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VOL IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 1879. &O.38 POETIC IHEIRON ERA AN EXOITIN9_SEA-0HA8E hut weather bnaai, heading as if to put 1 squared, aod ber helm lashed amidnhipa, ADA* POE'S IXDIA> F1UHT. and tba other on bis hip, pitched him \ 1 The public do themselves an butwei-L her and the Hloop-of-war, tbe M boat * craw of the schooner ten feet iuto tbe uir, Adam feU upon tMLWBB EVEBI SlTlM!! M Creeping Up the Slajfj£ , " IS 1K0IDEKT OF IBS Pill ZS 1812. HI JA.0H BBAOI The privateer now hoisted a largo wliicb performed this work jumping into his back at the edge of the water, but UioHoflly falliujf twiliglit American flag at tba {ore, and in a ff»w BENJ.H.VOOT. Tbe most nstouiahing, at the same tbeii boat as abo gathered away, bend- The memory of the brave actions of before his, antagonist could spring tipon absolute injustice if they pur- inomests a broad Danish battle eniign Ing directly for tbe sloop-of.war. The ElllTOUASurlUlMETOH. timo one of tlie moat amuH.ng, nautical those lardy pioneen, who won, foot by him he waa again on bin feet, aud, atuug fluttered from the peak «f tbo frigate, Ulu'io ihe cliiltlruu wliuru »t pUj; tnaiKDuvrea tbat even Yankeo ingenaity privateer had nothing to do for tbe time foot the vast territory, which comprises with Wtfe at the idea of being handled Office on Morrii Street near BUokwdl. whilo the ''meteor flag of England" was I WUB Unmiling our Bopo tiuutile, ever d«v)8od occurred duriug the war of but to keep tbe Indtaman between him- io many populous HUitcn of tho Went, &o eusilyt be attacked liingigautio oppo- chase their BOOTS and SHOES That lad met nit- unawares, , displayed at tbe tnaiit-liftad of tbe sloop- 1813. An American privateer bad en- self and tbe English war ship. from tbe r&l man, seems to he fast pasa- nent with a fury that fora time compen- Wlittn & little voiuo cimu rinKing, of boat on board. related on competent authority, la the 2 7S| substantial goods displayed at On IHT littlo kaiide mill kneeB, tiled upou tho wind, wbiuli was from And do infier tbe captain, passengers and crew iver, and the struggle continued with, .H fid summer of 1782, a party of Wyaodott Kodpinp upaconitint chittertog uorthwest, and BtandiDg in for the of the Indiaman to perish, which seem- labated fury each trying (odrown the 4 'jr.| 'Pwi r •-.,.. - tere f Indians, consisting of seven persons, Ltko a tDHgvio in tho trees. < icrican const. ed inevitable if left to there fate, and ber. Tbe Indiiw, nuuBed to snob. iked tha EngliflbDjaih (JompoQily. crowd the Ohio river, a few miles (i Til) H oil! their store, Cor. WAEKEN and Till at last the reoclied^tlie topmuii, A Iiritiftli sloujcof-wtir, though out of ontinned violent exerciie, and injured yet to let tbe Bauoy Yankee escape was y ol 10 ^ Wl>en u'ur all tier parld'H kffuri "Wa'U fiee/'.waiitbe above Wheeling, aud commenced depre- ;lit to leaward, had henrtl tlie filing, as bitter u wormwood aud gall to hia tbe first shook in his atomaeb, was WIL>, UL-liphtcul, it nod % victof, leTuiikee. dations oo tbe southern shore, killing ai id from thi) heavy reports of a lurge pride. Tbere was no cbanoe of the Qable to exert the same powers which ' DICKEBSON Sts,opp/DEPOT, Artor creeping up tlie «•«!». He then made BigctiHothe^Indlamt old man whom they found alone in his i, at intorvala of about one uiinuto, Dane interfering in behalf of his count- heave to, ami, Bltoii«i)lng rill on tW ibin, and spreading terror among the first gave him the superiority; and » r.o FuintiBR hoart, buliotJ nti i migo T commauder judged correctly tliat it rymen, and so, with many fierce bat itlOODOT hu, settlers, A few hours after the news .dam, Beicfog him by tie scalplock, put r. ou i HI Of UIU'B brief aod fdruggUiig.tiri,,. LH the "long Tom" nf nu AiaencuD harmless imprecations on tbe privateers- ti fid 11 (10 DOVER, E J. Whu,c 1)^| prison maat Uo crfpUnxl > ler ber lee. Hailing his oSfoer, ,wh.9 spread, eight men assembled from its head under the water, and held it 1 vnteer. Acting upon tbia idea, uud man, he was compelled to bear away in « mil n on TVilli eitumt, nntito strict,, auuanded the prize, he orJered'litm different ports of tbe neighborhood, and hers till, from bis' faint struggles, he 1!t ll1 Utly Kiipposing that tlie American, chase of that riderless steed of the eceai io oo ' tarn all liiinda up, pursued the Indians witb great energy believed him drowned, when he relaxed 1-2 r,o| tti 2f., ltuuding to the weigfil of cares, uu muking * capture, would steer for bounding madly over tbe waves 1 1 md expedition. Among the most active 15 001 HI CWI 2» »l>i JIupiiiR, fuftrioif, Btill expecting. ie United States cosBt^jje no ebaped rhioh had been got ontieck on board hold, and attempted to draw his 18 BO 26 Ml N Ml and MEDICINES ie soliopner as bat aspossible, whilo No looner bad the sloop-of-w&r put md efficient of this party were two life. Xbe Indian, however, to use 41 HS F. STICKLE, A wgtjlar Texas stow? '' ifTereut ipectutor ; but, wuitiug quietly Yankees, heartily echoed over tbe do- Q proved tbe most expert^ and isagreeably surprised ; butlioDevorthe-f] His height, exceeded six feet, aid bis MORRISTOWN, N. J. No I tUoq riTluvoKe my panting ranio mtil the eloop-of-war was within half a main of old Neptane, which never, per- .dam, seeing tbat he Bhonld be too late, prepared promptly for tho omer strength was represented aa herculean. Counsellor at Law And issuu a YCrso or two. haps, before witnessed BO strange a sen irned and swam out into the Btream, nicy. Enunicg his schooner close ili;, mho tired two guns iu quick auo- He hud also five brothers, bui little AND Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dye Stuff Ttieruomiwr nlnttj at nine, ob&se. intending to dive and frustrate bis ider tbo lee of the Inditiaas, a lin KHion. Tlii krtt »lni faSBcd ahead of inferior to himself in cite and courage. MASTER IN CHANCERY, ' One liunflrtddauTeeiftt fimr. i intention. At tbia instant rai thTowa on board by isotDi •( whiei Hi* KngliakMak, wkil* to undignified, Tbe sloop-of-war had difficulty to hold Tbey generally went in company, and 'HKPAIIATIOAS. And ulnuty ktfik >t n.uo F. K., Andrew Foe, Ending that bis brother AM) ALL IMIARmACKl'TlCAL iree more ware paeiied. The bouts wer» !id so, by th« tlmt he readied second her own with the flying Indiaman, were tbe dread of the whole frontier. FwraTull month or wore. ras alone iu a struggle witb two Indians sir 1'IIY.SlCUNtS AMI D .\lj:iW KUl'l'LlllU \T WHII iSALE 1'llICEB. m lowere], and a number of mcu, i. histloJ between the main and mizzon- though aho crowded alt sail; and the So !mt tliat JOH falltakop id in great danger, ran up hastily to djitiou tr. the prizti crew, wore seat on in.iti. Brist'eu captain was fearful of any at- Adam Poe wan delighted at the pros- Corner or Dlickwoll mil Buiuox Btl. I,nt rUHE DKUttS :d of tliti bent qiinlil}' £ Over tlio IIHWS bjinBlI— ie &3ge of & hunk above, iu order to llir (JiiiluilHiiitcs J' liiiruiiiL'upniiiu, or tliu mcil npjii'i il h>\ lUilt. That n ROW em't mw or a cliteken crow aurtl the ludiatuau with orders to muku ThifldeciJod the point jthesloop hove tempt to cripple her with his guns, lost pect oi measuring his strength with that DOVER. N. J. isiat him. Another white man foliow- S mill tivuri'lliinK mjually low ;' ;0r.» wfttch tlog «»g iiii tall.' iil, uud at the same time throw her i, and her captain, jumping into hia s might kill some of her crew. It was of BO celebrated a warrior, and urged C. II. L olosely, and seeing Adam in tha B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. I Ho hot that men dou't Bpoak >saU overboard, and get the most vuli ig, pulled for tbe frigate full of wrath more tbaa an hoar before he could haul tbe pursuit with an energy which quick- iddk of the river, covered witb blood | In a liG<b.v, natural tone, Ie of her cargo on deck. These ordu ,ud fury ut the interruption. up abreast of her. Blevatiog but guns, ly brought (hem in tbe neighborhood of Horn™ and CarrlaRci to Let. d swimming from tbe shore, minstook PASSAGE TICKETS • But greet aa tbey moot in tLodnsty street ire promptly obeyed, and tbe bohoon- •Give waj, boys 1" exclaimed tbe loaded with chain-shot, with tbe inten- tbe enemy. For tbo last tew miles tbo G. S. JENSEN, : for un Indian nnd fired upon him, Witb>toa>eolj. audible groui, boittfl, after having conveyed all the tion of carrying away her rigging—for truilled them up the southern bank of .mericau captain, whose light whale* luncling him (severely in the shoulder. ten necessary to the deck of the prize, to board while both ahipa wore under the Ohio, where the footprints were ANALYTICAL CHEMIST 0AFET WEAVER, jijtiuarlijgrpoalorrrotls (,> $ oat skimmed over the wateri provok- im, Boeing bis brother, called loudly After a natlitruck fly, ire hauled back empty, and run up to such headway waa dangerous, if not im< deep and obvious; but whun within u Dovcn, N. J. ORAM, HANCE &Co.'s STORE, ingly ahead of flie haughty Briton, and him to Bhoot the big Indian on shore, ABEMEHT.-TWO DOOIIS FK0M POST Anda liopjiintwi"nta stun oar ofooro ' s ilovits, both vessola in the meantime ber owner sprang nimbly up tbe star- possible—he let drive with bis whole few hundred yards of the placo where . in largo nr»ni«lliiuunlitiv ring been juBt discharged; but, )lt all tlio principal limit of ntunniehij™ Not a drop of dow by night, Tbe Indiaman being now well manned tauntingly: ,. the habit of crossing, the trail suddenly Mil imlil. mild and e The damage was Greater than he an irtunataly, Big Foot liad also seized from New Yorl. tu Livi i|>.ml nt LOWEST Carpet Weaving, In (ill wldtliH, done in Jtyfft^potraintodaylU; r" " i under a crowd of canvas, and proved diverged from the stream, and led along UVTHN Alrto UltAl-TtiUN IHlliA'f liKITAIN flrst-claBe style at lowest ratea,. The bent "Excuse me, my lord, 'first come first tioipated. Stays backstays and braces leguii with which Adam bad,shot tho iTI- T. LKI'OKT, NDIitELA.Nl). .' : , 16-t iraelf a good sailer; so taut the pma* 1 : 1 bind of wurp ouly usod, , New, carpets oa lervad in my codntry.l' f-' snapped and flew, and, #18, wheel being rocky ridge at un obtuse angle witb its aller Indian, BO they were both upon 3&c, shortening Bail to keep abreast, of bund! for Halo. The highest price pnld for The Eoaltsbman mattered.an oatl also demolished, the ,-Indiaman yawed, [tinner direction. Here Adam Foe halt- equality. The contest now was who Counsellor at Law, ragH, or tjikeii iu exchange for carpet. 23-ly [QALTKSTON NEW.I> r, th«y bowled along with a fresh ~~W00I)P0UT HOUSE. md erdered the boat oat of bis way in taking her nails partly aback, when down ed a little, and directed bin brother jiod juld land first. Big Foot, poured in : •eera very e&silv together, Iioldipg tbair AND MASTER IN CHANCEUY, >n insolent, angry voice. The fierce andmaaU, yards, and top-hamper, a great the other young men to follow the trail i powder, aod drawing tbe ramrod . THOMAS BRIGHT, frotfrietitfl' flHNDFOB •D with the eloop-of-war. The odp- 01]]™ in tlm •fatioml Union tank HuiMlii« leternined lookt of tbe Yankee Ura, part of It oo ibe decks of the sloop-of- with proper caution, whittf he kept to ith too great force, threw it into, the Ho«ilr(uilrtfet3iWiiillo».i!? ri ? I j ired oaptaia of tue Iodiamau was a WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. lowever, each of whom bad his outlaw war, with which she had foaled in the tive'r imlb, whic led through at, &o that while be run to recover it,. -|I,AOK«-.LLSI., JlOTEll, N. J. leeplj int«rested Bpeotator of what waa l)!iii1ilnt«blluhP for IIIUHI; m-uklliK ; >iug on, and looked most anxiously to ~BerksMr8~Valley Hotel! irotlnul HiiuiiinT rt'Hldciir'i'. Hltnat'nl nt tho Uftil i)ouowitli tlio pe^7-a dejid pig. ( iolence would be unsafe, as well BB tbe When the privatflersman witnessed rbero tlie enemy nns supposed to lie. Btill the Indian was but a second too ' lin liuiniti'iiut; itn features of luke and niuiiu* i countrymen in the hope of relief, A U0A1) HOUSE now limiting and Huh lonuei-y, nsri-llent Unnliiii! ind flihliiK.»inIBu 4DAY'S ICE DREAM, The iewest Uiing'iL stfots—a ljabj. leek of tha Dane, the captain of thethis catastrophe he sent one parting laving oxamined the priming of his :e, for hifl gnn was at bis shoulder lilq bis captor, who treated Mm with ni; KronndH ; a prt.ty spot witli lfir^c mry >» IU*U 11 UIIMlirj""lH'!>' »iy I" "'"' TftliOS ,ir(yateer bad timo, in his politest man- ibot as a farewell' compliment to tlio guu, he crept cautiously through thu ten Andrew's ball entered his breast, ^Veatlierrep^rt^l ojflr/ ot thqrjder.: -eat courtesy, could not help now and ,, „, good xlnbl.'n, shnl., , STILL THE BEST. IN IHE UABKET. put-ppjob. . , • . rom Dover. Sporting men, jiedlsi-s, und !y the timo John Bull reached the deck on his way to the nearest port, where :mi>ty and apparently deserted. Being :y margin of the river. Andrew, itlnTK lookinfi for » good plaoe Io stop HOMCBOPA THIC A penrch of stooe is by no means a Tbere go your bouts on a cruise, i rage was boiling over, and an mplo- he arrived unfelv witb his rich priae. iiitisfleil, however, tbat tho Indians rmed for his brother, who waa iLould btnr in mind lliln hoUil is 111. clienp- laptain," ho said, as that part »t his iion followed na to tlio outrage of -top. •i iikoe in tU« Slato »itli g»od bods, boilil- PirYSKlTAN & SUHGEON, petrified iluh. Ken; close at band, he related nothing ircclyubloto swim, threw duwii his dors was obeyed; " perbnpa your ing his Brittlet* majesty's aloop-of-war, Singular Cuuiw «1 Duuiti, n and rushed into the river to bring iiful tuble, EAlt well stocked with Ihe be The plow is the oldest land-mark, be- of his vigilnuce, but quickly gained a of LIOU0H8 in Uie market. Also POHTEIt Cor. BlackwollA Warren Sts., PiC-NICS and FESTIVALS luntrymaa will b» no kiud ai to pick lecturing that if lot allowed to open kit A.b*«t eight weeks ago Levi Waggen- jutting cliff which bung immediately a ushore ; but Adam, more intent on. yond controversy. no drift. " DOC." HODQKIBS. (Oppoute Dovor llBak,) tern up for you." Ire on th« American at oi«e, fas wonld fleller employee U Woci's cotton fac- iver tbe canoes. Hearing a low mur- mring the soalp of Big loot as a 1 lkrhhira Vulley, Nov. Tib, 1S78. <8' D07ER, N. J., Soug oftiie rendy revolyer- 'A Cbnrge 'He's lot ifioh a dashed fool," replied iport the affair to the L»rds of Ad»ir- lory, and thir»y-eigat years of age, en-&ur he peered carefully over, and be- ipby than upon bis own safety, DlieHoa of 'Women nullObllilicn, ftDd of tbe tered a CheBluut atreet reatnuraut and JOHN DRUMMER'S 8UITLIED AT BHOBT NOTICE. to Keep I have." -'' ie Englisliaian, bluffly. "Ho knows Ity, nml thruugk tUcm U the Kiug of leld the object of bis search. Tbc-te lay lied loudly for lite brother to leaVB Evo .i.d Eir »|«xulUr<. siimnrk. ordered a aiipper. WaggenBi'ller bad •eninm: 7 lot A. U:,l to3inU7io8r.il.. A sehoonc* o[ beer rarely ever ([its i'a coming up hmd over fist with you, the gigantic Big Foot below him, iu the alout aud scalp the Big Indian, SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING l stuck ou tlie liar. • id lie's not likely to atop for trile»." three false