
Chronological Table

1918 28/29 September The German High Command advises the Kaiser to establish a parliamentary cabinet and sue for peace. 1 October Prince Max of Baden appointed Chancellor. 23 October President Wilson's Third Note implying that peace could not be negotiated unless the Kaiser abdicates. 28 October Naval mutinies begin in . 7/8 November Bavarian monarchy overthrown and a declared in . 9 November Republic declared in . Ebert heads first Republican government - a coalition of Ma• jority and Independent Social Democrats. The Kaiser flees to Holland. 11 November Erzberger concludes an armistice with Marshal Foch. 16-20 November Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Councils in Berlin. Votes to hold elections for a National Assembly. 29 December Independent Social Democrats leave the Gov• ernment. 30-31 December Foundation of the German Communist Party in Berlin.

1919 5-12 January Spartakist rising in Berlin. 15 January and murdered by government forces. 19 January Elections for the National Assembly. 6 February National Assembly meets at Weimar. 7 April Bavarian Republic proclaimed in Mun• ich. 1 May Bavarian Soviet suppressed by and Bavarian . 28 June signed.


11 August The Constitution of the German Republic for• mally promulgated. 21 August takes the oath as President. September Hitler joins the German Workers' Party m Munich.

1920 24 February Hitler announces new programme of the Nat• ional Socialist German Workers Party (for• mally German Workers' Party). 13 March . Ebert and ministers flee to Stutt• gart. 17 March Collapse of Putsch. 24 March Defence Minister Noske and army chief Rein• hardt resign. Gessler and von Seeckt take their places. 6 June 1st Reichstag election. SPD wins 102 seats; USPD 84; DNVP 71; DVP 65; Centre 64; DDP 39; BVP 21; KPD 4.

1921 21 March Plebiscite in Upper Silesia. 27 April Reparations Commission sets German debt at 132 thousand million gold marks. 5 May Allied ultimatum delivered in London requiring German compliance with conditions about disarmament, reparations and war criminals. 26-29 July Hitler becomes undisputed leader of the Nazis. 26 August Erzberger assassinated.

1922 16 April German-Soviet Agreement signed at Rapallo. 24 June Assassination of Rathenau. 18 July 'Law to Protect the Republic' passed by the Reichstag.

1923 10 January declared in default on reparations payments. 11/12 January Franco-Belgian forces occupy the and the German government declares passive resistance. Summer 1923 Inflation of currency completely out of control. 13 August Stresemann becomes Chancellor. 164 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

26 September Passive resistance ended. Von Kahr declares state of emergency in and establishes himself as State Commissioner. 27 September Ebert declares state of emergency throughout Germany. Gessler given full powers under Article 48 of Constitution. 1-3 October Buchrucker Putsch suppressed at Kustrin. 29 October- Socialist/Communist governments suppressed 6 November in Saxony and . 2 November SPD ministers in Berlin resign. 8/9 November Hitler Putsch in Munich. 15 November First Rentenmark notes issued. 23 November Stresemann resigns as Chancellor but continues to serve as Foreign Minister.

1924 13 February President Ebert declares end of state of emer• gency. 1 April Hitler sentenced to five years' fortress arrest. 4 May 2nd Reichstag election. SPD 100; DNVP 95; Centre 65; KPD 62; DVP 45; Racialists 32; DDP 28; BVP 16; Landbund 10; Economics Party 10. 9 August London Conference protocol accepting the Dawes Plan for reparations payments. 7 December 3rd Reichstag election. SPD 131; DNVP 103; Centre 69;; DVP 51; KPD 45; DDP 32; BVP 19; Economics Party 17; Racialists 14; Landbund 8.

1925 28 February President Ebert dies. 27 April Hindenburg elected President. 5 October Locarno Treaty initialled.

1926 24 April German-Soviet Non-aggression pact. 8 September Germany elected to the . 9 October Von Seeckt resigns as head of the Reichswehr. Succeeded by Heye.

1927 31 January Allied Control Commission withdrawn from Germany. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE 165

1928 30 January Defence Minister Gessler resigns. Groener becomes Minister of Defence. 20 May 4th Reichstag election. SPD 153; Centre 62; DNVP 73; KPD 54; DVP 24; DDP 25; Economics Party 23; BVP 16; Nazis 12; Landvolk 10; Farmers' Party 8; Landbund 3.

1929 7 June Young Plan drawn up in Paris. 6-31 August First Hague Conference on Young Plan. Agree• ment on evacuation of Rhineland. 3 October Stresemann dies.

1930 30 March Bruning appointed Reich Chancellor. 14 September 5th Reichstag election, SPD 143; Nazis 107; KPD 77; Centre 68; DNVP 41; DVP 30; Economics Party 23; DDP 20; BVP 19; Landvolk 19; German Farmers' Party 6; Landbund 3.

1931 20 June President Hoover suggests Moratorium on repa• rations and War Debts. 13-14 July DANAT Bank closes its doors. 'Bank holiday' in Germany.

1932 10 April Hindenburg re-elected President. 13 April SA and other Nazi para-military formations suppressed. 13 May Groener resigns post as Defence Minister. 30May Bruning resigns. Von Papen Chancellor. 16 June-9 July Lausanne Conference on reparations. 17 June Ban on SA lifted. 20 July Von Papen deposes Prussian government. 31 July 6th Reichstag election. Nazis 230; SPD 133; KPD 89; Centre 75; DNVP 37; BVP 22; DVP 7; DDP 4; Economics Party 2. 6 November 7th Reichstag election. Nazis 196; SPD 121; KPD 100; Centre 70; DNVP 52; BVP 20; DVP 11. 17 November Von Papen resigns. 2 December Von Schleicher appointed Chancellor. 166 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

1933 28 January Von Schleicher resigns. 30 January Hitler appointed Chancellor. 27 February . 28 February Decree to Protect the German People and the State. 5 March 8th Reichstag election. Nazis 288; SPD 120; KPD 81; Centre 74; DNVP 52; BVP 18; DVP2. 23 March Enabling Act passed through Reichstag. Bibliography

Scholars of German history are fortunate in the availability of a wealth of sources in the Federal and Land archives of the Federal Republic. Access to East German archives is often more difficult, but there is reason to hope that historians will benefit from the coming together of the two Germanies. Many important documentary collections have been published as aids to scholarship. On the politics of Weimar Governments scho• lars are indebted to Professor K. D. Erdmann and the Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften for the documentary publication Akten der Reichskanzlei: Weimarer Republik (Boppard urn Rhein, Harald Boldt Verlag), 1968-, a multi-volume publication. A very useful set of documents is that edited by Michaelis and Schraepler, Ursachen und Folgen vom deutschen Zusammenbruch 1918 und 1945, Volumes 1-8, (Berlin, Dokumenten Verlag, 1958-). On the history of the Nazi party in Weimar, the first volume of the collection of documents on , 1918-1945, edited by Jeremy Noakes and Geoffrey Pridham (Exeter University, 1983) is particularly helpful. On the collapse of the Empire and the German Revolution the books by Professor E. Matthias and Professors Matthias and Morsey contain sources of great value for the light they cast on the reform movement in the German Reichstag before . These are: E. Matthias, Der Interfraktionelle Ausschuss 1917-1918, 2 vols. (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1959). E. Matthias and R. Morsey, Die Regierung des Prinzen Max von Baden (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1962). Das Kriegstagebuch des Reichstagsabgeordneten , 1914 bis 1918, ed. E. Matthias and S. Miller, (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1966). Die Reichstagsfraktion der deutschen Sozialdemokratie, 1898-1918, ed. E. Matthias and E. Pikart (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1966).


