The Making of Sultan Süleyman: a Study of Process/Es of Image-Making and Reputation Management

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The Making of Sultan Süleyman: a Study of Process/Es of Image-Making and Reputation Management THE MAKING OF SULTAN SÜLEYMAN: A STUDY OF PROCESS/ES OF IMAGE-MAKING AND REPUTATION MANAGEMENT by NEV ĐN ZEYNEP YELÇE Submitted to the Institute of Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History Sabancı University June, 2009 © Nevin Zeynep Yelçe 2009 All Rights Reserved To My Dear Parents Ay şegül and Özer Yelçe ABSTRACT THE MAKING OF SULTAN SÜLEYMAN: A STUDY OF PROCESS/ES OF IMAGE-MAKING AND REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Yelçe, Nevin Zeynep Ph.D., History Supervisor: Metin Kunt June 2009, xv+558 pages This dissertation is a study of the processes involved in the making of Sultan Süleyman’s image and reputation within the two decades preceding and following his accession, delineating the various phases and aspects involved in the making of the multi-layered image of the Sultan. Handling these processes within the framework of Sultan Süleyman’s deeds and choices, the main argument of this study is that the reputation of Sultan Süleyman in the 1520s was the result of the convergence of his actions and his projected image. In the course of this study, main events of the first ten years of Sultan Süleyman’s reign are conceptualized in order to understand the elements employed first in making a Sultan out of a Prince, then in maintaining and enhancing the sultanic image and authority. As such, this dissertation examines the rhetorical, ceremonial, and symbolic devices which came together to build up a public image for the Sultan. Contextualized within a larger framework in terms of both time and space, not only the meaning and role of each device but the way they are combined to create an image becomes clearer. This dissertation argues that Süleyman started his sultanic career with the inherited elements of dynastic and divine legitimation. He took over an already established model, and put deliberate effort in the actualization of this model through pursuing an active and visible mode of sovereignty in the 1520s. Keywords: Süleyman I, Ottoman History, 16 th Century, Kingship, Legitimation v ÖZET SULTAN SÜLEYMAN OLMAK: ĐMAJ YARATIMI VE ĐTĐBAR YÖNET ĐMĐ SÜREÇLER Đ ÜZER ĐNE B ĐR ĐNCELEME Yelçe, Nevin Zeynep Doktora, Tarih Danı şman: Metin Kunt Haziran 2009, xv+558 sayfa Bu doktora tezi Sultan Süleyman’ın tahta çıkmasından önceki ve sonraki onar yıl içinde imajını ve itibarını olu şturan süreçleri ve Sultan’ın çok katmanlı imajının olu şumunda etkili olan a şamaları ve unsurları incelemektedir. Söz konusu süreçlerin Sultan Süleyman’ın eylemleri ve kararları çerçevesinde incelendi ği bu çalı şmanın temel argümanı Sultan Süleyman’ın 1520’lerdeki itibarının eylemleri ile yansıtılan imajın birle şmesinden kaynaklandı ğıdır. Bu çalı şmada öncelikle şehzadenin Sultan’a dönü şümünde, ardından sultanın imajının ve otoritesinin muhafazası ve geli ştirilmesinde rol oynayan unsurların anla şılması açısından Sultan Süleyman’ın saltanatının ilk on yılında meydana gelen temel olaylar kavramsal çerçeveye yerle ştirilmektedir. Bu ba ğlamda, bu doktora tezi Sultan’ın kamusal imajını olu şturmak üzere bir araya getirilen retorik, törensel ve sembolik araçları incelemektedir. Bu araçlar zaman ve co ğrafya çerçevesinde daha geni ş bir ba ğlama yerle ştirildi ğinde, her aracın anlamı ve rolü kadar imajı olu şturmak üzere ne şekilde bir araya getirildikleri de aydınlanmaktadır. Bu çalı şma ı şığında, Sultan Süleyman’ın kariyerine hanedana ve ilahi deste ğe dayalı me şruiyet unsurlarını miras alarak ba şladı ğı, 1520’ler boyunca aktif ve görünür bir hükümdarlık biçimi izleyerek devir almı ş oldu ğu mevcut modeli gerçekle ştirmeye bilinçli bir çaba gösterdi ği anla şılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Süleyman I, Osmanlı Tarihi, 16. Yüzyıl, Hükümdarlık, Me şruiyet vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to many people for making this dissertation possible. Their valuable comments and suggestions improved this study. The faults, on the other hand, remain entirely mine. First and foremost, I am greatly indebted to Metin Kunt, my dissertation advisor, who guided me throughout this long and tiresome journey patiently and encouragingly. I am grateful for all his suggestions, comments, corrections, kindness and time. I am also grateful for not letting me fall even in most desperate times. I will always be proud to have been “educated” by Metin Kunt and strive to live up to his example. The members of my dissertation committee spent long hours and much effort in the last two years to read and comment on my work. Without their contribution, this dissertation would not be possible. I am grateful to Tülay Artan for standing by me for many years, for all her intellectual and emotional support, and perhaps most importantly for teaching me not to be complaisant. I