Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools

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Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Planetary Constants See Tables A1 and A2. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018 395 A.P. Rossi, S. van Gasselt (eds.), Planetary Geology, Springer Praxis Books, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-65179-8 396 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Table A1 Bulk parameters for planets, dwarf planets and selected satellites Polar Equatorial Inverse Magnetic Atmospheric Mass radius radius flattening Density Gravity field pressure 24 3 2 Discovery Moons m [10 kg] rp [km] re [km] 1/f [–] [kg/m ] g [m/s ] B [T] p [bar] Planets Mercury prehistoric 0 0:330 2439:7 2439:7 – 5427 3:710 3.0107 1014 Venus prehistoric 0 4:868 6051:8 6051:8 – 5243 8:870 – 92 Earth prehistoric 1 5:972 6356:8 6378:1 298:253 5514 9:810 2.4105 1.014 Mars prehistoric 2 0:642 3376:2 3396:2 169:894 3933 3:710 – 0.006 Jupiter prehistoric 67 1898:190 66854:0 71492:0 15:41 1326 24:790 4.3104 > 1000 Saturn prehistoric 62 568:340 54364:0 60268:0 10:21 687 10:440 2.2105 > 1000 Uranus 1781 27 86:813 24973:0 25559:0 43:62 1271 8:870 2.3105 > 1000 Neptune 1846 14 102:413 24341:0 24764:0 58:54 1638 11:150 1.4105 > 1000 Dwarf m [1021 kg] planets (134340) 1930 5 13:030 1187:0 1187:0 – 1860 0:620 – 1109 Pluto (1) Ceres 1801 0 0:939 473:0 473:0 – 2161 0:280 – – (136199) 2005 1 16:600 1163:0 1163:0 – 2520 0:820 – – Eris (136472) 2005 1 < 4:400 715:0 715:0 20:00 1400 0:500 – 4–12109 Makemake 739:0 739:0 3200 (136108) 2004 2 4:010 620:0 620:0 – (min) 0:630 – – Haumea 2600 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools 397 Satellites m [1021 kg] Earth’s moon prehistoric 73:456 1736:0 1738:1 827.67 3344 1.620 1.0 107 1 107 Phobos 1877 10.6591015 11:3 11:3 – 1876 0.006 – – (Mars I) Deimos 1877 1.4761015 6:2 6:2 – 1471 0.003 – – (Mars II) Io (Jupiter I) 1610 89:319 1821:6 1821:6 – 3528 1.796 – – Europa 1610 47:998 1560:8 1560:8 – 3013 1.314 1.2107 1012 (Jupiter II) Ganymede 1610 148:190 2634:1 2634:1 – 1936 1.428 1.20107 – (Jupiter III) Callisto 1610 107:598 2410:3 2410:3 – 1834 1.235 7.51012 (Jupiter IV) Mimas 1789 0:037 198:2 198:2 – 1148 0.064 – – (Saturn I) Enceladus 1789 0:108 252:1 252:1 – 1609 0.113 – trace (Saturn II) Tethys 1684 0:617 531:1 531:1 – 984 0.146 – – (Saturn III) Dione 1684 1:095 561:4 561:4 – 1478 0.232 – – (Saturn IV) Rhea 1672 2:307 763:8 763:8 – 1.236 0.264 – – (Saturn V) Titan 1655 134:500 2575:0 2575:0 – 1880 1.350 – 1.47 (Saturn VI) Iapetus 1671 1:806 734:5 734:5 – 1088 0.223 – – (Saturn VIII) 398 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Table A2 Orbital and axis parameters for planets, dwarf planets and selected satellites Orbit period Periapsis Apoapsis Semi major axis Orbit eccentricity Rotation period Orbit inclination Axis obliquity T [d] q [106 km] Q [106 km] a [106 km] [–] P [h] i [˚] " [˚] Planets Mercury 88:0 46:00 69:82 57:91 0:206 1407:60 7:00 0.03 Venus 224:7 107:48 108:94 108:21 0:007 5832:60 2:64 177.36 Earth 365:3 147:09 152:10 149:60 0:017 23:93 0:00 23.44 Mars 687:0 206:62 249:23 227:93 0:094 24:62 1:85 25.19 Jupiter 4332:6 740:52 816:62 778:57 0:049 9:93 1:30 3.13 Saturn 10759:2 1352:55 1514:50 1433:53 0:057 10:66 2:49 26.73 Uranus 30685:4 2741:30 3003:62 2872:46 0:046 