安 良 墳 生 文 日 国 時 時 時 時 時 時 代 時 時 時 本 50 代 代 代 代 代 代 代 代

Population increased due to floodplain development for long time History of China, Korea and Japan

中国、韓国、日本歴史年表中国、韓国、日本歴史年表 0 1000 2000 (「図説・韓国の歴史」:金両基監修、美徳相、鄭早苗、中山隆編(1988)より。簡略化) years 2000年の人口増加(日本)

Population(×million) Population (Thousand) 人口 急激な人口増加 ○紀元前4世BC 4 50; 0.7 ○1550年:1060万人1550; 10.6 1001億 紀: 16万人Century; ○西暦50年:70万人 耕地面積10000km2 人 1st Development 2nd Development 0.16 第1次列島改造of Islands 第2次列島改造of Islands 505千 万人 (大河川の整備による (古代国家成立、小河川沿川の水田 (大河川の整備による 水田開発) 開発) 水田開発)

0 1000 西暦(年)years 2000 Rapid 1700; 30 ○200年:250万人 Increase (溜池の時代) 29500km2 Japan

○800年:600万人 耕地面積8500km2 ○1850年:3000万人1850; 30 耕地面積30000km2 France <2000年の変化;3回の 3rd Development of 第3次列島改造Islands 日本列島改造> (近代河川整備による国家建設, 耕地面積30000km2) England 2000;125 □□適地開田の時代適地開田の時代 years □□大平野開田の時代大平野開田の時代 ・荘園解体/太閤検地 □□大化の改新大化の改新 ・「山川の掟」 ・土地公有化 ・土地永代売買禁止の解除 ・荘園乱立 ・二毛作 □□沼沢地開田の時代沼沢地開田の時代 ・国家資本導入/地租改正 ・農地改革 • In the year 1900 The population as same as France and U.K. Fig.2 Changes in 2000 years ・減反政策、コメの自由化 • In the year 2000 2 times more than France and England Number of<少子化> Children Decreasing((少子化)少子化) Japan;日本は、「人口減少」 Population Decrease, Elderly ー少子化、高齢化ーLittle Child/ Large elderly People 10 Thousand People

Birth Rate Society composed largely of elderly ((日本;人口減少、少子・高齢化)日本;人口減少、少子・高齢化) Children People((高齢化)高齢化) Population (Thousand) ( Ratio of elderly people) Birth number

Italy (%) Japan China Japan Rapid years Korea USA Germany Decrease Italy France England Japan Sweden 概ね終戦のAlmost Germany Sweden France 頃の人口に50 years England France Korea ago England USA China years years


Population (Billion) Population Asia “Demographic Explosion of 30 Billions” (”アジア30億人 ●Developed Countries; の爆発“) Stable or Decrease Latin America ●Developing Countries; Advanced Demographic Explosion Country years ●World; Demographic Population in the World((世界の人口)世界の人口) (Estimated by United Explosion Nations,Medium, 1992)

Ⅰ.The Relationship between Water, Rives, Nature and Man & Civilization Ⅱ 1.Adopted as a National R&D (((水、川、自然と人、文明との係わり)水、川、自然と人、文明との係わり) Initiative ((国家研究開発イニシアティブ)国家研究開発イニシアティブ) Ⅱ.Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature (((自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生)自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生) 1. Adopted as a National R&D Initiative 2. Examples of Outcome Environmental Initiatives((環境分野)環境分野) Priority Research Fields((重点分野)重点分野) ① Global Warming((地球温暖化)地球温暖化) ① Life Sciences((生命科学)生命科学) ② Zero Waste, Resource Recycling((ゴミゼロ、資源循ゴミゼロ、資源循 ② Information and Telecommunications((情報通信)情報通信) 環) ③ Environmental Sciences(環境)(環境) ③ Technology for “Watershed/Urban Regeneration ④ Nanotechnology and Materials((ナノテクノロジー・材料)ナノテクノロジー・材料) in Accord with Nature”((自然共生型流域圏・都市再生)自然共生型流域圏・都市再生) ⑤ Energy((エネルギー)エネルギー) ⑥ Manufacturing Technology((製造業)製造業) < FY 2003 - > ⑦ Infrastructure((社会基盤)社会基盤) ④ Total Risk Management Technology Pertaining to Chemical Substances((化学物質リスク管理)化学物質リスク管理) ⑧ Frontiers((フロンティア)フロンティア) ⑤ Changes in the Global Water Cycle((地球規模水循環地球規模水循環 変動)

Initiative Background((背景)背景) Initiative Goals((目標)目標) ① Japanese cities developed and grew on the natural To provide for the planning for foundations of the watershed. Watershed/Urban Regeneration In Accord with Nature: ② The urban concentration of the population and the economy overburdened the watershed environment. ①Organize the technology and systems for watershed/urban regeneration ③ This led to collapse of the watershed’s natural foundations, on which the cities depend, giving rise to ②Design and propose plans to control the need for conservation and restoration of the entire urban sprawl in watersheds and create watershed. cities more in accord with nature

