NationalAeronaubcs and SpaceAd m i n istration Ames ResearchCenter MolfettField, California 94035 VOLUME XX NUMBER 5 January 12, 1978 Outstanding 1977 Ames Achievements AERONAUTICS A laborator5investigation of cockpitJnstrumenta~ navigationMability, requiting only a few minutesel !ionusing etectr<micdisplays with touch-sensitive warm-upand aIignmenttime priorto takeofT. SpaceShuttle tests overlayshas demonstratedthai this type of tech- nolo~’ can significantlysimplify the interface Space Shuttletests accounted[or about25 ~; of the betweenthe pilot and advancedavionic system for For the first time simulatorsat Ames and FAA’s (Y t977 Aerodynamics Division wind tLmnel GeneralAviation applications. AdditionaIly, voice NationalAviation Facilities Experimental Center occupancy.Over tile past Five ~ears. more than leedbackusing compu’ter-generatedvoice has been {NAFEC)in AtlanticCIte,, N.J.. jointly participated 12,000hours of occupancyha~,e been devolt~dto lotlI~dto be effectivein alertingthe pi~ot of errone- it~ an experimentto e~aluatese~era} termina] area the SpaceShvatti¢. which amounts Io ab,,)u*25":; ol ous data entryThe~e concepts wiIl be flight-tested operationaliechniqtle~, lor fuelconservation. In the thetotal shttttJe wind tit]reel teal program. m lhe Cessna402B dtaring the earl}:part of 1978 experiment,two piloted simulatorsat Ames were flo~n Mmuftaneou~l.~uitt~ an elaborateair tralfic A colnpu~ercode has been developedfor compres- controlsimulation at NAFEC by means of a trans- sible,subsl~nic flo’~. ~hich permits inve>tigating MLS conlinenta]~o~ce and data }ink. The experimei’~t tunnelwall Iilldnterferencefor wind lnnne/swith ~erifiedthe fuel sa~ingspotential of the new pro- non-homogenot~sporous or -dottedboundarie ~, The Amesha:, played a ~,ewimportant role in the e~alu- cedure,,under typicalhiNs-densit!.’ air traffic codeis l~eingused ~o investigatethe of!eats el model ation of lhe proposedNational Microwave Landing condition:,. span,lilt distriht~lion, slot size. slo* location, and Syslem. an adva~ct.d electionic approach and presst~rcdrop due 1o outflow landingaid lor operationof aircraftin termina) areas The abl]owingprotot>t~e Microwave Landing An imtialinvestigatiol~ l~ identif> !tic acrodyl~an~ic Syslcrrl(~LSI acti~ !ties were ~,LtCCe’,~,~ulI3 con]plated F- 16 fighter interlerencebe!wear1 at1 ad~allced}ligll speed :it Crow~,Landing during I Or’r:Te>ling incll~ded IM = (Igl turbopropand a snpercrilica~~,,it~g ha’, 50 flighttest hours utilizing tl~e I)H(-~ aircraft: and beensuccessfn~ly condlicted "[~1~’ res~tlts indkcale approxtmatel!,25 hrs. ~tlilizing tile Nay> F4. United The forebode,of arl F-16 Fighter.,,,,ith human lb.althe interference shotdd not be a linlilinglatimer Kingdomand L S.S.R.delegation~, visited (row-, occupantsin thecockpit, was "ce~,ted i~7 theAmes 40- and lurthermore,there exist a potentialo1 rcct~el- L/lndil~gfor M KSdc lllC)12slr~ll!,on5 and discnssion~, by 80-FootWind Tunne{to determinethe tolerance inna materp<srlion of lhe,,lipslreanl swirl In ~. ielda o~ theoccupants ~o thelos,’, el the canop).Spoilers net favorableinterference :’,eredetised k~ prod’idaadequate protection for the RLG Tetrad pilotto returnthe aircraft to babeand to land. La..er ~’elocimetr2, :and holographic inlcrtcromctr3 {lave been used staccato.frill5tl~ sttld~, qktantitatitelb Tt~e RLG Tetrada neu t?.pe el strapdow~inert/at A ran}or t~tile~,tonefor 1he Quiet Shor~ Hall] the" trallsonic i]o~ abotLt a two-dill~e~lsionalairfoil sensors\stenl was lligl~t-testedil~ an Antesheli- ResearchAircraft Pro.ie~ts was achievedt~hen the section.