
Withheld under statutory authority of the C01197700 TOP SECRET Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (SO U.S.C., section 403g) I TSP SEGET W~IINING NOfiCf-JNUWG!NCI SOUllCES 0\t MITHOOS INVOlVED NOT IUlEASABlf TO fOIIEIGN NATIONAlsl I THIS DOCUMENT MAY ~OT BE REPRODUCED

24 July 1989

MEMORANDUM rOR: Director of Central Intelligence

SUBJECT USSR GENERAL STiiFF 1\CJiDF.HY LESSON: Strategic Rocket F::~1'ces ~nd Air Defense Forces

1. The enclosed 1ntelligence Informacion Special Report is pare of a series now in preparation, classified TOP SECRE1', prepared in 1985 for use in the .------\.'oro.shilov General Staff Academy. · 25Xl, E,0.1~526

rJ ~ . L · !chard F. Stolz ======~/ . Deputy Director far Operations

TS 11898445 Copy IJ..1_


Withheld under statutory authority of the P<~. ge i .of 17 Pages Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g)



TOP S!!Citll!'l'


Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g)


The Director of Intelligence and Research Department of State The Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

The Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Intelligence . Department of the At•my

Dir-ector of .Navc:d lnteHJ.genee Department or' the N'avy

1'he Assistant Chief ot' Staff, Intelligence lJ. S. Air Force Uirector, National Security Agency

Deputy liit"ector of Central ini:e1l igei1Ce Uepu t y Director for Jntell.igence Director of Soviet Analysis

Direct•.:r of Sci enc.ifh: and Weapons Research

Page ? of 17 Pages TS #898445 Copy· '+­

. •j TOP SECRET '!·l .

TOP SECRET C01197700 TOP SECRET ·rew sceiU!'B'

WA!tNIN•G lllOfiCE-IHTfUI(i~·,IENCf~:_:SO~UI!~C


Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 17 Pages Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 - U.S.C., section 403g)


DATE OF DATE 24 July 1989 1985 'I INFO. .I SUB~ECT ·------·------­ ·! USSR GENERAL STAFF ACADEMY LESSOM: 'I and Air Defense Forces

------.._.... ._...___ ,____ ...... - -"'-···- -· .. -····- ·-.....--..··------" I ~URCE Documentary . i

SUIIIIIary: 'I The following report is a cranslation from Russian of the text of a lecture given at the Voroshilov Gener.::tl Staff f• ~aderny in 1985. The topic of the lecture is the Strategic P.ccket f·or~es and Air Defense F·orces. The text is not in very : < good condition, but thet·e is a 11istoriea1 introduction followed by a discussion of each branch: 1 t.s mission , organi.za t.lon, and some very sketchy information on strength and. typee. of a rrr• am ett ~. • End of Summary ..------tE:~ I 25Xl, E.0.13526 I ., ~:

This report is an amended version ot ~ document previously issued as ....J lund~r the: title.• "II!.>SR General Staff Academy Lesson: Soviet . :~ . J ' 1 Strategic Hacke ~ ro ;~ces. :: i\daitlonal material recovered includes the introduction and ileginnf.r•g of' t.. hr;. h i ,:.: ·.·: or· i. e:;d. w c; kg :c · o ~.md, a section on the Soviet Air Defense f\:•t·ces 1

/ [Withheld under statutory authority of the TS 0898445 ;central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 Copy IJ..J.._ !U.S.C., section 403g)



, WAIINIHG NOT1C~-INTEWGENCE SOUilC!lS 0!! MijTHODS IN\10!\IfD NOT IIWASABU TO FOREIGN NATIONALS A ~~------~ Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 4 of 17 Pages


The .!•!j tjr.ct. of t.i.1L'1 .~ . P.ettir·~ :ls til•J p< ;q~> o.s : G;, nrg.,.rdzat..ion,. D.nd armaments of the Strat ·~giw :l.:d:at f>or;·cez: u.t'lci 'cr,e i!lr· D.ti.onal .structure of the Air i··! Defense Forces. l, 'i Gu1dect by the prtnclp.l.e 0f coordinated [two Hords illegibleJ dynamic ...... development ~:three words illegf.ble 1 development and organizat.ional principles of , the during the postwar years, our Armed F'orces were ,. , increased by t!o'o armed forces branches: the Strategic Rocket Forces and t.he Air Defense .Force::~. WE'I [e,nded the war) wJ.UJ t.he tradi.tit•naJ. three branches of armed force.s, in 1454 the fU.r Oei.'ense Force.s were established as an irT.dependent branch, tha.t is, a conuttancier.~in-chief of the AiJ' Defense Forces was appointed. And in Deceo,ber 1959 the Strategic Rocket F'orces were established, which was officially announced at a se~sion of Uw 0u~reme Soviet in 'l960. Both the Strategic ·Hocket Forces and the Air Defen.se .For-ces underwent considerable development ciurins thb' :,;t:r- iucl, in t~.: : n ! :I uf bo \;h q1.1alHy and quantity. 1'he Strat.egic Hocket Forces underwent especi:1lly intensive development as the principle comvoner,r, .:1f the 10:t.r·ategic t:,uc).<33X' fot·ces, As the late IJ.stinov noted at the C:vth Cor\~! 'ot .\Js wb·S:ll be wa.s Peopl~' s Ge>nHtti.ssat· for Ar-1oaments, this branch . i had all th·e ll.a\:.e!:t ] achievE•msnts of sci.€'11GE: c:>.nd technology: nuclear physics, [three wo.l'·:ls i.UE!gible] , mati'lt:

[Line i .J.legti:\ Le) n ;vo i.ui'.l.on.a.ry char;€_':·S.S in ;niJitary affairs, the factors which de!;erminec1 Lh< ~ Sf: ch.:m~_;Bs ~-rr;tre st;rxl l<:d, in mJ.lit.ary affairs as a. whole and [as] [~ororcl iJlegl.blel ; [among them ] r..:.s int.rod\rr:r.f.e>n .into s ~1 f'ti c:. ::. 'fhe ver·y fact of the crea.tion of nucleat' mi..~.r. Li.es liad not yet. (ciiccated organizational] changes, but when in the late 'i950s nuclear miss:Ues began to be put into ser·vice at an intensive rate in all branche~• ·:)i' r.he armed f(>r· e: e.s, it; h-!'! C8 me nea .:e~; sary t.o make changes in the organ5.r;aJ. l. c•nc.J )iri.nciples c·r to est8.bl. ~ ..sh no1 ones , and t.here began to be talk of revolui.icmc:r1' ch<1ng!:s i n mi. ltt. :.~r .v a.rr,·d.n [ J.ine :Jleg.f.oi e} .. " . t.ha l·. in our· count.t'.V mi: • ~·. 1l . e .3 an( nue.l ':•Eli' we a p o :~s ! r i tl.all.'! rievt:J.ope

TSP U:C?:f.Y C01197700 TOF SECRET i'QP f:ii::Eftt.f

Vil\lll41~fG fl'tl)"ft~~-iNTl>WGiENC..:' $i:i!J~C.::; Ofl fJl~Y.IlOOS INVOI.Ifi:O N

lines. In the histor ieal literature, \~ . :;p~ ·..:'LJ.l .. y the foreign historical 11teraturr3, assertions can be found such as those to the effect that we copied the rnissi.les, 1ve bor't'owecl them, s.;e go·~ :: ; ~.:!1.1 1 from the Germans ••••

