The Story of a Mine
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/ VOLUME VII. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., SEPTEMBER 16, 1877. NUMBER 29. THE CAPITAL, self, and that, through ignoratice of detail, was uttered. Nevertheless, he could not C.HAPTEK XII. the business of that department was re- help saying: GREEN-ROOM GOSSIP - VUBLIBHKD WELKLY BY A I! ACE l'OB IT. tarded to a damage to the Government of " But why should he be so jealous now? I Royal Thatcher worked hard. That the OTTO AT TÏIK NATIONAL.—George ss. Knight and over half a million of dollars, led to the re- Only day before yesterday I saw Simpson of THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY boyish little painter who shared his hospi- his variety combination trod tho boards at the Na- instatement of Mr. Fauquier—at a lower Duluth hand you a nosegay right before 927 1) street, Washington, D. G. tality at the "Blue Mass" mine should tional last week like noblo Trojans, considering the »alary. For it was felt that something was him!" weather and the inopportune condition of the atmos- DONN PI ATT, . TT. EDITOR. afterward have little part In his active life, wrong somewhere, and as it had always been "Ah," returned the lady, "he was out- phere generally. We have seen better actors than seemed not inconsistent with his habits. Knight, but as a Dutch comedian ho is quite clever. TJÌRMS: Por year, (including postume,) 82.50 ; six the custom of Congross and the Adminis- wardly calm then, but you know nothing of At present the Mine was his only mistress, He is handsomer than his voice in singing, but his months, $1.60 ; three months, 75 cents—in advance. tration to cut down salaries as the first step the scene that occurred between us after claiming his entire time, exasperating him hunior, though on the grotesque order, cannot be dis- Single copie?, 5 oents. to reform, they made of Mr. Fauquier a you left." with fickleness, but still requiring that counted by small praise. CLUBS: Ten copies to one address, 820 In advance, moral example. A gentleman born, of some- There is nothing either in Otto or in its representa- • with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 "But," gasped the practical Gashwiler, Buprome devotion of which his nature was whatexpensive tastes, having lived uptohis tion worth criticising. I. is a long-drawn-out dramatic In advance, with one copy free. " Simpson had given your husband that capable. It is possible that Miss Carmen former salary, this change brought another business, intended solely for the purpose of bringing contract—a cool fifty thousand in his saw this too, and so set about with feminine bread-winner into the field, Mrs. Fauquier, out tho variety specialties of its performers. This it pocket!" tact, if not to supplement, at least to make who triod, more or less unsuccessfully, to does, and the audiences, aftor leaving, rather regret Mrs. Hopkinson looked as digniliedly at her rival less pertinacious and absorbing. turn her old Southern habits of hospitality the success of its intentions. The Worroll sisters are Gashwiler as was consistent with five feet Apart from this object she zealously labored to remunerative account. But as poor Fau- somewhat improved since wo last saw them at the The Story of a Mine. three, (the extra three inches being a pyra- Avenue Thoater, (nee .Metropolitan Hall,) but the in her profession, yet with small pecuniary quier could never be prevailed upon to pre- midal structure of straw-colored hair,) a result, I fear. Local art was at a discount improvement is not sufficiently marked to Induce that sent a bill to a gentleman, Sir, and as some frond of faint curls, a pair of laughing blue m California. The scenery of the country sort of applause which causes the proprietor of the of the scions of the best Southern families eyes and a small belted waist. Then she mid not yet become famous; father it was thoater to have shuddérs of feat for the safety of the WRITTEN FOLL THE CAPITAI, were still Waiting for, or had been recently roof of his establishment. said, with a casting down of her lids: reserved for a certain Kastern artist, already dismissed from a position,'the experiment While regretting to part with Otto, with its strange famous, to make it so, and people cared was a pecuniary failure. Yet the house was "You forget that my husband loves me." scenery, with its Dutch songs, with its natural beer BY BRET HARTE. little for the reproduction, under their very of excellent repute and well patronized ; in- And for once the minx appeared to look barrel, and the heavy villain hired for sand-bag pur- penitent. It was becoming, but as it