Europeennes Revue Desetudes Sud~Est Europeennes Civilisations Mentalites

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Europeennes Revue Desetudes Sud~Est Europeennes Civilisations Mentalites ACADEMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES REVUE DESETUDES SUD~EST EUROPEENNES CIVILISATIONS MENTALITES m TOME XXXIV 1996Nos1 2 ART RELIGIEUX CROYANCES ET IDENTITES TURCO-GRAECA EA EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION ALEXANDRU DUTU COMITE CONSULTATIF SKIL AKGTJN (Ankara), VIRGIL CANDEA, N.N. CONSTANTINESCU, NADIA DANOVA (Sofia), DENNIS DELETANT (Londres), LOUKIA DROULIA (Athenes), ZOE DUM1TRESCU-BU$ULENGA, ALEXANDRU ELIAN, ANNELIE UTE GABANY (Munich), ZORAN KONSTANTINOVIC (Innsbruck-Belgrade), M.N. KUZMIN (Moscou), PAUL MICHELSON (Huntington), EMIL NIEDERHAUSER (Budapest), ST. POLLO (Tirana), M.D. PEYFUSS (Vienne), MIHAI POP, RUMEANA STANCEVA (Sofia), POMPILIU TEODOR, BIANCA VALOTA- CAVALLOTTI (Milan), ALEXANDRU ZUB COMITE DE REDACTION CORNELIA PAPACOSTEA-DANIELOPOLU, ANDREI PIPPIDI, ELENA SCARLATnIU, NICOLAE-gRBAN TANAOCA, DANIEL BARB U, LAUREN FRI l'EFAN-SCALAT-Secretaire de redaction Toute commande de l'etranger (fascicules au abonnements) sera adressee a: ORION SRL, Splaiul Independentei 202 A, Bucarest, 6, Roumanie, PO BOX 74 19, Bucarest, Tx 11939, CB TxR, Fax (40)13122425 et RODIPET S.A., Piata Presei Libere, nr. 1, P.O. Box 33-57, Bucuresti, Romania. La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues etc.) envoyes pour comptes rendus seront adresses a la REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES CAsula po§talA 22.159 71119 Bucure§ti Les articles seront remis dactylographies en deux exemplaires. Les collaborateurs sont pries de ne pas depasser les limites de 15-20 pages dactylographi. pour1's articles ..-t 5-6 pages les comptes rendus. EDITURA ACADEMIEI Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, telephone 410.32.00 BUCURESTI ROMANIA REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES CivilisationsMentalites TOME XXXIV 1996 NOS 1-2, JanvierJuin SOMMAIRE Art religieux WALDEMAR DELUGA (Varsovie), The Influence of Dutch graphic Archetypes on Icon Painting in the Ukraine, 1600-1750 5 FRIEDBERT FICKER, (Bernried), Die religiose Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts in Bulgarien-Bedeutung und Wandel 27 Croyances et identites IOAN DURA (Bruxelles), La presence des reliques de Saint Michel le Confesseur, metropolite des Synades dans les Pays Roumains 49 ANNA PLOTNIKOVA (Moscou), Slavic Balkans Terminology of Ritual Bread 65 DEJAN DIMITRUEVIC-RUFU (Paris), Naissances des enfants et mauvais presages; croyances et reponses isles. 71 FOTINI TSIBIRIDOU (Athenes), De l'identite ethnique a l'identite politique: rapports de collectivite et d'individualite dans un village de refugies en Thrace Occidentale. 