J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 1

AAPA ABSTRACTS 72 Abstracts of AAPA Poster and Podium Presentations

Risky business: an evolutionary hybridization in the Middle East and modern and taxa in the sample perspective on placental nutrient nearby regions circa 100kya. However, cannot be supported, including giraffe transport and postpartum hemor- an impediment to precisely delineating (Giraffa camelopardalis),grayduiker rhage. the timing of hybridization (both its (Sylvicapra grimmia), oribi (Ourebia our- start and cessation) remains: we don’t ebi), grysbok/steenbok (Raphicerus sp.), ELIZABETH T. ABRAMS1 and know how long hybrid skeletal traits hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), and JULIENNE N. RUTHERFORD2. 1Depart- persist in the absence of continued gene Megalotragus priscus. In addition, the ment of and 2Department flow, and therefore it is not clear specific attribution of the suid and of Oral , University of Illinois at whether observed hybrid phenotypes reduncine collections is not possible. Chicago. are evidence of recent or much earlier Both the previously noted C. nitidula hybridization events. This problem is maxilla and catalogued black-backed Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), the exemplified by the child skeleton from jackal (Canis mesomelas)mandiblecould leading cause of maternal mortality Lagar Velho, Portugal, which has been not be located in 2010; however, analysis worldwide, is responsible for 35% of argued to reflect mixed ancestry despite of undocumented postcrania yielded a maternal deaths. Proximately, PPH living 200 generations after the last Dinofelis sp. fourth metatarsal. Results results from the failure of the placenta known existence of Neanderthals in the of this reanalysis indicate that the to separate from the uterine wall prop- area. Is this possible? Research in both assemblage setting column widtheposi- erly, most often because of impairment plants and suggests that it is; tional phases, and discussion focuses on of uterine muscle contraction. However, ‘new’ variation that enters a system the similarities in the fossil klipspringer despite its prevalence and its well- through gene flow can persist for a con- (Oreotragus major) specimens to those described clinical manifestations, the siderable amount of time – even for from Makapansgat Member 3. ultimate causes of PPH are not known hundreds of generations. This is espe- and have not yet been investigated cially true if the traits are not linked to through an evolutionary lens. We argue fitness. Although data for long-term, ev- here that vulnerability to PPH stems olutionary time frames do not exist from the uniquely invasive nature of from , ongoing work in a human placentation. The human pla- hybridizing captive colony also Joint moments in forefoot versus centa actively causes uterine vessels to supports the conclusion that traits asso- rearfoot strike running. undergo significant morphological and ciated with hybridization persist into functional transformation in order to subsequent (recombined) generations. BRIAN ADDISON, LAUREN WHITE, provide the developing fetus with a This has significant implications for ADAM DAOUD and DANIEL high plane of maternal resources; com- interpreting the hominin fossil record. LIEBERMAN. Department of Human Ev- pared to other with hemocho- olutionary Biology, Harvard University. rial placentation, the degree of this invasiveness and transformation in Down the rabbit hole: a reanalysis This study focuses on the differences in humans is unique. We argue that the of the 1988 Haasgat ex situ faunal joint torques between shod and mini- particularly invasive nature of the assemblage, Cradle of Humankind, mally shod runners during both rear- human placenta increases the possibil- South . foot-strike (RFS) and fore-foot-strike ity of delays or difficulties in placental (FFS) gaits. Recent evidence shows that separation and therefore increased JUSTIN W. ADAMS. Department of habitually shod runners are more likely blood loss at parturition. We further- Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State to RFS and that habitually unshod or more review both genetic and behav- University and School of Anatomical minimally shod runners are more likely ioral adaptations that may have evolved Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, to FFS, but published data on lower- to mitigate the risk of PPH across University of the Witwatersrand Medi- extremity joint torques during running human history. cal School. has largely been confined to shod run- Significant financial support was pro- ners with RFS gaits. We hypothesized vided by Wenner-Gren (Abrams and Haasgat is an extensive cave system in that FFS gaits would result in higher Patil), the Center for the Integrated the western part of the Schurveberg torques about the ankle during the be- Study of Behavior at Indiana Mountain Range, 19km northeast of the ginning of stance, even though the mag- University (Rutherford), NIH R01- Blaauwbank Valley sites (e.g. Sterkfon- nitude of loading is less, because FFS R022022 and P51-RR1396 (Tardif). tein, ). In 1988, fossiliferous landings involve controlled dorsiflexion. ex situ calcified sediment blocks were col- Ten subjects able to both FFS and RFS The longevity of phenotypic signa- lected from Haasgat and mechanically ran at 3.5 m/s in four conditions: shod- tures of hybridization in descend- processed. Two publications on the RFS, shod-FFS, minimally shod-RFS, ent populations. resulting Haasgat faunal assemblage in minimally shod-FFS. Using force-plate 1994 described a demographically-diverse and 3D kinematic data, an inverse dy- REBECCA R. ACKERMANN. Depart- sample of Papio angusticeps,specimens namics analysis calculated lower-ex- ment of Archaeology, University of Cape of an extinct colobine comparable to Cer- tremity joint torques in the sagittal Town. copithecoides williamsi, and a single plane for all experimental conditions. hyaenid (Chasmaporthetes nitidula) max- The results show marked differences Hybridization may have played a sub- illa - but an essentially modern range of between RFS and FFS, with higher tor- stantial role in shaping the diversity of ungulate species. Our team resumed geo- que magnitudes about the ankle in FFS our evolving lineage. Although recent logic and paleontologic research at Haas- than RFS, but greater torque magni- genomic evidence has shown that gatin2010thatincludedareevaluation tudes about the knee in RFS than FFS. hybridization occurred between AMHS of the 1988 ex situ faunal assemblage. However, the results also indicate that and Neanderthals, it remains difficult Here, I present a significantly revised torque rate may be a more important to pin down precisely where and when Haasgat faunal list, specimen counts, influence on performance differences this gene flow took place. Investigations and basic description of the entire cranio- than torque magnitude. of the hybrid phenotype in primates dental and postcranial assemblage. Con- Funding for this study was provided by and other mammals are providing some trary to the originally published faunal the Hintze Charitable Foundation and insight into both, revealing evidence of descriptions, the occurrence of several VibramUSA.

VC 2011 WILEY-LISS, INC. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21502

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:56 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA- Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 2 2011-Abstract


Musculoskeletal stress markers and sided, seriated, and measured. The above the CLL1 classical levels; these body mass index. bones were visually pair matched macrovegetal remains will provide a according to similarities between key wealth of relevant data for reconstruct- GINA AGOSTINI. Department of An- landmarks, features, and paleopatholo- ing the habitat inhabited by Hispanopi- thropology, University of Massachu- gies. The resulting number of pair thecus. Regarding the vertebrate levels, setts, Amherst. matches for each bone was used to cal- no systematic excavation was performed, culate MNI and MLNI. although different levels from three dif- Musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) The calculated MLNI for the Saint Ste- ferent spots were excavated and screen- are commonly used to assess activity phen’s Collection was 214 using the cal- washed, in order to evaluate their rich- patterns in past populations, typically caneus, 544 using the distal femur, and ness regarding micro- and macromma- related to habitual action. While MSM 256 using the talus. The numbers gen- mals. These samplings led to the recov- analysis is common in bioarchaeology, erated from the calcaneus and talus ery of more than a hundred large mam- testing of this method using modern were more accurate than the MLNI mal remains (including a partial equid known populations or recorded occupa- derived from the femur due to the limi- skeleton), as well as abundant small tional data is limited. tations of the original burial site. Also remains, from several levels. In addition to activity, MSMs also corre- noteworthy is the effect of limited pair Thus, although no hominoid remains late to sex, age and body size. The goal matching on MLNI calculation. The lim- were recovered, the preliminary results of this project was to assess the rela- ited number of pair matches found for are very promising for the upcoming tionship between MSMs and an addi- all three elements caused the high campaigns, when systematic excavations tional characteristic: weight. A sample MLNI estimates, which are larger than will be performed in this site. of 184 white males of known age, stat- the NISP: the supposed upper limit. This work has been supported by the ure and weight was divided into three Nevertheless, the study found that the National Geographic Society (8750-10), BMI classes: underweight, normal tarsal bones provide a more realistic the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e weight and overweight. Thirteen MSMs MLNI estimate than long bones because Innovacio´n (CGL2008-00325/BTE, and were evaluated on both humeri and the of greater practicality for pair matching, RYC-2009-04533 to DMA), the Generali- left femur and tibia, and were scored due to both the calcaneus and talus’ tat de Catalunya (Grup de Paleoprima- according to standardization techniques numerous identifiable features and tologia i Paleontologia Humana, 2009 presented by Mariotti et al. (2007). greater degree of preservation. SGR 754), and the Fulbright Commis- Results of an ANOVA showed a signifi- This study was funded by the Under- sion (2008 BFUL 00049 to SA). cant effect of age on the left and right graduate Research Opportunity Pro- deltoid tuberosities and the gluteal line. gram (UROP) at the University of Notre An effect of BMI was reported at only Dame, grant numbers 3103 and 3125. one location: the left medial bicipital The etiology of Porotic Hyperosto- groove. However, subsequent t-tests New excavations at the Late Mio- sis and Spina Bifida Occulta in a found no difference in MSM expression cene hominoid-bearing locality of high latitude hunter-gatherer. between BMI classes. Can Llobateres 1 (Valle`s-Penede`s These null findings are surprising, Basin, Catalonia, Spain): Prelimi- MARTA P. ALFONSO-DURRUTY1,2, given that obesity has been significantly nary results. FLAVIA MORELLO3 and ELISA linked to biomechanical modifications in CALA´ S4. 1Department of Anthropology, walking and sit-to-stand strategies, as DAVID M. ALBA1, ISAAC CASANOVAS- University of Pennsylvania, 2Depart- well as increased muscle strength. They VILAR1, SALVADOR MOYA` -SOLA` 2, ment of Anthropology, State University also contrast with results of a cross-sec- SERGIO ALME´ CIJA1,3,JOSEPM. of New York, Binghamton, 3Universidad tional analysis conducted on the same ROBLES1,4 and JOSEP M. MARMI1. de Magallanes, Instituto de la Patagonia, sample which revealed a significant 1Institut Catala` de Paleontologia, Univer- Centro de Estudios del Hombre Austral, relationship between BMI and sitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, 2ICREA at Punta Arenas, Chile, 4Departamento de increased mediolateral dimensions of Institut Catala` de Paleontologia and Uni- Antropologı´a, Universidad de Chile. the proximal femur and both humeri. tat d’Antropologia Biolo`gica, Universitat Because long bone cross-section is Auto`noma de Barcelona, 3Department of Porotic hyperostosis (PH) and spina another commonly-used technique in ac- Vertebrate , American Mu- bifida occulta are among the most com- tivity assessments, this deviation war- seum of Natural History, 4FOSSILIA Ser- mon stress-markers and congenital rants further investigation. veis Paleontolo`gics i Geolo`gics, S.L. defects found in skeletal collections. Although PH is commonly regarded as A‘‘bone’’ment: the reconciliation The Late (ca. 9.7 Ma) site of the result of iron-deficiency anemias, between MNI and MLNI in deter- Can Llobateres (Valle`s-Penede`sBasin, only megaloblastic anemias (genetic or mining the population count of the Catalonia, Spain) yielded the most abun- acquired) lead to the medular expansion death assemblage of the Saint Ste- dant and complete remains of the fossil that results in PH formation. Spina phen’s collection from Jerusalem. great ape Hispanopithecus laietanus. Bifida, on the other hand, has a com- Most of the hominoid remains came plex etiology that includes genetic and HIBA AHMED, KELLY DAVIN and from the lower levels (CLL1, early Valle- environmental factors. In this case- SUSAN SHERIDAN. 1Department of sian, MN9), although a partial skeleton study, we present evidence of both Anthropology, University of Notre Dame. was recovered from the upper level lesions in a high latitude hunter-gath- (CLL2, late Vallesian, MN10) during the erer from Cabo Nose, Tierra del Fuego, The purpose of this study is to obtain a 1990s. In 2010, after almost 20 years of Chile (AD 1030 6 80). The co-occur- more accurate count of the number of inactivity, paleontological excavations rence of these conditions, the type of individuals for the death assemblage were resumed at CLL1, with the aim to diet, and the environment occupied by from St. Stephen’s Monastery in Jerusa- enlarge the sample of hominoid remains, this individual suggests that a defi- lem using MLNI. This method is argued as well as to gather more geological, ciency in vitamin B9 (folate) is the most to be a more accurate way of estimating taphonomic and paleoecological data. In likely explanation for the presence of the total number as compared to meth- order to reach the fossiliferous levels, both conditions. This case-study contrib- ods such as MNI, NISP, LI, etc. In this about 6 m of overlying and nearly sterile utes to the on-going discussion regard- study, the calcaneus, distal femur, and sediments had to be removed from a sur- ing the etiology of Porotic Hyperostosis talus, were chosen to calculate MLNI face of about 100 m2 with the aid of a and spina bifida occulta. This study sug- because they were the most represented digger. This allowed us to recover abun- gests that an analysis of co-occurrence bones. After separating out the frag- dant and well-preserved plant remains among high-latitude populations may ments, elements of all three bones were from several layers situated slightly clarify the etiology of both conditions.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 3


Getting better with age? Testing above). Social support elements consid- projection of the medial epicondyle is the utility of Transition Analysis ered include total social support scale, thought to reflect this differential devel- methods for forensic skeletal mate- frequency of contact with relatives and opment. We examined the scaling prop- rial of Hispanic origin. friends, strength of these contacts, reli- erties of forearm muscle wet weights to giosity, number of children, and num- test the hypothesis that the total BRIDGET F. B. ALGEE-HEWITT1 and ber of children living with the elderly. masses of various muscle compartments REBECCA J. TAYLOR2. 1Department This study evaluates health status in are differentially developed among pri- of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley terms of systolic and diastolic blood mates. The forearms of six strepsir- State University, 2Department of An- pressure, glucose levels, and self- rhine (Eulemur fulvus, Lemur catta, thropology, University of Tennessee. reported somatic symptoms, satisfac- Varecia rubra, Hapalemur griseus, Gal- tion with current health, and health ago senegalensis, Nycticebus coucang) The multiple-trait, component scoring over the last year. Differences by edu- and seven haplorhine (Callithrix approach of Transition Analysis (TA) is cation and socioeconomic status are jacchus, Macaca sp., Papio sp., Eryth- a promising alternative to conventional considered among the three age groups rocebus patas, Hylobates lar, age-estimation methods for individual, of the elderly. Examined for this study gorilla, troglodytes) speci- unknown, and fragmentary skeletal were 1,427 adults (472 men and 955 mens were dissected. Distal humerus cases. TA provides measures of statisti- women) aged over 60 years represent- dimensions and muscle wet weights cal certainty and flexibility in the use of ing all six governorates in Kuwait. were measured. Scaling properties of indicators, and shows potential for its Respondents were sampled from multi- each muscle compartment within the applicability to diverse populations. We ple sociocultural and economic back- forearm were examined via ordinary previously demonstrated that the Tradi- grounds. Data collection consisted of least squares regression. The total tional TA method performed very well obtaining informed consent, completing mass of the flexor and extensor com- for positively identified modern Ameri- a questionnaire and an oral interview partments were both found to scale iso- can forensic skeletal cases: age-esti- with the participant along with aid metrically on total forearm muscle mates fell within an acceptable range from the person most closely related to mass, with little unexplained variance of the true ages, were consistently the interviewee currently in the home. (p\0.0001, r250.99). Likewise, the repeated, and were not subject to signif- The questionnaire included sociocul- mass of the wrist flexors and digital icant inter-observer error in scoring. We tural/demographic data, medical his- flexors both scale isometrically to total also showed that the ADBOU age-esti- tory and self-ratings of health. Ques- forearm muscle mass (p\0.0001, mation software improves the ease of tionnaires, along with assessments of r250.98). The mass of the total flexor implementing the statistical procedures, several aspects of physical health were compartment and the mass of the digi- calculating the age estimates, and completed. A ten-point scale was used tal flexors both fail to significantly graphically displaying the results. to assess religiosity. The Social Support explain the variance in medial epicon- Ongoing work on the Expert TA method Scale (SSS), A Frequency of Contact dyle projection, when body size is taken of scoring multiple non-traditional, Scale, and the Strength of Relations into account. It is concluded that the mostly presence-absence, age-progres- have been used. Self-rated scales of relative masses of the wrist and digital sive traits similarly produced accurate general health and health in the past flexors do not predictably vary with and repeatable adult age estimates. year were used. A Somatic Symptoms substrate use. Locomotor differences in Refined testing of both TA methods is Inventory (SSI) was used too. Systolic epicondyle development likely serve to warranted, therefore, especially for and diastolic Blood Pressure measure- reorient the muscles around the joint, modern minority populations. ments were completed. SPSS was used rather than reflect any differential de- We present results for estimating age- all analyzes. The data show that there velopment of muscle mass. at-death using both TA methods for a are important social support elements multi-collection sample of mixed-sex/age in all of the age groups. Social support, Large-hominoid remains from the Hispanic skeletons drawn from refer- frequency of contact, strength of rela- Middle Miocene locality of Castell ence populations of forensic significance. tionships, number of children living de Barbera` (Valle`s-Penede`s Basin, We also report on inter-observer error with the elderly, and religiosity are Catalonia, Spain). and evaluate the ease of interpretability shown to influence the health and well- of the trait definitions and ADBOU being of elders. Social support elements SERGIO ALME´ CIJA1,2, DAVID M. scoring manual for cases of Hispanic are shown to be higher in the oldest ALBA2 and SALVADOR MOYA` -SOLA` 3. identity. This project promises improve- age group. Social support, frequency of 1Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, ments to the quality and ease of obtain- contact, and strength of relations are American Museum of Natural History. ing age estimates for forensic cases by related to somatic symptoms and sys- 2Institut Catala` de Paleontologia, Uni- (1) evaluating the applicability of these tolic and diastolic blood pressure, while versitat Auto`noma de Barcelona. methods to an untested demographic religiosity is related to somatic symp- 3ICREA at Institut Catala` de Paleonto- group, (2) providing tests of interpret- toms and systolic blood pressure. The logia and Unitat d’Antropologia Biolo`g- ability, repeatability and error, and (3) factor of children living with the el- ica, Universitat Auto`noma de by obtaining reference materials for use derly in the same household was found Barcelona. as priors. to be related to, and predicted, somatic This study was funded in part by a Wil- symptoms in all age groups. The Middle Miocene locality of Castell liam M. Bass Endowment from the Uni- de Barbera` (late Aragonian, MN8, ca. versity of Tennessee, Knoxville. Scaling of forearm muscle weights 11.5 Ma), located within the Valle`s- in primates. Penede`s Basin (Catalonia, Spain), is Age differences in social support one of the few European localities that and health among elderly Kuwaitis. KARI LEIGH ALLEN1, DAMIANO have yielded both pliopithecoid and MARCHI1 and ADAM HARTSTONE- hominoid remains. Whereas pliopithe- YAGOUB Y. AL-KANDARI1 and ROSE2. 1Department of Evolutionary coids are represented by dentognathic DOUGLAS E. CREWS. 1Kuwait Univer- Anthropology, Duke University, remains, apes are only recorded by a sity, 2Department of Anthropology, The 2Department of Biology, Pennsylvania very restricted sample of unpublished Ohio State University. State University at Altoona. postcranial remains—an upper canine from this locality, traditionally attrib- We report here data on social support Among primates, it has been proposed uted to a female hominoid, does in fact elements and health status differences that the differential development of the belong to a male pliopithecoid. We pro- across three age groups of Kuwaiti el- forearm flexor compartment is con- vide a description and functional inter- derly (60-69; 70-79, and 80 years and nected to substrate use. Likewise, the pretation of the three available homi-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 4

AAPA ABSTRACTS 75 noid remains from Castell de Barbera`:a Native American populations is influ- dicted to be more pronounced than either pollical proximal phalanx (IPS4333), a enced by the biomes they occupy. In age-decline in strength or musculature. partial pollical distal phalanx (IPS4335) order to do this, three different kinds of This research was supported by the and a partial mid-distal humeral shaft matrices were constructed based on the Graduate Research Fellowship Program with no epiphysis (IPS4334). frequency of mtDNA and microsatelites from the National Science Foundation, The latter permits us to infer a body from Native American groups: one 2008-2011. mass of about 50 kg, being tentatively formed by the genetic distances (Fst) attributed to a male specimen of Dryo- among the populations, a second one Gastrointestinal microbial commu- pithecus fontani (as opposed to the formed by the geographic distances nity composition and habitat struc- smaller specimen from Saint Gaudens, among the same populations in kilo- ture in howler monkeys (Alouatta which would correspond to a female meters, and a last one formed by their pigra). individual). This specimen, together "physiographic" distances. These matrices with a partial femur from Abocador de were compared by Pearson’s correlation KATHERINE R. AMATO1, CARL J. Can Mata tentatively attributed to the followed by Mantel and partial Mantel YEOMAN1, NICOLETTA RIGHINI1, same taxon, are indicative of a signifi- tests. The results obtained showed that ANGELA KENT1,ALEJANDRO cant quadrupedal component. The polli- in general the different biomes did not ESTRADA2, DAVID MUNOZ2, REBECCA cal specimens more closely resemble play a significant role in the Native M. STUMPF1,BRYANWHITE1, KAREN other Miocene apes than extant great American genetic structuring, at least as E. NELSON3, MANOLITO TORRALBA3, apes, being suggestive of a significant they are distributed today. MARCUS GILLIS3 and STEVEN R. degree of powerful grasping assisted by FAPESP grants 04/01321-6, 08/51637-0, LEIGH1. 1Institute for Genomic Biology, the thumb during above-branch quadru- 08/58729-8 and CNPq grant 300818/ University of Illinois, 2Estacio´n de Biolo- pedalism and cautious climbing. As 2007.6 gı´a Tropical Los Tuxtlas, Instituto de Biol- such, preliminary analyses indicate that ogı´a Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de the locomotor repertoire of D. fontani Me´xico, 3J. Craig Venter Institute. was probably more similar to that of Hormones, musculature, and the contemporary Pierolapithecus cata- strength across the life course of Howler monkeys (Alouatta sp.) are launicus, than to that of the more sus- men from a rural Polish village. among the most folivorous of the New pensory Hispanopithecus laietanus from World monkeys and have highly flexi- the Late Miocene. LOUIS CALISTRO ALVARADO. ble diets. However, despite the fact This work has been supported by the Department of Anthropology, University that groups of howlers exhibit distinct Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innova- of New Mexico. diets depending on spatial and tempo- cio´n (CGL2008-00325/BTE, and RYC- ral patterns of resource availability, ac- 2009-04533 to DMA), the Generalitat de The steroid hormone testosterone has tivity patterns are consistent across Catalunya (Grup de Paleoprimatologia i been hypothesized to regulate trade-offs howler groups and species. High levels Paleontologia Humana, 2009 SGR 754), between reproduction and survival in of fiber and toxins in leaves make gut and the Fulbright Commission (2008 males through the management of sexu- microbial fermentative activity essen- BFUL 00049 to SA). ally dimorphic muscle mass. Male physiol- tial to howler nutrition, and based on ogy supports higher testosterone levels studies with other mammals, it is pos- The role of biomes in the settlement when ecological conditions are favorable sible that differences in gut microbial of the Americas: testing Beaton’s so that musculature is augmented to community composition allow groups of and Dixon’s hypotheses. increase competitiveness for mates, while howlers in different habitats to take testosterone production is down regulated advantage of distinct resources to fuel TATIANA F. ALMEIDA1, WALTER A. when energetic stress is experienced to the same activities. NEVES1,DIOGOMEYER2 and facilitate a diminished, thriftier pheno- To investigate variation in gut microbial DANILO V. BERNARDO1. 1Laborato´rio type. An underlying assumption of this hy- community composition within a species, de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Depar- pothesis is that a tightly linked relation- we collected fecal samples from five groups tamento de Gene´tica e Biologia Evolu- ship persists between males’ testosterone of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) tiva, Instituto de Biocieˆncias, levels and musculature. Additional formu- in Mexico over an eight week period (May- Universidade de Sa˜oPaulo,2Departa- lation of life history trade-offs specific to July 2009). Two of these groups inhabited mento de Gene´tica e Biologia Evolutiva, human males that takes into account the a continuous, tall rainforest. The other Instituto de Biocieˆncias, Universidade de labor demands of men’s productivity may three inhabited a fragmented, tall rainfor- Sa˜oPaulo. provide further insight into the relation- est; a continuous, semi-deciduous forest; ship between testosterone and body com- and a rehabilitation center. Until recently, the settlement of the position. For men who subsist through Following the isolation and purification Americas was seen as the product of a the efforts of intensive labor, musculature of microbial DNA from all samples, we "bow wave" human expansion from and strength across the life course are used community fingerprinting (ARISA) north to south. Under this scenario, the predicted to be maintained to a greater and high-throughput sequencing of the archaeological sites of the first Ameri- extent than testosterone levels. The asso- 16s ribosomal RNA gene (V1-V3) to cans should obey a chronological gradi- ciation between testosterone, muscula- describe the microbial community struc- ent following the same logic, independ- ture, and strength was examined in a ru- ture in each group. ent of their longitude. Recently, how- ral farm village in which men’s work Our sequencing resulted in [2.6 million ever, specialists began to recognize that activities are often associated with reads from 33 individuals, giving us un- certain characteristics of different bio- demanding manual labor. Data were col- precedented sequencing depth. Prelimi- mes could have favored different rates lected from 29 Polish men, ages 20-80 nary analyses indicate that differences of demic expansion. Beaton (1991), for with a median age of 43 years. Grip and in gut microbial community composition instance, suggested that human expan- chest strength were assessed using a dy- are related to the environment each sions in continental scales are much namometer, and musculature was esti- group inhabits. Basic ecological data more conditioned by the ecological mated using arm circumference, adjusted suggest that these differences are a attributes of the macro environmental for body fat. Testosterone levels were result of diet composition. Differences in zones (biomes) involved than by linear obtained from morning urine samples. host microbial communities geographic distances, an idea also Arm circumference, grip and chest may have important implications for spoused by Dixon (2001). In this study strength were negatively and signifi- primate adaptation, evolution, and con- we test Beaton’s and Dixon’s ideas, as cantly associated with age. Results from servation. applied to the Americas, by investigat- hormone analyses are forthcoming, but This study was funded by the Univer- ing if the genetic structure of recent age-related decline in testosterone is pre- sity of Illinois and NSF 0935374.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 5


Reconstructing the habitat prefer- vides information on populations’ evolu- found on one adult. Teardrop fractures, ences of Ardipithecus ramidus with tionary history. We report X-chromosomal caused by hyperextension of the neck, paleosol and tooth enamel carbon LD patterns in Amerindian (Kogi, were found in two adult second cervical isotopes: woodland or grassland? Wayuu, and Zenu) and admixed Latin vertebrae. Perimortem breakage was American (Central Valley of Costa Rica also found on the base of the occipital in STANLEY H. AMBROSE1 and GIDAY and Southern Brazilian Gaucho) popula- two adult individuals. Many of the bone WOLDEGABRIEL2. Department of An- tions. Short tandem repeats (STRs) wide- fragments show breakage patterns that thropology, University of Illinois, spread along the X-chromosome were suggest perimortem processing. Addi- Urbana, 2Earth Environmental Sciences investigated in 258 chromosomes. Diver- tionally, several skeletal elements Division, Los Alamos National Labora- sity indexes were estimated for each pop- showed signs of burning even though no tory, New Mexico. ulation and the level of LD was inferred evidence for fire was found within the with an exact test. The Amerindian popu- cave. This suggests that the cave was a Paleosol (fossil soils) were sampled across lations presented lower genetic diversity secondary burial site. Three competing a 7 km W-E transect of the Aramis Mem- and a higher proportion of loci in LD hypotheses are discussed in light of ber of the Sagantole Formation in the Mid- than the admixed ones. Two haplotype these data that include (1) violence dle Awash Valley. Paleosol carbon isotope blocks were identified, both restricted to against enemies and display of the ratios are interpreted as reflecting floral the Amerindians. The first involved bones as trophies, (2) veneration of habitats with 30% to 70% C4 grass bio- DXS8051 and DXS7108 in Xp22.22 and respected community members, or (3) mass, representing woodlands to wooded Xp22.3, while the second, found only sacrificial victims. grassland. Pedogenic carbonate carbon among the Kogi, included eight loci in a and oxygen isotope ratios increase from region between Xp11.4 and Xq21.1, for west to east, reflecting more grassy drier which a network was built, indicating the 3-dimensional hominin whole body habitats on the east, where Ardipithecus action of genetic drift during the evolu- and facial reconstructions in Euro- ramidus are absent. These data are tionary history of this population. In ac- pean museums. consistent with diverse lines of geological, cordance to previous work, human iso- paleontological, anatomical and dental iso- lates, such as the Amerindian tribes, KARI ANDERSON and MACIEJ topic evidence for the character and distri- seem to be an optimal choice for the HENNEBERG. bution of floral habitats associated with implementation of association studies due and Comparative Anatomy Research Ardipithecus. tothewideextentofLDthatcanbe Unit, School of Medical Sciences, Uni- Cerling et al. (Science 328:1105 [2010]) found in their gene pool. The low propor- versity of Adelaide, Australia. presented a new model for interpreting soil tion of loci in LD found in both admixed carbon isotopes from Aramis, and con- populations studied here could be Displaying hominin representations in cluded that Ardipithecus occupied mainly explained by events related to their his- museums introduces the public to human wooded grassland to grassland habitats tory and similarities between the allele evolution. 3D life-sized representations with less than 25% trees and shrubs, with frequencies in the parental stocks. are of three kinds, either a reconstructed narrow strips of riparian woodlands. If This study was funded by Institutos do face, bust or the entire body. There is little their model were correct then all previ- Mileˆnio and Apoio a Nu´ cleos de Exce- information about the types of hominin ously published paleosol carbon isotope- leˆncia Programs, Conselho Nacional de representations, their context or the range based reconstructions of tropical and sub- Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´- of taxa that are in museums. In 2006 Eu- tropical environments would be invali- gico, and Fundac¸a˜o de Amparo a` Pes- ropean institutions (n548) were visited in dated. However, rejection of nearly three quisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. 10 countries. Out of 601 representations decades of research is unnecessary. Their that were observed the majority were ana- modern reference is based mainly on soils Bioarchaeology and taphonomy of tomically modern humans, only 94 were of formed on Kalahari sands, and Australian human remains from San Francisco earlier hominin taxa, these were present sands that have biased preservation of de Borja, a historic cave site in N. in 11 museums. They comprised of 68 com- woody plant carbon (Wynn and Bird, Tellus Mexico. plete bodies, 24 busts and 2 heads. Nean- 60b:610, 615-617 [2008]). Therefore their dertals were the most common (n562), fol- model is inapplicable to fine-grained paleo- CHERYL ANDERSON, DEBRA lowed by generalised australopithecines sols formed on volcanic parent materials MARTIN, JENNIFER THOMPSON and (n55), Homo erectus (n55),A.afarensis like those of most hominid sites in Rift Val- RICHARD BROOKS. Department of and H. habilis each had 4 representations, ley settings. We thus stand by our conclu- Anthropology, University of Nevada, while A. africanus, A. boisei, gracile and sion that the carbon isotope ratios of Las Vegas. robust australopithecines and H. ergaster Aramis Member paleosols show that the had 2 representations each, and Kenyan- preferred habitat of Ardipithecus was San Francisco de Borja is a cave site in thropus platyops, H heidelbergensis, H woodland to grassy woodland. Chihuahua, Mexico that was excavated rudolfensis, and A. anamensis were repre- by Richard and Sheilagh Brooks in the sented by 1 specimen each. The Hes- X-chromosomal genetic diversity 1950s and is now curated at UNLV. This sisches Landes-Museum in Darmstadt, and linkage disequilibrium pat- site appeared to be a place where com- Germany had the largest range of hominin terns in American populations. mingled remains were secondarily taxa (n59), while the Natural History Mu- CARLOS EDUARDO G. AMORIM1, interred. Dating to the historic period, it seum, London had 2 taxa only (Neandertal SIJIA WANG2, ANDREA RITA is likely an ancestral group to the Tara- and an Australopithecus). Specimens were MARRERO1, ANDRES RUIZ- humara culture. A reanalysis of these displayed with associated contextual infor- 2 remains was undertaken in order to mation (48%) or in a series (33%), the LINARES , FRANCISCO MAURO 1 more fully investigate some of the initial others were found in solo displays (5%), in SALZANO , and MARIA CA´ TIRA BORTOLINI1. 1Programa de Po´s-Gradu- findings suggesting perimortem process- complete context (1%) or in storage (13%). ac¸a˜oemGene´tica e Biologia Molecular and ing. In addition to estimating the mini- Curators prefer to display representa- Departamento de Gene´tica, Instituto de mum number of individuals, age, sex and tions so that variation can be compared. Biocieˆncias, Universidade Federal do Rio pathological status were undertaken. The Although these displays are meant to Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2The Galton Labora- taphonomy of the burial site was recon- help the public visualise similarities structed using original field notes. and differences of paleoanthropological tory, Departament of Biology, University Analyses indicate that a minimum of 11 finds, some of them have been made College London, London, United Kingdom. adults and 7 subadults were interred at many years ago and may not convey the Understanding patterns of linkage dise- this site. The MNI is based on the pres- current knowledge. quilibrium (LD) is the basis for the ence of the left femora. Evidence for This study was funded in part by the design of association studies. It also pro- perimortem sharp force trauma was Walter and Dorothy Duncan Trust.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 6


The pathological consequences of Successful identification of fossil-bear- recorded in the enamel above the den- cranial vault modification: an anal- ing sedimentary deposits in the field tine horn and can be studied in unworn ysis of human skeletal remains typically requires expert knowledge in or developing teeth. In order to investi- from Cuzco, . geology and anatomy, the sharp eyes of gate crown initiation and formation a well-trained team of fossil collectors, times, we sectioned the developing per- VALERIE A. ANDRUSHKO and DIANA and often, some degree of luck. Since manent dentition of five 18th century LYNN MESSER. Department of Anthro- most of our knowledge of Paleocene and children aged between 2 and 4 years, pology, Southern Connecticut State Uni- Eocene mammals comes from enormous from the crypt of Christ Church, Spital- versity. sedimentary basins in the American fields, London. 100lm thin sections were West that are typically thousands of used to record enamel cross-striation Cranial vault modification, the inten- square kilometers in extent, it is clear counts and the chronology of accentu- tional reshaping of the head, was prac- that one way to reduce the role of ser- ated striae, allowing us to reconstruct ticed by ancient populations throughout endipity would be to develop predictive with some precision the timing and theNewWorldtosymbolizegroupaffilia- models. Recent advances in the fields of sequence of crown formation. The results tion, beauty, or status. This practice could Geographic Information Systems and are comparable to other histological only be carried out on children while the Remote Sensing have the potential to studies but the average initiation times cranial bones were still malleable, and increase the likelihood of locating pro- of the lower/upper first molars (0.16/0.12 researchers have long debated whether ductive fossil-bearing deposits by identi- years before birth), lower/upper central this practice detrimentally affected the fying subtle combinations of geological, incisors (0.17/0.23 years) and the lower children whose heads were shaped at an geospatial, and remote sensing features canines (0.22 years) were earlier than earlyage.Inthisstudy,weexaminethe that distinguish between productive previous estimates, whereas some of the possible pathological consequences of cra- and non-productive localities. cusp formation times were greater than nial vault modification through an analy- Utilizing a GIS fossil database, detailed expected. The results also confirm that, sis of 423 individuals from archaeological geological mapping, and remote sensing like the dentitions of great apes, there is sites located in and around Cuzco, Peru. imagery from the ETM1 sensor on the an overlap in crown formation between The sites included in this study date Landsat 7 satellite, we have developed M1 and M2 (0.33 years). from the Early Intermediate Period (200 an artificial neural network model for This study was funded by the Wellcome B.C. – A.D. 600) to the Late Horizon identifying sedimentary deposits with a Trust (067257/Z/02/Z). (A.D. 1476 – 1532) and include both Inca high potential for containing mamma- and pre-Inca burials. lian fossils in Eocene rocks of the Great Data archiving as a prerequisite for The results reveal that conditions related Divide Basin. The algorithm identifies publication. to malnutrition and developmental health patterns of features that are common to (porotic hyperostosis, cribra orbitalia, and fossil bearing deposits, and uses these SUSAN C. ANTO´ N1 and linear enamel hypoplasias) had no correla- features in a ‘‘fuzzy’’ fashion to classify CHRISTOPHER B. RUFF2. 1Center for tion with the presence of modification, other areas. The model’s output pro- the Study of Human Origins, Depart- modification type, or degree of intensity. vides a classification of unvisited sites ment of Anthropology, New York Uni- Despite this result, it was also found that within the study area along with associ- versity, 2Center for Functional Anatomy individuals with modified crania had an ated probabilities of these sites being and Evolution, Johns Hopkins Univer- earlier age-at-death than their unmodified productive. The neural network sity. counterparts. In addition, individuals with approach that we have developed in the tabular modification died at an earlier age Eocene of Wyoming has broad implica- As editors of American Journal of on average than individuals with annular tions for many other types of anthropo- Physical Anthropology and Journal of modification. The reasons for these find- logical field research that also involve Human Evolution we discuss the pros ingsmayrelatetothemodificationpro- unique geospatial sets of features. and cons of data-archiving as a require- cess, geographical affiliation, or other ment for publication. Currently, most causes. The study also revealed that 6 sub- A histological reconstruction of journals do not require such archiving adults and 1 adult exhibited cranial poros- crown initiation and formation across-the-board. However, editors tend ity related to the modification process. using the developing dentition of to follow the recommendations of those This finding suggests that localized necro- Post-Medieval known-age children. subfields that require archiving, as is sis did occasionally result from the bind- the case for molecular anthropology. ings and bandages used to artificially DANIEL ANTOINE1, SIMON Archiving published data seems reason- shape the children’s crania. HILLSON2 and M. CHRISTOPHER able to check the soundness of results. This study was funded by the National Sci- DEAN3. 1The British Museum, London; The availability of electronic ‘‘supple- ence Foundation (Dissertation Improve- 2Institute of Archaeology, University mental online material’’ sections and ment Grant #0424213), the Wenner-Gren College London; 3Department of Cell public archives, such as GenBank, Tree- Foundation for Anthropological Research and Developmental Biology, University BASE and Dryad, increase the feasibil- (Individual Research Grant #7283) and the College London. ity of requiring data-archiving. And Connecticut State University System some techniques, such as 3dGM or clad- (CSU-AAUP Research Grants 2008-2010). Most of our understanding of the timing istic analyses, are tricky to evaluate of crown development comes from radio- without access to original data. graphic studies and anatomical collec- However, other issues are in play. At Developing a GIS-based predictive tions of known age children but few odds are the rights of individual model for the identification of fossil researchers report precise initial miner- researchers for subsequent use of their bearing deposits in the Eocene of alization times for permanent teeth. data and the scientific community’s in- Wyoming. This is in part due to the difficulty of terest in open access. Perhaps data x-raying or dissecting the early stages should be embargoed for some time or ROBERT ANEMONE1, GLENN of dental development, represented by exemptions to archiving be allowed? CONROY2, CHARLES EMERSON3 and very small amounts of poorly mineral- What should be archived is contentious. RON WATKINS4. 1Department of An- ized tissue. Histological analysis of Should we archive only new data in a thropology, Western Michigan University, developed teeth can also be used to study or all the comparative data neces- 2Department of Anthropology, Washing- reconstruct the chronology of crown de- sary to recreate results, and should we ton University, 3Department of Geogra- velopment by recording the incremental include only the genetic sequences, met- phy,WesternMichiganUniversity,growth structures contained within the rics, or nonmetrics, or the specimens/ 4Department of Applied Geology, Curtin enamel. This approach has the advant- fossils from which these were collected? University of Technology. age that the early crown formation is There are unintended consequences of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 7

78 AAPA ABSTRACTS the re-use of open access data as well. The FAST pipeline: A bioinfor- Functional foods are those that contain Combining data may be inadvisable for matics pipeline for automated re- a component that benefits health some data and analyses. We suggest the trieval, processing, and dataset con- beyond having a nutritional effect. Anti- input and coordination of scholarly jour- struction for sequence data to infer oxidants are substances that delay or nals and professional governing bodies, phylogenetic trees. retard reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as the AAPA, are critical to the from destroying body tissue. While stud- consideration of these and other aspects CHRISTIAN ARNOLD1,2 and CHARLES L. ies show that human diets contain anti- of whether and how to implement per- NUNN2.1Bioinformatics Group, Department oxidants which are beneficial to human manent data-archiving. of Computer Science and Interdisciplinary health, very little is known about the Center for Bioinformatics, University of Leip- occurrence of anti-oxidants in the diets Variation in vocal structure reflects zig, 2Department of Human Evolutionary of wild primates. The objective of our group history in primates. Biology,HarvardUniversity. study was to survey the staple foods (contributing [1% of annual dietary LUISA F. ARNEDO1, JORGE A. The construction of phylogenetic trees intake) eaten by mountain (Go- AHUMADA2, JANETTE W. requires sequence data, yet the manual rilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable BOUGHMAN3, CHARLES T. construction of such datasets is often time- National Park, Uganda, and colobus SNOWDON4, FRANCISCO D. C. consuming and error-prone. Moreover, due monkeys (Colobus guereza and Procolo- MENDES5 and KAREN B. STRIER1. to data heterogeneity in public databases bus rufomitratus) in Kibale National 1Department of Anthropology, University such as GenBank, many sequences may be Park, Uganda to identify foods with anti- of Wisconsin – Madison. 2TEAM Network, missed, while others are of poor quality oxidant properties that may act as func- Conservation International, 3Department relative to other available data. Steps that tional foods. We assessed antioxidant of Zoology, Michigan State University, are crucial for later analyses, such as the levels of 25 staple foods using the 2,2- 4Department of Psychology, University of creation of multiple sequence alignments Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, Wisconsin – Madison, 5Departamento de or the identification of an appropriate sub- andusedRutin,aknownpowerfulantiox- Processos Psicolo´gicos Ba´sicos, Universi- stitution model, are similarly time-con- idant, to standardize our assay. Our dade de Brası´lia. suming and error-prone when done man- results show that 6.7% gorilla staple foods ually. These concerns are particularly true and 10% of colobus staple foods displayed Acoustical properties of human accents for large phylogenetic trees. anti-oxidant properties similar to Rutin, often indicate geographic identity and Here, we describe the FAST pipeline suggesting that functional foods are im- migration patterns. Similarly, group sig- (Fast and Automated Dataset Construc- portant components of primate diets. nature calls can provide information tion for Tree Inference), which is a bio- Although we surveyed only staple foods, about group membership in other spe- informatics pipeline for automated re- at least 31 species of 158 gorilla dietary cies of vertebrates, but how inter-group trieval, processing, and dataset construc- items are consumed by local human popu- acoustic divergence relates to popula- tion for sequence data to infer lations for medicinal purposes. These find- tion history is seldom known. We com- phylogenetic trees. The pipeline is partic- ings suggest that primate foods are func- pared long neigh vocalizations emitted ularly well suited for multi-gene analyses tional foods conferring salutary health by philopatric male and dispersing in conjunction with the program benefits, despite whether they were delib- female northern muriquis (Brachyteles MrBayes, nullifies the aforementioned erately selected for these benefits. hypoxanthus) to evaluate whether the limitations, and makes it possible to con- This study was funded by The New acoustic properties of individuals’ calls struct higher-quality datasets with hun- York Consortium for Evolutionary Pri- reflect current and/or past group mem- dreds of species and multiple genes with matology. bership. Spectrographic analyses were minimum manual effort. conducted on 470 high quality long As an example, we applied FAST to the Marriage and migration: compari- neighs collected between April 2006 and order Primates. The pipeline downloaded sons of biometric and mortuary March 2007 from 21 females and 21 over 100,000 sequences and selected over data at three Fort ancient villages males living in three adjacent groups at 1750 sequences from 16 different genes for in southwest Ohio. the Reserva Particular do Patrimoˆnio 466 (sub)species according to user-defined Natural – Feliciano Miguel Abdala, criteria for subsequent steps. After addi- BRYAN AUBRY and ROBERT COOK. Minas Gerais, Brazil. The acoustic prop- tional filtering, 308 (sub)species remained. The Ohio State University-Newark. erties of the long neighs correctly classi- Finally, FAST produced a Nexus file to fied a higher percentage of males than serve as input for phylogenetic tree infer- The purpose of this project was to females in their groups, but both males ence in MrBayes. In the near future, we obtain biologically relevant information and females from the group that split envision using the FAST pipeline to produce to assess social models of marriage and more than 20 years ago clustered sepa- Version 3 of 10kTrees for primates, and for migration for eleven Fort Ancient popu- rately from the two groups that split other mammalian groups that are com- lations (located in the Little Miami more recently. A higher proportion of monly studied comparatively (such as carni- River Valley in southwestern Ohio). The the females were misclassified in their vores or artiodactyls). results for six of these sites are pre- current groups, and females showed This research was supported by the sented here. Dental material was ana- higher levels of intra-group variation National Science Foundation and Har- lyzed and both metric and non-metric than the males. This suggests that, de- vard University. data were recorded (totaling 231 indi- spite some convergence, females might viduals). Non-metric traits were scored retain some of the acoustic properties according to the ASU system, and that characterized the neighs of their Primates consume functional foods: dental metrics included the mesiodistal natal groups. Our results suggest that antioxidant properties of leaves and buccolingual dimensions at the similar to human regional accents and eaten by gorillas and monkeys in cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) follow- dialects, under certain circumstances, Ugandan rainforests. ing a modification of Hillson et al. acoustic variation within and between (2005) (outlined in Aubry 2009). group members can be attributable to CLAUDIA M. ASTORINO1,2 and Intrasite biological distances were cal- patterns of migration and group forma- JESSICA M. ROTHMAN2,3. 1Department culated using a hierarchical clustering tion in long lived social animals. of Anthropology, The Graduate School model in SPSS to obtain interindividual This research was supported by NSF and University Center/CUNY, New York, distance matrices for each site. Multidi- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement 2The New York Consortium in Evolution- mensional scaling (MDS) was used to Grant (#0621788), The Wenner-Gren ary Primatology, 3Department of Anthro- visualize the placement of individuals Foundation, and The American Society pology, Hunter College of the City in two-dimensional space for compari- of Primatology. University of New York. son with the burial pattern (Permap

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 8


11.8 MDS program). Intersite distances gulatory-related clines. The analyses Monogamous owl monkeys differ in were calculated for non-metric traits indicate population history has been a the structure of OXTR from other using Mean Measure of Divergence and strong factor in shaping patterns of non-monogamous primates. for metric traits using R-matrix analy- human morphology in the Americas sis (provides an estimate of expected throughout the Holocene. PAUL BABB1, EDUARDO FERNANDEZ- genetic heterozygosity for each site). This research was supported by funding DUQUE1,2 and THEODORE SCHURR1. These early results support two existing from a National Science Foundation 1Department of Anthropology, University models. First, biometric data support Collaborative Research Grant (BCS of Pennsylvania, 2Cecoal-Conicet, Argen- the multiethnic nature of the sites that #0962752) and a National Science Foun- tina. blend local Late Woodland and non-local dation Doctoral Dissertation Improve- Mississippian populations, identified on ment Grant (#0550673). The oxytocin (OT) hormone pathway is the basis of grave construction, associ- involved in a multitude of physiological ated grave goods, and proximity to dis- Application of phylogenetic com- processes, and one of its receptor genes tinct features. Second, female outliers parative methods to the adaptive (OXTR) has been implicated in increased identified at each of the sites suggest radiation of Malagasy lemurs. partner preference and pair bonding that intermarriage involved females behavior in mammalian lineages. This ob- moving between Fort Ancient villages KAREN L. BAAB1, F. JAMES ROHLF2, servation is of considerable importance for indicative of marriage alliances, com- WILLIAM L. JUNGERS3 and understanding social monogamy in prima- mon practices in many ethnographic JONATHAN M.G. PERRY4. 1Depart- tes, which is present in only a small subset cases. ment of Anthropology and IDPAS, Stony of primate taxa, including owl monkey Brook University, 2Department of Ecol- (Aotus azarai). To examine the potential Proportions and population his- ogy and Evolution, Stony Brook Univer- relationship between social monogamy and tory: exceptions to ecogeographic sity, 3Department of Anatomical oxytocin receptor genes we sequenced the expectations in the Americas. Sciences and IDPAS, Stony Brook Uni- regulatory ([2000 bp) and coding regions versity, 4Department of Anatomy, Mid- (2 exons transcribing 389 amino acids) of BENJAMIN M. AUERBACH. Depart- western University. this locus in 125 owl monkeys from a wild ment of Anthropology, The University of population in the Argentinean Gran Tennessee. The Malagasy lemurs form a taxonomi- Chaco. We also assessed the interspecific cally, behaviorally, and morphologically variation of OXTR by sequencing the locus Recent, geographically diverse surveys diverse radiation within strepsirrhine in 10 platyrrhine species that represent a of New World indigenous populations primates. While molecular clock esti- set of phylogenetically and behaviorally predating European colonization have mates place their divergence from other disparate taxa. The resulting data revealed demonstrated comparable morphological strepsirrhines between 60-50 Myr or A. azarai to have a unique genic structure variation to Europeans and Africans in possibly before the K-T boundary (65 for OXTR that varies in coding sequence many body dimensions. Despite this di- Ma), the fossil record for lemurs is only relative to other primate and mammalian versity, correlations between body pro- a few thousand years old. In the ab- species. Furthermore, the A. azarai portions, shape and size with climatic sence of a deep fossil record, clarifica- sequence exhibits four (4) amino acid factors are diminished compared to cor- tion of the evolutionary processes that changes that may putatively increase the relations among Old World populations. operated during this adaptive radiation surface area of the ligand-binding domain. Other factors, such as subsistence, may requires analytical approaches incorpo- In addition, the Cebidae have an increased attenuate these relationships, but are rating phylogeny and branch length ratio of synonymous to non-synonymous difficult to examine in isolation. More- estimates as well as morphological and amino acid changes relative to other pla- over, geographically widespread inter- ecological information. In order to tyrrhines, suggesting the possible occur- action networks, in addition to large explore patterns of morphological diver- rence of positive selection at this locus. Our population movements, have introduced sification in Malagasy lemurs, we col- findings suggest that, despite the polygenic potential confounding factors to clinal lected 3D cranial landmarks from both characteristics of the OT pathway, the patterns of morphological variation. extant and extinct giant subfossil properties of the OXTR proteins have expe- This study utilizes measurements taken lemurs. rienced lineage-specific evolution. from over 3200 indigenous, pre-contact Results of our phylogenetic principal This research was supported by the Uni- adult humans from throughout the components analysis (PPCA), which cor- versity Research Fund and the Depart- Americas to examine if population his- rects for non-independence in the data ment of Anthropology at the University of tory, based on archaeological evidence due to phylogenetic relatedness, did not Pennsylvania, and the National Science and models, shapes morphological vari- differ markedly from traditional PCA Foundation (EFD: BCS-0621020). TGS ation. All skeletons date from the Holo- results. Phylogenetic generalized least- further acknowledges the infrastructural cene (primarily the last 4000 years). squares analysis suggested that both support provided by the National Geo- Examining body shape, size and propor- size and dietary toughness explain dif- graphic Society. tions derived from skeletal metrics, ferences in cranial shape along the first samples were compared within time few components. Analysis of cranial Cooperation confers fitness benefits periods across the continents and across shape disparity through time (com- in a communally nesting primate. time periods within regions, with and paring morphological variation within without climate and subsistence as clades to that seen between clades) ANDREA L. BADEN,1,2,3,5 EDWARD E. covariates. demonstrated a drop in subclade diver- LOUIS Jr.,3,4 and BRENDA J. Despite a complex mosaic of morpholog- sity around 40-30 Ma, which coincides BRADLEY5. 1Interdepartmental Doc- ical change over time, important pat- with the estimated origin of many major toral Program in Anthropological Sci- terns emerge. All humans from the lemur clades. Results also indicated ences, Stony Brook University, 2Centre Americas maintain higher body that average subclade diversity is less ValBio, Ranomafana National Park, breadths and masses compared with than that predicted by neutral evolution Madagascar, 3Omaha’s Henry Doorly Old World populations living in similar (Brownian motion). A similar but even Zoo, Omaha, NE, 4Madagascar Bio- climatic conditions, possibly reflecting a more striking pattern was seen in cra- diversity Partnership, Madagascar, shared ‘‘cold-filtered’’ ancestry. Within nial size disparity through time. This 5Yale Molecular Ecology Lab, Depart- regions, such as the Great Plains or the pattern is consistent with theoretical ment of Anthropology, Yale University. Southeast, variation in intralimb and work that predicts that available ecolog- body proportions reflects archaeological ical niches are filled early in an adapt- While communal nesting and coopera- evidence for cultural change or popula- ive radiation, with reduced diversifica- tive infant care are common among tion movement, rather than thermore- tion through time. some avian and mammalian taxa, such

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 9

80 AAPA ABSTRACTS shared maternal investment is rare ‘‘Was Homo erectus replaced by dispers- hypocone, but not the distinctive Nean- among primates. While some primates, ing H. heidelbergensis, a so-called dertal crown shape). A small occlusal including callitrichines, participate in ‘‘early’’ replacement event, only later to polygon area has been also observed in singular cooperative breeding, in which be replaced by modern humans from one individual of the Layer TD6 in one reproductive female has ‘helpers at the western Old World?’’ In this paper, Gran Dolina (Spain), which may sug- the nest,’ only humans have been con- we analyze hominin fossils from the gest that this pattern is not uniquely clusively shown to participate in plural late Middle Maba Cave derived for the Neandertal lineage. The communal rearing, where all females (Guangdong, China) to test these preponderance of evidence suggests that within a social unit reproduce and then hypotheses. Maba is best known for the MP African hominins are characterized collectively share in maternal responsi- presence of a partial hominin cranium by retention of many primitive dental bilities. Recently, however, this division that has traditionally been allocated to characteristics shared with Homo erec- of labor has also been observed in ruffed archaic H. sapiens. We present a mor- tus and, unlike European MP hominins, lemurs (Varecia variegata), a diurnal, phometric analysis of a hominin partial show no clear affinity to Neandertals. moderately-sized, litter bearing lemur, mandible and five teeth (four upper suggesting that ruffed lemurs may rep- M1s and M2s and a lower M3) that resent the only other diurnal primate were excavated from Maba in 1960 and besides humans to converge on this un- 1984 but previously unreported in the Groovy teeth: unraveling patterns usual reproductive strategy. Here, we Western scientific literature. The Maba of dental use wear in a Medieval present data from the first systematic partial mandible is compared to better sample from Polis, Cyprus. field study of communal rearing in the known mandibles from the Middle species to combine behavioral, genetic Pleistocene Old World (e.g., Mauer, BRENDA J. BAKER and MICHAEL W. and infant survivorship data. Data Arago, and Tighenif). The Maba teeth MORAMARCO. Center for Bioarchaeo- included in this study represent over are compared to data collected from logical Research, School of Human Evo- 1,220 observation hours of seven parous selected hominin fossils and Holocene lution and Social Change, Arizona State females (n 5 7 litters, 19 infants) dur- Chinese and Korean dental collections. University. ing late gestation through early infant A recent dating analysis of the Maba dependence (September-December deposits suggest the age of the capping Over 300 individuals are associated 2008). We demonstrate that communal flowstone may be as old as 237 ka. We with two early sixth-century basilicas at nesting occurs most often among kin, discuss the meaning of these new dates Polis Chrysochous, on the northwest and that shared maternal care benefits in this paper. coast of Cyprus. One basilica was used ruffed lemur mothers by allowing signif- This study was funded by the Wenner- to the eleventh century. The other was icant trade-offs between maternal Gren Foundation (ICRG-#82) and the reused for burials from the thirteenth responsibility and foraging effort. More- National Geographic Society (#8372-07). to sixteenth centuries. Eight of 54 indi- over, the incidence of cooperative infant viduals (14.8%) analyzed to date exhibit care predicts infant survivorship in Thinking outside the European alterations on anterior teeth consistent ruffed lemurs, particularly during early box: dental metrics and morphology with their use as tools. All are adults infant development, thus these per- of African Middle Pleistocene and seven are female. The eighth, rep- ceived trade-offs likely confer direct fit- hominins. resented by one tooth, is unattributable ness payoffs to communally nesting to an individual burial. Three distinct mothers. SHARA E. BAILEY1,2 and JEAN- patterns of dental use wear suggest This study was funded by NSF-DDIG JACQUES HUBLIN2. 1Center for the teeth were used in different ways. All 0725975, Leakey Foundation, J. William Study of Human Origins, New York patterns are associated with small Fulbright Foundation, Primate Conser- University, 2Department of Human Evo- incisal grooves on the mandibular inci- vation, Inc., Conservation Internation- lution, Max Planck Institute for Evolu- sors, oriented labio-lingually, but maxil- al’s Primate Action Fund, Stony Brook tionary Anthropology. lary involvement differs. University, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo Pattern 1 consists of grooves on the dis- and Yale University. Middle Pleistocene (MP) hominins from tal aspects of lateral incisors and lin- Europe are known to possess dental gual surface attrition of the maxillary Morphometric analysis and geo- characters that link them to Neander- teeth (LSAMAT) found in one woman chronology of Hominin fossils from tals. However, whether or not these buried with a bone needle (Baker et al. Maba (Guangdong, China). characters are unique to MP Europeans 2007). Harper (Harper and Fox 2008) is unclear because much less attention found an identical pattern in five of 35 CHRISTOPHER J. BAE1, DONGFANG has been given to the far fewer dental Venetian period burials at Athienou- XIAO2,LICHENGQIU3, GUANJUN remains of this age outside of Europe. Malloura. Pattern 2 includes five indi- SHEN4,ERICDELSON5, NOREEN This study examines metrical and mor- viduals with V-shaped notches on the VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL6,STEPHEN phological dental characters in MP Afri- central incisors, first observed in J. LYCETT6, JENNIE JH JIN7, and can hominins. We present results for another woman with a bone needle. Pat- HUA TU4. 1University of Hawaii, characters that have been previously tern 3, found in two individuals, com- 2Maba Museum, 3Guangdong Institute suggested to be distinctive in Neander- bines grooves or notches on the lateral of Archaeology, 4Nanjing Normal Uni- tals. The relatively large incisor to and incisal aspects of the maxillary versity, 5Lehman College/CUNY & molar ratio that characterizes Neander- incisors. All patterns contrast with the NYCEP, 6University of Kent, 7Joint tals is not seen in MP Africans, which transverse grooves on anterior dentition POW/MIA Accounting Command. are more similar in this regard to Homo that Erdal (2008) related to mouth spin- erectus. Morphologically, the MP Afri- ning. Textile and clothing production The question of ‘‘replacement events’’ cans also lack the Neandertal dental in medieval Cyprus was principally a versus ‘‘transitional stages’’ has long pattern. For example, none possess the household activity. Dental use wear sug- been a strongly debated topic in paleo- derived suite of lower P4 characters gests that women were responsible for anthropology. A good example of this is (asymmetry, transverse crest, and mul- such work at Polis. the question of the nature of hominin tiple lingual cusps) or a continuous trig- This research was supported in part by evolution in eastern Asia during the onid crest on the lower M3. However, the Princeton University Archaeological Middle to Late Pleistocene. Two major one individual (Rabat) does share cer- Expedition to Polis, Cyprus, the ASU questions relevant to the eastern Asian tain morphological characteristics with School of Human Evolution and Social record are: ‘‘Did Homo erectus evolve Neandertals (e.g., a relatively small Change, and the National Science Foun- into modern H. sapiens with archaic H. upper M1 occlusal polygon area and a dation Graduate Research Fellowship sapiens as the transitional group?’’; or small upper M1 metacone relative to Program.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 10


The missing femur at the Mitla thecus verreauxi verreauxi) eight methods that control for phylogenetic- Fortress. months after Cyclone Fanele. Eighty-six relatedness among the species in the percent of food tree species were dam- sample (r 5 0.52; p \ 0.05). These LINDSEY CADWELL BAKER1, GARY aged and 7.4% were dead. Twenty six results suggest mutations in protein- M. FEINMAN2 and LINDA M. percent of food trees experienced major coding regions of a developmental-regu- NICHOLAS2. 1Department of Anthro- branch damage and 26.5% showed latory gene can have important pheno- pology, Southern Illinois University major trunk damage. Tree damage was typic effects in primates and demon- Carbondale, 2Department of Anthropol- not distributed equally across all species strate the utility of using genetic ogy, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL. (v2 5 45.2332783, df 5 28, p \ 0.0025). approaches to understanding primate We evaluated how cyclone Fanele morphology. A common belief across prehispanic impacted the sifaka food trees using This study was funded by a Sigma Xi Mesoamerica was that an individual’s generalized linear mixed modeling with Grant-In-Aid of Research from the ASU power was concentrated in the femur. Laplace approximations. A highly sig- chapter and by ASU undergraduate Several elaborate burial contexts, begin- nificant interaction between tree height research funding. ning as early as A.D. 100, contained the (p \ 0.01), DBH (p \ 0.001), and dam- remains of elite rulers along with one or age was found. With each unit increase more femora. Further, femora have in tree height and DBH the odds of been recorded as missing in other burial damage increased. With each unit The role of erect posture in shaping contexts in Oaxaca and elsewhere in increase in tree height the odds of dying the hominid cranial base. Mesoamerica, but those burials were increased (p \ 0.001), but this relation- poorly preserved. Individual skeletons ship was not significant with larger ALON BARASH, ELLA BEEN, and were not complete, so it was impossible DBH. Tree height is a stronger predic- YOEL RAK. Department of Anatomy & to know when or how the femora were tor of damage and mortality than DBH. Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medi- removed or if they were part of a pri- Sifaka food resources were significantly cine, Tel Aviv University. mary burial context. Burial 13 at the reduced, suggesting that these lemurs Mitla Fortress provides documentation have had to alter their feeding behavior The hominid cranial base has been of a clear donor context in which the de- as a direct consequence of Cyclone studied extensively over the last 150 scendants of an important person care- Fanele. years, with most attention focused on fully reopened his burial cist after death the midsagittal plane. Many papers to extract the individual’s right femur. The Runx2 gene is an important contrast ape morphology with human This finding provides material support determinant of facial morphology morphology and conclude that the for the process of femur removal that in primates. massive brain expansion characteriz- was earlier only hypothesized for ing human evolution is the main Lambityeco. NICHOLAS E. BANOVICH1, mechanism that shaped the unique Such curation of human femora has TERRENCE B. RITZMAN1,2, and basicranial morphology of Homo sapi- largely been considered an activity asso- ANNE C. STONE1. 1School of Human ens. However, relatively few papers ciated exclusively with rulers or those Evolution and Social Change, Arizona did a comprehensive comparative of high status. Yet the residence exca- State University, 2Institute of Human study of the cranial base that included vated at the Mitla Fortress was not Origins. early hominids. such a context, and so the removal of In this work, three groups were studied: femora (at least in the Late Classic pe- The runt-related transcription factor humans, , and early homi- riod Valley of Oaxaca) may not have gene (Runx2) encodes a transcription nids. We followed the contour of the been a practice limited to rulers. The factor that is important for osteoblast midsagittal basicranium, starting from individual missing his femur at the For- development and normal osteogenesis. the posterior aspect of the occipital tress may have been a neighborhood Previous research has demonstrated bone, through the foramen magnum, cli- head and/or a lineage founder, who was that the glutamine to alanine (Q/A) ra- vus and the sphenoidal plane in the an- revered by his descendants. His de- tio contained within the protein-coding, terior cranial base. Angular measure- scendants may have removed his femur tandemly-repeated portion of exon 3 of ments were first taken in relation to the in an effort to establish their status in the Runx2 gene is significantly, posi- Frankfurt horizontal plane. These at least the confines of their local tively correlated with facial length include the nuchal plane, foramen mag- community. within an artificially-selected species num, clival line and planum sphenoi- (Canis familiaris, domestic dog) and deum. The second measurements, which Damage and mortality effects of among species in a naturally-evolving did not require a reference plane, were Cyclone Fanele on sifaka food trees order (). However, the corre- angles that are formed between two in Kirindy Mitea National Park, lation of the Q/A ratio and facial adjacent segments of the cranial base: Madagascar. length in primates remains unclear. nuchal plane-foramen magnum; fora- The present study tests the hypothesis men magnum-clivus; clivus-sphenoid KATHERINE H. BANNAR-MARTIN that the Q/A ratio within the Runx2 plane. and REBECCA J. LEWIS. Department gene is correlated with facial length in Our results indicate that early homi- of Anthropology, University of Texas at primates. nids achieve human-like appearance Austin. Data were collected from a taxonomi- very early in the fossil record. Almost cally-broad sample of primates (n 5 24). all australopithecines measurements Cyclones have been suggested to play a Q/A ratios were collected through DNA lie closer to humans than chimpan- major role in the evolutionary history of sequencing and from published data in zees. Furthermore, it appears that the the flora and fauna of Madagascar. national genetic databases. Craniomet- entire section of inion-opisthion-basion- However, very little is known about the ric data (including facial length and five clivus behaves as one morphological effects of cyclones on Malagasy ecosys- variables used to correct for size) were unit by shifting to a more inferior-an- tems. The high wind velocity of cyclones collected directly from primate crania terior position, and thus creating the can snap or uproot trees and cause com- (n 5 24 species; 306 individuals) in mu- steeper clival angle which is apparent plete defoliation. With the loss of food seum collections. Results indicate that in hominids. When taking into consid- species, primates may shift their diets the Q/A ratio of the Runx2 gene is sig- eration the small brain volume of aus- to less preferred food items and/or nar- nificantly, positively correlated with tralopithecines, our results substanti- row their diets. We assessed the dam- size-corrected facial length in primates ate the important role that erect pos- age to 1184 trees that are known food (r 5 0.62; p \ 0.01); this correlation ture had on shaping early hominid resources for Verreaux sifaka (Propi- remains significant using statistical cranial base.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 11


Dental microwear and morphology In order to test the capacity of bleach evident throughout the Bay Area, correlation in Pan, Papio, and to remove contamination, 3500 year which may also reflect differential Gorilla. old Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus access to resources based on geography ursinus) rib samples were intention- and territoriality. CLAIRE BARRETT and PATRICK ally contaminated with human DNA. This study builds on the foundation of MAHONEY. School of Anthropology, Sub-sections of the contaminated ribs previous research and evaluates new University of Kent. were removed and submerged in dif- stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ferent concentrations of household data from 85 late Holocene humans Prior research has suggested dental bleach (sodium hypochlorite; ranging derived from eight south San Fran- microwear and oro-facial morphology from 0.6%-6.0% w/v), during time tri- cisco Bay sites in Santa Clara County. may be correlated, reflecting similar als ranging from 1 to 15 minutes, to Data from stable carbon and nitrogen aspects of masticatory loading. If this determine which treatment could com- isotopes of bone collagen and stable association can be confirmed in living pletely remove contamination while carbon isotopes of bone apatite reflect primates, it can be extrapolated to fossil causing the least amount of damage to greater consumption of C3 terrestrial hominin studies. This could add vital the endogenous Northern Fur Seal resources in the region compared with information when considering possible DNA. DNA copy numbers originating the more marine-oriented diets of evolutionary relationships for specimens from human and Northern Fur Seal human foragers from sites along the known only by incomplete or purely were determined with real-time PCR eastern bayshore. Mean human bone dental remains. In this study we using species-specific fluorescently la- collagen values varied from 217.0 to searched for correlation between micro- beled probes. 219.0% for d13C, and 6.0 to 9.0% for wear (on the first, second, and third These experiments demonstrate that d15N. Apatite d13C and the apatite-col- mandibular molars) and biomechani- bleach, even at low concentrations, is lagen spacing indicate significant vari- cally relevant measurements of the very effective at destroying contaminat- ation in the contribution of different skull in Pan troglodytes (n520), Papio ing DNA on the surfaces of bones. How- dietary macronutrients among individ- anubis (n520) and Gorilla gorilla ever, low levels of contaminant DNA, uals. These patterns are addressed in (n520). likely originating from tips, tubes, and light of late Holocene resource intensi- Dental impressions were taken from the other lab disposables, complicate these fication models proposed for prehis- mandibular molars. Resin casts were findings. In addition, while it appears toric California. prepared. Digital micrographs were that bleach causes some damage to the taken of facet 6 using a scanning elec- endogenous DNA, the ability to assess A craniometric investigation of bio- tron microscope. The micrographs were the degree of damage is complicated by logical contacts between popula- analysed using Microware 4.02. Skull the fact that the preservation of endo- tions of the Iranian Plateau and measurements were taken using digital genous DNA is highly variable across Central Asia during the last three callipers. each specimen. This paper discusses the millennia B.C. Findings indicate that striation length implications of these observations. (mean550.04lm) was correlated with This research was supported by the AMBER M. BARTON and BRIAN E. corpus depth (r50.766; p50.000) in sec- National Institute of Justice Forensic HEMPHILL. Department of Physics, ond molars from Pan troglodytes. Pit DNA Research and Development Grant Geology and Anthropology, California width was correlated with mandibular 2008-DN-BX-K008. State University, Bakersfield. coronoid height (r50.605; p50.005) and ramus height (r50.600; p50.005) in Prehistoric human foraging in the Archaeologists have long contended that third and first molars respectively from south San Francisco Bay Area: a populations on and adjacent to the Ira- Papio anubis. Striation length was cor- stable isotope perspective. nian Plateau throughout the Bronze related with corpus width in third Age enjoyed close cultural contacts with molars from Gorilla gorilla (r50.555; ERIC J. BARTELINK1, MELANIE M. and even migratory movements into p50.035). Results are discussed in BEASLEY2, BENJAMIN T. FULLER3, south Central Asian populations terms of dental morphology and orofa- ALAN LEVENTHAL4 and ROSEMARY (Masson & Sarianidi 1972). However, a cial muscular-skeletal proportions, as CAMBRA5. 1Department of Anthropol- recent dental analysis (Hemphill 2010) well as diet. ogy, California State University, Chico, failed to identify any evidence of gene 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- flow between the late Bronze Age popu- sity of California San Diego, 3Depart- lations of the north Bactrian oasis and Evaluating the efficacy of house- ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck the Bronze Age site of Tepe Hissar, hold bleach in the removal of con- Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, located in northeastern Iran. This study tamination from bone surfaces. 4Department of Anthropology, San Jose employs a battery of eight craniometric State University, 5Muwekma Ohlone In- variables among 154 individuals from JODI LYNN BARTA1,2, CARA dian Tribe. Tepe Hissar, located at the western MONROE1,2,3, and BRIAN M. KEMP1,2. periphery of the Iranian Plateau and 1School of Biological Sciences, Wash- Variation in prehistoric human diets 88 individuals from Shahr-i Sokhta, ington State University, 2Department has been explored in the San Francisco located on the eastern plateau. These of Anthropology, Washington State Bay Area through studies of faunal and data are compared to 1,333 individuals University, 3Department of Anthro- botanical remains from several large from 28 samples from Central Asia, pology, University of California-Santa midden sites. Recent stable isotope Indus Valley, China and Nepal to deter- Barbara. research in the Bay Area has demon- mine whether claims of contacts strated significant temporal and re- between south Central Asian and Ira- While polymerase chain reaction (PCR) gional variation in ancient human diets nian Plateau populations during the now routinely permits study of genetic across the late Holocene (4500-200 Bronze Age involved gene flow. Inter- markers contained in skeletal samples, B.P.), with the greatest changes occur- sample differences were examined with it simultaneously represents a system ring between the Early Period and the hierarchical cluster analysis, neighbor- that is hypersensitive to amplifying Middle Period (ca. 4500-1200 B.P.). Pre- joining cluster analysis, multidimen- contaminant DNA. Contaminating vious research on stable carbon, nitro- sional scaling and principal coordinates DNA competes with degraded DNA gen, and sulfur isotopes has revealed a analysis. during PCR amplification and this of- shift from a marine-oriented diet to Results consistently identify affinities ten leads to false positives and/or aber- one more focused on terrestrial plant between Iranian Plateau samples and rant results, thus compromising these and animal resources from C3 ecosys- samples from south Central Asia. How- analyses. tems; however, regional patterns are ever, these affinities lie with earlier

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 12

AAPA ABSTRACTS 83 samples from the Kopet Dagh and Aymara mtDNA variation and de- Evidence from experimental and com- Tedjen oasis, not the later samples from mographic history in the Central parative studies suggests that the de- the north Bactrian oasis. Such Andes. velopment of teeth and the mandibular results suggest contacts between popu- bone are under separate genetic control. lations of the Iranian Plateau and KEN BATAI1, VIRGINIA J. However, together they form an inte- Central Asia likely occurred in the VITZTHUM2 and SLOAN R. grated functional unit and evolve early Bronze Age, but then ceased. WILLIAMS1. 1Department of Anthro- jointly. We quantify the covariation Affinities between Tepe Hissar and pology, University of Illinois at Chicago, between teeth and mandibular bone, Hasanlu IV, located in northwestern 2Anthropology Department and Kinsey to understand the evolutionary dynam- Iran, suggest inter-regional contacts of Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, ics underlying the morphological and Iranian Plateau populations shifted and Reproduction, Indiana University, functional differences among fossil from south Central Asia to northern Bloomington. hominins. Mesopotamia. As a first step towards a methodological In Central Andes, exploitation of marine framework we investigate the overall resources and intensive agriculture led to tooth-jaw metric relationship of P. trog- Nasal form and function in Mid- population increase early in prehistory. The lodytes. We expect that large postca- pleistocene human facial evolution. region is characterized by constant popula- nines require large and robust mandib- A first approach. tion movement as well. These events ular corpora to withstand the forces undoubtedly affected regional genetic vari- applied during mastication. We use lCT MARKUS BASTIR and ANTONIO ation, but the exact nature of these effects data of the mandibles of two adult pop- ROSAS. Paleoanthropology Group, remains uncertain. In this study, mtDNA ulations to quantify the volume of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, HVRI sequence variation in 61 Aymara segmented mandibular bone and that CSIC, Madrid. individuals from La Paz, Bolivia, was ana- of the postcanines. We also generate lyzed and compared to that of other Latin standardized virtual cross-sections at Large prognathic faces of Middle and American populations to examine how each postcanine to calculate the robus- Later Pleistocene humans contrast with increased female effective population size ticity index of the mandibular corpus. smaller orthognathic faces of H. sapi- and gene flow influenced the mtDNA varia- Our results show a significant correla- ens. Yokley et al. (2009) [PaleoAnthro- tion among Central Andean and other tion between the postcanine tooth vol- pology 2009:A39-40] have shown that western South American populations. ume and mandibular bone volume. We facial prognathism decreases together The Aymara and Quechua were geneti- also found that the M2 is the biggest with nasal breadth and body mass with cally diverse showing evidence of popu- tooth within the molar row suggesting the emergence and spread of modern lation expansion and large effective pop- that it is subjected to the highest occlu- humans. They speculated that for bio- ulation size when estimated using maxi- sal forces. The mandibular robusticity energetic reasons large-bodied archaic mum likelihood methods that account index, however, increases from M1-M3 humans need to inhale larger quantities for gene flow between subdivided popu- indicating that the posterior end of the of oxygen - facilitated by greater nasal lations. Spatial expansion models gener- mandible can sustain higher torsional breadth - than smaller-bodied modern ally fit the mtDNA variation observed forces. These results highlight the im- humans. Anterior nasal breadth, how- in Latin America well, especially among portance of a closer examination of ever, relates to intake and pre-process- genetically less diverse populations, but robusticity related to force distribution ing of respiratory air, whereas posterior a demographic expansion model fits the within the teeth and the mandible. Our nasal parts (choanae and epipharynx) mtDNA variation found among Central findings provide the basis for further are responsible for air transmission Andean populations well. studies on interspecific and intraspecific towards lower, non-cranial parts of the These results suggest that female effective variation in the dento-mandibular com- respiratory system. Thus, different population had a greater impact on mtDNA plex among living and fossil hominoids. nasal regions serve different aspects of variation than female gene flow among respiratory physiology. But how do all Central Andeans. However, migration Scurvy: a temporally and geograph- these nasal regions relate to facial rates and the results of AMOVA and multi- ically ubiquitous disease of infants form? We explore these questions with dimensional scaling analysis suggest that and child in prehistoric west-cen- 3D-geometric morphometrics in fossil female gene flow was also an important fac- tral Illinois. and modern humans and hominoids tor, influencing genetic variation among analyzing morphological interactions theCentralAndeansaswellaslowland JENNIFER M. BAUDER. Binghamton between nasal and facial structures and populations from western South America. University. its evolutionary implications. Results The interaction sphere may have extended show significantly different scaling pat- to the transitional zones between the Andes Scurvy has recently received a great terns in anterior and posterior nasal and Amazon making populations from deal of paleopathological attention and size. Also, levels of anterior and poste- these areas more genetically diverse and cases of infantile and childhood scurvy rior nasal cavity shape integration are similar to Central Andeans. have been reported in skeletal collec- low. Integration between the entire tions representing a wide range of tem- nasal cavity and facial shape is higher. Dental and mandibular integration poral and geographic contexts. This pa- These patterns fit with mean shape in the common (Pan per reports on the findings of skeletal comparisons. While posterior nasal troglodytes verus). evidence of scurvy in samples from pre- structures may be more directly historic West-central Illinois. related to air intake, anterior nasal MELANIE BA¨ UCHLE1, KORNELIUS Crania from 2,295 individuals from parts may be involved in additional KUPCZIK1, PHILIPP GUNZ1,OTTMAR sites in both the Lower and Central por- physiological functions. Evolutionary KULLMER2, FRIEDEMANN SCHRENK2 tions of the Illinois River Valley were factors might act differently on ante- and JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN1. 1Max examined for osseous evidence of scurvy. rior and posterior nasal openings, both Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthro- Key to diagnosis was the presence of po- of which interact with facial form. The pology, Department of Human Evolution, rous lesions on the greater wing of the respiratory apparatus may offer one Leipzig, Germany, 2Senckenberg Research sphenoid and on sites such as the ante- example for systemic integration of Institute, Department of Paleoanthropology rior temporal, mandible, maxilla and cranial and non-cranial systems within and Messel Research, Frankfurt a.M., Ger- superior orbits. Scurvy was diagnosed human organisms. many. in a total of 79 individuals with a fur- This study is funded by the Spanish ther 21 individuals considered likely to Ministry of Science and Innovation Mandibles and teeth vary greatly in have had the disease. Ninety of the 100 (Project: CGL-2009-09013). size and shape among fossil hominins. individuals diagnosed with scurvy or

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 13

84 AAPA ABSTRACTS possible scurvy were infants or children. terns of thickness distribution are found Community health at Nemea, Cases of scurvy were found in both sub- between the extant and the fossil sam- Greece: a comparative bioarchaeo- regions of the valley and from all cul- ples, as well as among the fossil speci- logical approach to the impact of tural horizons sampled: Middle Wood- mens, in Neandertals these are accom- sociopolitical change in Byzantium. land, Late Woodland, Mississippian and panied by more marked localized con- Oneota. trasts, notably in proximity of the JARED BEATRICE. Department of The presence of scurvy and its temporal cemento-enamel junction. In this con- Anthropology, Michigan State and geographic ubiquity force new con- text, the early Upper Paleolithic child University. siderations disease patterning and from Lagar Velho shows an intermedi- interpretations of health in prehistoric ate repartition pattern between the This study compares the skeletal health West-central Illinois. This nutritional Neandertal and the extant condition. of two agricultural communities dating deficiency disease may be tied to an This study was funded by Fyssen Foun- to the Early Christian (n5123) and inadequacy in the regular juvenile diet dation, French CNRS, Univ. of Poitiers Middle to Late Byzantine (n5139) peri- over the course of prehistory and/or to (Centre de Microtomographie), ESRF ods at Nemea, Greece using bioarchaeo- seasonal deficiencies which may have (Grenoble), EU FP6 Marie Curie logical methods. The aim of this affected both subadults and adults. Actions MRTN-CT-2005-019564 EVAN, approach is the exploration of changing Because the presence of scurvy predates EU TNT Project, Nespos Society (Mett- living conditions in the latter period, the intensification of maize agriculture mann). during which time southern Greece was it is no longer tenable to view agricul- invaded by western Europeans and the ture as the sole cause of nutritional Stable isotopes, diagenesis and Byzantine Empire experienced changes problems in the region. FTIR: evaluating the differences in in political administration that had last- This study was funded by The Wenner- C/P and IR-SF values from three ing, disruptive effects. Skeletal indica- Gren Foundation, Grant # 7597. different sample preparation meth- tors of non-specific stress and activity ods for spectral analysis. were assessed in order to test 1) the Comparative morphometric maps extent to which political instability and of virtually unrolled Neandertal MELANIE M. BEASLEY. Department invasions diminished quality of life and modern tooth roots. of Anthropology, University of Califor- among the Byzantine community and 2) nia, San Diego. whether or not different spheres of ac- PRISCILLA BAYLE1,2, CHRISTOPHER tivity for men and women are suggested DEAN2, LUCA BONDIOLI3 and Stable isotope researchers use carbon by sex-based differences in health ROBERTO MACCHIARELLI4,5. stable isotope values from bone apatite within the Early Christian and Byzan- 1PACEA, UMR 5199, Universite´ Bor- to reconstruct ancient diets. Initially, tine communities. The association deaux 1, 2Research Department of Cell the suitability of bone apatite analysis between burial location and social sta- and Developmental Biology, University was debated because of possible diage- tus was also tested by comparing lesion College London, 3Museo Nazionale P- netic alterations affecting the bone min- prevalences across burial subgroups reistorico Etnografico ‘‘Luigi Pigorini’’, eral properties. Several studies have within the mortuary space at Nemea. Rome, 4De´partement de Pre´histoire, concluded that, through appropriate Certain indicators of health such as cri- UMR 7194, MNHN Paris, 5De´p- sample preparation treatments, bone bra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis artement Ge´osciences, Universite´ de apatite can yield in vivo signatures. remained relatively constant through Poitiers. Nonetheless, it is still necessary to eval- time, while others such as periosteal uate samples for diagenetic alterations. reactions, vertebral osteophytosis, and By using a high-resolution microtomo- One standard method of evaluating dia- trauma were found to be more preva- graphic record of extant and fossil genesis in bone apatite is to use FTIR lent in the Early Christian period. human incisor and canine teeth, we (Fourier transform infrared) spectros- These results do not support the applied morphometric mapping techni- copy to measure carbonate content (C/P) hypothesized general negative conse- ques to virtually unroll the dental roots and bone mineral crystallinity or IR quences for health in the Byzantine pe- and to comparatively assess their varia- splitting factor (IR-SF). FTIR spectros- riod. This study adds to the growing tion in dentine thickness topography. copy is a semi-quantitative method for body of research demonstrating the util- More specifically, the analyses were run analyzing chemical components within ity of bioarchaeology in the evaluation in order to evaluate if the extant pat- a material. Advances in technology of historical narratives. tern evolves in a predictable way have enabled new preparation methods This research was generously supported through life, and to compare the fossil for FTIR samples. In this study, 455 by a Food, Nutrition, and Chronic Dis- and the extant conditions. samples of modern, historic and prehis- ease Fellowship awarded by the Gradu- The fossil sample includes the decidu- toric bone were prepared using three ate School, Michigan State University. ous teeth of the Neandertal immatures different methods to load and analyze from La Chaise abri Suard and Roc de FTIR samples. The methods that were Bone growth and loss in a Roman Marsal, in France, and of the Upper compared (ATR, DRIFT, and hydraulic population using a multi-method Paleolithic specimens from Lagar Velho, press KBR pelleting) use varying optic approach. in Portugal, and La Madeleine, in properties to analyze a sample. Accord- France, as well as the permanent lower ing to chemists, each spectra produced PATRICK BEAUCHESNE1, SABRINA incisors and canines of the adult Nean- by each method is equivalent. In fact, AGARWAL1 and LUCA BONDIOLI.2 dertal from Regourdou, in France. each method does identify the same 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- After threshold-based segmentation and chemical components for a sample. sity of California, Berkeley, 2Luigi surface rendering, the dental roots have However, it was found that each spectra Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory been virtually unzipped vertically along yielded statistically significant different and Ethnography, Rome. the middle of their lingual aspect and values for C/P and IR-SF, as well as dif- then unrolled. The region of interest ferent correlations between the values. Most studies investigating bone mainte- has been restrained and represents the It is therefore concluded that the sam- nance and fragility in the past use a dentine thickness variation comprised ple preparation method used for spec- single method of skeletal analysis. between 50% and 85% (upper) of the tral analysis does affect the resulting Using data from the skeletal analysis of total root length. calculations that evaluate diagenesis in the Imperial Roman population of Velia, Preliminary results show an evolving bone apatite and the different prepara- this paper demonstrates that the use of pattern of dentine thickness distribu- tion methods should not be used inter- multiple methodologies and data col- tion through life in extant humans. changeably as they have been used in lected from different skeletal locations Also, while broad similarities in the pat- recent publications. provide a more complete approach to

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 14

AAPA ABSTRACTS 85 better elucidate the complex etiology of numbers of species per dietary func- How to measure dominance? Per- bone loss and fragility. Three methods tional group with the expected distribu- centile vs. ordinal ranking systems. were used in the analysis of bone fragil- tion of favored sites generated from a ity at Velia: metacarpal radiogrammetry null model using Monte Carlo simula- JACINTA C. BEEHNER1,2 1Department (n579), analysis of veterbral trabecular tions. Across community types, the of Psychology, University of Michigan, architecture (n567), and cortical rib observed number of favored states was 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- histomorphometry (n570), using three significantly greater than expected, sity of Michigan. age cohorts (18-29; 30-45; 451yrs.) The which supports Fox’s assembly rule in pattern of bone loss differs in important Bornean vertebrates. My results there- Dominance is a fundamental feature of ways across the three methods. The fore suggest that interspecific competi- many social animals. Most researchers radiogrammetry results show significant tion is important for Bornean vertebrate agree that agonistic dominance is a crit- age-related changes in both males and community assembly within and ical factor that shapes the social struc- females and the pattern of bone loss dif- between taxonomic groups. ture of a particular species. However, fers between the sexes. Females lose This study was supported by an NSF there remains less agreement on how bone primarily in young reproductive graduate research fellowship to Lydia dominance should be measured – even age, while male cortical levels remain Beaudrot. for taxa with some of the most stable high until old age where cortical bone and linear dominance hierarchies. values drop rapidly. This pattern con- While some researchers utilize a more trasts what is seen in the vertebrae, Estradiol as a biological measures ‘‘relative’’ ranking system where ani- where bone volume declines only of mood and female intrasexual mals are scored based on the proportion slightly with age, with varying compen- competition. of individuals that they dominate (per- sating changes in trabecular architec- centile ranking system), others use a ture seen between sexes. Finally, corti- LISA BECKER1, PAUL BROWN2 and more ‘‘absolute’’ system where animals cal bone loss in the ribs shows gradual MICHAEL MUEHLENBEIN1. 1Depart- receive a rank number based on how age-related change. These results high- ment of Anthropology, Indiana Univer- many animals are above them (ordinal light the need for multiple approaches sity, Bloomington, 2Department of ranking system). To date, there has to the investigation of bone mainte- Anthropology, Minnesota State Univer- been little discussion on the appropri- nance and fragility in bioarchaeology. sity, Mankato. ateness of these measures for answering This study was funded by SSHRC, different research questions. Particu- grant number 752-2005-1803. Within human evolutionary and clinical larly when examining multiple groups biology, estradiol is primarily studied a) of varying size, or one group that Testing Fox’s assembly rule with within the context of peri- and post- changes in size over time, the decision Bornean primates and other menopausal women, b) as an indicator to use a percentile or an ordinal rank- vertebrates. of fecundability in response to environ- ing system could change the outcome of mental stressors, or c) in cases of infer- analyses. Here, I describe several types LYDIA BEAUDROT1. 1Graduate Group tility and endocrine deficiencies. Ele- of research questions that would benefit in Ecology and Department of vated estradiol levels preceding ovula- from one or the other measure of rank. Anthropology, University of California, tion in normally-cycling women may I use ( )as Davis. contribute to behaviors associated with a model species to illustrate how the female-female competition, such as nar- ranking systems differ. Because a A central question in primate ecology is cissism and derogation. We hypothe- gelada ‘‘group’’ (i.e., band) essentially whether communities are structured by sized that women would report an comprises dozens of reproductive units deterministic processes or are random increase in feelings of self-worth and (i.e., one-male units), all of varying size, assemblages of species. I investigate the attractiveness during the pre-ovulatory each with its own stable linear domi- role of competition deterministically period when estradiol levels are at their nance hierarchy among females, I am shaping Bornean primate communities. peak. The participants for this project able to document the interactions Although primate communities are fre- were 20 women ages 18-35 who com- between group size, research question, quently viewed as self-contained com- pleted the questionnaire 2 times during and ranking system. munities, the species that compete with a single menstrual cycle; during the Funding for this research was gener- primates likely include non-primate late follicular and the late luteal phase. ously provided by the Wildlife Conser- taxa. Moreover, it has been argued that The questionnaire recorded information vation Society (SSF 67250), the competition between primates and other on feelings of self-worth, attractiveness National Geographic Society (8100-06), mammalian taxa is stronger in Borneo and general indicators of mood, regular- the Leakey Foundation, the National than other regions. I therefore test the ity of menstrual cycle, birth control Science Foundation (BCS-0715179), and assumption that Bornean primates com- method, current relationship status, the University of Michigan. pete predominantly with other primates and sexual activity. Results of the ques- by investigating community assembly tionnaires revealed a significant differ- Performance: A uniquely human hypotheses for primates and a larger ence between Rosenberg Self-Esteem behavior. community of vertebrates. Specifically I scores from the luteal phase and those investigate Fox’s assembly rule for of the individuals classified as periovu- WILLIAM O. BEEMAN. Department of favored states, which postulates that if latory (T 522.37, p 5 0.037,DF 5 11). Anthropology, University of Minnesota. interspecific competition favors the However, results of the biological sam- entry of species that are most distinct ples do not (T 5 0.9096, p 5 .3981, DF This paper addresses the question of from the community, then communities 6). These results indicate that estradiol the uniquely human ability to engage in should be composed of even numbers of levels obtained from the biological sam- performance, broadly defined as pur- species across functional groups. I col- ples do not support the hypothesis that poseful enactment or display carried out lected data for Bornean reserves from feelings of self-worth would increase in front of an evaluating audience. Fol- published sources. I gathered presence- when estradiol levels are at their peak. lowing Alfred Schu¨ tz, Erving Gofffman, absence data for arboreal vertebrates A possible reason for these results may Deborah Tannen and others, the paper including primates, colugos, squirrels be the small sample size of this study. posits that performance ‘‘works’’ and flying squirrels and data on their Future research is needed to clarify the through the creation of behavior that is dietary functional groups. I defined role of estradiol in mediating female imbedded in cognitive ‘‘frames’’ that communities using primates, squirrels sexual behaviors. determine the symbolic interpretation and all species combined. I compared Supported by the David C. Skomp Fel- of events. The framed event then allows the observed number of sites with even lowship, Indiana University. the performer to stimulate the emotions

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 15

86 AAPA ABSTRACTS of the audience through pragmatically ency and SEM-visualized tubule occlu- Questions, answers, and more ques- determined communication in a psycho- sion. Morphological changes can also tions: using databases to explore logically protected environment. Both be quantified (e.g. pulp volume, enamel the taphonomy and paleoecology of performer and audience utilize the bio- thickness) without sectioning. RAMAN the African hominin record. logically-based human ability to predict microscopy can quantify the molecular the emotional states of others, currently composition from atomic wavelength ANNA K. BEHRENSMEYER1 and known as ‘‘Theory of Mind,’’ in order to shifts when laser-induced fluorescence RENE´ BOBE2. 1Department of Paleobi- generate and feel these emotions in an is recorded. With mineralization caus- ology, Smithsonian Institution, 2Depart- act of co-creation of experience. It is ing root transparency, a visible shift ment of Anthropology, University of posited that performance has evolution- in the spectrographs would be Georgia. ary value in allowing humans to prac- expected. Additionally, chemical differ- tice the experience of emotions—crucial ences between primary and secondary Electronic databases derived from fossil to critical decision making and to creat- dentine could be registered by RAMAN collections are powerful tools for exam- ing group solidarity, essential to human scans. ining paleobiological spatial and tempo- survival. This study received no external funding. ral patterns as well as data quality Teeth on loan from University of Ten- issues affecting these patterns. It is Advanced methods in analysis of nessee, Department of Anthropology, easy to assume that numbers derived dental remains. Forensic Anthropology Center. from these databases, such as the pro- portion of hominins or alcelaphines rel- DANA L. BEGUN1,2,3, RACHEL ative to other mammals, reflect original CASPARI4, KRISTINA GALDES5, New postcrania of Rudapithecus ecological reality to some degree. Sam- RIHANA BOKHARI1 and STEVEN hungaricus from Rudaba´ nya pling and taphonomic biases can affect GOLDSTEIN2,3. 1Department of Anthro- (Hungary). this assumption, making it important to pology, University of Michigan, 2Depart- estimate ranges of error for taxonomic ment of Biomedical Engineering, DAVID R. BEGUN1 and LA´ SZLO´ representation based on different field University of Michigan, 3Orthopaedic KORDOS2. 1Department of Anthropol- sampling methods, museum collections, Research Laboratories, University of ogy, University of Toronto, 2Geological and databases. Here we examine varia- Michigan, 4Department of Anthropology, Institute of Hungary, Budapest. tion in the relative abundance of mam- Central Michigan University, 5Depart- malian groups in space and time for the ment of Anthropology, University of Mon- In 2009 and 2010 we recovered a nearly Turkana Basin. We utilize the Turkana tana. complete femur, the shafts of an ulna Basin Database and the Evolution of and humerus, a complete scaphoid, cen- Terrestrial Ecosystems (Paleobiology) This study establishes the reliability of trale, lunate, pisiform, trapezoid and Database as our primary sources for microCT and RAMAN as substitutes for several partial phalanges and metacar- catalogued and published information destructive, less reliable techniques. pals of the fossil hominid Rudapithecus on taxonomic representation, and stand- Focusing on wear, root transparency/ hungaricus. They are consistent in size ardized fossil surveys from East Tur- tubule occlusion, and pulp volume with male Rudapithecus and were kana for comparative data on propor- decrease/secondary dentine apposition, found at the same elevation, in the tions of taxa in unbiased samples of potential algorithms correlating meas- same sediment and within a horizontal surface fossils. Differences in the pro- urements to age are developed. distance of less than two meters. They portions of major taxonomic groups in Until recently, many methods of aging probably represent a single individual. these different types of samples indicate dental remains were destructive, with Similar associations of postcrania of collecting biases in favor of rare or oth- high inter-observer variability. The last many other mamals from the same level erwise preferred taxa such as hominins, few years have shown advancement in have also been recovered. The femur carnivorans, and suidae and against technology available, allowing more and scaphoid are roughly twice the size larger or abundant taxa such as probo- standardized and non-destructive meth- of the same bones described previously scidea and hippopotamidae. Assessment ods. However, the capabilities and limi- (Kordos and Begun, 1999; Kivell and of hominin abundances relative to tations of such approaches have not Begun, 2009). The femur has many taphonomically similar taxa (Papio, been fully explored. characters typical of great apes, Theropithecus) likely provide the most Maxillary incisors and canines from 30 including a large head, low neck-shaft realistic estimates of relative abundance individuals of known sex, age (24-87), angle, and a robust, curved and platy- and indicate that hominins were rela- and ethnicity were measured using tra- meric shaft. The lunate and scaphoid tively rare as well as variable in distri- ditional methods for measuring wear, contribute equally to the radiocarpal bution in different sub-regions of the transparency, and pulp volume. The joint. The scaphoid tubercle is strongly Turkana Basin. teeth were also scanned in a microCT projecting and the surface for the tra- system, and analyzed with RAMAN pezium is large. The lunate’s surface Spatial and temporal analyses of spectroscopy. The project tests the for the triquetrum is convex dorsopal- rodent communities in the Middle hypotheses: marly. The pisiform is large and Paleolithic of the Southern Levant strongly keeled, and the proximal and their relationship to under- articular end is sellar in form, corre- 1. MicroCT can produce quantifiable standing hominin biogeography sponding to a sellar joint on the tri- measures of tooth morphology and population dynamics in the quetrum.Thereisnoarticularsurface beyond the accuracy of hand meas- region. fortheulnarstyloidorforanarticular ures. disk. Overall the carpals share fea- MIRIAM BELMAKER. Department of 2. RAMAN spectroscopy can quantify tures with both and Afri- Anthropology, Harvard University, age-related changes through chemi- can apes. The scaphoid tubercle and Cambridge, MA. cal analysis more accurately than the pisiform indicate a deep carpal visualization techniques. tunnel, consistent with powerful digi- Faunal turnovers have been related to 3. There are consistent changes in tal flexors, and a relatively large tra- climate forcing as a cause for dispersal/ teeth throughout aging so that pezoid, probably indicative a large and extinction of hominins in the Southern regressions might be developed for powerful pollex. Levant. Others have suggested that the age estimation. Supported by grants from the National inter-site variation in Middle Paleolithic Geographic Society and the Natural Sci- (MP) fauna reflects the environmental MicroCT registers age related density ences and Engineering Research Coun- mosaic and spatial differences within changes corresponding to root transpar- cil of Canada. the region. Distinction between these

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 16

AAPA ABSTRACTS 87 two hypotheses has implications for lCT in maximum intercuspation con- in isotope composition along socioeco- understanding the continuity vs. turn- tact. The 3D models for enamel and nomic lines. On the other hand, there over in hominin taxa during this time dentine tissue were segmented and are no SES differences in any of the 12 period. refined using Amira and Rapidform anthropometric measures. Further- This study presents a two-tiered XOR. A virtual simulation of chewing more, neither d13Cvaluesnord15N 4 2 approach to test microfauna turnovers patterns between M1–M2 and P –M values are significantly correlated with in the MP of the Southern Levant. was carried out in the Occlusal Finger- any of these variables. Contrary to First, a null model was developed by print Analyser software. Contact areas expectations, stable isotope composi- analyzing the distribution of extant per time-step were located. Stress/strain tion is a stronger predictor of SES rodent communities across different distributions of the M1 in selective oc- than traditional indicators of long- habitats in correlation with climatic clusal stages were analyzed in Strauss term nutritional status in this sample. variables. Second, the distribution 7, considering occlusal information for The observed differences reflect either micromammal taxa was analyzed from individual loading direction and loading variation in the isotopic composition of fossil assemblages in the Southern Le- area. the diet, or variation in the isotopic vant spanning MIS 6-3 in comparison to Our results show that the stress/strain spacing between diet and tissues as a the null model distribution and to local pattern is changing considerably during result of differing dietary quality or paleoclimatic proxies. the masticatory cycle. Our combination nutritional status. Distribution of modern rodents shows of FEM and OFA also demonstrates Supported by the University of Colorado that presence-absence patterns of taxa how changing force distributions during Innovative Grant Program and NSF vary across a rainfall and vegetation occlusion might explain the creation of SGER 0707.05. gradient along an east-west trajectory interproximal wear facets. This sug- and thus can be used to distinguish gests to study a dynamic scenario such A non-invasive method for collect- between Mediterranean and semi-arid as ours rather than applying unidirec- ing salivary testosterone in regions in the Southern Levant. Subse- tional forces to the entire occlusal sur- socially-housed captive monkeys. quent analysis of MP micromammal face to understand functional aspects of assemblages suggests that inter-site dif- evolutionary adaptations, such as MARCELA BENITEZ1, STEPHANIE ferences do not necessarily reflect re- enamel thickening. ANESTIS2, LAURIE SANTOS3, gional faunal turnovers but are consist- Supported by National Science Founda- RICHARD BRIBIESCAS2 and JACINTA ent with the spatial environmental tion Physical Anthropology HOMINID BEEHNER1 . 1Department of Anthro- mosaic within the Southern Levant program (NSF BCS 0725219, 0725183, pology, University of Michigan, 2Depart- region. 0725147, 0725141, 0725136, 0725126, ment of Anthropology, Yale University, Results indicate that despite climatic 0725122, 0725078), and by the German 3Department of Psychology, Yale Uni- fluctuations, local micromammal com- Research Foundation (DFG-FOR 771). versity. munities are persistent during the MP throughout the Southern Levant. These Stable isotopes (13C and 15N) track Saliva collection is an easy and non- results suggest that climate forcing was socioeconomic differences among invasive way to measure steroid not the sole factor in the process of urban Colombian women. hormones. However, salivary hormone hominin turnover during the Upper measurements have yet to be routinely Pleistocene in the Southern Levant. RICHARD L. BENDER1, DARNA L. incorporated into studies of primate en- This study was funded by generous DUFOUR1, LUCIANO O. docrinology. This is largely due to the grants from the Irene Levy Sala Grant VALENZUELA2, THURE E. difficulties of validating collection meth- and the Harvard University American CERLING2, MATT SPONHEIMER1 and ods for the analysis of multiple hor- School of Prehistoric Research. JAMES R. EHLERINGER2. 1Depart- mones. Studies in humans have indi- ment of Anthropology, University of Col- cated, for instance, that methods used Combining 3D finite element orado, Boulder, 2Department of Biology, to collect saliva for cortisol analysis are method and occlusal fingerprint University of Utah. not appropriate for analyzing testoster- analysis for developing dynamic one. Here we devise a method of saliva loading scenarios in molars. The stable isotope composition of mam- collection for the analysis of testoster- malian tissues, such as hair, can serve one, a hormone that has proved particu- STEFANO BENAZZI1, OTTMAR as an indicator of dietary composition. larly difficult to measure accurately in KULLMER2, and GERHARD W. Here, we present stable isotope data saliva with common collection techni- WEBER1. 1Department of Anthropology, for hair samples taken from 38 urban ques. We collected saliva from brown University of Vienna, 2Department of Colombian women from two different capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) Palaeoanthropology and Messel socioeconomic status (SES) groups. socially-housed at the Comparative Cog- Research, Senckenberg Research Insti- The goal is to determine whether the nition Laboratory at Yale University. tute – Frankfurt. two SES groups differ in stable isotope First, we collected samples by allowing composition, and whether these differ- subjects to chew on non-flavored oral The masticatory cycle in humans com- ences track with long-term indicators swabs, and second on oral swabs fla- bines a strong vertical mandibular of nutritional status, including BMI, vored with marshmallow fluff. Last, we movement with a varying lateral com- five body circumference measures, and validated the measurement of capuchin ponent. Finite Element Method (FEM) six skinfold measures. Hair samples salivary testosterone with a commer- was applied for simulations of load in were analyzed for d13Candd15N. cially-available enzyme immunoassay earlier studies, however without consid- There is a significant positive, but kit. We found that while saliva collec- ering changes in contact distribution weak, correlation between d13Cvalues tion using non-flavored oral swab was during the occlusal sequence. The con- and d15Nvalues(r250.23, p\0.01). successful after training, subject cooper- tacts between antagonistic teeth create The higher SES group has signifi- ation was highest when marshmallow attritional wear facets on the crown cantly greater mean d13C (-16.4 6 fluff was used. Although marshmallow surfaces. Based on dynamic occlusal in- 0.5%)andd15N(10.36 0.4%)values fluff artificially decreased testosterone formation and wear facet pattern we than the lower SES group (-17.2 6 values, it did so in a linear and consist- investigated the stress/strain dispersion 0.8% and 9.6 6 0.6%) (Kruskall- ent manner. Moreover, we found a sig- in a lower first molar (M1) using 3D Wallis, p\0.05). Discriminant function nificant correlation between samples FEM. analysis using only d13C values and collected without flavoring and those 15 The left lower M1–M2, and the left d N values correctly classifies 79% of collected using marshmallow fluff upper P4–M2 of a dried modern human subjects into the two SES groups, fur- (r250.85, p\0.01, n515). Because capu- collection specimen were scanned by ther indicating a substantial difference chin monkeys are a model species in

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 17

88 AAPA ABSTRACTS many cognitive experiments, one major pared to those who grow up in Ban- This research was in part funded by the benefit of validated salivary hormone gladesh. While these developmental National Research Foundation, South methods is that researchers can suc- differences may reduce risks for dis- Africa, The Department of Science and cessfully analyze hormones in conjunc- ease conditions currently associated Technology, , The Gauteng tion with measuring performance on with South Asians (such as PCOS government, South Africa, The Univer- cognitive tasks. and MetS), we speculate that risks sity of the Witwatersrand, the Palaeon- This study was funded by the Yale Uni- for other conditions such as reproduc- tological Scientific Trust and the Ford versity Center for Human and Primate tive cancers will increase in later gen- Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Reproductive Ecology, by the University erations of Bangladeshi migrants in Foundation. of Michigan, and by the National Sci- the UK. ence Foundation Graduate Student Fel- Supported by: Commonwealth Founda- lowship Program. tion (TS), Conacyt (AN), ESRC (KM), Reproduction by follower male NSF #0548393 (GB, KB, SM, LS), Royal geladas supports transactional A life course perspective on repro- Society (GB), Wolfson Research Insti- model. ductive health among migrant tute, Durham University (GB). Bangladeshis in the UK. THORE J. BERGMAN,1,2 NOAH New remains of Australopithecus SNYDER-MACKLER3 and SUSAN C. GILLIAN R. BENTLEY1, SHANTHI sediba from the Malapa site, South ALBERTS4. 1Department of Psychology, MUTTUKRISHNA2, ALEJANDRA Africa. University of Michigan, 2Department of NU´ N˜ EZ-DE LA MORA1, KHURSHIDA Anthropology, University of Michigan, BEGUM3, KESSON MAGID3, TANIYA LEE BERGER1,2, JOB KIBII1, STEVE 3Department of Psychology, University SHARMEEN3, ROBERT T. CHURCHILL3,1, PETER SCHMID4,1, of Pennsylvania, 4Department of Biol- CHATTERTON4, OSUL CHOWDHURY5, KRIS CARLSON1, BONITA DE ogy, Duke University. and LYNNETTE L. SIEVERT6. KLERK1, DARRYL DE RUITER5,1, 1Department of Anthropology, Durham TRENT HOLLIDAY6, TRACY KIVELL7, Male primates can increase their repro- University, UK, 2Department of Ob- JOHN GURCHE8, BERNHARD ductive success only at the expense of stetrics and Gynaecology, University ZIPFEL1,9, JEREMY DE SILVA10,and other males. Nonetheless, dominant College Cork, Ireland, 3Department of ROBERT KIDD11. 1Institute for males often tolerate subordinate males Anthropology, University College Lon- Human Evolution, University of the who may achieve some mating success. don, UK, 4Department of Obstetrics Witwatersrand, South Africa, 2School Models attempting to explain this toler- and Gynecology, Northwestern Univer- of GeoSciences, University of the Wit- ance typically fall into two categories: sity, 5M.A.G. Osmani Medical College, watersrand, South Africa, 3Evolution- transactional (where dominant males Sylhet, Bangladesh, 6Department of ary Anthropology and Anatomy, Duke concede some proportion of mating to Anthropology, University of Massachu- University, 4University of Zurich, the subordinate) and compromise setts, Amherst. Irchel, 5Department of Anthropology, (where dominant males are unable to Texas A&M, College Station, 6Max monopolize all reproduction in the In several cross-sectional studies, we Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- group). Here we test these models in have applied a life course approach to thropology, 7Department of Anthropol- geladas (Theropithecus gelada) living in examine reproductive function and ogy, Tulane University, New Orleans, the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia. Gelada health in later life in different genera- 8Museum of the Earth, Paleontological society is based on reproductive units tions of UK migrant Bangladeshis. Reasearch Institution, New York, comprising one leader male, several Despite recent improvements in devel- 9Bernard Price Institute for Palaeon- adult females, and occasionally one or opment indices, Bangladesh still ranks tology, University of the Witwaters- more subordinate follower males. We as one of the poorest countries in the rand, South Africa, 10Department of utilize variation in the number of males world. The environment in Sylhet, NE Anthropology , Boston University, in a unit (1 vs. [1) to test these models. Bangladesh, from where 95% of UK 11Human Anatomy, School of Biomedi- For leader males, a transactional model migrants originate, has relatively high cal and Health Sciences, University of predicts that follower males deliver a levels of infectious disease exposure, Western Sydney. net fitness benefit, while a concession and poor sanitation and health care model predicts a net fitness cost. We even for middle class Bangladeshis Continued work at the ca 1.95 Ma site use behavioral observations and molecu- (our subjects) who enjoy good nutri- of Malapa , South Africa has resulted in lar genetic paternity analysis of 49 tion and low levels of energy output. the recovery of additional hominin infants born across 28 units to charac- Migrants who move to the UK as remains, all attributed to the species terize reproductive skew. We use longi- children therefore experience a signifi- . The newly tudinal behavioral data to document dif- cant environmental improvement. recovered material includes a substan- ferences in tenure length. Leader males South Asian migrants generally have tially augmented collection of postcra- sired 100% of offspring in units without higher rates of metabolic syndrome nial elements of the holotype and par- followers, while followers sired 18% of (MetS), obesity and risks for cardio- atype skeletons, including well-pre- offspring in multi-male units. Critically, vascular diseases compared to Euro- served bones of all aspects of the the presence of a follower was associ- peans, all of which interact with skeleton not previously described. ated with a 61% increase in tenure for reproductive hormone levels and con- These include a well preserved pelvis, leader males. These results suggest that ditions such as polycystic ovarian syn- a virtually complete hand, parts of the follower males provide a net benefit to drome (PCOS). thorax, as well as bones of the upper leader males (given a constant rate of Our data consistently show that the and lower limbs of both individuals. reproduction) and are consistent with childhood environment impacts later Additional elements associated with the hypothesis that leader males offer reproductive health, suggesting life other individuals have also been recov- staying incentives to follower males in history trade-offs between growth, ered. This new material assists in pre- the form of reproductive concessions. maintenance and reproduction. Both senting a clearer picture of the overall Funding for this research was gener- men and women who grow up in the pattern of primitive, derived and ously provided by the Wildlife Conser- UK have significantly higher age- unique characters of the Au. sediba vation Society (SSF 67250), the matched reproductive hormone pro- skeleton. The remains further enhance National Geographic Society (8100-06), files. Bangladeshis who migrate as our understanding of the constellation the Leakey Foundation, the National children attain puberty at significantly of characters that appear to place this Science Foundation (BCS-0715179), earlier ages, and women reach meno- species as a good candidate ancestor Duke University, and the University of pause at significantly later ages com- for early members of the genus Homo. Michigan.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Assessing molecular and morpho- than either parental species, but have geneous, isotropic non-homogeneous, logical variation in the Americas: a large testes. These differences result and orthotropic non-homogeneous. Ma- comparative approach. from divergent ontogenetic trajectories, terial property values were then which themselves are clearly linked randomized using Latin hypercube DANILO V. BERNARDO, TATIANA F. to aspects of reproductive strategies. sampling to approximate Gaussian dis- ALMEIDA and WALTER A. NEVES. However, any correlated variation in tributions with CVs of 20% and means Laborato´rio de Estudos Evolutivos underlying physiological controls of based on human data. In total, one Humanos, Departamento de Gene´tica e growth and maturation remains to be hundred and ninety separate FE analy- Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocieˆn- elucidated. ses were executed. cias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brasil. Using serum samples (N 5 476) col- Variability in modulus had a statisti- lected from these populations over four- cally significant effect on variability in Several studies conducted recently have teen years, we employ enzyme immuno- von Mises strain. Variability in von explored whether morphological and assay techniques to measure four hor- Mises stress decreased in high stress molecular variations obey to similar mones known to play key roles in regions, but a similar association was micro-evolutionary forces. Most of these processes of growth and maturation. not observed regarding von Mises studies suggest that with very rare Levels of insulin-like growth factor-I exceptions, cranial morphology seems strain. Thus, regions of high stress are (IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor bind- relatively insensitive to variability in to evolve primarily by means of sto- ing protein-3 (IGFBP-3), growth hor- material properties, anisotropy, and chastic mechanisms. In this study we mone binding protein (GHBP), and tes- non-homogeneity, but regions of high assessed the biological variation of 22 tosterone (T) are examined for their Native Americans by using matched relationship to body mass, limb dimen- strain are comparatively sensitive to molecular and morphological data in sions, and testicular volume throughout these variables. Thus, when there is ordertocontributetothisdebate.The ontogeny. Hamadryas males have signif- uncertainty regarding craniofacial corti- assessment involved the construction of icantly higher levels of IGF-I and cal bone material properties, it is best three different matrices calculated for GHBP than anubis and hybrids. to model the cranium with low anisot- all pairs of populations: one composed DHEAS, IGFBP-3, and testosterone lev- ropy and high homogeneity. of Fst for the molecular data, one com- els are not significantly different among This project was funded by grants posed of Mahalanobis’s Distances for taxa, although our results suggest vari- from the National Science Foundation the morphological data, and one com- ation in age-related patterns of these Physical Anthropology HOMINID pro- posed of linear geographic distances. hormones. These results are discussed gram (NSF BCS 0725078 and 0725126) The three matrices were compared by in the context of variation in patterns of and the Biomesh grant (NSF BIO means of Pearson’s correlation, fol- growth and maturation, and the hor- 0743460). lowedbyMantel’sTesttodetectsignif- mones measured are suggested to pro- icance. The correlations obtained were vide important mechanisms by which 0.57 (p50.0001) for molecular and geo- these patterns may be modified in Temporal Trends in Diet and graphic distances; 0.32 (p50.002) for closely related taxa. Oral Health in Prehistoric East morphological and geographic distan- This research was funded by the Tennessee. ces; and 0.27 (p50.012) for molecular National Science Foundation, BCS# and morphological distances. Contrary 0851130. TRACY K. BETSINGER1 and MARIA to recent evidences, our results suggest OSTENDORF SMITH2. 1Department that variation at the cranial level does Sensitivity of stresses and strains of Anthropology, State University of not strictly correspond to variation at to variability in isotropic, ortho- New York, College at Oneonta, 2Depart- the molecular level. tropic, and non-homogeneous mate- ment of Anthropology, Illinois State FAPESP grants 08/58729-8, 08/51637-0, rial property values in a finite ele- University. 04/01321-6 and CNPq grant 300818/ ment model of a hominin skull. 2007.6 Patterns of consumption are reflected MICHAEL BERTHAUME1, IAN by the oral health of a population and Hormonal correlates of divergent GROSSE1 and DAVID STRAIT2. 1Me- are often linked to sex, status, and sub- growth trajectories in male anubis, chanical and Industrial Engineering sistence. Previous studies of Late Mis- hamadryas, and hybrid . Department, University of Massachu- sissippian (AD 1300-1600) populations 2 setts, Amherst, Department of Anthro- from Tennessee have demonstrated that ROBIN BERNSTEIN1,2, HEATHER pology, University at Albany. 1 dietary differences are related to DROUGHT , JANE PHILLIPS- socially significant burial patterns. Con- 3 4 Finite element models (FEMs) of biolog- CONROY , and CLIFFORD JOLLY . trary to Late Mississippian period 1 ical systems are becoming widely used Department of Anthropology, The research elsewhere, previous studies in George Washington University, 2Center in evolutionary biomechanics. The ma- this region do not exhibit sex differen- for the Advanced Study of Hominid terial properties of bone are fundamen- ces in oral health. In this study, we con- Paleobiology, The George Washington tal inputs for such models, but these University, 3Department of Anatomy are difficult to measure, and are sto- tinue to test this pattern at the Hiwas- and Neurobiology, Washington Univer- chastic in nature, anisotropic and spa- see Island site, which includes an sity School of Medicine, 4Department of tially non-homogeneous. To date, no for- incipient agriculturalist (AD 600-900) Anthropology, New York University. mal probabilistic analysis techniques sample. The orthodox archaeological have been applied to assess how uncer- interpretation of less subsistence and The Awash National Park Baboon tainty in material property values more ritual use of maize in the earlier Research Project (ANBRP) has gathered affects stress and strain in complicated horizon predicts sex differences in extensive behavioral and physiological cranial FEMs. The lack of such informa- consumption. data from baboon groups distributed tion is an impediment to interpreting Carious lesions, antemortem tooth loss, across a geographical gradient along such models. and dental calculus were documented in the Awash River. These groups are We used a probabilistic approach and the dentition of 130 adults, 82 from the comprised of anubis, hamadryas, and FE analysis to assess how variability Late Woodland (39 males, 29 females), hybrid baboons, which differ in a num- in material property values affect and 48 from the Late Mississippian (19 ber of ways, both social and develop- stress and strain in a cranial model of males, 29 females). The results are mental. Adult male anubis baboons are Australopithecus africanus. The mate- socially and economically interesting. larger than hamadryas, and have much rial behavior of cortical bone was var- Consistent with previous research, larger testes. Male hybrids are smaller ied in three ways: isotropic and homo- there are no sex differences in the Late

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Mississippian sample. The frequency of This study was funded by: University of eage encode proteins involved in immunity. oral pathological conditions is predict- Kent research scholarship. Furthermore, many genes subject to local ably higher in the Late Mississippian positive or balancing natural selection are maize-intensive sample. However, in Tree truthing: How accurate are associated with susceptibility to infectious the Late Woodland, females have a substrate estimates in primate field diseases. Therefore, the effects of natural higher rate of carious lesions (chi- studies? selection can be inferred from patterns of square, p\0.05). If maize consumption variation and used to identify alleles con- is indeed non-subsistence based, then a MICHELLE BEZANSON1 and SEAN tributing to disease susceptibility. Here, we sex-based ritual for the Earth Mother M. WATTS2. 1Department of Anthropol- evaluated a panel of immune genes using (‘‘mother of corn’’) deity is possible and ogy, Santa Clara University, 2Environ- 31 African, 31 European, and 31 East anticipates further research exploring mental Studies Institute, Santa Clara Asian individuals. Twenty-nine innate and this hypothesis. University. adaptive immune genes were sequenced in This study was funded by an Individual the three populations to detect evidence of Development Award of the New York Field studies of primate locomotion and local adaptation. We applied three tests State/United University Professions posture rely on ground-level estimates that detect departures from neutrality Joint Labor-Management Committees. of substrate size, angle, and canopy including Tajima’s D,FuandLi’sD*, and location. These parameter estimates F* to assess population specific patterns of directly influence the selection of posi- variation. Next, in order to identify suscep- A test of the Out-of-Africa hypothe- tional modes by both the focal animal tibility alleles for modern infectious dis- sis using the pelvis and long bones and the observer identifying the behav- eases, single nucleotide polymorphism reveals differential preservation of ior. Estimates are confounded by ob- (SNP) - specific FST values were computed ancient demographic signature in server view to target, distance from tar- for each allele. At a majority of the loci an- the postcranium. get, and angles and sizes of adjacent alyzed, Africans showed evidence of puta- substrates. In this study we aimed to tive balancing selection. For the East LIA BETTI1, NOREEN VON CRAMON- test ground-level estimates against Asians and Europeans, evidence of both TAUBADEL1 and STEPHEN J. direct measurements of branch angles, balancing selection and directional selec- LYCETT1. 1Department of Anthropol- diameters, and canopy heights in trees tion was detected. Overall, each population ogy, School of Anthropology and Conser- used by Alouatta palliata and Cebus displayed a different spectrum of alleles, vation, University of Kent. capucinus at La Suerte Biological suggesting local adaptation to specific Research Station in Costa Rica. We pathogens. In the future, these results can Recent studies of cranial morphological climbed five trees (three Ficus, one Pen- be used to 1) find functional alleles, 2) variability have revealed a strong geo- taclethora, and one Poulsenia) and determine which alleles might be most graphic pattern related to ancient and measured 20 branches. Four observers useful in association studies, and 3) iden- more recent demographic history. A (two experienced and two recently tify alleles that contribute to disease sus- worldwide pattern of decrease in trained) collected measurements of each ceptibility. within-population diversity has been branch from different locations on the This study was funded by the Rocky detected for both genetic and cranial ground. Diameter estimates varied by Mountain Regional Center of Excellence morphometric data, and it has been 0–28cm (Mean: 5.44 6 4.55). Branch NIH, grant number U54 AI-065357 and associated with a serial founder effect angles varied by 1–55 degrees (Mean: the National Institutes of Health/ following the human expansion out of 14.76 6 14.02). Height in the tree was National Human Genome Research Africa and the colonization of the other best estimated using a clinometer as Institute, grant number T32 HG00035. continents. The presence of such demo- estimates with a two-meter reference graphic signature on the skull contra- (standing by the tree) varied by 3–11 Differences in subadult pubic body dicts a purely adaptationist view of meters (Mean: 5.31 6 2.44). For these widths and the implication for sex global cranial shape variation. No such observers, the best branch size esti- determination. study, on the other hand, has been mates were those determined relative to undertaken on the postcranium, which the size of the focal animal and divided KATHLEEN A.S. BLAKE. Department is often considered to have been under into broader categories. Branch angles of Anthropology, University of Pitts- strong selective pressure and subject to were best estimated in 5-degree incre- burgh. high plasticity. ments and then checked using a Haglo¨f Taking advantage of a freely available clinometer in combination with a laser Osteologists consider the pubic ventral dataset of linear postcranial measure- pointer. We compare methods used by arc to be a reliable sexing method; how- ments, the Goldman dataset [http:// previous studies to make recommenda- ever, most studies concentrate on ven- web.utk.edu/auerbach/GOLD.htm], we tions for standardization of substrate tral pubis development but not pubic tested the presence of the Out-of-Africa measures across field studies of primate body width broadening. This study tests demographic signature on intra-popula- locomotion. the hypothesis that pubic body widen- tion diversity of the pelvis, humerus ing and a pubic body width to pubic and tibia. 26 worldwide distributed pop- Using signals of natural selection length index will be dimorphic among ulation samples were selected from the at immune response genes to iden- subadult individuals. The pubic bones dataset, comprising a minimum of 13 tify susceptibility loci for viral of 52 individuals of known sex, aged male individuals for each sample. All infection. one to 19, from the Hamann-Todd col- measurements were size-adjusted using lection were examined. Sliding calipers the geometric mean. Once within-popu- ABIGAIL W. BIGHAM1, KRISTINA were used to evaluate pubic body width lation morphometric variance was DAHLSTROM1, MARK RIEDER2, (most narrow part of the pubic body regressed on geographic distance from DEBORAH A. NICKERSON2 and from pubic symphysis to obturator fora- East Africa, significant results were MICHAEL BAMSHAD1. 1Department of men on the dorsal side), pubic length, found for the pelvis (r250.18, P50.039) Pediatrics, University of Washington, and the pubic body width/pubic length but not for the long bones, probably 2Department of Genome Sciences, Uni- index. Analyses show a significant cor- reflecting the effects of climatically versity of Washington. relation in the differences between male influenced selection on the latter. The and female pubic body broadening in results suggest, therefore, that the cra- Infectious disease has been a major selec- subadults. Pubic bone size differences nium is not the only anatomical region tive force during the evolution and differ- did not significantly correlate between informative of demographic history, and entiation of modern humans. In fact, many the sexes when all individuals were that the human pelvis also reflects neu- of the genes exhibiting the strongest signa- analyzed. However, when teens were tral microevolutionary processes. tures of positive selection in the human lin- separated from non-teens, significant

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 91 correlation was found in those aged one at Beza Mahafaly, who face frequent Relative robusticity of the Homo to 13. Pubic body width/pubic length energetic constraints and display floresiensis tibia and fibula. index analysis showed an increasing shorter life spans than M. rufus at index in females beginning at age three Ranomafana. STEPHANIE BLATCH1, DAMIANO while male scores remained fairly This work was partly supported by: MARCHI2, and WILLIAM L. steady; this index significantly corre- MMBF/CI Primate Action Fund, The JUNGERS3. 1Interdepartmental Doc- lated at all age levels. These results Rufford Foundation to MBB; Interna- toral Program in Anthropological Scien- suggest that the pubic body begins to tional Foundation for Science, Wildlife ces, Stony Brook University, differentiate significantly between Conservation Society, National Geo- 2Department of Evolutionary Anthropol- males and females at an early age and graphic Society, Primate Conservation ogy, Duke University, 3Department of this element grows at a different rate Inc., American Society of Primatologists Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook Uni- than pubic bone length. Additionally, to ER; National Science Foundation versity. the pubic body width/pubic length index BCS-0721233 to P.C.Wright, LRG, and shows promise as a potential sexing tool J. Jernvall. Although previous studies of the long for subadults. bones of Homo floresiensis revealed that this species retained primitive charac- Reproductive opportunism in Status and the lower class: Health, teristics of body shape and interlimb unpredictable environments: the disease, and biological affinity of proportions, the H. floresiensis fibula comparison of two wild mouse the Late Classic Maya suburb remains an unexamined part of the lemur species (Microcebus rufus community of Guerra, Benavista equation. The leg of modern humans and M. griseorufus) from eastern del Cayo, in the Western Belize reflects our status as habitual bipeds and western Madagascar. Valley. and is signaled by a gracile fibula rela- tive to a more robust, weight-bearing MARINA B. BLANCO1,2, EMILIENNE ERIN BLANKENSHIP-SEFCZEK. tibia. This study investigated whether RASOAZANABARY1 and LAURIE R. Department of Anthropology, San Diego LB1, the type specimen of H. floresien- GODFREY1. 1Department of Anthropol- State University. sis, possesses a robust fibula or displays ogy, University of Massachusetts, the gracile fibula that is the signature Amherst, 2Centre ValBio Research Sta- As part of the San Diego State Univer- of our species. tion, Ranomafana, Madagascar. sity Mopan-Macal Triangle Archaeologi- CT scans of the fibula and tibia of LB1 cal Project (MMTAP), both large urban and a sample of small-bodied modern The diverse mouse lemurs (Microcebus) centers and small, rural Maya commun- humans (N510) were used to analyze of Madagascar are found in a variety of ities were excavated in order to gain a cross-sectional geometric (CSG) proper- habitats, including areas unoccupied by comprehensive understanding of Maya ties (e.g., cortical area and polar section other lemurs, showcasing unique behav- social structure and daily life (Ball and modulus, Zp) of the tibia and fibula at ioral flexibility and resilience to envi- Tascheck, 1991). This study focuses on midshaft. These new data were added ronmental change. Although a myriad the low status community of Guerra, to the much larger sample published by of studies have described mouse lemur which surrounds the site of Benavista Marchi (2007), which included modern reproductive behavior, only a few have del Cayo in the Western Belize Valley. humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangu- addressed interspecific reproductive var- Previous analysis has been done on the tans and gibbons. External contours of iation in non-sympatric mouse lemur royal elite individuals (Mitchell, 2006) additional fossils of the genus Homo species. and the sub-elite individuals (Black, (e.g., OH 35, KNM-WT-15000) were also The number of litters that mouse 2007) of Benavista concluding that the examined in order to evaluate when the lemur females have per season varies groups were not biologically related. modern condition arose during the among populations and/or species. Hab- The major question of this study cen- course of human evolution. itat seasonality and climate predictabil- tered on whether the low-status individ- Results indicate that LB1 manifests tib- ity have been invoked as environmen- uals of Guerra were related to the sub- ial/fibular robusticity indistinguishable tal factors that correlate with regular elite individuals, showing both ascribed from that of modern humans. Analysis polyestry, i.e., multiple successful lit- and achieved status existing simultane- of external contours suggests that a ters per season, as well as the duration ously in this Maya community. Stand- gracile fibula arose relatively early in of the reproductive season in mouse ard protocol data collection was used human evolution and was already in lemurs. Simply put, the ‘‘polyestry-sea- for age, sex, and pathological assess- place by 1.5 mya. Although analysis of sonality’’ hypothesis states that more ment. Using non-metric dental traits hindlimb vs. forelimb CSG of LB1 sug- litters are expected in less seasonal Guerra individuals exhibit similar char- gested a diverse locomotor repertoire habitats where there is a wider win- acteristics to the sub-elite population (Jungers et al., 2009), this study dow of resource availability for females suggesting a biological relationship emphasizes the importance of habitual to acquire and invest energy into between the two sub-groups, and the bipedalism in H. floresiensis. reproduction; the ‘‘unpredictability’’ hy- possibility of achieved status. Addition- This work was supported by grants pothesis proposes that duration of ally, this study looked at overall health from the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the reproduction is positively correlated and disease of the Guerra community. Leakey Foundation, the National Geo- with climate unpredictability rather The results indicate the existence of graphic Society, and the Australian than seasonality. infectious disease and malnutrition Research Council. To test these hypotheses, we present through the documentation of boney reproductive and population data from changes such as osteomyelitis, and cri- Let’s talk about sex: principal com- two mouse lemur species: the eastern bra orbitalia. And dental pathology ponent analysis of sexually dimor- brown mouse lemur (M. rufus) from the which includes linear enamel hypopla- phic traits in the human pelvis. rainforest of Ranomafana (n5130), and sias, ante-mortem tooth loss, calculus the western reddish-gray mouse lemur build-up, and dental wear. This indi- SAMANTHA H. BLATT and ANA (M. griseorufus) from the dry deciduous cates that the population underwent bi- MARIA CASADO. Department of An- and spiny forests of Beza Mahafaly ological stress throughout life. Together thropology, The Ohio State University, (n5400). Our results show that neither with the previous studies, these find- Columbus. hypothesis captures the reproductive ings add to the comprehensive under- variation we found between species. standing of Maya daily life, the original The pelvis is considered the most reli- We propose that reproductive opportun- goal of the MMTAP. able skeletal element for sex determina- ism is an important strategy in mouse This study was partially funded by the tion, as sexual dimorphism in the lemurs, particularly for M. griseorufus Al Sonek Memorial Scholarship. human pelvis is inferentially related to

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 21

92 AAPA ABSTRACTS parturition. Most morphological traits This, however, differs from several con- portunity to compare a high-resolution used to distinguish sex from the pelvis temporaneous cemeteries where more isotope record of known seasonal are qualitative; therefore, results rely deaths occurred from endogenous changes in dietary composition in a wild on experience of the observer and accu- causes (at \40 gestational weeks) than primate with variation in nutrient racy of the traits used. Principal compo- in the months following birth. Although intake and dietary quality. In addition nent analysis (PCA) increases accuracy preservation and recovery biases may to reporting isotope values for an under- of sex estimation by reducing trait re- account for some of the differences sampled taxon, this work highlights the dundancy and determining which between the abovementioned sites, it limitations of bulk tissue analysis for observed variables account for the most seems likely that differential burial reconstructing both living and fossil pri- variance. practices, in conjunction with discrep- mate diets. We scored 10 standard sexually dimor- ant risk factors, better explain the di- This research was supported by the phic traits (sub-pubic concavity, ventral vergent data. The Anglo-Saxon period New York Consortium of Evolutionary arc, medial aspect of the ischio-pubic (ca. 400-1200 AD) saw changes in reli- Primatology, NSF DGE 0333415 ramus, obturator foramen, preauricular gious practices, while differences in (NYCEP IGERT). sulcus, greater sciatic notch, parturition cemetery locale (rural vs. urban) and pits, pelvic inlet shape, robusticity, and conditions in the exogenous environ- The Turkana Basin 3.4 million ischio-pubic index) of 50 adult male and ment also likely play a role. This analy- years ago. female ossa coxae and sacra (aged 18-93 sis examines both the osteological data years old) of known sex from the as well as the possible biocultural fac- RENE´ BOBE1, ANNA K. Hamann-Todd Collection (n5100). PCA tors affecting inclusion of neonates and BEHRENSMEYER2, CHRISTOPHER and ‘‘leave-one-out’’ cross validation infants in the Church End, Cherry Hin- CAMPISANO3, NAOMI LEVIN4, were used to determine which traits ton cemetery. SARAH HAKALA1, DAVID accounted for most of the morphological PATTERSON1, and AMELIA variance between sexes and would Stable isotopes in wild gorilla feces VILLASEN˜ OR1. 1Department of An- therefore serve as criterion variables in document seasonal dietary change thropology, University of Georgia, accurate determination of sex from the and rainfall patterns. 2Department of Paleobiology, Smithso- pelvis. Intra- and inter-observer error nian Institution, 3Institute of Human was also determined to account for trait SCOTT A. BLUMENTHAL1,2, KENDRA Origins and School of Human Evolution scoring precision. L. CHRITZ3, THURE E. CERLING3,4, and Social Change, Arizona State When combining all 10 traits, sex was and JESSICA M. ROTHMAN1,2,5. University, 4Department of Earth and determined with 97% accuracy. PCA 1Department of Anthropology, The Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins results indicate that sub-pubic concavity Graduate Center, City University of University. score accounted for 55.1% of the vari- New York, 2New York Consortium in ability when the sexes were combined. Evolutionary Primatology, 3Department The time around 3.4 Ma has received Between sexes, 73-85% variance was at- of Biology, University of Utah, 4Depart- renewed attention with the discovery of tributable to only 4 principal compo- ment of Geology and Geophysics, Uni- stone-tool-modified bones in the Afar of nents using the mineigen criterion: sub- versity of Utah, 5Department of Ethiopia. Although Australopithecus pubic concavity, ischio-pubic ramus, ob- Anthropology, Hunter College, City Uni- afarensis is the only hominid species turator foramen, and greater sciatic versity of New York. known in the Afar at this time, Kenyan- notch. The other 6 traits are redundant thropus platyops occurs in the Turkana and do not account for a meaningful Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope com- Basin of . With different hominid amount of variance between the sexes. position of gorilla feces and plant foods species in East Africa and potentially is used to quantify short-term intra-an- different behaviors, it becomes impor- Differential treatment of neonatal nual diet changes in four wild gorillas tant to establish the degree of environ- and infant remains in the from Bwindi Impenetrable National mental heterogeneity across local and Anglo-Saxon period: evidence Park, Uganda. Gorillas have a diverse regional scales. Here we present a mul- from the early medieval cemetery diet including herbaceous leaves, fruit, tiproxy analysis of fauna, sedimentol- of Church End, Cherry Hinton, tree leaves, pith, and peel, and are ogy, and stable isotopes from the lower Cambridgeshire. known to be seasonal frugivores. Car- part of the Tulu Bor Member of the bon isotope analysis of staple foods, Koobi Fora Formation (3.4-3.2 Ma), KATHLEEN BLUE. Department of An- cumulatively comprising 96% of die- with comparisons to contemporaneous thropology, Minnesota State University, tary intake, demonstrates that fruits basin-wide strata from the nearby Mankato. consumed by these gorillas exhibit more Nachukui and Shungura Formations. enriched q13C values relative to other Sedimentological analysis indicates pri- Church End, Cherry Hinton is an dietary items. Stable carbon isotope val- marily fluvial conditions and stable iso- Anglo-Saxon Christian cemetery dating ues of gorilla feces from these individu- tope data from soil carbonates reflect a to approximately 900-1100 AD. Excava- als, each represented by at least two mix of C3 and C4 vegetation. Vertebrate tion of the cemetery in 1999 yielded the samples per month, exhibit several dis- specimens were collected using a sys- remains of nearly 700 individuals, of tinct peaks. These isotopically identified tematic methodology to record all fossil which 40% were juveniles under the dietary changes are corroborated by occurrences along well-constrained age of 18 years. A total of 201 juveniles feeding behavior recorded concurrently stratigraphic intervals. Most of the were examined in this analysis, of with feces collection, which exhibits specimens (88%) are mammals, but the which 37 (18%) were found to be a similar pattern of corresponding sample also includes crocodiles, turtles, between the ages of 22 gestational increases in observed fruit consumption birds, and fish. Environmental hetero- weeks and 6 months postnatal. This fig- to greater than 40% of total diet. The geneity at a local scale is indicated by ure contrasts markedly with reported q13C peaks can thus be interpreted as abundant Reduncini and Alcelaphini data from 12 early Anglo-Saxon ceme- recording seasonal shifts in frugivory. (grazing bovids) in some areas co-occur- teries, where less than 1% of the total Stable nitrogen isotope values of gorilla ring with colobine monkeys (arboreal remains belong to individuals identified feces correspond in time to seasonal primates). Faunal assemblages from the as neonates. While in later cemetery rainfall patterns. Correlation of isotope Tulu Bor Member are similar to contem- populations infants are more likely to patterns from multiple individuals sug- poraneous assemblages from the Nachu- die in the postnatal period, the Church gests that isotope data from a single kui Formation but significantly differ- End, Cherry Hinton data shows a more animal records the behavior of the ent from the Shungura Formation. even distribution of deaths occurring in group. Previous work on the diets of These results indicate a high degree of the neonatal and post-neonatal periods. these same gorillas provides a rare op- environmental heterogeneity at local

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 93 and basin-wide scales at a time when Intergenerational and transna- panzee’s physical development. Epiphy- hominid species were diversifying and, tional correlates of health for Ban- seal closure ends bone growth and sig- in some areas, exhibiting new patterns gladeshi adult daughters and their nifies a mature skeleton. Most of what of behavior. mothers: Project MINA. we know about the timing of develop- ment in chimpanzees derives from Pan BARRY BOGIN1,JANICELtroglodytes. Much less is known about Phylogenetic analysis reveals THOMPSON2,DIANEHARPER1,JOY the sister species, Pan paniscus, with relaxed constraints in primate MERRELL3,JASMINCHOWDHURY3, few in captivity and a restricted wild encephalization during mammalian PETRA MEIER4, MICHAEL HEINRICH5, range in central Africa. Here we report descent. and VANJA GARAJ6. 1University of on the timing of skeletal fusion for Loughborough, 2University of Bristol, female captive P. paniscus (n55) whose AMY M. BODDY1, CHET C. 3Swansea University, 4University of Shef- ages are known and range from .83 to SHERWOOD2, MORRIS GOODMAN1,3 field, 5University of London, 6Brunel Uni- age 11.68 years. Observations were and DEREK E. WILDMAN1,4. 1Center versity. made after death on skeletons. Results for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, show that in the .83 yr old only the pu- Wayne State University School of Medi- Project MINA explores the relation bic ramus is fused. In the 6.74 and 7.30 cine, 2Department of Anthropology, The between Migration, Nutrition, and Age- yr old, additional elements of the elbow George Washington University, 3Depart- ing of Bangladeshi women. The Bangla- joint are fused (distal humerus, proxi- ment of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Wayne deshi community in the United King- mal ulna and radius—only partial State University School of Medicine, dom (UK) is thriving; however, many of fusion in the 7.30 yr old proximal ra- 4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol- its members are socially disadvantaged dius). In the 8.54 yr old fusion of the ogy, Wayne State University School of and suffer from high levels of disability, hip, knee and ankle joints have com- Medicine and Hutzel Women’s Hospital, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular menced, with full fusion of the acetabu- Detroit. disease. Little is known about the lum, greater and lesser trochanter. In causes. We use a Life History Theory the 11.68 yr old, all long bones were Encephalization is an increase in brain perspective to analyze trade-offs in fully fused while the iliac crest and mass relative to body mass. Humans growth, reproduction, and aging in a acromial process remained unfused. are the most encephalized mammal and sample of 40 mothers (451 years old) Comparison between captive P. panis- this high degree of encephalization is who migrated to the UK, 36 of their cus and captive P. troglodytes confirms associated with the evolution of cogni- daughters (18-35 years old) born in the a general uniformity in the absolute tive abilities, including the skills needed UK, and 22 mother-daughter pairs of timing in their skeletal fusion patterns. for complex language and culture. the same two age groups in Bangladesh Therefore, like the case in captive ver- Encephalization is not exclusively (BD). All women are of short stature sus wild P. troglodytes, we posit that human and there is evidence for (X5150.5 cm, sd5 6.4), with no signifi- captive P. paniscus skeletal growth is degrees of encephalization in non- cant differences between or within gen- accelerated compared to that of wild human lineages. To provide insight into erations or countries. The UK sample populations. the timing of major changes in enceph- has relatively greater knee height for alization during mammalian descent, stature, indicating that immigrant Evaluation of secretion vs. matura- ancestral state reconstruction of brain mothers and their UK born daughters tion in human dental enamel from mass, body mass, and encephalization had better health in infancy and child- LA-ICPMS compositional profiles. quotient (EQ) was performed using hood. All measures of fatness and arm squared-change parsimony. We exam- muscle area are significantly larger in LUCA BONDIOLI1, WOLFGANG ined brain and body mass in 631 mam- the UK women. This indicates greater MU¨ LLER2, and PAOLA F. ROSSI1. malian species. Linear regression con- energy intake, less energy expenditure, 1Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico firms a significant relationship or both for UK women. The mean age ‘L.Pigorini’, I-00144 Rome, Italy. 2Depart- (r250.954, p\0.0001) between body at marriage for mothers (16.4 years, ment of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway mass and brain mass, and the relation- sd52.9) is significantly less than that University of London, Egham, U.K. ship remains significant (r2 5 0.881, p for daughters (18.6 years, sd52.7). A 7- \ 0.001) after correcting for non-inde- component lower body physical function The appositional process of human pendence of character traits by stand- test for older adults finds that BD moth- tooth enamel formation stores time-se- ardizing contrasts. To perform ancestral ers have significantly better total scores ries information of environmental prox- state reconstructions, phylogenetic rela- than UK mothers. Greater age at first ies including mobility, palaeodiet or tionships were taken from a published birth and time lag between marriage heavy-metal exposure, potentially read- supertree. We considered species to be and first birth are associated with able at daily resolution. However in encephalized when EQ[1. The ances- greater physical function score. The mature enamel, the protracted minerali- tral node EQ for all mammalian species results indicate that trade-offs in repro- zation processes may have partially is 0.874 and the EQ ranged from 0.139– duction and energy balance do impact erased environmental signals initially 6.292. Primates (n576) emerged as out- health and ageing. laid down. liers among all mammalian orders, with Sponsor: Economic & Social Research We used laser-ablation inductively- a crown node EQ of 1.984, and they Council, New Dynamics of Ageing Pro- coupled-plasma mass spectrometry encompassed the most diverse range of gramme, UK, grant number RES-354- (LA-ICPMS) to analyze profiles of com- encephalization (EQ 5 0.898-6.292). 25-0002. positional changes through enamel Haplorrhines demonstrate the most thickness on thin sections under histo- variable EQ, and we present evidence Skeletal fusion timing in Pan logical control. The sample includes for both EQ increases (e.g. platyrrhines) paniscus with comparisons to Pan human permanent and deciduous and decreases (e.g. colobines) through- troglodytes. teeth (n56) from archaeological and out primate evolution. These results modern collections. Chemical data are demonstrate both expansion and reduc- DEBRA BOLTER1 and ADRIENNE combined with enamel histology to tion in primate brain mass relative to ZIHLMAN2. 1Department of Anthropol- determine the chronological sequence body mass, suggesting constraints on ogy, Modesto College, California, 2Depart- of the profiles. body and brain mass in this order were ment of Anthropology, University of Time-equivalent tracks in enamel are relaxed. California, Santa Cruz. analyzed 1) parallel (and very close to) This study was funded by National Sci- the enamel-dentine-junction (EDJ) and ence Foundation grants (BCS-0550209 Skeletal fusion provides markers of 2) parallel to enamel prisms, which and BCS0751508). growth and is one component of a chim- both are connected along 3) isogrowth

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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94 AAPA ABSTRACTS lines (NNL or other Retzius lines). This surgeries. Currently, we are expanding male aggression within the female-cen- approach facilitates an evaluation of the our study on a large sample of dry tric social system of bonobos. In both topographical effect of secondary matu- skeletons. wild and captivity, male-male aggres- ration and offers clues on the reliability sion often occurred away from females. by which varying environmental signals New interpretation of a standard Adult males engaged in conflict signifi- are stored in and can be retrieved from statistic for principal components cantly more than other age/sex classes enamel. Results suggest that different in physical anthropology. (captive: G 5 10.530, p\0.05, wild: G 5 elements show very different responses 89.989, p\0.001). Participation was sig- to secondary enamel maturation. Nota- FRED L. BOOKSTEIN. University of nificantly and positively correlated with bly Zn shows an enrichment of [10x Vienna, University of Washington. male rank trajectory in rank changing from the EDJ towards outer enamel. males (captive: r 5 0.971, p\0.05). Sr and Mg concentrations uniformly Inside many applications of principal Male aggression against females was decrease (approx. 1.5x) parallel to component analysis (PCA) to landmark directed at low-ranking, peripheral, or prisms and along NNL/Retzius towards location data in physical anthropology juvenile females significantly more than outer enamel, but not along the EDJ. In and paleoanthropology a serious logical adult or core females (captive: G 5 contrast, Pb appears unaffected by mat- fallacy may be concealed. Such studies 5.084, p\0.05, wild: G 5 12.667, uration because it show up similarly usually exploit PCA via an ordination p\0.01). 65.22% of total conflicts in cap- along EDJ and parallel prisms, and combining the first principal compo- tivity included an impartial third party appear ‘frozen-in’ along NNL/Retzius. nent, probably representing size allome- intervention performed by females Enamel closest to the EDJ appears to try, with the next one or two in a 88.57% of the time. Adult males per- escape some of the enamel maturation search for trends or clusters. This formed third party agonistic interven- process and may better preserve envi- practice typically ignores the issue of tions into affiliative dyads and only tar- ronmental signals. whether those successive components geted the dyads of a rival male with a are well-defined. The issue is particu- female (captive: G 5 23.028, p\0.001). The coxo-femoral joint: insight larly salient in applications to geomet- These interventions may have replaced from the three-dimensional analysis ric morphometric analyses of landmark direct male-male contest competition in of the labrum. location data, where the subspace of dif- bonobos because females intervene and fusion-like (spherical) noise is always stop male-male contests. Our results NOEMIE BONNEAU1, CAROLINE present and may account for most of suggest that factors related to female SIMONIS1, JULIE BOUHALLIER1, the variance of shape. As prophylaxis cohesion reduce the benefits of male MICHEL BAYLAC1, OLIVIER GAGEY2 one can apply a classic Anderson direct and coalitionary aggression and and CHRISTINE TARDIEU1. 1Muse´um approach for testing sphericity of suc- instead have selected for alternative National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, cessive components. His standard for- individual male strategies utilizing indi- 2Hoˆpital Biceˆtre, Le Kremlin Biceˆtre. mula can be modified into an assess- rect agonism. ment of whether a specific high-order Research was supported by NSF grants Humans are characterized by a perma- component, such as the second, can be BNS-8311252, SBR-9600547, and BCS- nent bipedalism which entails a decrease treated as interpretable or must instead 0610233 and The Leakey Foundation. ofthebaseofsupportandariseofthe be seen as ‘‘more likely than not’’ inex- body centre of mass implying a loss of tricable from the following compo- Molecular regulation of tooth ver- stability. To ensure a stable equilibrium nent(s). For samples of 50 specimens, sus jaw morphogenesis. configuration, the skeleton of our ances- the PC1-PC2 plot is declared uninter- tors was modified in the course of evolu- pretable if the ratio of the second eigen- JULIA C. BOUGHNER. Department of tion in response to the constraints value to the third is less than 1.5. For Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of imposed by gravity. Some biomechanical larger samples, this critical ratio drops Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. models such as the one proposed by Pau- as 1 plus a multiple of the reciprocal wels described this stable equilibrium square root of sample size. The problem To understand the origins of develop- configuration and point out the crucial becomes more serious as samples mental variation in primate dentitions role of the coxo-femoral joint. We explored become smaller, which is typically the it is important to know how embry- the structure of this joint by analysing case for applications in paleoanthropol- onic tooth and jaw development are the three-dimensional orientation of the ogy. Examples of published data are coordinated in time. Do these systems acetabulum and its relation with the ori- shown where this approach permits self-regulate their developmental tim- entation of the femoral neck. interpretation of the conventional ordi- ing or does an external factor set the An innovative cadaver study of the lab- nations, and also examples where inter- pace? A sensible starting place is to rum was developed to shed light on the pretation should be prohibited on tease apart the signaling networks questions surrounding the proper quan- strictly statistical grounds. that regulate tooth versus jaw mor- tification of the three-dimensional orien- phogenesis in the presumptive mandi- tation of the acetabulum. Digitalisations The indirect nature of male bonobo ble. As such I contrasted gene expres- on 20 cadavers using a MicroScribe aggression. sion in the first pharyngeal arches were performed and data were analysed (PA1) of two mouse models, one using a custom-designed library in R. KLAREE J. BOOSE and FRANCES J. (p63-/-) in which mandibular develop- Our results suggest that the anterior WHITE. Department of Anthropology, ment is normal but tooth development and posterior rims of the acetabulum University of Oregon, Eugene. arrests before bud stage, and the form an angle of 23.88 on average, other (p631/-) in which both tooth rather than being in a same plane. The Male chimpanzees increase their repro- and mandibular development are nor- value and the orientation of this angle ductive success through aggression in mal. Genes with significantly de- allow us to predict (p \ 0.0001) the ori- agonistic contests, coalitions and alli- creased expression in the ‘‘toothless’’ entation of the labrum, a fibrocartilage ances, male dominance interactions and p63-/- embryos would be candidates not present in fossil material. Moreover, coercive mating. Aggression in male for a signaling network exclusive to a new plane was established and its bio- bonobos, in contrast, is described as dental tissues. mechanical implications were investi- less intense and less effective. However, Embryos collected between gestational gated. male bonobos do engage in agonistic days (GD) 10-13 were genotyped. Total The three-dimensional orientation of conflicts over dominance and male rank RNA extracted from p63-/- and p631/- the acetabulum is a fundamental pa- is still correlated with mating success. PA1’s was hybridized to Illumina rameter to understand the locomotor This study presents both wild and cap- MouseWG-6 v2.0 Expression Bead- system and has applications for THA tive data to examine the function of Chips. As expected, between p63-/- and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 95 p631/- embryos aged GD10-13 I saw ease present in the New World before This study was funded by Brooklyn no significant difference in the expres- Contact. College CUNY, which provided a laser sion of genes known to be important to This study was funded by the UK Natu- scanner. mandibular development. In p63-/- ral Environment Research Council A 2010 AAPA Professional Develop- embryos aged GD13, by which time (Grant 210035) and the University of ment Grant to D.M.B. and a NSF tooth morphogenesis had failed, I saw Manchester. DDIG 0726134 to S.B.C. provided significantly decreased expression of funds for scanning platyrrhine denti- genes known to be important to tooth tions. Finally, NSF DGE 0333415 morphogenesis, such as keratin and Dental topographic variables (Ori- (NYCEP IGERT) helped make this collagen genes, as well as genes with entation Patch Count, Relief Index, research possible. no published link to dental develop- Dirichlet Energy) of platyrrhine ment. Expression was increased for second mandibular molars. only one gene, claudin6, directly impli- Does prenatal androgen exposure in cated in tooth development. This work DOUG M. BOYER1-4, SIOBHA´ NB. mixed-sex litters of non-human prima- begins to disentangle the molecular COOKE2,3,5, JONATHAN BUNN4, and tes affect later reproductive fitness? regulation of dental and mandibular ELIZABETH M. ST. CLAIR4. 1Depart- morphogenesis. ment of Anthropology and Archaeology, BRENDA J. BRADLEY1, WILLIAM C. This study was funded by the Univer- Brooklyn College, City University of MCGREW2, CHARLES T. SNOWDON3, sity of Calgary Research Grants Com- New York (CUNY), 2New York Consor- RICHARD R. LAWLER4,andANNICK mittee, the Skeletal Regenerative Medi- tium of Evolutionary Primatology, MCINTOSH1. 1Department of Anthropol- cine Team (CIHR), with support from 3Department of Anthropology, The ogy, Yale University, 2Department of An- Ge´nome Que´bec Innovation Centre. Graduate Center, CUNY, 4Inter- thropology, University of Cambridge, departmental Doctoral Program in An- 3Department of Psychology, University of An ancient DNA study of tuberculo- thropological Sciences, Stony Brook Wisconsin, 4Department of Anthropology, sis in Europe. University; 5Department of Anthropol- James Madison University. ogy, Duke University. ABIGAIL BOUWMAN1, ROMY Sex hormones, such as testosterone, MU¨ LLER1, CHARLOTTE ROBERTS2 Recent work with 3d digital imagery of can diffuse through amniotic fluid and and TERRY BROWN1. 1Faculty of Life teeth of non-anthropoid euarchontans fetal membranes, and developing Sciences, Manchester Interdisciplinary and other mammals suggests Orienta- fetuses can receive substantial hor- Biocentre, University of Manchester, tion Patch Count (OPC), Relief Index mone doses from adjacent littermates. UK, 2Department of Archaeology, Dur- (RFI) and Dirichlet Energy (DE) can, in Females with male littermates can ham University, UK. several ways, be more effective for cap- risk exposure to high levels of fetal turing dietarily significant variation testosterone, and such exposure has In 2008 there were an estimated 20 than molar shearing-crest measure- been shown to have masculinizing million cases of tuberculosis (TB) with ments. Here we evaluate whether such effects and fitness consequences in 1.82 million deaths. TB is thought to variables also reflect differences in diet some mammals, including humans. infect one-third of the world’s popula- among platyrrhines using a pilot sam- While most primates give birth to sin- tion. Some infected individuals develop ple of 40 m/2’s representing Alouatta, gle offspring, several New World mon- skeletal lesions (3-5%) such as destruc- Brachyteles, Ateles, Callicebus, Aotus, key and prosimian species regularly tion and deformation of the lower Cebus, Lagothrix, and Saimiri. We pre- give birth to twins or small litters. spine. These have been identified in dicted that OPC, RFI, and DE are high- We examined whether neonatal testos- European skeletal remains from as est in folivores and insectivores. Sam- terone exposure might be detrimental early as the 6th millennium BC. Some ples were laser-scanned as dentitions to females in these mixed-sex litters, remains contain ancient DNA (aDNA) using an LDI RPS-120 and then and if so, whether primate mothers derived from the bacterium Mycobacte- cropped to m/2 and patched using Geo- bias litter sex ratios to avoid mixed- rium tuberculosis. The objective of this magic. sex litters. We compiled data from research is to examine aDNA in skele- Results of ANOVA’s on OPC do not long-term breeding records of seven tal remains to study the evolution of show significant differences by taxon or species that regularly have multiple TB in Europe over the last 3000 diet groupings. ANOVA’s on RFI are births, including one monkey species years. Previous work on TB aDNA has modestly significant, yet Ateles exhibits (Saguinus oedipus; 822 individuals, been hampered by false-positive detec- significantly higher RFI than Alouatta, 401 litters) and six prosimian species tions due to the presence of related contrary to predictions. In contrast, DE (Varecia variegate, Varecia rubra, bacteria from soil in skeletal samples. is highly significant, differentiating Microcebus murnis, Mirza coquereli, We have designed specific tests and taxa utilizing different diets. Cheirogaleus medius, Galago moholi; used these to screen 488 skeletons Previous findings of significant var- 97–250 individuals, 57–173 litters). from 136 European sites, the largest iance in OPC and RFI among pri- For all seven species, measures of set ever studied in this way. Positive mate taxonomic and diet-groups used reproductive success, including survi- results for TB aDNA were obtained for microCT scans of isolated teeth, creat- vorship, latency to first birth after 144 skeletons (29.5%), with a correla- ing concern that low variance found pairing, inter-birth interval, birth tion between aDNA presence and the here is due to using models cropped rate, and offspring-survivorship rate extent to which a skeleton displayed from laser scans of tooth rows. Meas- did not differ significantly between TB indicative lesions; some skeletons uring six microCT-generated models femalesborninmixed-sexvs.all- with no lesions gave positive results. of atelids reveals Ateles’ average RFI female litters. Similarly, litter sex Using a new methodology for aDNA to be 5% lower than Alouatta’s, but ratios did not differ from the sequencing, we are currently typing non-significant. Furthermore, this dif- expected 1:2:1 ratio in twins and the genetic variations between the M. ference is dwarfed by 22-23% differ- 1:2:2:1 ratio in triplets. These data tuberculosis strains present in the pos- ences separating the two in both DE on sex ratios and reproductive success itive skeletons. The results are ena- and quantifications of relative crest indicate that litter-producing non- bling us to test hypotheses regarding length, using laser-scan or microCT human primates successfully avoid the spread of TB in prehistoric data. We suggest that Ateles exhibits the detrimental effects of prenatal Europe, the differential evolution of high RFI, despite low crest develop- androgen exposure in mixed sex lit- the disease in urban and non-urban ment (as captured by DE and shear- ters, and we are now examining the regions, and the relationship between ing ratios/quotients) due to increased possible proximate mechanisms under- European TB and the less virulent dis- hypsodonty. lying this capability.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 25


Evolutionary perspectives of bony Genetic diversity of Native what lacking compared to the abundant labyrinths in humans, chimpanzees Americans in the multilingual area evidence for tool manufacture found and baboons: high resolution three- of Vaupe´s-Guaviare, Colombian throughout East Africa. This dearth of dimensional comparisons. Amazon. evidence has sometimes been associated with the increased risks associated with JOSE´ BRAGA1, MARC FOURNIER2,3,4, YAMID BRAGA, LEONARDO ARIAS a carnivorous diet (i.e. competition with BENOIˆTCOMBES2,3,4, DIDIER and GUILLERMO BARRETO. Labora- large mammalian carnivores). Here we 1 ´ 5 DESCOUENS , GERARD SUBSOL , torio de Gene´tica Molecular Humana, present evidence from archaeological VE´ RONICA PEREDA-LOTH1,SYLVAIN Departamento de Biologı´a, Universidad assemblages from the Koobi Fora For- PRIMA2,3,4. 1Laboratory of Anthropobiol- del Valle, Cali, Colombia. mation (Turkana Basin) that supports ogy, FRE 2960 CNRS, University Toulouse the hypothesis that an array of aquatic (Paul Sabatier), Toulouse, France, 2INRIA, Amazon region in Colombia harbor a lot resources was part of a dietary adapta- VisAGeS Project-Team, F-35042 Rennes, of different ethnic groups, some of these tion for Pleistocene hominins. In partic- France,3INSERM, U746, F-35042 Rennes, belonging to East Tucano and Guahibo ular, we review the evidence from high France, 4University of Rennes I, CNRS, language families. With the goal to esti- density sites where the archaeological UMR 6074, IRISA, F-35042 Rennes, mate biological diversity in this multi- data suggest hominins incorporated a France, 5Laboratory of Computer Science lingual area, we sequenced 546 pb of diversity of aquatic resources in their LIRMM, CNRS/University Montpellier 2, the mtDNA control region, typing 5 diet. These resources are high in critical France. Y-STR and the Q-M3 SNP of two brain-selective nutrients that may have Tucano groups (Vaupe´s and Guaviare relaxed selective pressures to allow for The bony labyrinth consists of three n566) and one Guahibo group (Gua- expansion of hominin brain size. These parts (the two vestibular sacs, the three viare n523). Tucanos of Vaupe´s pre- specific nutrients would have been im- semicircular canals and the cochlea) sented 40 polymorphic sites (according portant given the physiological con- and houses two functional systems. The to rCRS) and 29 haplotypes, Tucanos of straints of increasing brain and body vestibular system provides one way of Guaviare 34 and 19 haplotypes and size. Evidence of aquatic resource use in motion detection in a three-dimensional Guahibos of Guaviare 15 polymorphic many Pleistocene localities is sparse space. The cochlea is specialized for sities in 4 haplotypes, all belonging to and we explore possible explanations sound detection. The close anatomical the major Native American haplogroups for this. We believe the data from the relationship between the bony labyrinth A-D. The Guahibos mtDNA haplotype Turkana basin suggest that an increase and the corresponding receptor endor- diversity is low, which is typical of in the diversity of dietary adaptations gans provides an opportunity to study Hunter – Gatherer groups, likely repre- was important to the success of our osteological specimens (including senting a drastic reduction of popula- ancestors prior to the appearance of fossils). tion size and the latter fixation of the H. erectus. The investigation of the three-dimen- present haplotypes. The Tucano sce- This study was funded by a National sional (3D) anatomical variation of the nario is different, represented by bigger Science Foundation Graduate Research bony labyrinth in extant species repre- gene diversity (average 0,900) and Fellowship and the Center for Human sents a prerequisite for the interpreta- higher number of haplotypes. All Y Evolutionary Studies. tion of their fossil closest relatives. Chromosomes belong to Q-M3 lineage; This prerequisite has not been com- Tucanos do not share Y-STR haplotypes The chemistry of omega-3 fatty acid, pletely fulfilled yet due to (i) the 3D with Guahibos. The data show that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is criti- geometry complexity of the labyrinth ; Tucanos and Guahibos are two different cal for human brain function. (ii) the difficulty to acquire high groups, the Tucanos exogamous prac- resolution data ; (iii) the few pro- tices respect to the language, probably J. THOMAS BRENNA. Division of posed expert-independent comparative generate a more biological and linguis- Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, methods. tic diverse populations in the Vaupe´s Ithaca, New York. Here, we use 3D geometrical models area, Southeast of Colombia. We are of 40 bony labyrinths reconstructed reporting DNA data of two linguistic The omega-3 DHA is special among from micro-CT scans of extant families that improve our knowledge fatty acids. It comprises more than 1% humans, chimpanzees, bonobos and about the biological diversity of Amazon of the dry weight of brains of all species baboons. We use recently developed ethnic groups. including that of humans. When dietary automated computational tools allow- We thank to ethnic groups and the vol- omega-3 fatty acids are absent during ing to process 3D free-form surfaces, unteers who donated the samples. brain development, they are replaced by and more specifically to assess the the closest structural analogues that mean anatomy within a sample, the Aquatic resources use by Pleisto- can be made from omega-6 fatty acids. pattern of variability around this cene hominins in the Turkana DHA is found as a component of phos- mean, and to compare samples. Basin. pholipids in neuronal cell membranes, Our results allow us to identify the particularly the synapses. We hypothe- most common features and most strik- DAVID R. BRAUN1, JOHN W. K. sized that a lack of DHA in specific ing differences within and between spe- HARRIS2, JACK T. MCCOY2 and modern diets leads to cognitive deficits, cies. The use of such automated, 3D BRIAN G. RICHMOND3. 1Department of and that redundant molecular systems and objective techniques, coupled with Archaeology, University of Cape Town, would be limited in their ability to syn- standard linear, surface or volume 2Department of Anthropology, Rutgers thesize DHA from plant-based precur- measurements, may allow to gain fur- University, 3Department of Anthropology, sors. Supporting this hypothesis are ther insight into the co-evolution of the George Washington University. dozens of studies including our own two functional systems housed in the showing that omega-3 deficiency causes inner ear of the extant and extinct The incorporation of animal tissue into visual, cognitive, motor, and mood- higher primates. the diet of early Pleistocene hominins is related deficiencies, indicating that Research supported by the French often considered to be a key attribute DHA is especially crucial for proper Institute for Research in Computer that distinguished the later members of higher neural function. These observa- Science and Control (3DMORPHINE our genus from earlier ancestors. The tions predict that molecular mecha- Concerted Research Action), the expansion of the brain during this time nisms for upregulating DHA synthesis HOPE (Human Origins and Past is likely linked to a suite of other adap- would be limited in humans. This hy- Environments) International Program tations such as reduction in tooth and pothesis is supported by our data show- and the French Ministry of Foreign gut size. Current evidence of animal tis- ing that the key biosynthetic enzymes, Affairs. sue acquisition by hominins is some- the desaturases, are upregulated when

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 26

AAPA ABSTRACTS 97 diet DHA is limiting but unable to sup- including human males. Moreover, non- pestis). Blood was stimulated for 90 port brain DHA at the same levels that pathological hormone variation in males minutes. Immune activation was are achieved by consuming preformed between and within populations is con- assessed by measuring RNA expression DHA. The omega-6 DHA analogue, siderable, suggesting that ecological fac- levels of cytokines and chemokines by docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) replaces tors such as diet, lifestyle, energetic ex- real-time PCR. Strong inter-species dif- DHA in neural membranes, compromis- penditure, and immunological burdens ferences in cytokine/chemokine levels ing retinal and brain function. We con- are significant. This presentation will (IL1B, IL1RN, TNFa, CXCL2, CCL3) clude that the ability of humans to bio- illustrate recent empirical and theoreti- were detected, suggesting divergence in synthesize DHA from plant-based cal developments regarding the role of innate immune function among catar- omega-3 precursors is very limited, thus reproductive, metabolic, and stress hor- rhines over the last 23-29 million years. suggesting that the growth of a run- mones in regulating life history trade- Surprisingly, baboons and humans away brain depends on a steady dietary offs in human males and subsequent express very different innate immune supply of DHA during human brain ramifications on reproductive health in responses to Mycobacterium, a pre- expansion, and consistent with frequent men. The overarching hypothesis is that sumed Savannah-originated pathogen consumption of shore-based foods. hormone fluctuation and differences with which both species are assumed to incur distinct costs and benefits on sur- have had a long history on African A geometric morphometric vivorship and reproductive effort, often grasslands. Furthermore, chimpanzees approach to the question of open resulting in the emergence and preva- which share 98.6% genomic identity social networks in the European lence of health challenges. In particular, with humans express significantly Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. issues such as the associations between stronger pro-inflammatory responses to prostate cancer, aging, somatic condi- LPS than humans or their more distant CIARA´ N BREWSTER. Department of tion, and risk taking will be examined relative, baboons. These observations Archaeology, University College Cork. in light of non-pathological hormone suggest that the evolutionary diver- variation between and within popula- gence of innate immunity among catar- It has been proposed that open social tions living under different ecological rhines cannot be explained solely on the networks over vast areas of the Euro- circumstances. Recent comparative met- basis of their geographical environment pean continent offered Late Pleisto- abolic hormone results from chimpan- and pathogen exposure but may be the cene hunter-gatherers an adaptive zees will also be presented to exemplify result of more complex evolutionary strategy that allowed them to main- male life history trade-offs that are interactions. tain contact and biological continuity. unique to Homo sapiens. Results sup- This study was supported by the NSF Open social networks were further port the assertion that variation in hor- (BCS-0752297 to JFB), the Wenner advanced as an explanation of the rel- mones such as testosterone is reflective Gren Foundation (7845 to JFB), the ative homogeneity of material culture of adaptive functional mechanisms that NIH/NIAID (R01AI023859 to SMG) and across wide geographic regions of the optimize trade-offs between the health the NIH/NCRR (G12RR03060 to continent during the Early Upper costs and benefits of hormone variation, CCNY). Palaeolithic. It is generally thought as well as investment in survivorship thatthereisashifttomoreclosed and reproductive effort in human The use of foramen magnum di- social networks towards the end of the males. mensions for sex determination Late Pleistocene as population density in an indigenous South African increased and human groups became Innate immune function has population. more sedentary. evolved differently in old world Digitised cranial landmarks were ana- monkeys, apes and humans. DESIRE BRITS1, BRENDON lysed using geometric morphometric BILLINGS1, MANISHA DAYAL2 and analysis to examine whether there is a JESSICA F. BRINKWORTH1,2,KATE MUHAMMAD SPOCTER1. 1School of shift towards greater regionalisation of PECHENKINA1,2 , JACK SILVER3 and Anatomical Sciences, University of Wit- cranial traits from the Early Upper SANNA M. GOYERT3. 1Department of watersrand, Medical School, Johannes- Palaeolithic to the Late Mesolithic peri- Anthropology, City University of New burg, South Africa, 2School of ods. Landmarks were registered by York, 2New York Consortium in Evolu- Biomedical and Health Sciences, Uni- Generalised Procrustes Analysis and tionary Primatology, 3Department of versity of Western Sydney, Australia. and analysed using multivariate statis- Microbiology and Immunology, Sophie tics. Davis School of Biomedical Education, Determining the sex of an individual is The degree of cranial variation in the City University of New York. a critical step in routine biological Upper Palaeolithic is consistent with profiling. While the occipital bone has the presence of open social networks. In Innate immunity is the initial host proved useful for this purpose in other contrast, there is increased regionalisa- defense against invading pathogens and population groups, discriminant func- tion of cranial traits in Mesolithic popu- involves activation of innate immune tion equations based on the cranial lations. While the cranial variation of cells via Toll-like receptors (TLRs). base and applicable to a South African all populations in this study are rela- Humans, chimpanzees and baboons are black population are as yet to be tively homogeneous through time and estimated to share [92% genomic iden- derived. In this study we examined space, there is evidence of closure of tity, yet very differently manifest dis- sexual dimorphism in the cranial base long distance social networks during eases that are, in humans, character- of 120 (60 males, 60 females) randomly the Mesolithic. ized by overt activation of innate immu- selected adult skulls, aged between 20 This study was funded by the Irish nity (HIV, hepatitis). These species are and 60 years of age, from the Raymond Research Council for the Humanities hypothesized to have divergent histories Dart Collection of Human Skeletons. and Social Sciences. of pathogen exposure due to differences Significant sexual dimorphism was in geographic distribution and behav- detected in the cranial base of this Hormones, life history trade-offs, iour. To examine if humans, chimpan- sample population. Univariate discrim- and male reproductive health. zees and baboons have evolved different inant function analyses revealed that innate immune responses to environ- the percentage of correctly classified RICHARD G. BRIBIESCAS. Depart- ment-specific infectious agents, fresh crania within this population group ment of Anthropology, Yale University, whole blood from these species was ranged from 60.8% to 65.8%.Cross val- New Haven. stimulated with TLR-detected molecular idation producing fairly similar components from pathogens unevenly results. A bivariate discriminant func- Hormones are key agents that regulate distributed across primate evolutionary tion using foramen magnum length life history trade-offs in all vertebrates, habitats (i.e. Mycobacterium, Yersinia and foramen magnum breadth yielded

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 27

98 AAPA ABSTRACTS a percentage accuracy of 62.5%, with Going to extremes: body size and In adult haplorhine primates, the orbits 65% of males being correctly classified obstetrical adaptation. exhibit substantial postorbital closure whileonly60%offemaleswerecor- by bone. Due to the rarity of subadult rectly classified. A preliminary investi- KIRSTEN BROWN, VALERIE B. DEL- samples and difficulty in studying this gation into the use of artificial neural EON AND CHRISTOPHER B. RUFF. delicate region, orbital growth patterns network for sex determination based Center for Functional Anatomy and Evo- are unknown for most primates. In this on the foramen magnum revealed that lution, Johns Hopkins University School study, three Tarsius syrichta (one fetal; percentage accuracies could be mar- of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. two perinatal) were assessed using a ginally increased in males to 68.9% novel combination of histology and whereas percentage accuracies in Sexual dimorphism of the modern microCT. By microscopy, we superim- females tended to drop to just above human pelvis is generally attributed to posed spatial relationships of soft tis- 50%. obstetrical adaptations in females. While sues structures with bone, and related Overall these results indicate that there females are larger than males for obstet- this to distribution of bone cells. In is significant expression of sexual rically critical dimensions, new research one perinatal specimen, we resampled dimorphism in the cranial base of a suggests that there are dissimilar pat- microCT images to correspond to histo- South African black population and terns of dimorphism between popula- logical sections. Histological sections or highlight the utility of foramen mag- tions, particularly with gross differences CT slices were annotated according to num dimensions for sex determination in body size. Smaller-bodied women may the distribution of osteoblasts and osteo- when no other parameters are avail- even be absolutely larger for obstetri- clasts along osseous boundaries of the able. cally critical dimensions. This study orbit. The annotated cross-sectional This work was supported by the South tests the idea that populations with dif- views were used to generate three- African National Research Foundation ferent body types exhibit dissimilar pat- dimensional reconstructions, color-coded (2068364). terns of sexual dimorphism. The obstet- to show ‘‘depositional’’ (osteoblastic) and rical dimensions between the relatively ‘‘resorptive’’ (osteoclastic) surfaces in The use of CT scans for quantifying wide-bodied Native American Arikara the orbit. Results indicate minimal re- bovid tooth morphology and the and the relatively narrow-bodied Medie- sorptive activity in the anterior orbit, implications for reconstructing val Kulubnarti were analyzed using 3D mostly isolated foci along the maxilla past hominin environments. geometric morphometrics. (relating to adjacent nasolacrimal or Landmarks (k543) were collected on vomeronasal system structures) and the JULIET K BROPHY. Texas A&M Uni- the assembled pelves of male and frontal bone (relating to the adjacent versity, College Station, Texas. female Arikara (N531;32) and Kulub- eye). The floor of the anterior part of narti (N529;30) individuals. General- the orbit is almost entirely depository. Isolated teeth of the Family Bovidae are ized Procrustes Analyses (GPA) and Eu- By contrast, more widespread distribu- the most common fossils found in south- clidean Distance Matrix Analysis were tion of osteoclasts is seen in the poste- ern Africa, and they often form the ba- used to localize shape differences rior orbit. In particular, the orbital sur- sis for paleoenvironmental reconstruc- between the two populations. face of the maxilla, frontal, and/or sphe- tions. However, taxonomic identification GPA identified significant shape differences noid is resorptive from the level of M2 of fossil bovid teeth is often imprecise between the populations (a5.05); relative to posteriorly to the optic foramen. Spatially, and subjective. Biasing factors such as other landmarks, the ischial spines and these resorptive patterns relate to the ad- age and degree of occlusal attrition com- sacrum move posteriorly, the pubis moves jacent eye, extraocular muscles, and optic plicate identifications and often result superiorly, the ischial tuberosities move nerve. By reconstructing the distribution in considerable overlap in the shape medially, and anterior superior iliac spines of bone cells, perinatal ‘‘growth trajecto- and size of teeth of different species. move anteriorly in Kulubnarti individuals. ries’’ can be inferred, thus maximizing Previous work suggests that bovid teeth However, a two-way, full-factorial MANOVA the information available from a limited can be reliably identified based on the found no significant interaction between sex sample of rare specimens. occlusal surface of their teeth (Brophy, and population, suggesting patterns of sex- This study was funded by grants from 2010). This study expands on that ual dimorphism are comparable. EDMA the PA State System of Higher Educa- research and investigates whether the analyses identified linear distances with sig- tion and the National Science Founda- average shape of the occlusal surface of nificant differences in sexual dimorphism tion (# BCS-0820751). a tooth remains consistent over the life- between Kulubnarti and Arikara samples span of a bovid regardless of age and (p\.05). Sexual dimorphism in the Kulub- Neurocranial evolution in Middle attrition. This research assesses intra- narti was greater for the posterior mid- Pleistocene: a paleoneurological tooth variation by taking computed plane, while the Arikara sample had greater study of Jebel Irhoud 1. tomography (CT) scans of a sample of dimorphism for pubic height. Although teeth from the bovid tribes most com- overall patterns of dimorphism are similar EMILIANO BRUNER1 and OSBJORN monly recovered from South African fos- between these two samples, localized mor- PEARSON2. 1Centro Nacional de Inves- sil sites. I applied Elliptical Fourier phological changes may still provide com- tigacio´n sobre la Evolucio´n Humana, Function Analysis (EFFA) to specific pensatory mechanisms. Burgos, Spain, 2University of New Mex- increments of CT scan slices from the This study was funded by a Sigma Xi ico, Albuquerque. same tooth and used discriminant func- GIAR to KB (#G2009100302) and an NSF tion analysis to compare the results of DDIG (BCS- 0925468) to KB and VBD. The late Middle Pleistocene human fos- the EFFA across the different scans sil record is rather scanty and geo- from the same tooth with a dataset of Perinatal remodeling patterns in graphically fragmented. In Europe, af- known teeth. Results indicate that the the orbit of tarsiers. ter archaic morphotypes like Ceprano shape of the tooth throughout an ani- and Sima de los Huesos, the endo- mal’s life does not change significantly AMANDA E. BRUENING1, VALERIE cranial morphology of specimens like enough to impede identification of that B. DELEON2, MEGAN A. HOLMES2, Saccopastore 1 display clear Neandertal tooth using the occlusal surface. The MICHELLE C. ERWIN3, SUSAN J. traits. In Africa the situation is findings support the use of occlusal out- REHOREK1 and TIMOTHY D. SMITH3. more heterogeneous, and evolutionary lines as reliable indicators of bovid spe- 1Department of Biology, Slippery Rock hypotheses must be more tentative. De- cies. Accurate taxonomic diagnoses of University, Slippery Rock, PA, 2Johns spite its good preservation and possible fossil bovid teeth will aid in producing Hopkins University School of Medicine, relationship with the origin of the mod- more precise reconstructions of hominin Baltimore, MD, 3School of Physical Ther- ern humans, the phylogenetic position paleoenvironments than are presently apy, Slippery Rock University, Slippery of Jebel Irhoud 1 remains debated. available. Rock, PA. Here we compare the neurocranial and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 28

AAPA ABSTRACTS 99 endocranial shape and features of this est neighbor than when alone; however, Fertility theory and evolutionary specimen with other Middle and Upper this effect was apparently driven by games. Pleistocene specimens to provide further redtail associations with red colobus paleoneurological information on the monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) and KEVIN M. BURKE1,CLAUDIAR. early stages of the evolution of modern grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus VALEGGIA1,2 and HANS-PETER KOH- human brain. Although facial traits albigena) specifically, as when neither LER2,3. 1Department of Anthropology, suggest a phyletic relationship with mangabeys nor red colobus were pres- University of Pennsylvania, 2Population early modern human dispersals, the ent, nearest-neighbor distance was not Studies Center, University of Pennsylva- neurocranial and endocranial morphol- affected. Prior research suggests that nia, 3Department of Sociology, University ogy of this specimen is definitely non- mangabeys and red colobus are more of Pennsylvania. modern, resembling instead the contem- aggressive towards predators than the porary European morphotypes. The fos- other monkey species, which may Traditional life history theory models sil’s slight bulging of the frontal squama account for this result. Our results sup- how natural selection shapes the timing is probably associated with bone’s orien- port expectations regarding the ways in of particular life course events such as tation and facial reduction rather than which food distributions and predation age and size at maturity, number and actual changes of the frontal profile. affect primate spatial patterns and sug- size of offspring, and reproductive senes- The midsagittal neurocranial geometry gest mechanisms to study predation cence. However, these models often fits comfortably within African and Eu- risk. assume that individual fitness is unaf- ropean Middle Pleistocene human varia- fected by population density and the fre- tion; lateral proportions are somewhat Comparing estimated ontogenetic quency of strategic interactions between similar to those of Neandertals. If Jebel molar wear rates of Australopithe- individuals. Under these assumptions, it Irhoud represents western relic popula- cus africanus and is thought that parents invest in offspring tions of an early, proto-modern dispersal, robustus. quality (e.g. investment in education) at we must assume that the origin of this the expense of offspring quantity (i.e. total proto-modern lineage emerged before the JONATHAN M. BUNN. Interdepart- number of offspring) at the point at which evolution of a fully modern brain. mental Doctoral Program in Anthropo- fitness is maximized according to some This study was funded by the Program logical Sciences, Stony Brook budget constraint. Parental investment GR. 249, Junta de Castilla y Leo´n University. decisions are considered to be unaffected (Spain), by the Project CGL2009-12703- by the social environment. C03-01 Ministero de Ciencia e Innova- Differences in the masticatory appara- When social interactions play an impor- cio´n (Spain), and by the Italian Insti- tuses of Australopithecus africanus and tant role in fitness, the proper mathe- tute of Anthropology. have been matical language is game theory rather hypothesized to result from broad die- than optimization. Recent advances in Diet and polyspecific associations tary differences, with A. africanus con- eco-evolutionary feedback and adaptive affect nearest-neighbor distances of suming a diet of relatively softer and/or dynamics model evolutionary processes redtail monkeys in Kibale National less abrasive foods relative to P. robus- that are density and frequency depend- Park, Uganda. tus. Recent comparative analyses sug- ent. In particular, they model the social gest instead that these hominins con- environment as an important back- MARGARET A. BRYER1, COLIN A. sumed similar diets differing primarily ground against which life histories CHAPMAN2, and JESSICA M. in critical resources. Molar macrowear evolve. Here we advance a model of ROTHMAN1,3. 1Department of Anthro- may assist in addressing this question. human life history that embeds evolu- pology, Hunter College of the City Experimental studies indicate that tionary dynamics in social interactions. University of New York, 2Department harder foods cause relatively higher In doing so, we show that if parental of Anthropology & School of Environ- rates of wear in molar teeth. Wear rates investment decisions are contingent ment, McGill University, 3New York can be estimated by sampling wear upon the investment decisions of other Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- from multiple individuals of assessed parents, then observed fertility may not ogy (NYCEP). age. I examined casts of 23 deciduous rest at a fitness maximizing equilib- second molars and 39 permanent first rium. Rather, the possibility of multiple The possibility of predation and the molars attributed to juvenile A. africa- equilibria emerges under certain condi- need to consume shared foods are cen- nus and P. robustus for which age-at- tions. This model has implications for a tral to understanding primate social or- death had been estimated in the litera- deeper evolutionary understanding of ganization and affect spatial patterns of ture using an ape-like development human demographic trends. individuals within groups. Fruit, typi- schedule. Area of exposed dentin and cally a clumped resource, is predicted to Scott wear scores were quantified. For Inferring the dispersal behavior of bring individuals in closer proximity each species and tooth type wear scores the Kinda baboon (Papio kindae) during feeding than leaves and insects, and the square root of dentin area were from multilocus genetic data. which are more widely dispersed. Poly- regressed separately on age and slopes specific associations are also expected to were compared with a GLM. A second ANDREW BURRELL1, CLIFFORD affect spatial patterns because the pres- analysis was completed with variables JOLLY1, JEFF ROGERS2,JANE ence of more individuals presumably multiplied by a relative enamel thick- PHILLIPS-CONROY3 and TODD provides increased protective effects. We ness constant to control for enamel DISOTELL1. 1Department of Anthropol- examined the effects of food type and thickness. Wear rates between these ogy/Center for the Study of Human Origins, polyspecific association on nearest- species do not differ significantly for ei- New York University, & NYCEP, 2Baylor neighbor distances of redtail monkeys ther dentin area or wear score, regard- College of Medicine & Southwest Founda- (Cercopithecus ascanius) in Kibale less of controlling for enamel thickness. tion for Biomedical Research, 3Department National Park, Uganda by observing Additionally, wear rates for second de- of Anthropology, Washington University, adult males and females in one group ciduous molars are significantly higher St. Louis, & Department of Anatomy and from November 2008- May 2010 than for permanent first molars in both Neurobiology, Washington University Med- (N53916 scans). When redtails con- species. These results do not support ical School. sumed fruit, they were closer in proxim- the hypothesis that A. africanus and P. ity to their nearest neighbor than when robustus had broadly different diets, Dispersal -- the migration of individuals they consumed leaves or insects. When but are consistent with suggestions that from their natal group -- is a key behav- other monkey species (n55 species) these species exploited different critical ior that affects not only the structure of were present within the group, redtail resources. social groups but also how alleles are monkeys were farther from their near- This study was funded by an NSF GRF. distributed spatially and (via demo-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 29

100 AAPA ABSTRACTS graphic processes) temporally within type) fibers. Percentages of slow- and equipment. While the technique will be and between populations. fast-type fibers were assessed in each useful to many stable isotope research- Here we present genetic data on the dis- slide and compared across species. Pre- ers, it is particularly suited for studying persal behavior of the little-known Kinda liminary results suggest that the percent- the changing diet of a single individual. baboon, Papio kindae, from south-central age of fast twitch fibers was highest in Africa. Papio baboons display a range of the black lemur (96%) and lowest in the Fracture and pathological analysis dispersal behaviors, from the strict female chimpanzee (19%). Results for slow-twitch of a high velocity train accident philopatry and male dispersal of Papio immunohistochemical procedures reveal through skeletal reconstruction. anubis tothemalephilopatryandlim- that the orbicularis oris muscle of chim- ited, involuntary female dispersal of panzees has proportionally more slow- ALYSSA BUTLER and HEATHER Papio hamadryas. Kinda baboons are twitch fibers (50%) compared to either WALSH-HANEY. College of Professional much smaller than other baboon species humans (27%) or black lemurs (4%). Pres- Studies, Division of Justice Studies, and appear to have a unique suite of ent results were inconclusive for fiber Florida Gulf Coast University. behaviors, including unusual patterns of type distribution in the rhesus macaque. grooming and affiliation between adult Macaque muscle fibers were either non- We present one forensic anthropology males and females. reactive or weakly reactive to the slow- case involving a train versus pedestrian To investigate kinda dispersal behavior, we type marker and moderately reactive for accident to highlight (1) the fracture used mitochondrial sequence data (350bp the fast-type marker. These preliminary mechanics of bone and (2) how antemor- of HV1), as well as allele frequency data results suggest that the fiber type distri- tem skeletal pathologies affected peri- from eight autosomal and two Y-chromo- bution in the orbicularis oris muscle of mortem fracture propagation. somal microsatellites to probe patterns of the primate species sampled reflects the Train accidents produce skeletal injuries genetic variation in a set of 50 baboons particular functional demands of this that are similar to those induced by car ver- from five localities in Zambia. Our results muscle in each species’ facial displays and sus pedestrian accidents; although, the for- show that maternally inherited mitochon- feeding methods, use of the upper lip as a mer produces more severe damage. Our drial genetic variation is highly geographi- prehensile tool in chimpanzees, and in analysis of an unidentified male provided cally structured (e.g., FST 50.948, p \ human speech. an opportunity for skeletal reconstruction 0.001) while autosomal and Y-chromosomal This study was funded by RR-00165 and categorization of perimortem fractures variation (FST 50.033, p\0.001, 0.038, p[ from the NIH/NCRR to the Yerkes relative to the observed antemortem skele- 0.05, respectively) is not, suggesting that National Primate Research Center, and tal pathology. The remains were radio- females are philopatric and that gene flow R03-MH082282 to LA Parr. graphed, macerated, dried, and recon- ispredominantlydrivenbymaleinter- structed. We examined the skeletal group dispersal. This finding has implica- A new method of dentine microsam- remains focusing upon fracture margins, tions for our understanding of the behav- pling of deciduous teeth for stable crack propagation, and categorization (i.e., ioral evolution of Papio, and aids studies of isotope analysis. comminuted, transverse, burst, avulsed, hybridization between kindas and other and butterfly). Antemortem observations baboon species. NICOLE M. BURT and SANDRA included periostitis, hallux valgus,diffuse This research was supported by NSF GARVIE-LOK. Department of Anthro- idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), grant BCS0452835, the National Geo- pology, University of Alberta. healed sternal and maxillary fractures, and graphic Society, New York University, an intradiploic epidermoid cyst inferior to and Washington University, St. Louis. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analy- the cruciform eminence. sis is used to reconstruct diet. Serial sam- Approximately 90% of the skeletal Fiber-type characteristics of the pling of the dentine can reconstruct an remains were fractured with most frac- primate orbicularis oris muscle: individual’s changing diet and the diet of tures being comminuted. As expected and evolutionary divergence of lip the population. Previous serial studies in keeping with the biomechanical proper- function. have used homogenized samples that give ties of bone, the perimortem fractures did broad results. This study presents a new not transect the sites of the healed ante- ANNE M. BURROWS1,2,BETHA. microsampling technique for use with sta- mortem fractures or the DISH-related DOCHERTY1, TIMOTHY D. SMITH2,3 ble isotope analysis that reconstructs diet hypertrophic bone. In addition, fractures and LISA A. PARR4. 1Department of Physi- associated with specific and important ju- were observed running to, but not cal Therapy, Duquesne University, venile life stages: fetal life, breastfeeding, through, the intradiploic epidermoid cyst. 2Department of Anthropology, University and weaning. of Pittsburgh, 3School of Physical Therapy, A sample of 23 modern deciduous teeth was Ethical currents in anthropological Slippery Rock University, 4Department of collected in collaboration with the Depart- genetics: introduction to the AAAG Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Yerkes ment of Pediatric Dentistry, University of symposium. National Primate Research Center, Emory Alberta. The teeth were longitudinally sec- University. tioned. One half of each longitudinally cut GRACIELA S. CABANA and tooth was examined histologically to find BRANNON I. HULSEY. Department of It has been shown that mammalian skele- the level of the neonatal line. The other half Anthropology, University of Tennessee, tal muscles have heterogenous fiber-type is sampled for isotopic analysis. Microsam- Knoxville. composition that reflects their functional ples of dentine were collected occlusal to the demands. Such data are important to neonatal line, directly apical to the neonatal Last year, the American Association of understanding the often subtle relation- line, and from the growing edge of the tooth. Anthropological Genetics (AAAG) spon- ship between muscle morphology and Collagenwasextractedfromthesamples sored a symposium on the technological, function and their evolution. The purpose using standard procedures. The formation methodological and analytical chal- of the present study was to assess fiber- schedule of deciduous dentine suggests that lenges associated with today’s ‘‘genomics type characteristics these samples will reflect the diet of the era.’’ This year, we turn to the potential in the orbicularis oris muscle of primates mother during pregnancy, breastfeeding ethical challenges posed by large-scale in order to elucidate its structural basis diet, and weaning diet. The results of the genetics and genomics research and for function across wide phylogenetic and isotopic assay on this modern sample can be ask, what do these challenges mean for behavioral ranges. Sections of the upper reasonably explained in terms of modern today’s anthropological genetics? lip were sampled from human, chimpan- infant feeding practices and demonstrates Recent advances in genetics and genomics zee, rhesus macaque, and black lemur the potential value of the technique for reveal two significant trends: (1) the emer- cadavers and were studied using myosin research on archaeological remains. gence of large-scale population studies and heavy chain immunohistochemistry for The method created by this study is genomic databases and (2) the commerciali- either type I (slow-type) or type II (fast- simple and utilizes readily available zation of genetic and genomic information.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 30


Both trends challenge established single answer, there should be some Study of Human Origins (CSHO) at notions of informed consent. Tradition- common themes, and perhaps more con- New York University. ally, the protection of human subjects sensus exists than expected. As biologi- has rested on three principles: respect cal , we should welcome The contribution of the Fels for persons, beneficence, and justice. and be well-prepared to advance multi- longitudinal study to European How do we continue to honor these prin- disciplinary theoretical discussions and auxology. ciples when research in genetics and useful applications of understanding of genomics is requiring the acquisition of, who we are as a species. If not, investi- NOEL CAMERON. Centre for Global and access to, a tremendous number of gations of this fundamental question Health and Human Development, human DNA samples? Private compa- of our subfield will certainly go on School of Sport, Exercise and Health nies and public institutions currently without us. Sciences, Loughborough University, maintain (or are moving toward creat- Loughborough, UK. ing) population-based biobanks. The Housing conditions and stress in a storage and broad sharing of biospeci- captive group of male baboons The Fels Longirtudinal Study has a re- mens and data at such an unprece- (Papio sp.). markable and unique place within the dented large scale make it impossible to history of research in human auxology. It foresee the future research for which JOSEPH CALIFF. Department of An- was not the first longitudinal study of they might be used. Therefore, future thropology, New York University, New human growth and development but was risks for individuals and groups are York Consortium in Evolutionary Pri- preceded by studies initiated in the uni- impossible to assess. What is the mean- matology (NYCEP). versities of Chicago in 1904, Iowa (1917), ing of individual privacy and informed Harvard (1922), Minnesota (1926), Yale consent is this case? Psychological well-being is a crucial (1927), and Colorado (1927). In 1929, In many respects, the ‘‘genomics era’’ component of primate management and however, the Fels Longitudinal study was offers a future of expanded opportunities welfare in captivity. Two variable founded privately by the Fels Foundation in anthropological genetic research. aspects of group housing are available and became the world’s longest running However, we must recognize that our space per individual (total individuals research project, pioneering may of the responses to these and future ethical con- relative to enclosure size) and group methods we now use to undertake longi- cerns – whether proactive or retroactive – composition (sex and number of cage- tudinal studies. In the summer of 1948 will undoubtedly impact our ability to mates). In addition to behavioral inves- James M Tanner, the British physician take advantage of those opportunities. tigation, physiological indicators of and physiologist, was awarded a travel stress, such as elevated levels of gluco- fellowship by the Viking Fund to visit the And thanks for asking!: some corticoids (GCs), are useful in attempts existing American growth studies. The answers to ‘‘What makes us human?’’ to assess the effect of housing conditions Fels study formed a significant and pro- from biological anthropology. on the psychosocial welfare of captive found influence on Tanner and on his groups. Baboons are socially complex return to the UK he was to describe ‘‘the JAMES M. CALCAGNO1 and primates whose psychophysiologic volume ... and...excellence [of the Ameri- BENJAMIN C. CAMPBELL2. 1Depart- health may be particularly susceptible can growth studies]...as an inspiratio- ment of Anthropology, Loyola University to the effects of differences in housing n...and a stimulus to all biologists of Chicago, 2Department of Anthropology, arrangement. whatever variety who realise the over- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This study investigates the connection whelming importance of form [of child between modes of social housing and GC growth] and the seemingly overwhelming Not long ago, the question ‘‘What Makes concentration across a large, captive pop- problems raise by it.’’ This call to action Us Human?’’ was most commonly ulation of male baboons (Papio sp.) main- resulted in the initiation of the Harpen- addressed by ‘‘the humanities’’, with an tained at the Southwest National Primate den longitudinal study in 1949 and over emphasis on literature, art, history, and Research Center. Most study subjects the next two decades an exponential language. Biological anthropology was (n5221) lived in 13 separate all-male increase in European research in human thought to have little to contribute. enclosures, five measuring 93.0m2 growth and development which was Even within anthropology, defined as (1000ft2) and eight measuring 46.5m2 accompanied by the formation of regular the study of humanity, biological an- (500ft2). The remaining individuals international research meetings at the thropology has had a hard time gaining (n519) occupied 46.5m2 enclosures and Centre Internationale de l’Enfance in a receptive audience on this fundamen- were housed in single-male groups with Paris, and the International Association tal issue. More recently, and given multiple females. Fecal samples (n5907) of Human Auxology as a global society major scientific advances in human biol- were collected and GCs were extracted for research in human growth and ogy, genetics, and neuroscience, an and measured by radioimmunoassay in development. increasing number of non-scientists the Altmann Laboratory (Princeton Uni- have recognized that discussing what versity). Controlled conditions minimized Influence of occupational activity makes us human without some ground- or eliminated variation in diet and other on the rate of degenerative change ing in these areas leaves a vast void. external factors while individual differen- of the pubic symphysis in a sample Biological anthropologists are not only ces in other important variables (age, of 19th-20th century Portuguese well-equipped to provide such informa- body weight) were incorporated into anal- male individuals. tion, but encouragingly, are more likely yses. Group composition had no effect on to be asked by colleagues far outside GCs. Unexpectedly, males in 500ft2 enclo- VANESSA CAMPANACHO1,2,ANA our field for our thoughts. Yet ironically, sures exhibited significantly lower GCs LUI´SA SANTOS1 and HUGO F. V. although the very issue of ‘‘what makes than males in 1000ft2 enclosures CARDOSO2,3. 1CIAS - Research Center for us human’’ initially attracted many of (p\0.02). These results challenge common Anthropology and Health and Department us to the discipline, comprehensive assumptions and suggest that psychoso- of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, answers are difficult to formulate, given cial welfare of captive groups should be Portugal, 2Museu Nacional de Histo´ria that our individual research requires assessed on a species-specific or, even, Natural – Departamento de Zoologia e more narrowly defined projects. Thus, it case by case basis. Antropologia & Centro de Biologia Ambien- is an appropriate time for our subfield This research was funded by the tal. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, to assess what we can and cannot say National Science Foundation (BCS- 3Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do about human nature, from paleoanthro- 0827570), Rotary International (Walter Porto, Portugal. pology, primatology, human biology, D. Head Foundation), the New York neuroscience, and related perspectives. Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- The various existing approaches for age While we recognize there certainly is no ogy (NYCEP), and the Center for the estimation from the pubic simphysis have

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 31

102 AAPA ABSTRACTS been criticized for their low reliability. This study explores directional asymme- plane of the sciatic notch and then Among the arguments is the influence of try in pelvic dimensions among seven 500-1000 additional points by dragging occupational activity in the aging process. archaeological North American indige- the digitizer stylus across the sciatic This study wishes to determine if occupa- nous groups. Individuals were placed notch while continuously capturing tion influences the aging process in the into two broad age classes for compari- data points. Custom software was pubic symphysis. son in order to assess asymmetry and written to project vertices onto the We analyzed 161 male individuals (18 to mortality. Measurements were taken on plane defined by three specific land- 96 years) of known age from two Portu- bilateral dimensions related to obstet- marks and then to extract the shape of guese identified skeletal collections. The rics. In addition, we measured femoral the sciatic notch from the digitized sample was divided in two groups accord- dimensions with documented patterns points. Sciatic notch shape was com- ing to the occupation of the individuals of asymmetry in human populations. pared to the shape obtained from 3D (manual and non-manual) and to the Measurement error was assessed to be surface models (generated from CT index of femoral robustness (robust and low (\2%) for all measurements. images) of the same 20 bones. gracile). The manual and robust groups Results show no sexual dimorphism in Extracted curves were aligned and represent individuals with physically any observed asymmetries, matching root-mean-square values calculated to demanding occupations and the non-man- previous findings. No significant corre- compare the two methods. ual and gracile groups represent of less lations (or greater than q 5 0.25) We found that the novel methodology physically demanding occupations. between femoral and pelvic dimension accurately captures the shape of the sci- Absence and presence of characteristics asymmetries were found. Nonparamet- atic notch as compared to the surface associated with the degenerative pro- ric analyses further demonstrate no sig- models. Advantages of this methodology cess of the pubic simphysis, as described nificant directional asymmetry in any are that it can be used when collecting by Brooks and Suckey (1990), were dimensions with the notable exception other landmarks and it avoids issues recorded and the influence of occupation for pubic length, which has a significant with digital image distortion. The was determined by comparing the age right bias. Further analysis demon- method could easily be extended to cap- of transition from absent to present strates the right bias is found in young ture other biological shapes (e.g., cra- using logistic regression. Median ages individuals and is greater in females, nia). for absence and presence of characteris- whoalsoshowarightbiasinaproxy This study was funded by a National tics were also compared between the for sacrospinous ligament length. Science Foundation Collaborative two groups using a Mann-Whitney test. Older individuals exhibit small (\1%) Research Grant, BCS division, Our results show that, overall, individu- asymmetries that are more likely the #0962752. als of manual occupations and robust result of fluctuating asymmetry. individuals show younger ages of transi- Though preliminary, this implies possi- New evidence concerning the emer- tion, suggesting a faster rate of aging. ble associations between obstetric gence of tuberculosis in South Although differences between the dimension asymmetry and younger Africa. groups rarely reach statistical signifi- female mortality. cance, the findings are very consistent This study was funded by a National TESSA J. CAMPBELL and REBECCA across all characteristics observed. Science Foundation Collaborative R. ACKERMANN. Department of Mann-Whitney tests does not support Research Grant, BCS division, Archaeology, University of Cape Town, this results. Overall, the statistically #0962752. South Africa. significant results show that robust individuals have a slower rate of aging Quantifying a twisted curve: 3D Numerous studies suggest an African (older median ages) compared to gracile digitization of sciatic notch shape origin for the Mycobacterium tuberculo- individuals. using a microscribe. sis complex, yet, with the exception of Egypt, little is known about the emer- Survival is in the balance? Asym- RYAN M. CAMPBELL1, MEADOW L. gence and spread of tuberculosis on the metry in obstetric dimensions and CAMPBELL1, ADAM D. SYLVESTER2, continent. In South Africa, a review of mortality. BENJAMIN M. AUERBACH3 and the literature has produced no evidence KATHYRN A. KING4. 1Department of of pre-colonial tuberculosis; however, MEADOW L. CAMPBELL1,RYANM. Anthropology, Southern Illinois Univer- the archaeological record has not been CAMPBELL1, BENJAMIN M. sity – Carbondale, 2Department of examined in this context. Here we pres- AUERBACH2, KATHYRN A. KING3, Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute ent results of ongoing research into the and ADAM D. SYLVESTER4. 1Depart- for Evolutionary Anthropology, 3Depart- emergence and spread of tuberculosis in ment of Anthropology, Southern Illinois ment of Anthropology, The University of South Africa. Of the 1484 Holocene and University – Carbondale, 2Department Tennessee, 4Department of Sociology historical specimens examined thus far, of Anthropology, The University of Ten- and Anthropology, University of Arkan- eleven show pathology suggestive of nessee, 3Department of Sociology and sas at Little Rock. tuberculosis. Preliminary results from Anthropology, University of Arkansas at ancient DNA analysis support these Little Rock, 4Department of Human Obstetrically related sexual shape diagnoses. Five of these specimens have Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Ev- dimorphism has long made the pelvis been reported on previously; at least olutionary Anthropology. highly useful for estimating sex in skel- one specimen dates to the late 1700’s etal remains. Sciatic notch shape is reg- (possibly earlier), a time of limited Eu- Directional asymmetry is minimal in ularly used as a diagnostic feature. Tra- ropean contact. For the remaining six the lower limbs of humans: it is slightly ditionally, the shape of sciatic notch has specimens, two show lytic lesions of the left-biased and exhibits cross-symmetry been assessed qualitatively or with lin- lumbar vertebrae and four show abnor- with the more asymmetric upper limb. ear metrics, and more recently captured mal bone deposition on the pleural sur- In addition, it has also been demon- from digital images. Here we present a face of the ribs. All of these specimens strated that the sacrum exhibits left-bi- novel methodology for capturing the appear to date to the colonial period. ased asymmetry in its alar dimensions. shape of the sciatic notch using a 3D Three specimens are from an urban Given this precedent, though some digitizer. context, but the context is unknown for asymmetry may be present in pelvic The sciatic notches of 20 (10 male/10 the remaining three specimens. Eight of dimensions, it would be anticipated that female) modern human os coxae were the eleven specimens identified thus far this would be minimized by develop- captured digitally using an Immersion with tuberculosis were unearthed in the mental constraints imposed by locomo- microscribe. This was done by collect- Northern Cape Province. With the dis- tor efficiency and, in females, obstetric ing three specific landmarks (two Type covery of diamonds in the late 1800’s, sufficiency. II and one Type III) that define the the region became an early focus for