In addition, W. Deist, Militiir und Innenpolitik, 1914-1918 (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1970), is very informative on the domestic role of the military in Germany during the war. The memoirs of Prince Max von Baden should still be consulted, as should Arnold Brecht's fascinating autobiography, which adds to our knowledge of the confused and difficult situation in the Chancellery on the eve of revolution. Good accounts of the German revolution are given by F. L. Carsten in Revolution in Central Europe, and A. J. Ryder in The German Revolution of 1918. Very helpful is Wolfgang Mommsen's contribution to the admirable collection of essays edited by Richard Bessel and Edgar Feuchtwanger, Social Change and Political Development in Weimar Germany. The flavour of the revolution and the success of Majority Socialist attempts to moderate it comes out well from C. B. Burdick's and R. H. Lutz's The Political Institutions of the , a book of documents on the revolutionary period. Fuller documentation is now available in German; the most authoritative publication is Die Regierung der Volksbeauftragten, 1918-19, ed. S. Miller and H. Potthoff with an introduction by Erich Matthias (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1969). The introduction has been separately published under the title Zwischen Riiten und Geheimriiten (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1969). A good short selection of documents on the Revolution is that by Gerhard A. Ritter and , Die Deutsche Revolution 1918-1919 Dokumente ( M/Fischer Verlag, 1968). Eberhard Kolb's history of the Workers' Councils remains one of the most illuminating books on the working-class movement in this period. Ulrich Kluge has also produced a well documented volume treating the Soldiers' Councils. The histories of the USPD by David Morgan and Robert Wheeler have deepened our understanding of the German Left and its reactions to the crisis years, 1918-20. On the foundations of the Republic Professor Bracher's early chapters in Die Aufiosung der Weimarer Republik and his general reflections in Deutschland zwischen Monarchie und Diktatur deal very effectively with the problems presented by the , and by the nature of Germany's civil service, political parties and officer corps. For English readers The German Dictatorship has useful introductory chapters on the rise of the NSDAP and the collapse of Weimar. On the important question of the reform of the bureaucratic system in , Wolfgang Runge's Beamtentum im Parteienstaat gives a good picture of the extent of which the Prussian civil service was Republicanised and the difficulties faced by BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 reforming ministers in achieving this end. For an illuminating and scholarly description of the position of officials in Weimar the reader is referred to Jane Caplan's Government without Administration. On the army there is a very large bibliography, but Professor Carsten's history of the Reichswehr remains outstanding. New insights into military policy have been produced by Edward Bennett, Wilhelm Deist and Michael Geyer. Sir John Wheeler-Bennett's Nemesis of Power remains a classic indictment of military interference in German politics, and its main conclusions have been reinforced by the documentary evidence which has appeared since it was written. Important information on the organisation of secret reserve formations in Prussia, as well as on the political ideas of General Schleicher, are to be found in Thilo Vogelsang's Reichswehr, Staat und NSDAP. Hans Meier-Welcker's biography of Seeckt contains much interesting detail. As far as particular political parties are concerned, the German Social Democrats have found a worthy historian in Heinrich Winkler, whose monumental three volumes, Arbeiter und Arbeiterbewegung, are of great importance. Professor Morsey's analysis of the remains very valuable, although it only takes the story up to 1923. He has however published the protocols of the Centre's parliamentary delegation, 1926-33. The liberal parties have also received the benefit of a very effective treatment in Larry Jones's German Liberalism and the Dissolution of the Weimar Party System, 1918-1933, which will remain a standard work for many years. Nevertheless, for an understanding of the German People's Party, Henry Turner's Stresemann and the Politics of the is still essential reading. A good idea of the tensions within the German National People's Party emerges from Hertzmann's DNVP, but much more work needs to be done on this subject. The situation has improved as far as left-wing parties are concerned. Apart from the histories of the USPD mentioned above, Hermann Weber's monumental study Die Wandlung des Deutschen Kommunismus (2 vols., Frankfurt, 1969) has provided much valuable information on the KPD, and the early years of the Communist Party received a detailed and balanced treatment from Werner Angress in his Stillborn Revolution. Two of the para-military formations which played such an important part in Republican political life have received illuminating and schol• arly treatment in Karl Robe's Reichsbanner and Volker Berghahn's Stahlhelm. The Nazi Party can best be understood by reading about its real creator in Alan Bullock's Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Werner 170 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

Maser's Friihgeschichte gives an interesting and detailed account of the party's early struggles in Bavaria, but does not alter the main outlines of Bullock's account. The best short description of the nature of National Socialism in Martin Broszat's Der Nationalsozialismus. Extremely helpful are Ian Kershaw's The Nazi Dictatorship, and The Hitler Myth. On the making of Peace 1918-19 Alma Luckau's The German Delegation at the Peace Conference remains very important though sadly difficult to obtain. Klaus Epstein's biography of Erzberger is informative on the armistice and the critical negotiations leading up to the German acceptance of the Versailles Treaty. German attempts to stress the transformed nature of German politics in order to attract the Entente are illustrated in H. Holborn's article in The Diplomats. The extent of their failure can be read in vol. xii of Foreign Relations of the . The Paris Peace Conference. German-Russian relations are particularly well served for the early part of the Republic's history by G. Freund's Unholy Alliance. The military relationships are set out in Professor Carsten's Reichswehr. The foreign policy of the Stresemann era is illuminated by John Jacobsen's Locarno Diplomacy (Princeton U.P., 1972). The collapse of the Republic is best studied in Professor Bracher's Auflosung der Weimarer Republik and Nationalsozialistische Machter• greifung. The volume on the demise of Germany's political parties, Das Ende der Parteien, by Professors Matthias and Morsey, is also essential. Professor Conze has some challenging comments on the Bruning Government in his chapter in Die Staats- und Wirtschaftskrise des deutschen Reiches, while E. W. Bennett presents a critical picture of Bruning's foreign policy in Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis (Harvard U.P., 1962). Readers are also referred to the second volume of Professor Schulz's Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. The social and economic problems which bedevilled Weimar have been the subject of careful scrutiny. The works of Gerald Feldman, Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, Hans Mommsen, Bernd Weisbrod and Peter-Christian Witt have furthered our understanding of inflation, taxation policies and industrial pressure groups. On the economic crisis which engulfed Weimar, Harold James's The German Slump is admirable, and the work of Knut Borchardt has opened up important perspectives and stimulated debate. The victory of National Socialism has attracted many writers, but mention should be made of local studies which throw light on the BIBLIOGRAPHY 171 nature of the support for Hitler. Heberle's analysis of Nazi growth among the farming communities of Schleswig-Holstein remains a clas• sic of its kind, but Jeremy Noakes's work on Lower Saxony and Geoffrey Pridham's book on Bavaria have added a great deal to our knowledge of the mechanics of Nazi expansion and the nature of the party's appeal. Roloff's description of the Nazi victory in Brunswick illustrates the stages by which bourgeois parties lost their voters to the Nazis. W. S. Allen stresses the conflict between classes in his study of a small town in the Weser valley. The Nazi Party itself is described by Dietrich 0. Orlow in the first volume of his history. The attraction of National Socialism for craftsmen and small businessmen is described by Professor Winkler in his Mittelstand Demokratie und Nationalsozialismus. Professor Brozat's chapter in Upheaval and Continu• ity ( ed. E. J. Feuchtwanger) is also highly illuminating on the social basis of Nazi support. On the whole question of elections and electoral movements Milatz's study Wiihler und Wahlen in der Weimarer Republik remains important. Much detailed work has been done on the Nazis' electoral support. Thomas Childers has made particularly outstanding contributions, and there is much to interest the reader in the writings of Jiirgen Falter, Ian Hamilton and Michael Kater. Leading figures in the Weimar Republic have not always found it easy to attract adequate biographers, but the gaps are being filled. Schulze's biography of is most welcome. Kotowski's biography of Ebert stops at the end of the First World War. Rathenau has been sensitively and sympathetically treated by Count Harry Kessler, and James Joll. Andreas Dorpalen's political biography of Hindenburg is a most useful and thoughtful book. The best treatment of all has been reserved for Hitler: Alan Bullock's picture of him remains unsurpassed. The fullest general history of the Weimar Republic in English remains that by Erich Eyck, A History of the Weimar Republic, 2 vols., tr. H. P. Hanson and R. G. L. Waite (Harvard and Oxford U.P., 1962 and 1964). This is especially good when dealing with parliamentary politics, foreign policy and constitutional questions. Social and economic questions are given less detailed consideration, although Eyck still has a good many sensible things to say about them. Eberhard Kolb's useful one-volume history has now appeared in English. Still required reading are: 172 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