~,leasured results, incltlde ~lle dcl~Sil3 and copterlor about25 fligl~lilours. Thi, ~as theFirst ne’~ wing ’,~asmaled ~ith the C-SA fuselageat the ~clocit} fields til~cludil~gI1(,~ ang~el ~lbotlt tile a~r- timett~a~ a strapdox~n inertial r~a~igation ,~3 ~tem wa~; Boeing (’onlpaeT)’~.Seattle Dexelopn~en~Test t{~il secllon alld tile tllrbulelll shear di~,tribuli,.m st=ccess~ulb,operated in a helicopterhigh vibratioi7 Center The ~ eill occurred o1~ ’~chedule. wlthill lhe airloil boln7dar~, laser and wake elTvironlalenl.Thes> >lCl]ldem<>nstrated an excellent September20 !o=’:(~ee.n.r~e~to be/en<) l A largcfr~ctJon ttf the drag and lloi-,e ol a halite>pier r(~tor,,x S[Clll i~, cause~~} the sll(~Ck ~a~’u’> f{)rnled rtl tiletransonic fio~ ~vhic]l exist il~ [lie lip regain of lhe adv~HlcingBlade Analytical nlelhods h~i~e been developedand appliedt<~ exlilnatethe ~ave dr:tg reductiondiorded b’, nlodilti~gIlia outer ~,’; ~f ihc blade,A1 an advanceratio el 0.5.Ihe ;Jdvancdlg blade drag can be decreased b$ IO b~, leducing airfnitthicknes>: 3(J el sweepbackal the tip ~ill decrea-,e~ drag by I t~ Wing design Wing designby nun~cricaloptimization ha’, be~’n clearlySllOWll [o be a ~lSefllllooI for lilt" d~.’sigt~of advancedwings tor I~o!h lox~ speed and lransonic apiMicalions.Several id~.k’clivc fkmclions ILi~e been i~sedsuccessluHy, e.g., shock dr~g mirlinlizalion, indltteddrag n]illilniza|lon andpress[ire distrih~.ltion developnlellt.~lle illOS[sllcce~s~uI has bcc~lIhe lattersince pressure C(’,c{’l’icielll is !tie p~lrallletCl whichCOllWerges r’mist rapidly in !ransimit:codes Snch a hie!hodnow gives tile airplanedesigner a practical3-D inverse c~de, ie.. tl~e designer specifies the desired3-1) pressure distriblation and the code findsthe shape which will generate lhat dislributiolL 2 Ames Research Center rhcL’lte,I el" 4Clo, H~. inl iu’t iloi,,e ~.as stLalicd infiw Extensive~uppnrt Io1 the theoryof chemicalevolu- At equivalentexposures, argon irradiation resulted \me, 40- I~. SO ~ool Wind Immel during three tion was oblailrcdin experimentsdesigned to probe in tile same beam damage as neon: however,scalp damagewas nmch greaterwith argon.In irradiated nClT;llale- ItSls Illu’/tl[.l~.’d Itl lh=.’[~.’sl:~ ~Aore m,,..a~,Hic the interactionof alninoacids and metallicclays. Drosopllttamelanogaster, krypton was shown to be merit-,el selociheltccls wilh s,_,veralict noise These days were shown to CO~lcentratethe alnino nmcb more damagingto nervecells than argon. ",Lq~pru’~’,OIsRcntlltS o~ IheseSltLdic!, will make a acids,tn addition,the nickelckly appears to selec- ~lglliheantconlribntion to Ihc predictionel the tively concentratesome protehralnino acids and etlc~t~q ~clo~d], or7 IL4 noise. disciiirlhlateagainst the absorptionof certainnon- protemamino acids.A cyclingprocedure involving both dryingand