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 32

AAPA ABSTRACTS 103 mining activity. The skeletal evidence The HGP is funded by the Late Lessons PAULA SANCHEZ-DIZ6, JORGE supports the early emergence of tuber- from Early History initiative at Arizona ROCHA8, LYNN JORDE9,ANTONIO culosis in this region during this period State University. BREHM10, VALERIA MONTANO2, of extensive, close-quarter contact. NASR ELDIN ELWALI11, GABRIELLA This study was funded by the Wenner- Life and death in the Middle SPEDINI2,4, MARIA E. D’AMATO12, Gren Foundation Wadsworth African Bronze Age. The case study of the NATALIE MYRES13, PETER EBBESEN14, Fellowship. necropolis of Olmo di Nogara, and DAVID COMAS1. 1Institute of Evo- Verona (Italy). lutionary Biology (UPF-CSIC), CEXS- UPF-PRBB, Barcelona, Spain, 2Diparti- ALESSANDRO CANCI1, MARY ANNE mento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo, Google Earth and ArcGIS Server as TAFURI2, GINO FORNACIARI3, Sapienza Universita` di Roma, Rome, database sharing tools for research MICHELE CUPITO’1 and LUCIANO Italy, 3Department of Diagnostic and and education in paleoanthropol- SALZANI4. 1Department of Archaeol- Laboratory Service and Legal Medicine, ogy: examples from the Hadar Geo- ogy, University of Pisa, Italy, 2McDo- Section of Legal Medicine, University informatics Project. nald Institute for Archaeological of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, Research, University of Cambridge, UK, 4Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, Rome, CHRISTOPHER CAMPISANO1,2, 3Department of Oncology, Transplants Italy, 5Department of Zoology, Univer- SHEA LAMAR3, AYAN MITRA3, and Advanced Technologies in Medicine, sity of Oxford, UK, 6Institute of Legal RAMON ARROWSMITH4, ERIN Division of Palaeopathology, University Medicine, Genomics Medicine Group, DIMAGGIO4, KAYE REED1,2 and of Pisa, Italy, 4Archaeological Superin- University of Santiago de Compostela, WILLIAM KIMBEL1,2. 1Institute of tendence of Veneto, Italy. Spain, 7Dipartimento di Biologia Evolu- Human Origins, Arizona State Univer- zionistica Sperimentale, Unita` di Antro- sity, 2School of Human Evolution and The cemetery at Olmo di Nogara pologia, Universita` di Bologna, Italy, Social Change, Arizona State Univer- (Verona, northeast Italy) is one of the 8Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia sity, 3Institute for Social Science most important protohistoric burial Molecular (IPATIMUP), Universidade Research, Arizona State University, sites that have come to light in Italy do Porto, Portugal, 9Department of 4School of Earth and Space Exploration, during recent years. The anthropologi- Human Genetics, University of Utah Arizona State University. cal sample considered in this study Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, includes all adult males buried in the UT, 10Human Genetics Laboratory, Uni- The goal of the Hadar Geoinformatics cemetery consisting in a total of 116 versity of Madeira, Campus of Pen- Project (HGP) is to merge disparate individuals and 65 adult women. From teada, Funchal, Portugal, 11Department data sources into a paleoanthropological the palaeopathological point of view, 11 of Molecular Biology, National Cancer geodatabase for research, education, cases of perimortal lesions, which may Institute (NCI-UG), University of and conservation in the greater Hadar be interpreted as the results of injuries Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, 12Univer- region of Ethiopia. In cooperation with inflicted during life by metal blades and sity of the Western Cape, Department the Dikika Research Project, we have arrows, were found on the males. This of Biotechnology, Forensic DNA Lab, developed an ArcGIS and Microsoft corresponds to a prevalence of 9,5% of Cape Town, South Africa, 13Sorenson Access-based geodatabase that provides the male sample thus suggesting a con- Molecular Genealogy Foundation, Salt the geospatial framework critical for siderable degree of conflict involving the Lake City, 14Department of Health addressing fundamental questions con- community. Science and Technology, Aalborg Uni- cerning hominins and their paleoenvir- The composition of grave goods, with versity, Denmark. onmental context. Although detailed armed individuals, and the anthropolog- research queries require desktop ver- ical evidence of conflict at Olmo di The study of Y chromosome variation in sions of the geodatabase, technological Nogara imply social complexity that extant populations has provided signifi- advances in easy-to-use GIS-based founds little comparisons in coeval sites cant insights into the genetic history of web applications allow large and of other areas of the Peninsula. We Homo sapiens. Focusing on sub-Saharan detailed datasets to be shared and have carried out an isotope study on Africa, demographic events associated manipulated by a wide range of users. several skeletal series from northern with the spread of languages, agriculture Such databases abound in the geo- and southern Italy to test for further and pastoralism have been targeted but sciences, but are exceptionally rare in differences in the dietary practices of little is known on the early history of the paleoanthropology. these Bronze age communities; stable continent. The first two branches of the Starting with the Hadar faunal catalog, carbon and nitrogen data reveal an Y chromosome genealogy, namely hap- the HGP is in the process of making interesting dichotomy in the use of logroup A and B, are African specific, with more than three decades of field col- resources between the two areas of the average continental frequencies of 14-34%, lected data freely available to the public Peninsula, with the reliance on reaching up to 65% in groups of foragers . for scientific or education use via Google extremely diverse plant species. We as- Despite the potential of such lineages in Earth and ArcGIS Server. Custom-built sociate such differences not only to the revealing signatures of the ancient peo- scripts in both applications parse the traditional pattern of diffusion of pling of the continent, an exhaustive inves- HGP database such that the user has a domesticated crops, but mostly to cul- tigation of their distribution and variation multitude of search options. Queries tural practices that might only partially is currently missing. Here we show that and map displays are not limited simply be connected to environmental con- their systematic dissection provides novel to localities, but can be used to explore straints and more likely associated with specific taxa, stratigraphic intervals, the habitus of these human groups. insights into the early history of our spe- fossil density and taxonomic diversity This study was funded by MIUR and cies. We highlighted complex pattern of (or specific combinations in ArcGIS Department of Archaeology, university populations’ dynamics among hunter-gath- Server). Web-links embedded in each lo- of Padua. erer communities, evidence for the peo- cality ‘‘pin’’ redirects the user to the pling of western and southern Africa, and complete locality-specific faunal catalog Early Y chromosome lineages in showed the retention of the very early that can be exported as a worksheet for Africa: the origin and dispersal of human Y chromosome lineages in eastern additional data manipulation. The HGP Homo sapiens. and central but not southern Africa. These aims not only to make a tremendous results open new perspectives on the early collection of data easily accessible for CRISTIAN CAPELLI5 CHIARA BATINI1,2, African history of Homo sapiens,withpar- research and education, but also to set GIANMARCO FERRI3, GIOVANNI ticular attention to areas of the continent a precedent in paleoanthropological DESTRO-BISOL2,4, FRANCESCA where human fossil remains and archaeo- data sharing. BRISIGHELLI4,5,6, DONATA LUISELLI7, logical data are scanty.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 33


Fracture analyse of historical long trolling isotopic variability. This project growing BALB/cByJ female mice (n 5 bones. is the first to utilize bulk as well as com- 30), and a second experiment (n 5 35) pound specific isotopic analyses within a using growing C57BL/6J female mice, I NADINE CARLICHI1, FLORIAN forested East African environment resi- compare structural effects of movement FISCHER2, KRISTIN VON HEYKING1, dent to over 7 species of large and small regimes amongst them, and by lineage. and GISELA GRUPE1. 1LMU Biocenter, bodied primates. As such, this project Femoral cross-sectional properties (e.g., Department Biology I, Anthropology seeks to create a methodological baseline cortical areas, second moments of area, and Human Genetics, Ludwig-Maximili- from which to begin refining previous polar moment of area, shape ratios) and ans-University of Munich, Planegg- and future analyses of tissue d13Cand activity profiles were compared. C57BL/ Martinsried, Germany, 2Institut of d15N in the reconstruction of early homi- 6J groups differed amongst themselves in Legal Medicine of Munich, Germany. nin dietary patterns. activity level more than BALB/cByJ Collection of plants from Ngogo, Kibale groups. Zig-zag mice tended to have more In the course of archaeological excava- National Park in Uganda, spanning elliptical diaphyses in both groups. Linear tions traumatic injuries are often found, both wet and dry seasons resulted in and control mice differed less often in especially fractures, which can be over 400 individual samples from 40 dif- many properties. Distinctiveness of detected relatively well in human bone. ferent species. Sampling included those shapes in zig-zag mice across the lineages Fractures are defined as a disruption of foods most commonly consumed by supports the idea that non-linear move- the continuity of a skeletal element, endemic chimpanzees, as well as a num- ments (e.g., turning) likely have a recog- exceeding the maximum limits of the ber of less consumed species to ensure nizable effect on long bone structure. structures elasticity under the forces of representation by each class of food Supported by the NYCOM Office of pressure, tension or bending. The iden- items (including flowers, pith, cambium, Research. tification of such lesions leads to impor- leaves, fruit, vertebrate prey, etc). Bulk tant information about the interaction and compound specific isotopic analyses Ramifications of insufficient DHA: of a prehistoric population with war- were then conducted on nested groups evidence from studies during preg- fare, interpersonal violence and other of samples to tease apart the origins of nancy and infancy. aspects of daily life (Aufderheide and amino acid and bulk level variability. Rodriguez-Martin 1998). Analyses revealed seasonal, as well as SUSAN E. CARLSON. Department of Because of a long exposure to the burial intra- and inter-species differences in Dietetics and Nutrition, University of environment or through the impact of d13C and d15N that inform our under- Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, different forces, e.g.: root predation, low standing of isotopic variability in an KS. pH-value or mechanical deformation by East African tropical forest habitat and the soil, some fractures cannot be recog- provide a foundation for interpreting The 22 carbon n-3 fatty acid, DHA, nized as such (Wahl 2001). isotopic signatures of early hominin ma- accumulates rapidly in forebrain begin- In most published studies, a warlike terial. ning around the 24th week of gestation past is in the main focus. Skeletal se- This study was funded by the National and the concentration increases at a ries-covering fracture types are seldom Science Foundation, grant number near linear rate through the first 2 determined and compared with each 0925785, and The Leakey Foundation. years of age. Although the increase in other. brain DHA in the last trimester is quite The object of this study is a comparison Linearity in the real world – an dramatic, it is small compared to accre- between modern clinical data from the experimental assessment of non- tion in a) adipose tissue of the fetus and Institute for Legal Medicine in Munich linearity in terrestrial locomotion. b) forebrain in the first 2 years of post- and ancient fracture types, to check natal life. The DHA that accumulates in whether certain fracture patterns are KRISTIAN J. CARLSON1,2. 1Institute adipose tissue during fetal life is phenomena of recent times or whether for Human Evolution, University of the believed to be a reservoir for postnatal fracture types occur intertemporally Witwatersrand, 2Department of Anthro- DHA needs of the newborn; e.g., the and irrespective of the prevalent forces. pology, Indiana University. amount of DHA as a percent of total For this, long bones from different me- fatty acids in adipose tissue declines dieval, spatiotemporally defined skeletal Cross-sectional geometric properties of rapidly after birth. Studies of postna- series at the Bavarian State Collection long bones are widely applied in inferring tally administered DHA have asked,’’ Is for Anthropology and Paleoanatomy primate behavioral repertoires. Amongst DHA a conditionally essential nutrient with notation of a trauma were selected. hominins, these are particularly useful for infants or can adequate amounts be Because most fractures have healed for reconstructing mobility patterns. Ex- synthesized from its essential fatty acid well, a method consisting of morphologi- perimental studies of long bone loads precursor, a-linolenic acid? ‘‘ Not sur- cal analysis, x-ray and CT-scan is used characterizing locomotor activities, how- prisingly, given the inability of the pre- to make the fracture line visible and to ever, demonstrate disconnect between term fetus to accumulate normal brain identify the fracture type. measured and theoretical loads predicted or adipose tissue DHA, DHA supple- from bone morphology. This complicates mentation has been shown to benefit Isotopic nutritional ecology at population-level comparisons. The lack of cortical visual acuity and outcomes Ngogo, Kibale National Park, a consistent definition for mobility, likely related to cognition. Results of term Uganda. a multifactorial phenomen, further com- supplementation studies are more vari- plicates these comparisons. able, possibly reflecting differences in BRYCE CARLSON and JOHN KINGS- In order to contribute towards a consen- maternal DHA status due to dietary TON. Department of Anthropology, sus definition of mobility, I address one intake of DHA and genetic differences Emory University. specificfactor–non-linearlocomotion. in DHA biosynthesis by both mother Following an instantaneous focal sam- and fetus/infant [individual alleles for Despite the acknowledged significance of pling protocol, locomotor behavior was fatty acid desaturases (FADS1/2) have dietary shifts in human evolution, documented multiple times per day for been correlated with 20 and 22 carbon anthropologists today are only margin- individuals. Custom-designed cages accen- PUFA status]. There are only a few ally closer to understanding dietary tuated zig-zag (condition 1) or linear loco- DHA supplementation trials during niches of early hominin lineages. The motion (condition 2), while control mice pregnancy, however, numerous observa- useofstableisotopicanalysestorecon- inhabited standard laboratory cages. At tional studies find benefits of higher struct paleodiets has largely been limited the termination of the experiment, limb maternal DHA intake. to gross distinctions of C3 versus C4 con- bones were harvested for microCT scan- The author’s Phase III randomized clin- sumption and hampered by a poor ning and structural analysis. Combining ical trials (RCTs) are funded by NICHD understanding of ecological factors con- results from a previous experiment using and Mead Johnson Nutrition.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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More valuable meat: energetic antagonistic pleiotropy. Humans and from a bipedal posture the work was effects of cooking on a key hominin the great apes are a group of closely 48 % greater than when they struck resource. related species, but yet exhibit large from a plantigrade posture. In side variation in socio-sexual behavior. As and forward strikes the force impulses RACHEL N. CARMODY, GIL S. such, distinguishing among the above were 45 % and 43 % greater from a WEINTRAUB and RICHARD hypotheses in hominids in particular bipedal posture than a quadrupedal W. WRANGHAM. Department of may help understand such variation. posture. Importantly, subjects did 240 Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard From publicly available genome % more work in downward than in University. sequence data of human, chimpanzee, upward directed strikes. Thus, bipedal gorilla, , and macaque—sup- posture provides a performance The relative contributions of meat con- plemented with in-house sequence advantage for fighting with the fore- sumption and food processing in sup- data—we obtained DNA sequences for limbs. The mating systems of great porting increased energy budgets in 848 genes that code for proteins found apes are characterized by intense early Homo are poorly understood and in human semen. We calculated pair- male-male competition in which con- are sometimes presented as alterna- wise estimates of the nonsynymous to flict is resolved through force or the tives. However food processing could in synonymous substitution rate ratio (Ka/ threat of force. Great apes also often theory increase the energy gained from Ks), as well as maximum likelihood fight from bipedal posture. These a meat diet. Literature reviews suggest branch-specific estimates, for these observations, plus the findings of this several mechanisms by which food proc- homologs. We compared Ka/Ks to anno- study, suggest that sexual selection essing might improve the energy value tated protein function, cellular location, may have contributed to the evolution of meat, but no studies have quantified tissue origin, tissue specificity, and rela- of habitual bipedalism in hominins. the net effects experimentally. To start tive protein abundance in semen. to fill this gap, we conducted feeding Of the 554 homologs with gap-free Perceptions of black Americans to- trials in a model animal to test the alignments, we identified 87 genes sug- ward medical research and racial hypotheses that thermal and non-ther- gestive of positive selection in either the health disparities: a focus group mal food processing increase the net chimp or human lineage (branch-spe- approach. energy value of meat. Adult mice (n 5 cific Ka/Ks [ 1), with only 15 evolving 16) were fed beef in four treatments, rapidly in both lineages. Proteins with TAMAR CARTER1, M. MIAISHA based on a counterbalanced within-sub- higher Ka/Ks ratios along the chimpan- MITCHELL2, CLARENCE GRAVLEE1, jects study design: raw/whole, raw/ zee branch are disproportionally AND CONNIE J. MULLIGAN1. pounded, cooked/whole, cooked/pounded. secreted extracellular proteins (p \ 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA 0.001), while protein-lipid remodeling sity of Florida, 2Greater Frenchtown revealed that cooking (p \ 0.001), but proteins are overrepresented among Revitalization Council, Tallahassee, FL. not pounding (p 5 0.138), improved rapidly evolving proteins in humans (p energy gain as indexed by body mass. \ 0.01). The different patterns observed The percentage of Black participants in Changes in body mass were neither at- between human and chimpanzee sug- medical research studies is typically tributable to food intake, which was gest that species-specific factors may be lower than that of White participants. higher for raw treatments, nor to activ- driving selection in different lineages. One reason this occurs is that many ity level, which was similar across diets. These and other results are discussed studies do not investigate variation Preference tests indicate that nutri- in the context of the evolution of homi- across racial groups and focus on a sin- tional benefits influenced perception: af- nid social and sexual behavior. gle group, typically White Americans. ter exposure to cooked, pounded and This research was supported by the However, low percentage of Blacks in raw meat diets, fasted mice presented National Science Foundation (BCS- medical research studies is also related with equal rations of the four treat- 0922525). to potential participant mistrust ments concurrently selected cooked towards medical research and research- treatments at rates exceeding chance. The advantage of standing up to ers. This mistrust reflects centuries of Combined with recent data showing fight and the evolution of habitual mistreatment towards Blacks in medical that cooking also yields increased bipedalism in hominina. settings. Based on our ongoing study in energy from starch-rich foods, our Tallahassee to examine genetic and results indicate for the first time that DAVID R. CARRIER. Department of sociocultural risk factors for hyperten- the energetic effects of cooking would Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake sion in Blacks, we are particularly have been positive and significant City. interested in Black Americans’ percep- regardless of the level of meat consump- tions of research into racial disparities tion at the time that cooking was Many quadrupedal species stand in complex diseases, or diseases influ- adopted. upright on their hindlimbs to fight. This enced by both genetic and environmen- This study was supported by the posture allows the forelimbs to strike tal factors. We also aim to identify fac- Department of Human Evolutionary an opponent with the range of motion tors that promote or inhibit participa- Biology, Harvard University and by an that is intrinsic to high-speed running, tion in research. Building on our NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to jumping, rapid braking and turning; the community-based participatory research RC. range of forelimb motion over which approach, we designed a focus group peak force and power are produced. To study to broadly assess current views Patterns of selection on hominoid test the hypothesis that bipedal posture and understanding of medical research seminal protein coding genes. provides a performance advantage, we into complex diseases. We conducted measured the force and energy pro- eight focus groups in Tallahassee. Par- SARAH J. CARNAHAN and MICHAEL duced when human subjects struck ticipants in each group were of similar I. JENSEN-SEAMAN. Department of from quadrupedal and bipedal postures. age, education, and gender, allowing for Biological Sciences, Duquesne Univer- Down- and upward directed striking comparisons across groups on these var- sity, Pittsburgh, PA. energy was measured with a custom iables. Open-ended questions targeted designed transducer consisting of 31 kg issues of health disparities in the com- In primates there is a general trend of pendulum with a rotational inertia of munity, perceptions of medical research, rapid evolution of reproductive proteins. 1.79 Nm2. Side and forward strikes and the perceived role of genetic factors What remains unclear, however, is the were monitored with a 45.4 kg punch- in disease. We hope this research will driving force behind this trend. Hypoth- ing bag instrumented with an acceler- elucidate Black Americans’ concerns eses include post-mating reproductive ometer placed at the bag’s center of and interests regarding medical isolation, sperm competition, or reduced mass. When subjects struck downward research and, furthermore, indicate

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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106 AAPA ABSTRACTS ways in which minority participation in Holocene foraging and Middle Holo- have been scored. Moreover inflamma- medical research can be improved. cene pastoral communities that lived tion processes were noted and fractures This work was supported by the near a freshwater lake (Gobero). We and injuries were also taken into National Science Foundation through a focus on describing the practice and account. The application of the corre- Graduate Research Fellowship. evaluating its presence in light of cra- spondence analysis allowed us to niometric variation from these time explain the huge amount of qualitative Being human means that ‘‘being periods. data related to an overall sample of human’’ means whatever we say it Results for the Early Holocene indicated 1100 individuals from the six necropolis. means. 50% of the adult sample was affected by While the experience of the operators is ablation and individuals with ablation critical to better understand the fea- MATT CARTMILL1,2 and KAYE typically had between 15% and 25% of tures of a single site, the comparison BROWN1. 1Department of Anthropol- incisors removed. During the Middle between different necropolis is complex ogy, Boston University, 2Department of Holocene period, fewer individuals pre- and only the statistical analysis of the Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke sented incisor ablation (approximately row data can overcome this difficulty. University. 25%) but those individuals that had The five cemeteries are unlinked them- ablation removed more teeth (60% of selves, and three of them (Castel Mal- ‘‘What does it mean to be human?’’ is incisors). This difference is statistically nome, Casal Bertone and Osteria del not an empirical question. If it were, its significant (p5.01). Intra-site analysis Curato) lie to the "extremes", reflecting answer would consist of a list of autapo- of craniometric variability indicates a the peculiarities of the singles sites. morphies of the Hominini or some common phenotype among those indi- Castel Malnome is strongly influenced included subtaxon. ‘‘What does it mean viduals with ablation regardless of time by a discrepancy in sex ratio and by the to be human?’’ is a question about sym- period. This suggests partial population presence of injury and biomechanical bolic meaning. It asks which of our spe- continuity across the 8.2kya arid spike, stress markers. The necropolis of Casal cies’s apomorphies we should canonize followed by aggregation of a greater di- Bertone is instead characterized by the as markers or justifications for drawing versity of peoples at the drying lake. high frequency of infants, like Quarto a status boundary between people and These autochthonous peoples can ulti- Cappello del Prete. Better conditions beasts. Throughout most of Western his- mately be related to the Late Pleisto- existed at Osteria del Curato, while Col- tory, the ability to speak and reason has cene inhabitants of the Maghreb where latina, was characterized by the pres- been at the top of the humanistic canon, incisor ablation was ubiquitous ence of a wide range of social classes. followed closely by our cognitive and (Taforalt). The combination of cranio- The cemetery of Via Padre Semeria technical abilities. Recent writers have metric and ablation analysis documents takes place in an intermediate position, tended to stress our intrinsic niceness the development of a multi-ethnic com- reflecting the lack of characteristic qual- as uniquely ‘‘prosocial’’ animals, munity where a minority element inten- itative variables. innately predisposed to sharing and sified the expression of a cultural prac- This study was funded by Soprinten- generosity. It is not clear that these tice by removing more dental elements, denza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici new formulations are more realistic thus marking their group identity. di Roma to P. Catalano. than their predecessors. This work was supported by the Wen- Some conventional ways of thinking ner Gren Foundation for Anthropologi- Do brain size and body size explain about these issues mistakenly confuse cal Research (GR7747) and the National variation in the pace of dental properties of sets with properties of Science Foundation (0820805). development within the indriid- their individual members. Some of the palaeopropithecid clade? things that we think of as making our Life in Imperial Rome: a multivari- species special (e.g., language, cultural ate approach to detect relation- KIERSTIN K. CATLETT1, GARY T. norms, exchange of goods, aggregation ships among several necropolis. SCHWARTZ1,2 and LAURIE R. of knowledge) are properties of human GODFREY3. 1School of Human Evolu- groups, societies, or collectives, not indi- PAOLA CATALANO1, FLAVIO DE tion and Social Change, Arizona State viduals. Others (biomass, environmental ANGELIS2, VALENTINA BENASSI3, University, Tempe, 2Institute of Human impact) are properties of multispecies CARLA CALDARINI3, STEFANIA DI Origins, Arizona State University, aggregates that involve and depend on GIANNANTONIO3 and WALTER PAN- Tempe, 3Department of Anthropology, co-evolved nonhuman populations. We TANO3. 1Soprintendenza Speciale per i University of Massachusetts, Amherst. suggest that the tendency to conflate Beni Archeologici di Roma – Anthropol- these different sorts of attributes ogy Service, Rome, Italy, 2Department The Indriidae comprises three genera reflects a desire to inflate the moral im- of Biology, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Ver- (Avahi, Propithecus, Indri) while their portance of ‘‘humanness’’ as a property gata’’, Rome, Italy, 3External collabora- close extinct relatives, the Palaeopropi- of individuals. tor of Anthropology Service, thecidae, comprise four (Mesopropi- Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni thecus, Babakotia, Palaeopropithecus, Tooth ablation and social identity Archeologici di Roma, Rome, Italy. and Archaeoindris). All members of the in North Africa. indriid-palaeopropithecid clade for A valuable contribution to the under- whom the pace of somatic and dental CHARISSE L. CARVER and standing of how people lived in Imperial development have been studied exhibit CHRISTOPHER M. STOJANOWSKI. Rome is provided by the anthropological a characteristic pattern: dental develop- School of Human Evolution and Social analysis of large Suburbium necropolis ment is fast and cranial and body Change, Arizona State University. like Castel Malnome, Collatina, Casal growth are relatively slow. Reconstruc- Bertone, Via Padre Semeria, Osteria del tions of dental development using histo- The practice of body modification has Curato and Quarto Cappello del Prete logical methods exist only for one long been recognized as one method (Rome, Italy). Each cemetery was ana- indriid: Propithecus verreauxi. We pro- that groups can use to distinguish lyzed and the skeletal individual pro- vide new histological data on dental de- themselves from others. One such form files were recorded in two open access velopment in Indri indri, the largest liv- of body modification, tooth ablation, databases. The field data were, if possi- ing lemur, and combine that with obser- consists of the purposeful removal of ble, complemented by archaeological vations on Avahi laniger, the smallest healthy teeth from individuals. Here, informations. The demographic profile indriid, to assess the relationships we extend the geographic and chrono- were outlined by sex determination and among body and brain size and the pace logical distribution of tooth ablation to age at death estimation, according to of dental development. We then assess the Central Sahara Desert where this classical methods. The oral health was how ecological factors may have shaped practice is documented among Early analyzed: caries, tartar and abscesses these relationships. Within extant

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 107 indriids, associations among brain/body triglycerides], glucose) within the two known about the relationship between size and dental development (using M1 groups; 2) compare cardiovascular dis- age-related changes in feeding behav- crown formation time, % crown comple- ease response trends between the two iors and food mechanical properties. tion at birth, age at M1 crown comple- populations; and 3) discuss possible Here we examine differences in total tion or estimated age at eruption) are mechanisms responsible for these dif- feeding time and the mechanical proper- patterned such that smaller brained ferences based on lifestyle differences ties of foods eaten at various stages dur- taxa (Avahi) possess accelerated dental and environmental adaptations. An- ing tufted capuchin development. Data development compared to P. verreauxi thropometric, health, and lifestyle were collected from adults (n517), sub- and I. indri. When extinct palaeopropi- data was collected from Shuar and adults (n53), and weaned juveniles thecids are included, both body and Yakut (Sakha) adults ( 18 years). (n58) from two groups of wild tufted brain size fail to explain variation in Results indicate different patterns of capuchins (C. libidinosus)atBoa the pace of dental development: while cardiovascular response to market Vista, Brazil during a period of ripe Avahi is the fastest, the larger-bodied integration. The Shuar sample shows fruit scarcity. Behavioral data were and larger-brained Palaeopropithecus higher percentage of clinically ele- collected using continuous sampling develops faster than the smaller-bodied vated cholesterol levels, while the methods from focal individuals focus- and smaller-brained Propithecus and Yakut sample has higher percentage of ing on food processing behaviors. Food Indri. Our analysis suggests that the clinically elevated blood pressure. mechanical property data were col- rate of dental development is tied to These differences in cardiovascular lected using a portable universal me- ecological factors such as early age at symptoms are likely based on region- chanical tester. When the capuchins weaning, perhaps as part of a strategy ally specific environmental and cul- breached multiple tissues within a of bet-hedging, and only weakly, if at tural factors, associated with specific food, the food tissue with the highest all, to brain/body size. types of processed and market foods mean and maximum values of fracture Supported by NSF grants BCS-0237338 consumed, levels of psychosocial toughness and Young’s modulus was and BCS-0503988. stress, and metabolic adaptation. selected, and those values were com- Support: NSF (ARC-0802390); FSRI pared across age groups using a Krus- Variation in cardiovascular disease Institute of Health; Northwestern Uni- kal Wallis test. Preliminary results risk in response to market int- versity; University of Oregon. NIH indicate no significant differences in egration in two transitioning (#5DP1OD000516-04, via Center for mean total processing time and mean populations. Evolutionary Psychology, UCSB); NSF and maximum food tissue toughness BCS-0925910; NSF BCS-0824602; Uni- and stiffness across age groups. These T. J. CEPON1, M. A. LIEBERT1,F.C. versity of Oregon; Ryoichi Sasakawa results suggest that C. libidinosus MADIMENOS1, L. S. SUGIYAMA1, Young Leaders Fellowship Fund; juveniles and adults breach foods of A. D. BLACKWELL1,2,W.R.L.S.B. Leakey Foundation; Wenner- comparable toughness and stiffness, LEONARD3, L. A. TARSKAIA4,5,T.M. Gren Foundation. with the exception those foods (e.g., KLIMOVA6, V. G. KRIVOSHAPKIN6, palm fruits) requiring significant phys- and J. J. SNODGRASS1. 1Department Feeding behaviors and food ical strength to access. of Anthropology, University of Oregon, mechanics during Cebus libidinosus This study was funded by NSF-IGERT Eugene, 2Integrative Anthropological ontogeny. (# DGE 0801634), Leakey Foundation, Sciences, University of California, and Lewis N. Cotlow Fund. Santa Barbara, 3Department of An- JANINE CHALK1,3, BARTH W. thropology, Northwestern University, WRIGHT2, PETER W. LUCAS3, BRIAN Gibbons perform exceptional Evanston, 4Department of Anthropol- G. RICHMOND3,4, DOROTHY amounts of work when leaping. ogy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, FRAGASZY5, ELISABETTA 5Institute for Molecular Genetics, Rus- VISALBERGHI6, PATRI´CIA IZAR7 and ANTHONY CHANNON1,2, JAMES sian Academy of Medical Sciences, EDUARDO B. OTTONI7. 1Hominid USHERWOOD2, ROBIN CROMPTON1, Moscow, Russia, 6FSRI Institute of Paleobiology Doctoral Program, Center MICHAEL GU¨ NTHER1 and EVIE VER- Health, Republic of Sakha/Yakutia, for the Advanced Study of Hominid EECKE3. 1Institute of Aging and Yakutsk, Russia. Paleobiology, Department of Anthropol- Chronic Disease University of Liverpool, ogy, The George Washington University, UK, 2Structure and Motion Laboratory, Cardiovascular and metabolic disease 2Department of Anatomy, Kansas City Royal Veterinary College, UK, 3Faculty risks have been shown to increase as University of Medicine and Biosciences, of Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit populations transition from traditional 3Center for the Advanced Study of Leuven Campus Kortrijk, Belgium. subsistence economies to market-inte- Hominid Paleobiology, Department of grated lifestyles. Despite multiple stud- Anthropology, The George Washington In addition to being remarkable bra- ies documenting the effects of this tran- University, 4Human Origins Program, chiators, gibbons are excellent leapers. sition on cardiovascular and metabolic National Museum of Natural History, We used high definition video sequences health, our understanding of specific Smithsonian Institution, 5Psychology to analyse the leaps of two white mechanisms responsible for these Department, University of Georgia, handed gibbons leaping about their en- effects remains incomplete. There is 6Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della closure. We report standing-start squat considerable variation in the risk fac- Cognizione, Consiglio Nazionale delle leaps exceeding 5 meters with accelera- tors among individuals from different Ricerche, 7Department of Experimental tion to 8.3 ms-1. Such jumps represent ethnic and racial groups; however, few Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Uni- the highest single-motion muscle work comparative studies exist that examine versity of Sa˜o Paulo. per body mass of any animal measured different cultural patterns of market to date, but field reports suggest that integration (MI) and pre-existing, The extended juvenile period observed these probably aren’t maximal; if regionally-specific genetic adaptations. in capuchins has been explained as a applied vertically, a jump height of 3.5m The present study compares trends in means to acquire the skills and physical would have been achieved. Due to the cardiovascular disease responses to MI strength needed to exploit high-quality gibbon’s relatively large size and use of in two indigenous groups—the Shuar of foods encased in mechanically challeng- its legs, trunk and arms to lengthen Amazonian Ecuador and the Yakut ing tissues. Recent research has demon- push-off duration and distance, muscle (Sakha) of northeastern Siberia—with strated that by age three to five wild ju- power requirements are not extreme. the following objectives: 1) examine the venile tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) Despite mechanisms for ‘power amplifi- relationship between MI and cardiovas- attain foraging success rates similar to cation’ in smaller animals, their jumps cular disease risk (blood pressure, cho- adults when accessing mechanically appear limited by short legs and brief lesterol [total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, challenging foods. However, little is push-offs.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 37


Heavy density liquids as a method Yucatan peninsula, to compare the mid- with upregulation of prostate-specific for extracting microfaunal remains shaft rib and clavicle from the same transglutaminase (TGM4) and fibronec- from sediments. individuals to investigate intraskeletal tin (FN1) in chimpanzees. Most surpris- variability in the histomorphometric ingly, chimpanzees express at high levels MATTHEW CHIMERA. Department of variables. Through bone histomorphol- in their semen an extracellular secreted Anthropology, The University of Texas ogy, microstructures such as osteons are protein not found in human semen, and at Austin. quantified to derive variables that are not previously reported to be expressed indicative of bone remodeling dynamics in reproductive tissues. Together, our Microfaunal analyses provide important and patterns of age-related bone loss. data suggest that chimpanzees have insight in paleoecological reconstruc- The mean age of the sample is 50.75 evolved unique aspects of their reproduc- tions. Microfauna have a limited range, years with 22 males and one female. tive physiology, including the acquisition so the presence and abundance of a par- Osteon Population Density (OPD), the of a copulatory plug, through up- and ticular species is indicative of a particu- density of intact and fragmentary down-regulation of many proteins, and lar climate. However, sorting through osteons per unit area of bone and an through the gain and loss of the expres- microfauna can be very tedious due to accumulated product of bone remodel- sion of specific seminal proteins. The the small size of the skeletal elements ing, differs significantly between the rib abundance and structure of these pro- and they very easily blend in with the (mean 30.320 SD 8.320) and clavicle teins allows us to hypothesize a mecha- surrounding soils. A method that can (mean 17.743 SD 5.299) in the t-test for nistic model to explain the origin of the expedite this process will greatly dependent samples and Wilcoxon chimpanzee copulatory plug in response improve microfaunal studies. One such Matched Pairs test (p\0.001). The aver- to sexual selection. method, heavy density liquid floatation, age cross-sectional area of the intact This research was supported by the has been used for sorting phytoliths osteons, a variable necessary for deriv- Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropo- from soil samples. This technique can ing bone remodeling dynamics, did not logical Research (Gr. #8079), and the be applied to microfaunal analyses by differ significantly between the two National Science Foundation (BCS- limiting the amount of time sorting skeletal elements in the t-test (p 5 0922525). through sediments. This study uses 0.205) and Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test materials excavated from Grotte des (p 5 0.191). Although the rib and clavi- The history of anthropometry Contrebandiers, Temara, Morocco. The cle are abundant in cortical bone, the within the Fels Longitudinal Study: soils sediments were screen-washed at habitual loading environment for respi- growth, development and aging in 5, 2 and 1 mm. Using the heavy liquid ration and upper limb function may be the 20th Century. Lithium Metatungstate solution, these distinct enough to produce different samples are separated into high density remodeling dynamics and histomorpho- W. M. CAMERON CHUMLEA. Depart- (stones, pebbles and some high density metric values. ments of Community Health and Pedia- teeth) and low density (bones, pollens, trics, Lifespan Health Research Center, woods) materials. The heavy density Gene gain and loss of protein Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright materials sink to the bottom while the expression driven by sexual selec- State University, Dayton, OH. low density materials float to the sur- tion, revealed by comparative pro- face, sorting the materials for the teomics of human and chimpanzee Anthropometry has a long history, but its researchers. This separation occurs in a seminal plasma. use in describing growth and develop- funnel and upon the separation of high ment flourished with the establishment versus low density materials, the heavy PETER CHOVANEC1, MARCUS of the ‘‘longitudinal’’ growth studies in density materials are released into one LOUIS2, STEPHANNIE RUIZ2, DANA the in the early 20th Cen- beaker and the lighter density materials L. HASSELSCHWERT2 and MICHAEL tury such as the Fels Longitudinal Study. are released into another beaker. Pre- I. JENSEN-SEAMAN1. 1Department of Early measurements were limited in liminary results have demonstrated Biological Sciences, Duquesne Univer- their descriptive scope and borrowed that large amounts of microfauna can sity, Pittsburgh, PA; 2University of Lou- from osteological measurement methodol- be sorted in a shorter amount of time isiana at Lafayette New Iberia ogy. Increased interest in anthropometry than sorting by hand. This methodology Research Center, New Iberia, LA. occurred with World War II and the need can greatly help microfaunal analyses for ‘‘standardized’’ uniforms and equip- by decreasing the amount of time a Numerous anatomical and physiological ment. The increased prevalence of obesity researcher must spend sorting through traits have evolved in chimpanzees due to furthered the development of methodol- sediments. their presumed high levels of sperm com- ogy and equipment to measure body fat- petition, resulting from high female prom- ness such as skinfold calipers. Similarly, Intraskeletal variability and bone iscuity. These traits include large testes, the greater proportion of older adults liv- remodeling dynamics in a modern high sperm count, and the presence of a ing to older ages in the world’s population Mexican cemetery population. copulatory plug. As with most phenotypic has increased the available equipment differences between humans and chimpan- and specialized methodology for anthro- HELEN CHO1, VERA TIESLER2 and zees, the molecular basis for these adapta- pology in the elderly. The use of anthrop- SHINTARO SUZUKI2. 1Department of tions are not known. In order to investi- ometry within the Fels Longitudinal Anthropology, Davidson College, 2Fac- gate the molecular evolution of hominid Study has mirrored its application in ultad de Ciencias Antropolo´gicas, Uni- seminal proteins, we subjected the seminal the National Health Surveys of the versidad Auto´noma de Yucata´n. plasma of three humans and three chim- United States and the World Health panzees (including the solidified plug) to Organization. The rate of age-associated bone loss is two-dimensional gel electrophoresis fol- This work was funded by grant HD- inconsistent among skeletal elements of lowed by spot identification with liquid 12252 from the National Institutes of an individual and dependent on the pro- chromatography/tandem mass spec (LC- Health, Bethesda MD. portion of cortical and trabecular bone MS/MS), one dimensional SDS-PAGE gels and their habitual loading environ- with peptide identification by LC-MS/MS, A reappraisal of the effects of ments. Thus, intraskeletal variation in and gel-free (or ‘‘shotgun’’) proteomic char- phylogeny on social behavior. age-associated bone loss is problematic acterization with LC-MS/MS. in the clinical field for discriminating This comprehensive proteomic characteri- KRISTA CHURCH. Department of An- between normal and osteoporotic bone. zation of seminal plasma revealed the com- thropology, University of Texas, Austin. We employ histomorphology on a pre- plete absence of semenogelin 2 (SEMG2) liminary skeletal sample from Xocla´n, a in chimpanzees, despite being one of the The socioecological model has been used modern cemetery population in the most abundant human proteins, along extensively to identify correlations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 38

AAPA ABSTRACTS 109 between the behavior and ecological This suggests that a high carbohy- paper, we explore the aspects of milli- context of a species. However, this drate diet may produce inflammation pede life history, ecology and behavior method often carries the inherent even in individuals who do not have that are most likely to impact the pres- assumption that convergence is the sole food intolerances. In contrast, prebiot- ervation of archaeological deposits. We factor responsible for this correlation, ics and probiotics (soluble fiber and then discuss several signatures of milli- regardless of the evolutionary history of bacterial cultures found in foods pede activity and disturbance, using the the species. Phylogenetic approaches, on like yogurt) promote an anti-inflam- Paleolithic site of Mughr el-Hamamah the other hand, view the behavior of matory response. Prebiotics, or soluble (Jordan) as a case study. This example extant taxa within an explicitly histori- fiber, stimulate growth and activity of illustrates the need for greater atten- cal framework. In 1994, Di Fiore and bacteria in the digestive system and tion to the potential impacts of milli- Rendall conducted a novel phylogenetic has a local anti-inflammatory effect. pede activity on the integrity of buried analysis to identify underlying con- Fermentation of soluble fiber by GI deposits; as such, we close with a con- straints on the derived similarities of bacteria generates short-chain fatty sideration of planned experimental primate social behavior, revealing that acids (SCFAs), some of which are his- work that is aimed at more directly social structure and female relation- tone inhibitors and thus have the quantifying the impact of millipedes on ships may be highly conserved in some greatest potential role in immunity stratigraphy, the mobility of artifacts/ primate lineages, namely the cercopi- and inflammation. ecofacts within the sediment, and soil thecoids. However, fifteen years of new This work reviews the potentially con- chemistry. field research on primate social behav- trasting effects of many cereal grains Research at Mughr el-Hamamah was ior have generated a substantial and fiber content on local inflammation, funded by NSF grant #1025352 to amount of data that remain to be inte- which likely impacts pregnancy success. Aaron J. Stutz and Liv Nilsson Stutz. grated into such an analysis. In this However, the relationship between study, 34 behavioral traits encompass- systemic inflammation and cereal Microhabitat differences affect ing three aspects of primate social grains has not been tested. Thus, we frequency of social behavior in behavior (social structure, social orga- also report the initial results from a two populations of Lemur catta liv- nization, and mating system) are pilot study to examine the relationship ing in similar rocky-outcrop coded for 12 genera not previously between C-reactive protein, a bio- forest fragments in south-central included in previous phylogenetic marker for inflammation used in clini- Madagascar. analyses. Incorporating these ‘‘new’’ cal work and shown to correlate with genera into the existing phylogeny pregnancy loss, and autoantibodies to TARA A. CLARKE1, LISA GOULD1 and yields a more comprehensive picture of gluten, as the first examination of this ALEX CAMERON1. 1Department of An- the evolutionary history of primate relationship. thropology, University of Victoria, Victo- social behavior, suggesting additional This study was funded by the Univer- ria, BC Canada. phylogenetic conservation of behav- sity of Illinois Hewlett International ioral traits within the ceboids and Travel Grant. Within-species variation regarding time strepsirrhines. Further, these results spent in social behavior in primates can provide a framework for investigating Holes in the record: millipedes as a be dependent upon microhabitat varia- the interplay between phylogenetic source of disturbance at prehistoric bles. Two populations of Lemur catta,a constraint and ecological adaptation in sites. highly social primate, were observed in the social organization of primates, July of 2009 and 2010 in two rocky-out- and have important implications for JAMIE L. CLARK1,2 and JOSHUA R. crop forest fragments in south-central our understanding of behavioral evolu- ROBINSON3. 1Department of Anthro- Madagascar: Tsaranoro Valley and Anja tion within primates and future meth- pology, Southern Methodist University, Reserve. Habitat and fragment size is ods of behavioral reconstruction in the 2Institute for Human Evolution, Univer- similar at both sites, but distribution of fossil record. sity of the Witwatersrand, 3Department resources and L. catta population den- of Anthropology, Emory University. sity differs markedly, with widely dis- Pro- and anti-inflammatory food tributed food resources and a smaller proteins and their impact on mater- Over the last two decades, archaeolo- population (60 animals) at Tsaranoro, nal ecology. gists and physical anthropologists have compared with highly clumped, plenti- dedicated increasing attention to the ful, easily accessible food resources and KATHRYN B.H. CLANCY1, KATHER- myriad of ways that the archaeological/ high population density (216) at Anja. INE E. TRIBBLE2, and LAURA D. fossil records can be disturbed post-dep- Behavioral observations were collected KLEIN3. 1Department of Anthropology, ositionally. This work has demonstrated utilizing five-minute scan samples, and University of Illinois, Urbana-Cham- that a detailed understanding of the we conducted between-site comparisons paign, 2School of Molecular and Cellular taphonomic history of a site is critical to of instances of social behavior. In 2009, Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana- the development of accurate interpreta- 14% of scan records at Anja and 18% at Champaign, 3School of Integrative Biol- tions of site formation processes, strati- Tsaranoro involved social behavior, ogy, University of Illinois, Urbana- graphic relationships, and artifact pat- whereas in 2010, 22% of scans (Anja) Champaign. terning. Within this larger framework, and only 2.1% (Tsaranoro) were it has become clear that the activities of recorded as social behavior. The Undiagnosed gluten intolerance can even the most diminutive creatures can between-year difference at Tsaranoro is lead to a number of serious fertility have a significant impact on the compo- significant (v258.79, p\0.01) and issues, including recurrent pregnancy sition/preservation of prehistoric depos- relates to groups studied: in 2009, two loss and infertility. Independent of an its. While the potential effects of ter- groups spent a large proportion of time immune response to gluten, diets high mites, earthworms, and ants have been feeding in the garden of a tourist resort, in refined carbohydrates, trans and sat- relatively well documented, one macro- where food was plentiful, thus allowing urated fatty acids, and sugar promote invertebrate that has not received more time for social interactions, inflammation through the overproduc- attention in this regard is the millipede. whereas strictly forest-dwelling groups tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The Millipedes are common throughout the were observed in 2010. 2010 between- overconsumption of refined carbohy- globe and occupy both open-air habitats site difference in frequency of social drates (processed cereal grains as well and caves/rockshelters; given their behavior is also significant (v25 16.43, as sugar) leads to high selectin-carbohy- tendency to burrow into subsurface p\0.01). At Anja L. catta had access to drate interactions that promote adhe- sediments, a detailed consideration of closely distributed, clumped resources sion mechanisms that then help direct the types of disturbance caused by these while at Tsaranoro resources were leukocytes to regions of inflammation. invertebrates seems warranted. In this patchily distributed. The difference in

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 39

110 AAPA ABSTRACTS resource distribution meant that Tsara- cies that regularly exhibit both noctur- China, and Indonesia. As an alternative noro lemurs traveled farther to obtain nal and diurnal activity. Although their to using univariate coefficients of varia- daily nutrient requirements, ultimately activity patterns are known to be gener- tion, we assess overall levels of relative allowing less time for sociality. ally influenced by moonlight availability variation using a nonparametric multi- and ambient temperature, it has proven variate approach, where the commin- Examination of Escherichia coli difficult to predict the onset and offset gling of fossil assemblages (with all populations in a captive zoological of bouts of activity for any given group regions combined) is simulated in a collection of nonhuman primates. on a particular day. To understand comparative sample of modern Homo intergroup differences in activity pat- sapiens (from 70 populations with a JONATHAN B. CLAYTON1, TIMOTHY terns, we examined the predictive worldwide distribution). We compare J. JOHNSON1 and AVA M. TRENT1,2. power of moonlight and temperature degrees of relative variation in ran- 1University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, together with ecological and social fac- domly-generated fossil and modern MN, 2Como Park Zoo & Conservatory, tors (e.g. group size, season, food avail- assemblages (N51000 for both) using Saint Paul, MN. ability). Group activity was recorded multivariate rank statistics. during 17 full-day (24 hr) follows con- Our results indicate that the combined Chronic enterocolitis in captive prima- ducted on five owl monkey groups dur- regional samples of H. erectus sensu tes has long been a problem in both ing 12 months (408 total observation lato are slightly more variable than the zoo settings and research colonies. The hours). Hourly temperature and lumi- combined samples of modern humans, most common clinical symptom nosity measurements were gathered with a greater proportion of outlying observed with chronic enterocolitis is automatically during the period of observations. Therefore, there is some diarrhea, making it a public health study. There was a positive correlation support for rejecting the single-species concern as well as an animal health between luminosity and nocturnal ac- hypothesis on the basis of dental met- and welfare concern. Management of tivity (Spearman rank correlation test, rics. Further research will be needed to chronic enterocolitis is confounded by rho50.54). Still, activity levels at low assess the relative contributions of time its complexities, including the lack of a luminosity were highly variable among depth and regional differentiation to the consistently identifiable causative groups. Temperature had a lesser effect larger magnitude of variation observed agent. on activity levels than luminosity, and in the fossils. A pilot study was performed during the the effect was only present on nights summer of 2009 in collaboration with a with moonlight (Spearman rank corre- The evolution of hearing sensiti- local zoo in Saint Paul, MN, which was lation test, rho50.40). Groups differed vity and vocal communication in experiencing an increased incidence and in the timing of the onset and offset of primates. severity of diarrhea among their nonhu- activity even when under the same man primate collection. Fecal samples temperature and light conditions. Con- MARK N. COLEMAN1 and DOUG M. were collected on a weekly basis from trary to the highly predictable noctur- BOYER2-4. 1Department of Anatomy, 33 animals representing 8 different spe- nal activity pattern of other owl mon- Midwestern University, 2Department of cies within the primate collection and key species, cathemerality seems to be Anthropology and Archaeology, Brook- Escherichia coli was isolated using a more flexible activity pattern influ- lyn College, CUNY, 3New York Consor- previously published techniques. We enced by a range of abiotic and biotic tium of Evolutionary Primatology, recorded the fecal consistency of each factors. 4Interdepartmental Doctoral Program sample, noting when abnormally watery in Anthropological Sciences, Stony diarrhea or bloody diarrhea occurred. Dental metric variation in Homo Brook University. Suspect E. coli were assessed for phylo- erectus sensu lato. type, virulence genotype and drug sus- Extant primates, like most mammals, ceptibility and these data were com- THEODORE M. COLE III1, DEBORAH generally show good sensitivity to low- bined with observational data in an L. CUNNINGHAM2, FREDERICK E. frequency sounds but are also able to effort to identify genetic or phenotypic GRINE3, ANDREW KRAMER4 and hear frequencies in the ultrasonic range traits that correlated with disease. Our MILFORD H. WOLPOFF5. 1Depart- ([20 kHz). This wide range of sensitiv- findings suggest that a pathogenic ment of Basic Medical Science, Univer- ity is not characteristic of any group of strain of E. coli could be contributing to sity of Missouri - Kansas City, non-mammalian vertebrates and several the incidences of enterocolitis observed 2Department of Clinical Science and hypotheses have been advanced to in this nonhuman primate collection. Medical Education, Florida Atlantic explain how mammals (including prima- Overall, our results suggest that the University, 3Department of Anatomical tes) evolved this unique hearing pat- manifestation of enterocolitis in this Sciences and Department of Anthropol- tern. In this study, we examined the ear nonhuman primate collection is indeed ogy, Stony Brook University, 4Depart- region in 17 species of fossil primates complex and likely involves multiple mi- ment of Anthropology, University of (60-20 Ma) and predicted their sensitiv- crobial agents in combination with envi- Tennessee, 5Department of Anthropol- ity to evaluate proposed evolutionary ronmental causes. ogy, University of Michigan. hearing scenarios. This study was funded by the Univer- To predict hearing sensitivity, we used sity of Minnesota College of Veterinary Fossils of Homo erectus sensu lato have high-resolution CT data to measure Medicine. been found in Africa, China, Indonesia, dimensions of the stapedial footplate and Europe. Pronounced cranial differ- and cochlea. Using these measure- Between-group variation in the ences among regions have led to differ- ments, we estimated high- and low-fre- activity patterns of cathemeral ing taxonomic interpretations. Two of quency sensitivity using predictive owl monkeys (Aotus azarai) under these are: (1) H. erectus was a polytypic equations taken from the literature. similar temperature and light species that exhibited temporal, as well These predictions suggest that stem pri- conditions. as geographic, population-level morpho- mates from the Paleocene and Early logical differences; or (2) the morpholog- Eocene (plesiadapiforms) had good high- DENA CLINK1, MAREN HUCK2 and ical variation in H. erectus sensu lato is frequency but relatively poor low-fre- EDUARDO FERNA´ NDEZ-DUQUE2. ascribable to taxonomic heterogeneity. quency hearing, similar to extant tree- 1Fundacio´n E.C.O., Formosa, Argentina, This analysis considers whether the shrews. Fossil prosimians from the Mid- 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- dentition of H. erectus sensu lato exhib- Eocene also show good high-frequency sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. its metric variation suggestive of multi- sensitivity but later forms indicate ple taxa. We test the single-species hy- increased low-frequency hearing on par The owl monkeys of the Argentinean pothesis using measurements of the with living strepsirrhines. For anthro- Chaco are one of the few primate spe- permanent teeth of fossils from Africa, poids, a possible eosimiid petrosal from

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 40

AAPA ABSTRACTS 111 the Mid-Eocene suggests poor low- but Automatic, landmark-free quantifi- occipital lobes) emerged during good high-frequency hearing. Those cation of 3D endocranial asymme- evolution. from the earliest Oligocene and Early tries in extant and fossil species: This work is funded by INRIA (http:// Miocene exhibit morphology suggesting new insights into paleoneurology. www.inria.fr) within the 3D-MOR- hearing sensitivity similar to modern PHINE collaborative research initiative anthropoids, with relatively good high- BENOIˆT COMBE` S1,2,3, MARC FOUR- (http://3dmorphine.inria.fr), and the and low-frequency hearing. These find- NIER1,2,3, JOSE´ BRAGA4,GE´ RARD HOPE (Human Origins and Past Envi- ings suggest that primates went SUBSOL5, ANTOINE BALZEAU6,7, ronments) International Program of the through a poor low-frequency phase EMMANUEL GILISSEN7,8, FRANCIS French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. during the development of modern hear- THACKERAY9, and SYLVAIN ing patterns. By combining these PRIMA1,2,3. 1INSERM, U746, F-35042 results with data on ambient acoustics Rennes, France, 2INRIA, VisAGeS Pro- and vocalization frequencies in extant ject-Team, F-35042 Rennes, France, primate communities, we argue that 3University of Rennes I, CNRS, UMR The first complete fourth metatar- early primates were likely limited to 6074, IRISA, F-35042 Rennes, France, sal of Australopithecus afarensis using high-frequency, short-range calls. 4Laboratory of Anthropobiology AMIS, from Hadar, Ethiopia. CNRS/University Toulouse (Paul Sabat- ier), Toulouse, France, 5Laboratory of KIMBERLY A. CONGDON1, CAROL V. Computer Science LIRMM, CNRS/Uni- WARD1, WILLIAM H. KIMBEL2, and White-faced saki (Pithecia pithecia) versity Montpellier 2, France, 6E´ quipe DONALD C JOHANSON2. 1Department vocalizations in relation to ambient de Pale´ontologie Humaine, CNRS, UMR of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, noise at Brownsburg Natuurpark in 7194, De´partement de Pre´histoire du University of Missouri School of Medi- Suriname. Muse´um national d’histoire naturelle, cine, Columbia, MO, 2Institute of Paris, France, 7Department of African Human Origins, School of Human Evo- JOSHUA COLES1 and DELANIE Zoology, Royal Museum for Central lution and Social Change, Arizona State HURST2. 1Department of Organismal Africa, Tervuren, Belgium, 8Universite´ University. Biology and Anatomy, University of Chi- Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratory of His- cago, 2Department of Anthropology, In- tology and Neuropathology, Brussels, The first known complete fourth meta- diana University. Belgium, 9Institute for Human Evolu- tarsal (AL 330-160) of Australopithecus tion, University of the Witwatersrand, afarensis was recovered in 2000 from The bulk of primate vocalization South Africa. Hadar, Ethiopia. This 3.2 myr-old fossil research in relation to the environment provides the opportunity to investigate has focused on long call adaptations; The study of endocranial asymmetries whether the foot of A. afarensis had however, maximizing the transmittable of hominids is a central topic in pale- well developed pedal arches and was distance for all calls would be detrimen- oneurology. However, our knowledge characterized by metatarsophalangeal tal to an individual. This would be both about the emergence of these asymme- dorsiflexion, attributes unique to energetically costly and increase preda- tries during human evolution is still humans among hominoids. AL 333-160 tor detection. It is likely that some pri- limited. This is partly due to the fact was compared to a sample of N510 mates have evolved vocalizations that that, so far, these 3D asymmetries each Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes and camouflage short distance calls within have been mostly analyzed using land- Gorilla gorilla MT4s. Novel non-land- ambient noise to reduce eavesdropping marks-based methods. Such methods mark-based morphometrics using 3D by predators. However, signals requir- are limited as they only provide a par- laser-scan data with Polyworks software ing transmission over long distances tial description of the anatomy and were used to quantify and compare should contain frequencies outside of thus of the possible asymmetries. The articular surface orientation and distri- ambient noise to increase detection by endocranial anatomy may be better bution, as well as its linear and angular potential receivers. Research was con- described by its whole contour, and geometry. Normals to articular surfaces ducted on two groups of P. pithecia at the recent advent of computational were fit, and surface curvatures com- Brownsburg Natuurpark Park in Suri- tools allowing to process 3D free-form pared using deviations from spheres name. Data collection included all surfaces opens new tracks for auto- and planes. Results indicate that this occurrence digital recordings of vocal- mated and objective characterization of specimen had roughly 178 of torsion, izations, as well as group spread at the 3D endocranial asymmetries. One key comparable to that of humans and time each call was produced. Short dis- problem before assessing the evolution Dmanisi Homo erectus, clearly indicat- tance calls were classified as most com- of patterns of asymmetry in hominids ing the presence of a transverse arch. monly occurring during normal intra- is the identification of confounding fac- The proximal end of the bone is dorso- group behavior, where all individuals tors such as age, sex and intra-specific plantarly elongated, with an expanded were within short distance detection variability. For this purpose, we use a ligamentous attachment area near the (\30 meters). Long distance calls were new method for the automated quanti- base, and is less dorsoplantarly concave classified as occurring when group fication of 3D virtual endocranial than in extant apes, thus resembling spread was greater than 30 meters or shape of 60 Pan paniscus and 59 Pan the MT4 of other hominins including in the context of inter-group encounters. troglodytes of different dental age and Ardipithecus ramidus. As in other hom- Peak frequencies of 475 recordings were sex. 3D statistical analyzes are led to inins, the plantar surface of the distal analyzed for both the call and of ambi- assess significantly asymmetrical areas articular surface faces more distally ent noise 0.1 seconds prior to the call. on the endocasts within each popula- than in apes. AL 333-160 also exhibits Our results show P. pithecia have tion, and a comparison is made the dorsal doming of the head, reflect- adapted signaling behavior that maxi- between the two populations. Several ing habitual loading of the metatarso- mizes the detection of long calls by fossil hominin endocasts (such as Aus- phalangeal joint in dorsiflexed postures avoiding ambient noise frequencies tralopithecine species and fossil Homo that accompany toe-off during the while minimizing predation risk by species) are then reexamined in light human striding gait. This metatarsal masking short distance calls within am- of the previously estimated variability shows that in its possession of both lon- bient noise. These findings are impor- with these two extant Pan species. gitudinal and transverse arches the A. tant in future study of complex vocal These new computational tools may afarensis foot was fundamentally simi- and social relationships, and how ani- offer a new way to address the ques- lar to that of modern humans. mals may alter their signals in order tion of how the typical endocranial This work was funded in part by a Life to conform to the constraints of the asymmetries within modern humans Sciences Fellowship from the University environment. (e.g. protrusions of the frontal and of Missouri- Columbia.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 41


Comparison of Ateline limb bone been likened to those of certain fossil quadrupedal (81.8% of scans) followed by biomechanical properties. hominins, particularly the ‘robust’ aus- climbing (11.1%) and leaping (6.7%). Sit- tralopiths (genus Paranthropus). We ting is the most common posture (73.9%) JACQUELINE RUNESTAD CONNOUR. examine this evolutionary convergence both on the ground and in the trees. Department of Natural Sciences, Univer- by conducting fracture experiments on There is no significant difference between sity of Findlay. extracted molar teeth of sea otters and adult male and female locomotion modern humans (Homo sapiens)to (p5.091), but the locomotion of juveniles Humeral and femoral parameters were determine how load-bearing capacity differs significantly from that of suba- compared for Alouatta, Ateles, and relates to tooth morphology and enamel dults (p5.001). Positional behavior and Lagothrix. Ateles was expected to have material properties. In situ optical mi- habitatusedoesnotchangewithhabitat the largest values because Ateles exhib- croscopy and x-ray tomography during type (p5.000). These data suggest that its the highest frequency of suspensory simulated occlusal loading reveal the positional behaviors are maintained behaviors and is very active, followed nature of the fracture patterns. Explicit across different habitats and that by Lagothrix (Cant et al., 2003). fracture relations are used to analyze younger individuals display more locomo- Alouatta is a generalized quadruped the data and to extrapolate the results tor flexibility than adults. C. torquatus at (Gebo, 1992). from humans to earlier hominins. It is Sette Cama is less terrestrial than other Radiograph measurements were used to shown that the molar teeth of sea otters Cercocebus species; additional research is calculate midshaft humeral and femoral have considerably thinner enamel than needed to determine whether this habitat J. Humeral and femoral head surface those of humans, making sea otter difference is reflected post-cranially. areas were calculated following Runestad molars more susceptible to fracture. At Study supported by an IPS Research (1997). Lengths were measured from X- the same time, the base diameter of sea Grant. rays. Sample sizes were 39 Alouatta,13 otter first molars is larger, diminishing Ateles,and13Lagothrix individuals. Sta- the fracture susceptibility in a compen- Strontium isotopes from early hom- tistical analysis was complex due to nar- satory manner. We also conduct nanoin- inin sites in South Africa can pro- row body size ranges and use of individu- dentation tests to map out elastic modu- vide new insights in paleoecology als as data. A mixture of t-tests, lus and hardness of sea otter and and taphonomy. ANCOVA, and visual inspection of bivari- human molars through a section thick- ate graphs was employed. ness, and microindentation tests to SANDI R. COPELAND1,2,MATT Results indicate that Ateles has the measure toughness. We find that while SPONHEIMER2, JULIA A. LEE- largest femoral properties and longest sea otter enamel is just as stiff elasti- THORP3 , DARRYL J. DE RUITER4 and humeri. Lagothrix is slightly greater in cally as human enamel, it is a little MICHAEL P. RICHARDS1,5. 1Depart- these properties than Alouatta, except- softer and tougher. The role of these ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck ing femoral head surface area which material factors in the capacity of denti- Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, does not differ. Alouatta has greater tion to resist fracture and deformation Leipzig, Germany, 2Department of An- humeral J and slightly greater humeral is discussed. From such comparisons, thropology, University of Colorado at head size than the others. we argue that early hominin species Boulder, 3Research Laboratory for Femoral results and humeral length like Paranthropus most likely consumed Archaeology and the History of Art, Uni- results match expectations for Ateles, hard food objects with substantially versity of Oxford, UK, 4Department of the most active and suspensory. Lago- higher biting forces than those exerted Anthropology, Texas A&M University, thrix has intermediate values, corre- by modern humans. College Station, 5Department of Anthro- sponding to intermediate locomotory This study was funded by the National pology, University of British Columbia, behavior. Low Ateles humeral J may be Science Foundation, grant number Vancouver, Canada. explained by a kinesiological study (Hir- 0851351. asaki et al., 2000) suggesting Ateles Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) in tooth uses hindlimbs more than forelimbs for Positional behavior of Cercocebus enamel reflect the geological substrate propulsion, compared to quadrupedal torquatus (red-capped mangabey) on which an animal lived during tooth macaques. Results for humeral head at Sette Cama, Gabon. development. As such, strontium iso- size do not suggest greater shoulder mo- topes are often used in archaeology to bility for Ateles. However, humeral head CATHERINE COOKE and SCOTT assess residence or migration of ancient shape was not investigated and it may MCGRAW. Department of Anthropology, humans. In our studies of Plio-Pleisto- be a better indicator of motion range. The Ohio State University. cene fossils from the Cradle of Human- kind cave sites in South Africa, we Paranthropus was not a sea otter: Positional studies of extant taxa are vital found that strontium isotope analysis is convergent adaptation to hard for reconstructing behaviors of extinct useful for addressing a broader scope of object feeding. primates. Nevertheless, the degree that issues, including behavioral, tapho- locomotion and posture vary both ontoge- nomic, and paleoecological questions. PAUL J. CONSTANTINO1, JAMES J.- netically and across different habitats is We documented biologically available W. LEE2, PETER W. LUCAS3, ADAM contested. Here we present data collected 87Sr/86Sr in the region by collecting HARTSTONE-ROSE4, NATHANIEL J. from May – September 2009 on the posi- and analyzing strontium isotopes in DOMINY5, ANDREW CUNNINGHAM,6 tional behavior of Cercocebus torquatus over 150 plants at 25 sampling sites and BRIAN R. LAWN3. 1Department of ranging across two structurally distinct representing 8 geological zones within Biology, Marshall University, 2National forests in Sette Cama, Gabon. Our null 50 km of Sterkfontein and Swartkrans. Institute of Standards and Technology, hypothesis is that locomotion, posture, We used laser ablation MC-ICP-MS for Ceramics Division, 3Center for the and habitat use do not vary significantly analyzing 87Sr/86Sr in [130 modern Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology, across habitat types or age and sex and fossil teeth. Results indicate that Department of Anthropology, The classes. We used scan sampling methods strontium isotopes can be used as a George Washington University, 4Depart- to record information on maintenance ac- taphonomic tool by indicating the pres- ment of Biology, Pennsylvania State tivity, positional behavior, habitat type, ence and proportions of non-local indi- University, Altoona, 5Department of An- and support characteristics for members viduals, as we show in a case study of thropology, Dartmouth College, 6Depart- of all age and sex classes. Age and sex modern and fossil rodents from Gladys- ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, comparisons were made using Fisher vale. Analyses of 19 australopiths from Harvard University. Exact tests (p50.05). The data (N51,519 Sterkfontein and Swartkrans suggest scans) indicate that C. torquatus spend that strontium isotopes can be used to The large, bunodont postcanine teeth in approximately 44% of their time on the address early hominin dispersal pat- living sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have ground. Overall locomotion is primarily terns. We propose that strontium iso-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:58 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 42

AAPA ABSTRACTS 113 tope analysis would complement paleo- Mandibular development in their population. These five individuals habitat reconstructions such as those humans and chimpanzees: the - the Moche giants - were elite males. using carbon isotopes in teeth, in which effect of spatial packing of teeth Stratigraphic analysis indicates that knowledge of whether an animal lived and muscles on mandibular shape. the men were buried with a 6 month pe- locally or far away when its tooth was riod. A histological technique has the mineralizing is useful. MICHAEL COQUERELLE1,FREDL. potential to confirm that these individu- This study was funded by the National BOOKSTEIN1, PHILIPP MITTER- als all died within the same season: Science Foundation (USA) grant # OECKER2 and GERHARD W. WEBER1. dental cementum increment analysis. 0609963 and the Max Planck Society. 1Department of Anthropology, University of For this study, five teeth from four of Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Theoretical the Giants were embedded in Buehler Biology, University of Vienna, Austria. EpoKwik Resin under vacuum pressure. Experimental investigations of the The embedded teeth were then sec- effects of exercise, hormones, and It has been suggested that dental devel- tioned with a Buehler low speed saw to diet on cranial vault thickness. opment influences sexually dimorphic create 300 micron thick wafers. The growth of the mandibular symphysis in wafers were each mounted to a petro- LYNN E. COPES1, HEIDI SCHUTZ2, humans and other primatesWe provide graphic glass slide and ground to a ELIZABETH DLUGOSZ3, THEODORE new insights into this developmental thickness of 100 microns, polished, and GARLAND, JR.3, MARGARET R. relationship by integrating muscle posi- viewed under an Olympus BX-41 trans- BROWN1, ALEKSANDRA OLDAK1 and tioning at the lingual side of the sym- mitted polarized light microscope. Digi- KATIE WHITMORE1. 1School of physis with geometric morphometric tal micrographs were captured using an Human Evolution and Social Change, descriptors of mandibular shape. Olympus DP70 digital camera. Of great- Arizona State University, 2Department Our sample consists of CT scans of 166 est interest was the outermost cemen- of Biology, California Polytechnic State humans and 14 chimpanzees, ranging tum increment which was evident in University, San Luis Obispo, 3Depart- from fetal stages to adulthood. We use four of the five teeth. All four teeth ment of Biology, University of Califor- geometric morphometric methods and exhibited a dark outer increment, indi- nia, Riverside. conjoint measurement to analyze man- cating that the four individuals died in dibular shape, muscle insertions, and the same season. This poster will In 1996, Lieberman found that exer- tooth mineralization and position over include the photomicrographs and data cised animals had thicker cranial vaults ontogeny. on when the light and dark bands tran- relative to their unexercised sibling con- In humans, mandibular growth and sition in Sourth America,, a clue to dur- trols. One mechanism that could lead to tooth mineralization are tightly corre- ing which months these men might such a finding is exercise-induced lated over the first two years of life. have died. increases in growth hormone causing a However, the mandible’s sexual dimor- systemic increase in skeletal robusticity. phism is not related to any correspond- Molecular diversity and evolution In order to test this hypothesis against ing dental dimorphism. Symphyseal in the Bioko colobus monkeys. one of localized masticatory strains shape changes and tooth reorientation affecting cranial vault thickness, we are tightly associated over development JOEL CORUSH1, GAIL HEARN2, undertook two experiments. In the exer- with relocation of the tongue and supra- NAOMI PHILLIPS3 and NELSON cise study, 50 mice from lines artificially hyoid muscle insertions. TING1. 1University of Iowa, Depart- selected over 60 generations for endur- During earlier fetal stages, both ment of Anthropology, 2Drexel Univer- ance running ability and 50 controls humans and chimpanzees have a V- sity, Department of Biology, 3Arcadia were split between cages with wheel shaped mandible. While the chimpanzee University, Department of Biology. access and no wheel access. After 3 mandible maintains its V-shape, the months, all skeletal elements were har- reshaping of the human mandible incor- Bioko (Equatorial Guinea, West Central vested at the conclusion of the experi- porates apposition of a shallow U- Africa) is an island found 32 kilometers ment, and the humerus, femur, mandi- shaped alveolar process to a V-shaped off the coast of Cameroon and harbors ble, parietal and interparietal bones basilar bone. During infancy, the incli- one of the most species rich insular pri- were lCT scanned. Wheel access corre- nation of the chimpanzee symphysis is mate communities in the world. Mem- lated with thick parietal bones in the coordinated with the emergence of the bers of this community include Pen- selected but not control lines, while deciduous canine. nant’s red colobus (Procolobus pennantii interparietal thickness varied by line In both species, the symphysis orienta- pennantii) and the Bioko black colobus type but not activity type. A second tion may be related to hyoid bone posi- (Colobus satanas satanas), both of experiment with similar parameters tion during ontogeny. Muscle orienta- which suffer from illegal hunting, used 50 inbred and 50 wild-type mice, tions and insertions would have sub- extremely restricted ranges, and habitat divided into three dietary groups: soft, stantial effects upon symphysis shape, destruction and are listed as Endan- cold, and control. The soft diet group tooth orientation, and the timing of gered by the IUCN. Molecular diversity was fed food the consistency of dough, tooth emergence. Initial differences in has not yet been surveyed in these pop- while the cold group was housed in a size and position of the teeth would be ulations and is an important variable in 10(C room in order to manipulate their related to the earlier appearance of the understanding a population’s potential food consumption by increasing resting U-shaped alveolar process during to adapt to a changing environment. metabolic rate. All inbred mice showed human ontogeny. This work represents the first popula- relatively thicker cranial vaults than tion genetic research performed on any the outbred mice, while the soft diet Season at death for the Moche Bioko primate. groups had significantly thinner vaults giants. DNA was extracted from fecal and tis- than the other groups. It appears sue samples from Pennant’s red colobus genetic background has a greater effect ALANA CORDY-COLLINS1 and VICKI (n520) and the Bioko black colobus on cranial vault thickness in mice than L. WEDEL2. 1San Diego University, San (n517), and individuals were screened do the material properties of their diet Diego, CA, 2Western University of at 12 microsatellite loci to infer levels of or their exercise levels. Health Sciences, Pomona, CA. genetic diversity. Preliminary data show Funding for this project was provided that heterozygosity is higher in the red by NSF DDIG #0925793, Wenner-Gren Dps Cabezas, a prehistoric site in north- colobus, and inbreeding coefficients (F) Foundation, the Journal of Experimen- ern Peru that dates to AD 100-800, has suggest the presence of inbreeding in tal Biology, the Philanthropic Educa- yielded, among other things, five skele- the black colobus but not the red colo- tional Organization, and several inter- tons of extraordinary stature and shar- bus. We also surveyed molecular diver- nal organizations at ASU. ing in bone pathologies unique among sity in the closest mainland relative of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 43


Pennant’s red colobus (Preuss’s red Differences in vertebral shell struc- take rates are unsustainable and at colobus; Procolobus preussi), and an ture among great ape and human least three taxa endemic to Upper AMOVA showed more molecular varia- thoracic vertebrae. Guinea forests are in danger of extirpa- tion within populations than between tion. Here I report results from a bush- populations. We will continue collect- MEGHAN M. COTTER1, DAVID A. meat market survey located on the Cav- ing molecular data for other Bioko- LOOMIS2, BRENDAN J. GOODWINE3, ally River which serves as the Liberia - mainland cercopithecid taxon pairs to SCOTT W. SIMPSON1 and Coˆte d’Ivoire border. Based on reports better understand their evolutionary CHRISTOPHER J. HERNANDEZ2. from actors in the bushmeat chain, history, colonization and speciation 1Department of Anatomy, Case Western meat arriving at this market derives processes, the biogeographic history Reserve University School of Medicine, primarily from forests in the Konobo of the region, and to aid in designat- Cleveland, OH, 2Department of Me- district of eastern Liberia. The formal ing conservation priorities for these chanical and Aerospace Engineering, market, located near the Ivorian village threatened taxa. Case Western Reserve University, of Taı¨, operates year round, two days a Cleveland, OH, 3Department of Biomed- week but bushmeat is transported Variable definitions provide vary- ical Engineering, Case Western Reserve across the river daily. Over a 4 month ing ages: towards a standard meth- University, Cleveland, OH. period in 2009/2010, we visited this odology in bone histomorphometric market and tallied the number of pri- aging. Spontaneous vertebral fractures are the mate species traded. During the sam- most common osteoporosis related frac- pling period, we observed 723 animals MEGHAN-TOMASITA J. COSGRIFF- ture in humans; however, apes with for sale, including 264 primates, 68% of HERNANDEZ1, SAM D. STOUT1 extremely low bone mineral density do which were smoked. A minimum aver- and JOSHUA W. SADVARI1. 1Depart- not experience these types of fractures. age of thirty-three primates was ment of Anthropology, The Ohio State Finite element models of ape and human exchanged weekly, yielding a highly University. vertebral body compressive strength indi- conservative estimate of 1,716 ind/year cate that young adult humans have for this market. Cercopithecus petaur- Since Kerley (1965) introduced the use weaker vertebrae than expected for body ista (25% of all primates) was the most of bone histomorphometry to estimate mass despite similar amounts of bone abundant primate, followed by Cercopi- age at death, multiple researchers have mass among all hominoids. That the rela- thecus diana (19.3%), Cercocebus atys revised his original method. Although tionship between vertebral body bone (12.1%), Colobus polykomos (11.4%), the importance of histomorphometric mass and body mass does not differ Procolobus verus (10.6%), Cercopithecus aging methods when identifying human among species, suggests that there are campbelli (10.2%), and Procolobus bad- remains, especially fragmented remains, biomechanically important differences in ius (9.5%). Given the volume of meat has been recognized, there is no agreed vertebral body bone microstructure sold at the Cavally market, our figures upon standardized methodology. A fun- between humans and apes. We examined are likely gross underestimates of off- damental concern of using histomorpho- the vertebral shells of the T8 vertebral take levels. Based on known group sizes metric techniques is the inherent diffi- body in humans and great apes using and population densities of these spe- culty in discriminating between histo- three-dimensional micro-computed to- cies in the adjacent Taı¨ National Park, logical variables, which represent the mography. The shell in apes and humans we conclude primate populations in history of remodeling events. Ambiguity becomes thicker at the midheight region Liberia’s Konobo district are not being between different researchers’ defini- of the body, with a concomitant reduction hunted at sustainable levels. tions of these variables introduces sub- in trabecular bone. This structural pat- Supported by the Primate Society of jectivity when identifying features and tern reflects the pattern of load sharing Great Britain, NSF BSC-0921770, and creates a potential source of error, thus between the vertebral shell and trabecu- The Ohio State University. reducing the method’s reliability and ac- lar bone (i.e., the more load carried the curacy. A previous study (Cosgriff-Her- thicker the shell, or more dense the tra- Femoral diaphyseal shape and mo- nandez and Stout, 2010) addressed this becular bone) (Eswaran et al., 2006, bility: an ontogenetic perspective. concern, finding significant inter-ob- JBMR). Humans displayed low trabecu- server error when quantifying complete lar bone volume fraction and thinner LIBBY W. COWGILL. Department of and fragmentary osteons using Kerley’s shells than would be expected for body Anthropology, University of Missouri. original definitions. The purpose of this mass. While chimpanzees exhibited thin study is to investigate the consistency shells with high trabecular bone volume The ratio of midshaft femoral antero- with which individuals of varying fraction, and gorillas and orangutans posterior (Ix) to mediolateral (Iy) second degrees of experience in skeletal biology demonstrated varied trabecular bone vol- moments of area has been suggested as can identify complete and fragmentary ume fraction with very thick shells. The a possible indicator of mobility, and has osteons using modified and published disproportionately thin vertebral shell been applied as an analytic tool to pale- definitions (Stout, 1983). Complete thickness in humans was unexpected oanthropological and archaeological osteons are defined as having 90% of because it appears contrary to biome- samples with variable success. Under the Haversian canal perimeter intact. chanical demands suggesting that the dif- this model, biomechanical loads associ- Fragments are defined as remnants of ference in allocation of bone may protect ated with increased mobility modify the complete osteons having \90% of the the vertebral bodies in apes from fracture shape of the femoral midshaft from a Haversian canal intact. A mixed model following bone loss. roughly circular cross-section to a ante- nested ANOVA is used to test for dif- roposteriorly reinforced one. While pre- ferences among mean counts of com- Abundance of primates in a West vious research indicates that immature plete osteons, osteon fragments, and African bushmeat market: implica- femora respond to changes in the man- summed counts, between and within tions for cercopithecid conserva- ner of locomotor loading (Ruff, 2003; expertise groups (inter-observer error) tion in eastern Liberia. Cowgill et al., 2010), relatively fewer and between each individual’s succes- studies have examined population-level sive readings (intra-observer error). RYAN COVEY1 and SCOTT MCGRAW2. differences in immature femoral shape This study builds on our previous find- 1Conservation Ecology, Oxford Brookes as a product of overall group mobility. ings and further emphasizes the need University, 2Department of Anthropol- This study uses seven immature Holo- for refined histological definitions to ogy, The Ohio State University. cene human samples (n5626) to explore reduce inter- and intra-observer error, three questions: 1) When do population thereby increasing accuracy and reli- Bushmeat hunting is the primary cause differences in midshaft femoral shape ability in histomorphometric aging of primate loss in West Africa. Several emerge during ontogeny? 2) Do the dif- methods. recent studies indicate that current off- ferences detected correspond to pre-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 115 dicted mobility levels? 3) Does the mid- This study was funded by The Kirtlan- birds and some 42 species of mammals. shaft femoral shape ratio correlate of dia Society, Donald S. Dean Adopt- The results confirm the constancy of other cross-sectional properties of the A-Student Program at the Cleveland DHA in neural signalling systems. This femur? The results of this analysis indi- Museum of Natural History. data suggests DHA has been the key cate that while population-level shape component of signalling systems with differences appear relatively late in The cave of the dead children: a no evidence that it was replaced over human ontogeny ([12 years of age), case of possible ritual sacrifice. what represents 500 million years of these differences only loosely corre- evolution, by docosapentaenoic acid spond to expected levels of group mobil- JOHN J. CRANDALL, JENNIFER L. which differs by only 2 protons. The ity. Furthermore, elevated levels of A-P THOMPSON, and DEBRA L. MARTIN. conclusion is that the full six member, reinforcement do not necessarily corre- Department of Anthropology, University methylene interrupted, double-bond late with high levels of torsional of Nevada, Las Vegas. sequence is essential to neural signal- strength. It remains unclear what fac- ling. Molecular dynamic assessment of tors directly impact midshaft femoral The La Cueva de los Muertos Chiquitos the p-electron behaviour suggests a shape during ontogeny, and, while mo- site (AD 600-1430) is located just north potential quantum mechanical behav- bility levels may be a factor, additional of Durango, Mexico. A reanalysis of the iour consistent with the absolute con- influences need to be evaluated. human remains from this site, exca- servation of DHA in signalling systems. Support provided by the Leakey Foun- vated in the 1950s by Sheilagh and This extreme conservation as a determi- dation, Wenner-Gren Foundation, and Richard Brooks, has yielded important nant of the brain together with the mo- NSF BCS-0549925. new information. This cave site contains lecular biology of DHA provides a ra- at least 18 burials of infants and chil- tionale for the dependence of human Diet as a functional and adaptive dren (n517, most being \3-4 years of evolution on a DHA rich, namely an explanation for glenoid region evo- age) and at least two adult female buri- aquatic food resources. lutionary changes: a comparative als all associated with the Gabriel San analysis of humans, non-human pri- Loma culture. Using long bone lengths Patterns of gene flow into the in- mates and fossil hominins. and radiographic analysis of dental de- digenous populations of the velopment, age approximations for the Aleutian Archipelago. ALEXANDRA M. COWPER and subadults were refined. All of the chil- YOHANNES HAILE-SELASSIE. dren exhibit active cases of nonspecific MICHAEL H. CRAWFORD. Depart- Department of Anthropology, Miami periosteal reactions on the cranium. ment of Anthropology, University of University, Cleveland Museum of Natu- Sixty percent of the 17 children also ex- Kansas, Lawrence. ral History. hibit periosteal reactions on the long bones. In addition, porotic hyperostosis Contemporary populations of the Aleutian Recent research suggests that neither (n57) and cribra orbitalia (n55) are Islands resulted from admixture between the functional nor the adaptive basis for present. A number of cases of pos- Native Aleuts and Europeans. To accu- many of the evolutionary changes in the sible juvenile scurvy (n54) were also rately measure gene flow, the following in- glenoid region of the hominin skull is identified. formation is required: (1) the gene frequen- well understood. The research indicates Taphonomic indicators of the mortuary cies of the parental and admixed popula- that evolutionary change occurred out- context revealed evidence of burning tions; (2) identification of the origins of the side the context of brain expansion and and intentional sequenced internment parental groups; (3) information about ‘‘transformation’’ of the cranial base, suggestive of ritualized burial treat- other forces of evolution—e.g. signature of and is instead most likely related to a ment. Results from the analysis of cop- selection; (4) determination of differential dietary shift made evident by the den- rolites and quids found in the cave maternal versus paternal migration. The tognathic record. To investigate influ- (Reinhard, et al. 1988) provide addi- sampling of DNA from eleven Aleut popu- ence of diet on the mandibular fossa of tional information on diet and health. lations, geographically distributed 1500 the glenoid region, we correlated both Vegetative data noting the presence of kilometers from the Alaska Peninsula to left and right mandibular and maxillary botanicals used for drug production at Kamchatka, Siberia, offers an opportunity tooth dimension (one of five dental prox- the site (Foster 1984), suggests that an tomeasuregeneflowrates.TheAleutgene ies used to indicate diet [M1/M3 area unusual occurrence such as ritual sacri- pools were characterized using: autosomal ratio]) with mandibular fossa dimen- fice likely precipitated the deaths of up STRs, RFLPs and sequences of mitochon- sions (length, breadth, depth, and to 17 infants and children as well as drial DNA, Y chromosome SNPs and the index) in a bivariate analysis. 101 two adult females. Large quantities of HLA system. Using Admix 2.0 Program human (n59), non-human primate corn and beans may have also been a and 9 STR frequencies, 40% of the admixed (n574), and fossil hominin (n518) part of the ritual offering. Aleut population is of Russian origin and specimens were comparatively analyzed. 60% is Aleut. However, there is consider- The authors adjusted the method used The role of marine lipids as a deter- able variation in admixture locus by locus by Wood (Wood, 1991), the method pre- minants of evolution and Hominid (12%-79% Russian). All of the mtDNA hap- dominantly used for measuring human brain development. logroups are either A or D in the western mandibular fossae, in order to accom- or central islands—suggesting no admix- modate for the variation observed MICHAEL A. CRAWFORD. Institute of ture based on female migration. However, between mandibular fossa dimensions Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition, 85% of the Y-chromosomes are of European of smaller primates. Bivariate analysis London. origin, with the most common being R1b suggested that the variables are posi- 22%; R1a 26%. A total of 24% of the HLA tively correlated in that: as M1/M3 area Lipids played a major, as yet unrecog- haplotypes are Aleut specific, while 14% ratio increases (i.e. the specimen ingests nised, role as determinants in evolution. are East European. This study demon- a softer diet), mandibular fossa index Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the prin- strates considerable variation in estimates (length/breadth) increases. This implies ciple acyl component of the membrane of admixture (m) when different genetic that diet does affect the glenoid region lipids in the photoreceptor, synapse and markers are used. The majority of the of the hominin skull. Moreover, as the the gray matter of the brain. To test the admixture was European males (Russians, diet of non-human primates is known, hypothesis that its role in these signal- Scandinavians or English) and Aleut comparing results of the non-human ling systems has evolutionary signifi- females. This form of mate selection was primates to the fossil hominins serves cance we have used gas liquid chroma- encouraged by the Russian government as as a useful tool for future reconstruction tography and mass spectrometry, to a political control mechanism. of hominin diet, in addition to quantita- analyse the lipids in the dynoflagelates, This study was funded by NSF grants tive microwear studies of diet. cephalopods, fish, amphibia, reptiles, OPP-9905090 and OPP-0327676.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 45


The impact of natural substrates adopted in colonial America in 1765, trauma to the tibia. This study revealed and load bearing on bipedal gait when the first American medical school that this population not only exhibits a dynamics in human females. opened in Philadelphia. Pathologic high rate of tibial trauma for the time specimens from dissected corpses were period but also a statistically significant MELANIE D. CRISFIELD. Center often retained in pathology museums difference in sex distribution (p 5 for Human Evolutionary Studies, while the rest of the autopsied remains .0375), with a higher rate among Department of Anthropology, Rutgers were buried in potter’s fields. The vast females (15%) than males (2%). University. majority of the cadavers were from Although it is unknown how these inju- adults, but the remains of children also ries occurred, and whether they were The ability to walk bipedally is the were dissected for study and surgical the result of accidents or some form of defining characteristic of the hominin practice. interpersonal violence, this unequal dis- lineage, and studying the origins of Philadelphia constructed its first public tribution suggests that the different bipedalism is therefore important for almshouse in 1732. An associated burial kinds of behavioral activities that understanding hominin evolution. The ground was used until ca. 1834, when females and males engaged in produced earliest hominin postcranial morphology the much larger Blockley Almshouse varying levels of risk for injury in late differs significantly enough from that of and its cemetery, located in West Phila- 19th century institutional settings. modern humans to make it unlikely delphia, replaced it. Recent excavations that early hominins were well adapted of the first almshouse burial ground for long-distance, striding bipedalism. revealed the well-preserved skeletal A health assessment of an Etruscan Additionally, the efficiency of early hom- remains of 16 infants and children skeletal sample dating from the inin bipedalism was likely impacted by placed in separate coffins but buried to- VIII century to the III century BC. environmental factors, particularly nat- gether in a single grave shaft. The cof- ural substrates. fins were undisturbed. Of the 16 indi- ELIZABETH S. CROCKFORD-PETERS1, This study examines the effects on four viduals, 12 had died before their first ROBERT R. PAINE1, MARIOLINA CATA- healthy adult females of load carrying birthdays, including four premature LDI2, FLAVIA TRUCCO2,RITAVARGIU3 while walking in wet sand. Each subject infants and two newborns. Three other and ARTHUR C. DURBAND1. 1Texas Tech conducted four walks across a 6x1 m children were between two and three University, Department of Sociology, An- sand tray. Three load conditions were years of age. The causes of death are thropology and Social Work, Lubbock, TX, examined for each subject: one in which indeterminate. Of greatest significance, 2Soprintendenza Archeologica per l’Etruria the subject wore a 9.1 kg pack strapped the heads and first two cervical verte- Meridionale, Piazzale Villa Giulia, 2, Rome, tightly to the upper back to simulate a brae of three of the oldest children had Italy, 3Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, heavier torso and arms; one in which been surgically removed prior to their Rome, Italy. the subject carried a 4.5 kg bag of pota- interment, as indicated by thin cut toes to simulate carrying an infant; and marks visible on the remaining verte- We examine the frequency of paleopa- one in which the subject both wore the brae. A necessary but unsettling compo- thological lesions exhibited by 278 skel- backpack and carried the ‘‘infant’’. A nent of medical education even today, etons recovered from several Etruscan control trial in which none of the loads skeletal evidence for the dissection of Necropolis located near the city of Tar- were introduced was also conducted for children is uncommon in the bioarch- quinia, Italy. The necropolis dates from each subject. Gait dynamics, including aeological record. This presentation the VIII century BC to the III century speed and stride length, were captured links medical education in early Phila- BC. The purpose of this presentation is using two digital video cameras with delphia and the procurement of cadav- to compare lesion frequencies by sex overlapping capture fields. ers from the almshouse morgue. and over time. Skeletal lesions appear The current study presents available in 65% of the adults; 64.8% of females field data on the effects of load carrying Differential sex distribution of skel- and 66.4% of males. The following and natural substrates on human biped- etal trauma in an institutionalized lesions were recorded OA, DJD, trauma, alism. Preliminary results indicate a historic population. cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, decrease in speed and stride length for caries, enamel hypoplasias, and peri- each of the load variables as compared LORI A. TREMBLAY CRITCHER. odontal disease. The differences in rates to the control variable. These data will Department of Anthropology, The Ohio between the sexes for this sample of be used to increase our understanding State University. Etruscan burials are not statistically of early hominin bipedalism. significant. Twenty percent of the suba- This study was generously funded by In bioarchaeological studies of skeletal dults presented skeletal or dental the Zelnick Pre-Dissertation Award, the trauma, there has been little focus on insti- lesions. The presence of lesions caused Rutgers University Department of An- tutionalized populations from the historic by chronic health stressors in the suba- thropology Bigel Award, and the Center period in the United States. The aim of this dult sample indicates that they were for Human Evolutionary Studies Pre- study was to determine the differences of likely under the same health con- Dissertation Award. frequency and distribution of skeletal straints as the adults. Additionally, it is This project was approved by the trauma between males and females in a likely that acute health problems lead Rutgers Institutional Review Board late 19th century population associated to many of the subadult deaths. Finally, (#10-451). with the Oneida State Custodial Asylum in our findings are compared to early Iron Rome,NewYork.Itestedthehypothesis Age samples from the Tarquinia necrop- Skeletal evidence for the dissection that there would be statistically significant olis of Villa Bruschi Falgari (VBF), Italy of children at the Philadelphia differences in the frequency and distribu- and to an Imperial Roman skeletal sam- Almshouse, 1732-1834. tion of traumatic lesions between males ple from Urbino, Italy. For some of the and females due to the different labor ther- lesions (cranial pitting and DJD) this THOMAS A. CRIST and MOLLY H. apytasksassignedto,aswellasbehavioral Etruscan sample sits between the VBF CRIST. Programs in Physical The- practices of, each sex. Using macroscopic and Urbino samples in occurrence. The rapy and Sociology/Anthropology, Utica visual methods, the remains of 55 males rate of periostitis is similar in the VBF College. and 20 females were examined and both and Etruscan samples (12.4% and antemortem and perimortem fractures 12.1% respectively) and both frequen- In the 1700s, the ‘‘Edinburgh model’’ of were recorded. cies are lower than the Urbino burials medical education emphasized the use Overall, there were no statistically sig- (36%). In general, we see that over time of dissected bodies to demonstrate nificant differences in frequency and the frequency of lesions either remains human anatomy and instruct surgical distribution of total trauma for both constant or increases among these Ital- techniques. This style of teaching was sexes (p 5 .306), with the exception of ian burial groups.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Variability in the realized resource rhynchy. This condition may be evolu- esis predicts that an inadequate dietary holding potential of capuchin tionarily influenced by a largely folivory supply of BSN would negatively impact social groups levels the balance-of- diet (with selective pressures on man- on human brain function today, a pre- power between unevenly matched dibular and splachnocranial dimen- diction confirmed by neurodevelopmen- neighbors. sions), social structure (related to the tal deficit due mainly to iron and iodine development of vocal sacs), or by the deficiency in 20% of the world’s popu- MARGARET CROFOOT1,2,3 and IAN interaction between these or other more lation. Although the adult human brain GILBY4. 1Smithsonian Tropical Research subtle factors. In terms of functional is 3-4 times bigger than in other prima- Institute, Panama, 2Division of Migration craniology, airorhynchy may be related tes and consumes about 23% of the and Immuno-ecology, Max Planck Institute to structural changes associated with body’s energy intake, energy require- for Ornithology, Radolfzell, Germany, the morphology of the supraorbital ments of the infant brain are consider- 3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary anatomy, with the spatial relationships ably higher (74% of energy intake). Biology, Princeton University, 4Depart- between face and cranial base, or with Unlike other organs, the brain requires ment of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke morphogenetic variations of the pteric ketones as an alternate to glucose and University. area. However the evolutionary changes cannot use fatty acids as fuels. We associated with the cranial organization hypothesize that the high energy In many social species, large groups have a in Alouatta are still currently unknown. requirements of the newborn human competitive advantage over their smaller This study is aimed at investigating the brain were reliably achieved by the evo- neighbors which can impose substantial variation and covariation patterns in lution of a significant layer of body fat costs including reduced reproductive rates howler monkeys, considering both inter- at birth. Through ketone production, and increased mortality. How do small and intrageneric morphological differen- this fat layer supports the high energy groups persist when the potential ramifica- ces. We also investigated the structural needs of the developing human brain to tions of power imbalances are so severe? role of the pteric area within the cranial a degree not available in other prima- We propose that because the defense of functional matrix, in order to test possi- tes. Access to BSN in shored-based shared resources requires the coordinated ble relationships between its variation freshwater and marine food resources efforts of many individuals, a group’s and the degree of airorhynchy. To therefore played a critical role in the strength, its realized resource holding address these objectives we applied tripling of brain size during human evo- potential, may vary substantially from one landmark-based analysis and multivari- lution. contest to the next and be only weakly ate statistics to a comparative dataset Funded by the Natural Sciences related to the maximum resource holding of atelid adult skulls. Our results sug- and Engineering Research Council of potential of the group as a whole. Where gest that the cranial architecture in Canada. payoff asymmetries create context-depend- howlers is influenced by an allometric ent fluctuations in the balance-of-power vector, which associates higher degrees Mechanical advantages of roasting between neighbors, groups of unequal of airorhynchy with splachnocranial undomesticated tubers. strength should be able to coexist. Here, enlargement, basicranial lengthening we experimentally demonstrate that asym- and neurocranial flattening. On the ANDREW J. CUNNINGHAM1 and metriesinbothlocationandgroupsize other hand, the relationship between NATHANIEL J. DOMINY2. 1Depart- affect the likelihood that Cebus capucinus pterion and airorhynchy could not be ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, participate in territorial defense. We show confirmed. Either way some minor mor- Harvard University, Cambridge MA, that focal individuals were more likely to phological differences were identified, 2Department of Anthropology, Dart- approach a playback speaker when territo- suggesting that variations of the pteric mouth College, Hanover NH. rial intrusions were simulated in the cen- area may be instead related with the ter as opposed to the edge of their range. relative development of the masticatory Cooking is a central component of mod- This variation in participation provides a apparatus. ern human behavior. It expands the mechanism to explain the home-field This research is supported by Program range of edible foods and reduces the advantage previously described in this MAS2009-00459, Ministerio de Educa- energetic cost of chewing and digestion. population. We also show that individual cio´n (Spain); Istituto Italiano di Antro- Such profound advantages have been strategies tend to even the odds in com- pologia (Italy); Fundacio´n Duques de linked to key anatomical changes asso- petitive encounters between unevenly Soria (Spain). ciated with the origin of Homo ca. 2.0 matched groups; group-members were Ma. Yet evidence of cooking is scarce more likely to defect when they outnum- A dietary source of brain selective beyond 800,000 years ago, and the bered their opponents. Our study is the nutrients helped free nutritional effects of roasting behavior on the plant first to demonstrate how individual and energetic constraints during foods available to early Homo are responses to the social and ecological con- human brain evolution. largely unknown. Here we report on the text of territorial intrusions can level the mechanical advantages of roasting balance-of-power between groups, and pro- STEPHEN CUNNANE. Research Cen- undomesticated tubers consumed by vides a mechanism to understand how ter on Aging, Universite´ de Sherbrooke, two African hunter-gatherer popula- group-size variation is maintained in the Sherbrooke, Que´bec, Canada. tions, the Hadza and the Twa. The face of intense intergroup competition. Hadza inhabit a savanna and consume Two parameters constrain successful fabaceous tubers, whereas the Twa A structural approach to cranial brain development in humans – (1) suf- inhabit a rain forest and consume dio- variation in the genus Alouatta ficient access to a cluster of dietary scoraceous tubers (yams). Although all (Primates, Atelidae). ‘brain selective nutrients’ (BSN) includ- tubers were similar in size and shape, ing the omega-3 fatty acid – docosahex- the mechanical properties of the raw JOSE´ MANUEL DE LA CUE´ TARA1, aenoic acid and several minerals includ- tubers differed between habitats, as did LUCA FIORENZA2 and EMILIANO ing iodine, iron, zinc, copper and sele- the traditional open-fire roasting behav- BRUNER1. 1Centro Nacional de Investiga- nium, and (2) an extraordinarily high iors of the two populations. The Hadza cio´n sobre la Evolucio´n Humana, Burgos energy requirement. We hypothesize roasted tubers with substantial mechan- (Spain), 2Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut that since shore-based freshwater and ical defenses for ca. 2 min at 700- und Naturmuseum Pala¨oanthropologie, marine fish and shellfish are the richest 900 8C, whereas the Twa roasted rela- Frankfurt (Germany). known dietary sources of BSN, regular tively undefended tubers for ca. 30 min access to these food resources would at 500-700 8C. In both cases, cooking Howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) dis- have helped free the nutritional con- resulted in significant mechanical play a peculiar cranial architecture, straints on primate brain development changes; roasted tubers were less stiff characterized by a high degree of airo- and function by hominins. This hypoth- and tough and therefore easier to chew

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 47

118 AAPA ABSTRACTS than raw tubers. Yet such changes can- Open habitats of four Eur- killed her husband, dismembered the not alone account for the roasting asian early Pleistocene sites body, and buried it on their 13-acre prop- behavior of the Twa. Tubers roasted by demonstrated with Cervidae erty. Investigators from the Santa Rosa the Hadza -despite immense mechanical ecomorphology. County Sheriff’s Office (SRCSO) searched changes in a mere 2 minutes- exceeded the property in question on three sepa- the toughness of all raw, inedible yams SABRINA CURRAN. Department of An- rate occasions, but found no evidence as available to the Twa. We suggest that thropology, University of California, to the fate of Mr. Kelley. In 2007, SRCSO chemical detoxification is sometimes the Santa Barbara. asked for the assistance of the UWF primary reason to roast tubers. Department of Anthropology in conduct- This study was funded by the David Much attention has been paid to the ing another, final search of the property. and Lucile Packard Foundation and the issue of hominin dispersal throughout A team of 22 anthropology undergraduate Department of Anthropology, Dart- central and eastern Eurasia at 2 Ma. and graduate students volunteered to mouth College. Pivotal to understanding how and why participate in the search under the super- dispersal occurred at that time is the vision of three department faculty. Field elucidation of the types of environments methods included systematic foot search Assessing the impact of exogenous available to hominins in the early Pleis- of the property, GPR investigation of sus- grit and plant silica on primate tocene. Were hominins adapted to a picious depressions, and hand excavation tooth wear: A field and laboratory single habitat type that was spread and backhoe trenching of high probability experimental approach. throughout Africa and Eurasia or did locations. A single 20-cm fragment of they occupy a wide variety of habitat human fibula was recovered during the FRANK P. CUOZZO1, PETER S. types, thus displaying behavioral search. This presentation describes the UNGAR2, MICHELLE L. SAUTHER3, flexibility? field methods employed by the forensic NAYUTA YAMASHITA4 and JAMES B. Ecomorphology allows for the recon- anthropologists, the results of the analy- MILLETTE3. 1Department of Anthro- struction of paleoenvironments by sis of the recovered fragment that led to pology, University of North Dakota, investigating an organism’s functional theconvictionofMs.Cannonin2010, 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- morphology as it relates to adaptations and argues for stronger reliance on the sity of Arkansas, 3Department of An- to different habitats. Recently, it has specialized skills of forensic anthropolo- thropology, University of Colorado- been shown that geometric morphomet- gists in cold cases of this nature. Boulder, 4University of Southern Cali- ric analyses of Cervidae (deer and rela- fornia. tives) post-cranial remains can be used Age at death evaluation by tooth to reconstruct past habitats (Curran cementum annulation (TCA) – a Potential causes of primate, and thus 2009). Expanding ecomorphological software for an automated line mammalian, tooth wear include exoge- methods to Cervidae is imperative in counting. nous grit and plant silica. We tested the studies of Eurasian sites, as cervids are hypothesis that plant silica, in the ab- often the dominant taxon in such ANDREA CZERMAK1, ADRIAN sence of exogeneous grit, is a significant assemblages. CZERMAK2, HARTMUT ERNST2 and source of primate tooth wear. We experi- This study reviews ecomorphological GISELA GRUPE1. 1LMU Biocenter, mentally "scratched" ring-tailed lemur results for extant cervids and applies Department Biology I, Anthropology dental specimens housed in the Beza the methods to cervid remains from and Human Genetics, Ludwig Maximi- Mahafaly Special Reserve (Madagascar) four early Pleistocene sites (Graˇun- lian University of Munich, Planegg- Osteology Collection with plant foods ceanu, Romania; St. Vallier & Sene`ze, Martinsried Germany, 2Faculty of Com- known to be eaten by lemurs, and col- France; and ‘Ubeidiya, Israel). While all puter Sciences, University of Applied lected just prior to their experimental four sites have large faunal assemb- Science Rosenheim, Germany. use. A single lemur jaw (lower right lages that include primate remains, mandible) was used for each round of only the last site contains hominin A valid age at death estimation is "rubbing". Dental impressions were col- remains. required in historical and also forensic lected prior to, and after 25, 50, and Similar to other contemporaneous homi- anthropology. Tooth cementum annula- 100 rubs with each plant species, to nin sites, all four sites are reconstructed tion (TCA) is a method for age at death simulate multiple feeding bouts on each as being ‘‘intermediate open’’ to ‘‘open’’. estimation of adult individuals. The plant type. Prior to their rubbing on This is due, in large part, to the pres- method uses light microscopic images teeth, each plant specimen was cleaned ence of several Pleistocene giant cervid acquired from tooth root cross sections. with laboratory grade (90%) alcohol to species. Eucladoceros, especially, is The age is then estimated by counting remove exogenous grit. Initial analysis reconstructed as having been adapted the number of visible tooth cement of lemur plant foods using an SEM with to open conditions. Thus, environmental incremental lines and adding the result an EDX probe indicate the presence of conditions would not have precluded to the assumed age of tooth eruption. endogenous silicates (opal phytoliths) in hominin occupation of these early Pleis- Manual line counting, however, is time surface layers of specific lemur plant tocene western Eurasian sites. consuming, potentially subjective and foods thought to cause abrasion based the number of individual counts is on long-term study of feeding ecology The Daren Kelley case: how foren- insufficient for statistical evaluations. and collection of tooth wear data. Micro- sic anthropology helped solve a 15 Here a custom-made AutoTCA software wear analysis of experimentally rubbed year old homicide. is presented that allows automated lemur teeth indicates that leaves con- evaluation of TCA images using Fourier taining silica produce new microwear A. JOANNE CURTIN. Department of analysis and algorithms for image anal- features after 100 rubs. As leaves were Anthropology, University of West ysis and pattern. It involves ‘‘line-by- cleaned prior to their rubbing on lemur Florida. line’’ scanning and the counting of gray teeth, these data refute the hypothesis scale peaks within a selected region of that only exogenous grit is a significant Sometime in June 1995, 23-year-old interest (ROI). Each scanning process of source of tooth wear. Our new data Daren Kelley disappeared from his home a particular ROI yields up to 400 illustrating that leaves containing silica near Milton, Florida, never to be seen counts, thus minimizing the potential produce new microwear features chal- again. He was not formally reported error induced by manual line counting. lenge published hypotheses that such missing until 1998, at which time suspi- This simple and time saving program endogenous phytloliths are not a signifi- cion fell on his wife, Kimberly Cannon. can substitute manual counting and cant cause of mammalian tooth wear. Although Ms. Cannon claimed to police provides consistent and reproducible Funding – National Science Foundation that Kelley had deserted her in 1995, and user independent, unbiased results. BCS-0922465. other informants reported that she had In either case, however, reliability of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 48

AAPA ABSTRACTS 119 the results depends largely on the state severed his ties with the traditional re- wear facets of P4 and M1 do not differ in of preservation of the analyzed mate- ligious institutions, changed his name microwear texture attributes, 2) micro- rial, the preparation, the choice of the to Akhenaten to reflect his ideological wear texture complexity – a variable thin section and image quality. These shift, and moved his capitol to a ‘‘virgin’’ known to identify hard-object feeders – is factors have to be standardized to get site situated in middle Egypt (Akhe- higher in Cercocebus than taxa which do consistent and reproducible results. taten); commencing the Amarna Period not or only seasonally ingest hard objects, This research work was supported by (1352-1332BCE). Occupied for a scant and 3) the narrow diet of the Tai manga- the Hanns-Seidl-Stiftung, Munich, Ger- 15-20 years the modern archaeological beys is reflected in reduced variance of many (PhD grant to Andrea Czermak). site of Tell el-Amarna provides a snap- microwear texture. shot of life in Egypt during the Amarna The microwear of P4 and M1 are statistically Body composition over the lifespan. Period. This project uses craniometric indistinguishable. In addition, sooty manga- data from 73 individuals excavated beys have higher texture complexity than STEFAN A CZERWINSKI, RAMZI W from the South Tombs Cemetery (STC) most other primates studied to date, includ- NAHHAS, WILLIAM C CHUMLEA, at Tell el-Amarna to address questions ing Lophocebus.Further,Cercocebus has AUDREY C CHOH and MIRYOUNG of the morphological and genetic diver- relatively invariant microwear texture com- LEE. Lifespan Health Research Center, sity of the worker population at Akhe- plexity, notably so compared to Cebus Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright taten and identify the potential for in- apella. These results suggest that feeding State University, Dayton OH. migration to the capitol city from areas on large, hard objects leaves similar micro- outside of ancient Egypt. Preliminary wear patterns on premolars and molars. Body composition is an important indicator data analysis suggests the Amarna Supported by National Science Foundation of health status. Numerous methods are sample is a highly diverse population. grants BCS-0922429, 0921770, and 0315157. available to assess body composition that Discriminant function analysis failed to partition the human body into different differentiate Amarna individuals based components including fat, muscle and on gross cranial morphology, and only Mortuary rituals in the Early Holo- bone. Body composition during childhood had middling success (9/18 individuals cene population of Lagoa Santa: is important in assessing adequate growth correctly classified) when facial varia- The Harold Walter collection. and nutrition, as well as risk for type 2 dia- bles were included, suggesting there are betes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity. Body few defining ‘‘Amarna’’ cranial charac- PEDRO DA-GLORIA1, ANDRE composition assessment in middle age can ters. Additionally, the coefficients of var- STRAUSS2 and WALTER NEVES3. inform us about chronic disease risk, while iation observed in the STC sample are 1Department of Anthropology, The Ohio body composition in the elderly can provide greater than those for a pooled sample State University, 2Department of useful information regarding frailty, sarco- of Egyptians from the Badarian to Mid- Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute penia, and osteoporosis. Data collected dle Kingdom, yet less than that for Evolutionary Anthropology, 3Depar- from the Fels Longitudinal Study over the observed for the pooled sample when an tamento de Genetica e Biologia Evolu- past 80 years have been vitally important intrusive Greek sample is included. All tiva, Universidade de Sao Paulo. in documenting the nature of body compo- of this suggests the inhabitants of sition change over the lifespan, particu- Amarna came from throughout Egypt, The Lagoa Santa region in central Brazil larly as it relates to health risk. Analyses not outside Egypt. has been excavated since the 1830’s, pro- of Fels Longitudinal Study data have docu- viding dozens of human skeletons dated to mented significant sex differences in body Microwear of Cercocebus atys from the Early Holocene period. This collection composition during adolescence and shown the Tai Forest: implications for in- is singular in terms of antiquity, degree of how body mass index (BMI) alone is a poor ference of hard-object feeding in preservation and number of skeletons in estimator of adiposity during adolescence. the fossil record. the context of the New World. Based on A recent longitudinal analysis of data col- this material a consensus was developed in lected from 226 participants older than 60 DAVID DAEGLING1, PETER UNGAR2 which the mortuary practices of the region years of age reveals significant age-related and SCOTT MCGRAW3. 1Department of during this period were particularly homo- decreases in stature, weight, bone mineral Anthropology, University of Florida, geneous, consisting of primary burials in density, sitting height, and fat-free mass in 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- flexed position with rocks on top. Nonethe- men. For women, there were significant sity of Arkansas, 3Department of An- less, recent excavations undertaken at decreases in stature, bone mineral density, thropology, Ohio State University. Lapa do Santo rockshelter documented and fat-free mass accompanied by signifi- diversified and far more elaborated mortu- cant increases in percent body fat, waist Early hominin gnathodental morphology ary rituals. Here, we re-evaluate the skele- circumference, and BMI. These results has been interpreted as a functional com- tal remains from the Harold Walter collec- indicate that there are significant sex dif- plex adapted for hard-object feeding. A tion that was gathered by the homologous ferences and considerable variability in recent study (Strait et al., PNAS 106: 2124– archaeologist between 1930 and 1950, to body composition changes associated with 2129) proposed that Australopithecus afri- test whether they conform to the tradi- normal aging. An understanding of the na- canus preferentially processed large tional paradigm or not. Specifically, we ture of these changes will aid health practi- ([10mm) hard objects using the premolars. investigate the occurrence of modified tioners in the assessment and treatment of It was further suggested on theoretical human bones. The bones analyzed are individuals at risk for chronic disease. grounds that the premolars would possess a commingled, representing at least 51 indi- Supported by NIH grants R01HD012252, microwear signature distinct from that of viduals based on skull count. We found 20 R01AR052147, R01DK064870. the molars, and that premolar microwear long bones and 3 diaphyses with cut off pitting would be relatively slight. extremities diagnosed by multiple chopper Craniometric variation at Tell el- The sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) marks at the sectioned margins of the Amarna: Egyptians or interlopers represents an ideal extant model bones. Regarding individual bones, at least at the ‘‘Heretic King’s’’ city? against which to test this hypothesis 3.07% of the humerus, 2.53% of the femurs owing to the species’ habitual feeding and 3.50% of the tibias have extremities GRETCHEN R. DABBS1 and SONIA R. on hard Sacoglottis nuts ([10mm diam- cut off. In addition, four cranial vaults ZAKRZEWSKI2. 1Department of Anthro- eter), its expanded P4s and thick molar (7.84%) show multiple green fractures. pology, Southern Illinois University-Car- enamel. Sooty mangabeys open these These results show that body manipula- bondale, 2Department of Archaeology, nuts using powerful postcanine bites. tion did occur, attesting that the mortuary University of Southampton. We examined microwear of the P4s and practices in Lagoa Santa were not simple M1sofCercocebus specimens collected and homogeneous. The exact extension of In the fifth year of his reign, the an- from Tai Forest, Ivory Coast. We tested body manipulation in Lagoa Santa cient Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV three hypotheses: 1) the ‘‘phase II’’ micro- deserves further investigation including

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 49

120 AAPA ABSTRACTS analyses of ochre, defleshing marks and in the Georgia Coast demonstrate a When only published data were eval- spiral fractures. change in the mean and variance of uated, no consistent differences Supported by CNPq, process 200034/ their estimated Body Mass Index (BMI) appeared for either sex using any 2007-3. and if a shift in social stratification can organizing criteria. When a consistent be determined via individual values for method of stature determination was Collagen fiber orientation heteroge- BMI. applied, however, trends did emerge. neity (CFO-Het): evaluation of this Six sites (n569) dating to before the Using the formulae of Sciulli and Geis- new characteristic in antler, pri- switch to agriculture (at 1150 A.D.) and sen (1993), male stature consistently mate, and non-primate bones shows one site (n5157) from after the transi- increased over time whereas that of that it does not correlate well with tion were studied. ANOVA and F-tests females peaked both during the Late load history. were implemented to ascertain differen- Woodland and Middle Mississippian. A ces in the mean and variance of BMI. somewhat parallel pattern was seen LYNN DAKOULAS2, KENDRA The results indicate that there is no sig- when the formulae of B. Auerbach and KEENAN2 and JOHN SKEDROS1,2. nificant difference across the transition Ruff were applied (2010), but individu- 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, (p-value50.7602 for males, p-val- als were somewhat taller and some of University of Utah, 2Bone & Joint ue50.6547 for females). For females, the differences approached statistical Research Laboratories, VA Medical Cen- the variance of BMI values appears dif- significance. Results, and thus interpre- ter, Salt Lake City. ferent, however, no significance is tations, also varied depending on the shown (p-value50.4512). For males, the particular bones used to estimate stat- High toughness of antler correlates posi- spread of BMI values is dissimilar, how- ure. Overall, these findings suggest that tively with collagen fiber orientation heter- ever, a test demonstrates that there is comparison of stature estimations must ogeneity (CFO-Het). CFO-Het, a largely no significant difference in variance (p- be made with great care at best, and unexplored histomorphological character- value50.1976). Overall, for hunter-gath- perhaps maximum lengths of individual istic, is potentially useful for interpreting erers, the range of BMI values is more bones should be the variable analyzed load history, and its degradation could con- compressed around the mean while whenever possible. tribute to compromised bone quality in agriculturalists have a distribution with aging humans. We compared the degree of a larger range of values. Sunning: A behavioral response to antler CFO-Het with various primate and Although the means and variances, seasonal climatic change in South non-primate bones to test the hypothesis within each sex, are not significantly African vervet monkeys. that CFO-Het is highest in tension and different between subsistence strategies, shear regions. Deer antlers and various the distribution and concentration of JENNIFER DANZY1, J. PAUL other primate and non-primate limb bones values is apparent. Indicating that with GROBLER2, NELSON FREIMER3 and were embedded in methacrylate, milled to this change in social stratification in TRUDY TURNER1. 1Department of An- 100lm, and examined in circularly polar- populations there is also a change in thropology, University of Wisconsin-Mil- ized light. CFO-Het is expressed as the access to resources and resulting body waukee, 2Department of Genetics, full-width at ½ maximum (FWHM) of the mass (for height). Therefore, the distri- University of the Free State, South gray level histogram profiles. Non-antler bution of BMI can be used as a proxy Africa, 3Center for Neurobehavioral bones were examined in compression(C), for social stratification and the degree Genetics, University of California-Los tension(T), and shear(S) (i.e. neutral axes) present in that society. Angeles. regions. Antlers showed mean FWHM of 50 mm. In non-antler bones, CFO-Het Challenges in approaches to skele- Our understanding of the physiological measurements (mm) are: (1) proximal tal stature estimation: an example and behavioral mechanisms of torpor in chimpanzee femur: 43(T), 135(C), 83(S); (2) from prehistoric eastern Missis- primates has largely focused on lemurs. human fibula: 23(T), 25(C), 27(S); (3) deer sippi/western Alabama. Gray mouse lemurs are known to calcaneus: 47(T), 115(C), 58(S); (4) horse undergo physiological torpor in response radius:31(T),92(C),44(S);(5)horsethird MARIE DANFORTH1, KRISTRINA to differences between skin and ambient metacarpal:33(T),49(C),72(S).Incontrast SHULER2 and JEFFREY AUERBACH1. temperature and also in response to to our previous studies showing strong cor- 1Department of Anthropology and Soci- seasonal changes in precipitation. Simi- relations of predominant CFO with preva- ology, University of Southern Missis- larly, ring-tailed lemurs cope with cold lent strain mode, these results show that sippi, 2Department of Sociology, temperatures by spending time basking CFO-Het does not correlate well with these Anthropology, and Social Work, Auburn in the sun. Recent work has indicated load histories. This reflects the fact that University. that other small-bodied primates in sim- the non-antler bones can produce toughen- ilarly temperate climates may also be ing mechanisms that are not well repre- Stature is a widely reported bioarchaeo- capable or undergoing torpor. sented by CFO-Het, including: (1) second- logical health indicator, viewed as a Behavioral observation data was col- ary osteons with variations in size and/or composite reflection of childhood disease lected from two free-ranging vervet population density, and (2) specific second- and nutritional experiences. Its deter- monkey troops in South Africa from ary osteon morphotypes that can accom- mination and subsequent interpreta- April-July of 2010. We observed that modate a regionally prevalent/predomi- tion, however, are not always straight- during the shift from autumn to winter, nant strain mode. But CFO-Het might forward, being highly dependent on the both troops began to sunbathe for con- prove useful for interpreting load history formulae and/or bones used. Our case siderable periods in the early morning. in bones with few or no secondary osteons. study involving prehistoric populations On particularly cold mornings, entire from the Tennessee-Tombigbee Water- troops were easily identifiable because Using body mass to examine Geor- way in Mississippi and Alabama illus- individuals would cluster and perch on gia coast stratification and the trates this issue. A total of 154 burials the forest edge or come to the ground, transition to agriculture. from four Late Woodland sites and 191 often sitting with their arms and legs burials from five Mississippian sites opened up to face the sun. We examined SHAMSI DANESHVARI. Department were considered. Previously published potential links between sunbathing ob- of Anthropology, University of New stature data were used, and stature servation and climatic factors such as Mexico. was also recalculated employing several temperature, dew point, humidity, and different formulae sets. Results of for- precipitation to determine if sunning Past studies have shown that the tran- mulae using various combinations of behavior was a response to seasonal cli- sition to agriculture caused a dramatic bone elements were analyzed as well. mate changes. Vervets were observed change in community organization. This Estimated statures were then compared sunning on days with cooler low tem- study investigates whether populations by time period, region, and site size. peratures (F1,44530.49, p\.001), less

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 50

AAPA ABSTRACTS 121 humidity (F1,4454.56, p\.05), and lower used as an estimate of genetic related- the diaphyses. The approach examines dew points (F1,44535.78, p\.001). ness between groups, despite sugges- cross-sections as coordinate data and is These data suggest that like ring-tailed tions that this may be misleading fully automated. lemurs, vervet monkeys in temperate (Ousley, 1997). Given that certain der- Periosteal strengthening of the proximal areas cope with seasonal climatic matoglyphic characteristics such as femoral shaft is apparent in broader changes by limiting their activity and ridge counts have been shown to be and heavier individuals and persists at sunbathing. Further data is needed to effectively selectively neutral (Jantz, least as far as femoral midshaft. Corre- understand if vervets also use physio- 1987), these data should reflect popula- lations between physique and geometric logical mechanisms for coping with sea- tion history in the same manner as properties are strongest at proximal fe- sonal climatic fluctuations. genetic data. mur, but rise towards proximal and dis- This research was supported by NIH The data were first applied to the tal ends of femora and tibiae, a mini- R01RR016300. question of variation between individ- mum is reached around tibial midshaft. uals from the Orkney Islands and This may represent the best location Mobility and function of the human individuals of British, Norwegian, and to investigate variation related to mobil- foot during shod and barefoot Breton nationality to determine if ity. Variation in location of minimal walking. known ancestral connections between cross-section strength merits further these populations are evident pheno- investigation. K. D’AOUˆ T1,2 and C. WILLEMS3. typically (Roberts, 1985). Ridge count This whole-limb approach may allow 1Department of Biology, University of data, consisting of 20 variables repre- further isolation of behavioural signa- Antwerp, Belgium, 2Centre for Research senting 1194 individuals from the four tures in long bone geometry and may and Conservation (CRC), Royal Zoologi- groups were analyzed using principal refine our understanding of the proc- cal Society of Antwerp, Belgium, 3Royal components analysis and Mahalanobis esses causing variability in long bone Academy of Fine Arts, Ghent, Belgium. distances. shaft morphology. In order to determine if utilizing a phe- This research is supported by funding The foot is one of the key structures for notypic distances would produce a sig- from Natural Environment Research assessing mobility and locomotor mode nificantly different result than using a Council, UK. in hominins. Numerous adaptations in genetic distances, the same populations the foot and throughout the body have were compared on the basis of ABO and Human Leukocyte Antigen system: been related to the emergence of habit- MN blood groupings, as these are more immunogenetic and population ual bipedalism (for early hominins) and tightly genetically controlled. A Mantel genetic analyses of three Ecuador- to its further fine-tuning toward highly test was then applied to the results of ian populations. efficient walking and endurance run- both analyses in order to assess the dif- ning (in Homo). Assessing form-function ference between the two approaches. FLAVIO DE ANGELIS, ANDREA relationships in the foot relies heavily Preliminary results indicate that there BATTISTINI, ALESSIA GARZOLI, on insights from extant analogues. In is a difference between analyses con- ANDREA IORIO, RENATO the case of the modern human foot, the ducted using phenotypic distances ver- POLIMANTI and GIAN FRANCO DE very recent habitual use of footwear sus genetic distances, but that the dif- STEFANO. Department of Biology, Uni- might be a confounding factor obscuring ferences do not strongly alter the versity of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Rome, natural form-function relationships. conclusions ultimately drawn from the Italy. Additionally, experimental data on analyses. humans have typically been collected on Due to its long exposure to infectious artificial substrates. Human variation in the periosteal diseases, the human genome tends to be We compared walking between native geometry of the lower limb: Phy- gradually modified through natural barefoot walkers and shod walkers, and sique, biomechanics, and morpho- selection, especially at level of the we compared walking on an artificial logical integration. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) com- (hard) and natural (softer) substrate – plex. The aim of this study is to explore both walking barefoot and using ethnic THOMAS DAVIES and JAY T. STOCK. HLA DQ variability in three northwest- (South Indian) footwear. Department of Biological Anthropology, ern Ecuador populations (Cayapas Our results indicate that the use of foot- University of Cambridge. Amerindians, Taschilas Amerindians wear has an impact on the shape of the and Afro-Ecuadorians). Two HLA class foot and on specific functional aspects, Behavioural influences upon human di- II loci (HLA DQB1 and HLA DQA1) of i.e. plantar pressure distribution. The aphyseal morphology are well docu- 263 unrelated individuals have been an- effect of substrate (hard vs. softer) and mented, while variation in body size alyzed. HLA high-resolution molecular footwear (barefoot vs. ethnic footwear) and shape is also known to influence di- typing was performed by direct sequenc- on biomechanical measures (impact aphyseal morphology, particularly in ing (Sequence Based Typing, SBT). Dif- acceleration, ankle kinematics, muscle the proximal limb. However, relatively ferences in HLA DQ gene frequencies activity) was more subtle than expected. little is known about the relationship have been observed among the ethnic We suggest that using native barefoot between ecogeographic variation in groups of the Ecuadorian population. subjects on a natural substrate yields body shape and the variation in dia- The comparison among populations the most relevant results when assess- physeal strength parameters through- shows the key role of several HLA ing foot function in modern humans in out the limb. This paper uses a new DQA1 alleles in susceptibility and pro- a comparative context. method to quantify shape variation tection to several disease. Interestingly, throughout the length of the limb, test- the allele DQA1*0401 is negatively Assessing the population history of ing the prediction that physique has a associated with onchocerciasis, an infec- the Orkney Islands using pheno- greater influence proximally, while tious disease prevailing among Cayapas typic and genetic perspectives. behavioural biomechanics will have a and Afroecuadorians, living the same greater influence distally. onchocerciasis hyper-endemic environ- ANGELA M. DAUTARTAS. University Diaphyseal strength of the femora and ment. In order to test the human popu- of Tennessee, Knoxville tibiae was assessed among a range of lation relationships, worldwide refer- hunter-gatherer populations, using a ence populations have been selected to Use of dermatoglyphic data in popula- 3D laser scanning approach to extract compare the HLA allelic pool by several tion genetic studies has a longstanding cross-sectional biomechanic data from phylogenetic methods. The compiled history in anthropology (Jantz et al., periosteal contours. The method quanti- worldwide database finely resolved in 1992, Jantz, 1997, Sokal et al., 1996). fies periosteal size and shape parame- different basal clusters with very high These phenotypic data have often been ters at 1% intervals along the length of bootstrap values corresponding to four

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 51

122 AAPA ABSTRACTS geo-ethnic groups of Africans, Asians, Craniodental remains of Australo- tion, it is generally assumed that the Americans and Europeans, strengthen- pithecus sediba from Malapa, South neurological differences underlying the ing the findings revealed by other Africa. complexity of human language abilities markers as mtDNA and Y-chromosome. must have arisen due to progressive Some misplacements may be epidemio- DARRYL J. DE RUITER1, KEELY improvements of function via selection logically explained: this double CARLSON1, JULIET BROPHY1, favoring these traits. In this talk I will approach confirms that the HLA system KRISTIAN J. CARLSON2, STEVEN E. explore an alternative possibility: that is a valuable tool to explore both immu- CHURCHILL3, PETER SCHMID4, JOB devolutionary loss-of-function due to nogenetic differences and genetic relat- M. KIBII2 and LEE R. BERGER2. reduced selection, including degradation edness among populations, improving 1Department of Anthropology, Texas of developmental-genetic specificity, the informative role of such genetic sys- A&M University, 2Institute for Human may contribute to the evolution of novel tems in understanding the recent his- Evolution, University of the Witwaters- complex neural functions, such as lan- tory of our species. rand, 3Department of Evolutionary An- guage. The general logic of this argu- This study was funded by MIUR Grant, thropology, Duke University, ment originates from a critique of a COFIN 2006 (2006053308) to G.F. De 4Anthropological Institute and Museum, commonly cited evolutionary mecha- Stefano. University of Zurich. nism: the Baldwin Effect. Song produc- tion in a domesticated species of finch, Recent work in the ca. 1.95 Ma fossilif- not bred for singing illustrates a rever- erous deposits at the site of Malapa, sal of the Baldwin effect and its para- Body size and stature estimation South Africa, has revealed two partial doxical consequences: increasingly com- based on the first metatarsal in skeletons that we have assigned to a plex song structure, expanded involve- humans. new taxon, Australopithecus sediba. ment of forebrain mechanisms, greater The two skeletons are of a juvenile flexibility of behavior, and a larger con- ISABELLE DE GROOTE and LOUISE male and an adult female. The former tribution from social learning. This is HUMPHREY. The Natural History Mu- is represented by a relatively complete compared with other related examples seum, London, United Kingdom. cranium and mandible, and the latter to demonstrate how regressive evolu- by a mandible and isolated maxillary tionary processes might play an impor- Archaeological assemblages often lack teeth. In this paper we undertake a tant role in the evolution of biological complete long bones needed to estimate detailed comparative examination of the complexity more generally. stature and body mass. The most accu- craniodental morphology of A. sediba in rate estimates of body mass and stature relation to other hominin specimens, The functional morphology of the are produced using femoral head diame- with the goal of assessing its taxonomic metacarpophalangeal joint surface ter and femur length. Foot bones, and phylogenetic relationships. The of hominoid manual phalanges. although frequently absent or disassoci- skull of A. sediba indicates that cranial ated from the rest of the skeleton, pre- reorganization preceded brain enlarge- ANDREW DEANE1, KARI CORNETT2, serve relatively well in a range of ment, and that post-canine dental PAUL PARELL2 and MATTHEW archaeological contexts. reduction occurred independent of cus- TOCHERI2. 1Department of Anatomy In this paper we present regression pal rearrangement. A. sediba shares a and Neurobiology, University of Ken- equations using the first metatarsal to suite of characters of the cranium, face, tucky, 2College of Health Sciences, Uni- estimate femoral head breadth, body mandible, and teeth with the australo- versity of Kentucky, 3Human Origins mass and femur length in a diverse piths, in particular A. africanus. At the Program, Department of Anthropology, human sample. The skeletal sample same time, A. sediba presents a constel- National Museum of Natural History, comprised 87 individuals (Andamanese, lation of cranial characters that align it Smithsonian Institution. Australasians, Africans, American with specimens commonly assigned to Natives and British). Results show that early Homo, highlighting the intermedi- Many of the most fundamental and still all first metatarsal measurements corre- ate nature of this taxon. In fact, A. sed- unresolved questions in paleoprimatol- late with femoral head diameter and iba shares more derived characters with ogy stem from our limited understand- length. The proximal articular dorso- Homo than any other australopith ing of the evolution of primate locomo- plantar diameter yields the most accu- taxon known. We hypothesize that A. tor behaviour. Phalangeal morphology is rate predictions of both femoral head di- sediba represents the ancestor of the ge- routinely used to infer fossil primate ameter and femur length. Percent nus Homo, or else a close sister-group positional behaviour and locomotor standard errors of the estimate are to that ancestor, that arose from A. afri- adaptations. While it is widely accepted below 5%. Equations using two meas- canus. Additionally, the combination of that shaft curvature is an adaptive urements show a small increase in ac- primitive and derived characters in A. response to the habitual stresses of loco- curacy. No direct predictions are made sediba prompts us to reconsider the tax- motion, relatively little is known about for stature due to the varied body pro- onomic status of other craniodental the functional morphology and scaling portions represented in the sample. remains in Africa, in particular speci- relationships of phalangeal articular Direct predictions of body mass have an mens considered to represent early surface area and shape. Given that error just over 7%. The equations were members of the genus Homo. manual phalanges are in repetitive tested on a sample of 35 individuals direct contact with substrates, and that from Christ Church Spitalfields. Per- How relaxed selection contributes discrete locomotor behaviours are char- centage differences in estimated and to the evolution of complexity. acterized by unique phalangeal orienta- measured femoral head diameter and tions with dissimilar patterns of me- length were less than 1%. TERRENCE W. DEACON. University of chanical loading, it is reasonable to pre- This study demonstrates that first California, Berkeley. dict that proximal articular surface metatarsals can be used in the estima- area and shape are a response to loco- tion of body mass and stature. The Although biologists have long recog- motor-specific patterns of mechanical equations presented here are particu- nized examples of regressive processes loading. This study employs 3D shape larly useful for assemblages where the in evolution as well as a role for regres- analysis to test the hypothesis that long bones are either missing or frag- sive processes in the development of anthropoids with metacarpophalangal mented and enable estimation of these brains, research interest tends to focus joints experiencing higher compressive fundamental population parameters in on presumably constructive and pro- loads (i.e. knucklewalkers, quadrupeds) poorly preserved assemblages. gressive processes under the influence will have proportionately larger joint This study was funded by the Lever- of natural selection. Particularly in the surface areas and a surface morphology hulme Trust. case of human brains and their evolu- that resists mediolateral joint displace-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 52

AAPA ABSTRACTS 123 ment (i.e. greater mediolateral surface Funded by a National Science Founda- igraphic and geographic locality informa- curvature). Surface areas were obtained tion Doctoral Dissertation Improvement tion, taphonomic observations, specimen from 16 anthropoid genera (n5200) Grant and Wenner-Gren Dissertation collection and life history information, bib- with diverse locomotor adaptations, and Fieldwork Grant. liographic ciations, and artifact dimen- comparisons of articular surface area sions, scar counts or mineralogy, among and shape were made between discrete The need to account for pelvic others. Beginning in 2000, Delson and locomotor groups. Contrary to predic- size when examining pelvic NYCEP Morphometrics Group (NMG) col- tions, taxa with hand postures charac- dimorphisms. leagues have built PRIMO, the PRImate terized by increased compressive loads Morphometrics Online database, as an do not have proportionately larger sur- HILLARY DELPRETE. The College of open source for metrical data supported by face areas. Articular surface shape (i.e. New Jersey. collection, specimen and related metadata mediolateral and dorsoventral curva- (a term whose definition is controversial). ture), however, varies among discrete Although there is a general consensus that Caliper data collected by Delson and taxonomic groupings (i.e hominoids vs. the pelves of males and females differ, others, mainly on extant and fossil cercopi- cercopithecoids and ceboids) as a conse- thereby making the pelvis an excellent thecids, were posted first, with landmark quence of phylogeny, but also within source for sex identification, there is some data collected by Microscribe added more individual groupings according to loco- disagreement in the literature on the exis- recently. PRIMO is thus rare among motor adaptation and hand posture. tence of sexual dimorphism of some traits databases in our field in providing origi- (Tague 1992). It is likely that some of this nal metrical data, mainly unpublished, disagreement stems from the lack of data for other scholars to employ in their own Pleiotropy and coevolution among adjustmentforbodyand/orpelvicsizeand research. About 8000 individual speci- characters of the anthropoid canine perhaps, the lack of consistency of this mens and over 600 linear measurements honing complex. adjustment. For this study, pelvic data was and landmarks are included. Most data collected from the skeletal remains of 239 are open access (following an emailed LUCAS K. DELEZENE. Institute of individuals from the Hamann-Todd Skele- request for a login password), but some Human Origins, School of Human Evo- tal Collection in order to determine if data may be restricted by the collector to a lution and Social Change, Arizona State adjustment affects the presence of sexual subset of individuals granted access University. dimorphism of pelvic measures. The pres- while primary research is ongoing; non- ence of sexual dimorphism was compared NMG researchers may deposit data. Geo- Among anthropoid primates, a previous for the same individuals using both unad- graphic and stratigraphic data are being assessment of interspecific correlations justed data and data adjusted for pelvic prepared for inclusion, as are scan data between maxillary canine height and size. Based on the results of the t-tests, (which may require host institution per- mandibular premolar honing facet adjustment of the data can have a pro- mission). We are working with such hosts length suggested that a significant cor- found effect on which variables appear sex- to reduce their restrictions on access and relation exists for males but not for ually dimorphic. The following measures also with the coordinators of other data- females. This was interpreted as evi- were affected by data adjustment: anterior bases to facilitate searches via an inte- dence for the selective importance of space of the inlet, transverse diameter of grating "portal". Funding for PRIMO has honing function in males and its rela- the inlet, linea terminalis, anteroposterior come through NSF grants supporting 3D tive unimportance in females. In this diameter of the midplane, anterior space of research, which is aided by the ability for study, patterns of interspecific correla- the midplane, anterior space of the outlet, collaborators to access and exchange tion, using phylogenetically independent inter-acetabular distance, pelvic breadth, data online. contrasts, were examined for mandibu- sacral breadth, length of the superior pubic Funding support: NSF ACI 99-82351, lar and maxillary canine heights and ramus, inter-iliac breadth, and circumfer- DGE 03-33415, BCS 04-52961, and IIS mandibular premolar honing facet ence of the inlet. Based on the way that 05-13660. length in males (n537 taxa) and these dimorphisms changed in conjunction females (n538 taxa). Regardless of the with known shape differences between the An assessment of the impact of method used to reconstruct branch sexes, using the size-adjusted values seems small samples on the reconstruc- lengths, significant correlations exist to provide a better understanding of pelvic tion of hominin phylogeny. among all elements of the complex in sexual dimorphism. both males and females. Additionally, 5 MANA DEMBO and MARK COLLARD. samples of males (Gorilla gorilla, Pan Organizing, administering, and sus- Laboratory of Human Evolutionary troglodytes, Cercopithecus nictitans, taining an open-access database, Studies. Department of Archaeology, Cercopithecus cephus, Hylobates lar) examples learned from PRIMO. Simon Fraser University. and 6 samples of females (G. gorilla, P. troglodytes, Colobus satanas, C. nicti- ERIC DELSON1,2,3,4,5, ERIC FORD6, Due to the vagaries of preservation and tans, H. lar), for which sample sizes MARTIN FRIESS5,7, STEPHEN R. recovery, the samples used in hominin exceed 20 for all character pairs, were FROST5,8 and WILLIAM HARCOURT- phylogenetic analyses tend to be small. examined for intraspecific correlations SMITH1,2,3,4,5. 1Department of Anthro- To date, it has been widely assumed that among the characters of the honing pology, Lehman College/CUNY, 2Anthro- this is not a problem. However, a handful complex. In all male and female sam- pology Ph.D. Program, CUNY Graduate of studies carried out recently suggest ples, maxillary and mandibular canine School, 3Department of Vertebrate Pale- otherwise. For instance, Cobb and heights are significantly correlated with ontology, American Museum of Natural O’Higgins (2004) reported unreliable esti- one another and each is correlated with History, 4NYCEP (New York Consor- mates of ontogeny and allometry in Pan premolar honing facet length. These tium in Evolutionary Primatology), with less than 15-20 individuals. correlations remain significant when 5NYCEP Morphometrics Group, 6Com- Here, we report a study designed to accounting for the size of the postcanine puter Science Ph.D. Program, CUNY assess the impact of small samples on dentition using partial correlations. Graduate School, 7De´partement the accuracy of fossil hominin phyloge- Characters of the canine honing com- Hommes, Nature, Socie´tes, & CNRS netics. Experiments were conducted on plex are linked by pleiotropy and form a UMR 7206, Muse´um national d’Histoire craniodental measurements of extant unique module within both the female naturelle, Paris, 8Department of An- hominoids and two outgroup taxa, Colo- and male anthropoid dentitions. In both thropology, University of Oregon. bus and Papio. Sample sizes were males and females, characters of the reduced (with random specimen selec- canine honing complex have coevolved Data in paleoanthropology are of many tion) from the maximum per taxon to because selection acted upon a pleio- types: linear dimensions, landmark coordi- 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 individual(s). The tropically-associated set of characters. nates, images, surface and CT scans, strat- data were subjected to isometric and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 53

124 AAPA ABSTRACTS allometric size correction methods. Gallina population from northern New Cercopithecus mitis x C. ascanius Then, phylogenies were reconstructed Mexico during the Pueblo III period. hybridization in Gombe National in TNT (Goloboff et al. 2008). We gener- The sample is from the Llaves-Alkali Park, Tanzania. ated 10,000 bootstrap replicates for area in Gallina Country, and consists of each sample size. Lastly, the impact of the permanent anterior teeth from 26 KATE M. DETWILER. Department of sample size was assessed by comparing individuals with a total of 121 teeth. Anthropology, New York University and the trees yielded by the reduced sample The incidence of hypoplasias in this The New York Consortium of Evolution- size datasets with the tree obtained sample is high, involving 94.4 percent ary Primatology (NYCEP). from the full dataset. of the individuals and 65.3 percent of Reducing sample size had a major impact the teeth. The earliest onset of enamel Most cases of hybridization between on the topology of the most parsimonious hypoplasia in individuals occurs most broadly sympatric species of Cercopithe- tree obtained, and the effect increased as commonly at 1.5-2.5 years, with a peak cus monkeys in the wild are rare and sample size decreased. By the time each age at 2.5-3.0 years. All individuals, sporadic, and have little or no apparent, taxon was represented by 2 individuals, regardless of sex or age at death, long-term phenotypic impact on the par- the most parsimonious tree was signifi- express a similar age of metabolic dis- ticipating populations. An exception is cantly different from the most parsimoni- ruption; no significant difference exists the long-standing and very frequent ous tree yielded by the full dataset. Thus, between the groups. However, a signifi- hybridization between C. ascanius and the study suggests that small sample size cant difference in hypoplasia frequency C. mitis in Gombe National Park, Tan- may well be a significant impediment to between males and females exists with zania, where a significant proportion of the accurate reconstruction of fossil homi- males accounting for almost double the all guenons are phenotypic intermedi- nin phylogeny. total number of hypoplasias observed in ates. The Gombe population thus Research funded by SSHRC-CGS #767- females. Compared to Anasazi popula- provides a unique opportunity to test 2008-1619, the Canada Research Chairs tions during Pueblo III studied by Mal- for evidence of gene flow between Programme, the Canada Foundation for ville (1994; 1997) and Karhu (2000), the two closely related sympatric primate Innovation, the British Columbia Gallina show a higher incidence of met- species. Knowledge Development Fund, and abolic stress. No previous studies con- I surveyed the Gombe population and Simon Fraser University. cerning dental disruptions on the Gal- characterized animals from all parts of lina have been published; the present the national park phenotypically, and Genetic influences on the age at work provides new insights into the by using Y-chromosomal and mitochon- menarche: new findings from ge- past health status of this southwestern drial DNA genetic markers. All Gombe nome-wide association studies. culture. guenons surveyed, including phenotypi- cally normal C. mitis, carry mitochon- ELLEN W. DEMERATH. University of drial haplotypes derived from C. asca- Minnesota School of Public Health, Di- Isotopic signatures of diet from the nius, suggesting a past history of vision of Epidemiology and Community Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Anglo massive transpatric introgression via Health, Minneapolis, MN. Saxon period in Kent, UK: prelimi- immigration and high reproductive suc- nary results. cess of male C. mitis. Y-chromosomal Menarche, the onset of first menstrua- variation agrees with phenotype in the tion, signals the imminent attainment of CHRISTINA A. DETER1, ELIZABETH parental forms, while males with inter- female reproductive capacity and is a key ROWING1, KATERINE SCANE1, mediate phenotypes have both C. mitis developmental event. Age at menarche GERALD A. MOODY2 and PATRICK and C. ascanius Y-chromosomal haplo- varies widely between girls and is de- MAHONEY1. 1University of Kent, types, indicating that males of both pa- pendent on nutritional status. Early men- School of Anthropology and Conserva- rental species cross-mate. The lack of arche is associated with several adverse tion, 2Trust for Thanet Archaeology, evidence for Y-chromosomal gene flow health outcomes, including breast cancer, Kent. between the two species suggests that endometrial cancer, obesity, and type 2 male hybrids may have reduced fitness, diabetes, and is also associated with Dietary reconstruction from stable isotope supporting Haldane’s Rule. This study shorter adult stature. Studies of twins ratios is increasingly reported as a way of provides the first genetic results from a and extended families have shown that inferring protein consumption in human Cercopithecus hybrid population and 50%ofthevarianceinmenarchetiming diets from the past. This has provided contributes to our understanding of the is attributable to genetic factors, but the insights into periods of cultural and eco- potential evolutionary outcomes of identification of specific loci has been nomic change. Here we investigated car- interspecific hybridization among sym- slow. Since 2009, a number of large bon and nitrogen isotope ratios in human patric primates. (N[30,000) genome-wide association bone dating to the Bronze Age, Iron Age, This study was funded by the Wenner- studies have had success in identifying and Anglo Saxon period in Kent, UK. Gren Foundation Individual Research numerous genetic loci associated with age Nitrogen and carbon stable isotopic studies Grant, Leakey Foundation General at menarche. This lecture will review the for this region of the UK are under repre- Research Grant, and National Science current state of knowledge on the genet- sented in the literature. Samples used here Foundation, Dissertation Improvement ics of menarche and possible pleiotropic are from previously excavated archaeologi- Grant Award. effects of the identified genetic variants cal sites, South Dumpton Down (2100 BC- on height, body mass, and other growth 100 BC) and Ozengell (500-700 AD). Maternal perinatal diet alters off- and health-related outcomes. Mean stable nitrogen and carbon isotope spring bone architecture: evidence values were 10.64 (60.55) and 223.44 for developmental programming of New insights on the health status of (60.56)fortheBronzeAge,9.19(60.01) the skeleton? a pre-contact population from New and 222.18 (60.09) for the Iron Age, and Mexico: enamel hypoplasias in the 9.16 (60.49) and 222.2 (60.33) for the MAUREEN J. DEVLIN1, CORINNA permanent dentition of the Gallina. Anglo Saxon period. Enriched nitrogen GRASEMANN2, MARK PALMERT2 and and slightly depleted carbon signals dur- MARY L. BOUXSEIN1. 1Beth Israel LAUREN C. DENTON. Department ing the Bronze Age suggest a greater con- Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard of Anthropology, Colorado State sumption of terrestrial protein and less Medical School, Boston, MA; 2Hospital University. marine resources, compared to the other for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. periods. Ongoing research for this region Linear enamel hypoplasias are used to during these periods will investigate sta- Is the fetal skeleton sensitive to its examine the incidence of childhood sys- ble isotope ratios and social status, sex, energetic environment? Maternal diet temic metabolic stress in the pre-contact and religious transition. can induce developmental programming

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 54

AAPA ABSTRACTS 125 of offspring metabolism, but potential these analyses, burial type was used as larger than females) while male and skeletal effects are unknown. To test a proxy for social status, and was mod- female titis were more similar in weight. the hypothesis that maternal diet mod- eled as a covariate affecting the Siler Differences in life history and sexual ulates offspring skeletal acquisition, we model of mortality. The estimated dimorphism in these taxa may reflect compared pups from female C57Bl/6J effects of the burial-type covariate sug- variation in the factors underlying the mice fed high-fat (HF, 45% kCal/fat) or gests that being buried in a coffin evolution and maintenance of social mo- normal (N, 18% kCal/fat) diet from 6 (wood, lead, or stone) or a mausoleum nogamy. wks prior to breeding through gestation was not significantly associated with This research was funded with grants and lactation. We weaned 3-wk-old elevated nor reduced risks of mortality from the National Geographic Society, female pups from HF mothers (HF-N) during the Romano-British period in the Leakey Foundation., and the Wen- and N mothers (N-N) onto N diet ad lib. Dorset, when all ages are considered ner-Gren Foundation. Outcomes at 14 and 26 wks of age simultaneously. Therefore, these analy- included body mass, body length, % ses did not reveal a significant differ- Standardizing Paleolithic stone body fat, total body bone mineral den- ence in risks of all-cause mortality tool analysis: perspectives and sity (BMD), and cortical and trabecular between individuals of higher and lower prospects. architecture at midshaft and distal fe- status in this population. Further anal- mur. At 14 and 26 wks of age, body yses will reveal whether the association HAROLD L. DIBBLE1,2 and SHANNON mass, body length, and % body fat did between burial type and mortality risk P. MCPHERRON2. 1Department of An- not differ in HF-N vs. N-N. Total body varies by age, sex, or across cemeteries. thropology, University of Pennsylvania, BMD increased by 50% more in N-N vs. This study was funded by the Univer- 2Department of Human Evolution, HF-N from 14-26 wks of age (112% vs. sity at Albany Research Foundation, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary 18%), suggesting maternal HF diet the University at Albany Center for Anthropology. impaired skeletal acquisition. Midshaft Social and Demographic Analysis, the femur cortical thickness was 6% lower University of Birmingham, and an Ian Though there is a well-developed literature in HF-N vs. N-N at 14 wks of age Horsey Award from Dorset Natural His- on techniques of stone tool analysis, there (p\0.03). However, in the distal femur, tory and Archaeological Society. remains a tremendous amount of variabili- trabecular bone volume fraction was 19- ty in terms of how stone tool collections are 26% higher in HF-N vs. N-N at 14 wks Interbirth interval, age at disper- excavated, stored and analyzed. Variation of age (p\0.05). These data suggest sal, and sexual dimorphism in wild in standards is apparent at every step of complex effects of maternal diet on off- titis (Callicebus discolor) and sakis the descriptive and analytical process, spring skeletal acquisition, perhaps via (Pithecia aequatorialis). from determining which artifacts are developmental programming. Female included in analyses (usually based on HF-N pups exhibit lower cortical bone ANTHONY DI FIORE1,2 and EDUARDO size), which measurements or observations mass, but higher trabecular bone vol- FERNANDEZ-DUQUE3. 1Department of are taken and how, and even how descrip- ume vs. female N-N pups, suggesting Anthropology and Center for the Study of tive categories (i.e., types) are defined and maternal HF diet may impair postnatal Human Origins, New York University, presented. While other paleoanthropologi- cortical bone acquisition, but also slow 2New York Consortium in Evolutionary cal disciplines have successfully dealt with age-related trabecular bone loss. Primatology, 3Department of Anthropol- these issues, published analyses in lithic This study was funded by NIH ogy, University of Pennsylvania. studies vary considerably from one 1R01AR049265-01 (MLB), researcher to another, and in turn this 1RC1AR058389-01 (MLB), and Much of what we know of group composi- means that comparing results among vari- 5T32DK007028-35 (MJD). tion and demography of wild titis and ous researchers is extremely limited, if not sakis comes from surveys and limited impossible. In part to address these issues, The effect of social status on risks long-term studies of groups living in the authors have, over the past twenty of mortality in Roman Dorset, human-impacted landscapes. Few long- years, attempted to develop a set of excava- England. term field studies of these pitheciins have tion methods linked to specific taphonomic been conducted in primary tropical for- and stone tool analysis goals and designed SHARON N. DEWITTE1 and ests, where the ecological community to facilitate inter-site comparisons. These REBECCA C. REDFERN2. 1Department (including other primates and possible methods have now been applied to a series of Anthropology, University at Albany, predators) remains intact. Since 2003, we of Middle Paleolithic sites in France and SUNY, 2Centre for Human Bioarchaeol- have collected demographic and morpho- this has resulted in inter-site patterns that ogy, Museum of London. metric data from individuals in several have not previously been recognized. The groups of wild titis and sakis in Yasuni larger problem still remains, however: how Recent analyses have suggested that National Park, Ecuador. Here, we report to encourage the development of standards one of the consequences of the Roman data on group composition, interbirth that are accepted and used by the wider conquest within the population of Dor- interval, birth seasonality, age at inferred community of researchers. Until this is set County, southwest England was an dispersal, and sexual dimorphism based achieved, progress in this field based on increase in health disparities in the on captures and regular observations of scientific observation, predictive testing, Romano-British population compared to individually-recognized animals. and replicability is limited, and so too is the earlier Iron Age population of the Both titis and sakis lived in socially- any understanding of prehistoric behavior area. Average levels of frailty and the monogamous groups comprising a single based on lithic remains. degree of heterogeneity in frailty might adult male-female pair and up to 2-3 have increased post-Conquest for a vari- young. Interbirth intervals for titis aver- Supporting evidence for a genetic ety of reasons, including increased sta- aged 12 months (n 5 6 offspring, 3 component in the etiology of tus differences in housing (including each born to two females in different Mx.C.P1 transposition in a Rwan- house size and the use of plumbing) and groups) while for sakis averaged 21 dan sample from Africa. diet. This paper contributes to an months (n 5 4 offspring born to a single understanding of the health consequen- female). Titi births were more seasonal CLARISSA R. DICKE AND JOEL D. ces of Roman Conquest in Britain by than saki births, concentrated between IRISH. Department of Anthropology, examining the effects of social status on November and February. Inferred disper- University of Alaska Fairbanks. risks of mortality in Romano-British sal age ranged from 2.5 to over 5 years cemeteries. This study uses a sample of for titis (n 5 4), while one saki was In 1963, Jacques Nenquin and his team 291 individuals from Romano-British observed to disperse successfully at the excavated 91 human burials in Nyiran- cemeteries (dated to the 1st to late 4th high end of this range. Sakis were moder- kuba cave near Ruhengeri, Rwanda. centuries AD) in Dorset County. For ately sexually dimorphic (males 25-40% Inhumations, pottery, iron tools, beads,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 55

126 AAPA ABSTRACTS and animal bones were excavated and tiple times in the presence of fellow observed matching of duet-types is a date from the Iron Age into more recent group members. The subjects were then behavior traditionally believed to be times. individually tested to determine if they unique to avian species. This is the first Three of the 91 individuals (3.3%) from were able to open the box, and by which description of such behavior in a pri- Nyirankuba cave display atypical maxil- method. If subjects consistently opened mate species. lary tooth order, i.e., maxillary-canine- the box using only the method they This study was funded by the American first premolar transposition (Mx.C.P1). observed, it would be indicative of social Society of Mammalogists, International Mx.C.P1 transposition is a reversal in learning occurring by the process of imi- Primatological Society, and Sigma Xi. position of the maxillary canine and tation. Controls were presented the box first premolar. The dental anomaly has with no previous exposure to a demon- recently received increased attention in strator. Overall we found that subjects anthropological and clinical research in significantly outperformed controls in Phylogeny of primates based on an attempt to shed light on the etiology their time to solve the box (p\0.05, muscular characters, with special of the condition. Prevalence of this Mann-Whitney UTest) and successful attention to the relationships of anomaly in the modern, general popula- solvers replicated the method demon- hominoids and the phylogenetic tion is estimated at less than 1%. Previ- strated to them 100% of the time position of Tarsius. ous anthropological and clinical studies (p\0.01, Fischer’s exact). These results suggest that the etiology of Mx.C.P1 is support our hypothesis that lemur RUI DIOGO1 and BERNARD WOOD1. at least partly genetic in expression, social learning occurs through imita- 1Center for the Advanced Study of and in some isolated archeological popu- tion, suggesting higher cognitive func- Hominid Paleobiology, Department of lations is attributed to inbreeding. tioning in prosimians. Such findings Anthropology, George Washington Uni- These conclusions are based on its high call for a broader investigation of imita- versity, Washington DC. frequency in females and individuals tive capabilities of prosimians and other with Down Syndrome; it is character- primate species. In this presentation we report the ized by unilateral left-sided dominance, This study was funded by the Duke results of the first comprehensive cladis- multiple cases in familial pedigrees, a University Undergraduate Research tic analysis based on muscular charac- high frequency in some small isolated Support Office. ters that addresses the relationships archeological populations, and an among the major groups of living prima- increased prevalence of associated Duet type description and match- tes and taxa such as tree-shrews and anomalies including tooth agenesis and ing in the Bolivian gray titi mon- colugos. This analysis is based on infor- peg-shaped maxillary lateral incisors. key, Callicebus donacophilus. mation obtained from a review of the The archeological cases reported here literature and from dissections of more support previously published anthropo- KIMBERLY A. DINGESS1,2. 1Depart- than 50 specimens of various primate logical and clinical data that contribute ment of Anthropology, Indiana Uni- and non-primate taxa. The genera to the growing body of evidence for a versity, Bloomington, 2Wildlife included in the analysis were: Rattus, strong genetic component in the etiology Conservation Society, Bolivia and Tupaia, Cynocephalus, Lemur, Propithe- of the Mx.C.P1 transposition anomaly. 3DANTA: Association for Conservation cus, Loris, Nycticebus, Tarsius, Calli- The high incidence rate of 3.3% among of the Tropics. thrix, Pithecia, Aotus, Saimiri, Macaca, the collection is three times higher than Papio, Cercopithecus, Colobus, Hylo- expected, and may indeed suggest A conspicuous feature of titi monkey bates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan and Homo. inbreeding in this potentially isolated (Callicebus spp.) behavior is the pres- The analysis was based on 208 charac- population. ence of loud song duets performed by ters concerning the head, neck, and This research was supported by a mated pairs. Here two distinct duet- upper limb muscles of these taxa, using National Science Foundation grant types from a wild population of Callice- Nona & Winclada 2002. The relation- (0840674) to the second author. We bus donacophilus are described. Type 1 ships among the taxa in the most thank Rosine Orban and Caroline Polet duets comprise 4 categories of harmonic parsimonious trees obtained (L5382; from the Institut Royal des Sciences syllables, while type 2 duets are charac- RI50.53; CI50.65) largely conform to Naturelles, Belgium for access to the terized by a sequence of syllables com- those supported by recent molecular collection. prising a high frequency chevron ele- studies: the Primates, Strepsirrhini, ment and 1-2 harmonic notes with low Lemuriformes, New World monkeys, fundamental frequency. Type 2 syllables Old World monkeys, the subfamily Cer- Social learning in the ring-tailed have a significantly shorter duration copithecinae and the Hominoidea are lemur. and higher frequency of maximum am- monophyletic groups, and there is plitude than type 1. strong support for the following rela- LESLIE DIGBY and LESLEY KING. Playback experiments were used to tionships among hominoids: [Hylobates, Duke University Department of Evolu- determine whether type 1 and type 2 [Pongo, [Gorilla, [Pan, Homo]]]]. Our tionary Anthropology. duets are functionally distinct. Six study revealed that, regarding its groups (mated pair and resident off- muscles, Tarsius is one of the most pe- Social learning allows for the rapid spring) received 1 of each duet type and culiar primates, displaying some plesio- spread of novel behaviors and is a key their vocal and behavioral responses morphic (e.g., the presence of a distinct component to understanding the evolu- were recorded. Subjects responded more muscle spinotrapezius) and derived tion of culture. Although the complex aggressively to type 1 trials as meas- (e.g., the presence of two series of con- cognitive abilities required for imitative ured by matching (choosing to respond trahentes in the hand and of the facial social learning have been well docu- to a neighbor’s song with the same song muscle zygomatico-auricularis) features mented in the great apes, relatively few form), length of vocal response, and that are rarely seen in other living studies have examined social learning approaches to the speaker. Type 2 play- primates. We will examine the phylo- capabilities in prosimians. The aim of backs elicited fewer vocal responses genetic and evolutionary implications this study was to determine if social (only 5/12 trials) but still a relatively of these results, and discuss the use learning occurs in a prosimian known high proportion of type 2 duets. In all of myological, molecular and osteo- for its sociality, Lemur catta (the ring- trials (type 1 and type 2 combined) with logical characters in phylogenetic tailed lemur). Using a ‘‘puzzle box’’ with a vocal response, the initial response reconstructions. two distinct methods of being opened, a type matched that of the playback. We gratefully acknowledge the support ‘‘demonstrator’’ was trained in using While the precise function of the duet of the GW Signature Program, the one of the two opening techniques. The types remains unclear, they likely serve Mathers Foundation and the GW VP for demonstrator then opened the box mul- as a form of graded signal. The Academic Affairs, Don Lehman.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 56


Enamel microstructure and molar personal violence or massacre within the mass. Male and female data were analyzed development in Leptadapis magnus. Antelope Creek Focus in Texas Prehistory. separately. The commingled remains of a minimum of The results of this study provide broad WENDY DIRKS1, ROBERT L. thirty-two individuals were discovered support for the visual specialization hy- ANEMONE2, K. CHRISTOPHER within one of the three structures at this pothesis. Facial mobility is positively BEARD3, BRETT A. NACHMAN4 and site along with a pit of ten skulls. This site correlated with endocranial volume af- PAUL TAFFOREAU5,6. 1Oral Biology, is unique in that among the fifty plus sites ter controlling for body mass in males School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle Uni- excavated within the Texas Panhandle and (partial r 5 0.65; p 5 .031). However, versity, 2Department of Anthropology, western Oklahoma for the Antelope Creek females do not exhibit a significant par- WesternMichiganUniversity,3Carnegie Focus, this is the only one with evidence of tial correlation between facial mobility Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, possible extreme interpersonal violence. and endocranial volume (partial r 5 4Department of Anthropology, University Analysis consists of current osteological 0.10; p 5 .396). These findings suggest of Texas at Austin, 5ISE-M, Paleontology and forensic methods to evaluate perimor- that male, but not female, brain size Laboratory, University of Montpellier II, tem and postmortem fracture patterns, evolution is influenced by selection for 6European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, burn pattern analysis and taphonomic facial expression processing. Grenoble. alteration of the remains. Preliminary findings indicate that the assumptions of Evidence challenging the Pleisto- Leptadapis magnus is a large adapine violence at this site are most likely false. cene origin of yaws: A reexamina- primate from the Eocene of Europe with Although excavation and curation prob- tion of KNM-ER 1808. dental adaptations for folivory. We exam- lems make estimation of actual events at ined dental microstructural characteris- this site impossible, cultural associations SEAN G. DOLAN. Department of An- tics and the timing of its molar formation of mortuary practice may be possible if the thropology, New Mexico State Univer- in histological thin sections, including assumption of violence is dispelled. sity. M1-M3 from a single individual, using In addition to the question of violence in conventional polarized light microscopy. the Antelope Creek Focus, cultural affilia- The use of paleopathology in the archaeo- We used data from the Eocene notharc- tion with the Southern Plains Villagers logical and paleontological record can be tine species Cantius abditus and two and/or the Southwestern Cultures has a way to understand the evolution of dis- extant strepsirhines as a comparison. long been an enigma for this site. eases as well as the behavior and culture Daily cross striations and striae of Assemblages of remains such as those in human and non-human primates, Retzius were used to determine daily found at the Footprint Site have been however it can be overlooked and possi- secretion rate (DSR), enamel extension documented in Southwest sites, however bly underreported when it comes to the rate, and the timing of crown formation. theevidenceofviolenceatthosesitesis human fossil record. The Homo erectus We examined enamel microstructure yettobefoundatFootprint.Burials partial skeleton, KNM-ER 1808 is an using SEM and confocal microscopy. within structures and subsequent aban- exception because it exhibits a bone pa- Enamel thickness was measured using donment have been documented in the thology not seen in other Plio-Pleistocene synchrotron microtomography. Southern Plains, suggesting a possible hominids. Walker et al. (1982) concluded L. magnus is characterized by very thin cultural affinity with the Footprint Site. that this individual suffered from chronic enamel and extremely weak prism This study was funded by Termini Grad- hypervitaminosis A, while Rothschild decussation, surprising considering its uate Student Research Grant 2010. et al. (1995) states that KNM-ER 1808 large body size. Mean DSR is 3.7 exhibits the oldest case of the treponemal microns, slightly higher than in Can- Co-evolution of facial expression infection yaws in prehistory, which is up tius. A potential neonatal line was and brain size: a test of the visual for debate because it may not be possible identified in the M1, based on its simi- specialization hypothesis. to differentiate between the treponemal larity to the position of neonatal lines infections in isolated skeletons. identified in the extant strepsirhines, SETH D. DOBSON. Department of An- Casts, x-rays, and photographs of KNM- as well as several specimens of thropology, Dartmouth College. ER 1808 were compared to the paleopa- C. abditus.TheM1 crown was com- thological literature to refute Rothchild plete at age 6.7 months and probably It has been suggested that primates et al. (1995). The treponemal diseases of- erupted before one year of age. Prena- with more specialized visual systems ten show lesions on the frontal bone and talenamelextensionratesintheM1 tend to have relatively large brains due anterior tibial bowing. This study com- were almost 12 microns a day, drop- to selection for enlarged cortical visual pared the bowing angle of the tibia from ping abruptly to just over five microns processing areas. This ‘‘visual speciali- a population of non-diseased modern a day at the neonatal line, then zation hypothesis’’ is supported by sev- humans, modern humans suffering from increasing again toward the cervix of eral comparative studies. However, the the treponemal diseases, and KNM-ER thetooth.Thereappearstobeexten- behavioral bases of these co-evolution- 1808. Examination of KNM-ER 1808 sive overlap in molar formation, typi- ary patterns remain unclear. If the vis- indicates that this nearly ubiquitous an- cal of folivores, lending support to this ual specialization hypothesis is correct, terior bowing is absent. This suggests reconstruction of dietary adaptation in then variation in visually-oriented that KNM-ER 1808 probably did not suf- Leptadapis. Thin enamel and weak behaviors should correlate with varia- fer from a treponemal infection 1.6 MYA. decussation can also be interpreted as tion in brain size. The purpose of this Genetic evidence also supports a more an adaptation to folivory. study is to test this prediction by exam- recent origin for yaws. Hypervitaminosis This study was funded by the Royal Soci- ining the co-evolution of facial expres- A, does not have a large or accessible ety and the French Ministry of Research. sion complexity and relative brain size sample size to compare, therefore it can- in extant anthropoids. not be excluded based on this research. Does a house full of bones equal a Facial expression complexity is a function massacre? Testing assumptions of of facial mobility, or the number of visually The interplay between mobility, violence in the Texas panhandle. distinct facial movements a species can body size and prey capture in liv- produce. Data on facial mobility are cur- ing and extinct Canis. LYNETTE N. DIXON. Department of rently available for 12 species. These data Sociology and Anthropology, University were combined with published estimates of SARA K. DOYLE, CHRISTINE E. of Texas at Arlington. endocranial volume and body mass. Phylo- WALL and DANIEL SCHMITT. Duke genetically-informed partial correlation University, Durham, NC. The Footprint Site in the Texas Panhandle analyses were used to examine the associa- was excavated in 1964 by F.E. Green and tion between facial mobility and endocra- Limb length affects locomotor efficiency has become a common reference for inter- nial volume after controlling for body and distance traveled per step, an im-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 57

128 AAPA ABSTRACTS portant component of mobility in mam- After examining each cohort for pelvic genetic and phenotypic evolution of the mals with large home ranges. Many asymmetry, the black males and primate thorax. Pleistocene and some extant mammals females exhibited the least amount of in cold climates have relatively short bilateral asymmetry. In each, only one Searching and extracting reports limbs, a pattern usually attributed to cohort exhibited statistically significant from the Osteoware database. thermoregulation. This potentially com- asymmetry. In the white males, the promises efficiency. Limb length also later cohorts (made up of individuals J. CHRISTOPHER DUDAR. Director influences bone strength. This study from the Bass collection) were more Repatriation Osteology Lab, National considers the relationship between limb asymmetrical than the cohorts made up Museum of Natural History, Smithso- length, ambient temperature, and bone of Terry and Todd skeletons. In contrast nian Institution, Washington D.C. strength in living and fossil Canis to the white males, the white females across a range of body size and local- were more asymmetric in the early A relational database is a collection of ities. We propose that limb shortening cohorts. When asymmetry was present, data organized for easy access and man- in Canis is a mechanism to increase it favored the left side in both height agement. The database itself is com- bone strength by reducing bending and breadth. Secular trends do seem to posed of separate tables storing differ- moments in animals hunting large prey. be present in the white cohorts in the ent types of data. Each table contains To test this, we calculated the scaling of breadth measurement with an increase data elements (cells) organized by hori- bone length and diameter and body in asymmetry. zontal rows and vertical columns, and mass. Results show that for extant resembles a spreadsheet to the uniniti- Canis, there is negative allometry (fe- ated eye. However unlike spreadsheets mur: 0.70; tibia: 0.79) of bone length on Genetic and functional variation of relational database tables can be joined body mass, whereas, bone strength is primate bmp5 enhancer region. and queried so that meaningful infor- isometric relative to body mass. When mation can be extracted and used to- dire wolves are included, they fall only KELLY DRONEY, C.OWEN LOVEJOY gether. The Relational Database Man- slightly above the regression lines of and CHI-HUA CHIU. Department of agement System (RDBMS) used in con- bone diameter on body mass, but signifi- Anthropology, Kent State University, junction with Osteoware, Advantage cantly below the line for bone length on Kent, OH. Data Architect TM, offers rich and use- body mass, meaning that they are ful features for searching and extracting increasing bone strength primarily Reorganization of the primate bauplan the osteology data stored within. Query- through shorter bones. Carnivores (e.g. changes to thoracic cage shape, ing the Osteoware database for optimal hunting large prey may experience high scapular relocation, vertebral column results requires some knowledge of forces during prey capture. Dire wolves invagination) has played an integral Structured Query Language (SQL), a were specialized hunters of Pleistocene role in locomotor adaptations. A causal computer language designed for manag- megafauna living in a mild climate. genetic and developmental link is lack- ing relational databases. Fortunately Dire wolves appear to compromise loco- ing between bauplan changes and SQL is easy to learn. This presentation motor efficiency in exchange for greater bipedal locomotion, a hallmark of homi- will provide a basic foundation and a bone strength needed for prey capture. nid evolution. However, a genetic and hands-on opportunity to compose These data demonstrate clearly the developmental link has been demon- queries that will join tables and extract multiple influences on limb length in strated specific to the shape of the tho- data that, in turn, will generate mean- mammals and argue against a simple racic cage. Guenther et al. (2008) func- ingful information that can be exported relationship between limb length and tionally defined a cis-regulatory to a variety of formats, including mobility. sequence of bone morphogenetic protein HTML, .txt, .rtf, .csv, .dif, as well as 5 (bmp5) that modulates the protein’s Microsoft Excel and Word for report expression in mouse rib anlaga and production. Secular change in the asymmetry of influences rib curvature. We PCR Osteoware is supported by grants from the human pelvis: 1842-1981. amplified, cloned, and sequenced the the National Center for Preservation orthologous DNA sequence in several Technology and Training (NCPTT) KATHRYN DRISCOLL. Department of primate taxa including gibbon, squirrel National Park Service, and the Smith- Anthropology, University of Tennessee. and spider monkey which were previ- sonian Web 2.0 Fund. ously unavailable publicly. We aligned The change that the human pelvis has these to orthologous sequences of chim- Distribution of synaptic markers in experienced over time is of great inter- panzee, orangutan, rhesus monkey, the chimpanzee neocortical areas est in anthropology. In a preliminary common marmoset, and mouse. Using across development. study, the pelvic asymmetry of the Wil- Match, a program that predicts tran- liam M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collec- scription factor binding sites and phylo- TETYANA DUKA1, LAWRENCE tion was analyzed. The current research genetic analysis, we traced the progres- GROSSMAN2, MONICA UDDIN2, expanded on this preliminary study and sion of putatively functional nucleotide DEREK WILDMAN2, MORRIS examined whether the asymmetry in substitutions in this bmp5 enhancer GOODMAN2, WALLACE BAZE3, the height and breadth of the ossa throughout primate phylogeny that PATRICK HOF4 AND CHET coxae followed a secular trend. potentially alter transcription factor SHERWOOD1. 1The George Washington The ossa coxae of individuals born binding sites in key taxa including University, Washington, DC, 2Wayne between 1842 and 1981 were used in human, gibbon, and spider monkey. State University School of Medicine, this study. Skeletons from the Hamann- Among many conclusions, our analysis Detroit, MI, 3The University of Texas Todd Osteological Collection and the demonstrates that while there are M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Bastrop, Robert J. Terry Anatomical Skeletal species-specific nucleotide differences, TX, 4Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Collection in addition to the Bass the human, gibbon, and chimpanzee New York, NY. Donated Collection were utilized; 636 sequences share a core of predicted ossa coxae pairs were used in the analy- binding sites that is different from that In humans, the prefrontal cortex, which ses. Five birth cohorts made up of equal predicted in monkeys and mouse (out- is important for executive cognitive numbers of male and female, black and group). This study demonstrates the function, shows a delay in its matura- white individuals were digitized, 3D power of experimental and bioinfor- tion compared to other cortical areas. coordinates were collected, and meas- matic approaches to fundamental issues The purpose of this study was to exam- urements were calculated. Directional in primate and human evolution and ine if there is a similar humanlike asymmetries were also calculated for suggests future functional studies that developmental pattern of synaptic func- each individual. may help decipher critical events in the tion in chimpanzee neocortical areas

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 58


(primary somatosensory, primary motor, unaffected by craniosynostosis. Coordi- mechanical dilemma; it is simply an prestriate visual and rostral prefrontal) nate data were subjected to a General- outcome of our constrained physiology. by measuring the expression of the pre- ized Procrustes Analysis, a Canonical or postsynaptic marker proteins synap- Variates Analysis, and Discriminant CT scanning of the Willandra Lakes tophysin, synapsin I, SNAP-25, syn- Function Analysis. Results suggest a fossil hominids: progress and taxin 1A, and PSD-95. Western blotting unique effect of squamosal involve- prospects. was used to assess the relative levels of ment. The left side porion is displaced synaptic markers in different neocorti- postero-medially with compensatory ARTHUR C. DURBAND1,ROSSO’NEIL2 cal regions from postmortem samples of expansion of the right side pterion and MICHAEL WESTAWAY3. 1Department 20 common chimpanzees, from birth to antero-laterally. Left pterion and fron- of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, adulthood. Results indicate that early totemporale are drawn posteriorly with Texas Tech University, 2Medical Imaging in life (0-12 months group), visual and the latter also demonstrating medial Department, The Canberra Hospital, Can- motor areas show the highest expres- displacement. Right frontotemporale is berra ACT, Australia, 3Department of Cul- sion level of synaptic proteins relative displaced antero-laterally while right tures and Histories; Queensland Museum, to the other cortical regions. However, pterion is displaced in a similar direc- South Bank. after 2 years of age, the prefrontal cor- tion but to a lesser degree. Asymmetry tex has among the highest levels of syn- is also severe in the posterior occipital The human fossil sample from the Willan- apse-associated protein expression. region as in the anterior of the vault, dra Lakes, New South Wales, Australia, Because there is a similar pattern (i.e. which is contrary to expectations based represents the largest collection of late increasing levels) and a significant over- on the pattern of sutural fusion. The Pleistocene human remains in the world. all correlation during chimpanzee devel- relevant importance of timing of fusion Approximately 100 individuals are repre- opment with all synapse-associated pro- during growth and degree of fusion are sented in this sample, including the oldest tein expression, these data suggest that explored. known human burial in Australia, Lake changes are due to a common functional Mungo 3. The Willandra Lakes Hominid developmental regulation of synapses. Energetics—not pelvic constraints— (WLH) fossils are both the oldest and larg- However, the changes observed across determine human gestation length est series of fossil remains that have not development, especially later in life and altriciality. been repatriated to local Aboriginal groups when the expression of localized synap- for reburial. Thus, the WLH fossil series tic proteins become distinct, may be due HOLLY DUNSWORTH1, HERMAN provides an invaluable resource for under- to specific developmental changes in PONTZER2 and TERRENCE DEACON3. standing the peopling of Australia and each protein occurring independently of 1Department of Anthropology, Northeastern modern human origins in the region. synaptic development. These results Illinois University, 2Department of Anthro- During May, 2010, permission was suggest that synaptogenesis and prun- pology, Hunter College, 3Anthropology obtained from the Traditional Tribal ing occurs asynchronously in different Department, University of California, Groups of the Willandra Lakes area for cortical regions and that chimpanzee Berkeley. a series of CT scans to be made from prefrontal cortex matures at a slower the fossils. Eight of the most complete rate than other neocortical areas as The classic anthropological hypothesis and important individuals from the col- observed in humans. known as the ‘‘obstetrical dilemma’’ or lection were selected for the initial This research was supported by NSF the ‘‘obstetric dilemma’’ is a well-known phase of the project, including Lake HOMINID (0827531) and by the James explanation for human altriciality—a Mungo 3 and WLH 50. S. McDonnell Foundation (22002078). condition that has significant implica- We will discuss our progress as well as the tions for human social and behavioral manifold benefits and future prospects Effects of incomplete nonsyndromic evolution. The hypothesis holds that that stem from this ongoing project. First squamosal craniosynostosis on antagonistic selection for an increasing and foremost, CT scanning provides a digi- cranial shape in an archaeological neonatal brain and a narrow, bipedal- tal archive of the fossils that can serve as a specimen. adapted birth canal poses a problem for virtual ‘‘keeping place’’ for scientific access the mother; the hominin "solution" is to totheremains.Wewillalsodemonstrate WILLIAM N. DUNCAN1,CHRISTOPHER truncate gestation, resulting in an altri- how the application of ‘‘virtual anthropol- M. STOJANOWSKI2 and HEATHER F. cial neonate. This explanation for human ogy’’ to this set of more fragmentary SMITH3. 1Department of Sociology and An- altriciality persists despite data linking remains can help scientists better commu- thropology, East Tennessee State Univer- human life history to that of other nicate the value of such remains to con- sity; 2School of Human Evolution and Social mammalian species, encephalized or not, cerned indigenous communities who are Change, Arizona State University; 3Depart- adapted for unique locomotion or not, often skeptical of our work. ment of Anatomy, Midwestern University. including cetaceans and sirenians which Financial support for this project was lack bony birth canals. Here we present provided by the Franklin Research Quantification of shape changes attribut- evidence that challenges the importance Grant Program of the American Philo- able to craniosynostosis is an increasingly of pelvic morphology and mechanics in sophical Society. important component of our understand- the evolution of human gestation and ing of this condition. Most clinical cases altriciality. Instead, our analyses indicate The changing role of genes in the involve the sagittal or coronal sutures, an energetic constraint on human gesta- growth and development of the however a recent case of nonsyndromic tion length. Furthermore, comparative skeleton. craniosynostosis of the left squamosal and data across mammals demonstrate that sphenofrontal sutures has been identified. human gestation length is determined by DANA L. DUREN1,2, RICHARD J. The calvaria was excavated from the site of primitive mammalian energetic and met- SHERWOOD1,3, MIRYOUNG LEE1,3, Fort King George near Darien, Georgia, abolic constraints on gestation and fetal ROGER M. SIERVOGEL1,3, STEFAN A. and exhibits mild plagiocephaly attribut- growth. Although pelvic remodeling dur- CZERWINSKI1 and BRADFORD able to partial coronal and squamosal syn- ing hominin evolution contributed to the TOWNE1. 1Lifespan Health Research ostosis and complete sphenofrontal synos- present parturitional difficulty, this has Center, Department of Community tosis on the left side. The scarcity of cases not altered timing of parturition. If the Health, Wright State University, of nonsyndromic craniosynostosis with human reproductive system poses a di- 2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, squamosal involvement raises questions lemma between competing needs, then Wright State University, 3Department about its relative influence of premature fetal energy needs and maternal energy of Pediatrics, Wright State University. sutural closure and overall shape. We col- supply are the competitors, not encephal- lected 3-dimensional landmark data from ization and bipedalism. Thus human It is well accepted that skeletal growth the calvaria and a series of 668 skulls neonatal altriciality is not a solution to a and development are directed by both

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 59

130 AAPA ABSTRACTS genetic and environmental influences. neck, greater and lesser trochanter. Leakey Foundation Grant, and a Sigma The environmental envelope surround- Data on sex, age and stature were Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research. ing the developing skeleton obviously assessed using published techniques. changes as a child is exposed to novel Particular attention was paid to distinct Reliability of urine test strips for experiences (diet, exercise, etc.). Like- musculoskeletal stress markers and measuring ketone values in wise, the genetic influences on the pathologies. Preliminary results show Phayre’s leaf monkeys. growth and development of the pediat- high frequencies of posterior cervical ric skeleton can change over the course imprint as well as increased femoral AMY EAKINS1, CAROLA BORRIES2, of childhood. We examined the genetic robusticity when compared to other JAMIE R. GARTEN2, REBECCA S. underpinnings of measures of bone Bronze Age populations that indicates a ZULUETA2 and ANDREAS KOENIG2. health (cortical thickness & biomechani- complex division of labor and differen- 1Interdepartmental Doctoral Program cal properties) in three cross-sectional tial access to resources from 2200 BC.- in Anthropological Sciences, Stony samples of genotyped children partici- 2000 B.C. These findings are supported Brook University, 2Department of An- pating in the Fels Longitudinal Study by previous research that showed a cor- thropology, Stony Brook University. representing distinct stages of childhood relation between osteoarthritis, sex, and development; at 3 years, 12 years, and robusticity in the adult carpals and Energetic measures are essential in pri- 18 years of age. All analyses were con- metacarpals from Tell Abraq indicating mate behavioral ecology and new methods ducted using a maximum-likelihood var- males were habitually involved in hard involving C-peptides, ketones, or leptins iance decomposition approach in SO- physical labor using of their hands. seem to provide good estimates of energetic LAR with age, sex, and skeletal age as High frequencies of osteoarthritis and body condition. However, the reliability of covariates. Quantitative genetic analy- fluorosis in this sample also suggest a non-invasive methods such as urine test sis revealed significant heritability of population engaged in diverse work- strips is not well understood. Here, we bone measures at each of the three age related tasks. tested whether urine test strips provided groups. Heritabilities ranged from 0.47 accurate measures of ketones, whether the (section modulus in the 12 year olds) to Tolerated scrounging a foraging values remained stable over the short 0.82 (total cortical bone thickness in the strategy for young juvenile capu- term, and which factors possibly affected 18 year olds). Suggestive linkages were chin Cebus capucinus monkeys. correspondence of measurements. Samples identified for QTL on chromosomes 6q, were collected for 50 individuals within 17q and 22p in the 3 year olds, on chro- ELIZABETH EADIE. Department of three groups of Phayre’s leaf monkeys mosomes 2p, 6p, 11p and 22p in the 12 Anthropology, University of New Mex- (Trachypithecus phayrei crepusculus)at year olds, and on chromosomes 1p, 6q, ico. Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand 7q, and 14q in the 18 year olds. Our (137 samples). We used test strips from dif- results demonstrate that pediatric bone Capuchin monkeys are unique among ferent manufactures with and without spe- health is influenced by genes through- primates in their reliance on difficult-to- cific gravity to correct for urine concentra- out childhood. And although some acquire foods and for having large, meta- tion. Samples were collected throughout genomic regions appear to consistently bolically demanding brains. This combi- the day for the same individual at least influence bone health across ages, each nation poses a challenge to young juve- twice. In addition, we noted the context developmental stage is also character- niles who lack experience in obtaining (time since resting and feeding). Repeated ized by a genetic landscape unique to food but nevertheless must obtain enough testing of the same sample lead to almost that time period. calories to sustain their growth and daily perfect correlation (Spearman’s rho, This study was funded by the National nutrient requirements. One potential so- P\0.001) and agreement (weighted kappa Institutes of Health (NIH- lution would be for young juveniles to coefficient, P\0.001), although agreement R01HD056247, R01AR055927, capitalize on pieces of food dropped by was lower comparing different brands. R01HD12252). tolerant and more proficient foragers—a Samples taken several hours apart showed behavior known as tolerated scrounging. variable values for the same individual Preliminary results of activity- Data on foraging behavior was collected with weak correlation and agreement induced skeletal markers on proxi- at The Pacuare Nature Reserve in Costa (Ps[0.1). Correlation and agreement mal femora from the Bronze Age Rica on three wild groups of Cebus capu- improved when specific gravity was taken Tell Abraq tomb, U.A.E. cinus. Quantity of food acquired through into account, but neither time of the day independent and tolerated scrounging nor the behavioral context were significant ANIMIKHA DUTT, DEBRA L. MARTIN behaviors was measured during continu- predictors. Our results show that urine and JENNIFER L. THOMPSON. Depart- ous focal sampling, while behavioral fre- test strips may estimate ketone content in ment of Anthropology, University of Ne- quencies were determined from instanta- urine reliably if specific gravity is taken vada, Las Vegas. neous scan samples taken at thirty mi- into account. Importantly, ketone values nute intervals. We compare the number seem to vary over the short term and, Patterns of activity-induced skeletal of bites obtained through scrounging ver- hence, single measurements may be inad- markers within an ancient population sus other means between infant, young equate to characterize the energetic body shed light on the economic lifestyle juveniles, old juveniles and adults. condition of an individual. when incorporated with archaeological Infants were found to engage in scroung- Supported by the National Science findings. This study presents the pre- ing behaviors over fifty times more fre- Foundation BCS-0542035. liminary results of analyses of the adult quently than young juveniles, and young proximal femora collection from the juveniles scrounged over four times as of- Isotopic assessments of Late Mio- commingled, disarticulated and frag- ten as old juveniles. In addition, scroung- cene paleoenvironmental change in mentary human remains from the ing occurred almost exclusively with diffi- Central Europe: Implications for United Arab Emirates Bronze Age Tell cult-to-acquire food items. One implica- early hominid evolution and Abraq tomb. Archaeological evidence tion of our findings is that a tolerant dispersal. from the site reveals that various forms social structure has co-evolved with a of subsistence were practiced such as stronger reliance on difficult-to-acquire LAURA C. EASTHAM1, MARIAM C. fishing, farming and domestication of foods. It is possible that tolerated NARGOLWALLA, DAVID R. BEGUN animals. If there was task specialization scrounging could be the first behavioral and LASZLO KORDOS2. 1Department of and/or division of labor to perform these step toward the human behavior of feed- Anthropology, University of Toronto, 2Ge- tasks then activity-induced skeletal ing juveniles. ological Institute of Hungary (MAFI). markers should reveal sub-groups This study was funded by a National within the population. The sample Science Foundation-Doctoral Disserta- Major cognitive and locomotor adapta- includes 108 femora with intact head, tion Improvement Grant 0925843, a tions, as well as intercontinental disper-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 131 sals, have been associated with the primates, and various extant human The anthropological research potential early hominid response to increasing samples, normal and abnormal; techni- for this database is enormous, including seasonality during the Late Miocene. ques used are about as diverse as the studies of growth and development and Reconstructions of paleoenvironments specimens: anthropometric measure- cranial, dental, and soft tissue studies. in Late Miocene Europe have figured ments on living individuals, 2-D linear This potential is indicated by the pres- prominently in these discussions, with measurements on photographs, 3-D ent study, an intra-individual compari- several authors suggesting a ‘‘dietary landmark data, and various presenta- son of deciduous and permanent occlu- factor’’, specifically the increasingly sea- tions of conventional radiographs and sal molar linear measures and areas in sonal availability of ripe fruit, as the CT scans. Consequently, there is a large European (EA; n5123) and Hispanic cause of decline in European hominids. interaction effect compounding the Americans (HA; n577). Two alternate Both the morphology and life history influences of observers, samples, equip- hypotheses were considered for the rela- pattern of Rudapithecus hungaricus, a ment, techniques, and standards. A fur- tionship between correlations in HA large-bodied frugivorous hominid, con- ther complicating factor arises because compared to EA. First, higher overall sidered to be closely related to the last the primary specimen, as well as tooth size correlations might indicate common ancestor of living African great images and casts of it, are only selec- developmental stability in an admixed apes and humans, suggest it would tively available. group (HA). Second, lower overall corre- have been susceptible to increasing Beyond LB1, additional skulls are lations might indicate developmental intra-annual ecological variability. Cur- known from archeological contexts on instability related to lower socioeco- rent paleoenvironmental reconstruc- Flores (van der Plas, 2002; Lynnerup, nomic status. Correlations range from tions of Late Miocene Rudaba´nya sug- 2010). At Naturalis, Leiden, we col- 0.00 (HA um1/UP3) to 0.72 (EA um2/ gest a humid, closed canopy forest eco- lected 300 3-D coordinate points on UM1), within the range of correlations system, characterized by a low degree of skull vaults, including both Liang Toge´ in the published literature. Overall, dif- seasonality. and Liang Momer from Flores, using a ferences between EA and HA are not To further evaluate the environmental Bird electronic digitizer (Ascension statistically significant at the 0.05 level, context of Rudapithecus, we employed Technology) plus laptop computer. Cra- indicating that neither admixture nor high spatial resolution oxygen and car- nial shapes were quantified and asym- socioeconomic status is affecting tooth bon isotopic analysis in a sample of metries assessed as deviations of sur- size in this sample of HA. This study is tooth enamel from six different herbi- face measurements from an inherently indicative of only one of many applica- vore species contemporaneous with symmetric superquadric model tions available using this new research Rudapithecus. To minimize attenuation (Sommer, et al., 2006). Superquadric pa- database. of isotopic results, we employed a rameters have simple geometric inter- This project was supported by Award MicroMill system to sample tooth pretations, are very reproducible, and Number 5G08 LM009381 from the enamel from sectioned third molars and capture both squareness and taper. The National Library of Medicine, National premolars, collecting bulk samples instruments are inexpensive (under Institutes of Health. along the enamel-dentine junction $10k), portable, and their blunt probes (EDJ), as well as serial sampling at an can be used safely on skulls, casts, and The influence of body mass and angle to the EDJ. This sampling meth- heads of living subjects including chil- ecological similarity on dominance odology produces a more accurate iso- dren, the last pertinent for the nonce relationships among three sympa- topic record, permitting the inference of given the imaginative plagiocephaly tric primate species. subannual ecological conditions. Prelim- hypothesis. inary results suggest intraannual eco- ALICE A. ELDER. Interdepartmental logical variability at Rudaba´nya. The Doctoral Program in Anthropological results of this research provide insight Demonstrating an anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook University. into the paleoecology of Rudaba´nya and application of the Economides help to evaluate the impact of environ- orthodontic collection: deciduous Interspecific competition is usually mental change on the evolution and and permanent tooth size correla- explored in the context of competitive dispersal of Late Miocene European tions in European and Hispanic exclusion and niche segregation hominids. Americans. between ecologically-dissimilar taxa. Contrastingly, competition between eco- LB1 in comparative context: Asym- HEATHER EDGAR1,2, MICHAEL logically-similar species is hypothesized metry, microcephaly, plagiocephaly, HAUETER3, SHAMSI DANESHVARI1, to be mitigated by dominance relation- taphonomy. EDWARD HARRIS4, and PHILIP ships based on inequality in resource KROTH PHILIP2. 1University of New holding potential (RHP). I investigated ROBERT B. ECKHARDT1, MACIEJ Mexico Department of Anthropology, the influence of ecological similarity on HENNEBERG2 and H. JOSEPH 2University of New Mexico Health Sci- encounters among three sympatric pri- SOMMER3. 1Laboratory for the Com- ences Library and Informatics Center, mate species at Way Canguk, Sumatra: parative Study of Morphology, Mechan- 3Albuquerque, NM, 4University of Ten- the ecologically-similar siamangs (Sym- ics and Molecules, Department of nessee Health Sciences Center. phalangus syndactylus) and agile gib- Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State bons (Hylobates agilis), and the ecologi- University, 2Biological Anthropology Radiographs, intra-oral photographs, cally-dissimilar mitered langurs (Pres- and Comparative Anatomy Unit, Uni- and patient records in the J.K. Econo- bytis melalophos). Due to differences in versity of Adelaide, Australia, 3Depart- mides orthodontic patient record collec- body mass (and hence RHP), siamangs ment of Mechanical Engineering, The tion are now on line and freely available were predicted to dominate gibbons and Pennsylvania State University. for research (http://hsc.unm.edu/pro- langurs. Alternatively, if group size grams/ocfs). This database contains determined RHP, langurs would be Assessment of asymmetry in the LB1 records and over 400,000 images for dominant. Data were collected from skull from Liang Bua Cave, Flores, approximately 5,650 individuals, repre- March 2008 to October 2009 on the con- requires replicable quantification before senting the diversity of Albuquerque, text and outcome of interspecific arcane explication. Hypotheses concern- New Mexico 1972-1999, including Afri- encounters (N5262) among seven sia- ing causes of asymmetry (normal or can, Asian, European, Hispanic, and mang, three gibbon, and five langur abnormal development, postural influ- Native Americans. There are records for groups. Dominance was determined ences, and/or post mortem modifica- 600 related sets of individuals in the from the proportion of agonistic encoun- tions) follow as matters of interpreta- collections. Additionally, associated den- ters and the percentage of encounters tion. So far LB1 has been compared tal models are available for research at won. Siamangs were dominant over gib- with fossil hominids, recent hominoid the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. bons (won 98.4%) and langurs (100%),

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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132 AAPA ABSTRACTS and gibbons were dominant over lan- are lower than those of Old World suba- 10th centuries. Great Moravia was gurs (100%). However, while the major- dults, are close to zero, and do not change located between the Byzantine Empire ity of encounters with langurs were neu- significantly during ontogeny. These to the south and the Frankish Empire tral, gibbon-siamang encounters were pre- results may be considered further evi- to the west. Despite the influences of dominantly agonistic (Chi-Sq; p’s\0.001), dence that indigenous American propor- these powerful neighbors, it retained a with siamangs as aggressors in all cases. tions do not reflect climatic adaptation uniquely Slavic culture. Two popula- Because siamang-gibbon encounters were but rather non-climatic factors, such as tions from within Great Moravia restricted to the morning, ended by gib- population history. (Mikulcice-Kostelisko, and Josefov) rep- bons (Chi-Sq; p’s\0.001), and shorter resenting an urban and rural site than those between other species Body mass estimation in Old World respectively were studied. A contempo- (ANOVA; p\0.001), gibbons seemed to monkeys using long bone ends. rary rural site located outside of Great avoid encounters with siamangs. The Moravia (Lahovice) was also studied. results support the idea that interac- ANDREA ELLER, STEPHEN R. The goal of this research is preliminary tions among sympatric primate species FROST and EMILY H. GUTHRIE. documentation of the impact on popula- are strongly influenced by ecological Department of Anthropology, University tion biology of the transition to a more similarity, and that dominance rela- of Oregon. socially stratified society. Specific ques- tionships between ecologically-similar tions focus on health variation between species, mediated by body mass, allow Equations for estimating primate body urban and rural populations and intra- for coexistence. mass often require complete long bone site stratification and its impact on Funding: American Society of Primatol- elements. However, complete long bone health. Linear Enamel Hypoplasia ogists, Leakey Foundation, and elements are rare in the fossil record ren- (LEH), dental asymmetry, porotic National Science Foundation DDIG dering many published body mass esti- hyperostosis and cribra orbitalia were (BCS-0726089). mations difficult to apply. As proximal evaluated as health and nutrition indi- and distal ends are far more common we cators of general population biology. North American subadult body pro- developed prediction equations for esti- LEH and dental asymmetry data were portions: climatic adaptation or mating species-sex average body mass collected on all skeletal remains with population history? based on these in order to better estimate associated teeth over the age of six. Cri- body mass in the fossil record. bra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis COURTNEY D. ELEAZER1, LIBBY W. Linear measurements on the proximal data were collected on all skeletal COWGILL2 and BENJAMIN M. and distal humerus, radius, femur, and remains with associated cranium. Pre- AUERBACH1. 1Department of Anthro- tibia, as well as the proximal ulna were liminary analysis indicates differences pology, University of Tennessee, Knox- collected on 34 cercopithecid species from associated with geographic location. ville, 2Department of Anthropology, both subfamilies spanning a wide range University of Missouri. of body sizes. A total of 15 predictor vari- Severe rickets at the Spring Street ables are used, with samples ranging Presbyterian Church. It is generally agreed that human body from 102 to 258 specimens depending on proportions covary with climate in ac- the measurement. Species-sex mean body MEREDITH A.B. ELLIS. Department cordance with thermoregulatory predic- mass data were taken from Delson et al. of Anthropology, Syracuse University. tions; body mass increases and limb (2000). Body masses were averaged by length relative to trunk height sexwithinspeciesduetothelargedegree Construction in New York City in 2005 decreases with greater distance from of sexual dimorphism in this family. unearthed four burial vaults from the equator. These patterns have been Least squares regression analysis of nat- approximately 1811-1843 from the consistently demonstrated in both mod- ural log-transformed data was used to Spring Street Presbyterian Church. ern and pre-modern human adults in create prediction equations. All regres- Over 300 commingled individuals were the Old World and, most recently, in sions show a tight correlation with body excavated, and ongoing analysis has modern Old World subadults. However, mass, R2 values range from 0.84 to 0.95 identified at least a third of these as indigenous American body proportions with a mean of 0.90. subadults. Although the adults from the among adults do not appear to conform In order to test the accuracy of our pre- population show relatively good health, to climatic expectations. Many correla- dictor variables, a partial jackknife proce- the subadult remains are characterized tions with mean annual temperature dure was applied. For each predictor by widespread pathology, including are low, and some morphological pat- variable percent prediction error, calcu- lesions and deformations consistent terns are argued to reflect colonization lated as [(actual-predicted)/predicted] x with rickets, scurvy, anemia, congenital history and population movements 100, was calculated for a random sample syphilis, as well as pathological condi- rather than ecogeographic adaptations. of extant species-sex samples. Average tions with no clear etiology. Rickets, in This study investigates whether suba- prediction error was 14% across all varia- particular, is widespread. From just one dult indigenous Americans follow the bles and ranged from 8% (proximal tibial of the four burial vaults, 38 long bones expected ecogeographical patterning for breadth) to 19% (anterior-posterior diam- from a minimum of 9 individuals show Old World populations. Due to a higher eter of tibial trochlear facet). rickets. Additionally, 8 complete individ- surface area to mass ratio, subadults This study of was funded by the Leakey uals exhibit rickets, 3 of them with are possibly more susceptible to temper- Foundation (SF,EG), the Wenner-Gren severe cases. This poster will present ature stress than adults. This results in Foundation (SF), Geological Society of these 3 cases, which were identified higher correlations between anthropo- America (EG), the Paleontological Society using both macroscopic and radio- metric measurements and climatic vari- (EG), the National Science Foundation graphic analyses. The extent of the ables among subadults than among (EG), and the University of Oregon (SF,EG). bone deformation, including bowing, adults in the Old World. If subadult porosity, flaring metaphyses, and frac- North American body proportions do Health and empires: implications of tures, will be presented. They provide not exhibit the same pattern, a non-cli- political development on the health an opportunity to expand our under- matic explanation should be explored. of the inhabitants of Great Moravia. standing of severe subadult pathology Over 6,500 juveniles, originally meas- within a specific context. Originally ured as part of Franz Boas’s North Amer- MEGAN ELLICOTT and KARA HOOVER. built in a fruit orchard in 1810, by the ican anthropometric data, were used to University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 1830s the church was in the center of examine the relationship between cli- the city. It was a radical abolitionist mate and morphology through ontogeny. Great Moravia in the Czech Republic church that had parishioners from all On average, correlations between anthro- was arguably the first Slavic State level social classes. One of the pastors pometric variables and climatic variables society in Europe during the 9th and described the church as comprised of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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330 souls ‘‘who belonged to that class of This study was funded by the Zoological of hominin history in coastal settings person who cannot afford to purchase or Society of San Diego and the American now lies beneath the sea. This led many hire a pew in our city churches’’ (Frey Society of Primatologists. 20 century archaeologists to hypothesize Family Papers 1828). This ideological that our ancestors only developed sys- community presents a unique case in Variation in adolescent menstrual tematic fishing and seafaring capabilities which to consider the synergistic effects cycles, doctor-patient relationships, during the past 10,000-15,000 years. of social environment and biological and why we shouldn’t prescribe New evidence from archaeology, molecu- growth. hormonal contraceptives to twelve lar genetics, and evolutionary perspec- year olds. tives in human physiology suggests that fishing played a significant role in the Ecological and cultural intercon- THERESA EMMERLING1, ASHLEY evolution of Homo and the emergence nections between the Guizhou HIGGINS1 and KATHRYN B.H. and spread of anatomically modern snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus CLANCY2. 1Illnois Natural History Sur- humans (AMH; H. sapiens sapiens) brelichi) and local communities at vey, University of Illinois, Urbana- around the globe. I test this new para- Fanjingshan National Nature Champaign, 2Department of Anthropol- digm by reviewing current archaeological Reserve, China. ogy, University of Illinois, Urbana- evidence for Pleistocene marine fishing Champaign. and seafaring around the world, conclud- AMANDA ELLWANGER1, ERIN ing that hominins practiced simple RILEY2, and CHIA TAN3. 1Department Despite evidence that demonstrates the coastal foraging (marine shellfish gather- of Anthropology, University of Texas, fundamental characteristics of adolescent ing, beach scavenging, etc.) for more than San Antonio, 2Department of Anthropol- menstrual cycles are variability and fre- several hundred thousand years. After ogy, San Diego State University, 3San quent anovulation, young girls, particu- the appearance of Homo sapiens sapi- Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation larly in the United States, are regularly ens—especially in the last 50,000 to Research, Zoological Society of San prescribed hormonal contraceptives to con- 150,000 years—coastlines, fishing, and Diego. trol that variability. Though it takes five seafaring played key roles in the demo- years or more to achieve regular ovulatory graphic expansion of AMH out of Africa Ethnoprimatology is a field of study cycles, girls as young as twelve are visiting and the colonization of Island Southeast that examines human interactions with their doctors with complaints of infrequent Asia, greater Australia, and the Ameri- primates in ecological and cultural con- cycles and being diagnosed with amenor- cas. This deeper history of hominin mari- texts. Using this approach, we exam- rhea. Some medical doctors suggest a more time activity challenges traditional an- ined the extent of overlapping resource stringent determination of amenorrhea in thropological models such as the ‘‘broad use between the Guizhou snub-nosed adolescents than in adults, from six spectrum revolution’’ and the primacy of monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) and months down to only three months without terrestrial adaptations. human residents in Fanjingshan menses. We suggest that the use of hormo- National Nature Reserve (FNNR), nal contraceptives in young girls can have Social and health implications of China. We also explored residents’ atti- negative health consequences related to betel staining in ancient Mariana tudes towards R. brelichi, FNNR, and lifetime estrogen exposure, including Island populations. resource collection. According to the breast cancer. 2010 IUCN Redlist, R. brelichi is Through a combination of literature JULIE EUBER. School of Human Evo- ‘‘Endangered’’ and the primary anthro- review and pilot survey results, we pro- lution and Social Change, Arizona State pogenic threat to their survival is the pose several reasons for this phenom- University. destruction of forest habitat. The meth- enon of very early hormonal contracep- ods integrated ethnographic interview tive use. First, doctors and patients are The importance of betel chewing in techniques including structured, semi- largely unaware of the body of evidence many past and present Indo-Pacific pop- structured questions, focal informant showing that variation in cycle length ulations is well documented, but follows, and participant observation. and anovulation are normal and researchers of ancient populations sel- The results indicate minimal overlap healthy in adolescents. Second, doctors dom focus on the biological and social between humans and monkeys in terms often assume that young girls who implications of betel chewing. Clinical of season, resource type, and spatial use report menstrual irregularity do so in literature suggests that betel chewing of FNNR. The most common resources order to secure hormonal contraceptives increases susceptibility to calculus for- collected by residents do not overlap to have safe sex, but feel prohibited or mation, oral submucous fibrosis and with the monkey’s known dietary embarrassed from asking outright. oral cancer. To the contrary, other stud- resources. Although observed locations Finally, doctors are mired in a health ies suggest that betel staining provides of collection did not overlap with the system that can feel like a customer a cariostatic barrier; however this rela- monkey’s altitudinal range, observed support model, where they are expected tionship is not universally accepted. A evidence of human activity did overlap to resolve symptoms. We suggest that a better understanding of the effects of with the monkey’s range. Respondents large number of young girls may visit betel chewing on oral health will facili- reported spending more time collecting their doctors for these issues under du- tate interpretations of caries frequen- resources in the winter, which could be ress of their parents, or to seek reassur- cies in populations where betel chewing disruptive to the monkey during times ance from an expert that they are is common. Furthermore, implications of resource scarcity. According to inter- normal, but not necessarily to secure of betel chewing are not solely biologi- views, respondents do not always agree contraception. cal, a point often overlooked in the clini- with the rules of the reserve, but their cal and archaeological literature. Dental attitudes towards R. brelichi are gener- Food for thought: coastlines, staining caused by habitual betel chew- ally positive. Respondents expressed a aquatic resources, and human ing and intentional application can be feeling of connectedness with the Guiz- evolution. highly visible, and therefore may serve hou snub-nosed monkey because of its as a marker of social identity or status. observable, humanlike behaviors and JON M. ERLANDSON1,2. 1Museum of How and why betel staining reflects morphological features. Understanding Natural and Cultural History, 2Depart- identity in ancient groups and social local people’s attitudes towards the ment of Anthropology, University of contexts is currently unknown, but is Guizhou snub-nosed monkey and Oregon, Eugene. likely to have been highly variable. involving community participation in The current study reviews limitations of conservation policy development can Because we live in a full interglacial pe- previous research of betel nut use increase local support and understand- riod when sea levels are well above the among past populations and introduces ing for the objectives of FNNR. Pleistocene average, roughly 90 percent a new theoretical framework. The rela-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 63