ARTHUR ROSENBERG, The Birth of the German Republic (Oxford U.P. 1931). -A History of the German Republic (Menthuen, 1936). The following list of books and articles is selective. Books mentioned in this brief survey, and others of particular importance, are marked with an asterisk. The place of publication is London unless otherwise stated. For more detailed information the reader is referred to the following:

DAHLMANN-WAITZ, Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. Biblio• graphie der Quellen und der Literatur der deutschen Geschichte, 10 ed. book 8, section 393-4 (, Anton Hiersemann, 1965). BRUNO GEBHARDT, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, 8th ed. vol. 4 (Stuttgart, Union Verlag, 1959). BRANDT-MEYER-JUST, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, vol. iv, sec• tion 3, 'Die Weimarer Republik' (1958). section 4, 'Die Diktatur Hitlers bis zum Beginn des zweiten Weltkrieges' (1%1). Weiner Library. Catalogue Series No.2. From Weimar to Hitler, Germany 1918--1933 (Vallentine, Mitchell, 1964).

The bibliographical appendices published in the Vierteljahrshefte fiir Zeitgeschichte should also be consulted.


C. B. BURDICK and R. H. LUTZ, The Political Institutions of the German Revolution (Stanford U.P. and London, 1966). W. DEIST, Militiir und Innenpolitik, 1914-1918 (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1970). J. HOHLFELD (ed.), Dokumente der deutschen Politik und Geschichte vom 1948 bis zur Gegenwart (Berlin, Dokumentem-Verlag/Dr Herbert Wendler, 1951-). E. KOLB and R. RVRUP,Der Zentralrat der deutschen sozialistischen Republik, 19.12.1918-8.4.1919 (Leiden, E. Brill, 1968). , P. MANTOUX, Les Deliberations du Conseil des Ql-jlltre (Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1955). E. MAITHIAS, Der Interfraktionelle Ausschuss 1917-1918, 2 vols. (Dussel• dorf, Droste, 1959). E. MAITHIAS and S. MILLER (eds.), Das Kriegstagebuch des Reichstagsab geordeneten Eduard David, 1914 bis 1918 (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1966). E. MAITHIAS and R. MORSEY, Die Regierung des Prinzen Max von Baden (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1962). BIBLIOGRAPHY 173

E. MATIHIAS and E. PIKART (eds.) Die Reichstagsfraktion der deutschen Sozialdemokratie 1898-1918 (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1966). H. MICHAELIS, E. SCHRAEPLER and G. SCHEEL, Ursachen und Folgen. Vom deutschen Zusammenbruch 1918 und 1945 bis zur staatlichen Neuordnung Deutschlands in der Gegenwart (Berlin, Dokumenten• Verlag, 1958-). S. MILLER and H. POTIHOFF (eds.), Der Regierung der Volks beauftrag• ten, 1918-19, 2 vols. (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1969). R. MORSEY (ed.), Die Protokolle der Reichstagsfraktion und des Fraktions• vorstands der Deutschen Zentrurnspartei, 1926-1933 (Mainz, Friinewald, 1969). JEREMY NOAKES and GEOFFREY PRIDHAM, Documents on Nazism, 1919--1945 (Cape, 1974). -Nazism 1919--1945. A Documentary Reader, vol. 1, The Rise to Power, 1919--1934, (Exeter University Press, 1983). GERHARD A. RITTER and SUSANNE MILLER, Die Deutsche Revolution 1918-1919 Dokumente (Frankfurt/M, Fischer Verlag, 1968). H. ROTHFELS, M. BEAUMONT, A. BULLOCK and H. M. SMYTHE (eds.), Atkten zur deutschen auswdrtigen Politik 1918-1945, Series B, 1925-1945, vol. I, I (Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, 1966). LEO STERN, Die Auswirkungen der grossen sozialistischen Oktober• revolution auf Deutschland, 4 vols. (E. Berlin, Rutten und Loening, 1959). ALBERT TYRELL, Furer Befehl . .. Selbstzeugnisse aus der "Kampfzeit" der NSDAP Dokumentation und Analyse. (Dusseldorf, Droste Verlag, 1969).


*PRINZ MAX VON BADEN, Erinnerungen und Dokumente (Stuttgart, OVA, 1927). , Aus der Werkstatt der deutschen Revolution (Berlin, Hoffmann, 1919). *OTTO BRAUN, Von Weimar zu Hitler (, Nord-deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1949). *ARNOLD BRECHT, A us Ndchster Ndhe. Lebenserinnerungen eines beteiligten Beobachters 1884-1927 (Stuttgart, OVA, 1966). U. VON BROCKDORFF-RANTZAU, Dokumente und Gedanken urn Ver• sailles (Berlin, Verlag fiir Kulturpolitik, 1925). HENRICH BRUNING Memoiren 1918-1934, (Stuttgart, DVA, 1970). *KLAUS EPSTEIN, and the Dilemma of German Democ• racy (Princeton U.P., 1959). DAVID LLOYD GEORGE, The Truth about Reparations and War Debts (Heinemann, 1932). 174 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

*OTIO GESSLER, Reichswehrpolitik in der Weimarer Zeit (Stuttgart, DVA, 1958). *, Lebenserinnerungen, Jugend, Genera/stab, Welt• krieg (Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, 1957). D. GROENER-GEYER, General Groener, Soldat und Staatsmann (Frank• furt/M. Societiits-Verlag, 1954). *H. SCHULZE, Otto Braun oder Preuf3ens demokratische Sendung, Eine Biographie, (Berlin/Frankfurt/Vienna, Propylaen, 1977). P. D. STACHURA and the Rise of Nazism (Allen and Unwin, 1983). H. TROTNOW Karl Liebknecht Eine politische Biographie (, Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1980).

