
Home, sweet home.

Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons (203 Superior St.), 1862 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/6KHOLKKVSTQAW9E http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/

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728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu Oy . ‘ = t | oe z ee a. en | di Y A | — 6 i 4 =f i Hy 2 GRRE 5 ° Q 2 1 ba. | AS Pel) Ee Psy Zone eos Sa Fee Se a By) / " ° : pe {PTIONS F£ i aa ce <2? a pAnse® LEGAN Trg SOM ) , ry ee Y Selection of t ( | ‘ (> ‘ Hot 2 i GEMS FOR THE PIANO-FORTE, — ; ee g ' G f ¢ a¢ H Y, » a \ eo ¥y . | NY ADOLPH BAUMBACEH. ye’ | Yo ,, (RM: aaa : EA) SY 2D ; ey Al : AY ow 1. BRIGHTEST EYES. 16. CLARA WALTZ.—(Beethoven.) 3 \ ‘ \ fi’ *] 2. WARBLINGS AT EVE. 17. WEDDING MARCH, Gy » a NS H WS 3. DEPARTED DAYS. 18. GENTLY SIGHS THE BREEZE. ys | 4p isi, FA 4. MAIDEN'S PRAYER, 19. RUSSIAN NATIONAL HYMN, SP es | ome hy 5. SOPHIE WALTZ.—(Strauss.) 20. STILL SO GENTLY O'ER ME STEALING, y j FS ‘ Vv 6. HOW GAN | LEAVE THEE? 21. GASTA DIVA. wy : } 7. THOU ART SO NEAR AND YET SO FAR, 92. OH! WHISPER WHAT THOU FEELEST. “ \ Se p27 8. EVER BE HAPPY. 23. MY SOUL TO GOD, MY HEART TO THEE, RK aN : | \ AR Ye 9 SOLDIER'S DREAM MARCH. 24, SCENES THAT ARE BRIGHTEST. S77 PX ~ 7 ») PSS 10. 'S BAND MARCH. 25. ROBERT TO! QUE J'AMIE. pi i. f ~ WS 11. GUJUS ANIMAM, 26. 1M DREAMING OF THEE.—(Napolitaine.) 2 WSU oS : { Cl 12. HOME, SWEET HOME. 27. MARCHE DU SACRE, | COR os ¢ ip "13. PARTANT POUR LA SYRIE. 28. THOU ART GONE FROM MY GAZE. ty x \ se, “i 14 SHOWER OF PEARLS. 29, TWILIGHT DEWS. AY. \ eg Myr 15. 01 GIVE MEA HOME BY THE SEA, 30. MONASTERY BELLS. Edy oy

| Ce i SS OKIE Gig > | ; XG : FAy 3 | - 4 SIN CLEVELAND: New ol 5 ; : 4 | ye Published by 8. BRAINARD’S SONS, 203 Superior St. rs oe age i b ‘ N ~~ : 3 p : ‘¢ ap Pens according to Act of , aD. 1802-3, by MENI TOLMAN & CO. in the Oletk’s Office of the District Court of Mass.

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& | ' mie : t we es o> < ‘ j fy | ae : qr a : ‘ Hy f { eaANs Melee MA fh HaOque oO tw at opuat I, Ms i Cie} 1S A s ul oS : ou ye 2 ; iy BVERY PIECE BECOMMENDED, } + SS ee ee ee es be ie : f i ‘ 5 Adieu Mazurka. Ge B...... c00cc00cc0e+0+- Warren. 30 hs late A] naie for onng Player’, jana Pieced of the url title | Adrian Polke Mesuvka, Go as. tonal as ri al © Antoinette Polka Mazurka. G. 4...... Pease. £0 ; SS Arcturus Mazorka. G, 4...... Kolesehmar. 35 | MW The list has been selected with The following pieces have been selected | Atthe Castle Mazurka. F. 4...... Emery. 50 f vy special reference to the wants of Teachers, | with care from our entire catalogue, andare | Abby Galop. G. 4...... c000.....-.Kielblock. 40 , tt and includes only our very best easy pieces | suitable for players who have practiced dili- | Artillery Galop. A flat. 4...... Lor% 5 A | of the First, Second and Third Grades. Try | gently from twelve to eighteen months. | Agnes Sorel . D. 4...... Leaue. 40 } i anyofthem. They are all good. Try any of them. They are all good. Arietta Quadrilles. Eflat, 4...... White. 40 o% af Union Medley. D.K. B.ssces .sss-.