Newspaper Publication of Unaudited Standalone Financial Reports

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Newspaper Publication of Unaudited Standalone Financial Reports L COMMERCIAL COMPANY LIMITED Regd. Office : Flat No, 502, Sth Floor, Sterling Heritage, Plot No, 388, Sankara Mattam Road, Matunga (C.R.), MUMBAI - 400 019. GIN NO: LS1900MH1985PLC035669, Email [email protected] Tel | 022-22020876 Website www whitetall, 13% November, 2020 To Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited P.J. Towers, 1" Floor, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001 ‘Scrip Code: 512431 Dear Sir / Madam, - Sub.: Newspaper advertisement of unaudited standalone financial results approved in the board meeting held on Thursday, the 12" day of November 2020 at 04:30 P.M. for the Quarter & Half year ended September 30, 2020. aa! | 0 With reference to the regulation 47 and other applicable regulations, if any of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are submitting herewith the opy of newspaper | advertisement of un-audited financial results approved in the board held on Thursday, the 12" day of November, 2020 at 04:30 P.M. for the quarter ended 20 published in English language daily newspaper i.e. "Active Times” as paper i.e. “Mumbai Lakshadweep" as on Friday, November 13, 2020. Scanned with CamScanner Tan f2. 93 AlegaX QoIO ice @ were eta PUBLIC NOTICE RANDER CORPORATION LIMITED ae areata @afarar 4 st, uta aby - Notice is given that My Clients (1) MR. CIN:LO9999MH1IS93SPLC0TSa12 arrarat, Heep fear - sarrreit, ar. aa, Far. SHOEB ARIF EBRAHIM MEMON and Reg. Office: 14/15, Madhav Kripa, Boisar Palghar Road, Boisar (WV), Palghar - 401501, Tel.No. 022-35110857 | Email ID: (2) MAS. ANJUMARA SHOEB BACIL PHARMA LIMITED sarstt faaniiera area a. AGOI/S32, Regd. Office: 71, LAXMI BUILDING 4TH FLOOR, SIR P.M. ROAD, FORT, MUMBAI 400007 MEMON, (3) MA. ARIF IBRAHIM (? in Lacs) Tacrsen + Ue Wate, BF Geo SABE, ( MEMON have agreed to purchase Flat aag - face serosa seats tart EXTRACT OF THE STANDALONE UN-AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND Quarter | Previous | Quarter | Half Year No.2302, 23rd floor, Ayesha Tower CHS ema) ERO Bis ell ral Sr. Particulars Ended Quarter Ended Ended sese- 78 Jar) it hse tt, Wrteret Preset LTD, &. V. Road, Jogeshwari (West), (Amount in Lakhs) No, 0/09/2020 | Ended | 30/09/2019 | 30/09/2020 etnies ears arent & eesraieatzet aa, 0/06/2020 Mumbai - 400 102 from the its Owners Sr Quarter | Quarter | Half year | Half Year [Year ended) wast wet eerste arcu est (1) MRLHANIF NOOR MOHD NATHANI 1 | Total income fram operations 7.17 0.17 0.36 74 avei sen afa ai eae se No Particulars ended on} ended on | ended.on | ended on | on Net Profit! (Loss) for the period (before Tax, (2) MRS. SALEHA MOHAMED HANIF PODS A020 (FNS 2019) FOS 2020) SV05/20191 31 03,2020 fe. eared staf Sreren sre. ser fears NATHARI. Exceptional andlor Extraordinary items) 1,56 0.15 0.96 1.70 }(Unesudited) || Unaudited y Unucitedis (Uneaudited) (Auclited) 3 | Net Profit! (Loss) for the period before tax ame} frefare srenfacties are ferar sre ar Any person having any claim in respect ufrenrention Het ran sear sferatt 1 | Total income from Operations 240 B86 AF 10,48 14.28 (after Exceptional andior Extraordinary items] 1.56 0.15 0.36 170 thereof by way of sale, exchange, gift, arrears setae sre at ser freer 2 | Net Profit! Loss for the period 4 | Net Profit! (Loss) for the period after tax mortgage, charge, trust, inheritance, Reereerere Sty EMT, S17, se, Bet - (before Tax, Exceptional and/or Exdraordinary itams) (71) 101 (1.33) (4.45)] (31.56) (after Exceptional andlor Extraordinary items) 1.20 0.11 0.28 131 possession, lease, lien or otherwise. 6 | Total Comprehensive Income for the period However are requested to inform 3) | Net Profit, Loss for the period after tax [Comprising Profit! (Loss) for the period (after tax) aut fafeana ate sen eet erat (alter Exceptional and or Extraordinary lems (0.70) 1.00 (1.31) (4.47)) (3152) STC OT SeeeT Ae at eT ST undersigned within a period of 15 days and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax}) 1.20 0.14 0.28 1.31 from the date hereof, failing which the 4 | Total Comprehensive Incame for the period 6 | Equity Share Capital 1233.70 1293,70 123370 1233.70 ( ‘ afz Brenrrys ve fraser ara eral, claim or claims if any of such person or [Comprising Profit‘ Loss forthe period (After tax ) 7 | Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve as arefar Set Wert aT and Other Compreshansive Income(After tax] 044 (6.27) 144) (21.20)) (52.41) aries aiftes 4. 2, fie facet, ett persons or banks will be considered to showin in the Balance Sheet of previous year] Tero? T6587 764 02 TerOF have been waived and/or abandoned. 