Adolf Hitler

*ALAN BULLOCK, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (Penguin, 1962). JOACHIM C. FEST, Hitler (Frankfurt/M, Propylaen 1973). A. HITLER, Mein Kampf (Jubilaumsausgabe, Munich, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1939). -Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-44 (New York, Signet, 1961). WERNER MASER, Hitler (tr. Peter and Betty Ross) (Allen Lane, 1973). HERMANN RAUSCHNING, Hitler Speaks (Butterworth, 1939). ROBERT G. L. WAITE, The Psychopathic God, (New York, Basic Books Inc., 1977).


*A. DORPALEN, Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic (Princeton U.P., 1964). W. GORLITZ, Hindenburg: Ein Lebensbild (, Atheniium-Verlag, 1953). W. HUBATSCH, Hindenburg und der Staat. Aus den Papieren des General• feldmarschalls und Reichspriisidenten von 1878 bis 1934 (Gottingen, Berlin, etc., Musterschmidt, 1966). J. W. WHEELER-BENNE1T, Hindenburg. The Wooden Titan (Macmillan, 1936).

WILHELM ROEGNER, Der Schwierige Aussenseiter. Erinnerungen eines Abgeordneten, Emigranten und Ministerpriisidenten (Munich, Isar, 1959). JAMES JOLL, Intellectuals in Politics: Three Biographical Essays (Essay on Rathenau) (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960). H. KESSLER, , His Life and Work (Gerald Howe, 1929). GEORG KOTOWSKI, Friedrich Ebert. Eine politische Biographie (Wies• baden, Franz Stein, 1963). BIBLIOGRAPHY 175

HANS LUTHER, Politiker ohne Partei. Erinnerungen (Stuttgart, DVA, 1960). 0. MEISSNER, Staatssekretiir unter Ebert-Hindenburg-Hitler (Hamburg, Hoffmann & Campe, 1950). HANS MEIER-WELCKER, Seeckt (Frankfurt/M., Bernard und Graefe, 1967). R. MULLER, Vom Kaiserreich zur Republik (Vienna, Malik Verlag, 1924). J. P. NETIL, Rosa Luxemburg, 2 vols. (Oxford U.P., 1966). , Von Kiel bis Kapp (Berlin, Verlag fur Politik und Wirtschaft, 1920). - Erlebtes aus Aufstieg und Niedergang der deutschen Sozial-demokratie (Offenbach, Bollwerk Verlag, 1947). FRANZ VON ~.APEN, Memoirs tr. B. Connell (Andre Deutsch, 1952). HERMANN PONDER, Politik in der Reichskanzlei. Aufzeichnungen (ed. Th. Vogelsang) (Stuttgart, DVA, 1961). F. VON RABENAU, Seeckt. Aus Seinem Leben 1918-1936 (Leipzig, Hase & Koehler, 1940). WALTHER RATHENAU, Tagebuch 1907-1922, ed. H. Pogge von-Strand• mann (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1967). , The Stabilization of the Mark (Allen & Unwin, 1927). -My First Seventy-Six Years (Wingate, 1965). , The Making of the New Germany. The Memoirs of Philipp Scheidemann, 2 vols., tr. J. Mitchell (New York, Appleton, 1929). - Der Zusammenbruch (Berlin, Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaft, 1921). HELMUT J. SCHORR, . Gewerkschaftler und Politiker in der Ersten Deutschen Republik (Recklinghausen, Kommunalverlag, 1966). *, Mein Lebensweg, 2 vols. (Cologne, Greven, 1950). , Vermiichtnis des Nachlasses in drei Biinden, 3 vols., (ed.) H. Bernhard (Berlin, Ullstein Verlag, 1932-3). EARL OF SWINTON, Sixty Years of Power (Hutchinson, 1966). ANNELISE THIMME, Gustav Stresemann ( and Frankfurt/M, Worldeutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1957).


L. ALBERTIN und W. LINK (eds.) Politische Parteien auf dem Wege zur parlamentarischen Demokratie in Deutschland, Entwicklungslinien bis zur Gegenwart (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1981). *W. S. ALLEN, The Nazi Seizure of Power. The Experience of a Single German Town 1930-1935 (Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1966). ALFRED ANDERLE, Die Deutsche Rapallo-Politik (E. Berlin, Rutten & Loening, 1962). 176 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

J. W. ANGELL, The Recovery of Germany (Yale U.P., 1929). *WERNER T. ANGRESS, Stillborn Revolution. The Communist Bid for Power in Germany. 1921-1923 (Princeton U.P., 1963). WILLIBALT APELT, Geschichte der Weimarer Verfassung (Munich, Biederstein, 1946). G. AXHAUSEN, Organisation Escherich. Die Bewegung zur Nationalen Einheit (Berlin, Weicher, 1921). *EDWARD W. BENNETT, Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis (Harvard U.P., 1962). -German Rearmament and the West, 1932-3 (Princeton U.P. 1979). *V. R. BERGHAHN, Der Stahlhelm. Bund der Frontsoldaten (Dusseldorf, Droste, 1966). V. R. BERGHAHN and M. KITCHEN Germany in the Age of Total War (Croom Helm, 1981). CARL BERGMANN, Der weg der Reparationen. Von Versailles iiber den Dawesplan zum Ziel (Frankfurt/M, Frankfurter Societats-Druckerei, 1926). A. J. BERLAU, The German Social Democratic Party 1914-1921 (New York, 1949. *R. BESSEL and E. FEUCHTWANGER, Social Change and Political Devel• opment in Weimar Germany (Croom Helm, 1981). W. BESSON, Wiirttemberg und die deutsche Staatskrise 1928-1933 (Stutt• gart, DVA, 1959). GEORGES BONNIN, Le Putsch de Hitler a Munich en 1923 (Paris, Les Sables D'Olonne, 1966). *K. BORCHARDT Wachstum, Krisen, Handlungsspielriiume der Wirt• schaftspolitik, (Gottingen, Vandenhoeck und Rupprecht, 1982). *KARL ERICH BORN, Die deutsche Bankenkrise 1931 (Munich, Piper, 1967). *K. D. BRACHER, Die Auflosung der Weimarer Republik. Eine Studie zum Problem des Machtverfalls in der Demokratie (Villingen, Ring Verlag, 4th edn., 1964). - Deutschland zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur ( - Munich - Vi• enna, Schutz Verlag, 1964). *- Die Deutsche Diktatur: Entstehung Struktur Folgen des National• sozialismus (Koln, Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1969). English translation: Jean Steinberg, The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1971). *- W. SAUER and G. SCHULZ, Die Nationalsozialistische Machtergreif• ung, 2nd edn. (Cologne and Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1962). C. BRESCIANI-TURRONI The Economics of Inflation. A Study of Currency Depreciation in Post-War Germany, 1914-1923 (London 1937, repub• lished 1968). W. L. BRETTON, Stresemann and the Revision of Versailles (Stanford U.P., 1953). *M. BROSZAT, Der Staat Hitters (Munich, DTV, 1969). BIBLIOGRAPHY 177

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(I have confined this list to articles cited in footnotes. They are given here in order of appearance in the text.)

