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FAST Magazine Issue 22 Cover FAST 11/03/98 21:55 Page 1 FAST 22/p1 ˆ p6 11/03/98 23:45 Page 1 AIRBUS TECHNICAL DIGEST NUMBER 22 MARCH 1998 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PREVENTING LEAKS 22 JEROME QUENESCOURT FUEL SYSTEM DETECTING LEAKS USING HELIUM 77 ALAIN MARECHAL AND ALAIN DENINOTTI THE INTERNATIONAL REGULATORY CLIMATE ANDREW S. Mc CLYMONT 1111 IMPLEMENTING JAR-OPS WITH AIRBUS INDUSTRIE OPERATIONAL DOCUMENTATION 1717 GUY DI SANTO THE PORTABLE WATER DETECTION TOOL FOR A300/A300-600/A310 AIRCRAFT 2121 RENE SAVOIE AND MARIE-SOPHIE CALAIS LIGHTNING STRIKES AND AIRBUS FLY-BY-WIRE AIRCRAFT CAPTAIN CHRIS KRAHE 2525 AIM-FANS WINS GROWING NUMBER OF ORDERS JEAN-PIERRE DAMBRINE 2828 CUSTOMER SERVICES CONFERENCES 3030 THE FIRST AVIATION REGULATION? 3131 RESIDENT CUSTOMER SUPPORT REPRESENTATION 3232 The articles herein may be reprinted without permission except where copyright source is indicated, but with acknowledgement to Airbus Industrie. Articles which may be subject to ongoing review must have their accuracy verified prior to reprint. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the assumptions shown and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, the Company will be pleased to explain the basis thereof. © AIRBUS INDUSTRIE 1998 Publisher: Airbus Industrie Customer Services, 1 rond-point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France Editor: Denis Dempster, Product Marketing Telephone +33 (0)5 61 93 39 29, Telex AIRBU 530526F, Telefax +33 (0)5 61 93 27 67 Graphic design: Agnès Lacombe, Customer Services Marketing Photo-engraving: Passion Graphic, 60 boulevard Déodat de Séverac, 31027 Toulouse Cedex, France Printer: Escourbiac, 5 avenue Marcel Dassault, 31502 Toulouse Cedex, France This issue of FAST has been printed on paper produced without using chlorine, to reduce waste and help to conserve natural resources. 'Every little helps'. FAST may be read on Internet FAST / NUMBER 22 1 FAST 22/p1 ˆ p6 11/03/98 23:48 Page 2 are three as- Figure 1 pects to be HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Thereconsidered Hydraulic Leak Monitoring when looking for the causes of leaks: Airbus Data Base (FORDSREP) ● design, ● control of quality in production, Analysis ● maintenance. Extraction • Study Only the manufacturer can do some- TECH Preventing leaks LOG Airline/fleet thing about the first two items Leak events Leak • Tracking andAirbus Industrie is continually Data repeaters studying how repetitive defects can be Resident Customer Base • Effectiveness designed out of the system either by Representative Office of improvement changing the design, the supplier and New leak (SB) /or the production process (Figure 1). events *ARCS Coding *ARCS: Airbus Representative events DESIGN Communication System Information flow: about 2000 events in 1997 (all A/C types) Part of the designer’s work is to make the maintenance interventions, sched- uled and unscheduled, as infrequent as ticularly seals, which has led to rein- possible, and the maintenance practices forced audits at vendors and informa- Jérome Quenescourt as simple as possible. The Technical tion being transmitted to the operators Hydraulic Systems Engineer Design Directives for the hydraulic sys- through the Service Information Letter Eng. & Technical Support tem, written originally for the A300, are (SIL 29-064). Airbus Industrie largely still applicable, however there Customer Services Directorate have been some changes such as the MAINTENANCE greater use of titanium piping which is In an earlier lighter than stainless steel and less Maintenance can be divided into two prone to pin-hole corrosion; the gener- groups - preventive and corrective. article alised use of flareless fittings; installa- "Hydraulic system tion of built-in Hydraulic System Preventive maintenance Monitoring Units and the qualification - Working of new fluids and methods of repairing In the Maintenance Planning Docu- practices" (FAST pipes. ments (MPD) there are scheduled tasks N°13), some Further work is being done to en- which are defined to ensure hydraulic hance the built-in test and monitoring system integrity and avoid leaks. These fundamental capabilities of the system allowing eas- tasks are found in the Zonal Inspection working practices ier and more accurate maintenance in- Programme under System checks (typi- terventions as early as possible in the cal defects are shown in Figures 2 to 6). were detailed, degradation sequence. aimed to reduce Zonal inspection programme the number of QUALITY IN PRODUCTION The zonal programme asks for visual inspection of various aircraft systems leaks. Since then, Computer aided design and manufac- including the hydraulic system, at vari- a dedicated turing of pipes have greatly improved ous locations (wheel well bay, under the