teeth. For nearly twenty sbuite ol a willow, talking in a low, tkep was endeavoring to roll himself He was checked -with stern dignity by years tie small plate which held tbeso The nobby thing now is to nave joui "Ah 1 let us sea if lie ia in range, to another warriw, who deemed a the water, from a romantic desire, OBI) D. SMITH. B. 0. MXaiB, IB ion," enid tlm American, aud orders ihe communder of ib* Dane. teeth in place in the upper jaw bad dono mere pigmy by his dde. Adam drew citliur to htB race, of saving his scalp SALOON, h&ir Baud papered. SMI H &. MEGIE, nine1 been given to clear away tbs long 'You are ou board a Danish frigate, fcerTi'oe. Gradually, however, the email back'cnnticiuHly mid cocked his guii. at tho enemy. Andrew, however, TILE ROXBVKY HOTEL! Tho most gaudily-attired belle of tbi rty-two, and drift it «ft, a ahwt wan iir, which I, tlio Baron Voii H , 1 hooks which held the plate fast to th There wan never fl fairer mark, the jsed to obej, ami insisted open SUSSEX STREET ATTORNEYS AT LAW. and you will (FORMERLY ALLIE'8 HOTEL,) icason is Eose Verbena. . mt towardu the Bloop, which actually honor to commaid, jaw began to we»r off, and one day over distance not over twenty feet, and his iug tlie living beforo attending to the OFFICE OVER rlEIWOli'S HAT BT0I1E, wti«n tlin MAHSIOK HODBE md Depot,) When » dr/ goods clerk flirts h( u«k her, thougk too nearly spoat to >mp\j with My demand a jear ago, trie pinto surprised tho owner litn was always sure' Raising his rile id. Big Foot, in the mean time, sno- "BLACKWELL 8TIIEF.T SUCCASUNNA, N. J. ID may choose to do hereafter. I have by suddenly dropping out. To replace DOVER, K. J. always gives tlio coautoraign. injury. Tho fire was roturued, but ilowly find carefully, he took a steady •ded in renching the deep water ercieci % proRer right in Buot-rtuiuiug ttwas bui a matter of a few moments, •ir . BO •yam.;. W.T FRED. MAST, - - - Proprietor, An Indiana curjMuter is so lemporats i sbot nil fell »hort» the Englishman litn at Big Foot's bre&at, niid pulled tho ore be expired, aud bin body was muting only iwunty-fonr poundoru. who you both are. I shall now require md aa the teeth were still firm in tbe.rigger. His pruning tiuly flashed! •utt t.ff by the wnvefl, without being PINO A SPEOIALTY. Tho ahove huusa is located in one of tho that he will not use a Bpirit level. WHITtoCK'S HALL in 6 o was evidently gaining a. little, kuw- i, when yuu repair to your ship, to plate tbey ooutinned to do their work. Both Iiidiaua jumped to their feet with pped of thu ornament and pride of limUbient aud mort oharuiing !•]'«•'" *^ The constitutional right to bare arms Cos. DLAOKWELI. t M0BBI8 ST.., Btate within ft few inlnute« walk of the D. >r, on tlio ebane, and tha American [lew this American captain time to Bot tbe plate Hsalf was io longer relia- it deep exclamation of surprise, aud for t Indian warrior. L. itW. Railroad on tho cant, and thu Cen- isguttiauieed to every pretty wolnun .plain fouriug & ehnnco shot might !aco hiti vessel in the r&Eae position be ble, and frequently it-i owaer would be a single second all three blared ut uach ATT0UNEY8 t COUNSELLOBS AT DOVER, N. J., tral Railroad of N. J. on tho went, suil IOBB ictnpied when I stopped him." dropping out whilo tulk- thmi nn liour'B drivo of Dudd's IJUO aud A Cincinnati child tied erope on the ipplo him, obangod his position so jther. This inactivity was Boon over, Not a nmu of the Indians escaped, LAW, HAS been put in order f»r tho IDIBOL ai Lnko Hopntcong. The proprietor dcsiguH to door-knob to mo If the carringm would bring the Indiamua between himself The British captain declared with m inc with a friend or even walking on tho Tver. Adam van too much hamp- of big Foot's brothers, wbe ao- lor. ninck.wcU anil SiiBuex St». will be Lot tor ' , nmko thiH houKo one of tho most popular come to t>«<= them out riding, aB " — id tbe sloop-of-wnr, at tho anmo time ]ntb tltnt bo would do DO 8Ech thiDg. street. ered by tbe bushes to retreat, eo, setting nlnccfl in tbiH section of tho SUto, nnd par- iiHpaniod liiu--the very flowor ot the did the family across tho street. •during tho British euaigu to bo hoisted 'Yoi *jiil, Bir," replied tho ooiimander Ilia life tipoi tho 'Imtanl of the die1 lie DOVER. N- J. Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitions iculrirly with the traveling pulilic, for whom WageetiBt'llcr sat down to his menl hi 'yandott Nation—all perished. The 'ary convenienco and comfort will bo enp- the peak of ihv priio under the Stars ,f tho frigate, with nnuiiatAkaWt* firm- tiiraiig over tho bush which sheltered • ida. Tin A sharp, thint.v man »olks into a oar .he restaurant aud had about hnlf fifl' of this calamity, it is Bgid, threw mil I'ntertaiuiDfliits of vanuo^ k ipd at moderate! priceti ut !lil 3d Stripes. and, nior jover, I shall ullow no jiro, iind collecting all his poworfl, nitnrlubJ room mi asks il ho «»^ "P "P" [shed it when he felt something piinf: ie whole tribe iu mourning. Thoir ro- Hall in I«S«. *•>" sefttnd with cm SnocamiDna, N. J., Deo. Wh, 187H. Ighting while aiy Bbip iaproaenl (japcil boldly down tlio precipice, L7W. THURBER, silk umbrella for a ilriuk. The bartcn In placing tbe Iudiaman between him- down hia tlirost, giving him inU'tim •kaljlo size, cenrage, and superior «nd may be hail lit reasoDablu terras, Bceiug that t'.i dcmusBtrativQ istia- lighting upon the l>reant of Big Foot stTEllfflTKNDENT OF PCDLIO SCHOOLS iivio WH1TLOCK &LEWIH, To All Whom This May Concern. der acqniosoo., tbo chap B»fa a drink, Ifand tho sloop-of-war the Aroorican i, »bich lie thought wus a bone. He itclligence, gave them immense iu- iction with T/liic i tlio Yankee received vith a shock which bore him to the OP MORUIB COUNTY. 4itl in UIP builiiinK. raiBes bis nmlmlla «od walks out. iculutcd upoa tbeDaturaUuwillingD(.ufi BOOB UDdccaivpd, however, for, hif . which was often exorcised on bii nniiountemont, wts provoking the earth. At the moraeut of contact, 1 tlie latter to flre on bur own flag, »r hand flying instinctively to his uumJJi, ie side of humanity—their powerful («,•• onr OEO. lUOIIABDStCo. . STOKE, It being cloiuwd by one of tbo sterner tigliiibmuD bejoud bounds, the baron Adam UIB* threw his arm around the foriiid , unnoseasary d»raago to a prize wliicb he found his false teeth were gone. iterpodtion having saved many pris- ROOMS TO LET!• l)tOV(IC«ti(l!l. TIllM IlliO PWltUll inn IIIT said, with greut politunesa of manner: DOVBB, N. J. iilliiTiKins iK.in.t liarliorios or ael that man «as mudo first tbo lord of ie cxpectod to recapture, und in this it Plate and nil had gone down bis throat, QCIH from the stake, ana given a mildfli' y debts :k of the t-raall Indian, BO tbat all NinTitl nflico tionrs pl ill my ncmunt, us I ulidl nut fa creation Uw quoBtion was a»kod by an ipoara ho was not far wrong, for tbe ''Come, gontlemon, brave men should ind ke could feel tbcm lodged again shaTBCtcr to tbe Indian, warfare in- that n.liiniM. three cuine to the ground together. : A. ""«"""""• HEN11YS iiligtiant beauty bow long be remained tglieh mati-of-wur coutentcd herself inset cordially on neutral ground; my hie brun.st. Tbat was the lnnt meal \fa port of tbo country. . . M. &l, SEARING. Sonlli Btanliopi, Julj-iffltb, 1M0. l just then the'sharp firing was heard j. "Till li« e° »*''«•" itli erowduig all nail in chase, soldon linuer is juat ready, hon»r mo with yoai peiiscller ever atfc. Tim teeth rem«im ifOSES BLANCHAED, lUiuitg the bushes above, announcing Adam Foe recovered from hii wounds, iL ATTOnNEYATLAW, The terra "Timla" #oM[*ny, t>ni you will ft ill have time in tho lower part of the throat, ennsing and lived many years after his mom- tn tbe e , whiei vitii grea» that the other parties were engaged REUBEN KOWH, word is iu dnuger of being corrnptKl. Wore nigkt to settle yonr affairs." liim at times scTere pain. Dr. SUv,-f;rt mo MAUTER IN CHANCERY, i«tioaeitj aad skill wee pitelied, an* also: but tho trio wem too busy to trable conflict; bnt he never forgot the lavint- lrasi'il the wliolc nf tto lirnlioil)' irtar This invitation the Yankeo cordiolly wan called to visit the patient ou the DOVER, N. J. DENTISTRY Not long BinM:O.niai> e»ter?4> ltor« !tcr unotlier, nt her from the privateer's attend to anythmg except their own jremendohs 'bug' which he rceieved Irtlio M.cliiiSn, Flrcsrms, llmicsl Imln and called for » hjena" je»«t, cake, and accepted, while tlio Englishman conld fifth duy after oecdtrfiiict. Ilo advised i tbo arms of Big Foot. OH..* n»«P A. Wigh ton's itoTB md tin IH ALL ITS MlAKOIira AT loflg,'Xom," not Bufrequently slrikiug ffuira. llfackwijll gtroiil. iot return:, further tliscusaiou oi their Uim'tfl take • HWUHOW of gin. u» the IMj a short timo previously a woman asked Big Foot was for RB instant stunned lit. ,vin affaire being tabooed during the Bemarktble ErnotlonR from a Well. in • bakery for a loaf of "p!»n°" •>"•«• is ol dislodging tlie' teeth, by tbe violence of the blow, and Adam S. B. JOHNSTON'S Btr>ck of tnuaicnl The speed of the vesnela was so nearly meal, the captain of tb« privateer exerted Last iritumn the' Vacuum Oil Com- MARY C. FORD, M. D., Dover, SUHKIII Pt. Mo," "id »little girl, "Mum »•»» «Uicb still remained in tbe throat. Tnfl was enabled to keep them both down, aatcti(i4>M the captain uf th« India- iim»U to uicot lh» graceful hoBpitality pany ol this city began to work of drill' et married «• mnob, as jbo patient followed hfc advice, aad almobt but the exertion necessary to do so' was Homeopathic Physician, inf ~^v«y * naturally foaring n ehanM if the Dune cordiolly, while the Brit- ing for salt at LeEoy. State geologtats' ." "P.bawlwnal'Wyau'MlkiDg immediately fell the teeth going •' so great that he bad no opportunity to : M might orippl« tb« aleop-of-war, isher ff»B snlleu nud angry. When they bad given the opinion tbat there wast. ll»l« nt th« reniilence of Mr. J» HOPE'S SURE CURE But this only led to » worse rcHult. bis suite. Big Foot quickly : er«by, lesspuiop liiiBs •sthnnch o of resme, rise to go on deck, lbs AmerioiE pro- vein, and soveral hundred dollars (about •f|M«l» Bt Mary's lull. P- 0. ADD11E S INSERTING, EXTRACTING, • •:. TOR • . ' • '\ ':. abou((:Vl>y.iPS.i*'1 The teeth rnovfil down und lodged about recovered, and, without attempting to 1WX 400, DOVEtt, N. J. J4'' .ggaetedU W captor pressed him to h» bre&Bt with the crush- Tuty ig the griie to.take her ehanoe% ttlf an hUr'i *ruee »f^ fiaohiiit IQ reached there aa bad been meshed iu AT tiority, the chief danger in tbe cast ing force of a boaconstriotor. Adam, 'said a doclor'to a i'Yeot d«'t aay^ BO, shipmBte ?" i k of hii'vessel, in wbica time hi ryoming,' onlj nuah nearet the *nr- T-»™ . _-. * -^ -pi TTT'fi ! i .uldh-^ i~- -vcr. 2ui IodgiD{ IM liHtt htsuu «lrt*3.v i*jiuaCt6tl, ffft* ft ll, :Uitbor ctill, if, Jf!H rfl:: W said be wonld plaee tbolndiftinan'a creir •oe. On Friday; ftbont ba)f-pM 8 Klf- I'fcEN uOLLARS. pA thoy did the patient coald swallow powerful man; and had seldom met bis It iloes not limply cOTEfup t^it./liltiRS© Tor doctor, o-oyon think a »oman'« tonjae ,"Ja«t told yeur ud paiwogen en board, a,id esoapc ,'elock in the atteruoon, when tbe well Morristown, N- J. AI.1. WORK WARIlAiVTJSIJ anil a.long, jtuing, nci OVCQ milk and water. It equal jbnt be 'had never felt anything ^noendf!saJd#|FK rH' siow you a triokworkb iith;hm ownVeBsel by rnnuine or flgbtr bad beun bored to a depth of nbont four A Ml lino Mmo. Demsrcsf. BprtaB r<* Virer.BcDlemliSraSili. 1875. tolit^rtluiBVBtum. r • •• as ndaolutely impo&aible to get any before like tbe embrace of Big Foot. An end, perhaps, mad«m,"rophei ng,!8l be could. , This VH ngrec-d to; hqadieol and fifty feot, a strong vein of linn; ol«) 'Torlfoli-," MiJ " ™ ° .wbofiluM." jingdownhiB throat. Milk was rec-He instantly relaxed bis hold on the 1 PRICE 40 CENTS. was itwt then cried froi 3«t-jrben tfce BritiufruKcer reacht»d the gas was struck, wbiob blew the tool* Wear. ' (Mslogues fren >>y •»»•' ™ "W"" Hv:W3ftr#}rcs!3voq (•Bail bo immeodMi, bit when it would be pour- 'amall Indian who sprang at once to his !rig»te's spnr-daek n Bight w»a presented oat of the well, ani rnahed oat with B,«S?Hr«l.fe« York, ..1 W. W. Th.j.r, •Papa, tiiej d'on't have any sio»e u .dduwDBBaoouMthe plasi rould be feet. BigFoot'ordered him te run for iiViinlilin Hcmaro, Now Yorkj ltttla Wbioll made him dciou'iioe'lii DD meas- floch totae *s to. extend to tho fire in 'tho c nencrBl Agent, k.B. Tot. ainn, Wir^iok, N>n Ireland th ?'asked altttlaboj tb Wberaawajt , moved from bis lips it would back, TUB NATIONAL UNION Isj about ten cael stove, about ten feet distant from CARPENTER and BUILDER, • Konr points,.pn,tb,6 weather bQW 1 a'red termB the triek which :be preMled :uding from earn, eyes, moiihand not- BANK OP DOVER. p bud bcQB placed on him, paces off, and kill the white man, while tbe mouth ol the well The house in BLACKWEUJ ST.. rOVKIl.N. J. lled tho lookoutkt . .... what ~ TBIPLIN8 trila. The strangesl of all ' tin held him fast in his arms, Adam, which the men were working took; fire, Tito truth was, the privateer's crew Lnd." 'sore' aioogb, a large sblp Kova lellowed. The ns» lived tor Mien seeing hie danger, struggled manfully to and tbs dettruation of tbe derrick seem- WITH A COLD IS ALWATB DANOEnOCB, iad improved their time while lie wn otf IOTOKO?' eohoed tli«&ir joang sighg t atxmk eight miles to wiidwird, weeks or more witbont Bwailowinfl a extricate himself from the folds of the ed inetitable, when the rash of tbe gas jeloVi ana the boscs aid canca which USE her prottj'bmrl diled «>» e iring ddow n nndsreaadayy saisaill. inoreal of food or s drop of water. Even giant, hat ia vain. Tbe smaller Indian from tbe well gave way to a gosh of wa- wflre piled on tu« Bchoonur'i deck siew- of bis so«il« '.nit. ;;Yes, h the jijoe of s« orange he conllnot.wal' approached with uplifted tomahawk, ter, which (hit tbe flre out, and wu » Slate Booflngr WELL'S CARBOLIC 'TABLETS *d fcbV that tbe mobt vala^iii p«4 of «» mylimniiid d onlly low. From a stont.hearty . weigh- b'ut Adam watched him elosely. and, ai •trongly impregnated witb sulphur that , ^,,,r,!T for COTlOHil indill ^f.hiipii ot theindlanian's cargo tnd rWiea Irons- 'Oont » jg probably one hundred «nd ninety be was about to itrike, gave him a kick, it could be Buelled a distance of nenrly fl,"rlHIOAf, LOTOS,CHEHT .«dU00008 furrtJ to her. He angrily! demaided of CHAS. BUCHANAN HElIllUiilB. • • .,.' . I',, tl'.iA poiindi, hs dwindled away-to a mew so Buddes and violent as to knock tin half % mile. For some time afterward tbefoinlsh baron lliat (he r«fl« "htmlo" 1 tomahawk fram hh bani and sen* him ru,,t»o»nkapi>l» TOT OTONL T IS BLDBBOX£B n Skeleton. Btmngilr euongh, tob,' M there were alternate ruBhee of gas and yon expeet to flog a British sloop ^ ooppelled td restoM.a^'""- sUggering Into the' water. Big Foot Dover, N.J.. Ben 1 V poor peraeoiitea mim - Shis timo the marf; Who ~was perfectly guabei of water from tbe well, each hold* lOLDUt JU.LD»U0OUTI, , ; s:dooidVathatnotbing'n 1 1 'tbr' ' ; " BiJ ,nsciotm' add ntioml. hba'no craving uttered an exclamation of contempt al Ing its own for about t minute aud it Ho, •h*-»*" l(t to the cargo, the Yankee's pronto 0. N. CIIITTENTOS, 7 Blxtk » Y M .rfoodl The, imell of vfotualfl., Uie failure of Lit oompdnion, aid apoat- ilf. About 6 o'clock the water waa being only to ro'rorn'ibe .crew&nd pos- f diVom; be lid made'h^sicfc." "",' \ , ed Beveral words in the Indian tongue sprouting to nbefght of abont sfrty f«el ROCKAWAY, N. sengcnii with which John Bull io's arutllj, • o , P which Adam could nobcomprebend, bnl ia the air, and was strongly impngua- IHEAPEST BOOK-STORE! liBtly.xetnoved ,tha, Jpy-glaw from bit After being for over seven weeks.with;( pii obllfled to be conttnted.