Initiative Programs((プログラム)プログラム) 2001.11.7

① Environmental monitoring in cities Initiative for Watershed/Urban and watersheds Regeneration in Accord ② Development of city and watershed with Nature (Proposal) management models Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science &Technology (MEXT 文部科学省 文部科学省) ③ Developing the technology to establish Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW 厚生労働省 厚生労働省) balance with nature Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF 農林水産省 農林水産省) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport ④ Design and implement plans for a (MLIT 国土交通省 国土交通省) society in accord with nature Ministry of the Environment (MOE 環境省 環境省) Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature Goal: Regenerate Watershed & Cities to Create Societies in Accord with Nature National Land, Watersheds, Cities (Kanto Region) Background: Changes in land use, lifestyle and agriculture; degradation of water, ecosystem and urban environment; loss of biodiversity and natural waterfronts; problem of potable water; greater chemical 流域圏・都市の例 substance risk → Demand for healthier land use & hydrological/resource cycles, ecosystem conservation/ regeneration,safe, comfortable and beautiful living space (watershed/urban regeneration in accord with nature)

Tama R. Watershed Watershed/Urban Regeneration

Forest Degradation in Accord with Nature 写真提供:海上保安庁 Tsurumi R. Watershed Arak Sumida R. awa Concentration of Ara R. Population in the Cities Modernized Agriculture River Tsurumi R.TamaTama R. R.

Changes in Water Uses

R&D Contents and Implementation

・Hydrological/resource cycles & ecology of the mountains, forests, farmlands, rivers, Tone R. Watershed Understanding cities, sewers, coasts Phenomena Cultural/Social Analysis & Evaluation collaboration between MEXT, MHLW, Ara R.Watershed MAFF,

・Development of impact evaluation methods MLIT, MOE, Independent Administrative Tama R. Watershed Institutions, and Universities • Develop Models for Water/Resource Tsurumi R. Watershed Cycle in Watersheds & Cities and for Paddies Watershed and Urban Restoration & Regeneration Farmland Ecological Changes Forests 人文社会科学 Urban area

1. Monitor, understand and evaluate current conditions 2. Develop watershed/city management models

1-1 Understanding changes in watersheds and cities モニタリング 2-1 Develop Hydrological/ Resource Cycle Models 2-2 Develop Ecosystem Models Changing Land Use for Impact assessment using models Info on Watersheds Observation Data Population growth, changes in land uses Tsurumi R. Watershed Japan’s Population Growth Wa ter Qua li ty 1. Terrestrial Problems in the Watersheds & Cities Land uses Flow Population Changes in the landscape and land uses Dam Greater resource use & emissions due to Rainwater runoff from forests/farmlands Rainfall Rivers Today Supply earth and nutrient salts; adjust water flow Wa ter increased agricultural & industrial activity Degradation of water, ecosystem and urban Reuse Water Supply/ Temperature Floods Wa ter in take Changes over time environments, loss of biodiversity, problem of Sewage Treatment Drainage ・ Rainwater runoff ・ Changes in water use patterns potable water, loss of natural waterfronts fro m citie s Source of Pollution ・ Treated water Social Changes Phytoplankton blooms Groundwater ・ Develop Watershed/city level (Drought) (Red tide, algal boom) Seagrass beds & ・ models Greater threat of chemical substance risks, tida l fla ts ・ Changes in forest/farmland management methods urban floods, etc. Nutrient salts Chemicals Water (lakes, ocean) Future Open Changes in landscape seas Impact on water areas Bottom mud Database on Watershed Database Aquatic Environment Changes in ecosystems Impact on the ecosystem 2. Aquatic 水、物質循環 生態系 River, lake, coastal and ocean ecosystems 1-2 Monitoring & understanding hydrological/resource cycles 1-3 Monitoring & understanding the ecosystem

