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Hates Student Vol Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-11-1961 The aB tes Student - volume 88 number 03 - October 11, 1961 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 88 number 03 - October 11, 1961" (1961). The Bates Student. 1381. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1381 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 7 Hates Student Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 3 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 11, 1961 By Subscription Party Leader Speaks McReynolds Speaks To Citizenship Class The Executive Secretary of Maine's State Democratic On World Survival ■Party, addressed the Government 100 Citizenship Laboratory Thursday afternoon in the Filene Room. Mr. Schlick dis- "It is necessary for the American people to say 'NO' to war," said David McReynolds in cussed Maine's state level government and party system. his lecture delivered in the Filene Room on October 6. The lecture was sponsored by "There is a need both within ty machinery to improve it," he COPE (Campus Organization for Peace Education), "a committee trying to find construc- and elsewhere for a more pro- affirmed. tive means for lessening world tension," stated Nancy Levin '63 who introduced the ficient form of state government," Mentions Growth Of Party speaker. he asserted. To aid the students, In closing, Schlick mentioned The speech was entitled "Poli- most of whom live outside the the growth and future of the tics of Survival" which McRey- >tate, Schlick outlined briefly the Maine State Democratic Party. nolds defined as "the art of the He attributed the Democrats' necessary". The speaker who is structure of Maine's state gov- success to unusual candidates, Field Secretary of the World ernment. organization and insistance on is- Peace League, and a self-declared Lists Major Agencies sues. The issues center on the socialist and pacifist, began the Listing the major agencies of needs of the state and ways to discussion by bringing out some government as governor, council, achieve those needs. Open con- points in President Phillips' Con- legislature and the. courts, the ferences with round table discus- vocation speech with which he speaker described the choice, sions, plan the party platform. disagreed. His major contention haracter and powers and prob- Perhaps twenty-five bills of the was that before an international lems of each. Schlick cited the approximately fifteen hundred appraisal of the free world could Democratic party for changing which come before the legislature be made, we must examine the I he election date from September are included. freedom which we as a nation de- lo November. Although he ad- Schlick estimated 95% of the fend. mitted the change meant a loss legislators follow that platform Outlines U.S.S.R. Policies nf nationwide publicity, he point- in voting, carrying out their McReynolds proceeded to out- ed out that Maine now voted pledges to the people. He noted, line some of the policies that with the nation. This renders "This contributes greatly to our have helped the USSR greatly ampaign materials and intra- stature as a party." The speaker extend their world dominance. David McReynolds speaks to interested students and faculty >arty assistance more accessible announced that the growth in Most importance he said, is that members on "The Politics of Survival." His visit to campus o candidates. "The summer is statistical enrollment shows a they have identified themselves was sponsored by COPE and the C.A. Photo by Reich 10 time to campaign, anyway," change. Until recently, voters with the sick, the poor, and the io noted. feared reprisal if they registered oppressed, offering them a prac- we should, he said, re-examine economic sanctions in Cuba) is After Schlick had reviewed the as Democrats. He stressed the tical solution in a world under- them. vital. Third, the United States lowers of the governor he sug- need for a two party government. going social and economic revol- "It is necessary," said the should take steps to internation- gested improvements. He urged "Changes can be made if party ution. speaker, "for an increasing num- alize the Panama Canal. Next, he governor's staff be enlarged. machinery is vigorous and alive; He accused the United States ber of people to say 'NO' to war; even in the face of beginning to Specifically he mentioned the people interested and participat- of being a "status quo country," to refuse to serve in the army, to lose the majority in the UN, we leed for a lieutenant governor. ing," he reiterated. "State gov- willing to "place our money on take shelter, or to support any should firmly support it. Five, What the governor needs most, ernment reaches into the lives of safe bets". However, McReynolds war