^^ pirtif it food ^aggensfi^f'.aied,1 death, .re/, which be aappoaed was e direction fo: Therei no Bh«h »«rHif another nttaok. The amall warrioi led with saltiwbile at hall past 7 o'clock IK THE ,W.qlll.P/: I. .'.) -; i.II • " then repaired to' there rr-—'- iltffig, /torn inanition, or, in other,, it had reached an attitude of one hun- 1 igain seized his weapon and approach! be, tlien, pray ? the signet {< -atamtion. To the very last ho dred and ten feat. Tbo bore of the well carefully slimming Adam's heels, and ifi eight iochea, but tba easing takes up a KiHi making many motions with his toma- """y; .'" ii w^jfii ii .in uliout an inch, thus leaving an opening »nd PULVEEIZEES. f WUI'I iawkirso ns to deceive him SB to where ABSOOH as the Amoriam, nxwbed'.hib oiabontflBven inches,; from which the AND ESTIMATES TOSB rtki.tf St., opp. ro.t-0 might ppwib^y lm ha bT6W would fall. This lasted several 1,00k he commenced tolh'avo a post-mortem 'examination water, fitill, gashes with such forc« ran ALL Kiiraa or MAISIBV part comp.nr irith Jim, and tli i, nntil an exclamation from, Bi the English prisoners, including their Side, and the pUte,widi the teethJj that a large blflcksmith's anvil placed inldn''t'do ; th'en if'sbo were Am'wl&i citjitaiu, were put in the cabin, of the Iti waa foundabout onfi^noh and a half, Foot compelled his companion to atriki over tbe hole, was.blpwn ontiraly out. 0 CLD t NOTICE OP ATTACHMENT- Iqdiamnn, and the conipan'- - ,jibovo'thewtranoeof*he •tomaoh, the Such was the vigilance and dexterity however, tkal be managed, A Chinaman in prison coll ai Virginia (Ifjud-ligliU and batches were bWfirmlyiabeddaamthej8'1'- ' ; JotaM.D. Bams" JM 151 fitKtened and battened' dowtj.'J ] teoeive tbe blow in a glancing direotic City lad s'pmo opium, but no pipe to . Iroa OompnDJ B who gets tbemfldaBat»»'a on his lbft wrist, wounding him deepl; imcke it,in, He got ft viol, Into ontt KoUoelahen sheets, tudts di)d,nalytirdH werd stopped, KoU0etab^byjji.oT--nri)_B mt not disablioB him side si wbioh be drilled A amall bold by v nnd. unrove j and Bar ttadding-aaili tuGhment »t thft *t Ust |Tlio Bloop-of-viM M who goes round showing, the p*p|)*,to working industriously for a week with s> wjireaaton both. Bide.6,a^q bi)lng then He now made a sudden and deepen! [nfora it tho cburactor olTEi Wgnto, or ererybody be meet. wh» tbe Joke !• n nail whioh ha wlurlud between the palms nnt,nplii«p*PM.or. hj>ve to. Every thing W 'effort to free himself, wbicb sncceedi b gome other fellow, o! bUhindi. A stem was made by theljakncB fjt. the thirty Instantly snitching up a rifle he el employed in storting overboard'itri vpUUingtiBtiek.grooviDgit.ud tying .Many a »ft- bended girl can feed i the leaser Indian, (who bad not dared pg, g jg Wban -— isn iea cream Oot of bw ipoon to firs himself, for feat of injuring hit tho"l*ilw«'«4gelber Tb« pipe j>mWriftl«4w4! keldtojiliw DhouiJatatimebutihehssfl't companion! through Hre body,y ' He hid ink jttpormiU'wMi imlo m«0 t remote Idea how to give ftbab y Boarcelydone se P^t irtte,, tbeiHgnte ft,jcaU# oLtha printa^r, oai I HAVE SECUUKU THE AOENCY FOll THK SAu- * :-• r OF THE CELEBRATED BET, PELTON & Go, Standard Organ. Harrison, the Revivalist The gmitafit effort* at revival woik rtt (he receot Mt. T*bor ounp meeting were those ft niodcni_)ocfiuotiy>? Ihau |h»t atoje, but it NEW AND nimle during the services conducted by Hn •kuwitavork. BiSisi why there were 210,- THE FJNEfa,. The* Harmon, of Milton, Maw., ELEGANT ci'tingelisi, who during the few yan* he htu- Ilo wax ht< Htid ft Iiltli- nhbamld t- (tHe-V^Bdiie.-iftiw WOEK Uhondhu witn«»d over k\!W CPJ y Iff ftTDTWIl STYLES. abnu. His firsteffor t at obtaining runvert* ui to K' l»ii.t^ra-*v. md JK<'yrniiclt vept ami kuart alwnyn ,\tilh tbeia», WMIBARER vis on Bdtniday Afternoon, juttt et the REAL ESTATE II. IK!}. bi-i«reo i! •er aud took a c-wtrftt. Tll.-v tuak 25.H00 k hlreu^tlt li«.in( .ihe S. JJ. P. nn&t ;in tin- Tmrji u! IJ.IT.J-, MI tbt! f.'uunty. iT Hp)ni<9ttdWf!iil'yi«/'lJ.riFy': ilili tbelipsofthe preacher Mr. Harrison came There were about o inilliou Freuchmcc e didn't m-glpPt^ tl^^Sjy ph/ , At Auction! t flin on'rtliwfM forn^r of Jfc- forward, and said if we are to t* converted uu6 to work with little biwhfta on their think I am jiHlifi^i in' iiniiluislssinpthls DOVEH, N. J., we mmt be eonTerted now, "Not by ini. J •ms, ftnd » e wou'^Wil wiuit the)- wero goiug tLe K. S. ia certiUiiijMhe inost^'i the best jnducemeats tire not by power, but by the Sjarit, saith . AD with them: We saw tbtlii tbam imt a nt. In the large tidjantjo/oarcbHrtlun keBu^Mil)o r bffeied to bajers in low figures (or Lord." Whit we seed is a power doable hstiifal of'dtrt iu them, put tlit. Ufi- families there is n'o family worBhipV this Pr^mUes , just now, and then we will receive a on their heutli und walk s«ny anA dump 1B n fact very "Wch lo'W d*FpToVM."*M'e all fcindfl of merchaudiso, for tbe tllmtl. Al •bower. HB explained his misrUOti-Go,] them, while tbe Irirtbnieti fiUed their barwwH should ail' riiuatober' the object ' Hut ^etuon tbat no extra margins are 1 !Jt*ei«t'line uf bid called him to a certain line of —'" -c-oulil' bardly get gR-ua (bf^tbbr;- giva •nrf-a' pwotical fa'swHitlifrly« necessary to be made to cover bud (itha load I ! Tbe people hare infonuation—hin Jamutetratiou of wbfct yoo yndwstauil by debts. ETERYTHXNCI BEJIABLK. iDfl Lot..»«>inin0 tbe.raddence N5W STTLli CABINET OIK1AJ. Wi'J'll i'OUTFOLIO TOP. was lo get people to mi upon what the, • Then* HiU a row bWween the French nud. ihui effort ill Oiis direction, and-wdhle n l 3Jttcb department of tbe store is r. Felver, BlncltwcllRlrwt.owneiwid. iTnj;2. Ono net of nwils, jlvu uct.ivi'S, live Btopa'iritli oct."cbniiW knew, Them is, said he, an he J>aafied damp. m, JribhniAu n"' killed, ,vhtu McCarinK'k uutKlilu«'i oviiu : tbe , aud stocked with ihe latest and bes iii^duinicalaub-biise; nnc.n.?J20. • . la tbe seat* below, gnlpg to lie breaking u talkedriijtituj,i to ••LewiM" Ntipoleoupndbe ± here, bat we must needs be prepared for ft .ptpiedalawri^hliiwajf th^t for every Irish- •- " ' "tiib.i. D. 1871. • -:- 5'). TwT o sets of reotl ls ono of livli e octavet s andd ono of two ami 1B prayer. Before we reach Uw itigtlB of be ilid no^ wudi t? prolong, (lie (e^. ..I , ViLLlAM - McDAVIT.flUoriff. one-half octfivt'H, Kftvt'U Ktoiis ; price $15G. " • niifu killed three Freucbipen should be hung. f glory we murt paw through the valley. "Let but ho wasglndty lealize ^t fopnee the)' ii.itj; 'AiyantZ, hn. • •' •• -•' -«M • J'^TKIIBS.1 TWO Bets of xomU of iivo ^ct-jivcs ench, nino stops; \mcc $170 aad tHjit stojiped ft. _ , ( DRY GOODS .1,15 the cbtrch Ret warm and sinners Wit cmsitf "His'fither kept the bot^l in'Jersey City were t'lioro^ghlyunited." Brc.ltraniz'baa We ddnot enter into competition in prices, Every Organ from Hie The effect of his appeal M liotd'iiBmif where" Vnnderbilt used td put'up when be prorei hini5e|f'rt^borough l^tcb'u^jttDd be Don't be - , All new designs in Indies' fabrics loit-L-Ht to the highest prico, JH,of JhtitHnine finality, nnd madu in tin; tbe people was wonderfiil-bodv mfi 'arm drove tbfl Btbfce from Jersey Cltjr to hnfjed he would prnve'bluiself »"ih'6rorij}li re! kepi, and a complete ossoft- best I possible manner. It i» Iwn'tuiil coutrovorsy Uio BEST ami 1 Disconraged swaying, «nd eye* *"liing. irt.il* *ro»d [)UU, and'niflU)' aRhies ot hot ^utich hiafa- U**(ti'oain(. '^'e ouRht'to'be 'suburaea of mept of Contete, Glove8t HoRiftr" CHEAPEST OKGAN in HIP mart-t. j:|l,iii K'Hcll^T.nll^tfrH.'Wstermlifi. CTiu. smiles mantled hia face aa stoneni eam*to tbrr toidHbi old Cornell Vanderbilt. His y 'Tluwe' irtii) tare tak*ri Ribbons, Buttons, BucbingH, Tii THE STANDARD IS THEUMiTnnfiAN TOR ALL PERSOKS tbe altar and obriatiaonaUo bowed Ibeo*. fur frttherhelpeB aht-CoBimwImre bnytbe firet Coiliw'frrtiu'MoiitriUB; who oj» |ftImOitieT«Ty«liJng and llfiijt'iuin" 0 Cltifti'.'au- (Jt^uflaijli. ][j- and all other articles fur utility . • *. AND USES! ' NO POOH* WOKK! KO HIGH PRICES. dfeper eonawratloik Sooa tit* benches wers Hteftmbdat'thalev^r intu trttweeu-He*• York ibe way'is n toll mitu, was -intidduoed iLiiuhJu toudotier rertn A;D IN77. and adonunent. SUTLI; 9. Two Kcts of fivo octavo roeds, niiie Htopn ; price $J(JO. titled with aesJtBra, and song, ^nja^m' still h«T»»»a/«Wa In your Slnteu Islaml ntul tho>* m Is lop* for n)T,ftirtnr?r4tln,abivtii er which eteWed -qnito'a-Iflagb at.Ur.C'i (Sroceries "- octuves nnS ono of' fine octavo holj-ba«c. witli'octavo coupler, nino with the sounds. In momentary, tppenm. • ••• , • FIRE AND LIFE stops; price $190. arose tbe arietof mourn*™ «t,.(he, bench, gf.^CSBi mouth and bin Meanwhile the reTivaliBt passed. from, point eipenscK paid, lie v,w ot W'arf ~ tn}t|dt4 him «f a brotker wio .. f,.tiiA8mt|dilyr,r;. Tjiis Organ is produced for tlio^u^o of those who wish a.low tin i. p. 187B, lH)tw«jin.ilifb(iuiBonao'(i.ockH. Provisions to point, speaking * word or comfort^here t cniiie tbt-re n pret-ubnr trom Olito. they had three Jdd|9fjfre Moore's f Plui^pol Organ at ft low ptibaj Ilifi touo in lnud and full, ami the stoiij nil 3 o'clock l'. J(fi/U]», itf (0 siy «tto'clrio» 1 ij^ofnB| preacher,' u All kinds of household supplies numerous and well arranged . The workmanship is the very best. and one of persumriou there, and assuming iBMfliir •*J ' h'•"'e b'n• • d•'• strii'' -'t onler— s to tie n'tilK aft^ruouu iif MM ^ y, alt thatfeej'tlia OBlce. Old Iron Rank ISuil.liiic, ith piirticiiinr i oofl a/Jgniss,fetjder," fiiidjtlip.otlter_an ','e^ ikiiii, .mot or p»rCfJ of land IUII premii of this oharoclcr are kept, and tliii tbegenerel'courjact of tberarrfbKli]Riqg wrnjir ot tbt a time began to attribute it to his faith', and ribg iho li/te W*r, rAlil Uie libfellan* ramai! autjaVthe'SundAy'SchboI.' " , ,. See pimphle» . , r»l Tact dtfluiibtil in tbe ducd from ateohco I1IE INK. Oil. of HBrtrord, Co. Cap- by and by they ware M earni id while OWcfwu wufl lyiug ugder oiw )UardldIIdBkdff BOOTS and SHOES. iul aud Burplui over t(i,7CIU,(H)0. Brother Garrison,' Bup'erfntenaent '6F fhi "Jr. 0. CHtore on Hakna," Ha jitiUwr, Jaiod Aujjust, liitb,,1447. pad re- i at be. Putonatad laymen went but among btiali and Member nudnt auotber, ba Wiyi ia Boosttn M/E.'SuiiSay BonMll'lilo Igut'tbi r-urdiiJ in iliirnsCoou'ly Hticonl of DCL-OS,in jThe line iueludes all grades o! KJldf *fet»l BS.C.i»l* the ebiiKregation and every new andtlien the front of the. Wile leadiug tbe,g«Jl«ut if %e ibould let 'out atl Ihftt WalWo' him, 11/,: ' «S tirentl. Slmt, He» Yert. Itl^M-W i, )mj>n> U.ao. furtmn-lj t wlilW oik N. J. ABBrtfl oFer 11,100,000. hUiiup, a u-jniL-r of tTunt-s MtLaagblin H BOW goods, for light or heavy wear, fo inEll M.L. FELL'S one ttama forward to tba altar. The usual brigade? -He wiped bin.boot* oaGenernl rfoa tl H«Ver willt tb hUu- imdftier ' l tbu Crane Tniu •Coiiipti>' -)»hd7"d ranniaR JAMKH A. (1OODALK. B N.J. pittM£{t,to timefor conolnding.the Bf!rviu0r«ame, but (now President),.Huye»,onea}n a liufel in tliducc (1) along itld MCLUQRIIIIU'S lioe'iMrth all classes of people. ' Cf*ot'nb i WILLIAM II. c seiirntv-tiro degrees «tst it-vou cliiins iml JTE)lCUASl8'MCrtlAL ISS. Co. "ot Sik, thera wasao thought of olwifig. ,»tfor.a Cincinuntij , where Col Bourka of the (pth yhkwbnld'be brief. He hid theM-lj- tif'.viinM; tli&iiCe \2) tlbhf aoother line of N. J. Capital tad Surplus kbout tl.OOt',000. GffEAT CLEARING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING long time la the hiatorjr.of camp meeUng* jityiug the Col" siiu JltLau^liiiii'i {or CIJDU Ir«i CompaDy OEIlllASIA HUIOAL IS«,Co.li«N™ul. if, aud twelve'caiitoiiiM w . SeHiol-work'at he«rt, sad IJIH^'OF liE'l'TERy iEMAlNING IN uurlli t-i,jli(i'co degrees tut! four cluioi »au in this , auction bad tbar*. Uen such an ,nel'B beat of five g.illoiH nf whiskey. losttssulvanetiineDt, >-«t would: nob ha J. CspiUlMid8ul'pla.ofifiK30,00Uke the houorallto him,- arm Hi t, A»iMi»i»r»3?,WO,01>ll. , ' The Interest onttunied to fmoreftse and Dpi ecnomy too. Ha sftit! tnies werej 'HILL, maw JURSET. ' A lnrgo nod good stock ctraBtaiitlj Will Begin This Week ao4 Continue seemed willing to lake, tha rwpODiibilily ol eldl tte'tiiuf When bscftm* ''•'' ' ''Adgini 20th, 1870. on hand, aud articles' of all kinds Inaurante effected on all descriptions of Jadob Biogtirt, ' * TtinmiiOraze (21 >F Mid ekJIyJojUwUloug. Uieiarnpilce property in an; .eotlou ef tha *$tatfr, at M checking it because of the tttna. r from tbe nraiy Ihey prenentetl him raiheriufo.rt|ii«te ii^ beipg. disc»n j i . i ShrgaM FIIIUB. .. , Ii eiglity-stx AegKEt lust on* cliiin mil in the way of general merchandise, low raten as tbe risk will warrant. All 1 iT-jn lints Id £ vAroev Ihorecf; tbtfivt FOR THIRTY SAYS In the evening Mr! Harrison again atmi iii; of *2«, and Ust ysarhiiitn ed. fta .told, a Btory «f, the si^m' *fo oblftin »DT of the aboro ktlfrs say ." (i top many U§ mention, all carefully lo»«ei I'AID PHOMtTLY, aoi no oompro. forward and addressed the congregation in HB owned a lioule lu Bio*lynTr;_ ittlftii" tnil gfve dale or thin Ilxt. [e*m ilccx"CHiDi]fifUmiinitcics..t U . ~iBiug In vtttleinent. "Tliqmas Ppwrell," how .a "stock owner $1 DA.VJD JKNKIXS, P. M selected, jffiable and cheap. his luspressive'iniUiner. * A report would not BO, who vaa lwt»aibB aU«nl$vel]r, as> that boat, while taking l? a ^^ 6t is and s.st v liajw lo n corner I* tho HUD Persons at a diatanoe can' address nn b.r od« furjiit-iiv/'f JL^Q H iacp i .tlifticci (£J letter and reoeire the same attention aa il And During ttmt Time I wil] l>|fc(lKo Ihsiilf io Olli-r l> lttij-urs o( five an Idea; it was necessary to' be present rimch.the hoiwWirM WOIULJ , .;.-" * trharf, po|ntedt with pride' to the'totit. &: retraining tnicliiiiu< j titf fiuie ao; tli feft'iitj-two dcsriti ipplication were made In person. and hear. ' Tbe end of preaching, ha said, ••Well, «.ttti.thetrftmp,arterBn kid. thats' what brings'us InMe toll, so AH^tWcutj-MvoneliiiiDeAtKi incntV links to pause.,in theawtipo.,pf iiscaia, as he n ^urncr i>[ luiuU nrJcujt DolJ.; tliuaee (6) A URGE CONSIGNMENT A. JUDSON COE, ii salvation.'. Tad end of all tbe machinery with the fUday flcbool work-it is' Ood't • TV" " ' AtmcsT aftii.' nlurg'fiiii win line BoaiL rocrtcen tlogrec and tlifr.T niiau|eM itBht1 irrooij chains tai OF Hurveyor and Collector, Cover, N. J. or tbe cnurtb, from the Bishop flown, 1* ypq briiimiufethel. '-'iohB BittinRon, Mr*. L. II.' JlradforJ,* TT converrfon. It matten not bmr ainna» see — —II.;. I II : other,, ,"I re. bad tt4 insured for ,twcnty-onfi oak Apii'irfj ib'eiici>'{Tf Kit cnatlunatiouo m m. i : brought is lf>the work is. only dona. • Ba J-»rsrot(f7(p',q* and if any man wftnfito. ofeelbj a'I*w; weil"«tliaM-roniirU;«fl«ti was a believer ia' the doctrine «£. thai eUiwbftprofetf Co/llnei-iiuUe.lj.if * ,(d Hn-Judijn BakorJsiD THE BEOTBARGAIIS aanetiflcaUon do not poww.ftj if ,ftheg dj f^brownstoni tv L-'jaina mil tbtr.ly fiaks Irnra the pine t I would not waot it. I dp not believe In raattt6utfor-*I,M4Bniohth.