134 AAPA ABSTRACTS tionship between caries and betel stain- levels of nutrition to support gestation structed manually using the external ing is assessed using data from two and lactation. This is in sharp contrast morphology of the facial fragment as a sites in the Mariana Islands in Microne- to the over-nutrition in modern societies guide, we used advanced 3D-CT tech- sia. While the data suggest there is a where many mothers of young infants nology to prepare virtual reconstruc- relationship between betel staining and are on weight-loss diets. Yet, little is tions of the frontal lobes and right tem- the absence of caries, it is not clear that known about the consequences of diet poral pole. We then joined these parts the two are correlated. The relationship and weight loss on maternal behavior in of Taung’s virtual endocast to a virtual between betel chewing and gender is the overweight to normal range. image of the natural endocast, and also discussed. The Vervet Research Colony contains reconstructed the remaining missing multigenerational social groups of ver- areas using mirror imaging. The result- The effect of infant age on infant vets for studies of behavior and develop- ing virtual endocast of Taung was com- attraction, tolerance and handling ment. In 2004, the diet was changed to pared with 3D geometrical models of in Ateles geoffroyi. prevent overweight and obesity and pro- chimpanzee and bonobo endocasts vide a more natural level of fiber in the reconstructed from CT scans of dry KAYLEY J.E. EVANS1, KAYLA S. diet. Data on weight and mother-infant skulls representing individuals at the HARTWELL1, MARY S.M. PAVELKA1 interactions were assessed for effects of same dental developmental age as and HUGH NOTMAN2. 1Department of the diet change. The results showed the Taung. We employed recently developed Anthropology, University of Calgary, mean body weight of breeding females automated computational tools that 2Anthropology Program, Athabasca Uni- declined 10% after the transition to the allowed processing of 3D free-form versity. high-fiber diet. Behaviorally, mothers on surfaces and quantification of the mean the high-fiber diet had significantly anatomy within each species (chimpan- Typically other females are most inter- higher rates of rejecting ventral contact zees and bonobos) as well as the pattern ested in infants, however in black and higher rates of leaving their of variability around these means. handed spider monkeys (A. geoffroyi) infants. The high-fiber diet infants These results were compared to those males have been observed to engage in played a greater role in maintaining for Taung, and allowed us to test Ray- infant handling, even though infants ventral contact, resulting in comparable mond Dart’s hypothesis that Taung’s younger than 6 months of age spend levels of mother-infant contact for the brain was advanced toward a human most of their time either on or in close two diets. The effects of the diet change condition in the shape of its prefrontal proximity to the mother. We examine on maternal rejection were significantly as well as parieto-occipital association whether the age and sex of the infant related to the mother’s body weight, cortices. Our findings lend strength to has an effect on male infant attraction, with lower-weight mothers scoring Dart’s suggestion that australopithecine tolerance and handling in A. geoffroyi. higher in maternal rejection. These brains evolved in a global rather than All occurrence data was collected from results demonstrate that maternal mosaic manner. January 2007 to July 2010 on a commu- behavior is responsive to changes in Research supported by the French Insti- nity of 35 wild spider monkeys at Run- maternal condition, and that beneficial tute for Research in Computer Science away Creek Nature Reserve, Belize. changes in the diet may have unin- and Control (3DMORPHINE Collabora- During 884 hours of observation, 102 tended consequences on behavior. They tive Research Initiative), the HOPE infant handling bouts, 12 infant han- also demonstrate the resilience of (Human Origins and Past Environ- dling attempts, and 27 infant tolerance infants in responding to variation in ments) International Program and the bouts were recorded. Large juvenile, maternal behavior within the normal French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. sub-adult and adult males handled range. infants the most [N576, 75% of all This study was funded by NIMH, R01- Dental tissue allometry in modern bouts]. Male infants were handled more MH61852. human males and females. often than female infants [Pearson X255.263, df51, p5\0.05] and younger First virtual reconstructions of the ROBIN N. M. FEENEY1,2, ADAM D. infants were handled more often than frontal lobe and temporal pole of SYLVESTER1 and JEAN-JACQUES older infants [Pearson X253.853, df51, the Taung (Australopithecus africa- HUBLIN1. 1Department of Human Evo- p5\0.05]. At less than 6 months, male nus) endocast. lution, Max Planck Institute for Evolu- and female infants were handled tionary Anthropology, 2Department of equally, but at greater than 6 months DEAN FALK1, JOSE BRAGA2, BENOIˆT Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal male infants were handled significantly COMBES3,4,5, GERARD SUBSOL6 and Justice, Valdosta State University. more often [Pearson X2512.448, df51, SYLVAIN PRIMA3,4,5. 1Department of p5\0.01]. Overall, infants appear to be Anthropology, Florida State University, The dental crowns of modern humans more attractive to males when they are 2Laboratory of Anthropobiology AMIS, are sexually dimorphic with respect to younger and the continued interaction University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, external size, and males have a greater with male infants as they age may be 3INSERM, U746, F-35042 Rennes, dentine-pulp complex than females but related to the strong bonds among France, 4INRIA,VisAGeS Project-Team, differences in enamel quantity or thick- closely related adult males that charac- F-35042 Rennes, France, 5University of ness between the sexes are not pro- terize spider monkey society. This may Rennes I, CNRS, UMR 6074, IRISA, F- nounced. Allometric relationships of reflect kinship-based affiliation or bond 35042, France, 6Laboratory of Computer crown components have not been exam- formation. Science LIRMM, CNRS/University ined between the sexes, yet this infor- This study was funded by the Natural Montpellier. mation is critical for understanding how Sciences and Engineering Council of tooth crowns are assembled. We suggest Canada (NSERC) and research funds The Taung type specimen for Australo- two sources of variation in enamel dis- from Athabasca University. pithecus africanus includes a natural tribution between males and females: endocast that reproduces external mor- tooth size and sex. To address this we Diet quality, weight loss, and mater- phology of a large portion of the right examine sex-specific and sex-combined nal investment in vervets. cerebral hemisphere, and a separate allometry in crown components to fragment of the fossilized face that explore the potential effect of size and LYNN A. FAIRBANKS. Department of articulates with the endocast. The natu- sex. Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, ral endocast lacks the right temporal Coronal enamel and dentine-pulp vol- University of California, Los Angeles. pole and rostral part of the frontal umes and surface area of the enamel- lobes, which were embedded in the back dentine junction (EDJ) were calculated In wild populations, primate females of the facial fragment. Although these from three-dimensional surface models face the challenge of achieving adequate structures have previously been recon- generated from high-resolution CT

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 64

AAPA ABSTRACTS 135 scans (0.02 to 0.04 mm voxel size). but members of the remaining nine Supported by the Royal Irish Academy These crown components were used to pairs showed the same haplotype (9/24), and Saint Louis University. calculate average and relative enamel reflecting some extent of matrilineal thickness. To explore the possible effect kinship between partners. These data, How well do traditional stature of sex and tooth size, we performed in combination with demographic and regression formulae capture secu- regression analyses (reduced major behavioral data, will provide new lar trends during the late 20th axis) and correlation analyses between insights into the population structure century? dental tissue volumes, EDJ surface area and dispersal patterns of owl monkeys. and enamel thickness. This research was supported by TONY FITZPATRICK and FRANK L. Results indicate that the EDJ scales the University Research Fund and WILLIAMS. Department of Anthropol- with positive allometry with respect to the Department of Anthropology at the ogy, Georgia State University. dentine volume and a larger dentine University of Pennsylvania, and volume is correlated with a proportion- the National Science Foundation Secular trends in stature have been ally larger EDJ (i.e., the EDJ changes (EFD: BCS-0621020). TGS further well-documented during the 20th cen- shape). Enamel scales isometrically acknowledges the infrastructural sup- tury. However, traditional stature across the sexes with total crown vol- port provided by the National Geo- regression formulae such as those cre- ume. As males tend to have larger den- graphic Society. ated by Trotter and Gleser from the tine-pulp complexes and larger EDJ Terry Collection are from individuals surface areas this explains the different that achieved maximum adult height previously reported patterns of sexual Bioarchaeology of a medieval Irish before fundamental increases in height dimorphism in enamel thickness. ecclesiastical settlement. arose. To test whether stature regres- Supported by the Max Planck Society, sion formulae from Terry Collection the EVAN Marie Curie Research Train- THOMAS J. FINAN1,2, CHRISTOPHER males (n 5 1670) and mid to late 20th ing Network (MRTN-CT-019564), and REED3, FIONA BEGLANE3,4 and century individuals from collections at the Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research JASON M. ORGAN5. 1Department of the University of New Mexico and the (the Scientific Research Society). History, 2Center for International Stud- University of Tennessee (n 5 81) dif- ies, Saint Louis University, 3Institute of fered, analysis of covariation was con- Group structure and dispersal pat- Technology – Sligo, Ireland, 4National ducted for maximum femoral length, terns of the socially monogamous University of Ireland – Galway, bicondylar femoral length, maximum owl monkey as revealed by mtDNA 5Department of Surgery and Center for tibial length and fibula length. The data. Anatomical Science and Education, results suggest that no significant dif- Saint Louis University School of Medi- ferences exist in slope values for the EDUARDO FERNANDEZ-DUQUE1,2, cine, St. Louis. maximum femoral length and bicondy- PAUL BABB1 and THEODORE lar femoral length. Slope and y-inter- SCHURR1. 1Department of Anthropology, Excavations of the church cemetery site cept values for both the fibula and the University of Pennsylvania, 2Cecoal-Coni- at Kilteasheen, Co. Roscommon, Ire- tibia are significantly different, the cet, Argentina. land, resulted in a wealth of bioarchaeo- samples are smaller (n 5 35). Although logical remains spanning over 700 years differences in mean stature are appa- The owl monkeys (Aotus azarai azarai) of occupation (700-1400). Preliminary rent between the two samples, differen- of the Gran Chaco region of Argentina analyses of skeletal and dental remains ces in regression formulae are not stat- live in socially monogamous groups that reveal a potential disproportionate (3:1) istically significant for femur length. include a pair of reproducing adults and ratio of males to females at Kilteasheen. a few young. However, behavioral and Additionally, juvenile remains account A comparative assessment of the demographic data have shown that for roughly 55% of the excavated Chen et al. and Suchey-Brooks reproducing adults are sometimes remains, which is slightly higher than pubic aging methods. replaced by dispersing males and the 30-40% child mortality rate females. Such events have profoundly expected across this time period. Thus, JULIE FLEISCHMAN. School of Crimi- affected group composition and related- the population structure of the site is nal Justice, Michigan State University, ness among individuals. To understand unique, although possibly a result of East Lansing, MI. the genetic consequences of male and excavation bias. female dispersal patterns and adult The population appears to have been in Accurately assessing age-at-death of replacement, we sequenced 1099 bp of general good health, as adult mean stat- adult human skeletons is fundamental hypervariable control region (CR) of the ure is on par with comtemporaneous in physical anthropology. The most gen- non-recombining mtDNA genome in 121 populations throughout the British erally accepted methods for estimating individuals captured within a 3 km2 Isles. Similarly, adults exhibit low rates age involve analysis of the pubic bones. area of study. We calculated haplotype of dental carious lesions and periodontal Two such methods—Chen et al. (2008) diversity estimates to assess patterns of disease. Of particular interest, however, and Suchey-Brooks (1990)—are the matrilineal relatedness among and are the high rates of dental calculus focus of this study. within groups, determine sex differen- and linear enamel hypolasia on dental The objective of this research is to eval- ces in dispersal patterns, and evaluate remains from Kilteasheen, and the uate the accuracy of the Chen et al. and the relatedness between partners. Our apparent lower mean stature of Kilteas- Suchey-Brooks methods. The Chen et analysis revealed 52 CR mutations that heen inhabitants than those seen al. method was developed on a sample defined 33 unique haplotypes belonging among contemporary archaeological of Chinese Han males. The primary to three major lineages (A, B, C). populations from continental Europe. research question asked: Will the re- Although we did not find evidence for Thus, there is a strong possibility that vised Chen et al. method be more accu- spatial clustering of the major lineages residents at Kilteasheen (and elsewhere rate than the Suchey-Brooks method for within the study site, same-sexed indi- in the British Isles) were subsisting on aging males of European ancestry? It viduals with identical haplotypes food sources that were of lower ener- was hypothesized that there would be showed some spatial clustering. The getic and nutritional value than their statistically significant differences three lineages were similarly repre- contemporaries were. Understanding between the rates of accuracy. sented among females (n523, A58, how dietary consistency changed This research utilized a known collec- B57, C58), but less so among males through time at Kilteasheen, and how tion of modern pubic bones curated at (n520, A55, B511, C54). In a majority this may be related to agricultural prac- the Forensic Science Center in Phoenix, of reproducing pairs, the two adults tices, may help resolve some of these Arizona. A sample of 296 left male belonged to different lineages (15/24), questions. pubic bones of European ancestry,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 65

136 AAPA ABSTRACTS between the ages of 18 and 70, was medieval peasants and Upper Paleo- Mesolithic shell middens (Cabec¸o das evaluated. lithic hunter-gatherers. Amoreiras, Arapouco, Cabec¸o do Pez Results indicate that there are no stat- and Va´rzea da Mo´) all of them placed in istically significant differences between A trauma analysis of the Morton the Sado Valley in the province of Alen- the two methods. On average the re- Site skeletal series from the Central tejo, Portugal, representing the Atlantic vised Chen et al. method slightly over- Illinois River Valley. Mesolithic communities. These sites ages the specimens while the Suchey- have a timeline that ranges between Brooks method slightly under-ages. ALLISON FOLEY. Department of An- 8150 - 7580 years cal. BP. Both methods have an average error of thropology, Indiana University. The analysis has been conducted from 8 years from actual ages. 18 human skeletal samples from these This research demonstrates that the The Morton Site, located within the four sites and 11 samples of faunal Suchey Brooks method is most accurate Central Illinois River Valley was inhab- remains from Cabec¸o das Amoreiras for aging young adults, while the re- ited continuously from the Archaic, Red and Arapouco. vised Chen et al. method is most accu- Ochre period (1200 B.C.) to the end of The initial objective of this study is to rate for aging middle and old adults. the Mississippian period (1300 A.D), establish the diet of individuals of vari- Thus, the Chen et al. method is an im- and consists of 19 burial mounds. This ous Sado’s shell middens. This study portant contribution to the field of phys- long habitation, coupled with such a can contribute to find the specific ical anthropology for aging older adult wealth of available osteological data, weight of the harvest in the global sup- skeletal remains. presents an excellent backdrop for ply of each group and therefore could examining biocultural change in a site- reassert the hypothesis that these shell A geometric morphometric study specific context. Paleopathological anal- middens were stationary settlements. on the orientation of the lesser tro- yses focusing on trauma patterning con- Moreover, we provide data on the evolu- chanter in humans – comparison of tribute to a holistic interpretation of tion of the mollusca contribution on the Upper Palaeolithic specimens with this biocultural environment and allow diet of these individuals over time. femora from a medieval skeletal for a greater understanding of occupa- Finally, the comparison of our results assemblage. tional and subsistence change, overall with the data from the Mesolithic site health status, regional warfare and vio- of El Collado (Oliva, Valencia), as a rep- STEFAN FLOHR, ALDONA RIEGER, lence, and concordant socio-temporal resentation of the Mediterranean com- HORST KIERDORF and UWE KIER- changes. However, while other sites in munities, will highlight the possible dif- DORF. Department of Biology, Univer- the region, most notably the nearby ferences in the paleodiet, or other sity of Hildesheim, Germany. trauma-heavy site of Norris Farms 36, resources, that both coasts had in these have been analyzed for signs of trauma, chronologies. A conspicuous orientation of the lesser the Morton Site has never been system- This study was funded by the Spanish trochanter towards posterior has been atically examined in this regard. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n reported for some femora from the This paper provides a catalogue of skel- (CGL2008-03368-E) and the Portuguese Upper Paleolithic (Bonn-Oberkassel, etal trauma at Morton noting injuries Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia Irlich, Dolnı´ Veˇstonice), raising the related not only to interpersonal vio- (PTDC/HAH/64548/2006). question of possible differences in tro- lence and captive-taking, but also high- chanter orientation between these speci- lights the extraordinary frequency of Effects of occlusal variation on tem- mens and femora of other origin. occupational and accidental injuries, as poromandibular joint form in mod- To assess the variation in the orienta- well as bone fractures secondary to ern humans. tion of the lesser trochanter we studied other pathological conditions. This 65 femora originating from an early me- expanded analysis challenges the focus ELLIOTT FORSYTHE, LAUREN dieval skeletal assemblage (Greding, on violence-related trauma and presents FORSYTHE, MEADOW CAMPBELL, Germany) and compared the results a regional and population-specific inter- RYAN CAMPBELL, EVAN MUZZALL with those for a left femur of a young pretation of injury patterns, their varia- and ROBERT CORRUCCINI. Depart- adult individual from Irlich, Germany, tion over time, and their relationship to ment of Anthropology, Southern Illinois dated to 12,500 to 11,200 BP (calibrated political, social, ecological and cultural University. AMS age). changes in the region. The patterns of Four landmarks on the proximal femur, trauma in the Morton population are Modern humans exhibit extensive vari- four on the mid-shaft and three on the then used to create a model of injury ation in occlusal form, including occlu- distal femur were defined, recorded that is comparable to other contempo- sal discrepancies termed malocclusion. 1 with a MicroScribe digitizer, and ana- rary cemetery sites in the region such Previous studies on cadavers have 1 lyzed using Auto-CAD 2010 software. as Norris Farms 36. linked malocclusion to deviation in TMJ Seven angles and five distances were This study was funded in part by the shape, but it remains unclear if devia- defined and measured. Significant dif- Indiana University Department of An- tion in TMJ form results primarily from ferences (P \ 0.05) between sexes were thropology North American Research changes in the soft or hard tissues of found for all linear measurements while Grant. the joint. In this study, we address the no significant differences (P [ 0.05) role of hard anatomy in modified TMJ existed for angular measurements in Atlantic versus Mediterranean mes- shape due to occlusal variation by com- the Greding femora. olithic shell middens. An approach paring the shape of the TMJ of individ- For some angular variables related to to the human diet from stable iso- uals exhibiting different Buccal Seg- the orientation of the lesser trochanter, tope analysis. ment Relations (BSRs) at the Hamann- the values for the Irlich femur lay out- Todd Osteological Collection. If the side the range of the Greding speci- MARIA FONTANALS-COLL1,M.previously reported differences in TMJ mens. The reason for this was the more NEKANE MARI´N-MORATALLA2, shape result from changes in underly- posterior orientation of the trochanter JORDI RUIZ3,1 and M. EULA` LIA ing bony anatomy, there should be in the Irlich femur. A similar orienta- SUBIRA` 4,3. 1GRAPAC, Universitat observable differences in TMJ shape tion of the lesser trochanter has also Auto`noma de Barcelona, 2Institut Cat- between individuals exhibiting different been reported for some other femora ala` de Paleontologia (ICP), 3MINOA BSRs in this osteological collection. dating to the Upper Paleolithic (Bonn- Arqueologia i Serveis S.L., 4GREAB, Shape-ratios were created from metric Oberkassel, Dolnı´ Veˇstonice). Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona. data on the TMJ to broadly represent The observed difference in trochanter TMJ form. Individuals exhibiting differ- orientation might reflect differences in We present data for the isotopical study ent BSRs were then compared using activity and locomotor patterns between of human and faunal remains from four ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD. The results

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 66

AAPA ABSTRACTS 137 show that there are relatively few focused on interproximal wear is needed with hair cortisol analysis by examining osteological differences in TMJ shape to further address this issue. 1) hair growth rates and patterns, 2) between individuals exhibiting different the relationship between time-averaged BSRs. The only significant difference is A nutritional assessment of Mar- fecal and hair cortisol levels, and 3) the the tightness of the fit between the gle- shallese school children: Issues utility of the technique to track known noid fossa and the mandibular condyle: involved in applying Anthropology age- and phylogeny-related patterns of individuals exhibiting class 3 BSRs in order to support social change. cortisol variation in wild and captive have a significantly looser fit than indi- nonhuman primates. viduals exhibiting other BSRs. These TODD FOSTER. Department of Anthro- Hair growth rates, patterns and the data show that while there is some pology, Indiana University. relationship between hair and fecal change to the bony anatomy of the cortisol levels are examined using TMJ, the previously reported deviations Many studies have found a positive samples derived from captive animals. in TMJ form resulting from malocclu- effect on growth, attendance, and exam Age related hair cortisol levels were sion are not due primarily to changes in scores of children given a meal during determined for samples collected from the hard tissue of the TMJ. Future school hours. Having only gained inde- wild and captive animals representing research should focus on the soft anat- pendence in the last thirty years, the five age classes (n573). Hair cortisol omy of the TMJ as it relates to occlusal Republic of the Marshall Islands is still levels were compared among catar- variation. attempting to build programs like rhines and platyrrhines (n583), and school lunch. In 2006, a local committee evaluated for agreement with known was formed to investigate claims that in differences in circulating cortisol levels Dental attrition does not explain Majuro, the capital atoll, private school among these groups. Hair was sub- occlusal discrepancies in a modern children were outperforming public jected to a modified methanol- and human population. school children in each of the above cat- sonication-based extraction method, egories. A pilot study conducted in 2006 and quantified using salivary cortisol LAUREN A. FORSYTHE, ELLIOTT revealed significantly lower averages in enzyme immunoassay kits. Data were C. FORSYTHE, RYAN CAMPBELL, height and weight among public school analyzed using regression models and MEADOW CAMPBELL, EVAN children when compared to private analyses of variance. MUZZALL and ROBERT CORRUCCINI. school children. Major problems in the Results suggest considerable variability Department of Anthropology, Southern pilot study were the inclusion of self- in hair growth rates within and among Illinois University. reported data and a lack of repeated taxa. Averaged fecal cortisol (collected measures to determine measurement over a period of weeks) and hair corti- The etiology of malocclusion has precision and reliability. In 2009, an sol levels show agreement, and hair received considerable anthropological updated nutritional assessment was cortisol levels reflect expected age- attention. A simultaneous decrease in completed to address these and other related changes. Platyrrhines exhibit attrition and increase in malocclusion issues. Anthropometric measurements significantly elevated hair cortisol lev- has been noted in human populations were collected from primary school chil- els relative to catarrhines. In sum, our worldwide. Some scholars have posited dren (N5588) attending public and pri- results imply that, if variation in a causal link for this relationship: vate schools. Z-scores were calculated growth rates and pattern can be decreased wear caused increased maloc- and compared to the CDC 2000 refer- accounted for, hair cortisol analysis clusion. However, others have suggested ence data. Both samples of school chil- may be a powerful and heretofore both of these characters relate to a com- dren were, on average, below the me- underutilized tool in field- and labora- mon causative process independently. In dian of the reference population but the tory-based studies of the relationship this study, we test the hypothesis that public school averages were signifi- between hormones and behavior. occlusal attrition is causally linked to cantly lower. In terms of body composi- This research was funded by the George malocclusion by comparing the rates of tion, no difference was found among Washington University Selective Excel- occlusal variants on the left and right upper arm muscle area but all skinfold lence Fund and The Lewis Cotlow side of the dental arcade in individuals Z-scores showed significant differences. Foundation. with symmetrical and asymmetrical The committee planned to use these wear. We predict that if dental wear is results to support the need to fund Mapping the distance between the causally linked to malocclusion, there school lunch programs for the public brain and the inner surface of the should be lower incidences of occlusal schools. Further examination of the pri- skull: interest for the study of fossil discrepancies on the side exhibiting vate school sample, however, revealed endocasts. greater wear in individuals exhibiting issues with the findings and raised con- asymmetrical wear, and no difference in cerns about applying Bioanthropological MARC FOURNIER1,2,3, BENOIˆT individuals with symmetrical wear. techniques to support an agenda. COMBE` S1,2,3, JOSE´ BRAGA4, NEIL We determined wear-symmetry and col- ROBERTS5, and SYLVAIN PRIMA1,2,3. lected data on occlusal discrepancies on Quantification of cortisol in wild 1INRIA, VisAGeS Project-Team, F- 118 individuals from the Hamman-Todd and captive nonhuman primate 35042 Rennes, France, 2INSERM, Osteological Collection. The percentages hair: methodological considerations U746, F-35042 Rennes, France, 3Uni- of rotated and displaced teeth on the and biological validation. versity of Rennes I, CNRS, UMR 6074, right side of the dentition were sub- IRISA, F-35042 Rennes, France, 4Lab. tracted from that on the left side to cre- NICOLAAS FOURIE1,3 and ROBIN of Anthropobiology, FRE 2960 CNRS, ate an occlusal discrepancy index. BERNSTEIN2,3. 1Hominid Paleobiology University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD (one-tailed) Doctoral Program, 2Department of An- France, 5CRIC, Queen’s Medical were used to compare indices for indi- thropology, The George Washington Research Institute, Edinburgh, U.K. viduals with left, right, and unbiased University, 3Center for the Advanced dental attrition. We found no significant Study of Hominid Paleobiology, The Endocranial casts are commonly used to differences between these populations. George Washington University. infer the shape, size, asymmetry or These results suggest that a causative overall organization of the brain of fos- relationship between dental attrition Hair archives a time averaged hormonal sil species. However, endocasts are only and malocclusion is unlikely. Rather, signal and offers several advantages an indirect representation of the brain. both likely relate independently to an over traditionally collected substrates Few studies seek to assess the faithful- underlying causative process. We sug- for the analysis of hormone-behavior ness of this representation, upon which gest that this underlying process is relationships. This research explores is based much of our knowledge on the chewing stress. Further research some methodological issues associated evolution of the brain of hominids.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 67


The aim of this work is to automatically include absence of the sinus, bilateral gests that its potential in Asian colo- map in 3D the distance between the symmetry, position (centre, left or right bines warrants continued exploration. brain and the inner surface of the skull sides) and shape (for example, triangu- This work was funded by NSF Doctoral in humans and other primates to see lar) of the sinus. Dissertation Improvement Grant how some morphological characteristics Our preliminary results suggest that #0824583, and by grants from the Col- of the endocast (and in particular its frontal sinuses are absent in over 20% lege of the Liberal Arts and the Depart- asymmetries) relate to those of the of the total sample. This is an unusual ment of Anthropology, Penn State brain. finding because in recent European pop- University. MR images are used to automatically ulations the ratio of absence is about extract the brain and virtual endocast. 5%. Comparable results are only known Allometry and evolution of the face Point-to-point distances are evaluated from isolated historic populations like in mid-Pleistocene Homo. between the two surfaces to generate a the Inuit of Greenland or Mesolithic distance map. Bilateral asymmetries of populations from the Sudan. The results SARAH E. FREIDLINE1,2,3,4, PHILIPP the brain and virtual endocast are also obtained from this analysis have impli- GUNZ1, KATERINA HARVATI4 and computed. A mean endocranial shape cations for using the frontal sinus as a JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN1. 1Max evaluation provides average distances possible trait to examine heritable fea- Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- and asymmetries maps. tures within and between populations. thropology, 2City University of New York, Results show that the local distance In addition, the present study proposes The Graduate Center; 3New York Consor- between the brain and the virtual endo- to build a framework for future studies tium in Evolutionary Primatology, cast strongly varies between anatomical to examine kinship relationships based 4Institut fu¨ r Ur- und Fru¨ hgeschichte, regions, but symmetrically with respect on micromorphological features. Eberhard Karls Universita¨tTu¨ bingen to the mid-sagittal plane. It follows that and Senckenberg Center for Human Evo- global asymmetries of the brain and Placing the cranial morphology of a lution and Paleoecology. endocast are closely related. rare endemic colobine, Presbytis These findings suggest that in paleoan- natunae, within the phylogenetic Facial features clearly distinguish mod- thropology, the study of natural or vir- context of its genus. ern humans from their fossil relatives. tual endocasts gives significant informa- It is unclear, however, how these fea- tion about the morphology of the brain BRENDA C. FRAZIER. Department of tures co-vary with facial size. Here we of fossil species. Moreover, we may use Anthropology, Penn State University. present a geometric-morphometric study the distance map computed on extant of ontogenetic and static allometry in species to infer more precise informa- The attributes that make SE Asian leaf modern and archaic humans. The mod- tion about the potential surface of the monkeys appealing and informative ern human sample (N5255) comprises brain of fossil species. subjects for evolutionary biologists also growth series from four morphologically This work is funded by the 3D-MOR- make them challenging to study. distinct human populations; their ages PHINE project (http://3dmorphine.in- Because they inhabit major landmasses range from two years to adulthood. The ria.fr), a collaborative research initia- as well as scores of smaller islands, fossil sample covers human specimens tive of INRIA (http://www.inria.fr). their biogeography is complex and from the Pleistocene to the Upper Pale- mutable over geologically short time olithic, and includes several subadult Analysis of kin groups using the scales. Among these taxa, colobines of Neanderthals as well as the Homo ante- frontal sinus. the genus Presbytis are no exception. cessor fossil ATD-6-69 from Atapuerca, This study investigates cranial shape Spain. This subadult fossil, dated to ca. MICHAEL FRANCKEN1, KATERINA and allometry in the Natuna Island leaf 780 Ka, has been suggested to mark the HARVATI1,2 and JOACHIM WAHL1,3. monkey, Presbytis natunae, compared to earliest appearance of modern human 1Department of Early Prehistory and Qua- related species of Presbytis: P. melalo- facial features. Our objectives were to ternary Ecology, Eberhard-Karls-Univer- phos and P. femoralis. Sumatran Pres- (1) assess ontogenetic and static allome- sity of Tu¨bingen, Germany, 2Senckenberg bytis melalophos forms the primary ref- try in modern and archaic humans. (2) Center for Human Evolution and Paleoe- erence sample, and P. femoralis is Test to what extent ATD-6-69 exhibits a cology, Eberhard-Karls-University of included for additional context. Cranial modern human facial morphology. We Tu¨bingen, Germany, 3Regierungspra¨si- metrics, including 3D landmark coordi- digitized landmarks and semilandmarks dium Stuttgart, Landesamt fu¨rDenkmalp- nates, were collected from museum on surface and CT scans and analyzed flege, Germany. specimens. A variety of morphometric the Procrustes shape coordinates in analyses were performed to address two shape-space and form-space. Frontal sinuses are generally regarded hypotheses: that (1) the insular species We show that the facial differences as a highly variable trait and unique to exhibits a derived cranial shape associ- between modern and archaic humans are each individual, but previous studies ated with its isolation and body size not exclusively allometric. The develop- have also demonstrated that certain reduction, and (2) the various species of mental trajectories of modern humans characteristics of the frontal sinus are Presbytis are identifiable based on cra- and Neanderthals are similar, but they passed on from one generation to nial form. are clearly separated. Our results indi- another. In this study we further It was found that the major shape dif- cate that the modern human facial mor- explore the hypothesis of inheritance by ferences distinguishing the Natuna phology is derived, whereas the facial dif- examining the relationship between monkey from P. melalophos are unlikely ferences between Neanderthals and H. frontal sinuses and kinship groups in a to be related to its isolation and dwarf- heidelbergensis are largely due to allo- population of Neolithic individuals from ing, because P. natunae shares these metric scaling along an ancestral trajec- the cemetery of Schwetzingen (Ger- shape characters with P. femoralis. tory. ATD-6-69 plots along this archaic many). 214 individuals with an almost Nonetheless, cranial size and shape trajectory, indicating that its overall re- balanced female-male ratio have been analysis of these samples supports the semblance to modern humans is largely found, with a large number of well-pre- hypothesis that species variants within an artifact of its size. However, allometric served subadults. The sample for this Presbytis are morphometrically distin- scaling cannot account for the canine study is based on cranial CT-scans of 58 guishable, whereas skin and pelage fossa of this specimen. subadult and adult individuals, ana- characters currently define genus sys- This study was funded by the Marie lyzed using the software Aviso 6.1. To tematics. Although the success of cra- Curie Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005- describe and analyse characteristics of nial morphometrics as a tool for system- 019564 ‘‘EVAN,’’ the Max Planck Soci- the frontal sinus, we developed a scor- atics and phylogenetic inference has ety, NSF (0333415, 0513660 and ing scheme reflecting various attributes proven to be limited among papionins 0851756), the L.S.B. Leakey Founda- of sinus morphology. The traits scored and African colobines, this study sug- tion, and the Sigma Xi Foundation.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 68


Impact of global climatic change on the energy of the territory holder. One can past. To investigate the influence of evolution of Theropithecus oswaldi. mechanism to minimize these costs is the historical past on biological ancestry the dear-enemy effect, where neighbors and native cultural identity, we ana- STEPHEN R. FROST1, EMILY H. show reduced aggression towards each lyzed genetic variation in Bermuda’s GUTHRIE1 and ERIC DELSON2,3,4. other compared to unfamiliar intruders. self-proclaimed St. David’s Island 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- Previous research has documented the Native Community. Our results indicate sity of Oregon, 2Department of Anthro- existence of acoustic neighbor-stranger that the majority of mtDNA haplotypes pology, Lehman College, 3Department of discrimination predominantly in birds present today belong to West Eurasian Vertebrate Paleontology, American Mu- and only a few studies have been con- and African lineages. This reflects the seum of Natural History, CUNY, ducted with primates. This study exam- extent of their interactions with people 4NYCEP (New York Consortium in Evo- ined the response of the Bolivian gray of European and African descent. How- lutionary Primatology). titi monkey (Callicebus donacophilus)to ever, Y-chromosome analysis has identi- playbacks of duets of strange and neigh- fied a range of Native American, West We examined the impact of global climatic boring groups on the territory boundary. Eurasian, and African haplogroups. By change on the morphological evolution of The results show a positive trend comparing the genetic data with genea- Theropithecus oswaldi, which has an towards higher aggression in response logical and historical information, we extensive fossil record spanning the time to strangers than to neighbors, as meas- can reconstruct the complex history of period from prior to 3.5 until approxi- ured in terms of latency to vocalize and this Bermudian community to the mid mately 0.25 Ma when significant changes approach to the speaker. Significant dif- 17th century. occurred in global climate and regional ferences could be found in the time African habitats. Thus T. oswaldi is an monkeys spent in proximity to the ideal primate for studying the relationship speaker as well as in the length of their Something fishy in Santa Clara between climate and evolution. vocal response. The results suggest that County: an isotopic study of dietary Theropithecus oswaldi is recognized as a titi monkeys are able to discriminate breadth within an ancestral Ohlone terrestrial grazer based on its limb skele- between neighbors and strangers by population. ton, carbon isotopic ratios from enamel, their loud calls and maintain dear- and dental microwear. Several morphologi- enemy relationships with their neigh- KAREN S. GARDNER1, ALAN cal trends are clear over its chronological bors avoiding unnecessary aggressive LEVENTHAL2, ROSEMARY CAMBRA3, range and appear to occur throughout encounters. Unfamiliar groups, how- ERIC J. BARTELINK1 and Africa, although data are sparser for North ever, constitute a higher threat of ANTOINETTE MARTINEZ1. 1California and South compared to East Africa. These usurping the territory, and an escala- State University, Chico, 2San Jose State trends include an increase in body size, tion might be worth the cost in this con- University, 3Chairwoman of the molar size and enamel complexity, enlarge- text. This study provides the first evi- Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. ment of cranial superstructures, reduction dence of acoustic neighbor-stranger dis- of anterior dentition, shortening of the ros- crimination in a New World primate. Paleodietary analysis of botanical and trum, and some evidence for increasing This study was funded by the German faunal remains has revealed the menu terrestrial adaptations in the postcranium. Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). available to residents of California’s Evolution of these morphological trends is Santa Clara Valley during the Middle the basis for recognizing the chrono-sub- Genetic ancestry and indigenous and Late Periods; however, the relative species of T. oswaldi: T. o. darti, T. o. heritage in a Native American contribution of dietary components can- oswaldi,andT. o. leakeyi. descendant community living in not be accurately assessed using these While changes in T. oswaldi’s morphology Bermuda. methods. Stable isotope analysis of through time generally tracked the overall human bone from the Yukisma Mound increase in aridity that occurred throughout JILL BENNETT GAIESKI1, AMANDA (CA-SCl-38) provides direct evidence of the and Pleistocene, they did not OWINGS1, JEAN FOGGO SIMON2, the relative contributions of dietary coincide with specific major shifts in global RACHEL GITTLEMAN1, JOHN macronutrients, as bone is built from climate, such as the global cooling event LINDO1, DAVID GAIESKI1, and the foods consumed during life. associated with the onset of major continen- THEODORE SCHURR1. 1University of This presentation explores the dietary tal glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere Pennsylvania, 2Oberlin College. patterns of the ancestral Muwekma at approximately 2.8 Ma, nor the shifts in Ohlone population buried in this mortu- predominant orbital cycle at approximately Nearly six hundred miles east of Cape ary mound, located in what is now Mil- 1.7 and 1.0 Ma. Instead, their evolution Hatteras, Bermuda is a lone outpost in pitas, California. Stable carbon and seems to track a steady increase in adapta- the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Nei- nitrogen isotope analysis of bone colla- tion to terrestrial grazing. ther American nor Caribbean, but inte- gen and bioapatite is used to assess die- This study was funded by the Leakey Foun- grally linked to the history of both tary patterns of 126 individuals, dation (SF, EG), the Wenner-Gren Founda- regions, this former British colony has interred between 1700 BP and 180 BP. tion (SF), the Geological Society of America largely escaped the attention of most Results show a mean collagen d13C (EG), the Paleontological Society (EG), the anthropologists. Bermuda is one of value of 219.0%, with a range from National Science Foundation (EG, ED), and Europe’s few true discoveries in the 220.3% and 217.3%. Collagen d15N the University of Oregon (SF, EG). New World, as it was uninhabited until values yield a mean of 8.4% and range the Virginia-bound Sea Venture literally 5.8% to 12.8%. Bioapatite d13C reveals Neighbor-stranger discrimination crashed into its shores in 1609. Soon af- a mean value of –14.1%, with a range in the Bolivian gray titi monkey ter, Bermuda gained the dubious dis- of 216.2% to 211.9%. These values are Callicebus donacophilus. tinction of being the first New World compared to local foodweb isotopic val- English colony to forcibly import its ues derived from archaeological and ANNA K. GABEL1 and KIMBERLY A. labor by engaging in the systematic modern animal resources. The results DINGESS2,3,4. 1Zoologisches Institut, Uni- trafficking of indigenous peoples from suggest a diet primarily composed of versita¨t Hamburg, Germany, 2Department their homes along America’s eastern terrestrial foods, but with a significant of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloo- seaboard. Oral traditions circulating marine component. mington, 3DANTA: Association for Conser- today among contemporary Pequot, Finally, consideration is made of dietary vation of the Tropics, 4Wildlife Conservation Wampanoag, and Narragansett tribes variation within this population. The Society, Bolivia. recount these same events, while, in ranges of values from stable isotope stud- Bermuda, residents of St. David’s Island ies cannot be entirely explained by tem- Territorial defense against other indi- have long clung to the idea that their poral change, age, or sex of the individu- viduals requires a lot of time and histories are linked to a Native Ameri- als, but may be explained by a relation-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 69

140 AAPA ABSTRACTS ship between social roles, ascribed social tion compared to other mammals. In This study describes a method using a status, and differential access to foods. part, this generalization is biased by ab- morphometric approach to quantify sex sence of a functional vomeronasal organ differences in browridge and chin mor- Revisiting health in Neolithic C¸ ata- (VNO) in catarrhines, despite its pres- phologies from 3D laser surface scans. lho¨ yu¨ k: a study of growth and ence in strepsirhines, tarsiers, and pla- The isolation and segmentation of these development. tyrrhines. The latter taxa vary in VNO features from the remainder of the skull morphology, for example in neuroepithe- is described. Several characteristics are EVAN M. GAROFALO1, CLARK S. lial thickness or lumen diameter. The derived, including measures of bone vol- LARSEN2 and CHRISTOPHER B. character state of the VNO in stem pri- ume and projection, as well as Principal RUFF1. 1Center for Functional Anatomy mates is unclear. In this study we used Components following Generalized Pro- and Evolution, Johns Hopkins University linear dimensions of the ‘‘vomeronasal crustes superimposition. The methods School of Medicine, Baltimore, 2Depart- groove’’ (VNG) to predict VNO morphol- are applied to a recent US black sample ment of Anthropology, The Ohio State ogy in early primates. Measurements of from the Terry Collection (n530 males University, Columbus. this osteological feature correlate highly and 30 females). Results suggest that the with VNO dimensions in extant prima- proposed methods provide an objective Depressedskeletalgrowthisanexpected tes. Histological sections and CT scans manner to document and compare sexual consequence of sedentism and increased of 54 primate crania (including 13 variation in browridge and chin morphol- population density. Previous studies suggest strepsirhine and 11 haplorhine genera) ogy. The quantification of sex differences that health was poor in Neolithic C¸ata- were inspected for a VNG and linear in these trait morphologies benefits lho¨yu¨ k, one of the earliest large-settled dimensions were recorded. Parsimony numerous anthropological disciplines. It farming communities. However, growth pat- reconstruction was performed to predict provides a means to test for population terns have not been systematically exam- ancestral character states of VNO func- differences in cranial trait dimorphism, ined to test these expectations. Growth of tional categories and VNG linear varia- determine if population-specific sex iden- juveniles from Neolithic C¸atalho¨yu¨k was bles. Results of parsimony analyses tification standards are necessary, evalu- evaluated from stature (n532) and body predict the last common ancestor of ate factors contributing to variation in mass (n528), derived from femoral length primates possessed VNO similar to sexual dimorphism, and could be and femoral head breadth, respectively. In strepsirhines in functional category and extended to human evolutionary studies. addition, percent cortical area, a more envi- linear dimensions. Predicted VNG ronmentally sensitive parameter, and femo- length and width, when adjusted for They died in the Great Irish ral polar section modulus, a measure of size, were more similar to lorisiforms. Famine. Biocultural and palaeopa- overall strength, were determined at femo- The large VNG dimensions of some thological study of mass burials ral midshaft. Male and female adult means cheirogaleids (especially Microcebus) from Kilkenny Union Workhouse, (n520) provided growth end-points. These appear to be derived, which merits con- Ireland. were compared with a proto-historic Ari- sideration when they are used as an kara sample (Sully sites; juvenile stature extant model for stem primates. Early JONNY GEBER. School of Geography, n527, body mass n525; adult: n520) and primates were probably heavily reliant Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s mid-twentieth-century US Denver Growth on olfaction like extant strepsirhines, University Belfast, Northern Ireland. Study yearly averages (n520). Within the and the vomeronasal system has experi- C¸atalho¨yu¨ k sample, potential differences enced expansion and reduction in line- The recent development at the former related to social status were examined ages in response to different socioecolog- union workhouse in Kilkenny City, Ire- through burial location. Polynomial regres- ical conditions. Future research will land, has revealed 63 mass burial pits con- sions plot C¸atalho¨yu¨k staturalgrowthsimi- test these interpretations by including taining the skeletal remains of a minimum lar to Denver until late childhood (when VNG data from fossils of plesiadapi- of 970 individuals dating to the Great Irish Denver increases) and comparable to that of forms and early euprimates. Famine (1845-52). Although the skeletons Sully. Body mass is more similar among all represent the tragic inevitable end for three samples, although the Denver sample many people during the catastrophe that again shows an increase during adoles- Quantifying sexual dimorphism in was the Great Famine, the bones have the cence. Femoral polar section modulus and craniofacial trait morphologies potential to offer a unique insight in under- percent cortical area do not differ signifi- using 3-D laser scanning. standing how the calamity struck the low- cantly for age from the Sully sample. Burial est levels of society and what the condi- location does not impact growth in stature, HEATHER M. GARVIN. Center for tions in the workhouse were like. body mass, percent cortical area, or polar Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Archaeological research of historical peri- section modulus. Long bone ontogenetic pat- Johns Hopkins University School of ods has often given a contrasting conclu- ternsofthissampledonotsupportexpecta- Medicine, Baltimore. sion with the written records, and the tions of negative environmental impacts on archaeology of the Great Famine has health or growth during the Neolithic at Sex differences in human craniofacial only recently been considered. A study on C¸atalho¨yu¨ k. Rather, they suggest a rela- traits have been traditionally evaluated the impact of the Famine, from an osteo- tively healthy and vigorous community. using qualitative methods. Quantifica- archaeological and palaeopathological Research supported by National Geographic tion of these morphological traits, such perspective in a multidisciplinary Society (to CSL and CBR). as browridge and chin shape, typically approach, will undoubtedly yield new in- does not extend beyond ordinal catego- formation pertaining to this massive Reconstructing the vomeronasal ries assigned using the illustrative national and social catastrophe in the rel- system of the earliest primates. scales provided in standard sources, atively recent history of Ireland. such as Standards for Data Collection The biocultural and palaeopathological EVA C. GARRETT1,2 and TIMOTHY D. from Human Skeletal Remains (Buik- research in this project aims at explor- SMITH3. 1Department of Anthropology, stra and Ubelaker, 1994). This approach ing the human experience of the Great The Graduate Center at the City Uni- includes a certain degree of subjectivity, Famine by those who did not survive. versity of New York, New York NY, does not take into consideration popula- The skeletal remains represent a social 2New York Consortium in Evolutionary tion-specific variation, and drastically strata which in the Victorian society Primatology, New York, NY, 3School of limits possible statistical analyses. Con- was very poorly treated, and usually Physical Therapy, Slippery Rock Uni- sequently, it is not conducive to inter- only referred to as a collective – as ‘pau- versity, Slippery Rock, PA. population comparisons of sexual dimor- pers’. The skeletons do also give direct phism in these discrete traits, and may reflection of the impact of the Famine, Traditionally, primates have been char- explain the lack of such analyses in the by indicating a high non-adult mortal- acterized by a reduced reliance on olfac- literature. ity, as well as a widespread suffering of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 70

AAPA ABSTRACTS 141 scurvy. Furthermore, cases of cranioto- East and South Africa have been (cross-walks). Many parameters and mies and amputations have given fur- hypothesized. To better understand relationships are standard across ther insights into the management of hominin evolutionary history and bio- projects, and well-designed data the crisis by the workhouse institution. geography, the biogeography of contem- models radically improve the potential This research is supported by Margaret poraneous mammals, especially prima- efficiency of data management and Gowen & Co. Ltd. tes, can be used to test different hypoth- sharing. eses. African papionins have long been Projects like RHOI (the Revealing Hom- Does cortisol suppress testosterone argued to be useful adaptive and phylo- inid Origins Initiative), the Middle under day-today conditions? Evi- genetic models for human evolution. Awash project, and the Kesem Kebena dence from a large cohort of young However, while Plio-Pleistocene African project have been actively involved in adult Filipino males. papionin monkeys are found at nearly data modeling and global electronic all East and South African hominin data sharing. An RHOI survey of vet- LEE T. GETTLER1, THOMAS W. sites, their evolutionary biogeography eran field paleoanthropologists led to MCDADE1 and CHRISTOPHER W. remains unclear. The current study the thorough, detailed, field-tested KUZAWA1. 1Department of Anthropol- investigates African papionin biogeog- RHOI Database Template and user ogy, Northwestern University. raphybytreatingbiogeographyasan manual. The Middle Awash project has unordered cladistic character and Afri- developed the means to give the larger Life history theory posits that under stress- can biogeographic regions as character scientific community unrestricted, but ful circumstances organisms will enhance states. To infer dispersal events, bio- efficient, access to paleontological data energetic investment in functions necessary geographic character states for each and serves approximately 20 fields in a for survival while reducing allocations to fossil and extant African papionin quickly searchable visual paleontology reproduction. Among male mammals, these taxon are mapped onto a cladogram database. trade-offs are sometimes mediated in part derived from craniodental data, and Information presented will include a through the increased production of cortisol the resulting biogeographic patterns field paleoanthropology data dictionary (CORT), which can lead to reduced repro- are then compared to those hypothe- with field names and thoroughly-tested ductive investment via suppression of testos- sized for contemporaneous hominin field definitions, a diagram of the rela- terone (T), a key androgenic steroid. How- taxa during the African Plio-Pleisto- tional databases used to manage data ever, less is known about the relationship cene. Results indicate that African for RHOI and the Kesem Kebena pro- between the two hormones under basal con- papionin dispersal patterns largely ject and a discussion of software plat- ditions when organisms are not facing mirror those of early hominins and, in forms and development environments. potent stressors. Here we evaluate relation- at least one case, may oppose general This material is based upon work sup- ships between waking, pre-bed and 30-min mammalian trends. Suggestions of ported by the National Science Founda- post-waking salivary CORT and waking and unique behavioral adaptations to tion under Grant Nos. SBR-9318698, pre-bed salivary T, and also with plasma account for early hominin biogeography SBR-9512534, SBR-9714432, BCS- total T and luteinizing hormone (LH), in a and dispersal patterns, therefore, seem 9910344, BCS-0321893, and 0521538. large population-based birth cohort of young unwarranted. In addition to hypothe- Any opinions, findings, and conclusions adult Filipino males (20.8-22.6 years, n 5 sized dispersal events between East or recommendations expressed in this 695). Data come from the Cebu Longitudinal and South Africa, African papionin material are those of the author and do Health and Nutrition Survey. T and CORT monkeys appear to document a biogeo- not necessarily reflect the views of the were significantly positively related in wak- graphic connection between West and National Science Foundation or the ing (r50.36) and evening (r50.31) saliva South Africa 2.3 - 1.5 Ma. Future Leakey Foundation. samples (both p \ 0.001). These relation- research is necessary to determine if ships were not changed after adjusting for a this hypothesized faunal connection Consequences of alpha male chim- range of socio-demographic, anthropometric, may have involved other mammalian panzee dominance strategies. behavioral, and health covariates. Evening taxa, such as hominins, as well. CORT was also weakly positively correlated This study was generously supported by IAN C. GILBY. Department of Evolu- with plasma total T (r50.08, p \ 0.05) and the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation. tionary Anthropology, Duke University. LH (r50.07, p \ 0.10). Men reporting stress on the day of sampling also showed lower Data architecture in field paleo- Alpha male chimpanzees have been evening T and slightly higher waking anthropology. reported to exhibit distinct dominance CORT; however, the effects of self-reported ‘styles’, ranging from ‘despotic’ to ‘coop- stress on T were not mediated by CORT. We W. HENRY GILBERT. California State erative’. However, given the species’ suggest that the two hormones complemen- University, East Bay and Human Evolu- long lifespan, it has not been possible tarily prepare men energetically, psychologi- tion Research Center, University of Cal- until now to quantify this variation. As cally, and behaviorally to face the challenges ifornia, Berkeley. a result, little is known about the evolu- of the day. tionary consequences of dominance This study was funded by the National Everyone agrees that data sharing is style. Here, I use fifty years of data on Science Foundation, grant number good, but considerable investment is 10 alpha males in two communities of 0542182, and Wenner-Gren, grant num- required to build and manage large wild chimpanzees in Gombe National ber 7356. datasets. Raw data is collected, com- Park, Tanzania, to 1) document varia- piled, and thoroughly revised on its way tion in alpha male behavior and 2) test Plio-Pleistocene biogeography of to publication. Published data is gener- the hypothesis that aggressive alpha the African papionins: implications ally highly refined relative to raw data. males achieve higher reproductive suc- for early hominin dispersals. Traditionally, investigators built data- cess during their tenure than more bases privately and ‘published’ con- peaceful alpha males. On average, the CHRISTOPHER C. GILBERT1,2. tained data as printed statements, fig- alpha male exhibited a significantly 1Department of Anthropology, Hunter ures, or tables. Increasingly, however, higher dominance display rate than the College of the City University of New permanently accessible databases are other adult males in the community. York, 2New York Consortium in Evolu- viewed as stable, citable final reposito- There was considerable inter-individual tionary Anthropology. ries of knowledge. variation in the proportion of these dis- Stereotypes notwithstanding, current plays that included contact aggression. Early hominin biogeography is con- barriers to data access in paleoanthro- However, behavioral and genetic data tested and poorly understood. Depend- pology are less about cupidity than show no clear relationship between ing on the analysis, two to seven Plio- sociological logistics and a lack of stand- aggression and reproductive success. Pleistocene dispersal events between ard data models and ‘lookup’ tables This suggests that less aggressive males

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 71

142 AAPA ABSTRACTS use alternative behaviors such as Surface and deep structure of the mersdorf Castle, in southern Germany. grooming to placate their rivals and central sulcus in the human and All of the mummies date to the 17th maintain their position at the top of the chimpanzee neocortex. century, and all are naturally preserved, hierarchy. Three distinct strategies due to the air flow in the crypt area. To emerged – low aggression coupled with EMMANUEL GILISSEN1,2,3 and date, the German Mummy Project has frequent grooming; high aggression and CE´ LINE NEUTENS4. 1Department of examined three of the mummies in the infrequent grooming; and high rates of African Zoology, Royal Museum for Cen- crypt: the Baron von Holz, Sophie von both aggression and grooming. This tral Africa, , 2Laboratory of Histology Kniesta¨tt and the Baroness Schenck study highlights the importance of and Neuropathology Universite´ Libre von Geyern. There is limited historical inter-individual behavioral variation for de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, documentation related to these individ- understanding the pattern of interac- 3Department of Anthropology, University uals and very little was known about tions and relationships in a long-lived of Arkansas, 4Evolutionary Morphology the three adults. DNA analysis to deter- social primate species with important of Vertebrates, Ghent University. mine the specific kinship relationship implications for human evolution. between all three individuals has been This study was funded by the Jane Primate brain evolution has resulted in a inconclusive so far. Goodall Institute and Duke University. large increase of neocortical folding. As a Using a Siemens Definition Dual result, 60% of the cerebral cortical sur- Energy Source CT scanner and medical face is buried within sulci in humans. imaging software (OsiriX and Mimics), There’s nothing humerus about Positron-emission tomography (PET) all individuals were assessed for age-at- cremation: a study of distal end studies of regional cerebral blood flow in death, evidence of trauma or pathology humeral burn patterns. humans suggest that cortical regions and identification of potential cause of exposedonthebrainsurfaceandcortical death. Analysis of the CT data indicated THERESA GILDNER1, AARON WOLF2, region buried in the fundal zones at the that all three adults had evidence of SUSAN GUISE SHERIDAN1 and JAIME bottom of sulci may play a distinctive spinal pathology. All three individuals M. ULLINGER3. 1Department of Anthro- role in higher cognitive processing. For a had supernumerary vertebrae: two with pology, University of Notre Dame, better understanding of the neural basis non-sacralized L6 and one with a non- 2Department of Anthropology, Oberlin of human cognition in a broad compara- lumbarized C8.Both women had sacral College, 3Department of Anthropology, tive context, it is therefore of interest to spina bifida occulta and extreme spinal Ohio State University. determine whether the surface structure curvatures, the severity of which was of sulci differs from their fundal structure made clear through the 2D visualization Color is one characteristic useful in across primate species. and 3D reconstruction during the medi- determining the conditions under which Surface reconstructions of the central sul- cal imaging. One of the women may bones were burnt. In this study, Munsell cus were examined together with tangen- have had tuberculosis; DNA testing for color charts and L*a*b values deter- tial sections across the cortex. Our sample this is pending. The spinal pathology of mined with a spectrophotometer were consists of MR scan data of post mortem these individuals is interpreted within used to assess the color of humeral distal adult brains. The composition of the sam- the bioarchaeological context of the ends excavated from charnel house A22, ple includes 15 humans, 32 common chim- Thirty Years War in Germany (1618- located at the Early Bronze Age (2950- panzees (Pan troglodytes), 3 bonobos (Pan 1648). 2200 BC) site of Bab edh-Dhra’, Jordan. paniscus), 8 gorillas (Gorilla gorilla)and8 It was hypothesized that the bones would orang utans (Pongo pygmaeus). Both sexes Climatic and other trends in the exhibit color patterns consistent with are equally represented. Data were proc- femoral neck-shaft angle: a global burn patterns from the fire that essed for 3D reconstruction using Amira study of variation among modern destroyed the burial structure, different 5.3.1 (Visage Imaging). We here confirm human groups. from the pattern seen in intentional cre- that although the surface structure of the mation. Two regions of the humeri, an human central sulcus is highly variable, IAN GILLIGAN. School of Archaeology articular surface and a non-articular sur- its deep structure is remarkably consist- and Anthropology, Australian National face, were examined. It was expected ent. The fundus of the human central sul- University. that if fully articulated bodies were cus is divided in two limbs by a complex intentionally burned the articular sur- junction located between the interhemi- The femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA) face would be consistently less burnt spheric and Sylvian fissures. We examine varies widely between and within mod- than the other areas of the bone, due to the similarities and differences between ern human groups, and between mod- shielding effects. The degree of burning human and great apes concerning the rela- ern and earlier hominin species. Debate on the humeri in relation to provenience tionships between surface and deep struc- surrounds the question of whether this within A22 was also examined for dis- ture of the central sulcus. NSA variation relates mainly to body cernible patterns. Over 50% of both the Part of the great ape specimens used in shape and climate (as a morphological articular surfaces (79/146) and non-artic- this study was on loan to the Compara- trend associated with Bergmann’s Rule) ular surfaces (87/155) were burned to a tive Neurobiology of Aging Resource or, instead, to population differences in temperature hot enough that they turned supported by NIH AG14308. This work habitual activity patterns (forager, gray and white. There was no significant was supported by the European Com- agricultural and urban lifestyles, for difference in burn color between the 146 mission, contract number 029023. example). Previous studies have shown articular surfaces and 155 non-articular inconsistent and even contradictory 2 surfaces (( 50.30, p50.86), suggesting Supernumerary vertebrae and other findings with respect to climate, life- that intentional cremation of articulated spinal pathology in three 17th cen- style and also gender patterning in the skeletons was likely not performed in tury crypt mummies from Germany. NSA. However, these have been ham- Bab edh-Dhra’. Additional results imply pered by measurement problems (for burning in A22 was concentrated along HEATHER GILL-FRERKING1, JAMES instance, reliance on radiographs) and the periphery of the house, particularly SCHANANDORE2 and WILFRIED limited population sampling. The pres- along the east wall. These findings pro- ROSENDAHL1. 1German Mummy Pro- ent study reports results from an exten- vide a new understanding about the mor- ject, Reiss-Engelhorn Museum, Mann- sive survey of the NSA (measured by tuary practices of this site during the heim, Germany, 2Department of hand-held goniometer) involving over Bronze Age. Biological Sciences, North Dakota State 8,000 adult femora derived from 100 This study was funded by a National University, Fargo. samples (80 countries and 20 additional Science Foundation Research Experien- groups including Ainu, Andamans, Fue- ces for Undergraduates grant (SES A small group of mummies rest in the gians, Inuit and Pygmies). Analyses 1005158). von Crailsheim family crypt, at Som- demonstrate consistent correlations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 72

AAPA ABSTRACTS 143 between group NSA means and climatic This study was funded with generous of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University, indices at global and continental levels, support from the Leakey Foundation, 4Functional Anatomy & Evolution, Johns consistent with predictions based on University of California, Davis, Depart- Hopkins University School of Medicine. Bergmann’s Rule. No difference ment of Anthropology Summer Fellow- between male and female NSA is found, ships, and the UC Davis Institute of Thermoregulation is a key element of and associations with economic catego- Governmental Affairs. primate physiology. The significance of ries are generally weak. However, one temperature is highlighted in on-going lifestyle variable (clothing) shows an Linear enamel hypoplasias and the debates involving heat stress and ther- interesting effect: a reduced NSA range dietary adaptations of Cebus. moregulation in human evolution, par- with thermally-effective clothing. Also, ticularly since our arboreal ancestors unexpected evidence for bilateral asym- JUSTIN T. GLADMAN1,2. 1Department experienced body hair loss and likely metry is revealed: a small difference of Anthropology, The Graduate Center, increased heat load upon moving into between left and right NSA, attribut- City University of New York, 2New York the savanna. Despite this debate, actual able to right leg dominance. The un- Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology. body temperatures, and possible heat precedented size and geographical cov- load, have only been measured for erage of this study allows these findings Linear enamel hypoplasias (LEHs) are baboons and dwarf lemurs among wild to be generalized and to resolve key generally accepted markers of nonspecific primates. Many primate studies have questions regarding climatic and other physiological disruption most often attrib- recorded ambient temperatures at ob- sources of variation in the femoral NSA uted to malnutrition or disease. Malnutri- server locations or nearby weather sta- among modern humans. tion especially has been documented in tions, but not the animal’s body temper- human and non-human primates as an im- ature or the ambient temperature in A comparative framework for the portant factor influencing development of the animal’s immediate vicinity. interpretation of antemortem tooth LEHs in the permanent dentition. This To quantify the thermal profiles of loss in Neandertals. study examines whether or not LEHs can howlers and their arboreal habitat, we be used as indicators of relative foraging employed thermal imaging and datalog- CASSANDRA C. GILMORE. Department success, an extension of relative levels of ging to record continuous ambient and of Anthropology, University of California, malnutrition, within a well-studied platyr- body temperatures for free-ranging Davis. rhine genus, Cebus.Totestthisrelation- mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta ship, LEH frequencies were calculated palliata) at La Pacifica in Costa Rica. Multiple fossils of the hominin species based on observations of the mandibular Thermal imaging is a noninvasive tool Homo neanderthalensis show evidence of canines of 176 individuals of Cebus apella, that measures surface infrared radia- severe antemortem loss of teeth. C. albifrons,andC. olivaceus.Thesalient tion (i.e., similar for black, brown, or Researchers have interpreted the sur- dietary differences among these species white skin). iButtons are small temper- vival of these individuals as an indication relate to alternative foraging strategies ature dataloggers that were attached to of human-like behavior—such as cooking adopted during times of scarcity. Cebus collars or anklets and surgically or conspecific care—in this extinct spe- apella fall back on hard nuts, while C. albi- implanted subcutaneously. cies. One inadequately tested prediction frons and C. olivaceus, lacking comparable Internal temperatures ranged from of these interpretations, however, is that craniodental adaptations, rely on other be- 41.80C-33.30C with corresponding ambi- recent humans actually differ in their fre- havioral adjustments to meet their require- ent (i.e., anklet or collar) temperatures quency of antemortem tooth loss (AMTL) ments. Cebus apella, with its specialized of 33.70C-23.30C for the same individu- from our closest living relatives, non- dentition, is predicted to show relatively als. As expected, internal and ambient human primates. lower frequencies of LEH because it can temperatures were consistently lower at This study investigates dental pathology in monopolize a niche unavailable to sympa- night, but periods of rain also reduced a sample of 214 individuals from Pan troglo- tric congeners lacking such specializations. both internal and external tempera- dytes, Papio hamadryas, and several popu- The results of this study do indicate a dif- tures. These results demonstrate lations of recent modern humans with vary- ference in LEH frequency among species of greater temperature fluctuations in a ing diets to determine if there is a difference Cebus, but not in the predicted direction. homoeothermic animal than previously between humans and non-human primates. Cebus albifrons shows significantly lower reported. Thermoregulation in response Mann-Whitney U and Kolmogorov-Smirnov frequencies of LEHs compared with its to rain and ambient night-time temper- two-sample tests of the data indicate that other congeners ((2514.58, df54, atures likely impacts energy budgets in the average proportion of teeth remaining P50.0057). Thus the specialized dentition terms of dumping heat or maintaining per individual in humans is significantly of C. apella may not reflect a nutritional core temperatures. smaller than that of both Pan and Papio advantage compared with the behavioral The study was funded by NSF Grant (p51.2x10-5 and p59.1x10-4 respectively) adaptations in other members of the genus (BCS-0720028/0720025). and the shape of the human distribution is even though it seems to allow for a wider -5 significantly more dispersed (p59.4x10 geographical distribution and may mini- Male homosexual behavior in -4 and p59.8x10 ). The non-human primate mize competition under sympatry. Cercopithecus mona. averages (p50.89) and distribution shapes This work was supported by the New (p50.1) are not significantly different from York Consortium of Evolutionary Pri- MARY E. GLENN1,3, MARISSA each other. matology, NSF DGE 0333415 (NYCEP RAMSIER2,3 and KEITH J. BENSEN3. These preliminary results support the hy- IGERT). 1Department of Anthropology, Humboldt pothesis that modern humans have a State University, Arcata, California, higher frequency of AMTL than do non- Thermal imaging and iButtons: a 2Department of Human Evolution, Max human primates. Because there were non- novel use of two technologies to Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- significant differences between the non- quantify the daily thermal profiles thropology, 3Windward Islands Research human primates despite significant differ- of wild howlers (Alouatta palliata) and Education Foundation, Grenada, ences in ecology, these results further sug- and their habitats at La Pacifica, West Indies. gest that the increased frequency of AMTL Costa Rica. observed in modern humans is not related Cercopithecus mona males living out- to ecology, and therefore they tentatively KENNETH E. GLANDER1, side of family groups often coexist in support hypotheses that link increased CHRISTOPHER J. VINYARD2,SUSANH. small, tightly-bonded, all-male groups AMTL frequency to the evolution of WILLIAMS3 and MARK F. TEAFORD4. and regularly practice homosexual human-specific behaviors. Ongoing data 1Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, behaviors, demonstrating that male- collection will contribute further to these Duke University,2Department of Anatomy male competition for females does not results. & Neurobiology, NEOUCOM, 3Department preclude male-male social bonding. Our

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 73

144 AAPA ABSTRACTS data indicate that homosexual sex plays Age at death estimation in an Ital- of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2Depart- a large role in male mona monkeys’ ian archaeological sample: a test of ment of Anthropology, University of To- daily activity patterns: more than 20% the Suchey-Brooks and transition ronto, 3National Tropical Botanical of their time is spent in direct affiliative analysis methods. Garden, Kalaheo, 4Department of Anatom- contact and only 0.3% is spent practic- ical Sciences, Stony Brook University, ing agonistic behavior. Outside of KANYA GODDE1,2, SAMANTHA M. 5Department of Biology, University of mounting behavior, sexual activity HENS3, M. GIOVANNA BELCASTRO4. Antananarivo, Madagascar. among mona monkey males shows little 1Department of Anthropology, Texas State resemblance to heterosexual behavior: University, San Marcos, 2Department of We compiled new and previously pub- the sexual repertoire is wider, all-male Anthropology, University of Tennessee, lished 14C dates on animal bones from sex shows little relation to dominance Knoxville, 3Department of Anthropology, Taolambiby, a subfossil site that has and no seasonal fluctuation, and the California State University, Sacramento, revealed the earliest evidence of human level of affiliative and sexual behaviors 4Laboratory of Bioarchaeology and Foren- megafaunal butchery in Madagascar. remains constant regardless of changing sic Osteology, Department of Experimental Sixty-eight dates on specimens belong- group membership. Autosexual behav- Evolutionary Biology, University of ing to 4 extant and 7 extinct species iors in extra-group males are also com- Bologna. and ranging in age from 3270 Cal BP to mon, suggesting that these behaviors modern are now available. Samples are not a preparation or substitute for The application of aging methods in bio- were derived from four collections rep- heterosexual activity. We suggest that archaeological contexts is problematic for resenting four localities at this site, homosexual activity benefits the partici- several reasons, including the limiting each with different percentages of pants by easing tension, reinforcing structure of the age intervals and age extinct and extant taxa. One in particu- bonding, and creating pleasure. mimicry of the reference sample. Boldsen lar, the Walker collection (1185 Cal BP et al. (2002) attempted to combat these to modern), comprises predominantly Insights into the investigation of issues by suggesting a combination of extant species. A dated microfossil re- Late Bronze Age populations in transition analysis and a Bayesian cord associated with the older Burney Transylvania. approach. In this paper, we test the accu- collection shows stratigraphic proxy evi- racy of both the Suchey-Brooks method dence from coprophilous fungus spores SABRINA GLOUX. ArchaeoTek – alone, and the application of transition for decline of the megafauna. It also Canada. analysis to the Suchey-Brooks method, documents changes in fire regime and expecting the incorporation of the statisti- vegetation. Archaeology is well developed in East- cal component will significantly increase Fifteen dated bones show signs of ern Europe and helps acquire relevant the accuracy of estimating age at death. butchery, including a giant tortoise information to better understanding the Pubic symphyses from 202 males and (2225 Cal BP) and a giant lemur, Palae- ways past populations lived and 188 females of documented age from a opropithecus (2250 Cal BP). Thirteen expanded throughout the European con- modern Italian collection from Sardinia butchered Propithecus (sifakas) from tinent. While, in Romania, archaeology were scored using the Suchey-Brooks the Walker collection range in age from has done much in that sense, physical method. Transition analysis was con- 1015 Cal BP to modern. These data sug- anthropology has been disregarded or ducted separately on the sexes. A Gom- gest an early presence of humans in limited to basic identification of sex and pertz model was applied to a second mod- southwest Madagascar and a megafau- age. ern Italian sample from northern Italy to nal population decline prior to 1000 The ArchaeoTek osteology workshop estimate a prior age at death distribution. years ago when sifakas became primary program is part of a wider project focus- Probability density functions were used local targets of human hunting. They ing on the study of Late Bronze Age to generate the highest posterior density also document body size reduction in populations from the Noua-Sabati- regions. Finally, following the suggestion the hunted sifaka population. The evi- novka-Coslogeni Complex (NSCC). This by Konigsberg et al. (2008), cumulative dence presented shows that megafaunal project focuses on the Transylvanian binomial tests were run with 50% cover- population decline preceded the drought component of the Noua Culture. In this age to quantify the performance of each at 950 Cal BP that has been posited as area, the Noua civilization is known aging approach. triggering megafaunal extinction in mostly from the study of cemeteries. As The transition analysis technique per- Madagascar. Although climate may a result, the Noua population is struc- formed significantly better than expected, have played a role in subsequent ecolog- turally invisible due to the absence of while the Suchey-Brooks coverage yielded ical changes, megafaunal decline at Tao- data regarding settlement, spatial orga- significantly poorer age estimates. Using lambiby seems to correlate with evi- nization and social structure. The study an informative prior led to results that dence for human arrival. of the Noua graves has been done provided significantly better coverage of Funding for new 14C analyses was pro- almost exclusively from an archaeologi- the stages than mere application of an vided by UCOP/Labs 09-LR-07-115818- cal perspective. The scope of the project aging technique. This paper demonstrates DOMN SC 20081267 to N.J. Dominy. is to investigate a sample of the Noua the necessity for conducting transition Funding for field work in Madagascar population in terms of advanced mor- analysis to estimate age in archaeological was provided by NSF grant BCS phology, DNA and stable isotope stud- samples. Moreover, the conclusions here 0129185 to DAB, LRG and WLJ. ies. The goal is to achieve a better can be extrapolated to forensic contexts. understanding of these populations by The data collection was facilitated by a Does breeding seasonality predict examining who they were, where they grant for Samantha M. Hens from the receptive synchrony and repro- were coming from, how they lived, and Office of Research and Sponsored ductive skew among non-human their geographic and cultural radiation. Projects, California State University, primates? The osteological material being studied Sacramento. (135 individuals) is stored at the JAN F. GOGARTEN1 and ANDREAS National Museum of History of Transyl- A time frame for butchery of giant KOENIG2. 1Interdepartmental Doctoral vania (MNIT) in Cluj-Napoca. lemurs and sifakas at Taolambiby, Program in Anthropological Sciences, The purpose of this paper is to present SW Madagascar. Stony Brook University, 2Department of preliminary results from a 2 months Anthropology, Stony Brook University. investigation of 40 individuals. In LAURIE R. GODFREY1, BROOKE E. regards to the first set of analysis, the CROWLEY2, VENTURA R. PEREZ1, Among non-human primates, male preliminary conclusions are encourag- DAVID A. BURNEY3, WILLIAM L. reproductive skew appears to be ing and highly promising for the future JUNGERS4 and MIRYA RAMAROLAHY5. affected primarily by receptive syn- of this project. 1Department of Anthropology, University chrony and the number of males per

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 74

AAPA ABSTRACTS 145 group. These factors have frequently In this study, we comparatively interro- traits are modern rather than archaic been assumed to depend on breeding gated the common CNVs and their pos- make it necessary to realize that at seasonality, with strong seasonality sible functional impact within three in- present adding the label ‘‘behav- increasing receptive synchrony, which digenous American populations. Specifi- iourally modern’’ to a certain trait or in turn reduces the strength of male cally, we used a custom designed an species is inflicting a value judge- monopolization associated with more array comparative genomic hybridiza- ment rather than making a scientific males and lower skew. In this study, we tion (aCGH) platform to interrogate statement on a trait or species. Epis- tested the importance of breeding sea- 20,000 copy number variable loci in a temological guidelines will be pro- sonality as a factor affecting female limited number of Surui (n55), Maya vided that allow one to overcome this receptive synchrony and male reproduc- (n53), Pima (n55) and Mongolian problem. tive skew. We obtained data from the (n510) samples against a European literature on genetic paternity, number reference individual. We documented a of males per group, female receptive total of 3,021 CNVs that are observed Factors that influence the biomass synchrony, and seasonality of breeding in more than one individual in our of frugivorous anthropoid guilds in (percentage of months with births and sample set. We found that 290 of these African communities. mean vector length from circular statis- CNVs that are common ([20%) within tics on births) for 28 populations repre- specific indigenous American popula- REIKO MATSUDA GOODWIN. Depart- senting 19 taxa living in multi-male tions, absent in 10 Mongolians and ment of Sociology and Anthropology, groups. We analyzed these data using rare (\5%) in African, Asian and Eu- Fordham University, Bronx, New York. hierarchical regression by sets and con- ropean populations (indCNVs). This trolled for the effect of evolutionary large number of indCNVs is expected What limits primates? In Paleotropics, relationships using phylogenetic gener- due to bottleneck event that ancestors protein-to-fiber ratio in mature leaves alized least squares. As expected, male of contemporary indigenous American (Protein/ADF ratio) is the determinant reproductive skew was significantly groups underwent during their migra- of colobine biomass, while fruit produc- negatively associated with the number tion into Americas. However, we tivity was correlated with Neotropical of males per group (P\0.01) as well as observed that 147 (50%) of the primate biomass. As for frugivorous increasing female receptive synchrony indCNVs are exonic, whereas of the primate biomass, basal area and den- (P\0.01). Contrary to general expecta- overall dataset only 651 (21%) over- sity of endozoochorous trees were the tions, breeding seasonality did not lap with exons. This observation may ecological correlates in the Neotropics. explain variation in reproductive skew indicate an increased frequency of at Major ecological correlates that could over and above the variation explained least some indCNVs due to selection explain the variations seen in the bio- by synchrony and the number of males rather than founder effect. mass of African frugivorous primates per group. Seasonality alone did not This project is funded by an American have not been recognized to date. Here explain much variation in skew and Association of Physical Anthropologists I conducted correlational analyses there was no significant association Career Development Grant. (Pearson a \ 0.05) on the biomass of between breeding seasonality and syn- individual African anthropoid guilds chrony. These results are consistent An epistemological investigation (groups of species that exploit similar with limited control models for repro- into the different theories on the resources): apes, terrestrial mangabeys ductive skew. At the same time they rise of behavioural modernity in and Mandrillus spp., arboreal manga- suggest that breeding seasonality is not the hominin lineage. beys, frugivo-folivorous guenons, fru- the driving force behind receptive syn- givo-insectivorous guenons, frugivo- chrony and hence not driving male NATHALIE GONTIER. Vrije Universi- semivorous guenons, and colobines in reproductive skew. teit Brussel, Belgium and American relation to some ecological characteris- This work was supported by a National Museum of Natural History, New York. tics of 10 African communities that Science Foundation Graduate Research were obtained from published studies. Fellowship to J.F. Gogarten. A distinction is made between the Ecological characteristics examined rise of anatomical and behavioural include the number of dry months, Potential population-specific selec- modernity. Temperature/Precipitation (T/P) ratio tion on copy number variants ‘‘Anatomical modernity’’ is a theoretical (dryness index), soil pH, % of Caesalpi- (CNVs) in indigenous American concept defined by anthropologists (Tat- nioideae tree basal area, and Protein/ populations. tersall, Schwartz, Wood, Johanson, ADF ratio. This study found: (1) soil Wolpoff, ...), that refers to a set of well- pH positively correlated with the bio- OMER GOKCUMEN1,2, REBECCA C. demarcated traits possessed by fossils mass of frugivo-insectivorous guenons, ISKOW1,2, ANN T. SUKUMAR1,RYAN and modern skeletons alike, such as but the number of dry months/yr is E. MILLS1,2, HANSOO PARK1,2 and small teeth, gracile bones, reduced prog- negatively correlated with their bio- CHARLES LEE1,2. 1Department of Pa- nathism, etc. mass; (2) T/P ratio is positively corre- thology Brigham and Women’s Hospital, ‘‘Behavioural modernity’’, is an abstract lated with the biomass of frugivo-semi- Boston, MA, 2Harvard Medical School, notion that is introduced by archaeolo- vorous guenons; (3) no correlation with Boston, MA. gists (Mellars, d’Errico, McBreaty and any ecological characteristics was found Brooks, Klein, Conard, Henshilwood, for the biomass of frugivo-folivorous Copy number variants (CNVs), which Zilha˜o, ...), but contrary to the notion of guenons, except with the biomass of are gains and losses of stretches of DNA anatomical modernity, its meaning is frugivo-insectivorous guenons; (4) Pro- among human genomes, constitute to a liable to changing theories. First, I will tein/ADF ratio is positively correlated considerable fraction of the genomic examine the way in which ‘‘behavioural with the biomass of apes, but sample variation. These variants were impli- modernity’’ is defined by various size is small (N55). No unifying factor cated in several evolutionary and medi- authors. Secondly, the different theories determines the biomass of all anthro- cal phenotypes, as well as in recent, on the rise of behavioural modernity poid guilds, because each guild is local environmental and dietary adapta- are examined in light of the suggested adapted to a unique set of ecological tions. Several high-resolution studies time periods in which behavioural mod- conditions. revealed thousands of CNVs within ernity arose (400,000; 250,000 or 50,000 This study was funded by: National Asian, European and African popula- years ago). Science Foundation (SBR-9528348), tions. However, the distribution of these It will be argued that the lack of con- Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropo- variants and their possible effect on sensus within these different theories logical Research (Gr. 9562), Leopold phenotypic variation within continents together with the lack of scientific Schepp Foundation, Primate Conserva- is largely unknown. grounding of why certain behavioural tion Inc.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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The role of comparative databases Cercopithecoidea is an interesting group tion on non-human primates can pro- in paleoanthropology research. in which to study the effects of phylog- duce significant correlated changes in eny and function on postcrania because many traits. However, human pelves ADAM D. GORDON1 and BERNARD it is one of the most functionally diverse show significantly reduced levels of WOOD2,3. 1Department of Anthropology, groups of primates, exhibiting the larg- integration, as well a POI divergent University at Albany – SUNY, 2Center est number of terrestrial species and from all other apes, and a dramatically for the Advanced Study of Hominid possibly several evolutionary transitions more complex pattern of selection is Paleobiology, Department of Anthropol- between arboreality and terrestriality. I needed to produce a similar level of ogy, The George Washington University, studied the astragalus of 45 species of morphological change. These results 3Human Origins Program, National cercopithecoids to determine which suggest that selection broke down pre- Museum of Natural History, Smithso- aspects of morphological variation are existing patterns of pelvic integration in nian Institution. most strongly related to phylogeny or early hominins and allowed traits to functional demands. 14 linear measure- respond to separate selection pressures Paleoanthropologists lament that they ments were taken on each astragalus, with greater independence, a modifica- have insufficient evidence and stress raw measurements were converted to tion in the POI which might have been the pressing need to recover more fos- shape variables using a geometric required to achieve the large morpho- sils. However, our community also mean, and shape variables were entered logical changes that permit habitual needs information systems that allow into several discriminant function anal- bipedalism. Consequently, hypotheses for the best use of the fossil evidence we yses (DFAs). When taxa were coded by which advance a simple model of mor- do have. Researchers spend an inordi- phylogeny the DFA separated cercopi- phological evolution for this complicated nate amount of time searching for basic thecines and colobines with 87.3% cor- structure may be called into question. information about the hominin fossil re- rect classification and also separated This study was funded by a Sigma Xi cord; for most hominin sites only the taxa into a guenon group, papionin Grants-in-Aid of Research grant, a simplest data about the fossils found group, leaf monkey group, and Colobus Beckman Institute Cognitive Science/AI there are available and even those data group with 72% correct classification. award, and a University of Illinois often have to be mined from several When taxa were coded according to loco- Summer Research Assistance award. sources. The situation with respect to motor behavior (arboreal, terrestrial, or comparative data is often worse: while semi-terrestrial) the DFA separated Ontogeny of bone stiffness in the metric data for fossil specimens are of- groups with 63% correct classification. mandibles of Macaca fascicularis. ten published, metric data for extant However, when semi-terrestrial taxa specimens usually are not. The dearth were coded as unknown, the DFA sepa- MICHAEL GRANATOSKY1, DAVID of databases that contain more than rated groups with 91% correct classifica- DAEGLING2, SCOTT MCGRAW3 and the most basic information about mu- tion. These results show that the as- ANDREW RAPOFF4. 1,2Department of seum collections of the obvious com- tragalus of cercopithecoids can success- Anthropology, University of Florida, parator taxa means that researchers, fully discriminate taxa by phylogeny 3Department of Anthropology, Ohio both senior and junior, often collect and function in multivariate space. State University, 4Department of Me- data that are the same or very similar Additionally, these results indicate that chanical Engineering, Union College. to data that have already been satis- although semi-terrestriality may be an factorily collected by others. This appropriate behavioral category, the Material property variation of bone tis- duplication of effort obviously wastes morphology of these species is being sue is an important determinant of time and precious grant resources that selected for arboreality or terrestriality whole bone biomechanical behavior. could be better spent on productive, rather than some intermediate position. Bone stiffness (i.e., elastic modulus) novel research. Duplicated efforts also varies interspecifically in primates, and expose collections to needless handling Morphological integration and cor- age-related variation in bone quality is that gradually and inevitably degrades related evolution in the hominin an expected finding in studies of pri- the sources of the data that lie at the pelvis. mate skeletal biology. Investigation of heart of our discipline. Databases have material property variation in baboons the potential to address these issues, MARK W. GRABOWSKI. Department of (Wang et al, AJPA 141:526-549) sug- although in doing so new data issues Anthropology, University of Illinois, gests that mandibular bone stiffness arise. We will use our Human Origins Urbana-Champaign. changes during ontogeny, and provides Database (humanoriginsdatabase.org), evidence that certain bone material whichincludesdatafrombothfossil The description of Ardipithecus ramidus properties (including stiffness) covary hominin and extant African ape speci- posited the hypothesis that many of the negatively with bone thickness. mens, to illustrate some of the benefits morphological changes between the last We investigated mandibular bone stiff- and challenges presented by compara- common ancestor of chimps and ness in a sample of Macaca fascicularis tive databases in paleoanthropology humans and early hominins were the (N525), representing juveniles, suba- research. result of a simple pattern of selection on dults and adults based on dental age BW acknowledges the support of the the developmental underpinnings of criteria. Stiffness was determined from GW Provost’s Signature Program initia- morphology with many correlated microindentation of coronal sections tive, and both authors acknowledge sup- responses, using the hominin pelvis as taken distal to M1 (or dp4 in the young- port from the G. Harold & Leila Y. a chief example. Because this idea est individuals). We evaluated three Mathers Foundation. focuses on developmental and correlated hypotheses: 1) under the assumption responses within a highly integrated that bone is less mineralized in juve- Phylogenetic and functional signals structure, it can be tested using a meth- niles, adults will have stiffer cortical in the astragalus of cercopithecoids. odology based in morphological integra- bone; 2) given stereotypical patterns of tion. Patterns of integration (POI) cortical thickness in the mandible, bone ASHLEY D. GOSSELIN-ILDARI. Inter- describe the statistical relationships stiffness will be highest in the lingual departmental Doctoral Program in An- between morphological traits, and are midcorpus, less along the buccal midcor- thropological Sciences, Stony Brook the population level result of develop- pus and most compliant along the basal University. mental processes that are influenced by aspect; 3) assuming primacy of phyloge- both genetic and environmental effects. netic factors in determination of bone Morphologists have long been interested Using POIs from the pelves of apes and material properties, bone stiffness in in identifying musculoskeletal adapta- other catarrhines, and applying evolu- macaques will resemble other papionins tions to locomotion in order to recon- tionary quantitative methods, this anal- to the exclusion of other cercopithecoids struct locomotor habits in fossil taxa. ysis shows that simple patterns of selec- (i.e., colobines).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 76


The microindentation data reveal that Patterns in ancient teeth: palimps- hypothesized that the BOC would have adult macaques have significantly ests of behavior. a lower rate of traumatic lesions than stiffer bone than their juvenile counter- the HTOC. parts. However, macaque mandibles do DAVE GRANT. San Jose State Univer- The sample used in this study included not show a consistent relationship sity. 297 adult crania from BOC (n5152) and between stiffness and local differences HTOC (n5145), including 183 males in cortical thickness. The macaque data In analyzing burial populations from and 114 females. All crania were exam- lend support to the hypothesis that colo- seven sites in the Santa Clara Valley ined macroscopically and with the help bine mandibles are materially more patterns on teeth were found that did of a hand lens. The total frequency of compliant than those of cercopithecines. not conform to the flat normative wear traumatic lesions found in all crania Supported by National Science Founda- explanation. The purpose of this study observed was 22.6 % (67/297). Although tion grants BCS-0922429, 0921770, and is to expand upon the seminal work of the BOC was found to have a higher 0922414. Molnar (1968) and Keiser (2001) and to frequency (24.3%) of cranial trauma propose a definitional refinement of than in the HTOC (20.7%), it was not X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy and wear patterns found on teeth from pop- found to be statistically significant. its research applications to North- ulations in Central California. Zero When testing BOC against HTOC for ern European bog bodies. wear or normative flat wear was pres- sex, age, and ethnic identity, no signifi- ent, four additional distinct wear pat- cance was found for all comparisons. GUINEVERE GRANITE1, JOYCE terns were found. Wear patterns include Additionally, when testing for location SIRIANNI2, and ANDREAS slants and scoops on posterior teeth and and type of fractures (blunt, sharp, and BAUEROCHSE3. 1Department of An- rounding and grooving on anterior gunshot wounds), no significance was thropology, University at Buffalo, teeth. Statistically significant differen- found, with the exception of gunshot SUNY, 2Department of Anthropology, ces were identified between an older wounds (p50.036). Implications of the University at Buffalo, SUNY, 3Nieder- (4,000-2930BP) Northern population results will be discussed in our poster. sachsisches Landesamt fur Denkmalp- and younger populations from the Santa This study was funded by the Under- flege, Hannover, Germany. Clara Valley. Analysis of the Southern graduate and Creative Activities Award population suggests that these individu- from the College of Arts and Sciences at To expand the understanding of North- als were not utilizing their teeth as fre- Western Michigan University. ern European bog bodies’ contextual sig- quently to produce patterned wear and nificance and the reason for death, this may possibly suggest an elite class that Effects of social cohesion, pair- dissertational research focuses on the was exempt from normal processing bonding and monogamy on primate application of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) activities. The percentage of slants, brain evolution. Spectroscopy to both the skeletal rounding and scoops all increased remains and the surrounding burial through time from the earlier, older, JESSICA GRAVES, E. CHRISTOPHER environment of twelve bog bodies. This northern population to the younger, KIRK and REBECCA J. LEWIS. non-destructive testing method can pro- southern populations. Northern males Department of Anthropology, University vide a more objective contextual under- exhibited more slant and rounding wear of Texas, Austin. standing of bog body burial sites, as than females in that population. South- well as determine geographic origin ern males had more slant wear than The social brain hypothesis suggests and/or disparity in environmental habi- females and were evenly split on the that the cognitive demands of living in tation of bog bodies early and late in rounding pattern. Scoops, which may be large, complex social groups were the life. related to arrow shaft processing or primary selective factors favoring Currently, strontium is the most reli- peeling, are overwhelmingly found in increased encephalization in primates. able element of interest in geographic the southern population after the adop- Recent studies suggest that it is the origin and migration research. Stron- tion of the bow and arrow in this area. quality and complexity of social rela- tium acts like calcium, incorporating Further research is called for to further tionships rather than large group size preferentially into bone and tooth refine and define these processes. that has selected for increased enceph- enamel at sites of increased osteogene- alization. Pair-bonded social systems sis. To enable the most accurate value A bioarchaeological study of and monogamous mating systems have ranges of strontium concentration as cranial trauma in the William M. been proposed to provide the social com- measured in parts per million (ppm), Bass and Hamann-Todd collec- plexity favoring increased brain size. each body was repeatedly scanned at tions: interpersonal aggression in The goal of this study was to evaluate various pre-determined osteological America. the importance of group size, group landmarks. The skeletal areas scanned cohesiveness, pair-bonding and monog- included any present/visible dentition, KATY D. GRANT and JACQUELINE T. amy on primate brain evolution. Data as well as trabecular bone regions found ENG. Department of Anthropology, on endocranial volume (ECV), body within the crania and postcrania. Com- Western Michigan University. mass, social systems and mating sys- parable strontium concentration ratios tems were collected for 212 primate spe- from the bones and teeth could greatly This study on the patterns of interper- cies from the literature. These data assist in determining whether the bog sonal violence in America compared cra- reveal that, across all primate taxa, body migrated between infancy and nial trauma found in samples from the group size is positively correlated with death, even possibly his/her birthplace. William M. Bass Osteological Collection ECV. Furthermore, species with cohe- Subsequent data assessment strongly (BOC) held at the University of Tennes- sive social systems have significantly suggests diagenesis has occurred within see-Knoxville with samples from the larger ECVs than species with dis- the bog, affecting the bog body elemen- Hamann-Todd Osteological Collection persed social systems. Species grouped tal levels. Though the strontium levels (HTOC). Individuals in the HTOC had by mating system and social system did may be compromised due to environ- been primarily of low socioeconomic sta- not significantly differ in ECV. When mental incorporation, additional analy- tus and had lived in Cleveland, Ohio these relationships were examined sis of the bog bodies’ elemental composi- during a time of social, economic, and within infraorders, we obtained differ- tion, including Iron, Lead, Bromine, political instability. Many of the individ- ent results. Only platyrrhines showed a Zinc, and Zirconium, have provided a uals in the BOC had been college edu- significant correlation between ECV and comprehensive understanding of the cated and had lived during a time when group size. Monogamous and pair- chemical interactions between the bog Tennessee and surrounding states were bonded catarrhine species showed bodies and the bog itself in the form of under relatively stable conditions. significantly larger ECVs than other elemental leaching and incorporation. Because of these differences, it was catarrhines. Mating and social system

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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148 AAPA ABSTRACTS showed no significant effect on ECV for ing the frequency of maladaptive traits. humans, data from international behav- all other infraorders. Our results sug- In turn, the shared evolutionary history ioral studies and cross-cultural attitudi- gest that although group size is posi- of closely related taxa may act as a nal surveys indicate that reductions in tively correlated with ECV across all constraint, effectively limiting natural peripartum female sociosexuality are primates, the evolutionary forces acting selection in driving adaptation. This common, but also subject to variation on primate encephalization may vary study evaluated the variability of due to factors including marital dynam- among clades and the complexity of behaviors exhibited by closely related ics (e.g., reduced gestational sex and social relationships in pair-bonded and taxa in different ecological contexts to extended postpartum sex taboos in monogamous systems may not be uni- identify the extent to which phylogeny more polygynous societies) and breast- form across all primates. affects behavioral adaptation among feeding (e.g., lactation tends to inhibit This study was funded by the Under- extant hominoids. Fourteen longitudinal female proceptivity). The human and graduate Research Foundation. studies of gorillas, chimpanzees, bono- nonhuman primate data suggest both bos, orangutans, gibbons, and siamangs adaptive (e.g., elevated prolactin associ- The effect of auditory enrichment functioned as ingroup operational taxo- ated with lactating facilitates maternal on the expression of abnormal nomic units (OTUs). Outgroup taxa con- investment at expense to resumption of behaviors in laboratory-housed sisted of rhesus macaques and yellow ovarian cycling) and byproduct (e.g., infant rhesus macaques (Macaca baboons. Character states were coded elevated mid-gestational sex steroid lev- mulatta). for 74 social characters, 32 ecological els promoting pregnancy outcomes, but characters, and four demographic char- incidentally enhancing libido) interpre- LAURA GRAVES and KERRIE LEWIS acters. Phylogenetic analyses of the tations of these peripartum transitions GRAHAM. Department of Anthropology, complete dataset and data subsets sug- in female sociosexuality. Further, Texas State University – San Marcos. gest that behavioral repertoires reflect human females may negotiate contin- the evolutionary history of the popula- ued partner investment through greater Environmental enrichment can reduce the tions to some degree, but also demon- expression of peripartum sexuality than expression of abnormal behaviors in cap- strate plasticity. Demography and life would otherwise be expected. Overall, tive primates. However, auditory enrich- history more closely track phylogeny, peripartum shifts in female sociosexual- ment has generated mixed results, possibly while cognitive and social behaviors ity are more consistent with adaptive due to music choice, volume levels, or spe- demonstrate greater flexibility. Socio- life history allocation interpretations cies differences. With these factors in mind, sexual behaviors varied widely across than some recent biomedical views of the purpose of this study was to test the taxa, and when analyzed as a data sub- these as ‘‘pathological’’. effect of two different types of music on cap- set, demonstrated high levels of autapo- tive primates. Forty laboratory-housed rhe- morphy. Overall, the social behaviors of Developmental variation in great sus macaque (Macaca mulatta) infants at chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas were ape molar crowns. the Oregon National Primate Research more similar to those of macaques and Center were observed for 19 days over a 4 baboons, with Asian apes demonstrating DANIEL R. GREEN1, HALSZKA week period. During Week 1, subjects were behaviors that were less similar to their GLOWACKA2, GARY T. SCHWARTZ2, observed with no music to acquire a base- closest genetic relatives. Chimpanzees DONALD J. REID3, LAWRENCE B. line level of behaviors (Phase 1). During and bonobos from similar environments MARTIN4 and TANYA M. SMITH1. week 2 subjects were exposed to white displayed behavioral adaptations that 1Department of Human Evolutionary noise for 3 hours a day (Phase WN). During were more comparable to each other Biology, Harvard University, 2Institute week 3, designer music was played for 3 than to geographically distant popula- of Human Origins & School of Human hours a day (Phase DS). White noise and tions of their own subspecies. These Evolution and Social Change, Arizona the designer music were played at 72 dec- results suggest that behavior may be State University, 3Department of Oral ibels. Observations continued into week 4 less constrained by phylogeny than sug- Biology, Newcastle University, 4Depart- to determine if changes in behavior were gested in previous reports. ment of Anthropology, Stony Brook Uni- residual (Phase 4). Results show that exhi- versity. bition of abnormal behaviors were at their Peripartum shifts in female socio- highest during Phase 1, with an average of sexuality: adaptive or pathological? Investigations of tooth development 90.5 abnormal behaviors exhibited daily. have become increasingly common in Abnormal behaviors significantly PETER B. GRAY, MICHELLE J. characterizations of fossil ape and decreased over the course of the study with ESCASA and SHARON M YOUNG. human dentitions. Despite this, rela- subjects and were lowest, at 48.6 per day, Department of Anthropology, University tively few studies report comparative during Phase DS (X2: 39.3, DF: 3, p\ .001). of Nevada, Las Vegas. data for living great apes, which are of- This research demonstrates that auditory ten assumed to show similar patterns of enrichment decreases the exhibition of This presentation reviews human dental development. Here we quantify abnormal behaviors in captive primates. It female peripartum shifts in sociosexual- incremental development, including cus- should be noted however, that some behav- ity within an integrative evolutionary, pal enamel thickness, daily secretion ioral changes could be due to increased fa- comparative, mechanistic, and cross-cul- rate, Retzius line number and periodic- miliarity with the researcher. Future direc- tural framework. An evolutionary per- ity, crown formation time, and coronal tions should aim to address this factor, in spective indicates that ancestral females extension rate in histological sections of addition to introducing other music genres. spent the bulk of their reproductive great ape molars. We find that cuspal years pregnant or subject to lactational enamel thickness increases from Pan to Hominoid behavior in ecological amenorrhea. Across the peripartum pe- Gorilla to Pongo, ranging from 0.5-2.0 and phylogenetic context: is it all riod, females face life history allocation mm, depending on tooth and cusp type. in the (super) family? challenges between current and future Daily secretion rates are broadly similar reproduction. Hormones and other fea- among great apes, ranging from 3-5 RONDA R. GRAVES1 and ANDREAS tures of women’s physiology help coordi- microns/day in the inner to outer cuspal KOENIG2. 1Interdepartmental Doctoral nate the increased investment in mater- enamel. These variables lead to rela- Program in Anthropological Sciences, nal behavior at expense to sexuality. tively short cuspal enamel formation Stony Brook University, 2Department of Comparative nonhuman primate data times in Pan and longer formation Anthropology, Stony Brook University. indicate that females may maintain sex- times in Pongo. Retzius line number is ual behavior during pregnancy at vari- highest in Pan, while average Retzius Selective forces play an important evo- able rates, but these tend to plummet line periodicity is highest in Pongo. lutionary role, reinforcing the preserva- postpartum when females are focused Although there is a good degree of over- tion of adaptive qualities and diminish- on caring for a new offspring. In lap, average molar crown formation

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 78

AAPA ABSTRACTS 149 times increase from Pan to Gorilla to ern humans and falls within the gorilla preserved, small-scale collections, Pongo. Differences in coronal extension confidence limit. Such a spine orienta- taphonomic alteration and ability to rates are particularly marked; Gorilla tion is suggestive of a narrow, yet long pair match must be considered when rates are higher than both Pan and infraspinous region, resembling that of dealing with larger archaeological Pongo. Accelerated cellular extension in extant apes and Australopithecus. This assemblages. Gorilla facilitates the formation of large mosaic pattern is unique among fossil tooth crowns over a period comparable and extant hominoid scapulae, and sug- Behavioral responses to seasonal to other great apes. Variation in dental gests that some shoulder characteristics changes in Guianan bearded sakis development among great apes may may not necessarily be developmentally (Chiropotes sagulatus): Brownsberg reflect differences in life history and or functionally linked. Nature Park, Suriname. related variables such as body size. Grant Sponsorship: NSF BCS-0924476, Future studies on individuals of known- NSF BCS-0824552, NSF DGE-0801634, TREMAINE GREGORY and MARILYN sex and subspecies are needed to assess NSF DGE-9987590, the Wenner-Gren NORCONK. Department of Anthropol- finer-scale aspects of great ape develop- Foundation, Koobi Fora Research and ogy, School of Biomedical Sciences, Kent mental variation. Training Program, Rutgers University State University. This study was funded by Harvard Uni- CHES, Lewis & Clark Fund, and the versity and the Institute of Human Ori- GWU UFF and Cotlow Funds. Behavioral responses to seasonal gins, Arizona State University. changes in resource availability have MNI and MLNI in the quan- been well documented in many primate A new 1.5 Ma hominin scapula tification of commingled ske- species, but little is known about how from Koobi Fora, Kenya. letal remains: application to a bearded sakis (Chiropotes spp.) adjust large-scale Bronze Age skeletal to seasonal variation in fruit availabil- DAVID J. GREEN1, BRIAN G. RICH- collection. ity. As unripe seed predators, the pithe- MOND1,2, JOHN W.K. HARRIS3, ciines are thought to be removed from EMMA MBUA4, DAVID R. BRAUN5, LESLEY GREGORICKA1,SUSANintra-specific competition experienced NICOLE L. GRIFFIN6 and HABIBA GUISE SHERIDAN2 and JAIME ULLIN- by ripe fruit eaters. However, observa- CHIRCHIR1,7. 1Center for the Advanced GER1. 1Department of Anthropology, The tions that group sizes are flexible and Study of Hominid Paleobiology, Depart- Ohio State University, 2Department of sub-grouping is common in both genera ment of Anthropology, The George Anthropology, University of Notre Dame. of larger-bodied pitheciines (Chiropotes Washington University, 2Human Ori- up to 56-member groups and Cacajao gins Program, National Museum of Nat- Minimum likely number of individuals [ 100-member groups) suggest that ural History, Smithsonian Institution, (MLNI) represents a quantification feeding competition may influence 3Anthropology Department, Rutgers technique rarely taken advantage of de- group stability. In this study, con- University, 4Department of Palaeontol- spite the potential for underestimation ducted in Brownsberg Nature Park, ogy, National Museums of Kenya, when calculating MNI, particularly Suriname from March 2008 to April 5Archaeology Department, University of when applied to fragmentary, com- 2009, we predicted that bearded sakis Cape Town, 6Department of Evolution- mingled remains. Both MNI and MLNI (Chiropotes sagulatus)wouldadjust ary Anthropology, Duke University, were determined using the best-pre- group size, activity patterns, travel 7Hominid Paleobiology Doctoral Pro- served skeletal elements from Early patterns, and feeding habits season- gram, Department of Anthropology, The Bronze Age II-III (2900-2300 BCE) Bab ally. Indeed, we found that during the George Washington University. edh-Dhra’, Jordan. While MLNI has long dry season group size decreased previously been applied only to small- (K 5 12.2, p \ 0.01), and activity pat- The KNM-WT 15000 skeleton preserves scale circumstances of commingling, we terns (x2 5 907.9, p \ 0.001) and diet the only known Early Pleistocene scap- tested the hypothesis that it is a useful composition changed (x2 5 288.7, p \ ula from East Africa. As a result, it has method for evaluating larger com- 0.001). Group size interacted with not been possible to characterize mingled collections. This hypothesis travel distance during the dry season shoulder and upper limb variation from was tested by osteometric sorting and resulting in smaller groups and this critical period of hominin evolution- pair matching of the calcanei, tali, and shorter travel distances (r2 5 0.42, t 5 ary history. Here, we describe a new proximal femora. 4.54, p \ 0.001). While other primate 1.51-1.53 Ma hominin shoulder fossil, MNI was similar for tali (n5224) and species use some of these strategies to KNM-ER 47000, from the Koobi Fora calcanei (n5215), although fewer femo- withstand periods of lower resource Formation, Kenya (FwJj 14E, Area 1A). ral fragments gave a relatively low MNI production in the forest, this study KNM-ER 47000 is an associated right (n5142). This indicates that in the demonstrates that, similar to fission- arm skeleton, including portions of the recovered assemblage, \250 individu- fusion in Ateles and Pan, flexibility in scapula, humerus, ulna, wrist, and sev- als are represented. Conversely, MLNI group size is also used frequently by eral hand bones. The scapula consists of calculations display significantly ele- Chiropotes. a complete glenoid cavity preserving a vated estimates for tali (n51,129), cal- small portion of the scapula spine and canei (n52,363), and femora (n51,633), Take a load off – intrinsic foot joint neck, the proximal half of the acromion suggesting that the original number of kinematics responding to load. process, and the medial aspect of the individuals represented was substan- axillary border. tially larger than indicated by MNI. THOMAS M. GREINER1 and KEVIN Though fragmentary, a sufficient However, MLNI results are likely A. BALL2. 1Department of Health Pro- amount of the scapula is available to exaggerated because so few pair fessions, University of Wisconsin – La make meaningful comparisons with matches could be made relative to the Crosse. 2Department of Physical Ther- Australopithecus, early Homo, and a number of bones present; this is con- apy, University of Hartford. large sample of living hominoids. The firmed by extremely low recovery prob- orientation of KNM-ER 47000’s gleno- abilities for all elements (r50.184, Humans share a pedal anatomy that is humeral joint is similar to KNM-WT 0.083, 0.086, respectively). Such artifi- fairly uniform among primates and dif- 15000 in being marginally more crani- cial inflation is a product of tapho- ferent from other mammals. Yet, the ally oriented than modern humans, but nomic processes, including burning, foot is frequently cited as one of the is considerably more laterally oriented that have altered the bones (e.g., warp- more distinctively human features. This with respect to the great apes. In con- ing, heat fractures) to the extent that research asks: are the uniquely human trast, the angle used to measure scap- they may no longer be visibly pair- features of the foot primarily artifacts ula spine orientation relative to the ax- matched. Consequently, while MLNI is of functional application, or are they illary border is more acute than in mod- a useful method when applied to well- rooted in anatomy? This study

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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150 AAPA ABSTRACTS addresses that question by comparing severe attrition. There were no signs of and Comparative Psychology, Max Planck how the primate foot responds to load abscesses in any of the mandibles or Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, under experimental conditions. maxillas. In one case a severe inflamma- Leipzig, Germany. Data are derived feet of human, chim- tory process of the nasal cavity had panzee, and baboon cadavers. Each occurred. Two fragments had signs of Although bonobos are often considered specimen was subjected to a vertical burning, three showed cut marks and to be more bipedal than chimpanzees in load via the tibial shaft while monitor- one frontal fragment had geometric carv- the wild, previous research as shown ing positions of the calcaneus, talus, ings on it. Even if the burials were not that this is not the case in captivity and cuboid and navicular. Functional align- inside the cult-place, they had different that both species are equally bipedal. ment movement analysis was used to kinds of artificial treatment though they We provide a further test of this incon- derive 6 DOF movement patterns as possibly belong to this place. gruity through an analysis of positional well as the orientation of rotational behaviour in captive bonobos (Pan pan- axes for the joints formed between adja- Population biodistance in ancient iscus) and chimpanzees (P. troglodytes) cent pairs of these bones. central California. at the Leipzig Zoo, Germany. We ana- Conventional kinematic analyses report lyzed video data collected over a period joint rotations as if they occur about the MARK C. GRIFFIN. Department of An- of nine years on bonobos (n58) and orthogonal axes of the anatomical refer- thropology, San Francisco State Univer- chimpanzees (n58) paired to the same ence frame. When presented in this sity. sex and similar age. Locomotor behav- fashion results suggest a strong func- iours were quantified using a step sam- tional similarity between humans and The Vineyards site (4-CCO-548) is a pling method, postural positions were chimps, to the exclusion of baboons. central California multi-use site which measured in time and the substrate However, when the orientation of the dates to the Middle Archaic (4350 and used was noted for each. Chi-square rotational axis is considered the human 550 BC). The remains of nearly five- tests of variation in the frequency of foot is shown to be unique, while hundred individuals were recovered each positional behaviour were con- chimps and baboons are more similar. from 4-CCO-548. Mean measures of ducted both between interspecific pairs These findings suggest a functional pro- divergence were derived from frequen- and across age-classes within and gression from monkey to ape to human. cies of nonmetric cranial data. The between species. In this fashion, the human foot can be MMD’s were used to place the Vine- Results revealed that bonobos engaged viewed as an extension of the primate yards sample in a taxonomic context in significantly more bipedalism and pedal condition. Consequently, the foot with other contemporaneous regional suspensory behaviour than chimpan- of the stem hominine may not have samples. Tremendous biological vari- zees. Infant and adult chimpanzees been recognizably distinct from that of ability has long been attributed to the exhibited more quadrupedal fist-walk- the ancestral hominid condition. early Native American inhabitants of ing and knuckle-walking, respectively, Support provided by a UWL Faculty the Central Valley of California. Some than bonobos. Chimpanzees were alto- Research Grant. Nonhuman specimens researchers have attributed the distinc- gether more terrestrial than bonobos, provided by the University of Louisiana tive dissimilarity between samples to although mean frequencies of positional at Lafayette-New Iberia Research Cen- in-migrations of new people to the area. behaviours varied widely across individ- ter, University of Washington NPRC, Others have found marked diversity not uals and age-classes. Intraspecific com- the Southwest Foundation for Biomedi- only between cultural horizons but also parisons showed significant changes in cal Research and the University of between sites attributed to the same ho- locomotor behaviour throughout ontog- Illinois at Chicago Biologic Resources rizon. This diversity has been attributed eny in both species. These results sup- Laboratory. to isolation by distance due in part to port previous locomotor research in the the sedentary life style of Central Cali- wild that documents similar ontogenetic First examinations on neolithic fornia populations. The results of the changes in locomotion and significant human bones from Go¨bekli Tepe, present biological distance analysis in variation in the frequency of bipedalism Turkey. large part mirrors results found in pre- versus quadrupedalism between bono- vious ones. That is, the estimated dis- bos and chimpanzees. JULIA GRESKY. German Archaeological tances between populations is quite This study was funded by the Max Institute, Berlin. large and taxonomic diagrams based on Planck Society. those distances reveal very few close Go¨bekli Tepe is the earliest known tem- relationships. This may lend further Population density and group com- ple complex, located in the eastern part support to the contention that precon- position in Tarsius pumilus. of Turkey. Until now, no graveyards or tact California Native American groups burials inside the buildings had been practiced a relatively strict form of NANDA GROW and SHARON found. But as the structures were filled endogamy. However, another possibility GURSKY-DOYEN. Department of An- up with soil in Neolithic times, people must also be considered. Genetic drift is thropology, Texas A&M University. took the soil from the surroundings. In not just a phenomenon of geographic this soil, 129 human bone fragments separation but also can be due to tem- Between June and September 2010, I were found, the most common type being poral separation. The difficulties pre- conducted a population and group cen- skull fragments (81). Age distribution sented by the inadequate California sus of pygmy tarsiers, Tarsius pumilus, shows 15 fragments belonging to suba- chronologies force researchers to place as part of a study of their high-altitude dults and 114 to adults. Males were rep- population samples in extremely long behavioral ecology. Sampling took place resented by 18 fragments, females by 13, time sequences with little meaningful within a 1 km2 area encompassing alti- and in 98 fragments no statement about internal separation of those large tem- tudes of 2100-2300 m on Mt. Rore the sex could be made. Mostly inflamma- poral associations. Katimbu in Lore Lindu National Park, tory but also hemorrhagic diseases of the Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Over the external lamina of the skull vault were Who is more bipedal? Positional course of 60 nights, an average of 12 found in 14/58 fragments, in the internal behaviour in captive bonobos and mist nets were positioned and checked lamina in 8/52. The joints showed degen- chimpanzees. nightly for a total of 5,600 net-hours. erative changes in 1/13 extremity joints Within 20 one-hectare plots, I observed and in 1/2 vertebral joints. Diseases of STEFFI GROTE1, JOSEP CALL2 and five groups containing a total of 18 indi- the teeth could be examined in 13 teeth. TRACY L. KIVELL1. 1Department of viduals. The mean number of groups Out of the 13 teeth one had karies, six Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute per hectare was .25, with a mean of .9 showed calculus, three had transversal of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, individuals per hectare. The average enamel hypoplasias and three showed Germany, 2Department of Developmental distance between sleeping sites of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 151 neighboring groups was approximately period. Statistically significant declines The mediation of increased ener- 165 m. The number of groups within in extension rates are also found in the getic demands by lactating wild the 100 ha area that was sampled is lateral enamel, and the degree of chimpanzees: behavioral and hor- estimated to be 25, with an estimated decline is related to the distribution of monal considerations. population density of 90 individuals per perikymata on the tooth crown. While 100 ha. Results suggest that in second- this finding provides insight into the SHOLLY GUNTER1,2, KEVIN B. ary moss forest, pygmy tarsiers live at a causes of modern human variation in POTTS3 and JANINE L. BROWN4. density higher than previously thought, perikymata distribution, it does not 1Department of Anthropology, Yale Uni- although at a lower density than low- reveal the causes of the Neandertal versity, 2Department of Anthropology, land Sulawesian tarsier species. perikymata distribution pattern, as Forensic Science and Archaeology, Baylor Group composition was variable. The other enamel growth variables can University, 3Department of Biology, Augs- mean group size was 3.6 individuals, affect how perikymata are distributed. burg College, 4Smithsonian Conservation and group size ranged from 2 to 5 indi- Indeed, previously published data on Biology Institute, National Zoological viduals. The presence of multiple adult extension rates in the Neandertal per- Park. males and females in some groups sug- manent molar from La Chaise fall gests they may have multi-male/multi- within the bounds of changes in modern In general, lactating females have female social groups. These results may human extension rates along the EDJ. higher energetic demands than their be influenced by the time of the study; non-lactating counterparts. Females can all groups contained an infant, a juve- The Homo erectus from Kocabas in meet the demands of rising energetic nile, or a lactating or pregnant female, Turkey and the first settlements in costs, without mobilizing stored energy, indicating that the study occurred Eurasia. by reducing energy expenditure and by during a birthing season for pygmy increasing energy intake. Elevated glu- tarsiers. GASPARD GUIPERT1, AMELIE cose metabolism as a result of both This study was funded by National Sci- VIALET2 and MEHMET CIHAT increased energy intake and demand ence Foundation Doctoral Dissertation ALCICEK3. 1Antenne de l’Institut de should result in elevated levels of uri- Improvement grant number BCS- Pale´ontologie Humaine, CEREGE, nary c-peptide in lactating females. 1028885, Primate Conservation, Inc. Europole de l’Arbois, Aix-en-Provence, To test for changes in behavioral patterns grant number 99-425691-00001, Conser- France, 2Fondation Institut de Pale´on- and urinary c-peptide in response to the vation International Primate Action tologie Humaine, Paris, France, 3Pam- elevated energetic demands of lactation, Fund, Texas A&M University Depart- mukkale University, Department of we collected behavioral and hormonal data ment of Anthropology, and the National Geology, Denizli, Turkey. from 24 lactating and 18 cycling, non-lac- Geographic Society. tating female chimpanzees over a 12 Few fossil hominids are known in Tur- month period at Ngogo, Kibale National Relationships among extension key. Among them, a partial skull was Park, Uganda. A comparison of the two rates, crown formation time, and discovered in 2002 by one of us (M.C.A.) groups demonstrated that lactating perikymata distribution: implica- in the Basin of Denizli, near Kocabas, females decrease their energy expenditure tions for Neandertals. South-West of Turkey. Dated to 500 to by spending significantly more time rest- 330 Ka, it constitutes an opportunity to ing and less time traveling than non-lactat- DEBBIE GUATELLI-STEINBERG1, assess the modalities of the settlements ing females. Lactating females also DONALD J. REID2, BRUCE FLOYD3, in this region and, in a broader context, increase their energy intake by feeding sig- and M. CHRISTOPHER DEAN4. through Eurasia. The preserved frontal nificantly longer than non-lactating 1Department of Anthropology, The Ohio and parietal bones fragments were females. However, the difference in mean State University, 2Department of Oral attributed to Homo erectus (Kappelman urinary c-peptide levels between the two Biology, University of Newcastle upon et al., 2008). Although a first 3D-recon- groups was not significant. The lack of ele- Tyne, 3Department of Anthropology, struction of the fossil was done, the vated c-peptide levels among lactating University of Auckland, 4Department of main part of the frontal bone was still females may be due to reduced diet quality Cell and Developmental Biology, Uni- missing. or, more likely, increased insulin sensitiv- versity College London. We present a new reconstruction. CT ity during lactation. Variation in insulin data were obtained in the Pammukale sensitivity, which is affected by factors The enamel extension rate, the rate at University Hospital (Philips Scanner, such as body mass and reproductive status, which enamel-forming cells differentiate 0.8 mm thickness, 120 Kv, 175 mA) and should be considered when using c-peptide along the enamel-dentine junction they were exported as DICOM files as a biomarker in field studies. Addition- (EDJ), reflects how fast a tooth grows in (512*512) and postprocessed using ally, our assessment is that c-peptide is height. Here we analyze how enamel Mimics 13.1 (MaterialiseC ) and Rapid- best used as an indicator of energetic extension rates change along the EDJ Form 2006 Inus Technology1. intake or metabolic glucose demand, not in teeth from diverse modern human Cutting planes and anatomical land- overall energetic status. populations. We also ask whether that marks were used to connect the bone This study was funded by the US Ful- change is related to variation in the fragments. The left part of the supraor- bright Program and the LSB Leakey way perikymata, growth increments on bital torus was completed by mirroring Foundation. the surface of lateral enamel, are dis- the right one. Early, Middle and Late tributed along the crown. As surface Pleistocene hominids from Europe, The effect of substrate compliance structures, perikymata are an impor- Africa, and Asia were used as compari- on gibbon leap biomechanics. tant source of information about crown sons to test a reconstruction of the dam- growth in fossil hominins. Modern aged frontal scale of Kocabas. MICHAEL M. GU¨ NTHER1, EVIE humans have been shown to share a Results show morphological and ana- VEREECKE1,2, ROBIN H. pattern of perikymata distribution dif- tomical similarities with the asian CROMPTON1, KRISTIAAN D’AOUˆ T2,3, ferent from that of Neandertals, sug- Homo erectus such as: a flatness of the HOLGER PREUSCHOFT4 and gesting differences in the way their biparietal vault, a strong post-orbital ANTHONY J. CHANNON1. 1School of lateral enamel grew. In our modern constriction, an encephalic rostrum. Biomedical Sciences, University of Liv- human samples, we find that enamel Specifically, the Kocabas fossil is closer erpool, 2Laboratory for Functional Mor- extension rates in the first-formed to these from Zhoukoudian in China phology, University of Antwerp, 3Centre enamel are often 10x greater than they showing a strong sagittal convexity of for Research and Conservation, Royal are in the last-formed enamel, such the frontal scale, a marked prominence Zoological Society of Antwerp, 4Depart- that much of a tooth’s crown height is of the lateral part of the supra-orbital ment of Anatomy, Medical School, Ruhr established in a relatively short time torus and a supratoral depression. University.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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The storage and recovery of elastic likely reflect underlying differences in tional change in archaeological popula- strain energy in the musculoskeletal the tempo and mode of early brain de- tions. systems of animals has been studied velopment. This study was funded by NSF grant extensively, but the external environ- In modern humans the largest variation SBR#9420727, the State of Yucatan and ment represents a second potentially of neurocranial shape within and CONACYT, Mexico grant 29264-H useful energy store which is often between populations corresponds to a neglected. To date no such energy recov- contrast between more globular and Functional morphology of the ery mechanisms have been demon- more elongated crania. We therefore Theropithecus brumpti forelimb. strated in leapers, despite indications suggest that the evolution of the post- of energy recovery by tree swaying natal ‘‘globularization-phase’’ contrib- EMILY H. GUTHRIE. Department of orangutans. utes to the high levels of neurocranial Anthropology, University of Oregon. We used a forceplate and two high- variability among modern humans. We speed video cameras to conduct a biome- speculate that a shift away from the an- To better understand forelimb functional chanical analysis of captive gibbons cestral pattern of brain development morphology and locomotor mode of the leaping from stiff and compliant poles. occurring in early Homo sapiens under- putatively forest adapted fossil baboon We found that the gibbons minimised lies brain reorganization and that the Theropithecus brumpti, linear measure- pole deflection by using different strat- associated cognitive differences made ments were collected from all available egies. Two leap types were used: slower this growth pattern a target for positive associated postcranial material as well as orthograde leaps used a wider hip joint selection in modern humans. an extensive cercopithecoid comparative excursion to negate the downward Supported by EU FP6 Marie Curie sample. Additional aspects of behavior movement of the pole with no increase Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005-019564 (e.g. feeding traits, habitat preferences) in work done on the centre of mass. ‘‘EVAN’’ and by the Max Planck Society. were compiled for each comparative spe- Greater hip excursion also minimised cies from the literature in an attempt to the effective leap distance during Inferences from variation in linear identify behaviors beyond the arboreal/ orthograde leaps. More rapid, pronog- enamel hypoplasias in overall fre- terrestrial dichotomy and identify post- rade leaps conversely applied force ear- quencies, presence or absence of cranial features that may be related to lier in stance where the pole was effec- sexual dimorphism, and in the loca- feeding or other behaviors. tively stiffer, minimising deflection and tion of the lesion in the central Although sometimes described as the potential energy loss. Neither leap type incisors in different generations of arboreal theropith, when T. brumpti appeared to usefully recover energy three agricultural populations from forelimb morphology is compared to 1) from the pole to increase leap perform- the state of Yucatan, Mexico. the comparative sample and 2) other ance, but the gibbons demonstrated an fossil and extant Theropithecus,it ability to adapt their leap biomechanics FRANCISCO D. GURRI. Department of becomes clear that T. brumpti was not best to counter the negative effects of Population and Environment, El Colegio an arboreal quadruped. T. brumpti’s the compliant pole. de la Frontera Sur-Unidad Campeche forelimb exhibits signals of terrestriality (ECOSUR-Campeche). including relatively narrow scapular A uniquely modern human pattern infraspinous fossa, significant retroflex- of early brain development and Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) varia- ion of the humeral medial epicondyle its implications for middle-late tion responds to living conditions. and olecranon process. This is concord- Pleistocene cranial diversity and Because females are more ecosensitive ant with signals of terrestriality exhib- cognition. than males and not all areas of a tooth ited in the T. brumpti hand (Guthrie are equally sensitive to LEH formation, and Frost, 2010). PHILIPP GUNZ, SIMON NEUBAUER it was expected that LEH frequency Features historically used to reconstruct and JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN. Depart- thresholds associated to presence or ab- T. brumpti as more arboreal than other ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck sence of sexual dimorphism and to par- members of the genus are interpreted Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, ticular LEH distributions within the here as part of a suite of traits that Leipzig, Germany. surface of a tooth could be found. characterize early Theropithecus includ- Frequencies, presence or absence of sig- ing early T. oswaldi (e.g. moderate in- Modern humans are significantly more nificant sexual dimorphism and lesion dentation of the scapular glenoid fossa, variable in neurocranial shape than location in the central incisors were humeral head that is even with greater Neanderthals and chimpanzees. High compared between generations and tuberosity). Furthermore, this suite of levels of shape variability can already between living agricultural populations traits is better interpreted as foraging be observed near the emergence of our that differed in their degree of exposure adaptations perhaps related to forest species in Pleistocene Africa. Here we to infectious diseases, sanitary installa- floor locomotion and gleaning which study the developmental processes that tions and access to food and medicine may be primitive for Theropithecus and underlie this pattern of cranial diversity during early childhood. Significant sex- possibly for papionins (Fleagle and using geometric morphometrics. ual dimorphism was found only in our McGraw 2002). Comparing adult and subadult modern populations with overall frequencies This study of was funded by the Geolog- humans (N557), Neanderthals (N510) between .65 and .64. The lesions in the ical Society of America, the Paleontolog- specimens and chimpanzees (N561), we central incisors of these pre-vaccination ical Society, the National Science Foun- show that many aspects of the endocra- campaign populations were more evenly dation, the Leakey Foundation and the nial developmental pattern are shared distributed as shown by significantly University of Oregon. by the three species. However, in the more platicurtic distributions than first year of life modern humans depart those of the younger and better off pop- A model for evaluating trauma from this presumably ancestral pattern. ulations with overall LEH frequencies patterns in the context of the The characteristic globular braincase of below .6 and above .27. Finally, overall Colombian conflict. adult modern humans is largely the LEH frequencies were .06 in the most result of a developmental phase that is affluent modern peasants with access to ANGELICA GUZMAN1, DIEGO unique to Homo sapiens and not present modern day health care. A table is pre- CASALLAS2 and CESAR SANABRIA1. in our closest living and fossil relatives. sented that associates population LEH 1National Institute for Legal Medicine During this ‘‘globularization-phase’’ frequency with sexual dimorphism and and Forensic Sciences (INMLCF), 2Gen- directly after birth, the cranial bones LEH distribution in the central incisors eral Attorney Bureau, Colombia. are thin and the sutures are open. The in different published samples and pro- species differences of the perinatal de- poses a scale that may be used to infer Since the 1960s, Colombia has sup- velopmental trajectories therefore most living conditions and interpret genera- ported a complex armed conflict, in

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 153 which different actors such as guerrilla and scale with a slope of 1.18, which is Does treating intestinal helminth and paramilitary groups have operated slightly lower than the 1.23 slope infections reduce smoking behav- through several interests, criminal reported by Demes et al. (1998) for hind- ior? Results of a double-blind, pla- activities and human rights violations. limb muscles of prosimians. The digital cebo-controlled, randomized con- In 2003 the Government signed a peace flexors and flexor muscle compartment of trol trial among Central African accord which provided a demobilization Nycticebus represent 46% and 55% of foragers. program to armed groups combatants. total foream muscle mass, well within This transitional justice model has con- the range of other prosimians. Relative EDWARD H. HAGEN1, CASEY fronted the victims demands for repara- mass of the ulnar deviators of vertical ROULETTE1, MARK REMIKER1, tion, requiring a proper clarifying of the clingers is lower than that of pronograde JENNIFER WILCOX1, BARRY S. fate of the missings. quadrupeds of similar size. In contrast, HEWLETT1, ROGER J. SULLIVAN2 and In this context of strengthening the the mass of adductor pollicis of Nyctice- DIDIER MONCHY3. 1Department of strategies in the search, recovery and bus is greater compared to other taxa Anthropology, Washington State Univer- identification of missing persons in (52% of hand muscle mass), which corre- sity, 2Department of Anthropology, Cali- Colombia, this research systematizes lates with the extreme thumb divergence fornia State University Sacramento, the physical evidence and information of lorises. Despite lacking predictable 3Institut Pasteur de Bangui, Central Afri- related to the circumstances of death of quantitative variation, the deep flexor can Republic. the 3407 exhumated victims analyzed muscles of prosimians show important by forensic experts from state institu- differences in tendinous arrangement Humans, like other animals, might have tions, into a Geographical Information that parallel differences in grasping an evolved propensity to consume plant System (GIS) to characterize and differ- behavior. neurotoxins as a defense against patho- entiate the patterns of homicide and Funded by NSF SBR-9318750 and Nat- gens. Nicotine is a potent neurotoxin intentionality among the different ural Sciences and Engineering Research with proven efficacy against intestinal armed actors. Council of Canada. helminths. Hence, ‘recreational’ tobacco The analysis suggest four possible sce- use might protect against helminth infec- narios that explain the variation in Computer-assisted detection of den- tions. Moreover, as a form of self-medica- skeletal wounding patterns: 1) Multiple tal incremental growth structures. tion, individuals regularly exposed to soil- gunshot wounds will be expected in transmitted helminths might (uncon- combat casualties; 2) Gunshot wounds SERGE HAENNI1,2, SUSANNE K. sciously) increase tobacco consumption in in the skull, sometimes associated to SUTER1,2 and CHRISTOPH P.E. response to infection, reducing consump- blindfolds and/or ligatures, as evidence ZOLLIKOFER1,2. 1Anthropological tion when the infection abates. of executions; 3) Fatal injuries in associ- Institute & Museum, University of Zur- To test this hypothesis, we conducted a ation to dismemberment, as an inten- ich, 2Department of Informatics, Uni- double-blind, placebo-controlled, random- tion to hide the corpse; and 4)Dismem- versity of Zurich, Switzerland. ized control trial among Aka foragers of berment without fatal injuries, as evi- the Central African Republic, a tobacco- dence of torture. Histological analyses of dental thin sec- using population with a high prevalence This analysis provides a synthesis of tions are conducted to obtain various of helminth infection yet little access to the wounding patterns, constructing an developmental data, ranging from Western anti-worm medicines. Because epidemiological framework in the Co- enamel deposition rates and crown/root most Aka men smoke and most Aka lombian armed conflict, that contributes extension rates to estimates of an indi- women do not, the study was restricted to the interpretation of the circumstan- vidual’s age at death. Conventional to men. Upon entrance in to the study, ces of death of the victims to ensure not methods rely on manual counting and participants provided one stool sample only the accountability of perpetrators measurement of incremental growth and one saliva sample each day for three but to fulfil the needs of truth that structures found in dental hard tissues. days. Worm burden was determined by demand their families. However, these analyses are tedious to estimating helminth eggs per gram of perform and are prone to observer stool. Smoking levels were estimated by Comparative and quantitative errors, hence computational tools and assaying salivary cotinine, a nicotine myology of the prosimian forearm algorithms are needed to facilitate the metabolite. Participants were then and hand. identification of growth structures, and randomized in to two groups. The treat- to increase measurement reliability. ment group received a single, 400 mg AKUA GYAMBIBI and PIERRE Here we present an interactive software dose of albendozle, a commercial drug LEMELIN. Division of Anatomy, Uni- tool that supports researchers in anno- effective against the most common spe- versity of Alberta. tating and counting incremental growth cies of intestinal helminths. The control structures on digital images of dental group received a placebo of identical Several observations reported in the liter- cross sections. The software makes use appearance. Participants and researchers ature, namely the relative development of of line-detection algorithms for fast were blind to group assignment. After digital flexors and some intrinsic hand automated identification of growth one-to-two weeks, participants provided muscles in lorises and the dominance of lines. These algorithms can be tuned to another set of stool and saliva samples. the ulnar deviators in vertical clingers, specific incremental structures such as We predicted that, compared to the con- are based purely on qualitative evidence. daily increments and Retzius lines. trol group, the treatment group would ex- We aim to substantiate these observa- Software-based feature detection yields hibit reduced smoking behavior. tions through analysis of quantitative a preliminary set of incremental lines, This study was funded by the Washing- muscle data from a broad sample of the position and orientation of which ton State University Alcohol and Drug strepsirrhine and tarsier species. The can be verified and/or adjusted via user Abuse Research Program. forearm and hand of 17 fresh-frozen interaction. The software comprises specimens representing six families and additional modules for metric analyses Testing the Neolithic demographic 12 species were dissected. Selected and for the management and perma- transition: a case study from South- muscles without their tendon(s) were nent storage of structural annotations. east Asia. weighedfreshandwet(48hoursin10% The proposed semi-automated approach formalin solution) to the nearest 0.01 g. has been validated for daily incremental SIAˆ N HALCROW and NANCY Muscle weights were compared by limb and Retzius line counts on human tooth TAYLES. Department of Anatomy and compartment and functional group, as crowns. Structural Biology, University of Otago. well as with the actual body mass of the The software tool is platform-independ- specimens. Forearm muscle and body ent and freely available to interested Recent excavations at Ban Non Wat in masses are highly correlated (r 5 0.98) researchers. Northeast Thailand provide a large

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 83

154 AAPA ABSTRACTS sample (n5636) of human skeletal weeks. DNA yield from FTA cards was ous studies have shown accumulates in remains and long occupation covering low but consistent (average 5 11.3lg) bone in an exposure-related fashion. Many two millennia from c1700BC. This offers with little reduction in DNA recovery bone metals, such as lead, occur in the a unique opportunity to assess the rela- over two months. The amount of DNA bone mineral, substituting for the divalent tionship between agricultural develop- extracted from the FTA cards was suffi- calcium ion in the mineral crystal. How- ment and demography in Mainland cient for 16s rRNA PCR and sequenc- ever, some metals may occur mainly in the Southeast Asia. Paleodemography has ing. The results indicated that FTA bone protein. In soft tissues, such as mus- as one of its research foci the effects of cards are a convenient and effective tool cle, organs, and hair, mercury is tightly the origin and intensification of agricul- for preserving microbial DNA in mon- bound to the protein component of the tis- ture. The general model of demographic key feces – particularly if fecal samples sue, with a particularly high affinity for change is one of dramatic population cannot be processed immediately. the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine. increase, identified as the ‘Neolithic de- This study was funded by Morris Ani- This research focused on revealing the mographic transition’. This is based on mal Foundation and Purdue University location of mercury in bone by comparing the premise that constraints on fertility School of Veterinary Medicine. bulk bone mercury concentrations to meas- were removed by the availability of a ures of protein content, including bulk reliable food supply. We present paleo- How big is ‘‘giant’’? New body bone nitrogen and sulfur concentrations. demographic data from Ban Non Wat to size estimates for Protopithecus Linear regression analyses of archaeologi- test the hypothesis that the early agri- brasiliensis. cal bone revealed significant positive rela- culturalists in this environment did not tionships between whole bone mercury experience a ‘demographic transition’. LAUREN B. HALENAR. City University concentration and whole bone nitrogen Our data support this hypothesis, and of New York, New York Consortium for and sulfur content. These results indicate instead we argue, on the basis of an Evolutionary Primatology. that bone mercury is associated with the increase in infant mortality during the protein phase of bone, possibly with the latest phase of Ban Non Wat and at the The purpose of this study is two-fold: cysteine-containing proteins, such as pro- nearby contemporary site of Noen U- First, to create statistically robust predic- collagen and the noncollagenous proteins. Loke, for a population increase occur- tive regression equations for body mass, Analysis of mercury on bone protein, ring later in prehistory, during the ‘Iron total body length, and head and body rather than on whole bone, may provide a Age’. This is consistent with archaeolog- length from postcranial elements using a novel method of assessing the importance ical evidence of major socio-political platyrrhine reference sample, data that of marine vs. terrestrial resources in past changes and geoarchaeological evidence does not exist elsewhere in the literature. populations. of agriculture intensification in the Second, to apply those regression equa- region at that time. tions to the ‘‘giant’’ subfossil platyrrhine Cross-species parallels in parental Protopithecus brasiliensis, a little-stud- investment: it’s me and the dog. Evaluation of methods for preserv- ied taxon represented by a nearly com- ing fecal microbial DNA from the plete skeleton. Care was taken in select- PAMELA L. HALL1, E. TOM spider monkey. ing the reference sample and method of STEINER2, CHANTAL DOWNING1, regression. Building on results of previ- DOMINIC HURTON1 and PETER B. VANESSA HALE1, CHIA TAN2, TSANG ous work with other primate groups, dif- GRAY1. 1Department of Anthropology, LONG LIN3 and CHING CHING WU4. ferent skeletal elements, different sub- University of Nevada at Las Vegas, 1School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue groups of the reference sample, and dif- 2Department of Psychology, University University, 2San Diego Zoo Institute for ferent regression models lead to different of Nevada at Las Vegas. Conservation Research, 3,4Animal Dis- body size estimates with different stand- ease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue ard errors and prediction errors. How- Evolutionary theory suggests that biologi- University School of Veterinary Medi- ever, relatively tight clusters of estimates cal parents will exhibit greater attachment cine. around 20 kg, total length of 1675 mm, and investment in their offspring than and head and body length of 710 mm are step-parents, with considerable previous Gut microbes play a critical role in the obtained, placing the fossil in the size research in humans consistent with this health of humans and animals. How- range of a large male baboon. While not expectation. Here, we ask whether similar ever, few studies have examined the quite as large as the original 25 kg body patterns hold among dog owners: will ‘‘bio- host-microbe relationship in wildlife. mass estimate for the fossil, this new esti- logical’’ dog owners (who acquire a dog) ex- Gut microbe populations can be mate is still approximately 150% larger hibit differential involvement with their obtained non-invasively via fecal sam- than the largest living platyrrhines. Con- dogs compared with ‘‘step’’ dog owners (for ples and analyzed to assess the health firmation of its place in a ‘‘giant’’ size whom someone else such as a spouse of wildlife species. This study was class should have a profound effect on acquired the dog)? To address this ques- undertaken to determine a practical reconstructions of various aspects of the tion, we recruited 895 dog owners (711 approach to preserve monkey feces for paleobiology of Protopithecus. women) aged 18-79 to complete a survey microbial DNA extraction. Fecal sam- This research was made possible by administered either in person or online. ples were collected from spider monkeys NSF DDIG #0925704. The survey contained basic sociodemo- (genes Ateles) at the Columbian Park graphic information and items tapping five Zoo, Lafayette, Indiana. Samples were Mercury in bone protein vs. bone dimensions of human-dog dynamics: stored at 2808C, 2208C, 48C, in RNA- mineral as a biomarker of marine attachment, investment, punishment, later at room temperature, and on diet. anthropomorphism and general attitudes Whatman FTA cards for a period of toward dogs. Preliminary results indicate time prior to DNA extraction. Fecal CARRIN M. HALFFMAN. Department that ‘‘biological’’ dog owners exhibit signifi- DNA was extracted using the Qiagen of Anthropology, University of Alaska cantly greater attachment, investment, QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit. Samples Fairbanks. and more positive attitudes toward dogs frozen at 2808C and 2208C and sam- than their ‘‘step’’ dog owner counterparts. ples stored in RNAlater produced a Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that accu- No differences in punishment or anthro- high DNA yield (20-60lg) but were sub- mulates to high levels in marine organ- pomorphism appeared between groups. ject to significant reductions in DNA re- isms, but not in terrestrial organisms. These patterns remained even after covery over two months (p\0.01). Refri- Since mercury may be released into the adjusting for potential confounding varia- gerated fecal samples showed no signifi- environment by both industrial and natu- bles such as owner’s age, dog’s age, and dog cant difference (p[0.01) in DNA yield ral processes, preindustrial populations size. We discuss these findings with respect (average 5 28.6 lg) over two months, with marine-based diets likely consumed to the ways in which dogs increasingly but the sample molded after three large quantities of mercury, which previ- serve a role as human ‘‘family members’’,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 84

AAPA ABSTRACTS 155 the proximate processes shaping these pat- such an approach, this methodology dm1 from 130 to 140 gestational days, terns of human-dog dynamics, and the sig- was performed and compared with a Wilks’ Lambda of 0.845 and p5.006. nificance of such cross-species behavioral concurrent traditional grid sampling This research was supported in part by investment for evolutionary theory. methodology in the same area and over National Institutes of Health grants the same period of time. For our census, DE-02918 and RR-00166. Fluvial transport of human remains alarm calls were collected from a site at at Actun Tunichil Muknal, Belize. Ometepe, Nicaragua. These calls were Hindlimb morphology and hip pos- analyzed for prosodic features such as tures in catarrhine primates. CHRISTINE HALLING1, STEPHEN duration, onset abruptness, and the NAWROCKI1 and SHERRI GIBBS2. first three spectral peaks. These results ASHLEY S. HAMMOND1, J. MICHAEL 1Department of Biology, University of were standardized to euclidean distance PLAVCAN2 and CAROL V. WARD1. Indianapolis; 2Department of Anthropol- units and then clustered by using 1Department of Pathology and Anatomi- ogy, Galen University. Ward’s minimum variance cluster anal- cal Sciences, University of Missouri ysis. At this point a ratio was calcu- School of Medicine, 2Department of An- The Mayan cave site of Actun Tunichil lated, based on neighboring populations, thropology, University of Arkansas. Muknal in Belize contains human remains to determine the number of callers to that have been affected by complex geologi- the number of group members. The ra- Apes use more varied hindlimb positions cal and cultural processes. Previous exami- tio revealed the same number of mon- than monkeys, particularly terrestrial nations of ATM have provided detailed keys in the area as the traditional cen- species, in order to negotiate a complex analyses of the skeletons and produced susing method. Since the census by 3D environment. Femoral and pelvic GIS-based maps, permitting spatial inter- vocal analysis revealed the same num- morphology both affect and reflect hind- pretations of artifact and bone distribution ber of monkeys as the traditional sam- limb positional adaptations, but the rela- patterns. Underestimated until now is the pling method, we feel that vocal analy- tive influence of particular aspects of hip degree to which water flow may have sis could be a convenient, effective, and and thigh morphologies on hindlimb pos- affected the current locations and distribu- efficient means in counting an arboreal tures is unknown, affecting our ability to tion of the individuals independently of and transient primate species such as use these features to interpret locomotor cultural factors. This study investigates cebus capucinus. behavior in fossil taxa. taphonomic effects within ATM and their This study uses articulated 3D polygonal impact on the distribution of the human Patterns of variation in develop- models of the pelvis and femur to simulate remains, particularly those effects related ment of the deciduous dentition of range of abduction during loading, and to water flow and sedimentation. Patterns Macaca nemestrina. evaluates effects of different aspects of of bone orientation, placement with respect morphology on femoral postures. Contin- to running water channels and pools, and EMILY HAMMERL1,2 and JOYCE uous laser scan data of the pelvis and fe- non-random clustering suggest that fluvial SIRIANNI1. 1Department of Anthropology, murwerecollectedforalargesampleof transport has been and continues to be a University at Buffalo, 2University of extant primates, as well as fossil apes significant complicating factor throughout Nebraska Lincoln. and hominins. Microscribe landmark the cave. Additionally, some individuals data of intact pelves were used to orient are located at low points or in basins that Permanent dental development is fre- innominate scans in 3D virtual space. are positioned downstream in the direct quently used as a proxy for somatic Morphological variation and range of line of water flow, demonstrating a charac- growth and development as well as in thigh abduction were quantified with teristic pattern of bone orientation and estimation of the pace of life in extinct PolyWorks software. compaction that is not consistent with a species. Schedules of permanent tooth de- Our results show significant variation in bundle burial or other deliberate place- velopment are available for some primate femoral postures, and thus knee position, ment by humans. In summary, it is clear species, but those of the deciduous teeth among species for any given hip position. that many bones have been displaced not are few and far between. We know that In particular, more suspensory apes have by human action but by water action, later occurring developmental events are femora that are inherently more potentially forcing us to re-examine our more variable and several authors have abducted in neutral hip positions than interpretations of Mayan rituals and given convincing evidence that they are cercopithecids. Features most influential death-related practices. Both human more informative regarding species-level on femoral postures include neck-shaft behavior and the physical environment evolutionary diversity. In light of this, angle, neck length, femoral head and affect the distributional characteristics of this research considers the pattern and acetabular orientation, fovea capitis the artifact assemblage. The effects of rele- timing of variation in the growth of the position, and bicondylar angle. Acetab- vant taphonomic processes must be deciduous dentition in Macaca nemes- ular fossa size and greater trochanter acknowledged and subtracted before we trina (pigtailed macaque). height were less significant. Results of canhopetointerprettheculturalmeaning Standardized lateral cephalograms were our study provide a basis with which to that may be embedded within the site. taken on a total of 144 male and female fe- evaluate locomotor adaptations in tal and neonatal M. nemestrina ranging in extinct primates. Monkey census by vocalization: an agefrom60to209gestationaldays.The This study was funded by NSF, Wen- effective approach. specimens in this sample were a result of ner Gren Foundation, LSB Leakey timedmatingsandagesareknownwithin Foundation. ANDREW R. HALLORAN1,2,AMYB. 61 post-ovulatory day. A stage-based scor- MILIN1,2 and FALK HUETTMANN1,3. ing system based on the Demirjian method Loris locomotor behavior in rela- 1Maderas Rainforest Conservancy, 2Flor- was used to assess development of both tion to skeletal morphology: dis- ida Atlantic University, Department of maxillary and mandibular developing de- junction between assumed mobility Anthropology, 3University of Alaska, Fair- ciduous teeth. Summary statistics are gen- and utilized range of motion. banks. Wildlife and Biology Department. erated to describe the overall pace of devel- opment. Patterns of variation are charac- JANDY B. HANNA1, LAP KI CHAN2 Halloran et al (2010) detailed a census terized by both a significant increase in the and DANIEL SCHMITT3. 1West Vir- methodology for Cebus capucinus by standard deviation of tooth development ginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, analyzing the prosodic features of each scores in the last third of fetal development Lewisburg, WV, 2The University of individual’s alarm call and statistically as well as an increase in the spread of ages Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 3Duke grouping the calls together by variance. associated with individual tooth develop- University, Durham, NC. A cluster analysis gave the precise ment stages including crown completion number of callers in each sample tested. and root extension. Discriminant analysis An underlying assumption of many In order to study the effectiveness of shows sexual differences in development of studies of primate functional anatomy

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 85


is that skeletal morphology directly tribute to erosion of science literacy. Bio-social factors and cranial modi- reflects an animal’s movement patterns. While many instructors bemoan stu- fication in late Bronze Age Cyprus. For example, expansion of humeral dents who refuse to accept evolutionary head is assumed to relate to greater theory, those who accept evolutionary N.K. HARPER. University of Nevada, shoulder mobility, but Chan (2008) theory, but do not realize that they mis- Las Vegas found that passive shoulder mobility of understand it, present a greater chal- lorises with a relative expanded hum- lenge. We test the use of a teaching Cultural cranial modification (or artifi- eral head is the same or less than that method designed to address student cial cranial deformation), is a commonly of lemurs. This project explores this dis- misconceptions of evolution. We discussed topic in the prehistory of Cy- junct between anatomy and range of designed and administered an experi- prus. Occipital forms of cranial modifi- motion by quantifying active 3D mental lab to address misconceptions of cation are seen from the Cypro-PPNB. shoulder motion during slow climbing evolution and matched pretest and The ‘‘Cypriot’’ or post-bregmatic form of and bridging in lorises. These data are posttest surveys to assess students mis- cranial modification is first identified used to test the hypothesis that active, conceptions prior to and following the for the Late Cypriot I (1650-1450 BC) rather than passive, shoulder mobility experimental lab. Unlike previous stud- period and most common in the Late influences shoulder morphology of lor- ies, the lab and surveys are specific to Cypriot II (1450-1200 BC) period. A ises. We videorecorded two subjects primate and human evolution for use in ‘‘banded’’, circumferential elongation of each of Loris tardigradus (LT) (0.175- an anthropology course. Matched pre- the cranial vault has also been identi- 0.205kg) and Nycticebus pygmaeus (NP) tests and posttest surveys completed by fied in two individuals from the same (0.420-0.515kg), bridging across sub- 89 undergraduate study subjects were tomb (French Tomb 5, 1949) at Enkomi. strate gaps of several widths and orien- scored and analyzed using the paired Cranial modification has been consid- tations. Three-dimensional joint angles sample t test procedure. Compared to ered to be a marker of gender, status, and limb positions were digitized using previous studies, a greater percentage kinship or ethnicity. Past studies of bio- Innovision Systems, IncC software to of students show improved scores distance in Cyprus have excluded modi- calculate excursion (flexion and abduc- between the pretest and posttest. The fied crania for obvious reasons. This tion) of the humerus with respect to the difference between the pretest and study investigates the biological rela- trunk. These data were plotted on a po- posttest scores, however, is modest. tionships between individuals with lar coordinate system and compared to modified and unmodified crania through the passive range of motion reported by dental measurements using quantita- Chan (2008). The results showed that Non-metric trait variability tive population genetics. At Enkomi, the excursion of the arm in both species expressed in the deciduous molars males of both the modified and unmodi- is comparable to those used during ar- of chimpanzees and gorillas. fied groups are closely related. Unmodi- boreal quadrupedalism (LT mean51008; fied females show an affinity for the NP mean51238) which is less than the ANNA M. HARDIN and SCOTT S. male groups, while females exhibiting range of motion predicted lorisid skele- LEGGE. Department of Anthropology, modification seem to be unrelated to the tal morphology (LT mean52288; NP Macalester College, St. Paul, males. The two individuals exhibiting mean51718). These results suggest that Minnesota. circumferential modification are distinct previous methods of extrapolating mo- from the other groups. The results sug- bility from various shoulder features, Non-metric dental traits are a well gest that cultural cranial modification including glenohumeral skeletal mor- established tool for anthropologists in the LC seems to be an expression of phology, are problematic and argue for investigating population affiliation and status rather than gender or kinship. cautious functional interpretation of pri- movement in humans. Nonetheless, Individuals from Enkomi are then com- mate fossil skeletal material. similar traits in the great apes have pared to individuals from Kalavasos – This study was funded by NSF BCS- received considerably less attention. Ayios Dhimitrios and Episkopi – Bam- 0749314. The present study provides data on boula, to better understand this phe- non-metric trait variability in the decid- nomenon throughout the island. Teaching evolution in the anthro- uous molars of great apes from museum pology classroom: the importance context. Twenty-two traits are observed of examples relevant to human and in the upper and lower deciduous Estimating the distribution of prob- non-human primate evolution. molars in specimens of Pan troglodytes, able age-at-death from the dental Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla, and Go- remains of immature human fossils. DARCY HANNIBAL1 and MELISSA rilla beringei. Overall trait variability is CHEYNEY2. 1Department of Anthro- assessed across the species. Pan troglo- ASHLEY STINESPRING HARRIS, pology, University of Oregon, 2Depart- dytes demonstrates the greatest number LAURA SHACKELFORD and LYLE ment of Anthropology, Oregon State of variable traits (74.1%), whereas Pan KONIGSBERG. Department of Anthro- University. paniscus has the fewest (51.9%). Five pology, University of Illinois at Urbana- traits were found to be fixed as either Champaign, Urbana, IL. Evolution by means of natural selection always present or always absent across W is the foundational theory linking all the study group. Moorrees, Fanning, and Hunt presented I life sciences, and one of the few para- This study demonstrates the variability graphs of "mean attainment age" for ten digms consistently represented in all of non-metric traits in the deciduous permanent teeth (maxillary incisors and T four sub-disciplines of anthropology. It molars of chimpanzees and gorillas. all mandibular teeth) and three decidu- H is essential, therefore, that students in These traits could potentially be used in ous teeth (mandibular canine and D any life science course attain a basic the same way that similar traits are in molars). The graphs presented in these R understanding of evolutionary theory, humans, namely group affiliation and articles have been widely cited, but of- A particularly as it pertains to humans. population movements through time. ten erroneously implemented to esti- However, research indicates that many Further, this study establishes scoring mate age or to infer correlations in de- W undergraduate students do not under- guidelines and methodology relevant to velopment between teeth. Since individ- N stand evolutionary theory any better at deciduous dental morphological charac- ual probit models using the logarithm of the end of a course than they did at the teristics found in the great apes, but conception-corrected ages were used to beginning. Students often continue to not necessarily in humans. create these attainment stages, this hold to various misconceptions of evolu- This study was funded by a grant from graphical information can be back- tionary theory which potentially con- the Paul Anderson Interdisciplinary transformed into parameters for esti- tribute to the misuse of an inaccurate Summer Research Fund and Macalester mating age-at-death for dental remains version of evolutionary theory and con- College. from immature fossils.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 86


For the current analysis, 358 points between differing female and male sexual table problem in paleoanthropology. from tooth formation graphs in Moor- strategies in guerezas may ultimately Researchers have noted broad resem- ees, Fanning and Hunt were digitized result in similar patterns of paternity blances between European and African using DataThief III, version 1.5. Specifi- skew. However, much sexual behavior in fossils from this period, suggesting a cally, the digitized points for each tran- guerezas apparently has nonreproductive single taxon ancestral to both modern sition were conception-corrected and functions. humans and Neanderthals. Others converted to the logarithmic scale. The point out ‘incipient’ Neanderthal fea- sum of squares for the predicted points Seasonal variation in sexual segre- tures in the European sample, and around the digitized points was mini- gation in spider monkeys (Ateles argue for their inclusion in the Nean- mized, resulting in median ages of geoffroyi yucatanensis). derthal lineage exclusively, following a attainment on a base 10 logarithmic model of accretionary evolution. scale at each formation stage for the KAYLA S. HARTWELL1, HUGH. We evaluated eight proposed ‘incipient’ teeth evaluated. These derived median NOTMAN1,2 and MARY. S.M. Neanderthal facial, neurocranial and ages of attainment can subsequently be PAVELKA1. 1Department of Anthropol- basicranial traits: infraorbital shape / used to estimate a probable age-at- ogy, University of Calgary, Canada; 2An- orientation; glabellar projection relative death distribution for immature fossil thropology Program, Athabasca to the browridge; forward position and specimens. These distributions are cal- University, Canada. sagittal orientation of the face; juxta- culated two different ways: 1) using mastoid eminence size; occipital plane only a within-tooth variance and 2) Sexual segregation, the separation of convexity; mastoid process reduction; using a total variance that includes a males and females socially, spatially, or by mid-facial prognathism; and piriform between tooth component. For this habitat, has been documented and recog- aperture size. These features were cap- study, probable age-at-death distribu- nized as an important part of the socio- tured using 3-D landmark and semi- tions are presented using the parame- ecology of many vertebrates (i.e. ungulates, landmark coordinates and analyzed as ters derived from the Moorrees, Fan- bats, whales, and fish). However, it has not three separate datasets to maximize ning and Hunt studies and tooth forma- been quantified or systematically exam- samples. A large number (n 5 66) of tion is scored for 47 immature early ined in any primate species. We investi- Pleistocene hominins from Europe and modern humans and 19 immature gated temporal patterns of sexual segrega- Africa, and a comparative sample of Neandertals. tion in a population of spider monkeys in seven widely defined modern human ge- Belize. Using data collected over a 23 ographic populations was included in Variation in sexual strategies and month study, we used the Sexual Segrega- the analysis. The coordinates were paternity skew in wild black and tion and Aggregation Statistic to test three superimposed using Generalized Pro- white colobus monkeys (Colobus hypotheses: i) the sexes segregate, ii)the crustes Analysis and analyzed using guereza). sexes aggregate, or iii)thesexesgroupat mean configuration comparisons, princi- levels expected by random association. Spi- pal components analysis and Procrustes TARA R. HARRIS1,2,3, STEVEN L. der monkeys live primarily in sexual segre- distances. MONFORT2 and LINDA VIGILANT1. gated societies. We found that aggregation Results show that a few of the traits 1Department of Primatology, Max never occurred in this population. Signifi- examined follow the predictions of the Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- cant segregation accounted for 65% of all Accretion Model and relate the mid thropology, Leipzig, Germany, 2Smithso- months; however the degree of segregation Middle Pleistocene European material nian Conservation Biology Institute, varied monthly and between the two study to the later Neanderthals. However, Front Royal, VA, 3Minnesota Zoo, Apple years. Males and females associated at most showed Middle Pleistocene Euro- Valley, MN. random during two periods of the year: peans to be nearly identical to the Afri- May-June and December-January. We can Middle Pleistocene samples until For most primates, little is known about examined two possible ecological factors the Holstein period. We suggest that the extent to which both male and female contributing to sex segregation and sug- some commonly cited ‘incipient’ Nean- sexual strategies vary within populations, gest that variation in monthly food avail- derthal features might instead repre- and how they interact to influence patterns ability and seasonal birthing peaks may sent plesiomorphic traits. of reproductive success. We combined contribute to these patterns. The separa- This study was funded by the Marie observational, hormonal, and paternity tion of males and females is not yet identi- Curie Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005- datatoexaminefemaleandmalesexual fied as a factor underlying fission-fusion 019564 ‘EVAN’ and the Max Planck strategies and paternity skew in multiple dynamics. Sexual segregation might reveal Society. neighboring groups of wild guerezas an important new source of variation in (Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, primate social grouping patterns. Consequences of contact: evalua- Uganda. Female guerezas lack sexual This study was funded by the Natural tion of health patterns using swellings and, like many anthropoid pri- Sciences and Engineering Research enamel hypoplasias among the mates, mate flexibly both during and out- Council of Canada (NSERC) and research Colonial Maya of Tipu. side of fertile periods, including well into funds from Athabasca University. pregnancy. We observed a wide range of AMANDA R. HARVEY. Department of variation in the reliability with which Three dimensional evaluation of Anthropology and Sociology, The Uni- female sexual behaviors indicated the peri- Neanderthal craniofacial features versity of Southern Mississippi. ovulatory period, the extent to which in the European and African females displayed sexual behavior outside Middle Pleistocene human fossil The Colonial Maya population from these fertile periods, and the extent to record. Tipu was analyzed to investigate health which they solicited and mated with multi- changes associated with European con- ple males. In most groups, though, primary KATERINA HARVATI1, JEAN- tact. Located in western Belize, Tipu males (i.e., the sole or highest-ranking JACQUES HUBLIN2 AND PHILIPP was occupied from 1541-1704, and con- adult males) had the greatest access to GUNZ2. 1Eberhard Karls Universita¨t sists of a Spanish mission church with females and largely monopolized copula- Tu¨ bingen and Senckenberg Center for 588 interments. Enamel hypoplasias are tion.Inaccordancewiththeseobserva- Human Evolution and Paleoecology, used to explore growth disruptions tions, the vast majority of infants we geno- 2Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary resulting from nonspecific physiological typed across eight uni- and multi-male Anthropology. stress. Standard methods of scoring study groups were sired by their groups’ (Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994) were primary males. By combining inferences The classification and phylogenetic rela- employed to assess frequency, severity, from behavioral, hormonal, and paternity tionships of the Middle Pleistocene color, and type of episode in the perma- data, we conclude that interactions human fossil record remains an intrac- nent anterior dentition. For analysis,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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158 AAPA ABSTRACTS individuals were placed into age groups speeds by minimally-shod and habitu- ing humans have Neandertal ancestors, of 6-17, 18-35, 36-50, and 511 years. ally unshod adult Dassenach females which comprise an estimated 1 to 4% of The population was also considered for (N510) and males (N510) from the their ancestry. Human genes have di- differences by sex and tooth type. northeastern region of Lake Turkana. vergent genealogical histories, repre- Results showed a mean of 1.28 hypopla- The Engare Sero footprint assemblage senting multiple "archaic" populations sias per tooth with canines averaging contains trails and some isolated prints inside and outside of Africa. Late Pleis- more episodes than incisors and maxil- of multiple individuals walking on a tocene populations show comparable lary teeth more than mandibular. surface of wet volcanic ash close to 150 technical and symbolic abilities within Females displayed approximately 0.33 m2 in area over a relatively short period and outside of Africa. A humanlike more lesions per tooth than did males, of time. Preliminary analyses of the vocal-auditory channel had appeared and those dying as juveniles had only footprints show that the foot morphol- before 600,000 years ago. Yet humans of slightly more episodes than those surviv- ogy reflected in the prints is anatomi- the last 40,000 years have evolved ing to adulthood. Over 90% of the epi- cally modern in form, and that some of extremely rapidly, in some instances sodes recorded were of mild severity. No these individuals were moving at a com- diversifying; in others paralleling each differences in patterns of severity by sex fortable walking pace, while others other. were found. However, juveniles demon- were almost certainly running. The Using new visualization methods, I strated a higher frequency of moderate walking footprints show stride lengths examine the genealogical patterns of and severe hypoplasias. Mean age at for- that fit well within those of the Dasse- human genes. The impact of our rapid mation was consistent across sex and nach experimental group. Based on Holocene evolution simplifies some age groups with most forming from 0-3 their sizes, the footprints were likely genealogical relationships while partially years on incisors and 4-6 years on can- made by individuals ranging from obscuring earlier ones. The genetic ech- ines. These data suggest that overall the adults to children and provide new data oes of Neandertals and other archaic pop- population at Tipu was relativity healthy on group composition in early modern ulations emerge against a slim network despite European contact, which is also humans. binding all living people. These networks reflected in low frequencies of other indi- This study was funded by National Geo- show the impact of adaptive potential in cators, such as anemia and infection. graphic, grant number 8748-10, and the ancient human populations. A broad Similarly, they do not reflect extensive National Science Foundation, grants view of human cultural and technical presence of epidemic disease, instead BCS-0924476 and DGE-0801634. records suggests that gene-culture inter- showing adaptation despite notable cul- action may be a fundamental aspect of ture change. Comparative evidence for the evo- Pleistocene human evolution. lution of aging in our lineage: Early modern human footprints humans vs. chimpanzees. Continuing trends toward obesity, di- from Engare Sero, Tanzania. abetes, and hypertension in Samoa: KRISTEN HAWKES. Department of the role of nutritional transition. KEVIN G. HATALA1,2, BRIAN G. Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt RICHMOND2,3, WILLIAM E. H. Lake City. NICOLA L. HAWLEY1, ANDREW HARCOURT-SMITH4,5,6, VINCENT SEIDEN1,DIRKSCHULZ2,SATUPAITEA ROSSI7, ADAM METALLO7, CYNTHIA As products of a common evolutionary VIALI3,CHRISTINEQUESTED3 and M. LIUTKUS8, BRIANA L. POBINER3, history we share many aspects of our STEPHEN T. MCGARVEY1. 1Department HEATHER DINGWALL2, GODFREY age-specific schedules of development, of Community Health, Brown University, OLLE MOITA9 and JIM BRETT10. reproduction, and senescent decline 2FAO Regional Office for the Pacific, Apia, 1Hominid Paleobiology Doctoral Pro- with the other great apes. But some Samoa, 3Ministry of Health, Apia, Samoa. gram, 2Center for the Advanced Study aspects of these schedules clearly distin- of Hominid Paleobiology, Department of guish humans. Hypotheses about what Samoa is experiencing nutritional tran- Anthropology, The George Washington happened in our evolution benefit from sition from subsistence agriculture to University, 3Human Origins Program, attention to both similarities and differ- increased reliance on imported, proc- National Museum of Natural History, ences between the life histories of essed, and purchased foods, and reduc- Smithsonian Institution, Washington, humans and the other apes. Here I tions in physical activity. This study DC, 4Department of Anthropology, Leh- review results from continuing compari- examines temporal trends in obesity, di- man College CUNY, Bronx, NY, sons of aging rates in humans and abetes, and hypertension and in dietary 5Department of Anthropology, CUNY chimpanzees, including mortality and intake over the past 30 years in order Graduate Center, New York, NY, 6Divi- fertility schedules, ovarian follicular to assess the contribution of changing sion of Vertebrate Paleontology, Ameri- stocks, and circulating levels of adrenal diet to the rising burden of non-commu- can Museum of Natural History, New steroids. The comparisons focus on nicable disease (NCD). Data from four York, NY, 73D Digitization, Office of females because life history tradeoffs surveys undertaken between 1979 and Exhibits Central, Smithsonian Institu- differ between the sexes, and meno- 2010 in Samoan adults (age 25-64 tion, Washington, DC, 8Department of pause has been of particular interest, years) are used to describe temporal Geology, Appalachian State University, drawing explicit consideration in classic trends in obesity and related risk fac- 9Tanzania Department of Antiquities, contributions to evolutionary theories of tors. Data from WHO/FAO food balance 10Naturecorp, Kempton, PA. senescence. In addition, conflicts of in- sheets are used to describe changes in terest that arise from female tradeoffs daily total energy, protein, and fat Fossil hominin footprints provide a rare have been persuasively linked to the intake over the same period. In 1979- but exciting opportunity to directly evolution of distinctively human cogni- 1982, 11.7% of males were obese based observe the fossilized locomotor behav- tive and social capacities. on Polynesian standards for BMI. By ior of our extinct ancestors. In this pa- 2010, male obesity had risen to 41.7% per we report on a new fossil hominin Deep genealogy, Neandertal ances- and female obesity from 32.3% to 62.1% footprint site dating to approximately tors, and our accelerating evolution. over the same period. The prevalence of 120 Ka (thousand years ago) at Engare hypertension increased by 2.9% in Sero, Tanzania, near the southern shore JOHN HAWKS. Department of Anthro- males and 8.2% in females. In 2010, of Lake Natron. Over 350 footprints pology, University of Wisconsin- 12.5% of females and 7.7% of males had have been uncovered at the site, mak- Madison. elevated blood glucose, indicative of dia- ing it one of the most numerous Pleisto- betes. Total energy intake in 1979 was cene hominin footprint sites known to Anthropologists have long confused less than 2500 calories per day. Recent date. We compared these footprints to a genealogical and behavioral definitions estimates suggest intake to be greater sample of footprints made at various of humanity. At least five out of six liv- than 3000 calories per day, a 20%

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 88

AAPA ABSTRACTS 159 increase. Fat and protein intakes hairstyles, and clothing) leaves tangible havioral and anatomical estimates of increased by more than 65% and 75% evidence of cultural behavior observable visual acuity in mammals and birds. respectively. by bioarchaeologists. The meaning Both anthropoids and birds are statisti- The prevalence of NCDs has risen sub- behind these modifications remains elu- cally separated into nocturnal and diur- stantially in Samoa over the last 30 sive, whether an enhancement of nal groups by measurements of axial di- years. Modernisation of the traditional beauty, a mark of status or ethnicity, or ameter and estimates of visual acuity. diet and a concurrent decrease in physi- of social or religious importance mark- Non-anthropoid mammals (including cal activity resulted in chronic positive ing a rite of passage or of office. The strepsirhines) of various activity pat- energy balance and a greatly increased majority of known culturally modified terns are not distinguished by eye mor- risk of obesity and other NCDs. teeth in are from Missis- phology or visual acuity, and are most This study was supported by the U.S. sippian sites located in the American similar to nocturnal birds and Aotus. National Institutes of Health Grant Bottom region of Illinois near Cahokia, Only anthropoid primates notably differ R01-HL093093. the preeminent Mississippian cultural from general mammalian patterns of center in eastern North America. A eye morphology and high visual acuity, Eye size and locomotion: A test of number of additional examples have and possibly have re-evolved an eye Leuckart’s Law in mammals. recently been identified from current shape more typical of the general archaeological work and curated mu- amniote pattern. AMBER N. HEARD-BOOTH and E. seum collections. Good temporal and CHRISTOPHER KIRK. Department of contextual control for these teeth pro- Cranial non-metrics and macromor- Anthropology, University of Texas at vides much needed new information on phoscopics in OsteoWare. Austin. the frequency and geographical distri- bution of modified teeth in Illinois. This JOSEPH T. HEFNER. Joint POW/MIA Leuckart’s Law proposes that animals ca- poster describes variations in style and Accounting Command, Central Identifi- pable of achieving fast locomotor speeds considers the temporal and geographic cation Laboratory, Hawaii. require large eyes in order to enhance vis- distribution of modified teeth, as well as ual acuity and avoid collisions. Leuckart’s bioarchaeological evidence of age, sex, Non-metric and macromorphoscopic Law is commonly invoked to explain the and status of the individuals. We com- trait data is often fraught with error relatively large eyes of some birds, but pare examples from Illinois to those introduced during the data collection remains untested in non-avian verte- from Mexico and Central America, and process. One of the unique aspects of brates. The goal of this study is to test the consider the applicability of Romero’s OsteoWare is a suite of traditional cra- relationship between eye size, locomotor (1970) classification system to Illinois/ nial non-metric traits, in addition to a speed, and locomotor agility in mammals. North American examples. Do Illinois series of novel macromorphoscopic traits Data on axial eye diameter (AD), maxi- examples show stylistic preferences by used by forensic anthropologists assess- mum running speed (MRS), and locomotor region or by sex? Do the small number ing ancestry. Collecting cranial non- agility (LA) were collected from the pub- of culturally modified teeth found out- metric data in OsteoWare is an intui- lished literature for 86 species from 10 side the American Bottom reflect social tive, menu-driven process, a feature mammalian orders. In mammals generally interactions between regions? This designed to decrease observer error and (n550 species), AD is significantly posi- expanded dataset brings us one step idiosyncratic interpretation of trait tively correlated with MRS (Pearson’s closer to answering these questions. states. Individual character states for r50.81, p\0.01). Partial correlations fur- each macromorphoscopic trait are ther show that MRS explains 36% of the Convergent evolution of diurnal clearly defined and illustrated with line variance in residual AD when body mass is amniote eye design and visual acu- drawings focusing on the region of in- held constant. Speed data are limited for ity in anthropoid primates. terest. The end user of OsteoWare will primates, but ranks of LA are available for find each of these features to be a con- 36 primate species. Although mean AD is CHRISTOPHER HEESY. Department venient and practical method for collect- shortest for ‘‘slow’’ and longest for ‘‘fast’’ of Anatomy, Midwestern University. ing cranial non-metric and macromor- primates, we found no significant differ- phoscopic trait data. This presentation ence in AD between LA categories Many diurnal amniote taxa possess an outlines the criteria for collecting cra- (Kruskal-Wallis H50.33, NS). eye design hypothesized to be optimized nial non-metric and macromorphoscopic Our analysis supports the expectations of for high visual acuity. This design trait data. Case studies and example Leuckart’s Law by demonstrating that includes a relatively long axial diameter material will be presented from the faster-moving mammals tend to have of the eye, which correlates with Smithsonian Institution collections to larger eyes than slower-moving mammals. increased focal length, relative to a demonstrate the efficiency and effective- However, we found no significant relation- smaller corneal diameter. However, non- ness of these two modules. ship between eye size and locomotor agility anthropoid mammals, regardless of ac- in primates. This latter result does not nec- tivity pattern, appear to differ from Exploring integration and modular- essarily contradict Leuckart’s Law. We other amniotes in retaining an eye ity of the Papio hamadryas ursinus therefore conclude that maximum speed of design optimized for high visual sensi- cranium. locomotion is one of several factors (e.g. ac- tivity, with a shorter axial length of the tivity pattern, diet) influencing the evolu- eye relative to the corneal diameter, an JASON HEMINGWAY. School of Ana- tion of eye size in mammals. eye shape that reduces visual acuity tomical Sciences, and Institute for and is typically restricted to scotopically Human Evolution, University of the A study of modified teeth from adapted amniotes. Only anthropoid pri- Witwatersrand, South Africa. archaeological sites in Illinois: mates are known among mammals to recent and archival examples. have evolved proportions of the eye sim- Integration and modularity are develop- ilar to non-mammal diurnal amniotes. mental concepts key to understanding KRISTIN M. HEDMAN1, JULIE A. However, the relationship between eye morphological evolution and taxonomic BUKOWSKI1 and DAWN COBB2. 1Illi- shape and visual acuity has yet to be diversification. As skeletal morphology nois State Archaeological Survey-INRS, evaluated within non-primate mam- forms the basis for systematic descrip- University of Illinois, Urbana-Cham- mals. Also, the degree to which anthro- tion and the phylogenetic appraisal of paign, 2Illinois State Museum, Spring- poids have converged on the typical di- extinct taxa, there has been an field, Illinois. urnal amniote eye design and visual increased interest in these concepts acuity requires evaluation. within the paleoanthropological commu- The intentional modification of dentition Data were compiled on corneal diameter nity. In the current study, geometric (unlike tattoos, scarification, piercings, and axial eye length as well as on be- morphometric methods were used to

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 89

160 AAPA ABSTRACTS investigate modularity in an ontogenetic individuals recovered from Tepe His- dence of a Class II restoration with radio- sample of Papio hamadryas ursinus cra- sar, 70 individuals recovered from lucent material in the lower left M1 has nia without their a priori designation. Hasanlu, and 2,241 individuals of 22 been disputed, but not refuted by an in- Forty-three 3D landmarks were samples of prehistoric and living Cen- dependent examination that until now obtained from each specimen. After tral Asians, Pakistanis, and peninsular has been precluded by selectively re- superimposing the landmark configura- Indians. Intersample differences were stricted access to the specimen. Dental tions using a generalized partial pro- examined with hierarchical cluster modifications would strongly favor an crustes analysis, orthogonally projected analysis, neighbor-joining cluster anal- affiliation to a modern society with dental to the tangent plane, the effects of al- ysis, multidimensional scaling and surgery techniques. lometry and sexual dimorphism on cra- principal coordinates analysis. niofacial variation were removed by Results consistently identify Tepe His- The relation between standard multivariate regression. As modules are sar individuals as possessing closest error of the estimate and sample internally integrated regions that are affinities to inhabitants of Hasanlu. By size of histomorphometric ageing relatively independent from each other, contrast, Tepe Hissar individuals ex- methods. covariation between cranial modules hibit little to no affinities to prehistoric should be significantly weaker than Central Asians or to prehistoric or liv- CHERYL HENNIG and DAVID other random partitions of the cranium. ing individuals from the Indus Valley COOPER. University of Saskatchewan. The 2-block partial least squares RV and peninsular India. Hence, it appears coefficients for all possible pairs of commercial contacts between Tepe His- Histomorphometric ageing methods spatially-contiguous landmark subsets sar and populations to the west did report varying degrees of precision (meas- were then calculated and significance result in significant gene flow, while ured through standard error of the esti- determined using permutation tests. trade contacts across the Iranian Pla- mate or SEE). These techniques have of- The nasal-premaxillary-maxillary region teau did not. ten been developed on variable samples and posterior cranial vault were found sizes (n) and the impact of this parameter to be modular in nature and, with the Dental evidence bearing on mor- on SEE is poorly understood. This paper exception of areas of contact, statisti- phological dating of the LB1 explores the relationship between n and cally independent from one another. specimen. reported SEE through a review of the lit- The same can be said of the cranial erature (abstracts, articles, book chapters, vault and anterior occiput. The maxil- MACIEJ HENNEBERG1, JULIA theses, and dissertations) and a mathe- lary portion of the face and anterior oc- GRESKY2, ROBERT B. ECKHARDT3 matical simulation. Thirty-eight studies ciput, on the other hand, displayed a and STEFAN FLOHR4. 1Biological An- reporting n and SEE in years were strong degree of integration likely thropology and Comparative Anatomy included in the current study. Reported reflecting the involvement of the latter Unit, University of Adelaide, Australia, SEE values were highly variable ranging in lower facial development and posi- 2German Archaeological Institute, Ber- from 2.58 to 16.00 years (Mean: 8.51; tioning. lin, Germany, 3Laboratory for the Com- Stdev: 3.56). To examine the probabilistic This study was funded by the NRF and parative Study of Morphology, relationship between n and SEE we gen- the Palaeontological Scientific Trust. Mechanics and Molecules, Department erated a simulated population of 50,000 of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State individuals where histomorphometric To the West! A dental morphology University, 4Department of Biology, ‘ages’ were assumed to reflect normally investigation of gene flow between University of Hildesheim, Germany. distributed random error about chrono- populations of the Iranian Plateau logical age. SEE values were calculated and the macro-Mesopotamian inter- The dating of the skeleton LB1 from for randomly selected subsamples of action sphere during the last three Flores, Indonesia, is less certain than varying size. This simulation revealed millennia B.C. suggested in the literature. Dates from that in large samples ([100) SEE con- the surrounding deposits are contradic- verges on the level of variation present BRIAN E. HEMPHILL. Department of tory. Direct dating of the bones has not in the population; however, in smaller Physics, Geology and Anthropology, Cal- been performed. Thus, the age of LB1 samples SEE becomes increasingly ifornia State University, Bakersfield. should be considered by other dating variable. In general, this pattern techniques. Morphological dating has matched the observed pattern of pub- Despite archaeological evidence at the been applied in palaeoanthropology and lished SEE values. While numerous Bronze Age site of Tepe Hissar in north- is commonly used in archaeology. sources of variation exist between dif- eastern Iran of contact with populations The aim of the present study was to ferent methods, the impact of insuffi- of south Central Asia and the Indus test whether the condition of the LB1 cient sample size should not be over- Valley, biological evidence of gene flow dentition compels the view that the looked. Notably, while SEE values as between populations of these regions individual represents a member of a low as 2.58 years have been reported, was found to be starkly absent (Hemp- new species, or is more consistent with studies which exceed 150 individuals hill 2010). Such results suggest either membership in a regional population of report a mean SEE value of 11.05 years inter-regional gene flow was absent, or extant Homo sapiens. The new evidence (Stdev: 1.91). Meaningful comparison that the Tepe Hissar population experi- provided here comprises observations of the precision of different approaches enced gene flow with commercial part- on the original specimens and photo- requires larger samples than are fre- ners of other regions. Hasanlu, located graphs of the dentition. quently used and would ideally be in northwestern Iran astride a cross- Tooth dimensions are consistent with based upon standardized samples. roads leading to Mesopotamia, con- modern humans. Tooth morphology tains archaeological evidence of exten- exhibits numerous concordances with the Plant foods and the dietary ecology sive contact with Mesopotamian popu- extant Rampasasa. The presence of den- of Neanderthals. lations. This research tests whether tal caries in LB1 (lower premolars and a the inhabitants of Tepe Hissar experi- canine) indicates a low probability of AMANDA G. HENRY1,2. 1Center for enced gene flow with populations belonging to a hunter-gatherer society. Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiol- involved in the macro-Mesopotamian Dental attrition of LB1 is of a type more ogy, Department of Anthropology, The interaction sphere found in northwest- common in agricultural societies than George Washington University, 2Human ern Iran. This investigation is based among hunter-gatherers, the differences Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Ev- on assessment of 17 tooth-trait varia- in attrition between molars are small. olutionary Anthropology. tions scored in accordance with the Ar- The ante mortem loss of lower right P4 izona State University Dental Mor- without alterations of the adjacent struc- Previous research has suggested that phology System in a sample of 136 tures suggests a surgical extraction. Evi- Neanderthals had a narrower diet than

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 90

AAPA ABSTRACTS 161 did early modern humans, and lacked summary scores were found to have nals modify the behavior of other indi- social and technological advances (like similar mean ages, ranges and distribu- viduals. Some primates are reported to sexual division of labor, and use of pro- tions. These were grouped together to emit distinct communicative signals in jectile weapons) that would have per- produce four palatal suture stages that well defined behavioral contexts. Night mitted a wider diet. These dietary dif- show highly significant age differences. monkeys (Aotus sp.) are secondarily ferences are thought to have contrib- Although the results generally indicate nocturnal, having evolved from a diur- uted to their disappearance. However, only broad stages of life, they contribute nal ancestor. In contrast to most other this model for Neanderthal behavior is helpful information to age-at-death esti- nocturnal primates, night monkeys based primarily on data from animal mation, especially for older individuals travel and forage as cohesive family foods. Plant foods are known to be vital where other methods are less effective. groups. We predict that night monkeys parts of modern forager diets, and usu- The research was funded in part by a use vocal and olfactory signals in spe- ally represent women’s contribution to grant to the author from the Office of cific behavioral contexts to communicate diet. I have examined plant foods in the Research and Sponsored Projects, Cali- clearly with group members in the diets of Neanderthals and early modern fornia State University Sacramento. dark. We collected data on the fre- humans by identifying the plant micro- quency of vocalizing and scent-marking fossils (starch grains and phytoliths) A revised method for sex identifica- on captive night monkeys (A. nancy- recovered from the dental calculus and tion and age estimation at death. maae) at the DuMond Conservancy. We stone tools from several populations in Indicators for the study of imma- recorded continuous focal animal be- Europe, the Near East, and Africa. The ture skeletal remains. havioral data on 20 males and 13 results suggest that these two species females. We analyzed the behavioral consumed plant foods in similar num- PATRICIA OLGA HERNANDEZ and contexts in which signals were pro- bers and varieties, including usually- MARIA EUGENIA PEN˜ A. Escuela duced (n51050) and tested the hypoth- low-ranked foods like USOs and grass Nacional de Antropologı´a e Historia, esis that signals were given in specific seeds. Environmental differences INAH, Me´xico. contexts more frequently than pre- affected plant food consumption more dicted by chance (v2 tests). Individuals than species allocation did. There The study of past populations empha- peep, chuck and scent mark while mov- appears to be some intensification of sizes the need to recover information on ing around the enclosure and during Neanderthal plant use after 50ka. living conditions of children given their affiliative interactions with group These data suggest a more complex pic- vulnerability under poor hygienic and members (71–93% of occurrences, p \ ture of Neanderthal dietary ecology health environments that characterized 0.001). Trills were emitted while feed- than previously drawn, and that the most of the earlier populations which ing (81–87%, p \ 0.001). Males hooted complex relationship between technol- results in differential mortality among while perched and scanning their sur- ogy, social behavior and food acquisition groups. However, the study of that seg- roundings, followed by affiliative inter- strategies among Neanderthals must be ment of the skeletal samples was pre- actions with group members (70%). better explored. vented by technical and methodological Night monkeys also concatenate vocal This study was funded in part by NSF difficulties faced on assigning sex in signals and emit combinations in spe- IGERT grants, a Wenner-Gren Disserta- children and making and accurate esti- cific contexts. Our results suggest that tion Fieldwork grant and a Smithsonian mate of age at death among for ages night monkeys have specific vocal and Predoctoral Fellowship. under seven or eight years. The purpose olfactory signals that may facilitate of this paper is to show the application group travel, cohesion and feeding. Maxillary suture aging: a revision of a methodology recently developed at Having non-visual signals for such in- of the visual method for estimating ENAH (Me´xico) to identify sex based in formation is prevalent in other prima- skeletal age of adults. morphological features from ilion, skull tes, but may be especially important and mandible. The metric results were for communication at night. SAMANTHA M. HENS. Department of confirmed both by a statistical proce- This research was supported in part by Anthropology, California State Univer- dure, as discriminant functions and an NSF GRF, Turner Fellowship and sity Sacramento. DNA analysis. The age estimate was AGEP Scholarship (JPH). done by dental and cervical vertebrae Age determination from human skeletal indicators, the latter developed from a Reconstructing hominin and mam- remainsisanimportantbiologicalpa- sample of contemporary groups and malian evolution by combining rameter in both forensic and paleodemo- adjusted to skeletal remains. The study palaeomagnetic, uranium-lead and graphic contexts. Cranial sutures, while sample includes 184 subadult skeletons stable isotope analyses on speleo- frequently applied, show low reliability from San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochi- them from cave deposits; examples for estimating age at death of adults. milco osteological series, dated for the from the Plio-Pleistocene of South Maxillary sutures have seldom been beginning of the Colonial period. Africa. tested after their original introduction by This study was funded by Council of Mann and coworkers (J Forensic Sci Science and Technology CONACYT, ANDY I.R. HERRIES1,2, ROBYN [1991] 36:781-791). This study presents grants No. 53129 and 53252 PICKERING3, PHIL HOPLEY4,5 and the results of a revision of the original HAZEL READE.61UNSW Archaeomag- maxillary suture method on a large sam- Use of auditory and olfactory netism Laboratory, Integrative Palae- ple (n5483) of known sex and age from signals in night monkeys (Aotus oecological and Anthropological the Human Osteological Collection at the nancymaae). Studies, SOMS, University of New Department of Human Anatomy, Univer- South Wales, Australia, 2Geomag- sity of Torino, Italy. Palate sutures were JAMES P. HERRERA1,2, LINDA L. netism Laboratory, Oliver Lodge, Uni- scored in five regions that were combined TAYLOR2 and SIAN EVANS3. 1Interde- versity of Liverpool, UK, 3University of to form a summary score from which an partmental Doctoral Program in An- Melbourne, Australia, 4Department of age at death estimate was obtained. thropological Sciences, State University Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birk- Results indicate significant differences of New York at Stony Brook, 2Depart- beck College, University of London, in suture closure between males and ment of Anthropology, University of UK, 5Department of Earth Sciences, females. Males exhibit stronger correla- Miami, FL, 3DuMond Conservancy University College London, UK, tions with age for all indicators. Corre- for Primates and Tropical Forests, 6Department of Archaeology, Univer- lations are similar to, or stronger than, Goulds, FL. sity of Cambridge, UK. those reported for other age estimation methods from the pelvis. However, age Communication is a key element in The recent cross-correlation of multiple ranges are wide in both sexes. Several social behavior, and theory suggests sig- geochronological techniques, including

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 91

162 AAPA ABSTRACTS palaeomagnetism, uranium-lead, elec- Bronze to Early Iron Age populations in bedded with information that identifies tron spin resonance and biochronology central Greece. Data presented from the individual, her physical condition, has led to the ability to accurately date Mitrou and Agia Triada focuses on including fertility status, and may be the southern African early hominin demography, oral health, and paleopa- used to advertise (or conceal) the pres- bearing palaeocave deposits. This has thology. Results are compared to earlier ence of an infant. As the profiles do not allowed the first accurate seriation of osteological studies in the region as well remain constant over time this study the southern African sites and hominin as findings from numerous contempora- aims to investigate the effect infant species for cross-correlation with east- neous burial samples from across presence has on the rate of female ern Africa. In many of the palaeocaves Greece. marking to better understand the role there are thick speleothem sequences olfactory communication in this social ideal for stable-isotope analysis used for Dietary and funerary practices of species. reconstructing palaeoclimate and palae- French Roman population: first iso- Data were collected on seven social ovegetational changes during the period topic evidence. groups of ring-tailed lemurs at the Beza when they formed. These deposits can Mahafaly Special reserve, Madagascar now be directly dated using a combina- ESTELLE HERRSCHER1, SYLVIE from June 2009 through March 2010. In tion of uranium-lead and palaeomagnet- KLIESCH-PLUTON2, CELINE females where the infant survived the ism. This work has also enabled the BEMILLI2,3 and SEBASTIEN LEP- length of the study, females showed identification and direct dating of short ETZ3. 1UMR CNRS 6636, LAMPEA, higher marking post-birth marking geomagnetic field events that can be Aix-en-Provence, France, 2INRAP rates than during the pre-birth period. used in the future to more precisely Haute Normandie, Grand Quevilly, The marking rates of the individuals confine the age ranges for the palaeo- France, 3UMR CNRS 7209, Arche´o- whose infants died during the study caves and hominin fossils. Examples of zoologie, Arche´obotanique , MNHN, also varied significantly between pre- current multi-disciplinary work are pre- Paris, France. birth, post-birth and post-mortality sented from the sites of Makapansgat, periods, with a peak in post-birth rates Sterkfontein, Malapa and Hoogland. Excavation of the Roman suburban ne- and a decline post-mortality. cropolis of Evreux (Ist-IVth c. AD) These results demonstrate a significant Bioarchaeological investigations of revealed two distinct funerary practices: relationship between infant presence on Bronze and Iron Age burials from (1) bodies buried in decubitus dorsal as marking rates of adult females. This Mitrou and Tragana Agia Triada in expected and well known for the period, may be due to a hormonal response central Greece. and (2) bodies buried in various posi- associated with the presence of an tions, associated with equid remains. infant and or a time where social NICHOLAS P. HERRMANN1,J.Using stable isotope analyses on bon change within a troop is observed. This ROCCO de GREGORY1 and HILLARY collagen (d13C, d15N), this study aims to study gives us a better understanding SPARKES2. 1Department of Anthropol- assess the relationships between dietary into the role of olfactory communication, ogy and Middle Eastern Cultures, Mis- and funerary practices. In order to an- a method that is heavily depended upon sissippi State University, 2Department swer to this issue, 91 human were ana- in this species. Future work will exam- of Anthropology, University of Alberta. lyzed. Moreover, to define the local ine mechanisms that alter scent mark- environment, analyses were also per- ing to understand how genotype, phero- Recent bioarchaeological studies in cen- formed on 68 animal remains (fishes, mones and social environment interact tral Greece have attempted to synthe- bovids, caprids, canids and foal). in female olfactory communication. size paleodemographic and health indi- Results highlighted (1) the consump- cators from Bronze Age human skeletal tion of terrestrial local food resources, Long bone cross-sectional shape samples. Archaeological excavations and (2) the lack of regular consumption and robusticity in mountainous under the direction of Drs. Aleydis Van of fishes and C4-plants (d13C: 220.4 to and flat terrain bovids: implications de Moortel (University of Tennessee) 219.3%; d15N: 6.5 to 10.6%;N591). for Neandertal locomotor behavior. and Eleni Zahou (14th Ephorate of Therefore, this study revealed differen- Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, ces between the two funerary groups. RYAN W. HIGGINS. Center for Func- Lamia, Greece) at the site of Mitrou, The group (2) exhibits a wider isotopic tional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns located in East Lokris of central Greece, variability and lower nitrogen values Hopkins University School of Medicine, have produced a diverse burial sample than the group (1), which could indi- Baltimore. dating from the Early Helladic to Proto- cate a more opportunistic access to geometric periods. Graves from Mitrou food items by the group (2). If one Neandertal tibiae are mediolaterally ro- represent one of the largest burial sam- accepts that a limited access to animal bust compared to those of anatomically ples from a single site in East Lokris (n proteins is linked to low social status, modern H. sapiens. It has been sug- 575). thus the funerary group (2) could be gested that their mediolateral (M-L) hy- As part of the Mitrou Archaeological considered as the less wealthy people pertrophy may result from higher levels Project, the skeletal material from buried in the dedicated horse remains of habitual M-L loading introduced by Mitrou and Tragana Agia Triada, a area. Social and/or cultural factors locomotion on rugged terrain. To inves- series of Mycenaean chamber tombs might be involved in the dietary dis- tigate the effects of terrain type on bone located approximately 3 km south of tinctions observed between both funer- cross-sectional geometry, this study uses Mitrou, have been the focus of bioarch- ary groups. a large comparative sample of flat ter- aeological research. The two burial sam- This work was funded by INRAP. rain (73 species) and mountainous (24 ples complement each other temporally species) bovids to see to what extent with the Tragana Agia Triada tombs The effects of infant presence on terrain affects relative anteroposterior representing the Late Helladic periods the rate of olfactory communication to M-L rigidity and strength of the fore- and the graves at Mitrou representing in female ring-tailed lemurs. limb cannon bone (metacarpus). Linear Early to early Late Helladic and Proto- bone dimensions at midshaft were geometric periods. The osteological CATHRIONA HICKEY and M.TEAGUE obtained from the literature and used to remains from Tragana Agia Triada have O’MARA. School of Human Evolution estimate section moduli and second been the focus of prior bioarchaeological and Social Change, Arizona State Uni- moments of area using a solid beam research, but the remains examined for versity. model. Average species body mass and this study represent burial loci not bone length data were also taken from examined in the original study. The two Scent marking is a form of olfactory the literature. Results indicate that burial samples combined provide new communication seen as individual ad- mountainous bovid cannon bones are insight into the overall health of Late vertisement. Chemical profiles are em- overall more robust than those of flat

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 163 terrain bovids, but with more pro- that LM 3 falls well within the male Miami University College of Arts and nounced increases in M-L rigidity and range of long bone robusticity in both Sciences. strength. Furthermore, using a specific the upper and lower limb. The lower test case, it was predicted that the only limbs of LM 3 also exhibit high relative The mechanisms that produce the mountainous member of a flat terrain robusticity, which indicates that this defects of enamel hypoplasia. clade (Gazella) would have compara- individual engaged in mobile, long dis- tively mediolaterally robust cannon tance foraging. SIMON HILLSON1 and DANIEL bones. The prediction was confirmed. This research was funded by the Frank- ANTOINE2. 1UCL Institute of Archaeol- These findings suggest that M-L hyper- lin Grant program of the American ogy, University College London, 2British trophy may be a morphological signal of Philosophical Society. Museum, London. mountainous environment inhabitation and that Neandertals may on average Sex assessment of non-adult skele- Enamel hypoplasia is the term used to have spent more time on rugged, moun- tal remains: which sexually dimor- describe defective formation of enamel tainous terrain than anatomically mod- phic features are more reliable? which results from disruption of enamel ern H. sapiens. Elevated habitual M-L matrix secretion during development of bending stresses may be introduced on HEATHER HILLENBRAND1 and the tooth crown. Such defects range uneven terrain by an increase in later- MERCEDES OKUMURA2. 1Department continuously from a microscopic accen- ally angled stepping motions and/or of Anthropology Kent State University, tuation of matrix layering up to deep more variation in orientation of ground Department of Anthropology, Miami furrows in which the enamel covering of reaction forces on the feet during University, Department of Physical An- the crown may be missing altogether. locomotion. thropology, Cleveland Museum of Natu- Epidemiological studies of living people ral History 2University of Sao Paulo, have matched the defects to episodes of A comparative analysis of long Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolu- poor health during childhood and labo- bone diaphyseal robusticity in the tionary Studies, University of Cam- ratory studies have shown that they Lake Mungo 3 skeleton. bridge. occur in association with infection, fever and nutritional deficiency. The age at ETHAN C HILL and ARTHUR C DUR- Sex estimation is a regular component which the growth disruption took place BAND. Department of Sociology, An- of the examination of human skeletal can be established from the position of thropology, and Social Work, Texas Tech remains in archaeological, anatomical, the defect in the development sequence University. and forensic investigations. Morphologi- of the teeth. In bioarchaeology, the cal differences between the sexes in defects are seen as useful indicators of Lake Mungo 3 (LM 3) holds consider- non-adult skeletons are subtle, so sex poor health in childhood but they are able potential for our understanding of determination is challenging. The goal difficult to interpret because the mecha- the earliest inhabitants of Australia. of this project was to determine the effi- nisms by which the different defect LM 3 was found in the Willandra Lakes cacy of previously suggested metric and morphologies are produced are little system, an environment that has non-metric assessment standards as sex understood. changed dramatically since the late indicators for non-adult skeletal mate- Specimens from the Post-Medieval crypt Pleistocene. As such, LM 3 can provide rial. Data was collected from 233 indi- at Christ Church, Spitalfields, in Lon- information about skeletal adaptations viduals from five identified osteological don display a range of hypoplastic to an ancient ecosystem. Further, LM 3 collections, broadly grouped based on defects in teeth from children which are has been described as gracile based on historical records as ethnically Euro- little affected by wear and have very cranial morphology but postcranial pean, African, or of mixed ancestry. good preservation of microscopic incre- analyses of this skeleton indicate rela- Non-metric visual assessment of the mental features in enamel. This pro- tively high levels of robusticity. This orbit and mandible was scored with vides an opportunity to study in detail morphological discrepancy has made a methods from Molleson et al. (1998). the sequence of matrix secretion events diagnosis of sex for LM 3 difficult. The The obtained sex estimation was com- shown by enamel increments during the present study will use cross-sectional pared with the known sex of each speci- formation of different types of defects. measurements of the humerus, femur, men. The proportion of correctly Prism cross striation counts and brown and tibia from CT scans to address inferred sex was not better than stria of Retzius morphology in examples questions of robusticity that can help expected by chance in any analysis. from this assemblage demonstrate the inform diagnoses of sex as well as pat- Metric assessments included measure- mechanism by which the more common terns of mobility. Properties of mechani- ments of the os coxae based on Schu- furrow-form defects are formed and cal loading that were calculated include: towski (1993) and Rissech et al. (2003) show how this contrasts with formation cortical area, maximum and minimum and canine teeth based on Duncan of pit-form and plane-form defects. second moments of area, and the polar (1995). Discriminant function analyses This study was funded by the Wellcome second moment of area. These proper- were employed to statistically distin- Trust (067257/Z/02/Z). ties, standardized to bone length and guish the sexes on the basis of measure- body mass, measure compressional, ten- ments. All measurements except greater Mother’s milk and commensal gut sile, bending, and torsional strength of ischial depth and breadth could be used bacteria: what we know and what long bone diaphyses. There are two pur- to significantly successfully infer sex we need to find out. poses for carrying out this study. First, only in the 12-16 age group, and these long bone robusticity generally adheres could only be performed on European KATIE HINDE,1,2 LING JIN3 and LIN to a gradient of sexual dimorphism. If it individuals in the sample. Canine meas- TAO3. 1Brain, Mind, & Behavior Unit, can be shown that LM 3 falls higher on urements for deciduous teeth could not California National Primate Research this gradient then a diagnosis of male infer sex more accurately than expected Center, University of California Davis, sex for this skeleton would be sup- by chance for any ethnic group, but ca- 2Nutrition Laboratory, Smithsonian ported. Secondly, long bone robusticity nine measurements for permanent teeth National Zoological Park, 3Department can provide a unique insight into forag- were found effective for Europeans. of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, ing strategies used by inhabitants of an- Flaws in sampling in this and previous University of Illinois at Chicago. cient ecosystems. Through the examina- studies and implications for future tion of populations which differ in their methods are discussed. Mother’s milk not only provides the subsistence strategies, patterns in dia- This study was generously funded by energy for infant somatic growth and physeal robusticity emerge that can BABAO Small Research Project Grants, behavioral activity, but also supplies indicate different mobility patterns and the Kirtlandia Society Donald S. Dean constituents, such as oligosaccharides, subsistence strategies. Results indicate Adopt-A-Student Program, and the that influence the establishment of com-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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164 AAPA ABSTRACTS mensal gut bacteria in the infant. The final step of osteological documen- locomotion studies, given its tremen- Recent advances have revealed that tation includes the composition of a dous potential. Such studies do not pro- these symbiotic bacteria serve essential summary report, or paragraph. The duce immediate results, but are still digestive and immunological functions Osteoware Summary Paragraph module worth doing, and it is necessary to accu- throughout an individual’s life and are contains selectable buttons to import mulate data steadily. sensitive to critical periods during early comments from the following modules: Supported by JSPS 20255006. development. Here we additionally Skeletal Inventory, Age and Sex, show that beneficial bacteria themselves Taphonomy, Pathology descriptions, GIS Spatial Analysis of an Oldowan are present in milk. Milk samples were Dental observations, and Cranial Modi- ‘‘living floor’’ site, FxJj 20 AB. aseptically collected at peak lactation fication, and provides the ability to edit from 54 rhesus macaques (Macaca and spell-check the overall composition. SARAH HLUBIK and JOHN W.K. mulatta) at the CNPRC. Following This presentation will demonstrate how HARRIS. Rutgers University. GM17 and MRS agar plating, single to use Osteoware to request and man- bacterial colonies were isolated based age photographic and radiographic doc- GIS Spatial analysis of the FxJj20 AB on difference in morphotypes, then umentation, how to use the PENDING site, on the Karari Escarpment in Koobi grouped based on whole-cell protein pro- option, and how to compose a summary Fora, Kenya, suggests clustering of files on SDS-PAGE. Bacterial DNA was paragraph. Case studies will be stone artifacts and bone indicative of ac- isolated and the sequence of the 16S included from the National Museum of tivity loci within a much larger site, rRNA gene was analyzed revealing 106 Natural History collections. consistent with the idea of a ‘‘living strains of 19 distinct bacterial species Osteoware is supported by grants from floor’’. The 2010 excavation season belonging to five genera: Bacillus, the National Center for Preservation yielded a high density of artifacts and Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococ- Technology and Training (NCPTT) bone fragments, as well as numerous cus, and Streptococcus. Some of these National Park Service, and the Smith- samples of discolored earth. Included in species, particularly lactic acid bacteria, sonian Web 2.0 grant. these finds were small microdebitage ar- inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacte- tifact, with maximum dimensions of 5 ria by competitive exclusion and/or A preliminary study on locomotor mm or less, which display no observable through the production of antimicrobial kinematics of the semi-wild Assam- orientation, and indicate that the site, compounds. The presence of these bac- ese macaques (Macaca assamensis) is in primary context, and was subject teria in milk indicate an as yet in northern Thailand. to little, if any disturbance. The pres- unknown mechanism by which mater- ence of microdebitage is unique to sites nal gut bacteria are translocated to the EISHI HIRASAKI1, SUCHINDA of this age and allows for intrasite anal- mammary gland and provided to the MALAIVIJITNOND2 and YUZURU ysis of activity areas. Discolored earth developing neonate via ingestion of HAMADA1. 1Kyoto University, Japan, has been used by some researchers to milk. In this way, bacteria in milk may 2Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, indicate the presence of fire on ancient be a protective mechanism to promote Thailand. sites and samples from this year’s exca- infant health by improving the estab- vation will be analyzed and we will lishment of their commensal gut bacte- The global goal of this project is to non- report on preliminary results of the ria and reducing infection. This is the invasively study primate locomotion in results. GIS analysis has been used by first such study in a non-human pri- wild environment using the advanced other researchers to indicate the pres- mate and highlights the multitude of apparatus and techniques. In this pre- ence of ‘phantom hearths’ by identifying questions that remain. liminary study, as the first step, we loci of activity around central areas Ths research was supported in part by tried to develop the methods for such where few to no artifacts are found. NIH grants AI066709, RR000169, measurements in a half-wild environ- Analysis of the original 1973 excavation RR019970, and NSF grants BCS- ment. The Assamese macaques (Macaca and current excavation together will 0921978 and BCS-0525025. assamensis) at Wat Tham Pla (Tham provide the opportunity to evaluate Pla temple) in northern Thailand were FxJj20 AB for the presence of these Photographs, radiographs, PEND- chosen as the subjects because they are anomalies in the record. This site will ING, and summary paragraphs in originally wild, but are living around provide insight into the activities associ- Osteoware. the temple, being provisioned by tou- ated with tool manufacture, butchery, rists. We recorded their positional food procurement and occupation and JANINE HINTON. Repatriation Osteol- behavior by using two video cameras, use of the landscape over time. ogy Lab, National Museum of Natural and estimated the kinematic parame- This research was funded in part by the History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ters during terrestrial locomotion in Center for Human Evolutionary Stud- ington D.C. this study. Preliminary results revealed ies, Rutgers. that the Assamese macaques walked Documentation of human remains with more retracted hind limbs and ‘‘On the Same Page" at UC Berkeley, should include photography and radio- more protracted forelimbs as compared genetic testing our incoming graphs of the bones and teeth. The with the Japanese macaques. Conse- students. Smithsonian Institution data entry and quently, duty factor, which is a measure management system, Osteoware, both of stability, were significantly larger in LESLEA J. HLUSKO. Human Evolu- keeps track of photograph and radio- the former species. The Assamese maca- tion Research Center, University of Cal- graph requests and allows the option to ques mostly used diagonal sequence ifornia Berkeley. place a current case onto a hold or gait, but sometimes showed lateral ‘‘PENDING’’ list until these requests sequence gait. The hands were used in The ‘‘On the Same Page’’ program at and the entire documentation process is both digitigrade and semi-palmigrade the University of California Berkeley is complete. postures, and were more abducted than designed to provide all in-coming stu- The photograph and radiograph request those of the Japanese macaques. We dents with a common experience. For modules allow the researcher to make hypothesize that these features may be the fall of 2010 the common experience requests specific to bone(s) and view(s), related to their unique locomotor behav- was ‘‘Bring Your Genes to Cal,’’ an op- and provide a searchable text field for ior, cliff-climbing. Kinematic analysis in portunity to explore the theme of per- relevant notes. The researcher can click a semi-wild environments still has some sonalized medicine through a program the PENDING button to place the case difficulties that have to be addressed designed by the Dean of Biological Sci- on hold. When documentation is com- (e.g., relatively low accuracy, difficulty ences and Professor Jasper Rine. Each plete the researcher can then remove in calibrations etc.), but constitutes one in-coming student received a saliva kit the PENDING status. future direction in the field of primate and a consent form; over 700 of the