REINHARD RORUP, 'Problems of the German Revolution, 1918-19', in Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 3, no. 4 (October 1968) pp. 101-35. WILHELM DEIST, 'Seekriegsleitung und Flottenrebellion 1918', in Viertel• jahrshefte fiir Zeitgeschichte, October 1966. LORD BRAND, 'How a Banker Watched History Happen', in The Observer, 8 January 1961. FRITZ DICKMANN, 'Die Kriegschuldfrage auf der Friedonskonferenz von Paris 1919', in Historische Zeitschrift, August 1963. !MANUEL GEISS, 'The Outbreak of the First World War and German War Aims', in The Journal of Contemporary History, vol. I, no. 3, 1966. K. D. ERDMANN, 'Deutschland, Rapallo und der Westen', in Vierteljahr• shefte fiir Zeitgeschichte, April1963. 184 WEIMAR AND THE RISE OF HITLER

R. C. WILLIAMS, 'Russians in Germany: 1900-1914', in The Journal of Contemporary History, vol. I, no. 4, 1966. ERNST DEUERLEIN, 'Hitlers Eintritt in die Politik und in die Reichswehr', in Vierteljahrshefte fii.r Zeitgeschichte, Apri11959. R. H. PHELPS, 'Hitler als Parteiredner im Jahre 1920', in Vierteljahrshefte fii.r Zeitgeschichte, 1963, pp. 274-330. DIETRICH 0. ORLOW, 'The Organizational History and Structure of the NSDAP, 1919-1923', in Journal of Modem History, June, 1965. HANS W. GATZKE, 'The Stresemann Papers', in Journal of Modem His• tory, 1954, pp. 49 ff. M. STORMER, 'Probleme der parlamentarischen Mehrheitsbildung in der Stabilisierungsphase der Weimarer Republik', in Politische Vierteljahrs• schrift, Heft I, 1%7. AITILA CHANADY, 'The Disintegration of the German National People's Party, 1924-1930', in Journal of Modem History, March 1%7. H. HAMMER, 'Die deutschen Ausgaben von Hitlers "Mein Kampf"', in Vierteljahrshefte fii.r Zeitgeschichte, April1956. H. TREVOR-ROPER, 'Hitlers Kriegsziele', in Vierteljahrshefte fii.r Zeit• geschichte, Apri11960. J. NOAKES, 'Conflict and Development in the NSDAP 1924-1927', in Journal of Contemporary History, October 1966. HEINRICH AUGUST WINKLER, 'From Social Protectionism to National Socialism' in Journal of Modem History vol. 48, no. 1 (March 1976) pp. 7-13. .. HEINRICH BRUNING, 'Ein Brief', in Deutsche Rundschau, July 1947. K. 0. VON ARETIN, 'Priilat Kaas, und das Reichskon• kordat von 1933,' in Vierteljahreshefte fii.r Zeitgeschichte, July 1966. D. ABRAHAM, 'Big Business, Nazis and German Politics at the End of Weimar' in European History Quarterly, vol. 17, 1987. U. BUTTNER, 'Politische Alternative zum Briiningschen Deflationskurs. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion iiber 'Okonomischen Zwangslagen' in der Endphase von Weimar', in Vierteljahreshefte fii.r Zeitgeschichte, vol. 37, 1989. H. A. WINKLER, 'Die Revolution von 1918/19 und das Problem der Kontinuitat in der deutschen Geschichte', in Historische Zeitschrift, vol. 250, no. 2, Apri11990. Index

Adenauer, Konrad 150 diplomatic documents published Allies, see Western Allies 44 Alsace-: and Nazi Movement 7lff, 146 no voting allowed Bavarian People's Party 71, 101, in 31n. 112, 146, 148 loss of 46, 48, 96 Belgium: Amann, Max, Hitler's business and Peace settlement 46, 48, 49 manager 80, 120 and Ruhr occupation 69 Anti-semitism 112 and Locarno 96-7 origins of 73ff. Bell, Dr Hans, Centre Party Minister, in Nazi programme 76 at Versailles 53 Hitler and 78 Benes, Eduard, at Locarno 97 Armistice: and n. November 1918, 17 Bismarck, Prince Otto von 23, 36, decision to seek 3 39, 77, 144 negotiations for 11, 45, Blomberg Werner von, General, conditions of 12, 14 appointed Defence Minister Austria: 139 on brink of revolution 34 9 aggression of 44 and world revolution 34 possible union with Germany andKPD 36 46 recognition of, by German rejected by Allies 47, 49 government 44 racialists in 74, 79, Brandler, Heinrich, KPD leader 88 Braun, Otto, Prussian Prime Min• ister 109-111, 132, 134, 138 Balfour, Lord, British Foreign Breitscheid, RudoH 67 Secretary 46 Briand, Aristide, French Statesman Barth, Emil, Independent Social 129 Democrat in revolutionary Britain 46-9, 60-1, 84 government 13, 16, Bauer, and Russian relations with, in Gustav (1870-1944), Reich 1922 64-6 Chancellor 57-8, attitude of, over Ruhr occupation Bavaria: 87 revolutions in 10, 34-5 and Locarno 98ff. constitutional, position of 27, and war debts moratorium 129 29, 134, 154 Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count Ulrich Coburg joined to 28n von (1869-1928)

185 186 INDEX Civil Service, character and Foreign Minister (1918-19) 45, recruitment of 37-9, 40 48 refuses to sign Peace Treaty 53 in Kapp Putsch 57 Briining, Dr. Heinrich (1885-1970) pay settlement 1927, 153 135 Colonies, German, loss of 48 prominent in Centre Party 113 Comintern, Third (Communist) becomes Chancellor 117, 143 International 34, 88, 101, domestic policies of 124ff, 149ff, 148 foreign policy of 129 Communist Party, see KPD forced out of office 130-3 Conservatives (DKP): Buchrucker, Ernst, Major, attempts in Imperial Reichstag 2 coup 88 electoral strength in East Germa• Burgerbraukeller, the, scene of the ny 25, 42n. Munich Putsch 90 Cuno, Wilhelm (1876-1933), Chancellor 68, 81, 83, Centre Party 60-1, 117, 144, 147, 85-6 150-1 Curtius, Julius (1877-1948), German in Imperial Reichstag 2 Foreign Minister 129 in inter-party committee 3 and , and Locarno 97 n., 4 and parliamentary reform, 1918, Danzig 47, 49 5 Darre, Walther, Nazi agrarian and other Weimar parties 23, expert 123 25, 33-4, 67, 110 Dawes, Charles 94-5, 103 attitude towards Republic Dawes Committee, the 94-5, 113 24-5,62 Dawes Plan 93, 94, 100, 103, 106, and socialism 26 149 in Prussia 25 Democratic Party (DDP) 33, 145 and Civil Service 38 foundation of 23-4 and Roman Catholic Church and Progressives 23-4 41 and DVP 24, 68, 108-9 and Versailles Treaty 50 attitudes and policies 24, 26, and Rapallo 66 68 and Bavaria 71 and Civil Service 38 and 1925 presidential elections and Versailles Treaty 50 101 electoral losses 60, 100 leadership of 112 and 1925 presidential elections and 1930 Reichstag elections 101 124 and 1932 presidential elections and 1932 presidential elections 131 132 48, 66 and Papen 134 Depression, the (1929-), 115ff., and 1932 Reichstag elections 126ff., 149ff. 136, 146 Dittmann, Wilhelm (1874-1954), in and Hitler 136, 139-40, 148 revolutionary government 13 Chamberlain, Austen, British DNVP (German Nationalist Party) Foreign Secretary 99 32, 50, 68, 137' Chicherin, G. V., Russian Foreign character of 25, 144-5 Minister 65, 96, opposition to the Republic 50, INDEX 187