* ^Vthi'UDWd cO6i« 6^ Hid A'iftlrW Baker B ttmn unJ said first lut iir iitid iDcflirt deed KOB SPUING WEIR JUST KECEITED AT auctifloatiBii tbat, makes,people sonr.^ fleMJdhiSbaiLeWJamei j/nhfl tbtnee (SI alODxthe'lIltcufhiiJ Audroir Babr Efer balieve in a aanctifiafUan tq wprjj—a aatwt ie mast have alept In'Staahope foraw« that •T-'-'L-" " • • ;ries > flcatlonthatUiweettaJMtiB.. TI belieVew of (be iecoBd lot In said dotd from Stcpber MOB JttXS COTIIN'X'Y. are going to have a won'derfol revival Here. mornin0«tthd4spotUwfe.-— 'Dt J irt; described ;tlicnco (flj iMofiltneo CEO. W.DRAKE'S, P. MOLLER'S. ' Ti,tiron|yr*U(IegMr!i It is Bibli doctrine* and 'Wesleyan ihwlbgy' •' '- ' ALSO ' * : that we may have an aisinraDie'of faltk'T W a Mrtftir;tbeWuf"; -"ijieBoe (10) n>6ih sitty UNION have the assurance that Ctod wiD'awttp1 this ,.T(i.e Unlpn Sunday School Ro-nlo, in the " -i 8(twelrficliijniiindforly-t,Tp Wines and liquorjof«ll Kinds, Those Desiring to Iiavc tHt'ir (iarmciits ilii'de to Or- Uains iofwlfl at LincolQ irVrk" jr«teMayt currier thereof; thence (11) camp ground tA-nlght if we* tnutiiml'; night of tfondav on f b way to-!K»w 'VorV( ~'nb lot iurlb, aiBele*n df- have our hearts dean. J • ' (Wednesday) wits i perfect" BBCcew,"in'every and Watf p»ha]ifl the .moaUfmaious .cargo, SOUTH SIDE THE PARK THE EEHT BRANDS O¥ ' erkoflUiet«rm.''At sboat ten 6'ilocVA,' der can do so at Corrcsimiidingty, ,^ow, ^iccs, Do 1 s jj r passed through thin place. j WIU, BB IOL> IT Descending to the seals below*-he eaidv M , toiiveyanfafesloade d With peopl* tiegaa KBtofaudBfram miae.lot/and in a«tnc(ait .(ibo of (be motb lioe bereaM equih leteoti- Ton have had preaobiBp g here forflielart to kniVe-anJI eoattnoeJ- to poor' in -Until [ W) dtgn*e ettt tbrteolialni ibd elevsn links 25 PER CENT. BELOW AI.WAT8 ON HAND AT yot buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until, yen linvc Teck-'fine, etoquant, philoaophlball i Two hrge'lftrgV1 loads tern Boon-- tb k oornor of lheCranfl.lron.Ct od in rpwa, KgMi What you want BOW is sanctifying, oonvsrt- 'waa |be only pne In b REGUtAE PRICE! OPERA HOUSE and ing power, fle iwanfcd iaUi wha.dedred lk>tt^B'i^'t iiiaiig.BtuttlDingonahQl visited the Clearing Ont Snlc (jf. ..' • , . , either puri^ oc.ssltaUon, .to.conjB^to U any-ii u KM uf hull,1>J the ism UHM'Vl tlltJIl altar.: And » lie continuqoV with fjlastra-, lore or fcai, " Then eooili b.ie btoa bought at BANKRUPT BfLLiARb ROOiMS, tion aft,8r.,ill«8tratipn, mo^andjiffeothiB ) aud tbat thi groom .|^ gg;froi^n former eaiiVeyanwsT*WcVplJBg"thVr^ ! BALI am I en .Herd lo toll them ' DOVKll, N. J. UiifiCTerijefort iii till lil«.' 'Loug,na; lit; (he ligbt.-titfu^Tnl isterttt ol tbt Cnti ail about hta. Then ho caD«l all fi tdand mpartor^ldJaudi.oo.tiFejld tip who wanted a blearing,.and wh^chjrU piojspflr'iuidbe'hBppj. ' ' ' tli^m t; the pariiVs or tlit- flnl part (snd VEEXCHEAP tlacB were on their feet he cafled PD"eri to, :d fiae hunrr BeUr ltd HVHHm H(B1i>fc»1ier.>fcrT»4td dated October Slsl. 1S72, and ^rdedli. Mpr- -" \ Cill e»r!y far nn IILBCTIOX. come to the altar. A moment Ikternewu' preient, ^od 'There iw Tli tfandren' of -t^Tioor »Re in i County Clerk's nffice, i kWpSgM his at i large eipeme procured &n Ata£SS-*i Ncwfbilaillaiid,' -itiirtait-'lStli, ftiTitf UociJai kfid ta calling for Increased altar room Kor Ifie* Ihe "ehfi'ilren!" Abbat"'tweut) eMqa—aikcrease-of .about- £0 &*in 1»?8,Jillt«»eHiiH)f} of J.,,, t»nit..,.,t!,j, mourners, anil - whue t&e'^cvftaSbn fiymW repwienWi^The'r - ' t-:-- --nrf of latd GBO. W. DRAKE waa ringing otfvpon'the fctr.'b'e Wail'movtn'g' ^[lepreHint W: 'varioiialy "' i AlUl 1 ORCHESTRION. rapiaij hitter an* ftdtbet' aad bHc^ngb fro|u"!*iwti ID" three' I 1 In tbaHiddlpUwa.'CH.T.) lira i kXTBM HAY BAKES and EOWiS.j OBALJf CBADLES, eeted aodjlors- Bosroe); a,faoa. couU( Iw. STATE NORMAL AND seen that eithardld n»t,»ear^Hjeipres*iQa, 'sea tbfttn,"^t lepBttou/rniruV. for tbe. CENTENNIAL EX? B1TION HOES, PL<^WS and PLOW CASTINOS of anxiety oRigravjty.,. Mf.jft.fiQX, ^Vb^.p-bo flotv.ifphp IIU ed Jnag«KriHipK.Hwm, 'of MODEL SCHOOLS, It in of grpat powor ami in volume of tone apHpcmi^aJranft mounted Jthe,B(i)n& irftdtt* TJuuSly prepBred'for lUr»i«aaioB. ' Ear patches, Jewelryyici. cle and kneeled klthH bebdntK? ittW th< tcriool ootftribnted three doBanr'irflh whtcb fine upon landlords Lrethren'at the tltar ww^riyinff'forthew (o fan* iacidentai mmuM* frbru for gathered thWelihs " ••-•--•-< -r druukanls.. • •••> ,i .. tj JtTf ,.TIIErOPUI.iB g 'Paftflf- • st parchaaed i raia' i»j»'t 1 : BecKtary.ufitlie.'t! Bible Society' KLftJ(Atpii> through tbo todimcfl, nrginjf tttt peOpl» to Cproisb A Co, M. WiubiBq goods. Imi . come to ChHst No* »od theo^on* protased id New, York, wM w|(h SUSSEX St. GROCER, dra'glftd about went.np.. iu •th».sjachin*ry,ii lioiinarv remarks L}ntrc • ww-xi™..'»tl(e iirinceKjil.opfiri „,. sothe-'werk contiaued .till long after th< notlatnLiDJurios,... v thu sj>*af or at, tb,e day. a^^, tli. |t Lose DU lime is tlie 0cmand IB nim- b.« an ii'iciBiupledHtock ol BUCKWELLBT., KEA1I UOltltia, DOVSH,-N:'J. usual timi, of dosing the. sgstinga,., „ prayer by the Rsr. M^ ^bi^fcheail, iui< .....imiHeiihM^iuirtrtritory beinfe rapidly ukdn. Thomas Hay Rake T olltvJi i y •nil.um i>4J B,ny oibef IKKII..Kir luJlpnvlii;- fliapitiS of old CorouPtiOB,1edby the^t will bolt] (beir twontioth a utl fair at Bfi-.Uflies' tcilid ,s«ld, Dlari, sdii-cm lltTbflAilD ijROS., befora purch&sm^, a> it is a better rake a •;,waii,sreatly, the! Itev!'t)r! proceeded to'WilreGs' lbs chif- idern Groceries and Provisions mine,, bat neverth"'esB resulted In a great dwnnpon(he objeH' ofiheir meeting to- day, S t .9th, ilQtf), nod, 11th... , etMin-* rinn. of all costs lens than I paid." geth'er, and1 etc PiouA'people art hoi be jHaitwelTa S.cHboL: ; Em^wl rarit"! . . AUiEN * MONINGTON, Ageu CANNED GOODS, thin hnmdVflm p0opld as irf sometinn Pope, of Johiutoaburg, ouglit. to iproach nrHBRE MSB MAI RECEIVE THE OOH. P0RTM0RRI9. The finndiiy ttohuo'l is'tlesigtif Urge coiigrct^lious.. Ilia Mt^jttct.to-uiorr :?f\ form and e»rt) of a ChriHttao Homeii Engineer Wm. Sharpias been running the' lo niiike UH hdjlpier and' 'better; seWrftl>e tbn Mine tinin, with tfarnongi Inatruction ing, will ,00. /JTIB , devil ,|e^ Jooto In. iber ia preparation '«r buiincA or Oolleoe. ORIENTAL AND ECONOMIST Morris Plains Asylum train for * few dajM wetft annWered satisfactorily by (he PnucLpai wan for iew:r«! ynin eonnected and telba atory of «.btgkog they have dawn rh^ldien, to the effectthat iho Bible in 1h« ....iMl. Ifctim-neht fcjiini-T, hit, uftoot ol •otliirht"(i*c!i«;?g' ni'^f'p'noefi'.' I haVL'tiw HrjKA.«tilev 13TH YKAll EEQIIiB B£T. OIL STOVES "Vegetables, ; there.- HasaysitsbeediBfrix.feet JattfJin book td bbolAJ, because it -wfis writtei TEM11EH 8Tn. Adilreis at r,nloi,Ti'VNT( THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, i» ..ow comfortably i «i»ii,,i in 9C-4W " 8. 8. HAItTWBLL,'A. V..' n His as high an the, tanic Ha tried to jam, bbiy men of old, and God pat hia nnaa aro the best. TVe will furoiuh oil ten ihxtt bnd bis Iegcut.off by a me new place of btiBiness, the MANSION HOUSE iLOCK Suasi^ on ito back the other day and couldn't it' rltiaako a-geography tlwn whiah there quarkus of a f cut an hour to run one, Shari* boards-over toUtMengat'saod'he in, that..it ttlls ai fa ling upon jt DBd p .tbi H. WHITE ure*m Freezers, : and shook* and, shook,,and shook, j 4» p*. , It ia a^so A "guide board" pointing freeman Wood hiioks mMled. of.tho cbimney down, on the naito.God—wi .;'/:.',,4'43BB0AD'Sl...-,' ". Cherry Pltters, ' , roof and waked^n the boarders np. : Iamre^u^ed.^Baj'i^af^hfiBior^gUng Ol»PGSITE M. & B; BEPOT. iNSTIIlANCEAGENt. Preserving Kettles, BAOEOFF'8 biaWUil i'fhe county'of SdwiV fs '&&. OXTIcii OH BMCtWZLL itMOTT, orconviotion aLd wtat'liufc cnil- ; JIM O/arlj, complex REFRIGERATORS, tnt. Tb'enrimbera-of \&* 8iAnBo(« all live id Suwer. v i on "Th»i 'Mioi%tMf>f mj fti!+- slock of SPUING and SU1I- will hiVe it feady'for KUow kll nen'whoin "it eon«rna,;tUiDn ; that fB-fiiW, The father arfd,- "Mow H 0. a NeMea lives in StianhopetaRd hw bmi lEcturfe R3aKDnr nuu litonds dt|lt atuJ-no^ootvoao lew fu, bbj-B,-you' wttoh (l1 * sever* deiWennglt firlit'\n MUBIC ifil^'kaW " aud.lKriUfiettk«riSrpplts.n oljwus. He basan offlcs.in'HoDntawiiL. ttimpled elopcrucnt caimltg OOJIB ' im FiUJohn 'Pct-ter. Wo lt QNDOX nna LIVKRP06L •nij. ll in DOVER AND CHESTER: 2.°I?%?¥? .f??^. »»l! «•? «ow nvvoltfei-ini Shirts, Tioi, Collurs, tiike tn«fr depsrture wear. I n also agent for tho JveU'.itia kTter"roni^g V'sttM m

ret Guiabrant, late forenut} of nytobine km ff mH|A.-,.. M0REISTOWN; N. J; »nHe." I am 'toMp WeTeri '•|Bkt;'il"U«e' » •rtieein«ii;'o«f 'flpdjki, JoV'n jpiy .far I '••-''•» :'l-'iieoIllBilS6,000,««). iileal .lid HoieUriAti' IcKoof "good breat-^U't'briaVitiotJaV leg fau^M 1 ike.a,nr.ea[la]4D TJ«i|»tlj»*" 'lb* clfaujsing.tlu: Blood, regnlitiiig DSOS cotiswr'jatej efijj oallea gooi|i-t«a'lllM Oirrjfc'Betatg' along 4r."'lFro».««liil a heira. a i,UTitCLDUia, I'rlucipal, . l g BI. .and...tl*BMCun> ••• •••!' T.I .«'M«3Uprial'»8li),e(»J. eawettai ooold-faa Ae«eted:nDdet4ba' feif 1!" a His manj Mend* «4I| 4>e glad ltieilltblaUir;,Ull»UUK|i[l«>» jmtped J«»^! p, V.I. to learn of Ml RBtUng oa lib («! agal f jl every one who knew him .waa Siippfe'itient.fp an brdjni.n(;p, Hi KKHSIIAW, . . Proprie*6i llaiter HMbuloW. a Lewi.aodkie »if« "An Ordiu ?a• SeoUeal'nf frpm loas ol Wood, and ho Ifal Prdi»K..lo«blch Ul. I. . .nm.lp...,., a trfBr,",, > ,j lo^ jatca on all kiudn of combed, in ..iwif H, M4 ,t)i. ^u* ,. llerehubMiia'md ttEing •«« trt fimirj t raDJ'trom tt alj^S i?'^" "»' "•»" Bi.riB.li: fur an Ooli«itrJnua)Uu iir ttuue w m d by I edthelor^rf mtawj;of,y^tljWoricpenyJO-

- Hera in'.lniilleclyj tt^mp., !Bli hait Notice 10- the B tb.lr l.»l«r-?orkd. £ 2 CJSbiSrf 1 helpeldd UUr . l^^lll^'flt"^^^^W^ll.^^^ ton U giTen. IILI in • of niboid evat Datlt'i4l(eI|Dd.' 'ffnen'l OBOBOK HICCUDB, Frsflident. got Out trfqk |dd«nd the om bnilt ttfl?,!^ tax - Payere : ; iu. tl. domol(, 8«a'f and Triaa'.' ooiir e to h«I tk«m. Bo lit;; pput pviea tuiuta on ^lie iofr oV'toe'aua,; unt'io' ^atilia ofifillpwnpfDo-

•.lot (be«oa*orti..q*iiii«etWp«4ni-WoiWket, km H, .aath. «nt loeonoln tkMn ' laaalwaritBkeaUfrtnr'Irla own moaroee 1 lib etArtfl Irt^'a *.* to «• lAe&rta Mlt eollcei .aoordinjc to law. U ml loitfa. 'ffll>nrta«b>'ia MlrWtM 1>T.r,i<,l,U

> BJtUPdki : 1*0j |b>Meat 99J, aud tin Wxfcu »t Nearlj «00 doge in Morrtatowa. %e Anteo>«I lie 1B«4 Kiu.dol]* lonuhiphasdBdogl. prlo dpal of' ttM'.%par Bib>rlili| mhoot jTbe Snnex raOnwd u ntonding SUMHI&R GOODS Morriufcnni bus 1,487 nohool children. B>«Uii7 Eodgaof

rlo•,':.',-;".'•.;'.•„"• '; \ "•;; .: •'.;'. he haa. warrant JOH. D. Htanbnrrongb U making itripid VOUGHT & KILLGORE, tat« FlromeD'a GonvantloQ meet*, in BtiHHOtiri. T i» itatement IH made that tbe Port Orittn ;Iiepre»niativ« of .Ewtern rolljng mills fun we willba ptit in bbiat iiomlf Uiua n«xl ]O VWneaday, Sept. S.lb. Bieh The J'Bosa" apple purer at Bcrr/i Hard- «t at Philadelphia on Momlay, wd 'ad- STRAW HATS, otth. -^:.-.i '.'' ;y '.: /•.. l • i la eotllled to three dalegttet. DRUGGISTS AND AP0THECABIE8, u-nrv Stow, ' j«rt tbe base priOe of. bar irrm to 2 8,10 R 1 I Opd/le.foraeri.Pnalding"B- Id:. ArUinr. WJ Cplidkt cw4er, pkt™ ta)f- o#iU per imtni for dolltcry from. «wi Aoek^ TheCLftaUr/urnaofl' Wniaftj'kiAj for E Ing , ooanM^^mfldloIne aVtbe UniTerelty till* 1 '• - Dlattiot, haa been flanger- Unfit ugain. OTalliableJerMycow8,tbepiipar^of .!.. UNEN DMSTERS, I1L bt I* ** aow thought wOl reoornr. IV. T. o/i injiifW, M'ohfBap. ' •' ''' ' Henry Day, of Morririowa, dJcd lartVaek What won't black Una bito oc ? live mica ; A. prayer meeting will he > U iler Young,: ft we&knowa botsemab. frtm eatIBg belhdonna, or, aa it 1B mm gen. arts the latest. 1 hektothaPree *»**» Ohntoh to-rcorww erfUly known in the country, deadly night "ONLY THjE BEST." forn er!y of Uds iwotion of Morrit, died - ALPACA COATS. Tin, new M. E, Cburoli At BenmrdsviUe Ind uupoliB ()E tho llith ult. ™ !» W 'j «'• «• V •. Mftblon M Stags. Us removed hi g A weather prophet aays i A piece of oala- Our stock of Drugs and Med- lie unnith shop to tbe place on Blaekwell The Dowrdar-I Inopaow orowded with mm carriwl in tbe pocket it a cheap W ac WHITE stre t, near Konousa'a hntel. . , work, and In Km. c f th. department tbe enVato weather indioator. It Rota «« wh.a Three new stacks will noon bi in blut icines, Elixirs, Pills and Chem- tforrutywn aud Hiwkottatovn pouu of men[hare been.TWrki'««tin half-paat aeren Wmill8aidhBnl0 1 llpproa D the Coplsy farnacM, F*> w|alber ' ^) 8 ^ ibe 0. Ai' It-' are enjoying tha Teteisna' ' i the evening, • * - ' jUlumad from every, qnarter' oome «. icals are bought of the most Mr. and Mrs. •T. B. VreeUnd. of Morris. re-u tioa at SkiUinin'n Rtatlon, Bev. W. H.Balden,! «v)pg acoepled the U.« take > B^ t»«h qb ports ofa most marked rey^Fal of the Iron tow a, are at Aabur? Park. M IBSTB. JameR 3. mid Jobn \V. Meltck^nd lllS «* / Vftllof BAuwbof tte GeD reliable manufactures, and our die., . ,4c, .eta., &c, taide, tban which there it no more- nbufam.' Her. A. Erdtnan, of Morrietown, 1> paj., im is Uengan)mv,o"boon camping for a ft garlk. will anil for thai oo. -u>.ry,wUh Lii wife here 1 tialb«Bfor;theMTlTal A"hii>st0D (Q^,,. .:M.-b/ilajtie 'w»y to Port 6raro^ NOW, as wo are dotcnniiioJ to. fclose ont tlie above STOCK oo c end Ladder Compnny. of Morrist&wn, hiji meet at Pleaslnl Grove' neit Wednen- A' W EifW d i crease of 45 flinoe hat year. OpuWl,vr.T..LeiKirt, taja that are made strictly in ac- - '' within-a short Hme at day, tbe plaoe and time of ho. Wag the Coun- If you want to make a Bummer flitting ivi voted to have a Fall parade, | T. Q Winual tnemorial seryico of tbo Mt. ty ft B; Convention. iry bad coldbj ,'UBirig JCX Coiigb. Syrup. cordance with pharmaceutical yL,u will havo to do it to-day. rmtlom BaptiKt parmb will be held this Benedict Shidecker, the boot and ihoe Ituyvcrfnilutoourelf takenfutlmo. Price Wm. T. Quiinby, of Hendham, hai abou J^t irdiy) nfternoon, at 2 o'clock,' "' • ' inalier, near the Presbyterian Church,. Btill a.i.md Wcootaperbotlle.at VougbUKIU- rules, out of the best materials, liiii.WXi trees Is his purser/. yliiree adults'nnd onp infftiil •were l>(ip loei repftlring as neat and cheap aa any in goro'u, DoviBT. ,. •* .: .• ••; - — ' Czl(Jiu the Htfpalcong M,,E. Church IUHI Dorer aud uses only good stock,' loPcansylViiDia the few,a»fces the owner without any attempt to lessen tha 6d (.rid 8! iblfiith by Presiding Elder Pi'lz Gerttld. oiF ft dog* liable for tbe daotoge causod by T)ii) chancel of St. John'i Ohuroh last Sundayat Mount Tabor, During -July Woahi.iKtnn'g Ileadqnarh their strength, toy the piarpose Itfv. .1. W. SeriiD, roriiiei-ly Jinntor pf the 1. bore evidence of mourning for Ibe dogs (hot baiA; B! bqweswid frighten tljam. : rhfl number joll(peopla on tbe groundu JloirMowii, had 1,0110 visitors. il. \l. (Jlmrch of llii« pJacc, visiteil Dover: It alao oom^elfp l the owner of * vloious do^to ice.isefl Piflhop, and Itev. E. B. 