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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5,000 new students mailed in a sample basal metabolic rate (BMR) show that loss of certain amino acids, showing of their genetic material. Each sample for all primates, brain mass and BMR stronger coherence with soil properties was tested for allelic variation of are the best predictor variables. How- than inhumation time. Histological fea- genes that influence how the body ever, strepsirrhines still differ in these tures and collagen quantity proved uses folic acid and metabolizes lactose two relationships with respect to hap- to be unreliable markers for collagen and alcohol. lorhines. This suggests that while brain quality. Controversy over this program was im- mass and BMR are more physiologically mediate and extensive. The program appropriate variables for assessing pat- Evolution of tuberculosis: a meta- was designed and implemented by fac- terns in HHO variation, phylogeny may analysis of paleopathological ulty from the Department of Molecular still play a major role in governing how evidence. and Cell Biology with no input from fac- HHOs of specific taxa respond to ecolog- ulty in other departments. Much of the ical forces. Results also suggest that rel- KARA LEE HOLLOWAY1, RENATA J. controversy centered on ethical issues, atively longer HHOs seen in larger- HENNEBERG1, MIGUEL DE BARROS as students were asked to provide brained subfossil lemurs correspond LOPES2 and MACIEJ HENNEBERG1. genetic material prior to being given a with their relatively ‘‘slower’’ life his- 1Bilogical Anthropology and Compara- chance to learn about genetic testing, tory schedules, reinforcing the idea that tive Anatomy Unit, University of Ade- the ethical and psychological implica- HHO can influence the evolution of life laide, Australia, 2Pharmacy and tions, or the evolutionary context in history in response to specific ecological Medical Sciences, University of South which such variants evolved. In Au- selection regimes. Australia, Adelaide, Australia. gust, the California Department of This project was funded by NSF grants Public Health ruled that the project BCS-0622479 (RTH), BCS-0237338 and Tuberculosis is a re-emerging disease amounted to medical research and BCS-0503988 (LRG and GTS), and 2010 and is a major problem in both develop- required that the University use a li- Max Planck Research Award (TGB). ing and developed countries today. An censed clinical laboratory rather than estimatedonethirdoftheworld’spop- process the genetic data on campus. Investigating early diagenesis: ulation are infected and almost two Due to financial concerns the Univer- The qualitative preservation of col- million people die from the disease sity decided to only provide the results lagen in bones after short inter- each year. Bone lesions occur in 3-5% in aggregate rather than individually. ment periods. of active tuberculosis cases and can be During this symposium I will report used to diagnose the disease in an- on how this program unfolded over the NADJA HOKE, ANDREA GRIGAT, cient skeletal remains. A meta-analy- fall semester. CLAUDIA MARTIN, CHRISTINA sis was conducted on 394 paleopatho- PANKRATZ and GISELA GRUPE. logical tuberculosis cases from 180 Metabolic rhythms in haplorhine Department Biology I, Anthropology sites (9000-200 years BP) on all conti- and strepsirrhine primates. and Biodiversity, Ludwig-Maximilians- nents for the purpose of testing two University Munich, Germany. hypotheses; 1) the prevalence of bone RUSSELL T. HOGG1, LAURIE R. lesions does not change through time GODFREY2, GARY T. SCHWARTZ3,4 Shortly after death, all body tissues, and 2) the distribution of lesions and TIMOTHY G. BROMAGE5. including bone and its components, throughout the skeleton does not 1Department of Pathology and Anatomi- inevitably undergo taphonomic changes change over time. cal Sciences, University of Missouri, that consequently lead to total dissolu- The prevalence of bone lesions was 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- tion of the dead body. Depending on found to significantly decrease over sity of Massachusetts-Amherst, 3Insti- multiple factors, such as burial context, time (P\0.05). The distribution of bone tute of Human Origins & 4School of temperature, soil pH, water balance lesions was found to change from Human Evolution and Social Change, etc., decomposition is either favoured, mainly spinal in earlier time periods to Arizona State University, 5Department causing faster alteration and loss of tis- include more cases in other regions of of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New sue, or delayed, resulting in a better the skeleton (long bones, joints, hands, York University College of Dentistry. preservation. Due to the complexity of feet) in later time periods. This differ- factors contributing to the taphonomic ence in distribution was evaluated Microstructural evidence from teeth fate of skeletal tissue in particular, dia- using a Chi-squared test and found to and bone has recently been used to sup- genetic pathways are still not fully be significant (P\0.01). These findings port the hypothesis that growth, metab- characterized and understood. Despite may represent the evolution of the rela- olism, and reproduction – i.e., life his- the fact that many authors emphasize tionship of host and pathogen over tory – are centrally regulated by a the crucial role of the first years post- time, with the pathogen becoming less neuroendocrine rhythm known as the mortem in setting the course for long- virulent but using more of the host’s tis- Havers-Halberg Oscillation (HHO). term preservation or decay, little sys- sues to survive. Many questions about HHO biology and tematic research has been conducted in its relationship to life history evolution this field. The LB1 endocast: un-adorned, un- remain. For example, studies have The aim of this study was to trace the smoothed, a replication study based shown that body mass is a strong pre- initial bone collagen breakdown from on the original CT scan data. dictor of HHO for anthropoid primates, the first years of interment up to later but it cannot explain the unusual HHO burial periods in order to investigate RALPH HOLLOWAY1, TOM patterns of strepsirrhine primates. It is the mechanism of mineralized peptide SCHOENEMANN2 and JANET uncertain whether this results from degradation under varying soil condi- MONGE3. 1Department of Anthropol- phylogenetic differences in HHO regula- tions and the influence of inhumation ogy, Columbia University, 2Department tion across major primate clades, or time. Assessing the integrity of bone of Anthropology, Indiana University, whether such differences are eliminated collagen is essential for various archaeo- 3Department of Anthropology, Univer- by application of more physiologically metric analyses, focusing on radiocar- sity of Pennsylvania. relevant predictor variables. bon dating and stable isotope analysis This study examines Retzius line perio- to reconstruct dietary patterns of past An essential part of science is the pro- dicity (a proxy for HHO) gathered from populations. cess of replication. Thanks to our col- histological sections of haplorhine and We analyzed a set of long bones from leagues listed below and their Indone- strepsirrhine teeth to provide insight two different cemeteries with burial sian colleagues at ARKENAS in into this question. Results for regres- times ranging from 8 to 60 and 90 to Jakarta, it has been possible for the sions of Retzius periodicity against body 150 years. Comparative amino acid authors to independently analyze the mass, brain mass, encephalization, and analysis (HPLC) revealed a selective original CT scan data for the LB1 cra-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 95

166 AAPA ABSTRACTS nium. Using ITK-SNAP and Analyse include functional measures and clinical A comparative study of the anatom- software programs, we have independ- predictors of disease, as well as repro- ical mechanical advantage of the ently segmented the data to produce an ductive measures, from midlife, older, elbow flexor and extensor muscles endocasts in their original form, with- and very old age classes. A refinement in anthropoid primates. out smoothing, or correcting for broken of scientists’ view of the menopausal cranial elements or distortion, and to transition, and a working knowledge of NICHOLAS HOLOWKA. Interdepartmental compare these with the ‘‘virtual’’ endo- the ancestral physiological trade-offs in- Doctoral Program in Anthropological Scien- cast created by Falk et al (2005). While herent in our reproductive health, are ces, Stony Brook University. agreeing with this earlier effort in most both essential for addressing women’s regards, particularly the strong gyri health concerns over the course of the Previous studies of the mechanical advant- recti of the prefrontal lobe, we regard life span. age of the muscles controlling flexion and other aspects of their reconstruction as This work was supported by the Center extension of the elbow have generally problematic, such as the left and right for Reproductive Biology of Washington focused on either the biceps brachii muscle temporal lobes, the juncture between State University. (BBM), or the triceps brachii muscle occipital and cerebellar lobes, and pres- (TBM). The anatomical mechanical ence of a lunate sulcus. Our initial vol- advantage (AMA) of these muscles, which ume estimates bracket those reported Diet and ontogenetic changes in is an approximation of their effective me- by Falk et al (2005), though we expect human mandibular strength. chanical advantage, can be calculated from the original undistorted endocast to be landmarks on the radius and ulna as the somewhat smaller. It will be interesting MEGAN HOLMES, CHRISTOPHER ratio of lever arm length to forearm length. to see any future independent analyses RUFF and EVAN GAROFALO. Center Studies have suggested that elbow AMA done on the newer micro- CT scan data for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, canbeusedtodistinguishbetweenprima- which might become available in the Johns Hopkins University School of tes with different locomotor behaviors, future. Acknowledgements: We are Medicine, Baltimore. making it potentially informative in behav- grateful to Drs. Michael Morwood, Peter ioral reconstructions of fossil primates, but Brown, Bill Jungers, Thomas Sutikna, Mandibular size and shape are com- some contest its usefulness. This study Rokus Dun Awe, Wahyu Saptomo, Jat- monly used to infer masticatory load examines the brachialis muscle (BM), an miko, and Tony Djubiatomo, Director of history in archaeological human popula- elbow flexor that has received little atten- the Indonesian Research and Develop- tions and fossil hominids. However, sev- tion in AMA studies, along with the TBM ment Centre for Archaeology for giving eral factors, including genetic program- and BBM. Lever arms of these muscles us access to the CT scan data. ming and functional demands, influence and forearm lengths were measured in a growth and development of the human sample of anthropoid primates represent- A zoologist’s perspective on the evo- mandible into its resultant adult form. ing a broad range of locomotor behaviors. lution of human ovarian aging: The degree to which these separate fac- For the BBM and BM, the relationship implications for women’s health in tors drive mandibular morphology is between lever arm and forearm length was the postmenopausal age. not yet clear. The goal of this study was assessed. Results indicate that relative BM to quantify and compare ontogenetic lever arm length consistently distinguishes DONNA HOLMES. School of Biological trends in mandibular corpus cross-sec- ‘‘slow’’ suspensory species from brachiators Sciences and Center for Reproductive tional properties between two archeolog- and quadrupeds, but relative BBM lever Biology, Washington State University, ical populations representing distinct arm length does not. Mean AMA scores Pullman, Washington. dietary habits. were also calculated for all three muscles, Using bi-planar radiographs and a hol- and these scores were compared on scatter Life expectancy has increased gradually low asymmetrical beam model, strength plots. These data show that, when consid- over the course of human evolution–but and rigidity properties were determined ered together, AMA scores from multiple it has doubled in industrialized societies in the mandibular corpus in Arikara muscles reliably discriminate suspensory since the early 1900s, resulting in much (n542) and Tigara (n563) population taxa from primarily quadrupedal prima- longer postmenopausal life spans for samples. The Tigara sample represents tes. Hence, BM and TBM AMA calcula- modern women. From a comparative bi- an arctic population with a demanding tions from entirely preserved ulnae can be ological perspective, human menopause dietary regime and robust adult mandi- used to inform fossil primate behavioral may not require special evolutionary ex- bles compared to the Arikara. Ages, reconstructions. planation. Midlife fertility loss followed determined from dental eruption, tooth by extended postreproductive life spans development, and epiphyseal closure, Variation in rates of enamel deposi- occurs in a wide range of other female ranged from infancy to adulthood. To tion in two samples of deciduous vertebrates, and is an expected outcome assess developmental patterns in man- dentition. of a finite ovarian reserve produced dibular strength between populations, under particular developmental con- residual values from polynomial lines fit SARAH HOLT. Department of Anthro- straints. In industrialized societies, through the pooled data set were com- pology, The Ohio State University. reproductive aging in women correlates pared using ANCOVA and independent clearly with other clinical aging syn- t-tests. Enamel deposition taking place during dromes, including increasing rates of If differential mechanical environments dental development leaves a visible record cardiovascular disease, some cancers, associated with population-specific mas- of rates of growth through enamel micro- osteoarthritis, and sensory deficits. In- ticatory forces drive mandibular form, structures in the tooth crown. Research triguing questions remain concerning then divergent growth trajectories addressing the variation in dental develop- whether the postmenopausal life span is should be present between the two pop- ment between human populations has a human ancestral trait, an adaptation ulations analyzed here. Results of this resulted in an accepted range of enamel for life in extended kin networks, an ar- study indicate that this is in fact the growth for human secondary dentition tifact of cultural protections against an- case for the majority of properties (Reid and Dean 2006), allowing compari- cestral mortality pressures, or a com- examined. This suggests that while cer- sons to both non-human primates and plex combination of these. tain morphological characters possess hominin species. The range of daily rates These questions can be addressed more population-specific genetic predisposi- of enamel growth and periodicity has not incisively as anthropologists and bioger- tions, most differences are evident only yet been established for human deciduous ontologists begin a coordinated effort to after the initiation of masticatory teeth, however. In this research, histologi- obtain more extensive comparative clin- demands, supporting developmental cal thin-sections showing daily cross-stria- ical data, particularly a variety of tradi- plasticity as a major factor in determi- tion counts and long-period striae markers tional people. These data would ideally nation of adult mandibular form. areusedtodeterminetheratesofdeposi-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 96

AAPA ABSTRACTS 167 tion and periodicity of deciduous enamel in The metabolic cost of walking in effective mechanical advantage of anti- Italian samples from both modern school- Neandertals and Upper Paleolithic gravity muscles (e.g., quadriceps) children (Fatina) and a Roman archaeolog- Europeans. thereby requiring less muscle force to ical site (Isola Sacra). Data from maxillary maintain posture. Although some exper- incisors and canines show no significant MARTIN HORA and VLADIMI´R SLA´ - imental data supports Biewener’s find- differences in deposition rates between DEK. Department of Anthropology and ings for primates, there are some incon- enamel zones within a single tooth desig- Human Genetics, Faculty of Science, sistencies. For example, Polk (2002, J. nation. Significant variation in individual Charles University, Prague. Exp. Biol.) and Young (2009, J. Exp. daily enamel formation is shown (Fatina Biol.) found no significant correlation p50.047, Isola Sacra p50.000); Population It was assumed that because of their between body size and knee angle in variation is also discussed. shorter lower limbs and greater body adult cercopithecine monkeys (three mass Neandertals walked markedly less species, six individuals, 4.1-24.2 kg), or efficiently and economically than Upper in squirrel monkeys (six individuals; An assessment of nasal septal devi- Paleolithic Europeans which in certain 0.218-0.535 kg; ontogenetic sample), ation and facial form in European- conditions might play a role in Neander- respectively. These results may be and African-derived populations. tal extinction. However, other morpho- related in part to the small body size logical characteristics of Neandertals ranges and/or too few individuals NATHAN E. HOLTON1,2, TODD R. were proposed to possibly affect locomo- sampled in both studies. Unfortunately, YOKLEY3 and AARON FIGUEROA4. tor efficiency and economy such as rela- both issues are often inherent in lab- 1Department of Orthodontics, University tively short tibia, posteriorly displaced based primate locomotion research. To of Iowa, 2Department of Anthropology, tibial condyles, thick patella and long cal- clarify this, we examined the relation- University of Iowa, 3Department of Basic caneus besides lower limb length and ship between body size and knee angle Sciences, Touro University Nevada, 4Col- body mass. In this study we aim to utilize in a troop of wild chacma baboons lege of Dentistry, University of Iowa, all these morphological characteristics to (Papio hamadryas ursinus) living in Iowa City. estimate differences in locomotor effi- the De Hoop Nature Reserve, South ciency and economy between Neander- Africa. We obtained video of 33 individ- An integrated nasal septal-premaxillary tals and Upper Paleolithic Europeans. uals (1-9 years; 2-29.5 kg) as they complex is likely an important determi- We used a recent biomechanical model of walked (duty factor \50) perpendicular nant in prenatal and early postnatal fa- Pontzer et al. (2009) to estimate locomo- to a tripod-mounted camcorder. We cial development. The role of the septum tor efficiency and economy of Neandertal measured angle at mid-support for 228 in later facial ontogeny, however, is and Upper Paleolithic European expecta- steps and performed regressions using unclear. The presence of septal deviation tions. Being aware of the effect of posture individual means. We found that heav- would suggest a disjunction between sep- on some variables employed in the model ier, older baboons indeed have more tal and facial growth, although this does (moment arms of the ground reaction extended knee joints (r50.477, not necessarily preclude the septum from force) we developed a trigonometric p\0.01). Our results for this single influencing postnatal ontogenetic develop- model that determines the behavior of species support Biewener’s general bio- ment. To understand the septum’s role in the moment arms of the ground reaction mechanical hypothesis that larger indi- later postnatal facial growth, we must force during stance phase when given the viduals adopt more extended limbs. determine if a relationship exists between body segments lengths and the joint Moreover, this study demonstrates the the nasal septum and facial morphology. angles which allowed us to control the utility of field-acquired kinematics to In this study, we assessed these variables effect of posture. supplement conventionally acquired in European- and African-derived popula- Our results suggest that Neandertals lab-based data for answering biome- tions that exhibit early ontogenetic varia- might use 4 percent less mass-specific chanical questions. tion associated with the nasal septal-pre- energy (were more efficient) and 9 per- maxillary complex. We tested two hypoth- cent more absolute energy (were less ec- Isolated hominid cranial fragments eses: 1) There is a significant difference onomical) to walk a unit distance than from the Omo River Basin: 1969- in nasal septal deviation between popula- Upper Paleolithic Europeans. Further- 1975 collections. tions; 2) Population variation in facial more, assuming the same joint angles form is correlated with septal deviation. Neandertals would have shorter CAROLINE F. HORTON1, GARY D. Our hypotheses were tested using data moment arms of the ground reaction RICHARDS2, REBECCA S. JABBOUR3 from CT scans of living humans (n570). force especially at the knee and ankle. and CAITLIN L. IBARRA4. 1Dept. of Septal deviation was measured as the This study was funded by the Charles Integrative Biology, University of Cali- greatest difference between the absolute University Grant Agency, grant number fornia, Berkeley; 2Dept. of Biomedical and superior-inferior height of the sep- 169310. Sciences, A. A. Dugoni School of Den- tum in the coronal plane. Facial morphol- tistry, University of the Pacific; 3Dept. ogy was assessed via principal compo- Intra-specific scaling of hind limb of Biology, Saint Mary’s College of Cali- nents analysis of Procrustes-scaled land- posture in wild chacma baboons fornia; 4Institute for Dental History and marks. Our European-derived sample (Papio hamadryas ursinus): using Craniofacial Study, A. A. Dugoni School exhibited greater septal deviation com- field data to address typical lab- of Dentistry, University of the Pacific. pared to our African-derived sample based questions. (P\0.0001). Furthermore, septal devia- The hominid-bearing Shungura and tion was correlated with PC1, which ANGELA M. HORNER1, BIREN A. Usno formations in the lower Omo Ba- described population variation in facial PATEL2, LOUISE BARRETT3 and S. sin date to between 3.4-1.4 my. This form (r50.71, P\0.0001). Thus, increased PETER HENZI3. 1Department of Ecol- long temporal span makes the Omo re- septal deviation was associated with a ogy and Evolutionary Biology, Brown cord one of the longest continuous relative reduction in facial length and an University. 2Department of Anatomical records of hominid evolution. Taxa rep- increase in nasal projection. This sug- Sciences, Stony Brook University. 3Psy- resented include multiple species of gests that while the nasal septum may chology Department, University of Leth- Australopithecus and Homo. Here we have little influence on later ontogenetic bridge. provide the first descriptions and inter- variation in facial length, it may influ- pretations of fragmentary cranial ence population variation in external Biewener’s (1989, Science) experimental remains attributable to two hominids nasal morphology. data in non-primate mammals (0.04-280 from the 1969-1975 collections. Speci- This study was funded by NSF:BCS- kg) show that as size increases, mam- men L345-11 derives from Submember 0550036 (NEH) and the L.S.B. Leakey mals adopt more extended hind limb C9 of the Shungura formation (2.51 Foundation (TRY). joints. An extended limb increases the my). This immature specimen is a frag-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 97

168 AAPA ABSTRACTS mentary right parietal that retains genes known to be important in other remains from what was determined to 38.5 mm of the coronal and 32.0 mm hibernating mammals, such as PDK4, be burial vaults of the Spring Street of the sagittal suture. Cranial thickness SIRT1, FGF21, CLOCK and PER, Presbyterian Church. This radical aboli- at bregma is 7.5 mm but the vault thins were identified in this study. The data tionist church, active from approxi- to 4.0 mm laterally. A low ridge of are currently being evaluated to iden- mately 1811-1843, was comprised of a bone parallels the sagittal suture, indi- tify genes under positive selection. mixed-race congregation that was pre- cating the presence of a developing This cDNA sequence resource will pro- dominantly working class. Of the some crest. Specimen P996-17a-b derives vide a basis for further research on 300 individuals recovered from the site, from Shungura Member K (1.45 my) metabolic regulation in primates, as many of the subadults exhibited patho- and comprises a fragment of frontopari- well as offer an important evolution- logical conditions, while most of the etal, preserving the bregmatic region ary perspective on lemur biology and adults revealed few. Tuberculosis and and portions of the coronal suture, and genome evolution. venereal syphilis was present in a small a fragment of the left pteryonic region. This study was funded by the Primate number of the adults. One individual, Vault thickness at bregma is 11.0 mm Genomics Initiative at Duke University. in particular, exhibited lesions consist- and, while thinner at sphenion/krota- ent with prostate cancer. The incom- phion, it remains as thick as 7.5 mm Dental anomalies in the deciduous plete skeletal remains of an adult male, in this region. These specimens are dentition of a C-Group Nubian 40-44 years of age, designated as Burial compared to a sample of East African child from Hierakonpolis, Egypt. 9 in Vault II, has proliferative and lytic hominid crania. lesions on the os coxae, sacrum, and While the remains are fragmentary, BRIANA CHRISTA HORWATH and proximal third of the femora diaphyses. reconstructions based on CT scans and JOEL D. IRISH. Department of Anthro- This poster will present the case of the mirror imaging provide further informa- pology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. suspected neoplasm in Burial 9, as iden- tion. Taxonomically relevant features tified by micro- and macroscopic obser- include vault thickness, sagittal crest The purpose of this study is to describe vation as well as radiographic analysis. development, external and internal and discuss a case of ‘‘twinned’’ incisor When interpreting these lesions, it is vault curvatures, and vascular patterns. with an associated talon cusp in a sub- important to consider the social and Given these data we assign L345-11 to adult from a cemetery at Hierakonpolis. physical environment this individual Australopithecus cf. aethiopicus and Excavations at the site’s C-Group Nu- lived in, so as to understand the mor- P996-17a-b to Homo cf. erectus. bian cemetery (HK27C) unearthed bidity and mortality of persons with Funding provided by a faculty research approximately 60 individuals dated such a condition. Burial 9 provides a grant to GDR from the A. A. Dugoni from the 11th Dynasty through the 2nd unique opportunity to study a relatively School of Dentistry, University of the Intermediate period. Of these, the rare case of prostate cancer in an Pacific (No. 03-Activity-059) and a grant remains of a 3-4 year old child, age archaeological specimen and to better from the Undergraduate Student Op- determined by dental eruption, were understand the effects of genetic and portunity Fund, University of Califor- recovered from Tomb 37b; they were environmental factors on the develop- nia, Berkeley to CFH. associated with a more recent ‘‘Egyp- ment of prostate cancer. tianized’’ section of the cemetery. The Gene discovery in a hibernating incisor twinning, i.e., gemination event, Skeletal tissue properties: the util- primate. and the talon cusp, are present in the ity of using indentation modulus right deciduous maxillary lateral inci- and density as proxies for elastic JULIE E. HORVATH. The Department sor; both are unilateral in their expres- modulus. of Evolutionary Anthropology, The Duke sion. Gemination in deciduous teeth Primate Genomics Initiative and Duke occurs at a very low rate; previous stud- JENNIFER L. HOTZMAN. Anthrotech, Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, ies reported an incidence of 0.4 to 0.9 Inc., Yellow Springs. Duke University, Durham, North Caro- percent. Talon cusp occurs from 0.6 to lina. 7.7 percent in deciduous teeth. These An important aspect of modeling me- two anomalies combined make the dis- chanical behaviors of structures is Primate sequencing efforts have covery rare, as only three case studies determining the correct material prop- expanded our ability to address difficult have been described in modern den- erties. Two material properties that research questions relating to evolution tistry. Twinned incisors and talons greatly influence skeletal tissue me- and disease. The gray mouse lemur, cusps, respectively, have been docu- chanical behavior are elastic modulus Microcebus murinus, is one of the few mented in multiple regions of the world and density. The purpose of this study lemurs to undergo torpor (hibernation). -- from Peru to Portugal. The present is to examine the relationship of these By identifying genes involved in torpor, discovery at Hierakonpolis is the first material properties using a female we can begin to understand processes example in North Africa of either anom- Macaca fascicularis skull. Density and associated with metabolic regulation aly in a juvenile, and contributes to an elastic modulus are expected to exhibit such as diabetes and obesity. In order to ever increasing data set of dental a very strong correlation. investigate the genes involved in torpor anomalies in the region. The female Macaca fascicularis skull in the gray mouse lemur, targeted Dr. Renee Friedman kindly facilitated underwent micro-computed tomography sequencing was conducted on a cDNA analysis. Funding for the excavation in scanning. The scans yielded grayscale library created from polyA selected 2007 was provided by National Geo- values that were used to calculate corti- RNA from a mouse lemur liver using a graphic Society and Wenner-Gren Foun- cal bone density. After the skull was Roche GS-FLX (454) instrument. These dation; granted to the second author scanned, the hard palate was sectioned cDNA sequence data were compared to and the Hierakonpolis Expedition. for microindentation. A total of 7 sam- the human genome and combined with ples underwent microindentation to the current 2X gray mouse lemur ge- A case of metastasized prostate can- determine the hardness of the cortical nome sequence to offer clues into the cer from the historic Spring Street bone. The hardness values were then evolution of genes in the primate line- Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. used to calculate the elastic modulus of age as well as to offer insight into the the skeletal tissue. Density and elastic genes critical for hibernation. Of the 1.8 LAUREN R. HOSEK and SHANNON A. modulus values were determined in the million sequence reads obtained, nearly NOVAK. Department of Anthropology, same locations in the palate. Linear 70% mapped to known human genes Syracuse University. regressions of these variables were per- while 30% were unmapped. These formed to determine their relationship. unmapped reads may provide insight In 2005, construction crews in New Both specific, localized areas of bone into mouse lemur specific genes. Several York City unearthed human skeletal and larger, regional areas of bone were

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 98

AAPA ABSTRACTS 169 examined to determine the relationship dation Dissertation Improvement Grant tiva, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, between density and elastic modulus. (7962) and the Ohio State University 3Senckenberg Center for Human Evolu- All of the regressions showed a poor cor- Graduate School. tion and Paleoecology, University of relation; however, it is highly unlikely Tu¨ bingen. that these 2 variables are truly uncorre- Understanding Fst and Discrimi- lated. A more likely explanation for this nant Analysis Classifications by Recent evidence regarding the settlement lack of correlation is that indentation means of resampled datasets: the of the Americas from diverse fields is and density are relying on different fac- influence of different variables and found to support different colonization tors to estimate elastic modulus. In this the extent to which they actually scenarios. The currently available genetic study both variables of interest were reflect sub-population divergence. evidence suggests a ‘‘single migration’’ determined indirectly which is likely a model, in which both early and later contributing factor to the demonstrated ALEX HUBBE1, ANDRE STRAUSS2, Native American groups derive from one lack of relationship. MARK HUBBE3 and DANILO expansion event into the continent. In BERNARDO1. 1Departamento de Genetica contrast, the pronounced anatomical dif- An examination of biological e Biologia Evolutiva, Universidade de Sao ferences between early and late Native distance and population struc- Paulo, 2Department of Human Evolution, American populations have led others to ture among four coastal Kenyan Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- propose more complex scenarios, involv- populations. thropology, 3InstitutodeInvestigaciones ing separate colonization events of the Arqueolo´gicas y Museo, Universidad Cato´l- New World. Using large samples of Early AMELIA R. HUBBARD, DEBBIE ica Del Norte. American crania, we: 1) calculated the GUATELLI-STEINBERG and PAUL W. rate of morphological differentiation SCIULLI. Department of Anthropology, Classification through Discriminant between Early and Late American sam- The Ohio State University. Functions and Fst are common means ples under three different time diver- of studying the apportionment of global gence assumptions, and compared them This study examines biological distance human cranial morphological variation. to the morphological differentiation (biodistance) and population structure However, the power of each method in expected under neutral conditions; and 2) among four coastal Kenyan populations, reflecting real population structure is tested the goodness of fit of three geo- and is part of a larger project investigating rarely discussed in the literature. In graphic dispersal scenarios for the coloni- the concordance between estimates of pop- this work we assess the relative zation of the New World by comparing ulation structure based, independently, on capacity of each method in real popula- them to the morphological distances genetic data and dental data from the tions (Asia, Africa and Europe) and in among early and late Amerindians, early same individuals. The aim of the current randomly generated ones. Our goals and late East Asians and Australo-Mela- project is to determine if structure and dis- were 1) to investigate the effect of dif- nesians. Results indicate that the tance estimates for the selected popula- ferent sets of numbers of variables in assumption of a last shared common tions conform to expectations based on each statistic; and 2) to measure their ancestor outside the continent better these populations’ histories. capacity of reflecting the original struc- explains the observed morphological dif- Presence and absence of twenty-seven ture of the populations. Fst and fre- ferences between early and late American dental non-metric traits were scored on quency of correct classification (FCC) groups. Also, a model comprising two 388 impressions collected from four popu- were calculated for thousand randomly Asian waves of migration coming through lations (representing two ethnic groups): chosen datasets considering progressive Bering into the Americas fits the cranial Dawida and Kasigau (Taita), and Mom- numbers of variables for the original anatomical evidence best, especially when basa and Lamu (Swahili). Next, biodis- and random (mixed) populations. The the effects of diversifying selection to cli- tance estimates were calculated using results for the real populations indicate mate are taken into account. We conclude Konigsberg’s modified Mahalanobis dis- that both statistics vary considerably that the morphological diversity docu- tance program. The resultant distance when different sets of variables are mentedthroughtimeintheNewWorld matrix was then used to calculate the r- used, especially when the number of is best accounted for by a model postulat- matrix, which yielded corresponding FST variables employed is small. Besides, ing two waves of human expansion into values (a measure of inbreeding within both indexes are influenced by the total the continent originating in East Asia (sub)populations). number of metric traits included in the and entering through Beringia. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) analysis, although in different ways: This study was funded by FONDECYT Taita populations will exhibit higher FST FCC increases when more variables are (11070091), FAPESP (04/01321-6 and values than Swahili populations because used while Fst reach its higher values 08/58729-8), CNPq (301126-04.6), the theTaitaaremoregeographicallyand with an intermediate number of varia- Max Planck Gesellschaft and the EVAN culturally isolated than the Swahili, and bles. The results for the random popula- MRTN-CT-019564. 2) following a model of isolation by dis- tions show that Fst is close to zero, as tance, the biodistance between the fur- expected. On the other hand, FCC can Characteristics of bone structure thest locations (Mombasa and Lamu; reach 64% of correct classifications even during growth: a comparison of the Lamu and Dawida/Kasigau) will be larg- when dealing with populations that are age-associated patterns of change est, while smaller biodistances will be not real. We conclude that both number in cortical bone geometry and tra- between closely-spaced locations (Mom- and type of variables can affect drasti- becular bone microarchitecture in basa, Kasigau, Dawida). cally statistics that describe population the human tibia. Preliminary results from a sub-sample structure and care must be taken when of the 388 individuals indicate that comparing results obtained from differ- ZACHARIAH R. HUBBELL1, JAMES 1 2 some expectations have been met. FST ent sets of variables. H. GOSMAN , TIMOTHY M. RYAN , values were higher in the Taita samples COLIN N. SHAW2, and RICHARD A. and low in the Swahili samples. Unex- Testing evolutionary and dispersion KETCHAM3. 1Department of Anthropol- pectedly, none of the predictions based scenarios for the settlement of the ogy, The Ohio State University, 2Depart- on the isolation by distance model were New World. ment of Anthropology, Pennsylvania met. Explanations for such deviations State University, 3Department of Geo- will be further explored in this poster. MARK HUBBE1, WALTER A. NEVES2, logical Sciences, University of Texas at This study was generously funded by DANILO V. BERNARDO2 and Austin. the U.S. Department of Education KATERINA HARVATI3. 1Instituto de through a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Investigaciones Arqueolo´gicas y Museo, Human long bone trabecular microarch- Dissertation Research Abroad Grant Universidad Cato´lica Del Norte, 2Depar- itecture has been demonstrated to reach (P022A090029), a Wenner-Gren Foun- tamento de Gene´tica e Biologia Evolu- its essential adult configuration by the

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 99

170 AAPA ABSTRACTS time an individual reaches late child- hominins through dental microwear tex- similarly by step- parents and biological hood, whereas the geometric properties ture analysis. ones. On the other hand, and in support of cortical bone continue to change past High-resolution casts of four individuals of the evolutionary theory of the family, adolescence. The objective of this were used in this study. The Sale´ and young males dispersed later when the research is to examine the differing de- Thomas Quarry III individuals are mother had been replaced than in sta- velopmental trajectories of trabecular dated to the early Middle Pleistocene, ble groups (x2 test, p50.016), but the and cortical bone with regard to shape whereas those from Dar es-Soltane II replacement of the adult male had no differentiation and strength maturation. and Grotte des Contrebandiers are from significant effect on the dispersal of Here, we test the hypothesis that the the early Late Pleistocene. Anterior young females. Our results stress the cross-sectional shape of the tibia ini- teeth were scanned using a white-light importance of detailed and sex-specific tially transforms from rounded to trian- confocal profiler using a 100x objective dispersal/survival analyses as part of gular in association with the acquisition lens. The resultant scans measured a any investigation of mating systems of bipedal walking and continues to dif- total area of 204 x 276 lm, and were and paternal care in primatology. ferentiate in shape well into skeletal analyzed using Toothfrax and SFrax EFD received financial support from the maturity, in contrast to trabecular bone software packages. Modern human Wenner-Gren Foundation, the L.S.B. developmental patterns. High resolution samples were used as a comparison Leakey Foundation, the National Geo- x-ray CT images of the tibial midshaft baseline. graphic Society, the National Science were taken from 30 individuals ranging Results indicate high anisotropy and Foundation (BCS- 0621020), the Univer- developmentally from neonate to skele- moderate textural fill volume values for sity of Pennsylvania Research Founda- tally mature from the SunWatch Village the earlier Pleistocene hominins, tion and the Zoological Society of San skeletal collection, an Ohio Valley whereas the later individuals show low Diego. MH was funded by the Deutsche maize-dependent agricultural village anisotropy and high textural fill volume Forschungsgemeinschaft (HU 1746/2-1). (AD 1200-1300). Cortical geometric values. Anterior dental microwear sig- properties (Imax,Imin, and J) were calcu- natures for the later hominins are most lated using a custom code written in similar to those of modern humans from Sex differences in cognition in IDL. Polar plots of multiple centroid the arctic. This pattern suggests the rhesus macaques: a model for radii were developed to visualize and early Late Pleistocene hominins from understanding human variation in compare the age-associated cortical geo- Morocco may have participated in more cognition? metric shapes. Results demonstrate a high magnitude or repetitive loading dramatic differentiation in tibial mid- associated with non-dietary anterior KELLY D. HUGHES1 and LAURIE R. shaft shape from birth to late adoles- tooth use than did the earlier hominins. SANTOS2. 1Department of Anthropology, 2 cence; increasing Imax/Imin ratios corre- This study was funded by the National Yale University, Department of Psychol- late with increasing age (Pearson corre- Science Foundation DDIG (BCS ogy, Yale University. lation of 0.847, p-value50.000), showing 0925818). that tibial cross-sectional shape There is still much controversy regard- becomes more heterogeneous (from Children of divorce: effects of adult ing the origins of sex differences in more to less rounded) throughout ontog- replacements on survival and dis- human cognition. Some researchers eny. This study demonstrates that by persal of young owl monkeys in the support at least some influence of biol- late adolescence, the geometries of tra- Argentinean Chaco. ogy, citing the consistency of sex differ- becular and cortical bone have stabi- ences and biological correlates of varia- lized into adult patterns, but have MAREN HUCK1 and EDUARDO tion in cognition. These researchers are arrived there via differing trajectories. FERNANDEZ-DUQUE1,2. 1Department divided though, on whether such biolog- Grant Sponsors: National Science Foun- of Anthropology, University of Pennsylva- ical influences arise from mechanisms dation Dissertation Improvement; Grant nia, 2Centro de Ecologı´a Aplicada del shared with other mammals, or rather, number: BCS-0650727 (JHG); National Litoral, Conicet, Argentina. from unique pressures during human Science Foundation; Grant number: evolution. Contrary to all of these ideas, EAR-0646848, (RAK). Although owl monkeys (Aotus azarai)of a growing contingent supports a com- the Argentinean Chaco are socially pletely cultural explanation for the exis- monogamous Neotropical primates, tence of cognitive sex differences in Anterior dental microwear of Mid- male and female partners are some- humans. Such researchers cite findings dle and early Late Pleistocene hom- times replaced by intruders from out- that show how the priming of gender inins from Morocco. side the group. The consequences of and stereotypes can strongly influence those replacements on the pair’s off- the strength of sex as a factor in cogni- JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN1 and spring have not been evaluated. Here tive task performance. These different KRISTIN L. KRUEGER2. 1Max Planck we tested the prediction derived from perspectives have not been resolved Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, parental investment theory that juve- with human research, so to take a dif- 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- niles would disappear (as a proxy for ferent approach, we turned to a nonhu- sity of Arkansas. death) at younger ages in groups with man primate model (Macaca mulatta), replacement than in stable groups. We in which the effects of enculturation are Pleistocene hominin fossils from north- also predicted, as derived from the evo- much reduced, to test these hypotheses. western Africa, especially Morocco, hold lutionary theory of the family, that sub- To do so, we adapted the mental rota- great potential for providing clues adults would disperse at older ages af- tion task for nonhuman subjects; this regarding the evolution and dispersion ter the replacement of the opposite-sex task regularly obtains the largest sex of Homo. For example, early Middle parent than in stable groups or after differences of any cognitive task. In this Pleistocene fossils can offer a rich replacement of same-sex parents. To task, subjects must discriminate source of data concerning the transition test the predictions we compared, tak- between two sets of images: either the from erectus to sapiens. Furthermore, ing the immature’s sex into account, the set represents the same object viewed while focus has centered on Middle survival and dispersal of owl monkeys from different angles or two different Pleistocene populations in Europe, con- (n519 males, 15 females, 48 unknown objects. We observed a significant effect temporaneous hominins from north- sex) from stable groups and from groups of condition, showing that some mon- western Africa can present a more com- with replacements. Contrary to expecta- keys successfully discriminated between prehensive picture of dietary and be- tion, we found that juvenile survival same-but-rotated and different sets. We havioral breadth. Consequently, this was not negatively affected by replace- also observed a marginally significant study seeks to better understand the ments (G-test, p50.36), suggesting that effect of sex, with females showing less dietary and behavioral milieu of these infants and juveniles may be cared for discrimination than males. The impact

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 171 of this finding on current hypotheses is defined steps, but the timing of these ered ‘‘hard’’ (with high levels of enamel examined. stages relative to chronological age, surface feature complexity - Asfc). The This study was funded by Yale Univer- dental development and the maturation two methods compared here have estab- sity and International Primatological of other skeletal elements is variable. lished records of use in inferring feeding Society Research Grant. This paper examines species differences behavior of extinct taxa, especially in the sequence and relative timing of primates. Biological anthropology in the skeletal maturation of the elbow in Mandibular cross-sectional geometry genomics era. humans, chimpanzees and gorillas. was obtained via computed tomography, Skeletal maturation of the elbow and microwear data were collected from BRANNON I. HULSEY, FRANKIE L. involves several distinct events: coales- the literature. Results of the mandibu- PACK and GRACIELA S. CABANA. cence of the ossification centres of the lar cross-sectional geometric analysis Department of Anthropology, University distal epiphysis of the humerus to form indicate that the corpus of Alouatta is of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. a composite epiphysis; fusion of the sep- both stronger and more rigid in bending arate or partly fused ossification centres and torsion than that of Cebus. With This study explores the current and of the distal epiphysis or of a composite these results, we expected Asfc to posi- future impact of the ‘‘genomic era’’ on distal epiphysis to the metaphysis of tively correlate and epLsar to negatively biological anthropology. Whereas genet- the humerus; fusion of the ossification correlate with mandibular cross-sec- ics refers to the detailed study of one or centre of the medial epicondyle as ei- tional geometry. However, Spearman’s few genes in isolation, genomics is the ther a separate centre or as part of a Rho correlation results were mixed: study of organisms using the entirety of composite distal epiphysis; and fusion of expected significant correlations were their genome and their environments. the epiphyses of the proximal radius observed in Cebus, but not for Alouatta. The term ‘‘genomics era’’ alludes to the and proximal ulna. Each potential point Thus, there appears to be a complex seemingly endless research potential of fusion was scored as unfused, par- relationship between results of these released by an arsenal of technological tially fused, or completely fused. analyses that must be considered when advances of the last decade. The chal- An age-independent seriation of succes- using either one in isolation to recon- lenges posed by the genomic era to bio- sive and/or overlapping stages of fusion struct feeding behavior of extinct logical anthropologists are significant, reveals species differences in the animals. and our ultimate goal is to understand sequence of maturation events within how biological anthropologists in gen- the elbow. Ordering of individuals Race and genetics: concepts and eral, and anthropological geneticists in according to sequential stages of tooth practice in primary care. particular, can reposition themselves to emergence or (non-elbow) skeletal mat- face these challenges. uration reveals species differences in LINDA M. HUNT and META J. We collected interview data and qualita- the relative timing of elbow maturation. KREINER. Department of Anthropol- tive data based on an online survey The sequence and timing of elbow mat- ogy, Michigan State University. East from professionals on the ways in which uration of fossil hominins is evaluated Lansing, MI. challenges posed by the genomic era in the context of differences between may affect their practice of biological extant species. While the time-worn idea that the anthropology. Questions were struc- human species can be reasonably di- tured around teaching, research, and What is the relationship between vided into four or five biologically dis- advising. Preliminary results based on mandibular corpus cross-sectional tinct races has long been rejected by interview data alone indicate that, in geometry and molar microwear anthropologists and many biologists, it general, biological anthropologists in enamel surface texture? keeps reemerging in nearly its original anthropology departments suffer from a form. In the prodigious wave of genetics lack of resources relative to colleagues MARK P. HUMPHREY1,2, JASON M. research following the Human Genome in other academic departments. Fur- ORGAN2,3, J. GARY BLEDSOE4 and Project, the concept of biological races thermore, results indicate that both an KATHERINE C. MACKINNON5. has been experiencing something of a increase in funding and institutional 1School of Dentistry, University of Mis- reinvigoration. Racial/ethnic labels are change (at the departmental and uni- souri-Kansas City, 2Center for Anatomi- being used routinely in this context, versity-wide level) is needed. Using the cal Science and Education, 3Department which promotes the illusion that these new technologies and methodologies of of Surgery, Saint Louis University labels have the status of legitimate sci- the genomic era requires time, money, School of Medicine, 4Parks College of entific categories. At the same time, accessibility, new laboratory skills, and Engineering, Aviation, and Technology, racial classifications are increasingly bioinformatic training. Anthropological Saint Louis University, 5Department of ubiquitous in current clinical research, geneticists are struggling to remain Sociology and Criminal Justice, Saint and permeate the medical literature; competitive in these five areas as the Louis University. most often in the absence of a consider- pace of change in genomic technology ation of whether observed group differ- increases. These results provide a The vertebrate fossil record is heavily ences are biological or socioeconomic in potential roadmap for change for biolog- represented by craniodental remains, origin. Little is known about the uptake ical anthropologists to remain competi- offering the potential to elucidate pat- of these concepts by clinicians, and the tive in the genomic era. terns of evolution in diet across a broad consequences of these questionable range of taxa. Because the ability to practices for the care provided to Comparative skeletal maturation of reconstruct feeding (or any) behavior of racially labeled patients. In this paper the elbow. extinct animals depends on the use of we report on a study examining the many independent lines of evidence, management of chronic illness in pri- LOUISE HUMPHREY. Department of understanding the relationship between mary care clinics in a Midwestern U.S. Palaeontology, The Natural History Mu- multiple lines of evidence is critical. state. We have conducted clinical obser- seum, London, UK. This study tests the relationship of vations and interviews with 60 primary mandibular corpus cross-sectional pa- care clinicians, focusing on their con- Skeletal maturation involves the rameters to molar occlusal enamel sur- cepts of race and genetics and how they appearance of ossification centres and face texture in two New World monkey apply them in their care of minority fusion of secondary centres with each taxa with known natural dietary consis- patients. We will argue that genetics is other and with a primary centre to form tencies: Alouatta (n511), whose diet is becoming a euphemism for race, and is a consolidated skeletal element. Skele- considered ‘‘tough’’ (with high levels of used to rationalize racial profiling in tal maturation in humans and African enamel surface anisotropy - epLsar), the selection of diagnostic and treat- apes proceeds through a series of well and Cebus (n512) whose diet is consid- ment options.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 101


A differential diagnosis of Diffuse requires enhanced maximum shortening acoustic cues are relevant to social com- Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis velocity and excursion of muscles to facili- munication and thus could contribute to (DISH) in a Gorilla gorilla gorilla tate acceleration during take-off. How- the social brain hypothesis. The goal of skeleton. ever, some investigators have noted that this study was to assess if vocal spinal extension is also an important complexity positively correlates with RANDEE HUNTER and AMANDA component of leaping, as this movement Encephalization Quotients (EQ) in pri- AGNEW. Department of Anthropology, increases the leap length by extending mates. Data for complexity and brain The Ohio State University. the spine from a flexed position at the be- body weights were compiled from previ- ginning of the take-off phase. We com- ous studies for 151 primate species. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis pared absolute and relative measures of Complexity was assigned to species sat- (DISH), a pathological condition prevalent fiber architecture (mass, pinnation angle, isfying one or more of 4 categories: (1) in modern human populations, has rarely fiber length [Lf], and physiological cross- repertoire size (2) song complexity (3) been documented in other hominoids. sectional area [PCSA]) of selected spinal individual recognition or age/sex specific Although its antiquity has been estab- extensors (thoracic and lumbar segments calls and (4) acoustic subgroup monitor- lished, the diagnostic standards are incon- of mm. iliocostalis, longissimus, multifi- ing. After controlling for group size, this sistent, and only one case of DISH in a dus) between one Galago senegalensis,a study shows a highly significant correla- non-human primate has been reported in habitual leaper, and one Nycticebus cou- tion between vocal complexity and brain the literature. This investigation provides cang, a slow-moving arboreal quadruped. size. These data suggest both acoustic the first postmortem differential diagnosis We hypothesized that since G. senegalen- and visual social cues contributed to the of the condition in a Gorilla gorilla gorilla sis engages in rapid spinal extension dur- social brain and acoustic communities specimen. Antemortem medical records ing leaping, it should exhibit extensors might more accurately define ‘‘group’’ from captivity, macroscopic diagnostic cri- that are relatively long-fibered and thus for some species of primates. teria, computed tomography (CT), and his- well-suited for generating relatively high tological data are used here to document shortening velocities and excursions com- First Peruvian Christian mummies? DISH in a captive female Gorilla gorilla pared to those of N. coucang. A bioarchaeological analysis of the gorilla as a proxy for archaeological con- Relative to the thoraco-lumbar spine transitional funerary site of Marca- text. Furthering our understanding and length, G. senegalensis has longer, more jirca, Huari -Peru. interpretation of the process this disease parallel-fibered extensors compared to takes through three dimensional CT recon- N. coucang. As Lf is proportional to BEBEL IBARRA1 and STEPHAN struction and accompanying descriptions maximum shortening velocity/excursion, NAJI2. 1Instituto de Estudio Huariuos - of histological analysis of ectopic growth, the relatively long fibers of the spinal Peru, 2E´ cole Pratique des Hautes this paper builds knowledge of diagnostic extensors indicate that G. senegalensis E´ tudes – France. signatures of the disease. This skeleton has the capacity to generate relatively shows diagnostic characteristics of DISH high shortening velocity and greater Marcajirca is a prehispanic funerary site including ‘‘candle wax’’ vertebral ossifica- excursion compared to N. coucang, (AD.1040-1640), located 600 km northeast tion, preservation of intervertebral disc which would facilitate the rapid back of Lima, that has been continuously space, uninvolved interarticular facets, extension during leaping. As an archi- explored since 2007 as part of a bioarch- and histological appearance consistent tectural trade-off between maximizing aeological field school. One of the objec- with the ossification of the anterior longi- muscle excursion/contraction velocity tives is to understand how mortuary rites tudinal ligament. However, vertebral pat- and force, G. senegalensis also exhibits are implemented according to local rit- terning and the histological presence of relatively smaller muscle PCSAs. These uals. Traditionally, mummified bodies appositional bone growth vary from tradi- results highlight the potential trade-off tied in fetal position with ropes and tional diagnostic standards supporting a between maximizing muscle force- and wrapped in blankets (bundles) are placed multi-methodological approach to differen- velocity/excursion, and add an impor- in either caves or burial houses tially diagnosing DISH. Captive lifestyle tant dimension to the study of leaping (chullpas). However, recent discovery of conditions for a non-human primate are behavior. two unexpected burial pits, initially inter- analogous to the clinically correlated be- This study was funded by the NIH (R24 preted as ossuaries, prompted further havioral risk factors. Combining clinical HD050837-01) and NSF (BCS-0452160). examinations. Careful bioarchaeological data with human and captive non-human excavations and analyses in addition to primate skeletal and lifestyle data will aid Acoustic communities: an amend- 14C dating placing both structures in the in further clarification of behavioral recon- ment to the social brain hypothesis. timing around the arrival of the Christi- structions of past populations. Increasing ans (A.D. 1480- 1640), revealed that the awareness in human and non-human pri- DELANIE HURST. Department of An- bones were in fact individual mummies mates will lead to a more accurate paleopa- thropology, Indiana University. sequentially buried underground. thological differential diagnosis and life- Our on-going working hypothesis pro- style interpretation. The social brain hypothesis states that poses that despite ancestral prohibition This project was funded by the Depart- large primate brains evolved to success- of body inhumation, when the Extirpa- ment of Anthropology at The Ohio State fully navigate within complex social sys- tion of Idolatries was imposed, as pre- University. tems. Previous research on the subject sented in historical documents, forcing has restricted group size to visual con- the population to bury their dead in A preliminary comparison of spinal tact with other individuals. Visual sig- designated cemeteries, local ‘‘priests’’ extensor-muscle fiber architecture nals convey information such as: behav- managed to adapt their rituals by in Galago senegalensis and Nyctice- ior, social status, reproductive status, ‘‘hiding’’ mummy bundles underground bus coucang. location, sex/age class or winner/loser to satisfy both Christian standards of statuses; however, vocal communication inhumation and traditional body treat- EMRANUL HUQ1,CHRISTINEE.WALL2 also transmits these types of social in- ment, effectively creating a transitional and ANDREA B. TAYLOR2,3. 1IDPAS, formation for many primate species. ritual of Christian mummies. Stony Brook University, 2Department of Furthermore, in densely forested habi- Despite regular looting of the bundles Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke Univer- tats, acoustic signals may propagate and disruptions of the site by neighbor- sity, 3Department of Community and Fam- further than visual signals. Therefore, a ing farmers, cautious excavations by ily Medicine, Duke University School of multimodal viewpoint is relevant to field anthropologists and contextual Medicine. how social information is process and approach of the burials was crucial to the scale of individuals that could be generate precise data and help shed Leaping is generally considered a hind- considered part of a ‘‘group’’. This pro- light on potential original transitional limb-driven locomotor behavior that ject postulates that both visual and burial practices.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 102


Bony criteria for differentiating INDONESIA, 2Center for the Study of performance in routine daily activities. osteochondrodystrophies: applica- Human Origins, Department of Anthro- As part of a plan of therapy to improve tions in prehistory. pology, New York University, USA. Holly’s situation, baseline frequencies of behavioral activity and social interac- CAITLIN L. IBARRA1, GARY D. The last surviving Homo erectus popula- tions have been assessed using one-mi- RICHARDS2, CAROLINE F. HORTON3 tions have long been considered to come nute interval sampling of focal individu- and HILLARY M. OJEDA4. 1Institute from the Solo River Valley, Java, Indo- als. This study describes social activity for Dental History and Craniofacial nesia. Both Ngandong and Sambungma- and proximity to group members for Study, A.A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, can yield well preserved fossil calvariae Holly and her peers during July 2009 University of the Pacific, 2Department that have been considered of either late and January 2010, in both outdoor and of Biomedical Sciences, A. A. Dugoni (\ 50-100 ka) or middle (200-500 ka) indoor enclosures. School of Dentistry, University of the Pleistocene age. The relationship Holly’s social behavior and proximity to Pacific, 3Department of Integrative Biol- between these remains, those from H. group members differed from her peers ogy, University of California, Berkeley, erectus in mainland Asia, and other and between enclosures. Irrespective of 4Department of Anthropology, Univer- middle Pleistocene species such as H. enclosure, Holly spent more time in sity of California, Berkeley. heidelbergensis, remains obscure, how- close proximity (1m) to other individu- ever, in part because of uncertainties als and less time at a distance greater Prehistoric and recent skeletal evidence regarding the geological age of the Indo- than 4m from all individuals. However, shows instances of gene expression nesian populations. her behaviors when near other individu- errors that affect skeletal development. We review the results of our Solo River als were largely self-directed and her One of the more common classes of Terrace (SoRT) project whose recent radi- attempts at interaction (e.g. grooming) defects is the osteochondrodystrophies. ometric (40Ar/39Ar) and taphonomic work were often not reciprocated. Close prox- Errors in development in the osteochon- provides strong evidence of a middle imity to others for both Holly and her drodystrophies are related to multiple Pleistocene component in the Solo River peers was unevenly distributed across genetic mutations. Here we compare Valley. We describe previously unde- group members, but target individuals the skeletal morphology of an individual scribed remains from Ngandong. Using differed. Some individuals were with mutations in the COMP gene (mul- morphometric data, we consider the rela- observed actively avoiding proximity tiple epiphyseal dysplasia/pseudoachon- tionship between the Ngandong and and contact to Holly, but not with her droplasia) to that expressed in individu- Sambungmacan hominins, other H. erec- peers. als with mutations of the FGFR3 gene tus, and other Homo species. And, finally, Holly’s sensory integration problems iso- (achondroplasia). we consider the implications of the differ- late her and have multiple effects on the We compiled diagnostic criteria for the ing geological age estimates for interpre- social dynamics of the entire chimpanzee above conditions and evaluated them on a tations of brain size increase, biogeogra- group. Occupational therapy is focusing on sample of individuals with COMP and phy, isolation, and relatedness within alleviating Holly’s abnormal behavior, FGFR3 mutations. The sample of mal- later genus Homo. with a goal of improving the social environ- formed individuals comprises one complete The anatomy of the specimens coupled ment in the group. Widespread application skeleton with a COMP mutation and a skel- with a late Pleistocene age suggests ref- of occupational therapy and sensory inte- eton and cranium from two individuals with ugial populations of H. erectus in island gration theory to zoological management an FGFR3 mutation. These malformed indi- Southeast Asia. On the other hand, if may be possible. vidualswerecomparedtoasampleof30 the Solo River hominins are the contem- Funding for this project has been pro- normal individuals. A series of nonmetric poraries of fossils from other middle vided by a gift from the Roberts Family criteria for the differentiation of these two Pleistocene localities, then our morpho- (Bauman) and the Center for the genetic conditions was established. logical results suggest a strong signal of Advancement of Research and Teaching Our comparisons allow us to establish a regional isolation (local evolution) at Bridgewater State University range of bony criteria for the differentia- amongst H. erectus populations in both (Ingmanson). tion of COMP and FGFR3 expression. mainland China and Southeast Asia. In These criteria include 5 differences in the either case, the morphological signal is Path analysis of vocally-mediated skull, 5 differences in the thoracic cavity, one that is distinct from other Homo intergroup spacing strategies in 25 long bone differences, 8 pelvic differen- taxa. mantled howling monkeys. ces (os coxae and sacrum), and 2 differen- ces in the feet. Multiple epiphyseal dyspla- Social behavior and proximity to JOHN INGRAHAM1 and AMY L. sia and pseudoachondroplasia represent a group members in a captive SCHREIER2. 1School of Mathematics developmental continuum differentiated chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) iden- and Statistics, Arizona State University, byvariationinCOMPgeneexpression. tified with sensory integration 2Department of Evolutionary Anthropol- Alternatively, FGFR3 gene expression difficulties. ogy, Duke University. related to achondroplasia does not form such a continuum. Because in life these ELLEN J. INGMANSON1, TERESA The long-distance calls of mantled howl- conditions mimic one another morphologi- MAY-BENSON2, TERRI HUNNICUTT3, ing monkeys have been hypothesized to cally, having a set of standard skeletal cri- STEPHANIE BRACCINI4, INGRID serve the primary purpose of mediating teria to differentiate them should clarify PORTON4 and MARGARET L. intergroup spacing. Experimental and diagnoses in prehistoric remains. BAUMAN5. 1Department of Anthropol- observational studies have confirmed Funding provided by the Undergradu- ogy, Bridgewater State University, coordination of vocalizations and move- ate Student Opportunity Fund, Univer- 2Occupational Therapy Associates- ment patterns, but interpretations have sity of California, Berkeley, CA to CFH Watertown and The Spiral Foundation, produced conflicting models of mutual and HMO. 3Center for Great Apes, 4Saint Louis avoidance, tit-for-tat reciprocation, and Zoo, 5Harvard Medical School/Massa- boundary marking. To assess the move- Anatomy and isolation in mid/late chusetts General Hospital. ment patterns in a more general frame- Pleistocene Indonesia: New insights work, we employ a random walk analy- on the age and anatomy of the hom- A young adult female chimpanzee (Pan sis of male mantled howling monkey inins from the Solo River Valley. troglodytes) at the Saint Louis Zoo has vocalizations and movement paths at been identified with sensory integration Ometepe Biological Field Station, Nicar- ETTY INDRIATI1 and SUSAN C. and processing difficulties. Holly’s agua in August 2010. Specifically, we ANTO´ N2. 1Laboratory for Bio and Pale- behavior manifests through increased predict that howling monkey movement oanthropology, Faculty of Medicine, levels of stereotypies, problems with paths will have speed and angle distri- Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, social relations and poor occupational butions that show biased relationships

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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174 AAPA ABSTRACTS with the angle and frequency of extra- zanians, the SSADC stands the test of vania State University and Bryn Mawr group vocalizations: males will exhibit space and time, as it remains useful in College. angular bias either towards or away characterizing sub-Saharan Africans from out-of-group vocalizations and globally. Therefore, the SSADC should Community, landscape, and climate speed bias in the form of periods of be moved out of the ‘‘preliminary’’ cate- reconstruction of contemporary increasing movement that follow peri- gory and, following standard nomencla- sites using multiple biotic and ods of increased frequency of audible ture (i.e., Turner’s Sinodonty and Sun- abiotic proxies. vocalizations. dadonty) it is suggested that the com- We calculated arboreal movement paths plex now be termed ‘‘Afridonty.’’ BONNIE F. JACOBS1, ELLEN D. via compass angle intersections from Funding was provided by the National CURRANO2, AARON D. PAN3, NEIL J. paced reference points and we quanti- Science Foundation (BNS-9013942, TABOR1 and DANIEL R. DANEHY1. fied frequency of male vocalizations via BNS-0104731, BCS-0840674), the ASU 1Roy M. Huffington Department of interval-based counting methodology. Research Development Program, and Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist By constructing an angular histogram the American Museum of Natural University, 2Department of Geology, representing directional biases of move- History. Miami University, 3Fort Worth Museum ment with regards to the vocalizations of Science and History, Ft. Worth, TX. of extragroup males, we find an alterna- tive pattern to the tit-for-tat model of The Mio-Pliocene colobine monkey, The28–27MaChilgastrata,northwest- spacing that includes increased specific Mesopithecus, in China. ern Ethiopia, provide multiple proxies for avoidance, increased withdrawing lat- paleoecological and paleoclimate recon- eral searches, and occasional direct NINA G. JABLONSKI1, DENISE SU2, structions pertinenttoenvironmentsof approach. We interpret the angular dis- JAY KELLY3, LAWRENCE J. FLYNN4 primate evolution, from an otherwise tribution of movement responses as a and XUEPING JI5. 1Department of poorly represented time and place. This budgeting process that minimizes inter- Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State study samples two stratigraphically equiv- group encounters and increases avail- University, 2Department of Anthropol- alent paleobotanical sites located 1.5 km able time and space for foraging. In ogy, Bryn Mawr College, 3Institute apart, Guang and Bull’s Bellow. These sites addition, we find synchronization of of Human Origins, Arizona State Uni- differ taxonomically, but their equal age male vocalizations and movement versity, 4Peabody Museum of Archae- permits tests of within-proxy methodolo- speeds that confirms existing hypothe- ology and Ethnology, Harvard gies. From their composition, we hypothe- ses regarding the initiation and mainte- University, and 5Yunnan Cultural Relics sized Bull’s Bellow represents an earlier nance of intergroup spacing. and Archaeology Institute, Kunming, stage of community succession than Yunnan, China. Guang, and this should be associated with Afridonty: the ‘‘Sub-Saharan Afri- differences in species richness, evenness, can Dental Complex’’ revisited. The colobine monkey, Mesopithecus, from lateral heterogeneity, and insect damage very late Miocene and very early Pliocene specialization. At least four sublocalities JOEL D. IRISH. Department of Anthro- deposits of southern and eastern Europe, were collected along a single stratum at pology, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, and the Paki- each site. Totals of 844 and 434 leaves were stani Siwaliks is best known from the collected from Bull’s Bellow and Guang, Prior research revealed that, compared Turolian site of Pikermi in Greece where respectively. Mean annual precipitation to other world populations, Africans M. pentelicus is recognized as a large, and temperature (MAP, MAT) were esti- south of the Sahara Desert are distinct unspecialized, semi-terrestrial monkey. matedfromleafmorphology,theoverlap- dentally -- especially in their expression We report here on new finds of Mesopithe- ping distributions of nearest living rela- of nine high- and two low-frequency cus from the site of Shui Tang Ba near tives (ODA), oxygen isotopes from paleosol morphological features. This suite of Zhaotong in northeastern Yunnan Prov- phyllosilicates (for MAT) and paleosol geo- traits was termed the ‘‘Sub-Saharan ince, China that further extend the range chemistry (for MAP). MAP estimates African Dental Complex’’ (SSADC); it of this successful disperser. Shui Tang Ba derived from leaf morphology are some- includes the world’s highest occurrences is a lignite mine which has yielded mam- what greater than modern (1200 mm/ of Bushman canine, two-rooted UP1, mals, birds, amphibians, and fish denoting year): 1200 – 1400 mm/year. All proxy esti- UM1 Carabelli’s trait, three-rooted a freshwater margin environment. Several mates are statistically indistinguishable UM2, LM2 Y-groove, LM1 cusp 7, LP1 mammalian species identical or similar to from each other and document greater Tome’s root, two-rooted LM2, and UM3 those known from Lufeng suggest that the equability of rainfall than modern. MAT presence, and among the lowest occur- site is of very late Miocene age. The Meso- estimates from leaf morphology range rences of UI1 double shoveling and pithecus fossils from Shui Tang Ba com- from 248 to 378 C (modern MAT of 218 C), UM1 enamel extension. The SSADC is prise a nearly complete mandible, a proxi- with estimates for Bull’s Bellow consis- based on the pooling of several spatially mal femur, a calcaneus, and an isolated tently lower than those for Guang. Values disparate samples and is largely syn- lower molar. All but the isolated molar are consistent among proxies, but have chronic (i.e., 19th-early 20th centuries); may represent a single individual. The large margins of error. Ecological analyses it was, thus, intended as a preliminary mandible is that of a female; the dentition found greater potential richness, greater characterization. Still, the SSADC lacks only the incisors, and the teeth are insect damage specialization, and less helped ‘place’ sub-Saharan peoples on a very lightly worn. The calcaneus exhibits evenness at Guang, all consistent with a global scale, and proved useful in better the great breadth at the sustentaculum species-rich, heterogeneous mature forest, understanding human origins. tali characteristic of Mesopithecus and fea- undersampled for its diversity. Recent research on movement of west tures denoting potential for eversion and This project was supported by NSF African Iron Age agriculturalists across inversion. The proximal femur is remark- grant EAR-0617306. the subcontinent, sometimes called the able because the morphology of the articu- ‘‘Bantu Expansion,’’ allowed study of lar surface of the head, the thickness and Variation in foraging behavior and many hundreds more dentitions; sam- perpendicular orientation of the neck, and color vision status in wild female ples come from throughout west, cen- the large size and lack of superior projec- black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Var- tral, east, and south Africa, and date tion of the greater trochanter are consist- ecia variegata). between the late Pleistocene through ent with arboreal leaping. Mesopithecus mid-1950s AD. Although some spatial from Shui Tang Ba was dentally typical for RACHEL L. JACOBS1,2,3,ANDREAL. and temporal trends are now evident the genus but was an arboreal leaper. BADEN1,2,3, RADONIAINA NASOLO relative to the SSADC including, for This study was funded by NSF BCS RABEMAHARAVONIRINA4 and BRENDA example, slightly lower dental complex- grant 1035897, and by grants from the J. BRADLEY3. 1Interdepartmental Doctoral ity in early Holocene Kenyans and Tan- College of Liberal Arts of The Pennsyl- Program in Anthropological Sciences, Stony

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 104


Brook University, 2Centre ValBio Research marking lengths from larger samples of which can be expressed in food sharing in Station, Madagascar, 3Yale Molecular An- prepared bones. species that already share with infants. We thropology Lab, Department of Anthropol- The length of the first dorsal interosseous discuss possible constraints on the evolu- ogy, Yale University, 4Department of muscle’s origin and associated skeletal tion of sharing, such as strong dominance Paleontology and Biological Anthropology, marking are longer in Homo than in other hierarchies and attractiveness of the diet, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. genera (Jacofsky, 2002). The moment arm and make predictions about other species data indicate that the longer muscle origin not included in the sample. We conclude by Among mammals, primates exhibit a in Homo creates a larger moment arm for drawing inferences to the evolution of shar- unique capacity for trichromatic color thumb adduction. The proximal, middle, ing in humans. vision. This feature is not ubiquitous and distal fibers have a mechanical This study was funded by the Cogito Foun- throughout the order, and the genetic basis advantage of .8, 2.9, and 7.9 respectively in dation (grant S-106/06), the A. H. Schultz for trichromacy varies across lineages. Homo. Pan and Papio have only proximal Foundation and the University of Zurich. Many platyrrhines and lemuriforms main- fibers with a mechanical advantage of 0. tain a sex-linked polymorphism, providing Pongo demonstrates an intermediate me- Urinary cortisol differences in grey heterozygous females the potential for tri- chanical advantage (2.2) but the muscle cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus chromacy. This variation may be main- functions as an abductor when the thumb albigena) inhabiting disturbed and tained through differential advantages is flexed and only adducts when the thumb undisturbed forest areas of Kibale conferred during foraging. There is some is extended. Since the distal progression of National Park, Uganda. suggestion that trichromats can better the muscle is evident from skeletal sam- detect conspicuous (red against a green ples,itispossibletoinfertherelativeme- NORMA A. JAIMEZ, RICHARD G. background) food, while dichromats might chanical advantage of this muscle from the BRIBIESCAS, GARY P. ARONSEN, better detect more cryptic food. Conse- length of the marking on bones and fossils. STEPHANIE ANESTIS, and DAVID quently, individuals should exhibit differ- This technique should be expanded to WATTS. Department of Anthropology, ent foraging patterns depending on color include other intrinsic muscles and will Yale University, New Haven, CT. vision status. We present foraging data on help to refine the interpretation of fossil a wild polymorphic population of black- primate manipulative capabilities. The detrimental effects of the destruction and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia varie- This study was made possible by a NSF and disturbance of tropical forests due to gata). Behavioral data were collected on IGERT grant on Musculoskeletal and human activities on wildlife, including wild five adult females in Mangevo, Ranoma- Neural Adaptations in Form and Func- primates, are well documented. However, fana National Park, Madagascar. We used tion (NSF grant # 9987619). there is a paucity of quantifiable physiologi- a combination of 5-minute instantaneous cal evidence to suggest that coping with the sampling and continuous recording con- The evolution of food sharing in stress of habitat disturbance is reflected in ducted during full-day focal follows, to re- primates. an animal’s physiology. A common response cord detailed observations of all feeding to stress is the elevation of cortisol, a hor- bouts, including whether the food item ADRIAN V. JAEGGI1,2,3 and CAREL P. mone that mobilizes energy stores in would be perceived as conspicuous or cryp- VAN SCHAIK1. 1Anthropological Insti- response to stressful situations but also has tic based on in situ classification by a tute and Museum, University of Zurich, negative effects on growth, reproduction, human trichromat. We then sequenced 2Research Priority Program in Ethics, and overall health, especially if elevations exons 3 and 5 of the X-linked opsin gene to University of Zurich, 3Department of arechronic.Herewetestthehypothesis determine color vision status for these Anthropology, University of California that Kibale National Park’s grey cheeked same individuals. While results indicate Santa Barbara. mangabeys living in a disturbed forest hab- that females do not vary significantly from itat (Mainaro) exhibit higher levels of non- each other in their food foraging patterns, Food sharing refers to the un-resisted invasively collected urinary cortisol than within some females, there are differences transfer of food from one individual to those living in a relatively undisturbed between foraging patterns on different another, thus reflecting high social toler- area (Ngogo). Behavioral data indicate that food color categories. This variation shows ance. Since sharing is altruistic by defini- Mainaro mangabeys spent time in smaller no clear correlation with color vision status tion, hypotheses about its evolution must groups, traveled more, and were in polyspe- in this sample. This represents, to our give ultimate explanations for such high cific associations more often than Ngogo knowledge, the first study examining pos- tolerance. While sharing with infants is mangabeys. Urine samples were collected sible links between individual foraging explained by nutritional or informational opportunistically and assayed for cortisol in behavior and color vision in wild lemurs. benefits to the offspring, sharing among the Yale Reproductive Ecology Laboratory adults is often explained by reciprocal using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA). We exchange, such as food-for-sex or food-for- hypothesized that cortisol would be higher Thumb muscle moment arms in support. We tested these hypotheses in a in mangabeys in the disturbed forest com- select catarrhines: what can we sample of 68 primate species with compara- pared to mangabeys in the undisturbed for- infer about soft tissue biome- tive phylogenetic analyses using both maxi- est. Our hypothesis was supported (Mann- chanics from bones and fossils? mum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Whitney U5 802.0, p \ 0.0001). We con- We found only weak support for the infor- clude that non-invasive assessments of hor- MARC C. JACOFSKY. The Center for mational hypothesis for sharing with mone biomarkers of stress are a useful Orthopedic Research and Education infants and no support for the nutritional method for gauging wild primate well- (CORE) Institute. hypothesis. However, sharing with infants being, and documenting the subtle, unob- emerged as a necessary precondition for servable effects of habitat perturbation- Several studies have focused on muscle the evolution of food sharing among adults. induced stress. insertion sites in the primate hand in an The evolution of sharing among adults, in This study was supported by the Yale Insti- effort to infer manipulative capabilities of turn, was strongly correlated with the tute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS), the fossil hominins. However, a direct associa- presence of opportunities for reciprocal Yale Center for Human and Primate tion between muscle morphology, biome- exchange. In particular, sharing from Reproductive Ecology, and the Yale STARS chanics, and insertion markings remains males to females was explained by the program for undergraduate research. elusive. The hypothesis that the length of a opportunity for female mate choice (‘‘food- muscle marking is indicative of a muscle’s for-sex’’) and sharing among males and Trauma – life and death in the me- relative moment arm between species is among females by the presence of male- dieval city of Torun´ , Poland. tested on the intrinsic thumb muscles of male and female-female coalitions respec- primate cadaver specimens (1 Pan, 2 tively (‘‘food-for-support’’). We conclude that GABRIELA J. JAKUBOWSKA1 and Pongo, 2 Papio, 3 Homo). The moment arm opportunities for reciprocal exchange lead TOMASZ KOZŁOWSKI2. 1Department values were compared to attachment to the evolution of high social tolerance, of Anthropology, The Ohio State Univer-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 105

176 AAPA ABSTRACTS sity, Columbus, OH, 2Department of An- American (N522; Age535.218.6), His- whelming statistical support for the thropology, Nicolaus Copernicus Univer- panic-American (N525; age537.519.4) presence of a haplorrhine clade. Using sity, Torun´ , Poland. and European-American (N5122; maximum likelihood local molecular Age537.21 9.4) women. The women all clock methods, we estimate a Creta- Analysis of traumatic injuries in archaeo- worked in clerical, technical or professio- ceous time of origin for Primates (72.6 logical populations provides insight into nal positions at two major medical cen- Ma) and for Haplorrhini (68.6 Ma) as past lifestyles and activity patterns, and ters in NYC. Each wore an ambulatory crown groups. Examination of rates of presents anatomical, biomechanical and BP monitor during the course of one mid- nucleotide substitution in the three socio-cultural information for constructing week workday. Ambulatory BP variation major extant primate clades show that inferences about their causes. This study at work (11AM-3PM), home (approx. anthropoids have a slower substitution focused on a medieval urban population 6PM-10PM) and during sleep (approx. rate than either strepsirrhines or tars- from Torun´ (Poland, XII-XVI century AD). 10PM- 6AM) as well as average BP levels iers. Thus, from the perspective of nu- The authors hypothesized that (1) males and change across these microenviron- cleotide substitution, the Anthropoidea would exhibit higher frequency of cranial ments were compared among the ethnic can be considered the most primitive and long-bone trauma, and (2) males groups using ANOVA techniques. The clade. Our results provide the phyloge- would show higher frequency of repeat results show that the variability of dia- netic framework on which morphologi- trauma. Crania and major long bones were stolic BP at work was significantly lower cal, reproductive, and genomic features examined macroscopically for antemortem among Asian- and European-American can be reconstructed in Primates. Par- and perimortem injuries, with bones sus- women than among African- and His- ticularly the identification of Tarsius as pected of exhibiting an injury radio- panic-American women (all at p\.05). the closest relative to Anthropoidea will graphed. Trauma frequencies for this pop- In addition, Asian-American women allow for future study of anthropoid spe- ulation were obtained using Judd’s (2002) had significantly smaller work-sleep cific traits. It is now clear that the evo- individual count method. systolic changes than either European- lution of primate genomic and pheno- 216 skeletons were analyzed for traumatic (p\.026) or Hispanic-American (p\.009) typic features need to be understood in injuries. 8.3% (n518)ofpopulationexhib- women. African-American women also the broader context of mammalian ited signs of trauma, including 1% (n51) of had smaller work-sleep changes that phylogeny. subadults, 8.1% (n53) of females and the European- (p\.032) and Hispanic- This study was funded by NSF grants 19.3% (n511)ofmales.15.7%(n59) of American (p\.014) women, but the BCS-0751508 and BCS-0827546. males exhibited signs of cranial injury, Asian-American women’s changes which was absent among females, suggest- tended to be smallest. These findings Did Oreopithecus bambolii have an ing that males participated in and suffered suggest that both daytime variability African ancestor? New evidence from interpersonal aggression. Surpris- and waking-sleep changes may differ by from its nasal bones. ingly, long bone trauma was slightly more ethnicity and support earlier studies common among females than males (8.1% showing that African-American and RUTGER J.W. JANSMA. Department of vs. 7%), implying that females suffered Asian populations have an attenuated Anthropology, New Mexico State Uni- more from accidents (i.e. falls). Out of 18 waking-sleep BP change relative to Eu- versity, Las Cruces. individuals exhibiting signs of trauma, all ropean-Americans. females and three males exhibited multi- Funded by NIH grant CA72457. Oreopithecus bambolii is frequently pos- ple episodes of injury, with four individuals ited as an enigmatic ape because of the showing trauma to the same body segment Genomic data confirm Tarsius is combination of a hominoid-like postcra- (i.e. radius and ulna on the same side). It is the sister taxon of Anthropoidea. nium with a highly unusual dentition. unknown whether these injuries were sus- Harrison and Rook (1997) propose that tained independently or simultaneously. NATALIE M. JAMESON1, ZHUO- Oreopithecus is the sister-group to Dry- The majority of individuals with multiple CHENG HOU1, KIRSTIN N. opithecus based on a robust zygomatic injuries were above 35 years of age at time STERNER1, AMY WECKLE1, MORRIS with rugose superior portion, and sup- of death, suggesting a cumulative effect of GOODMAN1,3, MICHAEL E. STEIPER4 posed postcranial similarities that both trauma over lifetime. and DEREK E. WILDMAN1,2. 1Center presumably share with apes. Other This study was partially funded by the for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, authors support a closer relationship OSU Alumni Grant for Graduate 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol- between Oreopithecus and the African Research and Scholarship (AGGRS). ogy, and 3Department of Anatomy and middle Miocene nyanzapithecines Cell Biology, Wayne State University (Mabokopithecus, Nyanzapithecus, Ethnic differences in diurnal patterns School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, Rangwapithecus and Turkanapithecus) of blood pressure variation: compari- 4Department of Anthropology, Hunter based on uniquely shared beak-like pre- sons among African-American, Asian- College of the City University of New molars and relatively long and narrow American, European-American and York, New York, NY. molars with inflated cusps that restrict Hispanic-American women. the size of the occlusal basins. Oreopi- The relationship of tarsiers to other pri- thecus further shares diagnostic syna- GARY D. JAMES1 and DANA H. mates has been a controversial topic for pomorphies with Mabokopithecus, such BOVBJERG2. 1Department of Anthropol- more than a century. Groupings of tars- as a hypocone-trigon crest of the maxil- ogy, Binghamton University, 2Biobeha- iers with either strepsirrhine primates lary molars and the centroconid of the vioral Medicine in Oncology Program, in a prosimian clade or with anthro- third mandibular molar. New evidence University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. poids in a haplorrhine clade have been from its previously unidentified nasal weakly supported despite numerous bones yields important information for Aspects of diurnal blood pressure (BP) morphological and molecular studies. assessing its systematic relationships. variation have been associated with car- Using the publicly available whole ge- Examination of a high-quality cast of diovascular disease risk. Specifically, nome assembly of the Philippine tarsier, the nearly complete skeleton IGF 11778 smaller waking-sleep differences and Tarsius syrichta, we have been able to indicates that the nasal bones of Oreo- greater daytime variability are associ- infer the phylogenetic relationship of pithecus are short, strongly expanded ated with increased risk of cardiovascu- Tarsius within Primates. In addition, superiorly and inferiorly and possess a lar morbidity and mortality, particularly we present estimates of divergence triangular superior margin. Quantita- in women. The purpose of this study was times within the primates. Phylogenetic tive and qualitative morphological com- to compare daily BP variation, both reconstructions using a 1.26 million parisons considering the range of vari- across and within daily work, home and base pair multiple sequence alignment ability within primates reveal that this sleep microenvironments among African- derived from 1078 orthologous genes in combination of features is only shared American (N582; Age539.718.9), Asian- 17 mammalian species provide over- with Turkanapithecus and possibly rep-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 106

AAPA ABSTRACTS 177 resents an apomorphy for the Oreopi- Exploring how positional behavior and forest galleries, and extends into sa- thecidae. For those Eurasian fossil apes habitat use covary with bone fracture vanna woodlands. Bonobos, on the other for which nasal bone morphology can be frequencies among nonhuman primates hand, are restricted to tropical forest determined (Anoiapithecus, Pierolapi- may contribute to understanding the mosaic landscapes and swamp forests. thecus, Sivapithecus, Ankarapithecus, impact risk avoidance and morphologi- Comparative studies on locomotor Hispanopithecus, Ouranopithecus, cal adaptation to injuries have on behaviour within Pan indicate that Lufengpithecus) nasal morphology dif- human and primate evolution. The pur- bonobos use more arboreal locomotion fers from Oreopithecus in being longer, pose of this research is to assess how than common chimpanzees. Differences much narrower superiorly and lacking common locomotor behaviors and broad in habitat utilization and locomotor an abrupt expansion toward the nasal habitat use tendencies are associated behavior within Pan likely impact func- aperture. This study provides corrobora- with skeletal fracture frequencies. It is tional morphology of the foot, especially tive evidence, therefore, for an African hypothesized that more arboreal prima- metatarsals, creating a good model for origin of Oreopithecus. tes will have fracture frequencies exploring anatomical functional adapta- exceeding those of more terrestrial pri- tions. Shape of tarso-metatarsal articu- mates and that primates whose locomo- lar surfaces and metatarsal torsion Sexing human blood and bones tor repertoire includes more specialized have been used to describe degree of with metal stable isotopes. behaviors will exhibit higher frequen- arching in the midfoot transverse arch. cies than those of more generalized ar- We evaluate proposed functional link- KLERVIA JAOUEN1, VINCENT boreal and terrestrial quadrupeds. ages by applying geometric morphomet- BALTER1, ALINE LAMBOUX1, I conducted macroscopic and radio- ric methods to quantify inter- and intra- PHILIPPE TELOUK1, ESTELLE graphic examinations of long bones specific variation in shape and size of HERRSCHER2 and FRANCIS from 1607 nonhuman primates encom- distal and proximal articular surfaces of ALBAREDE1. 1Laboratoire des Sciences passing 20 species housed at The Ohio anatomically associated Pan metatar- de la Terre, Ecole Normale Supe´rieure, State University, the Cleveland Mu- sals (P. troglodytes troglodytes n516, P. Lyon, 2LAMPEA, MMSH, Aix-en-Pro- seum of Natural History, the American t. schweinfurthii n512, and P. paniscus vence. Museum of Natural History, the n515). We also measure variation in National Museum of Natural History, metaphyseal torsion angle of the meta- Reliable sexing of human ancient remains and the Caribbean Primate Research tarsal rays, calculated between vectors depends on the presence of the coxal bone Center. Species were placed in catego- in sagittal planes of proximal and distal or well preserved DNA. Iron stable isotope ries based on degree of arboreality and articulations. 56 54 ratios ( Fe/ Fe) have been recently meas- dominant locomotor mode. The results In a 3D shape analysis, noticeable dis- ured in human organs, and an unexpected of a multiple correspondence analysis tinction in the configuration of the 56 result was the discovery of a Fe-depletion suggest that there is a correlation transverse arch between species exists. in blood of males compared to that of among locomotor groups, long bones, P. paniscus has a relatively high trans- 2 females. Bones are good candidates to re- and fracture frequencies (v 144 5 verse arch compared to P. troglodytes. cord the iron isotope signature of blood 201,046). Contrary to expectations, ter- Considerable variation in metatarsal because they are permanently irrigated by restrial primates tend to be associated torsion also exists within species. For blood. To test this hypothesis, we have more with increased fracture frequen- example, P. paniscus has a relatively measured the iron, but also the copper cies than arboreal primates, despite the high degree of lateral torsion of meta- 65 63 66 64 ( Cu/ Cu) and zinc ( Zn/ Zn) isotope highest frequencies coming from pre- tarsals II – V compared to P. troglodytes composition from a suitable corpus of well- dominantly arboreal species. Although subspecies. Differences in transverse 2 preserved phalanxes (n543) belonging to not statistically significant (v 3 5 arch and metatarsal orientation corrob- individuals buried at the necropolis of 4.6577), generalized arboreal quadru- orate anatomical adaptations presum- Saint-Laurent de Grenoble, Ise`re, France. peds exhibit the highest fracture fre- ably related to different degrees of The sex was previously estimated from quencies when comparing locomotor grasping in the locomotor repertoire of coxal bone morphology. The metals were modes, followed by leapers, terrestrial genus Pan. purifiedbyliquidchromatographyonion quadrupeds, and brachiators. These This study was funded by the Claude exchange resin, and iron, copper and zinc data suggest that although associations Leon Foundation and Institute for isotope compositions measured by high re- exist between locomotor tendencies and Human Evolution, University of the solution multiple-collector inductively fracture frequencies, patterns are not Witwatersrand. coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The straightforward. results show that bones record the iron iso- This study was partially funded by the 56 tope signature of blood, males being Fe- OSU Alumni Grant for Graduate Reproductive ecology and female depleted relative to females (p\0.02). Research and Scholarship (AGGRS) to health: crucial role of energy avail- 65 Moreover, bones of males are Cu-enriched HJ and the National Institutes of Health ability, and inevitable problems cre- compared to that of females (p\0.03). No (NIH) grant number P40 RR003640 to ated by physiological trade-offs and 66 64 difference is found in the Zn/ Zn compo- the CPRC. antagonistic pleiotropy. sition of bone between males and females. Using metal isotope data measured in Variation in morphology and tor- GRAZYNA JASIENSKA. Department of human blood, we demonstrate by mass bal- sion patterns of metatarsals in Pan. Epidemiology and Population Studies, ance calculations how metabolic processes Jagiellonian University, Krakow, can be responsible for the isotopic pattern TEA JASHASHVILI1,2,3, RENAUD Poland. observed in males and females. These LEBRUN4 and KRISTIAN J. CARLSON1,5. results are a first step towards to the devel- 1Institute for Human Evolution, University Studies in human reproductive ecology opment of a new method to determine the of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; 2Anthro- point to the crucial role of energy avail- sex of human fossil based on isotopic analy- pological Institute, University of Zurich, ability in physiology and metabolism of sis of metals in bones. Switzerland, 3Department of Geology and reproductive processes of human Paleontology, Georgian National Museum, females. Availability of metabolic energy Tbilisi, Georgia, 4InstitutdesSciencesde during all stages of life of the woman, Association between locomotor ten- l’Evolution de Montpellier – UMR 5554, including her fetal and childhood devel- dencies, habitat use and skeletal Montpellier, France, 5Department of Anthro- opment, and adulthood, determine lev- trauma in nonhuman primates. pology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. els of reproductive steroids hormones and subsequently chances of conceiving. HEATHER JARRELL. Department of The habitat of common chimpanzees High energetic costs of pregnancy and Anthropology, Ohio State University. ranges from moist and dry forests to lactation explain why women with high

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 107

178 AAPA ABSTRACTS parity often have poor health in older Our results suggest that male and female Assessing the local geological vari- age and, consequently, reduced lifespan. brains are not uniformly scaled versions ability on strontium isotopes from Modern clinical medicine usually of one another, and that each region skeletal remains from 4th – 5th cen- ignores findings from the area of human exhibits its own distinct scaling pattern tury A.D. Aila, Jordan. reproductive ecology, but evolutionary depending on sex and age. For example, medicine suggests that this knowledge the nucleus accumbens and the pallidum CAMMIE J. JENNINGS and MEGAN is useful in both medical practice and appear to be uncorrelated with total A. PERRY. Department of Anthropology, public health preventive programs for brain volume, while others are correlated, East Carolina University. women. Most important aspects include scaling either allometrically or isometri- treatment of infertility, prevention of cally with brain volume. This implies Certain isotopes in human skeletal tis- reproductive cancers and of diseases, complex relations among brain regions. sues can be strong indicators for the pres- such as diabetes, cardiovascular dis- This project was funded by the Beckman ence of immigrants at an archaeological eases, and Alzheimer’s, the risks of Institute for Advanced Science and Tech- site. This research focuses on identifying which often increase in women who nology Cognitive Science/Artificial Intelli- immigrants into ancient Aila using the 87 86 paid high costs of reproduction. gence Summer Fellowship and the Depart- strontium isotope ratio Sr/ Sr from the This talk will also emphasize that pro- ment of Anthropology and the University dental enamel of Byzantine period burials grams of effective disease prevention of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. (n528). Aila, located at the tip of the are difficult to design due to the exis- Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea, served as tence of physiological trade-offs and an important maritime and overland pleiotropic effects of genes, including trading center for much of its history. APOE, PPAR-gamma, IL-10, ERS1, Accordingly, the site contains numerous which encode traits important for both Predation on early Miocene prima- examples of imported artifacts and archi- fertility and health in women. For tes, Proconsul, Dendropithecus, and tectural styles from the Levantine and example, high lifetime levels of repro- Limnopithecus from Rusinga Red Sea regions during this period. Did ductive steroid hormones have both Island. individuals seeking economic gain from beneficial and detrimental effects: they the prosperous seaport, such as traders, increase chance of pregnancy but also KIRSTEN E. H. JENKINS. University travelers, or residents of the surrounding the risk of breast cancer. of Minnesota. desert regions, inhabit the city? Or are Supported by the Center for Human the varied stylistic influences the result and Primate Reproductive Ecology The early Miocene deposits from Rusinga of diffusion via a transitory population? 87 86 (CHaPRE). and Mfangano Islands, Kenya, present a The Sr/ Sr results present a surpris- unique opportunity to study the ecology of ingly wide array of strontium isotope val- Allometry of sexual dimorphism in past primate communities. This work rep- ues from permanent dental enamel, sub-cortical structures of the resents the first formal taphonomic analy- extending much above the range provided human brain. sis of the Kisingiri primate assemblage in by local faunal and adult human bone order to identify predator-prey relation- values. It is statistically improbable that PETRA E. JELINEK1, STEVEN R. ships. Preliminary taphonomic reports of immigrants from different regions would LEIGH1 and KIRK I. ERICKSON2. the Proconsul assemblage suggested that present a perfectly normal distribution of 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- some individuals were accumulated as isotope values reflecting their childhood sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, prey by creodonts. Here, this hypothesis is locales. However, children at Aila could 2Department of Psychology, University further tested by comparing surface modifi- have consumed a very different diet than of Pittsburgh. cations and skeletal part frequencies to the adults at varied levels, resulting in actualistic studies of modern carnivore much higher-than-expected ratio and a Sub-cortical structures play vital roles in assemblages as well as modern raptor wide but normal distribution. Results relaying information to and from higher assemblages. Isolated specimens of Procon- from additional sampling of 15 geological cortical regions to other regions of the sul, Dendropithecus, Limnopithecus, as formations and 3 groundwells in the brain.Theyarealsoconsideredtobean well as fossil lorisoids from Rusinga and Aqaba region suggest that childhood diet evolutionarily more conserved part of the Mfangano Islands were also examined for at Aqaba contained an unknown supple- brain. However, recent research suggests predation damage. Data on the location, ment that originated in the that this region may not be as static as pre- frequency and size of tooth pits, gnawing, formations surrounding the city, and that viously assumed. Questions concerning raptor damage and insect modification, these are locally-born individuals. scaling of the sub-cortex may help in and, where possible, breakage patterns understanding how sub-cortical regions were collected on specimens. Multiple tooth Structural differences of orthologous vary in response to differences in overall pits and gnawing on fossils are consistent brain-expressed genes between Go- brain size, sex, and age in the adult human with damage produced by modern carni- rilla and human revealed by high- brain. vores and were identified on P. nyanzae, P. throughput RNA sequencing. This research tests a series of hypotheses heseloni, Dendropithecus, and the fossil lor- concerning relationships between size and isoids. Variation in tooth pit size suggests HUI JIA1, LEONARD LIPOVICH1, shape (static adult scaling relations) in different creodont species preyed on differ- LAWRENCE I. GROSSMAN1,MONICA brains of adult modern humans using in ent primates. Irregular puncture marks on UDDIN2,PATRICKHOF3,CHETC. vivo measurements from magnetic reso- both species of Proconsul fossils were SHERWOOD4,CHRISTOPHER nance imaging (MRI) scans. Subjects recorded and are consistent with damage KUZAWA5, DEREK E. WILDMAN1 and include 192 healthy individuals, consisting left by modern raptors when de-fleshing MORRIS GOODMAN1. 1Center for Molecu- of two age categories: ages 18 to 35, and carcasses. These results confirm that while lar Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State ages 50 to 80. MRI’s were segmented in an creodonts were responsible for accumulat- University, 2Center for Social Epidemiology automated fashion using FSL (FMRIB ing a portion of the primate assemblage on and Population Health, University of Michi- Software Library). The measurements of Rusinga Island, raptors also consumed gan, 3Department of Neuroscience, Mount interest include total brain volume, nu- even the larger Proconsul. This is the first Sinai School of Medicine, 4Anthropology cleus accumbens, amygdala, caudate nu- evidence of raptor predation on fossil pri- Department, The George Washington Uni- cleus, hippocampus, pallidum, putamen, matesfromRusingaandinformsour versity, 5Department of Anthropology, and thalamus. The statistical analysis understanding of the selection pressures Northwestern University. included reduced major axis regression faced by our earliest hominoid ancestors. with each structure regressed against total This study was funded by the Univer- Evolutionary changes during human volume, followed by regression against the sity of Minnesota Anthropology Depart- ancestry have resulted in adaptive brain geometric mean. ment and NSF, grant number 0852609. plasticity which persists over extended de-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 108

AAPA ABSTRACTS 179 velopmental periods and, in its extent, but not the genetic underpinnings of analysis (n59). When individuals dis- differentiates humans from other apes. brain size. Explicating the genetic carded parts of an otherwise suitable Elucidation of the molecular basis under- architecture of a trait may indicate why food, we collected those for analysis lying these changes can help address the a trait responds to the environment in a (n512). We counted 190 feeding events fundamental question of what makes certain way, shaping our inferences of on 32 species and 10 different plant humans unique, and requires compara- both past selective pressures and parts, comprising fruits (46%), stems tive analysis of genes expressed in homi- expected change in response to current (33%), tubers (7%), leaves (7%), and nid brains. Transcriptome projects, ecological constraints. other items like mushrooms, insects which have lagged far behind genome For a trait to respond to selection, a sig- and seeds (7%). Food items analyzed projects, analyze all ribonucleic acid nificant portion of its observed variance represent 77% of species consumed dur- (RNA) molecules transcribed from the must be heritable, or transmissible from ing feeding events. Foods and discards genome in a given tissue or organ, and parent to offspring. Demonstrating a were similar in protein, energy and are necessary to fully document the genetic component to variation is done non-structural carbohydrates. Fat con- structure and hence the information con- by comparing trait values in a large tent was extremely low in all food parts tent of expressed genes. Differences in sample of individuals of known relation- (\3%). Foods eaten were lower in hemi- gene structure, rather than gene ship. A collection of crania (N5906) was cellulose than discarded counterparts sequence, between related species are prepared from the colony of baboons while cellulose was similar between dis- increasingly recognized as contributing housed at the Southwest National Pri- carded and eaten parts. Surprisingly, to the genomic basis of interspecies dis- mate Research Center. As a proxy for eaten foods had higher lignin than cor- tinctions, thanks to their impact on the brain size, cranial capacity was meas- responding discards, but not when all length and sequence of orthologous pro- ured from reconstructions of sequential eaten and discarded parts were com- teins, untranslated regions, and non-cod- computed tomography scan slices. pared. No foods or discards contained ing RNAs. Quantitative genetic analysis of these hydrolyzable tannins. While 10 of 12 To test the hypothesis that structural dif- data using a variance components discarded parts had condensed tannins, ferences of orthologous genes can be approach with age, age-squared, and only 5 of 9 eaten parts did, suggesting detected in a comparison of the well- sex as covariates indicates that cranial that tannins may play a role in food described human transcriptometothe capacity is significantly heritable in this selection. The study of baboon feeding heretofore-uncharacterized Gorilla tran- population (h250.5, SE50.15). Quanti- ecology in forests is important as it elu- scriptome, we sequenced the Gorilla pla- tative trait loci (QTL) were identified cidates feeding plasticity among baboon num temporale transcriptome using high- via whole genome linkage mapping populations. throughput Illumina Solexa technology. using 331 microsatellite markers. Iden- This study was funded by NSF DGE Our analysis is the first to document actual tified QTL provide lists of potential can- 0333415 (NYCEP IGERT). structures (genomic positions of pro- didate genes that can be assessed in moters, exons, introns, and splice sites) of future studies for their relevance to Contextualizing human skeletal col- over 21,000 brain-expressed, coding as brain size evolution using comparative lections in Hrdlicˇka’s Gulf States well as non-coding, Gorilla genes. New genomic and population genetic catalog through archival research. gene termini, unseen in human orthologs, approaches. were observed for 358 Gorilla genes, a sub- This study was funded by (1) National KENT M. JOHNSON and CHRISTO- set enriched (p50.0239) in known genes Science Foundation, grant BCS-0725068, PHER M. STOJANOWSKI. School of functional in axon guidance. These newly (2) National Center for Research Resour- Human Evolution and Social Change, identified interspecies gene structure dif- ces, grant P51RR013896, (3) National Arizona State University. ferences of axon guidance factor genes may Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, grant impact neuronal network formation and P01HL028972, and (4) National Center Alesˇ Hrdlicˇka published craniometric hence developmental synaptic plasticity. for Research Resources, grant data for thousands of individuals in a This study was funded by the National Sci- R01RR08781. series of well-known catalogs. The Gulf ence Foundation, grant numbers BCS States catalog (1940), for example, 0827546, BCS 0827531, and BCS 0550209. Feeding ecology of olive baboons in includes 714 individuals from 42 loca- the Kibale forest: preliminary tions in Florida and provides an impor- Identification of quantitative trait loci results on diet and food selection. tant source of data on biological varia- for cranial capacity in a population of tion for this state. However, provenience baboons (Papio hamadryas ssp.). CALEY A. JOHNSON1,2, LARISSA information is meagerly reported - a SWEDELL1,2,3 AND JESSICA M. factor which limits the utility of these JESSICA L. JOGANIC1, JEFF ROG- ROTHMAN1,2,4. 1Department of Anthro- data in comparative analyses and in ERS2,3, LAURA A. COX3,4, MICHAEL C. pology, The Graduate Center, City Uni- some cases misrepresents the archaeo- MAHANEY3,4 and JAMES M. CHE- versity of New York, 2New York logical context. Here we present results VERUD1,5. 1Department of Anthropology, Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- of archival research in the Smithsonian Washington University in St. Louis, ogy (NYCEP), 3Department of Anthro- Institution Archives for seven of the 2Department of Molecular and Human pology, Queens College of the City largest Florida skeletal collections pub- Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, University of New York, 4Department of lished in Hrdlicˇka’s Gulf States catalog. 3Southwest National Primate Research Anthropology, Hunter College of the We accessed unpublished field notes, Center, 4Department of Genetics, South- City University of New York. personal correspondence, and accession west Foundation for Biomedical Research, information to identify provenience data 5Department of Anatomy and Neurobiol- Baboons (Papio) are one of the most that better delimit sample contexts. ogy, Washington University in St. Louis studied primate genera. Most of what Here we focus on two of these collec- School of Medicine. we know about baboons, however, tions: Canaveral and Perico Island. Of derives from savanna habitats while lit- 91 individuals from Canaveral, 59 can Increasing brain size is one of the hall- tle is known about baboon ecology in be allocated to specific mounds within marks of hominin evolution. Relatively forests. We present preliminary data on the area. As such, ‘‘Canaveral’’ is a large brains require a constant supply the feeding ecology of a newly habitu- meaningless provenance. Of the 102 of glucose. Because brains are metabol- ated group of olive baboons (Papio anu- individuals from Perico Island, 101 can ically expensive to maintain, their ener- bis) in Kibale National Park, Uganda be allocated to more specific prove- getic costs must have been outweighed from 60 days of group follows across the nience locations in this multi-compo- by the evolutionary benefits of increased year (July 2009-July 2010). We recorded nent site. In both cases, using relative brain size. Previous research foods eaten, and when possible collected Hrdlicˇka’s provenience label masks im- has examined these costs and benefits representative samples for nutritional portant contextual information which

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 109

180 AAPA ABSTRACTS impacts the results of biodistance analy- Health Sciences, Loughborough Univer- and for each set of dentition (decidu- ses using these samples. This poster sity, United Kingdom. ous and permanent), a score is demonstrates the importance of access- recorded on a diagram of a dental arch ing archival records and the continued Fitting a mathematical model to longi- to indicate the status of the tooth asso- need for a contextualized consideration tudinal data is a powerful analytical ciated with each socket (e.g., present of human skeletal samples in biological tool in any discipline that requires the or lost antemortem). Loose and super- anthropology. Because the majority of analysis of repeat measurement data. numerary teeth can also be coded in these individuals are still curated at the In the study of human growth, repeat the data screens. Each tooth is then National Museum of Natural History, measurements are clustered within assigned a stage of formation, using presenting these data from archival individuals, thus violating a principal the standards of Moorrees, Fanning, records increases their utility for future assumption of independence of observa- and Hunt (1963). Similarly, stages of research. tions in conventional regression analy- dental occlusal wear are recorded for sis. Multilevel models (MLM) that intro- each erupted tooth, using the descrip- Postures adopted during vertical duce random variation between clusters tions, visual images, and coding pro- clinging and grasping in Pro- allow researchers to consider the often vided by Smith (1984). pithecus verreauxi and Varecia hierarchical nature data. The dental data is fully integrated variegata. MLMs were applied to longitudinal with other modules in Osteoware, growth data on urban (n5402) and ru- allowing an even more complete LAURA E. JOHNSON and DANIEL ral (n5422) Indian infants enrolled in understanding of the demography of SCHMITT. Department of Evolutionary two different cohort studies to produce the sites under study. Cross-referenc- Anthropology, Duke University. weight-for-age and length-for-age ing skeletal age indicators with dental curves. Different previously proposed age indicators can be particularly use- Most primates regularly use vertical growth models (Count and Berkey- ful in determining the minimum num- clinging and grasping postures on arbo- Reed), and different age transforma- ber of individuals by age categories real supports. Unlike other vertebrates, tions for models that are not defined at and for potential sorting of com- primates (with the exception of Callitri- age zero (age11 and age19/9), were mingled remains. The presentation chines) cling without claws or adhesive tested using the MLM approach. Cova- will discuss protocols and provide case pads. Thus the ability to effectively riates, including breast feeding status studies of data entry for dental inven- maintain a clinging posture may rely on at three months and maternal educa- tories, development, and occlusal wear other anatomical features such as long tion, were fitted and entered as random using Osteoware. limbs or digits and the ability to gener- slopes. Osteoware is supported by grants from ate sufficient force normal to the sub- A multilevel version of the Berkey-Reed the National Center for Preservation strate. Several primates habitually use model best described infant growth in and Technology and Training (NCPTT), vertical clinging postures in association these cohorts, although an appropriate National Park Service, and the Smith- with leaping (VCL). Although static age transformation could not be found. sonian Web 2.0 Fund. clinging and leaping are separate Breastfeeding status had no significant behaviors, primates with specializations effect on growth, but the weight growth Using geolocation at the US Mexico for VCL may cling differently, and pos- of urban infants was significantly differ- border isotopic fingerprinting in sibly more efficiently, than arboreal ent for each maternal education group, modern Mexican populations: using quadrupeds. To explore this hypothesis, with infants of illiterate or primary strontium, carbon, and oxygen to two strepsirrhine species of similar school education mothers generally determine region of origin for body size but different locomotor spe- weighing 0.25kg less than those born deceased undocumented border cializations (Propithecus verreauxi,a to mothers with secondary/college crossers. specialized leaper and Varecia varie- education. gata, an arboreal quadruped) were With a MLM it is possible to identify in- CHELSEY JUAREZ. Department of An- filmed with multiple cameras while dependent inter-group effects while thropology, University of California clinging to vertical, cylindrical sub- simultaneously adjusting for individual Santa Cruz. strates of 2’’, 4’’ and 8’’ in diameter at growth characteristics. This technique the Duke Lemur Center. Joint positions can be applied to any data that demon- The goal of this presentation is to pres- were digitized from video using dltdv5 strates clustering of observations, as is ent the progress on a mass spectrome- in MATLAB. P. verreauxi adopted a nar- often found in longitudinal study try-based method for the identification row range of postures, with flexed hin- designs with physiological outcomes. of region of origin in modern Mexican dlimbs (ex. on the 2’’ substrate, knee populations. Region of origin is deter- angle average5118, range558-168), Documenting dental inventories, de- mined through analysis of strontium, keeping the body close to the substrate. velopment, and wear in Osteoware. carbon, and oxygen isotopes in human In contrast, V. variegata shows greater tooth enamel. In addition to database variability in postures but on average ERICA B. JONES. Department of An- progress new information on five uses relatively more extended hindlimbs thropology, National Museum of Natu- unknown forensic cases compared to the (ex. 2’’ substrate, knee angle ral History, Smithsonian Institution, database will be presented. average5568, range5178-1028) moving Washington, DC. Isotope ratios in teeth and bones have the hindquarters up and away from the been analyzed by archaeologist to inves- substrate. These results suggest a VCL Due to its relative hardness and resist- tigate patterns of residential mobility primate has anatomical specializations ance to many destructive taphonomic and migration in prehistoric peoples. In that facilitate efficient clinging, as evi- processes, the dentition tends to be the this study, a similar methodology is denced by their consistent use of flexed best preserved and most commonly applied to forensic material to deter- hindlimbs, keeping the body close to the recovered skeletal tissue. If dental data mine the region of origin for Mexican substrate. is properly recorded and analyzed, it individuals that died while crossing the This study was funded by NSF BCS- can often give a fairly accurate picture border into the United States. The aim 0452217. of the number of individuals present at of this project is to develop a region of a site, their age at death, health status, origin map derived from analysis of Modelling of longitudinal data. and cultural practices, including diet. donated teeth from persons born in var- Osteoware is a relational database that ious Mexican states and regions. The WILLIAM JOHNSON. Centre for simplifies recording of dental observa- map will be used for cross-comparison Global Health and Human Develop- tions by the use of visual schema and with deceased border-crossers of ment, School of Sports, Exercise and numerical coding. For each individual unknown origin.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 110


The teeth used for this project came TheCh’orti’languagedescendsfromthe detailed documentation of morphological from clinics in Mexico and California Cholan branch of Classic Maya which split evolution and variation in Javanese that donated the extracted teeth of their into Ch’olti’ and Ch’orti’ in Eastern Guate- Homo erectus. The fossil specimens Mexican born patients. This investiga- mala, where descendants of Ch’orti’ speak- from Sambungmacan, Central Java, are tion utilized the permanent molar teeth ers have resided for 2,000 years. The no exception to this situation: Some of 154 individuals. These tooth samples Ch’orti’ Maya in eastern Guatemala repre- researchers view these fossils as con- retained the accompanying information sent the only likely descendants of the temporaneous with those of the late on the individuals region of origin Central Maya region remaining in Gua- Pleistocene Ngandong High Terrace, within Mexico, their age, and sex. Each temala. The Ch’orti’ region is of particu- whereas others expect that Sambung- tooth in the study was analyzed using lar interest to biological anthropologists macan Homo erectus were chronologi- MC-ICPMS, FISONS optima, and the for several reasons. While it is clear cally intermediate between the San- Elemental analyzer. thattheMayaweretherulingclassin giran/Trinil and Ngandong groups of The results of this isotopic analysis the Central area, there is also evidence Homo erectus. reveal the formation of five clearly dis- thattheLenca,Xinca,orothernon- In this study, we attempt to reconstruct tinct separate and identifiable isotopic Maya groups may have made up the the basic sedimentary history of the populations that correspond to five spe- peasant class. Ch’orti’ history has likely Pleistocene terrestrial sequence in the cific geographical regions. Training set allowed for a higher degree of non- Sambungmacan Cemeng area, from blind sample comparison of unknown native admixture than found among where two calvariae of Homo erectus samples against the database shows other Maya. While there are linguistic, (Sambungmacan 3 [Sm 3] and 4 [Sm 4]) reclassification in 88% of cases and cor- ethnographic, and archaeological data werescoopedupfromtheriverbedofthe rect classification (within 2sigma) in there is a lack of biological data on the Solo River. We also tracked the original over 70% of cases. Five forensic cases Ch’orti’. This study aims to test the hy- stratigraphic level for Sm 4 by examining are also compared against the database pothesis that the unique history of this the mineralogical characteristics of its and results of their classification matrix region has given it a higher level of pa- attached sandy matrix. Our field observa- are discussed. ternal genetic variation than found in tion, analyses of heavy mineral composi- surrounding areas. DNA was extracted tion of the sediments, and fission track ‘‘Who are your People?’’ Ascribed from 21 males residing around Jocota´n, dating of tuff samples suggest that Sm 4 identities and the social uses of Chiquimula, Guatemala. Y SNPs were was derived from a fluvial channel de- 1 genomics. characterized using HyBeacons PCR posit dated to 0.27 Ma. The presence of probes or sequencing, and STRs were framboidal pyrite in the attched matrix ERIC JUENGST. Department of Social characterized using AFLP. Haplogroup of Sm 4 indicates that the calvaria was Medicine, School of Medicine, Univer- Q represents 76% (62% haplotype deposited in its source layer soon after sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Q1a3a, and 14% Q1) of the sample. the individual’s death. These results were compiled with data Four of the most enduring ways in which from surrounding Native American ‘Matters of care and concern’: les- social identities are ascribed to people are populations from the literature for sons for anthropological genetics through attributions of their Future poten- analysis. While there is evidence of non- from osteology’s repatriation and tial (saved v. damned, free v. slave, etc), native admixture within the Ch’orti’, NAGPRA experience. Ancestral lineage (name, family, clan), the paternal lineages in this region are Community membership (religion, class, still predominantly native, and there ANN M. KAKALIOURAS. Department origin place, etc.), and Ethnic affliation are different patterns of non-native of Anthropology, Whittier College, Whit- (race, people, culture etc.). In our society, gene flow compared to surrounding pop- tier, California. these four identifiers, the ‘‘FACE’’ facts, ulations. are usually embraced when they confer This research was funded by a General Before and since the passage of NAG- social advantage and repudiated when Research Fund grant from the Univer- PRA (the Native American Graves Pro- they do not. They have always been power- sity of Kansas and the Tinker Founda- tection and Repatriation Act), osteolo- ful factors in the establishment of social tion Summer Field Research Grant. gists, skeletal biologists and bioarchaeol- hierarchies and the preservation of social ogists have struggled with repatriation’s power. They are also the four features of Stratigraphy, taphonomy, and age cultural and practical implications for human identity that genomic profiling of a Homo erectus calvaria from their research. In this paper, I first pres- promises to allow us to clarify, by revealing Sambungmacan. ent my own and others’ data suggesting our molecular predispositions, family con- that human skeletal research has nections,, genealogical migrations, and YOUSUKE KAIFU1,IWANdeclined in North America in the twenty population mixtures. The FACE facts that KURNIAWAN2, KAZUMI YOKOYAMA3, years since repatriation became legal genomics generates may create some TAKASHI SANO3, NORIKO HASEBE4, reality. I interpret and analyze these ascriptive classifications that disrupt FACHROEL AZIZ2, ETTY INDRIATI5, data as functions of both actual repatria- established social hierarchies in construc- ERIC SETIYABUDI2,HIROYUKItion requests, as well as disciplinary re- tive ways. But experience is already sug- OTSUKA6 and HISAO BABA1. 1Depart- luctance to engage with the processes gesting that where genomic profiling rein- ment of Anthropology, National Museum set forth by the law. forces existing social identity markers, it is of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 2Centre for NAGPRA governs the repatriation of also likely to reinforce their existing social Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Native American ancestral human uses. This is a risk that finer grained mo- 3Department of Geology, National Mu- remains, associated funerary objects, lecular studies can only exacerbate, unless seum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, and other items with ongoing cultural their results are carefully contextualized 4InstituteofNatureandenvironmental meaning for living Native people. The withinthelargerdebateoverthejusticeof technology, Kanazawa University, 6Labo- law also mandates consultation between the social classifications they might serve. ratory of Bio- and Paleoanthropology, museums, academic institutions and Gadjah Mada University, 7Seiryo, federally-recognized Native tribes and Y-chromosome variation of a Kagoshima. nations. It is not, however, an ethical Ch’orti’ Maya population in Eastern guide for the treatment of human Guatemala. Java, Indonesia, is a unique place to remains, or for the fostering of respect- yield a large number of Homo erectus ful relationships between individual ANNE E. JUSTICE, STEPHEN fossils, hence has a key role in human scientists, federal agencies, and Native JOHNSON and MICHAEL H. evolutionary studies in Asia. However, descendants. CRAWFORD. Department of Anthropology, some uncertainty about the chronology Although other guidelines (e.g., 45 CFR University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. of these fossil specimens has hampered 46, the Belmont Report) secure the pro-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 111

182 AAPA ABSTRACTS tection of living human subjects in an- Suicide – pattern and distribution site also helps to inform users as to the thropological genetic research, the of specific traumata on the skull. plight of these animals. The user can assumed gap between living and dead navigate through the various regions of maybeusefulinevaluatinghow FABIAN KANZ, ALEXANDER VLCEK the skeleton, select a region, and then skeletal repatriation may inform and DANIELE RISSER. Department of view the elements. All six orientations ethics in anthropological genetics— Forensic Medicine, Medical University are provided, along with a 3-D anima- and vice versa. Westerners perceive of Vienna, Austria. tion, and the user has the option to acti- sharp material and cultural distinc- vate labels for muscle origins and inser- tions between ‘‘living’’ blood and Differentiating between skull lesions as tions along with joint surfaces. Because ‘‘dead’’ bone. For many indigenous a result of interpersonal or intraperso- comparative anatomy is so important, people, however, these distinctions are nal conflict (self-harm) are of crucial im- the user can select an element from dif- not as forcefully evident. I also exam- portance in forensic anthropology and ferent taxa for visual comparisons of inehowtheseculturaldynamicshave paleopathology. Identification of a sui- size and shape. We have also con- emerged in skeletal repatriation proc- cide specific pattern and/or distribution structed a digital calipers for on-screen esses, and how they may provoke of lesions on the skull was subject of measurements, and one of our special novel ethics dialogues in anthropologi- this study. comparative tools permits the user to cal genetics. The historic specimen collection at the superimpose one element over the other. Department for Forensic Medicine in The database is organized for ease of Vienna, built up over the last two cen- editing and updating and designed so Across-species variability in pri- turies, hosts cranial skeletal remains that other taxa can be easily added to mate coat color supports Gloger’s from 261 individuals, 44 of them com- the digital library. rule. mitted suicide. Thanks to several generations of UT From these 44 individuals, 37 (84,1%) undergraduate and graduate students JASON M. KAMILAR and BRENDA J. experienced gunshot trauma, 6 (13,6%) who have worked on this project, and BRADLEY. Department of Anthropol- sharp force and 1 individual blunt force support from NSF and UT Austin. ogy, Yale University. trauma. 23 (62,2%) of the gunshot en- trance lesions were on the right side of The biological implications of the Gloger (1833) observed that bird popu- the skull, predominantly in the region origins of agriculture in Eastern lations living in warm and wet habitats of the temple, 4 (10,8%) were in the Europe. were darker compared to those found in same area but on the left side. Another dry, cool areas. However, this hypothe- 3 (8,1%) were found on the forehead, 5 JORDAN KARSTEN1 and GWYN sis has seldom been tested, particularly (13,5%) on the palate and 2 (5,4%) on MADDEN2. 1Department of Anthropology, for mammals. Here, we test Gloger’s the occiput. One blunt force trauma, a State University of New York at Albany rule using a dataset consisting of more massive terrace fracture, was caused by 2Department of Anthropology, Grand Val- than 100 primate species representing a jump from the 5th floor. Half of the ley State University. all major primate clades. We used mu- sharp force induced traumata were seum skins, digital photography, and caused by pointed objects (nails and The Trypillian culture complex of west- color correction software to quantify awls) and the other half by axes. These ern Ukraine is hypothesized to be one the brightness of the dorsal and ven- 3 rare cases of self hacking left in all of the earliest agricultural communities tral surface of each species. We uti- cases multiple ([20) testing lesions in Eastern Europe dating to as early as lized the mean actual evapotranspira- around the final death blow. the 6th millennium B.C. (Kadrow et al. tion (AET) within the geographic No specific suicide pattern for gunshots 2003). The hypothesis has been sup- range of each species as a proxy for was evident, but there were no shots to ported by archaeological evidence habitat conditions. AET values are the face or to the apex of the head. including stone tools believed to be high in warm, wet environments. We Sharp force trauma, predominantly sickles, as well as the presence of Venus included additional variables that may associated with psychological problems, figurines representing the existence of a influence pelage coloration: body mass, were always multiple, therefore might fertility cult. Notably, no grinding positional behavior, and time since the be easily misinterpreted as the re- stones or artifacts associated with the specimen was collected. To examine sults of interpersonal conflict involving processing of agricultural products have the possible relationship between mutilation. been discovered in large areas of the pelage brightness and AET, we used a Trypillian homeland, leading some method developed by Freckleton and eSkeletons: a digital library of pri- archaeologists (Tkachuk, 2010) to ques- Jetz (2009) that simultaneously mate anatomy. tion the extent to which the Trypillian accounts for the potential confounding people relied upon farming. Excavations effects of phylogenetic and spatial JOHN KAPPELMAN and PETER carried out at Verteba Cave, located in autocorrelation in the data. We found KEANE. The University of Texas, the Tirnopil Region of Ukraine, during that decreasing levels of AET were sig- Austin. the summers of 2009 and 2010 have nificantly related to decreasing pelage unearthed some of the only burials to darkness on the dorsal surface, while Anatomy is taught at many educational be definitively associated with Trypil- controlling for other effects. Thus, we levels but a scarcity of specimens means lian artifacts. Analysis of 14 individu- found general support for Gloger’s rule that large numbers of students do not als, ranging in age from 6 months to 50 in primates. The mechanism driving have access to the materials required years of age, was undertaken to deter- Gloger’s rule is not easy to discern, for the traditional approach to the sub- mine if the interred individuals exhib- but may include a thermoregulatory ject. The web offers a unique solution to ited skeletal markers typical of the benefit by increased water evaporation this dilemma, and we present here our transition to an agrarian lifestyle. The from dark hair, increased resistance to latest approach to this problem. population exhibited numerous dental keratin degrading microorganisms in The core of www.eSkeletons.com caries and a dental abscess. Addition- hair with large amounts of eumelanin, includes all of the separate elements of ally, the existence of enamel hypoplasias and/or increased background matching the skeleton digitized in 2-D and 3-D. suggest nutritional stress during devel- for light colored species living in cool, Humans are a central focus of the site, opment, which is a hallmark of early dry habitats. and a new application is directed to an agricultural societies. Therefore, bio- This study was funded by the Leakey on-line course in human osteology. archaeological analyses of the finds at Foundation, the Field Museum, Wash- Many nonhuman primate species are Verteba Cave support the hypothesis ington University (St. Louis), and Yale also included, and because several of that the Trypillian population was prac- University. these taxa are rare or endangered, the ticing subsistence agriculture.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Geometric morphometric analysis good experience so that they recom- rant (anterior, posterior, medial, lateral) of maxillary central incisor crown mend the location to others. Prior differences. We hypothesized CFO-Het form. research demonstrates that tourists to be greatest in regions with predomi- want a memorable experience: for wild- nant shear (torsion and/or neutral axis AKIKO KATO1, MAKIKO KOUCHI2, life-based tours this includes close con- regions). Results showed that CFO-Het 2 MASAAKI MOCHIMARU , and tact with the animals (including eye correlated with CFO (r0.88) and 1 1 NORIKAZU OHNO . Department of contact) and observation of natural osteonMTS (r0.63). Unexpectedly, Oral Anatomy, School of Dentistry, behaviors. I studied primate response to CFO-Het is highest in the medial ‘com- Aichi-Gakuin University, 2Digital tourist presence in the Central Suri- pression’ cortex (p \ 0.05)oftheproxi- Human Research Center, National name Nature Reserve (CSNR) through mal shaft (habitual bending) but, as Institute of Advanced Industrial Science a theoretical lens of predator/prey expected, was not significantly differ- and Technology. interactions. ent quadrant-wise in the 50% shaft Primate response to tourists differed by (comparatively more diffuse torsion/ Studies of tooth morphology have been species. Brown capuchins, squirrel mon- shear). However, the 50% shaft had essential in human biology and phylog- keys and howler monkeys did not flee unexpectedly lower CFO-Het than the eny. Dental traits related to genetic di- or alarm call in the presence of tourists proximal shaft (p \ 0.05). CFO-Het versity have been studied over a long while bearded sakis, wedge-cap capu- generally corroborates CFO-based load period and grossly evaluated based on chins, tamarins and spider monkeys history data, but does so unexpectedly the standard Arizona State University did. Further, primates who did not and less consistently than the CFO (ASU) reference plaque. However, grad- respond to tourists were seen feeding. and osteonMTS data that we previ- ing by subjectively-based observation In addition, there were no statistically ously reported for these bones. But has possibility of inter- and intra- ob- significant effects of tour group size, CFO-Het could reveal toughening server measurement errors. We aimed speed or noisiness on primate anti-pred- mechanisms not shown by CFO data to analyze crown models three-dimen- ator responses. in bones where osteonMTS data can- sionally to assess shoveling shape. Results indicate that under certain cir- not be obtained (e.g. none/few second- Micro-CT scanned data of 38 maxillary cumstances tourism may have negligi- ary osteons). central incisors housed in Aichi-Gakuin ble impact on some primate species. To University and Brown and Herbranson remain sustainable, tourism in the Odontometric analysis of the reana- Imaging were used to create crown CSNR should focus on species who do lyzed and expanded Cercopithe- models of outer enamel surface (OES) not demonstrate anti-predator behaviors coides sample from the Haasgat fos- and dentino-enamel junction (DEJ) in the presence of tourists—also contrib- sil assemblage, Cradle of Human- form. All data were evaluated according uting to the economic sustainability of kind, South Africa. to the shoveling grade on the ASU Den- tourism. Tourists are likely to have a tal Anthropology System into weakly better experience when they have more ANTHONY D.T. KEGLEY1,2, JASON (grade 0-2) shovel-shaped and strongly time to observe primates performing HEMINGWAY2 and JUSTIN W. (grade 3-7) shovel-shaped group. Homol- behaviors such as feeding. More ADAMS1,2. 1Department of Biomedical ogous models consisting of the same research is needed in order to better Sciences, Grand Valley State University, number of data points of the same to- predict primate response to tourists and Allendale, MI, 2School of Anatomical pology were created and the distance to understand what tourists in the Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, matrices between tooth models of OES CSNR want to see. University of the Witwatersrand, and DEJ were analyzed by using multi- Johannesburg, South Africa. dimensional scaling analysis (MDS). Collagen fiber orientation heteroge- Student’s t-test was used to compare neity (CFO-Het): does this new Previous paleontological work (1987- the MDS scores between weakly and characteristic reflect habitual load 1993) on fossiliferous ex situ sediment strongly shovel-shaped groups. The history in the chimpanzee femur blocks from the Haasgat cave site, result of t-test in OES model confirmed and does it corroborate CFO based 19km northeast of the Blaauwbank Val- significant differences between two on image gray levels? ley sites, has yielded a diverse faunal groups (p\0.001), and a negative corre- assemblage including no fewer than two lation coefficient of 0.53 was obtained KENDRA E. KEENAN and JOHN G. extinct species of cercopithecid assigned between shoveling grade and MDS SKEDROS. Department of Orthopae- to Papio angusticeps and Cercopithe- score. On the other hand, the result in dics, University of Utah School of Medi- coides. Previous research on the Cerco- DEJ model was not statistically signifi- cine, Salt Lake City, Utah. pithecoides sample had identified 25 cant (p50.07) between two groups. Our craniodental specimens, including a results indicate that geometric morpho- Gray levels (GLs) in circularly polarized nearly complete adult female cranium metric analysis of micro-CT scanned light (CPL) images reflect predominant (HGD 1167) and the most complete ju- tooth crowns represents a powerful so- CFO: darker GLs represent longitudinal venile cranium (HGD 1166) recovered lution for objective shape assessment of orientation, brighter GLs represent for Cercopithecoides in South Africa. Af- human teeth. oblique-to-transverse orientation. CFO- ter resuming research at Haasgat in This study was funded by The Hori Infor- Het (variability of CFO) is a new char- 2010, we have reassessed all previously mation Science Promotion Foundation. acteristic that might correlate more recovered fossil materials. Here, we strongly with habitual load history than present the updated Haasgat Cercopi- Creating sustainable primate-based CFO or secondary osteon morphotype thecoides assemblage, with basic tourism: a view from the Central score (osteonMTS) (Skedros et al., 2009 descriptions and a comparative odonto- Suriname Nature Reserve. BONE). CFO-Het 5 the full-width at metric analysis with craniodental mate- half-maximum (FWHM) of an image GL rial assigned to Cercopithecoides wil- LAURIE KAUFFMAN. Department of profile (larger FWHM 5 greater CFO- liamsi from several South African fossil Biological Science, DePaul University. Het). Eight skeletally mature chimpan- assemblages. Our results indicate that zee femora (50% shaft; proximal shaft 20 of the 25 specimens originally Sustainable tourism is meant as a 570% and 80%) were embedded in assigned to Cercopithecoides can be sup- means of economically supporting an methacrylate, ultramilled, and imaged ported, while four (HGD 1176, HGD area while protecting the environment. in CPL. FWHM was measured from GL 1185, HGD 1187 and HGD 1221) are P. Two aspects contribute to truly sustain- profiles of the CPL images where we angusticeps (expanding the previously able primate-based tourism. First, the measured CFO and osteonMTS in our documented sample of P. angusticeps to primate population cannot be negatively previous studies. CFO-Het data were 87 specimens), and one (HGD 1187) is affected. Second, tourists must have a analyzed for section location and quad- Bovidae. After reviewing all primate

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 113

184 AAPA ABSTRACTS and non-primate material, including a Skeletal indicators of body mass in various extraction techniques. Such stud- number of uncataloged elements, we human juveniles. ies often found one extraction method have identified an additional eight superior to others tested, under particular specimens (one partial maxilla, one iso- REBECCA SCOPA KELSO. Department conditions (e.g. age and state of preserva- lated upper molar and six partial man- of Anthropology, University of Tennes- tion of the remains, associated impurities dibles) attributable to Cercopithecoides, see, Knoxville. in the samples). However, these previous bringing the total sample from the 1988 studies began with no knowledge of DNA ex situ sample to 28. Unfortunately, the The ability to determine body mass quantity in the samples prior to extraction. more complete crania (HGD 1166 and from juvenile skeletal remains has im- While researchers may have identified the HGD 1167) could not be located by the portant implications in the fields of bio- best extraction method within a candidate repository institution for the collection logical archaeology, paleoanthropology, pool of methodologies, they had no means (Council of Geological Sciences). Thus, and forensics. Femoral head diameter is to determine how poorly these methods data included for both specimens derive frequently used to estimate body mass performed relative to complete recovery of from polyurethane casts. in adult skeletal remains. However, DNA material. longstanding assumptions regarding the In this study, we created an aDNA stand- accuracy of the femoral head for esti- ard (a concoction of DNA thought to resem- mating body mass lack contemporary ble aDNA with regard to strand length) Strontium stable isotope analyses and large-scale verification in suba- that we can control precisely in copy num- of human bone reveal no Wari state dults. Ruff (2007), and now more ber. Our experiments show that the typical emissaries in the Las Trancas Val- recently Robbins et al. (2010), have extraction steps widely used in aDNA ley of the Nasca region of Peru attempted to address this issue but studies all perform very poorly in retaining (750-1000 A.D.). with small sample sizes (n520) from short segments of DNA. In fact, we can lit- the Denver Growth Study and from erally create acceptable ‘‘aDNA’’ copy num- CORINA M. KELLNER1, ANDREW Franklin County, Ohio respectively. Pre- bers during the extraction of standards SOMERVILLE2 and MARGARET J. dictive equations for body mass were that far exceed most copy number expecta- SCHOENINGER2. 1Department of An- generated from cross-sectional clinical tions for an ancient sample. Therefore, it is thropology, Northern Arizona Univer- data of modern juvenile femora. A ques- possible that ancient specimens have far sity, 2Department of Anthropology, tionnaire will provide information about more preserved genetic material than pre- University of California, San Diego. the individual’s age, body weight, and viously thought, and low copy number is activity level. Radiographic measure- the result of extraction techniques. During the Middle Horizon of prehis- ments of the femoral head and distal toric Peru, The Wari state and the local metaphysis were taken to determine Applying Geographical Information society of Nasca on the south coast the most accurate equations for each Systems (GIS) to analyze functional (750-1000 A.D.) had a close relationship age group. Preliminary results seem to surfaces: a study using the distal as evidenced by the Wari imperial site support Ruff’s (2007) findings. The dis- humerus. of Pataraya in the Tierras Blancas val- tal metaphysis appears to better esti- ley, similarities in ceramic styles, and mate body mass for individuals into MICHAEL KENYHERCZ. Department the ease of travel from the Wari their early teens, but in the mid to late of Applied Forensic Sciences, Mercy- heartland. teens the femoral head looses its accu- hurst College, Erie, PA. Since strontium isotope ratios are dis- racy and the femoral head becomes tinct between the Nasca region and the more appropriate. These equations will Sex estimation is an important component Wari heartland, these analyses should provide the means in which to extrapo- in bio-archaeology. The distal humerus is a be able to clarify the nature of the asso- late body mass estimates for unidenti- durable bone and Rogers (1999, 2006, ciation between the Wari and the fied subadults remains in modern foren- 2009) has suggested that the olecranon Nasca. We sampled twelve individuals sic cases. This will also help to shed fossa shape shows differences in males and buried in three cemeteries located in light on changes in body mass associ- females. GIS has previously been used in the southernmost Las Trancas Valley of ated with prehistoric diet and activity non-traditional ways to examine teeth the Nasca region that straddle the time transitions. (Bartling and Schleyer 2003), though its periods before and during the Middle utility in bone has been restricted to distri- Horizon. Included within this larger One of the key characteristics of bution patterns at archaeological sites. sample are individuals who are buried ancient DNA, low copy number, ThisstudyusedaGIStoexaminethefunc- with Middle Horizon imperial and local may be a product of its extraction. tional surfaces of bone. style ceramics. Coordinate data for 140 (70 male, 70 Strontium stable isotope analyses of BRIAN M. KEMP1,2,JODILYNN female) left distal humeri were collected human bone do not reveal any individu- BARTA1,2, CARA MONROE1,2,3,JUSTIN with a Microscribe digitizer from the als with a highland origin. Based on TEISBERG1, SARAH RUNNELLS1 AND Hamann-Todd Osteological Collection at these data, no evidence exists of emissa- KELLI FLANIGAN4. 1School of Biological the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. ries from the Wari heartland in the Las Sciences, Washington State University, Coordinate data were imported into Arc- Trancas Valley of the Nasca region. 2Department of Anthropology, Washington Map 9.3 (ESRI 2008) , which was used to These data suggest that direct Wari State University, 3Department of Anthro- define the olecranon fossa and calculate influence may have been contained in pology, University of California-Santa Bar- maximum and average slope, maximum the northernmost Tierras Blancas Val- bara, 4School of Molecular Biosciences, curvature, and volume. The outline of the ley. The Nasca living in the Las Trancas Washington State University. olecranon fossa, as determined through Valley may have successfully resisted GIS, was then used for Elliptical Fourier direct Wari imperial control. Previous From the outset, it was observed that Analysis through Shape 1.3 (Iwata and dietary studies showed that the Nasca the genetic material extracted from Ukai 2002). Fordisc 3 (Jantz and Ousley region was not converted to maize ancient remains is typically in a chemi- 2005) was used to perform discriminant monocropping for imperial purposes cally degraded state and in low copy function analysis on the new (or GIS- (Kellner and Schoeninger 2008). This number. During the past 20 years of an- derived) variables. Using stepwise selec- study highlights the diversity of local cient DNA (aDNA) research, these tion, the correct classification of males and and imperial strategies used during observations have rarely been chal- females was 82.5% cross-validated. state expansion. lenged. The results show the utility of the This study was funded by a NSF Minor- With the goal of maximizing success in method for instances when linear meas- ity Post Doctoral Fellowship to CMK working with aDNA samples, a number of ures may not be practical, such as with and MJS. studies have compared DNA yields using highly degraded material. This method

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 185 for analyzing functional surfaces provides fetus. The FBI curated the mummies with as their perimortem carbon isotope val- another means for quantitative research, the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology for ues fall within the local dietary range. as well as a means to quantify qualitative study and, if possible, eventual NAGPRA We conclude that there is a wide varia- data, especially regarding shape. compliance. The Million Dollar Museum’s tion in the diets consumed by people in records did not specify original prove- Imperial Rome and that part of this Development of a GIS-based habitat nience of the remains, so isotopic analyses variation is likely related to the pres- suitability model for two lemur spe- and radiocarbon dating were conducted to ence of immigrants in the population. cies in Betampona Nature Reserve, determine the origins of the mummies. This research was supported by grants Madagascar. We measured the d15Nandd13Cvalues from the NSF (BCS-0622452) and the from tissue and bone collagen, d15N, d13C Wenner-Gren Foundation. LANA KERKER. Washington University and d2H values of hair, and d13Cand in St. Louis. d18O values of the carbonate in enamel A preliminary report on the health apatite. Due to inadequate quantities and status of the skeletal remains from The use of Geographic Information Sys- degradation a subset of analyses were the Kentucky Horse Park Site. tems (GIS) technology has been a valuable run for each individual. Results produced tool in the prediction of species occurrences averages of: 13.59 for d15N, –9.96% for PETER E. KILLORAN1 AND for both ecological and conservation pur- d13C of tissue (n57); 8.77% for d15N, – GRETCHEN R. DABBS2. 1University of poses. Researchers have been able to com- 8.11% for d13C, and 281.4 for d2Hofhair Wisconsin-Whitewater; 2Southern Illi- bine information from satellite images, (n54); 10.85% for d15Nand–8.30% d13C nois University-Carbondale. GPS data and field studies to determine of bone not treated for humic acid (n57); the probability of species occurrences based 10.38% for d15N and –7.90% for d13Cof Thirty-three graves, containing 34 individ- on a number of ecological and environmen- bone treated for humic acid (n57); and uals were excavated from the Kentucky tal variables. The purpose of this study was 0.30% d13C of and –6.38% for d18Oofap- Horse Park Cemetery (15FA315), which to create a GIS model of habitat suitability atite (n54).Resultsaresuggestiveof dates from the 1800’s to 1850’s. The sample for 2 sympatric lemur species in a 2228 ha individuals from the Four Corners Region consists of eight juveniles, and 26 adults forest located in north-eastern Madagascar. dating between 250 and 2080 6 35 years (13Females;10Males;3Unknown).Mac- Behavioral and ecological data was col- BP, with one outlier potentially from the roscopic examinations of the cranium were lected on 7 radio-collared groups of lemurs Plains dating to 1860 6 30 years BP. used to assess ancestry. This poster for 9 months in 2007-2008. This data was presents data on stature, estimated then combined with remotely sensed Land- Dietary differences between immi- weight, and pathological lesions, and com- sat TM and SRTM images to create 4 meas- grants and locals in Imperial Rome. pares the Kentucky Horse Park data to urable environmental variables (forest that collected from individuals buried in cover, elevation, slope and aspect) in an KRISTINA KILLGROVE1, JANET similar local cemeteries (Terrill and Old effort to better understand the distribution MONTGOMERY2 and ROBERT Frankfort), and a comparable sample from of these 2 lemur species in this forest. This TYKOT3. 1Department of Anthropology, the early period of the Freedman Cemetery habitat suitability model was used to create UNC Chapel Hill, 2Division of Archaeo- in Dallas, Texas. While there are no appa- maps of the forest in which each lemur spe- logical, Geographical & Environmental rent statistical differences in quantity or cies is most likely to occur. Conclusions are Sciences, University of Bradford, type of pathological lesions between Afri- that the microhabitat and vegetative struc- 3Department of Anthropology, Univer- can and European populations at the ture of the forest need to be taken into con- sity of South Florida. Horse Park, there are differences in aver- sideration to refine this model further. The age stature and weights for these popula- model described in this paper provides val- Although the general diet of people in Im- tions, which may represent differences in uable information as to the importance of perial Rome consisted primarily of grain, occupational stresses and nutrition. Like each of the ecological variables measured in olives, and wine, historical sources indi- the Frankfort Cemetery, Kentucky Horse the prediction of the occurrence of each of cate that dietary practices varied based Park Cemetery has more variability in the lemur species studied. on age, sex, and social class. Recent pale- stature and weight in the African popula- This study was funded by a Fulbright odietary work in the Roman countryside tion relative to the European population, grant. and at Italian ports has shown that dif- and differences based on sex. The Ken- ferent food webs were utilized in spite of tucky Horse Park appears to be better off Righting the wrongs of the past: the proximity of these sites to one than their urban counter parts, with less estimating the original provenience another and to the sea. To date, no other stress during the childhood periods (fewer of confiscated mummies with iso- study has examined the extent to which infectious pathological lesions and fewer tope analyses. the diet of immigrants (both free and hypoplasias). This poster serves to inform slave) affects dietary reconstructions of us about the heterogeneity of lifestyles and C. L. KIEFFER1,2, CATHERINE the population of Rome. experiences of people in this early period in MITCHELL1, KEIKO KITAGAWA3, In order to investigate the alimentary the development of this country. CARMEN MOSLEY1,2, PATRICK resources used in Rome during the Im- NARANJO4, SHERRY NELSON1, VIOREL perial period, we subjected the teeth Variability in Middle Woodland ATUDOREI4 and HEATHER EDGAR1,2. and bones of 35 individuals from the mortuary practices at the Pete 1University of New Mexico Anthropology Casal Bertone and Castellaccio Euro- Klunk (11C4) and Gibson (11C5) Department, 2University of New Mexico, parco cemeteries to carbon and nitrogen sites. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, 3Univer- isotope analysis, as well as strontium sita¨tTu¨ bingen, Institut fu¨rUr-undFru¨hge- and oxygen isotope analysis. Although JASON L. KING. Center for American schichte und Archa¨ologie des Mittelalters, there were no statistically significant Archeology, Kampsville, IL 4University of New Mexico, Department of differences between the perimortem Earth and Planetary Sciences. diets of locals and immigrants, 15% of The Pete Klunk (11C4) and Gibson the immigrants to Rome had signifi- (11C5) sites comprise a core body of In 2007, the Federal Bureau of Investiga- cantly different childhood diets. These data for understanding Middle Wood- tions (FBI) confiscated nine mummies individuals’ much higher carbon isotope land (50 BC - AD 400) period peoples. from White City’s Million Dollar Museum ratios suggest consumption of a diet Bioarchaeological analyses of the two near Carlsbad, New Mexico which was with comparatively more C4 plants. sites have informed on multiple aspects unlawfully displaying Native American Further, those individuals whose child- of prehistoric life, including health and remains. The sample consists of seven hood diets were statistically different disease, biological and genetic relation- adults, including one female and three pos- from the local diet apparently consumed ships, diet, mortuary practices and sible males, one male infant, and one male a local diet after immigrating to Rome, ritual life, among others. Despite their

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 115

186 AAPA ABSTRACTS importance, the temporal place of the indigenous pre-contact North American key prey skeletons reported elsewhere cemeteries within the Middle Woodland groups. (Pobiner et al., 2007). For each infanti- period has remained under-explored, Linear obstetric and non-obstetric pelvic cide victim, we calculated the number with chronology anchored on low resolu- dimensions, in addition to sciatic notch of identified specimens (NISP), mini- tion, culturally sensitive indicators of shape semi-landmark data, were mum number of elements (MNE), bone time. Absence of temporal control pre- obtained from over 250 males and survivorship, and bone fragmentation. cludes a nuanced understanding of cul- females representing ten archaeological Similarities between monkey prey and tural and biological change and hinders groups from the Arctic, Plains, South- chimpanzee infanticide victims include new research based on these data. west and Southeast. Individuals were crenulated and step fractures to long Recent analyses have implicated related- aged and categorized as either ‘‘young’’ bones, incipient fractures on ribs, and ness and mortuary practices in the crea- (under 25) or ‘‘not young’’ (over 25) at compression fractures to the cranial tion of ancestorhood and ancestor ideol- time of death. Analyses indicate that, in vault. Differences include a much ogy in the Lower Illinois Valley Woodland all samples and accounting for body size, higher frequency of vertebrae and pha- period; however, analyses of mortuary older females have wider pelvic antero- langes in the chimpanzee infant sample practices and biological distance revealed posterior outlet and multiple pelvic compared with monkey prey. Because it differing patterns at Pete Klunk and Gib- mediolateral dimensions than younger is uncertain whether infanticide com- son. In this paper, I present eight new females. This pattern persists among pletely resembles either predation or radiocarbon dates from the Pete Klunk high latitude samples, even though all other forms of conspecific aggression, it site. These data are analyzed with recent females are significantly wider and may be useful to think of infanticide in assays from the Gibson site in order to larger in these colder climates. No age- chimpanzees as a phenomenon distinct identify intra- and inter-site sequences of related patterns are observed among from either. moundbuilding, change in funerary prac- males. Female sciatic notch shape corre- This study was funded by the Univer- tices, and biological relatedness between lates with anteroposterior dimensions, sity of Minnesota Thesis Research cemeteries and mortuary tracks. Results but no obstetric dimensions that signifi- Grant and the University of Minnesota indicate that while ritual and associated cantly differ between age categories. Department of Anthropology. genetic signatures between mortuary These results argue for some obstetric tracks were neither static over time nor constraint on changes in pelvic shape af- Cochlear labyrinth size and hear- identical at either site, the underlying ter colonization of the Americas. ing abilities in mammals. symbolic meaning embodied similar ideo- This study was funded by a National logical messages conveying ideas of com- Science Foundation Collaborative E. CHRISTOPHER KIRK1, ELISSA munity membership and social order. Research Grant, BCS division, LUDEMAN1, AUTUMN BLAYLOCK1 These results are then placed in the con- #0962752. and ASHLEY GOSSELIN-ILDARI2. text of regional expressions of Middle 1Department of Anthropology, University Woodland mortuary behavior, related- A taphonomic study of two chim- of Texas at Austin, 2Interdepartmental ness and ideology. panzee infanticide victims from Doctoral Program in Anthropological Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Sciences, Stony Brook University.

Death and the (narrow) maiden: CLAIRE A. KIRCHHOFF1, ANTHONY Morphometric studies of the bony laby- pelvic dimensions, mortality, and COLLINS2, SHADRACK M. rinth for the cochlea in mammals and obstetrics versus thermoregulation. KAMENYA2, MICHAEL L. WILSON3,4, the basilar papilla in archosaurs have DEUS C.J. MJUNGU2 and JANE revealed functional associations KATHRYN A. KING1, BENJAMIN M. RAPHAEL2. 1Department of Cell Biology between the morphology of the auditory AUERBACH2,ADAMD.SYLVESTER3, and Anatomy, University of North Texas epithelium and hearing abilities. In pri- MEADOW L. CAMPBELL4 and RYAN M. Health Science Center, 2Gombe Stream mates, the volume of the cochlear laby- CAMPBELL4. 1Department of Sociology Research Center, 3Department of An- rinth is correlated with the high fre- and Anthropology, University of Arkansas thropology, University of Minnesota, quency limit of hearing, but it has at Little Rock, 2Department of Anthropol- 4Department of Ecology, Evolution, and remained unclear whether this relation- ogy, The University of Tennessee, 3Depart- Behavior, University of Minnesota. ship is characteristic of mammals ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck generally. Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,4- Infanticide in chimpanzees is a complex Here we report the results of an analy- Department of Anthropology, Southern phenomenon; behavior varies consider- sis of cochlear labyrinth volume and Illinois University – Carbondale. ably among cases. It is similar in some hearing abilities in a broad comparative respects to monkey hunting and in sample of mammals. Petrosals of 27 New World indigenous populations col- others to conspecific aggression directed species from 8 therian orders were CT lectively exhibit wider body breadths at non-infant chimpanzees. Whether in- scanned with a resolution of 20-40 than populations from similar climates fanticide more closely resembles one or microns. The cochlear labyrinth was in Europe and Africa, despite having as the other may provide further insight segmented using a variant of the half- much variation in other dimensions into chimpanzee aggression, and the maximum-height method, and the associated with thermoregulation (e.g., adaptive function of infanticide in par- resulting measurements of cochlear vol- intralimb proportions). Wide pelvic ticular. Behavioral evidence reveals ume were compared with published breadths may have initially resulted both similarities and differences audiograms. These data reveal a signifi- from ‘‘cold filtered’’ adaptations in an- between hunting and infanticide in cant negative correlation between coch- cestral populations. Retention of wide chimpanzees. We turn to skeletal evi- lear labyrinth volume and both the high pelvic dimensions, however, remains dence to provide additional information frequency limit of hearing (Spearman R unexplained, though obstetric con- that may be useful for further explora- 520.72; p \0.001) and low frequency straint is one likely factor. tion of the nature of infanticide in chim- limit of hearing (Spearman R 520.62; Previous studies have demonstrated a panzees. Comparing patterns of skeletal p \0.001). Similar results are obtained correlation between pelvic non-obstetric damage may be relevant when consider- when the effects of body mass are held and obstetric dimensions with climate. ing how closely infanticide resembles constant using partial correlations. Many other studies have also demon- hunting versus other forms of conspe- Our findings indicate that as mammalian strated a correlation between obstetric cific aggression. absolute cochlear size increases, both the dimensions and mortality. This study This taphonomic analysis compares high and low frequency limits of hearing examines the relationship between ob- skeletal damage to 2 chimpanzee infan- tend to decrease. Furthermore, species stetrics and mortality in a geographi- ticide victims from Gombe National with large cochleas for their body mass cally and climatically diverse sample of Park, Tanzania, with damage to mon- tend to have audiograms shifted toward

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 116

AAPA ABSTRACTS 187 a lower range of frequencies than compa- their human hosts. However, unlike comparing responses among multiple rably-sized species with smaller cochleas. their hosts, human lice have an community members varying in experi- These results provide further evidence extremely old mitochondrial DNA ence with the calling species. However, that cochlear labyrinth morphology may (mtDNA) coalescence time (ca. 2 million which vocalizations ungulates are be used to estimate the hearing abilities years). Such an old coalescence time attending to remains unclear. For exam- of extinct species. may be explainable by either large an- ple, both sequences contained equal num- cestral louse population sizes or by bers of male wahoos, loud double-barks Selection vs. drift in Neandertals. migration between spatially structured produced in both contexts. Although they populations of lice. To investigate these should elicit very different responses in MARC KISSEL and JOHN HAWKS. scenarios, we examined the deep coa- listeners, contest wahoos and alarm 1University of Wisconsin-Madison. lescing mtDNA lineages to determine wahoos grade together acoustically. De- whether they were the result of large spite the strong similarities between call Scholars working under the neutral model louse effective population size or relics sequences, female baboon subjects (n 5 of evolution have used both genetic data of ancient population structure in their 12) in our second playback experiment and fossil evidence to argue that genetic human hosts using an approximate had stronger responses to alarm than drift is the primary force responsible for Bayesian computation (ABC) simulation contest wahoos (look latency: p \ 0.02; variation between human populations, technique. look duration: p \ 0.01; movement: p \ especially in regards to skeletal differences Our coalescent simulations suggest the 0.05). Although human observers can use between Neandertals and modern humans. most probable explanation of such old sophisticated computer software to quan- These analyses, though, often require coalescent dates is that peripheral pop- tify acoustic differences in graded vocal- implicit assumptions about population ulations of lice were isolated for hun- izations, only experimental trials such as sizesandvariancewithingroups,onesthat dreds of thousands of years before these can tell us whether conspecific and have not been tested against the paleoan- undergoing secondary contact with lice heterospecific listeners attend to these thropological record. It is thus necessary to on modern humans. We propose that differences. We will illustrate both have a better understanding of how they these peripheral lice populations may experiments using video clips. affect the models under study. Further- have arose on late-surviving archaic This research was funded by The Ohio more, the equations utilized to demon- hominin lineages before host-switching State University and the University of strate the strength of drift may have a onto modern humans sometime during Pennsylvania. high likelihood of Type II errors. We test the late Pleistocene. Though there is no the hypothesis that cranial differences direct evidence that archaic hominins between these ancient human popula- co-occurred with modern humans out- Population-based effects on limb- tions are the product of drift by develop- side of Europe, these findings suggest proportion and implications for ing univariate equations to understand the possible co-occurance of and contact stature estimation. the morphological differences between between modern and archaic hominins the two groups. Then, we simulate the in Asia. AMANDA KITTOE. Department of Ge- amount of differentiation that ought to ography and Anthropology, Louisiana occur if drift is the primary evolutionary Intra- and interspecific call recog- State University. force causing change and, using resam- nition: responses of both female pling, compare this to the observed di- baboons and sympatric ungulates Length of long bones is positively corre- versity seen in fossil populations. By to playback of chacma baboon lated with stature in humans. This study this method we avoid problems inherent alarm and contest calls. assesses accuracy of Trotter and Gleser’s in multivariate tests that require know- regression formulae to estimate human ing the variance within each subpopula- DAWN M. KITCHEN1, DOROTHY L. stature. Trotter and Gleser found that dif- tion, a difficult statistic to assess for CHENEY2, ROBERT M. SEYFARTH3 ferent ancestral populations require differ- small population sizes. We show that (1) and THORE J. BERGMAN4,5. 1Depart- ent formulae. This study uses a sample of many of the equation utilized in earlier ment of Anthropology, The Ohio State 126 individuals from the Hamman-Todd studies have a high likelihood of Type II University, 2Department of Biology, Uni- Collection to test five different formulae, errors and (2) that drift may not be as versity of Pennsylvania, 3Department of whichvarybybone,foreachofthefollow- strong a force as has been previously Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, ing groups: black females, white females, argued. We conclude that natural selec- 4Department of Psychology, University black males, and white males. Lengths of tion should not be rejected as a signifi- of Michigan, 5Department of Ecology the femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, ulna and cant factor in producing skeletal differ- and Evolutionary Biology, University of radius and maximum heights of thoracic ence between Neandertals and modern Michigan. and lumbar vertebrae were measured to humans. represent limb and torso lengths. The t- Many nonhuman primate vocal reper- test was used to compare the limb-stature Possible late introgression from ar- toires contain calls that sound similar and torso-stature proportions between chaic hominins into the mitochon- but are produced in very different con- males and females and whites and blacks. drial gene pool of modern human texts. Playback experiments can deter- The t-test was also used to compare Trotter lice. mine if subtle differences among vocal- and Gleser’s estimated statures to known izations affect listener behavior – both stature. Results show that men have sig- ANDREW KITCHEN1, DAVID REED2, within and between species. Using trials nificantly longer arms and forearms rela- MELISSA TOUPS3 and AIDA MIRO4. that simulated chacma baboons encoun- tive to stature than females. Whites have 1Department of Biology, The Pennsylva- tering predators and trials mimicking significantly longer torsos relative to stat- nia State University, 2Florida Museum male-male baboon competition, we tested ure than blacks, whereas blacks have sig- of Natural History, University of Flor- whether four sympatric ungulate species nificantly longer forearms (ulna) and lower ida, 3Department of Biology, Indiana could distinguish these contexts. Despite limbs (femur and fibula) relative to stature University, 4Department of Anthropol- both sequences being equally startling than whites. Significant differences ogy, University of Florida. and varying only in call type, subject (n 5 between estimated and known statures 20) responses were stronger following were only found among blacks. These Human head and body lice (Pediculus alarm sequences (p 5 0.001). Further- results highlight Allen’s rule and are con- humanus) are host-specific parasites more, impala, the most frequent associ- sistent with previous studies which find that have coevolved with their human ates of baboons, were best able to differ- that blacks and whites have different limb- hosts for millions of years. As such, entiate sequences, lending support to stature proportions, and thus result in dif- human lice may be used as faithful social learning hypotheses. Ours is the ferent regression equations for stature markers for events in the history of first heterospecific call recognition study estimation.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 117


Evolution of the hominin hand: old that high altitude natives have higher questionnaire of adherence to protocol and new evidence from the Plio- VO2 max at high altitude than sea-level and weekly academic work were col- Pleistocene. natives, but lower than elite athletes lected on 17 female students for the tested at sea-level. One of the explana- duration of a 10-week academic term. TRACY L. KIVELL1, JOB M. KIBII2, tions proposed to explain these differen- Saliva samples were assayed for sali- STEVEN E. CHURCHILL2,3 and LEE R. ces is developmental exposure to alti- vary cortisol (indicative of HPA activ- BERGER2. 1Department of Human Evolu- tude, and its effects on the cardiorespir- ity). A significant increase in RMR tion, Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary atory system. was observed with increased salivary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 2Insti- In order to evaluate the developmental cortisol concentration (p50.028), indi- tute for Human Evolution, University of effect of lifelong exposure to hypoxia on cating that HPA activation may lead to the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South aerobic capacity, we conducted VO2max an increase in metabolic cost instead Africa, 3Department of Evolutionary An- tests on two groups, before and after a of the hypothesized decrease. We sus- thropology, Duke University, Durham, 2-month training period at sea-level. We pect that the observed increase in cost USA. used a variation of the migration study could be resulting from increased approach: Group 1 consisted of sea-level maintenance requirements caused by Over the course of hominin evolution, the born and raised volunteers (N534, 18-35 physiological responses to chronic hand was freed from the constraints of years) and Group 2 consisted of high alti- stress, including higher blood pres- locomotion and used primarily for manipu- tude born and raised volunteers (N532, sure, heart rate and wear on organ lation. However, the details of this complex 18-35 years), but who migrated to sea-level systems. transition are not well understood. Though as adults. Both groups identified them- This study was funded by the Murdock there are numerous Pliocene hominin selves as having Quechua ancestry. Group Charitable Trust, reference number hand fossils, it is rare that they have a 2 did not have a significantly higher 2006194:JVA:11/16/2006. clear taxonomic affiliation and rarer still VO2max at high altitude (2.43l/min 6 0.52) that the bones come from a single hand or compared to Group 1 (2.29l/min 6 0.51, Population-specific natural selection individual. Thus, the evolutionary path- p50.412), and they did not differ in arterial at genetic regions associated with ways of morphological change within the saturation (SaO2)atVO2max (Group 15 HIV-1 viral load set-point control. hominin hand remain unclear and our 81.8460.72, Group 25 82.876 0.799, understanding of intrinsic manual propor- p50.35), after controlling for the effects of YANN C. KLIMENTIDIS1, BRAHIM tions and overall function is limited. Until sex, age, body weight, fat free mass and the AISSANI2, MARK D. SHRIVER3, recently, it was not until H. neanderthalen- initial differences (pre-training) in cardior- DAVID B. ALLISON1 and SADEEP sis that we had a fossil sample complete espiratory fitness between groups. SHRESTHA2. 1Section on Statistical enough to address such fundamental ques- In sum, our results indicate that birth- Genetics, Department of Biostatistics, tions about hominin hand evolution. place (i.e., developmental exposure to University of Alabama at Birmingham, Here we discuss the implications of recent altitude) did not constitute an impor- 2Department of Epidemiology, Univer- fossil hominin discoveries in South Africa tant factor to determine VO2max at sity of Alabama at Birmingham, (ca. 2 mya) of relatively complete and artic- hypoxia. 3Department of Anthropology, Pennsyl- ulating wrist and hand remains from sin- Supported by grant from NSF BCS vania State University. gle individuals with clear taxonomic affili- 0824420. ations. These fossils allow us to address HIV susceptibility and pathogenicity ex- questions about Plio-Pleistocene hominin Responding to chronic stress: longi- hibit both inter-individual and inter- hand evolution and function on which we tudinal perspectives on metabolism. group variability. The etiology of inter- previously could only speculate. These fos- group variability is still poorly under- sils shed light on the function of specific KELSEY KJOSNESS and CARA WALL- stood, and could be partly linked to joint complexes as well as function of the SCHEFFLER. Department of Biology, genetic differences between groups. hand as whole. They show that the transi- Seattle Pacific University. These genetic differences may be trace- tion from early hominin symplesiomorphic able to different regimes of natural morphology to the derived condition found It has recently been suggested that a selection in the 60,000 years since in later Homo occurred in a mosaic fashion, ‘‘stress response’’ may increase survivor- human radiation out of Africa. Here, we with different combinations of features ship of individuals, particularly when examine population differentiation and typically considered to be primitive or individuals are undergoing dramatic haplotype patterns at several loci iden- derived found in different hominins. shifts in resources. A stress response tified through genome-wide association This research was funded by the Max may increase survival by activating two studies on HIV-1 –control, as deter- Planck Society, The National Research separate physiological pathways that mined by viral-load setpoint in Cauca- Foundation of South Africa, The Depart- continuously replenish energy stores: sian and African-American populations. ment of Science and Technology, South activation of the sympathetic-adrenal We use the genome-wide SNP dataset Africa and The Palaeontological Scientific system (SAS) when mobilization of on the Human Genetic Diversity Panel Trust. energy is required for physical of 53 world-wide populations to compare responses, and activation of the hypo- measures of FST and extended haplo- Aerobic capacity of Peruvian high thalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis type homozygosity (EHH) at these can- altitude natives: a test of the devel- to decrease energy requirements in didate regions to the rest of the genome. opmental adaptation hypothesis. times of psychosocial stress when We find that the Europe-Middle East energy balance is positive and physical pair-wise FST in the associated regions MELISA KIYAMU1, TOM BRUTSAERT2, demand decreased. While some studies is elevated compared to the rest of the FABIOLA LEON-VELARDE3,andattribute laboratory-induced, acute genome, while the sub-Saharan Africa- 3 1 MARIA RIVERA . Department of Anthro- mental stressors that activate SAS with Middle East pair-wise FST is very low, pology, University at Albany, 2Department increased metabolic cost, no studies suggesting that genetic differentiation of Exercise Science, Syracuse University, have evaluated the influence of chronic, (diversifying/positive selection) occurred 3Departamento de Ciencias Biolo´gicas y HPA-inducing stressors (when energy outside of sub-Saharan Africa, while Fisiolo´gicas, Universidad Peruana Caye- balance is positive) on energy expendi- balancing or purifying selection tano Heredia. ture. The present study tests our hy- occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. We also pothesis that resting metabolic rate find greater EHH, indicative of recent High altitude natives are reported to (RMR) decreases with prolonged expo- positive selection at these associated have outstanding work capacity in spite sure to psychological stress. RMR, blood regions, among all population sub- of the challenge of oxygen transport and pressure, saliva samples, a 10-item Per- groups except for sub-Saharan Africans delivery in hypoxia. Studies suggest ceived Stress Scale questionnaire, and a and Native Americans. These findings

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 118

AAPA ABSTRACTS 189 corroborate findings from other studies Morphometric analyses of hominoid size-standardized and compared using suggesting recent evolutionary change facial synapomorphies with impli- MANOVA with Tukey’s HSD test (P at immunity-related regions among cations for the taxonomic status of .05). Jomon males have significantly Europeans, and shed light on the poten- Afropithecus. smaller femoral MA values than Alas- tial genetic and evolutionary origin of kan foragers, larger humeral CA, TA, population differences in HIV-1 control. RYAN KNIGGE and KIERAN Iy, and J compared to all other foragers, This study was funded by NIH Grant MCNULTY. Department of Anthropol- and greater MA and Ix values than for- Number T32HL007457 from the ogy, University of Minnesota. agers from Georgia and California. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Humeral diaphyseal shape differs Institute Traditionally, Early Miocene non-cerco- between Jomon and Alaskan males, pithecoid catarrhines were identified as with Jomon males having more circular hominoids based largely on plesiomor- diaphyses. Jomon females have signifi- A new angle on the anterior denti- phic craniodental evidence. More recent cantly larger femoral CA and MA com- tion of platyrrhines: a preliminary studies have defined apes almost exclu- pared to Alaskan foragers, and signifi- report. sively from postcranial features, and on cantly greater humeral CA, TA, Ix, Iy, this basis a number of researchers now and J than other foragers used for com- ZACHARY S. KLUKKERT1,2 and regard the Early Miocene ‘‘dental apes’’ parison. Diaphyseal shape (Ix/Iy) is ALFRED L. ROSENBERGER2,3. as basal catarrhines. Nevertheless, four also significantly greater in Jomon 1Department of Anthropology, the features in the hominoid cranium are females compared to females from Cal- Graduate Center, City University of thought by some researchers to repre- ifornia and Georgia. The results show New York, 2New York Consortium in sent hominoid synapomorphies: inferior that Jomon males do not differ greatly Evolutionary Primatology, 3Department position of the upper extent of the pre- from Alaskan males in femur rigidity of Anthropology and Archeology, Brook- maxillary suture; a non-projecting inter- or shape, but Jomon females have lyn College, City University of New orbital bridge; a vertically expanded greater femoral torsional rigidity and York. naso-alveolar clivus; and a wide ante- medullary area compared females from rior palate. Here, we present a quanti- Alaska. However, Jomon humeral dia- Living saki-uakaris (pitheciins), Pithe- tative assessment of all four features physes are more circular and have cia, Chiropotes and Cacajao,havean based on a sample of 500 extant anthro- greater compressive/tensile strength unusual incisor-canine complex poids in order to determine their reli- and bending rigidity compared to open- adapted to harvesting hard-husked ability for distinguishing hominoids ocean and river rowing groups. These fruits. To better document their mor- within this group. Clivus height and trends reflect variation in directional- phologyasabasisforsystematicand palate width were assessed using stand- ity, frequency, and intensity of me- functional analyses, we quantified the ard linear distances. We quantified the chanical loading, likely stemming from orientation of the incisors (procum- superior-most position of the premaxil- differences in resource procurement bence) and canines (lateral splay) in a lary suture as its relative position when activities. variety of platyrrhines. While upper in- projected onto a line connecting nasion- cisor procumbence clearly distinguishes rhinion. The shape of the nasal bridge The assessment of genetic drift pitheciins, the orientation of the lowers was captured using semi-landmarks, across species through the analysis is comparable to the pattern exhibited from right to left dacryon, superimposed of ancestral and derived frequency by other platyrrhines. All demonstrate by a generalized Procrustes analysis. spectra. a uniform inclination in spite of the Both univariate and multivariate analy- diverse challenges associated with ses demonstrate significant variation in ANTHONY J. KOEHL, MEGHAN E. ingestive behaviors and food choices these four features within each super- HEALY and JEFFREY C. LONG. Uni- that are reflected in crown morphology. family, but palate width and naso-alveo- versity of New Mexico. This implies that the arrangement of lar height are the more reliable indica- the incisor battery exhibits a mechani- tors of hominoid status. Based on Genetic drift is a random process cally optimal plan within the mastica- results from the extant taxa, we deter- whereby allele frequencies change from tory system. The steep inclination of mined the affinities of the enigmatic one generation to the next. This process pitheciin upper incisors is an effect of catarrhine primate Afropithecus. De- is associated with the loss or fixation of the exaggerated crown height of the spite its primitive postcranium, the cra- variant alleles in populations. Our occluding lowers. The lateral splay of nial morphology of Afropithecus falls study focuses on the dynamics of the lower canines, associated with a comfortably within the hominoid range genetic drift by analyzing DNA large diastema and a squared symphy- for each feature, supporting its taxo- sequence data across 50 non-coding loci sial region, separates the saki-uakaris nomic status as an ape. (500 bp each) from apes and modern from the other taxa examined, but the humans. Our ape sample includes five uppers do not. Early middle Miocene Cross-sectional geometry of prehis- individuals from three species: Gorilla Patagonian fossils suggest an ances- toric Late/Final Jomon period for- gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Pan panis- tral pitheciin pattern involving ele- agers in comparative context. cus. From these ape species, we deter- vated lower incisor crown heights, mine both ancestral and derived allele probablyinassociationwithstout, SHARON E. KNOBBE1,DANIELH. frequency spectra in 82 modern human modestly tall and non-everted lower TEMPLE2 and DANIEL J. WESCOTT3. individuals from over 40 populations canines set in a narrow, gap-free sym- 1Museum of Anthropology, University of across Africa, Europe, Asia, and South physis. The fully modern condition is Missouri, 2Department of Anthropology, America. Deviations from the ancestral evident in younger forms, such as University of North Carolina Wilmington, allele frequency spectrum were caused Cebupithecia from La Venta, Colombia. 3Department of Biological Sciences, Flor- by founder effects during the peopling Reconstructing the diets of the earlier ida International University. of the world. The derived allele fre- pitheciins continues to be difficult, as quency spectrum is also affected by some exhibit a unique mosaic, with Cross-sectional properties of femoral founder effects and drift, but necessar- highly distinctive postcanine teeth. and humeral diaphyses among Late/ ily involves new mutations and thus The best modern dietary analogues for Final Jomon people from the Yoshigo rare alleles. In comparing the ancestral the early pitheciins may be Callicebus site (4000-3400 BP) are reported. Com- and derived frequency spectra we can and Aotus. parative samples include prehistoric for- make inferences about the timing of This work was supported by the agers from Alaska (open-ocean rowing), human founder effects and the distribu- National Science Foundation, IGERT California (river rowing), and Georgia tion of unique population variants such grant DGE 0333415. (river rowing). All measurements were as ancestry informative markers

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 119


(AIMS). Our principal conclusions are A child hemi-mandible associated The sample consists of 84 crania from as follows: first, common alleles are with an Epi-Paleolithic Natufian pit four modern (Iraq, Egypt, Papua New typically older than the migration out dwelling from Dederiyeh cave, Guinea, and the Philippines), and two of Africa. Second, a few modestly fre- Syria. archaeological samples (pre-contact quent AIMS characterize African pop- Peru and Sumerian Kish). Skulls were ulations. These are ancestral alleles OSAMU KONDO1, YOUSSEF radiographed in the A-P plane, and that were lost in the out of Africa KANJOU2, HITOSHI FUKASE3, frontal sinuses were digitized. Tradi- migration. Third, we find very few HAJIME ISHIDA3, YOSHIHIRO tional craniometrics were recorded as AIMs highly diagnostic of non-African NISHIAKI4, and TAKERU AKAZAWA5. part of a larger study. Climate data populations. Calculations from coales- 1Department of Biological Sciences, The (precipitation, maximum and minimum cent modeling indicate that few are University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Aleppo temperature) were drawn from the likely to exist, even throughout the National Museum, Syria, 3Department NOAAs, NCDC Global Daily Summery entire genome. of Human Biology and Anatomy, Uni- Database. versity of the Ryukyus, Japan, 4Univer- Multivariate statistical testing clustered sity Museum, The University of Tokyo, the samples in two groups based on Morphological integration in Primate Japan, 5Kouch University of Technology, Mean Sinus Area (Iraq and Egypt with limb morphology. Japan. relatively large, and Papua New Guinea and the Philippines with relatively LUCI ANN P. KOHN. Department of Although paleo-biology of Natufian small sinuses). While variation in fron- Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois hunter-gatherers is an intriguing issue tal sinuses cannot be associated with University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, in the course of modern human evolu- allometric scaling or cranial size, a high Illinois. tion, human skeletal remains have been correlation was found with climate uncovered mostly from the south Le- data, particularly relative degree of sea- Morphological integration tests for asso- vant. A new juvenile mandible, which sonal variation (r50.96). Correlation ciations between structures that are was found on the floor of a Natufian pit with average temperature and precipi- developmentally or functionally related. dwelling inside Dederiyeh cave in Syria, tation tested low. It is expected that traits that are inte- should be worth describing even in its The results of the this study indicate grated will be more highly correlated immature status. It is a hemi-mandible that recorded variability in frontal with each other than traits that are with the right ramus to the body por- sinuses morphology could be associated unrelated. Most studies of morphologi- tions preserved well. Only two teeth with environmental variables, particu- cal integration have concentrated on surviving in the alveoli are moderately larly relative degree of seasonal varia- the integration of cranial structures. worn first and second deciduous molars, tion. Regions experiencing greater sea- This study examines the genetic and while mixed (permanent/deciduous) sonal shift in temperature are associ- phenotypic integration of the postcra- dentition are lost. Using sequential CT ated with samples found to possess nial skeleton in two Primate taxa. The images, we visualized the morphology of statistically significant greater mean study tests patterns of integration the hidden permanent dental crowns of frontal sinus size. between adjacent elements within each lateral incisors (r/l), right canine, first limb, as well as integration between ho- and second premolars, and second Into the fire: examining the mani- mologous components between the fore- molar. The developmental status indi- festation of pot polish. limb and hindlimb. cates the age at death to be in juvenile Thirty-four dimensions, representing (6 to 9 years old) compared to the mod- DERINNA KOPP1,2 and DEBORAH the scapula, upper limb elements, pel- ern standards. GRAHAM1,2. 1Antiquities Section, Utah vis and lower limb elements, were In addition to observation of the perma- Division of State History, 2Department of measured on 365 cotton-top tamarins nent dental crowns, we compared the Anthropology, University of Utah. (Saguinus oedipus) and 275 rhesus symphysial cortical bone distribution macaques (Macaca mulatta), all of with those of growth series of modern Thepresenceofpotpolishinanassem- known genealogies. Maximum-likeli- Japanese and of Prehistoric Jomon, blage of fragmented human remains is hood methods were used to estimate hunter-gatherer-fishers in Japan. The considered key to establishing the identi- trait heritabilities, as well as pheno- cortical bone thickness of the Natufian fication of cannibalism, yet often such typic and genetic correlations. The juvenile exceeds that of the comparative assemblages exhibit a rather low percent- hypotheses that there is significant ages and almost reaches the adult value age of fragments with pot polish. This morphological integration between ad- of the modern Japanese, while the poster will present the results of a novel jacent elements within a limb, as well Natufian value is comparative to the ju- study exploring why pot polish is present as serial components between fore- and venile data of the Jomon. This is con- at such low percentages by replicating hindlimb were tested using Mantel gruous with a hypothetical shift from prehistoric processing methods as au- tests. the ‘‘robust’’ to ‘‘gracile’’ mandibular thentically as possible using a replica ce- The phenotypic and genetic morphologi- morphology within the modern human ramic vessel, stone blades and tools, and cal integration patterns were generally evolution, which is manifested early in awoodfueledfire.Whileseveralstudies similar. There is significant integration ontogeny. of pot polish manifestation have previ- between adjacent elements within the ously been conducted this study will be macaque upper limb and the lower limb unique in that it will attempt to replicate in cotton-top tamarins. Significant se- Variation in modern human frontal the taphonomic conditions that are likely rial homology was present in both cot- sinus morphology. to have created the pot polish seen in ton-top tamarins and macaques. Pat- archaeological assemblages, specifically terns of phenotypic and genetic varia- JAMES KONDRAT. Paleo-Tech Con- the use of wood fueled fire and a replica tion reflect the influence of the major cepts, Crystal Lake, IL. ceramic vessel to boil the bone fragments. genes which influence limb develop- Data on the presence of pot polish on ment. Differences in locomotion between Statistically significant differences in bone fragments from four separate timed these two taxa do not modify the effects frontal sinuses are recorded among trials of boiling defleshed and fragmented of genetic influences on limb develop- modern human populations. Correlation sheep forelimbs will be compared and ment. between frontal sinus morphology and correlated with the length of boil time to Skeletal collections from the Caribbean climate is rarely formally tested. The assess the conditions required to produce Primate Research Center and Univer- present study investigates the relation- pot polish. sity of Tennessee are gratefully ship between frontal sinus morphology This study was funded by the State of acknowledged. and climatic variables. Utah, Antiquities Section and Univer-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 120

AAPA ABSTRACTS 191 sity of Utah Undergraduate Research causes of poor pregnancy outcomes nesses were measured using Osirix. Opportunity Program. reveals several questions that remain Cross sectional area, area moment of unanswered. 1) How young is biologi- inertia, section modulus and allowable Static and ontogenetic allometry in cally too young to initiate reproduction? beam-column loads were calculated gibbons: a geometric morphometric 2) What are the life-time fitness conse- assuming a circular cross section and analysis. quences of early motherhood? 3) Are using standard formulae. risks biologically or sociologically deter- In this group, increasing first metatarsal STEPHANIE KOZAKOWSKI1, Philipp mined? From an evolutionary perspec- abduction was correlated with decreased Gunz2, and DAVID R. BEGUN1. tive, if pregnancy at a young age poses section modulus (p 5 0.015) and cortical 1Department of Anthropology Univer- significant risks, older first-time moth- thicknesses were higher in individuals sity of Toronto, 2Max Planck Institute ers are expected to have lower risks of with more abducted first metatarsals (p 5 for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig. infant mortality. However, delaying 0.015 and 0.009, respectively). Metatarsal reproduction also shortens a mother’s section properties appear to provide evi- Questions about within-species variability, reproductive career. To evaluate the dence for the off-loading of ground reaction allometry, and levels of sexual-dimorphism cost of young motherhood and the forces from the first to second and third in fossil hominoids are commonly tradeoff between age-related risks and metatarsals in feet with abducted first addressed using the extant great apes as a lifetime fertility outcomes, I use cross metatarsals. comparative framework. However, this sectional and longitudinal reproductive framework is incomplete without the gib- history data from a group of South The bony labyrinth of Cioclovina, bons, especially for understanding evolu- American hunter-gatherers. Results an early modern European from tionary relationships among Miocene apes. show that Pume´ mothers under the age Romania. Traditionally referred to as the lesser apes, of 14 have four times the risk of infant the Hylobatidae are the smallest, most spe- mortality and lower life-time fertility. ELENA F. KRANIOTI1, DAN ciose, and most numerous of the living But, mothers also gain no surviving GRIGORESCU2, TUDOR CIPRUT3, non-human apes. They are also the most fertility advantage by delaying repro- FREDERICK E. GRINE4, and morphologically homogeneous and least duction past their mid teens. While the KATERINA HARVATI5. 1Department of sexually dimorphic group of hominoids. youngest of mothers clearly are at Archaeology, School of History, Classics Here we present a geometric morphomet- increased risk, results suggest that the and Archaeology, University of Edin- ric analysis of ontogenetic and static allom- negative consequences of teen mother- burgh, 2Department of Paleontology, etry in gibbons. We measured three- hood are not associated with biologi- University of Bucharest, Romania, dimensional coordinates of 145 anatomical cally costs, but the availability of non- 3Centrul De Sanatate Pro-Life SRL, Bu- landmarks and 313 semilandmarks on sur- maternal support to raise young. Com- charest, Romania 4Department of An- face and CT scans of subadult and adult parisons to studies of teen motherhood thropology, Stony Brook University, crania of Hylobates and Symphalangus. in developed societies suggest that 5Center for Human Evolution and Pale- After Procrustes superimposition we then childrearing practices rather than oecology, Eberhard Karls University of computed principal component analyses in pregnancy risks explain much of the Tuebingen. shapespaceandformspace.Within-group cross-cultural discrepancy in the preva- static and ontogenetic allometric trajecto- lence, success and attitudes toward The bony labyrinth is thought to preserve ries were assessed by regressing the shape teen motherhood. a strong phylogenetic signal and to be coordinates on centroid size. minimally affected by epigenetic proc- Our results indicate that the shape Metatarsal cross-sectional proper- esses. In particular, it has been shown to changes during ontogeny in gibbons are ties vary with first metatarsal differentiate Neanderthals from modern similar to the shape changes previously abduction angle. humans, and is commonly listed among reported for great apes. Genus-specific the derived features of Neanderthals. differences are already observable early PATRICIA ANN KRAMER. Depart- Early modern humans have also been in ontogeny, and the subsequent ontoge- ments of Anthropology and Orthopae- proposed to show an inner ear structure netic trajectories are almost parallel. We dics and Sports Medicine, University of different from that of recent people, and (1) visualize patterns of sexual dimor- Washington, Seattle WA. similarities have been found between phism in Hylobates by comparing female Upper Paleolithic Europeans and their and male average shapes, (2) document In the terminal stance phase of walking African contemporaries. the cranial shape changes during ontog- (toe-off), the metatarsal heads push Here we examine the inner ear structures eny, and (3) compare the vectors of against the ground, providing the impe- of the Cioclovina calvaria, one of the ear- within-group static and ontogenetic allo- tus to move both forward and upward liest reliably dated modern human speci- metric trajectories. Finally (4) we test to and producing both axial compression mens from Europe. This specimen has what extent the shape differences and bending in the metatarsals. In feet been proposed to show Neanderthal affin- between Hylobates and Symphalangus which have adducted first metatarsals, ities, although that interpretation has can be explained by allometric scaling the center of the ground reaction force is been challenged. Cioclovina was scanned along a common growth trajectory. believed to be more medial (between the using a Siemens sensation 64 medical CT This study is funded by the University of first and second metatarsal heads) than scanner. Both labyrinths were virtually Toronto, NSERC, and the Max Planck in feet with abducted first metatarsals, reconstructed after manual segmentation Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. where it is located under the second and ofthe3DCTscandatausingAmira5.2 third metatarsal heads. If this is the case, and Aviso 6.2 software. Two comparative Teen motherhood and fast life then first metatarsals should experience samples of 20 recent Europeans and 20 histories. lower loading and third metatarsals Africans were included in the analysis, as higher in feet with abducted first meta- well as 18 Neanderthals, 2 pre-Neander- KAREN L. KRAMER. Department of tarsals than in those with adducted ones. thals and 8 early modern humans. Eleven Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard Because bones respond to the forces measurements were taken and analyzed University. applied to them, metatarsal section prop- with univariate statistics. Seven measure- erties should follow this pattern. ments were further used as variables in Teen motherhood is the prevalent child- Left and right anteroposterior digital principal components and discriminant bearing pattern in most traditional soci- radiographs of the feet of 50 people (25 analyses using SAS. eties. Yet, young motherhood is associ- women) with no inherent or acute foot Results show that Cioclovina falls within ated with negative biological and social pathology were examined. Angles the range of normal modern human varia- outcomes in the developed world. This between the metatarsals, metatarsal tion. In the PCA, it falls in the wide zone of discrepancy and the debate over the lengths and midshaft cortical thick- overlap between all modern humans and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 121


Neanderthals and is closest to other Upper could both address the relationship number of pathological lesions, includ- Paleolithic Europeans. It is classified as a between us and them and offer the pos- ing porotic hyperostosis and cribra orbi- modern human with a posterior probabil- sibility to identify genetic changes that talia, enamel hypoplasias of the incisor ity of 0.84. happened specifically on the human lin- and first and second molars, and prolif- This study was funded by the Marie Cu- eage. Furthermore it may allow identi- erative lesions of the femur and tibia, rie Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005-019564 fying and understanding the evolution- increased the risk of death; however, ‘EVAN’, the Wenner Gren Foundation ary history of genes and positions in the enamel hypoplasias on the canines and and the Institute for Aegean Prehistory. modern human genome that experi- proliferative lesions on the fibula had enced recent positive selection after no effect on mortality in this population. Nutritional deficiencies and growth divergence of modern humans and their Results indicate that the cultural and in a prehistoric subadult sample of extinct relatives. Using a combination epidemiological environments of Chol- the Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico. of high-throughput DNA sequencing ula contributed to the formation of technologies and multiple improvements urban demographic patterns in this KATINA KRASNEC. Department of An- in ancient DNA retrieval, library con- New World city that differed somewhat thropology, University of New Mexico. struction and targeted library enrich- from those found in the Old World. ments, the Leipzig laboratory has This project was funded by grants from Although the demography, mortality, recently, in collaboration with several the Foundation for the Advancement of and pathology of many Puebloan popu- groups, completed a first version of the Mesoamerican Studies, Inc., the Wen- lations have been examined using skele- Neandertal genome as well as a genome ner-Gren Foundation, and the Research tal data, little is known of the pre-con- sequence of an extinct hominin discov- and Graduate Studies Office of the tact individuals from Jemez Pueblo col- ered in the Altai mountains in southern Pennsylvania State University, and by a lected in the early 20th century. Siberia named Denisovan. The analysis Hill Fellowship and a Sanders Award Examination of the pre-contact subadult of both the Neandertal and Denisovan from the Department of Anthropology of skeletal sample from the pueblo pro- genome revealed evidence of geneflow the Pennsylvania State University. vides an impression of their health and between certain modern human popula- nutritional status. To this end, age, cri- tions and both extinct hominins. From Not all Neandertals used their front bra orbitalia (CO), porotic hyperostosis the analysis of the data we were fur- teeth as tools: evidence from dental (PH), and humeral and femoral dia- thermore able to draw conclusion about microwear texture analysis. physeal lengths were evaluated in 106 diversity within and among the extinct juvenile skeletons. hominins and by scanning the human KRISTIN L. KRUEGER. Department of 41% (n543) of the juveniles exhibited genome for regions of positive selection Anthropology, University of Arkansas. one or more of the pathologies. 24.5% using the Neandertal and Denisovan ge- had PH, 7.5% had CO, and 8.4% had nome, we identified several strong can- The extreme gross wear of Neandertal signs of both. These frequencies are didate genes involved in diet, cognitive anterior teeth has been a topic of debate considerably lower than published traits, and skeletal morphology that for decades. Several ideas have been data for other Southwest Pueblos, were potentially selected on the modern proposed, including the excessive masti- including Chaco Canyon (61% PH; human lineage. cation of grit-laden foods and using the 87% CO), Tijeras (78% PH; 46% CO), front teeth as a tool or third hand. How- and Grasshopper Pueblo (50.4% PH; Morbidity and mortality in a prein- ever, other important factors have been 42% CO). dustrial New World city: the paleo- challenging to incorporate into interpre- An estimate of the growth rates of demography and paleopathology of tive models. The present study seeks to Jemez versus modern children can be Postclassic Cholula. better understand Neandertal anterior obtained by plotting humeral and femo- tooth wear by integrating climate, site ral length versus age. Growth rates of MEGGAN BULLOCK KREGER1. location, and the three factors known to the Jemez subadults are depressed rela- Department of Anthropology, Pennsyl- affect anterior dental microwear signa- tive to modern populations. The overall vania State University. tures: diet, abrasive load, and non- femoral diaphyseal length at 15-18 dietary anterior tooth use. years of age at Jemez was nearly 30 Demographic studies have suggested tlsb -0.15pt?>High-resolution casts of mm shorter than in modern popula- that preindustrial Old World cities had more than 65 Neandertals from over 30 tions, indicating a markedly reduced high rates of morbidity and mortality sites were examined and scanned for an- stature. The low frequencies of PH and due to the unhealthy urban environ- terior dental microwear textures using a CO may be indicators of better health ment. Prehispanic New World cities dif- white-light confocal profiler. Using a in the Jemez subadults, or a particu- fered significantly from those of the Old 100x objective lens, four adjacent scans larly striking example of the osteologi- World, not just in terms of their epide- were generated, measuring a total area cal paradox. However, the diminished miological environments, but also in of 204 x 276 lm. These scans were stature may indicate that the correct terms of their social, political, and eco- uploaded and analyzed using Toothfrax interpretation is that the Jemez people nomic organization. A paleodemographic and SFrax SSFA software packages. The suffered pronounced nutritional or and paleopathological investigation of resulting Neandertal data were then health stresses. 309 Postclassic skeletons from the New compared to several modern human com- World urban center of Cholula was car- parative samples. What makes us human: insights ried out in order to assess morbidity Results indicate that Neandertals have from sequencing extinct hominin and mortality and to determine how high textural fill volume, low anisotropy, genomes. population dynamics in this Mesoameri- and extremely high scale of maximum can city compared to those observed in complexity values. The closest analogs JOHANNES KRAUSE. Max-Planck preindustrial Old World cities. Several among modern human groups were arctic Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, new methodological approaches, includ- peoples, specifically the Aleut and Tigara Department Evolutionary Genetics, ing transition analysis, a parametric samples. This suggests that Neandertals Leipzig, Germany, Zentrum fu¨r Natur- model of mortality, and a multistate were engaging in high magnitude or re- wissenschaftliche Archa¨ologie, Univer- model of health were incorporated into petitive loading of the anterior teeth, sity of Tu¨ bingen, Germany, Institute of the analyses. The age-at-death distribu- probably associated with non-dietary an- Human Genetics, University of Tu¨ bin- tion, constructed using transition analy- terior tooth use behaviors. That said, gen, Germany. sis, indicates that young adult mortality there is significant variation among sites was low and that most of the individu- in microwear texture attributes, suggest- A genetic comparison between modern als who lived into adulthood survived ing differences in Neandertal anterior humans and their extinct relatives past the age of 50. The presence of a tooth use across space.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 122


This study was funded by the National reconstruct population-specific mortal- This study also examines the distribu- Science Foundation DDIG (BCS ity, fertility and migration patterns. tion of trepanation along age, gender, 0925818). Our study investigates the age-at-death and ethnic lines. distribution of 1337 individuals of the 13.6% (n 5 29) of examined skulls Coordinated patrolling behavior by Early Medieval (450/80 and 680 AD) sampled show evidence of at least one unrelated breeding males in the skeletal sample of Lauchheim. The trepanation. Significant differences in golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhino- presentation pursues previous investi- trepanation use, technique, and surviv- pithecus roxellana). gations by evaluation of the individual ability are apparent on the skulls of age-at-death estimates. Lauchheim is men and women, those with and with- ALICIA KRZTON. Department of An- a unique site as it is well documented, out cranial modification, and individu- thropology, Texas A&M University. almost completely excavated and als from both the pre- and post-imperial can be merged to the closely situated eras. Additionally, evidence of post-mor- The existence and maintenance of mod- settlement. tem trepanations on at least five crania ular societies in primates, in which mul- To receive a realistic age-at-death distri- indicate likely attempts by practitioners tiple one-male units associate to form bution, we apply two aging methods, to improve the procedure. The data much larger bands, is of theoretical in- Tooth Cementum Annulation (TCA) and show that trepanation techniques trans- terest from an evolutionary perspective. the Complex Method (CM) for adults. formed, both through time, and among The null hypothesis for the relationship First, interobserver error of TCA did different Chanka sub-population groups. between non-kin OMU leaders is hostil- not reveal significant counting differen- Results suggest distinct (though not in- ity under typical sexual selection ces between the well trained observers. tractable), culturally-informed, under- assumptions. However, modular soci- Second, the age spans of both methods standings of how to heal an unwell body eties are common in Asian colobines, are compared. The significantly higher in the ancient past. including the golden snub-nosed mon- age spans for CM are narrowed down This research was supported by a Ful- key (Rhinopithecus roxellana). This by TCA for over 80% of individuals. bright-Hays DDRA Fellowship, award # study presents a preliminary report of Third, age-at-death distributions for P022A090074. previously unreported patrolling behav- CM and TCA are compared. Due to ior involving spontaneous coordination grading effects CM shows no sex-spe- Allometry of head and body size of activity by more than one breeding cific differences. Besides an early adult in Holocene forgers of the South male. The Dalongtan group of golden female mortality, TCA counts reveal a African Cape. snub-nosed monkeys at Shennongjia mortality peak that is 10 years earlier National Nature Reserve in Hubei prov- (41-45 years) compared to males (51-55 HELEN K. KURKI1,SUSAN ince, China was observed during July years). In both TCA counts, females PFEIFFER2,3 and DEANO D. 2010. This group consists of four associ- grow older than males. In CM both STYNDER3. 1Department of Anthropol- ated one-male units and an all-male sexes grow equally old. Finally, TCA ogy, University of Victoria, Canada, unit. During this period, the patrolling and CM age results are combined to 2Department of Anthropology, University behavior was observed 8 times for an receive a realistic age-at-death distribu- of Toronto, Canada, 3Department of average frequency of .67 bouts/day. The tion of the entire skeletal population. Archaeology, University of Cape Town, behavior was stereotypical and always Despite higher costs and higher time South Africa. involved at least two individuals. Males investment, we suggest applying the would leave their families behind, follow TCA method for selected paleodemo- Opportunities to assess morphological each other either on the ground or in graphic approaches to receive new allometry in small-bodied human popu- the trees, and not vocalize during the insights into the life history of past pop- lations are rare. The foragers of the entire bout. The group of males would ulations by more precise population spe- Later Stone Age of the South African ascend into the same or neighboring cific mortality patterns. Cape are characteristically small-bod- trees and watch an area silently. This is ied. During the period of ca. 3500-2000 14 in sharp contrast to fights between A cut above the rest: trepanation years BP (uncalibrated C dates), males, which always involve loud among the post-imperial Chanka of many skeletons show reduced stature, screams either from the combatants ancient Peru. body mass and cranial size, which has themselves or other nearby individuals. been tied to possible resource stresses. The target of these patrols may be the DANIELLE S. KURIN. Department of This study examines the relationship group’s all-male unit. Male reproductive Anthropology, Vanderbilt University. between cranial size (centroid size) and advantages gained through coopera- body size (femoral length, femoral head tively defending breeding females may Ancient cranial surgery, called trepana- diameter, bi-iliac breadth) in this popu- be a mechanism which promotes the tion, was often practiced by groups in lation during the Holocene, including cohesion of modular societies in Rhino- the pre-Colombian Andes to alleviate the time of most variability (total N 5 pithecus roxellana. inter-cranial pressure caused by trau- 65). RMA regression of body size on cra- This study was funded by the NSF matic injury. This paper reports on the nial size indicates negative allometry EAPSI program, Conservation Interna- bioarchaeological evidence for pre-, peri- between head and body size. Residuals tional’s Primate Action Fund, the L.T. , and post-mortem trepanations among (from OLS regression of body size varia- Jordan foundation, and the Texas A&M different skeletal sub-populations affili- bles on centroid size) are regressed on Department of Anthropology. ated with the Chanka society (AD 1000- radiocarbon date to examine changes in 1400) of highland Andahuaylas, Peru. the relationship between body size and Basics in paleodemography: age-at- Human crania (n 5 213) excavated cranial size. The results indicate that death distribution of the early from commingled burial caves at four femoral length, and to a lesser degree Medieval skeletal sample of Lauch- pre- and post-imperial sites in the femoral head diameter, decline more heim by the complex method and region were examined to see how differ- abruptly than cranial size. More ancient tooth cementum annulation. ent trepanning techniques may have skeletons are shorter and lower in body impacted survivability among distinct mass for a given cranial size compared MELANIE KUENZIE and URSULA sub-population groups over time. A sys- to more recent skeletons. Cranial size is WITTWER-BACKOFEN. Medical Fac- tematic characterization of this ancient more conserved when growth falters. ulty - Anthropology, University of Frei- surgical practice tests associations The magnitude of the femoral head di- burg, Germany. between: 1) the timing and location of ameter residuals is greater among more the trepanation, 2) the manner of inci- ancient specimens. They are most vari- In paleodemography, age-at-death dis- sion, and 3) associated patterns of able in the third and fourth millennia tributions of past populations help to healed and unhealed cranial fractures. BP, suggesting a greater disassociation

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 123

194 AAPA ABSTRACTS between body mass and cranial size in coastal environment at Apollonia. Sta- are smaller in Au. anamensis than in early this period. These results are significant tistical treatment (chi-square) reveals Homo. Analysis of individual cusp areas for modeling body size and cranial size trends of increased prevalence of ante- using Mann-Whitney U test between Au. changes through hominin evolutionary mortem tooth loss (6% to 14%; n583, anamensis and Au. afarensis shows that history and through unique processes 1127 sockets assessed; p\0.001). M1 hypoconid cusp area is significantly such as island dwarfing. Although not significant, there are also smaller in Au. anamensis,whereasAu. increased prevalence of cribra orbitalia anamensis M3s have significantly smaller Critical periods, intergenerational (from 28% to 39%; n573; p50.33), po- protoconid and metaconid cusp areas. No signaling and human health. rotic hyperostosis (15% to 20%; n5133; differences were observed in M2s. These p50.48), and linear enamel hypoplasia results on crown and cusp base areas are CHRISTOPHER W. KUZAWA. Depart- (85% to 89%; n591, 273 teeth assessed; compared to univariate analysis of mesio- ment of Anthropology, Northwestern p50.36). distal and buccolingual measurements of University, Evanston, Il. Whereas stress indicators increased at molars from these taxa obtained from pub- Apollonia, health at Corinth improved lished data. The importance of fetal or infancy de- following the establishment of its RSL thanks the Leakey Foundation for velopmental plasticity as an influence colonies. After colonization, prevalence financial support. BW thanks the on adult biology and health is now decreased for cribra orbitalia (from 43% George Washington Signature Program widely recognized. It has been hypothe- to 26%; n546; p50.35), porotic hyperos- for funding and research support. sized that the fetus or infant may use tosis (30% to 8%; n534; p50.1), and den- maternal hormonal, metabolic or behav- tal caries (23% to 12%; n554, 626 teeth Variation in the mandibular curve ioral cues of local ecology to establish assessed; p\0.001) at Corinth. of Spee in fossil Homo and extant appropriate biological settings. A sensi- Human response to urbanization differed populations. tivity to maternal phenotype, which at Apollonia and Corinth. While health developed in response to both current declined at Apollonia following coloniza- MYRA F. LAIRD1, NATHAN E. and past environments, could convey an tion, it improved at Corinth after the HOLTON2,3, JILL E. SCOTT2, ROBERT integrated signal of matrilineal histori- establishment of colonial relationships. G. FRANCISCUS2,3, STEVEN D. cal experience and thus serve as a reli- This research was supported by a Ful- MARSHALL3 and THOMAS E. able index of typical local conditions. bright U.S. Student Grant, a Sigma Xi SOUTHARD3. 1Department of Anthro- This concept of phenotypic inertia Grant-in-Aid of Research, and the Interna- pology, New York University, 2Depart- implies a co-evolution of maternal cues tional Centre for Albanian Archaeology. ment of Anthropology, University of and fetal/infant responses in service of Iowa, 3Department of Orthodontics, phenotypic information transfer, which Crown and cusp base areas in early University of Iowa. should leave signatures in the architec- Australopithecus. ture of developmental biology. Specifi- Function of the mandibular curve of cally, it is hypothesized that the timing R.S. LACRUZ1, F.V. RAMIREZ ROZZI2, Spee (COS), a concave arc measured of critical periods in the development of B.A. WOOD3 and T.G. BROMAGE4. across the tooth occlusal surfaces from a subset of biological systems is not ran- 1Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biol- M3 to the canine, has been studied in dom or simply due to unavoidable con- ogy, USC School of Dentistry, Los extant humans primarily in clinical or- straints, but have been shaped by natu- Angeles, 2UPR 2147 CNRS, Paris, thodontics. Although COS function is ral selection to overlap with periods of 3Center for the Advanced Study of poorly understood, it may be tied to the direct transfer of relevant maternal Hominid Paleobiology, Department of maximization of bite force associated cues. This model could help explain the Anthropology, George Washington Uni- with mandibular molar tilt (Smith, gradual, intergenerational pace of versity, 4Departments of Biomaterials 1986; Baragar and Osborn, 1987; change for many environmentally-re- and Biomimetics and Basic Science and Osborn, 1987). Since function of the sponsive phenotypes, and the poor effi- Craniofacial Biology, New York Univer- COS is of clinical importance in extant cacy of short-term interventions aimed sity College of Dentistry, New York. humans, quantification of COS varia- at changing phenotypes with intergen- tion along a greater range of mandibu- erational components. Policy and public Crown and cusp base areas of high resolu- lar size, shape, and dental wear in fos- health implications will be discussed. tion replicas of the mandibular molars of sil hominins may inform both contem- Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis were an- porary orthodontic practice and Reconstructing health at Apollonia, alyzed. The Au. anamensis sample com- dentognathic changes across Pleisto- Albania: impacts of Corinthian prised specimens from Allia Bay and cene Homo. colonization. Kanapoi sites and the Au. afarensis sam- In a preliminary study, we documented ple was drawn from Hadar, Laetoli, and that COS concavity is significantly cor- BRITNEY KYLE1, CLARK SPENCER Maka.Cuspsandcuspboundarieswere related with alveolar prognathism when LARSEN1 and LYNNE A. SCHEPARTZ2. identified following previously established comparing African-American and Euro- 1Department of Anthropology, The Ohio methods and measurements were taken pean-American samples. Here, we test State University, 2Department of Anthro- from photographs of each specimen at 6x the hypothesis that this relationship pology, Florida State University. magnification; direct observation of the remains significant when extending the replicas was used to discern problematic range of mandibular size and shape var- We test the hypothesis that health at cusp boundaries. Results indicate that the iation to include Pleistocene Homo man- the Greek colony of Apollonia, Albania overall crown base areas of Au. anamensis dibles. A maximum of 56 3-D coordinate (established 588 BCE) declined with col- M1 and M3 are smaller than those of Au. landmarks were recorded along the oc- onization and the consequent urbaniza- afarensis but statistical differences were clusal surface of the dentition, facial tion of the settlement. Stress indicators only observed in M1. Our measurements skeleton, and mandible in 289 African- (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, were compared to those previously American and European-American indi- and dental pathologies) were analyzed reported for other Australopithecus taxa vidualsfromtheClevelandMuseumof for three localities: Apollonia (n5226), (i.e., Au. africanus) and early Homo. Natural History and casts of n57-22 fos- the mother-city Corinth (n585), and Although measurement schemes differ sil Homo specimens from several reposi- Lofke¨nd (n5143), an inland site near slightly between studies, differences tories. The data was analyzed using prin- Apollonia predating colonization. between our data and previous reports for cipal components analysis of Procrustes Schepartz determined that pre-colonial Au. afarensis represents less than 5%. scaled shape variables and thin plate Apollonia shows greater prevalence of Compared to Au. africanus, molar crown spline analysis. Results show that fossil pathology than neighboring Lofke¨nd, base area of Au. anamensis are smaller for hominins generally confirm, and extend, revealing a potentially more stressful all tooth types, whereas only M1 crowns the correlation between a less concave

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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COS and pronounced alveolar progna- conduct a coalescent-based simulation, bone volume fraction, connectivity, ‘plate- thism found in our extant humans. More- using microsatellite loci, to assess histori- ness’, trabecular thickness, number and over, these results are not inconsistent cal changes in population size. Demo- anisotropy, derived from micro-CT imaging with previous research regarding dietary graphic and genetic parameters were esti- of 4.5 mm volumes of interest centrally adaptation and function. mated from the variation in microsatellite positioned within each head / base were This study was supported by the Uni- loci using an exponentially decreasing pop- collected. We found no significant differen- versity of Iowa Executive Council of ulation model within a Bayesian frame- ces for any measure (McNemar’s test for Graduate and Professional Students, work. Results show that the Verreaux’s paired samples; combined sexes). As well, Dewey Stuit Award, and the Iowa Cen- sifaka population at Beza Mahafaly Spe- no pattern is apparent for directional ter for Research by Undergraduates. cial Reserve experienced a historical popu- asymmetry and hand preference in those lation decline that began around 2300 BP animals of known hand use. Accepting the How have taphonomic studies con- (credible interval: 3611-1736 years). This efficacy of trabecular bone to record func- tributed to our understanding of date corresponds with the first evidence tional signals, our results challenge the early hominin foraging behavior? for human arrival to Madagascar. Begin- arguments of population and/or individ- ning around 4000BP Madagascar climate ual-level hand preference in chimpanzees. YIN-MAN LAM. Department of Anthro- shifted to increasing aridity and rainfall They also pose the question: if asymmetry pology, University of Victoria. patterns in this region of Madagascar are exists in long bones of the upper limb (e.g., stochastic. It is likely that human activity, humerus) why does this not translate into Since the 1980’s, extensive taphonomic coupled with a stochastic rainfall climate, the hand? researchhasbeenundertakenwiththe has contributed to the negative population This study was funded by the Natural goal of explaining the significance of the growth rate of Verreaux’s sifaka. I argue Science and Engineering Research faunal assemblages from prominent early that Verreaux’s sifaka are characterized by Council of Canada (Grant183660-03), hominin sites in East Africa such as Oldu- a ‘‘declining population paradigm.’’ I con- the Max Planck Society, and the EVAN vai Gorge. This research has included ex- nect these results to analytical and simula- Marie Curie Research Training Network perimental, actualistic, and ethnoarchaeo- tion studies that show how the strength of (MRTN-CT-019564). logical studies that focused on skeletal selection acting on life history traits element representation and bone surface changes as a function of population growth The Bronze Age diet in Auvergne modification. A review of the cumulative rate. In particular, when the population (France): a stable isotope approach. result of these studies finds them inconclu- growth rate is negative, selection favors a sive, with different research groups arriv- late age at first reproduction, a long repro- GWENAE¨ LLE LE BRAS-GOUDE1, ing at contradictory conclusions despite ductive lifespan, a long lifespan, and weak RENAUD LISFRANC2,3, GILLES having examined similar lines of evidence. selection on early survival. Implications LOISON4,5, VIANNEY FOREST4,5,and One problem may be that researchers have for the pace of life history evolution in this ESTELLE HERRSCHER1. 1UMR CNRS often taken observations made under very population will be discussed. 6636 LAMPEA, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence, specificorcontrolledcircumstancesand This study was funded by the National France, 2INRAP Centre arche´ologique used them with the intent of identifying Science Foundation (DBI 0305074, DEB Me´diterrane´e, Marseille, France, 3UMR general patterns of behavior among early 0531988, BCS 0820298). 6578, Faculte´ de Me´decine La Timone, hominins. Another problem has been the Marseille, France, 4INRAP, Montpellier, reluctance to recognize that, rather than Left, right, neither: trabecular bone France, 5Centre de Recherche sur la Pre´- general patterns, it may be atypical condi- and the question of laterality in histoire et la Protohistoire de l’aire me´di- tions, such as drought, that are most likely Pan. terrane´enne, Toulouse, France. represented in the fossil record. Survival in such extreme conditions would have RICHARD LAZENBY1, MATTHEW M This study aims to contribute to dietary required behavioral flexibility among hom- SKINNER2, JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN2 reconstructions of Bronze Age populations inins, and this flexibility would have bene- and CHRISTOPHE BOESCH3. 1Anthro- in the Centre of France and to discuss fited early Homo in adapting to the chang- pology Program, University of Northern socio-economical practices, as well as man- ing Pleistocene climate. Data summarized British Columbia, 2Department of agement of food resources. During the here show that modern African carnivores Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute Bronze Age, economy is characterized by display a range of behavioral variability for Evolutionary Anthropology, 3Depart- metal exploitation and transformation, that is typically underestimated by paleo- ment of Primatology, Max Planck Insti- leading to new social relationships and hi- anthropologists. By examining such vari- tute for Evolutionary Anthropology. erarchy. Food resources are mainly coming ability in successful carnivore lineages, we from herding and agriculture. However, may begin to speculate on the different Previous research has demonstrated sig- based on contextual information (differ- ways that early hominins may have nificant asymmetry in human metacarpal ence visible in funeral practices), it has adapted to fluctuating environmental con- cortical and trabecular bone consistent been argued that food consumption might ditions while defining a new ecological with a population-level functional bias vary according to social and/or biological niche for themselves. favouring the right hand. Among non- aspects. Further, cultivation of C4-plants This study was funded in part by the human primates, particularly apes, etho- (like Millet) is attested in France during Social Sciences and Humanities logical data (captive and/or free-living) theBronzeAge,butnopreciseinformation Research Council of Canada. suggest either a modest population-level is available regarding its purpose. asymmetry or conversely, the presence of In order to obtain individual and specific The role of rainfall and anthropo- an individual – but not population – hand dietary data, we performed stable isotope genic factors in shaping the life his- preference. Research on chimpanzee skele- analyses (C and N) on extracted collagen tory schedule of Verreaux’s sifaka tal samples has suggested a significant of 60 human and 22 animal remains from (Propithecus verreauxi). asymmetry in whole bone dimensions of, three contemporary French sites close e.g., the humerus, implying a population- each other and dated to the Early Bronze RICHARD R. LAWLER. Department of level preference in limb use. In this study Age (ca. 2300-1600 BC cal.): Chantemerle Anthropology, James Madison University. we examine structural asymmetry in tra- (Puy de Doˆme), Orcet/Le Tourteix (Puy becular bone from the head and base of de Doˆme), and Dallet/Machal (Puy de Verreaux’s sifaka manifest a variety of life paired first, second and fifth metacarpals Doˆme). Stable isotope data are integrated history traits indicating a relatively ‘‘slow’’ in a sample (n 5 13) of free-living chimpan- with biological (e.g. sex, age, pathology) life history schedule. Specifically, these zees from West and Central Africa (Taı¨ and archaeological information (e.g. bur- creatures are marked by a long generation Forest and Cameroon). Ethological data ial practices). time, take a long time to reach sexual ma- for hand preference is known for four of Unlike d13C data, human d15N results turity, and live long lives. In this study, I the West African animals. Measures of indicate a wide range of values. Animal