6 | Equity Share Capital SBG00 7 58a.00 SES00) S800) 585,00 8 | Eamings Per Share (before extraordinary items) tfaren ort, werrstrert frst sree, fof Rs, 1/- each] STATS (0) vet 203, Ft Bez arrrat. Shop No.4.4/9B, Bldg. No.02, Madina 7 | Reserves Excluding Revaluation reserve (802 62") Basic: 0.02 0.00 0,00 0.02 BATT HPT SATE ETT Tet A ETA, House CHS Ltd., Karimi Park, 8 | Earmnion Per Shares (of Rs. 10/- each) Diluted: 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,02 eae AGS ah ares Bea set ae, Oshiwara Garden Lane, Jogeshwari (for continuing and discontinued operatians) - Note: a) The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly and Half yearly Results filed with the Stack aga set fees sora Pratare arenfercien (West), Mumbai - 400 102. 1. Basic: (0,07) o,c2 (0.08) (Q.08}) (0.S4) Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEB| (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements} Regulations, 2015, The at, sar eteeT (Clear Title Certificate) SdJ- 2 Diluted: (0.07) o.0e (0.0) (O.08)] (0.54) full format of the Quarterly and Half yearly Financial Results is available on the and arora ea, fe ate Sarat. ADV.SIRAJ FARUK GHIWALA OLN For RANDER CORPORATION LTD FE: F4/Ph/de30 Tety- Mobile Wo0.9224194897 Note: The above is an extract of the detailed format ofthe Unsudited Financial Results for the Quarter and Hall year ate, Far a, Tera, Place: Mumbai ended 30th September, 2020 filed with the Stock Exchange under Regulation 33 of ihe SEB! (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2075, The full Format of the Financial Results forthe Quarter and Place : Mumbai Jitesh Rander Taare, Date: 12.11.2020 Date : 12/41/2020 (Director) half-year ended 30th September, 2020 are available on the Stock Exchange wensites ( For and on behalf of the Board Sd/- SKIL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED WHITEHALL COMMERCIAL COMPANY LIMITED Prakash Shah SKANL GHW: L691 1MH1SBSPLG17 8298 CIN: L57S00MH1985PLC0035669 Date: 12.11.2020 Oirector The Injrapreneurs Place: Mumbai DIN Nor07 135800 Regd. Oifice : SKIL House, ANS Bank Street Gross Lane, Fort, Mumbai - 400 028 Registered Otfhee:: Flat Wo.502, Sth Floor, Sterling Heritage Plot No.388, Sankara Mattam Road, Matunga (C.R.}, Mumbai - 400.019 | Tal: O22-22020876 | E-mail: whitehallki@yahoo,com | Website: www,whitehall,.co,in Tel, Wo.: 022-60799000 Fan: 022-22695023 E-mail: [email protected] Website: EXTRACTS OF THE UN-AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER Extract of Statement of Unaudited Financial results for the Quarter and Period ended September 30, 2020 AND HALF YEAR ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2020 (Rs. in bees} (Re in Lacs) Sr Quarter Ended Half Year ended Year ended ESAAR (INDIA) LTD Sr Standalone Consolidated No. S0.09.2020 | S0.0K.2020 | 30082019 | 30082020 | 30.08.2019 | 91032020 Regd. Off: 204 B-Wing, New Prabhat SRA CHS LTD, Chikuwadl, Plo+115, Next to Bisleri Factory, W. E, Highway He. Particulars Quarter Ended Hal Year Ended QuarerEnded | Half Year Ended Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited Audited Andheri (East) Mumbai - 490099 1 | Total Income from operations . : 0.00 - 0.01 0.0 Corp Off: Unit No. 402, Western Edge |, Kanakia Spaces, Western Express Highway, Borivali (East) Mumbai - 400066 Sept, 0, 2020) Sept. $0, 2019) Sept. 0, 2020 | Sept, $0, 2009 | Sept, 90, 2020 | Sent, 30, 2019 2 | Net Profit (+)/Loss(-) for the period (before tax, Tel: 02240676000 | esaarindialid@gmaiLcom | www.esaarin | LE7TDIMHISS1PLC222871 (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Uneudted) | (Unaudited) Exceptional ariclior Extraordinary items) (6.56) (2.93) (G37) (9.49) (8.87) (16,92) EXTRACT OF STANDALONE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS 1 | Total Income 1424 066 13:24 184 1324 134 a | Nat Profit (+ )Lass(-) lor the period before tax OM ee ade Ne a aa BoP eS Bera (alter Excaptional anchor Extracrdinary Warns) (6,56) (2.93) (G37) (9.49) (2.87) (16.92) 2 | Net Profi (Loss) for the period 4 | Net Profit (+ )'Lossi-) for the period after tax (As. In Lakhs) (before tar, exceptional and or extraordinary tems) | = ACGH.01} (4827.80) (GME S7)) (it TSRS5)) (4075.09)) (8,429.12) (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary liens) 16,56) (2,93) (6,37) (9,49) (8.87) (25,47) : Quarter Quarter] Half ir & | Net Profit’ (Loss) for the period before tax 5 | Total Comprehensive Income for the period Particulars Ended Ended Si {after exceptional and or extracedinacy’ fern) Qee3) (4327.90)) (3.406.9)) (41,13033)] — SI9KB) (44a) [(Comprising profit/Loss for the period (after tax) 009.2020 [30.09.2019 90.09.2020 and other Comprehensive Income (after tax}] (6.56) (2.93) (6.37) (9.49) (8.87) (25,47) UnAudited) [UnAudiied) {UmAudited) 4 | Net Prof, (Loss) far the peri after tax 6 | Equity share capetal 24,50 24,50 24,50 24,90 24,90 24,50 Total income from operations 1,125.57 (14.08) | 2,048.84 {after exceptional and or extracedinary ferns] QeG3) (AS27G0)) (3,408.93) (4,18853)) SAS) (3.4.4 7 | Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve) as Net Profit! (Loss } (before tax andor extraordinary itams| 32625 | (177.54)
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