'Botler Snndny noon was OBtimated at fife thou- of greater gain, which would 'lint (.Teat Smith family pic-uio will be HI Hiibbiitli and ]>rcanheil iu'tlic FirntCliurcli iid a tender tribute to his memory. mjrain'hiro at hi 'New Jersey might h id, and this waa considerably increased lull)at Pcnptck neit Wednewlny. i tlio delight of mniiy old trlnndH. Tho gimps of tho Morris County Machine Ith proflt dfi dn^' |tjiej aflertioonv 'Tho nnmlw^. iff not only be an injustice to the OysferS WOOL WANTED Ttu Chi'Ht** Heminarv, of which lloV.'j. Tbo largo f urnapa-blowliig iengiiie :'wbi'ch ind Iron Compnny in this plnca are fairly ye iioles standing about tha margin of tho 1 in exchange for seodaof our dim' taali6 at , Jfl^CniKllcislmal.c'eufor HOIIIC tini.i p nuiiuiing with work. The men are work- M built by I. P. Morris .t Go., and which gr mnd wan estimated at one thousand. The : patient, but also to the physi- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : our milk (Me NICHOLS) .{. :efll'ieut principal, will rc-opeu M »n exllibltioii at ,t(ie (hptennlil." baa Tin prncp-eiB of tho fair of the derma: Dg nipUt ami day and adilitione to the force pe iple were a conglomeration of all olaSGes, BY THE 1 iy, Heplenibr-'r 'Mh, un'ler the bai hoeb purohfleed by tie Andover Iron Oom- th wttgoua a boundless itudy in wheels, Yullf} Lutlioraii Church wore $;ififl. ,ro inade nccesKdry. cian who is disappointed in the NEAiR CHESTER, N. J.; paLy and will be used to furnkb the blantfor bojlies aftl spring's, and ths horses rew of n building of lloderor & Huagan has Win. Price in arranging hiii ijuiliJiny i: ^Vool ttikeu aud made tip to order in Ois- ,nnhB, •at. Ibe.ndw Btack Which will be blown in in n try color, condition and breed, and the QUART, 100 or 1,000 iSimriton for the purported of a hotel. greatly improved by a now coat o[ ' effect which t|ie medicine HMEista, BATISEIH, TWEEDH, BUMXXTH, D(iriug (he jta-jt wotk tlio prii * nt Moi feW weekB. ' '. iles exhibited tbat repoxa of countenance 1 . Tho vork was done by Mr. Jan. 'IV iniilriiDg of the iiew liOHti tower tit the Parties, Suppers and Festivals I'LAKNKLS,' and STOOKIHO and' KNITTING I)hp Bethlehem Iron Oompnny, of lictblo. iloaility of manner so deceptive to those Ionian, wl'.o in prepared to do all kinds of should have if of the regular VAitfJfc of BU Hfsos aud coloro. 8(odkiu'g piijimc IIOUBO IB now being prosecuted. ', us cheap as thny can be'supplied ntti i»ur biiHlcct - the Jnweat known hem, Pa., recently sreured ilviicar IOHIIB of i|o Imva, uovor cultivated, an intimate !iliiig painting in i%n («rtintic manner and iHlhacity ' Yarns at: wholtsale,' a specialty.' Also tJta I'lirij ground ftud ungrounil spicpfi fiiiy ytarrt. Ddiiware is .looiling the n jic4uitiutAiice with them. The greater ma- it low niti's. tholiuiamnniifiwturfd i'.t Franklin, Snuaox strength. Physician's prescrip- l^Htplaoo to gtst" , •' I . !l • "••" \'iiii|;!il A. Killgore'a Corner Dru« Store. •t frith thin frail. oounty, whicb they now have on trial, aud jodity of tho rural Tittitora came provldod The fluent roHtanninL and hest aocommodft- We hear of it man in Iho neighborhood of A lifdf milo trotting conrae ia being laid Atlantic und Jowott'it )iuro White I/!iiiI KIMJIIU it prove Hutinfiiotorr, tho liirtfi wi|h imwliooB, mid the sceao along ti tioiiB for urn-ing ojBtera fn this sootiou'. 'i;nn avenue, who beats hia wife till she is tions prepared with care. Ohil-' BAG CAIIPETS WOVEN, loior part of the ground while they wei OXtlTEllS in every htyli, FltlED.STEWEti r.iil on thn Vanuier farm at Buccanuniia. e only brtmds of \VM\ nolil by V'mglit & amount of lime required bythjs com]«uij ist.DHilik. Ho ougr.t t) bo looked altfr, or in my uiaunor duuired. will bu purcbaiiefl ut Franklin hereafter. Ultjiug tlmir meala WBB au. animated om in^itlior striped or plain-ffarp. Tho bffit (I. W. AlliHon and L. It. Thoiii{isi>u, of 'lio lowent, monncst and ninnt cowardly dren receive the same attention Dufriug tho meotliigB they were Intoreated FIRE 8EGAUS AND CHOICE PBCITO. of I warpa found. AH inquiries by mail ufadnro nnd' inirfeetlj Milt™, Lave each over a doaon boimlers •il in of Jewelt'n i tenturo in tho univeme in llie man who A Boci.il gathering of tho Rurvivora of tlo liBljeiierM and in tho iutervula most of tbei .. Pearls Oyatei Crackflrs. promptly attended to, and nil w'otk gmuiui* vnrylo .rO. ,riken ft woiniin. Army aud Navy of tlio United Btalos, who as their parents. Our stook is A party of nix young men from Morriali aud pnrticulnrly those who went in pnli teed; ittiis. 0.' SH^PKEHD, Tlio Blutt1 jmpcrworIsH.nl Wliippnnj i fwrTe-1 on the eoaat of California in 1840-47- TiiB folio viugperBOUB hiwo reenntly Imd wa|idereedtid tit a good tinio will be sullied. ' bpUom' of tbe:Btmm;or- iaks. They are YOU £ KILLGORE. BM1THS', 00NTBACT0118 AND M1N- ii v of men to bring them within nllglous HARD ASD PALE BBICK, job'. Eav;Chas;lT.'.'Bi!rfy wili'lircBchBt The Freeholder's Committee to settle with wbtldorfully'rastldltbnit, ^ntlwlU take, twit ia IKO SUITL1ES,. , A grand bop took plaoe at the Hmth ihfl ifanoea end eonnrt them. Dovor, August Sell, 1679. LWE,CBHER, Bertides. _ . .. • .' - ., : _ ix-SheriS Freeman not Thursday and made tonooln otb- louse, Schooley'a Mountain, last Saturday OL Agrioallnral Implemenlg, Seeds, Fertilizers, IOW wno <|ria}i oompipte fllosof tbe' Ml. effort, to effMt'tbe.pbjeot for'wh'icjj ! FLANDERS. J-BO1IT nqiCK, tn. PaiLts, Oils, QIBBS, etc, , . uifc'Ut. OK KWOBD, containing ropirtsof nJl the r-ero appointed. They failed, however, Elome low-lived persons-sneak thieves There are 447 patientB in tbe Morrigtown roth nnin'troua iWtion* of sast.FeeniiByl. 7ALTES A. WOODS Celebrated iff' to an agreement, and after oonrid- iona'andierviceBduriiig the recent'catup a bbme reports or idranco ip (ha vagea' irablo pfirlqy on both "ides, the Committee FLAGSTONES CUEBI1VG, H0WEB3 and BBAPEBS. ing, caa obtain them by HondinB thirty- of, thu workers emplpyed in the iron & to direct the Counsel of the county, UnUat Once id Frsd. IVLojiort; liot'k milb. This is adothor *m< indication of a BTBPP, C6PINGI, BILLS, LINTELS Itev. J. I. Morrow is apendlbg a brief va. Albririge C. Smith, Esq., to oommenoe a p be new stone wall around the private njfflj, Dover, N. J.' .'_ ' •'_• .: ' y aAd mtbBtant'al re.Hyal of the iron '' ' AMD CISTEJrJ HECKS, ntion on Staten Islanj, the field of big for proaocutioB againBt him for the amount etary of Mr. W, M. Force is abont oom- PricGi, however, for pig, are slow to uer labors. '" ^roagja, tho B»ri Continent," by Hentj claimed to be due. ' : pie ed and adds considerably to the appear- moje, fllthoUgh hi^n nave fatrong *hopea of iWHAHlTS PHOSPHATE, [. I ta.nley/ A copy of this ftwcinAtlng and Dinhnp R, R. Foster Ttaited hia brotb- ie) of the plaoe. ifit ijotiTp nErritivo of Btnnley'B journey ^Atnuel Dnnlnp, of Rpnrta, wlin IIM benn 1 be ftoepol itcD^oianc* Union |nTa In Dpne Ouat, Gnana, Pniidvpt r-in law, RCT. Dr. Milcy.ut Drew Seminary COAL YARB *rr is Africa way bo flbtuined at U discount tho.employ of Mr. H. /<. f'hiMendm,:of ' pttainmont at Hartleyvilla last Tuesday ; lusl Sunday, LAND PLASTER, it. (LATE JUGLfili'S) • • I VpUr ootit. bf.diet| Vfcepi ,l4rHHon aud Mm. npo, . •; BLACKSMITH'* COALoamtaDtlr^nbaDi]. Tlio quantity of water at Mount Tabor 1 , Hiiiohman, enjoyed two days of upldiidH IH ii would becoyfo n;BtiIJ .gr^Rtfi " aatj Ibe furnace wai working' splitndidly and Free Mnth(Kllsts held services in tit if young In J fee, wlio would like to be liord' Wofld, Lap Wood and -luring tha recent camp maeting would havo ladjbegan to mako No. it irou.and tkn otb- iluo flflhiug in Bheepsheatl Uay, I;: I, (he Inary" on Tuesday evening. Taeytti- EB Lindsley & Son Sawed Wood, ' but not fut; bbtlldbfl^rWailUta be- diwourageil « ltaplIU.*' "•"'* rtbW4laFgo»UBi*«deriia«aifqrpia whic-b ittor jmrt or lust weefe. Thoy taught twoti be Lore oguia four weeks from to- lie vft tlmt, wliilo it« 4trengl)ioniu« qnalitieH I HAS JDBT NOW A BOTSBB STOCK OF tm In stock for'dsilTBtT. Al( orders Tor t Patrick Batler and wife, who were injur •oiid 'nswsBitaU blflwiijB ootihenlac^.; ,'-«)* beauties, which averaged about ei^hl afternoon, when their'new PiuWr is MZX.LINHRT e bt tbo nn* ordor| i( w(!l nnt fattotl. It m\ m»v be left nt McCi-wkoa'a ofBoe, corner .1 by a locomotive near Boonton, are yet IlLr-J. V. Tii'tiifl, I>- IV1,' nf'Crftwfordfl- idundH caoli. OfleBuporhRpeciin.en.wtiigbed 1 to bo with them. X •' "'loiwell BnU.Uergon utiueta. or nmybe" iltholp tdi^fl fcoiia and harden' info yaiml. 21-lt alive and may reooveft ,• IfttL; PreaitTeat of Wnbftsb OoHogo; twelve pouqda And none • Iesa tb. > a(eo'captured thonrBt flpanlih Collector Eunyon, of Washington town- iBvfdcly .jirowuiiiero bec'anw of J?w immitbee of Ibe Epieoopo) ! !!TS'Rigli^Jf*he k£ti '•'<• DKESS-MAKING. •ijier rftfldoliiie nud eiteiwive contribations reliof thfl Beairon in that tioiuity^ ,: ens of NurHiBrn New Jersey twit on ave several limoa bod occasion to DRY GOODS, TITIIS. M. FAltTtbrcH to iiirororm Ihoo pnbl •p, notifies delinquents to pay up by Bep- ITJL fionuriilly (lt h !i BDdDK»ged"fi" i tb iohUtory of, Jlorria "Cpnuty, hiy Man ilriy and decided to bnvo a memorial ie reck Iesa driving of a young in HI iiber " ' ' Mr. A.'II. eiierman, ^rinoipal of lha pub- j including everyihiog new and jfasliionablo in g Liuiiopsiinpinat at [ing thin section during tho past (wtt ceinmomunalivo to tbe late Biahop In&irjodLewftKwlllitncQanl who. Hi MM n«ior ic;ikihool, Mt. Hupe.'wbile yi^lUng 'frioodi 'tW hua-iU'ii' ;lh( ^vhim, nnd two weku affo pi'tliHhi'd PORTORAU ill preach in the Second M. E. Church to reeks. ;'",'; ' • . • ' •- • . i New Hampnhire, roooivoil from Wr. Au- chuWih, Nownrk. a^lj mijt of haw l*o ran into tho wagon of SIJ.KS, CASHMEHES. LAWNS, (^oiiiiujr tljo dniEKtorb, on 'Filar,* sweet, fJNDERTAKERS Itav. J^JjOrtVtte.'ofStaullnpft, was expect. iKtu« if. Khuld, Bupuriiilcnd0ut>( the. In- wrow morning and oTening. t. 4th. The Hermon will be ipreache* d by P, ibUan.-nnd badly danuv,'ud it. !)u'>o fllic lias Alwaya un.liBDd a.fuU.assorlp [1 to occupy,the p'ulp'it of. tlio .Itockaway iari Head mills, Nanhiia. a-roD< IVHOIIH intending to pjafot tihnnld call at io)> poane;' Arabngf tna gentlemen .ten,Uronghl. ^uiij, agftuist him, and •oibytisriau Church last Siijidjjy, but fiulod ,t*>rp«t. • THecanoiriiand^: frii tins lt.d Front I>rup Store where paints and aimkeu of .in oonncation with C wm tried before Judgo Wood on GINGHAMS, CALICOS, etc., etc. LADIES' FANCY GOODS ClHARLES A. ©-ILLEN. cbmoany'Bla'i^ecorigreBBtilnwiV of iyi> l¥iB. >T. Zjvnoct ippokriujf f< IiilBBONS, HOSE, PAIIASOL8, IIMBEELTjAS, BUTTONS, nd is O!B6'rtady U lilted. The pastor of tho chtirrii iu home jjfjof tha.plil Drltisli rann^of-wnrAuguHte, rticeiib and' eiecote _ Every officer, teacher and ncholur of tho C^u^i\ent is. ..urged, q]sq Beans IntiffandWillardCnU^r for Bland 1 HANDKEUOHIEFS ;i.id nil other novoltieB. attiugljuo.-' ALL WORK •ori a short vacation and will'occupy Iho "Ill •tiibh vaa Hftnk peflf .rfilMelphia hylthe WA11RANT1SD, Mn , Farr is »|BO BJIO igent Qde'siRBtjd Wtine'pnrchlHcdthnOn- First M. E. Habbatb School is enrnently re- SUfkoj nnd Hlnnsimry, the Itov. urd.l After hranng'ihe cano tho jury retired from Foit Mow*r. in QctobcE, i'^fi, i Purl Unit, ror'air ig BUKIUUBB of UT. Ob»s. A. Qillnu in 1 r > lorrow. and I In & few mJotjtw ntfciniuoil nctler- ' iliiion, rector orTrinftf Ohutcll, 0/ New-illot giving tbe plaintiff the full amount of \AI fellow calling faimmU C. Wnmn, of Diiiny.-Ni York. indTor Maii3.DoinftroBt'D » tak«r m|li over; ibjne (.crlaUituji to t|iu bun- '^ corre'spoinionl! of ttio Sun at cimip. Skill-1 the ftamage which he claimed' he had stisJ nieste, '»nd bave eoosfimtTyon hand rcmh tn Hniiihy to mfiko out tho aopllmto,' ami op- ,ton, but whniie rlnl name In ^Iffker,. CARPETS! RELIADIJi rATTEUNH. .Gi rardirib at th& niiortent'notiw, 'nrnf-tbifs i E»ys[.At.Uie ond of onaol tlio Htroota We hopbtois vdrMicfwill tta-Oi tbii .Port j'ffrtioii tho Stiito and County tns. .ecamp'ed on WtdnosJay of liut veek'from original ,Aip$ BV the uia |of tio ixliibiti can allow the BEST STOCK and heal tenla nra. oocupied' by iUtoon men of youji^Uiah/andkbydtnera who engiigo in 3 cave Ahw.oB. DickcrHon, EBII., of Now York, .rylRtown'ftUli.aborrio and wafltm whicli tha a, Watch. f -< : aEEA'pST BARGAINS. •hinsex Buttery, OapL Dan Bailer, They tbe Qangerons pruotioe of runitioB boruos ornVor* doflinn. Mol.lio ooffiug am] oafbouj friglitoned tho SWisa and Germin. bad. hired from Alex. McOollum. Ho tba robfs, flbroudg habilB, platen, handles, caPua . l«vp,ni.inRnwnck at Cheater, hie formi iv*) cue piece of tjrtiUery. : The , nttmetion tbe (highways, that olhov puuplu who an jjlnee'bBcnlieariil froin, but laying lib rig :fa turerw wlion ikeii v ipoiiidm t crapes, kill, silk ami nJttnn cYtmn, Ac. l")ii]i>, where he 1B cordially welcomed. .not »o muob Uidr martial bcftrlnd-'ni; ijie riliff Imd.an.iixpeirleiioe of twenty frara,' ' ithhia liadlevidenllydispoBOdofit. enniannial retreturneu d ii d p^ W* Ifeel that W6 tlfyronRhly uiiiliTKiaDil ibu, l!rv. C. R. BariiDB, of Madison, recently la<:k cf jt. Thfclr ] ubifpnn extends from FARMERS! GARDENERS, thara bnd no equal for wortimanBotp ind buifiiese In'fliriti Lmnohei, and ttio imlilte ti-ilul Iho sea «ho#9nd K^hf *suark sov- "flfhat in-, tlio mcttor with oar postal fftcll- their, hoadii to thdr, walsta. Ilolow evtiry Cl^KERY. UIE tubacftltcf' Itn vrected * SEW PhMS- maV relj npgn ocr charsco bolujt tootlenitc in iim anywhore in tha world;l(. . K flWbifc TEH MILL it, Ilockrvw for iba CPDTQD-, alicjuoi. WamBtoaBpccialtyof-UkiDgupou Hiftft in length and weighing 200 pounds. Licri? We Jeain that up to iloiid-ty the Buita himself, the only uniform dutlne. Sheriffs Sales.; ' ; tim EISEW JU!B W3T WAHE ANtl LOWEST I'MCES. oqriolveB th6 entire oliarRe of matters nertain- ,dqpot..44a | IGI- of faniieri and RariJciio.B of thin lection 1 Ita tbety A E,.B. * ing jto fnnerah when' rtqnekled to' ilo to, ' ItatlhopB package of E««,' mnii<3a:on flaU iotaI being a rt4 strip down each leg. The ware'nuwle 1 fiherlif 10 luve berstofore lieen ciimpelled to obtain DIOKO Indict, who need hair work done , Newark, la i iM'l"-l'.T rrunirKlhlanc^Rnd will Turuiili ftMfabZ wliBylng^an ilks uf muuii pf the atx- irdi(y morning, had not reached tbat place, >rond brimmod. blaek hats; are suggest-'; tin- HUBHoti ol 1879 • HUperiur articlo of k'tjf.uid tmotiinesi br mind, connconcnt upon "•WM call nt once on those excellent work- ._ Jone but the Waltbam, an* parUev ^ having the aerriooii of ID inexf»orioi.c«it puwon ' ,d probably, bavfi not jet. For tho ^ake a .Seal* ii.: Isaac a Reals; lot In '"ii, Sltnotu A StemH, aB their atey if Umi- of tho wildH of Sussex Oounty. ing Newark can rely entirely upon hia In- WINDOW SHADES AND FiXTURES. GROUND PLASTER loftilmd to them., UyiuKombotlieii^tfuiull.U our readers W* dpeply regret this miebaiv .n towDiblp, sold foi J48.C2. .' to ti all hann of tho Jay or uiRht. Bodies Afewnigbts ago tha fartn of Abraham ..