Harmful airborne Hydrological/Resource Cycle Model pollutants Accumulation Water/resources from 1. Terrestrial 流域圏・都市管理モデル on rooftops 流域圏・都市管理モデル Emissions Heat island phenomena the upper reaches of Now the watershed 動物生息 水生昆虫類 水生昆虫類 Wildlife カエル カエル Rainwater runoff from habitat サギ類 サシバ タヌキ 2-3 Develop Integrated Models of the Hydrological/Resource Cycles & Ecosystems forests and farmlands オオタカ Land type 里山 Roads (vehicle emissions, drainage 景域区分 from roads, road surface material) Groundwater Watershed Rainwater runoff Past 流域圏 from cities Ecosystem Model Hydrological/Resource Cycle Model Household effluents l (medication, human waste, etc.) Water Purification Plant Raw material/Products ◆Population increase Describes changes over time in the ◆Expansion of urban areas watershed, reflecting landscape and land lDescribes the cycles and dynamics Tap Water Ecosystems at watershed level Integrated Model Impact of human ◆Degradation of the urban uses of water & resources (nutrient salts) in Sewer environment (Hydrological/Resource Cycles, Ecosystems) Water Intake activities ◆ lDescribes the ecosystems of the forest, the watershed. Reflects Ecological changes over time Changes in industrial structure l Drainage from ◆Loss of forests, farmland and farmlands, rivers, lakes & marshes, cities, Integrated model for hydrological/resource socioeconomic activities in the cities. cities Homes Factory drainage into (Changes in flora/fauna and the environment) waterfronts wetlands and the ocean. cycles & ecosystems Factory Dilution natural waters ◆Changes in forest & farmland Validity of the Model lIntegrated model for watershed/city l Effluents management methods Applicability to watersheds of management ◆Changes in irrigation control various sizes; accuracy; validity of lIntegrated model for environmental impact Sewage Treatment 2. Aquatic methods the environmental impact ◆Construction of Civic facilities assessment Changes assessment. Wastes from Primary Production homes and River, lake/marsh, coastal and ocean ecosystems factories Sludge (Environmental Impact) Food for human consumption Seagrass beds/tidal flats Civic Waters lWatershed/urban database on biological/ecological information Information Infrastructure (GIS) lSupport policy evaluation

3. Develop cultural/social analysis & evaluation systems; study policy plans 4. Technologies for regeneration of the hydrological/resource cycles, ecosystems, and the urban environment Implementation in 人文社会科 Policy Plans Model Watersheds/Cities 学的研究 Impact Evaluation Technology 再生化技 l Land use, social/economic activities lApplicability to actual watersheds; l Ecosystem management plan 術研究 l Others validity of the environmental impact Regeneration Technology assessment

Programs for ◆ Nonpoint source (NPS) measures ◆Develop networks of ecosystems Integrated Model Watershed & Urban ◆ Water filtration and storage by forests & ◆ Conserve & regenerate rivers, lHydrological/resource cycle model Regeneration in farmlands waterfronts and wetlands lEcosystem model Accord with Nature ◆ Purification by vegetation ◆ Conserve & regenerate forests, farmlands and small pockets of nature ◆ Measures against pollutants ◆ Conserve & regenerate tidal flats and Cultural/Social ◆ Water storage & permeation in the cities seagrass beds Analysis & Evaluations ◆ Improved water intake & drainage systems ◆ Restore divided ecosystems l Analysis/evaluation of policy plans ◆ Soil erosion control in the mountains, forests, ◆ Establish water intake and drainage l rivers and coasts Communication tools for consensus building facilities that do not interfere with the ◆ Improved air quality and living conditions natural ecosystems etc. etc. Integrated Programs for Regeneration lWatershed/urban database on biological/ecological information Information Infrastructure (GIS) lSupport policy evaluation 5. Information infrastructure development 6. Draft & implement watershed/urban regeneration programs (examples) Topography, geology, soil, rainfall, GIS 実践プログラム例 atmosphere, climate 実践プログラム例

Social conditions Watershed Database population (1) Regeneration of nature and the land uses hydrological/ resource cycles in

Guidelines for forests, Integrated Model watersheds & cities farmlands and coasts ((都市域での自然、水物質循環、ふれあいの再生)都市域での自然、水物質循環、ふれあいの再生) Ecosystem Hydrological/Resource Rivers, groundwater, Model Cycle Model Programs for sewer networks, pollution sources, Watershed/Urban emission volume, (2) Conservation & regeneration of aquatic water uses Regeneration in Cultural/Social Analysis & Accord with Nature environments and ecosystems (rivers, Evaluation Systems Flora & fauna lakes, marshes, oceans) ((水環境・生態系の保全・再生)水環境・生態系の保全・再生) Biodiversity Plan Analysis (at genetic levels) 情報基盤整備 (3) Regeneration of water, greenery and nature Policy Plans Systems for Information Sharing in the cities ((都市の水、緑、環境の再生)都市の水、緑、環境の再生)