••• began to work intensively with missiles right after the Great Patriotic War, end i.f:l 19ti6 ·"- COII'IIll.tt.te'?. uas formr:d under the late USTINOV to visit. Germany. All that was left [illegible] of' airnl"aft and missiles and blueprints , since all ot the specialists had been taken off to Amedca '.md.er von Braun, and a.ll that we had was [illegible). l':s early as October 1947 a range had been built and our

first rocket 1 the R-1, wa.s launched from t.h.ere. This rocket, of course, differed in ties:l.g,n andl. ntHi.tary prop~t'tir;; s from. the series of prototypes as well as tbe [ii.legj[b.J.e1 and liuJ.cc:m 1<1hich th<=-' f.~<:;l'ili<.'lllS i1a.d had. Sl.nce 1947-1948, we are no1"' 1.n. t.he fifth gener'ation ot' ha:>Li.;:: Vi.c mtssnes wJ.t.l'l. whicb the Strategic Rocket Forc:es have been equ:LppE!d,

Although the exper.J.enne tM\$ been t;r13.t t-,b.e deveJQpment period of a single ; i missile system is around 15 years, w~ !1ave h~ . d thi.s cycle (somewhat] shortened tor well-ln~as intensively invcJ. vee i !'I t. h.L::: .~= · r.: r ti l€' m. we bega n ci r: ~ ' lf< ir )p fa<~( \ t efr'>.•f.''tS. 'J.' !;e ltmeric:;:ns I after employir.41_1 twc. ,,._ t.<;.ilrf.r.\ b<:>mb,,. i.n lh.lgp :::t · r t,; L' ~j, : . is.~ : l ,;;n~d t.hat. H wotlld t.ake· ! ~S ~:5-·30 year~ to dev r~ic:p l:!i.J•!l.:.•:t. ~' ::•(<~ . ,:~ ems. i:t ;.;;;; ;f. 1t•·1own as 8ar

vehicle 1 .1 .- ~::tdinfr; k· t.'ne ·.:G·:! ·:O:'..Ll~1 ion the.t an ai rp~La.ne :,.;;s not: e ft\::cUv•: a.s the delive:r·y Vf:r'11 c l ':' f.~it" nur~J.,~ 8\.::" w,::apone. t• t; C a '.\~·' " of i ~s ·~ u lne r·at•ility a.nd its depenc1·::l'icf; on c'.i i'ferent. fii.•) t.o:N:. The r ;;j e-re '"-'' f •>r t.s ~ret~e und.et'taJcen to use rockElf.-5 ;;,:5 dt::'i l. '! .:,

~, s a.:H· :i. y <'!::' i 9~/j tht:: t'J.r:.'>t. t.,,,st.s ;,,s ~·~;: r.'o:id uctsi.1. .:~ ~o1as ::~ut into sr:r·.rt ce and it bega.r• · ~c· t e ~-;;i. rj ai't:,,1;. d ·.. ll~; t.i: i& '<, ri <1 t, r,c,;, <.<::q.; !.t:?.r:i .o\ ·; 1 -2 ::~ nu~lr;a.r- mis::>i.le ,;,y.stem combi.ni\1E t lw po w~!' · ::li' m.' t.'.J .~ , ar ,.,~;,r, p c;n s •,;:i t;;, f. h .-~ g rea. c flight. r ange; :;>f the missUe. 5incEl t.t,.-iln ;. <:v.> \".h•:: ?i.ft.h gpiGe of what we .s ay, SIILT- ·,, SAL'f-2, dfsar·rnament , i t is .·1;1 'natur·.!!1 : t.ii'1 ,::e ;·. n~, m 1:;.L i. r. y r) )' C: Uf' fL1r r·.;, \.101 'dS \. .l l 2gi. b"te l t.h .i.s t.ype o f armament at the neG<,. : : ~.; ;ry ).<:w:'i.

TS #898445 Gopy II __ _ ;·

-ff)P !:J[:l~f"!ET ------­ C01197700

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 u·.s.c., section 403g) Page 6 of 17 Pages

What di.rect.i on is devE'.lopn1enr. of t!'!is br·anch of the ar·med forces taking at the present. t :l.me? Fi.l'St, .i.mprov.:.,1.:c.:nt cJ. launch,~rs, sl.los, (ill .;~ glble] .systems with single la.unch.. 1 ' :1'~ .'\ 'Z '!•:!l · ~·: a.n tT·:c'J"",)c··;~ .. t": <: c'ckoni.nL..- and battleworthiness, these [ 11::. \lC! ''] ·:: ] $:f~ ; ~: . ; :;;,; .: " ~"~~~ · ~· m:e !1[·: !: •· ~.i_ ;· •;·:'c :i.r:f<:r·r.c.r ,. !F:.t 'i. n some ways they ~ur~::.. .:;: ...:. tllru . :'. i~~·:.: ! · icJ.r. ,.~ J ,J . ! l~~r·tJ~u : ~;~;

Second clirecU.on: P.d.1ievement of a high level of automatio'1 of control of troops and weapons , rn th.is area the St.rat:.egic Rocket Forces [tNSN] can in truth be said co occupy a first p-osltf.on. The familiar troop a.nd wea~0.ns control sy11tem [illegible1 :Ls the most~ .soph l sticated and makes H. possible to implement a launch of any l'lissile fron1 any launcher from a centr'al command post and even (illegible] fro1u an airborne com~tand post.• ..... - I 'l'hil"d dlr~ctJon~ Jlu .U..ct..•.n~ of h i:~hJ. y '?.OO:!.l e rnissll''l systems with self­ /·' propa11ed l;wuchers, ~ fi r'ouri::h od.ir.e<:i;i of strai;egic employment of t.ne armed rorces. What are the new for•Jrts ti1ai:. a p rei'l. r ~ r.l ? wii;i1 tt1e econd forn1 is tae si;rategic I , operation ~o 'cepel an enemy a~!'O.-.>pa .:: <:1 ~ :'.(j:tl,-:J, Th:~ :':'il•:1t t:wo fcw r,,~ are cL'ls~ ·

Strategic aueleal· fo.•ct~s as a whole and Strategic Rocket Forces are employed in a<:Gcr•:lar. ;; . :~ HJ.I)l Clrdei:' ,] of thr. surwene !1i1ih Command to perfopm the mo st lmpcr i; a.n t.~ s i;i'3i:•:·g5.c mL~:> i.m1 :; :l n ai..l t;h;J ai;erJ of rJJ.itl;arf oper·aUon.s and a.ll geog'i'a.phi ;~ r <~ g\on.;;. iie .'o1m.- i:. nR ::. und.e:' i:he new f. 5_ii~gible ·l \;her;; are 'Ill theat,;::rs ;J.ncr it ~etJ .~l"'lpl'li :: r·.~gic n.R. :)!: ra::O P.g i. r ~ n.,.,::tear f lr! 1.-.~· r.ar<'

'1\ v; t'o.\.< ;:;c±' i;.i1is bl'a ,,,;:() ;:1{ t.b:;! a. rcrmci fn ·r:::<~s, ~-~1 : "! ;:)tr,lte;r:\c Rocl

F.\c;:·.t. of all , t lK c•l-' i "~·, ,-:-. :;~· . The Scratel)iC Rocket Forces are intended for ,I carrying out th~ nastr. sr.rat.egic missions 0f a future war .in cooperation with other si:.rats·:-~i.e n : . c,· L!!.i re0€11 dP. n t ly . 1'1'!•., s~~ra.to::gic <11JC1 •2ar forces TS #898445 Copy Hf-­ :.! C01197700 Tc·:J sr.:cnt:T

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 7 of 17 Pages

include, in addit-ion to i~h~~ :St.rateg.i.(': "'::<0i•".!t ?oi' CEJs 1• the naval strategic nuclear forces and aie strategic '"' ' -'~lear for·ce.s , i.e., long-range aviation and ground­ launched ccu13e missiles.

