
Since 1816 the John Scott and Other Philadelphia Awarsls Have Recognized “Useful” Scientific Dfssover$es-lames Black and Benjamin Rubfn Head a fM of Recent Distinguished Recipients

Number 38 September 20, 1982

If you were to ask the average person $4,000 to the City of Philadelphia. He to name a scientific award, you would probably chose Philadelphia because he doubtless hear the named. was a great admirer of Benjamin Frank- Besides the Nobel, though, most people lin. To date about 500 people have would be hard pressed to name many received the award, which Scott in- more. In a forthcoming essay on “non- tended to go to “ingenious men and Nobel awards,” I will discuss several women who make useful inventions. ” science awards that are well known to Scott’s endowment was to be invested to many scientists but are not, perhaps, as create a fund for honoraria. Each famous as they should be. award now includes an honorarium of When I first contemplated this essay I about $5,000 and is given annually by the had the immediate objective of calling to Philadelphia Board of Directors of City your the work of several award Trusts.s committees on which I have served. The The John Scott Award Advisory Com- granting of awards is an important part mittee consists of Chairman William A. of the reward system of science, but it is Meehan, president, Board of Direc- not generally known how pervasive a tors of City Trusts; Randall M. Whaley, phenomenon it has become. Awards in president, University City Science Cen- science come in all sizes and shapes and ter; Francis Plowman, former vice pres- it would be impossible to name and ident, Scott Paper Co.; Ruth J. Armour, discuss them all in a reasonable amount secretary, Board of Directors of City of space. A brief discussion of Philadel- Trusts; C. Marshall Dann, patent at- phia-based science awards follows. torney; Eugene Garfield, president, I hope it will prove to be an interest- ISI”; Charles Price, emeritus professor ing sampling. It also provides me the op- of chemistry, University of Pennsylva- portunity to promote our city during its nia; Jonathan E. Rhoads, professor of 300th anniversary celebration. 1 surgery, University of Pennsylvania; Sid- Over 100 science awards are given by ney Weinhouse, director, Fels Research local and national organizations based in Institute, Temple University School of Philadelphia.z Many of them have for- ; and Percy A. Wells, former midable traditions of their own. One director, Eastern Regional US Depart- such award is the John Scott Award. It is ment of Agriculture Laboratory. certainly one of the oldest science The committee welcomes carefully awards in the US. documented nominations. The award is John Scott, an Edinburgh chemist, not restricted to Philadelphians, or even founded the award in 1816 by willing to Americans. Citizens of many coun-

686 tries have been honored, The list of re- Hlactc was nonorea ror tne lYo4 als- cipients includes such names as Marie covery of propranolol, a drug used to Curie, Orville Wright, Thomas Edison, treat angina, arrhythmia, and hyperten- Guglielmo Marconi, Nikola Tesla, Ed- sion. T (p. 393-4) It has also been shown win H. Land, , Alexan- useful in preventing migraine head- der Fleming, Glenn T. Seaborg, John aches and in prolonging the lives of Bardeen, Jonas Salk, and ISI’S neighbor heart attack patients.g R. Buckminster Fuller. Marketed in the US by Ayerst Labora- Many other Scott Award recipients tories as Inderal, propranolol is one of a are not as well known. But they certainly family of drugs known as beta blockers. fulfilled Scott’s dictum that the award be According to a recent review of the sub- given to the makers of useful inventions. ject, beta blockers are so known be- In 1922, for example, Elwood Haynes re- cause they block the absorption of hor- ceived the award for developing stainless mones by sites in the nervous system steel. Inventor Robert Temple got the called beta-receptors. Blocking these award in 1931 for making a dough mixing receptors causes the heart to slow down and kneading device. Paul M. Zoll was so that it uses less oxygen. It also lowers the recipient in 1967 for developing the the blood pressure. 10 pacemakers The idea of beta blockers was con- Better known to Current Contentsa ceived in 1906 when H.H. Dale found (CC@ ) readers is Oliver H. Lowry, that involuntary responses of various Washington University, St. Louis, Mis- organs were inhibited by certain afka- souri, the citation laureate. He received loids. This led R.P. Ahlquist and others the Scott Award in 1963 for a method for to investigate different types of receptor isolating, preparing, weighing, and cells. However, it was not until 1958 that chemically studying single nerve cells researchers at Eli Lilly Laboratories and subcellular particles.d I have already were able to block some of the beta re- commented in detail about his famous sponses to isoprenaline, a chemical in- paper on protein determinations which volved in respiration. 10 he himself discussed in a Citation Though beta blockers are not new, C[assic.b A more recent recipient, in Black and colleagues were the first to 1978, was Bruce N. Ames, University of recognize their real clinical potential. to California, Berkeley, for his test for They theorized that anginal pain, which mutagenicity. results from lack of oxygen to the heart The 1981 corecipient of the Scott as it beats faster, might be reduced by Award was Sir James Whyte Black. He blocking the stimulants that increase was given this recognition for work heart rate. which led to the development of two im- Working with chemist J.S. Stephen- portant drugs. Black was elected to the son, Black discovered the first clinically Royal Society in 1976, and since 1978 useful beta blocker, called pronethalol. has been director of therapeutic re- But to be effective, pronethalol had to search at Wellcome Research Labora- be used in high doses, and these doses tories, UK. He was born in Scotland in seemed to cause cancer in mice. So the 1924 and has lectured at the University researchers went on to develop propran- of St. Andrews and at the University of o1o1, a drug ten times stronger than Glasgow. He has also been head of the pronethalol. 10 department of pharmacology at Univer- Propranolol does have some side ef- sit y College London, and deputy direc- fects. It can cause low blood pressure, tor of research at SmithKline Corp.3 fatigue, faintness, bizarre dreams, occa-