88, 111 Economics Party, the 112, 118n. Eichhorn, Emil, Police President in and Kapp 58, 60 Berlin 12, 16, 18 Ministers in Republican govern- Eisner, Kurt (1867-1919): ments 91,96 seizes power in Munich 10, 91 and Dawes Plan 95 and I..ocamo 96ff. and foreign policy 44 and 1928 Reichstag elections murdered 34 Emergency powers 26 105 divisions in 111ff. use of 77ff. and Young Plan 113ff. 122 by Bruning 109ff. 1930 electoral defeat 124 Entente, see Western Allies and Bruning 125ff. Erhard, Ludwig 150-1 and Hindenburg 131-2 Erzberger, Matthias (1875-1921): and Papen 136 and armistice 11 and Hitler 138 Finance Minister 28, 56, 71 Drexler, Anton 76, 79-80 retires from politics 56 Duesterberg, Theodor 131 murdered 63 DVP (German People's Party) 66, Esser Hermann 121 88-9, 108, 110, 136, 145 foundation of 24 Feder, Gottfried, Nazi economist attitude towards Republic 24, (1883-1941) 77 60, 68,109 Fehrenbach, Konstantin (1852- and Kapp 58 1926), Centre Party politician not in Wirth's cabinet 61 and Chancellor 60-1, 72 in Stresemann's cabinet 87 First World War, see and 1924 Reichstag elections Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 4, 47, 100 54 and unemployment relief policy France 50, 60, 65 115ff. fears for future security of Ebert, Friedrich (1871-1925) 28, 46-7 39, 57, 72, 89 and Rhineland 47 patriotic attitude, and Ruhr occupation 69, 83ff. 5 and Locarno 96ff. appointed Chancellor 11 and end of reparations 129-30 fears of disorder 11-13 Freikorps: heads USPD/SPD coalition 12, foundation of 18 13 suppression of Spartakist rising personality 13 18 and socialisation 14 atrocities committed by 18-19, and civil servants 14 35,39 and Army 15, 16 in Bavaria 35, 39, 71-2 breaks with USPD 17 and Reichswehr 36, 56 and Spartakist rising 18 and Kapp 57-8 and elections to National Assembly 23 becomes President 30n., 56 Genoa Conference, 1922 65-6 and foreign policy 44-6, 65 German Empire, the 27, 73, 144 and Peace Treaty 53-4 political structure before 1914 dies 101 2 188 INDEX

fall of 8-11 and revolution 15 legacy of 33, 40-1, 44, 144 President (1925-34) 30, 101-2, and war guilt 45, 51, 75 116 Gennan Farmers' Association, anti• 'stab-in-the-back' 52n. semitic trends in 73 and Peace Treaty 53 Gennan Social Democrats, see SPD elected President 101 Gennany, see German Empire and Bruning's Ministry 125-6, Weimar Republic 157 Gennany, Federal Republic of, and 1932 presidential election contrasted with Weimar 150-1 131-2 Gessler, Otto Karl (1875-1955), and Hitler 137, 138 member of Democratic Party: Hirsing, Otto, Reichsbanner founder Defence Minister 59, 72, 87, 102 107 Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) 15, 19, Goebbels, Paul Josef 122, 132 32,39,66,93, 116,117,123,125, Goring, Hermann, Prussian Minis• 136, 143, 144, 158 ter of the Interior in Hitler's and Versailles 50-1 regime 139 early career 72ff. Groener, Lieut.-General Wilhelm joins DAP 76ff. (1887-1939): Mein Kampf 77, 120ff. advises Wilhelm II to leave aims and character of 78-9 Germany 11, 15 becomes undisputed Party leader relations with Ebert 15, 16 79-80 and signature of Peace Treaty his methods 80-1 53 and Ruhr occupation 85-6 as Defence Minister 107, 115, and Munich Putsch 90-2 133, 136 and Young Plan 114, 122, 148 rebuilds Party after Munich Haase, Hugo (1863-1919): Putsch 120ff. USPD leader 9 trial in Munich 120 and in revolutionary government Schleicher 131 13,44 and 1932 presidential elections Habsburg Empire, the 46 131-3, Chancellor 138ff, 156 Haussmann, Conrad (1857-1922), nature of his support 145ff. Progressive Party member: possibility of stopping 147ff supports Pince Max 5 Hoffman, Adolf, Education Minis• asked by Ebert to stay in govern• ter in Prussia after November ment 23 Revolution 25 Helfferich, Dr Karl (1872-1924), de Hondte's electoral system 31 attacks Erzberger 56 Hoover, Herbert, President of the Herriot, Edouard 94 USA 127n., 129, Heye, Wilhelm, General 107 Hugenberg, Alfred (1865-1951), Hilferding, Rudolf 67 Nationalist leader and news• Hindenburg, Field-Marshal Paul paper proprietor 111-2, 114, von Beneckendorff und 117, 124, 126, 136, 138, 139, 145, (1847-1934): 105, 111, 115, 147-8 135, 137, 147 has to admit Germany's Imperial Army: defeat 1, 4 attitude of public towards 2 INDEX 189

increase in power of, 1917 2 and Kapp Putsch 59 morale lowered in 1918 3 and Ruhr occupation 86 and revolution 9, 11 planned rising in 1923 88 relations with Ebert 15 electoral success 1924 100 repatriation of 14, 15 and Hindenburg 1925 election in ruins 15 101 and victor powers 45 and Reichstag elections through• reduced by Peace Treaty 48 out Republican period 124, Inflation 83-5, 152 136 'Iron Front' in defence of Republic and Weimar's fall 148, 154 132,134-5, Kreuzzeitung, Conservative news• Italy 46 paper 101 and Locamo 97-8 Kun, Bela, heads Soviet Republic in Budapest 34