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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196 AAPA ABSTRACTS values show more or less the same pat- lations. However, each collection being softest seeds. We predicted that, relative to tern, with some species, like Bos sp., different, sexing methods must be the Aotus and Callicebus, pitheciines will ex- distinct from the other ones. Both most well-suited to the remains. This hibit low shearing ratios (SR), relief indices human and animal values do not sup- concept is illustrated at Barbuise-La (RFI) and Dirichlet energy (DE), while ori- port the hypothesis of any C4-plant as a Saulsotte, France. This site dates to the entation patch count (OPC) should be significant protein intake. Moreover, middle-to-late Bronze Age transition, a highest among pitheciines, consistent with first statistical data indicate that poorly understood era defined by diver- enamel crenulations. Within pitheciines, human d15N variation appears to be in- sifying funerary practices. Pithecia should exhibit the highest values, dependent of biological factors. Because of poor conservation and the followed by Chiropotes and Cacajao. This work is funded by The Nestle´ removal of skulls and coxae during the SR,RFI,DEandOPCwerequantified France Foundation and INRAP. Bronze Age, accurately sexing individu- from 3D digital models of second mandibu- als is difficult. In 2003, S. Rottier sexed lar molars. As predicted, Aotus and Calli- Gelada bachelors take the easy way 35 of 102 individuals during excavation cebus exhibit the highest SR, RFI and out. or research using morphological meth- DE. However, Aotus does not differ signif- ods or skeletons’ robustness. Utilizing icantly from Chiropotes for DE. Contrary ALIZA LE ROUX and THORE J. new and revised methods chosen specifi- to our predictions, Pithecia exhibits sig- BERGMAN. Department of Psychology, cally considering this collection, we aug- nificantly lower SR than Chiropotes and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. mented this number. Cacajao, and there is no difference The primary diagnosis identified the sex between the latter taxa. Furthermore, Primate males without access to females of 13 individuals using a morphological RFI and DE are similar across pithe- employ a variety of strategies to gain method (Bruzek 2002) and the Probabil- ciines, with no significant differences. access to females, ranging from simply istic Sex Diagnosis (Murail et al. 2005). Aotus has significantly lower OPC than monitoring opportunities for mating to Individuals sexed previously were com- all pitheciines, but Callicebus differs only acquiring third-party information about pared to the current study to evaluate from Pithecia and Chiropotes. Cacajao male-female relationships in order to find identifications made on coxae visible at has significantly lower OPC than Pithe- easy targets for takeover attempts. We excavation which have since decom- cia and Chiropotes, while the latter taxa investigated the types of information bach- posed. With 100% agreement between do not differ. Our results suggest that elor geladas (Theropithecus gelada)use. studies, we retained sexes of 15 addi- pitheciine molars, particularly those of Geladas are Cercopithecines with a com- tional individuals. The sex of 17 addi- Pithecia, are adapted to postcanine plex, modular society composed of large tional individuals was determined by crushing of seeds. Chiropotes and Caca- bands of one-male units and un-mated secondary diagnosis as outlined by jao molars appear adapted to seeds with bachelor males. Bachelors gain mating Murail et al. 1999. similar mechanical properties. However, opportunities primarily by taking over a Forty-five of 102 individuals were sexed low OPC in Cacajao relative to other unit (thereby acquiring exclusive repro- during this study, 10 more than previ- pitheciines may indicate less efficient ductive access to the unit’s females). We ously. Given the collection’s preserva- mastication of seeds and/or leaves. asked, do bachelors know which males and tion, achieving this level of determina- This study was funded by a 2009 Amer- females belong together in a unit (which tion indicates that choosing sexual diag- ican Society of Mammalogists Grant-in- will allow them to capitalize on weak rela- nostic methods based on the collection Aid to E.M.S.C. and a 2010 AAPA Pro- tionships)? We conducted 41 playback is integral to obtaining optimal results. fessional Development Grant to D.M.B. experiments with 17 bachelor subjects, At Barbuise-La Saulsotte, this led to simulating copulations of familiar males establishing an estimated sex-ratio sug- Mitochondrial DNA analysis of and females. In 18 cases the males and gesting female predominance, a mean ancient Siberian canids. females came from the same unit, while in measure of divergence between sexes 23 cases they came from different units (an indicating biological homogeneity, and ESTHER J. LEE1,2, VLADIMIR V. extremely rare natural occurrence). Sub- that varying funerary practices seem PITULKO3, PAVEL A. NIKOLSKIY4, jects did not respond differently based on unrelated to sex. ALEXEI KASPAROV3, ELENA YU unit membership. Instead, observational This study was funded by the UMR PAVLOVA5 and DAVID ANDREW data indicate that bachelors attend pri- PACEA, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie MERRIWETHER1. 1Department of An- marily to fights between other bachelors des Populations du Passe´, Universite´ thropology, Binghamton University, and leader males. Although typically only Bordeaux I, Bordeaux, France 2Graduate School ‘‘Human Development one male successfully takes over a unit, in Landscapes’’, Christian-Albrechts- most takeover attempts involve multiple Dental topographic analysis of pith- University of Kiel, 3Institute for the bachelors fighting the unit male. Fighting eciine (Pithecia, Chiropotes, Caca- History of Material Culture, Russian a tired male may improve a bachelor’s jao) second mandibular molars. Academy of Sciences, 4Geological Insti- chance at a successful takeover, and moni- tute, Russian Academy of Sciences, toring fights may therefore present a sim- JUSTIN A. LEDOGAR1, JONATHAN M. 5Arctic and Antarctic Research Insti- ple way for bachelors to gain mating oppor- BUNN2, ELIZABETH M. ST. CLAIR2 tute, Russian Academy of Sciences. tunities. We discuss these results in com- and DOUG M. BOYER3,4. 1Department parison with other primate males that do of Anthropology, University at Albany, Thirteen canid fossil samples and one con- monitor the relationships between mated 2Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in temporary wolf sample were obtained from males and females. Anthropological Sciences, Stony Brook various archaeological and paleontological University, 3Department of Anthropology sites located in the Siberian Arctic. The Utilizing multiple sexual diagnosis and Archaeology, Brooklyn College, oldest of these samples include the extinct methods to obtain better answers CUNY, 4New York Consortium of Evolu- wolf, Canis variabilis, suggested to be at to gender-based questions at tionary Primatology. least 70,000 years old based on biostrati- Barbuise-La Saulsotte, France. graphical data. The radiocarbon dates for Pitheciines are specialized seed predators. the remaining twelve canid fossil samples RACHAEL LEAHY, PASCAL MURAIL Although seeds masticated by Pithecia are range from as recent as 1,700 years before ´ and STEPHANE ROTTIER.. Universite´ more resistant than those masticated by present (YBP) to around 47,000 YBP. In Bordeaux 1, UMR PACEA, Laboratoire Chiropotes, the more folivorous Pithecia is order to elucidate the origin of modern d’Anthropologie des Populations du typically recognized to exhibit the least wolves and shed insight into dog domesti- Passe´, Bordeaux, France. reduction in occlusal relief. Comparative cation, we extracted DNA from the canid analyses suggest Cacajao represents the skeletal remains, which included teeth Answering gender-based questions is an most specialized sclerocarpic harvester and bone, and analyzed 300 basepairs of integral part of studying funerary popu- and, by inference, should masticate the the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 197 region. We successfully produced sequen- The association between primate cranio- been published, they were of limited use ces for all fourteen canid samples and iden- dental morphology and dietary behavior because of the technical issues involving tified nine haplotypes, which were com- has been well investigated in the scien- film-based photography. Recently, digi- pared with 1,000 published sequences for tific literature. In humans, the unique tal cameras sensitive to the ultraviolet dogs and wolves from the literature. functional dynamics of the temporoman- and infrared spectra have been pro- Among the nine haplotypes, seven are dibular joint (TMJ) place specific con- duced for the forensic market. These novel, while one is shared with domestic straints on bite force generation during have the advantage of quick visualiza- dogs and another with domestic dogs and mastication. Because of this, any pa- tion of results and minimal marginal wolves. Three of our canid samples that thology affecting the function of the cost to allow optimization of image ac- date to around 8,100 YBP have the same TMJ can potentially jeopardize an indi- quisition. The authors present a case in haplotype shared with both domestic dogs vidual’s ability to adequately process which ultraviolet and infrared photogra- and wolves. Results from the phylogenetic food. Diets containing mechanically phy allowed visualization of a small tat- network illustrate that most of our canid challenging foods may increase the risk too in mummified remains, which was samples are derived haplotypes located at of TMJ degradation and ultimately the imperceptible in the visual spectrum. At the tips of the branches. A recent study overall health of the individual. autopsy, the body was largely skeleton- suggested a single origin of domestication We have compared the burial remains ized, with mummification of the back for dogs from numerous wolves and our of two temporally distinct populations and upper extremities. Anthropological study provides important clues to the from Nubia: a Mesolithic population and dental evaluation was consistent domestication process and phylogeny of (11 kya) from Wadi Halfa and a Coptic with the missing person. The decedent modern dogs as well as wolves. Christian population (750 AD) from was known to have a small tattoo of a Kulibnarti. We hypothesize that the heart on the back of her left hand, stark differences in dentocranial mor- thought the exact location was uncer- Patterns of sexual dimorphism in phology between these distinct popula- tain. Under both UV and IR photogra- Gigantopithecus blacki dentition. tions are indicative of drastically differ- phy, a small heart-shaped tattoo was ent dietary habits and that the higher noted between the metacarpals of the SANG-HEE LEE1, JESSICA W. CADE1, prevalence of TMJ disease in the Meso- thumb and index finger. and YINYUN ZHANG2. 1Department of lithic population suggests utilization of Anthropology, University of California more mechanically challenging dietary Residential mobility in the rural at Riverside, 2Institute of Vertebrate resources. Greek past: a strontium isotope Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, In order to test this hypothesis, we investigation. Beijing, People’s Republic of China. have estimated the bite-force capabil- ities of each specimen by analyzing key BRIAN LESLIE1, SANDRA GARVIE- Sexual dimorphism is an important compo- components of mandibular morphology LOK1 and ROBERT A. CREASER2. nent of morphological variation, and has including the dimensions of the ramus, 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- been associated with other variables the robusticity of the mandibular sym- sity of Alberta, 2Department of Earth related to socio-ecology, adaptation, phylog- physis, gonial eversion, and the rugosity and Atmospheric Science, University of eny, and behavior. For example, highly of the attachment sites for the major Alberta. dimorphic species such as gorilla tend to muscles of mastication. We conclude show intensive male-male competition and that the Mesolithic population was ca- Archaeological excavations conducted at polygynous mating system. Among all pable of generating higher bite forces, the ancient city of Stymphalos and the extant and extinct primate species, Gigan- which, in combination with the prepon- nearby Cistercian monastery of Zaraka topithecus blacki is arguably of the most derance of TMJ disease evidenced in in the Valley of Stymphalos, located in dimorphic, if not the most dimorphic, in the Mesolithic sample, implies a more the Greek Peloponnese, yielded a num- size. However, the high level of size sexual mechanically challenging diet. Our ber of human graves. Neither group of dimorphism in G. blacki has not been results support the conclusions of Carl- burials were contemporaneous with the tested with statistical rigor, because the son and Van Gerven (1977) who also structures in which they were interred measurement used, the ratio of male and found evidence of dietary differences and they are believed to represent small female means, does not have sampling dis- between the same populations. farming populations occupying the val- tributions. In addition, it is quite difficult to ley during the Late Roman/Early Byz- assess sex for isolated teeth, which make a Digital UV/IR photography for antine and Late Medieval periods. A di- substantial portion of G. blacki sample. tattoo evaluation in mummified etary reconstruction using stable carbon This paper uses an estimate of size sexual remains. and nitrogen isotope analysis conducted dimorphism without relying on sex diagno- by Carlie Pennycook found that while sis, and tests the statistical significance by LISA LEONE and WILLIAM R. most individuals had similar d13C and applying a data resampling approach. OLIVER. Department of Pathology and d15N values, a few had values suggest- G. blacki dental sample (n547) is ana- Laboratory Medicine, Brody School of ing a significantly different diet. It was lyzed to test the hypothesis of no differ- Medicine, East Carolina University, hypothesized that the dietary differen- ence in size sexual dimorphism between Greenville, North Carolina. ces observed were the result of residen- G. blacki and comparative samples of tial mobility. The goal of this study is to gorilla (n5224) and chimpanzee (n565). The presence and location of tattoos can determine whether some members of The results showing that dental size be an important component in the iden- the Stymphalos and Zaraka burial dimorphism in G. blacki sample is tification of remains in the extended groups were in fact migrants into the greater than comparative samples are postmortem period if remnants of skin valley. tested with statistical significance. persist. However, when there is signifi- This study employs Sr isotope analysis cant mummification, elucidation of tat- to investigate individual residential mo- toos can be technically difficult due to bility. The Sr values reported here pro- Mandibular morphological evi- skin discoloration and dehydration. vide preliminary evidence for such mo- dence for dietary differences Many methods have been proposed to bility. A number of samples from both between two temporally distinct increase the visibility of tattoos in the Stymphalos and Zaraka, including those Nubian populations. extended postmortem interval including with the most unusual d13C values, rehydration and exposing subdermal show Sr values departing from those JENNIFER LEICHLITER, OLIVER tissue, both have some (but limited) expected for the valley. These prelimi- PAINE and DENNIS VAN GERVEN. applicability. While some early attempts nary results suggest that dietary differ- Department of Anthropology, University to use ultraviolet and infrared illumina- ences observed within these populations of Colorado, Boulder. tion for the visualization of tattoos have relate to residential mobility due to

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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198 AAPA ABSTRACTS marriage practices, labour-related sea- 4Department of Genetics, Stanford Uni- suffering and are altogether unsuccess- sonal movement, or mass population versity, 5HudsonAlpha Institute, Hunts- ful. They contend that human presence movement during times of turmoil. ville, AL. inside protected areas is compatible The radiogenic isotope facility at the with conservation goals. A resettlement University of Alberta is supported, in A new method of summarizing facial scheme in Cameroon’s Korup National part, by an NSERC Major Resources feature variation from 3d photos was Park (KNP) has been criticized for Support Grant. compared to traditional, low-density being unnecessary and a detriment to manually placed landmark methods in local livelihoods. We surveyed forests, Measuring sexual dimorphism in a sample of 248 individuals, ages 18-40, households, hunters, and bushmeat the hominoid proximal ulna using a from the Cape Verde islands, which markets and conducted interviews to re- discriminant function analysis. have a history of extensive European evaluate the effectiveness, from a bio- and African admixture. For all individu- logical and economic perspective, of the CARI M. LEWIS. Department of An- als, DNA was collected and proportional 2003 resettlement of Ekundukundu vil- thropology, Indiana University, Bloo- European and African genetic ancestry lage. We found that hunting by people mington IN. was estimated using AIMs. 3d photo- living inside and on the periphery of graphs of faces were acquired using the KNP is threatening large-bodied verte- Sexual dimorphism studies focusing on 3dMDface imaging system. Traditional brate species, especially primates. Com- primates have largely been performed landmark coordinate data from 22 paring pre- and post-resettlement eco- on the skull and dental skeleton; less is standard anthropometric landmarks nomic activities, we found that the known about the primate postcranial was collected as well as Principal Com- number of animals harvested by Ekun- skeleton in terms of skeletal differences ponent scores from an analysis of dukundu hunters, the time villagers between the sexes. While research sug- 10,000 high-density quasi-landmarks, invested in hunting, and the amount of gests that the pattern of dimorphism in which are collected over the full facial income derived from hunting has the distal humerus is indicative of the surface and provide a better representa- declined. These changes are associated pattern of dimorphism in the entire tion of normal morphological variation with an increase in the diversity of al- elbow joint, no studies comparing in the entire face. ternative income generating activities, dimorphism between the distal humerus ANOVA was used to test for associations which have compensated most resettled and proximal ulna have been performed between measures of facial variation households for the loss of income from in hominoids. In this study, a new, vali- and genetic ancestry estimates, condi- hunting. Although some Ekundukundu dated method of measuring sexual tioning sex, age, height, weight and villagers and hunters from other vil- dimorphism in the proximal ulna of body mass index. These results for Cape lages still hunt in the former village humans will be performed to compare Verde were compared to two other West area, hunting intensity remains rela- the sexual size dimorphism of the proxi- African/European admixed population tively low and primate diversity is high mal ulna in the hominoid species Pan samples, namely African Americans and there. Resettlement has reduced hunt- troglodytes and Gorilla gorilla using a Brazilians. The Cape Verde individuals ing by Ekundukundu villagers, encour- discriminant function analysis. Speci- share some of the facial trait/genetic aged threatened species to use the for- mens used in the study were collected ancestry correlations with the other two mer village area, and improved the eco- from the Cleveland Museum of Natural populations but also exhibit some dis- nomic development for many resettled History. Overall, 36 chimpanzee and 50 tinct differences in facial morphology, households. Resettlement in KNP gorilla left proximal ulnas were meas- particularly near the nose. In addition, appears to have supported both conser- ured. Using the discriminant function we examined 30 craniofacial selection- vation and development agendas. We analysis, female chimpanzees (N523) nominated candidate genes that are discuss how to improve the implementa- were correctly classified 73.9% of the known to be involved in Mendelian cra- tion and monitoring of future resettle- time, whereas males (N513) were cor- niofacial dysmorphologies and to show ment programs in KNP. rectly classifed 76.9% of the time, giving high allele frequency differences This study was funded by the Wildlife an overall classification success of between West African and European Conservation Society Research Fellow- 75.0%. Both female (N524) and male populations for admixture linkage to ship Program, Center for Tropical For- (N526) gorillas were correctly classified variation in facial traits. ANOVA results est Science of the Smithsonian Tropical 100% of the time. A low percentage of reveal distinct patterns of facial varia- Research Institute, Conservation Inter- classification in chimpanzees may be tion associated with different candidate national Primate Action Fund, Primate related to small sample sizes and lower genes. Conservation, Inc., American Society of sexual size dimorphism overall. Future This study was funded by the National Primatologists, The Gorilla Founda- research hopes to address these issues. Institute for Justice, Grant 2008-DN-BX- tion’s Wildlife Protectors Fund, the New The high success of classification in K125; National Science Foundation, York Consortium in Evolutionary Pri- gorillas suggests that the utilization of DDIG #0851815, Wenner-Gren Founda- matology, the International PhD Pro- discriminant function analyses could be tion Dissertation Fieldwork Grant #7967. gramme (IPP) of Albert-Ludwigs Uni- highly efficient in categorizing other versita¨t Freiburg, and Mu¨ ller Fahnen- skeletal elements into sex. Resettlement contributes to conser- berg Foundation. vation and development in Korup Using automated high density National Park, Cameroon. Environment explains subsistence quasi-landmarks to test for associa- tool use in Pan troglodytes. tions between normal facial feature JOSHUA M. LINDER1, LAWRENCE variation, genetic ancestry and BAYA2 AND MARIN BARDEN3. 1Depart- STACY LINDSHIELD1,2, ERIK OTA´ R- candidate gene variation in Cape ment of Sociology and Anthropology, OLA-CASTILLO1,2,3, JILL PRUETZ1,2 Verdeans. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, and BRENT DANIELSON1,3. 1Ecology VA, 2Department of Wildlife Ecology and and Evolutionary Biology Program, DENISE K. LIBERTON1, PETER Management, Albert-Ludwigs Universita¨t 2Department of Anthropology, 3Dep- CLAES2, BRIAN MCEVOY3, SANDRA Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 3Depart- artment of Ecology, Evolution, and Organ- BELEZA4, GREG BARSH4,5, HUA ment of Biology, James Madison Univer- ismal Biology. Iowa State University, TANG4, DEVIN ABSHER6 and MARK sity, Harrisonburg, VA. Ames, IA. D. SHRIVER1. 1Department of Anthro- pology, Pennsylvania State University, Critics of the ‘‘people-free parks’’ Cultural, genetic, and environmental 2Melbourne Dental School, University of approach to biodiversity conservation factors influence tool use. However, we Melbourne, 3Queensland Institute of argue that schemes to resettle park res- lack a precise understanding of the Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia, idents have caused widespread human mechanisms underlying said factors

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 128

AAPA ABSTRACTS 199 resulting in tool use behavior. We greater. Maximum glucose uptake in nated AA 10 (Classical), and AA 78 - hypothesize that tool use is an evolved the human brain occurs later than in AA 79 (Byzantine), were deposited dur- response to the intensity of resource rhesus macaque, with a well-defined ing historic periods when it would have competition. To test our hypothesis, we peak at 35% of mature age. The molecu- been illegal to bury a corpse within the analyze variation in classes of subsist- lar basis of this human-specific brain city. The other two subjects of this pa- ence tools among Pan troglodytes popu- energetics expansion, however, remains per, AA 1 (Neolithic) and AA 296 lations. Because our interest is the ulti- incompletely understood. (Mycenaean) died before formal laws mate causal mechanisms underlying Recently, a large new class of mammalian regarding burial are known to have tool use, we define broad tool categories genes, encoding non-messenger, long non- existed in Athens. However, their depo- based on the resource extracted instead protein-coding ribonucleic acid (lncRNA) sition in abandoned wells indicates a of specific technique or tool material. molecules of unknown function, has been casual, if not furtive, deposition and Rainfall and temperature seasonality discovered. Numerous lncRNAs have pri- suggests that they too were victims of are proxies for competition intensity. mate-specific sequences and/or evidence of murderous intent. Geographic distance among sites is a rapid, lineage-specific evolution. To test proxy for cultural and genetic compo- the hypothesis that lncRNA expression, Prevalence and patterns of disease nents, since the transmission of tool and by implication function, is correlated in the late-Roman cemetery popula- traits via diffusion and migration are with human-specific brain energetics, we tion of Frilford, Oxfordshire. negatively related to distance. Multivar- have quantitated the levels of nearly 6,000 iate strategies of tool use are compared lncRNAs in surgically resected human BRONWYNN LLOYD. Department of across sites, and their relationships to brain samples (n536, ages 0-18) originat- Archaeology, Durham University. said variables are assessed using man- ing mostly from the temporal lobe. To our tel tests and ordination vector-fitting. knowledge, this is the first ever in vivo The occupation of the Roman army (AD Our results indicate that environmental study of lncRNA gene expression during 43 – 410) had a crucial impact on the variables best explain variation in tool the childhood human brain development British landscape and its inhabitants. use (r250.5562, p50.0396). Genetic and timecourse. Our age-dependent differen- Skeletal evidence from cemeteries associ- cultural explanations were rejected tial expression analysis pinpointed nine ated with Roman settlements provides when no significant relationship for geo- lncRNAs with expression levels mirroring valuable information on the demographic graphic distance between sites was the human glucose uptake curve, including and social impact of the occupation. The detected (r50.3283, p50.354) but tool lncRNAs encoded by novel genes with Roman town of Frilford, Oxfordshire has use and longitude approached signifi- anthropoid-specific exons and with pri- been subject to excavations since the cance (r250.5659, p50.0702). Vector fit- mate-specific repeat sequences contribut- 19th century, though previous conclu- ting analyses reveal that rainfall sea- ing splice sites. Future functional analysis sions about the Frilford population have sonality is strongly correlated with tool of these RNAs’ relevance to brain energy been based on limited skeletal evidence, use. The results suggest a trade-off metabolism in the context of human brain assessment of grave goods, and outdated between investing in costly behavior, size and energy demands is warranted. migration theories. Crania (N5136) from and extracting difficult-to-obtain yet nu- This study was funded by the National the associated cemetery were used to con- tritious resources. Seasonality, which is Science Foundation, grant numbers duct a macroscopic osteological analysis associated with bottlenecks in resource BCS 0827546, BCS 0827531, and BCS of the demography and health of the pop- availability, may be a selecting force for 0550209. ulationtofurtherexploretheimpactof the evolution of tool use in chimpan- ‘Romanization’ on the Frilford individu- zees. This process may explain the Murder in the Agora: violent death als. Thirteen females, 50 possibly emergence of tool use in many species, and illicit burial in ancient Athens. females, six males, 41 possibly males and including humans. 26 individuals of unknown sex were MARIA LISTON. University of Water- recorded in the sample, though issues Human-specific brain energy utili- loo, Ontario. with preservation may reflect biases in zation features are reflected in sex estimation. Pathologies observed in gene expression during childhood: Since 1931, American excavations in thesampleincludedahighprevalenceof an RNA-world perspective. the ancient Agora of Athens, Greece dental disease, cribra orbitalia, remod- have excavated eighteen wells contain- elled periosteal new bone growth, and LEONARD LIPOVICH1, ADI L. ing human remains. The dates range healed trauma. The results suggest a TARCA1, HUI JIA1, LAWRENCE I. from the Neolithic to Byzantine periods, combined military and civilian population GROSSMAN1, MONICA UDDIN2, indicating that the practice of burial in exposed to periodic concentrations of peo- PATRICK HOF3, CHET C. abandoned wells persisted for millennia. ple, seasonal malnutrition and occupa- SHERWOOD4,CHRISTOPHERMany skeletons are perinatal infants; tional accidents. However, more work is KUZAWA5, DEREK E. WILDMAN1 and two adults were deposited as formal required to ascertain confirmed evidence MORRIS GOODMAN1. 1Center for Molec- burials, complete with associated pot- of some proposed diagnoses and the dis- ular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State tery, and others are clearly associated tribution of sex and age in relation to University, 2Center for Social Epidemiol- with the Herulian sack of Athens in AD these pathologies with confidence. ogy and Population Health, University of 267. At least five individuals, however, This study was funded by The Rose- Michigan, 3Department of Neuroscience, exhibit potentially fatal perimortem mary Cramp Fund, awarded 2010. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 4Anthro- trauma, and appear to have been depos- pology Department, The George Washing- ited in the wells without any formal Traces of a homicide in the Coptic ton University, 5Department of grave goods or evidence of war-related monastery of Deir el-Bachit in Anthropology, Northwestern University. conflict or other crisis. The nature of Thebes-West, Egypt. the trauma inflicted on the skeletons Brain size in humans deviates from and their informal burial suggest that SANDRA LO¨ SCH1 and ALBERT allometric trends in other mammals, these individuals were violently killed ZINK2. 1Department of Physical An- and is enlarged threefold compared to and deposited in the wells, perhaps to thropology, University of Bern, Switzer- other apes. In addition, human brain hide the bodies. All five exhibit clear land, 2EURAC-Institute for Mummies tissue has an exceptionally high meta- perimortem trauma to the skull. Four and the Iceman, Bozen, Italy. bolic rate. While most investigations of sustained multiple cranial fractures, human brain evolution and metabolism and the fifth was beheaded with multi- In the necropolis of Thebes-West a cop- have focused on adult brain, the meta- ple blade cuts. Two also exhibit peri- tic monastery, dating between the 5th bolic demands are far greater in child- mortem fractures on the post cranial and 8th century AD, is currently exca- hood, when relative brain size is also skeleton. Three of the victims, desig- vated by the German Archaeological

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Institute. Deir el-Bachit was inhabited object of this description, patterns of craft work evidenced at Shahr-i Sokhta, by monks, who were buried at the adja- lesions should be mentioned. and its urban extent, the following cent cemetery. During the excavation, a The database can be queried and linked problems can be posited: Was dentition skeleton was found in an arch, which to other data tables within Osteoware used as a tool or a ‘third hand’? What is was originally used as a storage room. for meta-analysis within and across the rate of AMTL? Are growth disrup- According to the fabric found attached populations. tions/stress episodes visible in the denti- to the skeleton the individual could be Osteoware is supported by grants from tion? What can we say of diet? The dated to the 16th to 18th century. The the National Center for Preservation hypotheses are that human dentition anthropological investigation revealed Technology and Training (NCPTT) was used as a tool, AMTL rates are rel- that the skeleton was a female, who National Park Service, and the Smith- atively high, multiple stress episodes died at the age of 19 to 23. Additionally, sonian Web 2.0 grant. present on dentitions, and human hair several bones of an unborn fetus, and bone are well enough preserved to approximately 6th lunar month, were A new technique for linear enamel allow C and N analysis. recovered close to the female skeleton. hypoplasia quantification. The following methods and materials The skull of the young woman showed a were used (including pilot studies): C severe trauma at the right parietal ANDREW M. LOPINTO. Department of and N stable isotope analysis of human bone close to the sagittal suture. The Anthropology, University of Arkansas. hair (N56 individuals), C and N stable injury was most probably caused by a isotope analysis of human bone (N520 blunt force and showed no evidence of Linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH) are individuals), dental histology (N53 indi- healing. The dating of the fabric pattern an important component to the study of viduals), statistical analysis of AMTL and the sex of the skeleton clearly childhood stress in ancient skeletal pop- (N5974 tooth positions) and dental shows that the individual didn’t belong ulations. These enamel defects can wear (N537 dentitions). to the monasterial community. More- reflect any form of extreme stress from Understanding socio-economic transfor- over, the lethal skull trauma and the high disease load to inadequate nutri- mations through time is one of the unusual burial place strongly suggests tion during development. Though the major foci of current (bio)archaeological that the pregnant woman was the vic- exact causes that lead to acute stress research, both at regional and global tim of a homicide. which form individual LEH are difficult scales. The differential dietary regimes to determine, the impact and duration indicated by the stable isotope studies of these stresses can be examined. This of hair, and the differential use of denti- Documentation of pathological con- project outlines and tests a minimally tion as a tool indicate clear potential for ditions in Osteoware. invasive means of studying the surface exploring social differentiation at structure of dental enamel in order to Shahr-i Sokhta, through integration of MARILYN R. LONDON. Repatriation attempt to quantify fill volume of LEH. contextual, anthropological and isotopic Osteology Laboratory, National Museum A sample of teeth (n 5 35) from the data. of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- ancient Egyptian site of Akhetaten This study received funding from ICAR. tion, Washington, DC. (modern day Tel el-Amarna) that ex- hibit visible linear enamel hypoplasia Dietary variability of ring tailed Osteoware makes detailed documenta- was utilized in this study. The teeth lemurs (Lemur catta) and Ver- tion of pathological conditions possible. were first cleaned of any surface debris reaux’s sifaka (Propithecus ver- A flexible structure includes a drop- and etched using Pulpdent Etch-Rite reauxi) based on d13C and d15N down menu to select individual bones, dental etching gel (38% phosphoric acid values from feces. bone types, or skeletal regions, and a solution), and were then molded using screen to choose side, bone aspect (e.g., President’s Jet Regular Body Dental JAMES E. LOUDON1, MICHELLE L. anterior), and section (e.g., proximal 1/3 Impression Material (Coltene-Whale- SAUTHER1, FRANK P. CUOZZO2, of diaphysis) using radio buttons and dent). These high-resolution molds were KATHRYN J. COOPERMAN3 and check boxes. When a condition such as then cast, and the casts scanned using MATT SPONHEIMER1. 1Department of arthritis crosses a joint, a drop-down a Roland Dr. Picza Touch Probe Scan- Anthropology, University of Colorado- menu is used to choose all affected ner. The resulting point clouds were Boulder, 2Department of Anthropology, bones. Once the location of the condition then analyzed with ArcView GIS soft- University of North Dakota, 3College of is established, one or more data entry ware. Results show this method to be a Law, Syracuse University. pages within the Pathology Module can simple, effective way to quantify sever- be selected to document the type of con- ity of total events resulting in LEH, as We present stable carbon (d13C) and dition. These pages include: Abnormal opposed to more invasive methods like nitrogen (d15N) isotopic data from sym- Bone Loss, Bone Formation, Trauma, thin sectioning. patric ring tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) Porosis and Vascular Impressions, Ar- and Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus ver- thritis, Bone-Specific Abnormality Human bioarchaeology at Shahr-i reauxi) inhabiting the Beza Mahafaly (including size and shape), and two Sokhta (3rd millennium BC), Iran: Special Reserve (BMSR). We collected pages specific to conditions affecting the Palaeopathology, dental histology fecal matter and behavioral data on 14 vertebral column. More than one page and isotopic analyses of ancient collared ring-tailed lemurs and 14 col- may be used to document a condition. human hair. lared sifaka throughout an eight-month Within the pages, specific information period that included a distinct wet and about the conditions is selected, includ- KIRSI O. LORENTZ. Science and Tech- dry season. For each primate, we col- ing descriptions of the bone surface, se- nology in Archaeology Research Center, lected data on one group that lived in a verity, and extent of surface affected. If The Cyprus Institute. protected parcel of riverine forest and the condition does not correspond to one group that inhabited forests that any of the available data entry pages, The extent (20-25 ha of cemeteries, up were anthropogenically-disturbed. In the "Other pathology not in system" box to 40,000 graves), the exceptional pres- total, we analyzed 224 fecal samples is checked. ervation (human hair, nails and soft tis- (122 lemur and 122 sifaka). Lemur feces An unlimited text field is available for sue), and the artefactual evidence for had higher d13C(P\0.001) and d15N(P descriptions of the condition, which the several contextually distinct groups \0.0001) values than sifaka. Intraspe- should refer to any information selected at Shahr-i Sokhta (‘craftsmen’ and cific lemur comparisons revealed signifi- within the data entry page(s), and spe- ‘herders’) provides a unique record with cant monthly differences in d13C values cific information as needed to further which to study the development and (P \0.01). Lemurs also had enriched document the condition, such as meas- health status of urban civilization dur- d13C values during the wet season (P urements. While diagnosis is not the ing the Bronze Age. Given the intensive \0.05) and the lemur group living in

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 201 the protected parcel had depleted d13C ably measured in geladas, offering a useful tial coordinates even in scenarios with values (P \0.01). Sifaka comparisons tool for assessing how energetic condition thousands of scattered fragmented revealed monthly differences in d13C mediates the relationships between ecol- human remains. This spatial informa- (P\0.0001) and d15N(P\0.001) values. ogy, social status, growth, and reproduc- tion is key to documenting provenience For sifaka, d13C values were also tion. and establishing chain of custody. Cur- enriched in the wet season (P\0.0001) This study was funded by the Univer- rently, the full range of analytical possi- while d15N values were depleted sity of Michigan. bilities offered by this type of spatial (P\0.01). The sifaka group living in the data have not been fully explored. protected parcel was enriched in d15N Testing the efficacy of sex determi- The present study illustrates the appli- (P\0.0001). Our feeding observations nation in the human pelvis using cation of sampling designs and density (130.3 lemur hours and 137.1 sifaka geometric morphometrics and estimates derived from field ecology and hours) revealed that each primate relied semilandmarks. epidemiology to the management of on different foods throughout the year, mass disaster scenes and the solution of based primarily on availability. This STEPHEN J. LYCETT, LIA BETTI and commingling issues. research supports the implementation NOREEN VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL. Plot and plotless sampling methods were of stable isotope analysis of carbon and Department of Anthropology, University used to estimate evidence densities in nitrogen at an effective method to track of Kent. two sets of experimental scenarios: Pre- changes in diet temporally and spatially set surfaces with known areas, quasi-iso- at BMSR. While it is widely recognised that the tropic evidence distributions and known This study was supported by the pelvis is the most reliable skeletal ele- item sizes; and mock scenes with deto- National Science Foundation(Grant ment for sex determination, many of nated vehicles to generate realistic aniso- #0525109), the University of Colorado- the most diagnostic features (e.g. ven- tropic distributions with unknown evi- Boulder’s Innovative Seed Grant Pro- tral arc, subpubic concavity, medial as- dence sizes and densities. gram, and the University of Colorado- pect of ischiopubic ramus) are located The controlled experiments compared Boulder’s Undergraduate Research on the anterior portion of the pelvis, density estimates obtained from differ- Opportunities Program. which does not always preserve in for- ent plot (capture-recapture) and plotless ensic and archaeological cases. (distance) methods, with the known Quantifying urinary C-peptides in Geometric morphometrics (GM) offers densities. The mock bomb scenes were wild geladas (Theropithecus powerful statistical tools for shape analy- used to assess efficiencies in a quasi- gelada). sis, enabling a flexible approach that real scenario and the potential effect of accommodates the analysis of specific anisotropic distributions on the two AMY LU1, COLLEEN MCCANN2, localised regions. Here, we use GM techni- sampling methods. The real densities MARCELA BENITEZ3 and JACINTA C. ques to determine if semilandmarks taken were approximated in this case by con- BEEHNER1,3. 1Department of Psychol- on curves of the pelvis (iliac crest 1 iliac ducting line searches until evidentiary ogy, University of Michigan, 2Wildlife spine, interior curve of pelvis inlet, and ob- elements were no longer found. Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo, turator foramen) discriminate individuals Results suggest that reliable evidence 3Department of Anthropology, Univer- of known sex (20 Males, 20 Females) as density estimates can be obtained in sity of Michigan. accurately as 20 landmarks covering the these scenes with minimum resources. entire innominate. Results were compared This would allow scene management to Accurate measurements of energetic condi- with an analysis of femoral head shape as focus recovery efforts on areas with tion are a critical variable for understand- a baseline. To assess efficacy of sex deter- higher or lower densities, scene control ing the ecological factors that limit primate mination, Principal Component (PC) and release. The spatial data also intro- growth and reproduction. However, reli- scores were subjected to Discriminant duces proximity of remains as a vari- able energetic estimates have been notori- Function Analysis (DFA), where PC scores able in commingling analysis. ously difficult to obtain, requiring labori- explained 90% of total variance. This study was funded by NIJ grant ous measurements of feeding rates and Results show that most accurate determi- 2008-NIJ-1793-SL#000802. energy expenditure. C-peptides offer a nation of sex was for the whole innomi- promising alternative. As a polypeptide nate (Males 5 100%, Females 5 Morphological integration between segment released by proinsulin, C-peptides 94.1%), suggesting that caution should the human os coxa and femur. are secreted on an equimolar basis with in- be exercised where the whole pelvis is sulin, thus accurately reflecting energetic not preserved. However, it is notable K.MACCORD1 and J. STOCK2. 1Dep- condition. Furthermore, C-peptides are that individual curves gave results of artment of Philosophy, Arizona State measurable in urine, providing a non-inva- 76-82% accuracy in the case of the iliac University, 2Department of Biological An- sive method to assess energetic condition crest and interior curve, even with the thropology, University of Cambridge. in wild populations. Here, we validate the relatively small sample sizes employed measurement of C-peptides using captive here. These results compared with only The femur and os coxa form a function- and wild urinary samples from geladas 41-47% accuracy for femoral head mor- ally integrated unit which develop and (Theropithecus gelada). Our objectives for phology. Hence, GM methods may pro- act in tandem in order to distribute the this study were to show both analytical vide a viable approach to sex determi- forces necessary for locomotion. The and biological validation. We collected nation in the case of partially pre- covariation of these two bones is samples from captive individuals (n524 served innominates. deduced from their functional depend- samples from 12 individuals) at the Bronx ence, but little has been done to investi- Zoo(NewYork)andfromwildindividuals Taking advantage of spatial data: gate the subtle patterns of morphologi- (n560 samples from 20 individuals) in the utilization of density estimates cal integration between the two. Three- the Simien Mountains National Park to manage mass disaster scenes dimensional coordinate locations of 67 (Ethiopia). For the analytical validation, with commingled human remains. landmarks (39 on the femur, 28 on the we demonstrated parallelism and accuracy os coxa) were collected for 48 individu- (r2[0.99) using a commercially available KALAN S. LYNN1, LUIS L. CABO1, als from 14 countries, spanning a latitu- radioimmunoassay. For the biological vali- MICHAEL W. KENYHERCZ1,ERINN. dinal range from Australia to Green- dation, we found (1) that C-peptides were CHAPMAN1 and DENNIS C. DIRK- land. A PLS analysis with a 10,000 higher in the captive vs. wild population, MAAT1. 1Department of Applied Forensic round permutation was run for the Pro- and (2) within the wild population, C-pep- Sciences, Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA. crustes coordinates in order to statisti- tides were higher during the wet season cally investigate the pattern of covari- vs. dry season. Therefore, our results indi- Total stations and high-resolution GPS ance between the two bones. Results of cate that urinary C-peptides can be reli- allow rapid recordation of precise spa- this analysis show that overall morphol-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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202 AAPA ABSTRACTS ogy of the femur and os coxa do not Parallel lumbar and pelvic mor- and encephalization. Of the four main covary significantly (RV coef- phology in atelines and early homi- pelvic forms -- gynecoid, anthropoid, ficient50.2932, p50.1403). Previous nids: clues to the earliest hominid android, and platypelloid -- gynecoid is studies have identified a strong rela- adaptations to upright walking? considered the best suited for the tionship between the proximal femur human birth mechanism due to its and body shape (approximated by bi- ALLISON L. MACHNICKI1, YOHANNES large, elliptical inlet. The remaining iliac breadth). When we explored varia- HAILE-SELASSIE2,LINDAthree types are ranked most to least tion in specific regions of the femur and SPURLOCK2,SE´ RGIO L. MENDES3, suitable as anthropoid, android, and os coxa to determine the areas of great- KAREN B. STRIER4, MELANIE A. platypelloid. Modern medicine reduces est covariance, the regions most closely McCOLLUM5,andCOWENLOVEJOY1,2. the effects of having a less optimal pel- approximating pelvic breadth and 1Department of Anthropology, Kent State vic shape. However, in prehistory it is mediolateral femoral breadth through- University, Kent, OH, 2Cleveland Museum likely that there would be evidence of out the head, neck, trochanteric, and of Natural History, Cleveland, OH, 3Depar- evolutionary pressure on pelvic form subtrochanteric regions were found to tamentodeCieˆncias Biolo´gicas, Universi- through a correlation between pelvic covary significantly (p50.0427, RV coef- dade Federal do Espı´rito Santo, Brazil, dimensions and the age of death in ficient50.2197). The results of this 4Department of Anthropology, University women of childbearing age. study indicate that morphological inte- of Wisconsin-Madison, 5Department of Cell To test this hypothesis, prehistoric New gration within the hip is strongest in Biology, School of Medicine, University of Mexican females (n545) aged 16-501 measures of breadth, particularly at the Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. years (estimated by Lovejoy or Suchey- proximal end of the shaft, but does not Brooks protocols) were examined. Pelvic extend down the length of the femoral Human bipedality is unique among pri- shape was determined by 6 measure- diaphysis. mates, and lumbar lordosis is its most ments of the pelvic inlet and outlet. critical functional requirement, because These measurements were regressed on it obviates the need for the bent-hip- estimated age at death. Contrary to bent-knee (BHBK) gait as practiced by expectations, none of the regression Friends or casual acquaintances: African apes. The latter have elimi- attained statistical significance at p \ identifying meaningful relation- nated lumbar mobility by trapping the 0.05. Multivariate approaches also ships among wild chimpanzees. one/two most caudal lumbars between yielded no significant association with dorsally extended ilia (Lovejoy & age. Maximum acetabular diameter, a ZARIN MACHANDA1, IAN GILBY2, McCollum, 2010, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. proxy for size, correlated best with age MARTIN MULLER3 and RICHARD B. In press). The earliest known homi- (r 5 0.35, p 5 0.02). Thus, we conclude WRANGHAM1. 1Department of Human nids show an opposite state—emancipa- that variation in pelvic dimensions in Evolutionary Biology, Harvard Univer- tion of the most caudal lumbar by this sample did not present a significant sity, 2Department of Evolutionary An- reduction in iliac height and expansion evolutionary pressure but larger women thropology, Duke University, of sacral alar breadth. Moreover, the tended to survive to older age. 3Department of Anthropology, University Last Common Ancestor of African apes New Mexico. and hominids retained a long lower Documenting age and sex related spine (most likely 6 lumbars) morphology in Osteoware. Given that primates are one of the few mam- (McCollum et al., 2009, J. Exp. Zoo. mal orders where the majority of species live (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 312B:1-13).Such GWYN D. MADDEN. Department of in permanent groups, many studies have mobility would have permitted more Anthropology, Grand Valley State Uni- focused on understanding the complexities effective bipedality than is seen in versity. of group living such as the formation of extant apes. However, the most caudal social relationships. Identifying important lumbar in Old World Monkeys is also The age and sex unit of Osteoware has social relationships in a primate group partially trapped by dorsally extended been designed to increase the efficiency involves calculating measures of affiliative ilia. Could iliac height reduction and of standardized data collection by behavior such as association time, grooming, sacral broadening have been the ear- employing an easy to use mix of fill in and coalitionary behavior which can be bal- liest adaptations to upright walking in the blank and point and click options. anced with agonistic measures such as hominids? For each tracking number created, the aggression. In this paper, we first review Atelines (Ateles, Brachyteles, Lagothrix, user is directed through a series of and evaluate different measures used for Aloutta) have flexible prehensile tails, steps to record data for age and sex identifying strong social bonds among chim- which, when used simultaneously with estimation. The data collected follows in panzees including the Pepper Index (Pepper their forelimbs for support, induce the tradition of ‘‘Standards for Data et al. 1999) and preferred social partnerships extreme lordosis. We anatomically Collection,’’ by Buikstra and Ubelaker (Gilby & Wrangham 2008). We then exam- examined (dissection, MRI, X-ray) their (1994), including postcranial epiphyseal inewhetherthevalueofthesemeasures pelves and lumbar columns and also fusion, cranial suture closure, auricular vary based on the age/sex class of the indi- observed lower limb postures ‘‘in the surface changes, and change to the pu- viduals involved. We test several different wild.’’ We find striking parallels with bic symphyses. Change in rib morphol- methods of identifying relationships among hominids in both, suggesting that lower- ogy is an addition to the methods for free-living adult male and female chimpan- ing iliac height is a possible first step in data collection not previously used in zees living in the Kanyawara community in directly evolving bipedality without any ‘‘Standards.’’ Information used in the Kibale National Park Uganda. Results show reliance on a BHBK gait. assessment of age for juveniles and that for males, rates of grooming or indices adults has been combined into one area of spatial association are essential for differ- Dimensions of the birth canal and of data collection ensuring that the entiating intra- and intersexual relation- age at death in prehistoric New same data is collected for all individu- ships. In contrast, for females, party-level Mexican women: a test of evolution- als. Based on documentation of these association indices are sufficient for identify- ary optimality. morphological changes related to age, a ing strong social bonds. We conclude that number of categories are available measures used to identify social relation- HEATHER L. MACINNES and including age ranges and descriptive ships among wild chimpanzees must take OSBJORN M. PEARSON. Department options to summarize the data on age into account the age/sex composition of of Anthropology, University of New for each individual. the dyads involved in order to ensure that Mexico, Albuquerque. Pelvic and cranial morphology used to true relationships exist. assess sex in the skeleton follows closely This study was funded by the National The human female pelvis is an evolu- the methods described in ‘‘Standards.’’ Science Foundation, Grant 0416125. tionary compromise between bipedalism An important addition has been made

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 203 in the summary options, the AMBIGU- with the same directionality, if not mag- affects changes in bone size, shape, and OUS category, for cases when there are nitude, of INF shape contrasts found position. Previous reports proposed the indicators for each sex, to distinguish between broader geographical compari- Endosteal Lamellar Pocket (ELP), a between ambiguous and unidentifiable sons. hemi-circumferential deposit of dense sex in the skeleton. This presentation This research was supported by the primary lamellar bone as a meta-fea- outlines the unit in Osteoware for docu- Wenner-Gren Foundation (SDM), NSF ture indicating modeling drift in much mentation of age and sex in skeleton- SBR-9312567 (RGF), and L.S.B. Leakey the same way the secondary osteon ized remains and presents two case Foundation (SDM, RGF, TRY). indicates remodeling. Though it was studies of catalogued remains from the hypothesized that the adult ELP origi- Smithsonian Institution collections. Case of multiple fractures due to nated from previous phases of rapid Osteoware is supported by grants from probable beating with extended growth during adolescence, the exact the National Center for Preservation survival during the 16th and 17th nature and timing of primary endosteal and Technology and Training (NCPTT), centuries in France. bone drift in sub-adults was unknown. National Park Service, and the Smith- In order to gain a more complete view sonian Web 2.0 Fund. BERTRAND MAFART. Antenne de of long bone modeling drift, 64 juveniles l’Institut de Pale´ontologie Humaine, from the archaeological site of Xcambo´ Variation in morphofunctional UMR 7194, Europoˆle Me´diterrane´enne were analyzed using polarized light mi- units of the human nose and cli- de l’Arbois, Aix en Provence, France. croscopy. The ELP was present in each matic adaptation. of 3 age groups tested: 5-9, 10-14, 15-19. Non-lethal polytrauma has been rarely In comparison to its adult counterpart, SCOTT D. MADDUX1, ROBERT G. described in paleopathology because the juvenile ELP was much larger as a FRANCISCUS1,2 and TODD R. YOK- they are most often incompatible with percentage of total cortical tissue. It LEY3. 1Department of Anthropology, an extended survival. We are introduc- was not uncommon for ELP lamellae to 2Department of Orthodontics, University ing here the case of an extended sur- account for nearly the entire cortex of of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 3Department of vival with several disabling residual an- one side of a transection. This occur- Basic Sciences, Touro University Nevada, kylosis and whose origin was probably rence is contrary to the general notion Henderson, NV. multiple assaults committed with some that diametric growth and long bone blunt objects. shape is achieved simply by periosteal For more than a century, anthropolo- Thestudiedcasewasmalewithanage expansion and endosteal resorption. In gists have recognized an association estimated at more than 50 years old, addition, it was found that near this between nasal shape and climate as evi- interred in the Notre-Dame-du-Bourg ne- site of dramatic bone modeling drift, dence of natural selection on human cropolis, in Digne (Alpes de Haute Pro- even the nutrient foramen was forced to craniofacial form. Clinical research vence – France, 16th-17th centuries). drift as well, rather than solely being investigating nasal airflow dynamics Theskull,themandibleandthebonesof buried by periosteal apposition. These and temperature/moisture modification the two lower limbs were free from trau- preliminary results suggest the ELP has supplemented anthropological matic lesions. There were major sequelae can be used successfully as an indicator research by providing a better under- of quasi-symmetric fractures of the two of drift and that shape change during standing of nasal function. However, elbows and of the wrists, of a phalanx, of long bone growth may be much more the anthropological literature, while the pelvis, of ribs and of vertebrae. The complex that previously imagined. generally incorporating large and glob- lesions only affected the trunk and the ally diverse samples, has focused almost two upper limbs, notably excluding the Analyzing microscopic variation exclusively on measurements of the skull, the most affected part in general along the femoral and humeral dia- external nose. Conversely, clinical during fights. There probably was a will physis: A histological examination research has focused on the functionally to hurt, but not to fiercely kill this man of the ELP as an indicator of long important internal nose, but has paid who was not able to avoid being hit. So, bone modeling drift. little attention to within or between we have to consider that the victim was group variation. In this study, we assess immobilized, even bound in a position ISABEL MAGGIANO1, COREY variation across morphofunctional units where his arms, his hands and his chest MAGGIANO1, VERA TIESLER2 and of the complete nasorespiratory tract were exposed to repeated blows from the SAM STOUT1. 1Department for Anthro- (external vestibule, nasal valve area, in- attacker(s) who gave him a thrashing. pology, Ohio State University, 2Facultad ternal nasal fossa, and nasopharynx) by So, a beating could be the cause of this de Ciencias Antropolo´gicas, Universidad combining a morphometric analysis of polytrauma. Auto´noma de Yucata´n. extant human crania (n5830) from Despite the seriousness of the lesions, major geographical (Arctic Circle, his extended survival, further to major Bone modeling drift accounts for the Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia) and sequelae, shows the good quality of the adult long bone’s diameter, morphology, climatic zones (polar, temperate, warm- cares given and of the human support and position, providing useful informa- arid, and equatorial) with a correla- for this great disable man in a little ru- tion for skeletal biological and bioarch- tional analysis of skeletal nasal meas- ral city during the 16th and 17th centu- aeological understanding of bone mor- urements and physiologically informa- ries in Southeast France. phology. Previous studies have sug- tive nasal passage cross-sectional gested the Endosteal Lamellar Pocket dimensions. Consistent with theoretical The endosteal lamellar pocket as an (ELP) as a meta-feature for modeling expectations, our analyses demonstrate indicator of childhood and adoles- drift investigations. Until now the ELP that the internal nasal fossa (INF) dis- cent modeling drift direction and has only been reported in long bone plays the greatest range of shape varia- magnitude during long bone midshafts from archaeological popula- tion within the overall nasofacial com- growth. tion samples. However, since the meta- plex. Specifically, crania from extremely feature results from normal patterns of cold-dry environments show A-P elon- COREY MAGGIANO1, ISABEL bone growth and adaptation, it should gated, S-I tall, and especially M-L nar- MAGGIANO1, VERA TIESLER2 AND be common in any skeletal collection. To row INFs, while crania from extremely SAM STOUT1. 1Department for Anthro- test this hypothesis and establish a hot-humid environments are character- pology, Ohio State University, 2Facultad baseline of data collected from known ized by attenuated, short, and wide de Ciencias Antropolo´gicas, Universidad age and sex individuals 16 individuals INFs. Moreover, INF morphology shows Auto´noma de Yucata´n. from the Xocla´n historic cemetery col- clinal distributions within geographic lection were examined microscopically, samples in our study (e.g. Nordic, Cen- Long bone modeling drift occurs at the assessing ELP morphology and preva- tral, and Mediterranean Europeans), peri- and endosteal membranes and lence at 3 sites along the humeral and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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204 AAPA ABSTRACTS femoral diaphyses. The ELP was pres- years to form in one anomalous molar, ment of Otolaryngology, Washington Uni- ent in nearly every sample analyzed, and was distributed over a greater den- versity School of Medicine. and was present in the majority of the tin core compared to all others. Average total cross-sections viewed. Its preva- enamel thickness lay within the modern Semicircular canal radius (SCR) is often lence and size were greatest in the dis- human range. Mean daily enamel secre- used to infer locomotion in extinct prima- tal femoral diaphysis. This pattern was tion rates differed slightly between inci- tes. Two problems confront these infer- not as clear in the humerus where often sors and molars. Dietary differences ences: 1) locomotor ‘agility’ is a rank- proximal and distal transections demon- between Fulbe and Nso are not greatly score from visual impressions, and 2) strated larger ELPs than their mid-dia- or consistently reflected by differences 80% of SCR variance is explained by physeal counterparts and overall varia- in enamel development. body mass alone whereas \0.2% of SCR tion in ELP position and size was variance is actually explained by agility greater. Results corroborate previous Grooming claws: what are they and rank. Consequently, SCR-based agility descriptions of ELP morphology and who has them? inferences are reasonably accurate only suggest that the distal aspect of the fe- when body mass is known precisely and mur accounts for more of this elements STEPHANIE A. MAIOLINO. Interde- only for species with very low or high growth via drift than the proximal. partmental Doctoral Program in An- agility ranks. More quantitative analysis is necessary thropological Sciences, Stony Brook To improve upon the accuracy of canal- to provide a complete assessment of University. based locomotor inferences, we measured ELP histological and biomechanical var- angular head velocities in 11 strepsirrhine iation among individuals, skeletal ele- Living strepsirrhines possess a special- species exhibiting diverse locomotor ments, and populations. ized structure on the second pedal digit behaviors. Cranial CT scans of the same This study was funded by Deutsche For- referred to as a grooming claw, which is taxa were used to predict vestibular sensi- schungsgemeinschaft (DFG). often considered to be a diagnostic fea- tivity to rotations in all directions. Map- ture of this group. However, grooming ping in vivo head rotation onto predicted Enamel development and thickness claws are also present on the second and sensitivity, we found unexpectedly that in Fulbe pastoralists and Nso agri- third pedal digits of tarsiers and on the axes of rapid rotation do not align with culturalists, Cameroon. second pedal digits of the platyrrhine axes of high sensitivity. Instead, axes of Aotus. The origin of these features is rapid rotation aligned with axes of mean PATRICK MAHONEY1, GUNDULA unclear. Are they true claws (falculae) or sensitivity. Evidently, the brain most accu- MU¨ LDNER2, AGBOR MICHAEL are they secondarily derived from pri- rately interprets rotations presented about ASHU3 and DAVID ZEITLYN.41School mate nails (ungulae)? Are all grooming axes of mean sensitivity, and accurate per- of Anthropology and Conservation, Uni- claws homologues or did they arise sepa- ception of movement is most important versity of Kent. UK. 2Department of rately in different primate lineages? Are during fast head rotation. We call this the Archaeology, University of Reading. UK. they present in other primate groups? ‘‘fast-accurate hypothesis.’’ 3Nkwen Baptist Health Centre, This study examines the affiliation and The fast-accurate hypothesis implies that Bamenda, Cameroon. 4Institute of distribution of these structures via mor- fast animals should benefit from minimiz- Social and Cultural Anthropology, Uni- phometric analysis and a survey of pri- ing anisotropy in vestibular sensitivity, versity of Oxford. UK. mate skeletal material. Morphology of the which can be achieved by orienting ipsi- distal phalanx, which supports the groom- lateral canals at near-orthogonal angles. The degree to which environment ing claw, was examined and compared to In PGLS regressions, rotational head impacts upon forming teeth is important conspecific third pedal distal phalanges speed is more highly correlated with to document for studies of incremental which bear ungulae, as well as heterospe- canal orthogonality (R250.7565, p\0.001) enamel development that increasingly cific second and third pedal distal pha- than with SCR (R250.1569, p50.2). Our identify taxonomic differences amongst langes which bear ungulae, tegulae, or fal- equations predict mean rotational head hominoids. Here, we examined enamel culae. Data analysis consisted of principal speed from canal measurements alone development, and thickness, in two coordinates analyses using Euclidean dis- and outperform existing body-mass-de- human ethnic groups (Fulbe; Nso) with tances of size-adjusted shape variables. pendent models. different diets. Traditional Fulbe pastor- Results show that grooming claws are This study was supported by NSF BNS alist subsistence is aimed at the produc- morphometrically distinct, and possess 0824546 to RFK and Duke University. tion of milk leading to a diet rich in distinguishing characteristics of ungulae nutrients necessary for dental develop- while lacking those of falculae. This sug- Evidence of metric asymmetry and ment. Nso subsistence is more varied gests that grooming claws are not true oral pathologies in hominin mandi- (predominantly agricultural). claws. Additionally, the survey of primate bles from the Pleistocene of Kenya. The duration and rate of enamel devel- skeletal material demonstrates unappre- opment, and thickness, were calculated ciated variation in the second pedal digit NASSER MALIT. Department of An- from microstructure using standard his- of platyrrhine species. Most notably, thropology, State University of New tological methods in permanent molars members of genus Callicebus possess a York at Potsdam. and incisors (n531) extracted for clini- grooming claw. The presence of this fea- cal purposes. Informed consent was ture in non-strepsirrhine lineages sug- This research reports the presence of granted. Diet reconstruction during the gests that interpretations of its phyloge- metric asymmetry on three mandibular period of dental development included netic significance in the fossil record remains from the Pleistocene of Kenya. carbon and nitrogen stable isotope anal- should be approached with caution. The presence of pathological lesions on ysis of root dentin (n510). the jaws is provided here as an explana- The average Fulbe carbon and nitrogen Semicircular canal orthogonality, tion for the asymmetry. The mandibles isotope values (-11.261.1 and 10.560.4) not radius, best predicts mean observed include the KNM-ER 992, were enriched compared to Nso speed of locomotor head rotation: a KNM-WT 15000 and KNM-BK 67. The (14.161.5 and 9.160.6), which is con- new hypothesis with implications first two jaws come from the Turkana sistent with an emphasis on the con- for reconstructing behaviors in Basin, northern Kenya, while the later sumption of terrestrial animal protein extinct species. is from the Baringo Basin, in the Rift such as milk among the pastoralists. Valley of Kenya. While Fulbe cusp formation times were MICHAEL MALINZAK1,2,RICHARDF This study included both morphometric generally slightly less compared to Nso, KAY1 and TIMOTHY E HULLAR3. analysis and descriptions of pathological differences between the groups in teeth 1Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, conditions on the mandibular remains. that formed after weaning were not con- Duke University, 2Department of Medicine, Dental abrasions on the specimens were sistent. Enamel took more than 4.0 Duke University Medical Center, 3Depart- also investigated during the study. The

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 205 corpus height and thickness measures This research approach contributes to and Society, Newcastle University, 2Oral were taken from both the left and right both a theoretical and applied under- Biology, School of Dental Sciences, New- sides of each mandible. Compared anti- standing of complex ecological systems. castle University, 3School of Earth and meres of the respective corpi indicate Environment, University of Leeds, UK. the presence of localized asymmetry on Human intraspecific brain: body the mandibles. These jaws also show size correlations: towards a causal Lead exposure is a major health prob- evidence of dentoalveolar abscess on model for human brain mass lem in children including a deficit in IQ, their horizontal rami that coincide with variation. deleterious growth development and reduced corpus metric dimensions and behavioural effects even at very low lev- decreased dental abrasion. Therefore, PAUL MANGER1, JAKOB els of exposure. The usual test for lead corpus robusticity that occur on the MATSCHKE2, MARKUS GLATZEL2, exposure is to assess blood lead level healthy sides of the jaws, are proposed FRIEDEL WISCHHUSEN3, KLAUS (BLL), but this indicates only recent to be due to differential mechanical PU¨ SCHEL3 and MUHAMMAD lead exposure. This study aims to de- loading during chewing prompted by SPOCTER1. 1School of Anatomical Sci- velop a method to assess long term cu- pain avoidance from the infected sides, ences, University of Witwatersrand, mulative lead exposure using tooth lead thus leading to alveolar bone built-up, Medical School, Johannesburg, South levels. We will ascertain whether milk but with the opposite effect of bone Africa, 2University Medical Center teeth are suitable biomarkers of expo- resorption on the affected areas. Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institute of Neu- sure. Two deciduous molars each were The Pleistocene occurrence of dentoal- ropathology, Hamburg, Germany, 3Uni- collected from 15 children aged 6-8 veolar abscess indicates that this oral versity Medical Center Hamburg- years living in Northeast England. pathology was not unique to post-agri- Eppendorf, Institute of Legal Medicine, Using histological sections, the distribu- cultural skeletal populations as anthro- Hamburg, Germany. tion of lead in the different growth pologists maintain. These findings show layers was quantified by Laser Ablation that periodontal disease occurs early in To date no study has sufficiently docu- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spec- our evolution and that answers as to mented the range of modern human trometry (LA-ICP-MS). BLLs were how our ancestors coevolved with oral brain mass variation in a single popula- measured using ICP-MS. Incremental flora should be sort. tion and how this covaries with parame- growth lines in enamel and dentine are ters such as age, body mass and height. used to investigate the age of exposure A constructivist evolutionary In this study we analyse one of the larg- at each sampling point. approach to primate behaviour and est known databases of brain and asso- Blood lead levels ranged from 0.5-6.8(g/ ecology: a case study in West Java, ciated body size measures from autopsy dl, and none of the children had a BLL Indonesia. records obtained over a 20-year period above the WHO threshold of 10(g/dl. from the Hamburg University Hospital, Calcium normalised lead ratios NICHOLAS MALONE. Department of Federal Republic of Germany. The data- (208Pb:44Ca) were measured as lead Anthropology, University of Auckland. base consists of a total of 18,335 au- body burden and these intensities vary topsy records drawn from a European across individual teeth. Comparatively Application of the socioecological model population (12, 131 males; 6,204 low intensities of 208Pb:44Ca were guides researchers to seek the social and females) of individuals aged between observed in enamel, higher ratios were behavioural manifestations of sensitivity birth and 100 years. Using a cohort found around the dentine close to the to ecological variables. It is increasingly approach we examined the strength of pulp cavity. Preliminary results indicate understood that in addition to the distri- correlative relationships in brain and that these ratios in postnatal dentine bution of risks and resources in the envi- body size with both traditional regres- are consistent at the same age, and ronment, as well as the competitive sion analysis and structural equations slightly increase with age after birth. regimes of conspecifics, primate social modelling. Results indicate that early The combination of histological dating systems are subject to the influences of on life (0-3 years of age) brain mass and of growth areas of milk teeth in combi- past and present anthropogenic altera- body parameters are highly correlated nation with LA-ICP-MS analysis is tions. The frequent overlapping of human with r values ranging from 0.91 to 0.94 likely to be useful in establishing the and nonhuman primate ecologies creates and associated with steep regression history of lead exposure in children. a complex dynamic that can be character- slopes. The strength of these correlative ized as a form of co-participatory niche relationships rapidly change with age construction. I examine broad patterns of beyond 5 years to eventually reach the Primatology meets palaeoanthro- primate sympatry and anthropogenic commonly reported regression statistics pology: the Oldowan. influences on primate populations in of r 5 0.17 to 0.40 observed in adults. West Java, Indonesia. Both qualitative Structural equations modelling was LINDA F. MARCHANT1, R. ADRIANA and quantitative assessments of multiple used to decipher the manner in which HERNANDEZ-AGUILAR2, WILLIAM study sites are provided to contextualize height, body mass and age contribute to C. MCGREW2 and THOMAS G. specific examples of primate behaviour early brain mass variation. Four ‘causal WYNN3. 1Department of Anthropology, within human-influenced ecosystems. For models’ were successfully fit (P[0.05) Miami University, 2Department of Bio- example, the density and ranging of on the 0-3 year-old cohort having been logical Anthropology, University of Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch)atone rejected by the other cohorts. These Cambridge, 3Department of Anthropol- site is examined in relation to indices of results indicate that brain: body size ogy, University of Colorado-Colorado habitat quality. In this case, ecological scaling relationships vary with age and Springs. differences such as tree species richness highlight the range of variation in brain (v251.85, NS), availability of food trees mass for a single population. In ‘‘An ape’s view of the Oldowan’’ (G5.73, NS), diameter at breast height This work was supported by the South Wynn and McGrew (1989) argued for an (F(1,2)56.386, NS), and canopy volume African National Research Foundation ape adaptive grade of technological com- (F(1,2)5.001, NS) fail to predict patterns (2068364). petency in australopithecines. They of spatial distribution and ranging behav- scrutinized evidence from Oldowan sites iour. As such, processes that produce Lead levels in teeth as a measure of and compared it with behavioral obser- modifications to the social and ecological life-time lead exposure in children. vations of extant apes, but especially niche by nonhuman primates (e.g., range the chimpanzee. Recently, Haslam et al. occupancy and territorial defense), as CHARUWAN MANMEE1, SUSAN (2009) proposed a new interdisciplinary well as human-nonhuman primate inter- HODGSON1, WENDY DIRKS2, field, primate archaeology, to consider actions, need to be considered in an THOMAS SHEPHERD3 and TANJA the past and present material record of expansion of the socioecological model. PLESS-MULLOLI1. 1Institute of Health the Order Primates.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Here we revisit the Oldowan from the to habitual multi-directional lower limb Hyde Family Foundation, the Institute perspective of primate archaeology. We loading associated with their sport. The for Human Origins, and Arizona State review recent evidence from the LUP, Neolithic and Iron Age individu- University. archaeological record and from the als are thought to have been very study of living primates, especially Pan active and resided in a region of Dentoalveolar remodeling in spp. These include: 1) experimentally- uneven terrain; therefore the require- hominoids. induced fracturing of stone by bonobos ment for repetitive directional changes and transmission of techniques to off- throughout the gait cycle where likely ANN MARGVELASHVILI1,2, MARCIA spring; 2) cultural transmission and frequent. It is suggested that the inclu- S. PONCE DE LEO´ N1 and social conformity of tool-using skills in sion of the fibula in analyses of skeletal CHRISTOPH P. E. ZOLLIKOFER1. captive and wild chimpanzees; 3) chaine and fossil remains will allow for a more 1Anthropological Institute and Museum, operatoire theory applied to chimpanzee nuanced appreciation of the influence University of Zurich, Switzerland, nut cracking work-sites illuminates of mobility patterns on bioarchaeologi- 2Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, operational sequences in tool transport cal populations. Georgia. and use; 4) selectivity of organic raw This work was supported by grants materials by chimpanzees extends to from the Royal Anthropological Insti- In-vivo dentoalveolar remodeling and lithics; 5) chimpanzees use large-scale tute, UK (CNS) and the University of the maintenance of dentognathic home- mental mapping of wide-spread fruit New Mexico - Graduate and Professio- ostasis are of critical importance for the resources; 6) chimpanzee foraging is nal Student Association (VSP). functional and phyletic interpretation of technologically nuanced, e.g. tool use in dentognathic features in hominoids and obtaining prey; 7) chimpanzee nest-sites Coastal South Africa and the co- hominins. Here we ask whether pat- in more open habitats indicate re-use, evolution of the modern human lin- terns and mechanisms of dentoalveolar selectivity and seasonal differences in eage and the coastal adaptation. adaptation differ between extant ranging. Field studies of capuchins and humans and great apes, reflecting con- long-tailed macaques reveal percussive CURTIS W. MAREAN. Institute of spicuous differences in dentognathic technologies used in processing nuts, Human Origins, School of Human Evo- architecture and biomechanics between roots, mollusks and crustaceans. The lution and Social Change, Arizona State these groups. We used CT data of a dialogue between primatology and University, Tempe, AZ. sample of N580 adult skulls of humans archaeology yields new methods and (Australian aborigines) and great apes insights to aid our understanding Homo sapiens arose in Africa between (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans) to of hominin technological and cultural 200 and 100 ka ago directing our atten- score 4 indicators of dentoalveolar evolution. tion to MIS6, when from 195-123 ka the remodeling (continuous eruption, lin- world was in a fluctuating but predomi- gual tipping of the anterior dentition, Can fibular robusticity be used to nantly glacial stage when much of edge-to-edge bite of the anterior denti- infer mobility patterns in past Africa was cooler and drier, and when tion, mesial drift of the posterior denti- populations? dated archaeological sites are rare. Pin- tion). Results show that patterns of in- nacle Point (south coast of South Africa) vivo dentoalveolar remodeling are D. MARCHI1, V.S. SPARACELLO2 and is one of the few localities in Africa largely similar in all examined taxa. C.N. SHAW3. 1Department of Evolution- dated to this crucial time. The research Also, patterns of dentognathic aging are ary Anthropology, Duke University, team here has shown that by 162 ka similar among taxa. This indicates that 2Department of Anthropology, Uni- humans had expanded their diet to ma- hominoids share a common set of basic versity of New Mexico, 3Department rine resources, begun using and modify- compensatory mechanisms maintaining of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State ing pigments, produced bladelet stone dentognathic homeostasis, irrespective University. tool technology, and very early heat of the architecture of the masticatory treatment of lithics. The Pinnacle Point system, and irrespective of diet. These Because of their role in weight bearing, sites also include a later sequence of findings are important for discriminat- the bones normally used to infer mobil- MIS5 occupations that document an ad- ing patterns of evolutionary change ity patterns in past populations are the aptation that increasingly focuses on from patterns of inter-/intraspecies vari- femur and the tibia. Nevertheless, stud- coastal resources. Recently published ation due to aging. ies of living hominoids and modern from Pinnacle Point are a high resolu- human athletes have demonstrated that tion coastline model and a speleothem Ancestry and identity. the structural properties of the fibula sequence of climate and environmental are significantly correlated with mobil- change that shows that as the coastline JONATHAN MARKS. Department of ity patterns. This study assess variation distance shifted in response to global Anthropology, UNC-Charlotte. in fibular cross-sectional properties (CA, changes in sea level, the current Cape Imax,Imin, and J) within a sample of 155 flora shifted as well. A model is devel- We rarely conceptualize evolutionary individuals from the Late Upper Paleo- oped that argues that when populations anthropology in the context of kinship, lithic (LUP), Neolithic and Iron Age of were small people focused their residen- the oldest research question in social Italy, Medieval Germany, and contempo- tial sites at the intersection of the coast anthropology. In this paper, I discuss rary athletes (long distance runners, and the geophyte-rich Cape flora, and recent work in the history of genetics field hockey players) and controls. The this model is tested with archaeological and anthropology, and its bearing on aim of this research is to investigate the data from Pinnacle Point. Exploiting the issue of understanding the meaning correspondence between fibular dia- coastal resources requires mapping to of genetics in modern society. Identity physeal properties and inferred mobility tidal rhythms to intercept productive (what you are) is universally con- patterns in past populations. Cross-sec- collecting tidal cycles. This requires cog- structed from a negotiation between tional measurements were taken at the nition capable of making novel associa- ideas of Ancestry (where you came midshaft, and both fibular rigidity and tions between lunar phases and tidal from) and Emergence (what you the ratio of tibial to fibular rigidity rhythms, and was not possible until af- became). Genetics provides an authori- were analyzed (see Marchi, 2007). ter a fully modern cognition evolved, tative scientific voice on ancestry, and LUP, Neolithic and Iron Age samples explaining the late appearance of the to focus upon genetics has commonly display the highest relative fibular ri- coastal adaptation. involved reducing identity to merely gidity, comparable to that of modern This research was funded by the ancestry. Thus, ‘‘we are descended from hockey players. The pronounced fibular National Science Foundation (USA) apes’’ can be transformed into simply rigidity associated with hockey players (grants # BCS-9912465, BCS-0130713, ‘‘we are apes’’ by privileging the genetic is explained as the skeletal adaptation and BCS-0524087 to Marean) and the similarities that tend to reveal that

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 207 descent over the ecological divergence of Anthropology, University of West Mesio-distal and bucco-lingual dimen- that tends to obscure it. The choice to Florida. sions of maxillary and mandibular can- privilege genetic similarities over eco- ines were measured to calculate FA in a logical differences, however, is an arbi- St. Michael’s Cemetery is the oldest total of 101 gorillas and 87 gibbons. The trary one. In human affairs, no less extant cemetery in Pensacola Florida, results support the hypothesis that go- than in ape affairs, ‘‘you are simply dating to 1812. Since 2000, anthropolo- rilla males, whose canines take longer your ancestry’’ is a highly politicized gists from the University of West Flor- to form than those of females, exhibit statement. Earlier generations took Au- ida (UWF) have been engaged in greater FA than gorilla females. Male gust Weismann’s doctrine of the ‘‘conti- ongoing research at the cemetery aimed and female gibbons, whose canines take nuity of the germ-plasm’’ very politi- at documenting its use history. A total a similar length of time to form, exhibit cally, as well as its opposite, ‘‘the inheri- of 3,198 extant grave markers have similar FA levels. Furthermore, gorilla tance of acquired characteristics’’. At been recorded, but historical records males generally exhibit greater FA than the core was the question of whether suggest that earlier, unmarked graves gibbon males in the maxillary dentition, one could transcend ancestry, or may also be present. A GPR survey con- consistent with the crown formation dif- whether race was really the crucial de- ducted in 2008 identified 3,915 sub-sur- ference between these two taxa. Finally, terminant of one’s potential life course. face anomalies that may represent buri- individuals with LEH have greater FA By concealing the politics of ancestry, als predating the official inception of than those in which LEH is absent. and not grappling with claims on behalf the cemetery. Several of these anoma- Although the results lend support to the of human genetics in historical context, lies are significantly larger that would hypotheses, not all results are statisti- we risk not benefiting from the ethical be expected for single interments, and cally significant, owing to small sample debates of earlier generations. possibly represent mass burials from co- sizes for some tests. These results sug- lonial epidemic events. To test this hy- gest that teeth which form over longer Mitochondrial haplogroup C4 con- pothesis, the UWF Forensic Anthropol- periods of time experience greater firmed in ancient North America. ogy Field School conducted excavations growth perturbation. at two of the large anomalies in the This research was supported by a grant CHARLA MARSHALL, GEORGIA summers of 2009 and 2010. The goals of awarded to Sarah A. Martin from The MILLWARD and FREDERIKA these excavations were: (1) to determine Ohio State University’s Department of KAESTLE. Indiana University. whether the sub-surface anomalies do Anthropology, Graduate School’s Alumni indeed mark mass graves; and (2) to Grants for Graduate Research and While mitochondrial haplogroup C has determine the chronology and ethnicity Scholarship, and Critical Difference long been recognized as a founding of any burials encountered using attrib- for Women Professional Development Native American lineage, only in recent utes such as body position, burial orien- Program. years has the phylogeny of this hap- tation, body treatment, and associated logroup been revealed with fine-grained artifacts. While neither of the first two Preliminary isotopic analysis of resolution (Tamm et al. 2007, Volodko anomalies excavated actually proved to Post-Meroitic to Christian period et al. 2008, Malhi et al. 2010, Perego et be a mass grave, several individual Nubians from the Ginefab School al. 2010). A motif of coding region single unmarked burials were exposed and site, Sudan. nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has documented. This presentation been identified for each of the four hap- describes the results of the first two MERIDITH A. MASONER1, BRENDA logroup C clades (Volodko et al. 2008), seasons of excavations at St. Michael’s J. BAKER2 and KELLY J. thereby enabling greater specificity in and discusses future avenues of KNUDSON2. 1Department of Anthro- haplogroup determination, which is research on the other large GPR pology, University of Western Ontario, essential to the study of the peopling of anomalies, and on the human remains 2Center for Bioarchaeological Research, the Americas. In this report, we review discovered to date. School of Human Evolution and Social the literature on haplogroup C4 and This study was funded in part by a Change, Arizona State University. identify its geographic range in order to UWF SCAC Faculty Grant. better understand the dispersal of this The Post-Meroitic period (c. A.D. 350- founding Native American matriline. 550) in Upper Nubia was an era of We also identify potential instances of Relationships among crown forma- political decentralization between the haplogroup C4 in datasets from previ- tion time, fluctuating asymmetry, Meroitic empire (c. 350 B.C.-A.D. 350) ously published ancient DNA papers. and linear enamel hypoplasia in and the consolidation of Christian Finally, we present mitochondrial gibbons and gorillas. kingdoms. In the Fourth Cataract genetic data on two ancient Native region, this transition coincides with Americans belonging to haplogroup C4, SARAH A. MARTIN, DEBBIE GUA- fort construction, the presence of confirming the presence of this subha- TELLI-STEINBERG and PAUL W. arrowheads in graves, and violent plogroup in prehistoric North America. SCIULLI. Department of Anthropology, skeletal trauma, which may suggest These two individuals of distinct matri- The Ohio State University. that non-local individuals migrated lines were interred at the Angel Site, a into the area. At the Ginefab School Middle Mississippian (ca. A.D. 1050- Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is a pat- site, a large cemetery (n5103) span- 1400) mound center located on the Ohio tern of asymmetry in a group of organ- ning the late Meroitic to Christian River east of Evansville, Indiana. Over- isms in which size differences between periods, variable grave styles may all, this study contributes to the under- left and right body structures are nor- reflect migration of people into this area. standing of mitochondrial subha- mally distributed around a mean of Additionally, an increase in dental pa- plogroup patterning in the Americas, zero. In individuals, FA appears as thology during the Christian period may the timing and origin of founding small differences between right and left represent a dietary shift. To test these Native American matrilines, and the body structures that are random with hypotheses, we examined paleomobility role that genetic drift played in shaping respect to which side is larger. Using and paleodiet at the Ginefab School site the modern mitochondrial gene pool. gorillas and gibbons, this project tests using radiogenic strontium and stable the hypothesis that the amount of time carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of 11 An examination of potential mass canine crowns take to form affects the archaeological humans and 8 modern burials within St. Michael’s Ceme- opportunity for FA to develop. Addition- faunal samples. tery, Pensacola, FL. ally, a sub-sample is used to test the hy- At the Ginefab School site, modern pothesis that the presence or absence of faunal samples exhibited mean NICOLE ROSENBERG MARSHALL linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) is asso- 87Sr/86Sr50.7068860.00036 (1r,n58). and A. JOANNE CURTIN. Department ciated with the magnitude of FA. For archaeological human remains,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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208 AAPA ABSTRACTS mean 87Sr/86Sr50.7070860.00025 (1r, between the orbital and cranial indices, phalangeal joints during terrestrial loco- 18 n520), mean ( Ocarbonate(V-PDB) 521.5 6 and a positive correlation between the motion occurs in all three taxa, increasing 13 1.6 (1r,n520), and mean ( Ccarbonate(V-PDB) orbital and facial projection indices. bone density on the dorsal aspects of meta- 524.6 6 1.9 (1r,n520). These data sug- Reduced orbital breadth is also associ- carpal heads. gest that all individuals consumed stron- ated with a relative change in biorbital Research supported by Wenner Gren tium, oxygen, and carbon from the same and interorbital breadth, where despite Foundation for Anthropological or similar sources, implying that there is a marked decrease in the former, the Research, LSB Leakey Foundation. little variability in paleomobility or paleo- latter remains unchanged. Decreasing diet at the Ginefab School site. Although orbital depth and anterior projection of Leprogenic odontodysplasia: new these data suggest that there were no both the upper and lower margins show evidence of a rare and poorly large-scale migrations during this time, that the orbits have become anteropos- understood malformation from the existing isotopic data concerning diet, teriorly shorter since the Upper Paleo- St. Jørgen’s medieval leprosarium population interactions, and mobility in lithic. These results indicate that future cemetery (Odense, Denmark). ancient Nubia are limited. This study research should examine the relation- extends isotopic research into a new ship among the orbit, eye, brain, neuro- VI´TOR MATOS and ANA LUI´SA region, farther upstream, eliciting consid- cranium, and midfacial anatomy, in the SANTOS. CIAS - Research Center for erations for future investigation. context of functional constraints of the Anthropology and Health and Depart- This research is based upon fieldwork eye and ocular tissue within the orbit. ment of Life Sciences, University of directed by Baker under licenses This research was funded by a Grant In Coimbra, Portugal. granted to Arizona State University by Aid of Research from The National the US Department of Treasury, Office Academy of Sciences, Administered by Leprogenic odontodysplasia (LO), also of Foreign Assets Control (Nos. SU-1897 Sigma Xi; and from a Travel Grant known as dens leprous,consistsinan & SU-2122). Field and laboratory sup- administered by the Anthropology anomalous root development of the per- port was provided to Baker by the Pack- Department at The Ohio State Univer- manent upper incisors. This malforma- ard Humanities Institute (Award Nos. sity in Columbus, Ohio. tion was firstly reported by Danielsen in 07-1391, 07-1424, & 08-1472 [OFAC 1970 in Danish non-adult skeletons from license No. SU-2071]) and The Regents Examination of the manual skeletal medieval leprosaria cemeteries. Hitherto, of the University of California, and by morphology of knuckle-walking no clinical cases are known and its etio- the National Science Foundation (BCS- and non-knuckle-walking primates logical and epidemiological significance 0647055) and by an Undergraduate using micro computed tomography are poorly understood. The aim of this Research Assistantship awarded to (lCT). study is to discuss a case of LO found at Masoner from the School of Human the St. Jørgen’s leprosarium cemetery Evolution and Social Change, Arizona S. A. MATARAZZO. Department of An- (13th-16th/17th centuries), housed at the State University. Laboratory support to thropology, University of Massachusetts ADBOU (Anthropological Database of the Knudson was from the Institute for Amherst. Odense University), Southern Denmark Social Science Research and the School University. The macroscopic inspection of of Human Evolution and Social Change Computed tomography analyses of primate 191 individuals, with facial bones pre- at Arizona State University. long bones have revealed differences in tra- served, revealed a juvenile, aged 13-19 becular architecture and subchondral bone years old, with an upper right central in- Evolutionary change in hominin or- density distributions among species using cisor, detached from the corresponding bital morphology since the Upper different modes of locomotion. Thus far alveolus, presenting a short root with an Paleolithic in Western Europe. studies have focused on the hind limbs of annular constriction located about 1.5 monkeys and the distal radii of monkeys mm above the neck. The radicular diame- MICHAEL P MASTERS. Department of and apes. To better understand the biome- ter decreased considerably until the apex. Anthropology, Montana Tech of the Uni- chanical effects of knuckle-walking on the Atrophy of the anterior alveolar maxilla versity of Montana. manual elements, lCT scans of digit III process, extending from the central inci- were taken for knuckle-walking (chimpan- sors to the canines occurred. This individ- This study examines morphological zee and gorilla) and non-knuckle-walking ual also exhibited other rhinomaxillary change in size, shape, and orientation of quadrupedal primates (rhesus macaques). (eg. absorption of the piriform margins the hominin eye orbit through the appli- Previous studies have revealed differences including the anterior nasal spine) and cation of univariate and multivariate in the external shapes of the proximal and foot changes (such as phalangeal achroos- statistical procedures. Craniofacial middle phalanges of knuckle walkers with teolysis) compatible with a diagnosis of measurements were taken on skulls of the proximal phalanges having higher lepromatous leprosy. This case reinforces individuals representing different degrees of curvature than the middle pha- the debate about the significant of this regions and time periods in Western langes. This results from the combined use rare condition only observed in Danish Europe, to test a hypothesis of no of suspension (effecting increased proximal skeletal series from medieval leprosaria change in orbital morphology since the phalangeal curvature) and knuckle walk- cemeteries. Possible hypothesis to inter- Upper Paleolithic. Linear regression, ing (effecting a ‘‘flattening’’ of the middle pret this condition are discussed, includ- ANOVA, and principle components anal- phalanges). To determine whether a loco- ing its pathognomonic value and/or ysis are used to test the hypothesis, motor ‘‘signal’’ exists within phalanges, the whether it indicates an early onset of lep- examine patterns of orbital change internal structure of the proximal and mid- rosy in childhood. The understanding of among temporal groups, and to investi- dle phalanges and the subchondral bone leprogenic odontodysplasia epidemiology gate how the orbit varies in association distribution within the metacarpal heads and its relationship with leprosy will ben- with other characteristics of the face were examined using Avizo 5 3D Visualiza- efit from clinical and skeletal studies. and cranium. tion software. The palmar surfaces of the This study was funded by Fundac¸a˜o Results of this analysis indicate that proximal phalanges of the knuckle walkers para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia, grant refer- the orbit has undergone a number of and macaques showed thickening, as did ence: SFRH/BD/16155/2004. anatomical changes during recent the dorsal surfaces of the middle phalanges human evolution, and particularly in of knuckle walkers. Increased subchondral Using phylogenies and social net- shape of the orbital margins, which bone density occurs on the dorsal aspects works to detect the modality of dis- have become taller and narrower of the metacarpal heads in all taxa. These ease transmission in wild primate through time. This trend is associated results show a correlation between hand social groups. with increased cranial globularity and posture during locomotion and bone den- decreased facial prognathism, as indi- sity, directly reflecting weight support pat- LUKE J. MATTHEWS and CHARLES cated by a strong negative correlation terns. Hyperextension at the metacarpo- L. NUNN. Department of Human Evo-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 209 lutionary Biology, Harvard University. Mouse Creek (3MN3, 4MN3) and Toqua panic, and higher birth weight infants. (40MR6) a Late Mississippian (900- Breast-fed infants and Hispanic infants A number of studies have used phyloge- 1450AD) group from West Tennessee also had higher weight-for-age and nies of disease-causing organisms to (females n524, males n512), and Eva weight-for-length z-scores. Although for- investigate the spread of an infectious (6BN12), Kays Landing (15HY13), and mula feeding has been linked to risk of disease through a population, but few (if Big Sandy (25HY18), a Archaic (5000- subsequent obesity, the effect on early any) studies have used phylogenies to 500 BC) sample from East Tennessee post-natal growth may be a less impor- infer the transmission mechanism of an (females n532, males 517). Standard tant mechanism than effects on later infectious disease. Although the transmis- measurements were taken of the hu- growth or effects on neuroendocrine sion modes of many human diseases are merus, ulna, and radius, as described in function and feeding behavior. known, the mechanisms for transmission Moore-Jansen et al (1994). Size, defined This study was supported by a grant in wild primate populations are fre- as the geometric mean, and shape vari- from the Northwest Health Foundation. quently uncertain. This is particularly ables, the proportions of the geometric true for primate populations experiencing mean or size, were computed according Hips don’t lie: age and mortuary deforestation and the introduction of to Mosimann and co-workers (Mosi- practice based on burned subadult invasive species. Both of these processes mann and James, 1979; Darroch and and adult ilia from Bab edh-Dhra’, may introduce new infectious diseases Misimann 1985). A one-way analysis of Jordan. that spread in novel ways through pri- variance (ANOVA) was performed on mate social groups and populations, often the size and newly transformed shape JESSICA MAYERCIN1, ADELINE with profound effects on the conservation variables. Results indicate a significant LUSTIG2, JAIME ULLINGER1 and of threatened species. difference in size between samples (p\ SUSAN GUISE SHERIDAN3. 1Depart- We simulated disease phylogenies under to .0001). An index of sexual dimorphism ment of Anthropology, Ohio State Uni- investigate whether network regression (ISD) was also calculated and supports versity, 2Department of Anthropology, techniques provide an effective means to the hypothesis that sexual dimorphism University of Idaho, 3Department of An- distinguish among several hypothesized decreased with a shift to agriculture. thropology, University of Notre Dame. transmission mechanisms for a spreading This study provides a better under- pathogen. We focused on a single social standing of how the shift from hunter- The color of 244 adult, subadult, and group in which disease can spread through gathering to agriculture production has infant ilia from Charnel House A22 at sexual, social, and environmental contact. changed the sexual division of labor in Early Bronze Age (2950-2200 BC) Bab We demonstrate that network regression past societies. edh-Dhra’, Jordan was documented in can distinguish sexually transmitted dis- order to assess degree of burning among eases (STDs) from non-STDs. Moreover, Early postnatal infant feeding and thethreeagegroups.Duetotheinclu- the approach can distinguish among sev- weight gain: implications for future sion of all ages in the tomb, it was eral alternative networks for non-STDs metabolic risk. hypothesized that there would be no dif- (e.g. co-drinking at water holes compared ference in burning patterns among the to grooming networks). One advantage of RICH MAY1, DANIEL KIM2 and three groups. This project also tested the network regression is that it requires DEBBIE MOTE-WATSON3. 1Biology hypothesis that the bones were defleshed only basic behavioral data and a disease Department, Southern Oregon Univer- when burned by examining color differen- phylogeny, both of which are obtainable sity, 2Mathematics Department, Southern ces on various portions of the ilia. Two from wild primates. In contrast to many Oregon University, 3Special Supplemental anatomical landmarks (medial and lat- other epidemiological approaches, net- Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, eral) were identified on infant, subadult work regression does not require detailed and Children, Medford, Oregon. and adult ilia. Each landmark was records of when individuals became assigned a color category based on the infected. The technique is also useful in Infant feeding behavior may increase Munsell color chart. L*a*b values were the context of human behavioral patholo- future metabolic risk by accelerating also generated using a spectrophotometer gies, which often spread through cultural growth or increasing adiposity during for comparison. Chi-square tests were processes with similarly unknown trans- the early postnatal period. However, employed to assess statistical differences. mission mechanisms. comparisons of weight gain for breast- There was no difference in color among This research was supported by Har- fed and formula-fed infants have age categories on either iliac landmark vard University. yielded conflicting results. The purpose [medial portion: p50.97 (adult n587, sub- of the study was to test nutritional and adult n542); lateral portion: p50.64 Biomechanical stress: a com- demographic factors as predictors of (adult n571, subadult n556)]. There was parative analysis of sexual dimor- weight gain and body mass index (BMI) no difference between medial and lateral phism in prehistoric Tennessee in early infancy. Anthropometric, demo- portions on either the adults (p50.055) or populations. graphic, and feeding data were collected subadults (p50.097). Finally, a compari- for a cohort of 319 term infants enrolled son of placement within the charnel ASHLEY MAXWELL. Department of in the Jackson County Women, Infants, house by age revealed no difference Sociology and Anthropology, North Car- and Children program in Medford, Ore- (p50.070). It was concluded that children olina State University, Raleigh. gon. Infants were measured at a single andadultsweretreatedthesamewith enrollment visit that occurred between regard to mortuary practices. It was also Bioarchaeological studies can provide a birth and 3 months of age. Based on determined that neither group was cre- general idea of sex differences/similar- feeding records completed by the mated, but that the skeletons burned as ities in subsistence patterns by analyz- mother and staff nutritionists, infants a result of a fire in the charnel house ing sexual dimorphism and labor inten- were classified as: breast-fed only, that most likely occurred after the tomb sification of a population (Stock and mixed-fed (breast-fed and formula-fed), was no longer in use. Pfeiffer 2004). Current research sug- or formula-fed only at the time of the This project was funded by the National gests that sexual dimorphism has visit. In separate regression models, Science Foundation’s Research Experien- decreased over time due to a shift in feeding category, sex, ethnicity, and ces for Undergraduates (SES 1005158). subsistence patterns (hunter-gathering birth weight were tested as predictors to agriculture) that requires both sexes of weight gain since birth and as predic- Paleopathological analysis of the to participate in similar activities. The tors of BMI at the time of the visit. Early Middle Age in Northern Italy: purpose of this research is to explore Higher weight gain was predicted for a first preliminary survey. sexual dimorphism of the upper limbs breast-fed only, male, and lower birth in the 14th Century AD Averbuch skele- weight infants. Higher BMI was pre- ALESSANDRA MAZZUCCHI1, tal collection (female n562, male n575), dicted for breast-fed only, male, His- ALESSANDRO CANCI2, MAURIZIO

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 139


MARINATO2, ELENA FIORIN2, cal data collected over 23 continuous was a significant variance in results ALEXANDRA CHAVARRIA2, ANDREA months (September 2008 – July 2010) from each method. Total area (Tt.Ar.) BREDA3 and CRISTINA CATTANEO1. are presented and specifically analyzed and cortical area (Ct.Ar.) were meas- 1Labanof, Forensic Anthropology and to assess infant mortality in relation to ured and used to obtain a measurement Odontology Laboratory, Department of the ecological variables of monthly fruit of relative cortical area (Tt.Ar/Ct.Ar.). Human Morphology, University of Mi- availability, rainfall and temperature, Three researchers with varying levels of lan, Italy, 2Department of Archaeology, factors which have been proposed to experience with histomorphometry com- University of Padua, Italy, 3Archaeolog- influence infant survival. Censuses con- pared four methods of obtaining these ical Superintendence of Lombardy, Italy. ducted during group follows (X518.1 variables; one of them being the use of days/month) recorded 24 live births dur- a Merz1 counting reticule and three The present research project aims at ing the study period. Infant mortality others using the commonly used soft- illustrating the joint goal of the Univer- within the first year of life was 47.6%, ware, ImageJ1, to measure cortical and sity of Milano and Padova’s anthropo- one of the highest rates recorded for a total area but obtaining the thin section logical working groups, i.e. to develop a cercopithecine. Infant deaths occurred images in three different manners: 1) preliminary paleopathological perspec- throughout the year, but were not using a flatbed scanner, 2) overlaying tive of the early Middle Age in northern evenly distributed, with the highest multiple images of a thin section using Italy, which is particularly interesting peak in June. This clustering correlated Photoshop1 and 3) using a digital SLR since it is a transition period where new with onset of the dry season, the period camera with macro settings. Statistical foreign populations arrive. of lowest fruit production and decreased analyses using ANOVA indicate no sig- As regards Lombardy, eight necropoles average daily temperature. Tick-borne nificant differences amongst observers (Campione d’Italia, Erba S. Eufemia, disease, prevalent in the Udzungwa and the four methods examined. The Garlate, Villa d’Adda, Bolgare, Cremona region, is also examined as a potential benefits and drawbacks of each method Piazza Marconi, Montichiari, Brescia contributing factor, as both infants and are discussed as well as precautions one Piazza Labus, Sirmione S. Pietro in adults exhibited a visible increase in should take while conducting histomor- Mavinas) ranging from the VI to the IX tick infestation during this time. phometric data collection. century, encompassing circa 680 individ- These results are of significant con- uals with three belonging to the Lango- cern given the conservation status of bard group, were studied. this rare and understudied species, as Modeling the ecological niche of Traditional demographic methods were it may signal the potential for a popu- the Angolan Black and White Colo- applied for aging and sexing. Palaeopa- lation decline. bus monkey, Colobus angolensis thological analyses were performed by This study was funded by the National palliates. morphological methods and in some Science Foundation Doctoral Disserta- cases with radiological, histological, bio- tion Improvement Grant ((D.F. & MONICA MCDONALD. Department of molecular and 3D imaging techniques. G.M.M; award numbers 0925901 and Anthropology, Washington University in These populations show in decreasing 0925690), The Leakey Foundation (D.F. St. Louis. order the presence of osteoarthritis typi- & G.M.M.), Primate Conservation, Inc. cal of rural economy, stress markers, (G.M.M.; C.L.E.), Margot Marsh Biodi- Ecological niche models can aid in trauma (mainly healed fractures), infec- versity Foundation (D.F.; C.L.E.), Con- understanding the relationship between tious diseases (mainly tuberculosis), servation International Primate Action environmental factors and an animal’s anaemia and arthritic diseases of both a Fund (G.M.M.), Idea Wild (D.F & geographic distribution. In this study, degenerative and possibly rheumatic or- G.M.M.), the University of Texas at San ArcGIS 9 and Maxent were used to pre- igin, DISH, gout, scurvy, 1 case of trep- Antonio International Education Fund dict the distribution of Colobus angolen- anation, of spina bifida and of Eagle’s and Department of Anthropology Doc- sis palliatus, a subspecies of Angolan syndrome, – a picture which is quite dif- toral Research Grant (G.M.M.) and Black and White Colobus monkey that ferent from the Roman one in the same Stony Brook University Dean’s Fellow- resides in fragmented forests through- regions and which may indicate the ship for Professional Development out East Africa. In particular, this study degradation of living and working (D.F.); Wildlife Conservation Society was undertaken (1) to discover the pre- conditions. (C.L.E.); and the Critical Ecosystem dicted distribution of C. a. palliatus in These results may contribute to a better Partnership Fund (C.L.E.). Kenya and Tanzania under two differ- understanding of a period in northern ent taxonomic scenarios, (2) to ascertain Italy for which very little is known from A comparison of histomorphometric the probability of their occurrence in historical sources. data collection methods. these areas, (3) to see how these results compare to the IUCN habitat map, and Infant mortality and seasonality in LARA MCCORMICK, MARISSA (4) to recognize which environmental wild Sanje mangabeys, Cercocebus STEWART and JESSE GOLIATH. variables best explain their geographi- sanjei. Department of Anthropology, The Ohio cal distribution. Results of this study State University, Columbus, Ohio. suggest that while the predicted distri- GRA´ INNE M. MCCABE1, DAVID bution differs under the two taxonomic FERNA´ NDEZ2 and CAROLYN L. Skeletal histomorphometry is an impor- scenarios, precipitation and tempera- EHARDT1. 1Department of Anthropol- tant tool for physical anthropologists ture variability measures seemed to be ogy, University of Texas at San Antonio, and can be used to estimate age and to important in determining C. a. palliatus 2Interdepartmental Doctoral Program examine pathological conditions, activ- distribution. These results were similar in Anthropological Sciences, Stony ity levels and overall health and nutri- to the IUCN habitat map; however, Brook University. tion. In physical anthropology, measure- compared to the IUCN habitat map, ments most often analyze cortical bone these results both over-predicted and Infant mortality is a fundamental factor because of its durable nature. Although under-predicted their distribution. This influencing population growth, thereby the variables skeletal biologists examine study highlights current environmental directly impacting the population viabil- have been standardized, the actual differences in C. a. palliatus habitat in ity of primate species. These critically techniques used to accrue these data Kenya versus Tanzania. It also important infant mortality data are from a thin section may vary. The pur- uncovers probable areas in which to examined for one of the world’s most pose of this research was to examine find these monkeys, which is invaluable threatened primates, the Endangered the accuracy of newer technological when undertaking additional behavioral Sanje mangabey, Cercocebus sanjei, tools used to measure variables in com- or genetic research. Finally, these endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains, parison to the standard eyepiece count- results serve as a starting point from Tanzania. Demographic and phenologi- ing reticule to determine whether there which to uncover past C. a. palliatus

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 140

AAPA ABSTRACTS 211 distributions or make future climate previously from this population and other IVAN G. PAWSON3, SELWYN LANG4 change predictions. long-term great ape study sites. and CHARLES WEITZ1. 1Department This project has received funding sup- of Anthropology, Temple University, port from the National Geographic’s Philadelphia, PA, 2Biostatistics Consult- Skeletal pathology in mountain Committee for Research and Explora- ing Center, School of Medicine, Temple gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) tion, Leakey Foundation, and National University, Philadelphia, PA, 3Genen- from Parc National des Volcans, Science Foundation (BCS 0852866, BCS tech, South San Francisco, California, Rwanda. 0964944). 4Himalayan Trust, Nepal.

1 SHANNON C. McFARLIN ,AMANDINE Exploratory studies of doubly-la- The Trivers-Willard hypothesis predicts 2 3 B. ERIKSEN , TIMOTHY G. BROMAGE , beled water (DLW) and accelerome- a sex ratio bias contingent on maternal 4 KATHYRN A. FAWCETT ,DAVIDtry in American Samoan children. condition in species characterized by HUNT5, STEPHEN P. NAWROCKI2, variation in male reproductive success. MICHAEL R. CRANFIELD6, ANTOINE STEPHEN T MCGARVEY1, GABRIEL A male-biased sex ratio among mothers MUDAKIKWA7. 1Center for the Advanced HEIDERICH1, BENJAMIN ROME1, in good condition, and a female-biased Study of Hominid Paleobiology, Depart- DON VARGO2, DALE A SCHOELLER3, sex ratio among mothers in poor condi- ment of Anthropology, The George Wash- LARA DUGAS4, AMY LUKE4. 1Brown tion is expected. Studies in humans ington University, 2Archeology and University, Providence, RI, 2American have thus far provided mixed answers Forensics Laboratory, University of India- Samoa Community College, Pago Pago, to the question of whether or not sex ra- napolis, 3Hard Tissue Research Unit, AS, 3University of Wisconsin, Madison tio is affected by maternal condition. Department of Biomaterials and Biomimet- WI, 4Loyola University, Chicago, IL. The present study assessed whether or ics, New York University College of Den- not the introduction of a western cash tistry, 4Karisoke Research Center, Dian Sedentary life likely contributes to economy influenced the observed sec- Fossey Gorilla Fund International, 5Divi- decreased energy expenditure (EE), posi- ondary sex ratio in Nepal’s Khumbu sion of Physical Anthropology, National tive energy balance and adiposity in Sa- region. Because acculturated villages Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian moan children. Measuring physical activ- provided better access to the cash econ- Institution, 6Mountain Gorilla Veterinary ity (PA) levels among youth is crucial for omy and to health facilities, residence Project, 7Tourism and Conservation, supporting this hypothesis and designing in an acculturated village was used as a Rwanda Development Board. effective interventions. In 2009 we con- proxy for ‘‘good’’ maternal condition. We ducted a pilot study using doubly-labeled analyzed demographic data gathered by Analyses of pathology from the skeletal water (DLW) and accelerometry to mea- survey in 1971 and 1982. The sample remains of wild primates can provide sure PA and total EE over a 6-day period included 734 children from the 1971 unique and valuable insight into morbidity among 37 American Samoan children, (17 survey and 1598 children from the 1982 and mortality, and complement health in- boys and 20 girls, ages 8-12). We collected a survey. Using Poisson regression we an- formation gleaned from veterinary moni- baseline urine sample prior to DLW inges- alyzed the extent to which the sex toring of populations. Here we report tion, followed by three urine samples on ratios in age-stratified groups differed results from an investigation of skeletal that day and two samples on the 6th day, between the acculturated and unaccul- pathology in a well-documented sample of and children were instructed to wear turated villages. We reasoned that older mountain gorillas recently recovered from ActicalC activity monitors (AC), except women were subjected to minimal accul- Rwanda [N523 adults (19 crania, 22 post- when in water and, if necessary, asleep. turation effects during their child-bear- crania), 20 infants/juveniles (20 crania, 19 Participants wore the AC [8hoursan ing years. In both the 1971 and 1982 postcrania)]. Gross observations of pre- average of 3.8 days; 26 (70.3%) met the datasets the younger women in the mortem skeletal lesions were classified 3-day quality control (QC) requirement. acculturated villages displayed signifi- into four possible categories following Car- Girls wore the AC longer than boys (4.5 cantly higher (p5.014, p5.016) propor- ter et al. (2008) and Lovell (1990): arthro- vs. 3.0 days; p50.02), as did older chil- tions of male offspring. We found a lack pathies, traumatic injuries (including dren, [10 years (4.2 days vs. 3.4 days; of significant deviation between accultu- healed fractures, amputations), abnormal p50.18). Twenty-five (69.4%) of the rated and unacculturated post-meno- bone formation and/or resorption, and de- urine samples passed QC; more boys pausal women which underscores the velopmental abnormalities. than girls had acceptable DLW data impact that the transition to a market Among adults examined here, most indi- (82.4% vs. 55.0%; p50.08). Fieldworkers economy had on women in Nepal’s viduals showed some evidence of mild pit- reported trouble producing urine speci- Khumbu region. ting or proliferative change at joint surfa- mens and some adding of water. Seven- ces or margins, particularly in the axial teen children had acceptable AC and Intra- and interspecific variation in skeleton. Moderate to severe arthropa- DLW data, providing reasonable associa- Middle Eocene mytoniinans with a thies, apparently unrelated to trauma, tions; r ranged from 0.48 to 0.79 for sev- further assessment of the validity were observed in 57% of adults. Probable eral EE metrics. However, their esti- of the genus Mytonius. pre-mortem trauma affected 52% of mates are not interchangeable, and adults; six of these individuals exhibited future studies require both accelerome- KATHRYN J. MCGRATH1, DANA A. amputations of distal limb elements. try and DLW to provide more nuanced COPE1 and JAMES W. WESTGATE2. Rare developmental abnormalities and and accurate representations of PA and 1Department of Sociology and Anthro- other pathologies observed among adults EE. Qualitative studies indicated more pology, College of Charleston, SC, include accessory costal facets, thoracic training of children and parents will 2Department of Earth and Space Scien- scoliosis, and complete ankylosis of verte- necessary for future planned work. ces, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX. bral spinous processes. Thirty percent of Financial support from the NIH Brown infant/juveniles examined showed evi- University Framework in Global Health Our ability to understand the paleobiol- dence of skeletal pathology; healed frac- award, TW R25-TW008102 (STM) and ogy and biogeography of Uintan prima- tures were the most common, affecting 4 Loyola University seed grant funds (AL). tes has been constrained in the past by individuals, while one individual also taxonomic problems and an inability to showed multiple inflammatory lesions. Analyses of sex-ratios among resi- understand both intra- and interspecific Given availability of associated long-term dents of the Khumbu region of variation in a context similar to studies veterinary and behavioral records, these Nepal support the Trivers-Willard of recent primates. The goal of this results have potential to generate impor- hypothesis. study is to better understand these fac- tant insight into the impact of health on tors in a problematic group of Middle mountain gorilla life history, and form a ELIZABETH MCGINSKY1, CHRISTIE Eocene primates. The status of the ge- basis for comparisons with data reported ROCKWELL1, JOHN GAUGHAN2, nus Mytonius and its relationship to or

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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212 AAPA ABSTRACTS synonomy with the genus Ourayia is a Results indicate that of the foods com- disease risk may drive mothers to case in question. Over 130 published prising the sooty mangabey diet, only invest in their own immunological and unpublished dental specimens from three by themselves comprised more responses at the expense of their northeast Utah, southern California than 3% of annual feeding actions. infants, or that earlier cessation of and the trans Pecos and Laredo regions Nearly 80% of the annual diet was com- exclusive breastfeeding results in of Texas were analyzed qualitatively prised of five foods and of these, three – higher rates of pathogen transmission. and quantitatively to examine this invertebrates, fungi, and Sacoglottis Suggestions for future analyses that question. The results strongly support gabonensis nuts – were consumed every can distinguish among these possibil- the validity of Mytonius as a distinct ge- month. Monthly consumption of Saco- ities are made. nus. While certainly similar to Ourayia glottis ranged between 19% (December) This study was funded by SSHRC-CGS, in many respects, it consistently differs and 79% (May) and was uncorrelated 766-2008-1083. Additional Support was from the latter in numerous traits. with production of ripe fruits. Thus, the provided by the Canada Research Many of these relate to a different P4 most frequently consumed sooty manga- Chairs Programme, the Canada Foun- morphology (a major basis for its origi- bey foods are available year-round, yet dation for Innovation, the British Co- nal diagnosis) and a consistent de-em- their monthly consumption varies sig- lumbia Knowledge Development Fund, phasis of cusp development and their nificantly. We conclude that consump- and Simon Fraser University. incorporation into shearing crests in the tion of top ranked foods by Tai manga- upper and lower molars. The differences beys is not driven primarily by seasonal almost certainly indicate distinct feed- availability. A call for the creation of a general- ing adaptations. A ‘‘large’’ and a very Supported by National Science Founda- ized anthropogenic disturbance small species are now known. Ourayia, tion grants BCS- 60017683, 0921770, scale for primate field research. however, retains a more primative P4 and 0922429. morphology and greater cusp develop- TRACIE MCKINNEY. Department of ment in the molars. Metric and morpho- Variation in age at introduction of Sociology and Anthropology, Marshall logical evidence support the interpreta- weaning foods in small-scale farm- University. tion that, in addition to the type species ing and herding populations is O. uintensis, at least two additional spe- inversely associated with indicators Field primatologists often work in envi- cies, one larger and one smaller are of pathogen risk. ronments that have sustained moderate present in southern California. There is to severe anthropogenic alteration. It is no evidence that Mytonius is present in LUSEADRA MCKERRACHER1,DANIEL important for researchers to disclose 2 3 southern California. SELLEN , PABLO NEPOMNASCHY , the levels of environmental modification This study was funded by the Under- DAMIAN MURRAY4 and MARK in order to allow for appropriate cross- graduate Research and Creative COLLARD1. 1Department of Archaeology, site comparisons of behavioral or ecolog- Activities Program at the College of Simon Fraser University, 2Department of ical data. Recognizing that human- Charleston. Anthropology, University of Toronto, 3Fac- commensal primates differ from more ulty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser Uni- remote populations does not negate Seasonality in the diet of sooty versity, 4Department of Psychology, their utility as study populations. mangabeys (Cercocebus atys) from University of British Columbia. Rather, the study of commensal-living Tai Forest, Ivory Coast. primates has much to offer in terms of Infant’s age at introduction of weaning identifying minimal requirements for a SCOTT McGRAW1, DAVID DAEGLING2, foods varies substantially among human species’ survival and for understanding ANNA VICK2, ANDERSON BITTY3 and populations. Since weaning affects behavioral and ecological plasticity. RICHARD PAACHO4. 1Department of maternal and infant energetics as well To encourage greater transparency in Anthropology, Ohio State University, as interbirth interval, this variation has field data collection, I propose the devel- 2Department of Anthropology, University implications for life history, demogra- opment of a simple, generalized anthro- of Florida, 3University of Cocody, Ivory phy, and public health. However, the pogenic disturbance scale. This prelimi- Coast, 4Tai Monkey Project. underlying causes of the variation are nary scale was adapted from the ordinal not well understood. One hypothesis is classification presented by Bishop and Seasonal fluctuations in resources influ- that mothers increase their fitness by colleagues (1981), with the addition of a ence primate ranging, group size, activ- increasing infant age at introduction of category for diet and an expansion of ity budgets, and dietary breadth. Reli- weaning foods in response to pathogen options under each heading. Following ance on spatio-temporally heterogene- risk until a point of diminishing returns this standard, disturbance levels of each ous foods such as ripe fruit or young is reached, after which they decrease. primate troop may be identified in the leaves may involve dramatic proximate We tested the pathogen risk hypothesis literature by a four-character code. responses; however, even primates uti- with ethnohistoric data from 57 natural Each character represents, in turn, hab- lizing more ubiquitous resources can fertility, small-scale farming and herd- itat modification, dietary modification, exhibit significant seasonal variation in ing populations. Age at introduction of human-primate interactions, and preda- feeding. Terrestrial mangabeys con- weaning foods was regressed on an tion risk. The options provided under sume large quantities of hard seeds index of pathogen risk. We also carried each category allow for thousands of and nuts collected from the forest floor. out a partial Mantel matrix test in possible combinations, yielding a simple Owing to their ability to resist decom- which we correlated age at introduction but detailed description of a study popu- position, some of these foods are avail- of weaning foods with pathogen risk lation’s environment. It is my hope that able for periods beyond seasonally-re- while controlling for genetic distance, to this scale will allow for identification of stricted fruiting. We hypothesize that account for the potentially confounding inter- and intra-specific variation, bet- consumers of these items will exhibit effects of phylogenetic autocorrelation. ter criteria for identifying pathological more limited seasonality in feeding pat- Contrary to expectation, the relation- behaviors associated with disturbance, terns. To test this, we studied adult ship between age at weaning food intro- and a clearer understanding of the con- female sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus duction and pathogen risk was linear sequences of environmental degrada- atys) in the Ivory Coast’s Tai forest and negative rather than quadratic. tion on wildlife. In addition, the scale from July 2008 to August 2009 and One explanation for why our analyses may prove useful as a measure of generated monthly diet profiles based did not support the hypothesis is that a anthropogenic change over a single on five minute focal samples. Diets maternal response to increasing disease troop’s history. were compared to phenological data on risk is to redirect energy from breast- The research that generated this idea food trees collected bi-monthly from feeding to the conception of additional was funded by Earthwatch Institute 2005–2010. offspring. Others are that increasing and Conservation International.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 142


The size and shape of life history in ume, surface area of the EDJ, average In all distinguishing characteristics the the hominin fossil record. enamel thickness and relative enamel casts resembled the ichnotaxon Anthro- thickness. Using a combination of Dis- poidipes ameriborealis MELDRUM KIERAN P. MCNULTY. Evolutionary criminant Function Analysis (to dis- 2007. This evidence suggests independ- Anthropology Laboratory, Department of criminate extant hard-object processors ent corroboration of the existence of an Anthropology, University of Minnesota. from other species) and Principal Com- unrecognized bipedal primate species ponents Analysis, we compared our with a circum-Pacific distribution. Deciphering the relationships among of data to published data from 17 anthro- growth, development, and life history is poid species (175 individuals). The DFA Social influence on sex-typical difficult in extant taxa, and nearly yielded a highly significant function behavioral development in wild impossible for fossil species. While den- with post-hoc classification success of Lemur catta. tal histology has provided a crucial tem- 93.8%. The scores of Archaeolemur and poral framework in which juvenile fos- Megaladapis were very different; Propi- STEPHANIE L. MEREDITH. School of sils can be placed, the nature size-shape thecus had intermediate values. Of Human Evolution and Social Change, relationships within these life histories these, only Archaeolemur was classified Arizona State University is still not well understood. Here I pro- as a hard-object processor. For the PCA, vide a simple approach to analyzing two factors captured 96.1% of the var- In primates, species-typical, sexually dif- size and shape in the cranial ontogeny iance; the first (68.9%) correlated ferentiated behavioral development of extant hominines and the fossil homi- strongly with tooth size and the second emerges from a complex system of interac- nin Australopithecus africanus. Using (27.1%) with hard object processing. tions among intrinsic and extrinsic factors exemplar specimens to represent the Factor 2 scores again separated Archae- over the course of a protracted develop- terminal growth form in each species, olemur from Megaladapis at opposite mental period. One important component specimens were related to their exem- extremes; Archaeolemur clustered with of this system is the interaction between plar by the Procrustes distance between Cebus, Cercocebus, Paranthropus, and an individual and its social environment. their 3D landmark configurations. This Homo, while Megaladapis clustered While it is known that outcomes of this provided a measure of how much shape with Gorilla and Gigantopithecus.We interaction will be influenced by other sys- change might still be expected in the conclude that the dietary overlap tem components, the relationship between growth of each juvenile. Size was meas- between Archaeolemur and Megalada- socialization and behavioral sex differen- ured as centroid size of each configura- pis was likely minimal, and that tiation has rarely been investigated in nat- tion, and compared to the exemplar in a Archaeolemur was a capable hard-object ural settings. Here, I present analyses of similar fashion. Bivariate plots of the processor. behavioral data collected from wild Lemur resulting metrics offer a simple illustra- This study was funded by the UMass catta infants (aged 0-11 months, n529), tion of how size and shape are related Natural History Collections David J. juveniles (12-23 months, n58), and adults during ontogeny. Klingener Endowment fund. ( 48 months, n513) during focal animal Results of this research suggest that A. follows over twelve months at Beza Maha- africanus has a size-shape relationship Footprint evidence of the Chinese faly Special Reserve, Madagascar. A suite very similar to that of modern humans. Yeren. of behavioral sex differences developed Interestingly, gorillas also share this well before sexual maturation—a pattern relationship between size and shape JEFF MELDRUM. Department of Biologi- not previously documented. As in adults, during post-M1 ontogeny, whereas the cal Sciences, Idaho State University. juvenile females both directed toward two species of Pan share a different pat- others and received significantly higher tern. These results run counter to what The ‘70s saw a keen interest by the Chi- rates of aggression, and spent more time might be expected from the timing of nese government in the ‘‘snowman ques- grooming new infants than their male dental development. Moreover, they tion.’’ A state-sponsored expedition was peers. During this time, juvenile males suggest that the ontogenetic allometry mounted to central China (Hubei Prov- spent significantly more time in close prox- in the human lineage might be primi- ince) to investigate the possible pres- imity to adult males while juvenile females tive among hominines, with Pan exhib- ence of a correspondingly large bipedal spent significantly more time in close prox- iting a derived condition. hominid, referred to as the Yeren, or imity to their mothers and non-maternal wild man. A team lead by Professor adult females, suggesting that behavioral Dental microstructural confirma- Zhou Gouxing gathered eyewitness sex differentiation may be facilitated by tion of dietary differentiation in accounts, hair samples, and ambiguous sex-specific social association in this spe- extinct lemurs. footprints, but no specimen of Yeren cies. This research identifies potential was retrieved. In 2008 the author met social foundations of sex-typed behavioral LINDSAY R. MEADOR and LAURIE R. with Professor Zhou at the Beijing Mu- development in Lemur catta that can be GODFREY. Department of Anthropology, seum of Natural and proceeded to further investigated in future work, and University of Massachusetts Amherst. Hubei’s Shennongjia National Nature contributes to a nascent, comparative data- Reserve to interview a park ranger, Mr. base of sexually differentiated behavioral Traditional semi-destructive methods of Yuan, who claimed to have observed a development needed for understanding the evaluating Relative Enamel Thickness Yeren in the reserve, at a distance of evolution of primate and, ultimately, have contributed significantly to knowl- approximately 250 m. The site was at human sex-typed behavior. edge of extinct primate diets. Technolog- an elevation of approximately 2100 m in This study was funded by The L.S.B Lea- ical advances now allow researchers to a mosaic of forest and sedge meadows. key Foundation, a Sigma-Xi Grant-in- compile robust 3D datasets utilizing The Yeren, covered in reddish brown Aid- of Research and the Graduate and nondestructive microCT scanning. To hair, was sunning itself. When Yuan Professional Student Association and date, however, few strepsirrhines have called out, it rose and walked away SHESC at Arizona State University. been included in such analyses. Here bipedally. Yuan cast a clear pair of its we present results of our microCT study footprints, which measured approxi- Testing the accuracy of new and of the internal structure of molars of mately 38 cm in length, 16.5 cm across underappreciated adult age estima- one extant (Propithecus verreauxi) and the forefoot, and 10 cm across the heel. tion methods. two extinct (Archaeolemur sp. cf. A. The footprints indicated a plantigrade, edwardsi and Megaladapis edwardsi) pentadactyl foot lacking evidence of CATHERINE E MERRITT. Department lemurs. The degree to which the latter claws. The hallux was larger than the of Anthropology, University of Toronto. two overlapped in diet has been the lateral toes and non-divergent. A mid- subject of recent debate. Data collected tarsal pressure ridge indicated a signifi- Estimating adult skeletal age-at-death included enamel volume, dentine vol- cant degree of flexibility in the midfoot. is an important step in reconstructing

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 143

214 AAPA ABSTRACTS life history and demographic profiles. almost complete sacrum (still unpub- to warrant diagnosis alone. The addi- New and revised age estimation meth- lished). Our study proposes an exhaus- tion of new tools for measuring preva- ods are often published in the litera- tive morphological description of these lence of vitamin D deficiencies can ben- ture, but their use in forensic or bio- bones associated with measurements efit historical analysis, as this disease is archaeological contexts is rarely and a comparison of visual and linear a direct reflection on the cultural and reported. This preliminary study traits. Our comparison material is com- environmental context of the period. applied nine age estimation methods to posed of neandertalian pelvis (Tabun This study was funded by the School of 20 male skeletons (mean age 54.5 yrs, C1, Kebara 2, Feldhofer 1, Krapina 207 Classics, Humanities, and Archaeology range 29-85) from the JCB Grant Col- and 209, La Ferrassie 1) and a large at the University of Edinburgh. lection at the University of Toronto. The sample of French modern pelvis. commonly used Suchey-Brooks and According to preliminary results, the Whole-stride substrate reaction Todd pubic symphysis methods, the illium and ischium fragments, well pre- forces in brachiating siamangs. Lovejoy et al. and Buckberry and served, match the sacrum of Regourdou Chamberlain auricular surface methods, 1 and form a relatively complete pelvis, FANA MICHILSENS1,2, KRISTIAAN and the Iscan et al. fourth rib method allowing us to study morpho-functional D’AOUˆ T1,2 and PETER AERTS1,3. were compared with the newer or less implications. Our analysis shows that 1Department of Biology, University of established Rouge-Maillart et al. acetab- the morphology of the Regourdou 1 pel- Antwerp, Belgium, 2Centre for Research ulum method, the Passalacqua sacrum vis is typical of late Neandertals while and Conservation, Antwerp, Belgium, method, and the Kunos and DiGangi et our metric data point out that it is in 3Department of Movement and Sport al. first rib methods. neandertalian variability. Regourdou 1 Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium. The most accurate age estimation presents characteristics which have al- method was Buckberry and Chamber- ready been described in Kebara 2 or Although brachiation in Hylobatids (gib- lains’, followed by Rouge-Maillart et al., Feldhofer 1 (e.g. the obliquity of the bons and siamangs) has been studied mul- Passalacqua, and Kunos’ methods. antero-inferior iliac spine and the thin- tiple times, until now, whole stride kinetics Suchey-Brooks, Todd, and Lovejoy et ness of the cotylo-sciatic breadth). from brachiation are lacking in the litera- al.’s methods performed admirably, The discovery of a new almost complete ture. Reaction forces of one handhold have while Iscan et al.’s had the worst accu- pelvis from Regourdou 1 opens up new been determined and modeled during racy rating. Most age estimations fell prospects for the study of the morphol- steady brachiation, assuming all hand con- within their 95% confidence interval ogy of Neandertals’ birth canal and its tacts were similar. However, during bra- range. Based on this small sample of obstetrical implications. chiation in a natural environment, locomo- older males, most of the newer meth- tion is often unsteady; hence each hand ods had a higher accuracy rating than A quantitative analysis of residual contact may induce different kinetics. The the more commonly used methods. rickets prevalence in early modern aim of this study is to understand how Newer methods tend to be developed London. hylobatids cope with the complexity of using a higher proportion of older indi- their environment by using an, at first viduals, allowing them to better cate- KATHRYN M. MEYERS. Department of glance, simple pendular mechanism. gorize persons over 50 years rather Anthropology, Michigan State University, We collected more than 200 substrate than lump them into a ‘‘501/601’’ cate- and Department of Archaeology, Univer- reaction force measurements of one to gory. Their higher categorical mean sity of Edinburgh. three consecutive handholds, on three dif- ages reflect this change. Despite the ferent setups, from three siamangs. The improvements, newer methods tend to Rickets is the result of prolonged vita- combined use of three 3D force trans- follow the pattern of over-aging min D deficiency in sub-adults caused ducers and four cameras allows for a younger individuals and under-aging either by a lack of sun exposure or poor total body kinematic and kinetic analysis. older individuals. nutrition. It was first recorded as a sig- Vertical peak forces showed more varia- This study was funded by the Social nificant problem in London during the tion than expected and varied between Sciences and Humanities Research mid-17th century, where contemporary one to four times bodyweight. Data Council, grant 752-2010-2124. medical practitioners described it as were gathered for both continuous con- epidemic. Analysis of the cultural and tact and ricochet brachiation, but inter- Regourdou 1: a new neandertalian environmental changes during this pe- estingly, a lot of strides had a duty fac- pelvis, preliminary study and per- riod supports the recorded decrease in tor very close to 0.5. spectives of functional interpretation. vitamin D synthesis. However, this epi- During a pendular movement it is demic is not substantiated by skeletal expected that the body first accelerates VALENTINE MEYER, JAROSLAV material from London during this era and then decelerates after mid-support. BRUZEK, CHRISTINE COUTURE, especially in adult material where resid- Remarkably the fore-after forces often FRE´ DE´ RIC SANTOS, BRUNO ual markers were lower than expected. showed an opposite pattern in two con- DUTAILLY and BRUNO MAUREILLE. The study of residual rickets has histor- secutive handholds. This means that, Universite´ de Bordeaux, UMR PACEA ically relied upon visual methods of di- although energy recoveries remain sub- 5199, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des agnosis as exemplified by Brickley, stantial (over 50%), siamangs do not Populations du Passe´, Universite´ Bor- Mays and Ives (2010). Diagnosis is pri- always fully use the gravitational deaux 1, France. marily made by the presence of bending induced acceleration and deceleration deformities in the long bones, however cycle during brachiation. Recently, two reconstitutions of a nean- this attribute is only found in the more This study was funded by the National dertalian pelvis and associated func- extreme cases. A new method for quan- Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium) tional implication have been published titative diagnosis of residual rickets and by the Flemish Government with contrary results. Studies with new based on the presence of flaring in the (through the CRC). data are necessary to further investi- distal epiphyses of the radii and femo- gate the question. Two years ago, new rae is proposed. Material was taken Ontogenetic changes in prehensile fragments of pelvis were discovered in from four early modern archaeological tail use by lowland woolly monkeys the collections, from the Regourdou site sites from the Museum of London, and (Lagothrix poeppigii) in Yasunı´ (Montignac, France), of the Muse´e flaring as an indicator of residual rick- National Park, Ecuador. National de Pre´histoire (Les Eyzies-de- ets was assessed based on a number of Tayac, France). measurements. This study shows that EMILY R. MIDDLETON1,2,3, The newly discovered fragments are there is potential for this new method CHRISTOPHER A. SCHMITT1,2,3 and associated with the young adult Regour- to identify more cases of rickets when ANTHONY DI FIORE1,2,3. 1Department of dou 1 whose remains also include an diaphyseal bending is not severe enough Anthropology, New York University, New

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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York, NY, 2New York Consortium in Evolu- In this study, we investigate the role of determine reproductive hormone con- tionary Primatology, New York, NY, age, sex and life-style on entheseal de- centrations. Hormone analyses indi- 3Center for the Study of Human Origins, velopment and modifications. cated that reproductive function of New York, NY. For this purpose, 484 skeletons repre- females living in disturbed areas is sig- senting individuals with known age at nificantly diminished compared to those Although the locomotor and positional death, sex, and profession were ana- living in unlogged areas. Additionally, behaviors of adult lowland woolly mon- lyzed with regard to entheseal modifica- while females in both the logged and keys are well documented, little atten- tions. All the skeletons come from the unlogged areas produced offspring, tion has been paid to the use of locomo- Frassetto collection of Sassari, (Italy, infants in the logged areas experienced tor behaviors by immature members of early 20th century). 23 postcranial higher mortality. This study demon- this species. We investigated locomotor entheses were studied regarding the de- strates the physiological connections profiles of juvenile and subadult Lago- velopment of entheseal robusticity (sur- between habitat quality and female thrix poeppigii in Yasunı´ National Park, face rugosity) and proliferative as well reproduction. Determining how ecologi- Ecuador to explore how individuals of as erosive enthesopathies. The scoring cal factors impact hormones is crucial these age categories navigate their envi- method proposed by Mariotti et al. for understanding how environmental ronment and differ in their locomotor (2004, 2007) was used for the data changes may have impacted females, behaviors. Of particular interest for collection. with implications for human evolution. woolly monkeys are developmental Results indicate age as the main factor This study was funded by NSF-DDIG, changes in use of the prehensile tail, a influencing entheseal modifications. LSB Leakey Foundation, Primate Con- conspicuous apomorphic feature of ate- Sex-related patterns are also evident. servation Inc, The Explorers Club, The lines. To document the postural and However, physical activity only plays Sophie Danforth Conservation Fund, locomotor repertoire of juveniles and a minor role in the expression of the Primate Action Fund, Idea Wild, subadults, we collected focal video sam- observed features, and it appears that and the University of Illinois Graduate ples during June and July 2008 using a robusticity lateralization and modifi- College. Sony Handycam HD digital camcorder. cations of specific attachment sites are Locomotor behavior (general activity, more informative about life-style. locomotor/positional mode, tail usage, Overall, our results indicate that Dietary and anthropometric assess- substrate size, tree zone) was scored, caution is warranted when using skel- ment of nutritional status among post-hoc, from the videos using point etalmarkersasindicatorsofbiome- agriculturalists of Ngilo-Ilo, East samples in 5-s intervals, with over chanical effects in bio-cultural recon- Java. 5,000 point samples scored. structions. Use of the prehensile tail for support AARON A. MILLER1,ETTYINDRIATI2 begins early, as clinging infants wrap The impact of habitat quality on and WILLIAM R. LEONARD1. 1Depart- their tails around their mother’s tail/ reproduction in female red colobus ment of Anthropology, Northwestern Uni- limbs, and increases throughout ontog- monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) versity, Evanston, IL, 2Laboratory of Bio eny as individuals begin to travel inde- in Kibale National Park, Uganda. and Paleoanthropology, Gadjah Mada Uni- pendently. In particular, adults use the versity Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta, prehensile tail to support body weight KRISTA MILICH1, REBECCA Indonesia. during foraging more than subadults STUMPF1 and JANICE BAHR2. and juveniles, suggesting an increasing 1Department of Anthropology, University Since the description of the Flores hom- reliance on the weight-distributing ben- of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, inin remains in 2004, there has been efits of the tail with increasing body 2Department of Animal Sciences, Univer- increased interest in the nutritional size or increasing efficiency of its use. sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ecology and origins of small body size Tail use during locomotor travel was among indigenous populations of Indo- much lower among all age classes and Female mammalian reproduction nesia. Previous research on dietary con- did not follow an ontogenetic trajectory. requires sufficient nutrition to support sumption and energy expenditure Additional research is needed to eluci- the high metabolic and physiological among rural Javanese populations has date the locomotor behavioral strategies costs associated with conception, preg- found high activity levels and marginal of juvenile versus adult Lagothrix nancy, and lactation. Using the endan- energy intakes (eg., Edmundson 1977, individuals. gered red colobus monkey (Procolobus 1979). To further explore aspects of rufomitratus) as a model, we investigate energy balance and nutritional health You can’t tell a book by its cover: the relationship between habitat quality in this region, we collected anthropo- the effects of age, sex and physical and female reproduction. By comparing metric, dietary, and activity data on 84 activity on entheseal changes in groups living in previously logged areas men and 113 women (18-80 years) from an Italian contemporary skeletal of the forest with groups living in the agricultural village of Ngilo-Ilo in collection. unlogged areas of Kibale National Park, East Java. Uganda, our three main objectives were Agriculturists of Ngilo-Ilo are short and MARCO MILELLA1, VALENTINA to determine: 1) the relationship light. Mean (6SE) stature and body MARIOTTI2 and MARIA GIOVANNA between previous logging activity and weights are 159.960.9 cm and 51.861.0 BELCASTRO2. 1Anthropological Institute current habitat quality, 2) the impact of kg, respectively, for men, and 147.760.6 & Museum, University of Zurich, Switzer- habitat quality on female reproductive cm and 45.861.1 kg for women. Body land, 2Laboratory of Bioarchaeology and hormone concentrations, and 3) the mass indexes (BMI) average 20.360.3 Forensic Osteology, Department of Experi- impact of habitat quality on female kg/m2 for men and 20.560.3 kg/m2 for mental Evolutionary Biology, University of reproductive success. women, with 27% of the sample being Bologna, Italy. Focal follows of 40 females in 6 groups underweight (BMI \ 18.5 kg/m2). Die- of red colobus (3 in the logged areas tary energy intakes are significantly Entheses and their pathological modifi- and 3 in the unlogged areas) resulted in lower than daily expenditure levels cations (enthesopathies) are widely used approximately 7000 hours of observa- (1157651 vs. 2303649 kcal/day in men; to infer biomechanical stress differences tion time. Global Positioning System, 887636 vs. 1914635 kcal/day in and to reconstruct specific activities in Geographic Information System, and women; P \ 0.001), in part reflecting past human populations. However, the Remote Sensing technologies were used the fact that measurements were taken multifactorial etiology of these features to create maps of the ground cover in during the ‘‘fasting month following a makes it necessary to critically review each group’s home range. Urine and religious practice’’. Protein intakes are their reliability as skeletal markers of fecal samples were collected and ana- also significantly lower than WHO rec- activity. lyzed using radioimmunoassays to ommendations (31.961.8 vs. 41.460.8 g/

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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216 AAPA ABSTRACTS day in men and 24.061.0 vs. 36.660.9 Auto`noma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, costly, making passive immune transfer g/day in women; P \ 0.001). Barcelona, Spain, 3Division of Neuro- a maternal resource subject to life his- These findings indicate that seasonal science, Yerkes National Primate tory trade-offs. Life history theory gen- nutritional stress remains a persistent Research Center, Emory University, erates hypotheses and predictions gov- problem for agricultural populations of Atlanta, GA, 4Department of Human erning trade-offs between reproduction Indonesia. Future work will explore the Genetics, Emory University School of and the production of passive immunity, health consequences of and possible Medicine, Atlanta, GA, 5Departhment with women seeking to maximize fitness adaptations to such nutritional con- of Pathology, Emory University School by adjusting energetic investment straints. of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. between offspring and somatic mainte- This research was funded by an Inter- nance. This study examines three pre- national Collaboration Research Grant Human cognitive specializations are a dictions derived from life history theory: from the Wenner-Gren Foundation and central focus of physical anthropology, 1) breastmilk immunity will decline Northwestern University. and elucidating changes in gene and over the lactation period, demonstrating protein expression among extant prima- reinvestment in somatic maintenance; Primate tail function: balancing the tes is crucial to understanding how the 2) breastmilk immune production will variables. human brain has evolved. Comparative decline with increasing parity; and 3) genomic studies suggest that humans breastmilk immunity will be associated CHARLOTTE E. MILLER AND DANIEL evolved patterns of gene expression to with maternal energy stores. These pre- SCHMITT. Department of Evolutionary support high levels of synaptic activity dictions were tested in lactating Ariaal Anthropology, Duke University. and plasticity. However, these studies women, a natural fertility population focus mainly on gray matter (GM), from northern Kenya. Two hundred and The function of primate tails in locomo- and recent neuroimaging studies sug- forty five lactating Ariaal women par- tion is poorly understood. While the role gest that functional changes in GM ticipated in anthropometric measure- of prehensile tails is increasingly well are accompanied by reorganization of ment and breastmilk collection. Breast- studied, there are few empirical studies myelin sheaths in the underlying milk was assayed for immunoglobulin A of tail use in balance, and little mention white matter (WM). In this study, we (IgA), the most abundant immune com- of the tail’s potential importance in report that carbonic anhydrase 2 ponent in breastmilk. There was a poly- changing whole body center of mass (CA2), an enzyme involved in the gen- nomial relationship between breastmilk (COM) in the vertical and fore-aft erationandcompactionofmyelin,is IgA with and months postpartum, with planes. We hypothesize that tail move- strongly upregulated at RNA and pro- IgA levels initially declining then ments will fluctuate with the body’s tein levels, presumably in response to rebounding during later lactation. COM in walking, but at higher speeds increased metabolic demands during Extremely parous women had a signifi- and on arboreal substrates tail move- hominin evolution. cant drop in breastmilk IgA, indicating ment will increase to play a greater role Microarrays indicate increased CA2 a cumulative cost of IgA production in balance. The angle and height of the mRNA expression in adult human GM over the reproductive span. However, proximal and distal tail are measured compared to chimpanzees and maca- there was no evidence of an association relative to the tail base during quadru- ques, and is confirmed by polymerase between IgA and maternal body compo- pedal locomotion for a range of arboreal chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Western sition. The talk will conclude by discus- and terrestrial primates (n59 species) blotting of human frontal cortex indi- sing challenges and future directions in on flat ground or a raised horizontal cates that increased message is accom- the study of female reproductive ecology pole. Irrespective of phylogeny, anat- panied by increased levels of CA pro- and immunity. omy, and preferred locomotor substrate, tein, and also indicates that CA2 is This study was supported by NSF Grant we find that primate tails are placed in more abundant in human WM com- Number BCS-0750779 and a Leakey position at the initiation of a locomotor pared to GM. Immunohistochemistry Foundation General Research Grant. bout and remain relatively fixed in the confirms these results and also indi- vertical and fore-aft planes. Variability cates that CA2 is strongly expressed in Putting pieces together again: sta- increases in some primates at higher oligodendrocytes, both in GM and WM. tistical formula for os coxa and speeds and when pole size is very small. The strong expression of CA2 in adult sacrum. Movements in the tail base (and hence human WM agrees with previous stud- body) have little effect on overall tail ies demonstrating that myelination is a MICKI MILLER. Western Michigan position, implying that active mecha- process that continues well into adult- University. nisms may isolate tail movements from hood, and the higher levels of expres- those of the body. We find that it may sion in humans compared to chimpan- Ancient and modern mass graves with be possible to separate the components zees and macaques is consistent with commingled human remains are in need of tail movement related to body move- an increase in human neuronal and of investigation all over the world. Impor- ments and complex social behaviors synaptic activity. tant collections include those of the Holo- from those involved in active control of This study was funded by: JSMF caust, Iraqi Kurds, the Battle of Wisby locomotion, and provide new insight 21002093; NIH RR-00165; NIA/NIH 5P01 and the Titanic (if she is raised), just to into tail function and anatomy in non- AG026423-0; The GWU Cotlow Grant. name a few. One major hindrance to this prehensile species. investigation is the sometimes difficult This study is supported by NSF The reproductive ecology of breast- task of putting individuals back together BCS0452217 and SBR9209004. milk immunity in Ariaal women of again due to postmortem processes that northern Kenya. can take place in and around mass Increased expression of carbonic graves such as fluvial movement, grave anhydrase 2 in frontal cortex in ELIZABETH M MILLER. Department site disturbances or the settling of dirt human evolution. of Anthropology, University of Michi- separating different elements. Many gan, Ann Arbor. bones can be matched by color or general DANIEL J. MILLER1, MARIO fit as belonging to a given individual. But CA´ CERES2, CAROLYN SUWYN3, Women invest significant energy in lac- when these methods do not work due to JAMES W. THOMAS4, REBECCA tation in order to provide their infants investigator bias or inexperience, more ROSEN3 and TODD M. PREUSS3,5. with nutritional and immunological than one element as a possible fit or, 1Department of Anthropology, George support during the first few months of there are no matching colors, a statistical Washington University, Washington, life. Several lines of evidence suggest formula may be helpful. D.C., 2ICREA and Institut de Biotecno- that the generation of immune compo- This study explores the possibility of logia i de Biomedicina, Universitat nents in breastmilk is energetically deriving a formula to statistically match

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 217 both left and right os coxae with its re- ‘‘robusticity complex’’ in extant Homo increase in maize production, mound spective sacrum. Approximately two sapiens. building, larger towns, and the produc- hundred males and two hundred tion of shell-tempered pottery. Changes females from the Hamann-Todd collec- Longitudinal changes in the compo- in religion and mortuary practices were tion housed at the Cleveland Museum sition of milk from Gorilla gorilla. also a component of the spread of MISS of Natural History (CMNH) were exam- culture, but were these changes due to ined. Two different measurements each LAUREN A. MILLIGAN1,2 and cultural diffusion through population were taken from the left and right os MICHAEL L. POWER2,3. 1Department of movement? Our research uses ancient coxa auricular surface and left and Anthropology, University of California, DNA analysis to determine if a popula- right sacro-iliac joint articulation sur- Berkeley, CA, 2Nutrition Laboratory, tion replacement as well as a change in face for a total of eight measurements Smithsonian Conservation Biology Insti- the postmarital residence pattern from each individual. The values were tute, National Zoological Park, Washing- accompanied the transition from the statistically assessed using regression ton, DC, 3Research Department, Late Woodland (LW) to the MISS period formulae. Male regression analysis American College of Obstetricians and in the Lower Illinois River Valley. We results show 76% with a p-value Gynecologists, Washington, DC. focus on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of [0.001. Upon completion, female results from the Schild Cemetery and results are expected to show similar The lack of longitudinal milk composi- Yokem Mounds, which contains burials results. tion data in nonhuman primates pri- from the LW and MISS periods. Genetic marily is due to the fact that milk col- discontinuity was observed in a compar- Patterns of morphological integra- lection generally requires the mother to ison of mtDNA between the MISS tion and modularity in the expres- be separated from her offspring and Schild and the Middle Woodland sion of craniofacial robusticity anesthetized, both of which are mini- Klunk Mounds populations, but the characteristics in extant Homo mized in the wild and captivity. Animal time difference between these two pop- sapiens. care staff at the Smithsonian National ulations is too wide to accurately Zoological Park trained an adult female determine the influence of the MISS STEVEN F. MILLER1 and ROBERT G. Gorilla gorilla to permit unsedated transition. In order to fully evaluate FRANCISCUS1,2. 1Department of Anthro- physical examination, including manual the hypothesis that migration occurred pology, University of Iowa, 2Department expression of the mammary glands. with the diffusion of the MISS culture of Orthodontics, University of Iowa. Milk samples were collected weekly we have included LW Schild and from the offspring’s birth in January Yokem individuals in our standard Within genus Homo, characteristics 2009 through June 2010. Samples were population genetics analysis, as well such as thick cranial vaults and analyzed for protein (n 5 24), fat (n 5 as their MISS counterparts. We also expanded supraorbital, infraorbital, 19), and sugar (n 5 19), including at evaluated the influence of genetic drift temporal, and nuchal regions are col- least one sample from each month of using computer simulation methods. A lectively viewed as aspects of craniofa- lactation, with the goal of documenting comparison of male and female cial robusticity. The work of some the pattern of compositional changes mtDNA diversity from the LW and researchers suggests that these fea- over the course of lactation in G. MISS populations will be used test the tures may be tied to a broader ‘‘robus- gorilla. Protein content was higher and hypothesis that a shift from patrilocal ticity complex’’, in which the expres- more variable in the first 45 days of to matrilocal postmarital residence sion of all of the individual robusticity lactation (1.94 6 0.15% versus 1.0 6 occurred due to the MISS transition. characteristics, or superstructures, of 0.01% , P\.001). In samples after 45 This study was funded by NSF0962759. the cranium are intrinsically linked. If days protein (minimum 5 0.9%, maxi- true, previous studies employing char- mum 5 1.1%) and sugar (minimum 5 Empirical estimates of migration acteristics of craniofacial robusticity 6.7%, maximum 5 7.8%) were relatively rate: case study of Yemen. as independent features could be constant; fat was the most variable called into question. (minimum 5 0.8%, maximum 5 3.3%) AIDA MIRO-HERRANS13,ALIAL- This study investigates patterns of and tended to increase with infant age MEERI2 and CONNIE MULLIGAN3. expression between features of craniofa- (r5.448, p5.071). These compositional 1Genetics and Genomics Graduate Pro- cial robusticity in a geographically changes are similar to those seen in gram, University of Florida, 2Faculty of diverse sample of extant Homo sapiens human milk. Higher protein concentra- Medicine, Sana’a University, 3Department (n5140) using a morphological inte- tion early in lactation may reflect of Anthropology, University of Florida. gration framework in which statisti- increased immunoglobin content and cally significant levels of correlation increases in milk fat later in lactation In order to better understand human between features of craniofacial robus- may reflect inclusion of solid foods in demographic changes, it is necessary to ticity are demonstrative of integration, the offspring’s diet, and thus longer unravel the relationship between physi- while non-significant levels of correla- internursing intervals. Gorilla milk cal human movement and its genetic tion provide evidence for modularity appears remarkably similar to human signal and, furthermore, to identify as independent expressions of these milk on these parameters. appropriate values that describe the traits. Craniofacial robusticity is amount of human movement and move- examined among four specific regions Measuring the genetic affect of the ment of genotypes. Currently there is in our sample: the frontal, zygomaxil- Mississippian transition in the no empirical value that estimates lary, temporal, and occipital regions. Lower Illinois River Valley: an an- migration in human populations, partic- The expression of robusticity among cient DNA analysis. ularly migration as it might have these regions is quantified using 72 occurred 10,000s years ago. In Spring three-dimensional coordinate land- GEORGIA MILLWARD1, JESSICA 2007, we collected over five hundred marks and evaluated via partial least HARRISON1, JENNIFER RAFF2, (n5552) saliva samples with geographic squares regression analysis. FREDERIKA KAESTLE1 and DELLA information of the individuals, their Results show that while levels of inter- COLLINS COOK1. 1Department of An- parents and grandparents in Yemen action between the highlighted areas of thropology, Indiana University, 2Depart- and sequenced HVR1 of the mitochon- craniofacial robusticity are character- ment of Anthropology, University of Utah. drial DNA. We calculated the number of ized by relatively low correlation values, individuals whose birthplace was differ- many of these obtain statistical signifi- The transition to Mississippian (MISS) ent from their mother’s birthplace (n5 cance providing at least partial evidence Culture (1050 AD) brought about 110) and father’s birthplace (n5104), for integration between subunits and many changes to the everyday lives of obtaining similar values for both. We thus the presence of a craniofacial ancient Native Americans, including an calculated the distance between places

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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218 AAPA ABSTRACTS of birth for each individual relative to well as heterogeneity of pathogen im- this change, supported by historical their parents. The average distance munity and mortality. texts, suggests that the large-scale cul- between individuals’ birthplace and tural change was an adaptation to epi- their mothers’ was 66Km and from Multi-proxy approach to deep-time demic disease. This study examines sex their fathers’ was 77Km. These values paleoclimate reconstruction. differentials and the overall mortality allow us to gain insight into how far profile structure of the Amarna com- people in developing countries are mov- ISABEL P. MONTAN˜ EZ. Geology moner cemetery (n 5 208) to assess the ing in one generation. We also calcu- Department, University of California, likelihood of epidemic disease being lated the number of haplotypes for the Davis. present. Age-specific mortality distribu- individuals (n586) and the number of tions are compared to known attritional haplotypes for all samples (n5287). We Study of paleoecologic parameters and catastrophic mortality samples determined the proportion of individu- within a paleoclimate framework per- associated with intense cultural change. als who moved (0.22) and the proportion mits evaluation of the interplay and These comparisons demonstrate that of haplotypes that had moved (0.33) feedbacks between surface and ecosys- the overall structure of the Amarna de- based on those whose birthplace was tem processes. Robust deep-time paleo- mographic profile is consistent with a different from their mother’s. These val- climate reconstructions require a multi- catastrophic mortality sample. For ues allow us to recognize the difference proxy approach involving comparable instance, infants (0-5) constitute 21% of between human physical movement and and complimentary proxies. Mean an- the sample, juveniles (5-15) represent movement estimated from genetic sig- nual continental paleotemperatures 18.7%, and young adults (15-25) com- nals. These data provide a starting have been assessed using organic and prise 20.6% of the sample. Younger indi- point to understanding migration using mineral proxies including fossil leaf pat- viduals should be the least represented empirical demographic and genetic terns and physiognomy, lake sediment in attritional mortality samples and data. pollen distributions, and the oxygen generally constitute the healthiest indi- This study was funded by NSF, Grant (and hydrogen) isotope compositions of viduals in the population. Sex differen- BCS-0518530. biogenic hydroxyapatites and soil- tials determine if mortality was greater formed carbonates, phyllosilicates and in one sex and the resulting affect on Fe-oxides. Promising new directions the overall distribution. Females out- Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) include the use of ‘clumped-isotope ther- number males 1.14:1 and peak later and age at death (AAD) at medieval mometry’ of paleosol carbonates and than males within the 25-35 year age St Gregory’s Priory and cemetery, biomarkers of lacustrine Archaea and group. While initial observations sug- Canterbury, UK. fossil soil microbes. gest females show elevated risks of Lacustrine records have long provided dying, ANOVA shows it to be not signifi- JUSTYNA MISZKIEWICZ and PATRICK high-resolution continuous time-series cant. Mortality rates, indiscriminate of MAHONEY. School of Anthropology and of regional hydroclimates. Fossil soil sex, at Amarna appear to reflect an Conservation, University of Kent, Canter- morphologies coupled with major ele- acute mortality crisis resulting in a cat- bury. ment chemistry yield quantitative esti- astrophic mortality pattern; supporting mates of mean annual precipitation and the idea that epidemic disease could Studies of linear enamel hypoplasia seasonality that are consistent with have affected the traditional Egyptian (LEH) are widely employed in assess- independent paleobotanical estimates. way of life during the Amarna period. ments of health status of prehistoric The oxygen isotopic values of soil- populations. The majority of research formed minerals are also reliable trac- Parallelism in primate brain expan- has focused on LEH as a permanent ers of soil- and meteoric water, and in sion has a conserved genetic basis. mark of childhood pathophysiological turn, regional hydrologic processes. The ‘‘stress’’, though specific causation of the hydrogen and carbon isotope composi- STEPHEN H MONTGOMERY1, pathology has not been established, cre- tions of leaf wax biomarkers show ISABELLA CAPELLINI2,CHRIS ating a multifaceted means of stress ex- promise as proxies of paleo-aridity and VENDITTI3, ROBERT A BARTON2 and amination. Here, we examined LEH in aridity-induced plant metabolic NICHOLAS I MUNDY1. 1Department of human burials from St Gregory’s Priory changes. Where available, the textural Zoology, University of Cambridge, 2Evolu- and adjacent cemetery, dating to the and geochemical compositions of stalag- tionary Anthropology Research Group, medieval period in Canterbury, UK. The mites are proving to be powerful record- Department of Anthropology, Durham cemetery and Priory burials represented ers of changes in regional air tempera- University, 3School of Biological Sciences, lower (n530) and higher status (n519) ture and effective moisture that can be University of Reading. social groups, respectively. precisely dated. Lastly, paleoatmo- Linear enamel hypoplastic defects were spheric pCO2 can be estimated using in- The expansion of the brain is a major counted on mandibular and maxillary dependent and complimentary CO2 hallmark of primate evolution. How- anterior permanent teeth. The age and proxies: the stomatal-index method for ever, whether brain expansion is limited sex of each skeleton was estimated fossil leaves and the stable isotope com- to a few lineages or is a ubiquitous using standard methods. Differences in positions of soil carbonate and goethite. trend across the primate phylogeny is LEH, and AAD, were sought between Additionally, the fossil leaf stomata not clear. Using phylogenetic methods the social groups. Results indicate a sig- approach shows promise as an effective and published datasets of brain size we nificantly greater prevalence of LEH in paleoaltimetry proxy. have reconstructed the evolutionary tra- the cemetery (mean517.6) compared to jectories of brain size in primates. Our the Priory (mean57.9; t5-3.03, df546, Exploring catastrophic mortality results show that, from a small-brained p50.002). Adult age at death was also during the Amarna Period in An- ancestor, brain size has increased multi- significantly lower in the cemetery cient Egypt (BC 1351-1334). ple times independently across primate (mean539.8years) compared to the Pri- lineages. However, despite a general ory burials (mean544.1years; t52.275, ROBERT TAYLOR MONTGOMERY and trend to expand, brain size does df547, p50.013). JEROME C. ROSE. Department of An- decrease in some lineages. Results indicate that childhood stress thropology, University of Arkansas. We subsequently explored whether the may reflect adult mortality in this sam- parallel evolution of increased brain ple, and that the wellbeing of individu- The Amarna Period in Egypt (BC 1351- size is due to parallelism at the molecu- als from diverse social backgrounds can 1334) is characterized by the relocation lar level by sequencing six genes with be successfully assessed via LEH stud- of the political and religious capitals to known roles in neurogenesis across 21 ies. Results are discussed in terms of a virgin location and an abrupt change species, representing all major clades of the multifactorial etiology of LEH, as in religion and art. One hypothesis for anthropoids. Using molecular tests for

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 148

AAPA ABSTRACTS 219 selection, we show that these loci have This study was funded by the Max tion of the ilium relative to the acetabu- been under pervasive positive selection Planck Society and NESPOS lum. Among living and fossil primates it across anthropoids. Furthermore we is least unlike Proconsul nyanzae, found that the molecular evolution of sev- Bone tapping in several Upper Mid- although exhibiting some probable eral of these genes, including two micro- west archaeological populations: derived features. This is the seventh S. cephaly genes (ASPM and CDK5RAP2), an osteological and experimental indicus postcranial element recovered is positively associated with brain size. analysis. from the Chinji Formation, and the first This association is stronger with neonatal innominate for the genus. Size suggests brain size than adult brain size, suggest- MEGAN MORAN1 and KATHLEEN that it is female, likely between 20–25 ing a role in prenatal development that is BLUE2. 1Department of Anthropology, kg. The fossil has a very robust linea consistent with a direct effect on neuro- Minnesota State University, Mankato, arcuata and a smaller ischial tuberosity nal proliferation. Interestingly, ASPM 2Department of Anthropology, Minne- than cercopithecoids and hylobatids. The shows a negative association with brain sota State University, Mankato. iliac fossa is relatively broader than P. size in the Callitrichidae, a family in nyanzae but is unlike extant great apes. which brain and body size has secondar- Bone tapping is a postmortem modifica- The innominate is compatible with the ily decreased. This study demonstrates tion of human remains seen in several inference that S. indicus was primarily that brain expansion has occurred in par- precontact peoples of the Upper Mid- arboreal and had a varied locomotor allel across primates and that the genetic west. Previous analyses of bone tapping repertoire consisting of both pronograde basis of brain size evolution may be in these groups have primarily looked quadrupedalism and occasional antipro- conserved. at the archaeological aspects of the phe- nograde activities such as vertical nomenon. Preliminary osteological anal- climbing. The extent to which the speci- Premolar root variation in Pan ysis of sites from western Minnesota men helps resolve the degree of postcra- and its implications for hominin and Wisconsin suggest that almost all nial homoplasy between Pongo and the systematics. individuals exhibiting tapping are African apes remains unclear. adults, with a majority being males. N. COLLIN MOORE, MATTHEW M. Bone tapping is most commonly seen in SKINNER and JEAN-JACQUES femora, followed by humeri and tibiae. Ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in HUBLIN. Department of Human Evolu- The average dimensions for the perfora- long bones of gorilla. tion, Max Planck Institute for Evolu- tions include a length of 17.5cm and NAOKI MORIMOTO, MARCIA S. tionary Anthropology, Leipzig. width of 8.5cm. In some of the sites, ´ similar numbers of perforations occur PONCE DE LEON and CHRISTOPH P.E. ZOLLIKOFER. Anthropological Variation in premolar tooth root number on the distal and proximal ends of the Institute, University of Zurich, Switzer- and morphology plays a central role in bones, while other sites show a prefer- land. hominin systematics. The goal of this ence toward tapping of the distal bone study is to document variation in maxil- ends. Tapping is generally seen in only Among great apes, gorillas show the most lary and mandibular premolar root mor- a small subset of a given population. pronounced sexual dimorphism. Several phology in a large sample of Pan to es- In addition to the osteological analysis, morphometric analyses document how cra- tablish expected levels and types of var- this study includes an experimental as- niofacial dimorphism is brought about dur- iation in fossil hominin taxa. This study pect. Femora from Bos taurus were ing ontogeny. However, comparatively lit- employs high resolution computed to- used as a proxy for human bones and tle is known about the ontogeny of sexual mography to assess external root form tapped at intervals spanning from the dimorphism in the postcranium, because and the distribution of root canals day of death to two months postmortem long bone morphology and associated tra- within each premolar. For each premo- using a stone tool similar to that used jectories of ontogenetic shape change are lar, the number of roots and canals was archaeologically. The experimental work difficult to quantify. In this study, three- scored on a categorical scale and both suggests that tapping occurred in the dimensional data of Gorilla g. gorilla fem- jaw and tooth size measurements were perimortem period based on the appear- ora are acquired using medical CT and recorded to test for a correlation ance of hinge fractures and embedded micro CT technology. Cross-sectional fea- between size and root form. bone fragments. However, this study tures (i.e., external radius, surface curva- CT scans of premolars representing 51 Pan also suggests that temperature fluctua- ture, and cortical bone thickness) are troglodytes verus (46 maxillae/21 mandi- tions, season of death, and location/ measured and visualized along the entire bles from 24 males/20 females/7 unknown) placement of the remains may greatly length of the diaphysis, and from infant were segmented to produce virtual mod- impact the timeframe during which the stages to adulthood, utilizing Elliptical els. Root number and canal number bone displays a ‘‘green bone’’ response, Fourier Analysis and methods of morpho- were recorded for each specimen and thereby complicating any estimations of metric mapping. Morphometric maps are measurements included root volume, the exact timing of the phenomenon further processed with a combination of 2- surface area, and length(s) including archaeologically. dimensional Fourier analysis and multi- standard linear dimensions of the max- variate analysis of shape. Our results show illa and mandible. Kruskal-Wallace and New middle Miocene hominoid par- that males and females share ontogenetic Mann-Whitney statistics were used to tial innominate from the Siwalik patterns, but that males follow an test whether jaw and/or tooth size dif- sequence of Pakistan. extended ontogenetic trajectory. Diaphys- fered between premolars with different eal shape variation that is independent of root and canal configurations. ` 1 MICHELE E. MORGAN , JOHN C. ontogeny and sex was also examined. The results indicate a considerable differ- 1,2 1,2 BARRY and DAVID PILBEAM . Theseanalysesindicateconsiderableintra- ence in the degree of variation in root form 1 Peabody Museum of Archaeology and specific variation in muscular topography. and canal number depending on premolar Ethnology, Harvard University, 2Depart- position which has implications for inter- ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, preting the significance of variation within Harvard University. Luminance contrasts and the the hominin fossil record. No relationship adaptive advantage of monochro- was found between jaw size and root/canal A partial left innominate identified as matic vision in a nocturnal exuda- number. The correlation between root/ Sivapithecus indicus has been recovered tivorous primate. canal number is not always clear from from the Chinji Formation, Potwar Pla- external examination, highlighting the im- teau, dated at 12.3 Ma. Cranial and cau- GILLIAN L. MORITZ1 and NATHANIEL portance of examining canal number when dal portions are missing, but original J. DOMINY1,2. 1Department of Biological characterizing root morphology in extant dimensions can be estimated, along with Sciences, Dartmouth College, 2Depart- and fossil taxa. the degree of iliac flare and the orienta- ment of Anthropology, Dartmouth College

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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It has been suggested that the energetic case of Cercocebus enlargement of the dence indicates that females have greater cost of maintaining functional short (S-) P4, are hypothesized to represent taste sensitivity than males. Future opsin pigments might exceed the adapt- adaptations to a high-attrition diet. We research on food preference/selection in ive advantages of dichromatic vision contrasted macroscopic wear in these Cebus is expected to show sex specific under scotopic conditions. Such a view species to evaluate the null hypothesis behaviors similar to those observed in is supported by the convergent evolu- that patterns of attrition between Homo and Pan. tion and prevalence of monochromatic them would be similar, despite dietary This study was funded by MU-Advance. vision among nocturnal primates. For differences. advocates of this hypothesis, the exis- We measured attrition as the proportion The roles of immunity in human life- tence of functional S-opsin pigments in of exposed dentine area to dental crown history trade-offs and evolution. species such as tarsiers is taken as evi- area for P4-M3 in adult Cercocebus (n5 dence of a recent adaptive shift from 16) and Procolobus (n518) of both MICHAEL MUEHLENBEIN. Depart- diurnality to nocturnality. Yet recently, sexes. Dentine exposure on P4 relative ment of Anthropology, University of a signature of purifying selection at the to attrition on M1 scales similarly in the Indiana, Bloomington. S- and M-opsin gene loci was reported two taxa; however, at a given proportion for the aye-aye, a nocturnal primate. of dentine loss on the molars, Cercoce- Immunological research has traditionally For such species, the advantages of bus displays relatively more attrition on focused on clinical and molecular studies detecting chromatic signals or cues are the P4. Variation in P4 attrition is to characterize the structure and function unknown; further, the tasks in which higher in Cercocebus. The finding of of various immune responses used for allo- luminance cues alone might explain absolutely greater wear on M3 versus stasis. More recently, the study of ecologi- S-opsin inactivation are also unknown. M1 is never observed in Cercocebus, but cal immunology has focused on explicating Recently, the ecological advantages of it is occasionally observed in Procolo- the physiological and ecological determi- detecting luminance contrasts has been bus. These data compel rejection of the nants of variation in immune functions shown for diurnal, frugivorous prima- null hypothesis and provide evidence of and ultimately the fitness consequences of tes, but scarcely anything is known for different utilization of individual teeth this variation. One broad perspective is nocturnal species. To address these in the two taxa. that because immunocompetence is an in- issues, we measured the spectral reflec- Supported by National Science Founda- tegral part of organismal life histories, it is tance of foods consumed by Galago sene- tion grants BCS-0922429, 0921770, and involved in physiological trade-offs with galensis braccatus, Tarsius bancanus, 60017683. other functions. Several studies in humans and T. syrichta. Next, we used irradi- now conclude that development, mainte- ance spectra under twilight, full moon, Behavioral and ecological conse- nance and activation of immune responses and new moon conditions to calculate quences of sex based differences in generate a substantial energetic burden. theradiancespectrumofeachfood taste bud densities in Cebus apella. Furthermore, increased metabolic objectandtoestimatetherelative demands during infection are met largely quantum catches for each species. The MAGDALENA N. MUCHLINSKI and through the actions of various hormones results of our models suggest that Gal- SYLVIA M. PAESANI. Department of and immune factors. In fact, many mole- ago, a monochromat, can subsist on Anatomy and Pathology, Marshall Uni- cules exhibit pleiotropic actions on meta- luminance contrasts alone. Accord- versity Joan C. Edwards School of Med- bolic, immune and reproductive func- ingly, when the luminance contrasts of icine. tions, including thyroid hormones, cyto- critical stimuli are high, natural selec- kines, glucocorticoids, and androgens. tion might favor the loss of S-opsin Fungiform papillae (FP) are the only gus- The present paper reviews the evidence pigments. tatory structures on the anterior tongue. for metabolic costs of immunity in This study was funded by Sigma Xi and Taste buds (TBs), which are located in humans, trade-offs between immune the David and Lucile Packard Founda- FP, house taste receptors. In humans, FP activation and growth/reproduction in tion. and TB densities correlate with taste sen- humans, and those studies which sitivity and food preferences. Homo, Pan, attempt to identify the proximate endo- Dental attrition patterns in two and Cebus females have higher FP den- crinological moderators of immune func- cercopithecid species from Tai for- sities than males. Homo, Pan,andCebus tions. Understanding the precise ener- est, Ivory Coast. have larger brains, slow development, getic costs of acute immune activation in and higher offspring investment com- adults will facilitate better treatment PAUL MORSE1, DAVID DAEGLING2, pared to most primates. An increase in plans for metabolic dysregulation during SCOTT MCGRAW3, RYAN COVEY4 and maternal investment places an intense illness, and a more complete understand- ELEANOR SHRIVER5. 1,2Department pressure on females to (1) obtain high- ing of the immunomodulatory actions of of Anthropology, University of Florida, quality foods, and (2) detect potential tox- hormones will benefit clinicians who uti- 3,5Department of Anthropology, Ohio ins at low levels. Higher FP densities in lize hormone supplementation to treat a State University, 4Conservation Ecology, females may be a foraging adaptation for variety of conditions. Furthermore, Oxford Brookes University. pre/post natal development. This study results suggest that ‘‘feeding a cold, and examines sex differences in TB densities starving a fever’’ may be appropriate Sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys)of in Cebus.TBscanbeusedtoevaluate advice given that different immune func- the Tai forest obtain most of their food differences in taste sensitivity. We asked tions elicited by different pathogens have – including several species of hard seeds the following questions: (1) do males have different energetic and nutritional needs. – from the ground. Among the cranio- fewer FP, but more TBs than females, (2) Funded by Indiana University-Bloo- dental adaptations to hard-object feed- do males have fewer FP and TBs than mington and University of Wisconsin- ing are enlarged P4s and thick molar females, and (3) do males have fewer FP, Milwaukee. enamel. The most frequently consumed but match females in the TB count? TBs foods, Sacoglottis gabonensis seeds, are were counted on four female and six Dental pathology and dental mor- processed using incision and powerful male C. apella tongues. Tongues were phology in Osteoware. isometric biting on the postcanine teeth. embedded, serially sectioned, and stained Sympatric red colobus (Procolobus bad- with hematoxylin-and-eosin. Females DAWN M. MULHERN. Department of ius) contrast sharply with Cercocebus have 1-5TB/FP, averaging around 4TB/ Anthropology, Fort Lewis College, by being main canopy foragers. While FP. Male values range between 0-2TB/FP, Durango, CO. hard objects are not unknown in the and average 1 TB/FP. Furthermore, there Procolobus diet, their prevalence is far are notable size differences in FP. Recording dental pathology and dental below that observed among the Tai Females have larger FP and higher FP morphology using written forms is cum- mangabeys. Thick enamel, and in the and TB densities. The anatomical evi- bersome and inefficient. Osteoware pro-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 221 vides a simple interface that allows fast possibility of subspecies or species. Nine earlyinontogeny,whichmaybe and accurate recording of dental data. facial mask differences were significant related to seasonal food shortages Dental pathology including carious in demarcating species. These nine fea- among Late Pleistocene populations. lesions, abscesses, hypoplastic lesions, tures influenced the amount of white as well as cultural modifications can be visible on the face, supporting the idea Temporal patterning within the recorded. The method for scoring hypo- that contrasting color patterns aid in Tipu cemetery based on fluoride- plastic lesions and modification is con- species recognition. Similar facemask ion electrode analysis: demographic sistent with Standards for Data Collec- patterns significantly clustered together and health implications. tion from Human Skeletal Remains by geographic regions (E 5 0.07, F (14, (Buikstra and Ubelaker, 1994). The 88) 5 17.5, p .05). Based on facemask NICOLE MUSSELWHITE1. University choices for scoring carious lesions and differences and geographic boundaries, of Southern Mississippi. abscesses have been expanded in Osteo- our results support the classification of ware compared to Standards, providing three subspecies of Bornean lorises: N. This project ascertains the sequence of greater flexibility in scoring location m. menagenis found in the north of Bor- burials using fluorine analysis at the Co- and severity. Osteoware further facili- neo, N. m. borneanus in central Borneo lonial Maya site of Tipu in order to tates accurate scoring of dental pathol- and N. m. bancanus of the South of explore demographic and other cultural ogy by modifying the available pathol- Borneo. effects associated with European contact. ogy categories based on the dental in- This study was funded by the Primate The cemetery at Tipu in west central Bel- ventory for each tooth. Society of Great Britain, Primate Action ize, dating from within the first century Dental morphological data collection is Fund, Primate Conservation Inc., and of Spanish contact, has provided one of based on the Arizona State University The Margot Marsh Biodiversity grant. the largest and best preserved ancient Dental Anthropology System. Ideally, Maya skeletal series, with over 500 buri- the ASU dental casts should be used in A comparative study of the occur- als recovered. These interments have conjunction with Osteoware. All of the rence of transverse radiopaque undergone general bioarchaeological anal- descriptions for dental morphological lines in archaic, early modern, and ysis, but thus far, there has been no traits are provided in Osteoware and Holocene human populations. meanstoevaluatehowdemographic, are taken directly from the ASU System health, and activity patterns might have (Turner, Nichol, and Scott, 1991). For JORDON MUNIZZI1, LIBBY changed over time. This is of interest each morphological trait, text boxes COWGILL2, TOSHA DUPRAS1 and given the rapid culture change associated appear next to the appropriate teeth in JOHN SCHULTZ1. 1Department of An- with this time period, especially since the a diagram of the dental arcade so scores thropology, University of Central Flor- site underwent large fluctuations in pop- can be entered quickly and easily. This ida, 2Department of Anthropology, ulation size due to immigration from the presentation demonstrates the proce- University of Missouri. Northern Yucatan. By measuring fluoride dure for recording dental pathology and ion levels within the sample using an morphology using Osteoware through Transverse radiopaque lines (TRL’s) are electrode, a relative chronology was several case studies. a hard-tissue pathology which develop determined using both horizontal and Osteoware is supported by grants from in subadult long bones after episodes of vertical location to test for patterning. the National Center for Preservation nonspecific stress such as nutritional or The overall range of fluorine levels was and Technology and Training (NCPTT), metabolic insult. This pathology is well not marked, reflecting the relatively short National Park Service, and the Smith- documented in archaeological contexts use of the cemetery from 1541-1704. Vari- sonian Web 2.0 Fund. and is used as a tool for making paleo- ation in fluorine levels allowed for the demographical inferences about the determination of the cemetery’s spatial Facial mask markings used to general health of populations. Stable partitioning and documented changes in reveal taxonomic differences in the isotope studies have suggested that demographic distribution and mortuary Bornean slow loris (Nycticebus early modern humans were exploiting a practices, including burial orientation menagensis). wide range of dietary resources by the and stacking of interments. In particular, mid-Upper Paleolithic, while Neander- these findings have helped further the RACHEL A. MUNDS1, K.A.I. tals appear to have utilized a narrower understanding of the roles of gender and NEKARIS1 and SUSAN M. FORD2. spectrum of resources, expending more status within the cemetery at Tipu, espe- 1Nocturnal Primate Research Group, energy on large game. This may be a cially over time. Oxford Brookes University, 2Depart- significant factor in differential survival ment of Anthropology, Southern Illinois success; Neandertals might have been 3D modelling to analyze heat dissi- University. more susceptible to seasonal resource pation on fossil endocasts. fluctuations and may have suffered A better understanding of subtle mor- increased nutritional and metabolic FABIO MUSSO1, JOSE´ MANUEL DE phological disparities, such as pelage stress as a result. LA CUE´ TARA2 and EMILIANO pattern and color variation, vocal cues, This study will evaluate differences in BRUNER2. 1Universidad de Burgos, and genetics have aided in elucidating the frequency and timing of TRL’s among Burgos, Spain, 2Centro Nacional de the true number of nocturnal primates three Pleistocene and Holocene subadult Investigacio´n sobre la Evolucio´n over the past decade. Such an example populations. Radiographs of the tibial dis- Humana, Burgos, Spain. can be noted within slow lorises (genus tal shafts of 200 archaic, early modern, Nycticebus), which were once comprised and Holocene humans were scored as dis- Brain evolution in the human genus is of only two species, but taxonomic stud- playing or not displaying TRL’s. TRL’s associated with a definite increase in ies revealed an array of speciation, were counted, and age-at-formation was metabolic expenditure. Currently, there is resulting in the recognition of three calculated. Kruskal–Wallis nonparamet- no agreement on the existence of specific additional species. Diversity is still ric tests were used to compare the fre- cooling mechanisms in Homo sapiens to being noted in the newly described spe- quency of occurrence of TRL’s and age- balance the heat production related to cies, such as the Bornean loris (N. at-formation among the three groups. such high metabolic rates. At the same menagensis). With extreme differences Results indicate that archaic humans time there is little information on the in adult facial masks and the geo- developed more TRL’s than early and thermoregulatory biology of the brain graphic barriers isolating the popula- Holocene humans, and they formed mass in our own species. Cortical and tions, a taxonomic study was justified. those TRL’s earlier in life. This is con- meningeal vessels have been hypothes- Bornean loris museum specimens and sistent with other research indicating ised to have a functional role in this photographs were used to study facial that Neandertal populations experi- sense, as suggested by anatomical differ- morphological differences to assess the enced high levels of non-specific stress ences among fossil hominids. Here, we

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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222 AAPA ABSTRACTS present a model to analyze heat disper- cantly. Methodological factors of land- sity of Missouri, 3Department of An- sion on fossil endocasts, as function of mark variability, scale and measure- thropology, University of North brain geometry and basic physical proper- ment error, and parallax explain the Carolina Wilmington. ties associated with heat conduction. discrepancies between the two measure- Combining digital imaging and numerical ment methodologies. This study documents and interprets integration techniques, we used the heat patterns of long bone growth in a Late equation to quantify heat dynamics on Self-selected walking speeds: do Missippian sample from the Campbell the surface of fossil endocasts, dividing females and males carrying chil- site (23PM5) (ca. AD 1350 to 1540), the space in a three dimensional cubic dren choose differently? Pemiscott County, Missouri. Occupants lattice. After CT-based endocasts recon- of the site were sedentary, maize agri- struction and voxel-based 3D model ren- MARCIE MYERS1, ANNA MYHRE1, culturalists. Sedentary, agricultural life- dering, we find numerically the station- MELVINA KPANQUOI1, LAURA styles are associated with increases in ary heat distribution on the regular lat- STEARNS1, KELSEY BOEFF1 and chronic infection and dietary deficiency. tice defined by the voxels. Although this CARA WALL-SCHEFFLER2. 1Depart- Stressors of this nature often negatively study rely only on raw geometry without ment of Biology, St. Catherine Univer- impact longitudinal growth. Several considering further anatomical or histo- sity, 2Department of Biology, Seattle interrelated hypotheses are tested to logical elements, some differences Pacific University. better understand how such environ- between modern humans, Neandertals, mental processes impacted longitudinal and Australopithecines merits attention. Determining the metabolic cost and move- growth at the Campbell site. First, it is Advantages and limits of the method are ment consequences of child-carrying is crit- predicted that the rate of growth at discussed accordingly. ical to our understanding of human evolu- Campbell will be reduced when com- This study was funded by the Program tion. Current hypotheses of behavioral pared to groups with lesser rates of GR. 249, Junta de Castilla y Leo´n interactions within early human popula- infection and wider dietary breadth. (Spain), by the Project CGL2009-12703- tions suggest that female and/or male rela- Percentages of achieved growth and age C03-01 Ministero de Ciencia e Innova- tives might have helped mothers of small will significantly differ between the cio´n (Spain), and by the Fundacio´n children carry their offspring for periods of Campbell site and comparative samples. Duques de Soria. time, effectively transferring to these Maximum diaphyseal lengths of the hu- mothers more energy for breast-feeding or merus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia Replication of standard caliper future reproduction. To determine how were collected from all available individ- measurements using photo imaging child-carrying affects the free walking uals from the Campbell site (n5132). software: a case study using tempo- speed choices of adults as a function of sex Comparative data were derived from four romandibular fossa metrics. and task, we calculated the walking speed samples, which span a diverse selection of 6 females and 6 males as they walked of time periods and subsistence strat- EVAN MUZZALL, MEADOW around the perimeter of a gym while per- egies: Japan (Jomon, forager), Alaska CAMPBELL, RYAN CAMPBELL, forming 12 tasks in a randomized order. (Point Hope, forager), Kulubnarti (Nubia, ELLIOTT C. FORSYTHE, LAUREN Tasks consisted of all combinations of 3 agriculturalists) and Mistihalj (Bosnia- A. FORSYTHE and ROBERT loading conditions – carrying a 10kg tod- Herzegovina, pastoralists). Age was esti- CORRUCCINI. Department of Anthro- dler-proportioned manikin on the should- mated on the basis of dental eruption and pology, Southern Illinois University, ers or hip, or a comparable mass around formation. The results of this analysis Carbondale, IL. the waist – and 4 walking speed directives indicate that individuals at the Campbell (‘‘slowest’’, ‘‘walk-all-day’’, ‘‘brisk’’, and site differed in their patterns of growth, ImageJ photo imaging software is used to ‘‘fastest’’ walks). We found that speed cate- particularly from the hunter-gatherer test the hypothesis that standard sliding gory (p\.0001), sex (p 5 0.08), and the samples. In general, Campbell juveniles caliper measurements can be consistently interaction of sex and speed (p\.0001) were smaller and delayed in relative replicated using measurements taken affected free-walking speed, but not load- growth of long bones. from digital photographs. Left and right ing condition (General Linear Model). For This study was funded by the Univer- anterior, posterior, and lateral measure- all loading conditions, females walked sig- sity of Missouri-Columbia Undergradu- ments were taken on the temporomandib- nificantly faster than males (or marginally ate Research Mentorship Fellowship. ular fossae of one-hundred and nine indi- so)atallbutthefastestspeedcategory, viduals from the Hamann-Todd Osteologi- with the sex difference decreasing with Prediction of the timing of catch-up cal Collection. Pencil marks were used to speed (14, 11, and 7 % difference from slow- for children with delayed skeletal identify landmarks for caliper measure- est to brisk walk). At the two fastest speed maturation. ments and were then erased and one categories, free-walking speed was slower basicranial photograph of each individual for hip than for shoulder carrying. RAMZI W. NAHHAS1,DANAL. was taken to scale using a digital camera. Although the carrying task was a larger DUREN1,2, RICHARD J. SHERWOOD1,3, The landmarks were then reestablished burden for the females due to their smaller ROGER M. SIERVOGEL1,3,STEFAN using only the images, and the same body mass, females consistently chose A. CZERWINSKI1, WM. CAMERON measurements were taken on the same faster walking speeds than males. CHUMLEA1,3 and BRADFORD individuals. A paired samples t-test is This study was funded by 3M Faculty/ TOWNE1,3. 1Lifespan Health Research conducted to investigate the replicability Student Collaborative Grant #212607 Center, Department of Community Health, of the two measurement methodologies. (Center of Excellence for Women, Sci- Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright Results demonstrate that the left and ence, and Technology), the Office of Col- State University, Dayton, OH, 2Depart- right photographic anterior measure- laborative Undergraduate Research, ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Boonshoft ments (articular tubercle to temporal and the Endowed Professor in the Sci- School of Medicine, Wright State Univer- spine) differ significantly from the cali- ences at St. Catherine University, St. sity, Dayton, OH, 3Department of Pedia- per measurements. Left and right lat- Paul, Minnesota. trics, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright eral measurements (articular tubercle State University, Dayton, OH. to postglenoid process) from the digital Growth velocity and percent of images do not differ significantly from achieved adult growth of juveniles Normal variation in skeletal maturity the caliper measurements. Left poste- at the Campbell site. can yield a skeletal age (SA) that differs rior measurements (posterior tubercle from chronological age (CA) by a few to temporal spine) based on the images ASHLEY NAGEL1, LIBBY COWGILL2 years without being considered patho- do not differ significantly from the cali- and DANIEL TEMPLE3. 1Department logical. Some children with delayed per measurements, although the right of Anthropology, University of Missouri, maturation (SA \ CA) remain delayed posterior measurements differ signifi- 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- for a number of years, while others

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 223 catch up to their peers (SA 5 CA) rela- phenylalanine showed little 15N-enrich- type, artifacts deposits...) in order to tively quickly. We hypothesize that the ment. However, at the coastal site of properly interpret the results. probability of such ‘‘catch-up matura- the Okhotsk Culture, unexpected d15N Most variables clearly indicate a key tion’’ varies with CA and SA. SA was variability of phenylalanine was transition in the cemetery composition assessed using the FELS Method for observed for marine faunal species. with the settlement of the monk, toward 19,240 hand-wrist radiographs from the Because most of the marine species are high status individuals. In addition, the Fels Longitudinal Study of 626 boys migratory, we think that the variability political and economical consequences of and 590 girls born 1921-2001, aged 1m- reflects the isotopic differences of nitro- the 14th century’s turmoil resulted in a 18y. We predicted future SA using mul- gen sources between oceanic regions. In major degradation of health and tivariate regression and an empirical addition, several factors such as ocean increased mortality for local populations. method of trajectory matching to illus- currents and differences in tools and trate the range of future patterns of strategies for procuring marine animals A finite element analysis of the skeletal maturity among children with might relate to the observed isotopic dif- catarrhine sixth cervical vertebra: similar SA histories. ferences between these periods. a preliminary investigation of sta- Our data suggest that, for those who We have developed a range of new bility hypotheses. are delayed in skeletal maturation, the methods for quantitatively evaluating probability of catching up to one’s CA- the consumption of marine protein THIERRA K. NALLEY. School of matched peers increases prior to the av- using the d15N values of glutamic acid Human Evolution and Social Change, erage age of onset of the pubertal and phenylalanine. By applying these Institute of Human Origins, Arizona growth spurt in stature (10.7y for boys, methods to above samples, we estimated State University. 8.7y for girls). This probability that the coastal Jomon and the Okhotsk decreases prior to the average age at Culture populations obtained approxi- Morphological variation in the anthropoid peak height velocity (13.8y for boys, mately 70-80% and 60-100% of their di- lower cervical spine has been linked to dif- 11.5y for girls), and then increases etary protein from marine resources, ferences in positional behavior, but hypothe- again (since all individuals eventually respectively. In contrast, it seems that ses examining how this variation reflects reach the mature state). Our findings the inland Jomon population consumed differences in mechanical environment are relevant on several levels: 1) they little marine protein. haveyettobetested.Previousworksug- provide insight into the relationship This study was funded by Ministry of gests that suspensory primates have skele- between maturation and growth, 2) Education, Culture, Sports, Science and tal mechanisms that restrict and stabilize knowledge of the probability of ‘‘catch- Technology, and the Japan Society for movement in the coronal plane, while non- up maturation’’ assists pediatricians in the Promotion of Science; Grant num- suspensory primates, including humans, determination of treatment timing, and bers: 20370095, 17107006, 1837099. will demonstrate features promoting stabili- 3) progress and tempo of maturation zation in the sagittal plane. Finite element provide insights into key developmental analysis provides a method to investigate processes and life history relevant to Bioarchaeology of a French medie- structure-function hypotheses regarding comparisons within and across taxa. val monastic cemetery: interpreting bony response to different force moments. This study was funded by NIH grants ritual changes and the impact of Finite element models of four catarrhine R01AR055927 and R01HD012252. historical events. species—Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes, Papio anubis,andAustralopithecus afaren- Dietary adaptations of prehistoric STEPHAN NAJI. E´ cole Pratique des sis (A.L. 333-106)—were constructed from Japanese in light of nitrogen iso- Hautes E´ tudes, Paris. microCT scans, scaled, and compared. Pure topic compositions of bone collagen moments of force were applied to the trans- amino acids: with special focus on The site of Saint-Laurent de Grenoble verse and spinous processes to induce ante- aquatic resources. (Ise`re, France) is one of the oldest roposterior and mediolateral bending, as Christian sites in France (A.D. 380- well as torsion about the vertical axis of the YUICHI I. NAITO1,4, NOAH V. 1800). Following typical historical spine. The resultant stress differences were HONCH2,3, YOSHITO CHIKARAISHI4, sequence, Christian burials gradually calculated and compared among taxa. The NAOHIKO OHKOUCHI4 and MINORU replaced older Gallo-roman cemeteries. Pan vertebra demonstrates reduced stresses YONEDA1. 1Department of Integrated The first Christian monument officially during lateral bending when compared to Biosciences, Graduate School of Fron- consecrating the cemetery was a memo- other specimens, suggesting generalized tier Sciences, University of Tokyo, ria dedicated to the first bishop of Gre- stabilization in the coronal plane, whereas 2Research Laboratory for Archaeology noble (A.D. 380-420). With the growing the Homo and Papio vertebrae appear to be and the History of Art, University of Episcopal influence, Saint-Laurent more optimized to resist bending in the sag- Oxford, 3Biogeochemistry Research quickly evolved into a formal church ittal plane. These results support stabiliza- Centre, School of Chemistry, University (A.D. 500-600). tion hypotheses that cervical vertebrae of Bristol, 4Institute of Biogeosciences, Two main transitions influenced the shapeislinkedtodifferences in positional Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science composition of the burial grounds dur- behavior. The pattern of response exhibited and Technology. ing Saint-Laurent history: (1) The set- by the A. afarensis vertebra is most similar tlement of the Benedictine monks in to that of the Pan vertebra; however, the The stable nitrogen isotopic composi- 1022 helped renew the declining church stress magnitudes experienced by the fossil tions of bone collagen amino acids from by developing a monastery. (2) During vertebra generally place it intermediate a variety of archaeological human and the 14th century the joint influence of between extant humans and chimpanzees. faunal populations from Japan were repetitive plagues (1342, 1346...) and Implications for A. afarensis positional investigated. The samples are assigned the Hundred-year war majorly strained behavior are discussed. to wide range of prehistoric periods local populations. mainly including Initial Jomon (c. The contextual analysis of over 600 Alloparental behavior in captive 10,000-6,000 BP), Early Jomon (c. skeletons has been developed in order Galago senegalensis. 6,000-5,000BP) and the Okhotsk Cul- to evaluate the impact of these events, ture Period (c. AD 550-1200). specifically: (1) the ritual changes LEANNE T. NASH and SHARON E. At the two Jomon sites, we observed brought by the monks and (2) the eco- KESSLER. School of Human Evolution characteristic and consistent isotopic nomic crisis associated with natural dis- and Social Change, Arizona State Uni- values for two amino acids: glutamic asters and war. Biological variables versity, Tempe, AZ. acid and phenylalanine. While glutamic (stature, demography, paleo- acid showed quite a large inter-trophic pathologies...) were assessed in combi- Observations of alloparenting in gala- 15N-enrichment along the food chain, nation with archaeological data (burial gos, a relatively nongregarious primate

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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224 AAPA ABSTRACTS taxon, are scarce due to the difficulties sexes within the Vagnari sample, sug- androgen insensitivity despite the appa- of observing wild infant behavior in noc- gesting similar levels of stress in males rent increase in T levels. We discuss the turnal species that frequently raise and females during childhood. These possible implications of down-regulation young in nests and to the rarity of colo- results are inconsistent with historical of the ARG on hominid social evolution. nies with co-housed adult females. We sources, which imply that male children previously reported three case studies were preferentially favored in Roman Virtual reconstruction of A. africa- of grandmothers allonursing infants (2 society. The subadults (0-15 years) expe- nus endocasts and new cranial males, 1 female). Here we extend our rienced a higher average number of capacity estimates. analysis of these cases to other affilia- defects per tooth, whereas the average tive behaviors between infants, moth- number of defects progressively SIMON NEUBAUER1, PHILIPP ers, and grandmothers. We determined decreases in the older age categories. GUNZ1, GERHARD W. WEBER2 and the relationships between subjects, the This evidence suggests that Roman chil- JEAN-JACQUES HUBLIN1. 1Depart- rate of behaviors, and the ages at which dren who suffered fewer stress events ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck they occurred. Focal adult and infant during dental development may have Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, observations of Galago senegalensis also experienced greater longevity (451 Leipzig, Germany, 2Department of An- braccatus were made in the Arizona years). Measurement of each LEH indi- thropology, University of Vienna, Aus- State University colony between 1976 cates a peak occurrence at 2.75 years, tria. and 1990. The colony contained two which is interpreted as indicating the matrilines caged separately because end of the weaning process and is con- The fossil record of Australopithecus unrelated adult females are extremely sistent with historical evidence for africanus includes several fairly well aggressive to each other. The groups Roman weaning practices. Hypoplasias preserved specimens that allow the size ranged from two to seven individuals. occurred until around 6.5 years, sug- and morphology of this species’ brain to When the ages of these three infants gesting that stress was experienced be investigated. However, most speci- were divided into four time periods throughout childhood, and not just dur- mens are not complete, distorted to prior to weaning (0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-11 ing weaning. some degree, and/or contain stone ma- weeks), the relative frequencies of the trix in the endocranial cavity. The use mother and grandmother approaching, Associations between 2D:4D, testos- of CT data has facilitated investigations grooming, or carrying the infant were terone and androgen receptor gene of the endocranium, especially of skulls very similar across time to the patterns sensitivity in haplorrhines. filled with matrix. Today, surface semi- found previously with nursing, though landmarks and geometric morphometric the pattern of alloparenting by infant’s EMMA NELSON1 and SUSANNE methods make it possible to reconstruct age was unique for each infant. Only SHULTZ2. 1School of Archaeology, Clas- missing parts and correct for distortion mothers and grandmothers ever carried sics and Egyptology, University of Liver- in a reproducible and reliable way. an infant. Alloparental behavior was pool, 2Institute of Cognitive and Here, we reconstruct virtual endocasts more prominent in grandmothers than Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Sts 5, Sts 60, Sts 71, StW 505, Taung, other females. Our findings suggest of Oxford. and MLD 37/38 using a probabilistic that grandmothering may be a occurs in approach and provide new endocranial nongregarious primates, deserves atten- The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is volume (EV) estimates. tion in field studies, and may be a form a marker for prenatal androgen effects After segmentation of preserved por- of kin selection in this species that is (PAE) and has been linked to the pro- tions of the endocranial cavity and expressed across a suite of behaviors. gramming of sexually selected traits in reconstruction of bilateral portions by primates. In humans high 2D:4D (lower mirror-imaging, we used computer algo- Analysis of hypoplastic defects in a PAE) is associated with insensitivity of rithms to reconstruct missing parts. We Roman Period (1st – 4th c. AD) skel- the androgen receptor gene (ARG), but measured endocranial landmarks and etal sample from Vagnari (Italy). relationships with testosterone (T) have several hundred semilandmarks on been contradictory. Here we investigate curves and surfaces to capture the CHRYSTAL L. NAUSE1 and TRACY L. relationships between 2D:4D, T and ARG available morphology in detail. The PROWSE2. 1Department of Anthropol- sensitivity across haplorrhines. Data on same landmark set was measured on ogy, Southern Illinois University Car- 2D:4D was taken from our own studies samples of chimpanzees and humans. bondale, 2Department of Anthropology, and other variables were taken from the For each A. africanus specimen, we cre- McMaster University. literature. The ARG contains a CAG ated multiple estimations of the missing repeat sequence which correlates with and distorted parts via thin-plate-spline This study examines the prevalence and the gene’s transcription capacity: mean warping, using Sts 5 and the modern timing of linear enamel hypoplasias CAG sequences (CAGn) that are short individuals as reference specimens. We (LEH’s) in the deciduous and perma- are more sensitive to T and induce larger validated our method by simulating nent dentitions of 48 individuals recov- physiological effects from the same levels missing portions in Sts 5 and comparing ered from a rural Roman cemetery at of androgens. Analyses employed species- our reference-based estimates to the Vagnari, south Italy. These results are level CAGn and male serum T and were true EV. The variation of EV among the used to investigate infant and childhood phylogenetically controlled. Results show multiple reconstructions reflects the health in relation to historical and significant associations across super fam- estimation uncertainty caused by the archaeological evidence concerning the ilies: species with higher T had lower variability among reference specimens. health of children in Roman Italy. 2D:4D and lower body size and 2D:4D We discuss the results with respect to All teeth (n 5 525) were examined for was positively correlated with CAGn. the choice of reference specimens and enamel defects and revealed an overall Ceboidea had higher T than Old World previous literature. prevalence of 64.6% in the permanent species, but 2D:4D overlapped. Cercopi- Supported by EU FP6 Marie Curie dentition. No LEH’s were observed in thecoidea had lower 2D:4D and higher T Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005-019564 the deciduous dentition (n 5 131). The than hominoids, but CAGn did not signif- ‘‘EVAN’’ and by the Max Planck Society. prevalence of LEH’s in contemporane- icantly differ. In apes Hylobatids had the ous Roman samples are higher than in shortest CAGn, lowest T, but highest Hominoid cranial base variation the Vagnari sample, suggesting that po- 2D:4D. This pattern differed in great supports a valid taxonomic distinc- litical-economic variables may have con- apes: higher 2D:4D was associated with tion between Paranthropus boisei tributed to the comparatively healthy longer CAGn and higher T, with humans and Paranthropus robustus. conditions for subadults at Vagnari. exhibiting the most extreme values. There is no statistically significant dif- Through hominid evolution increasing LISA NEVELL1 and BERNARD ference in LEH prevalence between the 2D:4D may be indicative of increasing WOOD2. 1Howard Hughes Medical

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Institute, Department of Human Genet- formation from archaeology, ethnology effort. The majority of dyads showed a ics, University of Utah, 2Center for the and historical linguistics suggests that tendency towards reciprocity in their Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiol- the Tupiguaranis originated in Central grooming (expressed by duration) but ogy, Department of Anthropology, or Southwestern Amazonia and spread only a small proportion showed strongly George Washington University. in two distinct directions: one towards reciprocal grooming, although each the south, performed by the Guarani male had at least one reciprocal groom- We use the nature and the degree of populations, and another along the At- ing relationship. For most dyads, reci- intraspecific variation in cranial base lantic coast of Brazil, performed by the procity of effort occurred through unbal- variables among extant higher primates Tupi populations. In this context, some anced participation in grooming bouts. (Homo sapiens, Pan paniscus, Pan trog- researchers have proposed an ancestral- In bouts where both individuals lodytes, Gorilla gorilla and Pongo pyg- descendent relationship between the groomed, effort was matched through maeus) as comparative analogues to Amazonian Marajoara pottery tradition mutual grooming, not through alternat- test taxonomic hypotheses within the and the Tupiguarani pottery tradition. ing roles. We suggest that our results Paranthropus clade. A multivariate The aim of this work is to test this sce- are best understood by incorporating randomized Levine test is performed on nario by means of multivariate compari- risks of currency inflation and cheating principal component factor loadings of son of cranial morphology among 16 into the grooming-trade biological mar- logged cranial base measurements and skeletal series, including Guarani, Tupi, kets model. geometric mean ratio (or GMR) shape and Marajoara human skeletal remains. This study was funded by The Lever- data. When logged data are considered, The comparisons were undertaken hulme Trust, grant number #F/00236/Z the variation in the combined sample through Principal Components and to NNF. of Paranthropus boisei and Paranthro- Mahalanobis’s Distances analyses. Our pus robustus exceeds the variation results strongly suggest a close associa- Environmental influence on sexual within each extant hominoid species, tion between the Tupiguarani and the size dimorphism in humans. but the variation within either P. boisei Marajoara skeletal remains. In other or P. ro bus tu s does not exceed the words, the results obtained support the DEJANA NIKITOVIC. Department of intraspecific variation within any of long held idea that the Tupiguarani cul- Anthropology, University of Toronto. the extant hominoid species. When ture originated in the Amazon and sub- GMR shape data are considered varia- sequently spread to other parts of Bra- In humans, as well as in other members tion within P. boisei but not P. robustus zil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Ar- of the animal kingdom, females and exceeds the variation within each of gentina mainly by means of demic males exhibit certain levels of sexual the extant hominoid species. The diffusion. size dimorphism (SSD). Mild compared degree of the variation in P. robustus FAPESP grants 04/01321-6, 08/58729-8 to other species, SSD in humans is well does not differ significantly from and CNPq grant 300818/2007.6. documented. Although variations in between sex samples of any extant SSD between populations have been hominoid species, within sex (i.e., sin- Grooming reciprocity in wild male observed, factors that lead to it are still gle sex) subsamples of the extant homi- chimpanzees. unclear. Myriad studies analyzed corre- noid species, geographically defined lation between inter-population variabil- groups of modern humans, or of any NICHOLAS E. NEWTON-FISHER1 and ity in SSD and social stratification, fossil taxon. The variation in P. boisei PHYLLIS C. LEE2. 1School of Anthro- polygyny, sexual division of labor, tem- does differ from pooled sex samples of pology and Conservation, University of perature, latitude, and size (Rensch’s extant hominoid species in terms of Kent, UK, 2Department of Psychology, rule), reporting various levels of correla- shape or in single sex samples of homi- University of Stirling, UK. tion. The present study investigates cor- noids in terms of size, or of H. ergaster relation between SSD (measured as a s.l. in terms of shape and H. habilis s.l. Understanding cooperation remains a ratio of mean male height to mean in terms of size. These comparative central issue in evolutionary anthropol- female height) among 68 modern logged cranial base data are consistent ogy, although the importance of direct human populations and several environ- with a taxonomic distinction between reciprocity as an evolutionary mecha- mental variables: climate (minimal, P. boisei and P. ro bus tu s. nism is questioned. Biological-markets maximal and average temperature, sea- This research was funded by NSF theory provides a useful model for sonality, and precipitation), and lati- IGERT grant number 9987590 and the understanding the evolution of coopera- tude. Also, Gross Domestic Product George Washington University Selective tive behavior in social groups. Applied (GDP) per capita and infant mortality Excellence Program. to the grooming interactions of non- were included in the analysis as a proxy human primates, as the grooming-trade measure of socioeconomic status, to test The origin and dispersion of the model, it makes a specific prediction the hypothesis that male stature is Tupiguarani Indians: a comparative regarding the occurrence of reciprocity: more sensitive to environmental factors. cranial multivariate analysis. that this should occur when otherwise- Reduced major axis regressions preferred rank-contingent benefits are revealed no statistically significant cor- WALTER A. NEVES1, DANILO V. BER- not available. We investigate this model relation between SSD and climate. Ab- NARDO1, MARIA MERCEDES M. as an explanation for grooming reciproc- sence of correlation with infant mortal- OKUMURA2, TATIANA F. ALMEIDA1 ity among wild male chimpanzees, test- ity and GDP, did not confirm that male and ANDRE´ STRAUSS3. 1Laborato´rio ing specific predictions derived from the stature is more plastic than female. de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Depar- model, using data from the Sonso Allometric regression on population tamento de Gene´tica e Biologia Evolu- (Budongo) community. data showed a strong positive linear tiva, Instituto de Biocieˆncias, Our results provide mixed support for correlation between female and male Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brasil, the grooming-trade model. While some height. However, the obtained slope 2Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, grooming – and grooming within partic- value is inconsistent with Rensch’s rule, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Brasil, ular dyads – was directed by lower to suggesting that SSD cannot be seen as 3Department of Human Evolution, Max higher ranked individuals and higher a function of stature. Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- ranked individuals were on average thropology. more reciprocal in their grooming, the Morphological variation of the par- prediction that more reciprocity should anasal sinuses in strepsirrhines. The discussion about the origin and occur between individuals close in social expansion of the Tupiguarani Indians is rank was not supported. Reciprocity TAKESHI D. NISHIMURA1, RENAUD prominent among South American varied considerably between dyads and LEBRUN2, MARCIA PONCE DE archaeologists and anthropologists. In- was not related to absolute grooming LEO´ N3 and CHRISTOPH P. E.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 155


