Where Are We Located? Our Base Our Main Base Is Zadar Airport (LDZD)

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Where Are We Located? Our Base Our Main Base Is Zadar Airport (LDZD) A-Z Student Information Pack We hope you find the information contained in this guide helpful during your training at Pan Aero. We welcome any other additions or recommendations that you think other students may find helpful. Please do not hesitate to ask any of the Pan Aero team if you need any other advice or assistance. Where are we located? Our Base Our main base is Zadar Airport (LDZD). Our oFFice is located in tHe Zadar Airport General Aviation Terminal. When Facing tHe main terminal building, tHe GA terminal is 100m to tHe rigHt. You can walk tHe GA terminal From tHe parking and From tHe main terminal. Access to Pan Aero Our ofFice hours are Mon – Fri 07.00 – 15.00. During tHese Hours tHe Office at Zadar ofFice will be staFFed. You can call us on +385 95 600 6600. Outside tHese Airport hours only instructors and students scHeduled to Fly are present at the ofFice. To access Pan Aero oFFice in tHe General Aviation Terminal at Zadar Airport, please pHone or message your instructor/contact person and you will be let in. THe GA terminal doors are normally locked For security reasons. Parking at Zadar You can pay For tHe parking at tHe designated parking ticket macHines in Airport the parking space. During the oFF season, parking is usually Free. We Have an ATO oFFice located on tHe main square in tHe city oF Varazdin ATO Office (LDVA). THe address is Trg Kralja Tomislava 2. We use tHis oFFice For Varazdin speciFic trainings and administration. Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 Travelling to Zadar Airport By aircraft from Croatia Airlines operates a morning and an evening Zagreb-Zadar-Zagreb ZagreB service. Return tickets are around 95 EUR, one way tickets are about 50 EUR. CHeck www.croatiaairlines.com By Bus from ZagreB At Zagreb airport take tHe Croatia Airlines bus (4.5 EUR, 20-30 min ride) to Zagreb central bus station (taxis are available, but are mucH more expensive). At tHe Zagreb central bus station take the bus to Zadar (17 EUR, 3.5 H ride). Bus scHedule: http://voznired.akz.hr/voznired.aspx?lang=en From Zadar bus station you can take a taxi or a local bus to the Hotel, airField or downtown. By Car from ZagreB Rental Cars are available botH at Zagreb Airport and Zadar Airport. You can take tHe non-toll road (D1) to Zadar. Driving time 3:45. IF you take the non-toll road and Have extra time, you can plan a stop at Plitvice Lakes – a national park witH waterFalls. You can take tHe HigHway – 2:55. The HigHway toll is 17 EUR one way. Exit at tHe Zadar 2 HigHway exit and Follow tHe signs towards Zadar airport. Uber Uber is available in Zagreb and in Zadar. Ryanair Ryanair flies to Zadar during tHe Summer season, usually starting in May and ending in October. Check their website for more information. Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 A Accommodation High season – 15.06 – 15.09 If you are planning to stay during tHe HigH season, book well in advance. There is a wide selection of Hotels available in Zadar, however we recommend Finding private accommodation. Airbnb – there is a good selection oF appartments. Booking.com There are also several brand new Hostels tHrougHout tHe town: http://www.hostel4you.hr/ http://Hostelforumzadar.com/en Airfield safety Whenever you are at tHe airField, be reminded tHat you are in a hazardous environment, and that you must follow the airfield rules and wear reFlective vests. You cannot walk around tHe airField apron witHout an instructor or ofFicial escort. ATM ATMs can be Found in tHe airport main building, at tHe domestic arrivals side. B Banks OTP Bank is located inside tHe airport main building, alongside an excHange ofFice; RaiFFeisenbank, Ante Starčević 5a, Zadar City Erste, Obala kneza Branimira 6, Zadar City PBZ, Zagrebačka ul. 18, Zadar City C Cleanliness Please dispose oF tHe empty plastic cups or Food bags in tHe trasH bins. Conduct ProFessional standards of conduct are expected at all times. Currency Croatian Kuna (HRK). 1 EUR is approx. 7.4 HRK. Sometimes it is possible to pay in Euro, but do not count on it. Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 E Emergency In an event oF a Fire or medical emergency call 112 For tHe Emergency Services. Emergency rooms - Ul. Ivana Mažuranića 28 Zadar, tel. 023 627 188 F Fire Extinguishers General aviation building is Fitted witH Fire ExtinguisHers in visible places. Flying in Croatia Croatian airspace is all controlled C above 1000Ft AGL, so you will need to file flight plans if you wish to fly higher. You can Find Croatian AIP and VFR Manual (For smaller airFields) on tHe following link: http://www.crocontrol.hr/default.aspx?id=1347 General procedure For Filing a Flight plan is to Fill tHe ICAO Flight plan Form provided on the beFore mentioned link and send it to an email address of the ARO oFFice (at departure airField, or closest to departure airField). Few minutes after sending tHe email, cHeck tHat tHe FligHt plan was received by calling relevant ARO by pHone. All tHe email addresses and pHone numbers are found in GEN part of VFR Manual ([email protected], [email protected], etc) Alternatively, you can just use FligHt planning applications like RocketRoute, SkyDemon etc. Make sure you plan FligHts to airFields via mandatory entry/exit points. Pan Aero provides Croatian and Slovenian VFR cHarts (updated) on Jepessen Mobile VFR application on our airplane iPads. You can also File a FligHt plan using an application on tHe iPad, but you need to be familiar with the procedure described in the VFR manual. We recommend tHat you read tHe FAA Airplane Flying Handbook and tHe Instrument Flying Handbook iF you are doing an IR course. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/ Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 H Hospital General Hospital - Bože Peričića 5, Zadar, Tel: 023 505 505 Emergency rooms - Ul. Ivana Mažuranića 28 Zadar, tel. 023 627 188 Hot drinks Water macHine in tHe oFFice can dispense Hot water, so you can prepare tea/instant coFfee free of charge. Please dispense the cups in the bins aFter use. CoFFee sHops are located inside tHe main airport building, and on tHe road to Zadar. L Leisure You can relax in one of tHe many cofFee sHops by the sea in Zadar, or you can take a relaxing walk througH the old town on the peninsula, with a lot oF street attractions. There are 5 national nature parks witHin 1.5 Hour drive. CHeck out Krka waterFalls and Paklenica national park. There are also various boat tours available From Zadar downtown. M Materials Please take care oF all study materials given to you For tHe purpose oF the course and return them in the condition they were given to you, iF they are to be returned aFter FinisHing your training. MoBile Phones The use of mobile pHones is not permitted during training sessions. Please respect your instructor and otHer students by switcHing your phone oFF during these times. MoBile Phones Can be purcHased at any kiosk, store or gas station. Top Ups Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 O OFFICE HOURS Mon – Fri 07.00 – 15.00. Outside oFFice Hours only instructors and students scheduled to fly are normally at tHe oFFice. OMS OMS (Operator Management System) is Pan Aero’s soFtware tool. OMS is available online, on http://oms.pan.aero. You will receive your login and password (wHicH we recommend you cHange immediately), with whicH you can access relevant training documentation and airplane manuals. This same account login is used For signing of FligHts, on our EFB application on our airplane iPads. P Parking During the spring, summer and Fall, parking at Zadar airport is not Free. You can pay for the parking at the designated parking ticket machines in the parking space. Petrol Stations There are several petrol stations 10 minutes From tHe airField, on tHe road to Zadar From tHe airport, near to tHe First traFFic ligHt. Post Post oFFice closest to tHe oFFice is located at Ul. Matije Škarića 2. R Restaurants (near There are many restaurants around tHe inner town centre. Pan Aero office) Recommended close by restaurant is Stari Most, on tHe road From airport to Zadar. Website: http://www.starimost.com.hr S Shops Main supermarkets in tHe city are Konzum, Spar, KauFland, wHicH oFFer a variety oF items. Supernova - a larger mall on tHe nortH exit of town. Smoking Smoking is not permitted in tHe oFFice or anywHere on tHe airField. THat also includes electronic cigarettes. Revision:3 © Pan Aero Services LLC 2018-12-15 T Taxi http://www.taxi-zadar.com.Hr/ http://www.lulic.hr/taxi/en/ Uber is also available. During low season, you can rent a car For about 10 EUR per day. We highly recommend this option. V ValuaBles We cannot accept responsibility For any loss or damage oF personal items. ThereFore, please ensure you keep your valuable items with you at all times and take tHem witH you wHen you leave tHe building. W Wi-Fi Wi-Fi SSID: GaTerminal Password:ZadarGat Zadar town centre is also covered by oFFicial Free town Wi-Fi. CoFFee sHops also oFFer free Wi-Fi. Z Zadar Zadar is an ancient Mediterranean port city and tHe oldest continuously inHabited town in Croatia. Zadar is a powerful cultural and economic city whose liFe is comFortable all year round, but sHows all its splendour in the summer.
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