J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA-2011-Abstract Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 1 AAPA ABSTRACTS 72 Abstracts of AAPA Poster and Podium Presentations Risky business: an evolutionary hybridization in the Middle East and modern and fossil taxa in the sample perspective on placental nutrient nearby regions circa 100kya. However, cannot be supported, including giraffe transport and postpartum hemor- an impediment to precisely delineating (Giraffa camelopardalis),grayduiker rhage. the timing of hybridization (both its (Sylvicapra grimmia), oribi (Ourebia our- start and cessation) remains: we don’t ebi), grysbok/steenbok (Raphicerus sp.), ELIZABETH T. ABRAMS1 and know how long hybrid skeletal traits hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), and JULIENNE N. RUTHERFORD2. 1Depart- persist in the absence of continued gene Megalotragus priscus. In addition, the ment of Anthropology and 2Department flow, and therefore it is not clear specific attribution of the suid and of Oral Biology, University of Illinois at whether observed hybrid phenotypes reduncine collections is not possible. Chicago. are evidence of recent or much earlier Both the previously noted C. nitidula hybridization events. This problem is maxilla and catalogued black-backed Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), the exemplified by the child skeleton from jackal (Canis mesomelas)mandiblecould leading cause of maternal mortality Lagar Velho, Portugal, which has been not be located in 2010; however, analysis worldwide, is responsible for 35% of argued to reflect mixed ancestry despite of undocumented postcrania yielded a maternal deaths. Proximately, PPH living 200 generations after the last Dinofelis sp. fourth metatarsal. Results results from the failure of the placenta known existence of Neanderthals in the of this reanalysis indicate that the to separate from the uterine wall prop- area. Is this possible? Research in both assemblage setting column widtheposi- erly, most often because of impairment plants and animals suggests that it is; tional phases, and discussion focuses on of uterine muscle contraction. However, ‘new’ variation that enters a system the similarities in the fossil klipspringer despite its prevalence and its well- through gene flow can persist for a con- (Oreotragus major) specimens to those described clinical manifestations, the siderable amount of time – even for from Makapansgat Member 3. ultimate causes of PPH are not known hundreds of generations. This is espe- and have not yet been investigated cially true if the traits are not linked to through an evolutionary lens. We argue fitness. Although data for long-term, ev- here that vulnerability to PPH stems olutionary time frames do not exist from the uniquely invasive nature of from primates, ongoing work in a human placentation. The human pla- hybridizing captive baboon colony also Joint moments in forefoot versus centa actively causes uterine vessels to supports the conclusion that traits asso- rearfoot strike running. undergo significant morphological and ciated with hybridization persist into functional transformation in order to subsequent (recombined) generations. BRIAN ADDISON, LAUREN WHITE, provide the developing fetus with a This has significant implications for ADAM DAOUD and DANIEL high plane of maternal resources; com- interpreting the hominin fossil record. LIEBERMAN. Department of Human Ev- pared to other mammals with hemocho- olutionary Biology, Harvard University. rial placentation, the degree of this invasiveness and transformation in Down the rabbit hole: a reanalysis This study focuses on the differences in humans is unique. We argue that the of the 1988 Haasgat ex situ faunal joint torques between shod and mini- particularly invasive nature of the assemblage, Cradle of Humankind, mally shod runners during both rear- human placenta increases the possibil- South Africa. foot-strike (RFS) and fore-foot-strike ity of delays or difficulties in placental (FFS) gaits. Recent evidence shows that separation and therefore increased JUSTIN W. ADAMS. Department of habitually shod runners are more likely blood loss at parturition. We further- Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State to RFS and that habitually unshod or more review both genetic and behav- University and School of Anatomical minimally shod runners are more likely ioral adaptations that may have evolved Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, to FFS, but published data on lower- to mitigate the risk of PPH across University of the Witwatersrand Medi- extremity joint torques during running human history. cal School. has largely been confined to shod run- Significant financial support was pro- ners with RFS gaits. We hypothesized vided by Wenner-Gren (Abrams and Haasgat is an extensive cave system in that FFS gaits would result