ZOLLIKOFER3. 1Primate Research dytes and a sample of fossil specimens ally compared among the three data sets. Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, (1 H. habilis,3H. erectus,5H. nean- Quantitative and qualitative data were 2Institut des sciences de l’e´volution, derthalensis, 2 H. heidelbergensis) to re- also statistically compared using corre- Universite´ Montpellier II, 3Anthropolog- examine the morphological affinities of lated samples parametric one-way ical Institute, University of Zurich. LB1. Three landmark datasets (neuro- ANOVA. Mann-Whitney U tests for asym- cranial, face, temporal bone) were col- metry in MSM scores and paired t-tests for Variations in the paranasal sinus anat- lected and analyzed separately and asymmetry in surface areas produce very omy of extant and fossil anthropoid pri- combined in order to assess the influ- different results. 3D data suggests general mates have been extensively examined ence of neurocranial shape and size on symmetry in upper limb musculature for using computed tomography (CT), and results. The data were analyzed with these agriculturalists. Categorical scores have potential utility for phylogenetic Principal Components Analysis, regres- suggest asymmetrical musculature. These analyses. We used this approach to sion analysis, Canonical Variates Analy- two methods agreed that only two MSMs evaluate the anatomy in 18 genera of sis and discriminant analysis. were symmetrically developed. extant strepsirrhines. The maxillary We show that different datasets give sinus is formed in all the genera. The different results. Our neurocranial data- lorisiforms have an additional pseudo- set classified LB1 as H. erectus but was Complex patterns of selection at ostium opening to the nasal cavity. In highly influenced by neurocranial pigmentation loci. Propithecus, the inferior meatus (brain) size. It showed a high degree of HEATHER L. NORTON. Department of expands laterally in the region anterior misclassification between H. erectus and Anthropology, University of Cincinnati. to this sinus, as seen in Gorilla and microcephalic specimens. Our facial and Pithecia, and the maxillary sinus is seg- temporal bone datasets were less influ- Variationinhumanskinpigmentation mented into three distinct chambers enced by size, but were ambiguous in reflects adaptation to the intensity of which have openings to the middle me- their classification of LB1, pointing ultra-violet radiation (UVR). Under the atus, respectively. In Eulemur,anaddi- respectively to late Homo and to micro- traditional model, as humans expanded tional sinus-like cavity is formed in the cephalic modern human affinities. Our into regions of low UVR novel genetic region posterior to this sinus. Sphenoi- study confirms a mosaic morphology in variants associated with lighter pigmen- dal pneumatization with an opening to LB1 and highlights the importance of tation arose and were favored by natural the ethmoidal region is found in all the sample composition and measurement selection. This classic model of a hard genera, despite of differences in vol- selection in the interpretation of this selective sweep makes certain predictions ume. Distinct patterns of pneumatiza- controversial specimen’s cranial mor- about patterns of variation in and around tion of the frontal region are found in phology. pigmentation loci. To test this model, Eulemur, Daubentonia, Indri, Propithe- This study was funded by: MRTN-CT- resequencing data for 10 pigmentation cus,andAvahi. The frontal sinus in 2005-019564 ‘‘EVAN’’, University of loci were generated for 152 chromosomes Avahi communicates with the maxil- Tu¨ bingen and Senckenberg Research from six geographically distinct popula- lary sinus. In many of the other gen- Institution. tions. Comparisons with a set of 61 neu- era, a small cavity expanding from the trally evolving loci using metrics such as ethmoidal region is formed in the cir- 3D, 2D or score: a comparison of F and summaries of the site frequency cumfrontal-ethmoidal region, and this ST methods for assessing MSM spectrum reveal that, as a class, pigmen- feature is probably homologous to the development. tation loci are indistinct from neutral frontal sinus. The paranasal sinuses regionsinAfricans(TD 5 aremorevariableinformintheIndri- pigmentation LARA K. NOLDNER and HEATHER J. 20.80, TD 520.82; p 5 0.92), non- dae than in the other families. The neutral H. EDGAR. Department of Anthropology, Africans (TD 520.38, TD present study confirms the view that pigmentation neutral University of New Mexico, Maxwell Mu- 520.04, p 5 0.16), and single popula- the lack of paranasal sinuses in the seum of Anthropology. tions. However, some loci do differ in spe- Old World monkeys is quite unique cific populations, e.g. the gene MATP among the order Primates. Musculoskeletal stress markers (MSMs) exhibits an excess of high-frequency This study was founded by Grant-in-Aid have been used to reconstruct the behav- derived alleles only in the French Basque from the JSPS (#21770263) and Ito iors of past human groups but have been (FWH 524.11; p \ 0.01). The lack of a Foundation, Tokyo. criticized on several levels regarding their clear signal of directional selection for interpretive reliability for habitual muscle pigmentation loci as a class at either the use. One critical factor is that qualitative The mosaic morphology of LB1: a regional or population level suggests that methods for assessing MSM development new 3D geometric morphometric the processes of adaptation and selection have high intraobserver error rates. New study. have been heterogeneous across human methods that quantify MSM surface area populations. Further, while some individ- may create representations of MSM devel- MARLIJN LISANNE NOBACK and ual loci clearly fit the classic model of a opment that are more objective and ulti- KATERINA HARVATI. Department of hard sweep, this may not be appropriate mately allow more robust statistical analy- Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecol- for all loci in all populations. Alternative ¨ ses. This study utilized a NextEngine 3D ogy, Eberhard Karls UniversitatTu¨ bin- scenarios, such as selection on standing laser scanner to measure the surface area gen and Senckenberg Center for variation or polygenic adaptation, may be and basic dimensions of seven upper limb Human Evolution and Paleoecology, better models for the evolution of pigmen- muscle insertions on the humeri, radii, and Germany. tation variation. ulnae of a sample of adult males (n512) This study was funded by the Wenner The taxonomic position of the from the Pottery Mound site (LA416) in Gren Foundation (grant #7568) and an LB1Flores hominin is strongly debated. central New Mexico. Qualitative data was NIH Kirschstein post-doctoral fellow- Analysis of different skeletal elements collected from direct bone observation ship 1F32GM080144. has given diverse results: proposed using the Hawkey-Merbs method. The hy- attributions range from early Homo to pothesis tested is that 3D, 2D and qualita- Australopithecine to microcephalic mod- tive methods will not agree in their results, The Global Mammal Parasite Data- ern human. So far lacking in the analy- and that quantitative methods, particu- base: integrating data to examine sis of LB1’s cranial morphology is the larly MSM surface areas, will produce primate ecology, conservation and careful evaluation of a large sample of more detailed results. Descriptive statis- infectious disease. microcephalic modern humans. tics and results of Mann-Whitney U tests Here we use geometric morphometric for asymmetry in MSM development for CHARLES L. NUNN1 AND SONIA methodology, six microcephalic modern these quantitative data sets (surface areas ALTIZER2. 1Department of Human Evo- humans, 299 H. sapiens,12Pan troglo- and length-width dimensions) were visu- lutionary Biology, Harvard University,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Cambridge MA, 2Odum School of unique human reproductive strategy of deformation such as plagiocephaly Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens giving birth to highly altricial infants, should also be thoroughly documented. GA. glucocorticoids may play a pivotal role in Documentation should include both facilitating parturition and accelerating skull shape and indicators as to the Wild primates are hosts to a wide diver- fetal tissue maturation. The goals of this deforming device(s). Osteoware provides sity of infectious diseases, including study are 1) to document the HPA reac- the Osteologist with three forms that many that also infect humans. Under- tive scope in basal and reactivity meas- standardize the data collection and also standing the drivers of this diversity is ures of cortisol in pregnant and lactating a field for long description. This presen- fundamental for many basic questions Tsimane’ women, and 2) to discuss impli- tation will demonstrate how to use the in evolutionary anthropology, ranging cations for maternal health and infant Osteoware database to document obser- from the role of pathogens in primate brain development. Results indicate that vations regarding taphonomic changes socioecology to how parasitism has pregnant Tsimane’ women have elevated and cranial modification and will shaped human evolution. At a practical basal cortisol but dampened reactivity include case studies from the Natural level, many human infectious diseases measures compared to nonpregnant Museum of Natural History collections. have origins in non-human primate pop- women, a finding suggestive of maternal Osteoware is supported by grants from ulations, and parasites are increasingly buffering during pregnancy. Lactating the National Center for Preservation important to primate conservation. women have similar cortisol profiles com- Technology and Training (NCPTT) In this talk, we describe an online pared to nonlactating women, raising the National Park Service, and the Smith- resource – The Global Mammal Para- possibility that breastfeeding serves an sonian Web. site Database – that we launched in important role in attenuating HPA activ- December 2004 and have continued to ity following birth, thus reducing the risk Daily energy expenditure in highly develop. The database involves collabo- for related pathophysiologies such as active humans in a natural temper- ration among more than 20 researchers, postpartum depression. Furthermore, ate environment. Tsimane’ infants and children display students and assistants and is freely 1 available for others to use at ‘‘http:// less rapid negative feedback following a CARA OCOBOCK , HERMAN naturalistic reactivity event, an inhibi- PONTZER2, JOHN GOOKIN3 and www.mammalparasites.org’’. Starting 3 1 with 2462 records of host-parasite asso- tory process that is coordinated in the SHEILA BAYNES . Deptartment of ciations, the primate database has more hippocampus. These findings are consist- Anthropology, Washington University, ent with the proposed hyporesponsive pe- 2Department of Anthropology, Hunter than doubled in size (currently 5650 3 records) during the past five years, with riod of HPA activity that extends through College, The National Outdoor Leader- substantially broader coverage of both infancy and early childhood in part, to ship School. host and parasite species. In addition to protect the developing hippocampus and How much energy do humans expend data on host-parasite combinations and hypothalamus from the neurotoxic undergoing rigorous physical activity in a references, records include data on effects of cortisol. Maternal provisioning natural temperate environment? Numer- prevalence, sample size, parasite taxon- may overlap with this sensitive period for ous studies have explored the cost of omy, parasite transmission mode, host postnatal brain growth and serve to human basal metabolism, thermoregula- specificity, and geographic sampling. buffer adversity until the negative feed- tion, and activity; however few have In organizing this long-term collabora- back mechanisms of the HPA axis are taken this research outside of the labora- tive effort, we gained new insights to entrained. tory and into a natural environment. In building and integrating large data- This study was funded by a National this study, we measured the daily energy bases, sharing data online, and author- Science Foundation DDIG BCS- expenditure of healthy, highly active ship issues. We describe some of our sol- 0622576, an American Association of adults participating in a National Out- utions, including: organizing data into a University Women Dissertation Fellow- door Leadership School course. Daily relational database structure with con- ship, a Northwestern University Gradu- energy expenditure (kCal/day) was meas- trols on data entry and checking; ate Research Grant, and a Northwest- ured over a six day period using the dou- achieving taxonomic concordance for ern University Fellowship and a North- bly labeled water and flex-heart rate hosts and parasites among the 4501 western University FAN grant. methods. Daily activity, including hiking references; engaging with independent and rock climbing, and daily caloric research groups that are using the Documenting taphonomy and cra- intake were also measured during this data; and sharing the credit with con- nial modification in Osteoware. period. Resting metabolism measure- tributors to the database. ments and flex-heart rate calibrations This research was supported by the CLAIRE O’BRIEN. Repatriation Osteol- were performed using oxygen consump- National Science Foundation (DEB- ogy Lab, National Museum of Natural tion and carbon dioxide production both 0212096, EF-0723939, BCS-0923791), History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- before and after subjects participated on The National Center for Ecological ington D.C. their course. The high activity levels of Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), Con- Taphonomy is the study of the postmortem and limited cultural buffering available servation International, The Max changes to bone. Comprehensive documen- to this sample allows this study to serve Planck Society, and Harvard University. tation of these changes are essential as as a model for predicting daily energy ex- part of any osteological analyses. As tapho- penditure for early human pastoral cul- HPA activity in pregnant and lac- nomic descriptions are often qualitative, turesaswellasmodernhuntergatherer tating Tsimane’ women: implica- they present a challenge to the researcher societies. Furthermore, this study pro- tions for maternal health and how to document the variables accurately videsthebasisforfuturecomparisonof infant brain development. and precisely, as well as analyze the data human daily energy expenditure in in comparative contexts. Osteoware extreme hot and cold environments. COLLEEN H. NYBERG. Department of addresses these issues by standardizing Anthropology, University of Massachu- the data collected with a comprehensive Systematic examination of infant setts, Boston. form and providing ample space for growth metrics and their associa- description. Observations that are docu- tion with development of obesity in Despite the tremendous interest in mented include bone color and staining; early adulthood: The Fels Longitu- understanding the consequences of pre- weathering and surface damage; cultural dinal Study. natal stress for fetal health and adult dis- and curatorial modifications; and the pres- ease risk, the adaptive functions of HPA ence of any adherent materials. ANDREW O. ODEGAARD1, AUDREY activity in healthy pregnancies have Cranial modification resulting from cul- C. CHOH2, STEFAN A. CZERWINSKI2, been less widely considered. Given the tural practices as well as inadvertent BRADFORD TOWNE2 and ELLEN W.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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DEMERATH1. 1Division of Epidemiol- site is very important to understand ble to medico-surgical and religious/rit- ogy and Community Health, School of physical characteristics, health and dis- ualistic practices. We describe prehis- Public Health, University of Minnesota, ease of medieval Korean. We will pres- toric evidence of the traumatic insertion 2Lifespan Health Research Center, ent herewith our research achievements of an Ursus distal paw phalanx into the Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright on medieval Korean people until now. elbow region of a living human that State University. Medieval Korean human remains have then healed and remained in situ until been mainly collected from lime soil death and its cultural implications. Rapid infant growth predicts obesity, mixture barrier (LSMB) tomb of Joseon The individual derives from the Central but the best metric for use in clinical dynasty of Korea (1392-1910). But, the California archaeological site of CCo- settings is unclear. We compared growth unique structure of the LSMB tomb 295. Assessment of the artifactual com- status measures: weight for age CDC z- resulted in the unexpected preservation ponent suggests a Middle Horizon date scores (CDCWAZ), length for age CDC z of the corpse from putridity and decom- (1500-500 B.C.). The skeleton is that scores (CDCLAZ), and weight for length position. Recently, we have been of a female aged between 30-40 years. z-scores (CDCWLZ) measured every 3–6 engaged in the excavation of the tombs Comparisons were made with the other months from birth to 3 years, and rapid for several years and collected human 159 recovered individuals to define the infant growth (defined as [ 10.67 SD remains, which composed our Joseon normal range of arm bone morphology change in score) from birth to each sub- Dynasty Human Remain Collection. and compile data on the range of patho- sequent age, in relation to the risk of The numbers of the collected cases of logical conditions present. Three Ursus obesity (BMI [ 30 kg/m2) in early ancient Korean remains are as many as subspecies (n515) were examined in adulthood (20-30 years of age) in 512 200, and these samples has been used order to identify the taxon represented infants in the Fels Longitudinal Study. in our anthropological researches. by the phalanx. Odds ratios (OR) and c statistics were In the past years, we found dental The distribution of fractured bones indi- calculated using logistic regression mod- caries, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid cates crushing by a heavy object. This els adjusted for sex, gestational age at arthritis (RA), diffuse idiopathic skeletal woman was wearing bear paw elements birth, age at adulthood obesity assess- hyperostosis (DISH), spina bifida, kypo- at the time of her injury, either as an ment, maternal and paternal BMI and sis, spondylolysis, osteomyelitis and arm band or attached to her clothing. A birth CDCWAZ. For the status meas- traumas from them. The parasite infec- bear phalanx was driven into her elbow ures, CDCWAZ at 1 month had the tion by Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris region, the basal phalangeal tubercle strongest association and greatest c sta- trichiura, Pragonimus westermani or being impressed into the supra-articular tistic for risk of obesity (OR56.0, 95% Chlonorchis sinensis; and viral infection region of the humerus. The presence of CI 2.0-17.6, c50.834, comparing those were also found in medieval human Ursus body parts indicates an elevated 75th percentile to those \ 75th percen- remains. The studies of enamel hypo- societal role for this female, mostly tile). CDCWLZ and CDCLAZ were more plasia, harris lines, and arteriosclerosis likely that of a shaman or healer. weakly and inconsistently associated. in the mummy, aDNA studies on auto- Funding provided to HMO and CFH by Looking at rapid infant growth, somal and Y-STR analysis have been the Undergraduate Student Opportu- CDCWLZ change from birth to 36 done as well. nity Fund, University of California, months provided the strongest associa- Through our researches, we were able Berkeley, CA. tion and greatest c statistic (OR57.6, to confirm the various diseases affected 95% CI 1.6-36.7, c50.858, comparing medieval Korean society. These MorphoBank: collecting and storing those [10.67 SD to those 20.67 to researches would be helpful for us to phenomic data for phylogenetic 10.67 SD). These c-statistics are high, understand characteristics and changes research in the ‘‘cloud’’. indicating comparable predictive ability of ancient diseases and physical states to widely-used chronic disease risk of ancient Korea people. MAUREEN A. O’LEARY. Department of assessment tools such as the Framing- This work was supported by the Seoul Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook Uni- ham Risk Score. Simple infant growth National University Brain Fusion Pro- versity, Stony Brook, New York. metrics, in combination with parental gram Research Grant. BMI, may provide a useful tool for tar- The web-application and database, Mor- geting obesity prevention efforts very Bear phalanx traumatically intro- phoBank, has been in place for a decade early in life. duced into a living human: prehis- for use by biologists assembling phe- toric evidence. nomic data to test phylogenetic hypoth- Anthropological study on medieval eses of fossil and living species. This Korean people. HILLARY M. OJEDA1, GARY D. web workspace and archive supports RICHARDS2, CAITLIN L. IBARRA3 distributed, collaborative research by CHANG SEOK OH1,2, MYEUNG JU and CAROLINE F. HORTON4. autonomous groups of scientists. Mor- KIM3, YI-SUK KIM4, MIN SEO5,IN 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- phoBank implements many tools similar SUN LEE6, DO-SEON LIM7, SANG sity of California, Berkeley, 2Depart- to those in widely-used desktop pro- JUN LEE1, SOONG DEOK LEE2,8, ment of Biomedical Sciences, A. A. grams (e.g., MacClade) but in a web SEUNG BUM SEO2,8 and DONG Dugoni School of Dentistry, University environment. Several advantages result HOON SHIN1,2. 1Department of Anat- of the Pacific, 3Institute for Dental His- from this development: 1) Teams can omy, Seoul National University, 2Insti- tory and Craniofacial Study, A. A. collaborate on data collection in real tute of Forensic Medicine, Seoul Dugoni School of Dentistry, University time, particularly as teams, rather than National University, 3Deparment of of the Pacific, 4Department of Integra- individuals, increasingly conduct phylo- Anatomy, Dankuk University, Korea, tive Biology, University of California, genetic research. All team members 4Department of Anatomy, Ewha Wom- Berkeley. simultaneously work on one copy of the ans University, Korea, 5Deparment of data; 2) New media manipulation tools Anatomy, Dankuk University, Korea, Traumatically induced skeletal injuries permit documentation of characters and 6Deparment of Radiology, Seoul are relatively common in the archaeo- states with a range of media, such as National University Hospital, Korea, logical record. Most such injuries can be 2D and 3D images, video, and sound. 7Department of Dental Hygiene, Eulji ascribed to a ‘normal’ range of events Use of media frequently enhances com- University, Korea, 8Deparment of For- that occur during an individual’s life- munication of homology concepts; 3) ensic Medicine, Seoul National Univer- time. Alternatively, a more restricted New zooming and labeling tools imple- sity, Korea. group of trauma induced skeletal inju- mented in MorphoBank leverage the ries in prehistoric populations provides dynamic power of the web to make Anthropological study on ancient deeper insights into cultural history. media affiliated with cells maximally remains excavated from archaeological Such cases might include those refera- useful; 4) The database permits storage

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 229 of metadata (species names, media, col- insects, the corresponding caloric and UMBERGER2. 1Department of Anatom- lection information, etc...) that map to nutritional returns, and community ical Sciences, Stony Brook University Darwin Core 2 and Dublin Core com- feeding traditions have stronger influ- School of Medicine, 2Department of Ki- munity standards. Collecting data in ences on prey choice then relative nesiology, University of Massachusetts, MorphoBank marks a shift from keep- abundance. Amherst. ing data on local hard drives to keeping This research was supported by a USC it within the ‘‘cloud’’ where software Joint Initiative Merit Fellowship, a Chimpanzee locomotion has long pro- can be centrally maintained and USC Summer Dissertation and Writing vided a critical comparative context for upgraded. One of the largest projects Award, a USC International Field studies of human locomotor perform- in MorphoBank currently is the NSF- Research Award, a USC Gold Family ance and the evolution of hominin sponsored Assembling the Tree of Life Fellowship, and the USC Jane Goodall bipedalism. However, in contrast to for Mammals project with a team of Center. humans, much about the mechanics, over 20 researchers collaborating on energetics and control of chimpanzee over 4,000 phenomic characters for The ontogeny of feeding ecology in locomotion is still unknown. Musculo- phylophenomics. ring-tailed lemurs. skeletal modeling and simulation pro- This study was funded by NSF grants vides a robust method for integrating DBI 0743309, DEB 0629836, and EAR M. TEAGUE O’MARA. School of complex morphological and experimen- 0622359. Human Evolution & Social Change, Ari- tal data, and permits estimation of zona State University. quantities that are difficult or impossi- Survey of actual and potential ble to measure in vivo. In this study, we insect prey for two chimpanzee Social processes help shape feeding develop a model of the chimpanzee in communities of Gombe Stream behaviors and guide developing animals order to begin filling the gaps that exist National Park, Tanzania. through key life history and dietary between our understanding of human transitions. Learning what and where and chimpanzee neuromusculoskeletal ROBERT C. O’MALLEY1, RUDOLF H. to eat from other group members may function. SCHEFFRAHN2 and FRANCISCO be essential for some primate species to We constructed a 3D musculoskeletal HITA GARCIA3. 1Department of Biolog- master complex feeding ecologies, model of the chimpanzee (Pan troglo- ical Sciences, University of Southern whereas in others directed social learn- dytes) in SIMM1. The model includes California, 2Department of Entomology, ing may not be present. Few compara- geometric representations of skeletal University of Florida, 3Department of tive data, particularly from strepsir- elements, kinematic descriptions of the Systematic Zoology, University of Bonn. rhines, are available to test hypotheses joints, and Hill-type models of 35 mus- on social processes associated with the cle-tendon units of the hind limb. The Insects are consumed by chimpanzees ontogeny of feeding behavior. Here I model allows calculation of muscle-ten- across Africa, though often little is present mixed longitudinal data col- don lengths and moment arms, as well known regarding the availability and lected on infant, juvenile, and adult as force and moment generation capa- abundance of insect prey (or potential ring-tailed lemurs at the Beza Mahafaly bilities of the hip, knee, ankle and foot prey). Here we present results from a Special Reserve to document the transi- musculature. Here, as an important transect survey of ants, termites, and tions through food types and test for step in model validation, we compare honeybees in Gombe Stream National directed social processes (e.g., co-feed- the predicted muscle moment arms Park, Tanzania. ing) that contribute to young animals from our model to previously published We walked twenty-two paired 500m learning group-specific diets. Infant measurements from chimpanzee cadav- transects (one following an existing trail lemurs show food exploration behaviors eric specimens. and the other in a random cardinal as early as two weeks and ingest young We found good correspondence between direction from the same origin) and two leaves at four weeks, mature leaves the predicted flexion-extension moment additional 500m transects in late 2009 – and flowers at five weeks, tougher to arms in our model and the published early 2010. The habitat type along each process fruits at seven weeks, and data. In general, our model reproduced transect was scored at 10m intervals. show no suckling behavior by the end both the direction and magnitude of the We hand-collected samples from all of seven months. Infant diets largely measured moment arm functions. These social insect nests and trails detected overlap with maternal diets. Juveniles results indicate that our musculoskel- within 3m of the transect. The eleven have more diverse diets than either etal model is suitable for inverse and transects on existing trails were re- adults or infants and show higher die- forward dynamics analyses of chimpan- walked to assess driver ant (Dorylus tary overlap with members of their zee hind limb function during walking, spp.) abundance. own age category than with other running and jumping. Insect genera known to be consumed by members of the social group. Infants Supported by NSF BCS-0935321 and chimpanzees were abundant across the typically use co-feeding behaviors as NSF BCS-0935327. area surveyed. Among ants, Crema- they begin to feed on their own. How- togaster spp. were detected on every ever, rather than as a targeted learn- An assessment of biological affin- transect. Both Pachycondyla spp. and ing process, it seems that the act of ities among the prehistoric inhabi- Camponotus spp. were common. Dory- their nearest neighbor feeding (typi- tants of the Iranian Plateau and ad- lus spp. were rare, and Oecophylla long- cally their mother) stimulates an infant jacent regions based on allocation inoda were not detected. Among ter- to feed on the nearest items, whether of permanent tooth size. mites, Pseudocanthotermes spp. and or not it is typical of group diet. This various soil-eating termites were study was supported by the National PATRICK O’NEILL and BRIAN E. detected more often then Macrotermes Science Foundation (DDIG # 0851761), HEMPHILL. Department of Physics, subhyalinus (counting both mounds and J. William Fulbright Foundation, Pri- Geology and Anthropology, California foragers). We detected one honeybee mate Conservation, Inc, and the ASU State University, Bakersfield. (Apis mellifera) hive, and foraging hon- School of Human Evolution & Social eybees were uncommon. Change. While archaeologists have long claimed Gombe chimpanzees ignore some poten- the inhabitants of the Iranian Bronze tial insect prey that are abundant, ac- A 3D musculoskeletal model of the Age site of Tepe Hissar participated in a cessible, and palatable. In the Kasakela chimpanzee for movement analysis. trade network that stretched across community, insect prey choice does not Central Asia, a recent dental study correlate with abundance as measured MATTHEW C. O’NEILL1, SUSAN G. (Hemphill 2010) found no evidence that by our survey. We conclude that the LARSON1, BRIGITTE DEMES1, JACK gene flow accompanied these contacts. potential rate of intake for different T. STERN, Jr.1 and BRIAN R. However, an earlier craniometric study

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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(Hemphill 1999) yielded a pattern of of fertile females whereas opportunities lines and Cebus is the presence of a volar phenetic affinity between southern for paternal care were estimated using pad on the distal third of the ventral tail Turkmenistan and Iranian Plateau the number of immature offspring a in the former, and the lack of a volar pad samples indicative of gene flow. This male had in the group. We determined (i.e., fully-furred tail) in the latter. This study seeks to resolve the contradictions concentrations of T non-invasively from study investigates the presence of in the results of these prior studies fecal samples. Controlling for age, domi- mechanoreceptors (e.g., Meissner’s Cor- through an assessment of the pattern- nance rank, season, and temperature, puscles) in the ventral tail skin of ate- ing of permanent tooth size allocation. which are known to influence T levels, lines and Cebus, anatomy associated Patterning of permanent tooth size allo- we found that only the number of a with high tactile precision and prehen- cation among the inhabitants of Tepe male’s immature offspring predicted sion. Our data indicate that the volar Hissar (n5 139) was compared to those concentrations of fecal T (t 5 pad of Lagothrix contains Meissner’s obtained from 12 archaeological samples 22.287548, p 5 0.0231); males with Corpuscles, whereas the tail skin of from Central Asia and the Indus Valley more immature offspring had lower con- Cebus does not. These data suggest an (n5 465). Raw tooth size was scaled centrations of fT than did males with as-yet unidentified means by which against the geometric mean by sample fewer immature offspring. Our findings Cebus samples its environment from a to correct for sex dimorphism and evolu- are consistent with the predicted inhibi- sensory (touch) perspective. tionary tooth size reduction. Pairwise tory effect of T on paternal care but are differences in tooth size allocation were surprising for a species that reproduces New wrist bones from Homo flore- assessed with simple Euclidean distan- throughout the year. Results of the siensis. ces. The diagonal matrix of Euclidean present study suggest that paternal distances was submitted to hierarchical care is an important component of CALEY M. ORR1, MATTHEW W. cluster analysis, neighbor-joining clus- reproductive effort in male baboons. TOCHERI2, JESSICA L. ARROTT2,3, ter analyses, multidimensional scaling, This study was funded by the National ROKUS AWE DUE4, E. WAHYU and principal coordinates analysis. Science Foundation, grant numbers SAPTOMO4, THOMAS SUTIKNA4, Results are consistent and clarify affin- IBN-0322613 and BSE-0323553 to J.A. JATMIKO4, SRI WASISTO4, MICHAEL ities between the inhabitants of Tepe and S.C.A.); the National Institute of J. MORWOOD5, and WILLIAM L. Hissar and south Central Asians. Tepe Aging, grant number P30AG024361 to JUNGERS1. 1Department of Anatomical Hissar inhabitants appear to have expe- J.A and S.C.A.); and the National Sci- Sciences, Stony Brook University, rienced gene flow with Middle Bronze ence Foundation’s Doctoral Dissertation 2Human Origins Program, Department Age populations of southern Turkmeni- Improvement Grant to P.O.O. of Anthropology, National Museum of stan, but not with Late Bronze Age pop- Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- ulations of southern Uzbekistan further Mechanoreceptivity of prehensile tion, 3Department of Forensic Sciences, east. Tepe Hissar possesses equally tail skin varies between atelines The George Washington University, close affinities to the later inhabitants and Cebus. 4The National Research and Develop- of Hasanlu IV. Such findings suggest ment Centre for Archaeology, Indone- trade connections shifted from Central JASON M. ORGAN1, MAGDALENA N. sia, 5University of Wollongong, Asia to the west by the Late Bronze MUCHLINSKI2 and ANDREW S. Australia. Age. DEANE3. 1Department of Surgery and Center for Anatomical Science and The carpals from the Homo floresiensis Testosterone correlates of paternal Education, Saint Louis University type specimen (LB1) lack features that care and mating effort in savannah School of Medicine, 2Department of compose the shared, derived radial-wrist baboons. Anatomy and Pathology, Marshall Uni- complex of Neandertals and modern versity Joan C. Edwards School of humans. This paper comprises a descrip- PATRICK OGOLA ONYANGO1, Medicine, 3Department of Anatomy tion and three-dimensional morphomet- LAURENCE R. GESQUIERE1, SUSAN and Neurobiology, University of Ken- ric analysis of new H. floresiensis carpals: C. ALBERTS3,4 and JEANNE tucky College of Medicine. a right capitate and two hamates from ALTMANN1,2,4. 1Department of Ecology another individual at Liang Bua (most and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton The prehensile tail of New World Mon- likely LB6). The comparative sample University, 2Department of Veterinary keys may have evolved twice (in paral- includes extant great apes, a world-wide Anatomy and Physiology, University of lel): once among the Atelines (Alouatta, sample of H. sapiens, and fossil hominins. Nairobi, 3Department of Biology, Duke Ateles, Brachyteles, Lagothrix), and once The new capitate is smaller than that of University, 4Institute of Primate in Cebus. This line of reasoning derives LB1, but is nearly identical in morphol- Research, National Museums of Kenya. primarily from musculoskeletal evi- ogy. As with capitates from LB1, the dence suggesting similar mechanical apes, and species of Australopithecus, the Testosterone (T) is widely used as a bio- structure of the prehensile tail in these new specimen displays a deeply-exca- marker of reproductive tradeoffs pri- two groups. Both atelines and Cebus vated nonarticular area along its radial marily because of its positive effects on have caudal vertebrae capable of with- aspect, a scaphoid facet that extends into sexual behavior and physiology on the standing significantly higher bending a J-hook articulation on the neck, and one hand and negative effects on pater- stresses than nonprehensile-tailed pla- lacks an enlarged palmarly-positioned nal care on the other. However, previous tyrrhine caudal vertebrae. Atelines and trapezoid facet. Because there is no studies on the role of T in mediating Cebus also share similar pinnation accommodation for the derived, palmarly reproductive tradeoffs have mostly angles, fiber lengths, and physiologic blocky trapezoid that characterizes H. focused on monogamous species or on cross-sectional areas of the prime lat- sapiens and H. neanderthalensis, this seasonal breeders. Consequently, there eral flexors of the tail (mm. intertrans- individual would have had a plesio- are major gaps in our knowledge of versarii caudae), indicating that these morphically wedge-shaped trapezoid whether T mediates the tradeoffs muscles are capable of producing higher (like LB1). Hominin hamate morphology between mating effort and paternal care contractile forces than those of nonpre- is more conserved across taxa, and the among non-monogamous males in spe- hensile-tailed platyrrhines without any new specimens fall at the extreme edge of cies that breed throughout the year. In trade-off in contraction velocity. Given variation for H. sapiens in a number of the present study of adult males in a that bone and muscle morphology of the metrics. However, they are exceptionally wild population of savannah baboons, prehensile primate tail is drastically dif- small, and are plesiomorphic in having a we determined whether opportunities ferent from the nonprehensile tail, the robust hamulus lacking the derived oval- for mating and paternal care predicted parallels are remarkable. shaped cross section characteristic of concentrations of T. Mating opportuni- Externally, the most drastic anatomical human and Neandertal hamuli (and vari- ties were estimated using the number difference among prehensile tails of ate- able in those of Australopithecus). Docu-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 160

AAPA ABSTRACTS 231 mentation of a second individual with SALEM2. 1Department of Anthropol- patellae from a large Bronze Age (2200- primitive carpal morphology from Liang ogy, New Mexico State University, 2000 BC) ossuary from Tell Abraq, Bua further supports the hypothesis that 2Department of Anthropology, Boston United Arab Emirates. A preliminary the Flores lineage originated prior to the University. estimate of at least 224 adults and 14 human-Neandertal cladogenetic event subadults was determined; these are and refutes claims that the LB1 wrist is The study of the human mandible in used to examine pathology and trauma. pathological. sexual determination has often been Results indicate a high prevalence of This research was supported by the overlooked based on Hrdlicˇka’s (1940) osteoarthritis (approximately 51%) and Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Stud- overwhelming studies showing its lack osteochondral defects (approximately ies Program (MWT), the Smithsonian of significance and evolutionary track. 52%) that was not correlated to esti- Institution Fellowship Program (CMO), Yet many studies have taken a second mated sex. This lack of correlation may and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (WLJ). look at the mandible since in many for- be due to several factors, including chal- ensic cases or archaeological excava- lenges in sex estimation, a skewed sex Human remains from the late Upper tions the mandible is frequently recov- distribution, or an actual lack of corre- Paleolithic of Irlich, Germany – a ered. The aim of this study is to deter- lation. Regardless of the difficulties of preliminary report. mine the significance of the mandibular estimating sex, individuals at Tell ramus angle (MRA) in accurately distin- Abraq were exposed to conditions that JO¨ RG ORSCHIEDT1, AXEL VON guishing between known sex of fossil fostered the development of osteoarthri- BERG2 and STEFAN FLOHR3. 1Depart- hominids with extant African great tis and trauma to the knee. Other stud- ment of Archaeology, University of apes and modern humans. ies have suggested that this maritime/ Hamburg, Germany, 2Generaldirektion Using Loth and Henneberg’s (1996) agricultural settlement, located on the Kulturelles Erbe, Amt Koblenz, Ger- technique of sex determination, photo- shores of the Persian Gulf, may have many, 3Department of Biology, Univer- graphs of known adult male and female been a very important trade destination sity of Hildesheim, Germany. African great apes (Gorilla g. beringei, as well as a meeting ground for groups Pan paniscus, and P. troglodytes) moving around the gulf region. The Human remains from the late Upper (n5112), modern humans (n555) and unique pattern of wear and tear and Paleolithic (Azilien, Ahrensburg Culture, H. neanderthalensis (n59) were ana- trauma to the kneecaps does support Federmesser Groups) in Central Europe lyzed in ImageJ to determine the MRA the contention that there are a number are scarce. In 1953 some human bones, of each individual. Metric measure- different types of laborers interred in covered with red ochre, and associated ments of the MRA were completed in tomb. artifacts were discovered in material lateral view and analyzed in Stat- taken from a sand pit near the city of Graphics. Evaluating competing models of Irlich, Germany. The finds were stored in Results indicate that neither species of Pan troglodytes foraging tool use a local museum archive. In 2000 the finds Pan shows a statistically significant dif- across space. were re-discovered and analyzed with ference (p50.0583, p50.04783). How- macroscopic, radiologic, and histological ever, Neanderthals (p5 0.0216) and ERIK OTA´ ROLA-CASTILLO1,2,3, techniques. AMS dating of the bones modern humans (p50.0000) do. Gorilla STACY LINDSHIELD1,2, JILL revealed a calibrated age of 12,500 to is significantly different (p50.0004), but PRUETZ1,2 and BRENT DANIELSON1,3. 11,200 BP. its pattern is opposite to that of Homo. 1Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Pro- The bones could be assigned to at least This indicates that the MRA of late gram, 2Department of Anthropology, three individuals, represented by a few Homo is more similar to modern 3Department of Ecology, Evolution, and complete bones or bone fragments each. humans than African great apes in Organismal Biology. Iowa State Univer- Age at death of individual 1 was esti- which future work could reveal if ear- sity, Ames, IA. mated at 20-30 years. An intact femur lier hominids show a comparable pat- and a distal ulna from this individual tern. Consequently, our conclusions While primatologists have enhanced our exhibit layers of porotic bone formation, have the potential to improve the knowledge of tool use behaviors in non- indicative of a pathological process stim- understanding on the acquisition of human primates, mechanisms driving ulating periosteal bone apposition. Age hominid features throughout our evolu- foraging-related tool use remain poorly at death of individual 2 was estimated tion and introduce an alternative understood. Based on results from a at 6 to 10 years, and that of individual reliable method of sexing adult fossil previous hypothesis test on wild chim- 3 at about 1 year. hominids. panzees (Pan troglodytes) by Lindshield The artifacts consist of a projectile point et al. (previous paper), we present a set (antler), two flint artifacts (backed Differential diagnosis of patellar of candidate, mechanistic models of for- knife, burin spall), a left mandibular pathology: use-wear patterns and aging-tool use as a response to competi- first incisior of a red deer with 10 pathology from Tell Abraq (2200- tion intensity and cultural transmis- grooves and a perforation on the root. 2000 BC). sion. We review the literature and com- The scanty fossil report of individuals pile a dataset of broad classes of tool from this time period makes even ANNA OSTERHOLTZ, RYAN P. use behavior across chimpanzee popula- poorly documented and fragmented HARROD and DEBRA L. MARTIN. tions. We use the degree of seasonality material an important source for this 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- of rainfall and temperature as proxies specific period. The finds from Irlich sity of Nevada Las Vegas. for the intensity of competition, and use probably represent a multiple burial geographic distance among sites as a which seems to have been common The examination of co-mingled ossuary cultural transmission covariate. We during this time. Re-investigations collections creates unique analytical evaluate eleven (11) competing, mecha- at the site are not possible due to challenges as bones can only be exam- nistic models using Akaike’s Informa- heavy mining activities during the ined on an individual basis. The estima- tion Criterion (AIC) and the available last decades. tion of demographic information and tool use data to arbitrate between them. the analysis of disease patterning are Our best model uses rainfall seasonality Exploring the limits of using the much more difficult. The focus of this as its environmental parameter. This mandibular ramus angle as a sex- project is to identify and interpret signs simple model predicts the available ual indicator in extant and fossil of osteoarthritis and defects consistent data with higher probability than mod- hominids. with osteochondritis dessicans and els that include additional environmen- osteochondral fracturing, as well as tal variables and cultural transmission. ROSACELI ORTEGA1, RUTGER J.W. score for the presence and degree of Using our winning model, we predict JANSMA1, SEAN G. DOLAN1 and RAMI musculoskeletal markers, on a the the probability of tool use behavior

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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232 AAPA ABSTRACTS across space and provide a probability Laboratory, BIOTECH Central Research issues for reconstructing the peopling of map for the African continent. The lat- Unit, National Science and Technology the Americas, and defining putative ter will be useful as a theoretical depar- Development Agency, Thailand, links to ancestral Siberian populations. ture for future researchers to test mod- 3Department of Biology, Faculty of Sci- To investigate these issues, we analyzed els using newly acquired data on chim- ence, Mahidol University, Salaya, Thai- genetic variation in Tlingit and Haida panzees. Moreover, our models may be land. populations from southern Alaska. In useful for understanding variation in this analysis, we directly sequenced the tool use behavior in humans and other Standard socioecological models suggest control region of mitochondrial DNA species. that for many primates home range size (mtDNA) in 83 individuals, screened fluctuates in response to group size; how- them for eight SNP markers that define Recording cranial and postcranial ever, little is known about factors influ- the basal portions of the mtDNA phy- measurements in Osteoware. encing range size in species (e.g. gibbons) logeny (L, M, N, and R) through Cus- for which group size varies little. One tom TaqMan assays, and surveyed STEPHEN OUSLEY. Department of possibility is that home range size them for haplogroup defining SNPs Anthropology and Department of increases with the presence of additional through PCR-RFLP analysis. For a Applied Forensic Sciences, Mercyhurst adult or sub-adult group members. To select set of samples, we also sequenced College, Erie, PA. test this hypothesis, we compared rang- the entire mtDNA genome to obtain ing data from one well-habituated gibbon greater phylogenetic resolution of these When documenting skeletal remains, met- group during three periods spaced across maternal lineages. For the Y chromo- ric data can be useful for a variety of pur- ten years. some analyses, we screened 27 male poses, including estimating sex, ancestry, In 1994 ranging data were analyzed samples with 23 SNPs and 17 STRs stature, and age. Ideally, the measure- using a cartographic software program using ABI custom TaqMan assays, ments would be standardized to allow the that spatially referenced data onto a AmpF‘STR YFiler, and Y Multiplex II greatest number of comparisons to previ- measured trail system. In subsequent kits. Our results show that the majority ously published measurements. years data were collected using a perma- of individuals (86.7%) have mtDNAs The 34 cranial measurements in Stand- nent botanical grid. We used ArcInfo to belonging to haplogroups A, C, and D, ards (Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994) follow overlay maps and performed an affine with remainder having non-native hap- those of the Forensic Data Bank (FDB; transformation using 22 common points. logroups. In addition, some 40% of the Moore-Jansen et al. 1994), which are pre- Home range areas were determined male individuals belonged to hap- dominantly based on Martin’s classic def- using the minimum convex polygon logroups C and Q, with the remainder initions. In Osteoware, the cranial meas- method. In 1994, group ‘‘A’’ consisted of having non-native haplogroups. These urements follow the Howells (1973) defi- two adults and three immatures and data provide important insights into nitions, 60 measurements which include home range area was 21.1 ha. In 2002 the genetic and linguistic history of all of the FDB cranial measurements as and 2004 range area increased to 25.1 ha. Athapaskan populations in this region, well as additional measurements, includ- Average daily path lengths (DPL) corrob- as well as more recent historical influ- ing subtenses, fractions, and radii. These orate this trend [with significantly longer ences on genetic variation there. Fur- measurements are stored in fields named DPLs in 2002 (t (16) 5 3.831, p 0.002) thermore, in combination with genea- for Howells’ three-letter designations for and 2004 (t (12) 5 3.095, p 0.013)]. logical, ethnographic and historical in- craniometrics. Mandibular measure- Thus, despite the potential for increased formation, we are able to explore the ments are those included in the Stand- territorial defense in 2004 range size did migration histories associated with ards. Additionally, saving a record not increase. Furthermore, range size their clans in different parts of South- requires a designation for whether or not and DPLs were smallest when imma- east Alaska. the cranium has been reshaped through tures were present. This study was funded by the National cultural means. We speculate that range size corre- Geographic Society, IBM, the Waitt Postcranial measurements in Osteo- sponds to group composition (rather Family Foundation, and the Depart- ware, as in Standards, come from the than size), with the presence of imma- ment of Anthropology at the University 44 FDB definitions plus additional ver- tures restricting group movement either of Pennsylvania. tebral heights and metacarpal and through an increase in maternal energy metatarsal lengths. Left and right bones requirements or physical limitations of Do we need additions to the geo- can be entered by choosing side from a newly independent individuals. metric morphometrics tool-box? drop-down list. Postcranial data are Research in Thailand was supported by entered separately for adult bones with grants from IIE Fulbright, National Sci- CHARLES OXNARD1,2 and PAUL fused epiphyses and for subadult bones ence Foundation, Boise Fund, Sigma Xi, O’HIGGINS2,1,. 1School of Anatomy and with unfused epiphyses. American Society of Primatologists and Human Biology, University of Western The entered measurements are checked the University of Texas at San Antonio. Australia, 2Department of Anatomy, as the numbers are entered to help Hull/York Medical School, UK. avoid data entry errors. To aid further Investigating Athapaskan history analysis, Measurements from isolated through the analysis of genetic var- D’Arcy Thompson represented direct bones can also be entered through the iation in the Tlingit and Haida pop- differences between animal structures commingled bones entry program. ulations of Southeast Alaska. by elastic deformations. Fifty years Osteoware is supported by grants from later Oxnard showed they could aid in the National Center for Preservation AMANDA C. OWINGS1, MATTHEW C. interpretation of multivariate statistical Technology and Training (NCPTT) DULIK1, SERGEY I. ZHADANOV1, axes. Nowadays such elastic deforma- National Park Service, and the Smith- JILL B. GAIESKI1, JUDY RAMOS2, tions, as Cartesian transformation grids sonian Web 2.0 Fund. MARY BETH MOSS3, FRANCIS drawn using thin plate splines, are NATKONG4, THEODORE G. SCHURR1 most useful in understanding geometric Exploring long-term range use and GENOGRAPHIC CONSORTIUM. morphometric results. They are now among white-handed gibbons (Hylo- 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- very widely used. bates lar) in Khao Yai National sity of Pennsylvania,2Yakutat Tlingit New ways of gathering data about Park, Thailand. Tribe, 3Hoonah Indian Association, forms and patterns use not only stand- 4Hydaburg Cooperative Association. ard anatomical landmarks, but also LYDIA E. OVERBAUGH1, THAD Q. semi-landmarks and sliding land-marks, BARTLETT1 and WARREN Y. BROCK- The origins of Athapaskan Indian popu- both of which help to increase the infor- ELMAN2,3. 1University of Texas at San lations and the timing of their dispersal mation content of form, especially of rel- Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, 2Ecology across the circumarctic region are key atively large, unfeatureless regions, like

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 233 the skull vault. Transformation grids sample sizes (n 5 9 sites), etc. However, tionary record of our species is also treat these landmarks as points on rub- one can envision a scenario in which highly significant. ber sheets (in two dimensions) or in the upper ranges of simakobu popula- rubber volumes (in three dimensions). tions are set by resource availability. In Hardness as a proxy for stiffness: Elastic distortions of the rubber sheets turn, resource availability depends on the utility of portable durometers and volumes computed using thin plate the vegetation in a habitat. Logging ei- for estimating elastic modulus of splines can help visualize differences or ther enhances vegetation and resource primate foods in the field. changes in biological form. availability for specific primate species, What happens, however, when differen- or diminishes it. Hunting is then lay- JAMES PAMPUSH1, DAVID ces between structures in different spe- ered on top, lowering the densities al- DAEGLING1, ANNA VICK1, SCOTT cies, or changes in structures within a ready established by habitat vegetation MCGRAW2 and ANDREW RAPOFF3. single species, are not well represented and the effects of logging upon it. 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- by elastic deformations? What hap- This study was funded by the Wildlife sity of Florida, 2Department of Anthro- pens, in other words, when the differ- Conservation Society and Primate Con- pology, Ohio State University, ences or the changes involve non-elas- servation, Inc. 3Department of Mechanical Engineer- tic deformations? The developmental, ing, Union College. functional and evolutionary biology of landmarks on hominid skulls suggests Challenging population-based vari- Among the material properties of pri- that non-elastic deformations are com- ation in bone-turnover rates: impli- mate foods, elastic modulus (E) or stiff- mon. Sometimes two-dimensional rub- cations for interpreting the impact ness is recognized as an essential vari- ber sheets develop holes or cusps, and of diet and disease, growth and de- able for determining fracture character- three dimensional rubber volumes velopment, and the aging process istics. Assessment of stiffness in the explosions and implosions. Transfor- on rib microanatomy. laboratory is straightforward; however, mation grids are ill suited to such phe- obtaining reliable stiffness measures nomena. In other words the biology ROBERT R. PAINE1 and BARRETT P. under field conditions presents signifi- indicates that new approaches are BRENTON2. 1Department of Sociology cant logistical hurdles. Portable durom- needed to handle such complexities. and Anthropology, Texas Tech Univer- eters are relatively inexpensive, durable Howtodoitisthequestion. sity, 2Department of Sociology and An- and can provide consistent hardness Supported by Australian grants: ARC, thropology, St. John’s University. measurements of primate foods. Hard- DP 0557157, DP 0772742 and DP ness can be shown to correlate posi- 1092538, Western Australia, UK grants: The use of histological assessments for tively with elastic modulus for some The Leverhulme Trust (F/00224), determining bone-turnover rates and its materials. In this study, we evaluate BBSRC (BB/E013805, BB/E009204), implications for estimating the age of whether Shore A and D hardness values and EVAN (MRTN CT-2005-019564) individuals has been critically evaluated can be effectively used to estimate elas- and PALAEO (MEST-CT-2005-020601) in both archaeological and forensic con- tic modulus of plant and other organic and EU grants: Marie Curie Initiatives, texts. To date, explanations for why materials. Vienna, Hull and York. estimated age-at-death values from his- We collected Shore A and D hardness tological data diverge significantly from values using hand-held durometers The effects of logging, hunting, and expected figures using osteological (Hoto Instruments, Northbrook, IL) vegetation on the densities of sima- assessments or autopsy data have gen- from a variety of commercially available kobu monkeys (Simias concolor)on erally been explained as a result of foods, woods, and primate foods from the Pagai, Mentawai Islands. influences from biomechanical action the Taı¨ Forest, Ivory Coast. Stiffness and/or metabolic stress. was determined on the same samples LISA M. PACIULLI. Natural Sciences Our findings related to rib microana- using an MTS 858 tester (Eden Prairie, Department, Wake Tech., Raleigh, NC. tomy and age-at-death of a sample of MN). We calculated regressions for con- autopsied individuals known to have verting A and D hardness to E. The One of the primary goals of conserva- died from forms of malnutrition showed Shore D scale (for harder materials) tion biologists is to determine how vari- extremely slow bone-turnover rates rep- provides good indication of relative stiff- ous factors affect animal populations resented by low Osteon Population Den- ness and reasonable estimates of abso- and in particular, endangered species. sity (OPD). A consistent criticism of this lute stiffness of hard primate foods. The In this study, the effects of three varia- work has been that a comparative sam- Shore A scale (for softer materials) was bles - logging, hunting, and vegetation, ple of ‘normal’ individuals was needed found to be less effective for predicting and the interaction between hunting to draw our conclusions. We argue here relative or absolute E of those foods and vegetation - on the endangered and that the focus should shift to addressing which return values at the high end of endemic simakobu monkey (Simias con- the much broader issue of questioning the Shore A range. Finally, due to the color) were investigated. The study was the existence of inter- and intra-popula- heterogeneity of natural materials, the conducted in nine forests varying in log- tion variation of bone-turnover rates. selection of surfaces from which durom- ging history on the Pagai, Mentawai To this end, an extensive review of eter data are collected is critical, and Islands. Hunting-related, vegetation, the osteological and genetic literature the relationship of hardness to E and simakobu density data were col- shows no compelling evidence for any appears to be distinct for particularly lected along three 4km long transects type of inherent population variation in brittle materials. spaced 300m apart in each forest. Hunt- the tempo and mode of bone-turnover Supported by National Science Founda- ing data included correlates of hunting among humans. tion grants BCS-0922429, 0921770, and intensity such as the number of logging Furthermore, we report here that a 0922414. roads, local trails, and the number of comparison of histological age-at-death people observed intersecting the trans- estimation formulas based on various The Roman giant: overgrowth ects. Also, every 200 m, information on baseline populations do not show signif- syndrome in skeletal remains from all trees 3 cm dbh within a 25m by icant differences between them. The Imperial Age. 5m quadrat was recorded. ANOVAs and implications of these conclusions speak ANCOVAs were employed, but none to the need to increase our understand- WALTER PANTANO1, FLAVIO DE were significant (e.g., ANCOVA, df 5 8; ing of bone-turnover rates in the ANGELIS2, SIMONA MINOZZI3, F 5 0.3812, p 5 0.814). Reasons for this broader context of diet and disease, FRANCESCO DI GENNARO1, GINO could be the low power of the tests to growth and development, and the FORNACIARI3 and PAOLA CATA- detect effects of the independent varia- aging process. The application of this LANO1. 1Special Superintendence to bles (i.e., the main effects), the small work to the archaeological and evolu- Archaeological Heritage of Rome,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 163


2Department of Biology, University of FM were assessed on 597 skulls from ranging behavior of this sort by L. catta Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, 3Division of Paleo- an ossuary (17th-19th c. AD, Grisons, has not been previously described. pathology, History of Medicine and Bio- Switzerland) and additional data were This research was funded by the Social ethics, Department of Oncology, collected from Central European Sciences and Humanities Research Transplants and Advanced Technologies archaeological populations and skeletal Council of Canada (grant # 820-2008- in Medicine, University of Pisa. collections (10.000 BC – 1900 AD) for 1047) and the Connaught Fund of the comparative purposes. The FM size University of Toronto. The aim of this work is to present a showed significant differences between case of gigantism in an Imperial Age sexes on all larger skeletal samples Sex and age-specific trends in the skeleton from Fidenae, an ancient town ([30 individuals). The correlation loss of life from tuberculosis in San- of Latium, situated about 8 km north of between FM diameters was significant day and Westray, Northern Orkney Rome (Italy) on the Via Salaria. The for both sexes, but low (rho c. 0.25– (Scotland), 1861-1961. skeletal remains of a large adolescent 0.55). The classification accuracy of male, 17-20 years old, were excavated DFA ranged between 58 % and 75 %. DANIEL M. PARKER1,2, JULIA A. in the Torre Serpentana necropolis (Ith- The FM showed no size change after 7 JENNINGS3 and JAMES W. WOOD1,2. IIIth century AD); this individual exhib- years of age, signifying the use of FM 1Department of Anthropology, The its very tall but normally proportioned on sex determination of children and Pennsylvania State University,; 2Popu- stature, estimated around 204 cm. The juveniles. The present study demon- lation Research Institute, The Pennsyl- long bones do not show complete epi- strates the utility of the FM as sex in- vania State University, 3Carolina physeal union; therefore the stature dicator, particularly useful for suba- Population Center, University of North would probably have been taller, if he dults and poorly preserved or cremated Carolina at Chapel Hill. had lived longer. In this work the met- skeletons. ric data is compared with those from Tuberculosis is an ancient disease that the Roman Imperial Age population and Nocturnal ranging in a diurnal pro- has plagued humans since prehistory. It those reported for other cases of gigan- primate: is this cathemeral- continues to be a significant factor in tism, and differential diagnosis is dis- like behavior an effect of the mat- human mortality and epidemiology cussed. The skeletal evidence is charac- ing season, habitat, or something today, and current estimates indicate teristic of a form of gigantism, a rare else? that around a third of the world’s popu- growth disease that may be linked to lation is infected. In order to investigate different syndromes. The most common JOYCE A. PARGA. Department of the historical epidemiology of tuberculo- etiology is associated with a dysfunction Social Sciences, University of Toronto at sis in North Orkney, Scotland, historical of the pituitary gland that causes over- Scarborough. vital records and census data were used production of the growth hormone dur- to create multi-decrement age- and sex- ing childhood. This endocrine disorder Occasionally, anecdotal reports emerge specific life tables over a hundred year stimulates cartilaginous growth at the of nocturnal activity occurring in diur- period. From our life tables we were growth plate, delaying epiphyseal fusion nal primates. The ring-tailed lemur, able to quantify the loss of years of life and ultimately resulting in increased Lemur catta, is a diurnal prosimian for attributed to the presence of tuberculo- bone length. which such anecdotal reports of night sis. Whereas females were more likely This study was funded by Soprinten- ‘wakefulness’ exist. To further investi- to die of tuberculosis, males lost a denza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici gate the possibility of nocturnal activity higher average number of years because di Roma to P. Catalano. in this prosimian, 5 individuals (3 of infection. Spatial clustering of TB males, 2 females) from 3 social groups deaths only occurred in villages with Metric assessment of the foramen on St. Catherines Island, USA were fit- piers with little or no clustering in the magnum for sex determination in ted with GPS (Global Positioning Sys- rural areas that make up most of north- adults and subadults. tem) collars across one week of the ern Orkney. While tuberculosis was a breeding season in November 2009. Col- major cause of death for much of the CHRISTINA PAPAGEORGOPOULOU1,2, lars were programmed to record loca- Western world in the eighteenth and VIVIANE ROTH2,3 and FRANK tion data once every half-hour, around nineteenth centuries it contributed only SIEGMUND3. 1Institute of Anthropol- the clock. a small portion of the total mortality in ogy, Palaeogenetics Group, Johannes GPS data revealed nocturnal activity in North Orkney. Most likely, the low pop- Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, the form of ranging behavior (travel- ulation density of Orkney relative to 2Archaeological Service Grisons, ling). A peak in nocturnal ranging much of the rest of Western Europe Switzerland, 3Seminar fu¨ r Ur- und (apart from the hours surrounding kept TB from being a major cause of Fru¨ hgeschichte, University of Basel, dawn and dusk) took place between the death. Further analyses will investigate Switzerland. hours of 2300 and 0300. Mean distance both the influence of socio-economic sta- travelled during these hours was 213m tus and potential underreporting and The basal region of the human skull is (n55). The maximum distance travelled differential diagnoses in relation to robust and well protected by soft tissues by an individual (a male) was 2.2km in changing physicians over time. Our and tends to withstand inhumations a single night. All but one individual findings have implications for both (Graw, 2001; Gapert et al., 2009) and demonstrated nocturnal ranging across understanding the historical epidemiol- physical insults (Holland, 1989). Osteo- the majority of nights the collars were ogy of preindustrial regions and for metric studies have tried to evaluate deployed. Data also captured a noctur- understanding tuberculosis mortality the skull base and especially the fora- nal inter-group encounter at 0200 once dynamics in modern, industrializing men magnum (FM) as indicator of sex during the study. These results suggest regions. in adults (e.g. Gapert et al., 2009; that under particular habitat conditions Data collection for this study was Gu¨ nay et al., 2000; Uysal et al., 2005) (or perhaps only during the mating sea- funded through the NSF and NICHD. and subadults (Veroni et al., 2009). son), ring-tailed lemurs can exhibit sig- However in most studies (Gruber et al., nificant amounts of both diurnal and The distribution of long chain fatty 2009) the full potential of the method nocturnal activity in a seemingly ‘cath- acids across the Cape marine and was prohibited due to the small sample emeral-like’ fashion. Cathemerality, an terrestrial landscape and implica- size. Aim of the present study is to activity pattern comprised of distinct tions for encephalisation of MSA assess the use of FM for sex determina- periods of diurnal and nocturnal activ- hominins. tion in adults and subadults and to de- ity, is a trait most commonly associated velop discriminant functions. The sagit- with other Malagasy prosimians (e.g. JOHN PARKINGTON, KATHARINE tal and the transverse diameter of the Eulemur and Hapalemur spp.). Night KYRIACOU and DAVID MARAIS.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 164


Department of Anthropology, University study from Naton Beach excavated from inspection, the right external auditory of Cape Town. Tumon Bay in Guam has yielded a large meatus (EAM) was noticed to be number of Pre-Latte burials which have enlarged and there was bony destruc- Recent research has highlighted the poten- interesting examples of atypical dental tion and remodeling of the right tempo- tial role of aquatic resources in the develop- modification, which is not seen on the ral bone in the region of the sigmoid ment of anatomically and behaviourally later Latte burials. While modification sulcus with small communications modern people in Africa. It is argued that of the teeth for non-masticatory reasons between the intracranium and the inner marine and lacustrine foods including mol- has been discussed in various popula- EAM as well as some changes of the luscs and fish are rich in the long chain, tions around the world, it is rare and inferio-medial right petrous portion. polyunsaturated fatty acids required for found in solitary instances across the Because of the bony remodeling present, human brain development and mainte- Mariana Islands. In both time periods, it is unclear if this infection was the nance. Broadhurst et. al.(1998: 3), for dental modifications have been noted on direct cause of death, but the mortality instance, hypothesize that the exploitation the labial surface of the teeth and rate of similar intracranial infections is of aquatic resources is heavily implicated include horizontal abrasions, tooth fil- 20% (Quisling and Johnson 2005). in the expansion of the cerebral among ing/incising and possible drilling for Differential diagnosis specifically from East African hominids which evolved inlays. This study focuses on the tooth the lesion location and the presence of between 1 and 2 million years ago. The abrasions. bony destruction and remodeling, sug- first appearance of anatomically modern Macro- and microscopic analyses and gests osteomyelitis likely from chronic Homo sapiens between 200 000 and 100 digital photographs were conducted otitis media, petrositis or mastoiditis 000 years ago is furthermore accompanied using an Omano stereo zoom microscope (Sherman and Buchanan 2004). by evidence of sophisticated lithic technolo- and Moticam 1000 to elucidate the size gies and the harvesting of lacustrine mol- and shape of the abrasions and the ori- Electromyography of forearm luscs and fish. The proposed link between entation of the wear. The Pre-Latte muscles in digitigrade baboons: aquatic resources and brain development sample includes 30 individuals of which implications for interpreting the is equally salient in the archaeology of the 50% (n515) have tooth abrasion on the functional morphology of knuckle- South African coast. In the western and labial surface and is not sex specific. walking features in African apes. southern Cape, some of the earliest The wear appears as horizontal (trans- remains of anatomically modern humans verse) striations on the maxillary denti- BIREN A. PATEL, SUSAN G. LARSON, occur together with the earliest evidence tion of the central and lateral incisors, and JACK T. STERN JR.. Department for the systematic exploitation of marine and can extend as far distally as the of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook resources (Berger and Parkington 1995; premolars. Behavioral and task-related University. Parkington 2001; Parkington 2003; van activities are considered for reconstruct- Andel 1989; Volman 1978). It is widely ing the dental patterns observed. The Despite some controversy, researchers believed that these resources played an im- need for extensive ethno-anthropological hold firm to the idea that the limited portant role in the development of anatom- research into use of teeth as tools, sub- range of dorsiflexion at the radiocarpal ically and behaviourally modern people on sistence, and crafts is necessary to and midcarpal joints documented in the subcontinent. However, the actual understand the biocultural phenomena knuckle-walkers is aided by several fatty acid composition of local marine and interaction of the prehistoric Cha- osseo-ligamentous close-packed position- and terrestrial fauna has yet to be deter- morro and the environment in which ing mechanisms. Although limited and mined and reported. We have collected a they lived. highly anecdotal, available electromyogra- wide range of samples from indigenous phy (EMG) data from wrist and digit species known to have been eaten by pre- Differential diagnosis of an infec- flexor muscles of African apes support historic foragers who occupied the tion affecting the temporal bone of these claims. When gorillas and chimpan- region during the Upper Pleistocene and an individual from Medieval Astu- zees knuckle-walk, there appears to be Holocene. These will be processed and rias, Spain. negligible activity in the flexor carpi radi- analyzed to determine their chemical alis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum composition. The nutritional value of NICHOLAS V. PASSALACQUA. superficialis, and flexor digitorum profun- these resources, including their protein Department of Anthropology, Michigan dus muscles. Minimal muscle activity content and that of other essential mac- State University. lends support for the hypothesis that ronutrients such as iodine and iron, as only passive mechanisms are needed to well as sugar and starch content, will be This presentation will focus on the dif- prevent these distal joints from collapsing assessed by means of chemical assays. ferential diagnosis of lesions affecting a into extreme dorsiflexion as body weight The fatty acid composition of local ma- single individual recovered from the me- passes over the supporting hand during rine and terrestrial fauna will be deter- dieval cemetery of San Juan (Antiguo forward progression. mined through gas chromatography. In Colegio San Isidoro) located in Oviedo, To investigate this hypothesis further this way, the nutritional status Asturias, Spain. The cemetery, which we studied by means of telemetered of Middle and Later Stone Age hunter- was excavated in 2000, yielded an MNI EMG the activity of forearm muscles in gatherers will be described and the con- of 47 individuals dating from approxi- two baboons (Papio anubis). Despite tribution of marine resources to their mately 1650-1875 AD. their use of an extended digitigrade diets evaluated. While multiple individuals recovered hand posture, baboons lack the well- from the cemetery present osseous developed close-packing morphologies in An analysis of non-masticatory anomalies and disease states, one par- the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints wear in the prehistoric Chamorro ticular individual (recovered from Tomb that are found in knuckle-walkers. We from Tumon Bay, Guam in the 26) exhibits unique bony features asso- observed that flexor muscles, especially Marianas Islands. ciated with some kind of inner ear of the wrist, are more active during infection. Unfortunately, this region of stance phase in baboons than in NICOLETTE M. PARR1 and CHERIE Asturias has acidic soils which typically knuckle-walkers during both ground K. WALTH2. 1Department of Anthropol- result in poor preservation of osseous and branch locomotion. We infer that ogy, University of Florida, Gainesville, materials, thus the only remains avail- these muscles are recruited to minimize Florida and Garcia and Associates, able for examination were a fragmen- dorsiflexion at these distal joints and to Tumon, Guam, 2SWCA Environmental tary cranium. The individual is a young maintain a digitigrade posture, which Consultants, Barrigada, Guam. adult female aged 17-25 years. Ini- serves to increase effective forelimb tially an atypical pattern of asymmetri- length. This new experimental data The prehistoric period in Guam includes cal dental wear suggested heavier usage from non-hominoids supports the inter- the Pre-Latte and Latte periods. A of the right dentition. Upon further pretation that derived osseo-ligamen-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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236 AAPA ABSTRACTS tous structures that permit close-packed In forensic contexts the absence of cra- mary areas that produce this variation. positions in the radiocarpal and midcar- nia frequently hinders the identification The shape of the head was very similar pals joints of African apes are knuckle- of ancestry. Alternatively, ancestry can in males and females. The primary dif- walking adaptations. be accurately interpreted through the ferences are lengthening of the body Support from NSF BCS 0935321. metric assessment of femora. In particu- and an increase of the length and width lar, the radiographic measurement of of the trochlear articular surface in the intercondylar shelf angle has proven males. Based on these results, future Comparison of boom calls in Cerco- to be an extremely accurate method of study of shape variation in the talus pithecus mona from Benin and differentiating between African and Eu- should focus on the trochlea. Grenada. ropean ancestry groups. The intercondylar notch height and the Using tests for signatures of selec- MAY PATIN˜ O1, MARISSA RAMSIER2,3, posterior cortex of the femur used to tion to validate and prioritize REIKO MATSUDA GOODWIN4, assess the intercondylar shelf angle via admixture mapping results. GRAESON HARRIS-YOUNG1, KEITH radiography can also be observed with- J. BENSEN3 and MARY E. GLENN1,3. out radiography; yet, a non-radio- LAUREL N. PEARSON1, JUAN 1Department of Anthropology, Humboldt graphic technique has not been devel- PEDRO KUSANOVIC2, ROBERTO State University, 2Department of oped. Our research fills this void by ROMERO2, JEROME F. STRAUSS 3rd3 Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute testing the accuracy of a non-radio- and MARK D. SHRIVER1. 1Department for Evolutionary Anthropology, 3Wind- graphic technique through the analysis of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania ward Islands Research and Education of 30 femora from positively identified State University, 2Perinatology Foundation, 4Department of Sociology skeletal remains. Our methods involved Research Branch of the Eunice Kennedy and Anthropology, Fordham University. laying a straight edged ruler along the Shriver National Institute of Child most anterio-inferior border of the inter- Health and Human Development, Cercopithecus mona is one of several gue- condylar notch to the most superior as- National Institutes of Health in Be- nons known to make low-frequency boom pect of the intercondylar line. We thesda, Maryland and Wayne State Uni- calls. We investigated the level of intraspe- located Blumensaat’s line by orienting versity, 3School of Medicine, Virginia cific variation in adult male boom calls in a the femur in a lateral position such that Commonwealth University. West African and a Caribbean mona popu- the medial epicondyle was eclipsed by lation living in different habitats. Record- the lateral epicondyle when viewed Admixture mapping is a valuable method ings were made with a Sennheiser shotgun from above. Then, using a protractor we for identifying novel gene regions affect- microphone and a DAT recorder, and were measured then angle between the two ing trait values and disease risks that analyzed within Raven. Mona habitat in landmarks. We analyzed the same 30 vary among populations. However, since Benin is flat, heterogeneous seasonally dry femora using the Craig and Brogdon admixture linkage disequilibrium blocks forest (1,100 mm/yr rain) at low altitudes, techniques and we found no significant are very large (approximately 6 to 9 cM with relatively low tree diversity and basal differences in the results; thereby, con- for African Americans), these regions of- area. Mona habitat in Grenada is steep, firming the utility of the non-radio- ten contain many genes. Using the idea evergreen tropical rainforest (4,060 mm/yr graphic method. that tests to detect signatures of selection rain) with high tree diversity and basal can help prioritize genotyping for replica- area. Previous studies have demonstrated Potential of human talus shape for tion and validation, we use admixture that there may be a selective advantage to sex discrimination. mapping and selection screening to iden- producing low-frequency calls in densely tify gene regions and select loci that may forested environments, as such calls travel IAN PAWN. Department of Anthropol- identify loci conferring increased risk in a farther and with less attenuation than ogy, Florida State University. study of preterm premature rupture of high-frequency calls. We found the two membranes (PPROM). populations’ boom calls to be nearly identi- The human talus is subjected to biome- African-American women are at a sig- cal in dominant frequency, lowest fre- chanical forces that affect its size and nificantly greater risk of preterm birth quency, and duration, suggesting that vocal shape. The potential of the talus for bio- than other US resident populations. plasticity may be limited. High frequency metric sexing is recognized by anthro- Women of self-reported African-Ameri- and bandwidth are significantly different, pologists as it has significant dimor- can ancestry were recruited at Hutzel however, with the Benin population utiliz- phism relating to its importance in Hospital (Detroit), the Hospital of the ing higher frequencies than the Grenada weight-bearing. Variation in talus shape University of Pennsylvania (Philadel- monas (t55.33, p\0.000, n532). This may was studied using the Windover collec- phia) and MCV Hospitals (Richmond) (n reflect a wider range of acoustic environ- tion, a sample where many individuals 5 632). Genotyping of 371 women with ments available to the Benin population can be sexed from cranial and pelvic confirmed PPROM and 261 women with and/or adaptation by the Grenada popula- characteristics. Windover is therefore normal pregnancy outcomes was com- tion in order to take better advantage of a an ideal collection for preliminary stud- pleted using a genome-wide panel of low-frequency acoustic environment. Alter- ies of sexual dimorphism using non-tra- 1,509 ancestry informative markers nately, the calls in each population may be ditional methods. (AIMs) designed for admixture mapping differentially altered by the surrounding A sample (n520) of 10 male and 10 analysis in African-American popula- environment or different recording devices. female tali were selected. All tali chosen tions. Using prior allele frequencies Further studies including additional sites were from the left side to avoid poten- from three parental populations (West could demonstrate how these acoustic tial issues of asymmetry. Eleven land- African, European and East Asian), changes, if real, may affect the transmis- marks, selected to capture the shape of Bayesian admixture mapping was con- sion of these calls in different habitats. the entire talus including the articular ducted using the computer program surfaces, were used in relative warps ADMIXMAP. Regions on five chromo- analysis to inspect for key shape differ- somes (2, 8, 11, 19 and 21) were identi- Intercondylar shelf angle: field ences, regression using shape variables fied as significantly contributing to risk determination of ancestry from the on dummy variables distinguishing of PPROM. Using Tajima’s D, cross-pop- distal femur. males and females, and regression ulation extended haplotype homozygos- using centroid size and sex as independ- ity (XP-EHH), and locus specific branch STEPHANIE PAULE, HEATHER ent variables to account for size factors. length (LSBL), 14 of 27 SNPs tested WALSH-HANEY, ERICA ARRUDA, There are significant differences show evidence for selection. The SNPs LUIS CORTINAS and NICOLE WEBB. (ranging from p50.002 to 0.02) in talus identified using this approach have Division of Justice Studies, Florida Gulf shape between males and females. Fur- been prioritized for genotyping in a rep- Coast University. ther, these analyses identify the pri- lication sample.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 166


Activity, ontogeny, and cross-sec- relationship between burial status and from Rusinga suggested that all of the tional geometry of the femur and health status during two distinct peri- Miocene fossiliferous beds were depos- tibia. ods: Middle Neolithic Yangshao (5000- ited during an interval of less than 500 3000 BC) when the earliest chiefdom- kyr at ca.17.8 Ma (Drake et al., 1988, O. M. PEARSON1, T. R. PETERSEN1, level societies began to develop and a Journal of Geological Society, London V. S. SPARACELLO1, S. DANESH- state-level society dated to the time of 145: 479-491). However, the dates were VARI1, G. MLADY2 and F. E. GRINE3. the Eastern Zhou dynasty (770–221 from a limited stratigraphic interval, 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- BC). and all obtained by the conventional K– sity of New Mexico, 2Department of Ra- For both time periods, sex of the Ar bulk total-fusion technique, forestal- diology, School of Medicine, University deceased had the strongest association ling investigation of internal argon sys- of New Mexico, 3Department of Anthro- with burial wealth, although the direc- tematics of the samples. pology & Department of Anatomical Sci- tion of this relationship was diametri- Our recent field studies to clarify the ences, Stony Brook University. cally opposite between the two cases. In paleoecological and geochronological the Neolithic series, female burials on contexts of Early Miocene catarrhine This paper explores patterns variation average had a richer inventory, while evolution have yielded new age con- on the cross-sectional geometry (espe- the majority of male burials had mini- straints for the Rusinga/Mfangano fau- 40 39 cially shape, as measured by Imax/Imin mal or no grave goods. In the Eastern nas. Preliminary Ar/ Ar incremental or midshaft antero-posterior [AP] and Zhou case, the proportion of male skele- heating analyses of biotite from the top medio-lateral [ML] diameters) in the tons increased with an increase in bur- of the Hiwegi Formation, and paleomag- midshaft femur and tibia using three ial rank. Age at death was a significant netism analyses from the Hiwegi and data sets. One data set consists of a factor in determining burial status for Wayando Formations indicate that world-wide sample of external dimen- the Eastern Zhou only. most of the fossiliferous deposits on sions of the limb bones, the second of Late onset skeletal markers showed a both islands were likely deposited from cross-sectional properties derived from more direct association with burial sta- 18–20 Ma. These results suggest that CT scans of Zulu, African American, tus than did those attributes developing the deposits are considerably older and and Khoesan samples, and the third of during childhood. The collection likely represent more time than previously cross-sectional geometry of the midshaft representative of Neolithic farmers, evi- thought. Further, it implies that the femur and tibia of 4 women, all of denced a significant association between oldest catarrhines from Rusinga/Mfan- whom have done a substantial amount burial status and DJD, and with rates gano may be closer in age to Proconsul of running, but started training at dif- of traumatic injury. In the Eastern species from other early Miocene ferent times in their lives. Both the Zhou collection, which probably repre- localities (i.e. Songhor, Napak, and external dimensions and cross-sec- sents urban dwellers, higher status bur- Koru). Thus taxonomic dissimilarities tional geometry show only weak corre- ials were associated with significantly between the sites may be related to lations between midshaft shapes (r5- greater frequencies of carious lesions, paleoenvironmental differences or rela- 0.12 and r50.33, respectively). Inclu- calculus accretion, and antemortem tively rapid (\100 kyr) turnover in sion of bi-iliac breadth as a covariate tooth loss. faunal composition. does not improve the correlation. This study was funded by PSC-CUNY, # This study was funded by National Sci- Results from the 4 runners show an in- 63645-00 41. ence Foundation grant BCS- 0852609 triguing pattern that may help to and BCS-852515 and the Leakey Foun- explain the results: three of the women New age constraints on the early dation. began training before their growth Miocene faunas from Rusinga and spurt and continued heavy training Mfangano Islands (Lake Victoria, Division of labor in the jaw adduc- through junior high and high school. Kenya). tor muscles of strepsirrhines. All three have relatively flattened fem- oral and tibial shafts. One runner DANIEL J. PEPPE1, ALAN L. DEINO2, JONATHAN PERRY1 and ADAM started training in college and now KIERAN P. MCNULTY3, THOMAS HARTSTONE-ROSE2. 1Department of runs marathons; she has a very round LEHMANN4, WILLIAM E.H. Anatomy, Midwestern University, femoral shaft but a platycnemic tibia. HARCOURT-SMITH5,6,7, HOLLY M. 2Department of Biology, Penn State These results suggest that running DUNSWORTH8 and DAVID L. FOX9. Altoona. early in life may be essential for pro- 1Department of Geology, Baylor Uni- ducing strong femoral pilasters, but versity, 2Berkeley Geochronology Cen- If each of the jaw adductor muscles has that the tibia may actively model into ter, 3Department of Anthropology, a different biological role, then there early adulthood. University of Minnesota, 4Forschung- should be anatomical differences sinstitut und Naturmuseum Sencken- between the muscles that correlate to Health status vs. burial status in berg, 5Department of Anthropology, dietary differences between taxa. We early China. Lehman College CUNY, 6Department compared physiological cross-sectional of Anthropology, Graduate Center area (PCSA) and leverage of the jaw EKATERINA PECHENKINA1,2,XIAO- CUNY, 7Division of Paleontology, adductor muscles in frugivorous, folivo- LIN MA3 and WENQUAN FAN3. American Museum of Natural History, rous, and insectivorous strepsirrhines to 1Queens College of the City University of 8Department of Anthropology, North- test for division of labor among the New York, 2The New York Consortium in eastern Illinois University, 9Depart- muscles of mastication. The ratio of Evolutionary Primatology, 3Henan Pro- ment of Geology and Geophysics, masseter PCSA to temporalis PCSA is vincial Institute of Cultural Relics and University of Minnesota. greater in folivores than in frugivores Archaeology. and insectivores (p50.003). The ratio of More than 90 species of mammals, medial pterygoid PCSA to total adduc- It seems indisputable that the social including the stem hominoid Proconsul, tor PCSA is greater in folivores and status of an individual within his or her have been documented from early Mio- insectivores than in frugivores community can have a significant cene deposits on Rusinga and Mfangano (p50.026). These findings support pub- impact on that person’s general well- Islands (Lake Victoria, Kenya). These lished hypotheses. The masseter and being. Nevertheless, bioarchaeological faunas form an important comparative medial pterygoid appear to be empha- research often does not find a clear reference for understanding the evolu- sized in strepsirrhines that eat tough association between burial status and tion of Miocene mammals in East foods. We found no significant correla- skeletal health. Based on archaeologi- Africa, and thus their ages are crucial tion between leverage and diet, for any cally derived skeletal collections from to understanding Miocene mammalian muscle or bite point. Within extant China’s Central Plains, we examine the paleobiology. Five select K-Ar dates strepsirrhines, jaw adductor leverage

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 167

238 AAPA ABSTRACTS apparently does not closely track diet; needed but our results suggest that the possibility that inter-island differen- this undermines the use of leverage for when eating diets comprised mainly of ces may be related to differences in inferring diet in fossil strepsirrhines. leaves, monkeys in the Budongo com- environment and/or resource availabil- Rather than making assumptions about munity gain adequate amounts of pro- ity and natural disasters on smaller condylar translation, we calculated le- tein and energy to meet their esti- islands. Utilizing dental and skeletal verage with the jaws in occlusion. mated requirements. indicators of health recorded in prehis- Recalculating leverage at maximum toric skeletons from Tinian, the third ingestive gape would change the lever- Leprosy and the primate connection. smallest island of the southern arc age results as would altering assump- group, this new study focuses on the tions about bite force orientation, but LUZ-ANDREA PFISTER1, ALICIA K. health and lifestyle of pre-1521 Cha- the PCSA ratios would be unaffected. WILBUR2, LISA JONES-ENGEL2 and morro living on this island. The indica- Dietary inference for fossil primates ANNE C. STONE1. 1School of Human tors of health investigated include cri- would benefit from a combination of Evolution and Social Change, Arizona bra orbitalia (CO), linear enamel hypo- techniques that infer both muscle State University, 2Washington National plasia (LEH), stature, trauma, infection, dimensions and mechanical advantage; Primate Research Center. and dental disease including AMTL, however, this study highlights the im- caries, abscessing, periodontal disease, portance of the former over the latter. The geographic and zoonotic origin of lep- and attrition. Comparisons between This study was funded by Duke rosy, one of the most ancient scourges of Tinian and Saipan Island reveal signifi- University. humanity, remains enigmatic. Mycobac- cantly lower frequencies of LEH, terium leprae, the causative agent of lep- AMTL, and periodontal disease in the Macronutrients in leaf resources rosy, exhibits a very ancient parasitic life- Tinian series. When the skeletal series consumed by a community of mon- style. Based upon the timing of M. lep- from Tinian and Saipan are compared keys in Budongo Forest Reserve, rae’s massive genome decay, it originated to those from Guam, the largest of the Uganda. millions of years ago, well before the ori- Mariana Islands, significantly higher gins of Homo sapiens. However, our pre- frequencies of LEH, caries, and calculus JOSHUA S. PETIMAR1,ANDREWJ. vious work using a genomic timescale were observed in the Guam skeletons PLUMPTRE2 and JESSICA M. ROTH- indicates that leprosy spread in the Old suggesting more childhood stress and MAN3,4. 1Department of Biological Scien- World much more recently, around oral-dental disease in this series. No ces, Hunter College of the City 10,000 years ago. How would this obli- significant differences were found for University of New York, 2Albertine Rift gate parasite have persisted in the small, the Mariana Islands skeletons for Programme, Wildlife Conservation Soci- relatively isolated human and pre- AMTL, abscessing, limb bone fractures, ety, 3Department of Anthropology, Hunter human populations that peopled the spondylolysis, infection, or stature. The College of the City University of New world? We hypothesize that nonhuman frequencies of LEH, AMTL, caries, York, 4New York Consortium in Evolu- primates harbored, and have continued abscessing, and periodontal disease are tionary Primatology (NYCEP). over the millennia, to harbor M. leprae. the lowest in the Tinian skeletons sug- Further, we suggest that a primate reser- gesting that the prehistoric inhabitants Leaves comprise large portions of the voir may explain the continuous or even of Tinian were subjected to less stress diets of monkeys in Budongo Forest, increasing incidence of leprosy in levels than those living on the larger Uganda. They constitute the majority of endemic regions of the world despite islands of Saipan and Guam. The signif- the diet of foliviorous black-and-white prevalences below a transmission thresh- icantly higher prevalence of dental colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza), and old. To test our hypothesis, we have col- attrition and betel stained teeth can seasonally represent up to 80% of lected buccal/nasal swabs from South observed in the Tinian and Saipan se- the diets of typically frugivorous mon- and Southeast Asian macaques. These ries and other differences are examined keys such as blue monkeys (Cercopi- samples were tested for the presence of to explain these results. thecus mitis) and red-tail monkeys (Cer- M. leprae DNA with a quantitative PCR This research was funded by US Capital copithecus ascanius), indicating that assay that targets the 85b antigen, a Improvement Funds administered they may serve as an important fallback gene unique to M. leprae.Outof900 under the CNMI and federal govern- food. We analyzed crude protein (CP), samples tested from different contexts ments and the CNMI Department of lipids (CL), non-structural carbohy- such as temple, urban, and wild maca- Public Works and the US Federal High- drates (TNC), and fiber (neutral deter- ques, 26 were positive. The positive ways Administration. gent fiber; NDF, acid detergent fiber; samples were collected in regions where ADF, lignin; ADL) in 67 samples from human cases of leprosy are also high, Striking out and digging in: a bio- 32 species of the most commonly eaten supporting our hypothesis. Currently logical distance analysis of the Wari young and mature leaves. The we have developed a strain typing expansion and its consequences for Budongo primates ate leaves that con- method based on multiplex PCR fol- local populations using cranial tain 10-42% CP, 36-80% NDF, 30-65% lowed by next generation sequencing to non-metric traits. ADF, 7-43% ADL, 1-38% TNC and 0.5- determine the type of strains present in 7% CL on a dry matter basis. About macaques and compare them to the CHRISTINE M. PINK. University of 60% of the leaf samples contained con- human strains. Tennessee. densed tannins. Young leaves were higher in CP, but similar in NDF, ADF, An assessment of health and life- This study focuses on the effect of Wari ADL, TNC and CL to mature leaves. style among prehistoric Chamorro state sanctioned activities on gene flow in When compared to leaves of the same from Tinian Island in the Northern regional populations during the Middle species in nearby Kibale National Mariana Islands. Horizon (AD 600-1000) in Peru. The inten- Park, Uganda, which is another sity of interaction between the state and stronghold for primates, Budongo MICHAEL PIETRUSEWSKY1,MICHELE regional populations in the context of an leaves were similar in macronutrient TOOMAY DOUGLAS1,MARILYNimperialist agenda is often difficult to dis- composition. Forest guenons are SWIFT2, RANDY HARPER2 and MI- cern from the archaeological record. Popu- known to have longer retention times CHAEL A. FLEMING2. 1Department of lation genetic tests utilizing cranial non- than expected based on body size, and Anthropology, University of Hawaii at metric data are used to detect increased colobus monkeys are foregut ferment- Manoa, 2Swift and Harper Archaeological gene flow or genetic isolation in popula- ers, indicating that leaves may provide Resource Consulting, Saipan. tions identified as having Wari influence. an important energy source for cerco- Appreciable gene flow was likely due to pithecines. Further studies on diges- Earlier investigations of health and dis- attempts by the Wari to incorporate com- tive ecology and food intake are ease in the Mariana Islands suggested munities either through direct control or

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 168

AAPA ABSTRACTS 239 negotiated alliances. To further address dition (n539). For all DS gaits, diago- Santa Barbara, 2Department of Anthro- the possibility of direct administration of nality values suggest that footfall pat- pology, University of New Mexico. regional communities by the Wari the terns do not become more diagonal resultsofthisstudyarecomparedtostron- when lateral poles are used, or on the Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is tium isotope studies on the same popula- ground (single pole average diagonality: frequently used as a measure of physi- tions. Identification of actual migrants 65, lateral poles: 64, ground: 68). These cal fitness, yet few data exist on interpreted with respect to the mortuary data do not support the hypothesis that VO2max in non-industrialized popula- context and biological distance results use of lateral stems influences footfall tions. Existing work suggests that in allows for a more powerful evaluation of patterns. both industrialized and non-industrial- population interactions. Populations from This study was funded by NSF BCS- ized populations, VO2max declines with different physical environments and with 0452217. age in a similar pattern, though at a varying levels of existing social complexity given age, non-industrialized popula- prior to Wari contact were sampled to Offsetting the costs of reproduc- tions tend to have higher VO2max than address questions of differential incorpora- tion: the role of social support in industrialized populations. The Tsi- tion strategies. Samples include the Wari human evolution. mane, forager-horticulturalists from heartland in the south-central highlands, Bolivia, live in both acculturated and south coast, central coast, and north-cen- BARBARA A. PIPERATA and DEBBIE remote communities. We hypothesized tral highlands. GUATELLI-STEINBERG. The Ohio that Tsimane in remote villages would Middle Horizon populations are also State University. have a pattern of VO2max decline simi- compared to those from the Late Inter- lar to other forager-horticulturalist mediate Period (AD 1000-1400) in these Lactation is the most energetically groups, with higher VO2max at any regions to explore changes in social demanding stage of human reproduction, given age than Tsimane in more accul- interaction associated with the Wari col- increasing women’s energy needs by 25- turated communities. Because of the lapse. The results of this study are im- 30%. While this is a significant increase high levels of activity associated with portant for understanding the genetic in energy budget, it is relatively low com- horticulture and foraging, we predicted consequences of social processes includ- pared to other mammalian species since that both acculturated and unaccultu- ing territorial expansion, military con- human milk, like that of other primates, rated Tsimane would evidence higher quest, boundary maintenance and re- is relatively dilute due to a shared life VO2max at any given age than the sistance, and alliance formation. history pattern that includes the birth of U.S. population. A step test was This research was supported by the Wil- mostly single, slow-growing offspring that administered to Tsimane participants liam M. Bass Endowment and the Di- maintain close contact with their mothers from the age of 5 to 82. Estimated versity Enhancement Summer Research and breastfeed on demand. The lower VO2max was calculated using the Fellowship. cost allows female primates greater flexi- Astrand-Ryhming nomogram. Tsimane bility in the strategies they can use to results were compared to data from the Frequency of diagonal-sequence meet their increased energy needs (i.e. Ache, a forager-horticulturalist group and lateral-sequence gaits in Sai- increase energy intake, reduce energy from Paraguay, and U.S. data. As pre- miri sciureus when using lateral expenditure and/or draw on energy dicted, the Tsimane demonstrate branches. reserves). However, the ability of individ- higher VO2max at any given age than ual females to alter their dietary or the U.S. population, consistent with HENRY PINKARD1, LAURA E. JOHN- energy expenditure patterns is affected results collected from the Ache. Rural SON1, CHARLOTTE E. MILLER1 and by their physical and social environment. and acculturated Tsimane populations DANIEL SCHMITT1. 1Department of Energetics data collected on Amazonian have far less discrepancy in VO2max Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke Uni- women demonstrates that the social envi- levels at any given age than that seen versity. ronment, particularly the availability of between the U.S. and Ache or Tsimane social support, affects maternal energy populations. The market integration The widespread use of diagonal- budgets, offsetting the cost of lactation. being experienced by Tsimane affects sequence (DS) walking gaits by prima- While there is evidence that social sup- subsistence, but has minimal effects on tes has been associated with mechanical port affects lactational energetics in mod- physical fitness levels, suggesting ac- requirements of moving on thin, flexible ern humans, the literature provides no tivity levels may not change with supports. However, Dunbar and Badam evidence of this strategy in our closest acculturation as much as previously (1999) opportunistically filmed wild, ju- living relatives, the great apes. Consider- thought. venile bonnet macaques moving on fine- ing recent paleontological discoveries, we branches and branches with lateral build on the work of others who have Mandibular shape variation in stems and suggested that foot place- addressed the topic of hominin reproduc- extant platyrrhines. ment strongly influenced footfall pat- tive energetics. Specifically, we add to dis- terns. DS gaits were more common on cussions regarding the role of helpers in MARY KATHLEEN PITIRRI and KAR- thick branches and lateral stems, where providing offspring care and focus on how YNE RABEY. Department of Anthropol- the base of support was wide. Lateral- social support, directed at the woman, ogy, University of Toronto. sequence (LS) gaits were more common could impact maternal energy budgets. when animals were on the narrow lon- As energetic stress is related to fecundity, Platyrrhine species exhibit a wide range gitudinal branch, where the base of sup- we consider the importance of offsetting of mandibular morphologies, the varia- port is narrow. To test the effect of the the costs of lactation during hominin tion of which has not been extensively use of lateral stems on footfall patterns, evolution. studied. Some of this variation is likely two adult Saimiri sciurius, a species This study was funded by the Wenner- attributable to differences in dietary re- known to frequently use LS gaits, were Gren Foundation (Grant# 6861) and the gime. Here we assess mandibular out- prompted to walk under three condi- National Science Foundation (Grant# line shape variation in seven species tions: (1) a single longitudinal pole, (2) BCS 0201936). representing five genera of extant pla- a longitudinal pole with eight lateral tyrrhine. Shape variation in two differ- poles spaced every 6’’, and (3) a flat Maximal oxygen uptake among the ent aspects of mandibular morphology wooden board representing terrestrial Tsimane: role of acculturation? was examined: the outline of the mandi- conditions. Individuals used DS gaits ble in lateral view and the outline of 100% of the time on the single longitu- ANNE PISOR1, MICHAEL GURVEN1, the condyle in superior view. Outlines dinal pole (n596), 98.2% of the time in HILLARD KAPLAN2 and AARON from digital images of 400 male and the lateral pole condition (n5106), and BLACKWELL1. 1Integrative Anthropo- female specimens of Cebus, Chiropotes, 97.5% of the time in the terrestrial con- logical Sciences, University of California Pithecia, Cacajao and Alouatta were

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 169

240 AAPA ABSTRACTS acquired and normalized for size. Sepa- selection of bioarchaeological samples morphometrics is a method of analyzing rate elliptical Fourier analyses were for subsequent chemical analyses. shape differences in objects or organ- conducted to quantify and compare the isms using statistical analysis of 2D or shape of these aspects of mandibular Group size, female resource compe- 3D images and has been applied to morphology. The first 20 harmonics tition, female body size and dimor- many aspects of anthropological study. were adequate to sufficiently capture phism in primates. This study aims to determine if palaeo- the shape of both mandibular aspects. pathology would also benefit from these Shape variation was summarized using J. MICHAEL PLAVCAN. Department of techniques. Applying this analytic principal components analysis on ellip- Anthropology, University of Arkansas, method to palaeopathology will result in tic Fourier coefficients. Principal compo- Fayetteville. a standardized and quantifiable record- nents scores were used to compute Eu- ing method and decrease the amount of clidean distances, to assess shape varia- The factors that impact female body subjectivity and error in palaeopatho- tion. To test for shape differences size, and how such changes impact sex- logical research. This poster focuses on among taxa and between sexes, univari- ual size dimorphism, are relatively my preliminary finds involving the dif- ate and multivariate ANOVAs were con- poorly understood. Several studies sug- ference in joint shape between healthy ducted on specimen scores. Our prelimi- gest that female resource competition and osteoarthritic proximal ulnar joints nary results distinguish Chiropotes may favor larger female body size. of individuals from archaeological skele- from all other taxa and indicate separa- Using group size as a proxy for poten- tal collections. Asymmetry and sexual tion of pitheciine taxa from each other. tial female resource competition, Lin- dimorphism were found to be factors Furthermore, condyle outline shape did denfors (2002) finds no correlation contributing to the shape variation of not exhibit sexual dimorphism in any of between female body mass and group proximal ulnae. Osteoarthritic joints our sample taxa. These results demon- size across all primates, rejecting the are distinguished from the healthy con- strate the applicability of elliptical Fou- hypothesis. However, female resource trol samples, with shape differences rier analysis in studies of mandibular competition in primates is tied to occurring in the width of the joint and condyle shape variation and the impor- resource distribution and diet, and man- the radial notch. These shape differen- tance of understanding mandibular ifests itself in female dominance hierar- ces may represent joints which are shape variation in the context of dietary chies and female territorial defense. If predisposed to the development of osteo- adaptation and sexual dimorphism in the resource defense hypothesis is cor- arthritis, or may be the result of the platyrrhines. rect, and group size serves as a valid disease process on the joint. The appli- This research was supported by the proxy for female resource competition, cation of geometric morphometrics on University of Toronto. female body mass should be correlated osteoarthritic joints will not only greatly with group size only in frugivorous and increase our understanding of the dis- territorial primates, but not folivores. ease and how it affects the skeleton, but The applicability of histological Body mass and group size data for 155 will also objectify palaeopathological preservation measures in determin- species were gathered from recent liter- recording of joint changes. ing bone integrity. ature. Independent contrast analysis was carried out with PDAP in Mesquite HapMap-based study of cytosolic MINDY PITRE and PAMELA MAYNE using the 10k trees consensus phylog- GSTs: SNP diversity of xenobiotic- CORREIA. Department of Anthropology, eny supplemented with recent phyloge- metabolizing genes among human University of Alberta, Edmonton. netic information for additional taxa. populations. Female body mass is weakly associated Histological preservation measures with group size across all species, cor- RENATO POLIMANTI, SARA [e.g., Histological Preservation Index roborating Lindenfors’ (2002) original PIACENTINI, FLAVIO DE ANGELIS, (HPI), Oxford Histological Index (OHI)] analysis. Female body mass is strongly GIAN FRANCO DE STEFANO and are diagenetic parameters used to deter- correlated with female group size within MARIA FUCIARELLI. Department of mine the histological integrity of bone. frugivores and territorial insectivores, Biology, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Although these measures are considered but not within folivores. The relation- Vergata’’. replicable, the results of our investiga- ship is strongest among species showing tion suggest that one in particular, an matrilineal dominance hierarchies. Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes are adaptation of the HPI, is prone to both These observations support the resource involved in interactions between living intra- and inter-observer error, even competition hypothesis as formulated in organisms and their environments. when applied by experienced users. this test. However, support for the hy- Therefore, it is probably that the evolu- Using light microscopy, 266 thin sec- pothesis must be tempered with the fact tion of these proteins responds to and tions (including 65 examples of serial that the relationship between group reflects changes in environment. Gluta- sections) of the Tell Leilan skeletal ma- size, female resource competition, and thione S-Transferase enzymes (GSTs; EC: terial from Syria (2900 – 1900 BCE) selection on female body size is likely constitute the principal Phase II were assigned an HPI value by Pitre far more complex. superfamily which plays a key role in cel- and Mayne Correia. Intra-observer lular detoxification. GST genes are organ- error was great for Pitre (25.3% error) Quantifying Palaeopathology: ized in chromosomal clusters; most of and there was considerable inter-ob- Using Geometric Morphometrics to these genes are polymorphic, mainly due server error in assigned HPI values Develop a Quantifiable Recording to single nucleotide substitutions. Differ- between Pitre and Mayne Correia Method for Osteoarthritis. ent studies proved significant inter-ethnic (24.4%). We suggest that variation in differences in allelic frequencies of GST bone preservation –– owing to several KIMBERLY PLOMP, CHARLOTTE genes but, at present, no studies investi- intrinsic (e.g., age, sex, pathological con- ROBERTS and UNA STRAND gated if these genetic polymorphisms ditions) and extrinsic factors (e.g., tem- VIDARSDOTTIR. Department of An- reflect random drift or rather selective perature, variety and behaviour of the thropology and Archaeology, Durham pressures. invading microorganism) –– likely exa- University. The aim of this study is to test the hy- cerbated the observer error in assign- pothesis that the genetic variability of ment of HPI values in single thin sec- The current methods used in palaeopa- GST loci is influenced by environmental tions and between serial sections. The thology to record and describe lesions changes. Making use of the HapMap findings suggest that histological pres- lack standardization, which can cause a database, we analyzed the population ervation measures may not be useful for high level of subjectivity and inter-ob- differences in the 18 cytosolic GST determining bone integrity and as a server error in research, making com- genes by utilizing allele frequencies of result, not useful as a criterion for the parison of data challenging. Geometric SNPs shared among eleven populations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 170

AAPA ABSTRACTS 241 in the International HapMap project. cise can improve cognitive function and population-specific regression equations Comparison between GST data and var- increase brain size within species. If the derived from anatomically reconstructed iation at neutral independent loci was cellular and molecular mechanisms are stature (e.g. Revised Fully Technique, used to verify if GST patterns were conserved across species, the adoption Raxter et. al. 2006, AJPA 130:374-384), related to selective pressures. of endurance running may contribute an increasing recognition of the limita- Our results show that most GST SNPs to brain size increases and cognitive tions of existing equations and the im- demonstrated different patterns among improvements during human evolution. portance of inter-population variation in populations of African, Asian and Euro- body proportions. Limited work has pean origin, in accordance with those Comparative genomics of human- been published on stature estimation in observed with neutral polymorphisms. ness - what does your DNA tell you South American populations, and Conversely, other GST gene polymor- about what makes us human? Andeans present a special problem due phisms displayed divergent population to the widespread practice of artificial relationships respect to those obtain KATHERINE S. POLLARD. Gladstone cranial modification (ACM) and the lim- with neutral loci, suggesting that Institutes, University of California San ited availability of well-preserved, com- these genetic markers may be influ- Francisco. plete postcranial remains. This study enced by environmental changes and focuses on stature estimation in Andean therefore subjected to natural selection Comparative genomics is a powerful populations from northern Chile mechanisms. approach to investigate the genetic basis (n5119) to assess: a) the applicability of This study was funded by MIUR Grant, for what makes us human. The uniquely published stature estimation equations COFIN 2006 (2006053308) to G.F. De human parts of our genome can be identi- to Andean populations; b) the impact of Stefano and RSA (Ricerca Scientifica di fied by comparing rates and patterns of ACM on stature estimation; and c) the Ateneo) Grant 2009, University of Rome DNA sequence evolution to those in chim- implications of the results for variation ‘‘Tor Vergata’’ to M. Fuciarelli. panzee and other animals. Slow evolution in modern human body proportions. suggests functional constraints, whereas Differences between anatomically-recon- Brain size and endurance running rapid sequence change is a hallmark of structed stature (Revised Fully Tech- in human evolution. adaptation. In recent years, our lab and nique) and estimates from published others have developed statistical and equations were assessed by matched- JOHN POLK1, STEVEN LEIGH1, computational tools that enable us to pairs t-tests. Of the widely-used equa- REBECCA STUMPF1, KARL ROSE- scan genomes for lineage-specific tions from worldwide populations, only NGREN2 and ARTHUR KRAMER3. changes in the rate of DNA substitutions. Feldesman and Fountain’s (1996) White 1Department of Anthropology, University Using this approach, we identified hun- equation (both sexes) and Generic equa- of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2Depart- dreds of evolutionarily conserved sequen- tion (males only) (AJPA 100:207-224) ment of Psychology, Northwestern Univer- ces that were extensively changed in the performed adequately. Femoral equa- sity, 3Beckman Institute for Advanced human genome since divergence from tions for male and female Native North Science and Technology, University of Illi- our common ancestor with chimpanzee. and Central Americans and a Patago- nois Urbana-Champaign. Most of these Human Accelerated nian population (males only) gave the Regions (HARs) do not code for proteins, best results. ACM had a negligible Many species of Homo exhibited large but instead are located in introns and effect on stature estimates. Equations brain size and locomotor repertoires intergenic regions near protein-coding using femoral length generally outper- that included endurance running. While genes, suggesting that they may be regu- formed those employing tibial length, most previous studies have focused sep- latory sequences controlling expression which suggests a unique pattern of arately on locomotor or cognitive evolu- of adjacent genes. Consistent with the body proportions among Andeans rela- tion, there is increasing evidence for hypothesis that these non-coding HARs tive to other populations from the direct links between locomotion and contribute to human-specific phenotypes Americas and worldwide. This may both cognitive function and brain size. through changes in gene expression, the reflect adaptation or random variation Here we review evidence for the associ- sequence changes in many HARs are pre- specific to this region. ation between exercise and cognition in dicted to have created or destroyed bind- This study was funded by the Arts and humans and animal models, and the de- ing sites for regulatory proteins. Bioin- Humanities Research Council (UK), the velopmental mechanisms that underlie formatics coupled with experimental University of Cambridge Centre for these associations. Several observatio- follow-up have shown that (1) HAR1 is a Latin American Studies Chile Projects nal studies show positive associations novel RNA gene expressed in the neo- Competition and Abbey-Santander between physical activity and cognition cortex during development; (2) HAR2 is Travel Grants, and St. John’s College, but they cannot evaluate whether a a limb enhancer with human-specific Cambridge. causal relationship exists. Meta-analy- gene expression in the embryonic hand; ses of prospective clinical trials show and (3) HAR152 is a modified binding Homing in on stone: new insights clearly that exercise training improves site for NGN2, an important neurologi- from a virtual reconstruction of the cognition, and that the benefits are cal transcription factor. HARs are Steinheim cranium. largest for executive control processes promising candidates for understand- (e.g., planning, working memory, multi- ing the genetic basis for human-specific MARCIA S. PONCE DE LEO´ N1, tasking, scheduling). Exercise training biology and health. CHRISTOPH P. E. ZOLLIKOFER1 and has also been shown to increase the vol- ALEXANDER FLISCH2. 1Anthropologi- ume of grey matter in the frontal and Stature estimation in Andean cal Institute, University of Zurich, temporal cortices, as well as in the an- skeletal populations: methods, chal- 2Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materi- terior white matter, and blood flow to lenges and implications for modern als Science and Technology (EMPA). the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. human variation. Animal models have been used to inves- The Steinheim cranium represents one tigate the cellular and molecular mech- EMMA POMEROY and JAY T. STOCK. of the best-preserved Mid-Pleistocene anisms that underlie the effect of exer- Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolu- hominins from Central Europe, but its cise on brain structure. These studies tionary Studies, Department of Bio- taxonomic and phyletic status has shown that neurotrophic molecules such logical Anthropology, University of remained a conundrum since its discov- as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Cambridge. ery in 1933. This is partly due to its and IGF-1 help to regulate the effect of uniquely gracile build amongst a con- exercise on brain vascularity and cogni- Estimating stature from the skeleton is temporaneous sample of fairly robust tive abilities. Together, these studies a classic problem in anthropology. specimens, and its mosaic of generalized suggest that increases in aerobic exer- Recent years have seen a florescence of archaic (Homo cf. heidelbergensis) and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 171

242 AAPA ABSTRACTS derived Neanderthal features. However, a broad range of subsistence economies University, School of World Studies, An- a major hindrance in assessing its mor- suggests that human energy use may thropology Program, 2Virginia Common- phology has been the specimen’s severe be a physiologically constrained product wealth University, School of Dentistry, taphonomic deformation and partial fill- of our evolutionary history, with other 3Department of Archaeology and His- ing with sediment. Here we present a factors such as activity level and cli- toric Preservation, Olympia, WA. virtual reconstruction, which attempts mate playing a smaller role in DEE. We to infer its morphology at the time of examine the implications for this Sex estimation, critical in the identifica- the individual’s death, and we compare human metabolic strategy in light of tion of human skeletal remains, may be variants of its restored morphology with recent work in other primates. difficult when craniofacial or pelvic other Mid-Pleistocene hominin crania. This study was funded by the National landmarks are missing. Teeth are resil- We use industrial cone-beam computed Science Foundation, BCS 0850815. ient and sexually dimorphic and great tomography to acquire high-resolution accuracy in sex identification has been volumetric data, remove sediment fil- Foraging and spatial memory in demonstrated with odontometrics in ho- lings electronically, and recover all skel- saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fus- mogeneous populations. These conclu- etal structures. Based on historical site cicollis). sions, however, may be population spe- information, we then infer a taphonomic cific, suggesting reduced accuracy of deformation scenario, which is reversed LEILA PORTER1 and PAUL GARBER2. such applications in ethnically hetero- in virtual reality. The overall morphol- 1Department of Anthropology, Northern geneous contexts. Tooth size variation ogy of the reconstructed Steinheim spec- Illinois University, 2Department of An- in an urban sample including individu- imen is clearly different from that of thropology, University of Illinois als representing multiple ethnicities the Neanderthals, but more closely Urbana-Champaign. was examined with the aim of deter- associated with this taxon than with mining whether significant sexual any other well-defined hominin taxon. In this study we examined whether dimorphism was present. The null hy- This in congruence with earlier studies ranging patterns in Saguinus fuscicollis pothesis of no significant sexual dimor- suggesting close phyletic relationships were more consistent with coordinate or phism, suggesting odontometrics can between Homo cf. heidelbergensis and route based mental maps. At 2 minute notbeusedaccuratelytoestimatesex the Neanderthals. intervals over the course of 36 days, we in heterogenous populations, was observed the feeding behavior of one tested. Mesiodistal and buccolingual Hadza forager energetics and the group of S. fuscicollis using point sam- diameters of central incisors through evolution of the human metabolic pling and recorded the animals’ loca- second molars were collected from 60 strategy. tions using a GPS unit. We also mixed sex dental casts. Statistical anal- recorded the location of sleeping sites ysis was completed on 28 dimensions HERMAN PONTZER1, DAVID A. (n59) and all feeding trees of plant spe- for 14 teeth from the left maxilla and RAICHLEN2, BRIAN M. WOOD3, cies that comprised 1% of the group’s mandible and composite measures AUDAX Z. P. MABULLA4 and FRANK feeding time (n585). From these data, including Crown Area, Crown Shape W. MARLOWE5. 1Department of An- we calculated a circuity index (CI 5 dis- Index, Crown Module, and Summary thropology, Hunter College, 2School of tance traveled/straight-line distance) to Tooth size. Student’s t-tests and dis- Anthropology, University of Arizona, test the degree to which individuals criminant function analyses were used 3Department of Anthropology, Stanford move directly between sites. Based on to investigate sexual dimorphism. Male University, 4Archaeology Unit, Univer- an evaluation of 156 travel segments tooth size was significantly larger in 12 sity of Dar es Salaam, 5Department of the CI was 2.07, indicating that the dimensions and 7 composite measure- Anthropology, Durham University. monkeys did not move directly between ments. Four discriminant functions feeding and resting sites. We also plot- had sex prediction accuracies of 0.80 Recent work suggests that daily energy ted the monkey’s daily movement pat- and 0.81. Although accuracy is lower expenditure, DEE (kCal spent per day), terns using GIS software to determine when estimating sex based on tooth is a central element of a species’ life his- if they use a route-based system of navi- dimensions within a heterogeneous tory strategy, constraining the energy gation. These analyses show that the population, these data indicate that available for growth and reproduction. monkeys reused specific parts (14 ha) of significant sexual dimorphism is pres- While hundreds of studies have meas- their total home range (35.5 ha) as ent and may contribute to sex estima- ured DEE in humans living in devel- travel pathways. In addition, we found tion in the forensic context. oped, industrial economies, little is that on 67% of days the monkeys moved known about human DEE in the non- among sites in an order that most effi- industrial, non-agricultural, hunting ciently minimized total travel distance. The Smithsonian Institution’s and gathering economies in which our On the remaining days, the monkeys’ Human Origins Program Database: species evolved. Here we present the visitation sequences were more efficient development, accessibility, and first direct measurements of DEE in a than randomly generated sequences goals for research and education. foraging population, the Hadza of north- 93% of the time. These results indicate ern Tanzania. Using the doubly labeled that S. fuscicollis accurately encodes RICHARD POTTS1, MATTHEW W. water method, we measured DEE in 30 the spatial relationships among feeding TOCHERI1, CHRISTIAN A. TRYON2, adults (17 men, 13 women; age 18–75) and sleeping sites in their home range, KRIS KOVAROVIC3, CHRISTOPHER during two field seasons at two different and use a route-based mental map to J. CAMPISANO4, NICK WALTON5, camps near Lake Eyasi. We also meas- navigate. BENTE HALVORSEN6, LARS BJØR- ured resting metabolic rates and Funded by Northern Illinois University KEVOLL6 and AUDUN HODNEF- tracked daily activity by recording heart and the University of Illinois Urbana- JELL6. 1Human Origins Program, rates and travel. Surprisingly, despite Champaign. Department of Anthropology, National highly active lifestyles typical of savan- Museum of Natural History, Smithso- nah-living foragers, DEE among the Odontometric analysis of an urban nian Institution, 2Department of An- Hadza was largely similar to that of population: can analysis of tooth thropology, New York University, other human populations in industrial dimensions contribute to sex esti- 3Department of Anthropology, Durham and agricultural societies. Further, mation in a population with diverse University, 4Institute of Human Ori- Hadza men tended to expend more calo- ancestries? gins, School of Human Evolution and ries each day than did Hadza women Social Change, Arizona State Univer- even after controlling for body size, a AMIEE B. POTTER1, SHAMAN M. sity, 5Legend Club Management Sys- result consistent with other human pop- AL-ANEZI2, GUY L. TASA3 and AMY tems (UK) Ltd, York, United Kingdom, ulations. Such similarity in DEE across H. BELL1. 1Virginia Commonwealth 6Østfold University College.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 172


The Smithsonian Institution’s Human could handicap survivorship, character- various ciconiiformes (storks, herons, Origins Program Database (HOP-DB) is istics dependent upon testosterone and egrets) are also present in smaller a collaborative effort to make data from should be honest indications of quality. numbers. Most specimens can be the published records of paleoanthropol- Therefore, we hypothesized that healthy ascribed to extant taxa, increasing the ogy and related disciplines web-accessi- adult men and women with excess fidelity of attributed life history traits. ble to interested students and research- energy availability (i.e., not constrained Bird densities and distributions suggest ers as well as the general public. This by trade-offs between immunity and a persistence of wetlands and deep effort presents numerous issues and other functions) should exhibit direct swamps during Lowermost Bed II challenges, on both theoretical and (positive) correlations between testoster- times, but also the occurrence of tall practical levels. These include issues of one and a measure of innate immune nesting trees and possible flooded grass- compatibility of data collected by differ- function. Multiple saliva samples were lands. In terms of hominin land usage, ent researchers, the use of alternative obtained from each of 37 male and 57 these birds point to locations where po- methods or naming conventions, and female participants. Innate immunity table water, water plants, safety trees, the challenges of maintaining the most (i.e., complement and lysozyme activity) and bird nests may have occurred. flexible database design to ensure maxi- was measured using a newly developed This study supports the inclusion of avi- mum data reliability and usefulness salivary assay for bactericidal proper- faunal assemblages, when recovered at into the future. Here we discuss these ties against cultured E. coli. Testoster- other sites of paleoanthropological sig- and other issues and challenges encoun- one levels were directly correlated with nificance, in any paleo-environmental or tered during development of the HOP- immune values in both the male (Spear- -ecological assessments. DB, and we present the implemented man’s rank order, rho 5 0.45, p 5 This research is part of a dissertation solutions and discuss the problems that 0.007) and female (rho 5 0.52, p 5 project that was funded by the Leakey still remain. In particular, we empha- 0.000) samples. Those individuals with Foundation, the Wenner Gren Founda- size the need to design a highly modu- higher salivary testosterone levels tion, and a NSF DDIG. lar structure of back-end data relation- exhibited greater ability to kill patho- ships such that front-end interfaces and genic bacteria. These results suggest New 3D automatic methods for the web-applications can easily evolve to that, although testosterone levels may analysis of the endocranial shape meet the needs of current and future be inversely related to immune meas- and its relationship with ectocra- users while the continual refinements of ures in some individuals (particularly nial structures: assessment and pre- scientific data are accommodated during infection/injury), testosterone liminary experiments. smoothly and efficiently. By following levels can also be directly associated this approach, the HOP-DB contains ar- with other immune measures in SYLVAIN PRIMA1,2,3, RALPH HOLLO- tificial-like intelligence built into its in- healthy individuals with excess energy WAY4,GE´ RARD SUBSOL5, BENOIˆT ternal structure, increasing the likeli- availability. COMBE` S1,2,3, TOM SCHOENEMANN6, hood that this database and its many Funded by Indiana University-Bloo- JOSE´ BRAGA7 and JANET MONGE8. modular components will remain a reli- mington. 1INSERM, 2INRIA, VisAGeS Project- able and useful source of scientific infor- Team, 3University of Rennes I, CNRS, mation for years to come. We highlight Fossil water and marsh birds, as UMR 6074, IRISA, 4Department of An- some specific examples of uses of the paleoenvironmental indicators, at thropology, Columbia University, 5Labo- HOP-DB in both research and educa- Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. ratory of Computer Science LIRMM, tional settings. CNRS/University Montpellier 2, This work was funded by the National KARI ALYSSA PRASSACK. The Center 6Department of Anthropology, Indiana Science Foundation HOMINID program for Human Evolutionary Studies, University, 7Laboratory of Anthropobiol- (grant BCS-0218511). Department of Anthropology, Rutgers ogy AMIS, CNRS/University Toulouse University. (Paul Sabatier), 8Department of Anthro- Salivary measures of testosterone pology, University of Pennsylvania. and functional innate immunity are Olduvai has received countless faunal directly associated in a sample of community and environmental recon- Over these last years, new computer- healthy young adults. structions, but none have adequately ized methods have been proposed to addressed the paleoecological implica- build virtual endocasts based on 3D CT SEAN PRALL, SHEILA BLANCHARD, tions of its avifauna. Birds may provide images of extant or fossil skulls. This DELANIE HURST, ELLEN IRELAND, information on environments at a finer allows analyzing large samples auto- CARI LEWIS, LEIGH MARTINEZ, spatial scale than mammals, especially matically and then obtaining significant ALICIA RICH, EVANNA SINGH, for Pliocene deposits where many statistical results about the shape of the CHARITY TABOAS and MICHAEL extinct mammals, but primarily extant endocast and its correlation relative to MUEHLENBEIN. Department of An- birds, occur. Here, taxonomic analysis of other anatomical structures. thropology, Indiana University, Bloo- water and marsh birds excavated by the We assessed two new algorithms to mington. Olduvai Landscape Paleoanthropology segment and process virtual endocasts. Project (OLAPP) is used to help recon- The first tool allows delineating the Immune-endocrine interactions have struct Olduvai’s Lowermost Bed II (1.75 boundary of the 3D endocranial sur- been the subject of intense interest by Ma) landscape. face without any manual interaction, evolutionary biologists due to the impor- Water and marsh birds, which dominate even in presence of large holes (such tant life history trade-offs that are evi- the Olduvai avifaunal assemblage, ex- as the foramen magnum). We com- dent in the function of various hor- hibit especially narrow habitat toleran- pared these virtual endocasts with the mones and immune factors. Testoster- ces related to vegetation structure, diet, corresponding plaster endocasts man- one has been considered the water quality and depth. Their presence ually casted by one the authors. The quintessential physiological moderator may therefore provide important paleo- second algorithm allows the auto- between the immune and endocrine sys- environmental and -ecological informa- mated measurement of 3D asymmetry tems. Testosterone may facilitate tion necessary for interpreting hominin on the virtual endocasts, and the com- increased reproductive success but also land usage. putation of a mean 3D endocranial compromise survivorship, particularly Cormorants are most common, with 79 shape over several individuals on via immunosuppression. Because of its specimens (Phalacrocorax and Micro- which the mean population asymmetry pleiotropic actions, testosterone levels carbo). Anatids (ducks, geese, and can be assessed. may represent an honest signal of phe- swan) are less common but more To show the potential of such automatic notypic quality. That is, because main- diverse, with 25 specimens from 8 gen- tools, we propose to study the relation- taining elevated testosterone levels era. Rail, grebe, flamingo, pelican, and ship between the shape of the endocast

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 173

244 AAPA ABSTRACTS and the external shape of the skull. For age estimation for archaeological mate- The sample of human fossils from the this purpose, we selected about twenty rial which has been developed specifi- Sima de los Huesos (SH) includes a dry skulls in the Morton collection. cally for that population and have large number of mandibular remains. These skulls were selected from popula- developed a possible solution for Scandi- Previous studies of many of these speci- tional samples which have been consid- navian sub-adult material. mens have highlighted numerous simi- ered in the past to evince pronounced larities between the Atapuerca (SH) exo-cranial secondary-developing super- mandibles and the later in time Nean- structures. These samples were CT- Shape analysis of the proximal MT dertals and have revealed important scanned and we automatically seg- 2 and MT 3 articular surfaces. insights into the evolutionary process in mented both the external surface of the Europe. In particular, a number of skull and the endocast. DANIEL J. PROCTOR. Department of derived Neandertal features in both the We present the first results of our anal- Anthropology, University of Minnesota, corpus and ramus are already present ysis by focusing on the exocranial ver- Minneapolis. in the Atapuerca (SH) mandibles, con- sus endocranial differences at the level firming an early appearance of features of the neurocranium of each individual. The proximal MT 2 and MT 3 articular related to midfacial prognathism in the We also compare asymmetry patterns surfaces were analyzed using geometric Neandertal lineage. The present study between individuals. morphometrics to test the hypotheses provides an update on the inventory of Research supported by the French Insti- that the human articular surfaces are the mandibular sample from the Sima tute for Research in Computer Science quantitatively different from those of de los Huesos. A number of mandibles and Control (3D-MORPHINE Collabora- apes, and that there is no difference in are now more complete following recent tive Research Initiative). articular surface shape between shod discoveries and newly recognized associ- and unshod humans. Shod and unshod ations between specimens. The more A method for aging Scandinavian humans are compared to Pan, Gorilla, complete mandibles make it possible to medieval sub-adults based on long and Hylobates. The MT 2 fossil speci- confirm many of the details of previous bone length. mens include OH 8, Stw 573 (‘‘Little studies made on more fragmentary Foot’’), Stw 377, Stw 595c, Stw 89, and remains. In addition, the enlarged sam- CHARLOTTE PRIMEAU1, LAILA SKX 247. The MT 3 fossil specimens ple has extended the known range of FRIIS2, BIRGITTE SEJRSEN2 and include OH 8, Stw 387, Stw 388, Stw variation in some features and allows NIELS LYNNERUP1. 1Laboratory of Bi- 435, Stw 477, and Stw 496. Shod and for a reassessment of the variation and ological Anthropology, Department of unshod humans are not significantly stability proposed previously for a num- Forensic Medicine, University of Copen- different from one another, but both ber of features. Finally, the recent dat- hagen, Denmark. 2Department of For- human groups are significantly different ing of the site to [530 kya suggests a ensic Medicine, University of from the ape groups. The human MT 2 re-evaluation of the evolutionary signifi- Copenhagen, Denmark. and MT 3 surfaces are relatively nar- cance of the Atapuerca (SH) collection is rower in the dorsal area compared to warranted. At this early age, it appears The preferred method for aging apes, but expanded in the plantar area. that features of the face and mandible archaeological sub-adult skeletons is by The human MT 2 surface tends to be are some of the first derived Neandertal dental examination. In cases where no slightly concave overall, whereas in features to appear in the fossil record dental records are available age estima- apes the dorsal area is highly curved and may even be associated with the tion may be performed according to epi- and has lateral torsion and the plantar origin of the Neandertal evolutionary physeal union or diaphyseal lengths. area shows medial torsion. The human lineage. Currently no data has been produced MT 3 surface is flat, while the ape sur- for aging Scandinavian sub-adults from face is slightly convex. The MT 2 speci- ASIP and PAX3 contribute to skin the medieval period based on diaphys- mens SKX 247, Stw 89, and Stw 595c pigmentation differences between eal lengths. The problem with using group with apes, while Stw 573 and European and Native American data on Scandinavian samples which Stw 377 group with humans. The speci- populations. have been derived from a different pop- men OH 8 (MT 2 and MT 3) groups ulation is the possibility of skewing the with humans. The MT 3 specimens Stw ELLEN E. QUILLEN1, MARC age estimates. In this study 58 sub- 496 and Stw 387 group with humans, BAUCHET2, MARK STONEKING2 and adult skeletons from three Danish me- while Stw 388, Stw 435, and Stw 477 MARK D. SHRIVER1. 1Department dieval collections were examined, aged are intermediate in shape to humans of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State from approximately six years to twenty and apes. University. 2Max Planck Institute for years. The samples were aged according Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, to the dental method of Haavikko with Germany. Ubelaker acting as control. Regression New Middle Pleistocene mandibles formulae were then constructed for from the Sima de los Huesos (Sierra The variation in human skin pigmenta- aging according to their diaphyseal de Atapuerca, Spain). tion has long been a subject of anthro- lengths. This study indicated that with pological interest and has been shown the regression formulae developed, esti- ROLF QUAM1,2,3, IGNACIO MARTI´- to be among the most rapidly evolving mation of age can be done with reasona- NEZ2,4, YOEL RAK2,5, BILL traits in many human populations. ble results on Scandinavian sub-adults. HYLANDER2,6, ANA GRACIA2,4 and However, few studies have attempted to The Scandinavian data was then com- JUAN LUIS ARSUAGA2,7. 1Department identify pigmentation genes that have pared to data from a different archaeo- of Anthropology, Binghamton University undergone selection in Native American logical sample and a modern sample. It (SUNY), 2Centro de Investigacio´n UCM- populations and contribute to variation showed that the growth pattern was ISCIII sobre la Evolucio´n y Comporta- in skin pigmentation between Native comparable to that of another archaeo- miento Humanos, 3Division of Anthro- American and Old World populations. logical sample with a mean difference of pology, American Museum of Natural Four tests of selection – Locus-Specific nearly one year. However, there is a dif- History, 4Universidad de Alcala´, Dpto. Branch Length (LSBL), Tajima’s D Dif- ference in growth pattern from the two de Geologı´a(A´ rea de Paleontologı´a), ference, Cross Population Extended archaeological samples to that of a mod- 5Department of Anatomy and Anthro- Haplotype Homozygosity (XP-EHH), ern population. The modern sample pology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel and Log of the Ratio of Heterozygosities showed an underestimation that Aviv University, 6Department of Evolu- (lnRH) – were considered to identify sig- increased with age until reaching tionary Anthropology, Duke University, natures of selection. Of 76 pigmentation approximately 6 years. This study has 7Universidad Complutense de Madrid, candidate genes, 14 showed compelling showed the importance of using data for Departamento de Paleontologı´a. evidence for non-neutral patterns of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 174

AAPA ABSTRACTS 245 evolution in Native American popula- Institute for Policy Research at North- the dimensions of muscles in hominoids, tions and were prioritized as selection western University. there is little information regarding nominated candidate genes. muscle-tendon architecture (muscle These genes were investigated using Identifying the source populations mass, physiological cross-sectional area, admixture linkage analysis in persons of African ancestry in Yemeni fascicle and tendon length) and its having mixed European and Native populations. direct relationship with muscle attach- American ancestry from Popaya´n, ment (location, size and shape). Past Colombia (N 5 173) and San Luis Val- RYAN L. RAAUM1,2, ALI M. AL- research reveals the challenges of defin- ley, Colorado (N 5 180). These analyses MEERI3 and CONNIE J MULLIGAN4. ing the boundaries of muscle attach- indicate for the first time that the genes 1Department of Anthropology, Lehman ment area in a consistent manner. The ASIP and PAX3, in addition to College & The Graduate Center, CUNY, main goal of this project was to investi- SLC24A5 and MATP (SLC45A2), con- 2NYCEP, 3Department of Biochemistry, gate whether muscle markings on the tribute to the difference in mean consti- Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University, forelimbs reflect muscle size, strength tutive skin pigmentation between Euro- Sana’a, Yemen, 4Department of Anthro- and activity of captive Sumatran orang- pean and American populations. These pology, University of Florida. utans. Three right forelimbs of orangu- four genes cumulatively account for tans (one female and two males) from approximately 17% of the variation in Approximately 30% of mtDNA lineages in the Toronto Zoo were dissected. Bones mean constitutive skin between the two South Arabian samples are African L hap- were cleaned and scanned using a Next- parental populations. lotypes, whose origin has usually been Engine TM 3D scanner. During the dis- This study was funded by NSF DDIG attributed to migration and assimilation of sections, careful attention was given to 0925976. African females into the Arabian popula- each muscle attachment, and pictures tion over approximately the last 2,500 were taken before the removal of Growth characteristics in infancy years. In contrast, few Y chromosome line- muscles to document attachment con- predict differences in milk composi- ages of clear recent sub-Saharan African tours. This method enabled visual defi- tion in adulthood. origin have been found in Southern Ara- nition of the attachments and reduced bian populations. This bias in maternal error. Results suggest that differences ELIZABETH A. QUINN1 and and paternal lineages is in accord with his- in mean ratios of muscle mass-to-mus- CHRISTOPHER KUZAWA1,2. 1Depart- torical accounts of the female bias in the cle attachment size are different ment of Anthropology, Northwestern Uni- Middle Eastern slave trade. In order to between males and females. The two versity, 2Institute for Policy Researcn, evaluate autosomal African ancestry, we males show a larger absolute muscle Northwestern University. collected high-resolution SNP genotype mass-to-attachment area than is found data from a geographically representative in the female. To better quantify this During the immediate postnatal period, set Yemeni DNA samples. The ancestry of tendency in muscle attachment area, mammary growth continues in humans. chromosomal segments in the Yemeni pop- site morphology and activity patterns of By the age of two, growth of stem cell ulation was estimated using a haplotype- the muscles will be further investigated. populations and the ductal system slows based local ancestry estimation method, dramatically. Until puberty, mammary HAPMIX. We estimated local ancestry in Focus on the freezer: the role of growth will keep pace with somatic the Yemeni sample with three European- ‘‘Cryoethics’’ in the conduct of bio- growth. During this early postnatal pe- African reference population combinations. specimen research. riod, when evolutionarily most infants There was no significant difference would be receiving human milk, meta- between the average proportion of African JOANNA RADIN. Department of His- bolic pathways and stem cell populations ancestry in Yemenis calculated using ei- tory and Sociology of Science, Univer- that will one day produce milk are estab- ther of the two Bantu-speaking reference sity of Pennsylvania. lished. Little is known about the accumu- populations: Yoruba (mean 0.062, sd 0.044) lation of differences in human mammary and Luhya (mean 0.076, sd 0.049) With the benefit of innovations in cryo- development, but a growing body of evi- (p50.13). However, the average African biology (the study of ‘‘frosty’’ life) in the dence from dairy cows has shown that ancestry calculated using the Maasai refer- 1950s, biological anthropologists and nutrition and growth during the immedi- ence population (mean 0.148, sd 0.060) is epidemiologists began to rely upon tech- ate postnatal period can alter the lacto- significantly greater from that calculated nologies of cold storage to help in the genic potential of the mammary gland. using either the Yoruba or Luhya reference building of collections of frozen tissues Specifically, in cows, rapid postnatal populations (p \ 0.0001). These data sug- from a range of human and non-human growth is associated with decreased milk gest that the source population for the Afri- populations. In the early days of anthro- synthesis and lower fat and protein con- can ancestry of the Yemeni population is pological genetics the freezer functioned tent of milk in adulthood. more similar to the contemporary Maasai as an important instrument in scientific Here, we report on breast milk composition population than either the Luhya or practice – ensuring that samples col- in a sample of 102 Filipino women followed Yoruba, and has implications for the recon- lected in the field would not degrade longitudinal since their own births in struction of the history of the slave trade before being analyzed in the lab. 1983-84. Detailed collection of growth between African and the Middle East. In the 21st century, these same freezers measurements (height, weight), nutrition, have also become archives, providing and illness frequency during infancy were Functional anatomy of forelimb opportunities for investigating historical collected at bimonthly intervals. These muscles in captive Sumatran questions about populations and envi- data were used to predict milk macronu- orangutans. ronments that have since undergone trient composition for these individuals 25 dramatic change. At the same time, yearslater,inadulthood.Infantgrowthve- KARYNE RABEY, AMBER E. they have attracted critical attention. locity, measured as change in Z scores MACKENZIE, SHELBIE MCCORMICK Discussion about the appropriate con- between critical periods of mammary de- and DAVID R. BEGUN. Department of duct of anthropological genetics has velopment, positively predicted more pro- Anthropology, University of Toronto. overwhelmingly focused on the speci- tein and sugar in milk. There was some mens and the bodies from which they evidence of a U-shaped relationship with Orangutans from Sumatra have special- were sampled. In this paper, I seek to growth velocity, as poorly growing infants ized arboreal locomotion and posture reframe the basis for inquiry about the later produced more protein as well, possi- and spend all of their time in the forest ethics of research in anthropological bly reflecting greater synthesis of immuno- canopy, travelling in trees. In captivity genetics by focusing not on the speci- proteins such as sIgA. however, these primates spend the ma- mens, but the freezer itself. I introduce This study was funded by the NSF, jority of their time on the ground. the idea of ‘‘cryo-ethics’’ as a mode of DDIG # 0726231, and Cells 2 Society, Although more studies are investigating directing attention beyond the terrain

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:59 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 175

246 AAPA ABSTRACTS of informed consent to a more sophisti- changes in the relative frequencies of are ideal for this purpose, showing both cated understanding of how technolo- mtDNA haplogroups in prehistoric bone and soft tissue and can be cor- gies of preservation, themselves, serve Aleutian populations have been docu- rected for magnification. Each measure- to powerfully reconfigure social rela- mented, but little is known about poten- ment was taken five times each by two tions along with the relationship tial source populations for prehistoric researchers to determine intra- and between the past, present, and future. Aleut migrants. We report mtDNA first inter-observer error. Means and stand- This intervention is not meant to dis- hypervariable region (HVRI) sequences ard deviations were computed for each place bioethics but to encourage exami- in samples from two archaeological sites measurement. Past studies have not nation of how challenges facing anthro- on the Alaska Peninsula (the Hot provided confidence intervals nor pological geneticists are (or should be) Springs Site near Port Moller and from included large samples. Means of tissue intimately linked to the conduct of bio- a group of sites in the Brooks River thicknesses using landmarks of the specimen-based research in the biomedi- area near Katmai National Park and skull are consistent with other studies cal sciences more broadly. Preserve) and one site from Prince Wil- involving geographically varied sam- liam Sound (Mink Island). ples, though confidence intervals are Different biomechanical regimes do The ancient sequences revealed the highly variable. However, measure- not affect craniofacial pneumatiza- mtDNA haplogroups typically found in ments obtained using the preferred tion in fossil hominins. Aleut populations (A2 and D2), but also method of nose projection resulted in haplogroups B2 and D1 in the Brooks mean measurements inconsistent with TODD C. RAE1, KEVIN KUYKEN- River samples and haplogroup D3 in visible soft tissue contours and actual DALL2 and THOMAS KOPPE3. one Mink Islander. While mtDNA hap- facial profiles. This study demonstrates 1Department of Life Sciences, Roehamp- logroup D lineages have been reported poor precision in facial reconstructions ton University, 2Department of Archae- in other northern populations, hap- that rely on mean soft tissue thick- ology, University of Sheffield, 3Institute logroup B has not. The region V dele- nesses in the mid-sagittal plane. Addi- of Anatomy, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Univer- tion in the Alaska Peninsula samples tionally, the shape and projection of sity Greifswald. appears to be unique, being character- noses may not be reliably predicted ized by an 11bp deletion and associated from the nasal skeleton. Paranasal pneumatization has been linked upstream SNPs. Interestingly, the to biomechanical stresses and strains of Brooks River area is located directly Levy walks in hunter-gatherers: the facial skeleton, particularly during across Shelikof Strait from Kodiak when are random walks an optimal mastication. A recent ‘narrow allometry’ Island, where a low frequency of hap- search strategy? test of this hypothesis (Anat Rec 291:1414- logroup B has been reported in a con- 1419, 2009) found that closely related spe- temporary population. The presence of DAVID A. RAICHLEN1, BRIAN M. cies of Cebus with diets of differing hard- this haplogroup in samples over 1500 WOOD2, HERMAN PONTZER3,AUDAX ness show no significant differences in rel- years in age indicates a deeper history Z. P. MABULLA4 and FRANK W. MAR- ative sinus size. Congeners, however, may of mtDNA deleted haplotypes in the LOWE5. 1School of Anthropology, Univer- not possess sufficient biomechanical differ- North Pacific/South Alaska region than sity of Arizona, 2Department of ences to affect pneumatization. To this end, generally assumed. These results reveal Anthropology, Stanford University, two fossil hominins of different genera (Sts greater mtDNA diversity in prehistoric 3Department of Anthropology, Hunter 5, Australopithecus africanus;OH5,Para- populations of south Alaska than previ- Colleges, 4Archaeology Unit, University nthropus boisei) that differ greatly in ously observed and facilitate reconstruc- of Dar es Salaam, 5Department of An- inferred diets were examined; as the differ- tion of prehistoric migration scenarios thropology, Durham University. ence between their masticatory morphol- from the peninsula into the Aleutian ogyisnearorequaltothehominidmaxi- archipelago. Recent work shows that a diverse group mum, this represents a conservative test of This research was supported by NSF of marine and terrestrial animals use the ‘biomechanical hypothesis’. grants OPP-0327641 and OPP-0732846. Levy walks when foraging. Levy walks CT scan sets of Sts 5 and OH 5 were exam- describe a class of random walks that ined using Avizo 6. Frontal and maxillary Exploring the precision of facial are an optimal search strategy when sinus volumes were compared with those recreation using cephalographic resources are randomly dispersed and from a sample of extant large-bodied homi- images from a contemporary South- animals have incomplete or no knowl- nids (Pan, Homo, Pongo, Gorilla), and west United States orthodontic edge of the resource distribution. In a scaled relative to a measure of craniofacial database. Levy walk, step lengths (continuous size. Both fossils fall within the 95% confi- movements in one direction) during for- dence limits of extant hominids. Exact ran- COREY RAGSDALE, ANTHONY aging come from a probability distribu- domization analysis indicates that the KOEHL and HEATHER J.H. EDGAR. tion with a power law tail (i.e., many degree of difference between Sts 5 and OH University of New Mexico. small steps connected by fewer long 5 is regularly found within single extant steps) and the frequency distribution of hominid species. Thus, there seems to be Forensic facial recreation is a common step lengths (x) follows the function: f(x) no evidence to support the contention that yet controversial potential aid of identi- x-l, where l is between 1 and 3. Here biomechanical forces affect pneumatic vol- fication in historical and medico-legal we examine whether human hunter ume. Other factors, such as internal sinus contexts. Many facial reconstruction gatherers utilize Levy walks during structuring (septa or struts), however, can- artists combine artistic methods and their foraging bouts even though they not be ruled out as possible responses to mean facial tissue thickness to model have more complete knowledge of masticatory stress. faces. This sample used 100 European resource distributions. We attached American females 18 to 29 years of age GPS units to a sample of hunter-gath- South from Alaska: an aDNA study from the Economides Orthodontic Data- ers from the Hadza of Northern Tanza- of the genetic history of the Alaska base housed at the University of New nia (n 5 8) and calculated l from step peninsula and eastern Aleutians. Mexico. This study is a two-part analy- lengths during foraging bouts using the sis, (1) using ten conventional lateral maximum likelihood method. A prelimi- JENNIFER RAFF, JUSTIN TACKNEY cephalometric landmarks of the skull to nary analysis suggests that Hadza men and DENNIS H. O’ROURKE. Depart- measure soft tissue depth, and (2) using and women use Levy walks in nearly ment of Anthropology, University of a preferred method of nose projection half of their foraging bouts (l52.08 6 Utah. estimation to reconstruct a two-dimen- .05 when step lengths follow a power- sional facial profile. Measurements were law distribution). Thus, even with more The Aleutian Islands were colonized taken directly from cephalograms and complete knowledge of their surround- from the Alaskan mainland. Temporal drawings based on them. Cephalograms ings, humans often use random walks

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 176

AAPA ABSTRACTS 247 that are similar to those used by many ARSUAGA4,7. 1Department of Anatomy inary results of dental growth process in other mammals. We examine correla- and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Med- Australian aborigines. Six lower M1 from tions between habitats and search strat- icine, 2Department of Evolutionary An- archeological specimens were cut through egies and suggest that patterns of thropology, Duke University, 3Department mesial and distal cusps and thin sections resource distribution likely drive the of Anthropology, Binghamton University were obtained. Cusp/crown formation use of random walks in humans. (SUNY), 4Centro de Investigacio´nUCM- time was obtained by counting cross- Finally, we explore the implications of ISCIII sobre la Evolucio´n y Comporta- striations in the cuspal area and by our results for reconstructing mobility miento Humanos, 5Division of Anthropol- multiplying counts of striae of Retzius patterns in the fossil record. ogy, American Museum of Natural History, by periodicity to calculate lateral crown This study was funded by NSF BCS 6Universidad de Alcala´, Dpto. de Geologı´a formation. Daily secretion rates were 0850815. (A´ rea de Paleontologı´a, 7Universidad Com- measured every 100um in cuspal plutense de Madrid, Departamento de enamel in order to estimate possible var- Geometric morphometric analysis Paleontologı´a, Facultad de Ciencias Geo- iation through crown formation. Wilson of the human innominate showing lo´gicas. bands were used to match the growth of shape changes related to body cusps. Periodicity values in our sample mass. Who is Homo heidelbergensis?Thean- range from 7 to 10 days with a modal swer is simple—the species represented value of 8. Range of cusp formation CHRISTOPHER W. RAINWATER1,2,3 by the mandible from Mauer. However, times is: protoconid 3.17-3.92 yrs, meta- and JENNIFER M. VOLLNER4. in recent years, a large number of fossils conid 2.88-3.11 yrs, hypoconid 3.14-3.42, 1Department of Anthropology, Center have been lumped with the Mauer man- entoconid 2.74. Daily secretion rates for the Study of Human Origins, New dible to constitute the hypodigm of H. increase from the enamel–dentine junc- York University, 2New York Consortium heidelbergensis. The result renders the tion to enamel surface in some speci- in Evolutionary Primatology, 3Office of definition of this enigmatic species mens, but in several M1s, DSR values Chief Medical Examiner, New York increasingly confusing and less convinc- are stable (4.5um) throughout all cus- City, 4Department of Anthropology, ing. Indeed, it is not clear whether lump- pal enamel. Australian aborigines Michigan State University. ing certain specimens together in this appear as to have one of the longer val- hypodigm is justified at all. In effect, the ues of cusp/crown formation time and Morphological, metric, and recent geo- morphology of certain specimens does not higher daily secretion rates among the metric morphometric analyses have all accord with that of the type specimen. modern human populations. Molars demonstrated the high level of sexual Obviously, the taxonomic identification of form through a long period at a high dimorphism in the human pelvis. Infer- skulls lacking a mandible is problematic, rate which explains the thick enamel. ences related to another relevant char- but even some mandibles give rise to acter, body mass, have received less uncertainty regarding their assignment Auditory sensitivity of the Philip- attention especially in isolated innomi- to the H. heidelbergensis hypodigm. pine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta. nates. Three-dimensional (3D) geomet- In our analysis, the Mauer mandible ric morphometric analyses were stands alone in its morphology, which MARISSA A. RAMSIER1, ANDREW J. employed to investigate shape changes appears to be the outcome of a unique CUNNINGHAM2, GILLIAN L. MORITZ3, in the pelvis that are related to body constellation of characters. The CATHY V. WILLIAMS4,PERRYS.ONG5 mass, controlling for sex. Twenty-three claimed similarities between the char- and NATHANIEL J. DOMINY6. 1Depart- 3D landmarks were digitized from the acters of the Mauer specimen, on the ment of Human Evolution, Max Planck innominates of 60 individuals (30 males, one hand, and those of Neandertals Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 30 females) from the Hamann-Todd Col- and the Sima de los Huesos mandibles, 2Department of Human Evolutionary Biol- lection. These data were subjected to a on the other, cannot be considered ho- ogy, Harvard University, 3Department of Procrustes’ fit and subsequent principle mologous, and hence, they are not syn- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dart- components analysis. Several principle apomorphies. Although some of the mouth College, 4Duke Lemur Center, component scores were significantly cor- Mauer characters superficially resem- 5Institute of Biology, University of the Phil- related with body mass suggesting that ble the ones on the Neandertal and ippines, 6Department of Anthropology, certain dimensions of the pelvis change Sima specimens, the Mauer characters Dartmouth College, Hanover. in relation to body mass. In females, stem from a different morphological this was generally expressed through configuration. On the other hand, the Tarsiers are central to understanding of the relationship of the pubic bone to similarities between the Neandertal how and why the senses evolved among both the inferior ischium and superior characters and those of the Sima man- primates. They are distinctive among acetabulum. In males, the shape change dibles are the outcome of identical con- haplorrhines in their basal phylogenetic was generally related to the breadth of figurations, making these characters position and as small, solitary, noctur- the pubic bone and a change in dimen- true synapomorphies. nal species that consume insects and sion between the anterior acetabulum vertebrate prey. Of particular interest is and posterior ilium. Additionally, 253 Dental growth in Australian how tarsiers are able to detect prey at inter-landmark distances were derived aborigines. night given their lack of a tapetum luci- from the 3D data. A forward stepwise dum. Low natural population densities regression of these inter-landmark dis- FERNANDO RAMIREZ ROZZI1 and and the difficultly of maintaining tars- tances selected two variables for males MARTA M. LAHR2. 1UPR 2147 CNRS, iers in captivity have not only limited and three variables for females in these 2Duckworth Laboratory, Cambridge our knowledge of the sensory ecology of general regions. The level of variance in University. these primates, but also prevented the body mass explained by these variables construction of a traditional behavioral is comparable to current methods sug- Works on dental growth have character- audiogram. Here we report use of the gesting that linear measurements from ized tooth formation in hominid species auditory brainstem response (ABR) an isolated innominate may be useful and have also suggested a large variation method to estimate the auditory sensi- for the reconstruction of body mass. of growth process in modern humans. tivity of wild Philippine tarsiers at However, this variation is not well Motorpoll, on the island of Mindanao. The problematic hypodigm of Homo defined. Ethnic groups inhabiting a well We found the tarsier to be unique in its heidelbergensis. defined geographic area, with a known sensitivity to ultrasounds. We calcu- history and unique somatic features rep- lated the high-frequency limit (the high- YOEL RAK1,4, WILLIAM HYLANDER2,4, resent a good biological model to study est frequency detectable at 60 dB SPL) ROLF QUAM3,4,5, IGNACIO MARTI´- variation of dental growth process in at approximately 75 kHz, which is 30 NEZ4,6, ANA GRACIA4,6 and JUAN LUIS modern humans. We here present prelim- kHz above any other haplorrhine and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 177


10 kHz above Galago senegalensis temporary diet on the changing form of ning the great majority of contests over (which previously had the highest the human mandible. resources. However, that dominance has known high-frequency limit among pri- never before been linked to strong mates). In fact, such extreme sensitivity Relative contributions of internal reverse canine dimorphism. Such canine to ultrasounds is found in only a few reaction forces to stresses in the dimorphism is manifested in Microcebus animal lineages such as bats, rodents, great ape mandibular symphysis. griseorufus in southwest Madagascar, cetaceans and amphibians. Additional and it occurs independently in popula- studies including other tarsiers species ANDREW J. RAPOFF1, MAX BAL- tions inhabiting three forests at Beza and exploring the ultrasonic acoustic TER1, W. SCOTT MCGRAW2 and Mahafaly (a gallery forest called Parcel environment and signals and cues pro- DAVID J. DAEGLING3. 1Department of 1, spiny forest called Parcel 2, and dry duced by tarsiers and their prey may Mechanical Engineering, Union College, forest called Ihazoara). Females and shed light on selective pressures that 2Department of Anthropology, Ohio males at these forests also differ signifi- resulted in this unique physiology. Such State University, 3Department of An- cantly in their feeding and nesting findings have broader relevance to thropology, University of Florida. behavior. understanding the evolution of ultra- Between October 2006 and September sound sensitivity among primates and The relative contributions of the different 2007, the morphometrics and activities across the animal kingdom. internal reaction forces to stresses at the of male and female M. griseorufus at This study was funded by the David symphysis in primate mandibles is unre- the above three forests were recorded and Lucile Packard Foundation and the solved. These reaction forces arise due to using both capture/mark/recapture tech- Department of Anthropology, Dart- occlusal forces, muscle forces and man- niques and focal-individual follows of mouth College. dibular geometry. Knowledge of these radiocollared individuals. Canine contributions, in concert with ecological heights of captured individuals were observations, may infer dietary habits of systematically measured. M. griseorufus Mandibular diminution between primate ancestors. targets particular tree species for exu- the Medieval and post-Medieval We determined stresses in mandibular dates and others for nesting. Females periods in London: evidence for symphyseal sections using existing fi- have greater access to gum trees reduced masticatory function. nite element software (VA-BATTS) for throughout the year and to tree holes sections with inhomogeneous elastic for nesting during the dry season and CAROLYN RANDO1, SIMON HILL- properties. We used sagittal sections just before parturition. The soluble sug- SON1 and DANIEL ANTOINE2. 1Insti- from computed tomographic scans of ars in gums provide energy for fat stor- tute of Archaeology, University College Gorilla gorilla (3 female, 3 male) and age which, with female dominance, London, 2Department of Ancient Egypt Pongo pygmaeus (6 female, 3 male) explains female-biased seasonal torpor. and Sudan, The British Museum. mandibles. We determined internal Across Madagascar, only those mouse reaction forces due to a left premolar oc- lemurs with access to sufficient soluble Biomechanical forces, such as those cre- clusal force using free body diagrams, sugars (either from fruit or gums) will ated during mastication, are considered equilibrium, mandibular geometry and enter seasonal torpor; species and popu- primary stimulating agents in craniofacial assumptions regarding masticatory lations that rely principally on insects growth and development. Due to the direct muscle and joint reaction force lines of will not. Gum-producing trees are often connection between masticatory muscle action. The internal reaction forces uncommon in the dry habitats of the strength and craniofacial form, fluctua- included an axial force and a torque southwest where fruit is scarce and sea- tions in biomechanical force and muscle perpendicular to the sagittal plane and sonally limited, so the monopolization of strength can alter the underlying bony transverse shearing forces and bending particular gum trees may be critically morphology. Proposed by Carlson and Van moments in the superoinferior and important to the reproductive success of Gerven in 1977, the Masticatory Func- labiolingual directions. We applied these females. tional Hypothesis suggests that decreases internal forces to the sections individu- This research was funded by the Inter- in functional stimulation of the mastica- ally and all together and determined national Foundation for Science (IFS), tory apparatus reduce the amount of force principal and maximum shear stresses Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), placed on the jaws, causing diminution of throughout the sections. National Geographic Society (NGS), Pri- mandibular and facial dimensions. The Obviously, the greatest stresses occurred mate Conservation Inc. (PCI), and Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th when all the loads were applied. For this American Society of Primatologists century profoundly changed human life- load case, stresses in the males were (ASP). style; advancements in food technology about half those in the females for the dramatically altered what humans ate, same occlusal force regardless of species; Hydrolyzable tannins in red colo- with food becoming more processed and stresses in the Pongo were about 25% bus and mountain gorilla diets. softer, requiring little chewing. As sug- larger than those in the Gorilla.Stresses gested by the Masticatory Functional Hy- for the cases of individually applied tor- SAMYUKTA RAVI1, KIMBERLY pothesis, decreased stimulation on the ques and axial and shear forces were an LUND1, CALEY A. JOHNSON2,3, jaws leads to a reduction in size of the order to orders of magnitude less than COLIN A. CHAPMAN4 and JESSICA human mandible, but can this hypothesis when all loads or just bending moments M. ROTHMAN1,2,3. 1Department of An- be applied to the changes in diet observed were applied. thropology, Hunter College of the City in the transition to the post-industrialised Supported by National Science Founda- University of New York, 2Department of era? To test this, an assemblage (n5280) of tion BCS-922429, BCS-60017683, BCS- Anthropology, The Graduate Center of skulls from Medieval and post-Medieval 0921770, BCS-0922414 and DUE- the City University of New York, 3New London were selected for full metric analy- 0511287. York Consortium in Evolutionary Pri- sis of the mandible, utilizing standard matology (NYCEP), 4Department of methods. Analysing male and female speci- Oh Grandmother, what big teeth Anthropology and McGill School of mens separately, the results show signifi- you have! Environment, McGill University. cant reductions in mandibular dimensions for the post-Medieval group, compared to EMILIENNE RASOAZANABARY and Hydrolyzable tannins (HT) are a class the Medieval one. These results may LAURIE R. GODFREY. Department of of polyphenols found in plant tissues. indicate that changes in diet observed Anthropology, University of Massachu- The effects of HT are not well-under- during this period affected mandibular setts at Amherst. stood, but they may form insoluble com- growth and its eventual form. Further plexes with proteins and minerals, studies focusing on the transition to the Mouse lemur females have long been rec- thereby diminishing diet quality. While modern era can clarify the impact of con- ognized as dominant over males – win- many studies focus on the role of con-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 178

AAPA ABSTRACTS 249 densed tannins in primate food selec- with latitude. Results showed that This work is funded by a grant from the tion, we know little about HT. We used region had no significant effect on male Palaeontological Scientific Trust. a potassium iodate assay to assess the brachial index, however region did have presence of HT in the diets of mountain a significant effect on female brachial Getting a grip: dynamic moment gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi index and on both male and female cru- arms and potential torque for Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, ral indices (p 5 \ 0.05). Nubians pos- muscles of the 5th ray in five catar- and red colobus monkeys (Procolobus sessed slightly higher indices compared rhine species. rufomitratus) in Kibale National Park, to ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptian Uganda. While gorillas eat primarily limb length indices were more charac- SANDY REECE. Corvallis, OR. herbaceous leaves, red colobus mainly teristic of tropical populations. Other eat tree leaves. Of 94 gorilla diet items indices such as body mass/stature and Despite its functional importance in pri- examined, 31% contained HT, including bi-iliac breadth/stature to stature were mate hand postures, the fifth finger 33% of staple foods. Conversely, of 58 intermediate between higher latitude remains less well studied than other red colobus diet items, 69% contained and lower latitude populations. regions of the hand. This study assesses HT, including 79% of young leaves the variation of selected fifth ray mus- (n514), which comprise 80% of feed- culoskeletal characteristics in five catar- ing time annually. A matched-pairs Mammalian population microevolu- rhine species within the framework of analysis revealed no difference in HT tion and community and environ- their differing locomotor/postural between young and mature leaves of mental change at Langebaanweg, modes. Both extrinsic and intrinsic fifth the same species. The difference South Africa. finger muscles are measured for muscle between distributions of HT in gorilla weight and average fiber length. and colobus diets may be associated AMY L. RECTOR and CHRISTOPHER Dynamic moment arms are calculated with the types of plant forms eaten. The M. STOJANOWSKI. School of Human based on tendon excursion and joint mixture of plant foods in gorilla diets Evolution and Social Change, Arizona angle during passive joint motion. Mus- may reduce the impact of HT. Like State University. cle weights and fiber lengths are used ruminants, colobines may host foregut to calculate physiological cross-sectional bacteria that are resistant to HT which The large mammal community recov- area (PCSA) for each muscle, which rep- allows them to cope with HT-rich diets, ered from the Late Miocene site, Lange- resents the potential force a muscle can or their protein-rich diets may dilute baanweg, South Africa, was speciose develop. Application of this force to the the negative effects of HT. This study and diverse. Two contiguous fossilifer- external world, however, is modified by illustrates the importance of considering ous Members (Langeberg Quartzose moment arm length. To estimate how the differences in dietary strategies Sand; LQSM, and Muishond Pelletal much potential torque a muscle can among folivorous primates, and high- Phosphorite; MPPM), sample 15 conspe- exert on the external environment, lights the need for more investigations cific Carnivora and Bovidae. Dating PCSA is multiplied by the dynamic into primate digestive ecology. suggests as little as 240 ka separate moment. the older LQSM and younger MPPM, The muscle characteristics examined in Egyptian body size and propor- and dietary reconstructions of several this study reveal some interesting pat- tions: ecogeographic patterns in a species connote changes in available terns related to hand use. Humans are mid-latitude population. resources, mammalian feeding morphol- characterized by very low PCSA values, ogy, and paleoecological context between but often equalize potential torque to MICHELLE H. RAXTER. Department the two deposits. Additionally, two that of nonhuman primates with longer of Anthropology, University of South river-bed deposits within MPPM, 3aS moment arms, particularly in the Oppo- Florida. and 3aN, have been hypothesized as nens digiti minimi and Flexor digiti occurring relatively close in time, yet il- minimi (FDM) muscles. Such a configu- Ecogeographic patterning in body size lustrative of meaningful morphological ration achieves strength with less fa- and proportions can provide important change within shared taxa. tigue. Orangutans also have relatively information about adaptation and popu- This study tests the hypotheses of sig- large potential torque values for the lation movements. This study investi- nificant morphological change between FDM and, unexpectedly, for the extrin- gated patterns in body size and propor- specimens of taxa deposited in the sic extensor muscles. Among the mon- tions in a mid-latitude population. An- LQSM and MPPM, as well as between key species tested, baboons show a cient Egyptians occupied a middle those of the 3aS and 3aN channel beds unique configuration of the Extensor latitude region at 31-21o North. It was of the MPPM, by quantifying variation digiti minimi muscle, which leads to its predicted that Egyptians would be in- in dental dimensions. Analyses included participation in metacarpophalangeal termediate between higher and lower pair-wise comparisons to assess statisti- abduction/adduction. The results relat- latitude populations in body size and cal significance of changes in size in ing to the extensor muscles warrant limb length ratios. The skeletal sample individual taxa, as well as tests of mul- further kinematic and behavioral consisted of 492 males and 535 females, tiple comparisons to maximize the investigations. all adults from the Predynastic, Old included morphological variation in one This study was funded by the Depart- Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New King- species. Lastly, models of environmental ment of Anthropology at Arizona State dom and Roman-Byzantine periods, a change versus community-level influen- University and the Philanthropic Edu- time spanning c. 5500 BCE – 600 CE. ces, such as predation, were applied to cational Organization. Egyptians were analyzed regionally by explain significant morphological dividing the sample into northern and change. Using a community perspective A new GPS data collection method- southern groups, as well as by compari- revealed that species were not evolving ology and data schema for integrat- son to Nubian groups. Egyptians were in concert, yet when compared with the ing multiple project databases: also assessed with respect to other pop- paleoenvironmental shifts occurring at examples from the Dikika Research ulations in the world using anthropo- Langebaanweg during deposition, bio- Project geodatabase. metrics from modern populations com- logically meaningful patterns can be piled by Ruff (1994) and skeletal meas- identified. Paleoecological studies of pri- DENNE´ REED1, SHANNON MCPHER- ures from archaeologically-derived mate and hominin fossil localities can RON2, W. ANDREW BARR1, ZERESE- samples from Holliday (1995). Analysis include this type of community-level NAY ALEMSEGED3, RENE BOBE4, of variance and Tukey’s post-hoc test analysis to better understand not only DENIS GERAADS5 and JONATHAN were used to analyze differences among reconstructed paleoenvironmental con- WYNN6. 1Department of Anthropology, groups, while bivariate scatters were texts, but also more intricate interac- University of Texas at Austin, 2Max used to assess changes in measures tions of species co- and microevolution. Planck Institute for Evolutionary An-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 179

250 AAPA ABSTRACTS thropology, 3California Academy of Sci- if scans of the crania of living individu- butions of fauna within Hadar and ences, 4Department of Anthropology, als are as useful as dry skulls, thirty Ledi-Geraru localities. Similarity indi- University of Georgia, 5Centre National existing CT scans kept in data storage ces and cluster analyses were used to de la Re´cherche Scientifique, 6Depart- were obtained from Saint Mary’s Health determine faunal distribution patterns ment of Geology, University of South Care in Grand Rapids, Michigan. These locally, within an individual African Florida. 3cm helical scans were randomly region, and between regions. We also retrieved from data storage by a radio- used minimum spanning trees to inves- Integrative analyses of human evolution logical technician with all personal in- tigate mammalian similarity both spa- must overcome the independent nature formation removed, except for age and tially and through time at regional and of paleoanthropological data sets and in sex (‘‘anonymized’’). Using the image pan-African scales. so doing face at least two key technical analysis software Amira 5.3, the cra- Paleobiogeographic patterns demon- challenges: first, the comprehensive geo- nium was isolated from soft tissue, strate that, despite changing habitats at spatial referencing of data relevant to with different colors representing dif- the locality level, most faunal commun- paleoanthropology (geological, archeo- ferent densities of bone in the final ities are more similar at single localities logical, paleontological etc.); and second, image. With these different densities through time than they are similar having a common interchange format delineated, three separate examina- regionally across space. Faunal com- for combining data from multiple proj- tions of the sagittal and coronal munities in southern and central Africa ects. This paper presents novel solu- sutures for degree of closure were appear to mimic the modern pattern of tions to both challenges, and concrete completed, including tests of interob- isolation. examples of their implementation as server error. Analysis was conducted This study funded in part by the Late applied to the paleontological collections according to previously established Lessons in Early History initiative at from the Dikika Research Project area methods (Reed et al. 2009). A correla- Arizona State University. in northeastern Ethiopia. tion between the results of the analy- Paleontological field methodology tradi- sis of suture closure and the general tionally relies on a concept of a locality age of the individuals in the scans was The growth and development of sex- – an area for fossil collection that has a also calculated. The results show that ual dimorphism using cranial base consistent spatio-temporal context – as existing CT scans from living individu- and post-cranial measurements. the primary unit of data collection and als are an effective and readily avail- data analysis. With the advent of small, able large sample source that can be SARAH REEDY. Department of Anthro- fast, inexpensive and accurate GPS used in the analysis of human cranial pology, University of Massachusetts, receivers, aggregate geo-referencing suture closure. Amherst. with localities is giving way to individ- This study was funded by a Research ual geo-referencing of fossils. Here we Grant-In-Aid from the Center for Schol- A current problem in skeletal biology is present a complete system (software, arly and Creative Excellence, Grand assessing sex in subadult skeletons hardware, workflow and best prac- Valley State University. since they have not undergone the tices) for recording the piece prove- pubertal changes that allow the second- nience of all paleontological occur- Early hominins through time and ary sexual characteristics to develop. rences efficiently. space: local, regional and pan-Afri- Research in juvenile sexual dimorphism Once collected, a common solution for can habitats and biogeography. has usually focused on the pelvic and disseminating data is uploading to a skull bones, which are dimorphic in data repository such as the paleobiology KAYE E. REED and CHRISTOPHER J. adults but not juveniles or has been database. In this paper we present an CAMPISANO. Institute of Human Ori- limited by small sample sizes. This alternative option, that of a distrib- gins, School of Evolution and Social research tests the hypothesis that the uted database system where data are Change. cranial base will become sexually dimor- maintained independently, but in a phic with the peak of brain growth format and structure that follows an Australopithecus species have been which occurs around five and six years established protocol. We propose a for- recovered from the Pliocene (4.2-2.0 of age and the post-cranial skeleton will mat built upon the existing Dublin Ma) of eastern, southern, and central become dimorphic at different ages Core and Darwin Core standards with Africa. Although much information is based on the typical patterns of growth added provisions for data unique to known about Australopithecus ecology and development. Measurements of the paleoanthropology. for specific localities, such as from asso- long bones and cranial base, as well as This study was funded by the National ciated fauna or more multidisciplinary analysis of morphological traits of the Science Foundation, grant number paleohabitat reconstructions, studies skull, mandible, and ilium at four dis- 0914698. investigating the spatial patterning of tinct phases of growth were performed Australopithecus habitats and the asso- on the Hamann-Todd Skeletal Collec- Analysis of cranial suture fusion ciated fauna at a more continental-scale tion. T-tests were used to test for dimor- using computerized tomography of are still limited. Biogeographical pat- phism during each developmental stage. living individuals. terns in Africa today demonstrate that Discriminant function analysis was per- species isolation occurs in peripheral formed to determine which of these var- JAMES CHRISTOPHER REED and regions, and this isolation often occurs iables best predicted sex in each age BRIDGET F. B. ALGEE-HEWITT. Bio- in habitats that are either very wet (for- group. Results indicate that there is medical Sciences Department, Grand ests) or dry (shrublands). The primary indeed sexual dimorphism of the cranial Valley State University. goal of our research is to determine if base and post-cranial skeleton at each the fossil localities bearing Australopi- stage of development with at least 75%- The biology of cranial suture closure thecus species mirror this modern pat- 100% accuracy. Each group showed dif- continues to be a significant focus of tern or, alternatively, show either 1) ferent elements of the cranial base and research in the anthropological and bio- abundant taxonomic interchange post-cranial skeleton as dimorphic, medical sciences. Previous research has between regions, or 2) that each region which proves that separating individu- shown that computerized tomography of represented distinct faunal centers with als by their growth and development is dry skulls can be used effectively in the little taxonomic interchange. vital in determining sex in juvenile analysis of the degree of closure of the Our analyses focused on spatial distri- remains. This will help us better under- sagittal suture (Reed et al. 2009). In butions and similarities of fauna at Aus- stand when and where the skeleton order to continue testing these methods, tralopithecus-bearing localities at vary- becomes sexually dimorphic so that sex a large, current data set, scans of living ing scales. We began with data from the may be determined in individuals of individuals should be obtained. To test Hadar region to analyze spatial distri- known age.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 180


Behavioral laterality and skeletal Monitoring plants’ reproductive cycles perature petroleum ether extraction to directional asymmetry in cottontop and relying on a cognitive map have measure crude fat and gas-liquid chroma- tamarins. been suggested effective navigation tography to estimate fatty acid composi- methods in territorial frugivores, such tion of all foods representing [1% the NICOLE M. REEVES1, ADAM D. as forest primates. Environmental land- total annual diet of mountain gorillas in SYLVESTER2 and BENJAMIN M. marks and travel destinations may be Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, AUERBACH1. 1Department of An- qualitatively linked to a route-based Uganda. We expected dietary fat intake thropology, University of Tennessee, cognitive map or true metric parame- to be much lower than that of modern 2Department of Human Evolution, Max ters may be stored in accurate geomet- humans, yet supply a variety of fatty Planck Institute for Evolutionary ric relations. However, even if cognition acids. The mean daily fat intake of goril- Anthropology. is involved, it is often unclear to which las annually was 2.2%. Staple vegetative extent spatial intelligence guides daily parts contained a mean of 1.46% 60.72 Researchers have indicated behavioral movement. crude fat, but fruit contained 7.73% laterality of Sanguinas oedipus, We tested spatial intelligence in adults 611.3. The predominant fatty acids were although the patterns of right or left of eleven white-handed gibbon groups palmitic acid (31%), linoleic acid (12%), preference vary between tasks and con- (Hylobates lar) at Khao Yai National and oleic acid (10%). Of the EFAs, linoleic texts. No population-wide handedness Park, Thailand, over a 55 day period acid was found in all staple foods but has been reported. An examination of (Jul09 – Feb10). Daily travel paths and alpha-linolenic acid was present in only directional bilateral asymmetry in S. food sources were recorded with a GPS one staple herbaceous leaf. Westernized oedipus long bone dimensions would and plotted in ArcMap. Spatial intelli- modern humans consume high saturated provide a way to assess differential gence was quantified by analyzing fat diets, while these gorillas consume effects of laterality on bone morphology where significant changes in gibbon diets with very low overall fats and low in a sample lacking population-wide travel direction occurred using the saturated fats. Modern humans may ben- laterality. change-point direction test (CPT).Con- efit from consuming a more similar diet Maximum lengths, diaphyseal breadths, secutive change-points were beginning to their ancestors with lower overall and and articular dimensions were meas- and end of travel between out-of-sight saturated fat intake, and developing agri- ured for the humeri, radii, ulnae, fem- resources..We found that travel direc- cultural practices that produce foods ora, and tibiae of 45 adult (17 female, tion changes occurred overwhelmingly resembling the nutritional quality and 28 male) S. oedipus skeletons. Dimen- at food sources (78.4% of change points, composition of their wild counterparts. sions with high measurement error n5195) and rarely during travel (6.2% ([2%) were removed, and all others of change points). Sometimes (13.3% Diet in Poland before the state: were converted to percent directional change points), food sources at change stable isotope evidence from the asymmetry (%DA). Results indicate points had no fruit, and 2% of change Wielbark population at Rogowo. that there is no population- level points occurred at intergroup encounter directional asymmetry. Therefore, we sites. Distances between consecutive LAURIE J. REITSEMA1 and TOMASZ conclude that no genetic or behavioral change-points (x 5 165m) were far KOZŁOWSKI2. 1Department of Anthro- predisposition for directional asymme- beyond gibbons’ visibility radius. pology, The Ohio State University, try exists. Sex differences in %DA Finally, gibbon movement was more effi- 2Department of Anthropology, Nicolas were also determined to be non-signifi- cient at detecting important food sour- Copernicus University, Torun´ . cant. Magnitudes of directional asym- ces than a random travel model pre- metry were further investigated dicted. We conclude that gibbons have We investigate diet of a 2nd c. Wielbark among individuals with %DA [ 0.5, excellent large-scale knowledge of the population from Rogowo (Pomerania and %DA magnitudes were ranked by spatio-temporal availability of resources area, Central Poland) using stable car- type of dimension. As found in other and that they plan daily travel with the bon and nitrogen isotopes. Our primary studies of limb bone asymmetry, maxi- goal to end segments at a next impor- goal is to complement a growing body of mum lengths are the most symmetri- tant food source. research concerning Roman-era diet in cal, followed by articular dimensions, This study was funded by a Postdoc Fel- Western Europe, facilitating a better and finally diaphyseal measures. The lowship of Mahidol University, Thailand understanding of the impacts of Ger- symmetry of long bone lengths may (NA), and the L.S.B. Leakey Founda- manic, Mediterranean and Slavic cul- largely be due to locomotor constraint. tion, U.S.A. (UHR). tural heritage and geography on human These findings may further indicate diet in early history. We also investigate that bone lengths, in general, are less Fatty acids in mountain gorilla effects of different sociopolitical systems susceptible to developmental perturba- diets: implications for primate on diet by considering our results in tions or mechanical stresses than are nutrition and human health. relation to other time periods (Neolithic diaphyseal or articular dimensions. A and medieval) in Poland. larger sample size and pedigree data WHITNEY B. REINER1 and JESSICA Bone collagen of 30 individuals from the will be incorporated into this study as M. ROTHMAN1,2. 1Department of An- biritual cemetery at Rogowo was pre- it becomes available, which will allow thropology, Hunter College of the City pared for isotope analysis, along with 2 us to further asses the heritability of University of New York, 2The New York Neolithic individuals for comparison. directional asymmetry. Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- Diet at Rogowo was predominantly ter- ogy (NYCEP). restrial, with mean d13C and d15N ratios Evidence for advanced spatial intel- of 217.9% and 9.7% respectively. The ligence in gibbons. Essential fatty acids (EFA) are necessary d13C values exhibit a broad range and fats that humans and other primates can- are higher than expected for a diet 1 ULRICH H. REICHARD , WARREN Y. not synthesize and must be obtained based on C3 plants alone, suggesting BROCKELMAN2, SUCHINDA through the diet. They are associated consumption of millet. The d13C values MALAIVIJITNOND3 and NORBERTO with improved cardiovascular, immune, of women and men differ significantly, ASENSIO2. 1Department of Anthropol- nervous and reproductive functions, and with women exhibiting higher values ogy, Southern Illinois University, 2Con- cellular growth and maintenance. Moun- than men (-17.5 vs. 218.2; Mann Whit- servation Genetics and Ecology Group. tain gorillas (Gorilla beringei)arephylo- ney U p50.016). Sex-based differences Institute of Molecular Biosciences. genetically one of the closest extant rela- in d15N values are not significant in the Mahidol University Salaya, 3Primate tivesofhumansthatconsumedietscon- sample (Mann Whitney U p50.109). Research Unit, Department of Biology, sisting almost entirely of plant tissues, These observations differentiate Rogowo Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Uni- mainly herbaceous leaves, in addition to from our comparative medieval and versity Bangkok. pith, peel, and fruit. We used high tem- Neolithic Polish samples, and from

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 181

252 AAPA ABSTRACTS contemporary populations elsewhere in Human-specific loss of an androgen presents a methodology called Behav- Europe. We conclude that neither cul- receptor enhancer is associated ioral Lithic Analysis (BLA) that uses tural affinities with Slavs nor socioeco- with the loss of vibrissae and penile size-independent, quantitative morpho- nomic links to the rest of the continent spines. logical markers to identify specific stone per se account for diet at this Roman- tool production behaviors. BLA relies on era site. Local ecology and food produc- PHILIP L. RENO1,CORYY.McLEAN2, a series of tests between archaeological tion technologies appear to have had a ALEX A. POLLEN1, GILL BEJERANO1,2 material and experimentally-derived significant impact on subsistence strat- and DAVID M. KINGSLEY1,3. 1Depart- whole flake assemblages. The research egies at Rogowo. ment of Developmental Biology, Stanford presented here represents the archaeo- This research was funded by a Gradu- University School of Medicine, 2Depart- logical stage of BLA development for ate Research Grant from The Ohio ment of Computer Science, Stanford Uni- Oldowan technology. If morphological State University’s Office of Interna- versity, 3Howard Hughes Medical markers that identify the method in tional Affairs and a Coca-Cola Critical Institute, Stanford University School of which particular stone tools were cre- Difference for Women Grant for Medicine. ated can be determined, then direct Research on Women, Gender and Gen- comparisons of production behaviors der Equity. Humans show numerous anatomical and between archaeological sites is possible. physiological specializations compared to To identify possible morphological other animals, but the genotypic basis of markers, measurements that represent Declines in primate abundance in most human-specific traits is still potentially controllable aspects of flake logged forests: differentiating the unknown. It has been long proposed that morphology must first be determined. impacts of guns versus logging. the striking phenotypic differences Twelve such features are measured on between humans and other apes may be whole flakes from Olduvai Gorge, Tan- MELISSA J. REMIS and CAROLYN A. duetoregulatorychangesinthehuman zania and Koobi Fora, Kenya. Statisti- JOST ROBINSON. Department of An- genome. To survey for likely regulatory cal results suggest that there is signifi- thropology, Purdue University. mutations specific to the human lineage, cant morphological overlap between we carried out a genome-wide search for assemblages from these two localities This paper explores the effects of log- sequences that are highly conserved but that there are groups of flakes from ging and increased gun hunting on pri- between chimpanzees and other species, both that are unexpected outliers given mates at Dzanga-Sangha Reserve but are missing from the human genome. the assemblage variation (MANOVA (RDS), Central African Republic. RDS We detect 583 such human-specific dele- d51, p\0.01, df5517). The identifica- was selectively logged in the 1970s and tions and confirm theirpresenceinmulti- tion of specific morphological features in 2002. Human migration along with ple human populations. The vast majority that vary from assemblage expectations greater accessibility of arms has led to of the human-specific deletions fall within warrants further experimental investi- increased hunting and trade of arboreal intergenic and intronic regions. One of gation. Large-scale replication experi- primates. We conducted line transect the deletions resides in proximity to the ments (N56000 whole flakes) using sampling for Cercocebus, Cercopithecus ANDROGEN RECEPTOR gene and native East African raw materials will sp., Colobus, Pan and Gorilla in 2002 removes a 5 kb region containing highly allow for empirical identification of mor- (n5420km) and 2009 (n5100km). Mon- conserved non-coding sequences. To phological variation among Oldowan key presence on transects has decreased determine the possible function of loss of assemblages. The implications of identi- from 2002 to 2009 (t53.88, p50.000). To this region we tested the capacity of the fying specific production behaviors discriminate monkey presence versus homologous chimpanzee and mouse within the Oldowan are numerous and cryptic behavior we compared calls and sequences to drive expression of an hsp68 include 1) comparisons of site usage observation rates in park and reserve. basal promotor-lacZ reporter gene during across landscapes and over time, 2) con- Monkeys have become quiet in hunted normal mouse development. Both the clusions of cultural differences, and 3) zones, suggesting behavioral changes in chimpanzee and mouse constructs drove raw material preference and differential response to increasing human activity expression in facial vibrissae and the gen- use. in the reserve. To differentiate hunting ital tubercle of multiple transgenic This study was generously funded by from logging impacts, we compared pri- embryos. We also established four stable the National Science Foundation, Grant mate encounter rates on transects close lines to test the postnatal enhancer activ- Number 1035266, The Leakey Founda- to and far from secondary logging roads. ity of the mouse sequence that showed tion, and the Center for Human Evolu- Monkeys’ presence in logged sites and a expression in the superficial tissue under- tionary Studies. higher use of roadside transects in 2002 lying epidermal spines of the mouse (G 5 10.199, p \50.001) suggests they penis. Thus, we demonstrate that the Quantification of sub-condular con- were not negatively impacted by logging loss of this AR enhancer is correlated striction of the tibia. itself and were preferentially selecting with the anatomical loss of androgen-de- logged habitats relative to their avail- pendent sensory vibrissae and penile ALICIA RICH1, KEVIN HUNT1, DAVID ability (G 5 22.13, p 5 0.004). Recent spines in the human lineage. POLLY2 and DELLA COLLINS COOK1. declines in primate encounters on roads This study was supported by an NIH 1Department of Anthropology, Indiana increasingly used by hunters, and in Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA post-doctoral University, Bloomington, 2Department logged zones after 2002, suggest hunt- fellowship (1 F32 HD062137-01) to of Geological Sciences, Indiana Univer- ing rather than fragmentation might be P.L.R. sity, Bloomington. responsible. At RDS, many primates are flexible in their ability to use logged for- Morphological variation between One (A.R.) measured the rate of sub- est and make behavioral adaptations to Oldowan assemblages from Olduvai condular constriction of the tibia in reduce their vulnerability to hunting, Gorge, Tanzania and Koobi Fora, Homo, Pan, and Pongo. The tibiae of yet it is unlikely these changes can Kenya and implications for Behav- twenty-six captive-born adult individu- keep pace with large scale encroach- ioral Lithic Analysis. als were measured; nine chimpanzees, ment of arms and people into Central and seven orangutans were selected at African forests. JAY S. RETI. Department of Anthropol- random from the W.R. Adams Primate This study was funded by National Geo- ogy, Rutgers University. Skeletal collection and ten humans graphic Society, World Wildlife Fund from [Della Cook’s lab]. Each tibia was Ecoregion Grants, Primate Conserva- Lithic analysis, as an archaeological marked at five theoretical cross-sec- tion, International Society of Primatol- tool, has the potential to reconstruct tions, the first being at the widest part ogy, American Society of Primatologists, specific production behaviors among of the plateau. Subsequent cross sec- Explorers Club and Purdue University. stone tool producers. This research tions were marked as a fraction of tibial

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 182

AAPA ABSTRACTS 253 length, beginning at 1/16 the length pressure generated by breathing is also length proportions. However, the trape- and progressing at the same interval. insufficient to maintain normal nasal zium is derived in having a relatively Mean area for each cross section was cavity size/shape. Space occupied by air flattened trapeziometacarpal (saddle) constructed using an Immersion1 and fluid filled matrices, beyond base- joint, suggesting that this feature is not MicroScribe MX measurement appara- line requirements, can be usurped by necessarily functionally or developmen- tus and the software R.InPan the surrounding matrices. We conclude that tally linked with increased thumb most notable constriction occurred fluid and air filled matrices are highly robusticity. Hypotheses treating these between the widest part and 1/16 the flexible and capable of absorbing varia- features as a functional complex for length. The mean difference in area (in tions in other less flexible matrices dur- forceful precision and power grips may mm) between these two cross sections ing ontogeny. warrant reconsideration. as a proportion of the larger cross sec- Funding provided by a faculty research This study was funded by NSF BCS- tion was 0.565. In Homo the most nota- grant to GDR from the A. A. Dugoni 0924476, NSF DGE-9987590, GWU ble constriction occurred between 1/16 School of Dentistry, University of the UFF fund, Koobi Fora Research and and 2/16 the length. The mean differ- Pacific, No. 03-Activity-059. Training Program, Center for Human ence in area (in mm) between these two Evolutionary Studies, Cotlow Fund, cross sections as a proportion of the New fossils from Ileret, Kenya, and Lewis & Clark Fund. larger cross section was 0.511. In Pongo the evolution of hominin hand the most notable constriction occurred function. at a more gradual rate, remaining con- stant between the widest part and 1/16 BRIAN G. RICHMOND1,2, DAVID J. the length, and between 1/16 and 2/16 GREEN1, DAVID R. BRAUN3, EMMA Preferred or fallback?...it depends: the length. The mean difference in area MBUA4, NICOLE L. GRIFFIN5, exploring the link between anthro- (in mm) between the first two and sec- HABIBA CHIRCHIR6 and JOHN W.K. pogenic habitat disturbance and ond two cross sections as a proportion HARRIS7. 1Center for the Advanced food choice among Sulawesi Ton- of the larger cross section was .413. Study of Hominid Paleobiology, Depart- kean macaques. Sub-condular constriction of the tibia in ment of Anthropology, The George Pongo is intermediate between that of Washington University, 2Human Ori- ERIN P. RILEY, JEFFREY V. Homo and Pan. gins Program, National Museum of Nat- PETERSON and BARBARA TOLBERT. ural History, Smithsonian Institution, Department of Anthropology, San Diego Ontogenetic constraints on fluid 3Archaeology Department, University of State University. and air filled spaces of the human Cape Town, 4Department of Palaeontol- craniofacial complex. ogy, National Museums of Kenya, We examined the nutritional value of 13 5Department of Evolutionary Anthropol- fruit species known to be consumed by GARY D. RICHARDS1 and REBECCA ogy, Duke University, 6Hominid Paleobi- Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). S. JABBOUR2. 1Department of Biomedi- ology Doctoral Program, Department of We related these results to previously cal Sciences, A. A. Dugoni School of Anthropology, The George Washington collected data on the diet, fruit avail- Dentistry, University of the Pacific; University, 7Anthropology Department, ability, and habitat structure of two 2Department of Biology, Saint Mary’s Rutgers University. macaque groups living in differentially College of California. disturbed habitats in Lore Lindu Understanding the origins of hominin National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia to Craniofacial functional matrices develop adaptations for manual dexterity and better understand how anthropogenic at different times and rates but not in- tool use requires a combination of func- habitat disturbance affects food choice dependently. The degree of constraint tional analyses of the hand and evi- among primates. For both groups, food imposed on individual matrices by dence from the fossil record about the choice was independent of the frequency related matrices appears to depend on pattern and timing of morphological of plant species in the habitat, indicat- the nature of the substances contained changes. In this paper, we analyze the ing that Tonkean macaques are selec- within matrices. Some cranial matri- anatomy of new elements of KNM-ER tive feeders. The two groups differed, ces contain mainly fluid or air. To clar- 47000, an associated fossil hominin however, in a number of ways: 1. Fruit ify the role of fluid and air filled upper limb from the site of FwJj14E in choice was positively related to protein spaces in craniofacial growth, we Area 1A of the Koobi Fora Fm. The fos- levels for the undisturbed group and investigate how skeletal units contain- sil-bearing sediments date to approxi- negatively related to fiber levels (NDF) ing these substances respond to abnor- mately 1.52Ma and making it broadly for the anthropogenic group; 2. The mal growth patterns. contemporaneous with KNM-WT 15000. undisturbed group consumed a greater To investigate fluid filled spaces we KNM-ER 47000 consists of a trapezium, percentage (30%) of highly preferred examined an ontogenetic series of nor- several metacarpals and proximal pha- foods (selection index [ 10) than the mal humans (7th fetal month-adult- langes, and large fragments of the scap- anthropogenic group (8%); 3. While hood) and five achondroplastic adults. ula, humerus, and ulna, all from the multiple fig species constituted approxi- In the case of air filled spaces, we exam- right upper limb. We compare measure- mately 50% of the total feeding records ined an ontogenetic series of normal ments of KNM-ER 47000 to relevant of the undisturbed group, just one spe- infants (birth-5.0 years) and four hydro- elements of other Plio-Pleistocene homi- cies, Arenga pinnata, comprised the cephalic and three microcephalic indi- nin fossils, modern humans, and great same percentage for the anthropogenic viduals. Standard craniometric dimen- apes to test hypotheses about the evolu- group. Aren palm fruit was also overse- sions were recorded for all individuals, tion of hominin hand function. lected (relative to its abundance in the and normal and pathological individuals Our analyses show that the levels of habitat) by the anthropogenic group, were compared. gracility of the KNM-ER 47000 first indicating that it is a preferred food. At Fluid and air filled spaces appear to be metacarpal and robusticity of the hu- the same time, Aren fruit fits the susceptible to constraints imposed by merus differ significantly from those of description of a filler fallback food: related matrices. By investigating skele- KNM-WT 15000, suggesting that KNM- available year-round and eaten tal units comprising the dorsal and ven- ER 47000 is not attributable to early throughout the year, but never consti- tral foramen magnum matrices, we con- Homo erectus. The KNM-ER 47000 tuting 100% of the diet. These results firm that CSF and arterial blood exert hand generally resembles those of Plio- suggest that anthropogenic habitat dis- insufficient pressure to maintain nor- cene Australopithecus in possessing a turbance should be an important factor mal distances between skeletal units in narrow first metacarpal, pronounced to consider when defining and evaluat- the presence of abnormal growth. In the phalangeal flexor sheath attachments, ing the significance of preferred and nasal cavity, we demonstrate that air and fairly human-like thumb:finger fallback foods for primates.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 183


Ethnicity does not affect reproduc- elbow at the distal humerus. Previous Borneo. We surveyed a distance of 68.56 tive outcomes in Limon, Costa Rica. studies have shown this angle is highly km but found only 8 lorises and 5 tars- variable and tends to be smaller in the iers (5.05 lorises/km2 ;2.75 tarsiers/ ANNA RIVARA and LORENA MADRI- dominant arm of throwing athletes, but km2). For the Bornean loris the results GAL. Department of Anthropology, Uni- have failed to link torsion conclusively coincide with past studies of other Nyc- versity of South Florida. Tampa, FL. to range-of-motion at the shoulder. We ticebus spp. Results compared to other currently lack good published mechanis- Tarsius spp. Densities are low. Micro- The effect of ethnicity on reproductive tic explanations for the role of humeral habitats were examined to determine outcomes in some cultural settings is torsion in throwing performance. niches exploited by the species. Through well established. For example, it has This study examines the relationship analysis of vegetation plots laid around been demonstrated that in the United between humeral torsion and shoulder species localities, we found tree heights States African American women have range-of-motion and proposes a biome- and diameter at breast height (DBH) greater propensity to deliver low-birth chanical explanation for the importance significantly differed between the spe- weight babies, who have higher neona- of torsion in the throwing action. Hum- cies (median heights: loris 6.8 m; tarsier tal mortality (Bell et al. 2006; Braillon eral torsion angles were calculated from 3.6 m: median DBH: loris 17.8 cm; tars- and Bewley 2010; Collins and David computed tomography scans collected ier 6.2 cm), suggesting they occupy dif- 2009; Muglia and Katz 2010). In this from 25 male subjects. These values ferent niches. Tarsiers occur in the paper we ask if a similar effect of eth- were compared to predicted torsion val- undergrowth on trees and stems less nicity on reproductive outcomes is pres- ues for the same subjects calculated than 5 m: similar to other tarsier spe- ent in Limon Costa Rica. Our data con- from both kinematic and goniometric cies. Lorises were found almost exclu- sist of the age at menarche and at first range-of-motion data using a method sively above 5 m. This result differed pregnancy, the number of live births, specifically developed for this study. significantly from lorises in mainland number of pregnancies, number of mis- Results show a significant and predic- SE Asia, where they are habitat gener- carriages, and number of surviving tive relationship between shoulder alists. Such results indicate competition children at the time of interview in range-of-motion and humeral torsion. is driving this niche divergence, but fur- 241 adult women (149 belonging to the Thesedataleadustoproposeabiome- ther studies are required to clarify such Afro-limonense -AL- ethnic group and chanical model for the role of torsion claims. 92 belonging to the Hispanic-limo- in throwing performance, which we This study was funded by the Primate nense -HL- ethnic group). Our data test with experimental data. These Society of Great Britain, Primate Action show that the groups do not differ for data are especially relevant to inter- Fund,Primate Conservation Inc., the number of pregnancies, life births, preting the low humeral torsion found Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Cleveland miscarriages and surviving children at in australopith and early Homo Zoo, and The Margot Marsh Biodiver- time of interview. The groups did dif- humeri and their implications for sity grant. This study adhered to ani- fer in their mean age at time of inter- early hunting behavior. mal handling and observing protocols view (XHL 5 53.50, XAL 5 56.76; This study was generously funded by: set out by the American Society of t52.12, p50.0351), which probably National Science Foundation, BCS - Mammalogists. explains their significantly different 0961943 (Roach & Lieberman). mean age at menarche ((XHL 5 13.56, Assessing the taxonomic affinities XAL 5 14.12; t52. 20, p50.029). Bornean loris and tarsier (Nycti- of the Sangiran 7 Homo erectus Although the Limonense community is cebus menagensis and Tarsius ban- molars; are they all hominins? certainly ethnically-stratified (Madri- canus borneanus) abundance and gal 2006; Purcell 192), the reproduc- micro-habitat divergences in a CHRIS ROBINSON1, JEREMY tive outcomes of women of both ethnic degraded forest in Sabah, Malay- TAUSCH2 and WHITNEY B. REINER3. groups do not differ. Public Health offi- sian Borneo. 1Department of Biology, Bronx Commu- cials in other settings should investi- nity College, CUNY, 2Department of Pale- gate the socio-economic and cultural NICHOLE ROATCH1, RACHEL A. oanthropology, Senckenberg Research reasons for the health disparity of MUNDS2, RIDZWAN ALI3,4, VINCENT Institute, 3Department of Anthropology, women of different ethnic groups. NIJMAN2,K.A.I.NEKARIS2 and Hunter College, CUNY. BENOIT GOOSSENS3,5. 1Department of The effect of humeral torsion on Anthropology, Texas A&M University, Due to a lack of quantitative work on shoulder range-of-motion and 2School of Social Science and Law, this sample, taxonomic placement of the throwing performance. Department of Anthropology and Geogra- Sangiran 7 Homo erectus molars phy, Nocturnal Primate Research Group, remains uncertain. Debate exists as to NEIL THOMAS ROACH1, DANIEL E. Oxford Brookes University, 3Danau Gir- whether several of the specimens repre- LIEBERMAN1, THOMAS J. GILL, ang Field Centre, Sabah Wildlife Depart- sent Pongo sp. rather than H. erectus IV2,3, THOMAS J. GILL, III2,3 and ment, 4Centre for Primate Studies (Grine & Franzen, 1994). This issue WILLIAM E. PALMER4,3. 1Department Borneo, Institute for Tropical Biology and requires further analysis since smaller, of Human Evolutionary Biology, Har- Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, worn Pongo molars have been misiden- vard University, 2Sports Medicine Serv- 5Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff tified as Homo and differences between ice, Massachusetts General Hospital, University. molars of the two genera have been 3Harvard Medical School, 4Musculoskel- described as ‘minor’ and ‘less pro- etal Imaging & Intervention Division, A dramatic loss of habitat and the ille- nounced with wear’ (Ciochon et al., Massachusetts General Hospital. gal wildlife trade affect the survival of 1996). To address this issue, we ana- the Bornean slow loris (Nycticebus lyzed three-dimensional shape differen- Throwing with power and accuracy is a menagensis) and tarsier (Tarsius banca- ces among these taxa using geometric uniquely human behavior and has been nus borneanus). As habitats dwindle, morphometrics to determine whether proposed as a potential mode of early competition for diminishing resources the Sangiran specimens could be identi- hunting. However, very little is known may increase between these sympatric fied to genus. about how anatomical shifts in the faunivores. An understanding of how We compared Sangiran lower molars upper body known to occur during they are coping with anthropogenic (n57) to those of fossil and extant human evolution affect throwing per- pressures and interspecific competition orangutans (n515), modern humans formance. A clear example of this is is needed to conserve them. For six (n510) and Gigantopithecus (n53) to humeral torsion, defined as the angular months line transect surveys were done determine whether any of the Sangiran difference between the orientation of to estimate density in the Danau Gir- specimens could be excluded from the the humeral head and the axis of the ang Field Center, Sabah, Malaysian hominin sample. We used a laser scan-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 184

AAPA ABSTRACTS 255 ner to capture images of casts and Unhealthy in different ways? Com- appear to be hosts to only the immature merged them using Geomagic Studio paring 4 sub-populations of Greek stages of both tick species, and are 11.0 to create 3D digital replicas. We children to assess the different likely accidental hosts to the unidenti- then placed dental landmarks on the pathways that can lead to obesity. fied tick species. digital specimens using Landmark At BMSR, larval and nymphal ticks, and conducted a Generalized MARIA RODITIS. Department of An- and few adults, are present on mouse Procrustes analysis of the landmark thropology, Indiana University, Bloo- lemurs only during the months of May configurations in Morpheus. A principal mington. through October, corresponding to the components analysis clearly separated austral dry season. Male mouse lemurs modern humans and most Homo erectus Children in different countries and even have higher infestation rates than specimens from Pongo and Gigantopi- sub-populations of children in the same females, possibly due to a greater thecus. Discriminant function analysis country may differ in their rates of mal- amount of time spent traveling and for- correctly identified 100% of Gigantopi- nutrition. Proximate causes of over- aging on the ground. Infestation rates thecus, 86% of Homo sapiens, and 93% weight and obesity include eating too at the gallery forest well exceed infesta- of Pongo specimens to taxon. Two Homo much and exercising too little, but the tion rates at two nearby forests. We erectus specimens, S-65 and S-76, were social and cultural pathways that facili- relate these differences to the greater identified as Pongo, and S-61 was iden- tate this need to be evaluated. To exam- density at the gallery forest of ground tified as a H. sapiens molar, all with ine how sub-populations within a single cover and to higher population densities over 90% confidence. country can differ in rates of overweight of lemurs and other, more terrestrial, Financial support was provided by the and obesity as well as in the driving mammalian species. We present evi- Leakey Foundation and a PSC-CUNY forces behind those rates, 1600 children dence that the adults of these haema- grant from the City University of New aged 7-11 in 4 different Greek popula- physaline species prefer larger-bodied York. tions were measured between 2008 and lemurs as hosts. We also infer that 2009. The samples come from 17 schools these ticks have a non-continuous life Contribution of soy consumption to in western, eastern, and central Thessa- cycle, likely influenced by the strong obesity worldwide. loniki, and the island communities of seasonality at Beza. Ikaria and Fourni. This study utilized Finally, we relate the variation in tick DANTE ROCCISANO and MACIEJ anthropometric measurements of infestation rates to the population dy- HENNEBERG. Biological Anthropology height, weight, and waist circumfer- namics of associated species, both and Comparative Anatomy Unit, Uni- ence along with skinfold measures; endemic and introduced (e.g., rats and versity of Adelaide, Australia. although only data on waist circumfer- tenrecs), known to carry ticks at Beza. ence, height-for-age, weight-for-age, Human encroachment has resulted in Obesity is now present worldwide, and BMI-for-age z-scores, will be pre- drastic changes in the habitats and including China, India and developing sented here. Additionally, survey data mammalian communities in which countries. It now seems no longer ac- from parents and food frequency ques- lemurs live, and these changes may ceptable to argue that obesity can sim- tionnaires from a subsample of chil- have affected avenues for the transmis- ply be explained in terms of caloric con- dren were collected. ANOVA used to sion of ticks and tick-borne pathogens. sumption only using simple concept of assess statistical differences in meas- This research was funded by the Inter- energy in and energy out. There may be urements of children by sex, location, national Foundation for Science (IFS), specific causes of altered metabolism and age indicated that while no over- Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), that produce nutritional imbalances. arching trend existed for differences in National Geographic Society (NGS), Individual variation in response to food nutritional status by location, there Primate Conservation Inc. (PCI), and intake may also be considered. Specific were differences in nutritional status American Society of Primatologists substances in the food chain can influ- between locations at different ages. (ASP). ence metabolism towards increase in fat Correlations and regression statistics deposits. Xenoestrogens have been sug- suggest that different demographic Using the life history model to set gested to have such an influence. Soy and social factors, such as foods avail- the stage(s) of growth and senes- contains phytoestrogens plus phytates, able at school, were differentially asso- cence in paleodemography. protease inhibitors and other anti- ciated with overweight and obesity in nutrients which block or compromise the sub-populations of Greek children. MIRJANA ROKSANDIC1 and STEPHA- the body’s uptake of essential vitamins This paper reaffirms that overweight NIE ARMSTRONG2. 1University of and minerals. This may contribute to and obesity is a continuing concern in Winnipeg, 2University of Manitoba. nutritional anomalies. We analyzed Greek populations, and that different data from WHO and FAO for 167 coun- lifestyles can be unhealthy in different Paleodemography, the study of demo- tries. These contained percentage of ways. graphic parameters of past human pop- obese individuals (BMI[30 kg/m2), This study was funded by the Fulbright ulations, relies on assumptions includ- GDP, caloric consumption per capita, Foundation. ing biological uniformitarianism, sta- and sugar and soy consumption per cap- tionary populations and the ability to ita. Regressions and partial correlations The Beza winter itch: ticks parasit- determine point age estimates from were used. Soy consumption correlates izing Microcebus griseorufus at skeletal material. These assumptions significantly with levels of obesity, irre- Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, have been widely criticized in the litera- spective of GDP and caloric intake. For Madagascar. ture and many solutions have been pro- instance, Latin America with soy con- posed. The majority of these solutions sumption of 28.9 kg/person/year has IDALIA A. RODRIGUEZ, EMILIENNE rely on statistical methods, and have more obesity (18.4%) than European RASOAZANABARY and LAURIE R. not seen widespread application, result- Union (14.1%) consuming 16.1 kg/per- GODFREY. Department of Anthro- ing in a rift between theoretical paleo- son/year of soy. While sugar consump- pology, University of Massachusetts at demography and bioarchaeology We tion explains 30% of variation in obesity Amherst. suggest that since our ability to assess amongst countries, soy consumption age is inherently limited, we should seems to contribute approximately 10%- In the region of the Beza Mahafaly Spe- concentrate on the type of age informa- 21%, depending on the method of statis- cial Reserve (BMSR) in southwest tion accessible from the skeletal mate- tical analysis. The ubiquitous presence Madagascar, Microcebus griseorufus are rial which uses life stages, rather than of unfermented soy products in mass host to at least two haemaphysaline point age estimates. The stages we pro- produced foods seems to be an impor- tick species, H. lemuris and a second pose are based in the human life history tant contributor to the obesity epidemic. species not yet identified. M. griseorufus patterns, and their skeletal markers are

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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256 AAPA ABSTRACTS defined by clear endpoints. In addition TORRE1,ALAINFROMENT3,JOAQUI´N tion of the pit house and surrounding to a five-stage developmental model, DE JUAN1 and ALEJANDRO PE´ REZ- area. The skulls and first several cervi- that recognizes only one adult stage, we PE´ REZ4. 1Department of Biotechnology, cal vertebrae of two children aged 3 to 5 suggest several possible divisions within University of Alicante (Spain), 2UPR 2147 years and 9 to 11 years, and that of a the adult life stage, based on observed CNRS, Dynamique de l’e´volution humaine, female aged 20-24 years were recovered skeletal changes that recognise the spe- 3IRD UMR 208, Muse´edel’Homme, and analyzed under Utah State NAG- cific nature of skeletal samples. Thus 4Department of Animal Biology, University PRA for repatriation. All three skulls defined, these stages provide the basis of Barcelona (Spain). exhibited perimortem trauma associated for calculating crude death rates in with decapitation and scalping includ- archaeological populations. African pygmies and Bantu farmers liv- ing cut marks, perimortem fracturing ing in close relationship differ quite and peeling on the crania, mandibles Assessing manual proportions in clear in genetic and in morphology. Pre- and vertebrae. The type and location of Australopithecus afarensis using vious works based on linear dimensions the trauma suggests the skulls were Monte Carlo resampling. have shown that teeth are enlarged in likely trophy skulls. While this appears dwarfed populations in relation to skull to be one of the first instances of trophy CAMPBELL ROLIAN1, ADAM D. GOR- dimensions, but no differences were skulls found among the Fremont and in DON2 and BENEDIKT HALLGRIMS- found in absolute dimensions neither in this region, several rock art panels in SON1. 1Department of Anatomy and tooth scaling between pygmies and non- nearby canyons depict anthropomorphic Cell Biology, University of Calgary, pygmies. Nevertheless, few studies have individuals holding decapitated heads. 2Department of Anthropology, State looked at specific morphological traits of Additionally, recent osteological analy- University of New York – Albany. the Pygmy’s dentition. The crown base ses of several nearby Fremont sites area (CBA) and cusp units (trigon-TR have identified possible cannibalism Recent analyses of hand morphology in and hypocone or talon-TL) of the upper and other extreme interpersonal vio- Australopithecus afarensis have con- M1 were analyzed in a sample of West- lence during the same period. This cluded that this taxon had Homo-like ern pygmies (WPYG) (Baka, BaBinga poster will present the analysis of these manual proportions, with relatively and BaBongo, n528), Eastern pygmies three skulls in comparison to other long thumbs and short fingers. These (EPYG) (Mbuti and Efe, n57) and known trophy heads and in relation to conclusions are based on the AL333 Bantu speakers (Bateke-Balali, Pahouin the hypotheses explanation for composite fossil assemblage from Hadar, and Yakoma, n530) inhabiting the rain- increased interpersonal violence among and are premised on the ability to forest of equatorial Africa. Univariate the Fremont. assign phalanges not only to a single (ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey’s HSD individual, but also to the correct digit test) (p\0.05) and Canonical discrimi- Defining patterns in human bone within that individual. Neither of these nant functions analyses, were used to microstructure through the appli- assignments is secure, however, given plot differences between groups. Results cation of geographic information the taphonomy and sample composition indicate that CBA, TR and TL are sig- system (GIS) software. at AL333. Instead, an approach that nificant larger in Pygmies (W & E) than takes into account the entire assem- in Bantu, these differences can explain DAVID ROSE, TIM GOCHA, AMANDA blage of complete hand elements at in themselves a negative allometry in M. AGNEW and SAM D. STOUT. AL333, as well as the uncertainty in tooth size related to cranial dimension Department of Anthropology, The Ohio identifying phalanges by individual, in dwarfed populations. When WPYG State University. side and digit number, provides the and EPYG are considered separately, most conservative estimate of hand pro- only WPYG show differences with Geographic information system (GIS) portions in A. afarensis. Here, we use a Bantu in CBA and TL. Analysis of tooth software is typically used for mapping Monte Carlo approach to resample hand scaling reveal strong allometric pattern projects, however it has other construc- bone lengths in A. afarensis and extant in each group. Finally, the discriminant tive applications for physical anthropol- hominoids, and obtain confidence limits analysis shows greater variability ogists. The objective of this study was for the distributions of manual propor- among Pygmies due to important to assess the ability of GIS software to tions. Results show that in most indices changes in the trigon. Our results, analyze patterns in the spatial distribu- of hand morphology, A. afarensis is dis- based on tooth morphology, show simi- tion of histomorphological features in similar to Pan and Pongo. However, its lar results to those based on DNA human bone. Overlapping images of the metacarpophalangeal and phalangeal analyses. entire cross-section of a first metatarsal, proportions often fall beyond the statis- This study was funded by Spanish GV taken at 100x magnification under tical range of proportions in Homo, and and MEC, grant numbers BEST/2009/ polarized light, were assembled into a within the confidence limits of the dis- 258, CGL2007-60802 and Wenner-Gren single composite image in Adobe Photo- tributions of proportions in Gorilla.We Foundation, grant number Gr.7819. shop and imported into ArcGIS soft- conclude that manual proportions in A. ware. All remodeling points and osteon afarensis are not Homo-like, but rather Skulls in the roof: a case of proba- morphotypes were manually identified, intermediate between gorillas and mod- ble Fremont trophy heads. and osteon area and circularity were ern humans, with metacarpal propor- measured by the user. The spatial dis- tions closer to the human range of vari- RONALD ROOD1, DERINNA KOPP1,2 tribution of these features was demon- ation, but phalangeal proportions that and DEBORAH GRAHAM1,2. 1Antiqui- strated with directional distribution, remain within the African ape range of ties Section, Utah Division of State His- hotspot, and cluster/outlier analyses. variation. Implications for manipulative tory, 2Department of Anthropology, Bending axes were identified using ability in A. afarensis are discussed. University of Utah. ImageJ software (NIH) and near analy- This study was funded by an NSF sis within ArcGIS was used to measure DDIG (BCS 0647624) and Alberta During the construction of a house in the distance of all remodeling points to Children’s Hospital CIHR Training Richfield, UT the remains of Fremont bending axes. Distribution of these Grant to CR. pit house were discovered. Subsequent points was consistent with an expected archaeological excavation by the State pattern based on force distribution dur- Molar crown size in African Pygmy of Utah Antiquities Section revealed the ing loading. The uses for a histomorpho- hunter-gatherers and Bantu-speak- structure had been destroyed by fire metric application of ArcGIS stretch ing farmers. and collapsed in on itself. Three human beyond the strategy discussed above. skulls were discovered in the roof fall of For example, after manual annotation ALEJANDRO ROMERO1, FERNADO V. the structure but no other human of complete and fragmentary osteons on RAMIREZ ROZZI2, ROBERTO DE LA remains were found during the excava- a composite image, OPD can be calcu-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 186

