.'i -.; VOL IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 1879. &O.38 POETIC IHEIRON ERA AN EXOITIN9_SEA-0HA8E hut weather bnaai, heading as if to put 1 squared, aod ber helm lashed amidnhipa, ADA* POE'S IXDIA> F1UHT. and tba other on bis hip, pitched him \ 1 The public do themselves an butwei-L her and the Hloop-of-war, tbe M boat * craw of the schooner ten feet iuto tbe uir, Adam feU upon tMLWBB EVEBI SlTlM!! M Creeping Up the Slajfj£ , " IS 1K0IDEKT OF IBS Pill ZS 1812. HI JA.0H BBAOI The privateer now hoisted a largo wliicb performed this work jumping into his back at the edge of the water, but UioHoflly falliujf twiliglit American flag at tba {ore, and in a ff»w BENJ.H.VOOT. Tbe most nstouiahing, at the same tbeii boat as abo gathered away, bend- The memory of the brave actions of before his, antagonist could spring tipon absolute injustice if they pur- inomests a broad Danish battle eniign Ing directly for tbe sloop-of.war. The ElllTOUASurlUlMETOH. timo one of tlie moat amuH.ng, nautical those lardy pioneen, who won, foot by him he waa again on bin feet, aud, atuug fluttered from the peak «f tbo frigate, Ulu'io ihe cliiltlruu wliuru »t pUj; tnaiKDuvrea tbat even Yankeo ingenaity privateer had nothing to do for tbe time foot the vast territory, which comprises with Wtfe at the idea of being handled Office on Morrii Street near BUokwdl. whilo the ''meteor flag of England" was I WUB Unmiling our Bopo tiuutile, ever d«v)8od occurred duriug the war of but to keep tbe Indtaman between him- io many populous HUitcn of tho Went, &o eusilyt be attacked liingigautio oppo- chase their BOOTS and SHOES That lad met nit- unawares, , displayed at tbe tnaiit-liftad of tbe sloop- 1813. An American privateer bad en- self and tbe English war ship. from tbe r&l man, seems to he fast pasa- nent with a fury that fora time compen- Wlittn & little voiuo cimu rinKing, of<war Firing one guu across tbe bows gaged, and, after ft bartl fight—in wbiob The luditiaaB bora rapidly down ing away; yet ia point of romantic sated for his inferiority of strenglh. It "Mu JH cteepin' upftiUlra," of the schooner, and another scrota tbe anywhere before examining the John Bull showed bis Dative pluck, with upon the Utter, which wan so nearly iutereBt alone, they deserve to be per- was DOW a fair flat fight between tbom, hows of tbe KIOOP, the Dune continued ,s ahmtlia, - - - 1 All 1 it KincbaA the tenj er liMrt-itrln his usual bad luck, wlieu opposed to tlie fn her course that it was witb difficulty petually recorded, while gratitude for for in tno harry of the struggle neither loutliis ___---- SO Witli a breath mid force diviue, Yankees at sea—captured a richly laden her course until ahe hove to imnodiately had leisure to draw hia knife. Adam's And Hiicli inuhdiei ivslttiQPd a collision wu avoided, which wonld ;he inoaleuluble benefits tbey conferred English Emit Indiaman, homeward, between them, and hoisted a white flag •uperior activity and experience aa a -IpricesofRODERERJHEAGAN'S. A» wurdi can iw'er dftflna. probably bare sent one or both to should cherish forever tbe recollection ADVERTISING BATES. it her main. Ami I lurnod to set ourd«ling iuud. Both Tflfleele huving Buffered the bottom. As ahe passed tbe Brit- of their glorious deeds. mgilist gave him great advantage. The iDBiderably in span and rigging, tbe "Tuut'f. ^od English.," said tbeeap- lah officer percoived Jbat tbere was idittn struck awkwardly, and, finding •10B. | 1 WE. | 8 WHS. All furtotfulof mycaraa, Among tbe most desperate and daring Immense stock of elegant and WIKII I aatY the lit (Io crmtvre •riean captain set to work industri- in of llie privateer to bis priioner, not ft wul on deck, and tbe full extent limself rapidly losing, be closed with, iatti, any account of wbiob remains to ,» 7f.|» 1 M Hlowly orwptn^ np^b* tt4lfi. ', ; ialj to repair damages, aud Ly ni^ht, of the Yankee trick was developed with antagonist and haded him to the ailing, "and it means heave to, both uaf is tbe fight of Adam Poo, which is 1 '-5. ith his prize iu RDiopauy, WUH cloee 1 Btuouing effect. Of coarse he could Dot ground, They quickly rolled into the Bl-p hy utep ahd bnfuiy^tlunbiired you, and sead > boat on board. related on competent authority, la the 2 7S| substantial goods displayed at On IHT littlo kaiide mill kneeB, tiled upou tho wind, wbiuli was from And do infier tbe captain, passengers and crew iver, and the struggle continued with, .H fid summer of 1782, a party of Wyaodott Kodpinp upaconitint chittertog uorthwest, and BtandiDg in for the of the Indiaman to perish, which seem- labated fury each trying (odrown the 4 'jr.