Note ~) 1 :t ~ r.;~ ~ .!l ': . ,v• ::tl~.\·· ;·; l ·:: trmllf.:ll \',:y·• l';.rr'y.l.Z'Jj; . :11~; 1}::~ <1:i.:·;,.:k-t:: s not simply ).· in a fut~.::;;. :·:a:·, tut '" r:.l lc: .~s::;.J· 1·.-u:, i::c:cs.t•.~ . ;; 1t };;; ~."{ui;.:p~:c ;dtL m:(!lear ~o~eapons. Although the for1ner Cl1ief o.f' the Gene:ral Staff OGARKOV, in his most recent ,I. article, has said th:"t sine<~ the:re is a gr-oHlng pos.sibility nor: r>.f 3. prolonged ~o~ar, a war 1dtil convant.f.onal ··ileapons, it rni~:ht be advisable to r·aise the quest ion of (!quipping t••JckGt troops !\l":i.t\1 pof:er.ful conventional 1•eapcn.s. But this presents dHficul"l;ies. for now , u~~s nrancn does net l1ave them; but, on the ether hand, it is an interesting sl.tuaticn. I once participated in writing of the colli:bat ro<>r,v. laU.on;;~ of \".hi!' bcan t~\1, · .::•.nd a pa.rt1~ular•J.y compl.ic.ated cjtle!f'cion cante u[): At Hhat point ar e tb(;5f) l:.l~o<;p:; consHiered tCl be fighting'! This ts not a.n ia:Je ~t•..z:3t.1.o•'! sincr-; U _i ,:; C", legal i.ssue. ·fhere is a war going on all around; they are caK'ry Jng out launct'les. Ar•e the personnel involved in war or not? T1~ fad;, u·•.e :dt, U &\.ldl. t

Just wb~.t m.L:.sior,;:; !•t'!..i.i t.he .:;tr·ategie f\~<:keL Fot·0e:;; i'1ave't' Fi.r-st of all, destz-uctior1 of '~eun:> or nuc ). eat· at~ack, p~ ' il'ICij:iaJ.ly stN.-\t.egic mean:;.. 'f.:lrgets of thi:> r.!i.:s::sion at·e strat.e!~:Lc Uts, the launch sites . . ! them.seives ~ nuclElar- ~o~~pcn.:> depot.$, subtTling point.s (although t.l}e . 1 -,· 1 St.ra\:(3 ~.\c fC;~aim:~ ?·)t' i)es a:r, 1;.1<;; "'lni(; i· 1~ l'l<1 t) c ~ ?? l;ct:.-;:wi :;.; :lti? (twr.d , ille~:l.ble]( il.r.J..Au.-1Y SUCllt<:.t· U !.C;;:, :t ::\ ;';.C•!I <:E'€ .3 ·~I .e tJ ,.: Ui:E:C1{1) :· ilil .lV( !>~:if l~ii'<~J';)i.t at :nrf.i~J.:l.S.

Ji. fa~liliar: t.r-udtL'. r ~,, \itii.ch CHlef!;i~: ~ ..:d , cle~crHJes the balance oC strategic .. ··r ~ nuclear- f6~ ~~t~t:L. r,_J.~ the .:j.cd r:t at~r~ C;J!tpi I r::d tn i. t .. ., i ;,I :if '-''e ::.pc~a;;. c:;;L ~ out ~. :tl"&r=' :', r:la.i•!ag;e, U:..~ s Li·;-..i;eg:lc n':H:.lea :.~ force .~; of our prob:t. bit~ Op:;Jo!':ic;nl; ma:; iJSE: .1 ~,hnusand ilucl•::aO"' wm·he<1d.1 HI. tl:'l a totaJ. y :i. eJ.d <:Jf 12,000 me.gnton:o: [r;j;;: t>.pf;."3r war.hea.ci.> ~nd the tota.!. yJeld i :; r ~onsi.dere\i r..o t:~; 8.5:)0 IT ~e tall; ab;-; v!: pad t:r. ""'

'fr,r.; nel( \:. ,,,l.;.si.ot'. ::<..'> :;i:meil tu t.he r-oc: l< :;:l:. t<·c:op~ , .i~\ tc bit t.h3 rn.ain e nemy ·;_.,, troop grc•up t ngs L1 l lver·:,.;. WO k ill~ u·-. ,~ l~;· ; ~€St opera.l:Jonii~.u \·,c;:.(:tl. c;;;l mJ.;-.si .1e, the R·-900, H"hlch '\ (word ille ~ibie] tr0ors used to have, ha~ a ran~e oi ~00 km. [Several lines 1 : illeg!6le. j Lhat is, such groupings Rre pri~Rrl!y !trategic and operational i ,TS #898445 Co py II C01197700 To;· GECRET mF sm~·! · r

WAIINI!Aiw 1\'VY~~---13\lT!Qil~l::W::y ~Oi / J:Cf-5 iJA ,\U7M~ t'nr.ri t'!IHlASAkl'.l.' TO'rmt~t;:~ l\iA!i:IN ~.t~

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) ?age 8 of 17 Pages

reserves .in assembly are<':S, assal.' lt } ::i nd~ n g fo J · ~ · ~s in areas near embarkation sites [ ilJ.E"~ gl b.J.t~ 1 groupings ·wh ich cannot b-9 NJaehe d by front means .

Ne>~t l s di·'·~~l. e:.x, ;.;!cl:<:i"; s•a,;;,;;;.> anu ur>.:>c-a.t..s Amer i can presidents and Cl!()t~ l:; es b i:bel'll, 1e il:t\o'm to h;:we amen¥ :!.i:-:s mai;erja:l asse(;s 146 f?.de

'i'i. ~ e co •, :i:IC·~ > itiorl of ti1::' Str' f'l l: cgi•: fio ,~:c;~t Fm·cr::s e: :rJtsl.stl.; , ~$ you lP.M·ned in another 1 -e ot.tll"f.,. nf [ H1ii~,.i~ • l c ~: l·,n:.cp*i ,, rJf' il n~. e r' 1 - io'rJl'.ai m :is.:-~i l e fence.'>, mediu4l.. ·t'"a ng~; ~ !iti:.st~\~..:.;: fo ~" c.·:~~ ·; · .:...:~~ Jee;.i c:.l L:-oo t .~.~~, ~.. r ~ d r · l.~c..r ~~ifH··v:i. t~. ('.S u.n it,o:: and. facLi.itir..t-., nwr·r:' are al.S!.' m\. .\ :U;ar·y .~ ·:-':wilL> c:r1 , al i.·,rwugh, ·i 'iC:d<>.nt&J.. :L !f , i;t _, ,;e r·s at'•: no ::;er:cmci:• r·y m:l. l H•l.r'y ~<:/::.•ols •' .\ U:- ~;, br.·ar.:;_rr t;:.1r> onl y .hig h;~l· .. lE?iJ <& )..::dvFJ1r:.