AAPA ABSTRACTS 257 lated and age-at-death estimated. This Costovertebral morphology, tho- is the lack of statistical independence approach allows the opportunity to digi- racic vertebral number and last between observations resulting from tally visualize an entire cross-section rib length in Australopithecus proximity in ecological space. A multi- with marked histomorphological fea- africanus. tude of landscape ecology models control tures, and is therefore useful for long- for the presence of spatial autocorrela- term storage and inter-observer compar- BURT A. ROSENMAN1 and CAROL V. tion; however, evaluating the socioeco- ison. GIS software successfully allows WARD2. 1Department of Physical and logical effects of spatial processes on a quantifiable microstructural analysis at Biological Sciences, Western New Eng- local scale is uncommon in primatologi- a macroscopic scale and has great land College, 2Department of Pathology cal field studies. The purpose of our potential for use in skeletal biology and Anatomical Sciences, University of study was to consider the influence of research. Missouri School of Medicine. spatial autocorrelation on behavior and habitat occupation in Perrier’s sifaka Unlike the lumbar vertebral column, for (Propithecus perrieri). P. perrieri is a A genotype-phenotype map of a which there are data, the assessment of critically endangered lemur found mammalian pelvis using a mouse thoracic vertebral number in Australo- exclusively in highly fragmented dry de- model. pithecus africanus is limited, given the ciduous forest in northern Madagascar. paucity of sufficiently preserved speci- Behavioral data were collected using 5- CHARLES C. ROSEMAN1, SCOTT A. mens. Furthermore, its last rib length minute focal animal instantaneous sam- WILLIAMS1, MARK W. GRABOWSKI1, and pattern of articulation with the pling from P. perrieri in Analamera Spe- CHRISTINE O’CONNOR1, JAMES M. transverse processes is unknown. Here cial Reserve, Madagascar. Spatial parti- CHEVERUD2 and JOHN D. POLK1. we analyze the vertebrae of Sts 14, Stw tioning and k-means clustering statisti- 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- 431, and Stw H8/41, from Sterkfontein cal analyses were applied to the sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and traditionally assigned to Australo- behavioral activities of each lemur and 2Department of Anatomy and Neurobi- pithecus africanus. then compared to canopy height where ology, Washington University in St. Our comparative sample included H. the activity occurred, forest disturb- Louis School of Medicine. sapiens, P. troglodytes, and G. gorilla. ance (disturbed versus undisturbed), We scored or measured: 1) relative last and habitat type (hill, riparian, or sa- While there is widespread agreement on rib length, 2) thoracic vertebral number, vanna). These analyses were then the importance of understanding the de- 3) transitional vertebra position, 4) used to determine the relationship velopment of traits when testing presence/absence of the tubercular facet between observed behaviors and habi- hypotheses about evolution, little is on the five caudalmost thoracic trans- tat occupation. Disturbance level is known about the developmental genet- verse processes, and 5) relative cranio- the most significant spatial partition ics of the pelvis. This investigation caudal position of capitular (demi)facets and considerable interindividual varia- quantified genetic variation and cova- on the five caudalmost thoracic verte- tion in canopy height occupation is riation in the os coxa of a model orga- bral bodies. present. Identifying differences in hab- nism, the mouse, and applied the Relative (demi)facet position differs sig- itat occupation, while simultaneously results to the evolution of the human nificantly among all three taxa. H. sapi- considering the effects of ecological pelvis. Os coxae from 985 mice geno- ens transitions from demifacets to single space, captures individual responses to typed for 3,200 single nucleotide poly- facets more cranially upon the spine ecological conditions. Spatial partition- morphisms from an advanced intercross than P. troglodytes, which makes the ing and k-means clustering are effec- line were subject to micro computed to- transition more cranially than G. go- tive spatial methodologies to inde- mographic scanning. Eight linear com- rilla. A more gradual change in (demi)- pendently measure interindividual binations of pairwise distances among a facet position is positively correlated socioecological variation in P. per ri e ri . subset of recorded landmarks were sub- with the presence of tubercular facets, ject to quantitative genetic analysis. All longer last ribs, and increased thoracic Nutritional geometry: protein and 2 were significantly heritable (h from vertebral number. Sts 14, Stw 431, and energy in mountain gorilla diets. 0.48 to 0.81) and genetic and phenotypic Stw H8/41 have (demi)facet scores more covariances were highly proportional. like the African apes and less like JESSICA M. ROTHMAN1, DAVID Genotype by sex interactions were evi- humans, possibly indicating a longer RAUBENHEIMER2 and COLIN A. dent in a minority of traits. Tests of the last rib and the presence of more rib- CHAPMAN3. 1Department of Anthro- constancy of allometric relationships bearing vertebrae than in H. sapiens. pology, Hunter College of the City Uni- across sibships for select traits revealed These morphologies also may be related versity of New York; 2Institute of ample genetic variation in the relation- to a higher transitional vertebra and Natural Resources, Massey University; ship among traits, indicating that inte- longer functional lumbar column in A. 3Department of Anthropology and gration itself may be evolvable. A ge- africanus than typical for modern McGill School of Environment, McGill nome-wide scan for quantitative trait humans, and perhaps represents a University. loci (QTL) identified 24 QTL affecting at unique pattern among hominoids. least one trait. Each contained between This study was funded in part by the Numerous studies have investigated the 10 and 30 genes within their confidence National Science, Wenner Gren and dietary ecology of wild primates in rela- regions. Patterns of pleiotropic effects of Ford Foundations. tion to nutrients, but little is known the QTL demonstrated a complex geno- about the underlying motivations for type-phenotype map. In combination Applying spatial partitioning and choosing mixtures of dietary items. Pre- with our understanding of patterns of k-means clustering to habitat occu- vious studies suggest that folivorous pelvic integration in primates, these pation in Propithecus perrieri. primates, including mountain gorillas results indicate that models that (Gorilla beringei), select high-protein emphasize simple changes in conserved ABIGAIL C. ROSS and SHAWN M. foods, but this is puzzling because their developmental processes in response to LEHMAN. Department of Anthropology, main dietary item, terrestrial herba- selection on a small number of traits University of Toronto, Toronto. ceous vegetation, contains protein that may not be adequate to explain the evo- greatly exceeds estimated protein lution of the human pelvis. Ecological data frequently violate the requirements and the protein composi- This study was funded by the National statistical assumptions of parametric tion of gorilla milk. To unravel this Science Foundation BCS 0962903,the tests, wherein the presence of spatial issue, we quantified nutrient intake in National Institutes of Health AR053224 autocorrelation leads to an increased mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetra- and RR015116 , and the University of incidence of type I (false positive) ble National Park, Uganda over one Illinois Research Board. errors. Positive spatial autocorrelation year by conducting behavioral observa-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 187

258 AAPA ABSTRACTS tions (n5319 days, 1318 hrs) and ana- underway on adult paleopathology will ures exist and can be localized by statisti- lyzing the macronutrients in foods hopefully further elucidate patterns of cal gene mapping approaches. (available protein, non-structural carbo- nutritional stress. This study was funded in part by NIH, hydrates, fiber, lipids, ash; N5336 sam- HL080149, the National Heart Lung ples). We analyzed gorilla diets using and Blood Institute, HL045522, the the geometric framework of nutrition, Genome-wide investigation into Azar and Shepperd families, and the which identifies the fundamental varia- variation of common infections Stanley Medical Research Institute. bles in regulatory responses to investi- among Mexican Americans. gate nutritional priorities. Gorillas ate Osteological evidence of trauma 1 2 fruit and leaf- based diets in different ROHINA RUBICZ , ROBERT YOLKEN , and intergroup hostility at the 1 amounts and proportions seasonally, LARA BAUMAN , EUGENE I. DRIGA- Aztalan site, (47JE1), Jefferson 1 1 but gorillas consumed a consistent LENKO ,THOMASD.DYER, JACK County, Wisconsin. amount of energy throughout the year. KENT JR.1, MELANIE CARLESS1, While energy was relatively unchanged, JOANNE CURRAN1,MATTJOHNSON1, KATIE Z. RUDOLPH. Department of protein in gorilla diets fluctuated; when SHELLEY A. COLE1, LAURA ALMASY1, Anthropology, Indiana University. leaves comprised the majority of the ERIC K. MOSES1, JOHN BLANGERO1, diet, protein intake increased, but ELLEN KRAIG3,NIKHILV.DURAND- The Aztalan site is a nine hectare, pali- energy intake remained constant. Our HAR4, CHARLES T. LEACH5 and HAR- saded Late Woodland/ Middle Mississip- results suggest that mountain gorillas ALD H. H. GO¨ RING1. 1Department of pian (A.D. 1000-1200) archaeological site prioritize energy, rather than protein, Genetics, Southwest Foundation for Bio- located on the west bank of the Crawfish and regulate their intake on a balance medical Research, 2Department of Pedia- River in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. that entails the over-consumption of trics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Human remains at Aztalan are classified protein to reach their energetic needs, 3Department of Cellular and Structural into two burial categories. Formal burial probably reflecting a physiology adapted Biology, University of Texas Health Sci- includes primary, in-flesh inhumations, to feeding on abundant, high-protein ence Center at San Antonio, 4Pennington secondary bundle burials and charnel leaves. Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana structure cremations. Informal burial This material is based upon work sup- State University System, 5Department of designates the over 2,500 scattered, iso- ported by the National Science Founda- Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Sci- lated and processed specimens recovered tion under Grant No. 0922709. ence Center at San Antonio. from refuse pits, fire pits, along the pali- sade and strewn across the habitation Nutritional incompetence and diet Populations and individuals differ in sus- area. Interpretation of informal burial at breadth in subadults from the Wis- ceptibility to infectious disease due to Aztalan has been cannibalism, secondary ter Valley of Southeastern Okla- numerous factors, including genetic varia- processing related to mortuary ritual and homa during the Fourche Maline. tion. We previously demonstrated that dif- intergroup hostility. Intergroup hostility ferences in antibody titer, which reflect had not been formally investigated prior SIMONE ROWE. Department of An- infection history, are significantly herit- to this research. thropology, University of Oklahoma. able. Here we investigate whether it is pos- Taphonomic methods were used to exam- sible to identify genetic factors influencing ine perimortem and postmortem modifica- Although a plethora of Fourche Maline variation in these serological phenotypes. tion to the Aztalan human remains as a (Woodland) sites have been excavated Blood samples from [1300 Mexican Amer- means to identify what processes affected and analyzed, subsistence patterns, die- icans were quantified for antibody titer to theremainsandtocharacterizetheAzta- tary patterns and when/how agriculture 13 common infections: Chlamydia pneumo- lan skeletal assemblage. Cutmarks, chop- was introduced into the region, remain niae; Helicobacter pylori; Toxoplasma gon- marks and perimortem fracturing are dis- unclear. With permission from The dii; cytomegalovirus; Epstein-Barr virus tinguished from other forms of observed Caddo Nation and The Wichita and (EBV); herpes simplex I virus; herpes sim- taphonomy as the three most frequent Affiliated Tribes, thirty-three subadult plex II virus; human herpesvirus 6; vari- forms of cultural taphonomic modification burials from the Akers site (34Lf32) in cella zoster virus; adenovirus 36 (Ad-36); present. Perimortem processing associated southeastern Oklahoma were assessed hepatitis A; influenza A; and influenza B. with these modifications is recorded on for indicators of pathology. Examination The quantitative antibody titer and dis- men, women and children of all ages. Pat- of subadult paleopathological lesions crete (seropositive/seronegative) pheno- terns of perimortem processing on the cra- revealed an unusual pattern consisting types were analyzed for each pathogen. Ge- nia suggest that scalping, decapitation and of high rates of cribra orbitalia, low nome-wide variance components linkage ear removal took place. Postcranially, long rates of porotic hyperostosis, and mod- and measured genotype association analy- bones are fractured at the superior and in- erate rates of periosteal lesions. This ses (using [500,000 SNPs) were per- ferior one-quarter of the diaphysis and at suggests nutritional stress, particularly formed with SOLAR software. Linkage midshaft. Furthermore, postcranial ele- Vitamin C deficiency, iron deficiency analysis yielded LOD scores [3.0 for EBV ments show evidence of in-flesh burning. anemia, and possibly folic acid defi- (on chromosome 6), influenza A (on chro- Combined with archaeological correlates of ciency. The distribution of the skeletal mosome 6), and Ad-36 (on chromosome intergroup hostility and the social milieu lesions by age range further suggests 18). Joint linkage and association analyses presentatAztalan,theculturaltapho- that the nutritional deficiencies are produced genome-wide significant results nomic modification of human remains sup- related to a limited early childhood diet. for C. pneumoniae discrete trait ports an interpretation of violent interac- Strong ethnographic and archaeological (p52.2x10-8) and EBV (p53.5x10-9 and tion at the site. evidence for a diet that relied heavily p53.5x10-11, for quantitative and discrete on hickory nuts supports these conclu- traits, respectively). Gene expression data Interpreting skeletal growth in the sions. A diet dominated by hickory nuts (for [16,000 transcripts, generated from past within a functional and physi- would have provided good amounts of peripheral blood lymphocytes) were also ological perspective. carbohydrates, fat, and protein, but analyzed, and significantly correlated tran- very little iron and almost no Vitamin C scripts were identified for approximately CHRISTOPHER B. RUFF. Center for or folic acid. It is proposed that a wean- half the pathogens. Further investigation Functional Anatomy and Evolution, ling diet that relied on hickory nut of EBV indicates this trait is influenced by Johns Hopkins University School of mush produced a transient nutritional multiple genetic factors within the human Medicine, Baltimore. incompetence in many subadults, leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex, which resulting in the pattern of paleopatho- are specific to EBV and not infection in Studies of skeletal growth and develop- logical lesions observed in the subadults general. Our study shows that individual ment in past populations have tended to from the Akers site. Research currently loci regulating the above serological meas- focus on a few easily quantified traits,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 188

AAPA ABSTRACTS 259 such as long bone lengths, and have fibers are likely damaged during sec- ematical Sciences (UBM) grant EF- generally deemphasized variability in tioning due to imperfect sectioning tech- 0531870. growth between different skeletal nique and variation in fiber orientation regions or in more complex morphologi- within the muscle. Thus, direct compar- Sex estimation using anterior sac- cal characteristics. However, growth is isons between data obtained via these ral curvature: a geometric morpho- not monotonic or consistent throughout different methods would benefit from metric approach. the skeleton, and may reflect environ- the use of a correction factor. mental and genetic influences that vary This study was funded by the Kenneth KATELYN RUSK and STEPHEN D. depending on the type of feature and its A. Suarez Summer Research Program, OUSLEY. Department of Applied Foren- functional and physiological constraints. Chicago College of Osteopathic Medi- sic Sciences, Mercyhurst College. These factors must be considered when cine. interpreting variation in skeletal Biological anthropologists have often growth patterns. utilized the sacrum in sex estimation Several examples of such an approach To clone or not to clone: method because of its perceived sexual dimor- from both paleoanthropological and bio- analysis for retrieving consensus phism. Historically, this was accom- archaeological contexts are presented. sequences in ancient DNA samples. plished through standardized measures Skeletal contrasts considered include and indices to represent its overall limb bone strength versus length, dia- SARAH RUNNELLS1, JODI LYNN shape and size (Trotter, 1926; Flander, physeal vs. articular size, and periosteal BARTA1,2, CARA MONROE1,2,3 and 1978). However, the anterior curvature vs. endosteal dimensions. In each case, BRIAN M. KEMP1,2. 1School of Biologi- of the sacrum, which is a commonly different patterns of growth are cal Sciences, Washington State Univer- used sex indicator, is poorly represented observed that result in constantly sity, 2Department of Anthropology, by these measurements. Furthermore, changing skeletal proportions. Fur- Washington State University, 3Depart- the use of sacral curvature for sex esti- thermore, environmental perturba- ment of Anthropology, University of mation is often qualitatively expressed tions – changes in activity level, mode California-Santa Barbara. as either ‘‘more’’ or ‘‘less’’ curved with- of locomotion, nutritional level - have out any quantifiable measure of cer- different effects on different skeletal The strength of ancient DNA (aDNA) tainty (Bass, 1995). features and are in part age-depend- evidence in the study of evolution is To examine and quantify the relation- ent as well. Thus, in order to correctly tempered by its challenging retrieval ship between anterior sacral curvature interpret variability in skeletal growth and authentication, principally because and sex, six landmarks on the midline patterns as well as final adult mor- of post-mortem damage to the mole- of the sacrum were digitized from 197 phology, it is necessary to understand cules. As a result, aDNA studies are individuals of known sex and ancestry both the constraints on normal growth particularly prone to contamination at the Hamann-Todd Osteological Col- trajectories and their degree of envi- from ‘‘modern’’ DNA sources. These lection. Using MorphoJ (Klingenberg, ronmental sensitivity across the entire unique characteristics of aDNA have 2008), Geometric Morphometric (GM) pre-adult age range. Evaluation of a led many researchers to adopt the rec- methods were used to assess shape dif- variety of different skeletal features ommendations for authentication pro- ferences between male and female cur- can give important insights into these vided by Cooper and Poinar in 2000. vature. Interlandmark distances (ILDs) processes that are not apparent from One of their recommendations, sequenc- were also calculated to examine differ- more traditional analyses of a few lim- ing clones of aDNA amplicons (i.e. ences in size and shape. Discriminant ited traits. ‘‘Cloning’’), has become a gold standard function analysis (DFA) of the Pro- in the field. However, beyond the recom- crustes Coordinates and the ILDs was Fiber length determination and mendation to ‘‘clone’’ there is no stand- performed using FORDISC 3.0 (Jantz methodology in Galago moholi ardization as to the number of clones and Ousley, 2005). Classification accu- (Lorisiformes: Primates). that need to be sequenced and/or how racy rates ranged from 63 to 77.3% the results should be reported in the lit- cross-validated, depending on the varia- JOSEPH RUNDE and JONATHAN erature. Researchers use variable bles and groups included in each PERRY. Department of Anatomy, Mid- approaches in deriving a consensus analysis. western University. from such data, and there has been no These results demonstrate that sacral systematic demonstration that directly curvature is of limited utility for sex Knowing fiber length is crucial to sequencing aDNA would provide a dif- estimation, in contrast to previous understanding variation in muscle ferent sequence than one determined assertions. However, differences in cur- strength and excursional capacity. How- from a consensus of clones. vature were more pronounced in Ameri- ever, a key methodological difference We extracted DNA from the remains of can blacks than American whites in the splits the available data sets, complicat- five ancient northern fur seal (Callor- sample, whereas American whites dis- ing comparison among studies. Our hinus ursinus) ribs. Results from direct played more size dimorphism than study focuses on the right and left sequencing and cloning of a portion of American blacks. masseter muscles of three Galago the mitochondrial cytochrome B gene moholi specimens. One masseter from were compared. In total we observed Ontogeny of caudal vertebral struc- each specimen was selected for chemical damage at 23 of the 139 base pairs ture in capuchin monkeys (Cebus treatment in ten percent sulfuric acid at sequenced from clones. However, in no albifrons and C. apella). 608C for 1-2 hours allowing connective case did the consensus of clones differ tissue to be dissolved and the fibers to from the direct sequence. Our study GABRIELLE A. RUSSO1, JESSE W. be gently teased apart and subsequently questions the notion that aDNA results YOUNG2 and LUKE J. MATTHEWS3. measured. In the remaining masseter, necessarily need to be cloned and 1Department of Anthropology, The Uni- three sampling sites were chosen for sequenced in all cases, especially when versity of Texas at Austin, 2Department sectioning along fiber orientation. Fasci- this practice adds time and cost to stud- of Anatomy and Neurobiology, North- culi distributed evenly across the entire ies where it may be superfluous. eastern Ohio Universities College of sectioned surface were then selected for This work was supported by a National Medicine, 3Department of Human Evo- measurement in order to properly rep- Institute of Justice Forensic DNA lutionary Biology, Harvard University. resent variation in that part of the mus- Research and Development Grant 2008- cle. In all cases, measurements of fiber DN-BX-K008 to Brian M. Kemp. Sup- Ontogenetic studies of long bone cross- length gathered from chemical treat- port for Sarah Runnells was provided sectional properties in capuchins dem- ment were greater than those taken in by the Interdisciplinary Training for onstrate that juveniles have relatively sectioned muscle. This suggests that Undergraduates in Biological and Math- strong limbs for their body size. Here,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 189

260 AAPA ABSTRACTS we investigate this ontogenetic trend in suggest how these orangutans discov- the speeding up of offspring life history another region of the capuchin locomo- ered and elaborated fish eating/catch- timing, in an environment where the tor skeleton: the tail. We hypothesized ing. The fishing patterns identified in threat of predation and sudden ener- that young capuchins would have rela- these orangutans closely mirror those getic shortfalls is prevalent. tively robust caudal vertebrae, predict- hypothesized in ancestral hominins, ing that measures of caudal vertebral including the ecological conditions in How do differences in dietary com- bending strength (polar section modu- which fish eating and catching origi- position affect diet nutrient concen- lus[Zp]) would scale with negative al- nated, the fish species caught and trations? A test with colobus mon- lometry. Linear measurements on three eaten, and the manual and simple tool keys in Kibale National Park, caudal vertebrae (transitional[TV], lon- techniques used. These orangutan find- Uganda. gest[LV], and mid-distal[MdV]) were ings add credence to models of the con- obtained from 336 radiographs of 13 ditions that enabled fishing to originate AMY RYAN1, COLIN A. CHAPMAN2 individuals (C. albifrons512; C. in ancestral hominins. They also show and JESSICA M. ROTHMAN3,4. apella51). TV Zp, LV Zp and MdV Zp, that great ape brains are powerful 1Department of Psychology, Hunter Col- regressed against body mass, scale with enough to innovate simple technology- lege of the City University of New York, negative allometry; TV, LV and MdV based forms of fishing. This orangutan 2Department of Anthropology and craniocaudal lengths scale to body mass evidence then suggests that aquatic McGill School of Environment, McGill with positive allometry; and TV Zp, LV foods could have been included in pri- University, 3Department of Anthropol- Zp, and MdV Zp, regressed against the mate diets before the hominins ogy, Hunter College of the City Univer- product of body mass and bone length diverged. sity of New York, 4New York (a proxy for bending moments), scale Data reported in this paper were col- Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- with negative allometry. Capuchin lected for studies funded by grants from ogy (NYCEP). caudal vertebrae thus share a scaling NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engi- pattern with limb bones. However, neering Research Council, Canada, Within a primate species diet can be highly caudal vertebral bending strength 2004-2009) and the L.S.B. Leakey Foun- variable in composition, even at small scales with stronger negative allome- dation (USA, 2004-06). scales within the same forest, or season- try than has been observed for humeri ally, suggesting that monkeys use different or femora. Behavioral studies show Energetics and life history plastic- plant species and parts to meet similar that juvenile capuchins employ their ity in callitrichine primates: a view nutritional needs. To test whether differen- tails significantly more often than within and across generations. ces in dietary composition affects the nutri- adults, perhaps as an added safety ent concentrations ingested by primates, measure during refinement of adult- JULIENNE RUTHERFORD1, COR- we studied the diets of two groups of black- like positional behaviors. Tail growth INNA ROSS2 and SUZETTE TARDIF2. and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus guer- in capuchins may therefore reflect an 1University of Illinois at Chicago, 2Uni- eza;N56, N59), and two groups of red ontogenetic pattern present through- vesity of Texas Health Sciences Center, colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus out the skeleton, the functional San Antonio. ;N548, N524) in Kibale National Park, demands of greater prehensile tail use Uganda. Based on 3,264 scans of red colo- early in life, or a combination of both. Life history characteristics have deep bus and 2,281 scans of black-and-white Further morphological and behavioral roots in developmental processes, par- colobus over 10 months, these monkeys data on taxa that differ in prehensile ticularly those related to maternal ecol- consume many of the same plant species, tail use during ontogeny will be ogy. The marmosets and tamarins are but spend different amounts of time feed- required to test these non-mutually energetically flexible reproducers such ing on them. The majority of colobine diets exclusive hypotheses. that maternal mass is the best predictor were comprised of young leaves; however, of ovulation number and litter size. they also ate mature leaves and leaf Orangutan fishing and the evolu- Using demographic data from hundreds petioles. Since protein and fiber are impor- tion of human diets. of captive common marmosets from the tant determinants of colobine food choice, Southwest National Primate Research multiple samples of 18 food species were ANNE RUSSON. Psychology Department, Center, we examine the long term life analyzed for protein (CP) and fiber (ADF). Glendon College of York University. history consequences of litter size at Protein and fiber concentrations in the two birth. We specifically address whether different black-and-white colobus groups This paper reports orangutan innova- triplets, which have lower birth weights were both 22% CP, and 23%, 26% ADF tions for fish eating and catching and than twins, exhibit a) a faster life his- respectively. Red colobus groups ate simi- their implications for questions of when tory pace and or b) evidence of higher lar diets of ADF (27%, 25% ADF, respec- and how ancestral hominins incorpo- reproductive quality, which could trade tively), although concentrations of CP rated fish and other aquatic foods into off the assumed maternal energetic cost were different (20%, 16% respectively). their diets. These questions are signifi- of producing larger litters. Compared to This difference between groups in red colo- cant given the established view that twins, triplets do grow at a rate that is bus diets may be a result of the difference early hominins were mainly carnivo- 10.3% faster (p50.0006) and are mar- in group size since bigger groups may win rous, because aquatic foods are the ginally larger at maturity, indicative of contests over better food resources. Our more likely to have enabled hominin an accelerated life history. However, the results suggest that monkeys eating diets brain and cognitive enhancements. Evi- reproductive outcomes for individuals with differing amounts of species and parts dence on orangutan fish eating and based on birth condition are stark: may ultimately receive similar concentra- catching derives from 2 years’ focal and while triplets and twins do not differ in tions of nutrients. incidental observations (1400 hr, 2004- the total number of offspring produced This material is based upon work sup- 06) plus 1 year’s photographic and video in a lifetime (9 v. 10.23, p50.53), trip- ported by the National Science Founda- documentation (2006-07) of behavior in lets produce a significantly higher pro- tion under Grant No. 0922709. rehabilitant orangutans living on for- portion of stillborn offspring (24.9% v. ested islands in Central Kalimantan, 10.7%, p50.02). If a female were to bear The relationship between the me- Indonesia. This database revealed 15 only triplet litters she could reduce at chanical and microstructural prop- events of orangutan fish eating and/or least one aspect of fitness – number of erties of trabecular bone in the catching. This paper describes the fish- grandoffspring; however, even in captiv- anthropoid femur and humerus. ing methods used, fishing contexts (eco- ity females exhibit ‘‘local’’ flexibility in logical, seasonal, social) and fish species litter size. The benefit of a system that TIMOTHY M. RYAN1,2, ANIA K. eaten, and then uses the chronology of produces triplet litters in flush ecologi- SWIATONIOWSKI1 and COLIN N. the methods and contexts observed to cal contexts in the wild is potentially SHAW1,2. 1Department of Anthropology,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Pennsylvania State University, 2Center that no difference in DJD patterns based (e.g. cough grunts, play chuckle). One long for Quantitative Imaging, Pennsylvania on age, sex, stratigraphic level, and house call (i.e. hoot series 1/- chest beat) is used State University. type exists in this setting. Results indicate by males of both species during between- the expected trend of heightened DJD group male-male competition. However, in Analyses of trabecular bone in primates prevalence and severity with increasing western gorillas both sexes also use it to assume a close correspondence between age. Contrary to the nearly universal pat- coordinate group movement when group microarchitecture and bone elastic proper- tern of higher DJD in males, no major dif- spread is large. This suggests that species ties. The purpose of this study is to assess ferences emerge between the sexes, as may adapt to differing communication the relative contributions of trabecular would be expected if a marked sexual divi- needs by using existing vocalizations in bone structural features to the variation in sion of labor allocated a heavier workload novel contexts. the Young’s modulus in the femur and hu- or more strenuous activities to males. This study was funded by The Leakey merus of anthropoid primates. High-reso- Temporal changes in DJD patterns are Foundation, Primate Conservation Inc., lution CT scans were collected for the prox- observed but not to the extent expected if Conservation International Primate imal femur and humerus of five primate population growth drastically increased Action Fund, Richard Leakey and Wild- taxa including Homo sapiens, Pan troglo- individual labor efforts in resource pro- life Direct, Stony Brook University. dytes, Papio sp., Pongo pygmaeus,and curement. Certain houses at C¸atalho¨yu¨k Symphalangus syndactylus. Five cubic vol- display a special significance in number of Paleogenomics, diet, and immune umes of interest (VOI) located within the burials or rebuilding cycles. No differences function. femoral and humeral heads were extracted in DJD patterns exist between individuals from each individual and the bone volume interred in special houses compared to AARON SAMS and JOHN HAWKS. fraction (BV/TV), trabecular thickness other houses, suggesting that the relative Department of Anthropology, University (Tb.Th), trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp), tra- social standing of these individuals did not of Wisconsin-Madison. becular number (Tb.N), structure model significantly lessen their workload. Analy- index (SMI), connectivity density ses of degenerative joint disease remain an Dietary conditions such as celiac disease (Conn.D), degree of anisotropy (DA), and invaluable tool for assessing the social dy- (CD) are prevalent in some populations de- bone surface density (BS/BV) were meas- namics influencing labor and activity in spite calculable consequences for morbid- ured. Six voxel-based micromechanical fi- past populations. ity. HLA (human leukocyte antigen) and nite element models were run for each VOI This study was funded in part by a other polymorphisms associated with (n5630) to calculate orthotropic stiffness grant from the National Geographic immune functions have recently been constants. Multiple regression analyses Society (Larsen). linked to CD. Much evidence supports the demonstrate that in the humerus BV/TV adaptive evolution of HLA genes for accounts for most of the variation in Vocal repertoire of wild western immune function, and any links between Young’s modulus (r250.894, p\0.0001) gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) at Mondika immune and diet related genotypes and and that adding DA and Tb.Sp can account Research Center, Republic of phenotypes may suggest further connec- forupto96%ofthevariationinYoung’s Congo. tions between immune and diet pathways. modulus (r250.966, p\0.0001). In the fe- We employed an evolutionary perspective mur, SMI, a measure of the relative pro- ROBERTA SALMI1 and DIANE M. on this question to identify populations portion of plates and rods, accounts for DORAN-SHEEHY2. 1Interdepartmental with contrasting diet and disease histories, 87% of the variation in Young’s modulus Doctoral Program in Anthropological examining the relationship between HLA, (r250.872, p\0.0001); the addition of BV/ Sciences, Stony Brook University, genome-wide variation, and diet history. TV, DA, and Tb.N increases the r2 to 0.937 2Department of Anthropology, Stony Paleogenomic evidence from an ancient (p\0.0001). These results suggest that BV/ Brook University. Greenland native and Neandertals repre- TV and SMI contribute significantly to tra- sented pre-agricultural populations, along becularbonestiffnessbutthatthereare Group-living animals use vocal signals as with samples representing contemporary site-specific differences in the structural social communication, regulating social hunter-gatherers and populations with a composition of trabecular bone in the pri- interactions and maintaining group cohe- long (5000-year) history of agriculture. We mate skeleton. sion and coordination. Little is known tested the null hypothesis that adaptive Grant Sponsors: National Science Foun- about how closely-related primates living polymorphisms in HLA genes do not vary dation; Grant number: BCS- 0617097. in differing habitats adapt their vocal rep- significantly between individuals from ertoire to differing needs of communica- closely related populations with different Social dynamics and labor at Neo- tion. Western and mountain gorillas live in dietary histories. Preliminary results show lithic C¸ atalho¨ yu¨ k: inferring work- different habitats and differ in diet, daily a subset of HLA polymorphisms vary load and activity patterns from travel, and group composition and spread. according to dietary history, suggesting ev- degenerative joint disease. To examine how these factors influence olutionary links between diet and immune vocal communication, we provide the first pathways in recent human populations. JOSHUA W. SADVARI and CLARK behavioral and acoustic description of the This study was funded by the Robert SPENCER LARSEN. Department of vocal repertoire of ten wild western gorillas Wood Johnson Population Health Dis- Anthropology, The Ohio State to compare with previously published data sertation Grant from the University of University. on mountain gorillas. Data include 1613 Wisconsin-Madison Department of Pop- hours of continuous focal animal sampling ulation Health. C¸atalho¨yu¨ k (7400-6000 BCE) is a Neolithic of vocal behavior (and context) and digital settlement in Turkey recognized for its im- recording of ([ 1500) vocalizations. For The canopy effect: new carbon iso- portance in understanding densely-popu- each call we measured 10-25 acoustic pa- tope data from an eastern lowland lated early farming communities. A key rameters. Behavioral coding of vocaliza- rainforest in Madagascar and impli- research focus for such sites is labor distri- tions was based on previous mountain go- cations for assessing primate niche bution throughout the population. Degen- rilla description of calls and verified partitioning. erative joint disease (DJD) is well-suited to through standard acoustic analysis. Close address hypotheses regarding workload calls, used for within-group communica- PAUL SANDBERG, EMILY MERTZ and its impact on life quality. Although tion at short distances, included some calls and MATT SPONHEIMER. Department multifactorial in etiology, DJD is primarily that are produced only in specific contexts of Anthropology, University of Colorado influenced by cumulative mechanical (e.g. aggression/cough-grunt) and other at Boulder. ‘‘wear-and-tear’’ on the major articular used in a variety of contexts (e.g. grunts). joints. The prevalence and severity of DJD Results indicate that many western and The carbon isotope compositions of in 154 adults are scored using a four-point mountain gorilla close calls are acousti- plants that follow the C3 photosynthetic ordinal scale to address the null hypothesis cally similar and used in similar contexts pathway vary according to the degree of

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 191

262 AAPA ABSTRACTS canopy cover in the environment, due the software itself. Evaluation of tapho- yon 1980; Robling et al. 2002). Bertram largely to the combined effects of lower nomic indicators (i.e., exposure, weather- and Biewener (1988) suggested that di- light levels and 13C-depleted, soil-respired ing) provides additional information relat- aphyseal curvature increases the pre- CO2 under closed canopies. This canopy ing to ethnohistoric data on New Zealand dictability of the load environment in effect is reflected in the tissues of consum- mortuary practices. A detailed forensic/ mammalian long bones where bending ers and has been shown to reveal gross- osteological review of human remains is the main loading force. During level differences in primate ecology across provides valuable details that augment, knuckle-walking in the African apes, taxa from the Americas, Africa, and Mada- support, and in some cases go beyond the the middle phalanges bear most of the gascar. The canopy effect is also evident archival data from museum collections. weight. This method of locomotion puts within closed canopy forests such that In this case, the analysis provides a bet- the metacarpals nearly perpendicular leaves growing near the base of the forest ter understanding of individual life his- to the middle phalanges, such that the have more negative carbon isotope (d13C) tory and occupational/other stresses. metacarpals serve as load-bearing con- values than leaves growing near the can- This work was supported by the Depart- duits subject to significant bending opy top, providing the possibility that pri- ment of Anthropology, Yale University. loads. It is therefore predicted that mate feeding height is recorded by carbon adult chimpanzees should have greater isotopes. Here we report carbon isotope Systematic implications of menin- metacarpal curvature than younger data for leaves growing at various heights geal grooves in Sterkfontein chimpanzees, who engage in less fre- within Betampona Natural Reserve Australopithecus. quent knuckle-walking, and non- (BNR), an eastern lowland rainforest in knuckle-walking apes such as gibbons Madagascar, in order to quantify the E. E. SARMIENTO. Human Evolution and orangutans. strength and magnitude of the canopy Foundation. Digital photographs of wild caught effect in this forest, and to assess the utility chimpanzee, orangutan, and gibbon of carbon isotope data in investigating Despite two genera and four or more spe- third metacarpals were analyzed to niche partitioning within single closed can- cies of apes presently inhabiting Africa, its evaluate the degree of longitudinal opy forests. Results show a wide range of Plio-pleistocene deposits have yet to yield shaft curvature in different aged indi- d13Cvalues(10.5%), a strong positive their ancestors and/or any ape lineages viduals using the included angle correlation between plant d13Candsam- predating human divergence. This absence method (Susman et al.1984). One-way pling height (R25.49, p\0.001), and a may be a classificatory artifact and ANOVA revealed significant variation in mean difference of 6% between forest explained by the practice of using non-pro- the included angle between each species floor and canopy top growth, independent jecting canines, and non-sectorial p3s as (p \ 0.05). Post hoc analyses found that of the height of the canopy at each sam- diagnostic of hominids (in the classical adult chimpanzees possess greater pling location. These results, along with sense). Because apes (e.g. Oreopithecus, metacarpal curvature than non-knuck- carbon isotope data from five sympatric and Ramapithecus) predating the Human/ ling orangutans and gibbons (p \ primate taxa at BNR, suggest that it is pos- African ape divergence have non-projec- 0.05). In contrast, no differences in sible to assess niche partitioning by feeding ting canines and non-sectorial p3s, use of curvature exist between orangutans height within single closed canopy forests these characters to diagnose hominids is and gibbons. Metacarpals were signifi- using carbon isotopes. likely to misclassify all African apes fossils cantly less curved in infant chimpan- This study was funded by The St. Louis as hominids, including those predating zees compared to older subadult and Zoo WildCare Institute Field Research human divergence. Although during the adult chimpanzees (p \ 0.05), the lat- for Conservation Grant. Plio-pleistocene the exclusive human, go- ter of whom engage in much higher rilla and chimpanzee lineages may be too rates of quadrupedal locomotion. Forensic and ethnohistoric review young to have developed complex charac- These results support the idea that of human remains from New ters that can unequivocally diagnose fossils curvature may reduce variability in Zealand. to anyone lineage, the common human bending stresses experienced by the African ape lineage is older and has devel- metacarpal shaft and thereby increase KAITLYN SANDERS and GARY P. oped such diagnostic characters. Cadaver stability during knuckle-walking. ARONSEN. Department of Anthropol- dissections and skeletal examination show This study was funded by the National ogy, Yale University. that a large middle meningeal artery aris- Science Foundation Dissertation ing from the maxillary branch of the exter- Improvement Grant and the Leakey AspartofarequestbytheYalePeabody nal carotid is a complex diagnostic charac- Foundation. Museum of Natural History, we examined ter shared by humans and all African ape fifteen catalogued sets of human remains species. In Asian apes and non-hominoid A season of death: patterns of pre- to verify provenience and provide descrip- catarrhines, the internal carotid supplies dation on wild lemurs at Beza tive and metric evaluations of the the meninges through the recurrent lacri- Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar remains. Museum records for some of the mal branch of the ophthalmic artery. using multiple methods of assess- remains suggest that they were associ- Because the meningeal vessels groove the ment. ated with extinct Diornis sp., while other skull and may pass through distinct foram- remains have almost no associated ina they leave a skeletal record of the MICHELLE SAUTHER1, FRANK P. archival documents. As the museum condition of this character. Examination of CUOZZO2, IBRAHIM ANTHO JACKY records provided limited information, our Sterkfontein Australopithecus skulls YOUSSOUF3, JENIFER NESS2,MARNI goal was to provide additional data and reveals that not all individuals show the LAFLEUR1, SCOTT LARSEN4 and documentation. Nonmetric characteristics human/African ape condition, suggesting VASYL TKACH5. 1Department of Anthro- such as the presence of ‘‘rocker jaw,’’ cra- some predate human/African ape diver- pology, University of Colorado, 2Depart- nial shape and structure, and unique gence, and australopithecines as a group ment of Anthropology, University of ‘‘fern root’’ dental wear on some individu- are not all hominids. North Dakota, 3Department of Biology, als are strong indicators of heritage/pro- University of Toliara, 4Department of Vet- venience, and other anthroscopic varia- Metacarpal curvature during onto- erinary Medicine, University of California bles support the available documentation. geny in wild apes. -Davis,5Department of Biology, Univer- Metric analyses of the more complete cra- sity of North Dakota. nia using FORDISC were not as conclu- LAUREN A SARRINGHAUS. Department sive, with individuals being identified of Anthropology, University of Michigan. Over the years, the threat of domestic with multiple different groups outside of and other introduced mammals to the New Zealand/Oceanic populations. Indi- Diaphyseal curvature of long bone lemur population in and around the vidual variation and robusticity may shafts has been found to respond to the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, in have been contributing factors, as well as loading environment (Currey 1968; Lan- Southwestern Madagascar, has been

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 192

AAPA ABSTRACTS 263 noted but not systematically assessed. remains excavated in 2002, which are intergroup aggression among tufted We collected data on the number and housed at the National Museum of Tan- capuchins is primarily related to type of potential predators utilizing the zania, represent a third adult individ- defending access to food resources, and reserve, identified areas where lemurs ual. The archaeological context suggests that both males and females participate appear most vulnerable to such preda- at least two of the skeletons could be actively in IGEs, suggesting that tion, and assessed the range of animals Pleistocene Later Stone Age in origin. between-group contest competition may being preyed upon by endemic and Snail shell fragments collected from the be strong in this population. introduced mammals. From June 2008 levels above and below these skeletons This study was funded by the Leakey to July 2009 we used camera-traps, col- were radiocarbon dated to 11,635 – Foundation; the National Geographic lected predator scat, and documented 13,295 calibrated years BCE. We will Society; the National Science Founda- patterns of lemur predation to assess present the results of a holistic osteolog- tion (BCS-0752683); the Wenner-Gren this. ical analysis of the skeletal material Foundation (7929); and Stony Brook The endemic carnivore Cryptoprocta from all three field seasons as well as University. ferox (fossa) is confirmed as present in new radiocarbon dates. The Mlambalasi the reserve, but at very low numbers. rock shelter is a valuable new site in Gummivory and the Risk Aversion We also documented 5 cases of lemur southern Tanzania with great potential Hypothesis. predation that were consistent with pat- to contribute to our understanding of terns reported in fossa predation. Wild the East African LSA. MELISSA S. SCHAEFER and LEANNE cats and feral dogs are much more prev- This study was funded by the Social T. NASH. School of Human Evolution alent and are active day and night. The Sciences and Humanities Research and Social Change, Arizona State Uni- abundance of wild cat sightings was Council of Canada (by a Joseph Armand versity. positively correlated with lemur sight- Bombardier MA scholarship – #766- ings (p \ .006), indicating these carni- 2009-0072 to Sawchuk and by a Stand- This study compares the relative vores are attracted to areas used by ard Research Grant #410-2008-0061 to growth rates of Galago senegalensis and lemurs. An eyewitness account of a wild Willoughby). Otolemur garnettii as a test of the Risk cat running from a freshly killed sifaka Aversion Hypothesis (RAH). RAH sug- corroborates that they are efficient Experimental analyses of inter- gests that the low growth rate in prima- predators of larger lemurs. Scat sam- group encounters among tufted tes is an adaptation offsetting starva- ples document that felids are using capuchin monkeys: effects of tion risk that is associated with sea- lemurs as prey at a much higher per- resource quality and female sexual sonal food shortages. Since fruit is more centage than are canids. Lemur behavior. seasonal in availability compared foli- remains collected from felid scat include age, species relying of fruit should grow the distal phalanges of fingers and toes, CLARA J. SCARRY. Interdepartmental slower than species relying of foliage. eyes, and hair. These results indicate Doctoral Program in Anthropological As gums, like foliage, are generally that wild cats can take larger lemur Sciences, Stony Brook University. available year-round, the risk aversion prey, and strongly suggest that this spe- hypothesis posits that gummivorous gal- cies may be competing with fossa for In many species, the function of aggres- agids will grow faster than frugivorous lemur prey. sive intergroup encounters (IGE) galagids. This hypothesis was tested Funding was provided by Margot Marsh remains unclear, although between- with ontogenetic data by comparing the Biodiversity Foundation, Primate Con- group relations play a pivotal role in growth rate of Galago senegalensis,a servation Incorporated, International socioecological models. Game theory gummivore, with the growth rate of Primatological Society. suggests that individuals are more Otolemur garnettii, a frugivore. There likely to initiate aggression as the bene- are no significant differences between Analysis of commingled human fits of winning increase, providing a G. senegalensis males and O. garnettii remains from the Mlambalasi rock framework for identifying the contested males. G. senegalensis females have a shelter, Tanzania. resource. To test whether tufted capu- lower relative growth rate compared to chins (Cebus apella nigritus) at Iguazu, O. garnettii females; therefore, the star- ELIZABETH A. SAWCHUK and PAMELA Argentina, engage in intergroup aggres- vation risk aversion hypothesis is not R. WILLOUGHBY. Department of Anthro- sion primarily to defend access to food supported. O. garnettii are weaned dur- pology, University of Alberta. resources, mates, or both, I examined ing the dry season while G. senegalensis individuals’ initial reactions (N527) to are weaned during the wet season when Recent excavations at the Mlambalasi playbacks of long-distance vocalizations food is abundant. As G. senegalensis rock shelter in the Iringa region of from neighboring groups (N537 play- females experience low feeding competi- southern Tanzania have yielded frag- backs), varying the resource quality of tion both at weaning and, presumably mentary, commingled human remains an area through the use of provisioning during adulthood due to their more reli- from at least three individuals. The site platforms. I collected focal animal data able gum resources, they can afford to has a rich archaeological record that of general behavior, velocity, and neigh- grow slowly and cease growing at a rel- spans the historic period, Iron Age, and bor density, both pre- and post-stimulus, atively smaller size. O. garnettii females Later Stone Age (LSA). There are also and noted whether the individuals face greater competition for food both Middle Stone Age (MSA) deposits on vocalized, approached or gazed toward during weaning during the dry season the slope in front of the rock shelter. the playback speaker. Using generalized and as adults relying on a more sea- The site was test excavated in 2002 by linear mixed models, I assessed the sonal fruit resource; selection for rapid Dr. Paul Msemwa, and in 2006 by Dr. effects of resource quality, the presence growth to attain larger size at weaning Pamela Willoughby. Additional excava- of a proceptive female, and the focal could be advantageous for O. garnettii. tions were conducted by Willoughby’s individual’s sex and dominance rank on team in 2010. Human skeletal remains the probability of approach and the A comparison of methods used to were recovered during all three field strength of the behavioral response. estimate age-at-death in human seasons at the Mlambalasi site. Individuals were significantly more mummies from South America and Osteobiographical analysis of the likely to begin rapid movement in the Europe. remains from the 2006 excavation dem- direction of the speaker when resource onstrated that two individuals were quality is high, although females did JAMES SCHANANDORE1, HEATHER present: a large proportion of an adult not respond as strongly. The presence of GILL-FRERKING2, WILFRIED and the manubrium of a juvenile. In a proceptive female did not significantly ROSENDAHL2 and WILLIAM BLEIER1. 2010, additional in situ remains from affect the response of the focal individ- 1Department of Biological Sciences, North the same adult were recovered. The ual. These results demonstrate that Dakota State University, Fargo, 2German

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 193


Mummy Project, Reiss-Engelhorn Mu- aggregately analyzed using PCA fol- painted with both specular hematite seum. lowed by hierarchical cluster analysis. and cinnabar, wrapped in a burial cov- Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) was tested ering, and placed upon a bier. Outside The unique nature of both natural and only on European segregating chromo- of the tomb, another child was sacrificed anthropogenic mummification processes somes to minimize confounding effects. and burned, and fingers from at least causes problems when trying to provide All probability values were corrected for one adult individual were cut off and an accurate age-at-death estimation for multiple tests using the Bonferroni cor- placed within ceramic vessels. Dental a particular mummy. Published case rection. morphology suggests a lack of a close studies about mummies appear in a The results of the FST analysis indicated genetic relationship among the tomb wide range of anthropological, medical that 8/15 loci had significant FST values occupants. Analysis of human remains and other scholarly journals. Articles of- at the a5 0.05 level, however only 4/15 recovered from a series of looted tombs ten provide an assessment of age, but were significant after Bonferroni correc- at El Zotz reveals that similar rites of often fail to specify the methods used to tion. PCA analysis yielded two Eigen child sacrifice, body painting, and expo- calculate the estimated age. vectors which accounted for 100% of the sure to fire were perfomed in other con- This study assembled data about age-of variance, and generated highly discrimi- texts at the site. Comparison of El Zotz death estimation from more than 100 nating factor scores for the three popu- Burial 9 with funerary deposits at other published case studies of mummies, in lations. LD analysis did not detect any Maya sites shows both continuities and order to determine which methods were significant LD for the pairs of closely dissimilarities in royal mortuary rites of used. Each method listed in the publica- linked loci in LD1, LD2 and LD4. the Early Classic period (AD 250-600). tions was then applied to a small group Additional studies are planned to Research at El Zotz was funded by the of mummies that included naturally- include Ghanaians, Ethiopians, South- National Science Foundation (BCS- preserved mummies from South Amer- east and Northeast Asians and Ameri- 0840930) and the National Endowment ica, northern European bog bodies, and can Indian samples, to further test the for the Humanities (RZ-50680-07). German crypt mummies. The results of usefulness of these X STR markers. the study showed that methods used for These markers appear to be highly use- Functional morphology of the peri- age estimation are rarely specified in ful in the study of human population vertebral muscles in great apes – published reports and that some stand- variation, migration and ancestry. are humans unique? ard methods of age estimation could not Disclaimer: The opinions and assertions be applied to all types of mummies. contained herein are solely those of the NADJA SCHILLING1, BETTINA Modifications to traditional osteological authors and are not to be construed as HESSE1, JOHANNA NEUFUß1 and approaches for age estimation were official views of the United States SUSANNAH K.S. THORPE2. 1Institute sometimes necessary due to the pres- Department of Defense or the United of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary ence of soft tissue and post-mortem States Department of the Army. Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-University changes to the body. Although methods This research was supported by grants Jena, 2School of Biosciences, University of age estimation for human skeletal from the Columbian College of Arts and of Birmingham. remains are standardized, this research Science (GWU) and the AFDIL clearly demonstrated that appropriate (USDOJ). Humans are unique among primates in methods for the assessment of age-at- having a striding bipedal gait and a death in human mummies should be Human sacrifice as royal mortuary permanent orthograde trunk posture. considered on an individual basis, and ritual at the Classic Maya site of El Thus, the functional demands on the that the methodology used must be pro- Zotz, Guatemala. human trunk musculature are different vided in published reports of mummy from those in other great apes. To 1) studies. ANDREW K. SCHERER1, CHELSEA increase our understanding of the func- GARRETT2, STEPHEN D. HOUSTON1, tional morphology of the axial system in Anthropological usefulness of 15 X EDWIN ROMA´ N3, THOMAS great apes, 2) distinguish adaptations to chromosome STR loci across four GARRISON4 and SARAH NEWMAN1. human bipedalism from characteristics linkage groups. 1Department of Anthropology, Brown shared with other great apes due to University, 2Department of Anthropol- their common phylogenetic history, and MOSES S. SCHANFIELD1, MICHAEL ogy, Forensic Science, and Archaeology, 3) reconstruct functional transforma- COBLE2 and TONI DIEGOLI2. Baylor University, 3Lozano Long Insti- tions of the axial musculature during 1Department of Anthropology, George tute of Latin American Studies, The ape evolution, we investigated the lower Washington University, Washington, University of Texas at Austin, 4Umea˚ thoracic and lumbar perivertebral DC, 2Armed Forces DNA Identification Universitet. muscles of the orangutan and chimpan- Laboratory (AFDIL), Rockville, MD. zee regarding their fiber type composi- In 2010, the Proyecto Arqueolo´gico El tion and anatomical cross-sectional area Population genetic and anthropological Zotz excavated an intact royal tomb, (ACSA) and compared these data with studies were included in a larger study Burial 9, at the Classic Maya site of El results from humans. Muscle fiber type of X chromosome STR markers looking Zotz, Guatemala. Architectural chronol- distribution was determined using at mutation rates and linkage relation- ogy and analysis of ceramic vessels immunohistochemistry; ACSA was ships in multiple populaitons. from within the tomb indicate that the measured in CT scans. Similar to A total of over 750 meiosis from moth- deposit dates between AD 350 and 400. humans, chimpanzees and orangutans ers, children and father of non-excluded Seven individuals were identified within did not show the segregation of specific parentage cases from US European, the tomb, and at least two other indi- fiber types typical for other mammals. African Americans and SW Hispanics viduals are represented by human ele- This striking reorganization facilitates were tested for 15 X chromosome STR ments recovered in deposits outside of all muscles to equally contribute to loci (DXS8378, DXS9902, DXS6795 the tomb. By integrating archaeological trunk mobilization and stabilization. [LG1], DXS7132, DXS6803, DXS6789, information from the field with human Furthermore, our results show that DXS7424, DXS101, GATA172D05, osteological data obtained in the labora- compared to the chimpanzee and DXS7130, GATA165B12 [LG2], HPRTB tory, the original position of each of the human, which were fairly similar in the [LG3], GATA31E08, DXS10147 and seven bodies was identified and the slow fiber proportion, orangutans DXS7423 [LG4]), yielding 137 alleles mortuary ritual was reconstructed. This showed overall higher proportions of using two multiplexes developed at rite involved the sacrifice of six children slow fibers; likely related to their slow, AFDIL for forensic purposes. The loci within the tomb, each of whom was cautious locomotor behavior. Non- were individually analyzed by FST anal- briefly exposed to fire. The seventh indi- human great apes have a relatively ysis across the three populations, and vidual, the primary tomb occupant, was small lateral epaxial muscle tract com-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 194

AAPA ABSTRACTS 265 pared to their body mass, while all Dental microwear texture analysis Discussions of mobility and functional other perivertebral muscles have the of Natufian hunter-gatherers and anatomy often assume that higher ac- ACSAs as predicted by body mass. This Neolithic farmers from Northern tivity levels increase bone loading in all smaller lateral tract points to a Israel. animals in all contexts. But it is worth decreased need for mobilization, likely asking whether two animals moving at correlated with the comparatively short, CHRISTOPHER SCHMIDT1, LAURA the same speed and distance produce stiff trunk of non-human apes. CHIU1, LINDSY FRAZER1, CLAIRE the same loading pattern and whether This study was supported by the Center BARRETT2 and PATRICK MAHONEY2. increased bone mechanical properties of Interdisciplinary Prevention of Dis- 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- reflect increased activity levels? Here eases related to Professional Activities sity of Indianapolis, 2School of Anthro- we examine data from a variety of our funded by the Friedrich-Schiller-Univer- pology and Conservation, University of comparative laboratory-based studies on sity Jena and the Berufsgenossenschaft Kent. limb loading. Our findings reveal that Nahrungsmittel und Gaststa¨tten Erfurt the relationship between activity and (Germany) and the Royal Society of Dental microwear texture analysis loading is more complex than previously London (UK). (DTA) reconstructs dietary hardness assumed. For example, data collected on and toughness using a white light con- primates compared at the same speed focal profiler to generate 3D surface on arboreal and terrestrial supports Direction and intensity of sexual representations and data clouds that show changes in contact time and cen- dimorphism in European and Chi- are processed with scale sensitive frac- ter of mass (COM) movements that nese mandibles’ outer contour. tal analysis software. Here, we employ influence load. Cats moving at equiva- DTA to search for dietary differences lent speeds to dogs must generate more STEFAN SCHLAGER1 and MARC between sixteen Natufian hunter-gath- muscular effort to move the COM and METZGER2. 1Department of Anthropol- erers (12,500–10,250 BP) and fifteen may load their bones more. Data on pri- ogy, University of Freiburg, 2Depart- late Neolithic farmers (10,250–7,500 mates moving at the same speed also ment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, BP), recovered from archaeological sites show that gait choices (i.e. walk com- University Clinics Freiburg. in northern Israel. pared to amble) influences peak forces Resin casts of molar occlusal facets 9 and COM movements. Finally, data on Analysing sexual dimorphism is a cru- and 10 were produced. Data were col- hyper-muscular mice with high levels of cial task in palaeoanthropological, for- lected using a 100X objective lens and bone robusticity indicate that these ani- ensic and ecological studies of human the extended topography option, which mals choose slower speeds are no more remains. The mandible as a very promi- allowed for four contiguous data sets to active than wild-type mice, rejecting a nent feature in a person’s physique is be taken and stitched together auto- relatively straightforward relationship known to be a sexual marker. Our goal matically by the microscope. The result- between activity, load, and bone was to show if there are common lin- ing surface representations were leveled strength. Taken together these observa- ear combinations of shape vectors and occlusal debris was digitally tions suggest that the same mobility or explaining the differences between the removed prior to analysis. Toothfrax1 1 activity level can yield different loading sexes and to compare the amount of and Sfrax software were used to calcu- levels depending on substrate context, sexual dimorphism between different late anisotropy (the degree to which gait choice, and species. Given these populations. microwear features are similarly ori- caveats, definitions of mobility must be We used CT-Scans of 925 European and ented), heterogeneity (the extent to precise as to gait, substrate, anatomy, 960 Chinese individuals. Only patholog- which microwear features are the same and posture, and must accommodate ically unaffected mandibles were over the area of interest), complexity the notion that bone mechanical proper- included. (the surface relief), and the textural fill ties are not necessarily reflective of The data consists of 18 anatomical and volume (the amount of surface removed activity. mathematically constructed landmarks by microwear). Data were log trans- Supported by NSF BCS-0452217, NSF along the mandible’s outer contour. formed and variation between the SBR-9209004, and NIH AR-049717. We used geometric morphometrics to hunter-gatherers and farmers was iden- extract shape data and remove informa- tified using ANOVA. Differences in endocranial shape tion about orientation, location and size. No differences were found between between Homo and Pongids The resulting data was analysed apply- facets 9 and 10. One variable, anisot- assessed through non-rigid defor- ing several multivariate statistical ropy, differed significiantly between mation analysis of high-resolution methods, including parametric testing Natufian and Neolithic groups (df51, CT images. and permutation tests. F55.954, p50.024), indicating that Sexual dimorphism in shape as well as the microwear was more similarly ori- P. THOMAS SCHOENEMANN1, RALPH in size was significant within both pop- ented within the Neolithic. This find- HOLLOWAY2, JANET MONGE3, BRIAN ulations: discriminant analysis on shape ing supports the idea that food proc- AVANTS 4 and JAMES GEE4. 1Depart- data shows a distinct separation essing changed over time as agricul- ment of Anthropology, Indiana Univer- between the sexes. To test differences in ture emerged in northern Israel (e.g., sity, 2Department of Anthropology, direction and intensity of sexual dimor- Mahoney, 2006). Columbia University, 3Department of phism between populations, vector This study was funded by a grant from Anthropology, University of Pennsylva- angles and lengths were compared and the National Science Foundation (BCS- nia, 4Department of Radiology, Univer- tested using permutation testing. The 0922930 to CWS). sity of Pennsylvania. results implicate that there is no com- mon shape trajectory dividing males Our understanding of evolutionary from females within both populations. changes in brain anatomy, as evident in This means that shape changes associ- Is there biomechanical equivalence fossil specimens, is facilitated by a sta- ated with sexual dimorphism are highly when comparing mobility, activity tistical assessment of species differences population dependent. Also, the lengths levels, and limb loading across indi- in endocranial morphology. Because the of those shape vectors dividing the viduals and species? endocranial surface is morphologically sexes differ significantly, indicating dif- complex, such comparative assessments ferences in the intensity of the expres- DANIEL SCHMITT1 and MARK W. will ideally involve rich mathematical sion of gender specific patterns between HAMRICK2. 1Department of Evolution- descriptions that can be directly and populations – at least as far as the land- ary Anthropology, Duke University, easily compared between species and to mark configuration in question is 2Department of Cellular Biology and fossils. Atlases representing statistical concerned. Anatomy, Medical College of Georgia. averages of species endocranial form

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 195

266 AAPA ABSTRACTS have been created using non-rigid defor- ments taken from plain radiographs. Alumni Grants for Graduate Research mation techniques applied to endocra- Preliminary results indicate that P4 lin- and Scholarship. nial casts collected by Ralph Holloway. ear and areal measurements vary inde- Point-by-point voxel-based assessments pendently of body size and crown area Bioarchaeology and climate of species differences have then been correlates more closely with root profile change: a view from South Asian constructed by morphing species’ area in molars than in premolars. Prin- prehistory. atlases into each other. This method cipal components analysis of occlusal results in detailed statistical maps of morphology suggests that sympatric GWEN ROBBINS SCHUG. Department exactly where species differ endocrani- species vary significantly in their man- of Anthropology, Appalachian State Uni- ally, and by how much. We present the dibular premolar crown morphology. We versity. results of these methods applied to dif- suggest various ways in which the ferences between Homo sapiens, Pan results of this study of premolar mor- Throughout the second millennium B.C., troglodytes, Pan paniscus, and Gorilla phology in closely-related and sympatric human populations thrived in west-central gorilla endocranial atlases. The analysis New World primate species can be used India. Deccan Chalcolithic people settled for Homo and Pan troglodytes suggests to develop hypotheses about the phylo- in villages employing a mixed economic that the orbitofrontal surface and poste- genetic significance of the mandibular strategy—farming drought-resistant bar- rior occipital areas are the most differ- premolar morphology of megadont ar- ley, stockraising, hunting and foraging. Af- ent between these species, suggesting chaic hominins. ter 1000 B.C., the majority of these settle- more than 4-fold increases in these This study was funded by a NSF-GRFP ments were abandoned. Only Inamgaon areas, while portions of the temporal and NSF-IGERT DGE-0801634. persisted into the Late Jorwe phase (1000- poles suggest less than 2.5-fold differen- 700 B.C.). Archaeologists suggested that ces (overall, the endocranial surfaces increasing aridity and unpredictable mon- averaged 3.1-fold differences). These The positional behavior of ursine soon rainfall caused the depopulation. Bio- findings will be compared with similar colobus (Colobus vellerosus) and archaeologists suggested the Late Jorwe published assessments of differences Lowe’s monkey (Cercopithecus was a time of increased dietary diversity, between the brains of these species. campbelli lowei) in Ghana’s Boa- population mobility, lower biocultural Methods for making point-by-point beng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary. stress levels and improvements in infant assessments of differences between fos- health. However, recent paleoclimate sil specimens and extant species atlases, ROB SCHUBERT and SCOTT reconstructions indicate the unpredictable as well as between fossil specimens MCGRAW. Department of Anthropology, monsoon and reduced rainfall were well themselves, will be described. These The Ohio State University. established long before these settlements will allow for a detailed assessment of were abandoned and are not likely to be the evolution of brain evolution as The extent to which primates vary their directly responsible. This poster presents a inferred from the endocranial surface. positional behavior in response to archi- new interpretation of life and death at tecturally distinct forests continues to three villages occupied during the Deccan Mandibular premolar molarization: be a topic of active research. Here, we Chalcolithic period of Indian prehistory a platyrrhine comparative model. compare the locomotor and postural based on new evidence from paleoecology, profiles of two cercopithecoid species demography, and bioarchaeology. Paleode- KATHERINE SCHROER1,2 and ranging across a mosaic of forest habi- mography indicates high fertility and BERNARD WOOD2,3. 1Hominid Paleo- tats in Ghana’s Boabeng-Fiema Monkey infant mortality led to high pressure popu- biology Doctoral Program, 2Center for Sanctuary (BFMS). From January to lation dynamics during the Late Jorwe the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleo- October 2009, we used instantaneous phase at Inamgaon. The osteological para- biology, Department of Anthropology, time point sampling to collect positional dox thus plays an important role in the The George Washington University, and habitat data on multiple groups of interpretation of biocultural stress 3Human Origins Program, National adult female ursine colobus (Colobus markers. When previous data for dental Museum of Natural History, Smithso- vellerosus) and Lowe’s monkey (Cercopi- stress markers is combined with evidence nian Institution. thecus campbelli lowei) inhabiting ei- of subadult skeletal emaciation, it is appa- ther areas of unlogged, primary forest rent that acute and chronic stress markers Molarization of the crown of the last or regenerating forest. Architectural dif- tell different stories about life at the end of mandibular premolar is a distinctive ferences between forests were quanti- agriculture in prehistoric India. These feature of some extinct early Homo and fied using focal canopy density sampling results are the basis for a new Biodemo- megadont archaic hominin taxa, but methods. Significant intraspecific differ- graphic Model for understanding climate there is debate about whether molariza- ences in positional behavior and habitat and culture change during this period of tion is a shared derived character or a use profiles were identified using G- climate and culture change in Indian homoplasy. New World monkeys provide tests and Fisher Exact Tests. For the prehistory. a suitable morphological and develop- ursine colobus, postural profiles differed mental sample for understanding mola- between forest habitats. For Lowe’s Genetic histories of Gwich’in and rization in primates. We sampled man- monkey, both locomotor and postural Inuvialuit populations of Northwest dibular postcanine crown and root mor- profiles differed. Both species tended to Territories, Canada. phology and obtained proxies for body frequent low forest levels more often in size from c.150 callitrichid and other disturbed forest where the paucity of THEODORE G. SCHURR1, AMANDA C. platyrrhine individuals from the collec- upper canopy pathways required that OWINGS1, JILL B. GAIESKI1, INGRID tions of the National Museum of Natu- individuals use thinner supports at KRITSCH2, ALESTINE ANDRE2, ral History, Smithsonian Institution. lower heights. We suggest that the large CRYSTAL LENNIE3, HALEIGH The sample included closely-related body size and leaping adaptations of the ZILLGES1, KEVIN KEATING1 and sympatric species with known dietary ursine colobus constrain its locomotion GENOGRAPHIC CONSORTIUM. niches, including individuals of Sagui- compared to that of the smaller, more 1Department of Anthropology, University nus fuscicollis, Saguinus labiatus, and generalized guenon. Nevertheless, those of Pennsylvania, 2Gwich’in Social and Callimico goeldii. Mandibular molar positional behavior differences that Cultural Institute, 3Inuvialiut Regional and premolar crown morphology was were observed were subtle and provide Corporation. compared using linear and areal meas- support for the notion that basic posi- urements based on enlarged occlusal tional behavior profiles tend to be con- In this study, we investigate the genetic photographs, and mandibular molar served across habitats. history of Dene and Inuvialuit popula- and premolar root morphology was com- This study was funded in part by The tions from the Northwest Territories to pared using linear and areal measure- Ohio State University Graduate School’s help elucidate the history of circumarc-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 196

AAPA ABSTRACTS 267 tic populations, and define their genetic tion data provides indications or differ- indicate that as body size increases dur- relationships with Amerindian popula- ential child and infant mortality and ing ontogeny, the frequency of climbing tions to the south. We characterized morbidity, as well as inferences regard- and suspensory posture decreases. Fol- mtDNA variation in over 400 individu- ing biases in parental care. lowing an initial increase in frequency als through control region and whole Methods of morphological sex assessment during the first 3-4 years, suspensory genome sequencing and SNP analysis, were applied to the sub-adult components locomotion, brachiation, and leaping and Y-chromosome (NRY) variation of the proto-urban St. Peter’s Church, Bar- also decrease with increasing body through SNP and STR genotyping. Our ton-upon-Humber (N5108), and rural size. The intermembral index changes results show that the vast majority of Raunds Furnells (N5152) assemblages. very little during ontogeny, while the individuals ([94%) have mtDNAs Osteological analysis indicates that differ- brachial index decreases during the belonging to haplogroups A2, C and D, ential child and infant mortality and mor- first 48 months than levels off during with the rest being non-native lineages. bidity were extant at both sites, with adolescence. Both the upper limb-to- In addition, some 60% of the male indi- females predominating amongst the sam- trunk and the hindlimb-to-trunk indi- viduals belonged to Y-chromosome hap- ples, in particular during early childhood. cesdecreaseslightlyduringontogeny. logroups C and Q, with the remainder These results stand in opposition to the ini- These results are consistent with representing native lineages, mostly tial research hypothesis of higher male other studies of positional behavior in haplogroup R1. Our high-resolution mortality due to inherent biological weak- apes and with known functional rela- mtDNA and NRY data, particularly ness and enhanced female vigour. Unbal- tionships between body size, limb pro- those coming from mtDNA haplogroup anced mortality and morbidity sex ratios portions, and behavior. A2, provide new details about the phylo- are synthesised with historical, archaeo- geography of Athapaskan (Dene) peo- logical and ethnographical evidence to A new method for the determina- ples, including their origins and pattern infer that female offspring received dimin- tion of post-mortem interval: ci- of dispersal across the circumarctic ished parental investment at both Barton- trate content of bone. region,. They also allow us to test theo- upon-Humber and Raunds Furnells under ries about Dene prehistory based on lin- complex environmental and social condi- HENRY P. SCHWARCZ1, KRISTINA guistic evidence, including putative tions. Substantial disparity in mortality AGUR1 and LEE MEADOWS JANTZ2. links to Ket populations in Siberia. sex ratios between the sites is suggestive of 1School of Geography & Earth Sciences, Data from the Inuvialuit also shed light regional bio-cultural variation in parental McMaster University, 2Department of on the prehistoric and historic migra- behaviour, with extremely low ratios at Anthropology, University of Tennessee. tions by Inuit peoples across the Arctic Raunds, inferring that gender discrimina- over the past several thousand years, in tion against females was more severe in Few accurate methods exist currently to part because genetic data from the the rural population. determine the time since death (post- Western Arctic have heretofore been RP was supported by an Australian mortem interval, PMI) of skeletonized lacking. Furthermore, by combining the Commonwealth Scholarship (UCR- human remains found at crime scenes. Ci- genetic data with genealogical, ethno- 2006-8). trate is present as a constituent of living graphic and historical information from human and animal cortical bone at very the region, we will expand our under- Growth, behavior, and morphology: uniform initial concentration (2.0 6 0.1 wt standing of the recent history of Abo- lessons from chimpanzees. %). Citrate is almost undetectable in bones riginal communities from the Mackenzie recovered from[100 y old burials, suggest- River valley. MELANIE L. SCHWANDT1, LEANNE ing that the decrease in citrate content This study was supported by funds from T. NASH2 and MARY W. MARZKE2. could be used as a chronometer for PMI. the National Geographic Society, IBM, 1National Institutes of Health, Be- Citrate can be determined easily by use the Waitt Family Foundation, and the thesda, MD, 2School of Human Evolu- of an enzymatic technique commercially Department of Anthropology of the Uni- tion and Social Change, Arizona State available as a kit In skeletal remains versity of Pennsylvania, and by in-kind University, Tempe, AZ. found in open landscape settings support from the Gwich’in Social and (whether buried or not), we observe that Cultural Institute, the Gwich’in Tribal The relationships among morphology, the concentration of citrate remains con- Council, and the Inuvialuit Regional function, and behavior are complex. A stant for a period of about 4 weeks, after Corporation. better understanding of these relation- which it decreases linearly as a function ships has widespread implications for of log(time). The upper limit of the dat- anthropological research. To this end, ing range is about 80 years. The rate of Differential infant and child mor- studies of living nonhuman primate spe- decay is approximately constant over a tality and morbidity in Late Anglo- cies are particularly valuable. Chimpan- wide range of burial environments in Saxon England. zees (Pan troglodytes), like humans, temperate N. America and is independ- have an extended period of develop- ent of average temperature or rainfall. HOLGER SCHUTKOWSKI 1and ment, during which substantial changes Citrate loss appears to stop below 0 8C. RONIKA POWER 2. 1Applied Sciences, take place in body size and shape. We The precision of determination of PMI is Bournemouth University, United King- investigated the ontogeny of body size, a few percent of the age but decreases dom, 2Department of Ancient History, limb proportions, and positional behav- gradually with increasing age. Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia. ior in captive chimpanzees in an This study was funded by the Natural attempt to relate gross changes in body Sciences and Engineering Research Distributions of mortality and morbidity morphology to variation in positional Council of Canada. during infancy and childhood provide behavior. Body weight and linear body meaningful proxies for ambient living segment data were collected for 73 sub- Tales from the Crypt: tooth growth, conditions and the local socio-ecology of jects between the ages of 6 months and dental development and the evolu- past societies. Whilst age-related trends 13 years. Positional behavior data were tion of primate life histories. have been extensively studied in this collected for 30 subjects within the regard, the biological sex of juvenile same age range. The intermembral GARY T. SCHWARTZ. Institute of individuals is largely excluded from de- index, brachial index, upper limb-to- Human Origins & School of Human mographic configurations despite suita- trunk index, and hindlimb-to-trunk Evolution and Social Change, Arizona ble methods available for assessing sex index were calculated from the limb State University. from sub-adult skeletons. This study measurement data and plotted along investigates whether the inclusion of with positional behavior variables For nearly three decades, Don Reid has sub-adult sex amongst Late Anglo- against age using locally-weighted scat- been instrumental in helping pioneer Saxon (10th-12th centuries AD) popula- terplot smoothing (LOWESS). Results the histological analysis of dental hard

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 197

268 AAPA ABSTRACTS tissues. His diligence and scrupulous tive methods. The results provide some the result of differences in the fre- attention to detail has yielded dataset support for the hypothesis. For exam- quency of bone consumption among the after dataset detailing the timing of ple, there is a fairly strong relationship fossil taxa. In addition, the fossil hyae- individual tooth formation and overall between relative postcanine size and nids display significantly lower surface dental development in a variety of the relative height of the mandibular complexity and textural fill volume val- extant and extinct primate forms. More condyle above the occlusal plane ues than modern bone-cracking taxa, recently, his efforts have focused on pro- (r50.68). However, correlations between supporting previous characterizations of ducing chronologies of tooth formation relative postcanine size and skeletal the Mio-Pliocene hyaenids as occasional in a variety of modern human popula- proxies for masseter position and size rather than specialist bone consumers. tions, and these data serve as the are weak or nonsignificant (r\0.40). This project was funded by the US benchmark against which dental devel- These results indicate that although at- National Science Foundation. opment in all other human groups, fos- omistic approaches to character defini- sil and modern, are compared. Here, I tion in the masticatory system undoubt- Stressed out: geographic variation present a synthesis of existing and lim- edly confound cladistic analyses of fossil in linear enamel hypoplasia in ited new data on primate dental devel- hominins, functionally related charac- northern populations. opment emphasizing variation in molar ters in this region do not necessarily crown formation times, crown extension evolve in a coordinated fashion. Thus, G. RICHARD SCOTT, JACOB WINN, rates, root extension rates, and emer- phylogenetic information is lost when ARI KRAUSE and KELSEY ARTMAN. gence ages to further refine our under- mastication-related features are treated Department of Anthropology, University standing of primate, and in particular, as a single character. of Nevada Reno. hominoid patterns of dental develop- ment and how they relate to variation Dental microwear texture analysis Linear enamel hypoplasia is often used in life history. Broadly speaking, across of fossil carnivores from Lange- as a generalized stress indicator in primates, the age at first molar emer- baanweg, South Africa. extinct and extant human populations. gence is tied to a variety of life history The horizontal growth arrest lines that attributes. New data for Malagasy JESSICA R. SCOTT1, DEANO D. characterize LEH develop during child- lemurs and extant great apes are pre- STYNDER2, BLAINE W. SCHUBERT3 hood and are triggered by some combi- sented that help frame estimates for and PETER S. UNGAR4. 1Doctoral Pro- nation of nutritional deprivation and ages at molar emergence and the sched- gram in Environmental Dynamics, Uni- disease. When the Greenlandic Norse uling of life history in early primates versity of Arkansas, 2Department of were scored for LEH, they exhibited and fossil hominins, and suggest new Archaeology, University of Cape Town, lines on their incisors and canines to avenues of dental developmental 3Department of Geosciences and Don only a minor degree (ca. 25%), an unan- research that beg further exploration. Sundquist Center of Excellence in Pale- ticipated finding based on other indica- These new data add to the tremendous ontology, East Tennessee State Univer- tors of climatic and nutritional stress. body of work assembled throughout the sity, 4Department of Anthropology, By contrast, prehistoric Inuit from St. career of Dr. Reid that, in conjunction University of Arkansas. Lawrence Island, Alaska and medieval with his patience and skilled mentoring, Scandinavians from Trondheim, Norway have shaped the future of research Reconstructing the paleocommunity exhibited exceptionally high frequencies in dental biology, bioarchaeology, and ecology of Miocene-Pliocene boundary (ca. 80%) and pronounced expressions of paleoanthropology. sites in Africa is essential to our under- LEH on their anterior teeth. We pro- standing the evolution of numerous pose the Inuit and Norwegian samples Evolutionary integration in the mammalian taxa, including the homi- achieved the same LEH frequencies for anthropoid masticatory system. nins. The site of Langebaanweg in markedly different reasons. Prehistoric South Africa has produced many fossils St. Lawrence Islanders were susceptible JEREMIAH E. SCOTT. School of representing a wide range of mamma- to resource fluctuations but not infec- Human Evolution and Social Change, lian taxa and provides a unique oppor- tious disease so the likely cause of their Institute of Human Origins, Arizona tunity to study guild dynamics during LEH was nutritional stress. By con- State University. this important time interval. In this trast, the Norwegians had ample food presentation we focus on the fossil but lived in crowded conditions condu- Australopithecus boisei and Au. robus- hyaenids from Langebaanweg, specifi- cive to infectious diseases that impacted tus are characterized by a number of cally Chasmaporthetes australis, Hyae- vulnerable children. Despite isolation in craniodental features indicating that nictus hendeyi, Hyaenictitherium nama- a subarctic environment, the modest they share an ancestor to the exclusion quensis, and Ikelohyaena abronia. LEH in Greenlanders is attributed to: of all other hominin species. However, it Owing to a lack of canids at the site, (1) a dispersed settlement pattern that has been argued that support for this researchers have argued that fossil helped them avoid diseases associated sister relationship is not as strong as hyaenids were ecological vicars to both with crowding, and (2) a weanling diet many cladistic analyses have suggested. modern hyaenids and canids, with C. based on dairy products that provided This argument is based on the fact that australis and I. abronia consuming sufficient calories and protein to help many of the purported synapomorphies more bone. We test this hypothesis developing children avoid growth dis- that unite these species are functionally using dental microwear texture analy- ruption. integrated features of the masticatory sis. Previous research has demonstrated system and are thus unlikely to consti- that increased durophagy results in An osteobiographical analysis of tute independent lines of evidence. high microwear surface texture com- the Foscue plantation burial crypt, Some versions of this critique attribute plexity and isotropy. The microwear tex- Pollocksville, Jones County, North many of these similarities to a single bi- tures of the Langebaanweg hyaenids Carolina. ological process—selection for postca- were compared to the extant feliforms nine megadontia. This study evaluates Crocuta crocuta, Acinonyx jubatus, and MELINDA SEEMAN, CHARLIE EWEN the plausibility of this argument by leo. Our results reveal low and MEGAN PERRY. Department of testing the hypothesis that the size of levels of inter-specific variation in Anthropology, East Carolina University. the postcanine dentition is tightly inte- microwear signatures among the fossil grated with other components of the taxa, suggesting limited variability in In 2010, an early 19th century crypt masticatory system across extant fracture properties of foods eaten by was excavated on Foscue Plantation in anthropoid species. Morphometric data these species. The marginal differences eastern North Carolina as part of a collected from twenty-nine species were between fossil taxa were in surface com- National Historic site salvage project. analyzed using phylogenetic compara- plexity and anisotropy and are likely According to historical records, three

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 198

AAPA ABSTRACTS 269 individuals purportedly were interred in palmigrade arboreal quadrupeds. The The genetic history of the Kara- the crypt; Simon Foscue, Sr, Simon ulnarly deviated MC3 in modern great chays: Insights from mtDNA and Foscue, Jr, and his wife Christiana apes may convert dorsopalmar shear to Y-chromosome evidence. ‘‘Kitty’’ Rhem Foscue. The lack of compression, as a climbing/ suspensory research on ‘‘elite’’ 19th century rural adaptation. This morphology is paral- ASLIHAN SEN, SADETTIN SEN, and populations in eastern North Carolina leled in Ateles and Hylobates, suggest- THEODORE G. SCHURR. Department meant that remains recovered from the ing a functional convergence for climb- of Anthropology, University of Pennsyl- crypt could provide valuable informa- ing and/or suspensory locomotion. Mod- vania. tion on their life histories beyond histor- ern humans overlap with great apes in ical documents, including health, diet, this morphology, largely due to their The Karachay-Malkar population of the disease, and burial practices. transposition of the styloid element northwestern Caucasus Mountains has Excavation of the crypt in fact revealed from the capitate to the MC3. This mor- an interesting but unclear history. Oral at least seven individuals: 2 adult males phology is not seen in Ar. ramidus, traditions indicate that they descended and 2 adult females, a 4 year (6 12 which is more similar to NWM palmi- from the Alans, ancient Iranian tribes months) old child, and two preterm grade quadrupeds. This suggests that who entered the region starting in the fetuses, likely twins. Cranial fragments human morphology is unrelated to 1st century BC. However, they now of one of the fetuses were discovered climbing. It may instead be a relatively speak a Kipchak Turkic language, adhering to the internal iliac blade of late response to intensive tool use/ which was purportedly brought to the the young female. That and the esti- manufacture. Caucasus by the Kumans from the mated age of the fetuses suggests that Minusinsk Basin (Yenisei River-Altai she died eight months pregnant. The Mountains). They are also allegedly absence of some individuals in the crypt What the brains of the apes reveal related to the Hun-Bulgars, with the from the historical records could have about the uniqueness of the human name Malkar/Balkar being evidence for been the result of later internment in mind. this affiliation. Therefore, to elucidate the crypt during a period of poor record- their genetic past, we characterized keeping. Initial paleopathology analysis KATERINA SEMENDEFERI. University genetic variation in 106 Karachay indi- indicates that the childhood and adult of California, San Diego. viduals using a combination of HVS1/ health of these individuals is compara- HVS2 sequencing and SNP analysis for ble to free landowning individuals in Fast accumulating data from the neuro- mtDNAs and SNP and STR analysis for other areas of the Southeastern U.S, sciences helped shift long standing Y-chromosomes. We observed a predomi- including poor dental health. These paradigms in biological anthropology nance of mtDNA haplogroups H and U detailed osteobiographies presented in with regards to the evolution of the in this population, along with a minor- this study, along with the historical human brain. The idea that overall ity of East Eurasian lineages, and documents, provide a renewed picture brain size or the relative overgrowth of mostly Y-chromosome haplogroups G, I, of a cross-section of a rural plantation- a particular gross anatomical compo- J and R1. The mtDNA data suggest owning family in 18th and 19th century nent is the single most important vari- that the Karachay are most similar to eastern North Carolina. able that distinguishes apes from the Adygei, among Caucasus popula- humans is being revisited. It is now tions, and have affinities with eastern Angulation of the third carpo-meta- well established that the operations of Iranians, supporting the hypothesized carpal joint appears to reflect verti- the brain take place in the form of neu- link to Scythio-Iranians (Alans), cal climbing in great apes, but not ral systems as opposed to isolated struc- although being quite distant to Turkic humans or their ancestors. tures and that the level of complexity, speaking indigenous Altaians. By con- from molecular to cellular to systems, trast, Y-chromosome data point to MICHAEL S. SELBY1, SCOTT W. requires more sophisticated approaches genetic links with populations from SIMPSON2 and C. OWEN LOVEJOY1. to the question of human neural Anatolia, the Near East and the Bal- 1Department of Anthropology and uniqueness. Comparative histological kans, as well as the Volga-Ural region, School of Biomedical Sciences, Kent studies have demonstrated the presence Central Asia and Siberia, the source State University, 2Department of Anat- of inter- and intra-specific variation, area for ancient Turkic populations. omy, Case Western Reserve University including in ape species that share simi- Using these data and associated genea- School of Medicine. lar absolute brain size. Studies of the logical and linguistic evidence, we brains of humans suffering from various attempt to reconstruct the history of the In the recent description of Ardipithe- mental neurodevelopmental and other Karachay population and assess its cus ramidus, the third metacarpal disorders, reveal the presence of subtle genetic relationships to the diverse eth- (MC3) long axis was compared to the changes in the neural circuitry. This nolinguistic groups of the Caucasus. capitate’s articular surface for the suggests that differences in the relative hamate (hamate border angle [HBA]) size, morphology and make up of indi- Cross-species virtual reconstruc- and to the distal capitate’s articular sur- vidual components and the neural sys- tion of fossil and extant hominoid face (distal capitate angle [DCA]). Great tems they form in the developing and crania. apes, humans and a baboon were com- adult human and ape brains may prove pared to Ar. ramidus. These angles, to be critical to function. Genomic stud- SASCHA SENCK, FRED L. along with a third, comparing the MC3 ies comparing humans to chimpanzees BOOKSTEIN and GERHARD W. long axis with the proximal capitate have identified changes in the expres- WEBER. Department of Anthropology, articular surface (proximal surface sion levels of certain genes involved in University of Vienna. angle [PSA]), were analyzed here with a energy metabolism and thus phenotypic broader anthropoid sample. HBA and studies examining cellular populations Missing data in incomplete cranial fos- PSA were both large in great apes, indi- in apes and humans in connection to sils can be estimated by thin-plate cating an ulnarly deviated MC3. HBA is the molecular studies are of great prom- splines (TPS), an example for reference- similar to great apes in OWMs, but ise in revealing unique neural under- based reconstruction. The warping of PSA is nearly neutral, such that the pinnings of the human mind. The paper complete reference crania from the hamate border, but not the capitate will report on comparative investiga- same or a closely related species to an long axis, is ulnarly oriented. HBA and tions with a focus on neural structures incomplete specimen produces a corre- PSA are both radially oriented in Ateles involved in social cognition. sponding sample of reconstructions. and Hylobates. DCA is ulnarly oriented This research was supported by a Kavli However, complete reference crania in hominoids, radially oriented in Ateles Institute for Brain and Mind Innovative from the same taxon are often absent and terrestrial OWMs, but neutral in grant. for fossils. In order to examine the

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 199

270 AAPA ABSTRACTS resulting error, we computed the accu- to MHC diversity, and cannot reflect results of this study were not conclu- racy between original forms and intra- genetic dissimilarity, as this is contin- sive, this research demonstrates the and cross-species reconstructions using gent on the genotype of the receiver. In value of using multiple lines of evi- 20 adult crania each from Pongo, Pan, contrast, odour profile diversity was sig- dence, and an interdisciplinary and Homo as references. Furthermore nificantly related to MHC diversity, approach in paleopathological studies. we included fossil specimens of different while odour similarity was significantly form (Mladec1, Guattari1, Petralona, correlated with MHC similarity. These Primate cognition and the origins and Sts5) to test the applicability of this results suggest that mandrills may use of human language. approach in paleoanthropology. visual traits to indicate the possession 758 (semi)landmarks were located on of specific genotypes, but rely on odour ROBERT M. SEYFARTH1 and polygonal surface models from CT to facilitate mate choice for MHC DOROTHY L. CHENEY2. 1Department scans. In one specimens of each extant diverse and MHC dissimilar partners. of Psychology and 2Department of Biol- species and in each fossil specimen, we Our findings highlight the importance ogy, University of Pennsylvania. ‘‘knocked out’’ defined areas both in the of selecting a reproductive partner of face and the neurocranium. Missing both high genetic quality and with com- Of all the traits that have been used to data was then estimated by TPS, warp- patible genes, emphasise the impor- define human uniqueness, only lan- ing all specimens of each species to tance of multiple modes of signalling guage has stood the test of time – each ‘‘knockout’’ individual. Accuracy and of olfactory cues in primate repro- largely because it is so strikingly differ- was computed as the square root of the duction, and serve to fill a deep phyloge- ent from the communication of nonhu- mean squared difference (RMS) between netic gap between our detailed under- man primates. The discontinuity the original and the reconstructions. standing of MHC, mate choice and sig- between language and primate commu- RMS of intraspecies reconstructions nalling in rodents and what we know of nication poses a problem for evolution- ranged between 1.43mm and 1.73mm. the same relationships in humans. ary theory: how could one have evolved Cross-species reconstructions performed from the other? We suggest that, while worse. The lowest average RMS could Malaria in prehistoric Sardinia the discontinuities are most apparent in be found reconstructing Sts5 by the (Italy)? Using multiple lines of evi- vocal production, continuities begin to Pongo sample (1.86mm) and Pongo by dence to interpret bony responses emerge when we compare the cognitive the Pan sample (2.13mm). When choos- observed on individuals from the mechanisms underlying language with ing a reference of similar form, the ac- Middle Bronze Age. those that underlie primates’ knowledge curacy is comparable to intraspecies of their companions’ social relations. reconstructions. We discuss the differ- TEDDI J. SETZER1,DAVIDSULLIVAN2, Baboons’ social knowledge, for example, ent intra- and cross-species combina- JOHN PISCIOTTA2 and ABHAI K. is based on discrete-valued traits (iden- tions and conclude that under certain TRIPATHI2. 1Department of Anthropology, tity, rank, kinship) that are combined to circumstances cross-species fossil recon- Wayne State University, 2Department of create a representation of social rela- structions can lead to useful results. Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, tions that is open-ended, rule-governed, Supported by the EU FP6 Marie Curie Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public and independent of sensory modality. Actions grant MRTN-CT-2005-019564 Health. Like language, it is a discrete, combina- ‘‘EVAN’’ and NSF Hominid Grant 2007, torial system. Long before our ancestors NSF 01-120. Sardinia (Italy) was known historically spoke in sentences they interpreted as one of the most malarious islands in sequences of vocalizations in terms of Sexual selection, signalling and the the Mediterranean. However, little is actors, actions, and those who are acted MHC in mandrills, Mandrillus known about the relationship between upon. Many of the cognitive mecha- sphinx. malaria and Sardinia in prehistory. nisms underlying language may there- Hypotheses range from that of malaria fore have evolved from the social knowl- JOANNA M. SETCHELL1, STEFANO being endemic on the island before it edge of our pre-linguistic primate VAGLIO2, KRISTIN M. ABBOTT3 and was populated by humans to that of it ancestors. LESLIE A. KNAPP2. 1Anthropology being introduced during Roman times. Department, Durham University, 2Labo- This research examines a skeletal col- Brain size and foraging behavior of ratory of Anthropology, Department of lection (MNI 5 239) from the Middle carnivoran mammals at the African Evolutionary Biology ‘Leo Pardi’, Uni- Bronze Age tomb of Serra ‘e Sa Cau- land-water ecotone, with implica- versity of Florence, 3Department of Bio- deba on the island of Sardinia to the hy- tions for australopithecine ecology. logical Anthropology, University of pothesis that malaria was present dur- Cambridge. ing prehistory. ALAN B. SHABEL. Department of Inte- Because malaria does not result in a grative Biology, University of California, According to ‘good genes’ paradigms, specific pattern of bony responses, mul- Berkeley. costly secondary sexual characters tiple lines of evidence were used. These attract mates by indicating heritable included a gross examination of the The durophage-ecotone model recon- genetic quality. Mate choice may also remains for the presence of conditions structs the robust australopithecines as occur for complementary genes. MHC related to malaria (such as inherited he- opportunistic consumers of hard-shelled genes represent obvious candidates for molytic anemias). When high rates of food objects at the land-water ecotone. the genetic benefits of mate choice due bony responses suggestive of anemia The model provides an ecomorphological to their role in disease resistance. We were observed, additional analyses were explanation for the derived craniodental investigated the relationship between conducted. Bone samples were collected morphology of the robusts and a mecha- male secondary sexual traits (facial red and tested for malarial aDNA (PCR), nism for the long-term coexistence of colour and sternal gland odour) and Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich the robusts with more gracile hominins. MHC genotype in a semi-free-ranging protein II (western blots), and the ma- In Africa today, the land-water ecotone population of mandrills (Mandrillus larial pigment hemozoin (laser desorp- is rich in bird and reptile eggs, fresh- sphinx) in Gabon. Reproduction in this tion mass spectrometry). In addition, a water crabs, and both aquatic and ter- species is heavily biased towards high- review of the literature pertaining to restrial molluscs. These high quality ranking males, but also towards males the ecology and history of Sardinia was food resources are physically similar in that are MHC-diverse and those that used with archaeological, isotopic, lin- the sense that they represent a soft and are MHC-dissimilar to the female. We guistic, and ethnographic data to evalu- easily digestible food item within a brit- found that red coloration was related to ate the possibility that the malaria par- tle shell. The extant African mammals the possession of specific MHC super- asite was affecting humans on the that consume these resources—includ- types. However, colour was not related island during prehistory. Although the ing the clawless otters (Aonyx) and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 200

AAPA ABSTRACTS 271 marsh mongooses (Atilax)—exhibit ro- els of the lower limbs that can confound stabilizing potential of reducing branch bust skulls and dexterous hands, simi- behavioral interpretations. oscillations, these features could have lar to the raccoons (Procyon) of North evolved as a by-product of grasping and South America. Here I present new Diet and ranging behavior of extremities. That is, the distally concen- estimates of brain size in 144 species of bearded sakis (Chiropotes sagula- trated limb muscle mass characterizing extant carnivoran mammals based on tus) in the Upper Essequibo Conser- primates (particularly infants) leads to lon- three external measurements of the vation Concession, Guyana. ger swing durations, lower stride frequen- neurocranium, a technique that has cies and longer stride lengths. Arboreal been previously applied to rodents, car- CHRISTOPHER SHAFFER. Depart- grasping nonprimates should converge nivorans, and primates. The species ment of Anthropology, Washington Uni- with primates, but few data, ontogenetic or that forage for hard-shelled foods at the versity in St. Louis. otherwise, exist to test this prediction. land-water ecotone, including Aonyx We measured hind limb stride charac- and Atilax, exhibit relatively and abso- Bearded sakis are among the most gra- teristics in the sugar glider, an arboreal lutely large brains. The evolution of nivorous primates, with seeds composing grasping marsupial. 428 strides were ana- large brain size in ecotone durophages over 60% of their diet in most studies. lyzed for four adults and three juveniles (1- could be related to a high quality diet, They also have large group sizes, with 4 months) walking across substrates of manual dexterity, or some combination upwards of 40 individuals. These factors varying diameter. Controlling for size and of these and other factors. The implica- likely contribute to the large home and speed, the stride lengths of all sugar tions of these results for the competing day ranges and subgrouping reported by gliders were as long or exceeded those of models of robust australopithecine ecol- previous researchers. Although several adult primates. As substrate diameter ogy will be discussed. recent studies have been conducted on decreased, relative stride lengths the species, data from long term studies increased and relative stride frequencies What does mobility look like in the of ranging behavior and diet in undis- decreased, suggesting an active adjust- Late Pleistocene? turbed forest is lacking. ment for stability. In opposition to the pri- During a 14 month study of Chiropotes mate ontogenetic pattern, adult sugar LAURA SHACKELFORD. Department sagulatus at a new field site in undis- gliders had relatively longer strides and of Anthropology, University of Illinois at turbed rainforest in central Guyana, I lower stride frequencies than juveniles, Urbana-Champaign. found that sakis had a tremendously regardless of substrate. Data on limb iner- diverse diet; they used 1101 plant spe- tial properties in sugar gliders are needed Abundant fossil and archaeological cies, ate up to 22 in one day, and uti- to resolve whether adults have more dis- remains from the European Late Pleis- lized some species for over 3 months. tally distributed limb mass, or whether tocene indicate early modern humans The sakis were able to exploit many of their larger relative body size necessitates underwent biological and cultural adap- the most abundant tree species in the kinematic adjustment. Lack of dynamic tations associated with the climatic forest and were frequently the only pri- similarity between primates and sugar changes of the last glacial maximum. mate eating these species. Their ability gliders highlights alternative strategies Anatomical changes in the postcranial to masticate tough seeds and utilize the used by grasping, arboreal mammals that skeleton and overall gracility in the same tree species in different phenologi- warrant further study. lower limb are associated with a shift cal states likely allows them to avoid Supported by NSF BCS 0647402 and towards decreased mobility in these competition with 7 sympatric primates. the University of Texas at Austin. populations. A more global perspective The study group consisted of over 60 on the Late Pleistocene suggests similar animals, one of the largest group sizes Genetic variation and evidence for changes towards reduced mobility reported for the genus. In addition, selection in two serotonin genes in occurred simultaneously in other parts home range size (800ha1) and day the genus Macaca. of the Old World, but that variation in ranges (4km1) were among the largest anatomical strategies towards this end reported for a neotropical primate. MILENA R. SHATTUCK and RIPAN S. may have been utilized. Sakis regularly divided into subgroups, MALHI. Department of Anthropology, Samples of Late Pleistocene early mod- especially during times of resource University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. ern humans from Europe, Northern scarcity. Africa and Asia (N5100) are analyzed This study sheds light on the unique be- Research has increasingly highlighted the to assess regional variation in postcra- havioral adaptations to granivory of role that serotonin plays in shaping behav- nial trends. Cross-sectional geometric bearded sakis and represents one of the ioral patterns. Serotonin is associated with properties for the proximal and mid- first long-term studies of the behavioral impulsive and aggressive behavior and shaft femora and tibiae and measures of ecology of any primate in Guyana. many psychiatric drugs work by manipu- mechanical efficiency are evaluated This study was funded by the National lating the serotonin system. Moreover, between samples. Science Foundation (grant #0648678) numerous genetic studies show that poly- Regional Late Pleistocene samples are and Lambda Alpha. morphisms in genes associated with the se- differentiated by measures of diaphys- rotonin system correlate with behavior. eal robusticity. Northern African sam- Stride length, stride frequency and Therefore, an understanding of how the se- ples are uniquely robust, particularly at ontogeny: are arboreal marsupials rotonin system evolved is critical for under- the level of the proximal tibia. Relative dynamically similar to primates? standing behavioral evolution. to other regional samples, the Asian The macaque genus is comprised of behav- sample has distinctly gracile femoral LIZA J. SHAPIRO1 and JESSE W. iorally and geographically diverse species, and tibial diaphyses. Although this may YOUNG2. 1Department of Anthropology, making it a useful model for studying the indicate reduced mobility, this sample University of Texas at Austin, 2Depart- evolution of genes and behavior. Many also demonstrates relatively high me- ment of Anatomy and Neurobiology, genetic features of the macaque serotonin chanical efficiency at the knees and Northeastern Ohio Universities College system parallel humans, possibly due to hips, which may point to an alternative of Medicine. similar selective pressures acting on the mechanism for counteracting loading on serotonin system. Previously it has been the lower limbs. Additional evidence At a given relative speed, primates are shown that positive selection influenced suggests that analyses of cortical prop- known to have relatively longer stride genetic variation in the serotonin system erties at different levels of the femur lengths and lower stride frequencies than in humans. If parallel evolution is occur- and tibia give varying information, other mammals. Raichlen (2005) demon- ring, then macaques should show evidence making some levels more informative strated that these spatiotemporal features for positive selection in the serotonin sys- about activity than others and introduc- are more exaggerated in infant primates, tem as well. Our own research on serotonin ing competing influences at various lev- and concluded that notwithstanding the receptor genes shows that this is likely the

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 201

272 AAPA ABSTRACTS case for at least one serotonin receptor Grant Sponsors: National Science Foun- showed that kinship levels within towns gene (HTR1A)inmacaques.Herewepres- dation; Grant number: BCS- 0617097. negatively correlated with population ent the results of our analyses on two addi- levels, while Fishers (positively corre- tional genes – TPH2 and SLC6A4 –and lated with population levels. Between- compare this to our previous findings. We Sexual dimorphism in the geometry town isonymy showed the towns of Erin sequenced these genes in nine macaque of the distal humeral condyle. and Baldwin as outliers with regard to species and a vervet. We also obtained the relationship between distance and BRIAN M. SHEARER1 and MARC R. human and chimp sequence data from the relatedness. In addition, these popula- MEYER2. 1Department of Anthropology, UCSC Genome Browser. We compared tions showed relatively high scores for The Graduate Center of the City Uni- within- and between-species variation and Karlin-McGregors (and low Fishers (, versity of New York and New York Con- applied several tests of selection to the showing proportionally higher rates of sortium in Evolutionary Primatology data. Results of these analyses are dis- migration with lower levels of surname (NYCEP), 2Department of Social and cussed in light of the evidence for selection diversity. The combination of low genetic Behavioral Sciences, Chaffey College. in humans and the evolutionary implica- diversity with a relatively high migra- tions are addressed. The Carrying Angle has been histori- tion index, as well as the greater genetic This study was funded by the National cally noted as a sexually dimorphic fea- differentiation of these towns as meas- Science Foundation, grant BCS-0925458. ture in the human arm, but relies on ured by isonymy, appears to be a signa- full articulation of the arm in non-skele- ture of kin-structured migration operat- tal context for an accurate assessment ing at differential level throughout the ‘‘More than the midshaft?’’: map- of levels of dimorphism to be made, and Euroamerican settlement of the frontier ping cross-sectional properties therefore has minimal applicability for regions of 19th century New York State. along the entire femoral and tibial use in determining the sex of a non- diaphysis. articulated or otherwise fragmentary humerii. Methods attempting to create The modern world as an extreme COLIN N. SHAW1,2 and TIMOTHY M. a proxy for Carrying Angle using only environment. RYAN1,2. 1Department of Anthropology, non-articulated skeletal samples rely Pennsylvania State University, 2Center DIANA S. SHERRY. Department of extensively on bony landmarks of for Quantitative Imaging, Pennsylvania Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard undamaged humerii, while additional State University. University and School of Communica- techniques for determining sex rely on tion, Emerson College. Long bone diaphyses have been shown measurements of overall size or geomet- to adapt their morphology to the biome- ric morphometric analyses relying on Evolutionary perspectives on health and chanical strains imposed throughout a Type III data. In this pilot study, we medicine have given rise to two promi- lifetime. The assumption underlying have attempted to circumvent the vari- nent conceptual models and messages. this relationship is that areas of ous problems posed by the aforemen- The first emphasizes inherent design increased rigidity and altered cross-sec- tioned techniques by measuring the "flaws" in the human body arising from tional shape correspond with (or lie angle of the distal humeral condyles in inevitable life history tradeoffs close to) the principle planes of bending. relation to the long axis of the humeral involved in maximizing lifetime repro- The vast majority of this work has been diaphysis with standardized imaging ductivesuccess.Thesecondexamines constrained to single cross-sectional sli- software and without relying exclu- physiological variation along dimen- ces, normally taken at the midshaft. sively on bony landmarks. We also sions of health in terms of phenotypic Noticeably absent is a description of the assess the effectiveness of Baumann’s plasticity comprising a "functional con- variation in cross-sectional properties angle, a traditional dimorphism detec- tinuum" of adaptive responses to envi- along the entire diaphysis. To address tion technique, versus our newly ronmental conditions. Both approaches this, high resolution CT scans (0.11 devised, digitally acquired angle mea- recognize the mounting evidence of micron voxels, 0.117 micron slice thick- surement. The observed results indicate widespread health risks associated ness) were performed (The Center for that there is significant correlation with the dysregulation of fundamental Quantitative X-Ray Imaging (CQI), between angle measurements derived biological systems (cardiovascular, Pennsylvania State University) on the from our technique and sex, with addi- metabolic, reproductive) under the entire length of the tibia and femur tional results indicating higher accuracy influence of modern environments. The from 20 Native American agricultural- in our technique versus Baumann’s. As modern world has been characterized ists (10 male, 10 female). Analysis of our method does not rely solely on bony typically as a "novel" environment gen- femoral cross-sections (20-80% of landmarks, it has applicability in cases erating a "mismatch" (also termed length) reveal variation among individ- of fragmentary remains and would be "dissonance" or "disconnect" or "colli- uals, however, generally J is lowest useful in both forensic and bio-archaeo- sion") between contemporary Western between 40-60% of limb segment length, logical studies. lifestyles and ancestral physiology/ cortical area is higher in the proximal adaptations. This talk advances the half of the femur and decreases distally, An analysis of kin-structured concept of the modern world as an and diaphyseal shape (Imax/Imin) is most migration by isonymy in 19th cen- "extreme" environment in the sense pronounced proximally. Comparisons of tury Chemung County, New York. that much like climbing Everest or tibial cross-sections (15-85% of length) running a marathon in the Sahara, it indicate a general pattern among indi- KEVIN ERIC SHERIDAN1,2. 1Depart- requires the human body and psyche viduals that involves a monotomic ment of Anthropology, Binghamton Uni- to function at the very limits of its decrease in J moving distally, homoge- versity – SUNY, 2Public Archaeology adaptive capacity, with potential dire neity in cortical area in the proximal Facility, Binghamton University – SUNY. consequences to health. Data on the half of the bone that decreases distally physiological, behavioral, and psycho- after the midshaft, and diaphyseal The effect of kin-structured migration on logical responses to extreme environ- shape that is most pronounced proxi- the 19th century settlement of the frontier mentsalongsuchgradientsastemper- mally (30-45% segment length). In con- regions of New York State was examined ature and altitude are evaluated to clusion (1) across individuals, variability using the 1860 United States Federal Cen- illustrate the comparison with complex is higher in the femoral compared to sus records. Random isonymy was calcu- physiological dysregulation of major the tibia, (2) cross-sectional measures lated within and between towns, and Fish- biological systems. Health risks associ- other than those taken at the midshaft ers (and Karlin-McGregors (were calcu- ated with contemporary Western life- may also provide valuable information lated to measure surname diversity and style factors (diet, exercise, stress) about diaphyseal rigidity and shape. rates of migration, respectively. Results may be more effectively conceptualized

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 202

AAPA ABSTRACTS 273 from this standpoint and communi- Growth and development in physi- documented in long bone length and cated as a public health message with cal anthropology. proportion and in the cranio-facial skel- the use of an intuitive metaphor eton (Meadows and Jantz, 1995; Jantz describing the modern world as an RICHARD J. SHERWOOD1,2 and and Meadows Jantz, 1999; Jantz, 2001; extreme environment. DANA L. DUREN1,3. 1Lifespan Health Jantz and Meadows Jantz, 2000; Jantz Research Center, Department of Com- and Wescott, 2002; Jantz and Meadows munity Health, Wright State University, Jantz, 2010). Specifically, during the Developmental changes in the neo- 2Department of Pediatrics, Wright State past 150 years femur and tibia length cortical microstructure of humans University, 3Department of Orthopaedic has increased, cranial vault height has and chimpanzees. Surgery, Wright State University. increased, cranial breadth has decreased, and facial breath has nar- CHET C. SHERWOOD1, Tetyana Physical anthropological research was rowed. In addition, secular trends have Duka1, Daniel J. Miller1, cheryl d. stim- codified in the U.S. with the creation of been documented in skeletal maturation pson1, Archie j. fobbs2, Derek E. Wild- the American Association of Physical of the medial clavicle (Langley-Shirley man3, Kate Teffer4, Daniel P. Anthropology (AAPA) in 1931. Two and Jantz, 2010) and distal tibia and Buxhoeveden5, Katerina Semendeferi5 years earlier a study began in Yellow fibula (Crowder and Austin, 2005). and PATRICK R. HOF6. 1The George Springs, Ohio, with a goal to identify This study investigates secular change Washington University, 2National Mu- ‘‘what makes people different.’’ The in clavicle length in the American popu- seum of Health and Medicine-Armed approach used to answer that question lation from 1840-1970 birth cohorts. Forces Institute of Pathology, 3Wayne was to study the growth and develop- The sample includes 695 females and State University School of Medicine, ment of Homo sapiens. That study, the 1744 males from the Forensic Data 4University of California, San Diego, Fels Longitudinal Study (FLS), is cur- Bank (including the Terry Collection) 5University of South Carolina, 6Mount rently the longest continuous study of and a modern autopsy sample from Sinai School of Medicine. human growth and development in the East Tennessee (the McCormick Clavi- world. While the AAPA and the FLS cle Collection). The sample was divided Human cognition arises through the have existed as separate entities for 80 into 10-year birth cohorts and analyzed interaction among species-specific neu- years now, it is not surprising, given for secular trends using linear regres- rodevelopmental processes, social learn- the relationship between anatomical sion, ANOVA, and post-hoc Hotelling’s ing, and experience. The extent to and developmental research, there has two sample t-tests. which neocortical development in been considerable overlap between the Results of the linear regression indicate humans unfolds differently from closely two. As the field of physical anthropol- that clavicle length increases in females related primates, however, is not well ogy has blossomed to include subdisci- from 1850 to 1920 and a decreases from understood. At present, only data on de- plines such as forensics, genetics, pri- 1920-1970. Interestingly, this decrease velopmental changes in brain mass and matology, as well as sophisticated statis- in length corresponds approximately cranial capacity are available from tical methodologies, the importance of with the earlier documentation of skele- great apes. Previous research from mac- growth and development research has tal maturation. A different trend is aque monkeys and humans, however, escalated. apparent in males: clavicle length indicate that humans may be distinct in Our work with the FLS has explored decreases slightly throughout the 20th displaying delayed maturation of con- growth and development of the cranio- century, but this decrease is not statisti- nectivity in higher-order association facial complex, skeletal maturity, and cally significant. This presentation ana- regions of the prefrontal cortex, allow- childhood bone accrual. Our efforts lyzes these trends and compares them ing for a more extended period of plas- have sought to characterize the genetic to documented trends in skeletal matu- ticity in the acquisition of executive cog- architecture of these trait complexes, ration and secular changes in other nitive functions. We have initiated a col- and provide comparisons across popula- skeletal dimensions. laborative network to examine tions and taxa. While current FLS developmental changes in the micro- research is largely directed at biomedi- structure of the neocortex of common cal questions, virtually all findings are Evolutionary dynamics of a devel- chimpanzees (n 514 from birth to sex- relevant to physical anthropology pro- opmental enhancer with human- ual maturity; n 5 4 adults) in compari- viding insights into basic biological specific function. son to humans. We are using multiple processes and life history parameters. analytical approaches to characterize Highlighted results of this work serve SAMUEL J. SHOLTIS1, HEATHER ontogenetic variation in the neuron/neu- as an introduction to growth and devel- BRESLAWSKI1, CAROLE PEASE2, ropil fraction, the distribution of my- opment research in physical anthropol- JAMES MCGRATH2 and JAMES P. elinated axons, density of synapses, and ogy. They demonstrate the importance, NOONAN1. Departments of Genetics1 the expression of synapse- and myelin- not only across the subdisciplines of and Comparative Medicine2, Yale Uni- associated proteins across diverse physical anthropology, but to among an- versity School of Medicine. regions of the neocortex. Our results thropological, biological, and clinical show that chimpanzees display human- inquiries. We have shown using a mouse transgenic like asynchrony of prefrontal cortex de- Supported by NIH R01DE016692 and assaythatthemostrapidlyevolvingcon- velopment in many indicators of synap- NIH R01DE018497 to RJS, and NIH served non-coding sequence in the human tic connectivity and function. Quantifi- R01HD065247 to DLD. genome (HACNS1) acts as a developmen- cation of axon length density reveals tal enhancer. HACNS1 and its chimpan- similar rates of myelination across corti- zee and rhesus orthologs all drive expres- cal regions in both species until the age Secular change in clavicle length in sion in eye, ear, branchial arches and of weaning, after which the trajectory of the American population (1840- midbrain, but HACNS1 has gained an myelination displays region- and spe- 1970). expanded, robust expression domain in cies-specific patterns. These findings the anterior limb and lost expression in indicate that a slowly developing pre- NATALIE R. SHIRLEY1 and SANDRA the nasal processes. 16 human-specific frontal cortex characterizes the evolu- CRIDLIN2. 1Lincoln Memorial Univer- substitutions are sufficient to produce tionary branch of African apes, includ- sity-DeBusk College of Osteopathic these expression differences. ing humans, and might be related to Medicine, 2University of Tennessee, To determine the primate and mammalian the enhancement of social learning Knoxville. ancestral states we tested the enhancer ac- capabilities. tivity of HACNS1 orthologs from mouse, This research was supported by NSF Secular change in skeletal dimensions horse and bushbaby. Bushbaby shared all HOMINID grant 0827531. of the American population has been expression domains with chimp and rhe-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 203

274 AAPA ABSTRACTS sus, except expression at the base of the Lesion lessons: a case study of mation formulae (Ruff et al. 1991; limb bud that we hypothesize is a rudimen- lower limb ankylosis and possible McHenry 1992; Grine et al. 1995; Auer- tary version of the human limb pattern. surgery from Romania. bach & Ruff 2004) on skeletal populations Because the mouse ortholog failed to act as from central Europe (350-1500 AD; 629 a developmental enhancer, we tested the JASMEEN SIDHU1, THOMAS A. males, 616 females) with the aim to recon- horse ortholog as a mammalian outgroup. CRIST2, MIHAI CONSTANTINESCU3 struct the BM and the BMI within a vari- The horse shared expression domains in and ANDREI D. SOFICARU3. 1Univer- able temporal setting. Parameters such as the eye, ear, nasal processes and midbrain sity of Northern British Columbia, sex, age and robusticity index (Martin & with the primates, suggesting these are 2Programs in Physical Therapy and Saller, 1957) are also considered. The ancestral to mammals. Horse also failed to Sociology/Anthropology, Utica College, method of Auerbach & Ruff (2004) offered drive expression in the limb. HACNS1 has 3Institutul de Antropologie ‘‘Francisc I. the most reliable results. The mean body therefore lost an ancient craniofacial do- Rainer’’ al Academiei Romane, Bucha- weight and the BMI for males was esti- main and has gained a robust anterior rest. mated 70.8 kg (sd. 6.8) and 25.4 (sd. 2.0) limb domain. We test synthetic humanized respectively, and for females 58.9 kg (sd. mouse and bushbaby orthologs to deter- Paleopathological skeletal injuries offer 5.4) and 24.3 (s.d. 1.9) respectively. Robus- mine if the 16 human-specific substitutions insights into prolonged recovery and com- ticity index was correlated to body mass are sufficient to confer the HACNS1 pensatory mechanisms utilized at biologi- and BMI only at females. The BMI was expression pattern in these sequence cal, individual, and societal levels. This slightly increasing from adult to mature contexts. study examines a virtually intact skeleton and slightly diminishing afterwards. The The dynamic changes in enhancer activity of a young woman (30-35 years old) with a intra-population variability was higher that we observe in multiple lineages sug- severe ankylosed left knee using observa- than variation through time. According to gests that subtle sequence changes can tional analysis. The remains were recov- WHO (1995; 2000) classification these pop- lead to domain shifts in gene activity and ered from the Spantov 1959 M 37 site situ- ulations showed very few obese and under- are likely important in human evolution. ated in Spantov, Romania, and date from weighted individuals. Although challeng- This study was funded by NIH grant the fourth century AD. The left knee is com- ing, BM and BMI estimations can offer val- R01GM094780 and the Yale University pletely fused, with the tibia projecting post- uable information on biological welfare of School of Medicine. erolaterally when the femur is held in the past populations. normal anatomical position. Compared with the right proximal femur, the left one presents a much more roughened gluteal Thyroid disease at midlife: byprod- Cranial and dental variation among muscle attachment that is narrower and uct of adaptations for successful human skeletal remains from the situated more laterally than the one on the pregnancy outcome? Swedish 17th century flagship right. The inferior articular surfaces of both Kronan. condyles are obliterated by ‘‘stretched’’ new LYNNETTE LEIDY SIEVERT. Depart- bone that connects the proximal tibia to the ment of Anthropology, University of SABRINA B. SHOLTS1, ANNA KJELL- distal femur. There is manifestation of mod- Massachusetts, Amherst. STRO¨ M2 and SEBASTIAN K. T. S. erate osteoarthritis of the right knee. The WA¨ RMLA¨ NDER3. 1Human Evolution absence of the left tibial tuberosity and its Thyroid dysfunction is common, espe- Research Center, University of California, replacement by a flattened round scar sug- cially among women over the age of 50. Berkeley, 2Osteoarchaeological Laboratory, gests that the tuberosity was avulsed and It is estimated that 5% of all postmeno- University of Stockholm, 3Division of Bio- never reattached. A series of blunted thin pausal women are treated with both physics, University of Stockholm. lines extending laterally and inferiorly estrogen therapy/hormone therapy and from the margins of the former tuberosity thyroid hormone replacement. Thyroid At the time of its sinking in 1676, the may be healed cut marks from a surgical dysfunction also affects 1-2% of preg- Swedish flagship Kronan was one of the procedure to remove the tuberosity and pa- nant women. Thyroid activity increases largest seagoing vessels in the world. tella. The probable mechanisms of injury during pregnancy in response to human With its sinking, Sweden lost the deci- and the biomechanical and socio-cultural chorionic gonadotropin stimulation, and sive naval battle in the Scanian War adaptations made by this woman to her in the early weeks of pregnancy the fe- and more than 800 individuals lost unique disability are presented. tal brain is dependent on maternal T4. their lives in the Baltic Sea. In addition Achieving and maintaining high mater- to the 500 sailors, the ship carried 350 Body mass and body mass index nal thyroid activity is critical to success- infantrymen bound for the Swedish estimation in archaeological popu- ful birth outcomes; maternal thyroid provinces in present-day Germany. The lations from Central Europe. hormone deficiency is associated with geographic origins of these individuals increased risks of miscarriage, low birth have so far not been investigated. In FRANK SIEGMUND1 and CHRISTINA weight, and even mild hypothyroidism this study, geographic affinities of 24 PAPAGEORGOPOULOU2,3. 1Seminar that can compromise fetal neurodevel- human skulls recovered from the fu¨ r Ur- und Fru¨ hgeschichte, University opment. During pregnancy, increasing Kronan wreck were investigated of Basel, 2Institute of Anthropology, estrogen levels regulate thyroid hor- through the analysis of metric and non- Group of Paleogenetics, Johannes Gu- mone levels by stimulating the produc- metric cranial data. Although the tenberg University, 3Archaeological tion of thyroxine-binding globulin results indicate that many of the indi- Service Grisons, Switzerland. (TBG). Estrogen also increases thyroid- viduals aboard the ship were Scandina- stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor vian, a number of individuals exhibit Body Mass Index (BMI) is mainly used in density in the pituitary. This review cranial and dental characteristics incon- medicine as a diagnostic tool to identify will use cross-species evidence to con- sistent with European ancestry. These weight problems, health risks (e.g. sider, from the perspective of evolution- findings provide new information about Eknoyan, 2006), and to assess biological ary medicine, why women are more vul- the demographics of the Swedish mili- standards of living within populations nerable to thyroid diseases than men, tary community during the seventeenth (Komlos et al., 2004). The prediction of and why thyroid dysfunction is more century. In addition, the study demon- body mass (BM) from skeletal material still likely to develop during pregnancy and strates the limitations of current cranio- remains problematic, nonetheless, many post-menopause. In particular, this metric databases for distinguishing dif- studies have indicated that BM can be esti- review will focus on the relationship ferent populations around the Baltic matedfromhumanskeletalremainsand between estrogen and thyroid hor- Sea, a situation that will hopefully results have been mainly acquired from mones, and will investigate the hypoth- improve as reference data for these pop- early hominins (Ruff et al., 1997; Ruff et esis that post-menopausal disruption in ulations become available in the future. al., 2010). The present paper tests BM esti- thyroid function is a byproduct of a crit-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 204

AAPA ABSTRACTS 275 ical relationship between estrogen and morphology and adult cranial form. Sev- within Papio. Employing phylogeo- thyroid hormones during pregnancy. eral studies have demonstrated that diag- graphic techniques a 473bp alignment of nostic shape differences are present prior the mitochondrial D-loop is analysed Ontogenetic variation in Homo and to M1 eruption, but many phylogenetic from 132 chacma baboon individuals Pan mandibles: a 3D geometric characters are difficult to evaluate in juve- from South Africa, Namibia, Botswana morphometric approach. niles. For example, the two African papio- and Zambia. Here the distribution of di- nin clades are distinguished by their tem- versity within and between modern NANDINI SINGH1,2 and KATERINA poral and nuchal line conformations, but chacma baboon populations is described HARVATI2. 1Department of Human these features, which develop in response and spatial structure within the dataset Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Ev- to mechanical loading, achieve full expres- is investigated. We also statistically test: olutionary Anthropology, 2Senckenberg sion only in mature adulthood. However, if (1) the proposition that populations con- Center for Human Evolution and Paleo- the influence of the cranial musculature tracted into palaeo-refugia followed by ecology Eberhard Karls Universita¨t merely modulates existing neurocranial expansion and possible secondary con- Tu¨ bingen. shape differences, shapes of the frontal tact (2) the role of genetic drift in struc- andoccipitalboneswouldbeexpectedto turing the data set, and (3) the strength Shape variation in extant hominid mandi- differ between juveniles of the two clades. of association between haplogroups and bles has been widely investigated. How- To test this hypothesis, geometric mor- local habitats. Results suggest that a ever, there is still an ongoing debate on phometric analyses of frontal and occi- major population divergence event whether inter-specific morphological differ- pital shape were conducted on M1- within chacma baboons was followed by ences can be attributed to the direction stage crania (n530) representing all renewed gene flow, and further facili- and pattern of ontogenetic trajectories. In African papionin genera except Thero- tated by later population expansions to the present study, we re-examine patterns pithecus. In each analysis, 3D land- current chacma distributions. The local- of ontogenetic shape change in 187 sub- marks (21 frontal; 17 occipital) were ised distribution of modern haplotypes adult and adult humans, bonobos and subjected to generalized Procrustes and suggest low individual dispersal distan- chimpanzees. We propose that ontogenetic principal components analyses to ces while the geographic range of hap- shapedifferencesinthemandibleare explore taxonomic shape variation. In logroups hint that habitat specificity influenced not only by diverging ontoge- both analyses, the first principal shape plays a significant role in driving con- netic trajectories among taxa, but also by component (PSC1) summarized allo- temporary population structure. differing patterns of ontogenetic shape metric variation, while subsequent changes in the corpus and ramus. components reflected phylogenetic Collagen fiber orientation (CFO) We employ Procrustes based geometric shape differences. Frontal PSC2 sum- variations in the hominid femoral morphometrics to quantify and analyse marized differences between the Cerco- neck are likely invalid for decipher- mandibular form. Thirty 3D landmarks cebus/Mandrillus and Lophocebus/ ing load history when cortical were recorded on the entire mandible Papio/Rungwecebus/Theropithecus robusticity is low. and these were analysed together as well clades in coronal suture location, fron- as separately as corpus and ramus ele- totemporal suture length, and promi- JOHN G. SKEDROS. Bone and Joint ments. Principal components analyses in nence of glabella. Occipital PSC3 sepa- Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedics shape-space and form space, multivariate rated the clades on the basis of occipi- and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, regressions as well as taxa mean shape tal proportions and inion position, but Salt Lake City, Utah. comparisons were used to examine pat- L. aterrimus was more similar to Cer- terns of ontogenetic shape variation cocebus/Mandrillus. These results sug- Load history of the proximal hominid across chimpanzees, bonobos and gest that in African papionins, epige- femur is central in the debate of the ori- humans. Our results suggest that ontoge- netic influences amplify early-arising gins of bipedalism. This is typically netic trajectories of shape change in Pan neurocranial shape differences to yield inferred from structural/geometrical fea- and Homo are linear, but not entirely phylogenetically diagnostic adult cra- tures of the femoral neck (FN). For parallel. Moreover, shape differences nial superstructures. example, the emergence of habitual among the taxa are established early in bending across the FN is associated postnatal ontogeny. Separate analyses of The role of landscape in shaping with arched trabecular patterns and the corpus and ramus show that these contemporary genetic structure in asymmetry of cortical thickness in the two regions are semi-independent of each the chacma baboon (Papio ursinus). plane of bending. Recent studies show other in their pattern of ontogenetic that variations in predominant colla- shape changes. The latter provides sup- RIASHNA SITHALDEEN1, JACQUELINE genfiberorientation(CFO)inthecort- port for the functional matrix hypothesis M. BISHOP2 and REBECCA R. ACKER- ical shell are much stronger than and serves as an additional explanation MANN1. 1Department of Archaeology, Uni- structural features in detecting and for divergent patterns of shape change in versity of Cape Town,2 Department of distinguishing habitual bending from closely related hominid taxa. These Zoology, University of Cape Town. torsion. Stereotypical bipedalism is results also emphasize the need for fur- linked with bending across the FN, ther research on integrative aspects of A published phylogeny of P.ursinus esti- producing ambient tension and com- the primate mandible. mates that this taxon diverged as a sepa- pression in opposing cortices. CFO This study was funded by Marie-Curie rate lineage at 1.84 million years ago data support counter-bending load his- (‘‘EVAN’’) Action grant MRTN-CT-2005- (Ma). Two distinct mitochondrial lineages tory in the chimpanzee FN where 019564. are revealed within the sample dividing lurching produces prevalent/predomi- chacmas into northeastern (1.52Ma) and nant tension in the anterior-inferior Juvenile cranial shape variation southwestern (1.22Ma) clades and sug- aspect and compression in the supe- and superstructure development in gesting an independent history for the rior-posterior aspect. Similar biome- African papionins. ruacana clade from 0.68Ma. This pat- chanically significant CFO variations tern of diversification is linked to land- arefoundacrossthemodernhuman MICHELLE SINGLETON. Department scape change during the climatically FN, which are consistent with com- of Anatomy, Midwestern University. variable Pleistocene. These findings are pression-adapted CFO in the superior used to test further hypotheses of land- cortex; but here counter-bending The discovery of Rungwecebus (Cercopi- scape driven population differentiation seems implausible. Paradoxical CFO thecinae: ), which is currently within chacma baboons. The purpose of data in the human FN can be recon- known only from juvenile voucher speci- this study is to improve our understand- ciled by considering that: (1) cancel- mens, has spurred interest in the relation- ing of the link between past and present lous-cortical bone load sharing are ship between juvenile papionin cranial landscapes and genetic structuring highly disproportionate between the

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 205

276 AAPA ABSTRACTS human and chimpanzee FN, (2) human height and positioning, and the rela- specimens are too few to talk about FN loading is relatively more complex, tive size of the anterior and posterior errors and population variation in ear- and (3) the human FN cortex is so thin fovea. Trends in shape variation nest. Yet, it represents a first (and that load-specific regional histological between hominin taxa are discussed practicable) step forward to estimate adaptation (i.e., CFO and secondary with regard to current hominin phylo- the spectrum of loading scenarios osteon morphotypes) seen in the more genetic hypotheses. within a sample. robust chimpanzee FN is not required. This study was supported by the Max This project was funded by grants from It can be argued that there is a corti- Planck Society and NSF-IGERT DGE- the National Science Foundation Physi- cal robusticity threshold below which 0801634 and NSF-GRFP grants. cal Anthropology HOMINID program the use of histological variations are (NSF BCS 0725219, 0725183, 0725147, invalid in deciphering load history, Integrating geometric morphomet- 0725141, 0725136, 0725126, 0725122, which is the case in the human FN. rics and finite element analysis to 0725078), NSF BIO 0743460 and the assess the biomechanical implica- EU FP6 Marie Curie Actions MRTN- Mandibular P4 morphology among tions of shape variation in chim- CT-2005-019564 ‘‘EVAN’’. Plio-Pleistocene hominins: taxo- panzee crania. nomic implications and morpholo- Late Epipaleolithic infant remains gical trends. AMANDA L SMITH1, STEFANO from Kaus Kozah Cave, southwest- BENAZZI2, LESLIE PRYOR SMITH3, ern Syria. MATTHEW M. SKINNER1, KATHER- DAVID J GREEN4, KELLI TAMVADA1, INE E. SCHROER2, PHILIPP GUNZ1, PAUL DECHOW3, MARK A FRED H. SMITH1, SHARA BAILEY2, ZERESENAY ALEMSEGED3, BER- SPENCER5, IAN R GROSSE6, GER- ANDREW W. KANDEL3, MOHAMMAD NARD A. WOOD4,5 and JEAN-JAC- HARD W WEBER2 and DAVID S MASRI4, KNUT BRETZKE5 and NICH- QUES HUBLIN1. 1Department of STRAIT1. 1Department of Anthropology, OLAS J. CONARD5,6. 1Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute University at Albany, 2Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Illinois for Evolutionary Anthropology, 2Hom- Anthropology, University of Vienna, State University, 2Department of An- inid Paleobiology Doctoral Program, 3Department of Biomedical Sciences, thropology, New York University, 3Hei- Center for the Advanced Study of Homi- Baylor College of Dentistry, 4Depart- delberg Academy of Sciences and nid Paleobiology, George Washington ment of Anthropology, The George Humanities, Research Center "The role University, 3Department of Anthropol- Washington University, 5Department of of culture in early expansions of ogy, California Academy of Sciences, Anthropology, Arizona State University, humans", University of Tu¨ bingen, 4Gen- 4Center for the Advanced Study of 6Department of Mechanical and Indus- eral Direction of Antiquities and Muse- Hominid Paleobiology, Department of trial Engineering, University of Massa- ums of Syria, 5Department of Early Anthropology, George Washington Uni- chusetts at Amherst. Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, versity, 5Human Origins Program, University of Tu¨bingen, 6Senckenberg National Museum of Natural History, Finite element analysis (FEA) is a Center for Human Evolution and Paleo- Smithsonian Institution. powerful tool for analyzing the biome- ecology, University of Tu¨ bingen. chanical consequences of variation in Simple metrical and non-metrical meas- shape. However, practical limitations Kaus Kozah Cave (Damascus Province, ures suggest that Plio-Pleistocene homi- typically preclude researchers from Syria), excavated by the Tu¨ bingen-Da- nin mandibular premolar crown mor- examining more than one or only a few mascus Excavation and Survey Project, phology is both taxonomically and phy- individuals from any given species. This yielded two infants (Kaus Kozah 1 and logenetically informative. However, lack of knowledge concerning the me- 2) at the top of a geological horizon maximizing this information is compli- chanical significance of intraspecific (GH4) containing Middle Paleolithic cated by the loss of original crown shape variation limits our ability to artifacts. Three overlying layers consist shape and outer enamel surface mor- infer the significance of interspecific dif- mainly of anthropogenic deposits from phology due to attrition in the hypo- ferences. This study uses geometric the Epipaleolithic and Neolithic. digms of the fossil taxa. Fortunately, morphometrics and FEA to examine the Although both individuals lack grave the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) pre- biomechanical implications of shape goods, they are spatially distinct and serves much of the original shape of the variation in chimpanzee crania, thereby preserved sufficiently to suggest intru- tooth underneath the worn enamel cap. providing a comparative context in sive burials into GH4. Direct AMS In this study we examined EDJ mor- which to interpret cranial variation radiocarbon dates on KK1 provide ages phology of mandibular fourth premolars between hominid species. of 10,4851/-50 and 10,1301/-70 BP, at (P4) in samples of extant apes and For each of 19 chimpanzees, 709 land- the end of the Epipaleolithic (Late Plio-Pleistocene hominin taxa in order marks and semi-landmarks were digi- Natufian). to 1) assess the taxonomic distinctive- tized on 3D surfaces derived from CT Late Natufian burials are not rare in ness of P4 EDJ morphology and 2) to scans. The 19 landmark configurations Israel, but these are the first from this track changes in P4 EDJ shape during were converted to shape coordinates region. Kaus Kozah 1 (KK 1) is repre- hominin evolution. Premolars were by Generalized Procrustes Analysis sented by 31 teeth (17 deciduous), aged subjected to micro-computed tomogra- (GPA) and shape variability was at 3.5 years. Kaus Kozah 2 (KK2) pre- phy (isometric voxel resolution 30 decomposed into orthogonal compo- serves 20 teeth (17 deciduous) and is microns) and the EDJ surface was seg- nents by Principal Component Analy- approximately 14-16 months of age. mented as a digital surface model. To sis (PCA). FE models of the specimens Each has highly fragmented cranial and quantify shape variation among the lying at the extremes of the first three postcranial remains. No indicators of study taxa, a geometric morphometric principal components were created pathology or stress are observable on analysis was conducted; placing 3D from CT scans, assigned the material bones, but the dentition of KK1 exhibits landmark coordinates around the cer- properties of bone, subjected to muscle large planar defects (deciduous canines) vixandalongthemarginalridge forces derived from physiological and linear hypoplasia (permanent inci- which runs between the dentine horns cross-sectional area data, and con- sors). Their position places them around of the protoconid and metaconid. strained at the TMJs and bite point so the time of birth. KK2 lacks these and Results indicate that P4 EDJ morphol- as to simulate mastication. Muscle exhibits smaller teeth, suggesting sex- ogy discriminates reliably among forces were scaled to remove the effect ual dimorphism, population differences, hominin taxa. Taxonomically-relevant of size on strain values. Results indi- or both. shape variation in P4 EDJ morphology cate that facial projection is an impor- These individuals provide a window includes changes to crown base shape, tant influence on feeding strains. This into the variation and general condi- crown height, relative dentine horn approach is still limited, e.g., our six tions among the latest hunter-gatherers

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 206

AAPA ABSTRACTS 277 of the Levant. Evidence for hypoplasia versity, 2School of Human Evolution out the craniofacial region of primates in KK1 suggests environmental stress and Social Change, Arizona State Uni- and the effect this variation has on the was a significant factor at birth. Com- versity, 3School of Anthropology & Con- mechanical behavior and modeling of bined with results from isotopic studies, servation, University of Kent. the primate craniofacial complex is these data indicate relatively high lev- unknown. This study quantifies the dis- els of stress in populations just before The ability to draw accurate inferences tribution of trabecular bone (quantified the transition to Neolithic sedentism. regarding phylogeny and taxonomy in as a fraction of cortical plus trabecular the hominin and non-hominin primate volume) and the variation of trabecular Genetic variation and endurance fossil record is contingent upon an type (rod or plate-like as characterized running: comparing ACE1 and understanding of the relationship by a value known as structural model ACTN3 polymorphisms in marathon between cranial morphology and phy- index, or SMI) in the supraorbital and runners and sprinters. logeny. The primate skull develops as zygomatic regions of Homo, Pan, three primary developmental modules, Gorilla, and Papio. Micro-computed to- HEATHER D. SMITH and BRENDA J. the basicranium, splanchnocranium, mography was used to compute the BRADLEY. Department of Anthropol- and neurocranium, which have been trabecular bone fraction and SMI in 5 ogy, Yale University. predicted to differ in the extent to supraorbital and 5 zygomatic regions in which they reflect the underlying phylo- each species. Principle component anal- Research on functional morphology is genetic relationships of taxa, such that ysis of all regions (n5102) revealed 2 providing mounting evidence that long- the basicranium which develops earliest primary components that explain 75% distance running has played a major in ontogeny from a cartilaginous tem- of the variation: a strong negative corre- role in human evolution. Compared to plate should be the most phylogeneti- lation between trabecular bone fraction other mammals, humans are poor cally constrained. To explore this ques- and cortical bone volume fraction, as sprinters but perform well at endurance tion, the phylogenetic utility of these well as SMI and cortical region volume. running. This capability has arguably cranial regions was compared in a test Strong correlations between trabecular left measurable traces on the human group; the papionin primates. and cortical properties suggest that skeleton and hominin fossil record, and One hundred and seventy-five land- they play an integrated mechanical we might expect similar indications of marks were digitized on the basicra- role. Kruskal-Wallis tests reveal statisti- selection for endurance running in the nium, splanchnocranium, and neurocra- cally significant (p\0.05) differences human genome. Along this line, the nium of samples of 15 papionin species. exist in SMI between species and tra- impact of genetic variation on human Mahalanobis distances among taxa becular fraction between regions and athletic performance has emerged as an were calculated based on each develop- species. This study shows that craniofa- active area of investigation, and several mental data set, and morphological phe- cial trabecular and cortical bone me- candidate-gene polymorphisms have nograms were generated and compared chanical properties are linked and also been associated with physical fitness to molecular consensus phylogenies for species and region specific, suggesting and a natural aptitude for high-per- this clade. The phenograms based on that these variations should be incorpo- formance athletics. However, previous the morphology of the basicranium, rated into respective primate craniofa- association studies have yielded conflict- splanchnocranium, and neurocranium cial FEMs. ing results, and many studies have were all found to be significantly corre- This study was funded by the National focused on general athletic performance, lated with the molecular phylogeny, Science Foundation Physical Anthropol- not specifically on running. Here we albeit with a few minor differences in ogy HOMINID program (NSF BCS examine polymorphisms at two candi- topology, suggesting a close relationship 0725126). date genes thought to play a role in ath- between shape of each cranial module letic-performance phenotypes: the an- and phylogenetic relationships in papio- The influence of social dynamics on giotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE1) nin species. Additionally, the discovery gestural communication in two and alpha-actinin-3 (ACTN3). We com- that the intramembranously ossifying groups of chimpanzees (Pan troglo- piled published data on genetic varia- neurocranium and splanchnocranium dytes). tion at these loci across human popula- reflect phylogeny, as does the endochon- tions, including samples of runners, drally ossifying basicranium suggests LINDSEY W. SMITH, Department of other athletes and non-athletes. We also that mode of ossification may not be the Anthropology, City University of New genotyped an additional 171 marathon primary determining factor in the York Graduate Center, New York Con- runners, ultra-marathon runners and degree of phylogenetic utility of cranial sortium in Evolutionary Primatology sprinters. We then compared genotype form. The implications of these findings (NYCEP). and allele frequencies, within a multi- for inferring taxonomy and phylogeny variate analysis, across running pheno- in the fossil record are discussed. Gestural communication in primates is types. Initial results indicate no clear This study was funded by The Leakey influenced by a number of factors, includ- difference between genotype and allele Foundation. ing environment, morphology, and social frequencies in samples of sprinters vs. dynamics. This study examines how endurance runners. However, allele fre- Trabecular bone type and distribu- social relationships and social structure quencies observed in the combined sam- tion in mid and upper facial skele- shape gestural signaling in two groups of ple of runners differ from those of the ton of four anthropoids. chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Data were general population. Studies such as this collected from a group of 11 individuals are a step toward understanding LESLIE PRYOR SMITH and PAUL at the St. Louis Zoo (STLZ) from June to how genetic variation might contribute DECHOW. Department of Biomedical August 2007, and from a group of 13 to human running propensities and Sciences, Texas A&M Health Science individuals at the Los Angeles Zoo (LAZ) capabilities. Center. from September to December 2007. Ges- tures were coded from video recordings of Phylogenetic utility of developmen- Finite Element Analysis is a useful tool social interactions in the subjects’ outdoor tal cranial modules in papionin pri- for testing hypotheses regarding the enclosures whenever multiple individuals mates: implications for inferring mechanical significance of primate cra- were within 4m, using a Sony DCR- hominin phylogeny. niofacial morphology. The input of accu- DVD403 Handycam. rate region and species specific cortical Twenty-six distinct gestures were recorded HEATHER F. SMITH1,2 and NOREEN bone mechanical properties has a signif- in the STLZ group, and twenty-eight ges- VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL3. 1Depart- icant effect on the output from finite tures were recorded in the LAZ group, ment of Anatomy, Arizona College of element models. However, the type and with an overlap of twenty-two gestures. In Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern Uni- distribution of trabecular bone through- both groups, males gestured most fre-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 207

278 AAPA ABSTRACTS quently to females. STLZ females gestured ous studies of the Poole-Rose ossuary bol- graduates to work with in a lab context. most frequently to other females, while ster a greater understanding of pre-con- Additionally, it is necessary to provide LAZ females gestured most frequently to tact culture and health in the Great relevant content for the students who other males. In both groups, adults ges- Lakes region. will never pursue forensic anthropology tured most frequently to other adults, and and are simply taking the course out of juveniles gestured most frequently to Coronoid and condylar process a personal interest. To address these adults. In all age/sex classes of both relationship in domestic dogs and concerns, I have created experimental groups, gestures were used most fre- its relevance for human evolution- laboratory exercises and research proj- quently in the context of Near Others. De- ary models. ects for students that serve to 1) pro- spite differences in group composition and vide a carefully selected reference col- environment, the two study groups showed SHELLEY L. SMITH1, JESSE MEIK2 lection of animal bones with simulated remarkable similarities in their gestural and JOHN W. FONDON III2. 1Depart- trauma on them; 2) provide students signaling, suggesting that the influence of ment of Sociology and Anthropology, with targeted excavation experience social dynamics is consistent across 2Department of Biology, University of with bone by conducting excavations of groups. A keener understanding of how Texas at Arlington. animals; and 3) require original social factors shape gestural communica- research projects that engage students tion in chimpanzees is important for inves- Rak et al. (2002) proposed that the rela- broadly in the methodology of scientific tigations of the evolution of gestural com- tionship between the coronoid and con- anthropological experimentation. munication in African apes. dylar processes differed between Nean- This paper provides an overview of the Funding for this research was provided derthals and modern humans and that class and lab exercises in which the stu- by the CUNY Mario Capelloni Disserta- ramus morphology had taxonomic impli- dents participate and a discussion of tion Award, the American Association of cations within Homo. Wolpoff and how these exercises simultaneously pro- University Women American Fellow- Frayer (2005) countered, documenting vide study material for the lab. Student ship, NYCEP (NSF DGE 0333415), and considerable variation for the proffered success in the laboratory exercises is Sigma Xi. traits. Here we explore co-variation in demonstrated with a discussion of stu- mandibular characteristics in domestic dent participation in a campus-wide Demography, health status, and dogs (Canis familiaris), another poly- Symposium for Student Scholars. The mortuary rituals of the Late Wood- typic species displaying wide variation class and lab activities can be adopted land Poole-Rose Ossuary, Ontario, in jaw morphology, to elucidate relation- and adapted easily, and are particularly Canada: a study of the clavicles. ships that may hold more broadly for useful for anthropology departments hominids as well. that do not have funding for expensive NICOLE E. SMITH, MARY H. ImageJ was used to measure photo- laboratory equipment or supplies. MANHEIN and HEATHER MCKILLOP. graphs of 150 mandibles from diverse Department of Geography and Anthro- adult male dogs. Mandible length (infra- pology, Louisiana State University. dentale - condylion laterale) in superior Histological evidence for ontoge- view served as a size measure. Coronoid netic differences between modern The Poole-Rose ossuary is a pre-contact and condyle heights were measured in human and Neanderthal dentitions. (1550 A.D. 650 years) native secondary lateral view from their apices to a con- burial from Ontario, Canada. This study structed baseline (sub-carnassial – TANYA M. SMITH1,2,PAUL extracts cultural information about the angular process base). Masseter area TAFFOREAU3, DONALD J. REID4, Poole-Rose ossuary population through was approximated following masseteric JOANE POUECH3, VINCENT LAZZARI5, analysis of the clavicle. Information on fossa muscle markings. JOHN P. ZERMENO1, DEBBIE GUA- demography, health status, trauma, and The ratio of coronoid:condyle height TELLI-STEINBERG6,ANTHONYOLEJ- cultural modification was collected on the ranges from 1.61 to 2.08 (mean 5 1.86; NICZAK2,7,ALMUTHOFFMAN8, clavicles. The minimum number of indi- SD 5 0.10). Log(Length) is strongly cor- JAKOV RADOVCIC9, MASROUR viduals is 196 based on the right acromial related (r 5 0.96) with Log(Masseter MAKAREMI10,MICHELTOUSSAINT11, end of the clavicle. Results show signifi- Area). Using Log(Masseter Area) resid- CHRIS STRINGER12 and JEAN-JAC- cant degenerative joint disease was pres- uals to adjust for the effect of mandible QUES HUBLIN2. 1Department of Human ent in the acromioclavicular joint as com- length yields significant results for con- Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, pared to the sternoclavicular joint dyle and coronoid height separately but 2Department of Human Evolution, Max (p50.001). Active periosteal reactions of not for their ratio, due to similarity of Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthro- the clavicle are more frequent than slopes for the condyle and coronoid equa- pology, 3European Synchrotron Radiation healed reactions. Clavicular lesions are tions (Log(Condyle) vs. Masseter Resid- Facility, Grenoble, 4Department of Oral significantly associated with adult indi- ual, B 5 0.19, p 5 0.02; Log(Coronoid) vs. Biology, Newcastle University, 5Interna- viduals (p50.037), but affect both left Masseter Residual, B 5 0.17, p 5 0.04; tional Institute of Paleoprimatology and and right side of the body and both ster- Coronoid:Condyle vs. Masseter Residual, Human Paleontology Universite´ de Poit- nal and acromial joint of the bone to simi- B 520.09, p 5 0.26). Therefore, condyle iers, 6Department of Anthropology, Ohio lar degrees. Healed clavicular fractures height and coronoid height appear to State University, 7Centro Nacional de are infrequent in the ossuary population, scale with similar slopes in dogs, and Investigacio´nsobrelaEvolucio´n Humana, appearing on nine out of 553 whole their relative heights may not be inde- Burgos, 8Museum fu¨r Vor- und Fru¨hge- 9 clavicles and clavicle fragments. Cut pendently informative. schichte, Berlin, Croatian Natural History marks consist of fewer than 10 cuts on Museum, Zagreb, 10Department of Ortho- major muscle attachment sites. A signifi- Building a teaching collection and dontics, University Bordeaux II, 11 cant association exists between presence fostering the scientific method in Direction de l’Archeologie, Service Public 12 of a rhomboid fossa and age of the indi- undergraduate forensic anthropol- de Wallonie, Dept of Palaeontology, The vidual (p\0.001). Metric analysis of the ogy classes. Natural History Museum. Poole-Rose ossuary clavicles includes sim- ilar correlations between length and SUSAN KIRKPATRICK SMITH. Depart- Humans have an unusual life history with robusticity of both left and right bones. ment of Geography and Anthropology, an early weaning age, long childhood, late Right bones were more variable in curva- Kennesaw State University. first reproduction, short interbirth inter- ture than left bones, however, suggesting vals, and long lifespan. Despite 80 years of differential pressures from handedness Forensic anthropology classes are some- speculation, the origins of these develop- that were generally placed on the right times burdened by their own popularity. mental patterns in Homo sapiens remain side more often than the left. Results of One problem is the difficulty of to pro- unknown. Because they record daily this study combined with those of previ- viding enough human bone for under- growth during formation, teeth have pro-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 208

AAPA ABSTRACTS 279 vided important insights, revealing that examined using procedures to identify ter- forms of two of the three call types indi- australopiths and early Homo had more minally differentiated vomeronasal recep- cating presence of dialects, even though rapid ontogenies than recent humans. tor neurons (VRNs) via immunolabeling of individual differences in call structure Here we apply synchrotron virtual histol- olfactory marker protein (OMP). Most spe- are found within each population. ogy to a geographically and temporally cies possessed identifiable neuroepithelial Although some of the variation in call diverse sample of Middle Paleolithic juve- portions of the VNO, although poor preser- structure can be related to differences in niles, including Neanderthals, to assess vation in an adult Alouatta prevented local habitat acoustics, other variation tooth formation and calculate age at death determination. The VNO of an adult appears unrelated to local habitat acous- from dental microstructure. We quantified Ateles, described in detail for the first time, tics. Studies in captivity have shown the following developmental variables: cus- had a few rows of VRNs and nerves visible vocal convergence based on changes on pal enamel thickness, long-period line in the surrounding lamina propria. Avail- social companions. Thus both the physi- periodicity (number of daily increments able samples of subadults indicate that the cal and social environment may influence between successive lines), long-period line VNO neuroepithelium is generally thinner, the structure of calls in marmosets. number, coronal extension rate, and crown in terms of basal to apical rows of nuclei, at formation time in 90 teeth from 28 Nean- birth than in adults. Immunohistochemi- derthals and 39 teeth from 9 fossil H. sapi- cal findings suggest that the VNO neuroe- ens individuals. When compared with both pithelium has maturational differences Testosterone and aggression in European and African recent humans, among adult platyrrhines. In particular, chimpanzees: novel tests of the thinner enamel, lower long-period line findings show Saguinus spp. has a paucity challenge hypothesis. periodicities, and faster extension rates typ- of mature VRNs. The cartilaginous capsule that surrounds the VNO is typically J- MARISSA E. SOBOLEWSKI1, JOHN C. ically lead to lower crown formation times 1 2 shaped or U-shaped, and is partially ossi- MITANI and JANINE L. BROWN . in Neanderthals. We find that most Nean- 1 fied in some species (most extensively in Department of Anthropology, Univer- derthal tooth crowns grew more rapidly 2 Aotus). The capsule articulates with a sity of Michigan, Reproductive Endo- than modern human teeth, resulting in sig- groove on the bony palate, and preliminary crinology Laboratory, Smithsonian nificantly faster dental maturation. These results indicate a correlation with socioeco- Institiution. findings demonstrate that recent human logical variables like mating pattern. Our developmental standards should not be microanatomical findings, along with A long-standing question in behavioral used to assess Neanderthal ontogeny. In equivocal experimental evidence and endocrinology concerns the relationship contrast, Middle Paleolithic H. sapiens mixed genetic evidence to date, indicate between testosterone (T) and aggres- juveniles show greater similarity to recent the need for further research bearing on sion. The ‘‘challenge hypothesis’’ pro- humans. When compared to earlier homi- functionality of the VNO in platyrrhines. poses that T activates aggression only nin taxa, both Neanderthals and H. sapiens This work was partially funded by in the fitness-enhancing context of appear to have extended the duration of grant number 01-G-022 DHS. reproductive competition. We tested this dental development. This period of dental hypothesis in three ways in an unusu- immaturity is particularly prolonged in Adaptations to noisy environments: ally large community of chimpanzees at modern humans. structure and usage of acoustic sig- Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. This study was funded by the Max Planck nals in Callitrichid primates. First, we showed that male chimpanzee Society, the European Synchrotron Radia- reproductive competition varied as a tion Facility, and Harvard University. CHARLES T. SNOWDON1 and function of female parity. Adult males STELLA DE LA TORRE2. 1Department competed more intensely for parous New findings on the vomeronasal of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, females than for nulliparous females. complex of platyrrhine primates. Madison, 2Colegio de Ciencias Biolo´gi- Rates of aggression and mating were cas y Ambientales Universidad San higher in the presence of parous TIMOTHY D. SMITH,1 EVA C. Francisco de Quito. females in estrus compared with those GARRETT,2,3 KUNWAR P. shown around estrus nulliparas. In BHATNAGAR,4 CHRISTOPHER J. Communication is trade-off between keeping with the challenge hypothesis, BONAR,5 AMANDA E. BRUENING,6 reaching an appropriate recipient while adult males had higher T levels in the JOHN C. DENNIS7 and EDWARD E. minimizing detection by predators. In presence of parous females in estrus MORRISON.71School of Physical Ther- natural environments signals must also compared to their baseline levels. In apy, Slippery Rock University, compete with biotic and abiotic noise contrast, male T levels did not change 2Department of Anthropology, The (including anthropogenic noise) to be when estrus nulliparas were present. Graduate Center at the City Univer- detected by recipients. We have studied Male chimpanzees competed for females sity of New York,; 3New York Consor- pygmy marmosets (Callithrix pygmaea) not only within groups, but also tium in Evolutionary Primatology, in the Ecuadorian Amazon and measured between groups. In that context, compe- 4Department of Anatomical Sciences the structure, usage and environmental tition took the form of group territorial and Neurobiology, University of Louis- transmission of vocalizations used to patrols. Additionally, we demonstrated ville School of Medicine, 5Dallas World maintain contact among group members. that adult male chimpanzees had Aquarium, 6Department of Biology, Acoustic energy of calls is concentrated higher T levels on days that they pa- Slippery Rock University, 7Department above the main frequency of ambient trolled compared with their baseline of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharma- noise and above the hearing range of levels. Finally, we took advantage of the cology, College of Veterinary Medicine, avian predators. Different types of calls fact that chimpanzees hunt and are Auburn University. are degraded at different distances from thus aggressive in situations unrelated the caller in both spectral and temporal to reproduction. Male T did not increase Although all platyrrhine primates possess structure. Marmosets systematically use on days that they hunted compared a vomeronasal organ (VNO), few species call types that degrade rapidly at short with their baseline levels. This study have been studied in detail. In this study, distances from recipients and use calls provides novel support for the challenge we revisit the microanatomy of the VNO that degrade less with distance when hypothesis by demonstrating that ele- and surrounding structures in platyr- potential recipients are further away. vated T in male chimpanzees is associ- rhines using a sample of 55 cadaveric Calls used a greater distances have a ated with reproductive aggression, mate specimens (14 species) of mixed age. Using broad frequency range and high frequen- acquisition, and group territoriality and serially sectioned and stained samples, cies are attenuated more than lower fre- not with predatory aggression. VNO neuroepithelial structure was quencies providing possible cues for esti- This study was funded by NSF # described and related osteological features mating distance from the caller. Different 0752637, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation were measured. Selected samples were populations have population-specific Grant.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 209


A new 3D morphometric method Embassy in South Africa and the South and allow comparisons between frag- based on a combinatorial encoding African Research Foundation. mentary individuals. Although juvenile of 3D point configurations: ap- hominin remains represent a large part plication to skull anatomy for New approaches to investigating of the fossil record, most studies in den- clinical research and physical ancient Maya diet: a three-isotope tal anthropology have focused on per- anthropology. model for the reconstruction of die- manent teeth. The intraspecific variabil- tary protein sources. ity in size and morphology is assumed KEVIN SOL1, EMERIC GIOAN1, to be high, which could challenge the GERARD SUBSOL1, YANN HEUZE2, ANDREW D. SOMERVILLE and use of deciduous teeth to assess taxo- JOAN RICHTSMEIER2, JOSE BRAGA3 ANDREW W. FROEHLE. Department nomic affinities of isolated dental and FRANCIS THACKERAY4. 1Labora- of Anthropology, University of Califor- remains. However, the use of geometric tory of Computer Science LIRMM, UMR nia, San Diego. morphometric analysis can bring a new 5506, CNRS/University Montpellier 2, light on this issue. 2Department of Anthropology, Pennsyl- The reconstruction of past dietary prac- The present study investigates second vania State University, 3Laboratory of tices provides valuable information on deciduous molar size and shape in the Anthropobiology AMIS, University Paul the ethnicity, social relations, and sub- genus Homo, with a particular empha- Sabatier, 4Institute for Human Evolu- sistence strategies of archaeological pop- sis on Neandertals (n520) and modern tion, University of the Witwatersrand. ulations. As one of the most extensively humans (n5218) . Dental crown shapes studied ancient societies, the Maya of were analysed using two-dimensional Three-dimensional (3D) shape analysis Central America are ideal for region- outline analysis based on Radial Fourier of anatomical structures is currently wide investigations of synchronic and transforms on photographs, that allow based either on the analysis of distances diachronic dietary practices. Here, by the inclusion of worn teeth to maximize or angles between landmarks or on the using previously-published isotope data, sample size. Crown size has been esti- computation of metric parameters we apply a new dietary reconstruction mated by measuring crown base area. which characterize the deformation of model (Froehle et al., 2009, AJPA Multivariate analysis and resampling landmark configurations. However, sig- Suppl. 48:130) based on discriminant methods were used to assess size and nificant differences which are not function analysis of three stable isotope shape differences between taxa. related to the normal inter-individual variables (d13Ccol, d13Cap, and The results show that lower and upper variation are not only metrical but also d15Ncol) to generate hypothetical diet second deciduous molars are useful for ‘‘structural’’. For example, in progna- end-members representing different discriminating taxa, with a low rate of thism, it is a whole subset of landmarks protein sources available to the ancient misclassified Neandertal and anatomi- which protrudes relative to another sub- Maya. We model beans, squash seeds, cally modern human specimens. Thus, set, in a correlated way. Such a defor- C3 animal, C4 animal, and 100% maize we demonstrate the taxonomic utility of mation is not directly emphasized by as possible dietary end-members. deciduous molars for identifying the the variation of the landmark coordi- Using the model, we test for differential taxonomic affinity of isolated or prob- nates and this suggests the need for access to these sources between status lematic specimens. additional 3D morphometric tools. groups, sexes and regions, as well as Research supported by the french We propose to model the 3D landmark over time within groups. Our data dem- Ministry of Higher Education and configurations by using the oriented onstrate that there is no clear differen- Research, the New York Consortium in matroid theory, a combinatorial mathe- tial access to protein types between sta- Evolutionary Primatology and the Lea- matical structure which was developed tus groups or between sexes across the key foundation. over the past forty years. Oriented mat- entire study population, but we find re- roids allow one to model the relative gional differences between the Southern Identifying differential patterns of positions of points in 3D without taking Lowlands, Belize, and the Peten. More- activity: potentials and limits of into account the distances between over, our data reveal significant within- tracing entheseal changes in them. It is then possible to characterize site temporal changes in dietary prac- archaeological populations. some geometrical properties as the con- tices. The residents of Laamani, for vexity or the alignment of subsets of example, switched to a heavier reliance NIVIEN SPEITH. Biological Anthropol- landmarks and to detect structural on C4-fed animal sources in the Post- ogy Research Centre, Archaeological changes as the crossing of a landmark classic Period, confirming the supposi- Sciences, University of Bradford. through the plane defined by three tions of earlier authors (Wright and others. White 1996:177), and possibly repre- Bioarchaeological studies commonly and We applied this new method on sets of senting a greater reliance on domesti- often too readily use musculoskeletal 133 3D cranial landmarks collected on cated animals, such as turkeys and stress markers (MSM) to reconstruct 43 individuals presenting with varying dogs. This study provides a more past activities. Despite substantial pro- types of coronal craniosynostosis. We nuanced understanding of the ancient gress in understanding the underlying computed the oriented matroid-based Maya and highlights the utility of factors of entheseal change, tracing past models and introduced a new discrete applying this dietary reconstruction activities still suffers from largely sub- distance between two individuals. The model to archaeological populations. jective observation of trait formations, matrix of all the distances allows differ- thus complicating inter-observer com- entiation among the craniosynostosis Size and shape analysis of second parisons and interpretation of activity variant groups. We will also show how deciduous molars in genus Homo. or stress impact. it could be used to compare extant and The aim of this study was to apply a fossil skulls as STS5. CAROLINE SOUDAY1,2,3 and SHARA novel scoring method, based on clinical Research supported by the OMSMO E. BAILEY2. 1New York Consortium in information and tested on documented (Oriented Matroids for Shape MOdel- Evolutionary Primatology, 2The Center collections (Villotte 2006), to archaeolog- ing) Project, the 3D-MORPHINE Col- for the Study of Human Origins, New ical populations as part of a research laborative Research Initiative funded by York University, 3De´partement de Pre´- project on skeletal and archaeological INRIA, the United States Public Health histoire, Museum National d’Histoire indicators of identity in early medieval Service grants R01 DE016886, Naturelle Paris. Alamannic populations. The skeletons DE018500, DE018500S1, and CDC of 304 adult individuals from the popu- 5R01DD000350, and the HOPE (Human In the context of understanding human lations of Pleidelsheim (n5178) and Origins and Past Environments) Inter- evolution, dental remains are a valuable Neresheim (n5126) were analysed for national Program funded by the French subject to study: they represent the activity-related changes at 36 fibrocarti- largest part of the human fossil record lagenous and fibrous entheses.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 210


The analysis revealed that prevalence groomed (0.5% 6 0.6% vs. 0.1% 6 This study highlights the merit of com- of enthesopathies, i.e. pathological 0.2%). Before a birth, grooming rates bining macro and microscopic analysis changes to entheses due to muscle over- were higher for both sexes, but sex in a systematic survey of non-occlusal use, is comparatively low, while differ- differences were less pronounced tooth wear. ential identification of activity-related (male vs. female, 1.0% 6 .2% vs. 1.2% entheseal change is improved. Signifi- 6 1.5%). Resting in contact was also Neuropil asymmetry in the cerebral cant differences were observed in males more frequent before than after a cortex of humans and chimpanzees: and females within and between popu- birth (3.0% 6 2.7% vs. 1.3% 6 2.0%). implications for the evolution of lations. Individuals from the more agri- Our results suggest that a decrease unique cortical circuitry in the cultural Neresheim show significantly in the rate of affiliative interac- human brain. higher prevalence of entheseal changes. tionsbetweenpairmatesisapotential Sexual dimorphism as well as an cost of direct infant care for wild titi MUHAMMAD SPOCTER1, WILLIAM increase of MSM with age can be identi- monkeys. HOPKINS2,3, SERENA BIANCHI1, fied in both populations, however, with This research was funded through a ABIGAIL HEYMEYER1, SARAH different patterns of incidence. Hewlett Award for Innovation in Inter- ANDERSON1,CHERYLSTIMPSON1, The study furthermore strongly indi- national Offerings Grant to Dr. E. Fer- ARCHIE FOBBS4, PATRICK HOF5,6 and cates that muscular attachments nandez-Duque and National Geographic CHET SHERWOOD1. 1Department of should be evaluated in functional Society and Leakey Foundation society Anthropology, The George Washington groups, of the upper or lower limb, in grants to Fernandez-Duque and A. Di University, 2Department of Psychology, order to interpret activity patterns Fiore (Department of Anthropology, Agnes Scott College, 3Division of Psycho- informed by underlying physiological NYU). biology, Yerkes National Primate rather than assumed occupational fac- Research Center, 4National Museum of tors. This approach permits reliable Non-masticatory tooth wear at Gri- Health and Medicine/ Armed Forces tracing of general tendencies of activ- cignano d’Aversa, Italy (2500-1750 Institute of Pathology, Walter Reed Army ity in past populations, providing BCE): the importance of macro- and Medical Centre, 5Department of Neuro- promising information regarding Ala- microscopic analysis. science, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, mannic lifestyles. 6New York Consortium in Evolutionary Grant support: This research is sup- ALESSANDRA SPERDUTI1,PAOLA Primatology. ported by the Arts and Humanities FRANCESCA ROSSI1,DAVIDFRAYER1,2 Research Council (AHRC) of the UK. and LUCA BONDIOLI1. 1Museo Nazio- The claim that behavioral and neuroa- nale Preistorico Etnografico "L. Pigorini", natomical asymmetries are unique to Pairbonded adult titi monkeys of Sezione di Antropologia, 2Department of humans has been challenged by data Ecuador (Callicebus discolor) Anthropology, University of Kansas. from several nonhuman species. Inter- change their affiliative relation- estingly previous studies of minicolumn ships in the presence of infants. The analysis of activity-induced dental lateralization revealed that humans modification (AIDM) gives clues about may differ from other primates in dis- ANDREA SPENCE-AIZENBERG1, AN- intra-population distribution of specific playing a left hemisphere bias in the THONY DI FIORE2,3 and EDUARDO tasks by gender and age class. The neuropil space of the planum temporale, FERNANDEZ-DUQUE1. 1Department of occurrence and frequency of AIDM is but it is not known how asymmetry in Anthropology, University of Pennsylva- dependent from the total time of expo- the neuropil space varies across multi- nia, 2Department of Anthropology and sure to abrasive materials, so assess- ple regions of the cerebral cortex and if Center for the Study of Human Origins, ment must be determined using micro- there are any correlations with behav- New York University, 3New York Consor- scopic analysis of the crown surfaces to ioral laterality. The neuropil is of func- tium in Evolutionary Primatology. document the earliest stages of wear tional importance as it is the portion of and to trace the progression of the wear the cortical gray matter where synaptic Red titi monkeys (Callicebus discolor) through time. connections are found. We used image reside in socially-monogamous groups At the Bronze Age necropolis of Gri- analysis methods to quantify neuropil where the adult male and female form a cignano d’Aversa (one of the most im- asymmetry in five cytoarchitectonically strong pairbond and share in the care portant, largest skeletal series for the defined cortical regions of chimpanzees (6 of infants. To better understand possible period in Central Italy) numerous indi- males, 6 females) and humans (3 males, 3 costs of biparental care on pairbond viduals show notches on the occlusal females), including rostral prefrontal, in- maintenance, we compared the rela- and lateral margins of anterior teeth. A ferior frontal, primary motor, agranular tionships between pairmates with and total of 120 late adolescent and adult insular, and planum temporale. Results without dependent infants. We col- individuals were surveyed for the pres- revealed a significant difference between lected 232 hours of observational data ence of these grooves and all teeth were species in mean neuropil asymmetry (P on proximity, grooming, and resting in macroscopically examined. High resolu- 5 0.023). Humans displayed a clear contact by adult males and adult tion epoxy, transparent casts were made directional bias in the amount of neuropil females in two wild groups of red titis of all anterior teeth and evaluated by favoring the left hemisphere. Analysis of in Yasunı´ National Park, Ecuador to optic and SEM microscopy. data within-species, revealed that corti- characterize each sex’s contribution to Our results show a high occurrence of cal regions vary significantly in the affiliative interactions. To evaluate AIDM in female dentitions (54.6%; amount of neuropil space for chimpan- whether the presence of a dependent n544), no AIDM cases for males zees (P\0.001), with agranular insular infant influenced affiliative behaviors (n538), and 13.2% for unknown sex cortex showing the greatest amount of between pairmates, we compared the individuals (n538). We suspect these space for connectivity. In the human sam- frequency of these behaviors in a 32- notches are related to fiber processing ple cortical regions did not differ signifi- week period prior to the birth of and the fact that they occur only in cantly in the amount of neuropil space, infants with the frequency during the females suggests a sex-specific task spe- however, this might be due to relatively 16 weeks following births (n 5 5 cialization. We found that microscopic small sample size. These results suggest infants). Males contributed more to analysis was indispensable for recogniz- that lateralization of minicolumns and maintaining proximity than females ing incipient traces of attrition in neuropil space may represent an evolu- both before and after the birth of an younger individuals (which we would tionary alteration in the circuitry of the infant (mean Hinde’s Index 5 28 and have missed at the macroscopic level) as human cortex allowing for hemispheric 22 respectively). In the presence of well as detecting wider and more com- specialization of function. infants females groomed the males plex patterns of tooth involvement in This work was supported by the more frequently than they were older individuals. National Science Foundation (BCS-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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0515484 and BCS-0549117), the Southwest, and Medieval Spaniards from independent of obvious dietary or phylo- National Institutes of Health (NS42867) San Pablo Monastery in Burgos, Spain. genetic associations. The latter result and the James S. McDonnell Founda- This study was a test of the hypothesis deserves further attention, as it contrasts tion (22002078). that admixture can be detected in dental with previous work on strepsirrhines and traits, even with highly disproportionate tarsiers that showed stronger taxonomic Living hand to mouth: how marsu- levels of input from both ancestors. variance and lower association between pials can unravel the mysteries sur- The dental metrics show a consistent shape and size. rounding the evolution of touch significant difference in tooth size This study was funded by a 2009 Amer- acuity in primates. between the Hohokam and San Pablo, ican Society of Mammalogists Grant-In- the Spaniard means being smaller than Aid to E.M.S.C. and a 2010 AAPA Pro- AMANDA N SPRIGGS12 and MAGDA- the Hohokam. The Pima, however, have fessional Development Grant to Doug LENA N MUCHLINSKI2. 1Department mean sizes that vary from larger than M. Boyer. of Biology, University of Charleston, the Hohokam to smaller than the San 2Department of Anatomy and Pathology, Pablo sample. This wider variation in Marshall University School of Medicine. the Pima is consistent with previous A preliminary study of triangular studies of admixture in non-human pri- ridge bifurcation in human maxil- The infraorbital foramen (IOF) is located mates and indicates that even small lary premolars. below the orbit of the eye, and transmits amounts of admixture are detectible in WHITNEY L. STAMEY and SCOTT. E. sensory information from the upper lip, dental metrics. The results of this study BURNETT. Department of Anthropol- face,andvibrissaetothebrain.TheIOF can be applied to many studies of popu- ogy, Eckerd College. hasbeenusedasaninformativefeatureto lation dynamics from present day to the interpret the ecology and phylogeny of Pleistocene. Morphological dental variation has pro- crown primates and plesiadapiforms. Even This study was funded by the College of ven useful in examining human popula- though the IOF has been discussed in the Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University tion origins and relationships. Most literature, the functional significance of its and the Department of Anthropology, studies of dental morphology rely pri- size among mammals is still unknown. A Texas A&M University. marily on incisor or molar dental traits, recent comparative study into IOF area while canines and premolars have suggests the relative size of the IOF indi- Geometric morphometric analysis received less attention. This study cates differences in face touch acuity. of platyrrhine lower molar shape. examines the utility of an understudied Among mammals, primates have some of maxillary premolar trait, triangular the smallest IOF areas. It is hypothesized ELIZABETH M. ST. CLAIR. Interde- ridge bifurcation (TRB). that primate IOF reduction may be a result partmental Doctoral Program in An- TRB is characterized by bifurcation of of their increased reliance on hands, rather thropological Sciences, Stony Brook the central occlusal ridge of the buccal than their muzzles, to preprocess foods. In University. cusp on mandibular and/or maxillary this study we test this hypothesis by premolars. A graduated scoring system observing the feedingbehaviorofmarsu- Teeth play an important role in our of maxillary premolar TRB was created pials. Marsupials were chosen to test this understanding of taxonomic affinities with four possible categories of ridge and dietary adaptation in fossil prima- hypothesis for two reasons: (1) Marsupials form and size: no bifurcated ridge, tes. Innovations in shape quantification converge with primates in both anatomy small, medium, and large bifurcated allow investigation of the relative influ- and ecology, and (2) unlike primates, some ridge. Analysis included 502 dental marsupials approach and pre-process foods ence of different factors on dental mor- casts from Bantu (n5 130), Pima Indian only with their muzzles, while others initi- phology. This study uses geometric mor- (n5126), South African White (n5108), ate feeding and pre-processing of food with phometric analysis to identify axes of and South African Indian (n5138) sam- their hands. Results of this study find that shape variation in platyrrhine molars. ples. Forty-five casts were rescored to Fourteen landmarks were placed on marsupials that initiate feeding with their conduct inter- and intra-observer con- lCT surface renderings of lower m2s muzzles have larger IOFs than those that cordance tests. Sample frequency com- manipulate and pre-process foods with (n5111) from 19 species (12 genera). parisons were made with Fisher’s Exact their hands (p\0.05). These findings have Following initial Procrustes superimpo- tests ((5 0.05). implications for interpreting the fossil re- sition, species average landmark co- Results indicate high scoring reliability cord. The majority of stem primates (ple- ordinates were created. Generalized in inter- and intra-observer tests with Procrustes analysis was used to align siadapiforms) have relatively larger IOFs 87% and 89% concordance respectively. the landmark configurations and a prin- than extinct crown primates. The differ- TRB frequencies were highest on P1. cipal components (PC) analysis was per- ence in IOF area may be an indicator of Overall, TRB occurred most frequently how these animals fed rather than phylog- formed to identify dominant axes of in the Bantu sample (P1539.2%, eny as previously suggested. shape variation. P2520.0%), followed by Pima Indians This study was funded by NSF MU- Four PCs explained more than 5% of the (P1528.6%, P2513.5%). The South Afri- variance each (80% cumulatively). PC1 Advance. can Indian (P1516.7%, P2513.8%), and (50.4%) displayed a strong dietary signal, South African White (P156.5%, related to relief and crest development, Detecting admixture in dental P253.7%) samples were statistically with positive values in more insectivorous traits: implications for the role of similar, with significantly lower TRB (Saimiri, Callimico) and folivorous Neandertals in human evolution. frequencies than both the Bantu and (Alouatta, Brachyteles) species and nega- Pima Indian samples. These results tive values in the seed-predating pithe- VICTORIA S. SPRINGER. Department suggest that triangular ridge bifurca- ciines; soft fruit specialists (e.g., Ateles) of Anthropology, Texas A&M University. tion may be a valuable addition to the possessed intermediate values. PC2 battery of morphological dental traits This study focused on the morphological (13.8%) separated the one callitrichid in used in anthropological studies of popu- expression of admixture in human popula- the sample, Callimico, from other taxa. lation variation. tions in order to assess potential admixture Phylogenenetic Generalized Least in fossil remains. The Pima Native Ameri- Squares analysis showed that PC2 and cans have a documented small percentage PC4 were weakly correlated with centroid How violent were the people of the of European ancestry. Here the dental met- size (correlation coefficient5 .46 for PC2, Gallina Phase, really? rics and morphology of the Pima were com- .44 for PC4, p \0.05 for both). These pared to those of their most likely Native results indicate a dominant dietary signal VLISHA STANERSON. Department of American and European ancestors: pre- in molar shape but also show some shape Anthropology, Colorado State Univer- contact Hohokam from the American change correlated with size but relatively sity.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 212


Violence has long been an intriguing sub- A. ramidus was a very ape-like early nile scurvy, radiography has as yet to ject in anthropology and archaeology. The hominin adapted to both arboreal and be employed to any significant degree in prehistoric inhabitants of the Gallina terrestrial substrates. As in the 1980s, palaeopathological attempts to identify Phase (A.D. 1050 – 1250/1300) in north when research following the initial pub- this disorder among archaeological central New Mexico are no exception. lications on the A. afarensis skeleton populations. Early publications about the Gallina indicated that AL-288 was likely not an We review the classic radiographic indi- Phase labeled the people as backward obligate terrestrial hominin, further cators of juvenile scurvy and compare and excessively violent, and relatively research on the A. ramidus skeleton them to radiographs of 14 sub-adult few researchers challenge such accounts. will offer new views of its posture and individuals from the sites of Stymphalos I propose that the evidence of violence in locomotion. The behavior of chimpan- and Zaraka, Greece. These individuals the archaeological record is no more prev- zees and other great apes will be instru- were also examined for macroscopic alent in the Gallina Phase than it is in mental in understanding the Ardipithe- indications of the condition. Several of other cultural groups in the area during cus fossils. the juveniles exhibit radiographic signs this time period. consistent with the clinical radiographic Using the specimens from two collections Morphological integration of the indicators of juvenile scurvy. In some, curated at Colorado State University and face in Down syndrome individuals but not all, cases these indicators co- University of New Mexico, over 100 indi- and siblings. occur with macroscopic indicators of ju- viduals were examined and the occurrence venile scurvy. This pattern of co-occur- of trauma-related pathology documented. JOHN M. STARBUCK1, ROGER H. rence may relate to differences in the Thedataweresubjectedtostatisticaland REEVES2 and JOAN T. RICHTSME- timing and visible development of geospatial analysis in order to identify the IER1. 1Department of Anthropology, lesions and their subsequent rates of type, prevalence, and distribution of vio- Pennsylvania State University, 2Depart- healing. lence in the Gallina record. The Gallina ment of Physiology, Johns Hopkins Uni- Based on the significant results of the skeletal series show that the percentage of versity School of Medicine. study conducted we suggest that future those who died and exhibit skeletal evi- studies should attempt to employ radi- dence of violent trauma is comparable to Down syndrome (DS), resulting from ography when assessing for juvenile surrounding contemporaneous culture trisomy of chromosome 21, is the most scurvy. This may allow for improved groups. Given that the occurrence of vio- common live-born human aneuploidy. standards of assessment, permitting lent, traumatic lesions is no more preva- The phenotypic expression of trisomy comparisons with known clinical exam- lent than that shown in other Puebloan 21 produces variable, though charac- ples of this disorder and helping to sep- populations; it seems that the inhabitants teristic facial morphology. We hypothe- arate cases of scurvy from other patho- of the Gallina Phase were no more violent size that individual heritable facial logical disorders, especially anemia. If than other neighboring groups of the features are changed according to par- our interpretation of the co-occurrence Southwest. ticular patterns in people with DS pattern of lesions at Stymphalos and becausegenedosageimbalancealters Zaraka is correct, it may also offer Chimpanzees and the reconstruc- developmental events in a similar insights into the duration and recur- tion of behavior of Ardipithecus manner. This alteration will result in rence of episodes of juvenile scurvy in ramidus. changed patterns of morphological past populations. integration. To address this hypothesis This study was funded by the Univer- CRAIG B. STANFORD. Departments of we statistically compared morphologi- sity of Alberta, the Social Sciences and Anthropology and Biological Sciences, cal integration (MI) patterns of imma- Humanities Research Council of Canada University of Southern California. ture DS faces (N552) with those of (SSHRC) and the Wiener Laboratory of non-DS siblings (N554), aged 6-12 yrs. the American School of Classical Stud- The chimpanzee has served as a model Thirty-one linear distances were esti- ies at Athens. of the behavior and ecology of earliest mated using coordinate data repre- hominins for many decades. The senting 17 anthropometric landmarks Social und regional stratification in recently published description and on 3D digital photographic images. Body Mass Index of 18- and 19-year- reconstruction of the fossil hominin MIboot (Cole, 2002) was used to test old Swiss conscripts 1992-2009 Ardipithecus ramidus has sharpened for local differences in MI of facial fea- (N54600887) and its secular trend this debate and been used to criticize tures. Our results suggest that facial since 1875. the utility of ‘the chimpanzee model.’ In features are affected differentially in this paper I consider the behavior DS as evidenced by statistically signif- KASPAR STAUB1,3, FRANK J. RU¨ HLI1, reconstruction of Ardipithecus ramidus icant differences in MI both within TOBIAS SCHOCH4, ULRICH in light of current information on chim- and between facial features. Our find- WOITEK2 and CHRISTIAN PFISTER3. panzee behavioral ecology. ings provide a phenotypic readout in 1Institute of Anatomy, University of Lovejoy et al. (2009) argue that because the human face of previous findings of Zurich, 2Empirical Research in Econom- their reconstruction of A. ramidus neural crest involvement in mouse ics, University of Zurich and CESifo, positional behavior indicates planta- models for DS. Munich, 3Institute of History, Univer- grade locomotion, chimpanzees may be Funding: PHS 1R01HD038384, NSF Grad- sity of Bern, 4University of Applied Sci- irrelevant for understanding the be- uate Research Fellowship #2008053135. ences Northwestern Switzerland, School havioral ecology of earliest hominins. of Business HSW/ ICC. Further, the Lovejoy et al.critiqueis Juvenile scurvy–a radiographic basedonanimplicitacceptanceofa perspective. Overweight and obesity have reached the knuckle-walking phase in hominin level of a pandemic in developed countries. evolution, for which there is no evi- ROBERT STARK1 and SANDRA BMI is not ideal measure for body fat, but dence. In this paper I present data GRAVIE-LOK2. 1Department of Anthro- it is nevertheless strongly correlated with from a range of sources showing that pology, McMaster University, 2Department total body fat and furthermore the only the behavioral ecology of knuckle- of Anthropology, University of Alberta. measure available in large data sets for walking ape or plantagrade cercopithe- long-termed time trends. We present cids are equally useful in understand- The use of radiography for assessing unbiased, individually measured and thus ing the behavior of early hominins cases of juvenile scurvy has been a highly representative annual BMI data such as A.ramidus.Ialsoarguethat standard procedure in clinical cases of sample on 18-20-years-old Swiss conscripts Lovejoy et al. implicitly use the behav- this disorder for almost a century. De- (N54600887, universal conscription) from ior of great apes in support of their spite several known pathognomonic 1992 to 2009, representing ca. 90% of age interpretation of A. ramidus. clinical radiographic indicators of juve- cohorts. We trace for socioeconomic and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 213

284 AAPA ABSTRACTS regional differences and aim to add historic more consistent with intra-group codi- tion of coastal resources, particularly context based on the same data source to fied beatings rather than intergroup mollusks, by ancient Middle Stone Age identify the onset of current overweight warfare. Second, the ‘‘why not?’’ hypoth- (MSA) and Middle Paleolithic (MP) pandemic. esis argues that females were perceived humans provides an integrated paleoe- We find that in 2009 24.2% of 19-20-year- as enemies just as much as males and cological approach to addressing these old and 20.8% of 18-19-year-old Swiss their deaths were not actively avoided questions. conscripts were generally overweight during attacks. While the first hypothe- Mollusks reflect past environments, (BMI[25kg/m2). The prevalence of obesity sis is not supported by the results, the which provide the context for human (BMI[30kg/m2) has doubled since 1992 second hypothesis reflects the current adaptations. Their presence or absence reaching 5.7% in 2009. BMI distribution debate in the literature concerning gen- reflects changes in global sea levels, became more right-skewed since 1992, der construction in pre-European soci- which can help chronologically con- upper percentiles increased markedly, eties and merits further evaluation. strain assemblages. Changes in species especially after 2002. Current upswing in composition may reflect changes in the BMI values took place in two steps, in the Stones, bones, cities, and states: local coast, such as local fluctuations second half of the 1980s and again since a new approach to the Neolithic between rocky and sandy shores. 2002 until nowadays. We find no stagna- revolution. Detailed studies of recent archaeological tion of BMI values in the recent past. Sine mollusk assemblages demonstrate that 1992 regional differences in BMI disap- RICHARD H. STECKEL1 and JOHN mollusk samples decline in mean and peared more prominently than socioeco- WALLIS2. 1Departments of Economics, median size because of increasing nomic differences. Since 1875 Swiss con- Anthropology and History, Ohio State human predation pressure, which often scripts changed from rather being under- University, 2Department of Economics, coincides with increases in human pop- weight (12% BMI\18.5kg/m2,1.5%BMI University of Maryland. ulation densities. Therefore, integrative [25kg/m2) to being overweight. In 1875-79 studies of mollusk exploitation informs young men at the lower end of socioeco- The rise of agriculture and the emer- on how people exploited their environ- nomic strata showed significantly lower gence of towns and cities transformed ments, how technological and behav- BMI values compared to the upper socioe- human activities and marked the begin- ioral innovations may have increased conomic classes. Nowadays social stratifi- ning of modern human society. Social the land’s carrying capacity, and the cation in BMI has inversed, when over- scientists have constructed various tight relationship between these proc- weight affects the lower socioeconomic explanations on thin reeds of evidence, esses. MSA and MP humans also fre- classes to a higher extend. which can be placed into exogenous and quently exploited mollusks. MSA and Financial Support: Swiss National Science endogenous categories such as climate MP mollusks are large, suggesting that Foundation (Project-No. 109802) and change and over-hunting of a common these human populations lived at low Swiss Foundation for Nutrition Research. property resource. We review these densities. In the South African MSA re- explanations and analyze skeletal evi- cord, subtle mollusk size changes dur- Why kill women? Investigating the dence from the Western Hemisphere ing the MSA are expected to coincide sex ratio of violence at Orendorf. project, which shows living in early pre- with behavioral innovations that are of- Columbian urban areas was less ten taken to indicate the appearance of DAWNIE WOLFE STEADMAN. Depart- healthy but also considerably less vio- modern human cognition; however, mol- ment of Anthropology, Binghamton Uni- lent than found among hunter-gather- lusk size remains stable and the impli- versity, State University of New York, ers. Drawing upon the theory of the cations are discussed here. Binghamton. natural state, in which the political sys- tem manipulates economic privilege to Testing the correlation between the The Middle Mississippian site of Oren- create social order, we hypothesize that anatomical structures of odorant dorf (AD1150) in the central Illinois new methods of social organization and pheromone perception and valley exhibits one of the highest fre- were essential for the rise of agriculture their corresponding gene families quencies of warfare-related trauma in and urbanization. We argue that Neo- in primates and other mammals. the Southeast. Several individuals exca- lithic societies preferred urban living vated from the Orendorf cemetery and built on farming despite worse health MICHAEL STEIPER1,2,3,4 and EVA C. village were added to the study, bring- outcomes because new methods of orga- GARRETT2,4. 1Department of Anthro- ing the total number of individuals in nization created social order, enforced pology, Hunter College of the City Uni- the Orendorf skeletal sample to approx- property rights and reduced violence. versity of New York (CUNY), 2Program imately 275. Of these, 27 adults (16% of This study was funded by the National in Anthropology, The Graduate Center, all adults) exhibit evidence of violent Science Foundation, grant numbers CUNY, 3Program in Biology, the Gradu- encounters and include equal propor- SBR-9223781 and SBR-9423435. ate Center, CUNY, 4New York Consor- tions of males and females. Few individ- tium in Evolutionary Primatology uals survived a violent episode. Victims The exploitation of coastal resour- (NYCEP). were killed by projectile points and ces informs on ancient human blunt trauma and there is evidence of behavior and past environments: Mammals possess dual olfactory sys- decapitation and trophy taking. an integrated paleoecological tems that function in detecting distinct The types, bodily location and lethality approach to investigating modern types of stimuli, with the main olfactory of injuries suggest relatively equal human origins. system (MOS) detecting ecological and treatment of the sexes during violent the vomeronasal system (VNS) detect- attacks. Given the ethnographic litera- TERESA E. STEELE. Department of ing sociosexual cues (pheromones). De- ture that chronicles elaborate war prep- Anthropology, University of California, spite the importance of olfaction in this aration ceremonies for males and the Davis. class, the development of these systems archaeological evidence of male warrior is highly variable. Recent studies on the iconography it is perhaps surprising Investigations into modern human ori- underlying genetics and morphological that females are equally represented gins have been challenged by identify- components of mammalian olfaction among the victims at Orendorf and ing how behavioral changes – often have asserted a relationship between other sites in the central Illinois valley. marked as innovations indicative of these components, but few have directly Two hypotheses concerning why females modern human cognition – were related tested this link. This study tests exhibit similar risk levels for victimiza- to the demographic changes that lead to hypotheses of coevolution between the tion are evaluated using archaeological, the expansion of fully modern humans pheromone perception genes (V1R) and skeletal and ethnographic data. First, out of Africa and to environmental the morphology of the vomeronasal females suffered trauma that may be changes. Examination of the exploita- organ (VNO), and olfaction genes (OR)

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 214

AAPA ABSTRACTS 285 and the size of the olfactory epithelium. in cytochrome P450, family 17 subfam- tation for a subculture at risk of losing A regression analysis of phylogeneti- ily A polypeptide 1 (CYP17A1). The 3- its identity. cally independent contrasts yielded a beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/ significant correlation between VNO Delta 5- Delta 4 (HSD3B) genes include Pre-sapiens hominins, brain growth morphology and the percent of func- a number of functional transcripts and and the exploitation of freshwater tional V1R genes but not the absolute pseudogenes. Interestingly, we also environments. number of V1R genes, and olfactory epi- describe a tandem gene duplication thelium and number of OR genes. As event potentially mediated by a retro- KATHLYN STEWART. Paleobiology, Ca- predicted from their divergent function, transposon that resulted in two HSD3B nadian Museum of Nature. elements of the MOS and VNS did not genes in catarrhines (HSD3B1 and correlate with each other. The higher HSD3B2) with tissue specific functions. Nutritional studies report that the correlation of the percent of functional In humans, HSD3B2 is expressed pri- human brain, particularly in infants, V1R genes and VNO type rather than marily in the adrenals, ovary and testis, has a large requirement for essential absolute number of V1R genes may be while HSD3B1 is expressed in the pla- fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahex- due to the extreme variation of V1R centa. These data suggest the modern aenoic acid) and AA (arachidonic acid), genes among mammalian clades, and manifestation of adrenarche is a recent for normal growth and maintenance. absence of correlated evolution between evolutionary phenomenon and that the Early hominins, with their developing OR genes and elements of the VNS evolutionary roots for this developmen- brains, must have also required these indicates these systems are under dif- tal stage may be traced back to more nutrients. DHA and AA are found in ferent selection pressures. These find- ancient lineages in primate phylogeny. highest quantity in freshwater (and ma- ings are relevant to primates as diur- This research was funded by NSF rine) fish and invertebrates, a diet nality and trichromatic vision may have BCS0550209 and The George Washing- which conflicts with the prevailing view affected the VNS and MOS in differ- ton University’s Dilthey Faculty Fellow- that early hominins were primarily ter- ently, and these systems should not be ship. restrial carnivores. In support of the hy- used interchangeably when discussing pothesis that early hominins foraged the ‘‘trade-off’’ between olfaction and along lake and river margins and pro- vision. Biology and art: kin connections cured nutrient-rich foods, data are pre- partly predict the value of South- sented here which document the pro- Evolution of adrenarche in Homo western pottery. curement of fish and shellfish from and Pan. early hominin sites. In particular the JOAN STEVENSON, FIONA FELKER, longterm and repeated occurrence of KIRSTIN N. STERNER1, SHERI A. KAETLYN KING, PARSAN SAFFAIE particular fish species with high nutri- CHURCH2, DEREK E. WILDMAN1,3 and PHILLIP EVERSON. Department tional values indicates selection by early and ROBIN M. BERNSTEIN4,5. 1Center of Anthropology, Western Washington hominins. In response to cyclical for Molecular Medicine & Genetics, University. drought conditions, this paper suggests Wayne State University, School of Medi- that intensified and more consistent cine, 2Department of Biological Scien- Dissanayake notes that art is universal, hominin exploitation of high-quality ces, The George Washington University, requires much effort for seemingly lake and river margin resources pro- 3Department of Obstetrics & Gynecol- unnecessary goals, and has biological vided sufficient food and potable water ogy, Wayne State University, School of relevance. Pottery-making was revived for survival, and exaptively a steady Medicine, 4Department of Anthropology, by a group of matriarchs from the supply of essential fatty acids. This The George Washington University, Tewa-speakers of the San Ildefonso and higher quality nutrition allowed energy 5Center for the Advanced Study of Santa Clara pueblos of New Mexico in to be redirected from inefficient gut Hominid Paleobiology, The George the early 1900s. Potters, often as chil- operation to brain growth, and a con- Washington University. dren, learn how to process the clays, sistent supply of essential fatty acids create, decorate and fire pots. The pots also provided the requisite nutrients to Adrenarche, or the onset of prepubertal are not utilitarian but are sold as art to fuel the growing brain. adrenal androgen production (specifi- both tourists and wealthy patrons. Un- cally dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) usual about the on-line sales of these Mobility and diaphyseal robusticity and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate pots are the detailed descriptions of throughout the appendicular skele- (DHEAS)) after a period of adrenal qui- genealogies for artists. One must be ton: modern human hunter-gather- escence, has been proposed as a shared, Native American and born or married ers, fossil hominins, and extant derived characteristic in humans and into either pueblo to participate in pro- apes. chimpanzees, since no conclusive evi- duction of the characteristic pottery. We dence for adrenarche has been docu- propose that the number of kin ties JAY T. STOCK. Leverhulme Centre for mented in other nonhuman primate affects the values of these pots. Pot and Human Evolutionary Studies, Univer- species. We explore this issue in two artist traits were measured and correla- sity of Cambridge. ways: 1) we measured serum levels of tions and regression analyses run using DHEA/S in captive male and female SPSS 17. Mobility is one of the most variable charac- chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and Dollar values of pots (N5 444 to 473) teristics of both species and prehistoric orangutans sampled throughout ontog- are significantly positively correlated societies. This study investigates the rela- eny, and 2) using a comparative with all measures of the pots (size, tionship between population level charac- genomic approach, we examined five design elements) and artist (kinship to teristics of mobility and long bone diaphys- genes that code for proteins involved in other potters, artist’s age and ‘‘adver- eal robusticity among modern human DHEA/S synthesis for evidence of tising’’ efforts). Pot values are greater hunter-gatherers, fossil hominins, and adaptive evolution in their translated when the pot is bigger, represents more extant primates. Hunter-gatherers provide and regulatory regions. effort, the artist has received more a useful test of this relationship, as there is Chimpanzees and bonobos, but not ‘‘publicity’’ and is more experienced tremendousvariationinhabitualbehav- gorillas and orangutans, show human- with more kin ties to other potters. Pre- iour between populations, but individuals like patterns of postnatal adrenal liminary regression analyses explain within populations are likely to be charac- androgen secretion, suggesting these 38% of the variance in the dollar values terized by relatively homogenous activity species experience adrenarche. Our of the pots. Clearly, the importance of patterns, often defined by sex. genetic analyses suggest adaptive evolu- kin ties relative to the dollar value of The robusticity of major long-bones tion in haplorrhine cytochrome b5 the pot helps reinforce group bounda- throughout upper and lower limb are (CYB5A) and in the Pan/Homo lineage ries and social cohesion, a useful adap- compared among a 17 hunting and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 215

286 AAPA ABSTRACTS gathering populations from both historic high-throughput pyrosequencing. How- stress. Future research focused on pop- and archaeological contexts, Pan, ever, the quantity of mycobacterial ulations with skeletal evidence of nutri- Pongo, Hylobates and selected fossil sequences were low and not sufficient tional stress (e.g., enamel hypoplasias), hominins. The human populations rep- for phylogenetic analyses. Thus, new may yield additional insight into nutri- resent a broad spectrum of foraging methods for targeting specific sequences tional effects on cranial base growth. strategies, with individuals (n51151) of interest are necessary. Initial testing from South, East and North Africa, the of the Direct Multiplex Sequencing The phylogeny of Homo and its Levant, the Danube, northwestern (DMPS) method shows that size purifi- implications for biogeography. Europe, the Cis-Baikal region of Sibe- cation of small DNA fragments (80- ria, the Andaman Islands, Australia, 100 base pairs) of interest from primers DAVID S. STRAIT and KEENYA Japan, the great-Lakes and peri-Arctic and primer dimers is a challenge, which OLIVER. Department of Anthropology, regions of Canada, Coastal California is problematic for samples in which University at Albany. and the Tierra del Fuego. Variation DNA preservation is low. We are cur- among these populations suggests that rently testing additional strategies for Biogeographic patterns play an impor- the use of watercraft leaves a strong DNA enrichment so that we can obtain tant role in our understanding of the biomechanical ‘signal’ of marine mobil- sufficient genome coverage for evolu- evolutionary history of our genus, as it ity throughout the upper limb, while tionary analyses. is obvious that species or populations of terrestrial mobility strongly influenced This research was funded by the Homo dispersed between regions of the lower limb robusticity. Variation in ter- National Science Foundation grant Old World at various times in the past. restrial mobility appears to be corre- #BCS-0612222. Certain dispersal events can be inferred lated most strongly with femoral dia- simply from geography and chronology, physeal shape, and tibial rigidity, with Is the cranial base an accurate but a more detailed assessment of bio- these differences appearing relatively measure of growth efficiency? geography requires a consideration of early in ontogeny. Intraspecific compari- phylogeny; one can infer that biogeo- sons suggest that there is a strong dif- THOMAS STOTT, KERRIE LEWIS graphic events must have taken place if ferentiation between arboreal and ter- GRAHAM and M. KATE SPRADLEY. ancestral and descendant taxa exhibit restrial locomotion in interlimb-compar- Department of Anthropology, Texas different spatial distributions. The bio- isons. While major differences in State University-San Marcos. geography of Homo was assessed here mobility are reflected in characteristics using cladistic analysis. Two ingroup of limb morphology, more subtle pat- We investigated an important method taxonomies were analyzed separately terns of variation remain challenging to for health assessment in archaeological (speciose vs. conservative). Eighty-one interpret. populations by testing Angel’s (1982) ‘‘traditional’’ and craniometric charac- This research was supported by funding hypothesis that since the skull base ters were examined, of which 35 were from Natural Environment Research supports head and brain weight, and deemed cladistically useful. Parsimony Council, U.K. nutritional deficiencies prevent analyses using the two taxonomies adequate bone growth, cranial bases yielded broadly compatible trees, imply- Next generation sequencing enrich- will be flatter in nutritionally-deprived ing that phylogeny does not provide ment strategies for ancient tuber- populations compared with healthier insight into the status of putative spe- culosis: pitfalls and results. populations. We focused on individuals cies within our genus. The speciose tax- born during nutritionally-stressful his- onomy produced a tree with complex ANNE C. STONE1, LUZ-ANDREA torical periods, primarily the American biogeographic implications, including PFISTER1, KELLY HARKINS1, TESSA Civil War Era and Great Depression. the findings that early Pleistocene hom- CAMPBELL2, JANE E. BUIKSTRA1 Sample crania from 518 adult American inins may have dispersed more than and ALICIA K. WILBUR1,3. 1School of white males were collected from the once out of and/or into Africa, and that Human Evolution and Social Change, National Museum of Health and Medi- representatives of Early Homo may Arizona State University, 2Department cine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathol- have been among the earliest colonists of Archaeology, University of Capetown, ogy, Terry and Hamann-Todd collec- of Eurasia. The phylogeny also corrobo- South Africa, 3Washington National Pri- tions, and Forensic Anthropology Data rates the hypothesis that H. floresiensis mate Research Center, Seattle, WA. Bank and arranged into six cohorts: is phylogenetically primitive. The phy- [1]Pre-Civil War (pre-1855), [2] Civil logeny based on the conservative taxon- In our research, we attempt to charac- War Era (1855-1877), [3] Post Recon- omy is not biogeographically informa- terize ancient mycobacterial strains struction (1878-1899), [4]Pre-Great tive. However, if the ‘‘species’’ employed from cases of disseminated bone TB in Depression (1900-1928), [5]Great in the speciose taxonomy can be order to understand the phylogenetic Depression (1929-1941), [6] Post-Great thought of as geographically and tempo- relationships between strains of tuber- Depression (1942-1978). Results showed rally bounded populations that were culosis prior to and after the Age of Ex- that although cranial base height dif- semi-isolated and that rarely reticu- ploration. DNA was extracted from over fered significantly across cohorts lated, then the biogeographic implica- 120 samples exhibiting classic tubercu- (ANOVA: F(5,518)5 5.808, p\.05), tions of trees based on those taxonomic losis lesions obtained from both the Tukey post-hoc comparisons revealed no units may nonetheless be salient. New and Old Worlds and ranging in significant differences for nutritionally- age from 5800 BCE to A.D. 1800. Then, stressed cohorts. The Civil War Era Evolution and heath from infancy four quantitative PCR assays were used cohort (M5 12.87, 95% CI [11.99, to adolescence in the Dogon of to gauge the preservation of host and 13.76]) did not differ significantly from Mali. pathogen DNA. Human nuclear and mi- Pre-Civil War (p5.998) or from Post- tochondrial, and mycobacterial repeti- Reconstruction (p5.897) cohorts; like- BEVERLY I. STRASSMANN. Depart- tive (IS6110) and single copy (rpoB) loci wise, the Great Depression cohort ment of Anthropology, University of were analyzed. These results show that (M513.62, 95% CI [12.99, 14.25]) did Michigan, Ann Arbor. while approximately one third of the not differ significantly from the Pre- samples contain human nuclear and/or Great Depression (p51.000) or Post- In a prospective cohort study of human mitochondrial DNA, only 10% were pos- Great Depression (p5.398) cohorts. biology in Mali, West Africa, I followed the itive for mycobacterial DNA. From the Results showed no measurable differ- development of 1700 Dogon children pro- samples that tested positive for host ence in cranial base height for nutri- spectively from 1998 to the present. At the and mycobacterial DNA, we first tionally-stressed individuals and do not outset of the study, the oldest children selected two from Peru and one from support Angel’s hypothesis of the cra- were five years old and they are now age Canada, for subsequent analyses using nial base as an indicator of childhood 18 years. I will discuss the main conclu-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 216

AAPA ABSTRACTS 287 sions and current direction of this longitu- lated anatomical parts, including a This study was funded by grants from dinal study, with particular attention to decapitation case with fully articulated the National Geographic Society, Mar- the hypothesis that parental reproductive hands laid over its face, testify that the got Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, CI, behavior is a major determinant of child manipulation of the body happened and UW-Madison (KBS); Proc. CNPq health. In testing this hypothesis I used a while soft tissues were still present. 479054/2008-8 (SLM and VF); CAPES/ linear mixed model in SAS with the These new findings force a complete re- Fulbright (PBC); New York University mother of the child as a random effect, evaluation of both geographical and (AD); and NYCEP/IGERT/NSF (PBC allowing me to take into account the corre- chronological dispersion of the practices and AD). lation among maternal siblings as well as of body manipulation in prehistoric repeated measures. I found that: (1) Poly- South America. The chronological and evolutio- gyny does not influence paternity cer- Supported by FAPESP, grants 04/01321- nary position of the Broken Hill tainty, but it adversely affects child sur- 6 and 08/51747-0, and CNPq, process cranium. vival through effects on breastfeeding, (2) 300818/2007-6. Resource competition among siblings and CHRIS STRINGER. Department of other family members has unanticipated Palaeontology, The Natural History Mu- consequences for child health. These Molecular paternity analyses con- seum London. results have implications for the design of firm inbreeding avoidance and low human life histories. reproductive skew in the northern The Broken Hill (Kabwe, Zambia) cra- This research was funded by the LSB muriqui, Brachyteles hypoxanthus. nium, discovered in 1921, was the first Leakey Foundation and the NSF SBR– important human fossil found in Africa. 9727229. KAREN B. STRIER1, PAULO B. The specimen was recovered during CHAVES2,SE´ RGIO L. MENDES3, quarrying operations in a metal-ore Lapa do Santo rockshelter: new evi- VALE´ RIA FAGUNDES3 and ANTHONY mine, now excavated away. However, dence of perimortem body manipu- DI FIORE2. 1Department of Anthropol- archaeological, palaeontological and ge- lation in Early Holocene South ogy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ological materials were saved from the America. 2Department of Anthropology and Cen- site, some directly associated with the ter for the Study of Human Origins, cranium. The excellently-preserved cra- ANDRE STRAUSS1, PEDRO DA- New York University, 3Departamento de nium was designated the type speci- GLORIA2, RODRIGO ELIAS DE Cieˆncias Biolo´gicas, Universidade Fed- men of H. rhodesiensis (Woodward OLIVEIRA3, DANILO BERNARDO3, eral do Espı´rito Santo, Brazil. 1921), but more recently has been ASTOLFO GOMES ARAUJO3, RENATO regarded as an African example of H. KIPNIS3 and WALTER NEVES3. Efforts to understand the distribution of heidelbergensis. However, its precise 1Department of Human Evolution, Max paternity in wild primates have focused age and taxonomic identity remain Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- on the relationship between male rank uncertain, issues which impede resolu- thropology, 2Department of Anthropol- and access to fertile females. Yet, de- tion of a number of issues in mid-late ogy, The Ohio State University, spite the wide range of demographic, Pleistocene hominin evolution. 3Departamento de Gene´tica e Biologia reproductive, and ecological factors now Early studies placed the whole Broken Evolutiva, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo. known to mitigate the effects of rank on Hill assemblage of fossils and artifacts male reproduction in hierarchical soci- in the late Pleistocene, but more There is a growing consensus that the eties, comparable insights into patterns recently, faunal comparisons made with strong emphasis on manipulation and of paternity in egalitarian societies have sites such as Olduvai and Elandsfontein reduction of human body in funerary lagged behind. We investigated these have suggested a middle Middle Pleisto- rites in prehistoric South America is a patterns in one group of northern muri- cene age, perhaps 500 ka. However, typical archaic Andean pattern. How- qui monkeys that has been the subject assessments of the poorly associated ever, the scarcity of Early Holocene of long-term behavioral studies at the archaeological materials have indicated human skeletal remains across the con- RPPN Feliciano Miguel Abdala (previ- a later Middle Pleistocene/early Middle tinent precluded scholars to study the ously, the Estac¸a˜o Biolo´gica de Cara- Stone Age placement. New collaborative mortuary practices of the first Ameri- tinga), in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fecal studies have attempted direct ESR and cans in great depth making this samples for DNA isolation were col- U-S dating of material from the site, assumption questionable. Here, we lected from 69 individuals, including 22 some from or closely associated with the present evidence that those practices infants born from 2005-2007, the 21 dif- cranium, while geochemical studies were by no means limited to the ferent mothers, and all 26 of the poten- have clarified its stratigraphic origins. Andean region in this period. Lapa do tial fathers of at least one of the infants. When combined with new biostrati- Santo rockshelter is an archaeological Samples were genotyped at 12-17 micro- graphic assessments, a later Middle site located in the Lagoa Santa region satellite loci found to be polymorphic in Pleistocene age for the cranium is fav- (central Brazil) where 26 human burials muriquis from an initial set of 52 loci oured. A relatively late date for the Bro- were excavated between 2001 and 2009. originally identified in either other play- ken Hill cranium suggests a long time A sub-set of 9 burials constitutes what rrhines or humans. These multilocus span for the ‘‘rhodesiensis/heidelbergen- has been characterized as ‘‘Burial Pat- genotypes were then used to assign sis’’ group and warrants caution about tern 1’’ comprising five individuals infant paternities with 95% confi- inferring the presence of early modern directly dated to between ca. 8800- dence after exclusion and maximum humans from the presence of early Mid- 8200BP. Fifty-seven radiocarbon ages likelihood methods. We found low dle Stone Age artifacts. from charcoal samples support this reproductive skew, consistent with pre- chronology as well. The burials included dictions based on the peaceful, affilia- The use of a repeated-route system multiple mortuary practices such as dis- tive relationships that distinguish the improves foraging efficiency in articulation of anatomical parts, indi- social dynamics of philopatric male simulated spider monkeys. vidualization of skulls, bundle of bones northern muriquis from those of other 1 2 disposed according to ‘‘dichotomist’’ primates. Our data also confirm prior SCOTT A. SUAREZ , JOHN KARRO , logic, amputating extremities of long behavioral evidence of inbreeding JAMES KIPER2, DAVID FARLER2, bones, mandible with drills in the coro- avoidance among close relatives, and BLAINE McELROY2, BEN STOCK- noid process, profusion of both cut raise new questions about the roles WELL2, and TAYLOR YOUNG2. marks and chopper marks, teeth extrac- that maternal kin group size and life 1Department of Anthropology, Miami tion, selection of anatomical regions, histories may play in the reproductive University, 2Department of Computer intentional fire exposure, and ochre strategies of northern muriquis and Science and Software Engineering, application. The presence of fully articu- other patrilocal primates. Miami University.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 217