+.+-.+-Dressler, 60 | Absence. Nocturne. E flat. 4....,..... Richards. 80 pede ceva - Bio renipes athens cantar, NE OS | i} Union Polka, Eftat. Boo... 2s s..esees-+-Badger. 20 | Adams and Liberty. B fiat. 4...... Baumbach. 40 | 2°70 MANE Ce Mavvsssrcacasccas + «<Locgoy: 90 a ‘ Wild Flower. Go... oocccc0 eecc sess ese Aleller, 29 Wealiece? | Masunins — Sclidilchen:: Qtcreh Tie Uses Senmhes -Wetieds) BE Gaty ae. Biaed: 81 ' William ‘Tell. Go 8...2...0ccsccclcs cece atop 85 vaeesy Reeoe as, ochol BSED EA) MORCHOS Bride’s Dream. A flat. 4...... Dawmbuch 40 Witecteos 0 sc eee Fantasias, Popular Airs, Duets, Brightest Eyes. Transcription. G. 4... Laumbuch. 40 ‘ Wen NL aa Copies Piano Bistes Lic. Brightest Byes. We 40.00. 0.0 sev yescvestices Mills. 85 fa E Western Reserve College Waltz. 3...Lfilman. 30 | The whole forming.a most desirable library of Piano-forte | Brightest Eyes. G fat. 4...... Puvher. Bu } i Weber's Last Waltz. Bflat. 3...... Baumbach. 3) Inusic, haica Lo piauist shoud be wituvut, Brice du Matin (la) Ge 4....0.. 2... Durgmutler. 49 i Winter Evening Waltzes. G. “B...... Drainard, 35 | 77 He tn boarda, $2,507 cloth, $3; full gilt, $4' | Broken Ring (Tue). Gs 4...... ,.dgghard. 35 I Willow Cottage Waltz. E fiat. 3...... G N. A. 30 eu Seer a an Te ae pa = Se 0 White Swallow Waltz. Bftat. 3...... Green. % Se & G rabanconne (La). E flat. 4...... Richards, 40 Wine, Wife and Song Waltzes. D.1K. 3 .. Lot. 25 | Ce FEOUBEN Wy INGhE pi Daa as Se aa ara ae : Panna i i 99 | 18a companion volume to the above and contains 224 pages DR cece itteeeeeeeees vores Spindler. : set Lae em ea es — a GEA pan TRCO TRS Hote in teat eeEUS cI Go | Tahar a how ies Wale ea, eae } pee cae ene ee ee full gilt, $4. Mauted post-paid, Belles of Chicago. Valse Elegante. C. 4. Goldbeck. 6 ae sclis White Fawn Rie ru teow Schortische. ote < G. CRE. B...... Audert. teretok 35 oy | Palen eteraniia 3 Ware ope: tab" Au7,. ro te arco i ~*~ Wanda Mazurka. Ge B...... -. Spindler. 20 ae ese ee ee Nae anes eee’ © t Waring Willaw Mazcrias REG 8... ame gy | Alpine Floweret, Hat @...... Houg. 5 | Belt Potkem De A ons eseycvcce cyusnss «1 EPenaels 80 ‘ bet White tose Mazuritas Fe Sc Wyman, ay | Aivine Rose. Pe Asse ccsssseceeeseesss Spindler. 80 | Big Ship Polka. E fiat, 0... cc... Fin 40 t Wake Up Galop. Pe 3 Rudolph. 39 | Alpine Horne Fe 4.0... sseesesses.-- Burgmuller. 5) | Blushing Rose Polka. Aflat. 4...... Lockuod. 40 & ; Washington Galop. G. 2.0 unten. 99 | Alpine Hora. B flat. 4.0... 2 cesses: rug 85 | “Blossom Schottische. D. 4...... Cramer. 40 r White Rose Galop. 2 8 19 | Amona the Islands. D flat. 4...... Hmery. 50 | Base Ball Quadrilies. D.K. 4000. 2... Gudera. 30 fy * Wild Pang Galop. Al Bo anaes go | Amdamtes Ce 4 cece ceceeseeeee conesesesSchumann, 20 | Bayadere Qvadrilles. (3 Nos.) DAK. 4. Totbeoque, Le 30 ty i Weodbine Polka Redowa. Go fo. Warren, go | Am@mute. A flat. 4.00. ..c.ccesseeseeees+ Mere, 60 | SBaker’s Faneral March. B flat. Minor. 4..Wyman. 40 ey Warrior's March. D. i... -Spindter, 99 | ABSEVSScrenade, A flat, 4..:...... Jinkd, 00 | *Barnet’s Artillery Mareh, G. 4...... Luu. 30 be é Webster's Qulekstep. Bitate Bo. dows 99 | Angels of Paradise. Caprice Etude, C. 4..Eyghard. 