—^-t in* sriadea and groatoet couvenioncea in for ftniliEinB *[iurposei, at roocb • LOWEB P»4erfed with or without ice at imall eiiwuw. aiid'would have aent'them'eitro'copieii had Walker TIL Silaa Benji.m}n; tan PRICKS that, hive ijvor before becu offered iu Ihoibuiloeiii will be carried on »t the old Btaud this section. Bold bv tlio Inn, barrel or big. Basdolpb township, aold for if&.i< ofMr. a A. ailJen,t,n BUkinIl'HtJi JmT "Iberil (lisooaot will bo oQerad to de»]er« or •m Mfr. I*>n«Jrd OlUon, M IOUR conneet(-d with "Ataong tbo lUt of lecturers of tlio.Ameri- en ordering iu large qnintitiei. Thehieb- Mr.C. A. Olllfln, nil] continiiuB wifu us, market price will be paid far DuuTjtorary Bureau, ;for the Bflason of .1878- GOOD BOStTSIlV. rrma wtiioh'wo minahatarc and sdl-a inpe- -80| is Be*. W»; L (Hll/ of DWer. The the bark appnrently being cut'-witha knife, The mine on tho farm of L. I. Stooten- fprtilieor. A great UTIHK In fi£lebl OIL CLOTHS, 1CATTINQS and RUGS in great therlAdnrj? t*u* # l"M '^'•'•^ aratlon Is ''BestPlaces, »nfl who gat. U»e«». • rar^oty at the Dry GoodB,'Ftmriture, Grocery aud Hardware Honse of RPCKAWAY AXE! •Bftlwt wbom be hM made ooinplfllns to the Notice of Settlement. ' r IIHlfi do'ted barid-tnado aio nnn loiiK fiijovci li«'«%btidTaiwMiinadoIn tba prioi of 1 Noti.-e is bertbf Riven iUaf tlie lerioanti of | X Ttb^KptlUtiDii Ofix-ins rfti.; ol the vrrv walHrfnionth wai mort thanlbut on Wefc i ie Habicrtb«r .£iocntar ot Aloow Jlrlut, tliOfB«p.» , r aeiidtty, at. the'.regular monthly. Mle o eceaiiil, will bo audited and lUted bj the taannfkctare wo are now enabled to animly Hi T. 0. 8. Oolt, fomurlj put" ol th« M. tbe Hnrrofflt*; and xmottMiot uttlenent to tbe trade phpaper thin arsr hnrorc.anil titTcr Bcrantoa ooal by the D. L* W. 'Qoafrnj •D.anoiatl dllaiant for tinrchfticn oPlnrgu E Clmroh, »lth hli wife I«!d Do'" • "'"' tbe Orphans' Court pi t(ho. Oomitj.of Horria, Onto,". wfeicb.Urt month wld-fot «2M, Urgo'j eWended. and-ipoat aac 00 Uooclsy. tlie tilth day of October next. qotntitjai. .WhilBvar ipwalty [* tho Jlutk- cUuitluprewutweek and wen corf««J *waj us. we are prepared altio lo maiinfavturu. ~ ed,'to t2.03jf: .egg declined' from eBsfal fit erery wky. Tbtiief rece1t>ta *ere JXIIESB.NEIQHBOPB, McKIEGHi COMPANY, Daled July 13tb. 1879., 83-lDw the,Whttern, Kentucky, or snr oilier "tyln 4f(to*2,ir> ; slo»B.dropppd/tom*2,74i boat ftfi7. Ws BIB desired ta retaro nMdod..For tonnaaDd furtlier mrticulani, addrcn J. J. t'EEH & Cn. Mr. Jf b3BoWBliiD* b« fllj.and cieatjimt daelinod frtm-.t2.fi0 n jhe ladluB and to the oopimunJtt1tig«n- WHOIJSsiL!B'bEAI,EE8m . ... "•ly ' ' •-••'• Bookawy.MQrritiCo.N. J. on fWilolftf •Holotail and erel tot lussl l 'd3't MWElIzt flUd!wflrthy for tbe jH^htaUoA'o* •qnUtf m>» oampled by Kr. Fleli t br.'Leferre tor hia; gfliwrom «nt^ttoJm 'Brilliant' Safety Oil, CARPETS Comi Jemblo nmnbenof Onrego I*" !••' l»»ii uken from GreeniBWl,J*ke llil> " D»ef ^ f ^ ^ tmilti-Mr. Sam.iwl Ook /or-lo«iip«rtiiBg STOCK OF WD, indlatlng that lb«T will be Uio le •UudiDg uprigbl in tt» fater BREESE'S. AND'CASES Eih of tholnka In the futon. CJtlrQwrnM&nilfaoture

: Tlie sew 11 E. Chon PABLOE" -WATlS' WHWE ISO', and HUME WHITS KEBOSQCE 1"?., , ,, ' ri' (»KPB«ijia ,. , ...... rae'grpai cuijo; lli» Innd for which and ffM FILTDKS. AXMISSTKR8, III 'TAPESTllV, nSuSaEfc. ._. KfiEVOCSNKSS,WEAIiNESS,I)E- talHIna In oontrtbnW *}<*«<• Sited, ••Jfe«hiwfli»iw» Sperm, Whale, Castor, " . .' J>LYrMNO!lAH49;«*.'' i" npidl; npproaiblnB oonplelio : ' , AT IUiT.UlA ^ BTLITY «nd «U- disorders of (lio )lrttulay of hb daughfaf. Dnr.ii({ [Sewing Machine, .Neats-foot i*d other Oils. , • Attlvo preparationa are ta progno fortb sltmacB, bowcK, llrcr hMWdncys. •panin, of He lr-*—•-•«"" «» " iALa\ClilLI^ ASD the Kcw ifitue; pcrfomeJ their (wrti-oWwlnflly Tijrpentlnf, 9\l 'TarHo, Lamp Chlpiney;, Fixtures, FI TEB are Burely ovdded by using • •falchbegiDaat :l ' That cannot ba round tUewhf L;e,. limbtr lBth. th s Tonic. 'It'TOTor falls to ]ire- I WITH DOBDER8 XO.MATCH, SCTeral partla. ha«. lataly been flahlng In STRlCTiy PURE. rei .tlhesoilrciuled.diseases.,." .! Spltrook pona on forpd Olden, purporting "HEILLIANT' BAFxTTT Dm a' irteddh, pot np In Patent ftnott fiafaa, ' - .1 »N81IHPTI\TS can rely on' it < - J who lob.wrlltenbyOonnlJ«IWl 0»» ". rollj nra Jua,a!l hjrtSfn fajta and Ins fraftiaJloJantlni rfan "W»f,Sj to BtrongUi, to combat lhat.fon- I" one of the enontlonan o» 0» atfate vhlchowaa the pond. «f nliajr raataiy. It, lion given numy Itov. A. Erdaaan, rf the BMth Blraat Praa. .tloa o[. jlerlaSttlM MflM^tfn, hM noair lowest Bates Eter enitnb fhmwU ^0°fiji1 .- Hawrt.wit.t- strengthens and-sustains ull , proUbiy Inclin. Wm not to M«pt- tir?TtUlcifert;lHi;undiniiBtbetried 1 An obierrlnB aid old p««b grower to! kqoW. tlio, perfijct heoltU ' ai(d _ of THIRD AVENUE, strength Its use insures. , ... . mi a pko. X orer for peaehel He altrl i'ai.ot«nowl(iibrih»,a1A!!ifter«W; i 3>r. ' BWUnghndiiaratakenlromnnbealtlir treel th«.lest strengthening. tonU and . HoonW, of MorrUtown, who oon- itTanoo the most popular rtnKdyctef sold. ' **L ._ Near ShlL Amolls Ideralal lUilro.,' Billion John VanB»B8beek, Managnr.l JBraggtatssellit. "V" Jfotnttln B'IM, b^ttflirtHfdoB'tjpa^oot M E«, oonnUn, began the Job, found h •u going to Ion monej, a»d """j*"1" AWABK, I.ACK1WANXA. ^ SHERIFF'S SALE! Hitiiii Jutm th» Uautlbt. SHERIFF'S SALE! Master's Sale! 'the Unse* at Long 1-if*'- ! UAILIUUD. Uncle John on Vacant Pulpits* Tbia [irophut ami twit-hereto wbmu the OLD AID RELIABLE Horrta Circuit Ooort.-Hecrr H. Bocker. Ootr- JN OHANCBBV OF KKW JKB8ET. VtOBRW AKi) EiWKX DIVISION.) S diau ..f I4»rj Klla At»o n. Bhw-oodB. Aloo A .mud ul mint* fruni the emuitij 1 complainanlTina Angn-lua Hamogb and 4 CfflTESaSUK VM WAS A ML'PBBATE cliuri'b gives tb« l.nnonible till* of BUsdardFawllyBenudyf ritl*. Fi. ri.dt'Um.tttrt. Iuc»««- %*• Mary Ann Kwlswb'tu> «il«< Xs»Luw»oi'd BotwHD Donutut U Bryant, opuplaiuntj «td uruaU) w M.j T«im, *.B. lrtB. , utuniuunl Oumpttiy. Pln>b» B. Vail, 11.- said to me lust Huut.iiy nmniini;: UltlNKKBASD ATB WBUCVSR HE ""«*. •• lure-runuur of the Lord," li;.= lung Vall'j IUII,o,dlJuiiiuani.Joliiih.Keuin«lI, EMTAIU) O. Lsoi, Atty. J.lin Kdgar JobnaoV, }K..b If Veitmlje, *™.t«- of Sobolll Iftatrtct Mtwbor (toMoty "Suppose we K>> over to Brooklyn HIIJ been ri^-anii'il an oue of tbu L-iuitiont [)»- HUNUAV. ii.U" ittUi, 1879. ani Btnrala.—It i> TtaAj Hiri»Ciii!uii Cotui.-K!iJ»li Tautlvrliuur f*. 'Ibf KKW Vork vOturjmi* and ludrtiimty ua* in tbe County ol aloni*, ilbwt HmUb, The causes of life »u.1 of ifcatu are, t 1 Jiv-oli Atuu. M.ia.nVliuB.HU^. In ea»c Comnauy.Franff-I.B. filbroji, lu^iralur Uettr Botwhor p*reach." | of Masonry. Just bow tin- 1*011 • LUAVE SKW 1UBK. UctaruabletnlltjrTerui.A s.1870. , uZ&f&iiLXtl. wiif or Jd AH»»i fctoirt., tiuwe Kiteut, ideiilwli*. Ii.tl.wneM whicll h turns l -llio UttDtrwl llailruail C»m|>au« ol hew J,-r- "BoLvher is out ot town," I Huswertnl. „, between Saiut John and the ilu- Jii« A. M. 'Thntogt* Sim' Train), • Nwmi.B.KiTCHiu~AU 5 IH-y. aud tlie Oulral Il4llnud t.uiuliauy oi Qiliiert JJudd.and tttlinda Mod* «Ut of $M IRON ERA kfll tbe Vi>.tk, streiifTtbou the dtronR, necttti UMWIII n e* Jerwv Kouwpf Courl-H.irrU CoantJ-— New Jeraej an- defendants. HMuiuauu If th»rp, AdminfitraUira of Patty C. Tbarp, "Is lie ? Well, tlnjii Biiph*' *« R" 1 list it ul io 11 male about ian matter and in tliBjiittluit nitctum uf a jwrftst Uriucb al Ihrtur Timulhv ^K* vi. Bhtrvwd B. Atno mil *}>• Oolouvr ltirtn, A. la. me. * T»d: Daiid Slurp, Donataa L. Bmsi, bud bear Ta.imlge." ijiwhiri1, as there is but little his- Ft, Ia- il« l»n. t>t ter. la caw. fteinrnahle klJlalillOUllJlalillOUltiSJUIU.i'ilrat - . nn W. Dodge, Titoi B. UelBt, Oeorgf rauftitnlicn ami « ni.i.101 of life fnr tu l«t Tut»d»y Juan, A. s. IUTO, _ _ _ Jd«e, H«nry D. Van NoatraD*!, Uimttoo "Tiilnmge is iu Eiiglaml." Uirie cvUUniue upuu tlie subjt'Ct. It is avoi W PE BtTirlneol Isia'aliin al.lrf wnnof tu-i. from tboso li-tbul infltit'uc.'s which in. faci.a iu uir Uauds, 1 alisll eljKtae lur «a!« al A. CooiboQ »u5 Joliu Van Npunnd, Tbt rria Circuit Court—Tin NaiianaJ Ituo Bank Dor^r Dank. Lewia Kntcher Jr., O«orp« "Ia tliat so? Well, let's go to lieur streugtb of constitution can resist m..v generally Uiiliiivt'i, tliot the opu-utive Ma- Public Vcn'dao at Ihe Court Bousc, IU MorriB- r«i(*!rd8Atn»«ua«'» mwu, rf. J., on Kalohcr, Jtibn it. Pipt-r.'fhe Natiuiiii UH»>B sons of tbe itii.ldle IIRCS reco«uizt;d tin firia. ili" ton. «l l»r- In cast. HatnntaU. Clinpiu." befotind theWret of extreme lotijrevitv. MuNDAt', tbe 1511a day^of rfcbtoubiir nelt, Bant, at !*»«, Francia 8. Freeman, John O. fthlivAl i>f Snint Juliu tin waaiIum,A.O.H!»: , Hill, Hm» A. Brooktleld, EdwarJ W. Hf- "ifjr dear fellow,** said I, ".Icm'ty."? try of ponteiiiiriars " " •""' ( 1'lrKKI A Y«-M»liL«»J>. AtlT's. A. i». lrttf, belwwir tbe hours olliif. and' t> b«Ht, Gttorga Blohirdj, Bichird Gfionre, knuiv tlmt tUtxe are uo cburel, t^rrieea that tilts I l>at titit tliut wf Haiut Juliu the [.rria Cirenil Courl—Tli. Kaimual IranlUtik vloca 1*. 41.. tbal u lo asy at aVolouk Is the Jantei U. flimpioD, WUlUm 8nUb. Joaeph 3. bat it is not "ft. uf JIotricti'RU 7i. HUTwewd d. At no and !'le. rtiioMn Maair) day. all ttat Iran or oltMl MR, Morris Co., N. j. iu New York in mid-summur ? Ml tbr At u Liter period, buw H«*lfcM, ffadHtsk A. DoMott, Mabsda A. of their existence can be au- H. fa. do bon. It ler. Ia cast. llunrnaUlc l.oJ.ud pnnilaes, eUrtalc, lying snd beinij BoJfl. l!*ora C. Van Dsrf eor and P.Ur W. minister., are away now, eo joy ing tbeiu- ' recoguitiio . ib« lownihip ol Je»«r«in, iu tbe county ul Van Derreer, de feu din I.. Fl. La. fo> aale ul rrirafdy kn<>»'i>- Not long apo tho JOD, Ally1", lorri> aud mala of H» Jaru;, Ixinnjud anand snUes in tbc country, eiceptingiwrlitri days be ring their mortMged pnaUct. Italnrmble October e,itb was announced at the nge 102, of Mraria Cirrnii Conn—The Nationatll lmn Hlti..V. deocribed aa fullowa; 8d,lim. MsiaiiBocii&BiitTB, Bulr'i. a few tumor cues who lutren't stifiieioLt H, Rev. Canon Iteijjou of Stoneliini^ After the ufilomBtow., va. Sbunoou a. AAU o BI»I al«h . iking part pi tbe fly Tirlo* or Iba above al»t«d writ or fieri T\, h. de lxm. ot ter. In o«.. JtawrtaaUt. AJutfB'Htd i>roperiy, eonTufwi to Ubarlu Ufr- salary to get out ol town." Masonry iu 1717 tba Grand faciH. fpioed nut of ttie Coirl of Cbawwty « ie iwrticolata nt whose life are iu this y Cor i In w Way Tt-nn, A. 11.1HTO. J»ifan Urtr Koeordof itwdB, it> MooU U, 5. t*K* ID me, aa a Manler of »id G'urt, I will expoM try; friend, with *pe.i-niinitbt>,l iintoii.sl]- .jar 1777, he succaede«1 hli father iu IHI 8. Atuo and al*. Fl. fit. tie U.a. ul ler. tf, will iliu pwt.t«reby «iw«*l J"1?111*, »\' ,'or iile at Public Vemln.-, at Ibe fropt door ul IS THE GREATEST metit. Then bo thought a moment anil ca«. IUturii»blo|oJuii«il A.U.W78. .itUntHtlteauoi ••«•>">• "IE flH", "' tUe, tbe Court Houw, in Mornalowu, N. J,, on •ho living of Stotiebam iu 1812, tbe liv- ED«iUi>t3.Lit'»,A'tl>- MONDAY, tliu Utday LTHEITEMBEU euntiuued ; iffereut now. tlio annual meetings of , Till) uluulUMtlUTg Dl JrL-eti PUD<1 abmiiwklu, uid aiaku •ndHMpol it A. D. 1879. between U.e houra of Iwnlw ing having twu beld by the two, father , WiikeslJir Mcrm Circail Court—Tha KiUunal Uubw .tdnwi in-log the begjuuiiig wrn«r or liw Ultu- "Does tlie Devil $o awny frmn New the Orurftl Lod^e lieiig belfl ou Saint Jlxi-.k of D..,«-rva.Jacoli AtuuimiliJu. H. .™J»" and tie in the aflornoon, that ii U. .ay 1 rid ion, .for nturu than 100 years. His /•.debou.*. tiT. In debt. Metatiublu •I two o'clock In tbe tfU'rii.ron or >aid day, al York iii the miuiuier, and eujoy himseH U]t-« liiukenou'lo Aaron UUiiclianl, daW CPBU>H iwweutea oumples of mnier* GeorLje'a duy, bitUtill t!ft form* nuul- bopt. SJ,i.l>. 1BTI, Mirdi Iti, IMO, ami rcconlud tu l*»w Munii ibu following dtBcrllKd traeU cr P"wl. o| with a VitiTittiau ?" varsary has u wide-spread obsorvuuet' Xumj HeconTof IKciliua Book V 3, l»B» «», laud and im mlsea, iittiatii, iflaa and being In ite but not eitr»?uielon(ieTity, his father y Pir«t t Yoi-xapujop, Atly'i tbeti>wiiKliipor llauOulph, iu tbe County uI My private impress..).} is that HIP d l1 By yirlue uf ilm abovotUiltl WlilttlH tieri iiui ruuuitig ttience •* tbe ouiuj»«»iiow poioti ..^ring died st 80 and Mi mother at 86. g tbe Uasona of J^n^jand, as we mil Be ilorm suit UUte of New Juncy, battou, Devil is tiotawuy uu aeuuiwur vacation, .nisiunijband*nds.. I *b»i.b«I!! M|*» l;» »••*•* bonnfed «nil dttcribed aa Mluwi: - Colon Baad..n WBS probably tlie last us elsewhere in Christian land*. ! - .; at tbe Court Butliu ill Morrt»- mmaui* witt, twiul? cliafD* *nd forty Uukl tu In fact I incline to the belief that be is auke. u*.« ib« .wit o( UwJlrt Ha* QfM or .icrson living who remembered tho Lord bts may »risa us to ti JUIIDWOIHI llountain; llteuce (J) nortli. Wilj TM Pi art Ttmrr bciiiniiing at a point in Local News teal Hup Q( Uudi of UiTiri buykc-r, buiug In tue riglit here, bide, booh ami tuil, indus- George Gordon riuU. At tha time 1780 tion of Jobu the BaplHt B. furTftmiMHvtuo/TfcDtKU ""'I Pl l«rre«MM,tbrw ehilm aw. 1«oly-ti,p* hnkVtK »«iike i Ife"" (3J ii*-(b, brlMfW ontuilc tine or llio wbulu trucl aud the boRlt)- trious.; striving to butter down the rain- e was three years of nge. ind he u"i«J- 1 JI D J A.D. 1879, lKlwn.n Ilia to»r«»t 11 M-'H" .TIOK oorner ot a lot eouvovmi by The Irutna y it will certainly, do the ^cUitk P.M., Ibst is to ssj. at i o'olwli in IV" JrKi.^ «aii,twehe chain* am' ihlrty-ooetioks parts of Zion rbile the niiulsterial cay- uctly recollected having l»eeu held up luu Blake ,'lbMitt (4)-Donii, •itty-flra ih> U^nd *O(t Improvimtrut (JoniDnuy to Aiborl fraternity no barm to keep bis name i riemsim ol aaiil ds;, all Ui.to lota, Iruu mr^MidtuinjniUiuwe.-., live chains aud rtoj'th bv d.'1/il t>r April 220,1S7S, and recorded tiiips art) skylarking iu the cum try. j the window by bis nurse to see th itv-aieUBka K m •i.w; tbeucr (5) north, In Itook'F tt, page iiB, 4c, acd raui S'nlb. Township of llo.law.j, In Ito ionlboaiterly alonn aud HtrjUer'-. Inn In warfare it is uot tm£oiBiuun for ioldiera iavUia street Bre ctrsrwi md thirty minatci vait, ftrw tbe year la his remembrance. Sums o( Murria ami rllale or h'«w Jursoj T cb»lDKandiiilyl..t iiiilia io a •tal.a.tfceKa eicalh corner of tue tract of W AMM ROTM contending armies, ofUx au exbaustiug Tbo First Trad ia butud andUiunUvdaafol- i DoiiTBycd by "Id ComiwDj lo lialb lkll, Uf His good health was almost uninter- ,n: Bcmc part ol Hit liouiwliaU fcnn l)t deed of April 28th, 1874, and rt-oordftl m Book buttle, to bnve aa armistice—to ututually toun B. Jatlsoti, tee'i, and uraiuaiOK al a liid«llhtUakah» aUtc; tbsaw (7J north, - &c.; iliuuce !..OI>B tlie ol^utb lipi agtee to suspend hostilities for a certain tipted : in early mouhood he bail a poiul iu tlio midJlo ot Ibi-ruad tajlps horn ntrty-'is dejireea and tjiirty-fite m btleii eaat, these are now formulated, but W »ie •?j| . to ttm time. Iu this way needed rest is (,'uiueJ iliflht Hlne»s, the exact nature whicli is ) ctuiut«tiu(i >t Vaterluo for K,caD.i triug. at Hit. IO..I or Ite intliatd lUrec-ebalna Md tweoty-two Hokitoa «tatM ' li 3) ud iiitpcritv of td nr»nelivill(3. and t ri - e ol tlm UiTrris uaual tuwarda Bescb Glen, m.ud« tHfAoriU, ltftyllii«« Harm vn corner; ihcnc« along tlio ni.itb line (3) v. 25' ou both sides, but neither geU uuj ifficiilt to aMortuiu, sinoo it ooenned thirty in uulos eul, ab chaltii IS<1 (ortj-on " ' iinSt lickBtclbc tcRttiCirtrtrofssiD' b iwlut u dittaui ae«utj-aBHm jiuka on a he lotttliwi'it corner of tbo lot convejei la the year 1798. Hit waa about 6 f«^t « north tttj-Kfea deftnes aai,t from tlie linki io a auke; thence (8) awth, ftrty-iTxde * ttdTantage. ^u.ntauerlJcoiMrorUMdwolliliKboaaeoflt. grt-«i.