A variety of primates navigate their contact Coalescent (PC), and Disorgan- igin of this population remains inconclu- habitats via a system of repeatedly- ized Coalescent (DC) time periods). sive. This research emphasises the traveled routes. Many repeated-route Ages were collapsed into three year age multi-factorial nature of physiological systems, such as those used by spider ranges: 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, and stress and that age, diet, cultural prac- monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in the 16-17 year olds. T-test results revealed tices and status had a greater impact Yasunı´ National Forest, Ecuador, follow a significant difference in the 4-6 age upon the skeleton than settlement type geographical features. Route use in spi- range for the femoral derived statures in the later Anglo-Saxon period. der monkeys may make facilitate dis- between EC and DC (p-value 5 0.0005) covery of unknown feeding patches, and PC and DC (p-value 5 0.013) sites. Obscuring limb allometry: The geo- improving foraging efficiency, thereby The tibia and combined femur and tibia metric mean and limb indices. reducing information stored in memory. stature estimates also showed a signifi- To test this hypothesis, we created two cant difference during the 4-6 range for ADAM D. SYLVESTER1 and BENJAMIN computer models to simulate the behav- the EC and PC (tibia p-value 5 0.03; fe- M. AUERBACH2. 1Department of Human ior of spider monkeys foraging in unfa- mur and tibia p-value 5 0.05) sites and Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolu- miliar environments. One model simu- EC and DC (tibia p-value 5 0.01; femur tionary Anthropology, 2Department of An- lates monkeys searching using a modi- and tibia p-value 5 0.002) sites. thropology, The University of Tennessee. fied random-walk step model in which Changes in femoral length were noted monkeys alternate 100-meter steps with in the DC site, while tibial changes It has been found repeatedly that turning angles derived from observed were noted in the EC site. Interestingly, human proximal limb elements scale spider monkey behavior. The second results of the combined femur and tibia with negative allometry while distal model constrains travel to a route sys- stature estimates suggest a shift in limb elements scale with positive allom- tem. Simulated monkeys in each model bone length proportions, while juveniles etry. This indicates that intralimb indi- searched among ten spatial arrays of maintained the same relative stature ces should scale allometrically, as distal feeding trees derived from behavioral possibly reflecting the presence of envi- elements increase in length more rap- observations (1999-2000). We compared ronmental stressors for the Arikara idly relative to proximal elements. Such total distance traveled, directness of juveniles in this age category. a pattern has not, however, been sub- travel, and correctness of starting direc- stantiated by empirical findings. Here tion for each feeding tree discovery The Black Gate cemetery, Newcas- we investigate two phenomena that (n550000) for the two models. We then tle-upon-Tyne, England: a bio-cul- may contribute to this paradox: The use compared these variables to those tural approach to understanding a of the geometric mean as a size variable derived from observed foraging behavior later Anglo-Saxon assemblage. and the effect of other sources of limb (n5250). Route-model monkeys traveled length variation in obscuring intralimb shorter distances between (T5-73.845, DIANA MAHONEY SWALES. Depart- index allometry. df5 49,999, P\0.0001) and more ment of Archaeology, University of Limb bone lengths and metrics neces- directly to (T5-41.3064, df5 49,999, Sheffield. sary to estimate stature, using the Fully P\0.0001) feeding trees than did ran- technique, were measured on 1007 in- domly-foraging monkeys, and discovered The Black Gate cemetery was estab- digenous American skeletons. Limb trees in the direction they started more lished within the abandoned remains bone lengths were regressed in log often (T5-5.33028, df549999, of a Roman fort (Pons Aelius)inthe space against both Fully stature and P\0.0001). Results support the hypoth- 8th century and was an active burial the geometric mean of the same bones. esis that the use of a route system can ground until the 12th century A.D. To investigate the contribution of unspe- improve foraging efficiency. Observed The cemetery has yielded 663 articu- cified sources of limb length variation in spider monkeys outperformed simulated lated skeletons, making it one of the obscuring intralimb index allometry, we monkeys from both models in all varia- largest Christian skeletal assemblages created limb length variation by adding bles, suggesting that observed monkeys recovered from later Anglo-Saxon modeled residuals to expected values are incorporating spatial and ecological England. Aside from the cemetery obtained from our regression analyses. information into their foraging deci- thereisnophysicalevidenceforset- We generated 1000 populations for each sions, even when foraging along route tlement in the area from the abandon- of 21 different magnitudes of modeled systems. ment of Pons Aelius in 410 A.D. until residuals. Correlations were calculated This study was funded by the Natio- the first phase of construction of a between limb element lengths, limb ele- nal Science Foundation, The Leakey Norman castle in 1080 A.D. Documen- ment lengths and stature, and intralimb Foundation. tary evidence indicates the presence of indices and total limb length for the a monastery within the immediate lo- modeled populations. Juvenile stature estimation of the cality of the cemetery. However, Results show the geometric mean can- Arikara Plains Indians. archaeological evidence for monastic not be recommended as a size variable settlement at the site has yet to be because resulting allometry coefficients REBECCA Y. SUTPHIN. Department of established. are not independent, and do not reflect Sociology and Anthropology, North Car- To determine the origin of the contribu- values obtained when using a biologi- olina State University. tory population osteological analysis cally relevant measure of size. We also was undertaken. Investigation into the determined that other sources of limb Limited analysis has been conducted for relationship between mortality and length variation are sufficient to conceal estimating stature derived from the morbidity and different demographic intralimb index allometry. long bone lengths of juvenile skeletons. and social components of the assem- While juvenile stature estimation may blage enabled a picture of the overall Ancient mtDNA analysis at Nuvuk, be particularly beneficial in the forensic social and environmental impact on an ancient Thule village at Point setting, it may have applications for use physiological stress to be assessed. This Barrow, Alaska. as a proxy for nutritional health of past was compared with thirteen sites of populations like adult stature. known context to determine if the JUSTIN TACKNEY1, ANNE M. Stature equations developed by Ruff health profile observed amongst the JENSEN2, JENNIFER A. RAFF1 and (2007) and Smith (2007) were used to Black Gate population shared charac- DENNIS H. O’ROURKE1. 1Department predict juvenile stature from long bone teristics with urban, rural or monastic of Anthropology, University of Utah, measurements of 1-17 year old Arikara assemblages. 2UIC Science LLC. Plains Indians from three temporally A detailed picture of the health and distinct burial sites spanning 1600-1832 funerary behaviour of the Black Gate Nuvuk, a village at Point Barrow, C.E. (Extended Coalescent (EC), Post- cemetery was attained. However, the or- Alaska, was continuously inhabited for

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 289 the past 1300 years. Burials from incremental dental development. We out sacralization. Results show that 11% Nuvuk available for sampling have cali- assessed cuspal enamel thickness, long-pe- (105 of 961) of individuals have sacraliza- brated median intercept dates between riod line periodicity, long-period line num- tion. Compared to individuals without 1187-1613AD. All samples were col- ber, crown formation time, and initiation sacralization, those with sacralization: (1) lected in situ by molecular genetic ana- age in permanent elements, which allowed have significantly longer costal process lysts from burials opened by archaeolo- estimation of age at death. Cuspal enamel for the last lumbar vertebra, but are non- gists charged with their recovery prior thickness in first molars was comparable significantly different for costal process to loss due to coastal erosion. Genetic between the two taxa, averaging 2mm, lengths of other vertebrae, (2) are non- analyses of the mtDNA hypervariable with incisors showing cuspal enamel thick- significantly different in prevalence of region I indicate that the ancient ness values around 1 mm. Long-period line cervical rib – 2.9% with sacralization and Nuvuk individuals belong predomi- periodicity ranged from 7-8 days in Homo 0.4% without sacralization, and (3) are nantly to mtDNA haplogroup A2. All and 6-7 days in Paranthropus individuals. significantly more likely to have an extra ancient Nuvuk sequences have been Several first molars (M1s) were not crown presacral vertebra. Results suggest differ- replicated from independent extracts. complete, prohibiting complete counts of ent etiologies for sacralization and cervi- Contemporary Inupiat/Inuit populations long-period lines and crown formation cal rib/elongated costal process of C7; one and ancient Thule studied to date are time estimation. The upper M1 protocone morphology does not predict the other. nearly monomorphic for mtDNA hap- of one early Homo specimen formed over logroup A2. However, there is lineage 2.9-3.2 years, which is similar to Homo heterogeneity within haplogroup A2 in sapiens. Crown formation time for a Para- arctic populations, which is reflected in nthropus upper M1 paracone was particu- Can heterochronic change explain the ancient samples. Individuals from larly low at 1.6 years. One enigmatic Homo shape differences in the distal fem- Nuvuk can be confidently assigned to at LM1 entoconid formed over 1.9-2.2 years, ora of Plio-Pleistocene hominins least two sublineages of haplotype A2b, displaying outer enamel secretion rates in and humans? as well as to haplotypes A2a and D3. excess of 7 microns/day. Incisor initiation 1,2 1 We have yet to identify any sample age was comparable between taxa, occur- MELISSA TALLMAN . Department that is inconsistent with the standard ring around 5-8 months of age. Age at of Anthropology, Graduate Center, City 2 view of relationships between the pre- death in most individuals occurred at University of New York, New York historic Thule and modern Inupiat/Inuit approximately 2 years of age, while a few Consortium in Evolutionary Anthropol- populations. others died after 3 years of age. Integration ogy. These results support a population bot- of these results with data on cranial and tle-neck prior to the Thule dispersal It has been proposed that the morpho- post-cranial elements will provide crucial across the North American arctic, logical differences between the distal insight into hominin ontogeny, particularly although it need not have been severe or femora of humans and early Plio-Pleis- for rare early Homo fossils. of long duration to result in the observed tocene hominins are the result of a het- monomorphism in the modern popula- Supported by the European Synchro- tron Radiation Facility, the National erochronic shift in the human lineage tion. This emphasizes the need to exam- towards a longer period of development. ine sequence diversity in larger numbers Research Foundation of South Africa, and Harvard University. This assertion was tested using three- of samples, and to assay variation in the dimensional geometric morphometric mtDNA coding region, Y-chromosome, microscribe data, collected as a series of and autosomal markers in order to access x, y, z coordinates. Data were collected a richer genetic record with which to on an ontogenetic sample of forty-three infer demographic histories of prehistoric Sacralization is not associated with Pan troglodytes individuals categorized arctic populations. elongated cervical costal process in seven age classes and twenty-seven This research was supported by NSF and cervical rib. Homo sapiens, aged 2 to adult, as well grants OPP-0732846 AND OPP-0637246 ROBERT TAGUE. Department of Geog- to DHO’R and ARC-0726253 to AMJ. as relevant original fossils. Data were raphy and Anthropology, Louisiana subjected to a generalized procrustes State University. analysis and multivariate statistics were subsequently performed. Dental development in juvenile fos- Cervical rib/elongated costal process of The ontogenetic trajectory for Homo sil hominins from , South the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) and and Pan were significantly different. Africa using synchrotron virtual sacralization of the last lumbar vertebra For modern humans, the major ontoge- histology. are associated with clinical problems – netic change in the distal femur was thoracic outlet syndrome for the former captured almost entirely along principal 1 and lower back/leg pain for the latter. A PAUL TAFFOREAU , JOANE component 1 in a principal components 1 2 previous study reported an association POUECH , TANYA M. SMITH , analysis. WT 15000 and ER 1481 fell JACOPO MOGGI-CECCHI3 and COLIN between these morphologies, implying within the 95% confidence ellipse of G. MENTER4. 1European Synchrotron that presence of one trait predicts pres- modern humans, but all other fossils Radiation Facility, Grenoble, 2Depart- ence of the other. The present study fell well outside. Major ontogenetic ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, tested three hypotheses from this associa- 3 changes in Pan were captured on both Harvard University, Dipartimento di tion: costal process length among individ- Biologia Evoluzionistica ‘‘Leo Pardi’’, uals with sacralization differs from that PC 1 and PC 2. Distal femora from Aus- Universita` degli Studi di Firenze, among individuals without sacralization tralopithecus afarensis, as well as ER 4Department of Anthropology and De- for: (1) only C7, (2) only transitional pre- 1500, fell within the 95% equal fre- velopment Studies, University of Johan- sacral vertebrae – C7, twelfth thoracic, quency ellipse for the Pan ontogenetic nesburg. and fifth lumbar, and (3) presacral verte- trajectory, while ER 1481 and WT brae in general. Skeletons of 961 individ- 15000 were furthest outside. These Drimolen is one of the richest hominin- uals between ages 20 and 49 years from results indicate that shape differences bearing sites in South Africa, yielding the United States were surveyed for between the distal femora of Plio-Pleis- numerous Homo and Paranthropus infant sacralization. Costal process length was tocene hominins and humans cannot be and juvenile fossils from 2.0-1.5 mya. Here measured on 100 individuals with sacral- accounted for by heterochrony alone. we apply non-destructive synchrotron vir- ization and 184 without sacralization for This research was supported by WG tual histology to seven associated juvenile vertebrae 3 to 7 and 18 to last lumbar. 7515, NSF DDI 0550901, and partial dentitions and three isolated developing Cervical rib was evaluated for 102 indi- funding from NSF 0333415 (NYCEP) first molars to characterize aspects of viduals with sacralization and 472 with- and 0513360 (Eric Delson).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 219


The conditions required for an eco- Childhood obesity is a growing health Mound A. Demographic profiles are nomic bipedal locomotion. Key role problem. A better understanding of the compared with ‘‘typical’’ prehistoric of the pelvic parameter: the sacral developmental, behavioral and physio- demography of the Orendorf site. Of 63 incidence angle, growth, evolution logical factors leading to obesity in adults, at least 24 are female (50%) and and plasticity. childhood would be enhanced by the 19 are male (30.6%). Mortality is high- availability of a nonhuman primate est in the 35-50 year age category, fol- CHRISTINE TARDIEU1, NOEMIE model of the condition. Marmoset mon- lowed by the 20-35 year and 0-5 year BONNEAU1, CHRISTOPHE BOULAY2, keys are a potentially useful model of categories. Sex and age distributions of JEROME HECQUET3, JEAN LEGAYE4 the effects of early life perturbations on Gold Mine do not differ significantly and GENEVIEVE DUVAL-BEAU- later life health and disease, due to from Orendorf (p[.05) or between PERE5. 1CNRS, Comparative Anatomy, their relatively fast maturation and mound strata (p[.05). These results MNHN, Paris, 2Children’s Hospital La short life span. In addition, the produc- show no significant bias in age and sex Timone, Marseille, France, 3Software tion of litters means that the effects of representation at the site. Diverse mor- engineer, CNRS, Paris, 4Orthopedy the prenatal and postnatal environ- tuary demography and lack of burial Department, Mont Godinne, Belgique, ments may be differentiated via experi- goods suggest the mound dates to the 5INSERM, Biome´canique rachidienne mental manipulations not possible in Baytown period rather than the more , Hospital R. Poincare´, Garches, other primates. A portion of the captive stratified Coles Creek period. . France. marmoset population becomes obese, even when maintained on a typical cap- Diet, brains, and evolutionary Sagittal balance of the trunk above the tive primate diet that is relatively low constraints. lower limbs is an essential component in fat and high in fiber – however these of erect posture and bipedal walking, diets, for marmosets, are often high in IAN TATTERSALL. Division of Anthro- however it is poorly studied. G. Duval simple carbohydrates. Excess adiposity pology, American Museum of Natural Beaupe`re highlighted the importance of in captive common marmosets appears History. a sagittal pelvic parameter called the to develop as early as 2 months of age, ‘‘angle of sacral incidence’’ (358-758) a point at which marmosets are in the Evolution is an opportunistic process which plays a critical role in driving the process of being weaned to solid food. that can only capitalize on features of changes in the sagittal spinal curva- There is some indication that feeding organisms that are already in place. It tures from one individual to another. behavior of infants destined to become is not a process of optimization; and its Does this angle change during growth obese may be differentiated from those future directions are constrained as related to gait acquisition? We com- remaining lean as early as the weaning well as heralded by the possibilities in- pared 50 adult, 17 infantile and 20 period. Maternal condition and infant herent in existing structures and devel- intact newborn pelves. We used the soft- birth weight appear to influence adipos- opmental pathways present within line- ware package, ‘‘DE-VISU’’, developed by ity, but only among infants vulnerable ages. They are also constrained by be- J. Hecquet. From a set of 47 landmarks, to obesity. Early life obesity in marmo- havioral and environmental factors that we reconstructed the three pelvic joints, sets is often associated with impaired are external to the genotype and struc- the angle of incidence and many other glucose metabolism and hypertriglyceri- tural phenotype. In hominid phylogeny useful parameters. demia that may eventually lead to dia- one of the most important of these From the neonatal to the adult state, betes and cardiovascular disease. external constraints has clearly been the ‘‘angle of incidence’’ increases This research was supported by NIH diet quality, not least because of the (means: newborns, 288; infants, 408; grant DK77639. very particular energy requirements of adults, 548). The sacrum moves back- the metabolically very expensive brain ward in the sagittal plane with respect Demographic analysis of an A.D. – the dramatic increase in the size of to the acetabula, a crucial element in 825 ossuary context: the Gold Mine which has been perhaps the most nota- the economy of erect posture. A chain of site of Northeastern Louisiana. ble feature of the last two million years correlations links the degree of the sac- of human evolution. In the course of ral slope and of the angle of incidence, BRITTNEY TATCHELL and DAWNIE hominid brain enlargement (the pattern which is tightly linked with the degree W. STEADMAN. Department of Anthro- of which may be as much a reflection of of lumbar lordosis. pology, Binghamton University. interspecific competition among homi- We show the absence of sexual dimor- nids as it is of intraspecies selection) phism for the ‘‘angle of incidence’’. We Commingled mortuary contexts contrib- two unrelated elements, one extrinsic present its lower values in non human ute novel information about regional and one intrinsic to the organisms con- primates and its significant increase in culture history and burial practices. cerned, have clearly acted in concert not young Japanese macaques trained for However, study of these sites is often only as facilitators, but also as con- bipedalism. neglected due to interpretive challenges. straints. These elements are the avail- We conclude that adequate correlations Mound A of the Gold Mine site repre- ability of adequate environmental between the degree of incidence and of sents one of the largest collections of resources, and the behavioral capacity vertebral curvatures, ensuring an eco- prehistoric human remains in Louisiana to exploit them. Recognizing and distin- nomical sagittal balance of the trunk and is a type site for the Baytown-Coles guishing the roles of each factor at vari- above the lower limbs, are established Creek period, a time of considerable cul- ous stages in the process will be essen- progressively during growth with gait tural change that is poorly represented tial to any complete understanding of acquisition. in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Demo- how humans became the remarkable graphic analysis is critical to describing neural and cognitive entities they are Growth in the marmoset monkey: this unusual context containing mostly today. toward a model of childhood secondary burials and will facilitate obesity. reassociation of discrete individuals. Science and Democracy: ‘‘Edu- The current study tests two hypotheses: cation’’ and Participation in the 1 SUZETTE TARDIF , MICHAEL First, that atypical sex and age profiles Genomic Era. POWER2, CORINNA ROSS1 and are represented as a result of preferen- JULIENNE RUTHERFORD3. 1Barshop tial burial practices related to the cere- KAREN-SUE TAUSSIG. Department of Institute for Longevity & Aging Studies, monial significance of the site; second, Anthropology, University of Minnesota. University of Texas Health Science Cen- that sex and age distributions differ by ter at San Antonio, 2American College mound strata. Standard morphological This paper, based on ethnographic of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, 3Uni- and metric techniques were used to esti- research in the United States, examines versity of Illinois at Chicago. mate the sex and age of remains from a range of efforts to engage ordinary

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 220

AAPA ABSTRACTS 291 people in what I call ‘‘genetic thinking versus jaw length as a mechanical Obesity in the skeleton: correlating and practice.’’ Practices such as gene standard. We also examined the rela- long bone external dimensions to therapy, pharmacogenomics, and stem- tionships among masseter Lf, jaw Body Mass Index (BMI). cell therapies promise transformative length, and relative maximum gape. 1,2 interventions into human life and REBBECA WILSON TAYLOR and Initial findings show that Mandrillus 1,3 1 health. The recognition of the potential has the relatively longest masseter KANYA GODDE . Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, flexibility of biological material and of fibers but a relatively small masseter 2 life itself has facilitated the establish- PCSA. By contrast, Mandrillus main- Knoxville, Department of Medical Assisting, South College, Knoxville ment of a new set of research efforts tains a relatively large temporalis 3 and allied commercial ventures seeking Department of Anthropology, Texas PCSA suggesting this muscle plays an State University, San Marcos. to transform such potential into medical important role in generating vertical therapies. I will argue that in the gap muscle (and bite) force in this genus. Even though body-mass index (BMI) is between the contemporary reality of Masseter Lf and jaw length are signifi- widely used to evaluate past populations, available therapies and the potential of cantly correlated and relative maximum it is rarely applied to forensic cases. The future therapies we find diverse efforts gape is correlated with jaw length American obesity epidemic, with a 34 % aimed at imagining and building partic- across these taxa. Our findings support rate of obesity nationwide (CDC 2010), ular futures. Here significant work is (1) the theoretical trade-off between may provide the ability to distinguish body being undertaken to create the mate- maximizing muscle force (PCSA) versus type from the skeleton, which then can be rial, political, economic, and conceptual excursion/contraction velocity (Lf) in incorporated in forensic analyses. Based means deemed necessary for facilitating muscle, and (2) hypotheses linking jaw on previous studies (Godde and Wilson the realization of a molecular medical length, relative maximum gape, and ca- 2008; Knapp et al. 2009; Moore 2008; Wil- clinic. At the heart of this work are nine dimorphism in anthropoid prima- son et al. 2010), it was hypothesized that efforts to recruit people to contribute tes (Hylander & Vinyard, 2006). significant differences in long bone exter- the material means of contemporary sci- This work was supported by NSF (BCS nal dimensions exist among varying BMI entific knowledge production—DNA and 0452160 and BCS 0962677). levels in the upper and lower limbs. A se- family and medical histories. This paper ries of external measurements of long focuses on everyday practices seeking to bones were obtained from individuals with create citizens knowledgeable about and known height and weight in the William willing to participate in genomics in Mitochondrial DNA variation in the M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection order to consider the more and less Fijian Archipelago. (N5394) to calculate shape indices for democratic impulses of such efforts. approximation of the cross-sectional geom- DIANA A. TAYLOR1, GEETANJALI etry of the diaphyses. Data were divided TIWARI1, MICHAELA CATLIN1, according to BMI and grouped into aver- ANAND P. TYAGI2 and ALAN J. age, obese, and morbidly obese. Three The trade-off between force and REDD1. 1Department of Anthropology, analyses were conducted based on this sep- excursion capabilities of the mass- University of Kansas, 2Division of Biol- aration: (1) average/obese/morbidly obese; eter and temporalis muscles in Afri- ogy, The University of the South Pacific. (2) average1obese/morbidly obese; (3) av- can papionins. erage/obese1morbidly obese. Indices from 1,2 The Fijian Archipelago plays a central long bones were inputted into Kruskall- ANDREA B. TAYLOR , WILLIAM L. role in the history of the peopling of Wallis ANOVA tests, along with post-hoc HYLANDER2 and CHRISTOPHER J. 3 1 Polynesia. To date, there has been tests, to detect significant differences VINYARD . Department of Community insufficient sampling across Fijian among groups; and discriminant analyses and Family Medicine, Duke University 2 Islands despite evidence for axes of var- were run to determine classification error School of Medicine, Department of Evo- iation in culture, language, and biology. rates. Results from the ANOVA indicated lutionary Anthropology, Duke Univer- In order to explore population structure the second analysis yielded three shape sity, 3Department of Anatomy and within the Fijian Archipelago, we indices (Humerus mid-shaft, Femur mid- Neurobiology, NEOUCOM. sampled 88 mitochondrial DNAs from shaft and subtrochanteric) that were sig- nificant in relation to BMI, but with a 36% African papionins are highly sexually five Fijian, two Melanesian, and two error rate. Although this produced an dimorphic and engage in intrasexual Polynesian islands. This study is the first to examine variation in Rotuma undesirable error rate, it suggests that exter- competitive displays involving relatively nal dimensions could predict BMI when large maximum jaw gapes. Papionins and among the Fijian islands. We sequenced the Hyper Variable combined with other skeletal indicators, a are also opportunistic omnivores and finding consistent with Moore (2008). include varying degrees of tough and Region I (HVI). Our analysis of genetic hard foods in their diets. These display diversity indicated a bottleneck in Rotuma and intermediate haplotype di- Patterns of mortality and group and feeding behaviors present compet- transfer explain differences in male ing demands with respect to the jaw versity in Fiji with respect to Polynesia and Melanesia. A multidimensional and female longevity in Propithecus musculature as maximum gape tends to edwardsi, Milne-Edwards’ sifaka. increase with longer jaw-adductor scaling plot places Fiji in the center between Melanesian and Polynesian fibers, while maximum muscle (and STACEY R. TECOT1-5, STEPHEN J. bite) forces increase with greater jaw- populations. Rotuma is an outlier KING3,4,6, JENNIFER L VERDOLIN2,7 adductor physiologic cross-sectional beyond Polynesia. We found mitochon- and PATRICIA C. WRIGHT2-5,8. 1School areas. drial haplogroup variation among Fijian of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Here we compare architectural features islands. For example, Rotumans have a 2Department of Ecology and Evolution, of the jaw muscles in a preliminary single mtDNA haplogroup—B4a1a1a Stony Brook University, 3Department of sample of dentally adult male and (Polynesian Motif). Moreover, Kadavu Anthropology, Stony Brook University, female Cercocebus (n52), Mandrillus had 30% M28 haplogroup frequency, 4Institute for the Conservation of Tropi- (n52), Papio (n53) and Theropithecus suggesting that it has a closer relation- cal Environments, Stony Brook Univer- (n51). Specifically, we measured muscle ship with Melanesia than elsewhere in sity, 5Centre ValBio, Ranomafana, weight, fiber length (Lf), and pinnation Fiji. Interestingly, the Lau group did Madagsacar, 6Department of Anthropol- angle and computed physiologic cross- not show affinities preferentially with ogy, University of Massachusetts, sectional area (PCSA) for the masseter Polynesia as would be expected based 7National Evolutionary Synthesis Cen- and temporalis. We compared relative on archaeological, historical, phenotypi- ter, Durham, NC, 8Institute of Biotech- differences in architectural variables cal, and geographic evidence. nology, University of Helsinki.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Propithecus edwardsi females live longer occipito-mastoid suture. A CT scan was Masseter fiber length and position than males, however characteristics pro- performed at Soeke Hospital, showing influence relative maximum jaw posed to drive sex differences in lifespan thickening of the left cranial vault up to gapes in the sexually-dimorphic (e.g., sexual dimorphism, male-biased 10 mm. The right temporal and sphe- Macaca fascicularis. aggression) are lacking. To elucidate proxi- noid bones are also heavily thickened mate explanations for sex differences in and deformed. Their structure is indi- CLAIRE E. TERHUNE1, WILLIAM L. lifespan, we explored demographic and cating a temporal lobe malformation. HYLANDER2, CHRISTOPHER J. life history patterns of a population of P. The occipital bone shows an abnormal VINYARD3 and ANDREA B. edwardsi in Ranomafana National Park, structure without marked areas of the TAYLOR1,2. 1Department of Community Madagascar. Using 80 group-years of occipital poles and the posterior cranial and Family Medicine, Duke University data on births, deaths, and transfers fossae. The frontal teeth of the upper School of Medicine, 2Department of Evo- from 41 females and 34 males collected and lower jaw are protruding. lutionary Anthropology, Duke Univer- over 23 years, we calculated sex ratios In the present case, premature sagittal sity, 3Department of Anatomy and and compared sex-specific Kaplan-Meier craniosynostosis is associated with other Neurobiology, NEOUCOM. survival curves based on mortality and skull and jaw deformations, as well as group transfer. We hypothesized that sex limb shortening, but only on the left Maximum jaw gape is influenced by differences in the timing of group trans- side. The lower leg and foot bones are several factors across primates includ- fer and mortality can account for differ- not preserved. Due to this association of ing jaw morphology (e.g., jaw length), ences in observed maximum lifespans malformations it should be called a syn- muscle position and fiber architecture. (males 19y; females 32y). Sex ratios were dromic sagittal craniosynostosis. The Maximum gape and jaw length are male-biased (mean50.4810.06) from sex- differential diagnosis of this case will be hypothesized to be strongly correlated ual maturity through 17y, and female-bi- discussed. across primates. Alternatively, the ased at birth and older ages. Prior to 10y, Research was funded by the German impact of jaw-adductor fiber length (Lf) more females than males exited the popu- Archaeological Institute at Istanbul. (primarily the anterior-most masseter lation; exits were largely due to death, as fibers), and muscle position is less clear. high infant mortality rates continued one In part, this uncertainty reflects the year longer in females than in males. functional trade-off in modifying Lf and 50% of males survived until 14.75y, Variation in body size during the muscle position. More caudally-positioned whereas 50% of females survived until agricultural transition in prehis- muscles and longer fibers facilitate gape, only 2.2y. Early mortality differences led toric Japan. while more rostrally-positioned muscles to the male-biased sex ratio, but exit and shorter fibers increase muscle force. rates converged after 10y. By 18y females D.H. TEMPLE. Department of Anthro- We examine the influence of masseter present in the population remained, pology, University of North Carolina position and Lf using an intraspecific whereas males continued to exit steadily Wilmington. sample of highly dimorphic Macaca fasci- after 10y until no males older than 19 cularis (n55males,5females).As This study compares body size between were present. The continued exit of males Macaca fascicularis males have relatively at older ages was largely due to transfer. Late/Final Jomon (4000-2300 BP) and larger gapes than females (Hylander and We suggest that sex differences in the Yayoi (2500-1700 BP) period people. Av- Vinyard, 2006), we predict that in this timing of transfer, and the unique chal- erage limb lengths were compared using species, males will have relatively longer- lenges of dispersal at older ages, may MANOVA with Tukey’s HSD test (P fibered anterior masseter and/or rela- explain sex differences in lifespan. .05). Skewness of limb lengths and body tively caudally-positioned muscles com- Research supported by NSF-BCS 721233. mass and average body mass were com- pared to females. pared with t-tests. Leg length is signifi- Mann-Whitney U-tests suggest that, cantly reduced in Jomon compared to relative to jaw length, males have both Yayoi males and females. Significantly more caudally-positioned masseters A female skeleton with syndromic longer femora are observed among (p50.016) and longer anterior masseter sagittal craniosynostosis from late Yayoi compared to Jomon males. No sig- fibers (p50.075) compared to females. Byzantine Priene (Turkey) – a CT nificant differences in tibial length are These results suggest that male M. fas- investigation. observed between Jomon and Yayoi cicularis have masseters that facilitate males. Jomon and Yayoi period females maximum gape at some cost to mass- WOLF-RUDIGER TEEGEN. Institute do not significantly differ in any mea- eter muscle force. Because relative ca- of Prehistoric Archaeology, Ludwig- sure of average limb length. Leg length nine height is correlated with maximum Maximilians-University. expresses significant positive skewness gape in catarrhines, and male macaques in Jomon females (t 5 2.45, P .05), have relatively longer canines, the The Hellenistic city Priene is located in but not males (t 52.08). This reflects observed masseter configuration sup- today western Turkey. In Byzantine significant positive skewness in the fem- ports the hypothesis that male M. fasci- times several churches and chapels cularis have experienced selection pres- ora (t 5 2.44 P .05) and tibiae (t 5 were built, surrounded by cemeteries. sures to increase maximum gapes at a 5.38, P .05) of Jomon females. No sig- One of the late Byzantine cemeteries is cost to force production (Hylander and nificant skewness is observed among located in the former sanctuary of the Vinyard, 2006). This musculoskeletal Yayoi male (t 52.03) or female (t 5 Egyptian Gods (Raeck 2008). Here, 34 configuration is likely functionally sig- burials with up to 50 individuals were .35) leg length. Significantly greater nificant for behaviors involving aggres- excavated, and recently studied (Teegen body mass is observed among Yayoi sive displays in male M. fascicularis. 2010). This cemetery was, however, compared to Jomon males (t 522.53, P This study was supported by NSF (BCS much larger. .013) and females (t 527.89, P 0452160 and BCS 0962677). During the 2010 campaign, a somewhat .0001). Significant skewness in body mass is not observed among Jomon (t 5 disturbed burial was excavated at the Rotator cuff disease in post-medie- 2.74) or Yayoi males (t 5 .068). Signifi- periphery of the cemetery. The analysis val London. revealed a young adult female with a cant negative skewness is observed calculated body height (Pearson 1899) among Jomon (t 524.47, P .0001), DANIELLE TEYSSIER1 and TONY of 14863 cm. She died after a miscar- but not Yayoi females (t 521.69). This WALDRON2. 1University of Nevada Las riage of at least twins 8 to 9 lunar suggests greater environmental influen- Vegas, 2University College London. months after conception. ces on size among Jomon compared to Her skull shows premature sagittal cra- Yayoi samples. Greater plasticity in size This experiment is a cross-sectional niosynostosis and closure of the right among females is also likely. study that examines the prevalence of

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AAPA ABSTRACTS 293 rotator cuff disease in three post-medie- haplogroup L (1.6%). Furthermore, the average of other within-group dyads. val assemblages, one of high status and MDS plot showed that the Kuwaiti pop- Primary dyads were also in close prox- two of low status. The examination was ulation is clustered with neighboring imity (\1m) more often than non-pri- carried out at the Museum of London, populations, including Iran and Saudi mary dyads (t53.0, p\.01). Grooming in on 137 skeletons aged between 36-45 Arabia, but not Iraq. primary dyads was always highly non- years and over 45 years. The study also reciprocal, with females investing more measures the areas of the rotator cuff To test or not to test: UC Berkeley’s time grooming males; non-primary that were affected by rotator cuff dis- unfortunate incoming student gene dyads varied in reciprocity, but were of- ease, and the relationship between rota- test program. ten more reciprocal. These results sug- tor cuff disease and a hooked acromion. gest that while white-faced sakis do not The study uses the occurrence of both CHARIS THOMPSON. Department of show behavioral and physical traits typ- pitting at the muscle insertion locations Gender and Women’s Studies and Sci- ical of monogamy or pair-bonding, social of the rotator cuff and new bone on or ence, Technology and Society Center, bonds are still strongest between a sin- around the insertion, as the operational UC Berkeley. gle breeding male/female pair. definition of rotator cuff disease. When This study was funded by NSF (# rotator cuff disease was found within In the summer of 2010, UC Berkeley’s 0925122) and the International Prima- the population, the areas affected were On the Same Page program sent out tological Society. recorded, along with the shape of the buccal swab test kits to nearly all of its acromion. The prevalence rate of the incoming students with the aim of test- Energetic costs of reproduction in disease within the population was cal- ing the students’ DNA samples for three wild female chimpanzees. culated and evaluated with 95% confi- alleles. The program was ill-thought out dence intervals. The results show that and ethically compromised. As one of MELISSA EMERY THOMPSON1, the wealthy category had a higher rate the people whose input and participa- MARTIN MULLER1, ERIN of rotator cuff disease especially in the tion in the project was solicited, I FITZGERALD1 and RICHARD 461 age bracket. The results from this explain the behind the scenes negotia- WRANGHAM2. 1Department of Anthro- study are not statistically significant, tions we engaged in to try and salvage pology, University of New Mexico, 2Depart- however, they do show some trends the program, why our efforts were ulti- ment of Human Evolutionary Biology, which could be compared to a larger mately unsuccessful, what should be Harvard University. study on the same topic. learned from this fiasco, and what a great program for students in genomics Reproduction imposes significant costs The genetic structure of the Ku- might have looked like. I draw out to female primates living in habitats of waiti population: mitochondrial implications that the rise of ‘‘person- limited and fluctuating energy availabil- DNA markers. alized medicine’’ is already beginning to ity. Females in a variety of primate spe- have for human subjects research in cies have been observed to shift forag- JASEM THEYAB1, SUZANNE AL- general. ing strategies during pregnancy and BUSTAN2 and MICHAEL H. lactation, typically by increasing food CRAWFORD1. 1Department of Anthro- Social bonds in wild white-faced intake or prioritizing high energy foods. pology, University of Kansas, 2Depart- saki monkeys reflect male/female However, little is known about meta- ment of Biological Sciences, Faculty of pair preference, despite lacking bolic changes that occur during repro- Science, Kuwait University. behavior and physical traits typical ductive efforts in primates and whether of primate monogamy. the energy conservation mechanisms In the past few decades, researchers present in humans are unique or typical using human mitochondrial DNA (mt- CYNTHIA L. THOMPSON and MARI- of primates generally. Measurement of DNA) have significantly contributed to LYN A. NORCONK. Department of An- insulin dynamics offers a powerful way our understanding of human evolution thropology, School of Biomedical for examining the energetics of repro- and migration. However, little attention Sciences, Kent State University. duction because insulin is directly has been paid to the Arabian Peninsula involved in managing energy stores and which is assumed to be one of the first White-faced sakis lack most of the be- because C-peptide, a byproduct on insu- inhabited regions following the expan- havioral and physical traits typical of lin production, can be measured non- sion of early Homo sapiens out of Africa. primate monogamy. In order to deter- invasively in the urine of wild primates. Recently, a number of investigations mine if social bonds in this species We studied the changes in C-peptide have started to reconstruct human reflect patterns displayed by pair- excretion over 26 pregnancies and 35 expansion through the archaeology and bonded groups or larger multi-male, lactation periods in wild chimpanzees the study of the genetic structure of multi-female groups, this study draws (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the populations of the Arabian Peninsula. on 17-months of data collected on wild Kanyawara community of Kibale Populations of Kuwait, located in the white-faced sakis at Brownsberg Nature National Park, Uganda. Pregnant chim- Northeast portion of the Arabian Penin- Park, Suriname. We analyzed within- panzees experienced a steady increase sula, have not been studied from a mo- group social bonds for three habituated in C-peptide concentrations over the lecular genetic perspective. groups (one two-adult and two multi- course of gestation, paralleling the This research investigated the mito- adult groups; one of which had polyga- mechanism for maternal energy storage chondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic varia- mous mating) by measuring grooming during human pregnancy. C-peptide tion in 117 unrelated individuals to time, time in proximity and approach/ fluctuations during lactation also determine the genetic structure of the leave patterns between adult and suba- showed interesting parallels to those Kuwaiti population and compared the dult group members. We found that humans in that levels dropped during Kuwaiti population to their neighboring both two-adult and multi-adult groups the initial months of lactation and populations. Restriction fragment showed significantly stronger social increased significantly over the follow- length polymorphism (RFLP) and mt- bonds between a single male-female ing 2 years of lactational amenorrhea. DNA sequencing analyses were used to dyad within each group (deemed ‘‘pri- C-peptide elevations were also tempo- reconstruct the genetic structure of Ku- mary dyads’’). In all three groups, pri- rally related to the resumption of cy- wait. The result showed that the Ku- mary dyads were composed of the oldest cling. C-peptide levels varied signifi- waiti population has a high frequency adult male and a reproductive female. cantly with respect to maternal experi- of haplogroup pre-HV (18%) and U This pair had significantly higher levels ence and individual resource access. (12%) similar to other Arabian popula- of grooming than other within-group However, temporal abundance of food tions. In addition, the African influence dyads (t54.2, p\.001), grooming resources had unexpectedly weak effects was detected through the presence of between 4.5-11.6 times as much as the in these females, who experienced costs

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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294 AAPA ABSTRACTS of increased feeding competition when together and often do not correlate. sotropy. The CEPH-HGDP database for foraging parties were larger. This may be the result of different PRDM16 contains 77 SNPs within the This study was supported by grants forces affecting alterations to bone ge- PRDM16 gene, and regional estimates from the American Association of Physi- ometry and muscle insertion sites. How- of linkage disequilibrium document two cal Anthropologists, the Leakey Founda- ever, using both types of markers may separate major stretches of near com- tion, and the National Science Founda- be the most effective way to identify a plete LD. Analyzing a subset of the 77 tion (SBR-9729123 and SBR-9807448). specific habitual activity in a generally available SNPs from within and without robust and active population. This study regions of high LD and spanning the used both types of markers to identify a gene reveals dissimilar patterns of ani- A new bent on hominin ankle suite of features for horse riding in evolution. sotropy. While SNPs within LD blocks Post-Medieval Britain. The samples show rather similar patterns, SNPs out- that were used came from two sites: ZACHARY J. THROCKMORTON1 and side of LD blocks give a different yet Chelsea Old Church (n549), a cemetery JEREMY M. DESILVA2. 1Department concordant pattern. We infer that these from a rural community who likely rode of Anthropology, University of Wiscon- results may be evidence of a combina- habitually, and Farringdon (n551), a sin-Madison, 2Department of Anthropol- tion of purifying selection and demo- cemetery for urban poor in London who ogy, Boston University. graphic processes, and suggest this likely did not ride. These samples did approach as a complementary method The hominin foot evolved from a grasp- not significantly differ in either age make-up or in general skeletal robustic- for understanding human genome evo- ing appendage to a stiff, propulsive le- lution writ large. ver during the Plio-Pleistocene. Key to ity. A platymeric index was calculated this transition was the development of using anteroposterior and mediolateral the longitudinal arch, a soft-tissue measurements at the midshaft. Enthe- ses robusticity for several leg muscles Aching arms: extreme enthesopa- structure that stores elastic energy and thies (MSMs) from the proximal stiffens the foot during bipedal locomo- was recorded using a ranking system. The Chelsea Old Church sample was ulnae of a UAE Bronze Age popula- tion. As soft-tissue generally does not tion (Tell Abraq). fossilize, paleoanthropologists rely on significantly rounder (p50.026), possibly due to multi-directional forces acting on footprints and bony correlates of arch MARY BETH TIMM and DEBRA L. the femur while riding. The gluteal tu- development to infer arch evolution, MARTIN. Department of Anthropology, berosity and medial linea aspera were though there is little consensus on University of Nevada, Las Vegas. when and by what pattern the arch significantly more robust in the Chelsea evolved. Old Church sample (p50.026 and The Bronze Age in the Arabian Penin- We present evidence from radiographs p50.027, respectively), suggesting sula (c.2200-2000 BC), referred to as increased use of hip abductors and of modern humans (n5261) and a com- the Umm an-Nar period, is not as well adductors and knee extensors. This parative study of ape tibiae (n5 154) understood as other regions. Over four suite of features is consistent with Eng- that the set of the distal tibia in the hundred individuals were recovered sagittal plane is related to rearfoot lish-style riding and together provides stronger evidence for horse riding in from this tomb and provide the largest arching (a component of the longitudi- human skeletal population from the nal arch, along with the midfoot arch). this population than either marker could alone. UAE Bronze Age. This research project Most non-human primates present a examines the proximal end of the ulna plantarflexed tibial arch angle, while for enthesopathies that reflect exten- most humans exhibit a dorsiflexed sion, flexion, and supination of the fore- Distinguishing demography from angle. Humans with a plantarflexed arm. These muscles are related to fish- angle (n522) have significantly lower selection: parsing multiple signals within a single gene. ing (making and using nets) and food talocalcaneal and talar declination processing (processing grains), and angles – both measures of an asymp- other fine hand movements that involve tomatic flatfoot. Application of these CHRISTOPHER R. TILLQUIST and ´ pulling objects towards and away from results to the hominin fossil record FABIAN A. CRESPO. Department of the coronal plane. This human skeletal illustrates that a well-developed rear- Anthropology, University of Louisville. foot arch was present in Australopithe- population is unique because the major- cus afarensis, and like modern humans, Much work has been done examining ity of its individuals had extremely Australopithecus populations were indi- population-based sequence data for the large enthesopathies. Data from this vidually variable for this character. signature of selection. Generally these population suggest, however, differen- ‘‘Lucy’’ (A.L. 288-1), along with two tests have focused on comparing charac- tiation in labor forces resulted in differ- Plio-Pleistocene tibiae from genus Homo teristics of the surrounding sequence in ence in expression between the M. tri- (KNM-ER 1481 and StW 567), have a different populations or species to infer ceps brachii, M. supinator, and M. bra- plantarflexed set to the distal tibiae and the action of selection on a particular chialis. For example, individuals who likely had asymptomatic flat feet. locus. Here we present an analysis of have larger definition in the M. brachia- Whether asymptomatic flat feet were the geographic distribution of multiple lis do not have as well defined M. tri- more common in our ancestors and if single nucleotide polymorphisms within ceps brachii. Preliminary data analyses this trait followed a gradual, directional a single gene. by sex demonstrate that females used pattern of evolution remains unclear For these analyses, we selected the PR their M. triceps brachii more while men and will require additional fossil Domain-Containing Protein 16 used their M. brachialis and M. supi- evidence. (PRDM16), a gene involved in develop- nators more frequently. As these mental morphogenesis and an impor- muscles oppose each other, it would tant component in the differentiation of seem that these individuals were ei- Skeletal correlates of horse riding preadipocytes into brown fat. This ther exerting more force while extend- in Post-Medieval Britain. rather large gene, greater than 300 kb, ing or flexing the arm, but not both. TRACEY TICHNELL. Department of An- is found at 1p36.3 — a region with a Women exerted more force while thropology, Michigan State University. relatively high rate of recombination. extending the elbow while men exerted We use CEPH-HGDP data from 612 more force flexing and supinating the Two of the most common skeletal Eurasian individuals sampled from 36 forearm. Regardless of sex and size, in markers used to reconstruct activity are populations to test whether SNPs found this population many individuals cross-sectional geometry and entheses. within the same gene give similar pat- exhibited extreme manifestations of These types of markers are rarely used terns when analyzed for geographic ani- these enthesopathies.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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Genetic signatures of a Late Pleis- Gorillas are more closely related to each skeletal specimens of hybrid individu- tocene demographic collapse in an other than to any other extant primate als of Japanese macaque (Macaca fus- Endangered forest dwelling pri- and are all terrestrial knuckle-walkers, cata) and Formosan rock macaque (M. mate (Mandrillus leucophaeus). but taxa differ in a number of morpho- cyclopis), which were produced by an logical and behavioral features. The rel- illegal introduction of the latter into NELSON TING1, CHRISTOS ative extent to which natural selection the natural habitat of Japanese maca- ASTARAS2, GAIL HEARN3, JOEL and genetic drift has influenced the evo- ques and captured by the wildlife pro- CORUSH1, ANDREW S. BURRELL4, lution of gorilla taxa is still largely tection office to prevent a genetic dis- NAOMI PHILLIPS5, BETHAN J. unexplored despite the fact that gorillas turbance. These individuals were ideal MORGAN6, ELIZABETH L. GADSBY7 are one of the closest living relatives of to calculate predicting formulae to esti- and CHRISTIAN ROOS8. 1Department modern humans. Here I show using mate relative tail length (the percent- of Anthropology, University of Iowa, qualitative and quantitative methods age of tail length relative to the trunk 2Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, that a surprising amount of shape vari- length) since their tail length varied Oxford University, 3Department of Biol- ation is present among the carpals and greatly (101 to 470 mm or 18.3 to 88.8 ogy, Drexel University; Bioko Biodiver- tarsals of three widely recognized taxa: % in relative length) depending on the sity Protection Program, 4Department western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), degree of genetic admixture. Twenty of Anthropology, New York University, mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei length measurements were taken from 5Department of Biology, Arcadia Uni- beringei), and grauer gorillas (Gorilla the sacrum and proximal caudal verte- 6 versity, Zoological Society of San Diego, beringei graueri). For example, medial brae (C3) and multivariate regression 7Pandrillus, Calabar, Nigeria, 8Primate cuneiform morphology clearly distin- formulae were explored by step-wise Genetics Lab and Gene Bank of Prima- guishes among these gorilla taxa in method. The utility of the obtained for- tes, German Primate Center. functionally relevant variables suggest- mulae was tested by an application to ing that selection has played a signifi- 8 other macaque species. The result The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus)is cant role in shaping hallucial anatomy showed that these formulae generally one the most threatened primate spe- in response to the frequency and impor- work well to estimate tail length in cies in the world and is listed among tance of arboreality in the behavioral macaques. the highest of priorities for African pri- repertoire. However, significant differ- mate conservation by the IUCN. It is ences amongst all three taxa in trape- A biomechanical analysis of the endemic to the Cross-Sanaga-Bioko zium, capitate, scaphoid, intermediate aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascar- rainforest region of Central Africa and cuneiform, and navicular anatomy are ensis) mandible in tree gnawing. suffers from habitat fragmentation and less easily explainable under an adapt- illegal hunting. Although recent work ive framework and are more likely the MAXX TOLER. Department of Evolu- has shed some light upon the ecology of result of genetic drift. Together, these tionary Anthropology, Duke University. wild drills, other aspects of its natural results support a hypothesis of long- history remain largely unknown. In standing ecological divergence between Daubentonia has a set of behavioral particular, no molecular work has ever eastern and western gorillas, and more and morphological adaptations that are examined drill population and demo- recent, possibly non-adaptive evolution unique among primates. Among these graphic history, which can provide valu- of differences between eastern taxa. In are craniodental adaptations facilitating able insight into how natural and total, these data provide novel and the extraction of insects from wood by anthropogenic changes to the environ- interesting insights into gorilla evolu- gnawing. They possess a downwardly ment affect rainforest species. tion since the last shared common oriented face relative to the cranium, Over 2,000 base pairs of mitochondrial ancestor with Pan and Homo and which Cartmill (1972) suggested to be DNA were amplified and sequenced in underscore the importance of gorilla an adaptation for resisting large bite nearly 60 individuals across the drill taxa as models for interpreting the forces. Additionally, their teeth converge range. The BEAST package was used in fossil records of human and great ape on a rodent-like condition, including a population genetic analysis to infer a evolution. banded, ever-growing incisors. Prior drill gene tree and coalescent times This research was supported by a Wen- research found an inconsistent pattern among drill mitochondrial lineages. A ner-Gren Foundation post-PhD grant of morphological specialization for large Bayesian Skyline Plot was then con- (No. 7822) and the Smithsonian Schol- bite force production at the anterior ducted to infer changes in female effec- arly Studies Program. dentition in other tree- gouging and tive population size over time. We scraping prosimians but did not mea- detected a severe demographic collapse Tail Length estimation in maca- sure Daubentonia (Williams et al. 2002; in this species that coincides with the ques from sacro-caudal skeletal Vinyard et al. 2003). Given the anatomi- very end of the Pleistocene. Given the morphology. cal specialization of the incisors, this timing of this event, we propose that study proposes that Daubentonia will this population bottleneck is related to SAYAKA TOJIMA, WATARU YANO and have morphological indicators of large the severe climatic changes associated MASATO NAKATSUKASA. Laboratory bite force production in comparison to with the Last Glacial Maximum. We of Physical Anthropology, Department tree-gouging and scraping prosimians. also found a relative lack of population of Zoology, Kyoto University. Shape ratios were generated from linear structure among mitochondrial lineages measurements of skulls from nine spe- across certain drill sub populations, Tail length in primates greatly varies. cies of gouging, scraping and non-goug- with all lineages coalescing to the Mid This morphological variation could ing prosimians. Inter-specific compari- Pleistocene. These results are discussed reflect primate adaptations. However, sons were made using a Kruskal-Wallis in relation to climate change, biogeogra- tail length varies even in closely related test followed by pairwise Mann-Whitney phy, recent human activity, and conser- taxa, and evolutionary or adaptive U-tests. Daubentonia exhibited rela- vation priorities. meaning of it is not fully understood. In tively wider and deeper mandibular cor- order to investigate the cause and evo- pora, shorter mandibles, and larger con- The evolutionary implications of lutionary process of tail length varia- dylar areas when compared to other significant carpal and tarsal varia- tion, it is necessary to devise a reliable species. These results suggest that the tion among gorilla taxa. method to estimate the tail length from skull of Daubentonia may be designed partial skeletal elements. Previous stud- to produce large anterior bite forces in MATTHEW W. TOCHERI. Human Ori- ies treated tail length categorically (e.g. comparison to other gougers and scra- gins Program, Department of Anthro- ‘‘long’’, ‘‘short’’, ‘‘very short’’, ‘‘absent’’) pers. Given these preliminary results, pology, National Museum of Natural and quantitative estimation has not in vivo data are required to confirm History, Smithsonian Institution. been conducted. This study used 89 that the anterior bite forces produced

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 225

296 AAPA ABSTRACTS by Daubentonia are higher than those Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas The appositional articular shape from of other gouging prosimians. yTe´cnicas (CONICET), 3Interdepart- 30 matched specimens from Homo sapi- mental Doctoral Program in Anthropo- ens, Gorilla sp., and Pan troglodytes (5 Isotopic identification of childhood logical Sciences, Stony Brook males and 5 females in each) formed feeding practices among the an- University. the study group. Laser surface scans cient Moche, Peru. were made using a Minolta 910 and Game theory suggests that escalation of edited in Geomagic. Landmark Editor J. MARLA TOYNE1, CHRISTINE D. aggression is unprofitable when compet- was used to place twelve landmarks on WHITE1 and FRED J. LONGSTAFFE2. itors are able to accurately assess one the proximal talar and fifteen land- 1Department of Anthropology, The Uni- another due to strong asymmetries in marks distal tibial articular surfaces, versity of Western Ontario, 2Depart- competitive ability or through prior respectively. Landmark configurations ment of Earth Sciences, The University interactions. Thus, changes in the were then superimposed in Morpholo- of Western Ontario. resource holding potential (RHP) of one gika 2.0 and statistically analyzed with competitor may alter both the nature of SAS. Singular warps analysis was used We explore Moche infant feeding behav- interactions and each competitor’s to explore the relationship between ior at the large urban centre of Huacas access to resources. We followed two appositional joint surfaces. Shape differ- de Moche (A.D. 100-700), Peru, using groups of tufted capuchin monkeys ences were then visualized in specimen stable isotopic analysis of 63 individu- (Cebus apella nigritus) in Iguazu´ space, and exemplar surfaces were als, including 16 subadults (\15 years) National Park, Argentina, with inter- warped. and 47 adults of both sexes from both mittent contact between June 2008 and Results demonstrated marked cluster- residential and sacrificial contexts. We August 2010. During this period, the ing of articular shape by taxon, with used collagen (dentin) and structural larger group experienced a change in substrate preference influencing the dif- carbonate (enamel) from teeth, which the male dominance hierarchy, resulting ferences and similarities of articular represent infant and childhood dietary in the death or dispersal of all adult shape observed between these closely isotopic signatures, and collagen and males and the ascendance of a subadult related taxa. Arboreal taxa articular structural carbonate from bone, which male to the dominant position. This interfaces had increased plane with oval represent the last 10 to 15 years of life, reduced the numerical advantage in the posterior and lateral margins, convex to reconstruct the timing of childhood number of males between the two medial malleolar facet surface and nutritional transitions. The combination groups, although the ratio of total group increased lateral facet size and concav- 13 of six isotopic measures (d Ccollagen, sizes remained constant (2:1). Following ity. Terrestrial taxa had trapezoid 13 15 d Cstucturalcarbonate, d Ncollagen, this shift, the degree of escalation dur- rather than oval articular interfaces, 18 18 d Ostructuralcarbonate, d Ophosphate, and ing intergroup encounters increased, concave medial malleolar facet, concave 13 D Ccollagen-structuralcarbonate) has enabled including reversals in the dominance rather than convex medial malleolar the identification of trophic level, water relationship of the groups. These groove and both the trochlear apex and sources, and macronutrient shifts occur- changes were associated with changes the medial facet anteriorly displaced. ring during the transition from com- in the use of overlapping areas. In the Shape variations of articular interfaces plete breast-feeding to complete inde- six months following the takeover, the were accurately observed using com- pendence of mother’s milk. area of home range overlap doubled, bined articular matrices, allowing the Trends in results conform to expected and the formerly dominant group’s area study of the ontogeny of joint shape, dietary shifts in carbon- (increasing of exclusive access was reduced by half and that of fossil hominoid taxa. with age), nitrogen- and oxygen- (both due to more frequent and longer incur- This study was funded by NSF (BCS- decreasing with age) isotope composi- sions by neighboring groups. These 042539) and the University of Oregon. tions, and demonstrate significant observations suggest that RHP in tufted changes among earlier and later -form- capuchins is related to either male The ethics of collections in biologi- ing teeth, and bone for both collagen group size or the competitive ability of cal anthropology. and structural carbonate. These data the dominant male and that reduced allow us to estimate that supplementa- competitive ability may increase both TRUDY R. TURNER. Department of tion (introduction of solid foods) direct costs of intergroup aggression Anthropology, University of Wisconsin- occurred as early as 2 years, and that and costs of between-group scramble Milwaukee. weaning (cessation of mother’s milk as competition. primary food source) was completed by This study was funded by the American Most biological anthropologists deal approximately 5 years. Variability by Society of Mammalogists; Consejo with collected materials. The collection sex and burial context is evident. This Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas can be skeletal or material remains, study demonstrates the value of multi- yTe´cnicas; Idea Wild; the Leakey Foun- repositories of DNA or cells, or field tissue isotopic comparisons in elucidat- dation; the National Geographic Society; notes. Because of the use of collections, ing complex changes in ancient dietary the National Science Foundation (BCS- anthropologists have begun to ask the strategies for children, and provides a 0752683); the Wenner-Gren Foundation following questions - what is done with baseline for infant feeding behavior in (7929); and Stony Brook University. them, how they are maintained and ancient Peruvian populations. who has access to them. Many of these This research was supported by a Talo-crural appositional articular discussions can be subsumed under the SSHRC Canada research grant to C.D. shape: differences and similarities general theme of repatriation. Repatria- White (no. 332337) and a SSHRC Can- in articular morphology related to tion of native material has been in pro- ada Post-Doctoral Fellowship to J.M. substrate preference among closely cess for years; other types of collections Toyne (no. 756-2010 0739). related catarrhine taxa. are currently under review, including collections held by large museums, indi- Consequences of changing numeri- KEVIN TURLEY, EMILY H. GUTHRIE vidual’s field notes and genetic data- cal asymmetries on intergroup rela- and STEPHEN FROST. Department of bases. At this point in time, there seems tions among tufted capuchins: a Anthropology, University of Oregon. to be two different approaches to the case study. ethics of collections. On the one hand, The talo-crural in primates consists of collections of some material remains MARI´A PAULA TUJAGUE1,2 and three components: tibia, talus, and their have been the topic of considerable ethi- CLARA J. SCARRY3. 1Facultad de appositional joint surfaces. This study cal debate and are subject to the legal Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universi- explores the relationship between tibial requirements of repatriation. On the dad Nacional de La Plata, 2Depart- and talar articular shapes using geo- other hand, large databases of genetic mento Cientı´fico Etnografı´a, Consejo metric morphometrics in African apes. information are being deliberately col-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 226

AAPA ABSTRACTS 297 lected in such a way as to attempt ano- Where have all the women come ture of the mechanisms behind the nymity and obviate any possibility of from? Discrepancies in the number return to postpartum fecundity. In this return. An examination of the ethics of of male and females lineages in Mif- presentation, I will discuss models that collections, writ large, is perhaps the flin County Anabaptist cemeteries. attempt to explain the resumption of next challenge for biological anthropolo- full postpartum fecundity as the result gists. In framing the ethics of collec- BETHANY M. USHER1 and JAIMIN D. of maternal metabolic energy allocation tions biological anthropologists could WEETS2. 1Center for Teaching Excel- decisions. It is now clear that the mere engage with other groups who have a lence and Sociology and Anthropology amount of calories (e.g., nutritional sta- history of engagement with collections Department, George Mason University, tus) is not the main regulator of these including museums, libraries and other 2Department of Anthropology, State decisions. Rather, a more nuanced groups that deal with information tech- University of New York at Potsdam. mechanism that involves diet quality nology. These discussions are beginning and energy balance is emerging as a with the formulation of principles that In earlier studies of the genetic and social better candidate. The dynamics of insu- will govern the collection and steward- structure of Amish and Mennonite ceme- lin sensitivity during lactation, as well ship of materials and include a clearly teries, we have constructed a unique as other metabolic mediators, may aid defined agreement between the princi- genealogical database. The file, contain- in synchronizing the resumption of pal investigators and the curators of the ing over 4000 records, consists of all indi- ovarian function with a reduction in the collection. viduals buried known to be buried in the energy demands of milk production. seven Anabaptist cemeteries of the Big As a secondary goal, I would like to Valley, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania comment on the impact that lifestyle/ec- Long bone bilateral asymmetry in between initial settlement between the ological changes brought by develop- modern South Africans. late 1700s and 2002, and their ancestors ment programs may have on the fertil- back to the last recorded common ances- ity and health of women in developing NATALIE M. UHL. University of Illi- tor. Interestingly, this research has countries, with an emphasis on an nois at Urbana-Champaign. shown that while there are about eighty applied view on human reproductive known male ‘‘founders’’ of this population, ecology. Many studies utilize only one side of there are almost double the number of This study was funded by NICHHD the skeleton, usually the left side, when female ‘‘founders.’’ There are two hypoth- (R03HD37226), the Nestle´ Foundation available. Time is a limiting factor in eses that may explain this discrepancy: for Research, the Wenner-Gren Founda- most data collection, so measuring only 1) As this is a patrilineal community tion, CONICET (Argentina), and the one side of the skeleton can expedite with only male religious leaders, it may University of Pennsylvania Population data collection and subsequently have accepted female converts more eas- Aging Research Center and Population increase sample sizes. However, several ily than male converts, leading a larger Studies Center. studies have discerned significant differ- diversity of female lineages. 2) Because ences in size and other morphological adult females in the community adopt Phylogeography of brown spider factors (e.g., pubic symphysis score) their husband’s family name, the genetic monkeys (Ateles hybridus)in between either side of the same individ- relationship of females may not be Colombia: testing the riverine ual. Ignoring these differences could recorded in written records. Many of the hypothesis. affect inferences and study results. ‘‘founder’’ females may, in fact, come from This study includes 258 modern South the same lineage, and thus the written LINA M. VALENCIA1,2,3, ANDRES African individuals from the Pretoria records may over-estimate the number of LINK1,2,3 and ANTHONY DIFIORE1,2,3. Bone Collection, housed at the Univer- female founding lineages. The implica- 1Department of Anthropology, New York sity of Pretoria, South Africa. Both tions of the two hypotheses are signifi- University, 2Center for the Study of White and Black South Africans and cantly different in understanding the Human Origins, New York University, males and females are represented in genetic diversity of these populations and 3New York Consortium in Evolutionary the sample. Percentage of directional the social structure of the communities Primatology. asymmetry was calculated for maxi- and their cemeteries. Existing genetic mum length of the humerus, humeral and historical records are used to test The diversification and phylogeny of head diameter, humeral midshaft diam- both hypotheses, and the implications for spider monkeys have been explained by eter, maximum length of the femur, the analysis of the cemetery structure mechanisms such as geological fluctua- femoral head diameter, and femoral are examined. tions and ecological changes. However, midshaft diameter. there is little evidence to support river- Results are similar to previous studies Metabolic regulation of postpartum ine barriers as drivers of speciation in in other populations – greater amounts fecundity in human females. the group. Nonetheless, among brown of asymmetry in upper limb bones com- spider monkeys (A. hybridus), two sub- pared to lower limb bones. Maximum CLAUDIA R. VALEGGIA. Department species have been recognized based on length of the humerus shows the great- of Anthropology, University of Pennsyl- differences in pelage coloration, divided est asymmetry (1.1246%), while femoral vania. by the Magdalena River in Colombia, midshaft diameter has only a minute suggesting their divergence could have amount of directional asymmetry The return to postpartum fecundity been promoted by the river acting as a (0.000078%). Directional asymmetry is clearly reflects the often cited Current barrier. This study evaluates the influ- greater in the humeral head diameter vs Future Reproduction life-history ence of the Magdalena River as a bar- than the femoral head diameter trade-off and, ultimately, represents an rier to gene flow between the different (0.997905% and 20.00018%, respec- energy allocation problem. Lactating populations of A. hybridus in Colombia tively). Humeral midshaft diameter women face metabolic challenges even as well as the phylogenetic relation- shows very little directional asymmetry greater than pregnant ones. From an ships and the degree of genetic differen- (0.00022%). Research involving long evolutionary perspective, we should tiation. Mitochondrial HV-1 and COII bones should consider bilateral asym- expect the regulation of this transition sequence variation from 10 populations metry during method development and to be tightly associated with energy (50 individuals) along the two banks of analysis in order to maximize sample availability and, consequently, to mater- the Magdalena River were examined. size while still obtaining precise results. nal ecology. Haplotypes were shared between popu- This research was funded by a research After several decades of research, at dif- lations on both banks and there wasn’t grant from the Department of Anthro- ferent levels of analysis (from molecular an evident clustering of the samples in pology at the University of Illinois and to physiological to demographic) we are two supported clades, corresponding to Urbana-Champaign. beginning to obtain a more focused pic- each bank of the river. All populations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 227

298 AAPA ABSTRACTS sampled weren’t significantly differenti- This study was funded by the National buffer effects. In a comparative analysis ated and most of the genetic variation Sciences and Engineering Research of 81 species of primates, controlling for was observed within populations rather Council of Canada. phylogeny, body mass and other con- than between banks. Population genetic founding variables such as degree of analysis showed gene flow between Gradient of dental wear and man- folivory and group size, we found a banks and a significant correlation dibular corpus height in Pleisto- strong negative relationship between between genetic and geographic dis- cene Homo. experienced seasonality, as proxied by tance, as would be predicted by the IBD monthly variation in dietary intake, model. There wasn’t a highly structured ADAM VAN ARSDALE. Wellesley Col- and relative brain size in both lemurs phylogeographic pattern and based on lege, Department of Anthropology. (p50.004) and catarrhines (p50.01). these mtDNA data, the riverine barrier However, a cognitive buffer effect is hypothesis was not an important mech- The 2600 mandible from Dmanisi has weak in lemurs (relatively large-brained anism influencing the population been noted for its exceptionally tall cor- lemurs show only a weak trend genetic structure of A. hybridus, sug- pus, with this feature playing a large (p50.11) to experience less variation in gesting the Magdalena River has not role in discussions of the specimen’s their dietary intake than would be been a barrier to female-mediated gene conspecificity, or lack thereof, with the expected given the seasonality of their flow in neutral markers. remainder of the Dmanisi sample. Also habitat), whereas in catarrhine prima- This study was funded by Primate Action exceptional in this specimen, however, tes such a cognitive buffer effect is Fund –Conservation International. is the extreme gradient of dental wear strong (p50.02), effectively masking a across the molars, a gradient more direct correlation between brain size The Behavioural Ecology of Eule- extreme than nearly all other Pleisto- and habitat seasonality (p50.7). From mur fulvus rufus: a test of the socio- cene Homo mandibles. This observation this, we conclude that energetic con- ecological model. raises the question of whether or not straints are more pronounced in a taxa these two features are related, and in group if a relatively large percentage of KIM VALENTA. Department of Anthro- particular, whether or not the latter is body metabolism is needed to maintain pology, University of Toronto. in some way causally linked to the for- brain function, whereas a large absolute mer. Here we test the hypothesis that brain size may facilitate cognitive buffer Numerous factors influence primate the gradient of molar wear is linked to effects. grouping patterns, social interactions increased corpus height in Pleistocene This study was funded by the Swiss and mating systems, including phylog- hominins. Our results suggest there is a National Science Foundation grant No. eny, demographic variables, the distri- positive relationship between the two, 3100A0-117789. bution of resources and predation pres- presumably relating to developmental sure. The presence of Eulemur fulvus and biomechanical constraints associ- Reinterpreting cribra orbitalia eti- rufus in extremely different habitats in ated with the action of the jaw during ology in a coastal North Carolina Madagascar provides a unique opportu- juvenile development in these speci- Algonkian population using CT nity to examine the influence of ecologi- mens. This relationship is examined in scans. cal factors on social organization and several specific cases, some of which mating systems while controlling for stand out as interesting exceptions to CRYSTAL VASALECH1, THOMAS G. phylogeny. Western populations live in the larger trend. In the particular case WEST2, MGF GILLILAND3 and highly seasonal tropical dry forests, of the Dmanisi hominin sample, this MEGAN PERRY4. Department of An- while eastern populations live in closed effect, coupled with aspects of aging and thropology, East Carolina University, rainforest. Both populations have been sexual dimorphism, may partly explain 2Eastern Radiologists, 3Department of extensively studied for over three deca- the seemingly excessive amount of vari- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, des, resulting in an enormous amount ation observed in the sample. Viewed in Brody School of Medicine at East Caro- of long-term data on many aspects of the larger lens of early Homo evolution, lina University, 4Department of Anthro- E.f. rufus behaviour, ecology and mor- this observation raises interesting ques- pology, East Carolina University. phology, including diet, ranging, life his- tions for the development of the masti- tory variables, dispersal, female-female catory environment throughout juvenile Cribra orbitalia is visually character- relationships, morphology, and mating and early adult stages of life. ized by porous lesions on the orbital systems. E.f. rufus thus provide a roof and is often attributed to iron defi- unique and valuable opportunity to Brain size evolution in seasonal ciency anemia, although other etiologies evaluate extant models of primate habitats: cognitive buffer effects are possible. The main objective of this sociality. and energetic constraints both study is to reassess the diagnosis of I summarize published data regarding apply in catarrhine primates. iron-deficiency related cribra orbitalia E.f. rufus behavioural ecology, as well in a North Carolina coastal Algonkian as generating and testing predictions JANNEKE VAN WOERDEN, CAREL population (n5 50, AD 295-1460) using for E.f. rufus social organization and VAN SCHAIK and KARIN ISLER. An- non-destructive methods. Microscopic mating systems based on the socioeco- thropological Institute and Museum, techniques such as thin-ground section- logical model and sexual selection Univeristy of Zurich. ing have successfully differentiated theory. The socioecological model pre- between diploic expansion attributed to dicts patterns of social organization and When asking whether the relative brain anemia as opposed to other etiologies. behaviour of western populations of E.f. size of species is linked to the degree of Such destructive techniques often are rufus extremely well, and yet has low seasonality of their habitat, ceteris pari- not possible with some U.S. samples predictive power with regard to the bus two aspects are important. On the because of NAGPRA provisions. Thus, social organization and behaviour of one hand, seasonality forces animals to we utilize non-invasive computed to- eastern populations. This disparity par- deal with periods of food scarcity, posing mography (CT) scanning as a viable al- tially results from the extreme unpre- an energetic constraint on the highly ternative to identify diploic expansion dictability of food resources in Malagasy expensive brain. On the other hand, versus other sources of porosity in the rainforests. The temporal availability seasonal habitats may act as a selective orbital roof. and predictability of food resources is pressure to increase brain size, as be- Forty-five crania with varied forms of not explicitly accounted for in the socio- havioral flexibility helps to deal with upper orbital lesions and 5 crania with- ecological model, and has consequences these periods of food scarcity. We expect out lesions were selected for this analy- for patterns of primate grouping, mate energetic constraints to always be pres- sis. The axial anterior-posterior CT competition, dispersal patterns and ent in seasonal habitats, even though images allow distinction between diploic social organization. these might be covered by cognitive expansion and resorption of the corre-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 228

AAPA ABSTRACTS 299 sponding cortical bone and cortical bone lemurs navigate complex and changing Are gibbons built for mobility? porosity. This preliminary study there- visual environments. By integrating an fore suggests that CT scanning is a via- awareness of the light environments EVIE E. VEREECKE1,2, ANTHONY J. ble replacement for histological assess- encountered by different nocturnal spe- CHANNON3 and FANA MICHILSENS2. ment of pathologies in cases where de- cies with their color vision abilities, we 1Anatomy, Subfaculty of Medicine, structive analyses are prohibited. By can better understand the evolution of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Cam- more accurately understanding the eti- nocturnal primate color vision. pus, 2Laboratory for Functional Mor- ology of cribra orbitalia in archaeologi- This study was funded by the Wenner- phology, University of Antwerp, cal populations, we can better under- Gren Foundation, the Leakey Founda- 3Structure and Motion Lab, Royal Vet- stand their dietary habits, health, qual- tion, the American Society of Mammalo- erinary College. ity of life, and overall adaptations to gists, and the American Philosophical their unique environment. Reconsider- Society. Gibbons are highly versatile arboreal ing the etiology of cribra orbitalia has apes with a diverse locomotor repertoire important implications for the current including leaping, climbing, brachiation Comparing canopy structure interpretations of malnutrition and in- and bipedalism. This contrasts with mod- between modern rainforests and fectious disease in earlier human popu- ern humans, who are highly specialised Miocene analogue forests using lations. This new non-destructive meth- for bipedalism. We hypothesize that the ground-based LiDAR: implications odology has implications for paleopatho- anatomy of gibbons maximizes mobility for hominoid locomotion. logical methodology, archaeology, and and speed, whereas human anatomy favours stability and force production. Native American history. VIVEK V. VENKATARAMAN1 and This study was possible because of the 2 1 The anatomy of gibbons was investi- NATHANIEL J. DOMINY . Depart- gated using various methods, including generosity of the Department of Cardio- ment of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth vascular Sciences at the Brody School of 2 medical imaging, dissection of fresh College, Department of Anthropology, cadavers and muscle moment arm (MA) Medicine, East Carolina University for Dartmouth College. allowing us the use of their CT scanner measurements, and was coupled to kin- ematical data of different locomotor and the help of scanning technician, The physical structure of forests is one modes collected in a free-ranging, cap- Kelli West. driving factor behind locomotor adapta- tive environment. tions in forest-dwelling animals, includ- Nocturnal light environments in The results indicate that the shoulder, hip ing primates. Because it is difficult to and ankle joints have a high intrinsic mo- Madagascar: implications for noc- reconstruct the past, locomotor adapta- turnal primate color vision. bility, which can be linked to the high tions in arboreal primates, both fossil angular excursions in the sagittal plane of CARRIE C. VEILLEUX. Department of and extant, are interpreted in the con- these joints during bipedalism, leaping Anthropology, University of Texas at text of modern rainforest structure. and brachiation. The shoulder muscles Austin. However, such an approach may and elbow flexors are characterised by rel- obscure the role of forest structure in ativelylongmusclefibres,providingawide Recent work has highlighted the impor- the adaptive origin of primate morphol- range of motion, yet are also powerful due tance of vision, particularly acuity and ogy. The goal of this study is to compare to their large PCSA and MAs. The slender color vision, in nocturnal primate behav- the physical structure of modern rain- hip and knee flexors also have long muscle ior, ecology, and evolution. Comparative forests and ancient Tertiary forests. To fibres and large MAs, and seem geared studies document variation in nocturnal accomplish this, we employed a ‘‘Terti- towards stabilisation. Most limb muscles primate visual anatomy and function, ary analogue’’ model using the laurel- are, however, short-fascicled (with long while field studies explore how vision is dominated forests of the Canary islands, tendons), but a wide range of motion is used behaviorally. Yet, little research has forests similar to those that once cov- facilitated by their relatively large MA. explored how nocturnal light environ- ered mainland Europe while it was Only the strong wrist flexors have a re- ments vary within and between primate inhabited by hominoids during the Mio- stricted range of motion, which might indi- habitats. I examined nocturnal ambient cene. We used ground-based LiDAR cate an important function in controlling light variation at two sites in Madagas- (light detection and ranging) to make wrist extension. car: dry deciduous forest at Kirindy dense measurements of the location of We conclude that the anatomy of gib- Mitea National Park (KMNP) and rain- canopy elements and assembled these bons is indeed geared towards providing forest at Ranomafana National Park into high resolution views of structure maximal mobility, which is of major im- (RNP). At KNMP, I quantified nocturnal in three dimensions. Data were col- portance in an arboreal habitat, but irradiance (intensity and spectral quality) lected at rainforest sites containing this does not come at the expense of sta- at 54 locations for 34 nights, revisiting extant primates in Africa, South Amer- bility and force production. each location every 4 nights (n5516 ica, and Southeast Asia, as well as in measurements) and recording lunar ele- the analogue Tertiary laurel forests of A hominin first metatarsal base vation and cloud cover. At RNP, I meas- Garajonay National Park, Canary from Drimolen, South Africa. ured irradiance during crescent (n58) Islands. Results indicate clear differen- and gibbous phases (n510). I estimated DANIELLE SARAH VERNON1, ces in canopy structure between modern foliage density with an LAIL meter at MATTHEW W. TOCHERI2 and COLIN G. and analogue Tertiary forests. Rainfor- each location. Nocturnal irradiance in MENTER.11Department of Anthropology ests are generally taller and exhibit Madagascar was significantly affected by and Development Studies, University of stratified canopies with a dense under- 2 habitat type, lunar phase and elevation, Johannesburg, Human Origins Program, foliage density, and cloud cover. In partic- story, while laurel-dominated forests ex- Department of Anthropology, National ular, KNMP was significantly brighter hibit open and undulating, yet tightly- Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian and relatively richer in shorter wave- gathered outer canopies, with few Institution. lengths than RNP. Similarly, brighter understory elements. In light of the lunar phases (full, gibbous) were rela- structural differences between these for- Numerous studies have focused on the tively richer in shorter wavelengths than est types, we speculate that the locomo- description of the first metatarsal due more starlit phases (crescent, new). Even tor adaptations of European hominoids to its importance in assessing locomo- when full, moonlight intensity and spec- could be associated with laurel forests tion in early hominins. Here we tral quality varied with lunar elevation, rather than with rainforests of modern describe a hominin left first metatarsal increasing in short-wavelength richness aspect. base, DNH 115, from Drimolen, South at lower lunar elevations. Combined, This work was supported by a NSF Africa dated from 2.0-1.5 mya. We these results suggest that nocturnal Graduate Research Fellowship. quantified the morphology of the base

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

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300 AAPA ABSTRACTS using three-dimensional surface curva- region of (a) 420 individuals from the 1Department of Anthropology, Washington tures and compared these with a sample Northwest Territories, (b) 150 individu- State University, 2Department of Anthro- of modern humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, als from southern Mexico, and (c) 250 pology, University of California, Santa Bar- baboons and fossil hominins. The assess- individuals from eastern Puerto Rico. bara, 3School of Biological Science, ment of curvature of this articular surface Haplogroups were determined for each Washington State University, 4Depart- successfully discriminates between extant participant and population frequencies ments of Anthropology and Urban Plan- taxa and suggests differences in joint mo- were ascertained. Haplogroup A2 line- ning, San Jose State University, bility. Our statistical analyses indicate ages were selected from each population 5Chairwoman, Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. that this surface is most curved in chim- and compared to those from twelve pop- panzees and western gorillas, moderately ulations across the Americas. Eight dis- The majority of Native Americans belong curved in eastern gorillas, and relatively tinct haplogroup A2 samples were then to the O blood group, with regards to the flat in modern humans and baboons. selected from each of the three geo- ABO blood group system. This sets them Highly curved surfaces suggest a more graphically distinct populations, and apart from most other populations world- mobile hallux, whereas flatter surfaces their complete mtDNA genomes sequenced wide. Our previous study suggested that suggest reduced joint mobility. to determine mtDNA sub-haplogroups and the reduced diversity at the ABO locus DNH 115 groups most closely with SKX infer finer scale patterns of settlement of among Native Americas predates the con- 5017, a specimen that has been attrib- post-settlement gene flow. tact period, as it is believed that Native uted to Paranthropus robustus, and All three regions had a high frequency of American populations derive from a rela- both of these cluster most closely with the ancestral A2 lineage, but also exhib- tively small Beringian founder population eastern gorillas. AL-333-54 groups with ited geographically-specific lineages that prior to migrating to the Americas. Thus it chimpanzees, while OH 8, STW 573 and were not shared among populations. This is probable that the bottleneck associated STW 562 group with each other, falling pattern is indicative of a rapid expansion with this event (15,000 years ago) intermediate between eastern gorillas introducing the ancestral A2 lineage decreased the frequency of A and B alleles. and modern humans, SK 1813 and STW across the continents, followed by the ac- Atthesequencelevelhowever,Native 595 group together with modern quisition of population-specific mutations Americans present a variety of O haplo- humans. In total, these results indicate in subsequent isolation. types. Some haplotypes are shared with that of the South African fossil hominin This project was supported by funds other human populations (O1 and O1v), first metatarsals, the Drimolen speci- from the National Geographic Society someprivatetoafewNativeAmerican men is the most curved, closely resem- and the Research Foundation (JKL) of groups (O05, Ov7, O32 and O33), and one bling eastern gorillas, suggesting that Binghamton University. haplotype called ‘‘O1v542’’ which has been climbing activities may have played an found exclusively in populations from Cen- important role in the behavioural reper- Hounsfield Unit ranges in the CT- tral and South America, and may very well toire of Paranthropus. scans of bog bodies, cold and warm be an ancestry-informative marker associ- This research was funded in part by a mummies. ated with all Native Americas groups. To PAST grant to DSV, a Wenner-Gren further address this, we sequenced O hap- Foundation post-PhD grant (No. 7822) CHIARA VILLA and NIELS LYNNERUP. lotypes from modern North American pop- to MWT and by the National Research Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, ulations from Alaska (including samples Foundation to CGM. Institute of Forensic Medicine, University from Athabaskan and Inuit individuals), of Copenhagen, Denmark . as well as ancient DNA samples from an Analysis of mtDNA haplogroup ancestral Muwekma Ohlone burial site in A2 frequency, distribution and di- Mummification processes, either artificial the San Francisco Bay Area in California versity among populations from or natural, preserve the tissues from post- that dates to approximately 1,500-2,000 North and Central America and the mortem decay, but change them from their years ago. If this allele proves to be wide Caribbean. original state. In this study we provide the spread in North America as it is in Central first comprehensive set of Hounsfield Unit and South America, it may have originated MIGUEL G. VILAR1,2,J.KOJILUM2, (HU) ranges specific for tissues mummified prior to the entry of humans in to the CARLALYNNE MELENDEZ3,AMANDA under different environmental conditions Americas, consistent with the Beringian OWINGS1,JILLB.GAIESKI1 and (bog bodies, Egyptian and frozen mummies). Incubation Model. THEODORE G SCHURR1. 1Department We also analyze the impact of different of Anthropology, University of Pennsylva- museal preservation techniques on the HU Paleopathology and extended care nia, 2Department of Anthropology, Bing- ranges, as e.g. in the Tollund Man and Grau- in a Bronze Age population: inter- hamton University, 3Department of balle Man bog bodies from Denmark. The pretations of severe expression of Geography, University of Puerto Rico. mummies were compared with forensic cases, disease. cremated and inhumated ancient human Native American and Amerindian popu- skeletal remains, and fossil animal bones. JAMIE D. VILOS and DEBRA L. lations belong to one of five major mi- Knowledge of the typical HU range for MARTIN. Department of Anthropology, tochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hap- the different tissues in mummies may University of Nevada, Las Vegas. logroups (A2, B2, C1, D4, X2a) associ- prevent misinterpretation of increased or ated with the settlement of the reduced radiodensity as evidence well as The archaeological site of Tell Abraq is Americas from Asia through the of paleopathological conditions. located in the UAE on the Persian Gulf. Bering Strait more than 20,000 years Finally, we demonstrate the practical bene- The commingled tomb (used between before present. Haplogroup A2 occurs fit of using our refined HU ranges by 2200-2000 BC) yielded an MNI of 286 in its highest frequency in populations showing the improved results of 3D visual- adults. From those, 6 cases of severe across 8,000 miles, from the North- ization from automatic segmentation in a expressions of pathology were chosen to west Territories of Canada to Mexico cold Inca mummy from Mount Llullaillaco. do an extended analysis. Using differen- and Mesoamerica, around the Carib- tial diagnosis and clinical literature, bean, to the northern and central Sequence variation of O haplotypes qualitative aspects of life history were regions of South America. The geo- in pre-Columbian Native Americans analyzed. As farmers and mariners, graphic range, distribution and line- and its relevance for Native Ameri- members of the community were de- age diversity of haplogroup A2 could can evolution. pendent on good health to maintain a thus be indicative of settlement pat- life-line of sustenance for themselves terns and subsequent migrations. FERNANDO A. VILLANEA1,3, CARA and each other. Their pathologies, how- In order to infer patterns of settlement MONROE1,2,3, SARAH RUNNELLS3, ever, suggest that they were in need of and gene flow we extracted, amplified ALAN LEVENTHAL4, ROSEMARY support from others during times of ill- and sequenced the mtDNA control CAMBRA5 and BRIAN M. KEMP1,3. ness or injury. These pathologies

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 230

AAPA ABSTRACTS 301 include osteoarthritis with eburnation, fracture and deformation than the diet This project will thus provide detailed osteomyelitis, osteochondritis disse- of P. abelii. In support of our predic- insights into the social and economic cans, partial paralysis, and healed frac- tion, P. p. wurmbii masticated several features characteristic for trade centres tures. For each case, severe expres- plants tissues that were significantly at a turning point in the development of sions on bone are interpreted based on more resistant to fracture and deforma- occidental society, and is based on current medical notions of disability tion than those masticated by P. abelii archaeological bone finds from a com- and pain. Ideas about care and func- (Welch ANOVA, p \ 0.01), including prehensively documented settlement tionality are provided for ailing and unripe fruits, inner-bark, and leaves. continuum, situated at a prominent, yet injured people using a biocultural Bornean orangutans also included a ecologically speaking highly complex model of coping and extended care. For greater percentage of these items in site. example, severe eburnation on the pos- their diets compared to Sumatran This study is funded by the German terior articular surface combined with orangutans, particularly when ripe Science Foundation. osteoarthritis on the anterior portion of fruit availability was low. By integrat- the patella suggests limited range of ing data on dietary ecology, food movement and inability to flex the mechanics, and morphology, we can A re-evaluation of the power of knee. Severe osteomyelitis in the ra- begin to deepen our understanding of ‘‘standard’’ measurements in esti- dius and ulna bones would have pro- the complex relationship between form mating sex and sex-specific ances- hibited use of the arm and would have and function in living and extinct pri- try from the innominate and been painful at the slightest move- mate species. sacrum. ment. Partial paralysis due to some This work was funded by grants from form of neurological myopathy would the National Science Foundation, Grant JENNIFER M. VOLLNER1, have been fatal without extended care Number 0643122 and the L.S.B Leakey NICHOLAS V. PASSALACQUA1 and in the form of feeding and daily atten- Foundation. KATELYN RUSK2. 1Department of An- tion to personal hygiene. This research thropology, Michigan State University, suggests ways of integrating the bio- 2Department of Applied Forensic Scien- archaeology of individuals within a Ecology and economy in the settle- ces, Mercyhurst College. community context. ments of viking Haithabu and medieval Schleswig: an isotopic The goal of this presentation is to dem- Linking feeding ecology and jaw form perspective. onstrate that new two-dimensional (2D) in two species of wild orangutans. linear measurements are more powerful MARINA VOHBERGER1, JORIS than previous ‘‘Standards’’ measure- ERIN R. VOGEL1,5, MADELEINE E. PETERS2, CLAUS VON CARNAP- ments (Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994) for HARDUS2,ASTRIZULFA3,SERGEA. BORNHEIM3, OLAF NEHLICH4 and estimating sex or sex-specific ancestry WICH4,5, ANDREA B. TAYLOR6,7, GISELA GRUPE1,5. 1Biocenter LMU from the innominate or sacrum. The CAREL P. VAN SCHAIK5 and Munich, Department I Anthropology accurate estimation of biological param- NATHANIEL J. DOMINY8. 1Center for and Biodiversity, 2Institute of Palaeoa- eters is critical in physical anthropology the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobi- natomy and History of Veterinary Medi- and with the advent of new technology ology, The George Washington Univer- cine, 3Archa¨ologisches Landesmuseum and statistical methods it may be time sity, 2Behavioural Biology Group, Schleswig (Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteini- to re-evaluate what we consider neces- University of Utrecht, 3Universitas sche Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf), sary standard measurements in our Nasional Jakarta, 4Sumatran Orangu- 4Department of Human Evolution Max data collection protocol. tan Conservation Program (PanEco- Planck Institute for Evolutionary An- A sample of 136 innominates and 163 YEL), 5Anthropologisches Institut & thropology, 5Bavarian State Collection sacra of European and African Ameri- Museum, Universita¨tZu¨rich, 6Depart- for Anthropology and Palaeoanatomy. can males and females from the ment of Community & Family Medicine, Hamann-Todd Collection were utilized Duke University School of Medicine, The sites of viking Haithabu (9. to 10. to capture three-dimensional landmark 7Department of Evolutionary Anthropol- century AD) and medieval Schleswig data which was then used to extract 2D ogy, Duke University, 8Department of (11. to 12. century AD) form a settle- inter-landmark distances. These new Anthropology, Dartmouth College. ment continuum in an extraordinary ec- linear measurements were subjected to ological system, the estuary of the river a forward stepwise discriminant func- The mechanical properties of foods have Schlei. It is located in the immediate tion analysis (FSDFA) to determine the long been predicted to influence many proximity of the main trade routes in measurements needed for the highest aspects of modern human and non- southern Jutland during a pivotal time level of accuracy possible for the estima- human primate biology, especially den- that witnessed the appearance of medie- tion of sex (2 groups) and ancestry/sex tal and mandibular morphology. The ex- val towns. Performing an economic rise (4 groups). istence of a functional and adaptive from a small sailor’s village to an im- The FSDFA selected seven innominate relationship between jaw morphology, portant trade centre followed by a measurements producing a 99% cross- feeding behavior and diet in primates is descent to meaninglessness, both settle- validated accuracy (CVA) for sex, and well accepted among physical anthropol- ments represent interesting research five measurements with an 83% CVA ogists, yet few studies have quantified material. for ancestry/sex estimation. Using only the mechanical properties of the foods Over 300 human and 350 animal bone the ‘‘Standards’’ measurements we were to support this relationship. Bornean samples were analysed for stable light able to produce a 93% CVA for sex esti- orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) isotopes (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sul- mation and a 61.3% CVA for sex/ances- have relatively more robust mandibles phur). The basis of the human food web try estimation. compared to Sumatran orangutans (P. builds up on over 60 species of birds, The FSDFA selected six new sacral abelii). Here we test the hypothesis that mammals and fish living in freshwater, measurements producing an 89% CVA there is a functional relationship brackish, marine and terrestrial habi- for sex estimation, and eight measure- between the observed differences in tats. The results reflect the rather com- ments with a 65.6% CVA for ancestry/ masticatory morphology (i.e., mandibu- plex ecosystem surrounding the estuary. sex estimation. The data collected were lar robusticity) and the mechanical First results on strontium isotopic sig- unable to reproduce all three sacral properties of foods consumed by wild natures on human and animal samples ‘‘Standards’’ measurements however, Bornean and Sumatran orangutans. (n 5 100 each) for migratory evidence utilizing only anterior length and ante- Specifically we predict that the diet of and identifying traded animals will be rior superior breadth, sex was esti- the relatively more robust-jawed P. p. shown in comparison to the isotopic mated at 53.4% CVA and 38% CVA for wurmbii would be more resistant to data of light elements. ancestry/sex.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 231


Craniometric data supports a tions and primary computed tomogra- in food abundance. Furthermore, I did mosaic model of demic and cultural phy data, this poster focusses on heart not find evidence to support the hy- Neolithic diffusion to outlying treatment in Egyptian mummification, pothesis that gregariousness is more regions of Europe. comparing the classical descriptions restricted in lactating females due to with patterns apparent in empirical greater energetic sensitivity to the NOREEN VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL1 data. These empirical data are drawn costs of scramble feeding competition. and RON PINHASI2. 1School of Anthro- from two samples: (1) a literature-based Thesefindingsdemonstratethat pology and Conservation, University of sample of 150 adequately described reduced costs of feeding competition Kent, 2Department of Archeology, Uni- mummies, and (2) a sample of 7 mum- due to favorable ecological conditions versity College Cork. mies examined directly using computed allows for greater female gregarious- tomography. ness and enables females to form Theextenttowhichthetransitiontoagri- Retention, removal, and replacement of strong social bonds. culture in Europe was the result of biologi- the heart varies between time periods, This study was funded by The Leakey cal diffusion from the Near East or the sexes, and statuses, and these treat- Foundation and Yale University. adoption of farming practices by indige- ments are discussed in relation to their nous hunter-gatherers is subject to con- place in the literature and their radio- Territory size in Canis lupus: impli- tinuing debate. Thus far, archaeological logical appearance. In spite of a high cations for Neandertal mobility. study and the analysis of modern and an- degree of heterogeneity in the Egyptian cient European DNA have yielded incon- mummification tradition, researchers CHRISTOPHER S. WALKER1 and clusive results regarding these hypotheses. continue to focus on modern and classi- STEVEN E. CHURCHILL1,2. 1Depart- Here we test these ideas using an exten- cal stereotypes rather than on its rich ment of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke sive craniometric dataset representing 30 variability as it evolved across Egypt University, 2Institute for Human Evolu- hunter-gatherer and farming populations. over the course of more than three mil- tion, University of the Witwatersrand. Pairwise population craniometric distance lennia. In particular, the dogmatic con- was compared against temporally-con- tention that the heart was nearly uni- Neandertal settlement patterns have trolled geographic models representing ev- versally retained in situ, or replaced if historically been reconstructed with ref- olutionary hypotheses of biological and cul- accidentally removed, is greatly exag- erence to lithic raw material transport tural transmission. The results show that, gerated. distances and faunal indicators of site following the biological diffusion of Near seasonality. Settlement patterns, how- Eastern farmers into central Europe, two Ecological influences on female ever, reflect residential mobility, which biological lineages were established with chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes is only one component of overall mobil- limited gene flow between them. Farming schweinfurthii) gregariousness: a ity patterns. Given that Neandertals communities spread across Europe, while test of the scramble competition hy- relied heavily on animal protein in the hunter-gather communities located in out- pothesis. plant food-poor environments of Pleisto- lying geographic regions adopted some cul- cene Europe, their home range sizes, tural elements from the farmers. There- MONICA WAKEFIELD. Department of and levels of logistical mobility, were fore, the transition to farming in Europe Anthropology, University of California likely largely determined by prey abun- did not involve the complete replacement San Diego. dance and distribution. Here we use of indigenous hunter-gather populations data on home range size in the grey despite significant gene flow from the Near Feeding competition is potentially the wolf (Canis lupus) to develop a model East. This study suggests that a mosaic most important cost of grouping for that relates prey biomass and climatic process of biological and cultural diffusion social mammals, especially for females, variables to home range size in north- was operating in outlying regions of whose reproductive success is limited ern latitude social carnivores. Pack size Europe, thereby reconciling previously mostly by foraging efficiency. Among data was combined with average wolf conflicting results obtained from genetic chimpanzees, females are typically less mass values to produce mass-specific and archaeological studies. gregarious than males, presumably due territory sizes (in km2kg-1), which in to prohibitively high feeding competi- turn allows for the prediction of home Heart treatment in ancient Egyp- tion, particularly scramble competition range areas for Neandertal groups of tian mummification. for lactating mothers. However, female varying size. Results indicate that that sociability varies considerably within even at fairly small social group sizes ANDREW D. WADE and ANDREW J. and between populations. For example, (less than 15-20 individuals) Neander- NELSON. Department of Anthropology, females from the Ngogo community in tals likely required and maintained University of Western Ontario. Kibale NP, Uganda are highly gregari- large territories (500-6000 km2), which ous relative to other East African sites is consistent with results of studies of Descriptions in the popular and aca- and exhibit levels of sociability similar lithic raw material procurement pat- demic literature of the evisceration pro- to West African females. This raises terns. Thus the high mobility costs of cess, organ treatment, and body cavity questions about the balance between predation may have been one constraint treatment, as part of the Egyptian the costs and benefits of grouping and acting on maximum Neandertal social mummification tradition, are derived how this is influenced ecological and de- group size. Further, as in wolves, high largely from accounts by Herodotus, mographic factors. I seek to fill an im- residential mobility was likely required Diodorus Siculus, Porphyry, and Plu- portant gap in our understanding of to fully exploit the large territories. tarch. Our reliance on these normative how ecology influences social behavior descriptions obscures the wide range of by examining ecological costs associ- Intraindividual histomorphological techniques practiced, impeding the ated with grouping for anestrous and geometric variation in the study of geographic, chronological, and females at Ngogo. The Ngogo site expe- human femur: a pilot study. socio-political variations in ancient riences relatively high fruit production Egyptian mortuary practice and with low temporal or seasonal varia- ROBERT A. WALKER. Department of ideology. tion and provides a good opportunity Basic Sciences (Anatomy), New York This line of inquiry, using detailed pale- to compare behavior under relatively Chiropractic College. oanatomical analysis to examine mortu- favorable ecological conditions. Group ary practices and ideology, is part of randomization and multiple regression The femur is perhaps the most highly ongoing research at the University of tests from 1362 hours of observation studied bone histologically, particularly Western Ontario, in conjunction with on 26 females demonstrated that varia- at midshaft. Intraindividual histomor- the IMPACT radiological mummy data- tion in gregariousness was not influ- phological and geometric variation base project. Using published descrip- enced by spatial or temporal variation within the femur has been less studied.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 232


To elucidate intraindividual femoral Twenty-eight percent of children had a based residence patterns such as patri- variation, the right femur of a single BMI above the 85th percentile (consid- locality or virilocality. The finding of a human young adult female was serially ered overweight by the CDC). Thirty- homogenous skeletal population with a sectioned at 10 cm. intervals from the two percent of urban children and 25% male-based residence pattern has sig- midshaft distally. The femur is derived of rural children exhibited a BMI above nificant implications for understand- from the Libben site, a Late Woodland the 85th percentile. While no norms ing post-Cahokia Mississippian social ossuary from northeast Ohio dated to exist for healthy ranges of waist circum- organization. ca. 900 C.E. A second goal of this study ference percentiles, based on Hirschler was to determine the state of histologi- et al’s (2007) study, measurements at or cal preservation in bone from this site. above the 75th percentile are considered Do bonobos live in communities? While the organic matrix is highly a cutoff point. As such, 54% of the over- degraded, when impregnated with ep- all sample was above the 75th percen- MICHEL T. WALLER, FRANCES J. oxy and undecalcified sections prepared, tile. For the urban children, 58% were WHITE, ROSS L. TINDALE, INDIA R. haversian structures are seen to be well over the 75th percentile, and 51% of the TINDALE and KLAREE J. BOOSE. preserved. Eight 4 sq. mm. microscopic rural children exceeded this cutoff. Department of Anthropology, University fields equally spaced around the perime- This study explores the interplay among of Oregon. ter of the cortex subjacent to the perios- various biological and environmental teal surface were examined in each sec- factors and contributes to the body of The term ‘‘community’’ when applied to tion. All secondary osteons were knowledge about causes and distribu- chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)is counted within each field, and osteons tion of diabetes. defined as a multi-male/multi-female, per sq. mm. were analyzed. Total corti- This study was funded by Missouri fission-fusion social organization where cal and endosteal areas, area moments State University Provost’s Futures In- members form temporary parties that and polar moment of inertia were calcu- centive Grant. fluctuate in size and composition. The lated at each section. Osteon density male chimpanzees are philopatric, increases proximodistally and antero- An intra-cemetery craniometric closely bonded, actively patrol the bor- posteriorly. In all ten sections, the pos- assessment of biological variation ders of their home range, and are hos- terior half of the cortex has significantly and post-marital residence in the tile to unknown males while female higher osteon density than the anterior. Missouri Late Mississippian. chimpanzees disperse from their natal There is a nonsignificant trend for group into a new community near men- higher osteon densities in the more dis- KYLE WALLER1, GREG BLOMQUIST1 arche. Once immigrated, the females tal sections than the more proximal. and THOMAS HOLLAND2. 1University are required to compete amongst them- Osteon density is positively correlated of Missouri-Columbia, Department of selves for food by establishing small with polar moment of inertia and area Anthropology, 2Department of Defense, core area for themselves and their off- moments of inertia. These measures Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, spring, joining larger parties at times of reflect the distribution of bone to resist Central Identification Laboratory. food abundance or peak fertility. bending and torsional deformation. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) are also said to Thus, macromorphology must be consid- The Late Mississippian was a period of live in ‘‘communities’’ based on several ered when examining the micromor- significant migration and social reor- shared characteristics with chimpanzees phology of bone. ganization in American prehistory that (multi-male/multi-female, fission-fusion, This research is supported by a grant left biological traces in contemporane- male philopatry). When analyzing from the New York Chiropractic College ous skeletal remains. We used biodis- bonobo ranging behavior more closely, Research Department. tance and determinant ratio analyses to however, notable differences between assess social organization at the Camp- the two species emerge. For this study, bell Site, a Late Mississippian Site we used geographic information systems Physical indicators of health in located in southeast Missouri. (GIS) software to track the ranging children of Central Mexico. We tested three hypotheses using six behavior of 15 female and 6 male bono- craniofacial variables from 61 crania. bos at the Ndeli site within the Lomako SUZANNE WALKER-PACHECO. The first hypothesis tests the assump- Forest Reserve, DRC. We found that, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, tion that human remains excavated unlike with chimpanzees, females have and Criminology, Missouri State Uni- from the northern and western portion similar sized home ranges to males versity. of the site represent distinct burial pop- (Avg. MCP; females 5 92.22 ha, males ulations, while the second hypothesis 5 84.63 ha, Avg. 95% fixed kernel; Latinos are particularly susceptible to assesses the immigrant status of 13 females 5 87.49 ha, males 5 115.33 type 2 diabetes, with young children artificially modified female crania from ha). Additionally, females were more increasingly affected. To provide com- the western portion of the site. The closely associated with each other parison for a recently completed diabe- third hypothesis assesses which sex is (mean Jacob’s Index 5 .251) than were tes and obesity prevention program for more variable from the pooled Campbell the males (mean Jacob’s Index 5 .0527). Latino children in Springfield, Missouri, Site sample by using determinant ratio These results reflect the female-centric I collected data on physical indicators of analysis. nature of bonobo social groups, suggest- health in urban and rural locations in Biodistance analysis was conducted ing that bonobos live in ‘‘cliques’’ rather Mexico from which the local study using R-matrix methods. We found no than communities. group had originated. Greater rates of craniometric evidence that the human Research was supported by NSF grants overweight were expected in the urban remains were from distinct burial popu- BNS-8311252, SBR-9600547, and BCS- population, due to presumed lower fre- lations, and both portions of the site 0610233 to FJW and the Leakey quency of exercise and consumption of a experienced approximately equal exter- Foundation. diet higher in fat. nal gene flow. The artificially cranially The study group consisted of 210 male modified females are closely related to and female children ranging from 2 to the females from both the north and The meaning of within population 12 years, approximately half from west portions of the site, and therefore dimorphism for group mobility. urban Guadalajara and half from rural should be considered as part of the local Tierranueva. A survey on family health, population, rather than immigrants to CARA WALL-SCHEFFLER1 and nutrition, and diet was followed by col- the site. Lastly, determinant ratio anal- KAREN STEUDEL-NUMBERS2. lection of physical data; presented here ysis indicated that females were more 1Department of Biology, Seattle Pacific are results for body mass index (BMI) variable, which is consistent with University, 2Department of Zoology, and waist circumference. greater female mobility and thus male- University of Wisconsin-Madison.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 233


In order to understand the manner in used to determine sex and the means This research was funded by the Ameri- which selection shaped the locomotor and standard deviations were then cal- can Philosophical Society, the Univer- morphology of extinct and extant homi- culated for a sample of post-cranial sity of Washington, The Wenner-Gren nins, the manner in which body size measurements. The post-cranial meas- Foundation (Gr. 8065), and The National influences the cost of locomotion must urements selected were those that were Science Foundation (BCS-0968742). be determined. This is particularly true well represented in both samples. The of hominin populations which maintain early burials were poorly preserved Impact of sutures assessed in a fi- substantial size dimorphism between thus limiting the measurements avail- nite element model of a macaque the sexes, in addition to hominin species able for use. A Student’s T-test was cranium using dynamic simulation. which maintain size dimorphism used to compare the means from the between different populations. Body two groups and found no statistically QIAN WANG1, SARAH WOOD2, IAN size alone may influence the cost of loco- significant differences between the GROSSE2, DAVID STRAIT3, URIEL motion by increasing overall cost or by males and females of the two groups. ZAPATA1,4 , CRAIG BYRON5 and changing the speeds at which locomo- This may suggest a similarity in popu- BARTH WRIGHT6. 1Division of Basic tion is either economical or costly. Here lation parameters that may also indi- Medical Sciences, Mercer University we assessed these influences by meas- cate a biological affinity. This hypothe- School of Medicine, 2Department of Me- uring the changes in the Cost of Trans- sis will be tested using cranial metric chanical & Industrial Engineering, Uni- port (CoT) walking curves of people and non-metric data upon completion of versity of Massachusetts, Amherst, (N519, 10 males and 9 females), whom data collection. The burials from the 3Department of Anthropology, University we measured free walking at four differ- Naton Beach Site will continue to pro- at Albany, 4Department of Mechanical ent speeds. In our sample, males were vide important information on biological Engineering, EAFIT University, 5Depart- significantly bigger than females relationships between the two popula- ment of Biology, Mercer University, (p\0.01 for mass, stature, lower limb tions and help to better understand the 6Department of Anatomy, Kansas City length, bi-trochanteric breadth and bi- peopling of Guam. University of Medicine and Biosciences. acromial breadth). Males showed a sig- nificantly increased metabolic cost of The global biomechanical impact of cranial walking at the optimum speed of their Immunocompetence and the hygiene sutures on the face and cranium is not well CoT curve (27%; p50.06), but also main- hypothesis. understood. A recent sensitivity study using tained a significantly faster optimal linear static finite element analysis (FEA) walking speed (10% faster; p50.04) KATHERINE WANDER. Department of found that sutures had a minimal effect on (even with the size variables in the Anthropology, University of Washington. global strain patterns in a macaque cra- model). Most importantly however, nium. However, as viscoelastic structures, males showed increased curvature of Early life infections may shape immune the manner in which sutures behave must their optimal walking curve (38%), sug- system development. Evidence for this be modeled under dynamic loading condi- gesting that males (or large individuals hypothesis comes primarily from allergy tions. We test the hypothesis that sutures in general) receive an increased ener- epidemiology: children who experience act as energy absorbers protecting skulls getic penalty for walking away from more frequent early life intracellular subjected to dynamic loads. This hypothesis their optimum speed. This means that infections are at lower risk of allergic predicts that [1] sutures have a significant in populations which show large size disease throughout life. Early life intra- impact on global patterns of strain and skull dimorphism, we might expect different cellular infections may induce a bias to- stiffness when analyzed using dynamic sim- mobility strategies for large and small ward the T-helper type 1 (Th1) arm of ulations, and [2] this global impact is influ- individuals. the immune system (and thus away enced by suture material properties. A mac- This study was funded by the Murdock from the Th2 arm, which mediates al- aque FE model was created and analyzed Charitable Trust, reference number lergic responses). This responsiveness using five different sets of suture material 2006194:JVA:11/16/2006. may have evolved to shape immune properties in both static and dynamic simu- responses to the local infectious disease lations of premolar biting. The static and A preliminary analysis of post-cra- ecology: a Th1 bias may enhance future dynamic analyses produced similar results nial metrics from the Naton Beach Th1-mediated responses to intracellular in terms of strain patterns and reactions Site, Island of Guam in the Maria- infection, improving immunocompe- forces, indicating that sutures play a limited nas Islands. tence. However, an association between role in modulating global skull mechanics, early life infectious disease and Th1- regardless of loading design. Sutures did CHERIE K. WALTH. SWCA Environmen- mediated responses to pathogens has not absorb significant amounts of energy tal Consultants. not been tested. To accomplish this, the during dynamic simulations, regardless of Candin skin test for delayed-type hyper- loading speed. These findings are inconsis- The Naton Beach collection offers a sensitivity (DTH) was used to evaluate tent with the functional hypothesis tested unique opportunity to better under- immunocompetence among 288 2-7 year here. As an alternative, we hypothesize stand the earliest occupants of Guam. old children in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. that sutures are mechanically significant The Naton Beach Site includes approxi- A positive DTH response to Candin only insofar as they are weak points on the mately 170 burials that are associated indicates competence of Th1-mediated cranium that must be shielded from unduly with the Early and Intermediate Pre- (or cell-mediated) immunity. Controlling high stresses so as not to disrupt vitally im- Latte Phases. Only a small number of for age and sex, three measures of early portant growth processes. Pre-Latte individuals have previously life immune stimulation were associated This project was funded by grants from been documented. This study focuses on with Candin positivity: large family size the National Science Foundation Physical a preliminary examination of the post- ([3 other children in the household), Anthropology HOMINID program (NSF cranial metric measurements from the OR 5 2.20, p 5 0.04; BCG vaccination BCS 0725183, 0725126, 0725136, 0725078). Naton Beach burials and compares the (assessed by the presence of a vaccina- early group to the later Latte popula- tion scar), OR 5 3.06, p 5 0.03; and Regional isolation and extinction? tion. This data may provide population hospitalization in the first year of life The story of mid-Pleistocene homi- parameters and elucidate biological (most of which were reportedly with in- nins in Asia. relationships between the earlier and tracellular infectious diseases), OR 5 later populations of Guam. A sample of 2.83, p 5 0.08. Similarly, controlling for STEVEN L. WANG1,2. 1Department of 40 Pre-Latte and 40 Latte burials was age and sex, large family size (b 5 1.58, Anthropology, The Graduate Center of selected from Naton Beach Site. Stand- p 5 0.03) and BCG vaccination (b 5 the City University of New York, 2New ard non-metric techniques using the 2.52, p 5 0.01) were associated with York Consortium in Evolutionary Pri- cranial and pelvic characteristics were larger Candin induration size. matology.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 234


Over the past decade, numerous reviews of about 1.88 Ma. KNM-ER 5881 now rep- ment one centimeter at a time to prevent the Middle Pleistocene record have taken resents the earliest known associated damage to the fragile remains. This pre- place in light of new fossil discoveries. pelvis and femur from Koobi Fora. sentation will document the recovery However, with primary foci on the Euro- The only other hominin pelvis from methods required to remove the skeletal African records, much of the rich fossil evi- below the KBS Tuff at Koobi Fora is material and artifacts from the root mass. dence in Asia was sidelined and over- KNM-ER 3228 (1.95 Ma), generally The process revealed that although few looked. It is thus unsurprising that in the attributed to Homo. Even though the bones remained intact, a solid mass of minds of many, Asia remains terra incog- KNM-ER 5881 bones are incomplete, small roots defined their location and posi- nita—and its hominin record exotic. More- new non-landmark based morphometric tion. The mass of black roots was all that over, the accuracy of the Asian chronology techniques using laser scan data enable kept the coffins intact and held the hexago- remains problematic, adding another layer meaningful quantification and compari- nal shape since most of the wood had of impediment to our understanding of re- son of morphology. KNM-ER 5881 is decayed. This unusual case will provide gional evolution and local adaptation. smaller than KNM-ER 3228, and has a insight into the damage that extended ex- In this context, I bring a synergistic review broader sciatic notch. These specimens posure to a water environment and roots of the chronology of mid-Pleistocene homi- do not exceed the size range expected can do to human remains. nins from East and South Asia, including from a male and female of a single spe- recent new dates from key sites such as cies, albeit a dimorphic one. Morpholog- Zhoukoudian Locality 1 and Hathnora. ically they are similar, resembling other Using 3-D geometric morphometric data, I Homo specimens and differing from aus- Ancient bitumen use and polycyclic examine cranial shape changes between tralopiths, with a thick iliac body, con- aromatic hydrocarbons exposure: a H. erectus and mPH (post-erectus,non- cave iliac fossa, a sinusoidal anterior potential factor in the health Neandertal mid-Pleistocene Homo), as iliac border and a small but distinct decline of prehistoric California well as both to later Pleistocene hominins. iliac pillar. KNM-ER 5881 also has a Indians. A large number of not-often-discussed small best-fit scaled radius of curvature specimens are considered (e.g., Hexian, of the pelvic brim. The femur also con- SEBASTIAN K. T. S. WA¨ RMLA¨ NDER1,2, Nanjing 1, Maba, and Ngawi), many of forms to a typical Homo pattern, with a SABRINA B. SHOLTS1, JON M. them original fossils. large head, anteroposteriorly thick ERLANDSON3, THOR GJERDRUM1 The cranial anatomy from the Asian mid- neck, and a neck length similar to other and ROGER WESTERHOLM4. 1Depart- Pleistocene suggests the existence of at Koobi Fora femora. These associated ment of Anthropology, University of Cali- least two distinctive groups in the region. elements provide new data on the evolu- fornia in Santa Barbara, 2Division of Additionally, a north-south (geographical) tion of a Homo-like hip and pelvis in Biophysics, Arrhenius Laboratories, shape difference is observed, hinting the the early Pleistocene. Stockholm University, 3Museum of Natu- presence of paleodemes each evolving in This research was funded by the Tur- ral and Cultural History, University of relative isolation. The shape affinity of kana Basin Institute, National Geo- Oregon, 4Department of Analytical mPH to extra-Asian fossils is confirmed; graphic Society, National Science Foun- Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratories, however, depending on the fossil in ques- dation, Wenner Gren Foundation for Stockholm University. tion (Dali or Narmada), the said affinity Anthropological Research, LSB Leakey to Kabwe and Petralona is exclusive. Foundation. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons This, coupled with a limited number of (PAHs) are the main component of bitu- good sample, warrants caution against men, a material used by human soci- lumping all Asian mPH within the H. Excavation of coffins from an eties since ancient times. The negative heidelbergensis hypodigm. underwater environment and em- health effects of PAHs are well-known Generous funding for this study was bedded in a root mass. for modern human populations, but provided by NSF BSC-DDI 0648800, the have not yet been studied for prehis- Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation STEPHANIE WARD1 and A. JOANNE toric groups. This paper investigates Fieldwork Grant, and NSF DGE CURTIN2. 1Department of Anthropology, the potential health impacts of PAHs in 0333415 (NYCEP IGERT). University of West Florida. 2Department the prehistoric Chumash Indians of Cal- of Anthropology, University of West Flor- ifornia’s Santa Barbara Channel region, ida, Pensacola, Florida. one of the world’s most prolific regions A new hominin pelvis and femur of natural hydrocarbon seepage. Our from Koobi Fora, Kenya. In 2005, skeletal remains were found on analysis of raw bitumen from this Deadman’s Island, Florida. During an region identified numerous toxic com- CAROL V. WARD1, J. MICHAEL official search of the area, a hexagonal pounds, which corroborates previous PLAVCAN2, ASHLEY S. HAMMOND1, shaped root mass was observed floating research indicating that PAHs have CRAIG FEIBEL3, FRED SPOOR4, in the intertidal zone. Nearby, more cof- compromised the health of marine life LOUISE S. LEAKEY5 and MEAVE G. fin shaped anomalies were located, in the area. Archaeological evidence LEAKEY5. 1Department of Pathology which appeared to have been displaced show that the Chumash used bitumen and Anatomical Sciences, University of by erosion from recent hurricanes. as adhesive, medicine, and waterproof- Missouri, 2Department of Anthropology, These anomalies were covered in a ing-agent, suggesting they were sub- University of Arkansas, 3Department of thick mass of dark roots and sediment jected to multiple PAH uptake path- Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers and appeared to be coffin lids or bases. ways, including direct contact, oral University, 4Max Planck Institute for However, hospital radiography con- uptake, and fume inhalation. As bitu- Evolutionary Anthropology, 5Stony firmed that they were not coffin lids but men use and consumption of PAH-con- Brook University and Turkana Basin were collapsed coffins containing skele- taminated fish increased over time, so Institute. tal material. Excavations were per- would have PAH exposure. Our meas- formed on the coffins to determine how urements of excavated skeletons from In 1980, a small femoral shaft frag- the combination of extreme root activity prehistoric Channel Island cemeteries ment, KNM-ER 5881, was found in and water exposure affected the decom- show decreasing cranial size and stat- Area 105 at Koobi Fora. In 2009, The position of human remains. ure over 7,000 years. Given previous Koobi Fora Research Project recovered Forensic and terrestrial archaeological research showing that PAH uptake is the proximal portion of the same femur, field methods were used to expose and related to decreased head circumference and an associated partial ilium from the document the condition of the decedents. and birth length in infants, it seems opposite side. This specimen derives This process involved building a pool to plausible that increasing PAH uptake from the Upper Burgi Member, not far keep the remains wet during excavation contributed to the size decrease in pre- below the KBS tuff, and so is dated to and carefully removing the roots and sedi- historic Channel Islands populations.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 235


A comparison of activity budgets in energetic cost. Gait, oxygen consump- foods had estrogenic activity, we two captive white-handed gibbon tion, and anatomical data from full screened 68 plant items comprising groups. lower body MRIs was obtained from 28 79.7% of the annual diet of red colobus individuals who gave informed con- monkeys and 53 plant items comprising SARA WARREN and ELIZABETH sent. The results indicate that skeletal 85.2% of the annual diet of mountain STRASSER. Department of Anthropology, measures alone (femoral neck length gorillas using transient transfection California State University, Sacramento. and biacetabular width) are poor pre- assays. At least 10.8% of the red colobus dictors of hip abductor mechanics pri- diet and 8.8% of the gorilla diet were We investigate the effect of zoo habitat marily because of fluctuations in the found to have estrogenic activity, complexity on activity budgets of white- mediolateral component of ground mainly from three staple foods (i.e., [ handed gibbons housed at two northern reaction force over the course of stance 1% of annual diet) eaten by the red California zoos. The Oakland Zoo gibbon phase. However, the hip abductors colobus and one staple food eaten by habitat is twice as large as and more com- account for a significant portion of mountain gorillas. All estrogenic plants plex than the Sacramento Zoo habitat. total lower limb force production and in this study exhibited estrogen recep- Therefore, we expected the Oakland gib- active muscle volume during walking tor subtype selectivity. These results bons to travel more and rest less than the and running, and the addition of hip show that phytoestrogens are regularly Sacramento gibbons. abductor active muscle volume to a consumed by two wild primate species Each exhibit housed one male-female pair model predicting locomotor cost and may have important implications of gibbons. Data were collected using in- increases explained variance. Lower for primate reproductive ecology and stantaneous scan sampling at 30-second limb mechanics do not differ between human evolutionary biology, including intervalsfor15hoursateachzoointhe males and females at any joint when reduced fertility and cancer prevention. spring of 2010, resulting in 3400 observa- adjusted for body weight. These This study was funded by the National tions per site. Comparisons of activity results call into question the effective- Science Foundation, International budgets were made between the individu- ness of using skeletal dimensions to Primatological Society, University of als within each zoo as well as between the predict hip abductor mechanics in California-Berkeley Center for African groups at the two zoos. extinct hominins, and the assumption Studies, and Chang-Lin Tien Scholars The females of each zoo pair feed more that a tradeoff exists between locomo- Program. and travel less than do the males. Both tion and parturition in females. male and female Sacramento gibbons This study was supported by grants Decrease in hunting by chimpan- feedtwiceasmuchasdotheirOakland from the National Science Foundation zees in response to over-harvesting counterparts. The frequency of resting by BCS-0850841, The Leakey Foundation of red colobus monkeys at Ngogo, males at both zoos is similar. The fre- and The Wenner-Gren Foundation. Kibale National Park, Uganda. quency of travel by females at both zoos is the same, but the Sacramento female Phytoestrogens in the primate diet: DAVD P. WATTS1, JOHN C. MITANI2, rests more than does the Oakland female. insight from the red colobus mon- SYLVIA J. AMSLER3 and JEREMIAH TheSacramentogibbonsfeed,restand key and mountain gorilla. LWANGA4. 1Department of Anthropol- autogroom more, but travel and interact ogy, Yale University, 2Department of socially less than do Oakland gibbons. MICHAEL D. WASSERMAN1, JESSICA Anthropology, University of Michigan, We conjecture that Sacramento gibbons M. ROTHMAN2, ALEXANDRA 3Department of Anthropology, Univer- autogroom more than do Oakland gib- TAYLOR-GUTT1, COLIN A. sity of Arkansas-Little Rock, 4Makerere bons due to their fewer social interac- CHAPMAN3, KATHARINE MILTON1 University Institute for the Environ- tions. As expected, Oakland gibbons and DALE C. LEITMAN4. 1Department ment and Natural Resources. travel more than do Sacramento gib- of Environmental Science, Policy, and bons, presumably because they have Management, University of California, Chimpanzees prey on a range of verte- more space. Activity budgets at the Berkeley, 2Department of Anthropology, brate species and preferentially hunt larger more complex Oakland Zoo are Hunter College of the City University of red colobus monkeys wherever the two more similar to those of wild gibbons. New York, 3Department of Anthropol- taxa are sympatric. But chimpanzees This has implications for zoo manage- ogy & School of Environment, McGill have overwhelmingly plant-based diets ment practices. University, 4Department of Nutritional and are not obligate carnivores; thus This study was funded by the Ronald E. Science & Toxicology, University of Cali- offtake of red colobus can apparently be McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement fornia, Berkeley. sustainable even when substantial, and Program. predator-prey cycles are unlikely. Naturally occurring estrogen-mimicking Predation pressure on red colobus by Relating pelvic shape to hip abduc- compounds (i.e., phytoestrogens) are the extremely large chimpanzee commu- tor mechanics and locomotor cost. found in over 300 plant species, includ- nity at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, ing human leguminous foods (e.g., soy). Uganda, has been unusually high. Pre- ANNA WARRENER. Washington Uni- Consequently, much medical research vious research has shown that offtake versity in St. Louis. has focused on the influence of phytoes- was unsustainable and that the local trogen consumption on human health red colobus population has substantially The adoption of habitual bipedalism and reproduction, including studies of declined. We use data on prey encoun- required major alterations in hominin captive primates. Despite this interest, ters and hunts, collected over a 16-year pelvic shape, particularly the recruit- very little is known about the occur- period, to test the hypotheses that ment of the minor gluteal muscles as rence of phytoestrogens in the dietary increases in search time have led to a hip stabilizers during the single leg sup- items of wild primates. To address this, decline in the frequency of red colobus port phase of locomotion. Based on a we investigated the prevalence of estro- hunts; that relatively high predation in- static model of hip abductor mechanics, genic plant species in the diets of tensity in one year has a negative feed- previous analyses have disagreed endangered red colobus monkeys (Pro- back effect on predation in the subse- sharply regarding the effect of variation colobus rufomitratus) of Kibale National quent year, which allows some popula- in pelvic width on hip abductor mechan- Park and mountain gorillas (Gorilla tion recovery; and that the chimpanzees ics and locomotor cost in extinct homi- beringei) of Bwindi National Park, both have switched to more reliance on alter- nins and living humans. This study in Uganda. To determine the composi- native prey. We show that over time, examines the effect of pelvic width on tion of their diets, we collected 1327 red colobus encounter rates have sub- hip abductor mechanics during locomo- hours of behavioral observations on one stantially declined and that encounters tion and measures the direct contribu- red colobus group and 1318 hours on have occurred proportionately more of- tion of the hip abductors to locomotor one gorilla group. To determine if any ten in the territory periphery; this has

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 236

AAPA ABSTRACTS 307 increased the costs of hunting and has Did a short-term event in the Mid- another set of four trials. The footprint been associated with a substantial dle Pleistocene give rise to modern trails produced were analyzed for foot decrease in hunting. Some evidence for humans? angle, step length, step width and dis- negative feedback and for prey switch- tance from the edge of the paper. ing exists. However, overall hunting fre- TIMOTHY D. WEAVER. Department of Earlier work showed inconsistent quency has declined, presumably Anthropology, University of California, results with regard to narrowing step because capture probabilities, thus Davis. width while carrying a heavy unilateral expected returns, for other prey are con- load. Our research showed that both siderably lower than for red colobus, It is often stated that modern humans practice and experience increased sub- and no evidence yet exists that the red originated 250,000-150,000 years ago. ject’s tendencies to narrow step width to colobus population is recovering. This statement implies, at least implic- balance the load. New results also sug- This study was funded by NSF Grants itly, that something ‘‘special’’ happened gest that those with more lifetime expe- SBR-9253590, BCS-0215622, and IOB- at this point in the Middle Pleistocene, rience meander less than those with 0516644; The L.S.B. Leakey Founda- such as a speciation event that was per- less experience, but the effect is more tion; The Wenner Gren Foundation for haps triggered by, or resulted in, a bot- pronounced in the foot opposite the Anthropological Research; The National tleneck in human population size. Two load. Experience was also correlated Geographic Society; Primate Conserva- pieces of evidence are usually said to with step length, such that those with tion Inc.; and Yale University. support this contention: that living very little experience showed shorter human mitochondrial DNA haplotypes steps. Variation in step length also coalesce 200,000 years ago, and that seemed to be affected by practice and fossil specimens classified as anatomi- experience, with short-term practice Sexual dimorphism of the greater cally modern humans begin to appear leading to a pattern of greater variation sciatic notch in a circumpolar shortly afterward. Alternatively, modern on the loaded-side foot than on the free- population. human origins could have been a side foot, while lifetime experience lengthy process that lasted from the ERIN B. WAXENBAUM and KATYA C. seemed to exaggerate the difference divergence of the modern human and between sides. SIDDALL. Department of Anthropology, Neandertal evolutionary lineages Northwestern University. Mechanical and safety implications are 400,000 years ago to the expansion of also discussed. modern humans out of Africa 50,000 \Human skeletal dimorphism and eco- years ago, and nothing particularly geographic patterning are frequent Diet and mobility in the Nasca ‘‘special’’ happened 250,000-150,000 region, Peru: carbon and nitrogen topics of interest among physical years ago. Because this alternative anthropologists. Understanding both isotopic analysis of archaeological model does not posit a discrete origins hair and bone. inter- and intra-population differences event, it may be better able to explain between the sexes can provide diagnos- why [50,000-year-old fossils are argu- EMILY WEBB1, CHRISTINE WHITE1 tic information on modern skeletal ma- ably only ‘‘near modern’’ in anatomy. and FRED LONGSTAFFE2. 1Department terial and create foundations for inter- Here I use computer simulations based of Anthropology, 2Department of Earth Sci- preting paleontological discoveries. The on theory from population and quantita- ences, all at The University of Western On- pelvis is cited as the primary region for tive genetics to show that the alterna- tario. assigning sex and the greater sciatic tive lengthy-process model also is con- notch (GSN), a dimorphic feature that sistent with a 200,000-year-old mito- The extreme topography of the Andean is well-preserved in the archaeological chondrial DNA coalescence time and region results in relatively short travel- record, is therefore useful in sexing the appearance shortly afterward of fos- ing distances among isotopically and remains that have deteriorated due to sil specimens that, at least for some ecologically distinct production zones. taphonomic processes. traits, appear to be anatomically mod- Isotopic reconstruction of long-term Previous research has established that ern. I further discuss how these two diets and short-term dietary shifting circumpolar and temperate populations models differ in their predictions and can therefore be used to investigate differ significantly in bi-iliac breadth, a whether or not it is possible to distin- individual patterns of mobility. Here, proxy for body width. While there is a guish between them with current fossil we reconstruct the temporal sequence of wealth of data on cold-adapted body and genetic evidence. change in carbon and nitrogen isotopic 13 15 proportions, there is insufficient compositions (d C, d N) along each research on specific features of the pel- Bipedalism: practice and experi- hair sample (n518) from individuals vis or circumpolar intra-population sex ence in carrying a heavy unilateral buried at Cahuachi and near Huaca del differences. This study compares GSN load. Loro in the Nasca region. These data on metric dimensions between a circumpo- short-term diets are compared with lar and temperate population, to explore DAVID WEBB and SARA BRATSCH. long-term dietary data as indicated by the range of eco-geographic variation in Department of Anthropology/Sociology, bone (n58) in order to explore palaeo- mobility and food acquisition practices sexual dimorphism. Kutztown University. among the ancient Nasca (AD100-1000). Left os coxae from Terry Black (male To clarify unexpected results in a previ- We hypothesized that it would be possi- n549, female n550) and archaeological ous study, a new study was performed ble to differentiate between patterns of Native Alaskan (male n554, female to analyze the effects of both short-term dietary shifting consistent with season- n551) samples were selected for assess- practice and lifetime experience on car- ally changing diet, and the exploitation ment. Native Alaskans exhibited signifi- rying a heavy, unilateral load. While of multiple production zones through cantly wider GSNs than Terry Blacks some new results affirmed our original mobility. as a population (p50.0008). They also expectations, other results suggested Each dataset demonstrates the complex displayed less symmetric GSNs, an indi- that our accomodations to the load interaction between Nasca food acquisi- cator of ‘‘maleness’’, as compared to include techniques not previously tion and palaeomobility, and together Terry Blacks (p\0.0001) as well as by observed. provide insight into the relationships sex across populations (males p50.0002, Fifteen subjects walked on paper run- among the Nasca and their physical females p50.0010). These results indi- ners while wearing paint-soaked socks, and social landscapes. Paired tissues cate that wide GSNs are not inherently first with an empty canvas bag, then and sequential analysis of hair have feminine, and climactic adaptations three times with 21% of body weight in revealed three major trends in the iso- may affect proportions of dimorphic pel- the bag. This set of trials was followed topic data: (1) longer, (semi-) permanent vic features. by several minutes of practice, then changes in residence, (2) local mobility,

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 237

308 AAPA ABSTRACTS and (3) stable or seasonal dietary three rows, one row perpendicular to between left and right upper limb sites of shifting. Potential motivations, includ- the others. Exhumed from this row the teres major (Z 522.070; P \ 0.05), ing social, economic and environmen- were 11 young, African-Americans Their subscapularis (Z 522.070; P \ 0.05), tal impetuses, for these patterns of position in the cemetery could indicate and the common extensor origin (Z 5 mobility will be explored. The isotopic something about their status or the cir- 22.496; P \ 0.05). No significant differ- data presented here suggest that mo- cumstances of their deaths or their sta- ences appear in lower limb sites. Signifi- bility played an important role in tus. It is hypothesized that these indi- cant correlations occur between most Nasca subsistence practices, and was viduals perhaps died close from one of upper limb proximal and distal elements likely an integral part of the Nasca the epidemics known to have swept (r average 5 0.404, P \ 0.01). No signifi- social landscape. across Missouri during the 1800’s. cant correlations are found in proximal Few methods to determine the exact and distal lower limb enthesopathies. Natural experiments: suture oblit- year in which a historical burial took Results suggest fibrocartilaginous enthe- eration in familial lines. place are available, but dental cemen- sopathies may be useful in reconstructing tum increment analysis at least has mobility patterns. NICOLE WEBB, HEATHER WALSH- the potential to indicate whether all of HANEY and ERICA ARRUDA. College the Shiloh individuals died within the Who is ‘informed’ in informed of Professional Studies, Division of same season. For this study, one tooth consent? Justice Studies, Florida Gulf Coast from each of the 11 burials was embed- University. ded in Buehler EpoKwik Resin under KENNETH M. WEISS. Department of vacuum pressurea. The embedded Anthropology, Penn State University. Natural experiments including the anal- teeth were then section ned with a ysis of inherited or mechanically Buehler low speed saw to create 300 ‘Informed consent’ is easy to agree with. induced cranial deformations shed light micron thick wafers. The wafers were Butitisfarlesseasytoknowwhatit upon how we interpret cranial shape each mounted to a petrographic glass means. It is the rare study in which the differences throughout human evolu- slide and ground to a thickness of 100 issues are unambiguous. Perhaps most tion. The literature surrounding the microns, polished, and viewed under troubling is that the ambiguity involves genetic origins of craniosynostosis, or an Olympus BX-41 transmitted polar- the investigators as much as the subjects craniostenosis, identifies the possibility ized light microscope. Digital micro- of a study. There need be no dishonesty or of inheriting the condition via auto- graphs were captured using an Olym- ill intent, just the complexity of studies, mosal homozygous recessive or hetero- pus DP70 digital camera. The outer- the complexity of nature, and the complex- zygous/ homozygous dominate means. most cementum was recorded for a ity of perception by both parties. Informed We present a skeletal case from the Dis- majority of the teeth. The viable teeth consent is especially problematic in genet- trict 17 Medical Examiner’s Office of allexhibitedthesametypeofouterin- ics, where the correlation between DNA Broward County, FL, that provides crement – a light band, indicating a sequence and ancestry or functional infer- insight into the relationship between spring/summer death. ence is often weak or unknown, data on craniosynostosis and genetic inheri- study subjects reveal aspects of their rela- tance. This case is unique because it Can mobility patterns be revealed tives, and future developments of DNA- involves three maternally related through enthesopathies? manipulation technologies cannot be pre- females, a 27 year-old female and her dicted. Some now advocate blanket consent two daughters (ages six and eight ELIZABETH WEISS. Department of An- as the truest meaning of ‘informed’, but years), that evidenced premature suture thropology, San Jose State University. that is unlikely to work well, because no fusion. one can know what is actually being We visually examined and radiographed Use of fibrous entheses to reconstruct agreed to. Grievances can arise even deca- each cranium paying close attention to mobility has met with difficulties due to des later. If anyone should be aware that the coronal, metopic, sagittal, lambdoi- biological confounds, but fibrocartilagi- such agreements involve stated as well dal, incisive, anterior median palatine, nous enthesopathies may prove useful as unstated meanings, anthropologists transverse palatine, and posterior pala- in activity reconstructions. If lower limb should. But the drive for data, inconven- tine sutures. The youngest child dis- enthesopathies reflect mobility, then ience at honoring even sincerely offered played scaphocephaly or premature confounds with body mass should be promises, and vested interests of both par- obliteration of the sagittal suture as did absent, upper limbs should have more ties undermine notions of being ‘informed’. her mother. The eldest daughter, from a asymmetry, and proximal-distal pat- How these issues should be resolved is im- different paternal lineage, did not pres- terns should differ between upper and portant topic, but may have no satisfactory ent with the condition; although, she lower limbs. answers. manifested an accessory sutural bone The present study uses 8 upper limb Financial assistance from Penn State that was identical to her mother. and 7 lower limb fibrocartilaginous Evan Pugh Professors’ research funding. Our analysis of a modern natural enthesopathies from a sample of 105 experiment involving three maternally adult prehistoric hunter-gatherer Cali- A morphogenetic model of cranial related young females helps to validate fornia Amerinds to determine whether interosseous suture formation. heuristic arguments which support the enthesopathies may be utilized in mo- theory that cranial structure and rate bility reconstructions. Enthesopathies JOHN DAVID WEISSMANN, MARCIA of fusion may be driven by genetic fac- are gathered using the 3-scale rating S. PONCE DE LEO´ N and CHRISTOPH tors, while minimizing the role of envi- method proposed by Villotte (2006). P. E. ZOLLIKOFER. Anthropological ronmental stresses and mechanical Additionally, femoral head diameters Institute, University of Zurich. forces in cranial formation. are gathered to calculate body mass using Grine and colleagues’ (1995) for- The complex and highly variable shape Detecting a possible historical mula. Age and sex are determined of interosseous sutures has since long epidemic. through pelvic, cranial, and dental mor- attracted the interest of anthropologists. phology. Individuals with DISH are Cranial sutures are important bone VICKI L. WEDEL1 and DANIEL J. excluded. All data are analyzed for sta- growth sites mediating cranial vault WESCOTT2. 1Western University of tistical significance using non-paramet- expansion, and they are thought to act Health Sciences, 2Florida International ric tests. as strain dissipators. Various models University. Only, the right ulnar triceps brachii have been proposed to explain suture insertion correlates positively with body formation, and methods of fractal geom- In 1993, Shiloh Methodist Church Cem- mass (r 5 0.255; P 5 0.004). Asymmetry etry have been used to characterize etery excavations yielded burials in analyses reveal significant differences their shape. Currently available mor-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 238

AAPA ABSTRACTS 309 phogenetic models capture local aspects small linear gape and condyle height for not size standardized, variation in it of suture formation, while global their skull size, and gumnivores have can be influenced by activity (including aspects remain unexplored. On the low condyles relative to skull size. Dau- TLM), differences in body physique other hand, fractal dimensions only bentonia and Dactylopsia displayed a (especially body breadth), growth and measure overall properties of suture greater linear gape and lower condyle development patterns, terrain type, and lines, while local non-fractal properties than predicted for their skull size. other factors. Therefore, similarly remain unexplored. These results offer insight into the shaped femora can occur in populations Here we build upon standard concepts relationships between skull morpholog- with different levels of TLM. In this of physical interface growth to develop ical features and gape and the conver- study, I investigate the influence of ha- a new model of sutural morphogenesis, gence of primates and phalangeroid bitual activity, body size, and growth which takes into account sutural tissue marsupials. and development patterns on femoral mechanics and proposes bone strain This study was funded by the Kenneth shape. I do this by examining temporal gradients as major factor governing A. Suarez Summer Research Fellow- trends in Native American and modern growth. We also present new morpho- ship, Midwestern University. US populations, comparing diaphyseal metric methods to quantify sutural mor- shape between mobile and immobile phology in a multivariate shape space. Guild shift: a unique and defining individuals, and examining patterns of Computer simulations of our model sys- characteristic of hominin evolution. growth and development in femoral tem produce interface morphologies shape using American populations. I which closely replicate local and global LARS WERDELIN1 and MARGARET also investigate if using multiple biome- features of natural interosseous sutures. E. LEWIS2. 1Department of Palaeozool- chanical properties and multiple bones Also, patterns of sutural shape varia- ogy, Swedish Museum of Natural His- can provide a clearer picture of the pat- tion in an ontogenetic modern human tory, 2Biology, The Richard Stockton tern of activity obtained from long bone sample coincide with ontogenetic trajec- College of New Jersey. morphology. Results indicate that femo- tories of sutures developing ‘‘in silico’’. ral shape is established early in life, Our results identify three main sources The hominin lineage is nearly unique femoral ML (but not AP) bending of sutural morphological variation: vari- among mammals in having shifted from strength is influenced by lean body ation in developmental rates along a fulfilling only a minute part of its pro- mass and body breadth, reduced mobil- common morphogenetic trajectory, vari- tein requirements with animals to uti- ity primarily affects ML strength, and ation in sutural tissue viscosity, and lizing a significant amount of animal the use of multiple properties provides variation in response characteristics of protein. Such an ecological trajectory in a more realistic pattern of habitual ac- sutural tissue to bone strain. mammals has otherwise only been seen tivity. Examples from Native American in two marsupial lineages: the thylaco- populations and individuals such as Comparison of gape morphology leonids (marsupial ) and propleo- Kennewick Man are provided to demon- between primates and phalangeroid pine kangaroos. The hominin guild shift strate the advantage of using multivari- marsupials. has been extensively studied by archae- ate analyses. While the assessment of ologists and anthropologists on the ba- variation in femoral shape is a valuable SARAH KAY WELCH and JONATHAN sis mainly of material culture and the tool for reconstructing mobility, investi- PERRY. Department of Anatomy, Mid- traces of its use. This research has gators should consider standardizing by western University. highlighted a number of behavioral, eco- body breadth, using multiple biome- logical, and physiological consequences chanical properties, and examining mul- Recently, parallels between phalange- of the shift. However, only limited tiple bones when interpreting mobility roid marsupials and primates have been attention has been paid to the top down from long bone morphology. suggested with regard to morphology. macroecological effects on the carnivore Given that some species in each group guild, the mammal communities, and Tourism in Suriname: do monkeys consume similar diets, and that gape is the ecosystem as a whole. We have pre- view tourists as predators or con- potentially related to food characteris- viously emphasized the significant drop specifics? tics, it is expected that we might see in carnivoran species richness coinci- parallel cranial characteristics related dent with advent of derived stone tools JESSICA L. WESTIN1 and LAURIE to gape in these two mammalian (derived Oldowan/early Acheulean) after KAUFFMAN2. 1Department of Anthro- groups. 2 million years ago. Here we will con- pology, The Pennsylvania State Univer- Ten species of primates and nine species sider consequences to the carnivore sity, 2Department of Biological Science, of marsupials were studied. First cali- guilds of the African Plio-Pleistocene DePaul University. per measurements were taken of mor- through analysis of 16 craniodental var- phological features hypothesized to be iables reflecting the morphospace of the Nonhuman primate populations are in related to gape. Each skull was photo- feeding apparatus. The analyses will be decline in many parts of the world. One graphed in a position representing max- evaluated in terms of functional rich- reason for this decline is that primate imum osteological gape. As the jaws are ness (size of morphospace) and func- conservation often clashes with the eco- opened, this is the position just prior to tional evenness (distribution of taxa in nomic needs of people living in host loss of articular contact between the morphospace). We will also explore countries. What can be done to provide glenoid fossa and the mandibular con- whether the hominin disruption of the for people while still protecting natural dyle. From the photographs, measure- carnivore guild engendered a trophic resources? Ecotourism is commonly pro- ments were taken of gape angle and lin- cascade throughout the eastern African moted as a potential solution, but the ear gape (prosthion to the anterior edge ecosystems of the early Pleistocene. impact of tourism on primate popula- of the mandible). tions is seldom investigated. We present Primates consistently conformed to Femoral shape and terrestrial logis- data comparing two field sites and mul- hypotheses more than marsupials. tic mobility patterns. tiple species of monkey in Suriname. Some patterns are common to both The two sites are characterized by dif- groups. Gape angle increases with max- DANIEL J. WESCOTT. Department of ferences in species composition, habitat, illa length and head size. Linear gape Biological Sciences, Florida Interna- and level of tourism. Preliminary increases with skull size in primates tional University. results indicate that different species of (R250.967) and to a lesser degree in monkey exhibit different coping mecha- marsupials (R2 50.529); this suggests Femur diaphyseal shape is commonly nisms to tourist activities at the two that factors other than size strongly used to interpret levels of terrestrial sites. Certain species of monkey, includ- influence gape limitations in marsu- logistic mobility (TLM) in human popu- ing spider monkeys, bearded sakis, tam- pials. In both groups, folivores have lations. However, since femoral shape is arins, and wedge-cap capuchins, espe-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 239

310 AAPA ABSTRACTS cially in the Central Suriname Nature of Puerto Rico and National Institutes individuals. CT scans of the skulls pro- Reserve, seem to view tourists as poten- of Health (NIH). vided an additional method of analysis tial predators and respond with alarm of the injuries and data necessary to dif- calls and fleeing. Other species, includ- Functions of male and female ferentiate peri-mortem trauma from ing brown capuchins and howler mon- bonobo loud calls in inter and intra post-mortem damage in one case. The keys exhibit much milder responses to community interactions. pattern of peri-mortem blunt force and tourists. Red howler monkeys in more chopping force trauma to the skulls and remote areas of the Brownsberg Nature FRANCES J. WHITE1, MICHEL T. post-cranial remains suggests hand-to- Park exhibit a different pattern from WALLER1 and NICHOLAS M. hand combat occurred and these indi- the rest, occasionally responding to MALONE2. 1Department of Anthropol- viduals died from chopping trauma to humans as if threatened by conspecifics. ogy, University of Oregon, 2Department the skull possibly from warfare related Preliminary comparisons of habitat and of Anthropology, The University of activities. tourism aspects between the two sites Auckland. This research was funded by a National will be explored as potential influences Science Foundation Graduate Research on monkey response. Results will con- Data on frequencies, context, and location Fellowship, the Southwest Diagnostic tribute to our understanding of how of vocalizations were recorded for wild Imaging Center, and the William P. nonhuman primates respond to human bonobos, Pan paniscus, at the Lomako For- Clements Center for Southwest Studies. actions, and have important implica- est study site in the Democratic Republic tions for conservation and tourism pro- of the Congo from 1983 to 2009. Location It’s all in your head: heat related grams in tropical forests. relative to the edge of the community deformation and color change in This research was funded by the Rack- range was determined by GPS for 642 frontal bones at Bab edh-Dhra’. ham Graduate School and the Depart- calls, including 393 loud calls (88 by focal ment of Anthropology at the University females and 47 by focal males). Loud calls KATIE WHITMORE1, ELENA of Michigan, and by the National Sci- differed from other vocalizations in being RODRIGUEZ2, JAIME ULLINGER3 ence Foundation Graduate Research more common towards the periphery of the and SUSAN GUISE SHERIDAN2. Fellowship. community range (G 5 32.2773, p \ 1School of Human Evolution and Social 0.001). The frequency of loud calls by male Change, Arizona State University, and female focal animals differed in loca- 2Department of Anthropology, Univer- Population history at the micro- tion (G 5 104.036, p \ 0.001). Females sity of Notre Dame, 3Department of scale: craniometrics of Cayo called more in the center of the range Anthropology, Ohio State University. Santiago macaques. whereas loud calls by male focal animals were only observed on the edges of the Heat related deformations, such as DARICE R. WESTPHAL and GREGORY community range. Both males and females warping, delamination, deformative E. BLOMQUIST. Department of Anthro- participated in loud calls used for inter- fractures, and bone color can be used to pology, University of Missouri. party communication within the commu- determine whether bones were burned nity. Calling and response rates by both in a wet versus dry state. This study Several methods have been developed to males and females were higher during investigated frontal bones from charnel infer relatedness among human or other party fusion than party fission (G 5 6.106, house A22 from the Early Bronze Age primate populations using metric data. Of p\0.05) and were common at evening nest- (2950-2200 BC) site of Bab edh-Dhra’, these, R-matrix methods have typically ing. Calling and party fission were also Jordan. It was hypothesized that skulls been used to approach questions of popula- common at food patches. Calling, followed would exhibit few deformations, as tion history on global or regional scales by fusion, was more frequent when a small archaeological records indicated that with a time depth of tens to thousands of party called from large patches. We con- fire was not a part of the site’s mortu- generations. Applications to non-human clude that bonobo females and males may ary tradition, despite the extensive primate data are also rare. use loud calls to bring others to large food burning seen in bones from the tomb. This study uses detailed genealogical and patches but differ in that loud calling by Additionally, this study hypothesized demographic information for rhesus mac- males is important in inter-community that deformations would occur more fre- aques born over four decades on Cayo communication. quently with gray and white bones Santiago along with individually Research was supported by NSF grants (colors indicating that the bone was matched cranial measurements. We eval- BNS-8311252, SBR-9600547, and BCS- exposed to high heat). The presence of uated the ability of craniometric data to 0610233 to FJW and the Leakey warping, delamination, and deformative recover two important patterns expected Foundation. fracturing was assessed on three differ- from the demographic records: individu- ent landmarks (midpoint of the supraor- als born in more distant time periods are Evidence of violent conflict in bital tori, frontal eminence and mid-cor- less similar to each other, social groups males from Pot Creek Pueblo. onal suture) on 122 frontal bones. Color that arose from the fissioning of a parent was also assessed with both the Munsell group will be more similar to each other CATRINA BANKS WHITLEY. Office of Color system and by using a spectropho- than to other social groups. Archaeological Studies, Museum of New tometer. Delamination was only found Craniometric data are consistent with Mexico. on one of 77 supraorbital tori (1.3%), both expectations from the demographic while warping was found as high as data. Further research is needed to Skeletal evidence of violence in the 10.8% (9/83) and fracturing was as high refine and test predictions about pat- American Southwest is well known and as 12.0% (9/75). Specimens from the terns in the craniometric data and both healed and peri-mortem trauma right side were analyzed and showed no relate them to larger questions of pri- has been reported at many sites, includ- difference among the frontal regions for mate socioecology. Of particular interest ing high rates of cranial injury support- warping (p50.41), delamination (p51), are the influence of group fissioning ing evidence of warfare. The present or deformative fracturing (p50.17). along matriline boundaries and the role study examines the peri-mortem skele- Finally, preliminary analysis suggested of male-mediated gene flow, perhaps tal injuries in three young males, aged deformative features appeared more of- with matriline-biased mating, among 18-22 years-at-death, from Pot Creek ten on calcined bone. The lack of direc- social groups. Pueblo (AD 1260-1320) located in the tional burning in addition to a compari- Research supported by the University of Taos Valley. Of the 88 Pot Creek Pueblo son of other known archaeological and Missouri and University of Illinois individuals analyzed, peri-mortem forensic sites indicated that the bones Graduate College. Cayo Santiago and trauma only occurred in these three were burnt in a dry state. the Caribbean Primate Research Center males, although healed ante-mortem This study was funded by a National (CPRC) are supported by the University injuries were present in several other Science Foundation Research Experien-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 240

AAPA ABSTRACTS 311 ces for Undergraduates grant (SES Minerals in primate foods can play an individuals under the same number. 1005158). important role in food choice and habi- Osteoware will automatically generate a tat quality, yet few data exist, especially unique database record by appending a Chemical communication without a for fruits and seeds. We analyzed min- letter to that number. Adding individu- vomeronasal organ: parallel evolu- eral content of diet and non-diet items als is generally reserved for cases where tion in primates and birds? of the Tana River mangabey (Cerco- several major skeletal elements that are cebus galeritus) by collecting data from clearly associated are present in addi- DANIELLE J. WHITTAKER. BEACON three groups; one from August 2000 to tion to the main individual. Center for the Study of Evolution in July 2001 and two from July 2005 to For cases where there is no main indi- Action, Michigan State University. June 2006. During the latter period, we vidual, as in bone lots, or when addi- collected diet and non-diet items of the tional elements not belonging to the Many studies of chemical communica- same ripeness stage from trees in or main individual are present, com- tion in vertebrates focus on non-volatile under which mangabeys were eating, mingled inventories can be used to enu- compounds primarily detected by the and additional samples during 2009. A merate individual elements under three vomeronasal organ (VNO) and accessory total of 35 fruit and seeds from 18 spe- age categories (infant, subadult and olfactory bulb. Adult Old World mon- cies were analyzed for minerals by adult). Additional data for cases where keys and apes lack these structures, atomic emission spectroscopy according age, sex, evidence of pathological and thus are generally assumed to have to standard methods. Based on 13,200 changes, or unusual taphonomy needs a reduced reliance on chemical commu- eating events on identified plant items, to be recorded for single elements are nication. However, volatile compounds, the 35 items comprise 54.3% of the an- stored under the main catalogue num- which are primarily detected by the nual diet. Mann-Whitney tests showed ber by entering them under a tracking main olfactory system, may also play an no differences in mineral content number. Tracked elements can be important role in communication. between eaten and uneaten items. related through entries as probable Birds, like these primate taxa, have no There were no significant Spearman antimeres or articulating tracking VNO as well as a small olfactory bulb, correlations between diet contribution numbers. This presentation outlines and are thought to have reduced olfac- and mineral content. The annual min- the criteria for adding individuals or tory capabilities and thus to rely on vis- eral intake (estimated from mineral tracking elements and presents two ual and vocal communication. Recent concentration weighted by percent con- case studies of complex sets of cata- studies suggest chemical communication tribution to diet), when compared to the logued remains from the Smithsonian may play a role in avian social and 2003 National Research Council recom- Institution collections. reproductive behavior. Chemical, behav- mendations for non-human primates, Osteoware is supported by grants from ioral, and genetic evidence suggests was deficient in Ca, P, Na, Zn, and Cu; the National Center for Preservation that songbirds send and receive chemi- almost sufficient for Mn; and exceeded and Technology and Training (NCPTT), cal cues. Volatile compounds present in the recommended amount for Mg, K National Park Service, and the Smith- preen oil, a substance secreted from the (provided mainly by fruit), and Fe (pro- sonian Web 2.0 Fund. uropygial gland and used in feather vided mainly by seeds). Our data fit grooming, contain information about general nutritional profiles established Entertaining entrainment: reconsi- species, sex, population, individual iden- from other published values, where dering the effects of respiratory tity, and reproductive condition. Dark- fruits are low in Ca (with the exception constraints on the optimal running eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) can distin- of Ficus spp.), P, Na, Cu, and Zn, and speed. guish among preen oil odors from differ- adequate/high with respect to K, Mg, ent species, sexes, and populations, and Fe, and Mn. MICHAEL WILLCOCKSON and CARA these odors affect behavior in the field. This research was funded by the Wild- WALL-SCHEFFLER. Department of Finally, the recently sequenced junco life Conservation Society, Margot Marsh Biology, Seattle Pacific University. transcriptome shows hundreds of tran- Biodiversity Foundation, Conservation scribed olfactory receptor genes. International’s Primate Action Fund, In Carrier’s (1984) initial paper on the These data from birds suggest that the Primate Conservation, Inc., a Univer- importance of running as a hunting absence of a VNO does not necessarily sity of West Georgia Sponsored Opera- strategy among Homo, he put forth the indicate an absence of chemical commu- tions Faculty Research Enhancement observation that ‘running humans nication. Instead, taxa like birds, Old Award, and a Buffalo State College’s should display greater plasticity in the World monkeys and apes may use vola- Research and Creativity Council’s critical functions of respiration...than tile chemical signals and the main olfac- Research Incentive Award to JW. running quadrupeds.’ He used this ob- tory system. Birds may serve as a use- servation to partly explain the invari- ful comparative group for studying Inventories, adding individuals, ance in the Cost of Transport (CoT) of chemical communication in primate spe- and tracking skeletal elements in human running, and the ability of cies without a VNO. Osteoware. Homo sp. to run down prey at the prey’s This work was funded by the American least optimal speed. Since it has Philosophical Society, the Indiana CYNTHIA A. WILCZAK. Department of recently been shown that the CoT of Academy of Sciences, and the Indiana Anthropology, San Francisco State Uni- human running is not speed invariant, University Faculty Research Support versity. this leads to the obvious question of Program. whether people actually have the plas- A common difficulty in human osteology ticity in critical aspects of breathing Minerals in the fruit and seed diet data management is in organizing function, such as a link between the of the Tana River mangabey (Cerco- records for commingled remains and breathing cycle and the locomotor cycle cebus galeritus) of Kenya. bone lots catalogued under a single col- (‘entrainment’). Here we measured the lection number or recovered from a sin- energetic cost of human running (N59) JULIE WIECZKOWSKI1, JESSICA M. gle burial. Several key features of the at five different speeds and calculated ROTHMAN2,3 and ELLEN S. DIEREN- Osteoware system for documenting individual CoT curves for each partici- FELD4. 1Department of Anthropology, human remains are designed to manage pant. Simultaneously, entrainment was Buffalo State College, 2Department of this problem: adding individuals, com- determined by the degree to which a Anthropology, Hunter College of the mingled inventories, and tracking by post-stimulus histogram (breaths per City University of New York, 3New York individual skeletal elements. Once a 0.05sec bin following a footfall) differed Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- catalogue or field identification number from a uniform plot. We then compared ogy (NYCEP), 4Research & Develop- is entered into the system, the user has the degree of entrainment to each par- ment, Africa, Novus International, Inc. the option of entering data for multiple ticipant’s optimal running speed and

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 241

312 AAPA ABSTRACTS found that while eight of our subjects This study was funded in part by the Improvement Grant (# BCS-0903652) clearly entrained at some speeds, Institute for Human Origins and Sigma and Integrative Graduate Education entrainment was not a function of CoT Xi. and Research Traineeship (IGERT # (p50.897). Since entrainment was also DGE 0801634) and The George Wash- not correlated with speed (p50.304), it Achieving efficiency and accuracy ington University’s Selective Excellence appears that bipedalism removed the in Oldowan stone tool production. Fund. respiratory constraints associated with 1,2,3 quadrupedalism as originally predicted ERIN MARIE WILLIAMS , ADAM Dietary proclivities in three pur- 4 by Carrier. Unlike quadrupeds, for D. GORDON and BRIAN G. ported terrestrial fossil catarrhines, 2,5 1 whom respiratory constraints remain RICHMOND . Hominid Paleobiology Procynocephalus subhimalayanus, 2 implicated for leading to a minimum Doctoral Program, Center for the Parapapio whitei and Oreopithecus CoT, constraints which lead to an mini- Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiol- bambolii, from Scale-sensitive frac- mum CoT for people must involve other ogy, Department of Anthropology, The tal analysis of enamel surface tex- 3 variables. George Washington University Verte- ture characteristics using white- brate Paleontology, Carnegie Museum of light confocal microscopy. Natural History, 4Department of An- Modeling species variation with thropology, University at Albany – FRANK L. WILLIAMS. Department of nonmetrics using a fuzzy inference SUNY, 5Human Origins Program, Anthropology, Georgia State University. system. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Terrestrial locomotion has been inferred CATHY WILLERMET. Department of for Procynocephalus subhimalayanus Sociology, Anthropology, and Social It is now clear that multiple hominin from its relatively large maxilla. To Work, Central Michigan University. species used and/or produced stone identify whether purported terrestrial- tools, yet evidence suggests that only ity correlates with dietary proclivities, Species identification includes a search later Homo intensified and developed the dental microwear of Procynocepha- for autapomorphic nonmetric variables. the behavior. This difference has been lus is compared to Parapapio whitei Our ability to describe intraspecific and attributed to later Homo’s ability to exe- from Makapansgat (n 5 4), a Pliocene interspecific variation in these charac- cute efficient tool production, to the analogue with an isotopic and trace ele- ters affects our ability to recognize fossil exclusion of earlier hominin species. ment signature indicating underground species. Nonmetric variables may pres- The current study evaluates whether storage organs were consumed. As a ent as a continuously expressed trait, modern human upper limb anatomy parallel example of terrestrial locomo- such as degree of rounding of the infero- contributes to energetic efficiency and/ tion possibly corresponding to dietary lateral orbital margins. We partition or accuracy during knapping. Knapping regimes, two late Miocene taxa, Oreopi- continuously distributed variables into kinematics were captured from eight thecus bambolii (n 5 2) and Mesopithe- graded/bimodal character states for experienced knappers using a VICON cus pentelicus (n 5 12), are sampled data collection. Sometimes multiple motion analysis system (200Hz). Each and all the fossils are compared to character states are observable in a subject produced four Oldowan choppers extant primates with known diets. Den- population. Variables presenting multi- under two conditions: two choppers tal microwear was examined by scan- ple character states are problematic for under normal conditions and two with ning the protocone surface using white- determination of polarity and identifica- subjects’ wrists restrained to 308 of light confocal microscopy at 100x, tion of autapomorphies, particularly if extension to simulate one aspect of the followed by Scale-sensitive fractal anal- multiple character states exist in a spe- primitive hominin condition. Under nor- ysis. The four texture characteristics cies. Nonmetric variables are often mal conditions all subjects employed extracted from surface dimensions were described using linguistic variables a partial proximal-to-distal joint ranked before Anova with post-hoc tests (‘‘large’’, ‘‘moderate’’, ‘‘small’’), which are sequence, with peak segment linear of significance and multivariate analy- fuzzy categories. A fuzzy rule-based sys- velocities and peak joint angular ses were performed. Procynocephalus tem allows computing with linguistic velocities initiating at the shoulder and Parapapio exhibit relatively com- categories. Can Neandertals and early and elbow, respectively, and progress- plex surfaces and middle to low values moderns be partitioned using multistate ing distally. Subjects exhibited the for anisotropy compared to folivores nonmetric variables? How well do mul- ‘‘dart-throwers arc,’’ moving from such as Trachypithecus and Alouatta. tistate characters perform in group wrist extension/radial deviation to Procynocephalus and Parapapio exhibit identification? flexion/ulnar deviation. Wrist exten- higher textural fill volumes compared to Nine nonmetric cranial variables repre- sion peaked 0.037-0.075 seconds before extant analogues indicating even harder senting three regions of the skull were strike, positioning the wrist to reach and more brittle foods were consumed collected on 14 Neandertals and 24 peak flexion velocity immediately than observed in the diets of arboreal moderns. Nonmetric variables were lim- before strike, resulting in peak ham- hard-object specialists or leaf/seed for- ited to those having three or more char- merstone acceleration at strike. Pre- agers. In multivariate analyses, Procy- acter states. A Mamdani fuzzy inference liminary results suggest that together nocephalus and Parapapio consistently rule-based system was devised using these motions patterns produced sig- cluster together. Oreopithecus resembles MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Fuzzy nificantly more work in an energeti- Trachypithecus and Gorilla gorilla membership functions were defined for cally efficient manner compared to beringei in a principal components anal- each variable from their graded catego- swings when the wrist was restrained ysis but is linked with Mesopithecus in ries. Fuzzy inference rules used these and precluded from being positioned a cluster analysis. The inferred terres- functions to calculate membership into for rapid flexion. Further, with an trial diets of Procynocephalus and Para- ‘‘Neandertal’’ and ‘‘Modern’’ sets. Anal- unrestrained wrist subjects struck papio most closely approximate the diet ysis was performed on variables indi- their targets with significantly greater signal of Lophocebus suggesting mixed- vidually and in aggregate, and results accuracy (p \ 0.05). These results sug- fruit and hard-object feeding character- compared. Some variables (ex: infra- gest that derived hominin hand and ized at least a portion of their diets. glabellar notch profile) performed bet- wrist anatomy contributes energetic ter than others (ex: superciliary arch efficiency and accuracy to stone tool Evolutionary history of the homi- shape) for group identification. A bet- production. noid vertebral formula. ter understanding of multistate non- This project was funded by the Wenner- metric variables can advance their use Gren Foundation’s Dissertation Field- SCOTT A. WILLIAMS. Department of for species identification and phylogeny work Grant (#7995), the National Sci- Anthropology, University of Illinois, construction. ence Foundation’s Doctoral Dissertation Urbana-Champaign.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 242


The numerical composition of the verte- formalized in the ‘‘Osteological Paradox’’ occurred infrequently, but resulted in bral column has generated newfound in- (Wood et al., 1992), results from a paleo- severe injuries, including at least 17 terest in recent years, particularly epidemiological analysis of dental fatalities. Intergroup interactions were regarding its role in the evolution of health for the late prehistoric period in hostile throughout the study period hominoid primates, in large part due to west-central Illinois are presented. This but occurred most frequently during the implications for hominin origins and includes a reexamination of the multi- the destruction of the Kahama commu- the evolution of bipedalism. Recently, component Dickson Mounds skeletal nity in the 1970s, and the expansion several different scenarios were pro- sample using maximum likelihood of the Kasekela community in the posed to describe the modal number of methods of age estimation and hazard 1990s and 2000s. The timing and loca- lumbar vertebrae possessed by the last modeling to address the impact of selec- tion of patrols and intergroup encoun- common ancestor (LCA) of humans and tive mortality. ters depended on the relative size of chimpanzees. These include a "chimp- The co-variance of advanced carious neighboring communities, and on the like" ("short-back") ancestry, a "Pro- lesions with age-at-death in females of abundance and location of key food consul-like" ("long-back") ancestry, and reproductive age in all the time periods resources. In the past decade, Kase- a "human/gibbon-like" ancestry. Initial examined indicates that heterogeneity kela chimpanzees directed most of interpretations of Ardipithecus ramidus in frailty led to early entry into the their territorial effort towards the support the long-back scenario, death assemblages. Females with poor food-rich north, but gained most of although the ARA-VP-6/500 skeleton dental health had a significantly higher their female immigrants from the does not preserve sufficient remains to probability of death during their early south, suggesting that competition for assess vertebral counts. reproductive years, while post-reproduc- food, rather than females, is the more I test these competing hypotheses using tive age females had considerably fewer common motivator for intergroup a combined dataset of published verte- carious lesions. By contrast, the rela- aggression in this population. bral formulae for both extant and tionship between carious lesions and This study was made possible by fund- extinct mammals, supplemented with age-at-death in males followed the attri- ing from National Science Foundation my own data (total N5,600 specimens). tional mortality profile with the proba- grant BSC-0648481 and the University Modal ancestral vertebral formulae are bility of poor dental health increasing of Minnesota. reconstructed throughout mammalian with age. These findings shed additional evolution and the hominoid vertebral light on the relationship between fertil- Species differences in the rate of column is placed in this large phyloge- ity, subsistence, and well-being in tradi- cognitive ontogeny among humans, netic framework. Results suggest that a tional agricultural populations, while chimpanzees, and bonobos. 7-13-6-3 (cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sac- simultaneously challenging bioarchaeol- ral) vertebral formula evolved in the ogists to employ analytical methods VICTORIA WOBBER1, ESTHER 2 ancestor of therian mammals and per- suitable for the right-censored data in- HERRMANN , BRIAN HARE3, sisted throughout mammalian evolu- herent to skeletal samples. RICHARD WRANGHAM1 and tion, including the LCA of catarrhines. Components of this research were sup- MICHAEL TOMASELLO2. 1Department The LCA of crown hominoids achieved a ported by grants from Wenner-Gren and of Human Evolutionary Biology, 7-13-5-4 formula through a caudally- the National Science Foundation. Harvard University, 2Department of directed homeotic shift at the lumbo- Comparative and Developmental Psy- sacral border, a rare occurrence among Causes of intergroup aggression chology, Max Planck Institute for Evo- mammals. The LCA of hominids experi- among chimpanzees at Gombe lutionary Anthropology, 3Department of enced a subsequent shift at this border, National Park, Tanzania. Evolutionary Anthropology and Center rendering the vertebral formula 7-13-4- for Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke 5, a "great-ape-like" pattern that per- MICHAEL L. WILSON1,2, DEUS C. University. sisted through to the hominin-panin MJUNGU3 and ANNE E. PUSEY4. LCA. Therefore, this study supports a 1Department of Anthropology, Univer- Patterns of cranial development vary short-back, "short-trunk" scenario of sity of Minnesota, 2Department of Ecol- significantly between humans and our hominin ancestry. Implications for ogy, Evolution and Behavior, University closest living relatives, chimpanzees orthogrady, bipedalism, and hominin of Minnesota, 3Gombe Stream Research (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan pan- evolution are discussed. Centre, the Jane Goodall Institute - iscus). Humans have been proposed to This study was funded by the National Tanzania, 4Department of Evolutionary undergo a greater degree of cranial Science Foundation, grant BSC-0925734. Anthropology, Duke University. growth postnatally in comparison to the genus Pan, while in turn bonobos Reproductive ecology, carious Since the first observations of inter- appear to exhibit delayed development lesions, and selective mortality group killings among chimpanzees (Pan in certain aspects of their crania rela- in late prehistoric west-central troglodytes) at Gombe National Park, tive to chimpanzees. Little data cur- Illinois. Tanzania, anthropologists have used rently exists to test whether these chimpanzee violence as a source of changes in cranial ontogeny are associ- JEREMY J. WILSON. Department of insights for explaining the origin and ated with changes in behavioral or cog- Anthropology, Indiana University- evolution of human warfare. Nonethe- nitive ontogeny. Here we compare the Purdue University. less, the causes of chimpanzee ‘‘warfare’’ cognitive ontogeny of human infants remain only partly understood. Why, for (n 5 48), chimpanzees (n 5 138), and Recent research by John Lukacs and example, are intergroup killings more bonobos (n 5 50), utilizing a battery of colleagues has highlighted the synergis- common at some times and places than over 10 tasks examining a wide range tic relationship between the reproduc- others? Debate continues over whether of cognitive abilities. We test two tive ecology of women and the likelihood chimpanzee intergroup aggression hypotheses: 1) human cognitive develop- of poor dental health in prehistoric and depends mainly on the relative fight- ment is accelerated relative to that of contemporary populations. While these ing power of neighboring groups, Pan in infancy and 2) bonobo cognitive findings help to explain the prevalence efforts to attract female immigrants, development is delayed relative to and patterning of carious lesions in bio- or competition for food resources. To that of chimpanzees. We found that archaeological samples, few scholars to better understand the relative impor- human infants show accelerated cog- date have effectively measured the bio- tance of these factors, we analyzed 35 nitive development between 2 to 4 logical cost of poor dental health and years of data from Gombe. We found years of age, likely owing to an early subsequent probability of entry into a considerable variation in the fre- emergence of social cognition abilities death assemblage. Building upon the quency and location of intergroup relative to Pan infantsthatallowsfor theoretical and methodological concerns aggression. Direct physical contact participation in human culture. We

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 243

314 AAPA ABSTRACTS also found that bonobos exhibited include fundamental community health pology, Stanford University, 2School of delayed cognitive development rela- differences linked to sedentism and Anthropology, University of Arizona, tive to chimpanzees, though only in population density, likely contributed 3Department of Anthropology, Hunter physical cognition skills (those to a higher co-association of non-spe- College, 4Archaeology Unit, University employed in foraging or reasoning cific infection and deciduous defects in of Dar Es Salaam, 5Department of An- about objects). These results suggest the Late Mississippian. thropology, Durham University. that differences in cranial ontogeny in hominoids are associated with signifi- Ontogeny of limb growth and loco- Because spatial proximity is necessary cant differences in cognitive ontogeny. motor behavior in Lemur catta and for most forms of social behavior, friend- Further work should integrate studies Propithecus verreauxi. ships and other ‘‘close’’ relationships are of behavioral and physiological devel- likely to be expressed in patterns of opment as part of a larger evolution- STEPHANIE A. WOLF1, RICHARD R. space use. While primatologists often ary developmental approach to under- LAWLER2 and ROSHNA E. WUNDER- explicitly model the social structure of a standing human evolution. LICH1. 1Department of Biology, species or population in terms of space This work was supported in part by a 2Department of Anthropology, James use, researchers studying human popu- European Research Commission Madison University. lations are much less likely to do so. Advanced Grant Agreement 233297 and Primatologists and other biologists often National Science Foundation grant Propithecus verreauxi and Lemur catta use observations of social interaction NSF-BCS-08-27552-02 to B.H, and an differ in adult locomotor behavior and and grouping to create inductive models L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant, NSF morphology, especially in terms of spe- of social structure, from which individu- DDIG 0851291, and Wenner-Gren cializations for hindlimb-dominant loco- als’ preferred social partners can be Foundation Grant to V.W. motion. However, little is known of the inferred. In contrast, anthropologists ontogenetic trajectories by which these and sociologists typically use interview Co-associations of subsistence strat- adult forms are acquired. We examined data to create deductive models of social egy, non-specific infection, and changes in locomotor behavior and limb structure based on nominations of im- congenital defects of the decidu- morphology from 0-2 years in L. catta portant social relationships, such as ous dentition in pre-Columbian and P. verreauxi. Limb segment lengths friendships. This paper will compare Tennessee. and body mass were recorded every two models of Hadza hunter-gatherer social weeks (infants) or four weeks (year- structure derived from both methodolo- MARISSA C. WOJCINSKI. Department lings) at the Duke Lemur Center (DLC). gies: direct measures of social grouping of Sociology and Anthropology, Illinois Locomotor data were collected on as recorded by GPS devices worn by State University. infants and yearlings of each species in subjects, and the same subjects’ nomi- free-ranging enclosures at the DLC nations of who their friends were. 11 Defects of the deciduous dentition flag using locomotor bout sampling. Bouts men and 14 women living in 2 Hadza prenatal stress which may predispose were classified as hindlimb, forelimb, or camps in 2010 wore GPS devices daily children to postnatal chronic health ‘‘all-limb’’ dominant locomotion. Positive for two weeks. We use measures of problems. These chronic health prob- allometric growth was observed in all space use to model the strength of social lems may be skeletally manifested as limb segments (except L. catta radius) association between individuals. The periostitic or osteoporotic changes in the and was highest in femur length from same subjects were asked to name who cranial and postcranial skeleton, and 0-6 months in both species. No signifi- their closest friends in camp were. Both compromised growth of the long bones. cant differences in allometric growth GPS data and interview responses The subadults which possessed decidu- were found between species or age reveal a strong preference for social ous dentition (skeletally \7 years of classes. Propithecus have significantly association with same-sexed individuals. age) from 7 sites (N5386) from the agri- longer limb segment lengths than L. We examine the spatial correlates of culture-intensive late Mississippian (AD catta during infancy, and both species strong and weak friendship ties, and 1300-1550) period of East Tennessee have relatively higher intermembral test whether husbands and wives can were compared to the same skeletal age indices during 0-6 month versus 6-12 be identified through patterns of spatial cohort from 5 sites (N5111) dated to the months of age. More hindlimb dominant proximity. Late Archaic (3000-100 BC) period of locomotion was observed in L. catta This study was funded by NSF BCS west-central Tennessee. Despite the infants than yearlings. No differences 0850815. problems associated with the differen- were observed in locomotor behaviors tial preservation of skeletal material, between P. verreauxi infants and year- Phylogenetic signals in the homi- results indicate a higher frequency of lings. L. catta displayed higher frequen- noid carpus. chronic health problems in the maize- cies of all-limb locomotion than P. ver- dependant Late Mississippian (32 indic- reauxi in all age classes. Growth trajec- STEVEN WORTHINGTON. Center for ative cases), with 13 of those individu- tories were similar between species, yet the Study of Human Origins, Depart- als also demonstrating long bone initial limb segment lengths and loco- ment of Anthropology, New York Uni- involvement (13 indicative cases). The motor behaviors differed between spe- versity, and New York Consortium in Late Archaic hunter-gatherers demon- cies across age classes. These data sug- Evolutionary Primatology (NYCEP). strate a higher frequency of long bone gest that differences between species in involvement: 9 indicative cases out of adult body proportions may be estab- The carpal skeleton has been an impor- 10 subadults with chronic conditions. lished early in neonatal life. tant region in studies of hominoid anat- When the co-association of chronic This study was partially funded by omy. It is the product of functional, de- infection and dental defects was exam- Sigma Xi Grants-In-Aid of Research velopmental and phylogenetic processes ined, results indicate that 28 (7%) Late G2009151076. and therefore many carpal traits would Mississippian period subadults dis- be expected to exhibit mixed ‘signals’. played gross enamel defects, 10 of Keeping their friends close? Con- The question asked in this study is: which also demonstrate chronic infec- trasting models of social associa- which carpal characters exhibit a high- tion. In contrast, the Late Archaic tion in Hadza hunter-gatherers. level of phylogenetic structure? sample indicate a much lower fre- Nineteen metric and seven categorical quency of dental defects (3%) with only BRIAN M. WOOD1, DAVID A. characters were collected from the capi- 1 case co-associated with chronic RAICHLEN2, HERMAN PONTZER3, tate, hamate, lunate, triquetral, pisi- stress. These results suggest that fac- JAMES H. JONES1, AUDAX Z.P. form and scaphoid. Ten extant anthro- tors which contribute to this settle- MABULLA4 and FRANK W. poid taxa (n5253), including six homi- ment and subsistence difference, which MARLOWE5. 1Department of Anthro- noid species, were sampled. Individual

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 244

AAPA ABSTRACTS 315 traits were ranked by their ability to and LH to confirm ovulation. Although Craniofacial Ontogenetic trajecto- recover phylogenetic information (topol- 5% of samples indicated acute infection ries of two subspecies of Japanese ogy and branch lengths) independently ([4 mg/L), CRP was markedly low (me- macaque (Macaca fuscata). From inferred from molecular characters. dian 0.28 mg/L) relative to comparable fetus to adult. Null models of tree statistics were con- western populations. Nevertheless, the structed with maximum likelihood and expected relationship of BMI (median W. YANO1, N. EGI2, T. TAKANO3 and parsimony-based algorithms (using R, 24.1) and CRP was apparent (beta 0.11, N. OGIHARA4. 1Department of Zoology, Matlab and Mesquite). Null models rep- p \.01). The 80% of ovarian cycles that Kyoto University, 2Primate Research resent hypotheses of no phylogenetic were ovulatory exhibited mid-follicular Institute, Kyoto University, 3Japan signal in a trait for the sampled taxa. estradiol (median 86 pg/mL) and mid- Monkey Centre. 4Department of Me- Characters were ranked by their devia- luteal progesterone (14.9 ng/mL) levels chanical Engineering, Keio University. tion from these null models. Traits of similar to western populations. Even so, different rank were then compared in we detected no systematic relationships Previous studies have suggested the tree inference (using PAUP). For metric between CRP and ovarian hormones postnatal craniofacial ontogeny in pri- characters, a matrix of five highly- across ovulatory cycles, either in tests mates mainly establish interspecific cra- ranked traits performed better than for direct association or in models niofacial shape variations. But, other matrices composed of all nineteen traits, including possible moderators (age, studies have demonstrated that such a or of eleven lowly-ranked traits. Trees BMI, cycle length, socioeconomic sta- inter-taxonomic variations are already of lowly-ranked traits failed to support tus). In sum, interactions of CRP and formed before birth. Few studies, how- hominoid monophyly, while those gener- ovarian hormones were not apparent in ever, have induced comprehensive cra- ated from all characters failed to sup- a population with very low CRP. Sup- niofacial trajectory from fetus to adult port a Pan-Homo clade. Trees of highly- ported by: MH57761, NSF SBR to identify when and how divergence of ranked traits succeeded on both counts, 9506107. ontogenetic trajectories between closely though did not completely recover the related primates animals. In this study, hominoid molecular topology. Tree infer- we cross-sectionally analyzed the onto- ence is improved by excluding traits genetic shape changes in crania of two that contain little hierarchical structure subspecies of Japanese macaque to (parsimonious trees have shorter explore whether they share a common lengths and greater support). Highly- trajectory in the ontogeny. ranked characters may be useful for Does the Dali cranium belong to We used a total of 137 specimens of Japa- inferring the phylogenetic relationships Homo heidelbergensis? nese macaque subspecies (75 Macaca fus- of closely related fossil taxa. cata fuscata and 62 Macaca fuscata yakui). This study was funded by NSF XINZHI WU1, SHEELA ATHREYA2 We used 32 fetus samples and 105 dried 0824496, NSF (NYCEP IGERT) and HONG SHANG1. 1Institute of Ver- crania for infants, juvenile, subadult, and 0333415, The Leakey Foundation, the tebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthro- adult samples. Each specimen underwent Systematics Research Fund of The Lin- pology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, computed tomography scanning, and 54 nean Society of London and the Lewis 2Department of Anthropology, Texas landmark coordinates were digitized on and Clark Fund of the American Philo- A&M University. the internal and external surfaces of the sophical Society. crania. We adopted a geometric morpho- A comparative morphological study was metrics technique and principal compo- Ovarian hormones and inflamma- undertaken in order to assess the affinity nent analysis to three-dimensionally inves- tion in urban Bolivians. of the Dali cranium from China relative tigate cranial ontogenetic shape changes. to a sample of middle and late Pleisto- Our results showed that two subspecies CAROL M. WORTHMAN1, MARIAM cene Eurasian and African hominins. generally share a common size-related KARAMALI1 and VIRGINIA J. Specifically, the purpose was to determine ontogenetic pattern from fetus to adult VITZTHUM2. 1Department of Anthropol- if Dali was most likely to group with (PC1 and PC2). Clear cranial shape dif- ogy, Emory University, 2Kinsey Institute specimens typically classified as Homo ferences, such as the height of neurocra- and Department of Anthropology, Indiana heidelbergensis. Because there is not one nium and the shape of the orbit and occi- University, Bloomington. prevailing hypodigm for this taxon, the pital bone, accounted by PC3, were found comparative H. heidelbergensis sample to be already present by the one third of Reproductive ecology has established was configured in three ways: inclusive of the fetal life. Our results suggested that eco-behavioral and developmental bases all Eurasian and African non-erectus mid- the divergence of primate craniofacial for variation in ovarian function within dle Pleistocene specimens, inclusive of ontogenetic trajectories probably occur at and between human populations. These just European and African fossils, and in- the very early stage of the fetal period same populations face immune chal- clusive of only the European ones. The even between closely related taxa. lenges for health, yet the trade-offs affinity of Dali was assessed using dis- between reproduction and maintenance criminant function analysis. The results Vaginal microbial community struc- demands across the wide range of group Dali with Homo erectus in the first ture and maternal ecology in human ecologies remains largely unex- configuration of the comparative sample, primates. plored. C-reactive protein (CRP), a com- and with the European and African mid- ponent of inflammatory response, has dle Pleistocene hominins in latter two SULEYMAN YILDIRIM1, ANGEL been implicated as a biomarker of circu- configurations albeit with weak (1%) typi- RIVERA1, STEVEN LEIGH1,2, CARL latory and metabolic disease risk; more- cality probabilities. These results suggest YEOMAN1, BRYAN WHITE1, TONY over, variation in CRP has been linked that the population from which Dali is GOLDBERG3, BRENDA WILSON1 and to cyclic variations in ovarian hormones derived is neither uniquely African/Euro- REBECCA STUMPF1,2. 1Department of in western women. This study probes pean in origin, nor is it uniquely Asian. Anthropology, University of Illinois, the relationship of ovarian hormones It would be reasonable to group Dali with 2The Institute for Genomic Biology, Uni- and CRP in urban non-western women H. heidelbergensis but given this fossil’s versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, living at altitude. affinity with Asian H. erectus in the first 3University of Wisconsin, Madison. 61 La Paz residents aged 25-35–non- analysis, these results call into question pregnant, -lactating, or -contracepting– the notion of H. erectus being an evolu- Preterm birth serves as a severe selec- contributed 5 blood spot samples tionary dead-end. Rather, this study sug- tive agent and is a major cause of mor- between days 6-24 of an ovarian cycle. gests that H. erectus played a role in the bidity and mortality in contemporary Samples were assayed for estradiol, pro- emergence of later middle Pleistocene populations. In the US alone, costs of gesterone, and CRP, along with FSH hominin morphology. preterm birth reach upwards of $25B

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 245

316 AAPA ABSTRACTS annually. One closely associated factor ing at least three different kinds of Paleolithic (R1b, I2a2) and Neolithic is disruption of the normal microbiota human adaptation strategies by Jomon haplogroups (E1b1b, G2a, J2a). The of the reproductive tract. Though much people lived on the Holocene Japanese Basque provinces show varying degrees is known about pathogenic bacteria, the archipelago. of post-Neolithic contribution in the pa- function and diversity of commensal On the other hand, the temporal change ternal lineages, with 10.9% Neolithic bacteria associated with the vaginal eco- of protein source during the Jomon pe- lineages in the combined sample. system are currently poorly understood, riod is not significant when we focus on This study was funded by the National as are the mechanisms influencing a specific region. It seems that the tra- Geographic Society (Project 6935-00). microbial disruption associated with dition of Jomon continued from the Ear- preterm birth. liest to Latest Jomon and even in the New reconstruction of Skull IX, a From an evolutionary perspective, following Yayoi period when rice paddy Homo erectus cranium from San- humans are characterized by difficult agriculture was introduced form China giran, Central Java. births, owing to large neonatal head via Korean peninsula as a main part of size relative to pelvic dimensions. In subsistence. Hence, these continuous YAHDI ZAIM1, YOUSUKE KAIFU2, contrast, nonhuman primates (NHPs) traditions of ancient diet suggest that HISAO BABA2, IWAN KURNIAWAN3, are characterized by easier births. the acceptance of rice agriculture at the DAISUKE KUBO4, YAN RIZAL1, Because of the nature of human birth initial Yayoi period was not the reason, JOHAN ARIF1 and FACHROEL AZIZ3. and the close association between but the result of cultural differentiation 1Department of Geology, Institut Tekno- human vaginal bacterial microbiomes in prehistoric Japan. logi Bandung-Indonesia, 2Department of and reproductive fitness, and ultimately This study was funded by Grand-in- Anthropology, National Museum of evolution, we predict that humans ex- Aids for Scientific Research (KAKENHI; Nature and Science Tokyo-Japan, hibit distinct microbial populations com- 22300306, 20255007, 20370095). 3Centre for Geological Survey, Geo- pared to non-human primates. logical Agency, Bandung-Indonesia, We analyzed vaginal swab samples from Paternal genetic history of the Bas- 4Department of Biological Sciences, The eight diverse primate species using mul- que population of Spain. University of Tokyo-Japan. titag 454-pyrosequencing (GS-FLX Tita- nium) of 16S rRNA, including Papio KRISTIN L. YOUNG1,ARANTZAG. Skull IX (Tjg.1993.05) from Sangiran is anubis, Papio cynocephalus, Propithecus APRAIZ2, GUANGYUN SUN3, a remarkably complete cranial specimen diadema, Procolobus rufomitratus, RANJAN DEKA3 and MICHAEL H. of Homo erectus from the early Pleisto- Chlorocebus aethiops, Cercocebus atys, CRAWFORD2. 1Department of Family cene of Java, preserving substantial Gorilla beringei, and Homo sapiens. Medicine, Research Division, Univer- portions of the vault and face. However, Comparisons of microbial community sity of Kansas Medical Center, 2Depart- the distortion present in the original structure indicate that the human vagi- ment of Anthropology, University of reconstruction has hampered detailed nal microbiome is more different from Kansas, 3Department of Environmental documentation of its morphological the average NHP microbiome than any Health, University of Cincinnati Medi- characteristics. We here report our new NHP microbiome is from another NHP cal Center. re-reconstruction of Skull IX that has microbiome. We discuss the potential successfully recovered its original mor- implications of this for preterm birth This study examines the genetic varia- phology and significantly differs from and human evolution and suggest tion in Basque Y chromosome lineages the previous reconstructions. future research directions. using data on 12 Y-STR loci in a sample The specimen was unearthed from the This work was supported by National of 158 males from four Basque provin- upper stratigraphic zone (Bapang-AG Science Foundation grant BCS08-20709, ces of Spain. In agreement with previ- levels) of the hominid-bearing sequence the University of Illinois Research ous studies, the Basques are character- in Sangiran. Its endocranial volume Board, and the UIUC Institute for ized by high frequencies of haplogroup was measured as 870 cc using micro CT Genomic Biology. R1b (83%). Five additional haplogroups technology. In overall cranial form, were identified in this sample: E1b1b details of its surface structures, and fa- The regional variation of maritime (6%), J2a (3%), I2 (3%), G2a (2%), and L cial morphology, Skull IX exhibits adaptation in prehistoric Japan. (1%). Only 8% of haplotypes were found numerous similarities to the other in more than one province, and the Bapang-AG H. erectus specimens. MINORU YONEDA1, NAOMI DOI2, AMOVA analysis shows only a small Along with other Asian H. erectus speci- YUKIO DODO3 and HAJIME ISHIDA2. amount of variation (1.71%, p50.0369) mens from Java and China, Skull IX exhib- 1Department of Integrated Biosciences, is accounted for between provinces, its a narrow superior facial breadth and a Graduate school of Frontier Sciences, demonstrating the overall homogeneity low facial height, suggesting that a small University of Tokyo, 2School of Medi- of this population. Gene and haplotype face was a consistent Asian characteristic cine, University of Ryukyus, 3School of diversity levels in the Basques are on as compared to African Homo from 2.0- Medicine, Tohoku University. the low end of the European distribu- 0.5 Ma. Comparisons of Skull IX, Sangiran tion (gene diversity: 0.4268; haplotype 17, and other fossil specimens from Java, The dietary reconstruction of prehis- diversity: 0.9421). Other isolated popu- China, Georgia, and Africa suggest that toric human populations in Japan was lations in Europe, including the Swed- the H. erectus population from Sangiran conducted by carbon and nitrogen iso- ish Saami, the Roma in Portugal, and had its own unique combination of facial topic ratios in bone collagen. Exploita- Albanians in Kosovo, also exhibit low morphology, which includes a vertically tion of marine resources including ma- haplotype diversity levels. Comparison tall and transversely oriented maxillary rine mammals was significant in only of the Garza-Williamson Index for the zygomatic process, and a low, horizontal prehistoric Hokkaido, while popula- Basques and 36 additional European course of the zygomaticoalveolar pillar. tions in Tohoku and other regions on populations shows no significant impact Polarities of these and other facial charac- main islands were relied on the combi- of a recent genetic bottleneck on the ters as well as their regional variation nation of terrestrial C3 and marine continent. A bootstrapped neighbor-join- within Afro-Asian Pleistocene Homo are ecosystems. The results from the ing tree (R2 5 0.922) of Shriver’s discussed. southern part of Japanese Archipel- genetic distances (DSW) clusters Basque ago, Ryukyu Islands, showed another populations with other Atlantic Fringe Standardizing the collection and type dietary habit based on shellfish groups (Galicia, Ireland) and the non- analysis of cranial suture complex- and smaller fish from coral reef Indo-European Saami. Paleolithic and ity data. lagoons. This regional variability of Neolithic contribution to the paternal Jomon substance was clearly corre- Basque gene pool was estimated by CARLOS J ZAMBRANO1 and RONALD sponding to ecological zones, suggest- measuring the proportion of proposed L WRIGHT2. 1Department of Anthropol-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 246

AAPA ABSTRACTS 317 ogy, University of Florida, 2Student upper left m1 (Ulm1) and a lower left does not reach adult weight until nearly 3 Services, College of Education, Univer- m2 (LLm2). While the allocation of the years of age. Both Dm and Mm exhibit a sity of Florida. ULm1 to Homo (likely H. erectus) seems declining rate of growth throughout unquestionable, the taxonomic assess- infancy, with newborn infants gradually Fractal dimensions have been used as a ment of the lower molar, still bearing a but immediately decreasing weight gain means to quantify cranial suture complex- small concretion partially masking the over time. Others, such as Lc and the Eule- ity. However, a formalized benchmark occlusal surface disto-lingually, is more murs, show relatively consistent growth method does not exist for collection of problematic, and its belonging to a non- throughout infancy. Not surprisingly, ani- suture complexity data. Furthermore, human fossil hominid cannot be fully mals that park their young (Varecia, Mm, there is a thorough lack of understanding discarded. Dm) grow at a faster rate than those whose of how complexity values compare to one In order to characterize the two crowns young cling (Lc, Pc, Eulemurs). In addi- another. As a result there is a gap in under- in terms of tissue proportions, enamel tion, interesting differences were identified standing how fractal dimensions generated thickness variation, enamel-dentine among species within these two groups. by various software packages compare to junction topography, and neonatal line These data not only give us insight into the one another or to the ratio between direct relative position and thickness, the relationships between growth and repro- length and linear length. This study will specimens have been detailed by micro- ductive strategies, but can also be used as offer a standardized method to collect and tomography (lCT) at the Centre de a guide for ensuring healthy infant devel- analyze complexity data. Sagittal suture Microtomographie of the University of opment in captive populations. morphology data was collected from 19 cra- Poitiers, France (21.64 lm resolution), nia using 3 data collection methods: 1) and at the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, physically tracing the suture onto clear An ontogenetic assessment of tra- Italy (6.25 lm). tape then scanning the tracing; 2) using becular architecture at the human Based on a comparative deciduous den- digital photography then tracing the talocalcaneal joint. suture within Adobe Photoshop CS4 and tal sample of extant and fossil human ImageJ; 3) digitizing the sagittal suture molars (representing H. heidelbergensis, ANGEL ZEININGER. Department of using a 3D Microscribe then plotting the x Neanderthals, and anatomically modern Anthropology, University of Texas at and y coordinates. The tracings and plots humans), as well as of extant Pongo, Austin. are converted into binary bitmap images the endostructural conformation of the from which fractal dimensions are gener- LLm2 reveals typically human. In both Absolute peak loading of the calcaneus ated for all three methods using FracLac crowns, differently from the condition during mature bipedalism occurs near 2.5 plugin for ImageJ, and Benoit 1.3 soft- typical of Neanderthals but similarly to the posterior articular facet (PAF), just ware. Direct length to linear length ratios the penecontemporary sample from inferior to the posterior talocalcaneal will be calculated using the Straighten plu- Tighenif, Algeria, 2-3D dental tissue joint (TCJ). Supination and close-packing gin for ImageJ and compared to Fractal proportions and the enamel distribution of the TCJ in preparation for toe-off may Dimensions. Correlation and regression pattern more closely approach the mod- contribute to high compressive forces analyses are performed to examine congru- ern human figures. near the PAF of the calcaneus as well as ency between observers as well as meth- Funded by French CNRS and Univ. of the complementary PAF of the talus. ods. Preliminary results for method 1 indi- Poitiers (Centre de Microtomographie). This study tested the hypothesis that epi- cate that there is a strong correlation (r 5 genetically-sensitive trabeculae in the 0.760) between fractal dimensions gener- talar PAF of juveniles whose immature ated between users for ImageJ but not Everything you ever wanted to bipedalism lacks a propulsive toe-off Benoit; additionally there is a statistical know about infant growth rates in (prior to 2 years) differs from that of difference between the fractal dimensions prosimians but didn’t have a large adults. High resolution computed tomog- calculated by the programs. enough sample size to ask: analyses raphy scans of 3 young juveniles (1-2 of infant weight data at the Duke years), 3 older juveniles (2-4 years), and Lemur Center. 3 adults were used to analyze trabecular Noninvasive microstructural ana- lysis of two late Early-Middle Pleis- SARAH ZEHR, DAVID HARING, bone structure within a volume of inter- tocene deciduous molar crowns JULIE TAYLOR, ANDREA KATZ, est near the talar PAF. Degree of anisot- from the Sangiran Dome, Java, CATHY WILLIAMS and ANNE ropy (DA), bone volume fraction (BV/TV), Indonesia. YODER. The Duke Lemur Center. and the primary trabecular orientation were calculated. CLEMENT ZANOLLI1, ARNAUD Prosimian primates exhibit a vast array of Compared to juveniles, adults had a sig- MAZURIER2, LUCA BONDIOLI3 and morphological, behavioral, dietary, ecologi- nificantly higher degree of anisotropy ROBERTO MACCHIARELLI1,4. cal, and reproductive differences, and we and a higher bone volume fraction. 1De´partement de Pre´histoire, UMR would expect to also see related differences Among juveniles, DA and BV/TV were 7194, MNHN,2 Socie´te´ E´ tudes in infant growth. Using records collected lowest in 1-2 year olds. Adult and juve- Recherches Mate´riaux, 3Sezione di over the 40 year history of the Duke Lemur nile trabeculae were oriented along a Antropologia, Soprintendenza al Museo Center for over 200 individuals, analyses dorsoplantar axis. However, primary Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico ‘‘Luigi of infant growth rates were conducted for trabecular orientation in adults was Pigorini’’, 4De´partement Ge´osciences, 9 species (Propithecus coquereli, Lemur anterodorsal to posteroplantar while ju- Universite´ de Poitiers. catta, Daubentonia madagascariensis, venile primary trabecular orientation Microcebus murinus, Varecia variegata/ was more variable. Results suggest that The Sangiran Dome Pleistocene depos- rubra, Eulemur mongoz, Eulemur macaco the close-packing of the TCJ in adults is its (Central Java, Indonesia) have flavifrons, and Mirza coquereli). The avail- associated with highly organized, yielded the most abundant sample of ability of data for large numbers of individ- densely packed talar PAF trabeculae fossil hominids in Southeast Asia, uals allowed for statistically significant dif- while the lack of a close-packing TCJ including over 200 dental elements, ten ferences to be identified. We found that mechanism in 1-2 year olds is associ- of which are deciduous. Two additional prosimian species exhibit a variety of ated with isotropic, less densely packed deciduous molar crowns have been growth strategies, and these are not talar PAF trabeculae. Results support recently found in the late Early-Middle strictly correlated with longevity, body the use of ontogenetic studies when Pleistocene Kabuh formation outcrop- size, or age at first reproduction. Mm have identifying bipedal correlates using ping near the village of Pucung, in the the most rapid growth, achieving adult pedal trabecular architecture. southern part of the Sangiran area. The body size at roughly 3 months of age, while This study was funded by the Leakey nearly unworn specimens represent an the slowest growing species examined, Pc, Foundation and NSF (BCS 1028958).

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 247


Comparison of intraspecific genetic its complex body composition profile the rock hyrax - Procavia capensis), and and morphological diversity among with that of Homo sapiens. Our unique we recently discovered similar results in a primates. sample consists of 15 chimpanzees (Pan species sympatric to our study subject, the paniscus) that range in age from new- Milne-Edwards’ sifaka (Propithecus JULIA ZICHELLO1,2 and MICHAEL born to about 50 years of age and edwardsi). Both sifakas and mouse lemurs STEIPER1,2,3,4. 1Program in Anthropol- includes 2 infants, 3 juveniles, and 10 experience a pattern of high testosterone ogy, The Graduate Center, City Univer- adults. All individuals died at zoos or levels in females compared to males, which sity of New York, 2New York captive facilities. After necropsy each is not only rare among primates, but rare Consortium in Evolutionary Primatol- individual was dissected, and body tis- among mammals. ogy (NYCEP), 3Department of Anthro- sues were weighed. Each major compo- pology, Hunter College of the City nent was calculated as a percent of total MRI-based morphometric analysis 4 University of New York, Program in body mass, which included muscle, of the human vocal tract during Biology, The Graduate Center, City Uni- bone, skin, fat, organs and other tis- speech formation and implications versity of New York. sues. Body composition in chimpanzees for fossil hominin vocal abilities. changes through life in parallel with Neutral genetic diversity within living humans; for instance, the brain and CHRISTOPH P. E. ZOLLIKOFER1, populations reflects patterns of drift and organs (liver, heart, kidneys) comprise SERGE HAENNI1,2, SUSANNE K. past demographic history, not trends of about 15% of body mass in infants, and SUTER1,2 and MARCIA S. PONCE DE natural selection. The neutral theory of 5% in adults in both species; muscle LEO´ N1. 1Anthropological Institute, Uni- molecular evolution predicts that most mass increases from 22% to over 40% in versity of Zurich, 2Department of Infor- neutral polymorphism is related to the adults. The data demonstrate additionally matics, University of Zurich. stochastic sampling of alleles from gener- a relationship between female reproduc- ation to generation. The neutral theory tion and body composition with changes While it is evident that the human has largely been applied to molecular in relative muscularity and fat stores. vocal tract is structurally and function- polymorphisms, although the model These data sets challenge the assumption ally different from that of all great should apply to any neutral variation that GI tract size is significantly heavier apes, it is less clear exactly which dif- within a population, including morpholog- in chimpanzees than in humans. We con- ferences in hard and soft tissue anat- ical. Here, we compare genetic diversity clude that total muscle mass and fat omy impinge on vocal abilities. Also, it to cranial diversity in a series of catar- stores are the key fluctuating variables remains unclear as to which extent cra- rhines to test the null hypothesis that during human evolution, not GI tract size. niofacial differences between extant neutral molecular and morphological var- humans and fossil hominins reflect dif- iation are correlated. If populations with Elevated testosterone levels in ferences in soft tissue anatomy that more genetic diversity show more cranial female brown mouse lemurs (Micro- might be relevant for speech formation. shape diversity, then cranial variation cebus rufus) at Ranomafana We use here an actualistic approach to may be governed primarily by drift and National Park. address these questions. 3D fast-MRI not selection. In this analysis, we com- data from human volunteers were pare autosomal, mitochondrial and X- SARAH ZOHDY1,2, STACEY TECOT2,3. acquired during speech formation under chromosome genetic variation to 3D geo- PATRICIA C. WRIGHT2,4 and JUKKA various experimental conditions (different metric morphometric cranial vault shape JERNVALL1. 1Institute of Biotechnol- phonemes, variation in voice pitch and diversity within 10 primate populations. ogy, University of Helsinki, 2Centre Val- volume, and variation in head flexion). Our findings indicate that primate popu- Bio Research Station, Madagascar, Landmark-based geometric morphometric lations with more genetic diversity also 3School of Anthropology, University of analysis of these data indicates that the show more cranial vault shape diversity. Arizona, 4Department of Anthropology, vocal tract of modern humans exhibits Inferring how stochastic evolutionary Stony Brook University. considerable inter-individual variability processes, such as drift, shape morpholog- but also a high degree of ‘‘phonemic ical diversity can inform decisions about In mammals, males typically maintain sig- shape constancy’’. We hypothesize that which extant species are appropriate nificantly higher testosterone levels than this combination represents an important models for fossil species, and to what females, and in the case of humans females prerequisite for the formation of consist- degree fossil morphology reflects adapta- testosterone levels are one-tenth lower ent phonemes with easy-to-recognize indi- tion. Additionally, the correlation between than in males (Longscope 1986). However, vidual voice characteristics. these two data types may serve as a pre- these differences are often attributed to Our approach also provides a new dictive system for fossil species for which dominance, as dominant males usally have means to reconstruct fossil hominin we have no genetic data. This analysis is higher testosterone than subordinates, vocal tracts: Identification of both hard particularly germane to evolutionary an- and male dominance is ‘‘typical’’ among and soft tissue structures in modern thropology, given that skeletal diversity mammals, with a few exceeptions. One human MRI-based speech data sets per- within extant primate species is used as exception is the female dominant lemurs of mits construction of hard-soft-tissue an analog for delimiting fossil primate Madagascar. In this study we test the hy- mapping functions. These functions can species, including humans. pothesis that female brown mouse lemurs be applied to fossil hard tissue in an (Microcebus rufus) at Ranomafana attempt to infer soft tissue morphology How body composition in Pan pan- National Park (RNP) in the eastern rain- of the vocal tract, and speech-related iscus challenges ‘‘the expensive tis- forests of Madagascar will have compara- modes of soft tissue shape variation. sue hypothesis’’. ble or higher levels of testosterone than the males in the same population. To do so, Premolar microwear in Australopi- ADRIENNE ZIHLMAN1 and DEBRA fecal samples were collected from male and thecus afarensis and A. africanus. BOLTER2. 1Department of Anthropol- female mouse lemurs from September ogy, University of California, Santa 2008 to November 2009 (n5541), which MELISSA S. ZOLNIERZ1, LUCAS K. Cruz, 2Department of Anthropology, were later analysed at the Wisconsin DELEZENE2, WILLIAM H. KIMBEL2, Modesto College. National Primate Research Center using JESSICA R. SCOTT3 and PETER S. enzyme-linked immunoassays. Our results UNGAR1. 1Department of Anthropology, The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis show that female mouse lemurs have com- University of Arkansas, 2Institute of argues that as our ancestral (human) parable or higher testosterone levels than Human Origins, School of Human Evo- diet shifted to meat, brain size males throughout the study, including dur- lution and Social Change, Arizona State increased and GI tract size decreased. ing the brief breeding season. This is only University, 3Doctoral Program in Envi- We tested this by evaluating body com- the third reported case of higher testoster- ronmental Dynamics, University of position in Pan paniscus and comparing one in mammalian females (the first being Arkansas.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 248


In nonhuman apes, the P3 functions as focused on the molars. Here we each P3. Results indicate that A. africa- a honing device for the maxillary ca- report the results of the first compara- nus has significantly higher complexity nine. The loss of canine honing and sub- tive dental microwear texture analysis and anisotropy values than A. afarensis. sequent morphological transformation of P3 ‘‘Phase II’’ facets of A. afarensis However, as previously revealed, the of the P3 are important evidence for the (n518) and A. africanus (n59) molars of A. afarensis and A. africanus ‘‘hominization’’ of the C/P3 complex. For taxa whose postcanine morphological di- differ in complexity but not anisotropy. the P3, interspecific differences among versity captures one stage of the homi- Therefore, the suite of microwear tex- Plio-Pleistocene hominins in crown size nin C/P3 transformation at ca. 3.5-2.5 ture attributes that distinguish these and the degree of ‘‘molarization’’ (crown Ma. species differs between P3 and the shape, cusp number, etc.) have been White-light confocal profilometry and molars. This result has important impli- classically thought to reflect adaptations scale-sensitive fractal analysis were cations for understanding variation to a changing dietary resource base. combined to generate data for five between species in both diet and degree While dental microwear studies have microwear texture attributes reflecting of functional differentiation along the proven to be an important tool dietary use-wear (anisotropy, complex- tooth row. for reconstructing hominin diets and ity, scale of maximum complexity, heter- Funded by the US National Science tooth-use behaviors, most research has ogeneity, and texture fill volume) for Foundation.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 17:00 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008