Tl'le iot. e!:"e () ntin~ntal r:~ i.O.f at·e .in tftld8d .fo r ~1 .i.tting .s tr -s. t.•~t~ic targE,ts .l.n t·•>-m c-':. .3 l;err H ·Y··ies '!.nd g e.:•i !,rapili r~ r =·g .i.orr5 ar-.d deep in r.on':i.nental and sea tt!.•;-2):.er:o: <.H' .ni.itar:.• :J ~' ';>' '3tio n~ . . 't'h:;t. -is , par!:. c f t.be groupi.ng or Strategic Rock;:-,t. -~·orees i s t.o ca1 ·rv- out missions ~~· ;:-~: m ob:\ t.~rr itories ana geographic regions. And anol.;har part. , the med i.um --rcnge mi ssile forces, is to hit strategic targ~;· i~ ~ [c •. ::. 1 'yE\ i r~.y 1 orl:1

't N.; tr, i. - : r•~l' ~· lt- .iil enta :! . m i:>s )_·, ~ :f'.:::r·c<· ~,; h;:.v'= ~'- tr : ( LE: · -~·nc ;nJ.~.si.J.?. -"lt · ~~. The syst~ · f!ls a r i~ J ~ Jc~~ J . r. F:'~ t.r> ,:, J::... r-:Gri ~i . l. o. :~ .~.fli:'! .i .J abon.t t1·G m ~t2r s c!~~~P . wit.h a. cushJc·neo -:-:r.: p: '< l! !1?. s uspE•>!·~·?.d l ,-, it.. '1ld. .r.: 2n.~u re t' ti1e- !JO!;:-.;:i.b 1i1 t. y or .laur•.::h ing

TS fJ898445 Copy I!

'\!()f ~ - 11\. (~1 :; 1 C01197700 TC P :~:[CRFT

~ t'tf' !!iCCet!!l

. '.lltlRNWIGI t~u nc;p, .-:NTI?~,~~ I-t:i! sm.•w::ES r.W MEJ'Iti}(l$, '' N'..J'i Mfi.g$>.fi6Ji ·;o ~O;'lf.lii~:.{ nvrrmAI$

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 9 of 17 Pages

even after a direct hit. The contrc l po~ t i~ ~lso 40-meter 12-story silo with a 24-day lifa.-support syst~;n ., (Sevet"a1 1inHs LU.. eg1bl e.]

The medi.um-·X'a\~·ro -,; s:·~!.~ <· f::·r<;f:1' r:·r-: r:Jn1.:-::)''.1 ;~ '.': r' ·•;\-Jcue--ground silo launcher's ,! Jf t ;·t :: j' at ' ·· ~ : · .'~. :. 1~ . ! : . ~· :?..';\:~ .. ·.~ ·:;r~ ..· i~. ·1r·ct r~~~~ r ~· · ~i 'E:;_r;~~ ~~( 1 . \~p:~ ~ti\~JY in Europe and being .'G~ .:. ...wed by [ L:•.-gLJlL j; L!':<•Ji a.:"" ~2-:m:J",:)·:; l'z':)~ ' thr;; ::; ,";.·t·,_;; unding structunl i n launch posiUon , Ar:d pr·og•·essille t~ends i n this branch arm are the self-propelled missile launcr1ers, the so-calle.d PI'OHER (Pioneer] or SS-20, which is often menti.oned in thn open pr•ess, a

SjOecial tr(;ops in the 'or-anci'l U :t'!< n~·J:l<;;t::.! ' teci'i.-dcal troops, involved in suppol:'l':, p~·oepr:u•ati.on, stot'o'-g·e, and ma J ntcMnc1~ of nl)clear weapons . Missile tectmtca:i. !'.3" ouos ar•e tn ~ t.r'l::>vo:s -.:·i'iu <1'.'.1 ru::, \. i\t!:d,ar•e"' •Krd~. Ji uilss.l.lc a;av stand ten year.s :.:o.t. [J.JH: ~iol~ :i. u; is ft.l·e l eo :, c:n fr-01n a launener ~ ( i ll.egible] dupli.cates a ce.rtain ntl lttb(~r'. After tn.i. s [ :Ulegib.l.e j \::en yt::ar·s and the z·ucket is changed; ., that i:., ;". t :~ s f u~~ l.r;, d a,~aln; .and: from t.t~~~"1~~ [ f.J.~~. (?gi.hle] .

1'l te fit··st. l"Oc.:k·;ets 11erG a.i..cohoL ';.'n!:'.!J they rwn t t. <' nitruus oxide , and pure oxyge1 ~. ,!,t i.t ~~· ~ pre::;en {·. UJi)t; a.J.i. C<:: '"e•' j 11.q: dci ~,,jJ;r ; l;he: ;,:r;cr~ pti on [ ot' .:;elf­ ... propa.t. J.~!~I la . L~ .~ . !c.her·t; ..t]; ~:na:, ~:_, ~ · - ~:~ ::;ol.Jd .·:\ H~-:.1.~ tJ·;t~· t"'~"'!l _}'' r1n!2D s1 tLh nolid k\·~ e1. .. '· ( IlJ.t;~:d1 i.e J '1(: \'iOd: ad r.t . l ':i\1 ~. [U I~:~ . 'lie sj_~; ;1iy o~(l'.l) d O'.'i t pr•) 6! L1C('! OCII.f·:l€:1':3. J:t was not. t!.1e pr; , ,~ c; ;,r· ··- ~-~~~~.) r,\,.,lJ :.nr; eJ. t.i ;:~r· Lw l .l.n~.a k e ;mu).O not. IH• ,-':i: Or' :C.'nEl poHder ;,<(<~Jl.ci burn ( i.l.le_!;lb}.e j . -,:,·,e ~:e.i.f-p~·~~t:W• }.l. ?a la:1 ne b~f' ;'' ·1; 0w k .i 'lH fui.\.y ad~G\.\ :O~t.·~ (SO.l. id-fuel] sysi:.

Hf.iciJ.ot;.,: c:hi)!.•~:d (HFJl) ~ ..:·o r:,or. are a (it:LJm·i;r,rerrt Oi· r· ac. mu· a wh ol e c1;:rectorate of aU iwa:l · ~i1£~'> . iind i ntndrnical. t r·oo ps :ln gf:nel.'al I J:llegible]; but in this branch, these ~~pecial tl ' uop.~ ma J. n:Ly pt;t• .; 'm·m t;he fu11ction of organizing r·adio compa.U.bi l.Lty c,' o pe;:-aU o n nr ne

t.njl .i.ne;:;· lr:~ ·:;u~;. Sow'! h.cu.ld bG :ii'J r-emote areas .:me\ a l ~,·;mr:te sH.H;;. Idle'! U11:o:' FHr'; •'c1m(icd, pH·Ucu:tai'lY L l Dus.t,anbe, [illl~ : ?ibl'.:j anr! .!n t he ~' i · • ·· i ·tn\~ .'!~~ : ~ 1< . :)1 ; \~ i n t hi! r.aJ.~a. 'i·he premisa 1-!C\5 t.i) co~cE i;:t tl ~ •2M , t ·.~ . , b~.;r~· i:iJe!r· ..~ec·r·et .. 81.J t !;h;; n \ ~11 e;) ;;i t..t ng tH' I.~a 21 ·\H?. t.'e

T:3 11898445 Cc•py IJ-f­

~ .. C01197700

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 10 of 17 Pages

cons truct•~d ln E:Hrope Sind Uwy wt;rr: cor;:J l ' '~ t:. n; ~ !'!<~ 1.!" ·:)Wn ex ereises, th~~y were photographt~d [:!.UegiblH ] and it could all be seen likE: the palm of one's hand.