17:24 0:77 97.77 Neptune 60189:0 4444:45 4545:67 4495:06 0:011 16:11 1:77 28.32 Dwarf planets (134340) Pluto 90:6 4436:82 7375:93 5906:38 0:249 153:29 17:16 57.47 (1) Ceres 1681:63 382:62 445:41 414:02 0:076 9:07 10:59 4.00 (136199) Eris 203830:0 5723:00 14602:00 10162:50 0:441 25:90 44:04 ? (136472) 112897:0 5772:98 7904:75 6838:87 0:156 7:77 29:01 ? Makemake (136108) 103774:0 5228:74 7701:75 6465:25 0:191 3:92 28:19 ? Haumea Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools 399 Satellites q [103 km] a [103 km] To plane Earth’s moon 27:32 362:60 405:40 384:00 0:055 27.32 5:15 6:69 Phobos (Mars I) 0:32 9:23 9:52 9:38 0:015 synchronous 1:09 0:00 Deimos (Mars II) 1:26 23:46 23:47 23:46 0:000 synchronous 0:93 0:00 Io (Jupiter I) 1:77 420:00 423:40 421:70 0:004 synchronous 0:05 Europa (Jupiter II) 3:55 664:86 676:94 670:90 0:009 synchronous 0:47 0:10 Ganymede (Jupiter III) 7:15 1069:20 1071:60 1070:40 0:001 synchronous 0:20 0:33 Callisto (Jupiter IV) 16:69 1869:00 1897:00 1883:00 0:007 synchronous 0:19 0:00 Mimas (Saturn I) 0:94 181:90 189:18 185:54 0:020 synchronous 1:57 0:00 Enceladus (Saturn II) 1:37 236:92 239:16 238:04 0:005 synchronous 0:02 0:00 Tethys (Saturn III) 1:89 294:62 294:62 294:62 0:000 synchronous 1:12 0:00 Dione (Saturn IV) 2:74 376:57 378:23 377:30 0:002 synchronous 0:02 0:00 Rhea (Saturn V) 4:52 526:51 527:57 527:04 0:001 synchronous 0:35 0:00 Titan (Saturn VI) 15:95 1186:15 1257:51 1221:83 0:029 synchronous 0:33 1:94 Iapetus (Saturn VIII) 79:32 3460:60 3662:00 3561:30 0:028 synchronous 15:47 0:00 400 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Planetary Exploration Missions A complete list of planetary exploration missions is provided in Table A3.Mostof those missions are focused on an individual target body (e.g. Mars), several are cov- ering multiple ones (e.g. Cassini-Huygens to the Saturn system, or Clementine to the Moon and asteroid 1620 Geographos). In the majority of cases also disciplines other than Geology are covered by missions’ science objectives and their experiments. Data and Tools Planetary Geology, with the notable exception of the study of Meteorites or returned samples by either robots or humans, is largely based on remotely collected data. Those data have historically been shared within large communities in a relatively open fashion. Even during the Cold War, cooperation was active across US and Soviet scientists involved in planetary exploration. Nowadays, planetary data are hosted and curated in dedicated archives that make available to anyone a range of science data products: from raw to calibrated, derived data (often described as higher-level data)(TableA4, as well as outreach products based on those, e.g. NASA Planetary Photojournal.1 The Planetary Data System (PDS) stands both for (1) the standards used in archiving planetary data (used also beyond NASA, that first developed them), (2) the organisation responsible of distributing and preserving data according to those standards, as well as (3) the distributed archives physically hosting those data. Please note that data provided in this appendix might have a lifetime shorter than that of a book. Most agency and government URLs are likely to be available indefinitely or suitably redirected, though. Please refer, for an updated view, to the GitHubrepository.2 We also suggest to monitor resource collections, listed below, maintained by long-term archives, such as NASA PDSand ESA PSA or any other provider associated to the IPDA Code for introductory data handling of planetary data is available on the book’s companion free GitHub repository. 