effort." our testing of nuclear weapons iccording to Schlick, is a legal everyone." said. "Who will speak for the Cites War Preventive Steps should absolutely and uncondi- adviser. At present, the govern- USA in Spain at the end of Fran- His closing remarks outlined tionally stop. >r's salary is less than that of a co's regime? We should stand by the steps we can take to prevent Finally, McReynolds said that lepartment head; Schlick favored President Cites the revolutionary forces in exile war. First, we should propose a neither the American nor the i salary increase. now and then we will have made free election in Germany with a Russian people should ever be Possible Growth a powerful friend for the future." promise that it will become a faced with the choice of fighting Calls For Council's Abolition Contends Neither Can Win completely neutral country. Sec- or compromising. "The reason," The Maine legislature choses a In Production The speaker contended that ond, the recognition of Red China he stated, "is that they will :even member council "in theory If we follow appropriate eco- neither the USSR or the USA can and Castro's government (lifting choose war." o represent the legislature while nomic policies, the «economic win the cold war. We need to, iot in session." It is without mi- strength of the Free World can- first of all, increase the number of lority representation. Its powers not be matched by the Commun- neutral states, and secondly, to Debate Team Starts '61 Season lave grown from advisory and ist nations, said Dr. Charles F. realize that we will liberate peo- withholding to iniating. Schlick Phillips, President of Bates Col- ple in direct proportion to the de- Debut At Bowdoin In November ieclared, "The Council has ap- lege and Board Chairman of the gree of disarmament. The Bates debating squad is shall be: Resolved that labor or- proved funds actually refused by In the main part of his off to another season with eleven ganizations should be under the ihe legislature." He called for New England Council, last Wednesday. He spoke before a speech, McReynolds analyzed new members. The team, which jurisdiction of antitrust legisla- abolition of the council to free the statement "Better dead has a total of twenty-five mem- tion. The squad shall make its the governor. joint meeting of the Augusta and Winthrop Business and Profes- than Red." He said we must bers, will have a long-standing initial debut at Bowdoin on No- Pointing to the judicial sys- sional Women's Clubs, Rotary realize that Russians would feel reputation to defend. vember eleventh. tem, Schlick again praised the and Lions Clubs, at Winthrop. no hesitation in saying "Better The topic to be debated this Few Upperclassmen Participate Democrats' accomplishments. The dead than Capitalist." In other year by all college debate teams The debate team is unique this Democrats, he claimed, brought "Time and time again," said words, there is no mass under- year in that Grant Lewis '62 and .ibout, a change to the District Dr. Phillips, "we hear it said ground in Russia. "If death is the Howard Blum '63 are the only Court System. In contrast to the that the Communist nations are final choice of either country, it Dr. Goldat Selects 16 two upperclassmen participating municipal courts, district courts rapidly overtaking the Free is better to surrender on a mili- who have previously been mem- will have full-time, well-paid World in economic strength. The As Bowl Competitors tary level so that the struggle bers of the varsity squad. Al- mdges. Schlick cited the Demo- facts available do not support may continue. Freedom cannot "Sixteen students are quarter- though last June's graduation crats' part in revising Probation such a conclusion." exist in a vacuum — it needs a finalists in the Bates College took its toll of members, the ■'■nd Parole law and the Juvenile Estimates Production subjective mind. We can only Bowl eliminations," stated Dr. squad has many experienced aw. "This illustrates how a polit- The Bates College president destroy freedom by destroying George Goldat Monday afternoon. sophomore debaters who will ical party effects changes," he pointed out that, if we follow ap- the race." The quarterfinalists are seniors: comprise the body of the team. i ommented. propriate economic policies, by Should. Re-Examine Goals Louise Norlander, Grant Lewis, The eleven additions to the The executive secretary stressed 1970 the annual production of McReynolds asked us to think Nicholas Maistrellis, Bernice team this year consist of nine ihe importance of party machin- the United States alone will ex- what we would fight for in the Schulte, and John Kennett; jun- freshmen, sophomore Mark Sil- ery in developing state govern- ceed $740 billion, with Free Eu- event of war.
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