Special :wiaU~m. Frsl'. ::tl''"J' r•:;:., a :; -:-w.>·j t,".in :~f' I w~rd Uleg:Lble). The function c,. f ivn:·~. 1l.t'?.('t.'.r: :.1 <:·:dat{rn ;·; t:~ hc-. ;·:1 '. \~ro::;l';-~1. ·2 1 ;· :'-.::.r~. duty peraonne~ :..::· ,·-:,:wi:.;urvEy? J ns n ~r [ i.Heg-Jhle ] places for monH.oring. aim1.ng, ana geC'ci.ecie suppol"L

!.11e S!:rat.eg.i.r. Rocke!~ F<'Wees ar1"! orgcni.ya :! --· we~' pLHJ.s prccur·E,men t. directorete~ . main ~echn1nal director?te , i iliegi hl8} ~entral di~ec~or&tes, ( 1i.leg1.ble J. ~·te line e1.>&Fttent. [ \'Oyakovuye formirovanlyE: J or operatJonal formation [operativnoye c,bnyedineniye] Ls considered to be the missile army. . ·•' The MissUe army is meant for ca,rrying out m. .t ssions on one or seve•:al ·~ruc.ial aerial a:Hl.S by conduct.lng U;.;, initial and subst!quetlL mis.":ile launches in keeping with the Strate~ic Roct: ;J.·c~~~;. t~5 '~ ~ . r·ruy condt~t:·. ts I operations. Here to9 tbe a.t''Tc1!f perfo:rmf,; :'. t.~ mission by conducting combat v,, acti.cwl~J. 'fhts L'!·· a ne~t f -:J{·f:i! n~:;t ?' ~: r~ . t L i .Y , _i. fJ '5t: ~ t 1 ~.:;t o o(. .s:.in.c.s- in g:,;ne ~:~al p(;.r-lance figbl;..i .n(!; ~~ ~ = ~,e : < r '. 'C•1t duct.i r,~ ' tYn.t·, e;. t. :.;..<.:: i:..i. c• r.~ ., <: · ~d: t.rd..:: fr.1 r rn L ; or~;ani . z. s l t..r•. '.'. p::.1· l·.' :i U:; ;:, n c;:>m'a.Li. or: . Tb1·~. for m is 'i intt' ). ; ~~ic !:(> t.b•:: f,tt·aLegic: i-~,: •.: k<::t rc-:tces, the 1\ir• Fon:8s, arid Air- Defense. ~ i 'l.'her·e is a:.sc> \;be for·r., oi sy::>tema.t.ie; combat· a.cti.ons, which we shaJ.l discus~ when i! we look 21 t [ i.:li

So f::•.t t.h€; .~8 r'o.-c.es ~·; :"" '" ex;_ ~.\;r:: r:i fJt' 2: year!>; t. h.:·y -':l .re t.h e onjy b,..anch of the ·3.rmen <;,':' .: thai:; an opet·::n.. loo c-r t.oe :::,trategic Rocker. forces [iHe~Jbie} cr;lieet.ive r.hmC;,;], t;h <~ "fhde .system of i:.t·ai.niog i\•r this branch, ami l:.hr~ ss· ~\t.f :f< \ C'f.' op!'!t'r, rjon~; nf tr,<: &r'o!c0 (l forc. .s;.. f!t. t.hr: p rc : S<:~L. Ume U·, is is in U!f'! Pr· ~. n<,: ;, p.'.t• r> but 1rW~. : ~ .i.i.k a .Ly Hi.t.t\ e.:\ eye r;r) t:h ·P fui".t!r•"; r''·~' no~t it is on p3.f)E:r- : a r; .t~.s : r. : :E, ::m t. ::,r, -~c t.i• ; ,c E . <"< C i r· ~wdJns t.c r.hH p J..::w o f <'­ Stra .i A'·~· ::. c Rock•:' l ~ fr..r:c;f; :-; rpr:·ni.\on , k'i1'. ch i.s <1n ird:.ei;:r :d pan. o f" ::


TOP sr·cnr:T C01197700

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 11 of 17 Pages

[ Illegible) t he di f'.fi.cu l ty, rm r. ·v o ii; t; , ~r i ~ ?.n(: , is t hu. t. once there is an ;· ; operati on of .:stJ:·ategic nur:: l ear· fot"ces ancl onr.e J. t hit::: :Inr~ e gral pa.rts, t his means ~ :'i that:. all (,hese i nt eg1·3l. ~nn• t ;;; , 5Ll c :: ·:: .;.;::;· J o p'>r t•.i cipal:e , carry o u t some kind of form. Tha t i s , ~l"11 ~~~ ;? r' i! ·,t·:" i0 '.1 -~ 1 y r. o'1ion . [ IJ. l egf.ble. Possibly l ines mi ssing.] .•• consi:;; t s ot .s everal r·ef:iments, tm H .~ • , ;;nd surmnl.ts for support. [ The numb~w :· J of !~ e f!l ml'! nt .s i.o. a n? Jr.sile d ~ . v .i.s :l nn it':: [ most. va.rl.ed? ] . N early all missile c:; i.vi $ ~ nn:> have [ni i!e :i· } r€ ~gi m ( ;n t;;; ., eactJ i"eg 5.ment nas· ten l aunchers . ( lll.egl.t>i.o i command po$ t.. 11hicl1 c ~. n C<' f' '"Y o;

'J:"he bas i c co1:~ba t; unil; or l he r-ockt: t. f or(:e::;; l .s l.:.b ~ ru i. .s::~ile regh1ent , as well as t he RSD f medium-raflge mj,<,;sile] re~il'lent ~.nd the MKH [intercontinental missHe} regi men t.. 'rt1 ~1 MKH r eg:l.ment ls numer!ce.Hy about the same as a missile battall.on ; the number of personnel ru.s been greatly r ~duced thr•ougtJ aut-;:; IQa t lon of the con t rol syst ems .

The IP. i. ~sil.a regi ment i ~ : i ntended fm· perform.ing e.lert. ciut.y and preparing and I! conduct.in~ mi ssH e ).aurh~ h E!S . 'fbe maln C0.1;lbat Sl: bun H bt' !1XR f orces i.s tb.e • I r la. u~ ~h gr;:,up , 1'11€ · .laun ch W' ' '~ ~ a .s:.> i g! i:' ;::f: •J 8 J' a ]. r:•>m b.;d; c·t ' 13!-IS llbo a r·e e< l •.,ays on I duty l. n ~ i1 H 1'h.;- j:·•,r :mn.:;E?l o f ~h :l:; [!filll:P r:r<.>. ~· t.: il l'I:'IJ :1ut ;;~ J.a utw.!l •~ . lt l1er ( ~ t.s... I , remo t.:J y o r.- 1<:, ci E-! pn;;)(~E '~.: l y . ln t em.:; of fi '~ t.~ ~- l ' ta t ion :;:'J.. o br.a nc!h o f l;he m·med · for ces h ir. .Ll.r·s i~ p l.a .:: t ~ . ·n ; .::- ~~ 1 1o.le m L: : ~ I.l~; J.a.i.i i'l cl.'l. ; 3 y ~:; !:, E)n is !J.UJ.;o,lli:l te d and ;.q ••I·. provi ded J·rH .h r.·,; rr,ot e cor;I: '"L' 'l. and rram :! l:m·L·;; g. . .\ h.•t :~ yp~r. r 1:1 t;l ~ ·~· Ult3l'2 w en ~ :s :>Ji€ e-:•iJt.: ·;: ':.;.\erJtal t!en l·.ta.l c•J•Jtmand pos i; l:w nehes of ! . ' missi L~ s ~'l'...', t: h \. llle[!.:i bl e J. iic w t hePe i:.; 11. rn L ;,. 3.Ec;, t.:o.:li,':' d [i ll e g ib :t e ] l ~ hat. if !. . some~o.> h.c · r <:> cJo ~ •; the r. ' r~ i.:::· t• i ·;·i, ~~ c11l <:i t li i? c.o ;-;f;rc; :.. ~·. g :;t e n ~. .is disr u.rted i i:. takes off. Morern· , ~ r , H .k . J ~ e: l:t pro t ~ct-:!d [.l.llegib.le ], a.i1 d t. r. .~y ca.n. l a ;;nch f r-om l a urlchers ;I whose. contrc-l s ystem has been • Hsr u p t. · ~d . But t'l' : e~a arl:• s till st u di e ~.. j 'ih(: •x-. nma;:,·:i r. ;o .~ ·. t ). s i:'U.If i1lV 'iD ~ J il ff·om .:a.e:h i . a.un d·, r;; .~ · . 't'he ccmm.-.nd pos t is a ,i silo Jc~ s t. ~ i~ l;i.J ? a : uu.~. nc he :r l L.. ~ ~~ ~ ~ Ld: J~ ~~ ~- ~ :: ;:i G ~ t::..- ~ : : . ryr· y --= ~ iJi1tJr! a . nd p c:~ t , h"l!.8c :·:· t here ;! are t r-:' '..1 me .1 CH! clut.y .