quality of the installation of pipe floor, engine pylons, wing trailing edge monitoring runs particularly in areas having many etc). It is during the visual inspections programme has pipes with multiple bends in close that anomalies can be identified and proximity. The improved installation corrected, such as: been launched and allied with: ● presence of seepage (Figure 2) working groups ● respect of torque values and proper ● loose or missing ties, spacers or formed to further tightening methods, clamp blocks, (Figures 3, 4, 6) ● stress free installation, ● damaged pipe-lines minimise the ● seal installation with lubricants ● loose connections occurrence ● use of dedicated tools, ● line chafing (Figure 6 and 7). all lead to trouble free installations. of leaks. The Airbus Industrie Process System checks The purpose of Specification (AIPS) sets the standards Some system checks are fundamental this article is to for production and installation of the to ensure the system integrity and to hydraulic systems for all the Airbus prevent future damage. For instance, provide guidelines aircraft. regular hydraulic fluid sampling to al- for maintenance One area where manufacturer and low the operator to maintain the fluid operator have to be particularly vigilant quality within given limits (acidity personnel to is in the inadvertent acquisition of "bo- level, chlorine and water content) and reduce the gus" parts that do not always conform therefore avoid component erosion or with basic quality standards. Hydraulic corrosion. Moreover, as soon as com- frequency of leaks systems have been known to suffer ponents become eroded, internal leak- even further. from the installation of these parts, par- age rates increase, fluid is laminated, 2 FAST / NUMBER 22 FAST / NUMBER 22 3 FAST 22/p1 ˆ p6 11/03/98 23:48 Page 2 are three as- Figure 1 pects to be HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Thereconsidered Hydraulic Leak Monitoring when looking for the causes of leaks: Airbus Data Base (FORDSREP) ● design, ● control of quality in production, Analysis ● maintenance. Extraction • Study Only the manufacturer can do some- TECH Preventing leaks LOG Airline/fleet thing about the first two items Leak events Leak • Tracking andAirbus Industrie is continually Data repeaters studying how repetitive defects can be Resident Customer Base • Effectiveness designed out of the system either by Representative Office of improvement changing the design, the supplier and New leak (SB) /or the production process (Figure 1). events *ARCS Coding *ARCS: Airbus Representative events DESIGN Communication System Information flow: about 2000 events in 1997 (all A/C types) Part of the designer’s work is to make the maintenance interventions, sched- uled and unscheduled, as infrequent as ticularly seals, which has led to rein- possible, and the maintenance practices forced audits at vendors and informa- Jérome Quenescourt as simple as possible. The Technical tion being transmitted to the operators Hydraulic Systems Engineer Design Directives for the hydraulic sys- through the Service Information Letter Eng. & Technical Support tem, written originally for the A300, are (SIL 29-064). Airbus Industrie largely still applicable, however there Customer Services Directorate have been some changes such as the MAINTENANCE greater use of titanium piping which is In an earlier lighter than stainless steel and less Maintenance can be divided into two prone to pin-hole corrosion; the gener- groups - preventive and corrective. article alised use of flareless fittings; installa- "Hydraulic system tion of built-in Hydraulic System Preventive maintenance Monitoring Units and the qualification - Working of new fluids and methods of repairing In the Maintenance Planning Docu- practices" (FAST pipes. ments (MPD) there are scheduled tasks N°13), some Further work is being done to en- which are defined to ensure hydraulic hance the built-in test and monitoring system integrity and avoid leaks. These fundamental capabilities of the system allowing eas- tasks are found in the Zonal Inspection working practices ier and more accurate maintenance in- Programme under System checks (typi- terventions as early as possible in the cal defects are shown in Figures 2 to 6). were detailed, degradation sequence. aimed to reduce Zonal inspection programme the number of QUALITY IN PRODUCTION The zonal programme asks for visual inspection of various aircraft systems leaks. Since then, Computer aided design and manufac- including the hydraulic system, at vari- a dedicated turing of pipes have greatly improved ous locations (wheel well bay, under the quality of the installation of pipe floor, engine pylons, wing trailing edge monitoring runs particularly in areas having many etc). It is during the visual inspections
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