687 sional depression, and gastrointestinal amide, was not potent enough. In 1971 problems. But not many patients experi- the team produced metiamide, which is ence these side effects, and the effects strong enough to be effective in humans. can usually be avoided by taking lower In late 1972, as Black left SmithKline, dosages.1~ metiamide turned out to adversely affect In addition to those who have benefit- laboratory animals. So a new compound ed from this drug, there are also millions had to be found. Cimetidine was made at of others who suffer from chronic duo- SmithKline late in 1972, first marketed denal ulcer. They should feel, as I do, in the UK in 1976, and approved by the personally grateful to Black for his other Food and Drug Administration for US major discovery. His research on H2 an- use nine months later. While Black did tagonists laid the groundwork for not directly participate in the synthesis cimetidine. Cimetidine is the anti-ulcer of cimetidine, his basic research laid the drug marketed worldwide by Smith- essential groundwork. 12 Kline. In the US it goes under the trade Cimetidine is still not perfect. There name Tagamet. 1I have been reports that it can cause im- Gastric and duodenal ulcers may be potence or low sperm count. 13Ironical- caused by excess secretion of gastric ly, more recent reports indicate it may acid, or, in some patients, by the inabili- also help prevent cancer. 14 More ty of the mucosa to absorb nonmal research needs to be done on cimeti- amounts of acid, The secretion of gastric dine, but there is no doubt that it or acid is influenced by the hormone hista- other H2 antagonists are the most suc- mine. Histamine causes the release of cessful methods now available for com- chemicals when it interacts with points bating ulcers. along cell walls known as H-receptors. Black’s original paper on H2-receptors According to a reminiscence by William has accrued over 1,000 citations. 15 A.M. Duncan and Michael E. Parsons, Based on Science Citation Index@ (SCF ) two of Black’s colleagues, Black theo- data, onfy about 300 papers have ever rized that there are really two types of achieved this distinction, and only 17 H-receptors. H, -receptors cause allergic were published between 1972 and 1980. reactions and cold symptoms such as Many of Black’s other papers have been runny eyes and sore throat. Antihista- well cited, from about 50 timesl+lq to mines suppress those symptoms. But over 100 times,z@zd they do not suppress the release of Both propranolol and cimetidine are gastric acid, which theoretically occurs now the subject of intensely active fields when histamine binds with the sec- of research. Tables 1 and 2 list the titles ond type of H-receptor, called the of the most active research fronts identi- H2-receptor. 12 fied in the 1982 ISI/BIOMED’w online In 1964, a team of scientists at file. The literature on these compounds SmithKline, led by Black, began to is enormous. search for a way to block that hista- In 1981, the John Scott Award Com- mine-H2 reaction. They wanted to make mittee also recognized another inven- a “key” that would fit into the receptor tive, large-scale contribution to health. “lock” even better than histamine did, It selected Benjamin A. Rubin, the in- but would not cause gastric acid secre- ventor of the bifurcated needle. The tion.lz World Health Organization used it in its Black’s team tested about 700 com- global campaign to eradicate smallpox.zs pounds. It didn’t find an effective H2 an- Rubin began working on a way to ap- tagonist until 1970. This drug, burim- ply smallpox vaccine in 1961, when he

