


 Type: Annual  Water: Medium  Zone: 3 -10  Maintenance: Low  Height: 8-10 inches  Soil Type: Moist, well-drained  Spacing: 8-12 inches  pH 6.1 - 7.8  Bloom Time: June to frost  : Showy  Bloom Description: White  Tolerate: Heavy Shade  Sun: Part shade to full shade Culture

Sometime called Busy Lizzy, this Impatiens brings color to the shady areas of your garden. Grow these dwarf Impatiens for shady flower beds or in containers and baskets on a shaded patio. Add the white Impatiens flower for profuse blooms, giving you color from early spring right until the first frost of fall. It is a busy ! Impatiens flower care includes regular watering. The more sun the Impatiens plant receives, the more water it will require. Also, apply an all-purpose liquid fertilizer every 2 - 3 weeks during the growing season. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 10-11. Easily grown in evenly moist, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Set out after last frost date. Pinch back stems of young plants to encourage branching and/or compact growth.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Impatiens walleriana, commonly called impatiens or Busy Lizzy, is the most popular annual bedding plant in the U.S. today. For easy-to-grow, non-stop flowering in shady conditions, it has no equal. It is a bushy, succulent-stemmed tender perennial that grows in a spreading mound to 6-24” tall depending on variety. It has been extensively hybridized to produce a large number of featuring in various shades. Showy, slender-spurred, five-petaled (some doubles are available) flowers typically cover the plants with colorful bloom from spring to frost. Single flowers have a distinctively flattened appearance. Ovate to elliptic are light green to dark green, sometimes with a bronze-red cast. name comes from the Latin word impatiens meaning impatient in reference to the violent discharge from the ripe pods. The Impatiens Walleriana came to Europe at the end of the 19th century from east and south-east of Africa.


No serious or disease problems. Watch for slugs.

Garden Uses

Mass in shady beds, borders and woodland gardens. Ground cover. Edging along walks or paths. Containers, window boxes and hanging baskets. Houseplant.