«tutt,-twoebaliu«ad tUirlf«wicn imLa by ial< cooipaoy to Itaiati W. ConiitL-t by oectl l inches ia height broad-Ehouldered, and ofFeo?Febrnarb r 85th, 1B74, anl rtcordt-d la Jlook Now if tbe niinistars could induce tald Join D. Jack»on, det., on Iba Itrni lank ui i tdJ Cliatliam. li&a to a slate; llt-nca (1) nortti innlr-twu h a blue aud two natobe* sadsr ewh blur Mid bell lot and twalneM. con.tr of aaid Cua distinctly religious and secret' ^rg^uti»>: , MoTTiitown Mom* riato*, Dvnville, . acornor; Ihence (11, nortb, .blrry-8*' them to go away and enjoy themselves great mn&onlar power, which waa well >irm. MSt smeV-une Unas toa ilaati tboucu 1U Jict lot - then along th« «ai<. Condict lot am ,y aod DoTer. Conntetiug at Deiivilk ,j|iorto siHj-«ifbtdei!™«aw.sllwo chains dearaia and trt DIUOIM eait, four ohalti an ihe ekvcntb lino ol Hell hit (5; K. North New Jersey, indicated by bis frame. Even wheu tiou which bore a strong resemblance to ^.w. ..-Jn for Boonton, at Dover with Clictt.-i •ixty-onelinkaloaitake; thcow [13) north, tlie ele l ( i in the country. But tbere has been no Preeman Wood, and twenly-s.ten linka 10 anolbcr point In (ba u tli Railroad fur Cbeitcr and Succasuiint., ami al»« itt^xdegrwaudWD minntei «•', four link! tu a lit .<> Cocdict l such agreement, at least I judge from long pant 70 his strength of wrist wns our Masonic teaching and etfnstitution"; m:adl. or said road ; tbaee 14] aanth Iwaajl- •Lo II train for Waterloo, H«uket[=tt lapa*. west nlnnj-ai« Imka 10 Iba point «H«ui.od uveBtynie link* io a butternut uth side if the oltl puljlic road lestliliR (r< the doings of the police conrtsuDd tbe •emarkable. Ho was fond of ebootiog Be this nt it may, the Holy Nazarite is , Msnanta Chuiik, T ' Oai FIRE oLeffii, oonlainlnj aOJlWHn of an a.7.of tree marked r«r« corner uu four atdM with i rrker'k. atoro to Ci.iLit?u Corner, bring tin Uiii!... blaae aad two notche* under euh blaie e'lttU cumer of mid Hi-li lo' ; ili(-n *lun« tli iiflirspaprs that [he Deril ia taking ad- md fishing ; the former amusement he most liesarving o( ttliEgb plaoe of 1 Slroniliburg, Ber»ol6u( unl alrict ieainn. BoinV lb( umt land fle- 1 Rlobficld KprlDKR, 8?Eacu^ aud ON >, willi Sued in a dt»d Irom BltnU EaUlj and wo. thence (13) north, thirUwdgbt deRreei *u<3 elttb Hoe of «aU \M\ I"! (fi) »• 71" *• 3 ciit vantage of his opportunity and in "niak- ;ept up till M, the latter till 98." When ored remembrance among those ancient •loepincoari attached. 10 laid Jacob Amo, ilated March SO, 1W re- lortj-lirv nilnntiti e*at, fite cbalui ted thirty id 6 linki to tbi) tiiirn-Hi.ii wnwi ul *li niddle-nged be could walk out shooting worthies commemorated in Maarinle tra- -At »^*o p. H. Otvego Eiiitisn 11 Sow INSURANCE AGENT, corded in tb. Honii CountT Heeord or Deeda, eight linka to Its west ilda ol * cbeatnol tre<_ HM; tbtn '7] BIHIIR tin- tbirtei-utli lino . iiig buy while tbesiiii Bbiue3"duHiig tha nearlyuppouutileatonboBM marked fora id Doll lot und \iw or the Kcbttol Hi i"P flUPUl from moruing till night, exposed to nny York (Bieopiogcaxnamched) »i«-1' BuokF6olIk«ll,page39740BkF6lIk«llpage39740 . corner with a blaie and two Dotchsa on four m misters' absence from the city. dition nod teacliina;. . He was, Si.bold, Bjonlgn thrdUgH to Water Gap, airomiabiirs HCEOSBLACKWSU. iTBIET. StXTTOOEOBOB Tbe SooooilTracI U tbe aame aadeKnl>ed in urn lui of WttO-l' Al \)M\ : ildos; tbence (HI uortli, tbiri^u *FM ind ituountof cold aud wet, and completely vim men, who desptaed all ftolfiah 1n Jcrantuu. BiDgUsmton, Ligle, Maritiion,C»ir. a deed rrOB Oco/MMb 'Jjijjj^'jjjjjj; thirty minnlei cut, two chun* aud eighty- rxiuTLTcd liy stiii (timii Wbou I was a boy the tongb and stal- laud. Homer, Syiacnee ond OHWI-EU. annec BI0QAADB A CO.'l ITOBE.) Geld i\ deed of Oulober Uuih, 1H75. and rtcon ,noek np mauy younger men. He dulgences, who communed, wUiy Po^ uroed in the Uomi'Coanly Kecord uf Dewla rfsren linki. to a lUke ; thence {IS) norlh, wart minister of those duy» nsed to r it Witurtuu with 8u»M Hatlrmd SOT Amlotv .. LlborWH, pag.87», 4c, and Uenl; oe iwentyflvi degreea and tw*atT.flTe minute, ed Iu fcook K V, y«B« 4(S, A.-.: tlicDCo alun teemed quite Impervious to the ailments md declared the troth iu tbe faHdst and anil Suwtun j at Delaware with lUnirwtovrn ltj tbe rourlb line of ».id 20 WHIHI (H) i. ta« impress upon the minds of their flocks At WuBliamwm with traitt for tttvtw, Oilonl DOVER,N.J. «ltad.alollo..1 Be^nninj in tb.middle o jaat, one coiin and twenty-firi; link* to a itake W. .1571 fott tn lino of H: * . which ordinary men are subject. He tlie road k-adinif from Ibe Uorna canal to tb, tbence (16) north, thirty-eight degreea aad tei Jill, lot; tboL clearest imtnuer. ID, the'ffUfUbnent, Sorwicu, 0lica, A*. Thii tniu rau* thruug] mmntM «.«., one eliiin and forty-aii Iinka to i tloiiR tlie Bouth line or lie Huid Smith lo the fact Ibat tbo Devil waa always on the 'Vtr knew what % bendacbe or rheuma- )*wt'i;ii NalurdiT nights. 1*6.11? autUorucd agent of the foUewing first Biacb Olcn road [aa aaid nnt named roal »au to tbt-placeufbcgiunin^.c .iiigr-.tiri.cri.- bis divinely appointed mission, how Him P. M, (HackrttitoKU BiprewOfito.)- bturo it waa UMlj wldued to laid Cobb by lUke; tbeaca (II) norlb, tweuty-tix decree tiler, to cateli a stray lamb, and that tism was. Eis digestion appeared per- and fifty-fit* mtoulei eaol, two chaiiu aod of lind more or iv*», tttor IDK Hjurefrom clearly bin word«! exhortation »n|tiuft r it HWttk, Snmulli, Chailura, M^ •»•-"» (lasH uompaiiics—tbti best iu Ibe world tbn addition ol aeren bel on tlio eaaterly tide iwcoty-thrM lini» tv a de'vo- 'D, L.fcW.B.E.TIME TABLE. tlie eiiterly side ol said flrat uuunlr ie clialn aad oiatity-Uiree llnki tu a atakc : laaJs to UIDJH of lh.»i(l Hlrykcr; (7) K. 2H de that Satan works aa laboriously as lie KGB IRON ERA o.B'oce ruQK DUJES ooiya , ^% Cnpitid $5,000,000. (fyntofthfilotbMUtelTbeciiiaadBHid » k tbence (26) nortb;aeienty-fotu degree '"' Ufteit w. 36U ft. aloutf Htrvker'a to the place t ever did, and that be wouldn't, accept a an acoompatiment of extreme old age. tion to tb« right, be baa earoi 1 J remain vart of tbe ilreet and » not lo be en- oen rainntca eaal, flwchaina »nde.|rhl, .. thionjiii i WiMfi5Wi,Mfijr.!Ojr'Oft<« E pr, crwchriopoa by said Afao, his belra and ac tieginning, coutaiuinf; M 8U-100 wren. Bummer vacation under any-droan< His condition remjOo^dM in:mid^eage among the worltvn JaluM-Wi 9.51 A.M.: E««oll Eiprejlb, 1.58 I'. M.{ HTOSO.V C0DKTT, Jenc; City, a a Hake : tlwnoa (9?J nurtb, auty-tbree du- " ~>t]cesorotbenri!.e. iTMiaud twenty minute, etat, three claim THSTHIBD TIACT tiefjinning at a point I. stances. ' . .^,7 op to his aei.tb7nei.her stouter nor thin- whose influence of good is perpetual, f ^ Caiiilal' 8800,000. , /d TTWI ta the aamo aa ooQTtytw it IDII nxtvaiw linka UJ a aUke; ttaMce <38] line ol lands of Darid Htrjker aud those of tb< jr. • . • - BcmemberinT. -.„-: g vbatJob!._* Tnlann tbe'Birptistha.^'R'mtl'Et. •lid Jacob Atoobjdeedof MD ley* nee from north, flfij.^Ten. degree* east,eighty-men Ironia Laud mdlmproTement Company wlion Well, then we must conclude that, tho PEOPLE'S. Rework. •! ,':300,000. A. B. Hod.on and wire dated Jnty lOtti, 1ST?, tiufaa to a aUfco ; thence (99) nortb; thirty five r nth'^.fiako 1WDOU ministers of the present day an not' u &i and what he rccordpd in the Uorria Comity Beoord or Deed. degmi trait, IUBB»-M.MI linka to a itake ; nap of Irouia, loterseol. saiJ line, lliecoi 200,000. Liber B 7, folio 430, Ac. and therein deurlb- (benca JW Mrtk|,1^mdegimaii4 Unity. careful shepherds as wore tlie ministers At 87 fan-lud bis first severe Illness— and for rightei every X IWTEB OOPJO tlUT I _ HT0EBNIA, >• .^jninjarog |(11 ) alonlong tbu ceuirceutrn of Walnnt Hire* eTetoinnUieaafffonr chaha and niDOty^ne K. (S deRrr E. B50 feet; tbtuce (2) at righl of fifty years ogo. an 'attacfc?6f bronchitis, contracted :iioughtfui l brother will be stimulated to rcKa 5-JO"'Ai. Sljjb ilie Iondnii Awuriiice Corporstioi of link* to a alake; thfenbe t31) north, «lst<-nitie M.; nacktttHtonu Mall, 7.32 ~ net «ad rornr-fi«« minute* Mutl. twu ouaiiu aigk U> W'tlnat utrcettt x. lidtfrreeliffr a w. 400 f I HAS IRE LAMEST CASH PAID a faithful discharge of the high respou< Louclun, caplilidd »5,.OT,0«l»5OT0«l. „ _ „> chain aodteT- tu a sUkf ; tlit-occo (3) i. U5 ddt^rcetdt^ , w. 371} fL Suppose that one of tbadevoqt£>icnil through going out on-i «ry .cold day— 812 A 5t Hiht . jty-aeTen Hnka from the soalbeaat corner of ' ti th and he Waia Lever atterwkrd quite the sibilities to which Aerfrtandf»pledged. roaca Co , lluauhu- lal rewutly wild lo ttamae) D. Hatwjto JOMDI to David Htrvkcr'y tiuu ; thence {4) a. 18» E. riders of fifty years g 1 405 ft. sloDfj Dttid Strrker'n lluu to llio begin- 1 7 C Bower and runninc theow (I along tu forty-aU Unit to a .Ulte , .-Leuc, (»2j a summer racation, snoh as our minis- owe;. Up to; tkui date ho had UJkeii And wben Masons generally fcWl folly , | S aores BWthftT./ ridi or aald Ne* atnel tooth aerenti unrtb, Mfentf degree* and thlriT-fiveminntvi ,1 a corner service ia bis chcrcb every Slinday and appreciate and practiclithe arirlae a Miiholai Fire Iiunnuia Ooap»oj of nine deercti woal DIM chiiD and tMTtaty*w*eL tut, two flhafu* tfld itUnjiipk* 10 * iUie; THE FoiiBTti Tain Iw^, ters are now enjoyiog. What would he th„ e third_ lot in the mortgagc e . tm Datiil L, his three months'duty in TVelU Gatlte- obfliraeteriBtic of the valiant John, then No*-Ink, mfUti »3un.00a : luki t« tatd eorper of uid Bower lot; thane* Ibenco (33)nortb, iixlj-ilx degreei and ttftceu Horton aud wife to Uaiinda IIadd, dated Feb- have said ? (1) door ..vld Bow»r line nortb tnitegnu ninnlti eul, throe chains aaJ aixteen bnki to dml, hia voice cootinuiDfr distinct and will dawn that golden dny of prosperity VcalchMter Fin Jsiitsnci OomfUif of ruary 22;t, 1BC5. and recanted iu Book I 2 p»> Why he would have said this, is sub- Sn York, capital iM\UM. •lit three chiioa »od tbirt*-*tt Inkk to a folni •tike : tbencti (34) north, iUtyri«Ten aiij ) »lonj tin umc touta eiglity-on* degrcei rty-iix link I tu t tuie ; thenw (86) nortli, tree itmnliDR ou tbe weit aide of ttio roni, ihttis La was mera ,01 Jess an iuvtliJ. of Masonry shall be exulted in its true cortHT te MiK'i Jau«on'i lind, ind said acitnl "What 1 Go &™y 1 let the fHikiUlJMUW id thirty miuaiei eail taoehi.Di anil Iwinty firiy-lhrefl degree and thirty ribed ai a bickurj slump m ttu Nevertbeieas he wiu Me to answer, glory and shall enter into its largest ac- _,elitik»u. * point \m thesaine; ibance (f tbret chains aud forty-ti'C at will among tb* floik andpicftip thi •ontb oftMa otgrtea tad totiy-tLieforty minute fork., of the road leading to Hot.dt.am a tbenca (36) north, fortT-Mi dep Clutter,and rnu» thctter aloog tha Meutlbi weakly sheep and tender Umbel Not i himieU, fcevfrbty'letter s of congratnU- Mil tme cbaioi and uienty-nintT-ninee linkr ' - al(mU;iuMs lUroucliaiua aud L tion whteh he received on his baidrcdth .the wittarly lidenf aaidHibfratibfrala road to the to»»take;; thenctheoce (37(37) nottbnottb, forty-firforty-fi e do- CIRCTJLATIOIS I know myself. The place for the shep- twrinBinir. BctttfiBg Ba maolli off ufdlandt- iTnks to i it*'ke on llio we»t side of th* Hoi birthds;. The Waeren winter tried Aaaxn, ••- - '- :- -• greet t. nil chsini tut, fifty Itet* to u ) fuiEoffing ib» Mine couria i _ herd ia with his flock a. all times lrtiil Origto «r tlie »7 be owned b" ih*|lntri# On*l and Bani tLca S} tls fs dsrs ss d.-grets 30 uiauies i. a rbiici to a red oii him very mnoh, and be hod several colds The son of a spectacle-maker, of Mid- e Cnmpuij aWd all Ihtir njhli whataocTt i lal, two cliium and twuplf-tbrt tree ; (3) I. 23dt>£Teea I. 10 chaina 88 linka to the Satanic old wolf ii prowling around. 0EHTEAL E. B. OF HEW JERBET. CAPITAL - - '. •- • :" - 500,000 aafd tot. linki to a rtake anil be.ii of itnnci itauiflnf; ii and slight aUaeks of bronchitis, from all 1 Ciieutnut trt-o ; (4) a. 10 degrrag x. 7 chali Evidently the road to Heaven i> dlebnrg, Holland, happening to amuse HIOH BBTOQE BRANCH. WILLIAM H. McDATIT, Sheriff. the Stb lim- of tin- Lmur LOLBWLKK I'OTK oj which he, recovered, and he died at Fxairai. cowa Ttuxq Trsct of 3W (!I-I'*J Bert- ; tticuc*- vSrvf, «''l M*- links to a atako ; (!S}B. SOdegrwn w, *i0chn_. smoother than it nsed to be, or eke ( self in his father's shop, by holding taieo i linia tu the tuu*Dlh coruar ol a tract of £6 last, peaceable and patnlessly, from 1. ». r. n. 1. M. r. M. (J'J) .<,utb, rorly^iRli, clegri!ii« and thirt C'J-ICK! acrei convejed by the Iruma Land U)(f great mistake is being made in these ,wo glasses between his finger and 8.45 4.00 New York, 9.&0 0.55 mtttBta.l, (w^otv-wvL-u rliaiiH andniTe mere "decay of iiattire.'^' During tbe EEAL ESTATE iliiik. to a heat, of HIOIUM, \iv\ti$ tlie G1 mpru-tmcnl C«niPftiiy to Bu'-h Veil by deeJ latter days by both ministers and church :humb, and varying their distances, per- 1.30 3.30 PbilsiJclpbla, iD.ffli A.I11 i •'•••• • ' • ''- jcr of mid PurKti tnct; tlietiM wntimtir if April Wih, lB7*.»nd murded io BookY " last vwr or two.of bis life, if fatigued 10.59 6.10 Hicb DrTdfff, 7.43 tAO '• .. >::> ') OP ALL Kltt* pa^e W, *^.; thtn along the filteenlh Uu _. members. Surely the road now doai ceived the weathercock of tho church 11.18 0.37 Caiiicm, 7.17 <.19 NATIONAL UNION BANK ____u- noureu abou» twutv-aix chiioa fitrtlur • or out of health in any wty, his mind th« Mtb liueof a tract of SOU D.