| 'Pwi r •-.,.. - tere f Indians, consisting of seven persons, Ltko a tDHgvio in tho trees. < icrican const. ed inevitable if left to there fate, and ber. Tbe Indiiw, nuuBed to snob. iked tha EngliflbDjaih (JompoQily. crowd the Ohio river, a few miles (i Til) H oil! their store, Cor. WAEKEN and Till at last the reoclied^tlie topmuii, A Iiritiftli sloujcof-wtir, though out of ontinned violent exerciie, and injured yet to let tbe Bauoy Yankee escape was y ol 10 ^ Wl>en u'ur all tier parld'H kffuri "Wa'U fiee/'.waiitbe above Wheeling, aud commenced depre- ;lit to leaward, had henrtl tlie filing, as bitter u wormwood aud gall to hia tbe first shook in his atomaeb, was WIL>, UL-liphtcul, it nod % victof, leTuiikee. dations oo tbe southern shore, killing ai id from thi) heavy reports of a lurge pride. Tbere was no cbanoe of the Qable to exert the same powers which ' DICKEBSON Sts,opp/DEPOT, Artor creeping up tlie «•«!». He then made BigctiHothe^Indlamt old man whom they found alone in his i, at intorvala of about one uiinuto, Dane interfering in behalf of his count- heave to, ami, Bltoii«i)lng rill on tW ibin, and spreading terror among the first gave him the superiority; and » r.o FuintiBR hoart, buliotJ nti i migo T commauder judged correctly tliat it rymen, and so, with many fierce bat itlOODOT hu, settlers, A few hours after the news .dam, Beicfog him by tie scalplock, put r. ou i HI Of UIU'B brief aod fdruggUiig.tiri,,. LH the "long Tom" nf nu AiaencuD harmless imprecations on tbe privateers- ti fid 11 (10 DOVER, E J. Whu,c 1)^| prison maat Uo crfpUnxl > ler ber lee. Hailing his oSfoer, ,wh.9 spread, eight men assembled from its head under the water, and held it 1 vnteer. Acting upon tbia idea, uud man, he was compelled to bear away in « mil n on TVilli eitumt, nntito strict,, auuanded the prize, he orJered'litm different ports of tbe neighborhood, and hers till, from bis' faint struggles, he 1!t ll1 Utly Kiipposing that tlie American, chase of that riderless steed of the eceai io oo ' tarn all liiinda up, pursued the Indians witb great energy believed him drowned, when he relaxed 1-2 r,o| tti 2f., ltuuding to the weigfil of cares, uu muking * capture, would steer for bounding madly over tbe waves 1 1 md expedition. Among the most active 15 001 HI CWI 2» »l>i JIupiiiR, fuftrioif, Btill expecting. ie United States cosBt^jje no ebaped rhioh had been got ontieck on board hold, and attempted to draw his 18 BO 26 Ml N Ml and MEDICINES ie soliopner as bat aspossible, whilo No looner bad the sloop-of-w&r put md efficient of this party were two life. Xbe Indian, however, to use 41 <Hlj (15 00] We gu crtiopiug up tho ttalri. i own course as probaLfy to come ia 82 ( ho boarded the frigate. As he then her helm up and made sail than the brothers—Adam and Andrew Foe. idum's own expression, had only been On tholr slops may be no oarpet, ;ht of the privateer by morDing. His rlB ADDED TOR EXTBAB. I.OOAL arned to get in bis'boat he perceived privateer did the same, giving his ene-Adam was particularly popular. ID ing' for ho instantly regained By tueirslilei tiiftjr be oo m}, oulations werfl so auccesBfol that as 5 OE»IB rE»tI»E. ib, activity, end hardihood, he lis feet, and ia bit turn put hut a4ver- OLD ESTABLISHED STAND! HamU aod kni'OB tuiy oftou naio ni, ly broke in the morDing tbo lookout ;hnt thfl^lpop-Ql-watliftd not-hova to, my a shot from tat forty-two pounder had no equal, being of tbe finest model And tbe heart mny almost fall; the masthead of the privateer mt was coming right up under full sail. to let him know that he was in pursuit, try under, . • ESTABLIBHED if athletic proportions, and inured to Stil) ib ed a Bitil I—and euro enough, in 'Ha, ha 1 Yuk see, Brother Jonathan, taking care, however, to keep out of Ia tbe straggle tbey were carried oat all tbe perils of tlio woods. Tbe whites Bight to the southeast, was au iy couutrymuu ciirw Very little for jruur reach of the Eugliahman'setern-chasera. j tbe current beyond their depth, iod not followed tbe trail far before CHAS. H. DALRYMPLE, agliflh sloop-of-war crowded with all 'line's orders," laughed the English- The Dane, higb.lv amused, kept com- id each was compelled to relax bis Afior creeping up tjje dtairj, they were satisfied that the depredators I iu full chose, inn.
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