owe a lot to Jeroen Duindam for the genuine interest he showed to my work, for all the time and effort he put in this dissertation. His comments and suggestions not only helped me in writing this dissertation, but contributed greatly to my way of thinking. I would like to thank Hülya Adak for walking along with me step by step, and encouraging me throughout my research and writing, as well as her valuable comments and suggestions. I thank Hakan Erdem for introducing me to the alluring world of Ottoman chronicles in the first place. I am also grateful for his thorough perusal of my dissertation. I would like to thank all faculty members at Sabancı University who provided me not only with knowledge but vision as well. I am forever indebted to Halil Berktay for trusting me in the first place; his influence contributed a lot to my academic standing as well as to my worldview. I am grateful to Bratislav Pantelic who made my experience as a teaching assistant a most enjoyable and efficient one; his support and guidance throughout the years we worked together have been invaluable. I would like to thank Pablo Sanchez Leon for helping me get acquainted with various theoretical approaches; and Ahmet Ersoy for teaching me the basics and niceties of Ottoman Turkish. I thank Fikret Adanır, Cemil Koçak, Hülya Canbakal, Ak şin Somel, and Aziz Shakir for always having an open door for me to consult. I am thankful to Filiz Ça ğman for her suggestions and comments, especially in terms of discussion of artifacts. I would also vii like to thank the administrative staff of Sabancı University, particularly Đnci Ceydeli, Viket Galimidi, Ay şe Öteno ğlu, and Sumru Şatır. The administrators and staff of various libraries and archives were very helpful during my research. In this regard, I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of Sabancı University Information Center. In am greatly indebted particularly to Hilmi Çelik who always made the impossible possible; and Mehmet Manyas for making available many books and articles without which this dissertation could not be written. The staff of ĐSAM [ Đslam Ara ştırmaları Merkezi] greatly facilitated my research not only through their help with sources, but also through accommodating my special needs as a researcher with limited mobility. I would also like to thank the staff of the British Library, Prime Ministrial Archives, Süleymaniye Library, Topkapı Palace Museum Library, and Topkapı Palace Museum Archives. A large portion of the research relating to non-Ottoman contemporary sources in this study has been conducted in the British Library within the framework of a COST Short Term Scientific Mission within the COST scientific program on “Tributary Empires Compared: Romans, Mughals and Ottomans in the pre-industrial world from antiquity till the transition to modernity” (COST A36). I thank the members of the program, particularly Peter Fibiger Bang for giving me this opportunity and their assistance. As part of this grant, I was able to work with Mia Rodriguez-Salgado as my host in London. I am grateful for the interest she showed in my research and for her guidance. My research in Istanbul was partly funded by ARIT and the Turkish Cultural Foundation as an ARIT Turkish Cultural Foundation Fellow (2007). I am grateful for their contribution. My family and my friends have been most supportive in all stages of this dissertation. I am particularly grateful to Verda-Celal Metin and Lale-Halil Gökman for standing by me and supporting me in all ways possible throughout each step of the way. I am indebted to Ay şe Altuncu and Jale Onur for everything they did and for being there for me every time I stumbled. My colleagues Sinem Arcak, Aysel Danacı Yıldız, and Selçuk Dursun contributed in various ways to this dissertation, and I am thankful for every one of them. Nalan Babür listened to me for hours and restored my confidence in myself, for which I am grateful. I would like to thank Nusret Avhan, Ne şenur Domaniç, Ahu Latifo ğlu, Nancy Karabeyo ğlu, and Ay şegül Yelçe for their encouragement and support, especially in proof-reading. I thank U ğur-Suna Yücelt, Özden Pelin, and Hale Duygun for their support and assistance, especially in procuring numerous heavy viii volumes for my research from the United States. I thank Melis Dereboy and Feyza- Selim Erkan for being there whenever I needed them. I thank Erkan De ğirmenci, Aysel Böcek, Sevil-Đlhan Demir, and Süleyman Mert for making life easier for me as I was writing this dissertation. I would like to express my gratitude to the late Sakıp Sabancı for the foundation of an institution which allowed me to pursue a dream. May he rest in peace. I owe this dissertation to my parents, Ay şegül and Özer Yelçe, who contributed as much time and effort in this journey as I did. They trusted and encouraged me ever since I decided to leave my professional life behind to pursue an academic career at thirty years of age.
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