688 ...... Table 1: fSI/BIOMED ‘“ research front specialties couaoorarea wltn Keaamg I exme on propranolol. Machines Company of Pennsylvania, now a division of RockweU Intern- Code Number Researeh Front Name ational. A new method of freeze-drying vaccine had made the earlier method, 79-0932 Long-term propranolol therapy 79-1331 Plasma concentrations of pr~ using capillary tubes, obsolete, because pranolol capillary tubes wasted vaccine. So 79-19s0 Propranolol and hypertension Rubin tried to design a needle that 80-0312 Propranolol in chronic schizophrenia would hold less vaccine and be easier to 80-1809 Beta-adrenergic receptor blocklng use. He ground down the eyes of sewing therapy by propranolol in myncar- needles to make pronged forks. These diaf infarction 8C-2205 Propranolol beta-blockhg activity in prongs held exactly 1 mg of fluid vac- thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroid cine. Later, Rubin sharpened the needle treatment 80-2234 Effects of propranolol on CNS beta- so that it could be used to scar as well as adrenergic receptors during .mti- puncture the skin, and thus use much hypertensive therapy less vaccine than older techniques.zb Us- W-2461 Propranolol as a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist in tryptamine- ing Rubin’s modified sewing needle as a induced behavioral changes in prototype, Reading Textile Machines rodents began mass production. The simplicity 81-1185 Pharmacokinetics of propranolol 81-2078 Propranolol, chlorpromazine and of the device also allowed a vaccinator beta-adrenergic blocking drugs in to be trained in about 15 minutes. It schizophrenia I greatly increased the vaccination suc- cess rate. 26 Rubin, born in 1917, has followed a Table 2: ISI/BIOMED ‘“ research front specialties on cimetidlne. career which encompasses radiology, chemistry, endocrinology, genetics, Cnde Number Research Frnm Name pathology, and . A prol~lc

79-0204 Cimetidlne effects on pro factin author in his many fields, Rubin has pub- secretion lished over 135 papers on subjects in- 79-0538 Cimetidine in the treatment of cluding gene mutation, 27influenza, 28ra- duodenal ulcer 80-(?563 Cfinical evaluation of cimetidine on diation microbiology,zg steroids,~ im- gastrointestinal ulcers munology and cancer,Jl rabies virus,3z fu3-0+64 Cimetidine effects on pituitary and the separation of viral components in gastric secretion 80-1416 Effects of cimetidine and pancreatic zero gravity, 33 and protein synthesis in- enzymes foflowing pancreatic- hibitors.3’t He is now manager of biologi- replacement therapy 80-1701 Cfinical aapects of cimetidine cal product development at Wyeth Lab- 80-1984 Pharmacology of cimetidhe in treat- oratories, Radnor, Pennsylvania. ment of gastrointestinal bleeding The John Scott Award is not, of 81-0265 Effects of histamine antagonists, cimetidine and ranitidine on course, the only prestigious scienttilc H-receptors award based in Philadelphia. Phdadel- 81-0347 Effects of cimetidlne phia is not only a large city; it was the 81-0417 T-ceU-response to hstamine 81-0S46 Cirnetidhe for the treatment of original capital of the US. So not surpris- gastroesophageal reffux ingly it has a long tradition of science. 81-0677 Management of peptic ulcers with There are many other awards but space cimetidlne and other drugs 81-1007 Cfinical pharmacokinetics of doesn’t permit me to list them all, In- cimetidine deed, most of the organizations listed 81-1369 Cimetidine and cytopenia 81-1X)7 Dnig interactions with cimetidhe below administer more awards than 81-2292 Effects of cimetidlne on calcitonin those that we have the space to name. and calcium transport The following brief overview should give