-1UQ *cie tha Deli lot (6) w. 17 d.grcei w. «6 et*iu»7» uot seem to be characterised by tbe pn opposite to him much larger than .1.33 6.SG MiitdleTiilfT, 7.16 1.06 cuiiTcml tiilhc mid (Sirica McFarlau bj Dt\. linki crouing the Chsitt'i road to the flftttn was not perfectly cl*ar, bat be never .1.47 7.07 3.55 PURCHASEDand SOLD OF DOVEB, NEW JEESEI, difficulties and dangers that the good 6.47 German YalleT, id L.ilemtt an<3 vife by il.t-d da led Uay 151b, corner of Raid Beit lot: thi-n along ttA toL. ordinary, and apparently much nearer, .1.88 7.01 3.83 isiH, and rt4vrit>.'1 (7) • 07 dej-reei W. lapsed into anything like "(eeoad «li)ld- y 12.02 .... eld ministers used to tall us about 1 6.58 IM. IU Capital, - $100,000, unl uf Dcrtli, ia boot "U 4," I.JCM 89 and K; 11 chiiDi SD licki to a (tike i> tba centr* al iabness." He was possessed of a moat and tarne4upeitic.dowa.,Ihia new wan- 1J.W ~T.W 646.48 3.1313 Prsiiicct •Irt'et •tlrooii.b.mcHie roartt»l" But this is an age of improvement imperturabh temper and singularly even 13.26 7.15 Choice Lots in Dover, earner or uid Bell tract; then alting tbe e*i Possibly the road to Heaven is smoothei to iha parchaue and *t Hi tliu uritfinal ouutit, .oulh, i.aty-4vu dcgreoi tre or Protpot itrett; (I) v. Si degreca w. L spirits, and would not allow anything! for sain clitap, and 'Becuritiea; the collection i we.i, tWrU*uoUiiiii.anii \\,tny liuka to tbc rhtms DO linki to the *ng]« in tha road at Par rsey than it nsed to be. Certain it is .that thi c«Uc paper, drafts, check*, 4i Uili ct.rta.jr lliu.or; tlnuuo U» klonj; the *Ttnn»; theu along Park avanne (9) K. 7 de to worry him. Th« two plicea where i.i/.lilme ufKi.nl Mil riit iract, an-urdiug t<: gnea ft. t« the inlei'tcotion ot (be (Lrat line comfortable way in which ministers be passed almost tbe wboli of hia life tliftirijjiiiilcoorsi', i-Jtith, tiriT-vifilit (Itgritti Ibe Crut tract inciid Malinda£addmortgagL ehuroh members travel it it. these days H.O-TJSKS TO LET. HUDSON HOAOLAND, Pres't. aud t lur li njiDiikhwr.t, live ili.iu. aud fifij then (10j along laid lrat line to tte aecom Wells and Btonebam, are relaxing In liukHtuliji) lOthtornerur Miitl tract ; ihtuct comer nf •- id Fint Tnct; tben along tbe might load one to tie belief that tli GEO. EICUAKDS, Vice President. olimate. One of bis nephews is now JAY S. TEEAT, Cashier. (4i) .long Ibu niuthliue of attid tract son tli ivrttjnd };ne of tho lime; (U) •• 2C decreea thorny path of the olden time has been UTJL furlt-fuur di'fffttsircBl fouf uli.iu. aud fort? 14 cbaini G8 links ta Ike third corner ol It living 1 Freeman Wood, links to the liiDtli corner ilicrvot ; the ace (43) tnrt; tken aloim ib» third line or aald HT fuiperseded by 1 modern broad-gnage, der to limit' DIRECTORS. AXBISTBK. 65 and 6 end of long organ pipes, end On oppIicktioD of the above nimtJ necator, nt]c* of the Peaoe md Pultrc Ma istrate tract ,13) B. 31 dtKreei L * chtiBi 33 lltki the :ounh corner of tbe firth tot in uid alall double-track, Bteel rail, stone ballait, ed a telescope, which he aoop directed ll utUered bribe BtUraxale that the saiJ GEOBGK ElOHAEBS, tv-oiie dt-Kntei •(-•at, fiflti'u utiiiti!* unii m •:'. -,i. .1-• L . lecutur Riii; publtn notice In the ctedilorh ul ty-five linl.!. to the 8iy oorntr of said irset; ds Dadd morlgifie; theu (19) K. U d*grsi>a _ and palace dining-room car route, to the BOirouDding, beave^, He tli jcc.ia.looi^i,l ,hWvut fo briw-lliu " THE OLD STAND. UCDSOK HOAOLAND, JA8. W.BBOTHIIrTOB llwucf (44] alone tbe 7tb Hue of saij tract 11 chiixa £3 links tn the Becoaa corner or Ihe of his death Canon Bsadsn had great- ALBEBT 11. RlOQS, COUFHBOB UXAOH, fourth lot in uid Uftlinda Badd nartsa|tia By the way, I see that Boston's din- covered fourmomirevolTtii^nKiad tl ebti.d<-.nan«lriaii<] rWint i^inlt.lbei. )ulti,tnty^ depn **«•., fllBH great peat nephews aud Bieces living, itbin Dine mouth* Up* thl«d .0 W. SEABINO, ISAiO B. JolJJEI, .be 7(b cornti |tJ}aloD| thi :ll.1.l-1.i»Ln0 oi uid fosiUilet ' tinguisbed minister. Brother Murray, hi planet J cipher, spots on ttie unrface of a copy t>| this urdeivwil GEOBOR, JOHN W. JACKSOK, aixtb Ji _ _,tli, fortj-two i .. 1 or the f* got iuto trouble. It seems that a weak- ibesSp, ana tbo rotation <#pL.t globe , lerealltr, Ibflveuf tlie moat pniv UNION HALL BUILDING wc8l.twiilTGclji.ins tf.lLe6.1. comer of uid Effects of Keligtoae Mallnclutlon. HEKBT MCFAHLAN, JOSIAK VL ict;tben^ flu) tluug (be Stb line ul iiiJ ajce «. 64 i ness for fast horses led him into unprof- md its own axis; mouulaina and ™l. ilepUccs in tbe couotv of Morria. fur twe Black well titrect, Dover, Utf. ' One of the anomalies presented occa- iths, and alto within the aaid tventj dirt .i!l north, euiy-three c!t(!rets aud thirty itable stock-raising and he baa eonse< leys in the moon, and nnmbers of fixed .,-dvertisiaf; the name in lbe"IaoH Eti" inntc* west,t*t)Otr->wuehiini>, more or itti, Exeeptiug, b••""•WS hODBC lol sionally in religions circles is that of the the Jd corner of tdti itort^iid Forpt tract VERY BEST MEDIUM quently "failed," after tho manner ol stara where scarcely one was visible to ntfo pt tbe uewBitapeta of tfala State, fet.the Hot Air Furnaces, The'atwTBdntribed traekotInd will bttoU ! young girl lily Weber, WHO was report- turn tp**K at Unw (ItrthnrnigiUindleinpaay! Tho Miners' Sarings Bank aMt61-100screi ; thence (47) aKng Ib sinful men of the world. the naked eye. Tbeac discoveries were furthBTnoticito lw tu»iBn»tan)!'andu liiv1 Of the latest ; d Tm>at id Imeofaiid Fortfe tract (u tb« ooi It par* t el T, in \he nriiir they are dtacribed, ed to have (alien in a trance at a revival aav [tointB], itoulh.TortT-otie degre*a anil afly made,about the year 1610,; Sine* tlint creditor aliill neclect b. exhibit hia or her aing pablic OF DOVER, N. j. QEonot w. FonsrrH, I feel sorry for Brother Mnrry, but bin in a German Methodist Episcopal (JebL demand aad eUim wittiiu the uid period ajsortmeot otf BtoicBi< s ihrap for cash, - mules wist, lwea<*-tiTe t]t%\w ID(I ti '* ' Master in Chant! perW,: tiy means of .improved instru- of Blue nioBtbi, pub'io notice toiii: giten ins i*»trR or TU NAXIOKU. USIOK J'IFI, ibe 2nd corner thereof; thcaco ilo Dottd Jan* 19th, 1*79. "Prt.h.itX 1 experience may prove to be of great Cbarch of the city last week. 8h» had Blh lino of a tract nflM 37-ltU acrt-i. ments, tbe celestial wonders of the uni- ifcWwiiJ, mfb creditor »b>ll be turt*er OOOK, PAELOlt, HEATKO exemplary value. It will teach him am upbraided bereeif for a long time tot barrrduf luaorluraeiiou t here for ac aim t Dtorett will be paid on deposit! made onoi vtrtychaiD«aud niDLty linka. muri d to limit , to tile 12lb !IDC of niJ 10y 37-100 tbe Saviour who rode on an ass's colt of the heavenly bodies, oar views of tbe HANAGEItfl: N application of Ihs abovt -Qtined A d light before her conversion, in Ihe t; )liflcefl»lons thtil2.b IIDO thercot] O is.i-alfiririt. (.ortloredbytbrd tboHnt Hnrrogag t For the general information of my grandenr $$ the JUinigbty, of the plen- th, fortr.tij;hl degri-es and fonT-tirc i ADVEETISEES midst of her merry-making, while at- KEROSENE OIL, HENRY McFABLAS, i w«Bt. four cbaiiii and Hictv linki Io country friends who may think of visit titade of His power, and of the eitenl mninc, containinfr Tour bundroci eruJiliiTi or Ibu (..UW uf id iltctiKint tobrini tending one of tbe revivals, the "sink- LANTFJIXS AM) GEORGE KICHABDS, in their debts, demamk a d cUinm ajcaiiiBt tb' ing the city I will state that onr fashion- of Hi* nniveraat empire, are extended i tutu acres, be the mom more or It-.*. name, utidtT oath, withi ing" came over her. Her laughter oon- BWTTAMA WABE, EPHRAIM LINDSLET. .„„ tbo Baton prvmiitu Ui«cnb» U iu a m nine month* froi able churches wilt generally op«n, f*i far beyond what eoald have been COD- I. W. GONDICT, rage from Aoffaat«« Hiruogh and i thi<.lal«,bTMUiJiKi opy of Ui d tiaied, but was secompanisd with tears, r l titty day! bercifttrft , iin Hie ef tin r 71 eeircd ifi,. pasj.,. tges. Tfa eaa plainly 1M aaautbuutof JAMES H. SIMP8OK, Dlmrlfj McFailai tad k«*ignt-3 to WL,mia .tu tbe Fall and Winter seasox, aboiit tli* and as she »eat bome tui't night her anl, rtattd HiylO, 1870, ind siren to HII moat palilio pUe«i in the Conutr of Morris f second week in September. , perceive th»tfue kingJoin of Ood ex- COLUMBUS BEACH, part or the pnrchaw money tben/or. twu BKriiuis, fentl also tfitliiu t(m uid iwt'D feeling* prevented her'from", ilui liv adcrriising the .taiu.e l th. IBOK EI tends tbrougt the onlinited regioos ol W. H. LAMBERT, u Tbe theatres usually open about a week The uext day ale ooild do «o '' L B. JOLLY, EiKptiog aud dedactinp therefmro, li uneM ibe nuwHpai>.Ti, of tliia Stale, forth* SAL space, comprehending withia its vasl TIN & JAPAN WARE, space of time (tbe Hurrogito JutlRina any fni TT3L1 earlier. Yours ever, UNCLE JOHN. cared for nothing except to tbibkof her .-er, the two loti i?onTcycdto th l»n«w tlujrnotiefiMbfiHoPFWSK-rsJiiuilifanvcret, ctrenmference thouainds of SODS, aoti V&lky lUilroad Cominnj by laid Auguitm tor Miall Dcirlurt looxblliit tit) or fatrdekLd own miserable condition. Bbe attended FBCIT CAKS, ic, BEXBT McFAHMS, Prosidcnl. Hirttugh and wife, by iwd of'Octdbct U, 1875. The Great Kip Van Winkle. leu thousands of worlds, .all ranged in EPHRAIH UNDSLEY. Vice PreiitlePt. mind BIKI oUiu within tbe »).] period of uir the meeting again tlrat night, and the TIM E00FKO, aiidrecurded intbe Slurrit Cninij Rccurd of montliH, jtuWlc noHoo being (,'!»*» u afoiru»i( ie original Rip Van msieB^c ^ordt^iit iinmantja dislaaeei EAVES, TBODGHS JAYS. TREAT, Trtainrer. «.«, in Book I d, pafi pat ticularlf Lijmiile-4ai]tldfin:rit)iiJ Winkle, whom Washington Irving an< (rom such otl.er, ana all snorted ULJ DartT. Feb. 17,1B7S. 1M/ a. followi ; orlicr action Ibwfsr ajraiiml t]i» anta Admii rience of the day previous. On Wed- f^ADEBfi. andail kiada of Jobbing inmyUB, iattrilor. A trn<> enrr from tbe Tninotii. Jefferson have made to real to us. It ii goveraed "by. Him who rides upon tbe dune in Ibe beat manner and at the abor Tbt First Lot, btlng etrip one Lumlred feel lesday nigtt ahe presented herself at nwliee. Higbcsl pricca paid for old Iron. OHABLEB A. OILLSK. Surronal* told ol him that once, when be waa seal •ride, IjinRwitk equal width or fifty fpel cm church nearly exhausted, having taken leavea bf beaV^nft^-wbose dotainioa n (ich aideof tbe ctotre lion ol the I*Q^wo(xl b.v bii father into the field to look for Copper leal anil atwter taku is an Vilfcj IU.lro.wl as now lucaUi] iml .urvtvtj, little or no nourishment' since the sink- an evprlastiug dominion, whose' pruat for goods. •>eEinning it x piiitt in said fin ire lint m lin» sheep, he at midday turned ont of the 1 1879! Supplemenp t to an Ordinance IRON ERA ing came over her. In ilia condition nets is ALEXANDER WIOBTOK. >t liDdiol laid Ilirlao^h and tu • uf Jobi road and lay down ia cave and fell December Utb.lS70. l-H, intkley, duiant flfiv f<«i i>u a to o of tmrtl NTITLED "Au Ordiu>nct> C she washed to th* *ltar,*re..u)g:;on the orty-e.gtildcertTii thirty minutci iienws or Anctidnt-prn. Hank ualeep. Whotiier the cavo was impreg- •,^t, Irum i E idMaviiTisSl.* arms of tws friends, and there ander tbe W| We are fully nated with gas, such as helped thi i. landa ul uiri Ilirtaugii »lon« siid u • spward; with aa sxalai Thli m&ffibit "Raanlv if comp&icdof th; siity.iwo f.i,t »i.i a oi.'ur»u H. fta.ler . ao nnu, E the possibility af prolonged anipenuon oD^ttf raptnra . HtwW oiitm ptint HoreBottmi, in «4tmicaJ 1 f cacli Bawfccr or p'tWIer wllL tL« umileei fell over in a fitnt. Stt ] roin» cnnj.oa ftom B&' undid, uuat; \hr pi-imlW of tm doJltm ror PRINTING pension of physieal fonctiona msy,iiow. |eci to tbt! laid eicuptiuci and dc Inction of her l^s, ana B Jlrigbt. cciloi J laid iva laii, nb«ll no I r**litr iufD."ietit ia tut pry offin.f," bt »nJ tho sane ii lieixbr ever eztniordinary. but jet an ooow< cheeks. - laries. Our Carpet md ntistj onto ILe saidcomplninatil hii i)'hi, uuued.and Hcctuxi 7 ihili rud atfoiluwi rence on the believable side of the board? intpfcit aui cMti, ao u • forts*id Jaa to him, iu iH-rwia ohall hawk or puddle snyraen-hai When she awoke abe told her anditoi Ai anil in ttiat ci*u I ^llal. e^po.a for fait at era of the nmrvelboi., Wbeo that she bqd b^en in,HMT»nt,and,d»- Room is filled Public'endoe tvt lie s»m» lime and pluci in ('UtowDorDoTer.'or iSin dmT'inr pel]" abnfas daiaigEat^d for the »alp oT i^id snort* ides awoke he went on looking' foc.'tbi scribed in glowing tvnna its a^pssrance, o, a Large Aaaertmcnt of olbsr Btylei I Cokuij Bto.es, Bang.i, harto'r B«Getl prtiniiri, in Hie neit plac- and in cue without l*ii,g licv kr pwldlcr •tray sheep thinking ha had been tak- the auctls, and tho B«v,ipr, wb*» b*d with the newest P*r»! tfaaaaldtwa lottofi 1*0-100 ^TTTS -.si "io Mator ai hi provided, and for to of- ing a brief noonday, nap; bat u.i)< ""•••^.Jl." 'A,' < 101-1U0 ami, respactiitjlj, ard ticrumb*fore us abaU forfp sp«kan to her, and several old aeqnain- piili.-ulsrlj OIC.-I.IEJ, la,6us.J a-ad Jt.tni>tJ oontd not find that long defunct aut-pa^ ineea wbo died several years ago and FOR SUMMER*WINTER USE. CARPETS, tea IB tuiJ suwptioni. GEORGE*BIckiRm Mayor. be went haok throogb tbe field, wttara who, 01 ber-jretarn, entrosted ber wUli TTIUJAU H. UcDITIT, Bb(Hff. Anur: H. II. Lutukt, CCk. he found evei7thiaf ottaogvi, and 0u' &3w\j 10th. 1179. Pra.f«.l37M mtasages to their Hring nlattTea. MATTINGS, AdJDurncd Sheriff Sate. eiUte ia another pexaon's poaaeiaoo. Ia u'cennt had a grail inflnsnee on tba /jCutlery, freatptrpleiiLv he came backlto the Slcrrft Circsi. r^ott Vt.* KslUu.l In-o Buk yonoger portion of tba congregation'«* 8Uaa, Weodm, Copper, Plain aad Japuaaa1 Of Uorriftiuwn TO. "'.tt-rW. Cutnb«aiid luac aity, and as h* wai going into his' ' : low minnl.. ttu tkro.1..«lakHneOii«V| .fpeciallrrandshc:tau ooatioKet] > to tftka GflEAT^BEDUCTION TI5WAM. AWTIfiT ISlh 1879. Gunlh.. p., ?«. de l«n. ot Ur. In c bonse, he met certain folks who Inquir- OIL CLOTHS, .. ail ler of Jifub 1>. StickJe, Adraiciitra. Hcturmble to October Term, A.D. IS 78. an active part ft the 'revivil or Pet«r D. HcBderton.-iecsaMd. «ur- PITNEY A YOCSQI1L0OD, 1111., ed of him who hawas. At list W foam' p being hetd at the church, that are crowd- Wt« « onier to limit cre.Utsr*. Uorru Oircuil Cetrt.-Wm. U. Budd TB. ISIIC his younger brotber,, who had now .U K aBptlutitm of the a bo re-named Admin- bd every night. winch are sold — iitrktor it ii ordereil bv Ihe Barrogatfl OaaibishtorW. Oombi. K. la d^ bon el come an old man, and from bfmWieani- t»at iai4 idainbtrator tre "public cotua to ter. In MM. Retinublo to 0-loUr Term, Ibu lyidenco protea,,b«iond » dontl 5 ed aU tb» troth. ' • ' * ' Some enrioaa ftteti have !>•«• divnlg* aitfxt »f .hajt-iutaof n.d decedem to i'hilrt*ddgIto exceedingly close. k"c8 in their 4ebU. derauda ud daii HILLS ACmmCII, At fji. ed id the Loadoa eomrto eoateraiiig the Ifr.rrii Circuit Conrt-—Jfoboathin Pllwr^t ^aasnar ia whieh pictnn |twojt »f «!• luu Combi and PeUr W. Comb* PI &. Tn reality liter* Uaootie of < da bos. ct Us. E*tura»blo tvm Daaanibcr U. »k«t*d panons an protored. A Us. ra>yP».WlJ 1ODIIM WV !/• BOUgVKa-wr, a\B4| , ' A look will con- A. U, 1879. H^-piI«nl»«»>B.ii known u r»s1rtBr|™-«iMlUT IHIDOT*. roroi. bj PITXET * TOCKOBLOOD, Ali'fi. Disgaiwit, „ Tbe asit w b*hal/af Uu abo»i um»4pBjs a •u«b€T •< bodie* of wiow vince any one. IronBm,oae rapaajaraofrbiaBiaiR, far laa naaa »i%ni6dtoUkB plan at tbf Uslted mortify it aj aacb-y on? plaawe, vjt, i and ia difftmt attitades fompho- atill alive, and ^ill erwy now an3 Iber named Tnek, who waa to fll .aiOtBKBSth. IKvp oat and ahdw-itaelr. Toa wiU'io U» poiKn th«ji.T. poaibl/' % S. BABBITT, llwsdstothi»j Aidant* atoft about Botaway. ••rob 1.117a. botwien IW twi tfU V. U& o it, perhaps, after, In .tbi«; hUtoty* ;(b griftd ur atari nm poUio fin notoUbrf poinUigof bwdia«, whi^i. SOebrasko' . rr 2P4PJCPLACE, eves if I coald ODBM(« th*t I tuul comi "' to rep- ; W arttntl «t hh or bw «etkof pletriy overcome it-l. shtmlil Kkft,.,; Ccfor«d,, D.koi; ^OraENSEN, Thi MORRISTOMVN. be proud of my'-^iiittnity.— was7.- lo 'Ua SEND TO' Franklin's AutoWpgraplij.; aketcb~le".or& tie piatoro wo proo«d*d Konkmsible mdiirtr oaei blgfc.lMa •, :i(HillliHl YjJJJT,]t.n ii ^ compMed and g>ve Mr. iidlny tbe ^ACUITIES shoes on her clrildmi.. Ho; fbf ^ao*-i lff :,ta. s,., ilkarMaaVIMteJ H < W rb. dj. awli(Ja*niw>t "mi one < ( •lippor. _•; ••.,',li,:^..|. f **• nsournu wott