had noses, of that which they saw continually poses, we trust that it will have that delicasy of sen- : deed, it was worth something to see old [Cupyrlifht, 1877.] with their own eyes and valued not. So timent whioh is akin to instinct, to take the hint that Fauquier sitting at thé head of his own been originally practiced in a simple white that little Mistress Carmen was fain to divert its presence in Washington is not desired a second table, in something of his ancestral style, dress, relievod only with pale blue ribbons, her artist soul to support her plump little time. relating anecdotes of great men now dead it WHS NOT entirely in keeping with be- material body, and made divers excursions PART IU IN CONGRESS. and gone, interrupted only by occasional flouneed lavender and rose-colored trim- AUGUSTIN DALY, or, as he is more generally into the region of cerami» art, painting on known to the theatrical and literary people ot NeW visits from importunate tradesmen. mings. Yet the woman who hesitates be- tween her moral expression and thevelvet , illuminating missals, decorating' York, Dlsgustln Daly, has Anally terminated his CHAPTER XI. harmony of her dress is lost. And Mrs. china, and the like. I have In my posses- career as a manager. A jackdaw in literature, he HOW IT WAS LOBBIED FOR. Prominent among what Mr, Fauquier lias been a charlatan in business, leaving an odor in Hopkinson was victrix by her very audacity. sion some wax flowers—a startling fuchsia, The Hon. Pratt C. Gashwiler, M. C., was of called his "little family," was a black-eyed his exit that makes a burial a necessity. Heartless, and a bewildering dahlia—sold for a mere •course unaware of the incident described lady of great powers of fascination, and con- Mr. Gashwiler was flattered. The most insincere, insolvent and scheming, he has had it Jin pittance by this little lady, whose pictures in the last chapter. His secret, even if it siderable local reputation as a flirt. Never- dissolute man likes the appearance of Virtue. his power to wound artist and destroy character, while lately took the prize at a foreign exhibition, had been discovered by Dobbs, was safe in theless, these social aberrations were amply "But graces and accomplishments like degrading the profession to the level of a show. shortly after she had been half-starved by a that gentleman's innocent and honorable condoned by a facile and complacent hus- yours, dear Mrs. Hopkinson," he said ole- Strange to say, his financial disappearance hap- California public, and claimed by a Cali- pens at the moment when the death of poor Amy Faw- hands, and certainly was not of a quality band, who looked with a lenient and even aglnorisly, " belong to the whole Country," settis beingrecallod, and the world wondered that Daly admiring eye upon'the little lady's amuse- Which, with something between a courtesy fornia press as its fostered child of genius. that Mr. Wiles, at present, would have cared brought from England thtó brilliant and beautiful to expose. For, in spite of Mr. Wiles' dis- ment, and to a certain extent lent ? tacit in- and a strut, he endeavored to represent. Of these struggles and triumphs Thatcher woman, and then left h or to die, unoared for and comfiture, he still had enough experience dorsement to her conduct. Nobody minded J* And I shall want to avail myself of all," he had no knowledge, yet he was perhaps alone, from utter destitution, in a Common tenement of charactor ^o know that the irate mem- Hopkinson; in the blaze of Mrs. Hopklnson's added, "in thejmatterof the Castro claim. house. He disappears from the stage he disgraced more startled than he would own to himself, ber from Fresno would be satisfied with his fascinations he was completely lost sight of. A little supper at Weloker's, a glass or two with this poor woman's dying agony his only memory, when, one December day, he received this own peculiar maimer of vindicating his A few married women with unduly sensi- of chainpagnc, and a single flash of those and the contempt of the publie his epitaph. dispatch : Own personal integrity, and would not tive husbands, and several single ladies of bright eyes, and the thing is done." MAUD GRANGER, who, if we can judge from her "Cóme to Washington at once. Carmen make a public scandal of it. Again, Wiles the best and longest standing, reflected se- portraits and her prestige. Is one of the most beauti- " But," said Mrs. Hopkinson, "I've prom- De Haro." was convinced that Dobbs was equally im- verely on lier conduct. Theyoungermenof ful of women, appears here this week in Broken ised Josiah that I would give up all. those Vows. We feel assured that this is a fine play.