warmingof the clays was nsed to 7 experimentsaboard Short Haul symposium shnulatea tidalenvironment of the primitweearth+ Kosmos 936 AI~ advancedhigh-pressure (8 PSllspace suit, which 5,)llmpoMti[lloilShort l]:Itlk Small Collmmtlleil) All On August3, 1977,tile SovietBiological Satellite, d.en~onstratesexcellent who]e-body mobility, [o,a. ~Cl~imc. hHCrL’Still the Icchnologyarea of short Kosmns936. was launched.It carriedapproximately torque .loints.and tow leakage rates, ha~ been 80investigationsfroln q countries,including 7 U.S. bald.small Co/Inl]LHIII) cih ~el%ice11DIS bccI] btlddill~. developedA sizing scheme was also developedto experimentsmanaged by Ames. Biological sped- LHld O[1 Ntl%el~lbel Q and I0. 1977. NASA Ames provide"quick change" capability in snit sizingand mensinchlded rats. fruil l’lies, and higher amid lower Re,catch(eiHcr lio~ted a ~ctl-attcndedS)’ll~leos{tt]lt configuration.This new suit technologyallows for ~hichpl’o%idcd a ~thm~uklthlgcxchamlge of ideaslrom plants.After 18.5 d:~.~sm orbit,the satellitewas significantincrease in EVA performance. lhrotlgllOlL[thc gt~lelllment,tllc acacleinic c’onl- brough~back and recoveredm (’entralA~ia. Soviel im]tllnt),alid hlclu~tr~.The syinpo~inn~inch~ded specialistsperformed initial experimental operations pre~,ellTaliOlP,on clirr~,lltairline service and t’tlit]r~." All Alliesr~e,lrcll tt’{{i1] d.2111OllS[rated tlow cla.,,sical and providedU.S. scientistswith sp¢cm~ensfrom prospects, aircraft design all~ operatting system psycllophysica~mea~,ktrements Call aid in thequanti- f]iglttand control groups ol anima{s. i-eqLmlrenmc.iHn. {ednlology opportnnities, and related t’lcatiullof realiNnof visualsimulators. In thereal NASA ;esealchprograln.~+ The svnlposinlll .cu]mi world,htlnlans typicall} overestimate angular-size as Kosmos936 was the secondSoviet satellite to carry, hated in a pairel discussionheaded by Mr.C.A. an increasingfunction of objectdistance. Using this L.S.biological experiments rote space and the tirsl Syvertson;it addressedthe teclmnologyneeds and iniorl]iation, the researchers incorporated a visk~a[ missionever to sllhJeclhigher anin;ah to artific/al potentialbcncfil~ (clr ILittlre snlalltralt~polt aircrafL angtdar-~izeji~dgment task ]n a sinlulatedlanding gravity,during >paceflight. T’,~,o centrifuws each particLilarly~qth regard to theproper direction for a scenedisplay., and for the firsttiin¢ quantitatively containing5 ral.,,exposed the andnalsto u centri- NASA R&7 program. provedthat collimatedSilncdalor dewing is about legal force equivalentto earth gravityd~mng the twiceas erfeetiveas uilcollinlatedviewing. t’Iighl,in an attcnmpito ollsctthe adverse elt¢cts ot weighliessu~e>soil Ihe IlttsCLLIo-~keleIaland An improvedversion el tilebiological preanlpliiier ervthropoieticsystems, LIFE SCIENCES to be used in the \’reMibularFunction Research Project (VFR~ aboard Spacelabll[was developed hi-house.The experimentalspecimel7s will be bull Significantprogress has been made’ m brmging Irogs, iml~.trLllalellted to rccorJ ilerVt~ responses selectedbioin~trtunentation items to tilebedside A directly.Tile net~ preamptirier’s vc>lLamu was rcdtlccd
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