DAY's ICE DREAM, the Iewest Uiing'il Stfots—A Ljabj
.'i -.; VOL IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 1879. &O.38 POETIC IHEIRON ERA AN EXOITIN9_SEA-0HA8E hut weather bnaai, heading as if to put 1 squared, aod ber helm lashed amidnhipa, ADA* POE'S IXDIA> F1UHT. and tba other on bis hip, pitched him \ 1 The public do themselves an butwei-L her and the Hloop-of-war, tbe M boat * craw of the schooner ten feet iuto tbe uir, Adam feU upon tMLWBB EVEBI SlTlM!! M Creeping Up the Slajfj£ , " IS 1K0IDEKT OF IBS Pill ZS 1812. HI JA.0H BBAOI The privateer now hoisted a largo wliicb performed this work jumping into his back at the edge of the water, but UioHoflly falliujf twiliglit American flag at tba {ore, and in a ff»w BENJ.H.VOOT. Tbe most nstouiahing, at the same tbeii boat as abo gathered away, bend- The memory of the brave actions of before his, antagonist could spring tipon absolute injustice if they pur- inomests a broad Danish battle eniign Ing directly for tbe sloop-of.war. The ElllTOUASurlUlMETOH. timo one of tlie moat, nautical those lardy pioneen, who won, foot by him he waa again on bin feet, aud, atuug fluttered from the peak «f tbo frigate, Ulu'io ihe cliiltlruu wliuru »t pUj; tnaiKDuvrea tbat even Yankeo ingenaity privateer had nothing to do for tbe time foot the vast territory, which comprises with Wtfe at the idea of being handled Office on Morrii Street near BUokwdl. whilo the ''meteor flag of England" was I WUB Unmiling our Bopo tiuutile, ever d«v)8od occurred duriug the war of but to keep tbe Indtaman between him- io many populous HUitcn of tho Went, &o eusilyt be attacked liingigautio oppo- chase their BOOTS and SHOES That lad met nit- unawares, , displayed at tbe tnaiit-liftad of tbe sloop- 1813.
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