40 | Beauty Quickstep. D. 4...... ,...---- Goodwin, 35 ; Wedding March, ©. 3...... Baumbach, 4) | ABwely” Dream Romance. A flat. 4...... Fiske, 60 | Beggermau’s Quickstep, D. 4...... Sehiling % ' *Weston’s March to Chicago. F. 3...... Mack, 3) | A2&¢ (4) des Souvenirs. E flat. 4...... Gervite. 85 | Bimghampton March. ©. 4..000..0.....60..Jones. 46 | Wood-Up Quickstep. Ac 8.0... Holtmeay, 29 | ABBIC Laurie, Fe Aue... seeesesseesees+SRichards, 90 | British Grenadier’s March. D. 4...... Riclurds. 6h ‘ Wrecker’s Daughter Quickstep. ©. B....Brown, 29 | Anble Maurie. E flat. 4...... 0:.-.-Jelley. 35 | Calabraise. Melody. D flat. 4...... , Losen!ain, 40 at Yankcs Doodie and Mail Columbias Baundach, wy | AmMe Laurie. Brilliant variations, A flat. 4..1Wyman. 40 | Campbells are Coming. F. 4 ...... Richards, 40 ‘ i Yaukco Doodie. De Sis. es... Boyer, 3) | AMDY'# Daughter. Eilat, 4...... Smith. 73 | Captain dinks. Variations, A fat. 4...... Myaan 59 oF Yankee Doodie. Go 30 pane 35 | Artiste Dream, Aflat 4 ...... -.-.,dubert. 40 | . Tarantelle, D Mat. 4.,...... Mason. 39 \ ey Yazoo Wali, Ge Bo rppe, go | AbtBE Gate | Wait for Thee. Bila, 4..Goerdder. 40 | Caprice Militaire. E flat, 4...... Wallerer. £0 d Wazoo Polka Bint 2 omy, 99 | ANKUR Winds A fmt. 4...... , Dreher, 90 | Caprice Expagnole. C2 4...... c.ccces e+ Paste 85 ‘ i Youn Folks Potka. Cc 3... Watterstenc, go | AMtumm Flower, A flat. 4...... +..--++--Heller. 20 | Carnival of Venice. As A... cceccccscoceee + Foss. 00 Mampas Ge 2 vce recesses Krug, 36 | AMM Songs Ae Bese sesceesersesnesseesDrevel 80 | Casende of Mowers, Diat. 4... Vous, 50 \ Zauberfoce. Fe 2 ag og | AYO Moria B flat, 4... Bellen 85 | Come Dives Be Bocce steeecsecone Packer, $3 > Zurich's Water Waltz. D. 3...... Curtiss. 20 Alpine Waltzes. D. KR. 4...... Wyman. 50 | Charm Bells. Nocturne D, 4...... Aubert, 40 . m Zanesville Grand March. Eflat. 3... dere 39 | Adelina Polka, Av 4... .scceseees++-Hofman 50 | Chassenrs (Les). E fiat. 4...... Zgghard. 60 { : gs Addie Polka. A. 4...... ec.c02+-++ OBrien. 80 | Charming Smile. Fe 4..0...... Zgghard. 40 but Anna Polka. C. 4...... 0..00.0..c005 ces ees+-Bilse. 30 | Chapelle dela Foret. Uilat. 4...... Jungmann. 46 t ff Note.—This catalogue is simply a selection of some of | Aristocratic Polka. E fat. 4...... dmos. 50 | Charlieis My Darling. F. 4...... Kuhe. 40 \ our best and most popular pieces. Our large complete | Almack*s Schottische. G. 4...... ergmann, 3) | Chantofthe Sea. Afiat. 4...... Garrett, 40 . bet catalogue will be sent free to any address on application. | Alouettec Schottische. G. 4...... Loeckel. 30 | Chant Bohemian. A fiat. 4...... DeMeyer. 40 re j I a AE A a ee tt Pieces marked * have Picture Titles. 1, easy, to 7, very difficult. Black letters the Key ‘ M hat ae a eae ee et ee “5 + Address all Orders to S. BRAINARD’S SONS, Music Put vishers, Cleveland, O. ; be fi hy i iat # i i ha i ; Ag i (le N y - ‘ Zoe Se ' uf ; | . . é cm. J oe = = i : é = HENS De — : Sn ee ee aaa EE ee TERETE | a sae ee ed |