Judiciary, character of 39-40 Landsberg, Otto, in revolutionary government 12-13 Kaas, Ludwig, Centre Party Leader Lausanne Conference,1932, 130 113, 140 League of Nations: Kahr, Gustav Ritter von enthusiasm for 45 (1862-1934), heads Bavarian and Danzig 47 government 71ff. and German colonies 48 State Commissioner in Bavaria German exclusion from 48 87,89 German membership of 96ff. and Hitler 90, 120 Legien, Carl, trade union leader Kaiser, see Wilhelm IT 20 Kampfbund, and Munich Putsch Lenin, Vladimir Dyitch Ulyanov 90 63 Kapp, Dr. Wolfgang (1858-1922) and foundation of KPD 17 57-9 and Bavarian Soviet 35, 63 Kapp Putsch, 41, Levi, Paul 67 56-9' 71' 120 Levine, Eugen, Communist leader in Kautsky, Karl (1854-1938), and Munich Soviet 35-6 revolution 9 revolutionary martyr 36 Keynes, J. M., British economist Liebknecht, Karl (1871-1919): 128n., 155 in prison 4 Koch-Weser, Erich 100, 109 and proclamation of Republic Kolbis, and Naval Mutiny 1917 11 21n. co-founder of German Commun• KPD (German Communist Party) ist Party 17 35, 116, 121, 131, 137, 140, 146 and Spartakist rising, January founded December 1918 17 1919 18 involved in Berlin rising January murdered 18 1919 18 revolutionary martyr 36 and Bavaria 34-5 Lithuania 47 and fighting in 1919 17-18 Lloyd George, David, British Prime long term advantages of, in 1919 Minister 47, 64-6 36, 145 LObe, Paul 109 opposition to Republic 50 Locarno, Treaty of 93, 96ff., 105 190 INDEX

conference at 96 hands over to Ebert 11 spirit of 99 authority handed on to Ebert from Lossow, General Otto von 39 (1868-1938): Mayr, Captain, Hitler's commander insubordination of 89 75 and von Kahr 89ff. Mein Kampf 77, 120-1 and Hitler 90-1, 120 Memel 47 Ludendorff, General Erich Muller, Hermann: SPD Foreign (1865-1937): Minister 53 has to admit defeat 1, 4, 5, 7 Cllancellor 59,60, 105,110,111, and 'stab-in-the-back' 4, 52n. 115 and parliamentary government resigns 116 4 Munich, Soviet republic in 34-5, and Kapp Putsch 57 71, 74-5, 120 and Munich Putsch 90-1 Munich, 1938 agreement at 97 presidential candidate 131 Munich Putsch, November 1923 Ludwig III, King of Bavaria 90-1 (1845-1921) 10, 74, Luther, Dr Hans 68, 93, 96, 125, III 30 154 National Assembly 27, 34, 46 Liittwitz, General Walther Freiherr and SPD 13-14 von (1859-1942) 57-8 and USPD 14 Luxemburg, Rosa (1871-1919): elections for 19, 23, 25-6 in prison 3 meets at Weimar 27 founds German Communist Party and Versailles 45, 53 17 does not dissolve itself 56 attitude towards Revolution 17 flees Kapp Putsch 57 and Spartakist rising National Liberals: 18 in Imperial Reichstag 2, 46 murdered 18 and interparty committee 3 revolutionary martyr 36 andDDP 23-4 Naval Mutiny, October 1918 6, MacDonald, J. Ramsay, British 8-10 Prime Minister 127n. Noske, Gustav (1868-1947): Malcolm, Major-General Neill, and Defence Minister 18, 36, 37 'stab-in-the-back' 52n. sends troops to Bavaria 35, 75 Maltzan, Freiherr Ago von 64-5 and Kapp Putsch 57 Mark, stabilisation of 93-4 resigns 59 Marx, Dr Wilhelm (1863-1946): NSDAP (Nazis) 51, 80, 101, 116, Chancellor 91 123 presidential candidate 101 asDAP 75 resigns leadership of Centre Party origins 75ff. programme 76-7 112-13, 147 nature of its appeal 78, 122, 123, Maurice, Lieut.-General 52n. 145ff. Max of Baden, Prince (1867-1929): Young Plan 114ff., 122 as Chancellor 5, 24 1930 election victory 117, 124 fear of precipitate peace talks 5 recovery after Munich Putsch starts to negotiate for armistice 120ff. 6,44,49 struggles within 12lff. INDEX 191

and Bruning's Ministry 126ff. Rapallo Treaty, 1922, the 65-6 andArmy 133 Rathenau, Walther (1867-1922): and 1932 elections 136, 137 Foreign Minister 1922 65 and 1933 elections 139 murdered 67-8 Reichspeitsch, and Naval Mutiny 1917 21n. Ottoman Empire, the 46 93-4, 106 Reichsbanner, Republican organisa• Pan-German League, the 73, 98, tion 102, 124, 132, 135, 138, 114 143 Papen, Franz von, Chancellor 130, and suppression of Prussian gov- 133-5, 136-7, 143 ernment 134-5 resigns 138 94 and Hitler 138 Reichsrat, the 29-30 Patriotic Leagues, see Vater- Reichstag 11, 23, 35, 67-8, 95, 105, liindische Verbiinde 113, 116, 117, 130 Peace Treaty, see Versailles Treaty in 1914 1-2, 46 Pohner, Ernst (1870-1925) 72 interparty committee of, 1917 3, Poincare, Raymond 68, 83,86-7, 4-5 94 in Weimar Constitution 30-1 : proportional representation loss of territory to 48, 66, 97-8 31-2 and 47, 49 1920 elections for 35, 60 German pressures on 97-9 1924 elections for 100 Preuss,IIugo 27-8 and Reichswehr 107 Progressives: inadequate support given to Min- pre-war views 1 istry 110 in inter-party committee 3, 4 1928 elections for 105, 112 and reform 5 1930 elections for 117-8 and other Weimar parties 23 1932 elections for 136-7 and Democratic Party 23-4 1933 elections for 138-40 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the fire in 139 73 Reichswehr: 83, 98 Prussia: suppres~s leftwing revolts 35, desire to reform electoral 36,88 system 1 character and formation of Government suppressed, 1932 36-7 134-5 and Freikorps 36, 71 constitutional position of 27, and Kapp Putsch 57-9 28n., 29, 154 and disarmament 48, 61, 63, Civil Service in 38-9 130, 134, 157 Social Democrats in power in and Russia 63-4, 96 28, 110. 126, 133 in Bavaria 72, 86ft. Prussian War Ministry 16 Black Reichswehr 86-8 and Freikorps 18 in Republican politics 107ft., as IIeadquarters, Reichswehr 36 115-7 and Bruning 117, 125 Radek, Karl, at foundation of KPD and IIitler 136 17 and IIindenburg 133 192 INDEX