1920-1991 73 Turco-Graeca CRISTINA FENE$AN, Der Harac Siebenbiirgens in der ersten Halfte des 17.Jahruhunderts 97 OMER TURAN (Ankara), Legal Adjustments of Tanzimat and "Mecelle" 107 ANDREI PIPPIDI, Une description de l'Empire Ottoman et son auteur: Elias Habesci 117 ANNA TABAKI (Athenes), La presse prerevolutionnaire grecque: reflet de nouvelles conceptions esthetiques et culturelles dans le sud-est europeen 133 Discussions G. KLEPIKOVA (Moscou), La stratification des emprunts grecs dans les manuscrits neo-bulgares des XVIP-XVIIP siecles 141 LAURENTIU $TEFAN-SCALAT, La crise du nationalisme. A propos du livre coordonne par Jacques Rupnik, Le dechirem,nt des nations 147 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXIV, 1-2, p.1-196, Bucarest, 1996 T.A. POKIVAILOVA (Moscou), flpmpwreiHaUHOlia/lbHbIXHirrepecos B nonwrtoce r. Tara pecKy (1946-1947 rr.) 153 MIRCEA M. POP (Heidelberg), Die rumanische Gegenwartsliteratur in Deutschland. Editorische Retrospektive 159 Monique Andrei Pippidi, Un colloque international a Milan 165 Comptes rendus EVA BEHRING, Rumanische Literaturgeschichte von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart (Mircea M. Pop); OLGA ALEXANDROPOULOU, 0 Dionisios Iviritis kai to ergo tou <Istoria tis RossiasD (C. Papacostea-Danielopolu); Testi letterari italiani tradotti in greco (dal 500 ad oggi) (a cura di Mario Vitti) (Andrei Pippidi); WILHELMUS PETRUS van MEURS, The Bessarabian Question in Communist Historiography. Nationalist and Communist Politics and History Writing (Andrei Pippidi); JEAN CUISENIER, Le feu vivant. La parente et ses rituels dans les Carpates (Zamfira Mihail); Rudolf SCHENDA, A.B.C. der Tiere Marchen, Mythen and Geschichten (Catalina Vekulescu). 167 Notes de lecture 177 VALENTIN AL. GEORGESCUAndrei Pippidi 195 REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES CivilisationsMentalites TOME XXXIV 1996 N's 1-2, JanuaryJune CONTENTS Religious Art WALDEMAR DELUGA (Warsaw), The Influence of Dutch graphic Archetypes on Icon Painting in the Ukraine, 1600-1750 5 FRIEDBERT FICKER (Bernried), The Religious Art in Bulgaria in the 19th and 20th Centuries-Significant: and Development 27 Beliefs and identities IOAN DURA (Brussels), The Presence of the Relics of Saint Michael the Confessor, Metropolitan of Synades, in the Romanian Principalities 49 ANA PLOTNIKOVA (Moscow), Slavic Balkans Terminology of Ritual Bread 65 DEJAN DIMITRIJEVICI-RUFU (Paris), Birth of Children and Bad Presage-Beliefs and Social Responses 71 FOTINI TSIBIRIDOU (Athens), From Ethnic to Political Identity in a Village of Refugees in Western Thracia, 1920-1991 79 Turco-Graeca CRISTINA FENE8AN, The Transylvanian Harac in the First Half of the 171 Century 97 OMER TURAN (Ankara), Legal Adjustments of Tanzimat and "Mecelle" 107 ANDREI PIPPIDI, A Description of the Ottoman Empire and its Author: Elias Habesci 117 ANNA TABAKI (Athens), The Prerevolutionary Greek Press, a Mirror of New Aesthetic and Cultural Ideas 133 Discussions G. KLEPIKOVA (Moscow), The Stratification of Greek Lendings in the Neo-Bulgarian Manuscripts of the 17th-18th Centuries 141 LAURENTIU TEFAN-SCALAT, The Crisis of Nationalism: on Le dechirement des nations edited by J. Rupnik 147 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXIV, 1-2, p. 1-196, Bucarest, 1996 T.A. POKIVAILOVA (Moscow), The Priorities of National Interest in the Politics of George TAtArescu (1946-1947). Some Documents from the Russian Archives 153 MIRCEA M.POP (Heidelberg), The Romanian Contemporary Literature in Germany an Editorial Overview 159 Chronicle 165 Book Reviews 167 Short Notices 177 Obituary 195 Art religieux THE INFLUENCE OF DUTCH GRAPHIC ARCHETYPES ON ICON PAINTING IN THE UKRAINE, 1600-1750 WALDEMAR DELUGA Varsovie In the author's opinion the use