Calibration of a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model: a Sensitivity Analysis from Local to Regional Scale
Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive 1st International Congress on Environmental International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - Modelling and Software June 2002 Jul 1st, 12:00 AM Calibration of a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model: a Sensitivity Analysis from Local to Regional Scale G. Drogue A. El Idrissi L. Pfister T. Leviandier J. F Iffly See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Drogue, G.; El Idrissi, A.; Pfister, L.; Leviandier, T.; Iffly, J. F; and Hoffmann, L., "Calibration of a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model: a Sensitivity Analysis from Local to Regional Scale" (2002). International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. 85. This Event is brought to you for free and open access by the Civil and Environmental Engineering at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact, Presenter/Author Information G. Drogue, A. El Idrissi, L. Pfister, T. Leviandier, J. F Iffly, and L. Hoffmann This event is available at BYU ScholarsArchive: Calibration of a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model: a Sensitivity Analysis from Local to Regional Scale G. Droguea,b, A. El Idrissia, L. Pfister a, T. Leviandierb, J.-F. Ifflya, and L. Hoffmanna a CREBS-Cellule de Recherche en Environnement et Biotechnologies, Centre de Recherche Public – Gabriel Lippmann, L-1511 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ( b Centre d’Ecologie Végétale et d’Hydrologie, UMR-MA 102 ENGEES-ULP, F-67070 Strasbourg cedex, France.
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