[ Pa ra.graph i i. l e g:ibic .. 5

....! f I11 ~ p:l bJ 1'' ) v_:=. .S•'·lf'··:j r op e l l-~ c ' J :~ s i_:!.i),':. : ~ . r. r:i rJomb i na t.1. c•n l aunchers. ., r:'' un c- \·;er.:., ) The OS\1'-i c t,,;:GhnJ.•: C'J. n n!. ~ .l s th< t •=:.:;hn i c<>.J. mL::.-ciJ. ?. ba,_:;:.•. It i ::. U·'j t:' un it 1 ~l1 i. ch i nS't.~ l.ls t h€ : t r: : '.~ :..s -!. .1~ = : in :~o ~: ! : ' t ! ::.= Ll (' ~ {"P (~J. s _t_f,j p~ i t ~ t~ . J.r.1 tn ~.~ ca.nn.t.s te:·: c~nct

'l.'S /1 898 44 5 Copy · u]____ :j .. ! • , I C01197700 TC,i··. SFC:Rt:T

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 12 of 17 Pages

attaches th•;: WE1tf1ead. Th.l s un it per .i' :.o ,-m.s ·~a n.stc. r J t f:lllegible ] and [illegible] maintenance.

The repair t.e ci'l"''.t:''.l b: .J?. h th7 -~·'' "", r.;': ~P.f.' ~ i I ~ ~r: · :-:-v tce s the nuclear warhea.d3 ,. [1 :; 1: ; -·~ r r.: ·-~'1 -'! :':;:· ::]; ,:' i l rEr,·': .f .". 1.-:.;r i 1; 1,; J •. . ' 'l:.fnt.Gri:--. : ;e - ~, r;:;l; eJ..;; ,,.~ ,_...,. L .::; U::::J h:D.vc: s: large percentagG [ Ulegj.ble J .

The role of the rocket forces is determined both by the importance of their mission and by the combat capabilities of the mis:3l . l~s. Tll(~ l!'.a l.n comba ·t capab.il.it :l e~l of mlssll~lS a?'e the follot•ing: h.i.gf1 t•ead:iness for combat. employment, [illegible J. [lll. egible ] r~ormec t wHh tt1e cables, run ( Hleg1ble] ctt.ec.~out c-f th~ >lhole mV;silD syst.em , t.:··j sn erf:0t it aP.d fill it, cl1ecl: it out, then put f uel tn it again and chec.\< U again -- a tasJc t!•at takes 24 hour'S.

[ l lle~ible J combat cF.t~·, a i1iU ties, r a.nge, a nd yie-ld have improved, but readiness i'Jc>.s not fart::1rsi:-Hm.s L"" r;),IM nr,r-e.o. "In mi.; wt;r;;s . i: !Ueg.ii.1le .l .f:rorn i;.he moment the pre.sidE•nt ma . ke~ t ~J~ bai.lL>tic missile del~lsion l illegfblej six or seve·ll minutes. This t'lgl.ire is n(;{; exact but it is cleat' that [illegible] roughly the same read :I. ness.

Range of r.,j~siles. Those first m!.~ : siles hari a r·ange of 50D km, L(1f)n 900 [illegible} • t.he u ·;,200. Ynen in 'i 96 i th,; G<•gar} n fj_i.ght was also <:. <'.Omba t ml~sHe, [flTI LEi(i . 8 'i51~ mo i·.. Jr . And ~ hen r a nge increasecL At present, !'ange is not ;.;11 t8S •.li1 s:\.:we i::! 1P.se ol.l :;,s ij_.;; ;; r ~an r)i 'c

; ; \ole know t.hat AmAri can counterpar c ~.ts t~ ms [ illegible] and others have gone to ve.?.·i ous l niJl.tJ.p."u:?} J. ;n.mc):es. Oui' JEG5 c>.i'!l: l'it :t':±•'l t.h8t Wi!.y. Silo la-unchers (iJ.leg ~l;i.e} <.!f.l:'o.-'i the pnu ~f.tr i lHy o f a i " can Cur. a.s :.tn·ny ."tHunc:JJes El.s ~hel" e are missD.ei'l ..

h.lght tim

1·Jt i;; i.s a .\ :1. we E awl ~oo.:, of r:o:1 rse_. but :-;f! w= t·e ::.i x :n!. m.:t~s •>ht:rt. ' (Ill , ~g it'jt e ) li'le r t! to get ).t"! 3Y< t(,2.t thz Q1). <~~tion of [illegible:] .. based I; ·•. space :•:y :>h?.m1!'. .i.s .5 uch <>.n l!rgt"nt on.=-. B•:.s idf'.". f:re"l: height a.n

TJF' :)E.GR:T C01197700 ~CF' S[GHET

'ifG··~· ::o;;;m::T

\Wi\1;\\l~l..'!il h1 t;·l~t~- - ;mWUGEN<:I: ;;(.HJI'H'J'S O.~ M'F.n iOiJ:i I • I NOr !Uil!AS .~~ll!'i JO lf0ft!9Gl~ NA'ftONALS

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 13 of 17 Pages

let u.s exami.ne other techni cs.l mea.s•.i r "~;;, ~-: ;•.c :: ;1,)SeGone has a radar-attenuating (prot;ivot•ad J. ::>lolcatsi.onnoye ] coating. Second , each nos•.o- cone has [decoy? ] wad'lead:s ~ i . '=! . , Nl1en in t.r·a jeci:.or'J, a :.: . ; •_.:. ~ ~ - ~ point. it celea.;;es the decoy warheads, a.nd [i.l11!:~n::· r ~t~'P€:"r f nl en ;-r.·'. :-o"J-1::-r· ·~~r·,~(·•·;, 'Third, the last stage of the mi::Mlr: b•: ;1!::J orr . 'U:. !:; .\t: :,·L . lVL\l: i; ;~, , 'J<:it.;•.J. I.rj ·:).f fla.t [illegible], but at ar::; ~'

Great combat effectiveness of' misstle hitting of targets, whi.ch consists of the g;,•ea i~ polv•?.r of t1·1e w-a1·heads. Pe r· h : ~.ps you recall the .speech of Nik! ta Sergayevich Klf'rlUSHCHEV, w-ho said app!•ox1mate!ly that we had missiles (illegible] <\(lc1~thell" yielt1 o!etS 100 megatons. We d~.d 71-:Jt h. at.~e such .rd.ssiles but in · princ.jple teci':mtca}. capat·ilHies make lt. poss.(b}.e to httild such yields. But as coMputt:t :;. cns c;,nct practtcF.: showed ,. b•.1 .iJ (!t;;? rr . oth~ e 1 a n.Q yi (~ld.s

M. :=;l .' t: ;:•~ ·•.L U:;n <>Cui.' ra.cy of rw:r mi~s:\ l~::.:: :is ;•.;;ckonf;n 1fl tens of metr~r:~. And the ~~~J!~·.: for:s::gn :::c•.ll'CE:J ;sav t: bat. ll.E i ~f1}: . U. .: ,] :.>inc.e l~h~:: BG,:; ouz• sys~el!l;;; at m. a~l(i2'- U m r ar\gG· and t.7;'.(: C!.;.r··:J.G:"f .~ {): f: be aoP s:l :i;: ~~ e(i ll ).ieg: J t

H1gh 1 aul11;;1 n.:·.Ll aM .u ·;;./ c:t f rcLs:;ll.;~ s .. I ;; F '<• "·s·>it. l•" lo 1aur;.c.h [ll l e~:tble] · mis:!-:'iA·es wh:id: l'rave t:>t<) O

J'n('..l. •:ient.