Programs for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature (1) Programs for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature (2) -Regeneration of nature and the hydrological/resource cycles- -Conservation & regeneration of aquatic environments and ecosystems- (rivers, lakes, marshes, oceans) 1. Natural environment Plans and consensus on risk management lConserve & restore the natural environment Watershed Plan based on basic the landscape plan lConserve & restore biodiversity through Conserve & restore the natural environment Information sharing (understanding the impact of our activities on the water & ecosystems) networking of water & greenery based on the basic landscape plan lCreate space where people can enjoy contact l Forests, farmlands, slopes, valleys, reservoirs, wetlands, (tentative name) XX Regeneration Council with nature waterfront , tidal flats, seagrass beds, etc. ・ Waterfront where people can enjoy fishing & swimming 2. Healthy hydrological cycle ・ Securing biodiversity through improved water quality & habitats Watershed Plan 2 Watershed ・ Offering amenities in the urban waterfront areas Land uses 1) At times of flood Conserve & restore biodiversity through ・ Securing safe and good tasting tap water networking of water & greenery Non-point measures l Conserve forests & farmlands River Prevent flood damage l water lines (rivers, sewers), parks, cliffs, Waste management Improving river flow l Mitigate water damage in cities waterfronts, tidal flats, seagrass beds, etc. Watershed/City Streamline water uses River Rivers with nature regeneration 2) All other times Conserve & regenerate Urban waterfront Sewer l small pockets of nature Wetland conservation & regeneration Secure abundant water flow Watershed Plan 3 l Improve water quality during low rainfall Conserve catchment basins Cleansing sewers Soil erosion management periods Create space where people can enjoy contact with nature l Improve water quality during rainfall l Nature-friendly community Ocean l Systemize water conservation development; biotope, greenery on Ocean rooftops & walls Red & blue tide countermeasures l Sewer Enjoy nature in and outside the cities benthic improvement Improve joint sewer systems Conserve/create favorable beach environments 3. Natural waterfronts Remove pollutants Urban waterfronts l Develop greater environmental Advanced treatment 都市域での自然、水物質循環、 Conserve/regenerate tidal flats, seagrass beds awareness through contact with nature and waterfowl habitats l Offer comfortable, richer life ふれあいの再生 水環境・生態系の保全・再生

Programs for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature (3) InitiativeInitiative forfor Watershed/UrbanWatershed/Urban RegenerationRegeneration -Regeneration of water, green & environment- inin AccordAccord withwith NatureNature Eco-networkEco-network planningplanning 全体の構成 ・・eco-infrastructureeco-infrastructure (including (including information infrastructure(GIS) hydrological/resource renaturalization)renaturalization) planning, planning, controlcontrol of of obstruction obstruction cycle model 1. Monitor, understand and

(watershed cycle model) urban regeneration programs

.Draft & implement watershed/ 6 Watershed LandLand useuse controlcontrol evaluate current conditions 3. Develop cultural/social ・・citycity planning, planning, farmlandfarmland 1 Understanding changes in planning etc. analysis & evaluation systems; City planning etc. watersheds and cities study policy plans 2 Monitoring & 3 Monitoring & ImplementationImplementation ofof eco-eco- 3 Monitoring & understanding bio-diversity communication tool infrastructureinfrastructure design design & & understanding the hydrological/ land use managementmanagement hydrological/ ecosystem rehabilitation & resource cycles (landscape ・・eco-upeco-up of of public public space, space, advancement of load reduction management) permeablepermeable pavement, pavement, toxic substance management life environment rainwaterrainwater storage, storage, reuse reuse of of SPM reduction (road, river, disposeddisposed water water etc. etc. 2. Develop watershed/city park etc.) consensus building measure for heat island management models 4. Technologies for regeneration participation ParticipationParticipation ofof of citizen citizens/companiescitizens/companies 1 Develop landscape design 2 Develop Ecosystem of the hydrological/resource Hydrological/ ・・plantation,plantation, conservation conservation of of Models Resource Cycle countrysidecountryside cycles, ecosystems, and eco-network formation Models ・・landscapelandscape agreement agreement etc. etc. Models

3 Develop Integrated Models of the the urban environment Urban regeneration Urban regeneration Hydrological/Resource Cycles & Ecosystems ・・SPMSPM reduction, reduction, technology technology Ocean forfor heat heat island,island, urban urban regenerationregeneration planning planning 5. Information infrastructure development 都市の水、緑、環境の再生 Goals of the Research Assignment & Cooperation of Ministries for the Initiative 関係各省の協力 研究の目標 関係各省の協力 Information Infrastructure Development Watershed/Urban for Regeneration

~ ~ ~Research & Development of Policy Tools~ MLIT Research on watershed/city (river, sewage, park etc.), ●Monitoring, Understanding Function & Actual Situation lResearch & of Hydrological, Material Cycle and Ecosystem in Forest, geography and land use Farmland, Rural Area, River, Lake, Marshland, Coast, Development of Tideland etc. ●Development of Models for Hydrological & Material Policy Tools Cycle, Ecosystem and Integrated Model Research on forest and farmland ●Development of Integrated Database MAFF ((33 yearsyears)) ●Development of Restoration Technology 3 years ●Policy Scenario Setting and Evaluation


y lApplication to model e ~Application to Model Watersheds/Cities~ a Development of bio-diversity information system and r Watersheds/Cities MOE s ●Brush-up of Integrated Model, ((55 years) Improvement of Integrated Database monitoring/risk-evaluation method of toxic substance ●Refinement of Restoration Technology 5 5 ●Evaluation of Restoration Program y e a l rs Application to major ~Application to Major Watershed/Cities~ MHLW Rationalization of water use of water supply, Watersheds/Cities ●Implementation of Watershed/Urban development of water purification technology etc. 10 Regeneration Program ((1010 years) (Major Watersheds/Cities) 10 y ea ~Expansion to Nationwide~ rs ●Regeneration of Watersheds/Cities in MEXT Support of cooperation with universities etc. l Accord with Nature in the Whole Country Expansion to ●Conservation, Restoration of Hydrological & Nationwide Material Cycle and Ecosystem