689 an impression of the variety of individu- The award is named after its founder, als and fields recognized in this city. Karl Spencer Lashley, the neurobiolo- Phdadelphla’s tradition of excellence gist. It was established in 1957, the year in the biomedical sciences was demon- before his death. Among the recipients strated recently when I described the is Nobelist . He Wistar Institute.ss Considering the fact received the Lashley Award in 1976.s9 that there are five medical schools in Included with this annual award is an Philadelphia, it’s no surprise that there honorarium of $2,000. are many prizes in biomedicine. In 1958, The APS also administers the John F. for example, the American Colfege of Lewis Prize for “some truth which the Physicians (ACP), located in Philadel- Council of the Society shall deem worthy phia since 1923, established the annual of the award. ”sQ It was established in ACP Award, with a gold medal, for med- 1935 with a $10,000 donation by Lewis’s ical research. The 1982 award went to wife, in her husbands . This , Johns Hopkins Univer- $300 annual award is not restricted to sity. Nathans was corecipient of the 1978 science. The 1979 award, for example, Nobel Prize for or Medi- went to Roland Mushat Frye, University tine.Jb He was also among the f ,000 of Pennsylvania, for a paper on Milton’s most-cited contemporary scientists.g7 influence on the visual arts.qo But since The American Society of Cytology the award was established in 1935, it has (ASC), based in Philadelphia since 1962, been bestowed on authors of papers also sponsors several awards. One is dealing with spectroscopy, ql paleontol- named after George Papanicolaou, in- ogy.42 population biology and econom- ventor of the “Pap smear” method to ics,~s hummingbirds, A4 the placenta, ~s detect uterine cancer. This annual and the lunar surface. ~bThe 1977 winner award includes a bronze medal and a was Choh Hao Li, Hormone Research $750 honorarium. In 1979, the award Laboratory, University of California, went to Torbjom O. Caspersson for his San Francisco. This pharmacologist, work in cellular physics.~ Caspersson, also among the 1,000 most-cited scien- Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, also tists,37 was honored for a paper on appeared in our study of 1,000 most- pituitary hormones.’rT cited contemporary scientists. s7 Yet another APS award falls into the In 1972, Caspersson received another natural sciences category. John Hya- yearly ASC award, the Guest Lecture- cinth de Magellan, descendant of Ferdi- ship Award on Basic Cell Research in nand Magellan, donated to the APS Cytology. Other 1,000 most-cited au- funds for an award for the most useful in- thors who received it are Paul Eston vention in navigation, astronomy, or Lacy ( 1981), (1980), natural philosophy, Today the award is Joseph Louis Melnick ( 1978), Emmanuel called the Magellanic Premium, and in- Farber (1977), Robert Alan Good cludes a gold medal.jQ It is bestowed ir- (1974). Don Wayne Fawcett (1971), regularly, The most recent selection Zanvil A. Cohn ( 1970), and Harris Busch neatly combines the fields of navigation ( 1968).s7 The award carries a $500 and the life sciences. It was given in 1980 honorarium. to Martin Lindauer, University of Wiirz- The American Philosophical Society burg, Federal Republic of Germany, for (ApS). founded by Franklin and others his studies on animal orientation and in 1743, has a number of awards in the flight guidance, ~~ life sciences as well as other fields. One The natural sciences are well repre- of them is for research in neurobiology. sented by the awards of the Academy of