of Dutch graphic works as prototypes was one of the main development factors of icon painting in Eastern Europe. In particular, the paintings in Orthodox churches within the 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Com- monwealth were heavily influenced by Latin art, in spite of widespread opposition towards the Union of Brzeg (1596), which created a new Greek Catholic or Uniate church and guaranteed the use of the Byzantine liturgy with the simultaneous rec- ognition of the pope. Pavel Florenski, one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, differen- tiates icon painting and graphic art in Russia, considering these techniques as of different theological function 1 In the Ukraine, however, it should be noted that icon painters were not bound by the same strictly orthodox position in observing iconographic conventions.2 1 P. Florenski, "Ikonostas", Bogoslayskie trudy, 9, Moscow 1972, p. 15. 2 The most interesting publications for history of Ukrainian icon painting are: M. Kholubec, Khalycke malarstvo, L'viv 1926; I. Svencickyj, Die Ikonenmalerei der galizischen Ukraine XV-XVI Jhs., Lemberg 1928, V. I. Sventsitska, Ulcraihskyj srednovichnyi zhivopis, Kiev 1976; S. Hordynsky, Die Ukrainische Ikone 12. bis 18. Jahrhundert, Munich Graz 1981; V. A. Ovsiichuk, Ukrainske mystetstvo drukhoi polovyny XVI pershoi polovyny XVII st., Kyiv 1985; V. I. Sventsitska, 0. F. Sydor, Spadshchyna vikiv. Ukrainske malarstvoXVI-XVIIIstolit u muzeinykh kolektsiakh, L'viv 1990; V. I. Melnik, Tserlcva sviatoho Dukha v Rokhatyni, Kyiv 1991; V. Aleksandrovych, Obrazotvorchi napramy v diial'nosti maistriv zalchidnoylcraths'koho maliarstva XVI-XVII stolit', Zapysky Naukovoho Tovaristva imeni T. Shevchenka, vol. CCXXVII, L'viv 1994, p. 57-87; V. Luts', Zbirka volyns'kykh ikon Rivnens'koho Kraeznavchoho Muzeuju, Rodovid, vol. VIII, 1994, p. 39-50; N. V. Shamardina, K voprosu o sakralni geometrii ikonopistsev. Kompozitsionnye printsipy galitskoi ikony XVII veka, Filievslae chtenia. Materialy tretei nauchnoi konferentsii po problemmam russkoilcul'tutyvtoroi poloviny XVII-nachala XVIII vekov. 8-11 iiulia 1993 goda, Moskva 1994, p. 68-81. A homogeneous group of icons can be found both in terms of style, iconography, and of technique along the Carpathian Mountains. Compared to the Russian or Greek icons, these works do not cluster around icon-painting schools on a national basis. C£ J. Klosiilska, Ikony, Cracow 1973 (the term "Carpathian icon"); B. Puslcasz, Migdzy Wschodem a Zachodem. Ikony z regionu Karpat z XV- XVIII wieku Lemkowie w historii 1 kulturze Karpat, II, Sanok 1994, p. 269-288; R. Grzadziela, Prowieniencja i dzieje malarstwa ikonowego po polnocnej stronie Karpat w XV i na pocziticu XVI wieku, Lemkowie..., p. 267-288. We can speak of Small Region (Kleinlandschaft) for the area that comprised Little Poland (Malopolska), Little Russia (Galicia), Hungary, Maramurq and Bukovina. In both such regions there is an obvious tendency to employ homogeneous iconographic and stylis- tic formulas, brought about by prints: when one surveys painting and sculpture chronologically, it is noticeable how the appearance of a motif in a given area depends on its distance from centre of the region. The farther away from the
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