National Institute for Land, Infrastructure Management as a Example

outline In proceeding this research, NILIM will take the main part other ministries of the project while cooperating with MLIT, regional bureaus, other ministries and institutes, universities and MAFF Development of rehabilitation private companies, exchanging information with NPOs, technology in farmland, forest, etc. overseas institutes, in a various fields widely. MOE Development of bio-diversity information Ⅱ 2. Examples of Outcome system and monitoring/risk-evaluation method of toxic substance etc. MHLW Rationalization of water use of water supply, development of water purification technology etc. 研究の連携 wider cooperation:policy plan, development target evaluation system, (((アウトカムの事例)アウトカムの事例) MEXT Support of cooperation with universities etc. model building, development of social/cultural technology, on development of hydrological-resource rati cycle/ ecosystem/ urban regeneration Independent pe technology, model watershed/city setting, coo planning & implementation of regeneration Administrative program

Institutions a

c original research:development of

o s

s conservation & rehabilitation technology of


i p

g urban environment, ecological network e

n MLIT and integrated application, etc. r



t e

universities, companies i policy plan, development target,

n o

t evaluation system, technology development etc. n Model/ social technology/ regeneration technology n development etc. tio info a rmati er on exc p hange oo c reau over l bu seas i iona nst eg g, de itut R ettin velop es ed s ment tersh ng & plann of so l wa anni ing o cial/c ode , pl f f rege ultur NP m oring on o nerat al tec O onit ntati etc. ion pr hnolo m eme ram ogram gy, impl prog , imp tion leme nera ntatio rege n etc.

Nature-Oriented River Work ((多自然河川工法多自然河川工法 、 “close to nature”)

Rehabilitation ((自然修復)自然修復) Re-naturalization((再自然化)再自然化) “Rivers for Wetland Restoration kids” project 湿地再生 (Case of Ara River )


①Watershed approach ②Flexible, phased approach in project implementation (adaptive management) ③Cooperation with NPOs and experts

((水質)水質) Water Quality Rivers & BOD/COD Compliance with Nonpoint Source Water Pollutio Closed Water ((非点源水質汚染)非点源水質汚染) Bodies Environmental Standards • Sewage Overflow: Rainwater and sewage Fig. 1 Environmental Standards (BOD or COD) Compliance Rates Over Time converge and drain out without being treated • Nonpoint Source Water Pollution: Surface C o pollutants from cities and farmlands are washed OVERALL m Rivers out by rainfall p Lakes Coastal l waters i a (松原) n c e SOURCE: Environment Agency 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 1998 Environment Agency • Compliance rate high for rivers, low in lakes

Impact of Chemical Substances The Atmosphere((大気、騒音)大気、騒音) on the Ecosystem((化学物質の生態系への影響)化学物質の生態系への影響) Compliance Rates - Impact on Fish- 100 Results of Female Hormone Exposure Tests Compliance rates for NO2 density (EQS) 80 Noise (%) (%) (%) (%) ・NOx The four killifish at the ・SPM top show signs of 60 growth inhibition and ・Noise コイの精巣の比較 写真(東谷) excessive levels of 40 yolk protein

Compliance Rates 20

0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Combating Air Pollution ((大気汚染) 大気汚染) Combating Air Pollution (Ⅱ)((大気汚染)大気汚染) (& Global Warming) (& Global Warming)

(a)Example for Traffic Demand Management

Electronic Toll Collection Charge A Residential areas Shift

Charge B Charge A>Charge B Vehicle Information and Coastal areas Communication System Intelligent Transport System (b)Environmental Road Pricing

Comfortable, Attractive Cities Comfortable, Attractive Cities in Harmony with Nature(2;道路緑化、エコ・ロード) in Harmony with Nature (1;都市緑化)

Greenery on rooftops & walls Road without tree Road with wide green belt in the medium

Kitasuna 5-chome Public strip and the sides. Housing Complex Providing Safe Wildlife Passages -Eco-roads -

Acros Fukuoka Cities, poor in green Greenery atop buildings

Conserving Nature Providing safe passage Regeneration of Tokyo Bay((東京湾再生)東京湾再生) for wildlife (Urban restoration headquarters)

Ecological Tokyo Bay True Color Landsat-7/ETM, 30m/pixe l, 2000.3.29 Network in Conserving farmland Creating biotopes in schools -Settle on action plan to improve water the Cities quality of Tokyo Bay- ((都市でのエコロ都市でのエコロ Planting fruit-bearing trees ((東京湾水質改善の行動計画)東京湾水質改善の行動計画) ジカル・ネットワ ーク形成)

・ 5 0 5 10 15km Monitoring Tokyo Univ. of Science, Obayashi ・Understanding mechanism of pollution Lab Compiled by Organization for Landscape & Urban Greenery Technology ・Measures for pollutant substances reduction by sewage system Development, “Ecological Network in the Cities”,, Gyosei,Gyosei,, 20002000 improvement ・Conservation & regeneration of tidal flats, seagrass beds etc. In Closing ①Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature ((自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生)自然共生型流域圏・都市の再生): A goal common to Japan, the world’s urban centers, and the rapidly growing states of Asia’s monsoon nations.