.1 ~~h ot ~.-J fi r-..~ p · J rt. t.h ij t. !ij.J. t.li\? .S t r·::.~ .f -.f~ ~~ ~ .i~ Ro ··~' k t: !~·. Forc, ?-5 ~ c. :h3pl ~·:ted accot""ciing to ·:~ l wa;-t.i.;,; e; f'iC•.>.E:! , ;:c ;><• i.('(',ltGd t r, r:·~~ s o-.::a Lt.e·s. :::i. t.:i :tg ar.- . ,,2~ ; whi·::h 2. ~-e [Ull:lgible] sitin~ ar~a~ . ih~y comur ~ se siLing areas or ui~si~e regiments, [illegible], ,': 11 comm:-md and reservt! commt>.nd post , [ i.J.leg ibl-c:] , and hou.s ing compounds where .·.. offi~~ ~s ~nd N( Os of t h3 [ ~ o r ~ i11e~i bl0] s 2rvic ~ J.ive. At the bresent time, 1 f l conc1.t t ·.1. o r.~ hP ::.e·::J.r\· :.J C01197700

':l!Mif\.11 ! '1'! ~ ,: ,1 :.) ~!(.~- -ftlH\iiUlG ; ~-K.t; l!J'!Jr.t:P.; C!l J\\['i}lt)f>.) INVOlV.£1) tW"I ~:.lM~~Ql!i TO l'fal~l4H !•iA"Ii\'lHJ..).$

Withheld under statutory authority of the ) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 Page 14 of 17 Pages U.S.C., section 403g)

and [word i. llegible] t'or t.J1e storag10 <>n i ~1i'f; ~ ~-: d.ion of the miss:i.le [is necessary i and normal c:ondit ions ( Hlegibled, p<::rsonnel and [illegible1. ·

All .strat.egic rur:J '"'f' f~~ r·ce .~; , }!"•~ 1.!i~i.~~ ~;; t)·J~ Sf:.r;lt-t:lf;il.' Rocket Forces, are employed :t<;c·:•:cd:'.:;.:; !;.o r;r·:::-:·!r:: ct \". h (~ St". : l' ·:·· ~ . ! ~ r1 :".gi..: r:: n ;~.rr.wl, ;::;,i1:1 F. ·.• ."liable system (' of USF (w;~ ,_. u.~!t .: · " ··i. 'I:!.O!'i l..:, u, t ~::Lts.!.. : • LUc : l • ~Y and of .::v>,.;;J t: ,~l,:i . i •io: G Oi•ll::.~ ~ ; C!:t'emm , autiN!l.l.ist.ic-m:l:;s:D.e d • .~fc:ns(:, anc:i ~P.,"lCe defense of inti:Lvi.ciual. o..reas of t.he cc•unt.ry and of miU.tary and indusi~>d. al i rw ts.J.ia t ion,s and l troop j g~:·oupi.. ngs.

~fhat a.:r-e the tasks pe!.' f ormed by the Air Defense Forces? Above all, combat wit-h t h•:: aero !;p ac.l~ ene;n:;- . .~.•;conn ; .:i:<:J:. !':" ~ d ng t.he ber,i nn1 r:;1 of a.n enemy ·missile and a:lr.· atta _,~ k t" '>;.~s ::;:_r.r,, pi: -•:~s e r/;1 :..- <:l .5J:;tgr;,.?. ri the [ •::omple>; J t.a.sk of . ~ [recCJ'lln-?.J..:;saoc.<:'! ) and C<"!~ . t.r~t'• :, ti o n of lll:l.lH.fl-..~ · : 1' q>c•C•~ •)bjeH:. 'c.a in o ;.· hl. t. •,,

, • ••~; p<:.c•:l objw::to> whi.dl we hav~ ~mel l". h~y are used for economic, navigation , :i and communi.catlon..s pllrposes; there C\re, 0f course, military-purpose objects .l .',i [wore': i iJ.,;;2·:f1)l"' j ,::· '"ccor:nu.i.;;;:.-,..n.:;e. [ ~' - :n.rera. l \ofclrd~ D:iegi bJ.e] [which j the enemy also I has. F i rsi~ or ali , [ ::;ev .:, r·al. \•/Ol'ds i i :LegiiJ l. t ~ .l. ~ ; ·. l 1J:.t; tiir f;t:~ f · fH ! :it~ Yct ·r.!r:.s .:·.J_: .s c::.!..~ c t.~;~· ~ : ..~d ; :_ ith· ~: ornh::d: t :i n.g th.a •:~ r:.emy's <.erial reconn:~ . i~: ~:: ?.rt. C '?. r:!~a . n s ~r~( ~ ::~d..:; ,:-\ir· 8 ~:.,:;,;;\'.: .l. t . · c ~J.:I!'t,; ·J. ~j __;_e:.gJ ~ ble l" i n fH:1.aceti.m.z the Air Det'en:;<• f ( · l'· :·,. ;;~ : r.:·or.flct l!'v,, ;;.ij to :. • dr ::; ~ .:- e; um i·.~;rrnst.d . a J. ~pace .

TS /i898445 Copy #___.

.'1 ' ; i .I C01197700

Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 15 of 17 Pages ·

The number- or branch .?.J ' fi!.S i n t.J1f.s bt•aneh of the ar mecl f orces has doubled [word i llegi ble ], and [th ~ ee word s i lL~~ " Jle] Air Defe nse Fo r ces or the country to Ai r Defense ~ o r ~ ~ · ' . '

The m i ~ > si o n of the His.sile Attack Warning Troops is first of all t:. o detect I the beginning of an enemy mLs.si.le attack .:m d i ssue a command [ sic -­ should be r warning? ] [ ?to} the Gen:. ra l Staff, thea ter eommander , and commander-in-chief ! ( 1of t he b.r:21nch J. Th i.5 cas!·: is per·for· me cl using over..the- horizon and above- the­ horizon radar!; as well : ~ s reconnaissance satellites. 1\nd, as the textbook of t~e Gener al St.aff Acadel1t'f st.ates: "!n pr :Lnc:lp1.e t.!les e systems detect missile laurirh and ~ . s.s ue a war•rdng of t,he J.iWflt:!.t; ·withi n. e. peri od of time equal to the miss ile 's l'l.l,:'lp roa ch Ci, m <~ ." 'J.'i ~ is L'> ~orb.;/ w-· i'1-.1o:::- o 1 .1J . e~•, i biri! ] say that nn one, so to ~ pe alt: , ~ ; iJ.l t,et away t't•oin :a Nlt3 l.iar,oli'y ~:t ri k~ . i: ! ji ;; :. . I tUss1Jfl f•ef ense 1'rooys a.r e i.nt.encled for in·-t'light destt•ucth1n of hallistlc 1l' miss .U.e~ usi ng Jand-ba.sed mBans an

Space De f en se '!'rorJpfi ar·e l. ni:.enderi frw wm:i.tm·i ng space and de~troy i ng mili t: ctr Y- ·~ I'. G f.:O SE : :-ip r~c r: ·, ...;., .~ ~~ ::-:'r :11er.w .s , - ·Ll' .:JK•I,i:lt::r L1e .'!'e i. s.st1€ :;) , l.m ~:. tt1~ . t r!rK;::; not mo;,m \". f'l;:tl;. tr•sr G :t:; such an initi8i:. i " '" .