and plans for conscription Schaffer, Hans 155 135-6 Schiffer, Eugen 58, 108 Reinhardt, Walther, Colonel (later Schleicher, Kurt von (1882-1934), General): General: appointed Prussian War political views 115, 117, 130, Minister 16 133, 143 opposes Peace Treaty 53 Chancellor 138 and Kapp Putsch 57 and Hitler 138 resigns 59 Defence Minister 133 Rentenmark 93-4, Second World War, see World 48-9, 50, 60-3, 68, 84, II 129 Seeckt, Hans von (1866-1936), and Dawes Plan 94-5, 102 General: and Young Plan 113, 129 and Kapp Putsch 57-9 end of 129-30 appointed head of Reichswehr Reparations Commission 60, 69 59 fixes German debt 61 policies 63-4 Reusch, Paul 148 and evasion of arms restrictions Rhineland: 64 occupation of 48, 98, 99 and Russia 63ff. promise to evacuate 99, 105, and Ruhr crisis 86ff. 113 and Bavarian insubordination Rohm, Ernst 131 89ff. Rote Fahne, Die (Communist opposes Stresemann 87-9, 99 newspaper) 17, 86 resigns 107 Ruhr occupation: threat of 61 Seisser, Hans von 120 carried out 69ff. Seldte, Franz 139 passive resistance to 83ff. Serbia, attack on 44 abandonment of 87 Skrzynski, Nexander, at Locarno Rundstedt 136 97 and n. Russia: Soviets, see Workers' and Soldiers' relations with 44, 63ff., 69n., Councils 96-7 Spartakists 25 civil war in 46 duringwar 2 pogroms in 73 and November Revolution 8 attack Ebert's government 17 Si\,the 80,123,125,131-3,134, Congress to found KPD 17 136-7 'Spartakist Rising', January 1919 Saar Basin 48 17-18 Saxony 27,28n.,88-9, 148 Press attacks on 26 Schacht, Hjalmar, banker: 154 and foreign policy 44 and Democratic Party 26n. SPD 10,25,31,61, 121,124,136, and currency stabilisation 94 144, 146, 147, 150-1 Scheidemann, Philipp (1865-1939): pre-war views of 1, 2 and Kaiser's abdication 6 attitude towards war 2 proclaims Republic 11 in interparty committee 3, 4 in Republican government attitude towards Max's govern- 12-13 ment 5-6 resigns as Premier 53 and November Revolution 8, INDEX 193

9-11, 13 conflict with Bavaria 87ff. and Workers' Councils 10, 12, resigns as Chancellor 91 15 appointed Foreign Minister 91 coalition with USPD 12-17 and Locarno 96ff. attitude to other Weimar parties foreign policy 97-8 23,24,33-4,89, 109,149 refuses liberal union 100, 108 and socialisation 20 and Young Plan 113ff. and constitution 27, 33 andDVP 115 attitude towards Reichswehr death of 115, 129 36-7, 107 and Civil Service 38 Tat, rightwing journal 108 and trade unions 41 Thlilmann, Ernst, KPD leader 131 and Versailles Treaty 50 Third Reich, the 120 and Kapp Putsch 58-9, 60 Thuringa 28n., 88-9 reunion with USPD 67 Trade unions, and Workers' and Stresemann 87-9, 91 Councils 14 and 1924 elections 100 and socialization 19, 20 and 1925 presidential elections and Civil Service 38-9 101 development in Republic 41 and Reichsbanner 102 and Kapp Putsch 57 and 1928 elections 105 and Rathenau's death 67 and unemployment 116-7 and Depression 117, 151-2, 154 and Bruning 117, 125 Schleicher appeals to 138 and 1930 elections 124 Trimbom, Carl, Centre Party poli• and Iron Front 134 tician 24 opposes Enabling Law 140 'Stab-in-the back', the 52n., 100 Stalhelm (ex-servicemen's associa• Unemployment (1923) 85-6, 92n. tion) 134, 138 (1929-33) 115, 126ff., 152 hostile attitude towards Republic unemployment benefit 105, 115, 34 150, 154, 157 and Hugenberg 114 United States of America, the 51, and Bruning 125ff. 156 and Hindenburg 131 and war debts 49, 60-1, 84, 113 Stampfer, Friedrich 109 Upper Silesia 48 Stinnes, Hugo, Industrialist 20, USPD 25,35 89 formation 2 Strasser, Gregor, Nazi leader 121- attacks SPD participation in Max's 22,137, 138 government 5 Streicher, Julius 121 agitation against war 8 Stresemann, Gustav (1878-1929) and revolution 8-9 62,66,67,97,125 and Workers' Councils 10, 16 founds DVP 24 in coalition with SPD 12-17 attitude towards Republic 46, and Army 16, 35 68 radical tendencies in 17 and Austria 46 and socialisation 26 andKapp 59 confused aims 35 Chancellor 86 and Comintem 35 ends passive resistance 87 moves for reunion with SPD 35, 194 INDEX

67 93ff. and foreign policy 44 Reichsbanner supports 102 and Kapp 59-60 importance of Milller's fall for 116-7 reasons for collapse of 143ff. Vaterliindische Verbiinde 86 Wels, Otto 11, 12, 16 in Bavaria 71, 89ff. Westarp, Count von, DVP leader Versailles Treaty 40, 42, 56, 63, 112 100, 125, 142, 158 Western Allies, and armistice 6, German public unprepared for 11 45 peace terms presented 34 terms of 47-9 and German Army 37, 61, 72 resentment over 49 and Peace Treaty 44-9 criticism of 49, 147 relations with Germany 44 impact of 49-50 and Reparations 48-9, 61, 95, 'War Guilt Oause' 51-3 125 signature of 53 and London ultimatum, May, evasion of 60-1, 98, 135 1921 6,84 Article 231 of 51 Wilhelm, Crown Prince (1882-1951) Article 116 of 64 10 Volkischer Beobachter 85 Wilhelm II (1859-1941), German Emperor 45, 56, 68, 125, 144 War Guilt Question, the 51-2, advised to sue for peace 1 114 attitude to Roman Catholics 2 100, 108 possible victory in war 2 formed 33, 131 attitude to reforms 5 fears elections 1919-20 56 obstacle to peace 6 Weimar Republic 42, 136, 149 abdication 6, 11 more liberal than predecessor and Hindenburg 101, 102 21,33 Wilhelmine Empire, see German foundation of 23ff. Empire makes peace 44ff. Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924), constitution of 27, 29-30, 40, President, USA 6, 46, 49, 54 71 his Fourteen points 45-7, 49 position of president in 30, Wirth, Dr Josef (1879-1956): 100-2, 110 Chancellor 61 position of parties in 33, 109 and Russia 63-6 women in 33, 146-7 and Law to Defend the Republic civil service in 37-8, 40 67 judiciary in 39-40 resignation 68 universities in 40-1, 108 Women, rights of, in politics Churches in 41 146-7 possible union with Austria 46 Workers' and Soldiers' Coun• rejected by Allies 47 cils: economy of 49-50, 105, 149ff. established in revolution 9-10, Wirth tries to rally support for 12, 14, 74 67 and Republican government 12, Law to Defend 67 14 improved situation of, in 1924 and USPD 14 INDEX 195 attempts to set up Red Guard Press attacks on 16 14 and judiciary 39 trade unions and 14 emasculation of 42 National Congress convened Wiirttemberg 27, 134 14-15 and Army 15, 36 Young, Owen D. 94, 113 failure to assert their authority Young Plan 31, 113, 128, 148, 150 14, 19