②Future Collaboration with Asian nations: (アジアの国々との連携)(アジアの国々との連携) ○Watershed/urban regeneration in accord with nature, ○Studies on changes in the global water cycle due to rapid population growth and other factors ○Develop countermeasures

→3rd World Water Forum(2003), Conference on Public Works R&D in Asia(2002) The National Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature

Yoshikawa Katsuhide, Dr. Engr., General Director, Environment Department National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) May 10-11, 2002

I. Relationship between Water/Rivers/Nature and Man and Civilization 1. A Look at the World’s Cities and Rivers (1) The Cities and Rivers of Japan (2) The Cities and Rivers of the World 2. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1) The Last 10,000 Years (2) The Last 2,000 Years (3) The Last Century, and From Today Onward

II. The Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature 1. The National Research and Development Initiative (1) The Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology (2) Contents of the Initiative 2. Goals of the Initiative (1) Rivers (2) Extended Applications to Watersheds and Urban Regeneration

TEL: (81) 298-64-2827, FAX: (81) 298-64-7183 E-Mail: [email protected]

Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature Yoshikawa Katsuhide, Dr. Engr., Regular Member General Director, Environment Department National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)

1. National Strategy on Science and Technology The 5th NDP (1997), which dealt with the burst of The Council for Science and Technology Policy the economic bubble and declining population, was no (CSTP, Cabinet Office) guides Japan’s national policy on longer a “comprehensive development plan,” and there- science and technology deve lopment. It has set four fore was named the “Grand Design for the 21st Cen- primary strategic priorities, and four secondary: (1) life tury. ” This plan called for participation and coopera- sciences, (2) information and telecommunications, (3) tion, renovation of metropolitan areas, establishing na- environmental sciences, (4) nanotechnology and materi- ture-rich residential areas, forming regional cooperation als, along with (5) energy, (6) manufacturing technology, corridors, and once again, watershed restoration.2 (7) infrastructure, and (8) frontiers. One of the four top priorities, Environmental Sc i- 3. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ences has three interdisciplinary, inter-ministry projects Let us review the stories of land, human life, and for launch in FY 2002: “Global Warming,” “Zero-Waste watershed/urban centers over the flow of time. Resource Recycling,” and “Watershed/Urban Regenera- Fig. 1 shows Japan’s demographic changes over a tion in Accord with Nature.” Future research will in- span of the last 1,000 years. The phenomenon of urban clude “Total Risk Management Technology Pertaining concentrations appeared only in the last 400 years. In to Chemical Substances,” and “Changes in the Global early Edo (1600’s), Japan’s population tripled from just Hydrological Cycle ,” for a total of five projects.1 10 million to some 30 million, where it remained for the The work of “Technologies of Wate rshed/Urban 200 years of the Edo Period. Population exploded at Regeneration in Accord with Nature” comprises an in- the beginning of the Meiji Period (approx. 130 yrs. ago). tense research and development (R&D) initiative for the In 100 years, the population tripled from 40 million to management of watersheds, including urban areas, and just below 130 million today (quadrupled from the early as such, is inseparable from infrastructure programming. Meiji Period). The majority of people today live in the The following discusses the background and contents of flood plains located between the mountains and the the initiative, as well as thoughts on the work required. ocean, or in the highlands.