~ ~; r· f< l ·~ €; .. to ...~ i:- 1-'ii.::.s i..'.:<' 'iTc•op: :i. !;t.J.:-,g .:-.:1;-rf:a ce- t r;:....,-:.f r· mJ..:;.:. i.i.r;; syst.em.s i". h:~t . He have and t he ba si . ~ d:':\ t.;;:. r ~ , • .. i ,I 1 li . (It; the pr·:;sE:nt t!.m:: •.;•:;; !:.t?..v e thrE:e .sur f c:. c C• i.-·J an•.:i h8 il;g T'<::· ph JC ?tJ ,. bu t 1 !~ still ex.i ::;l.s ; f"ci !G :·.h1: r ~ : j_ ~ ·. 1'\\8 vsr :r t"!~ !' ~c: f:i'.:(v r< ~. ·;.~:~ ~ ~:::- ·~ · ·:;,.n p: .:'i .:\':!i t !i·lt\. •• •

[ L in kTll' h' 'J ~ 3l:l(l•.l!l i:. o{ tf~; ir, g , . J

. . . (line ~ Ll egibie] -·· a l.ow-altit.ude system wl:i i ch hits tar gets located at alt ii".Ll r!e~ . fro.;, 20 rleUJ·;. t o 2:' k!.l c.· mr;r, r.; r~ :. Tb Br· E: f.~; a c:c• n:'it:mt. rlispu te ricrw Jn . I c onne·cr..ion •:U.h r: ru L;:: l'r.'.s.',.d.-,:s. [ Line J.ilep,; :l n .l. e . ~~ "Xhese da te.: He re r·<~ c e n t J. y ·' r • T~ ~8 98445 c:opy II:)_


-:-c P ~. ~( i·. F. T C0119_7700 TCP SECRET

u:r~ s:r.c.~.n

Withheld under statutory authority of the ) Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 16 of 17 Pages

' obta.ined fl~om the General St~?: (kill] probability used ~:o t !: u: ~ y· ~: - ~ . g;. ·, :::;- t ~ ~- ~; ..:(-r ~~ t,:-:r ~~,r-;t ·: ~ · ~ ·rtE r ,~.~: . r:i ·· i f: ~1 t:: l :!. nr:- :--; 5. ].legible] .

The medium--range (system ] hits tai!'gets at altitudes of [?1000] meter·s to [?] kilomete!:':>; the slant range is 50 [km J; tho& target velocity is [ '? 1; af'd ~he probability [of kill] is (0.?]. This system is being r·eplaced. lLine illegible.)

Tile long-t·ange system hits targets at altitudes of .300 meters to 40 kiJ.o~et.er.~ : t.tl~ [s.1.a.nt1 tt·m~gs rt~•o tor~r :_:!s i.Ue~f.hle) _i_s f245 kml; and targets are hit at a veJ.oeity r.:lf· ]00(: km/h1•. The pr·oba.b:l.iir.y of ld.\J. by two miss5.les ( sever2.1. wm·ri~~ iH&ei.bJ.e :i (L.99.

II; shoulei be r ; .,;l;1~u r.r1r1t \~ he Sm·f~'t;!t;;- t;; :;.- t~ :~ "· Jiii ~::>:~ l.;; :t•·oops f. tw-o words illeg:l. bl{t 1 IH::;;;;Li.e 'rruopf• an,! a1::so being -=qu:.:.ppeti l'dd:.h nuclea~· Wal'head:s. When .{ they 113e nuolear. lla!"heads tlh~~y <'flO hit multf.p1e moving t.arget.s wHh great 'j ' effect;.veness. 'i'hls t1i:'anc:h a.rm of the JU~r Defense F'orces is ai:~o useci against land and surfaoe target.:; ..

Air Defense A·;iat.i.on used t., be ca lled 11 A1 r Defen;se Fighte(' Aviat!.on," but now the name has been chany,e:d, becaus · ~ Air Defense tmi.;:d:.ion 1nostly consists of' fighter· and spec:i.al

·~l.e t-iig .. ~ : 9 E.:l'J d 1-l:ltl.'"J i ;;.r.·e nE:!.':'iH, St.-9. ~:n- -i 5, \,;b:leh cll'H tei.ng r•apL:1ced by hei.:icnpl:fws; Hn d rhn 'iH't-:.:,:2, ar.d 'K' u- . ·i~:ti . ':'h!'! rn.:D';)..!l

?v:>.diotechnl.cal t.r·oops ~. re eaulpped ~lit h various types of radars. By the ,I.'. way, f.n t;hr: CLi:reE :10rdt-: -"dq;.'.'.:.tl.e :: ~ ;y .ot;.~ t:1 tJ;•1r"

TS #89H445 Copy # C01197700


Withheld under statutory authority of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C., section 403g) Page 17 of 17 Pages

There exists ~ ~~ nce n~ ~ f s u ~f!t9d ~ ~~~~fen~~ ~v: ~ ~m . (Several words lllegibl.€ i a~:rr- (1 ~/ l • !• ~,-, ~: t . :i0::: f f!,~!: r: :• !\'f, ;-,<:. ·:,; ~. n ? . J ·~ id'sn .:s<1 ~ · ~ s a brief explanat~ .::• : . : .,, i t.:! ' f :~ 1..~ : : ,· 1 ~ ~- i ; ··' €. tEb.! t{J l: t.: t.~ l'-• •:.r.:\!l ·ed : 1-illtcil al"'IO· p.n.rt- C'f combined-a!·m.s [ word Hlegible] armie~ ot• ai;~ ctefense · dist.d.ct,s, or of air cie.fanse cot•o:~ ancl eli visions of the front or c:f 1: f ront.:'l ;;r·] Ul.d.:l t.1ty d.'i..;;Ln.ct;;; __., c~ i e!>d ar.'.;. the forc•as and means of the--ii..t.x• L\&J : \~,:~,l~ of t.ile c ,~ l ;nt;!'y~ i)I•Jt-ci .\:.1 . \~ gioJ e j is now suoord:i nate to the mUH.ary d. i st:•jct command•~t·, aiJ.a tt.;or.i iEeg1oJe] mUitat·y districts to the commancter·- }.n-·chJ.e!' o f' t.he ax i s [glavkOi'l na napr3v:ten1 .t:J. These a.re all forces and means or' filr De1'ei1se ot' t.llP. Country _, Sm·f~~t'--to-ai.r mJssi.l a \; roop:;, antfaircl·al" t-. a1·t.LLr.erv :· .;:md l:'aliiot-eetmir;:.ll i:r-oo ps 11hich are part of combined­ ) ar·ms i'orn1at.icm,~ and lm-·g-a r.mf.tl::l 1 t !Ja t. i ~ > . , e:ombi.ned-ar-r:w armies: ta nl<. a1'1nies , and motorized rtile an~ tank divisions, are all fon;es and means of Tactical Air Defense.

) i :j ;.j

,'•­ .


TS !:1898445 Copy 1!-J­ .) .•·.