1 2 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools 401 Table A3 Planetary missions until the end of 2016 (source: NASA NSSDC) Launch date Nation Mission name Notes Target 1959-01-02 USSR Luna 1 Flyby Moon 1959-03-03 USA Pioneer 4 Flyby Moon 1959-09-12 USSR Luna 2 Impact Moon 1959-10-04 USSR Luna 3 Probe Moon 1960-10-10 USSR Marsnik 1 Mars Flyby (Failure) Mars 1960-10-14 USSR Marsnik 2 Mars Flyby (Failure) Mar 1961-02-04 USSR Sputnik 7 Venus Impact (Failure) Venus 1961-02-12 USSR Venera 1 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1961-08-23 USA Ranger 1 Test Flight (Failure) Moon 1961-11-18 USA Ranger 2 Test Flight (Failure) Moon 1962-01-26 USA Ranger 3 Impact (Failure) Moon 1962-04-23 USA Ranger 4 Impact Moon 1962-08-25 USSR Sputnik 19 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1962-08-27 USA Mariner 2 Venus Flyby Venus 1962-09-01 USSR Sputnik 20 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1962-09-12 USSR Sputnik 21 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1962-10-18 USA Ranger 5 Impact (Failure) Moon 1962-10-24 USSR Sputnik 22 Attempted Mars Flyby Mars 1962-11-01 USSR Mars 1 Mars Flyby (Failure) Mars 1962-11-04 USSR Sputnik 24 Attempted Mars Lander Mars 1963-04-02 USSR Luna 4 Flyby Moon 1963-11-11 USSR Cosmos 21 Test Flight (Failure) Venus 1964-01-30 USA Ranger 6 Impact Moon 1964-02-19 USSR Venera 1964A Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1964-03-01 USSR Venera 1964B Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1964-03-27 USSR Cosmos 27 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1964-04-02 USSR Zond 1 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1964-07-28 USA Ranger 7 Impact Moon 1964-11-05 USA Mariner 3 Attempted Mars Flyby Mars 1964-11-28 USA Mariner 4 Mars Flyby Mars 1964-11-30 USSR Zond 2 Mars Flyby (Contact Lost) Mars 1965-02-17 USA Ranger 8 Impact Moon 1965-03-21 USA Ranger 9 Impact Moon 1965-05-09 USSR Luna 5 Impact Moon 1965-06-08 USSR Luna 6 Attempted Lander Moon 1965-07-18 USSR Zond 3 Lunar Flyby—Mars Test Vehicle Mars 1965-07-18 USSR Zond 3 Flyby Moon 1965-10-04 USSR Luna 7 Impact Moon 1965-11-12 USSR Venera 2 Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus (continued) 402 Appendix: Planetary Facts, Data and Tools Table A3 (continued) Launch date Nation Mission name Notes Target 1965-11-16 USSR Venera 3 Venus Lander (Failure) Venus 1965-11-23 USSR Cosmos 96 Attempted Venus Lander? Venus 1965-11-23 USSR Venera 1965A Venus Flyby (Failure) Venus 1965-12-03 USSR Luna 8 Impact Moon 1966-01-31 USSR Luna 9 Lander Moon 1966-03-31 USSR Luna 10 Orbiter Moon 1966-05-30 USA Surveyor 1 Lander Moon 1966-08-10 USA Lunar Orbiter 1 Orbiter Moon 1966-08-24 USSR Luna 11 Orbiter Moon 1966-09-20 USA Surveyor 2 Lander (Failure) Moon 1966-10-22 USSR Luna 12 Orbiter Moon 1966-11-06 USA Lunar Orbiter 2 Orbiter Moon 1966-12-21 USSR Luna 13 Lander Moon 1967-02-04 USA Lunar Orbiter 3 Orbiter Moon 1967-04-17 USA Surveyor 3 Lander Moon 1967-05-08 USA Lunar Orbiter 4 Orbiter Moon 1967-06-12
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