(people) 2. Plans for Watersheds and Urban Areas The Third Comprehensive National Development A.D. 1 0.6mil 1000 7 mil Plan (1977), adopted some 25 years ago, came in an era 100 mil of rapid economic growth. In replacing the earlier 1600 10 mil 1700 30 mil Japanese Islands Reform Plan, it called for ‘stable ’ over 1900 40 mil ‘rapid’ growth, and envisioned development of garden 2000 125 mil 50 mil cities and balanced living environments. The plan for decreasing balanced living environments focused on river systems. In effect, it was a watershed plan. stable This watershed plan attempted to curb unrestrained development and unbridled growth. However, con- year tinuing economic expansion and development of traffic, transport, information and communication networks al- Figure 1: Population of Japan (1): Last 1,000 years 3 lowed the plan to be actually implemented only in lim- ited areas, such as the Chubu District’s ba- Figure 2 shows the changes in Japan’s population sin and the upper reaches of Miyazaki’s Gokase River. over the last 100 years. Also shown for comparison of Responding to increased urbanization and centrali- the growth patterns are the demographics for France and th zation in the metropolis of Tokyo, the 4 Comprehen- England. Compared to France and England, Japan ex- sive National Development Plan (NDP, 1987) called for perienced a population explosion in the post-Meiji Pe- dispersal and decentralization. There was no mention riod. Population rises led to urbanization, in their turn of watershed conservation. giving rise to various urban and environmental problems, which we still face today. As shown in Fig. 3’s world before World War II, emigration to Manchuria began, population projections, Japan’s latest population explo- possibly reflecting the limitations on self-sustainment. sion may have been the precursor to the “Explosion to 3 Nonetheless, these societies were basically Billion” in which the Asian states now find themselves. self-supporting. In the future too, Japan will be one of the first ad- Japanese societies were still centered on river sys- vanced nations to experience sharp population declines. tems and watershed areas at the end of World War II, It is estimated that Japan’s population will fall by a half when the population was at some 72 million. This re- over the next 100 years (medium estimate). mained unchanged when Japan’s tremendous economic (mil. people) growth spurt began, with the population near 100 mil- lion. But this has all been lost, it appears, in the past 30 years. upper Now, as our population declines, we are likely to Population face demands for national land, urban center and water- explosion medium Japan shed development, markedly different from the devel- opment programs of the past that focused on economic France lower efficiency and convenience. One goal would be to re- estimation cover and restore what has been lost in the past 30 years. the U.K. past future Development projects could focus on river systems and watersheds to regenerate urban centers existing in ac- cord with nature. To better live with nature and with her disasters, new land use plans may move the popula- Figure 2: Population of Japan (2): Last 100 Years 4 tion out from flood plains and other disaster-prone areas to safer locations. Restoration of Tokyo Bay and other (bil. people) coastal zones, ocean areas, and lakes could also be part of such efforts. Africa 4. The Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regenera- tion in Accord with Nature the other Asian Loss of natural habitats, human-induced environ- mental pollution, and the issue of cityscapes in today’s India watersheds and urban centers are the negative impacts of what took place in the latter half of the 20th Century. China Fig. 4 is a view of the watersheds and urban centers in Latin America the Tokyo metropolitan area. Developed Countries

year Figure 3: Population of the World 3

Next, let us explore the history and future of wa- tersheds and urban areas, in light of their relationship with population trends. During the Edo Period, the population reached 30 Sumida隅田川 R. Ara荒川 R. million. Developed along riverbanks, Edo and the Turumi鶴見川 R. Tama多摩川 R. other Japanese societies of the time were river cultures heavily imbued in nature. Settlements concentrated along major river ways, giving rise to over 300 feudal clans (--equates to number of today’s small electoral dis- Fig. 4: Example of Watersheds and Urban Centers tricts). Such river cultures continued through the Meiji (Tokyo metropolitan area) Period and later to the years just before World War II. Japan’s future goal is to maintain national and local The Edo Period societies were completely self-sustain- vitality while minimizing these negative impacts of the ing. When the population hit 70 million just before past, even as it confronts declining population, fewer children, and an aging society. Efforts to come to shed management models; (3) development of cul- terms with nature in a sustainable manner, whether it be tural/social analysis and evaluation systems; (4) de- cities in symbiosis with or parasitic on nature, have velopment of nature restoration technology; (5) infor- global significance in the context of our neighbors in the mation infrastructure development; and (6) drafting and Asian monsoon region who are facing drastic population implementation of regeneration programs (Fig. 5-6). increases and urbanization. All involved ministries have agreed that the Initiative is Civic movements for the environment, both here in not a mere R&D program, but is a grand social experi- Japan and abroad, often take the watershed approach. ment on watershed/urban regeneration, and incorporates Excellent examples include the U.K. campaign for the comprehensive execution programs. Mersey River which flows through Manchester and The proposal calls for development of all required Liverpool (Mersey River Basin Campaign), activities in policy tools over three years, application to model wa- the Rhine River watershed5, various U.S. programs tersheds and cities in five years, then applic ation to all promoting watershed approaches, and the efforts in Ja- major watersheds and cities in 10 years (Fig. 7). pan’s watershed. These environmental campaigns involve cooperation between government, businesses, civic groups, and residents. The Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature focuses on research and develop- ment (R&D) for watershed/urban regeneration from the 1.Monitoring, Understanding of Function & Actual Situation 6. 3. environmental standpoint. It views the watershed as a 1 Understanding Changes of Development of

