51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020) 1265.pdf GEOLOGICAL MAPPING AND CHRONOLOGICAL BASED CRATER COUNTING ANALYSIS (CSFD) OF MARS. Fares M. Howari*1, Manish Sharma1, Yousef Nazzal1, Fatima AlAydaroos2, and Cijo M Xavier1, 1College of Natural and Health Sciences, Zayed University, P.O. Box 144534, Abu Dhabi, UAE (*
[email protected]),2 UAE Space Agency, P.O. Box 7133, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Introduction: Although only half the size of the Earth, tary bodies, One method links radiogenic isotope age Mars has a remarkably rich and complex preserved [4] and another method, rates for formation of impact geological record. The knowledge on Martian Geology craters [5,6]. Crater based age determination of surface has enormously increased in last 40 years. Several mis- features for any kind of planetary body is essential for sions orbiting or roving Mars revolutionized our under- understanding the categorization of geological events in standing of its evolution and geological features, in the past [7]. The chronological based crater counting is several ways like Earth, but extremely different in many a well-established technique for determining relative respects. and absolute model ages of planetary surfaces of Mars, The study area (Latitude 0°N-45°N, Longi- Moon, Mercury [8,9]. tude 60°E-120°E) lies near to the landing site of Viking Relative ages can be derived by measuring the 2 and MSL (Mars Science Laboratory), having a total size-frequency distribution of impact craters that have area of 9,080,730 square kilometers (5642505 square accumulated in a planet’s history through time which Miles) is shown in Fig.1.