in higher Patil), the Center for the Integrated the western part of the Schurveberg torques about the ankle during the be- Study of Animal Behavior at Indiana Mountain Range, 19km northeast of the ginning of stance, even though the mag- University (Rutherford), NIH R01- Blaauwbank Valley sites (e.g. Sterkfon- nitude of loading is less, because FFS R022022 and P51-RR1396 (Tardif). tein, Swartkrans). In 1988, fossiliferous landings involve controlled dorsiflexion. ex situ calcified sediment blocks were col- Ten subjects able to both FFS and RFS The longevity of phenotypic signa- lected from Haasgat and mechanically ran at 3.5 m/s in four conditions: shod- tures of hybridization in descend- processed. Two publications on the RFS, shod-FFS, minimally shod-RFS, ent populations. resulting Haasgat faunal assemblage in minimally shod-FFS. Using force-plate 1994 described a demographically-diverse and 3D kinematic data, an inverse dy- REBECCA R. ACKERMANN. Depart- sample of Papio angusticeps,specimens namics analysis calculated lower-ex- ment of Archaeology, University of Cape of an extinct colobine comparable to Cer- tremity joint torques in the sagittal Town. copithecoides williamsi, and a single plane for all experimental conditions. hyaenid (Chasmaporthetes nitidula) max- The results show marked differences Hybridization may have played a sub- illa - but an essentially modern range of between RFS and FFS, with higher tor- stantial role in shaping the diversity of ungulate species. Our team resumed geo- que magnitudes about the ankle in FFS our evolving lineage. Although recent logic and paleontologic research at Haas- than RFS, but greater torque magni- genomic evidence has shown that gatin2010thatincludedareevaluation tudes about the knee in RFS than FFS. hybridization occurred between AMHS of the 1988 ex situ faunal assemblage. However, the results also indicate that and Neanderthals, it remains difficult Here, I present a significantly revised torque rate may be a more important to pin down precisely where and when Haasgat faunal list, specimen counts, influence on performance differences this gene flow took place. Investigations and basic description of the entire cranio- than torque magnitude. of the hybrid phenotype in primates dental and postcranial assemblage. Con- Funding for this study was provided by and other mammals are providing some trary to the originally published faunal the Hintze Charitable Foundation and insight into both, revealing evidence of descriptions, the occurrence of several VibramUSA. VC 2011 WILEY-LISS, INC. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21502 ID: senthilk Date: 8/2/11 Time: 16:56 Path: N:/Wiley/3b2/AJPA/Vol144S52/110008/APPFile/JW-AJPA110008 J_ID: ZC0 Customer A_ID: AAPA- Cadmus Art: AJPA21502 Date: 8-FEBRUARY-11 Stage: I Page: 2 2011-Abstract AAPA ABSTRACTS 73 Musculoskeletal stress markers and sided, seriated, and measured. The above the CLL1 classical levels; these body mass index. bones were visually pair matched macrovegetal remains will provide a according to similarities between key wealth of relevant data for reconstruct- GINA AGOSTINI. Department of An- landmarks, features, and paleopatholo- ing the habitat inhabited by Hispanopi- thropology, University of Massachu- gies. The resulting number of pair thecus. Regarding the vertebrate levels, setts, Amherst. matches for each bone was used to cal- no systematic excavation was performed, culate MNI and MLNI. although different levels from three dif- Musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) The calculated MLNI for the Saint Ste- ferent spots were excavated and screen- are commonly used to assess activity phen’s Collection was 214 using the cal- washed, in order to evaluate their rich- patterns in past populations, typically caneus, 544 using the distal femur, and ness regarding micro- and macromma- related to habitual action. While MSM 256 using the talus. The numbers gen- mals. These samplings led to the recov- analysis is common in bioarchaeology, erated from the calcaneus and talus ery of more than a hundred large mam- testing of this method using modern were more accurate than the MLNI mal remains (including a partial equid known populations or recorded occupa- derived from the femur due to the limi- skeleton), as well as abundant small tional data is limited. tations of the original burial site. Also mammal remains, from several levels. In addition to activity, MSMs also corre- noteworthy is the effect of limited pair Thus, although no hominoid remains late to sex, age and body size. The goal matching on MLNI calculation. The lim- were recovered, the preliminary results of this project was to assess the rela- ited number of pair matches found for are very promising for the upcoming tionship between MSMs and an addi- all three elements caused the
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