Watershed/Urban Area Drafting & Implementation of unit encompassing the hydrological cycle, material cir- Cultural/Social Analysis Regeneration Programs 2 Monitoring, 3 Monitoring, & Evaluation Systems Understanding of Understanding of culation, and ecosystem, and supporting the urban area. Hydrological & Ecosystem Material Cycle The need for the Initiative is: (1) Japanese cities developed and grew on the natural foundations of the 2.Development of Watershed/ watershed. (2) The urban concentration of the popula- Urban Management Models 1 Development of 4.Development of Hydrological & 2 Development of tion and the economy overburdened the watershed en- Material Cycle Ecosystem Model Nature Restoration Model vironment. (3) This led to collapse of the watershed’s Technology 3 Development of natural foundations, on which the cities depend, giving Integrated Model rise to the need for conservation and restoration of the entire watershed. The Initiative offers recommenda- 5.Information Infrastructure Development tions on how to balance between cities and nature (e.g., Fig. 5: The Initiative establishing greater autonomy of the cities, creating an orderly boundary between the city and surrounding ar- eas). The Initiative calls for R&D in: (1) environ- mental monitoring of the city and watershed, (2) city/watershed management model, (3) technology that Scenario Setting Implementation in promotes coexistence with nature, and, (4) drafting and lLand Use, Social Activities Model Watersheds/cities lAdaptive Ecosystem Management implementing plans for establishment of societies in lothers lApplicability to Real Situation, Propriety of Assessment harmony with nature. Program of The Government side involves collaboration Integrated Model Watershed/Urban lHydrological & Regeneration in Material Cycle Accord with Nature among and between the Ministries of the Environment, lEcosystem of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, of Health, Labor Cultural/Social Analysis & Evaluation and Welfare, of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and System lAnalysis & Evaluation of Technology, and of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Policy Scenario to promote this Initiative. The Initia tive deals with na- lCommunication system tional land management of watersheds and cities, and as for Decision Making such, will be a major focus for the Ministry of Land, In- Information Infrastructure (GIS) frastructure and Transport, as well as for scholars, re- Fig. 6: Cultural/Social Analysis and Evaluation searchers, concerned academic societies, and NPO’s.

The five ministries have presented R&D themes and goals. The four programs noted earlier have been divided into six R&D subjects: (1) monitoring and understanding phenomena; (2) development of water-

Bibliography ~Development of Policy Tools~ (3 years) 1) Council for Science and Technology Policy, Strategies ●Monitoring, Understanding Function & Actual Situation lDevelopment of of Hydrological, Material Cycle and Ecosystem in Forest, by Fields, September 2001 (refer to Cabinet Office Farmland, Rural Area, River, Lake, Marshland, Coast, Policy Tools Tideland etc. website). ●Development of Models for Hydrological & Material 2) Shimokobe, Atsushi, Testament to Postwar National (3 years) Cycle, Ecosystem and Integrated Model ●Development of Integrated Database Land Plans, Nippon Keizai Hyoronsha, 1994/National ●Development of Restoration Technology ●Policy Scenario Setting and Evaluation Land Council, The Fifth Comprehensive National Land Development Plan (Grand Design for the 21st ~Application to Model Watersheds/Cities~(5 years) Century – Promotion of Regional Independence and ●Brush-up of Integrated Model, Creation of A Beautiful National Land), 1998. Improvement of Integrated Database lApplication to ●Refinement of Restoration Technology 3) Yoshikawa, Katsuhide, The Water Environments of Model ●Evaluation of Restoration Program Southeast and East Asia, pages 14-27 (“Overview of Watersheds/Cities Asia’s water environment”), Architectural Institute of (5 years) ~Application to Major Watershed/Cities~ (10 years) Japan, 2000. ●Implementation of Watershed/Urban Regeneration Program 4) Ministry of Construction, Present State of National lApplication to (Major Watersheds/Cities) Land Construction, page 4, 1999. Major Watersheds/ ~Expansion to Nationwide~ Cities (10 years) 5) Yoshikawa, Katsuhide, “England’s Mersey River Ba- ●Regeneration of Watersheds/Cities in Accord with Nature in the Whole Country sin Campaign,” Kasen, September 1997 edition/ ●Conservation, Restoration of Hydrological & co-author, Local Cooperation Changes Cities and Material Cycle and Ecosystem lExpansion to the Nation, Shogakkan, 1990. Nationwide Fig. 7: Proposed Initiative Goals

5. Call for Participation As we saw in the Third Comprehensive National Development Plan, watershed/urban planning cannot be successfully implemented unless it is in tune with the demands of the times. A new, broader plan for water- sheds and cities encompassing urban regeneration is es- sential for the coming age of declining population and aging society. The Initiative for Watershed/Urban Regeneration in Accord with Nature, incorporating the urgent and focal issue of urban regeneration, is now a national program ranked equally with the Global Warming Initiative. As such, it is an achievable initiative that will contribute to creating watersheds and cities in harmony with nature. The Initiative allows government, businesses, civic groups and residents to tackle global environmental is- sues at the local, immediate level (e.g., watersheds, river systems). The symbiosis of man’s urban habitats and nature, or cities in balance with Nature, is a global con- cern related to the issues of global warming and changes in the global hydrological cycle. The implementation of the Initiative requires broad commitment and participation. It is hoped that re- searchers, research institutes, universities, academic so- cieties, industries, residents and civic groups will colle c- tively share study results and coordinate their actions. Of course, we will work to ensure and facilitate such participation.