690 Natural Sciences. The academy was card. L.S. B. Leakey, noted for his land- founded in Philadelphia in 1812. The mark work in human paleontology, re- Joseph Leidy Medal is given every three ceived it in 1964. Appropriately enough, years, for publication or exploration in the award has also gone to an astronaut natural science.@ Leidy (1823-1891) was turned geologist, Harrison Schmitt. He a physician noted for his work on parasi- is the only scientist so far to walk on the tology and paleontology. The award in- moon, and is now a member of the US chrdes a bronze medal and a $500 hono- Senate. rarium. The Leidy Medal was given in Exploration is also the field for which 1979 to Edward O. Wilson, Harvard the Geographical Society of Philadel- University, for his research on the phia gives honors. Its Elisha Kent Kane classification of ants. Wilson, of course, Gold Medal was established in 1900. is better known to the public as the This medaf is named after the Philadel- founder of the controversial field of so- phia native who in the nineteenth cen- ciobiology.~ Other recipients have been tury explored the Arctic while on an un- Henry A. Pilsbry (1928), known for re- successful expedition to rescue another search on shellfish, sl and exploration team. Kane spent two years (1946), noted for his work on marooned on Greenland before he was evolution. 52 rescued in 1855. Kane Medal recipients The academy also has an award for have included Arctic explorer Robert E. research in geology and paleontology. Peary (1902); aviator Richard E. Byrd It’s called the Hayden Memorial Geo- (1926); William R. Anderson (1959), logical Award. A bronze medal and $500 commander of the nuclear submarine comes with it. It was founded in 1888 by Nauti/us; Jacques-Yves Cousteau ( 1961); Emma W. Hayden, in honor of her hus- John H. Glenn, Jr. (1%2), another band, who was an early director of the astronaut turned senator; and astronaut American Geological Survey. One of M. Scott Carpenter (1968).54 The medal the earliest recipients of the award was is awarded irregularly. Thomas Huxley, in 1893. The most re- Physical sciences are well covered by cent recipient is Daniel Isaac Axelrod, Philadelphia-based awards. The Frank- University of California, Davis. He got lin Institute sponsors many of them. The the award in 1979. He too is known for Franklin Medal, for instance, is a gold hw research on evolution.ss This prize is medal given annually to physical science awarded every three years. or technology workers who have done The academy’s Gold Medal, though the most to advance or apply physicaf not specifically for science, is another knowledge. Stephen W. Hawking, the noteworthy natural science award. It well-known British astrophysicist, re- was founded in 1980 to honor artists who ceived the award in 1981 for his revolu- deal with natural sciences subjects. It tionary work on cosmology, relativity, has been given to both Ansel Adams and and black holes, 55 Roger Tory Peterson.@ Another Franklin Institute physicaf The Academy of Natural Sciences sciences award, the John Price Wetherill also presents an occasional award for ex- Medal, is a gold medaf bestowed in rec- ploration in the natural sciences. This ognition of new physics discoveries, or prize, the Richard Hopper Day Memor- for new combinations of older principles ial Medal, was established in 1960 by and methods. In 1981, the award went to Margaret Day Dilks, in honor of her five IBM researchers for their work on grandfather.ag One of the first recipients the physics of transistors. The recipients was famed deep-sea diver Jacques Pic- were Frank Fang, Afan Fowler, Web-

691 ster Howard, Frank Stem, and Philip abstracting and mdextng. Keclplents Stiles. Another Franklin award, the deliver the Miles Conrad Lecture. The Albert A. Michelson Medal, goes to annual award is named after my close contributors to the field of optics. The friend and colleague. Miles was also the 1982 Michelson Medal was given to Her- first president of NFAIS. The 1980 lec- mann P. Haken, University of Stuttgart, ture, by Carlos A. Cuadra, Cuadra Asso- Federal Republic of Germany, for his ciates, Inc., considered how and work in quantum optics and laser whether publishers may survive the theory .55 technology explosion of the 1980s.58 The Theoretical and applied mathematics 1981 lecture, by Russell J. Rowlett, Jr,, are also recognized by Philadelphia- Chemical Abstracts Service, dealt with based awards. The Society for Industrial the changing role of the abstract. sg and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Rowlett retires this year and will be founded in 1952, sponsors several such missed by all his friends, The 1982 lec- awards. sb The Norbert Weiner Prize was ture, by Saul Hemer, Hemer and Co,, established in 1967 for contributions to dealt with the business and science as- applied mathematics, It is awarded pects of abstracting and indexing ser- every five years and carries an honoran- vices.~ My association with Herner goes um of S300. It is cosponsored by the back to 1951 when we were both affiliat- American Mathematical Society, Provi- ed with . dence, Rhode Island. Three of the four I am certain that most award commit- recipients—Richard Ernest Bellman, tees, including the ones I serve on, are University of Southern California; Peter glad to receive suggestions for can- David Lax, ; and didates, especially those who have not Tosio Kate, University of California, been adequately recognized in the past. Berkeley—appeared on our list of most- Too often suggestions are received nam- cited mathematicians. Three recipients ing scientists who have been widely and of the John von Neumann Lecture amply recognized for their accomplish- Award also appeared on our list, That ments. As our studies have repeatedly yearly award was established in 1960 to stressed, the world of science is large recognize a lecturer who shows how and blessed with an incredible number pure mathematics contributes to applied of brilliant people. The democracy of math. The most-cited math list recipi- science demands that more of them be ents were Lars Valerian Ahlfors ( 1960), recognized publicly. In Philadelphia, at Lax (1968), and Garrett Birkhoff least, we are trying to be a little bit more (1981).s7 systematic about it. Naturally, I’m happy to report that in- formation science is represented. The ***** National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS), founded My thanks to Sue Klingler, Thomas in Philadelphia in 1958, offers the Miles Marcinko, Dorothy Silver, and Amy Conrad Memorial Award to recognize Stone for their help in the preparation of outstanding contributors to the field of this essay. 0,%2tsl


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