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Turcologie BT.Pdf STUDIA ET DOCUMENTA TURCOLOGICA President Academician Professor Ioan-Aurel POP, Ph.D. International Scientific Board Professor Jean-Louis BACQUÉ-GRAMMONT, Ph.D. (France) Professor Emeritus Peter B. GOLDEN, Ph.D. (U.S.A.) Academician Professor György HAZAI, Ph.D. (Hungary) Professor Mustafa KAÇALIN, Ph.D. (Turkey) Professor Emeritus Kemal KARPAT, Ph.D. (U.S.A.) Professor Barbara KELLNER-HEINKELE, Ph.D. (Germany) Academician Professor Raphael S. KHAKIMOV, Ph.D. (Russian Federation) Professor Sergei KLASTORNIY, Ph.D. (Russian Federation) Professor Shahin MUSTAFAYEV, Ph.D. (Rep. Azerbaijan) Academician Professor Victor SPINEI, Ph.D. (Romania) Director Professor Călin FELEZEU, Ph.D. Editorial Board Editor-in-chief: Professor Tasin GEMIL, Ph.D. Deputy editor-in-chief : Nagy PIENARU, Ph.D. Editorial board secretary: Adina FODOR, Ph.D. Margareta ASLAN, Ph.D. Virgil COMAN, Ph.D. Giuseppe COSSUTO, Ph.D. Adriana CUPCEA, Ph.D. Jale ISMAIYLOVA, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Cezmi KARASU, Ph.D. Ilnur MIRGALIYEV, Ph.D. UNIVERSITATEA BABEŞ-BOLYAI INSTITUTUL DE TURCOLOGIE ŞI STUDII CENTRAL-ASIATICE STUDIA ET DOCUMENTA TURCOLOGICA PRESA UNIVERSITARĂ CLUJEANĂ 2013 ISSN: 2344 – 6560 ISSN-L: 2344 – 6560 © 2013 Editorii volumului. Toate drepturile rezervate. Reproducerea integrală sau parţială a textului, prin orice mij- loace, fără acordul editorilor, este interzisă şi se pedepseşte conform legii. Tehnoredactare computerizată: Cristian-Marius Nuna Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Presa Universitară Clujeană Director: Codruţa Săcelean Str. Hasdeu nr. 51 400371 Cluj-Napoca, România Tel./Fax: (+40)-264-597.401 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.editura.ubbcluj.ro CONTENTS Foreword ........................................................................................................................ 7 The Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies of Babeş-Bolyai University ..... 9 DYACHRONICS OF CULTURE. SYNTHESES, SYMBIOSES AND INTERFERENCES ............................................ 13 D.F. Zagidullina, Modernism in Tatar Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century: General and Particular .......................................................................................... 15 Tasin Gemil, The Ottoman Cultural Symbiosis .......................................................................... 25 Esmira Fuad (Shukurova), Common Values in the Azerbaijanian Poet Shahriyar’s and Romanian Poet Mihai Eminescu’s Activities ................................................................................. 39 MINORITARIES AND MAJORITARIES. STATES, ETHNICITIES AND CONFESSIONS ....................................................... 53 Catalina Hunt, “Seeing Like a State”: Romanian Policies in Northern Dobruca and the Muslims, 1878–1914 ................................................................................ 55 Aydogdy Kurbanov, The Hephthalites Disappeared or Not? ................................................................. 87 Laura-Adina Fodor, The Tatars in the Collective Memory of the Szekely Inhabitants of the Sic Settlement, Transylvania ...................................................................... 95 STEPPE CIVILIZATIONS. ARCHETYPES, TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS .......................................... 115 V.A. Ivanov, M.I. Ivanova, Funeral Ceremony of Nomads of Eastern Europe of the 13th–14th Centuries in a Context of Ethnic Structure of the Golden Horde ........................................ 117 Nuriya Akchurina-Muftieva, Architectural Traditions of Crimean Tatar Dwellings ........................................ 131 Hasan Bahar, The Motap Project; Bilge Khagan Memorial Complex Excavations of 2001, 2003 ...................................................................................................... 147 RIVERS AND SEAS. COMPETITION, INSTITUTIONS AND ACTORS ................................................. 171 H. İbrahim Gök, The Slave Trade and its Routes in the Mediterranean Region in the Middle Ages .............................................................................................. 173 5 Studia et Documenta Turcologica • I Sergiu Iosipescu, Autour du Khanat Tatare de Crimée. Cosaques et Ottomans dans la Mer Noire (milieu du XVIe siècle – 1648) (I) ...................................................................... 193 Gabriel Felician Croitoru, Quelques aspects concernant la frontière entre la Valachie et la kaza de Giurgiu pendant les siècles XVI–XIX ........................................... 207 POWER GAMES. DISPUTES, MIGRATIONS AND DEPORTATIONS ............................................. 225 D.P. Ursu, E.H. Seydametov, Reemigration Attempts of Crimean Tatars from Dobrudzha to Their Historical Motherland in 1920s ............................................................. 227 Adolat Rakhmankulova, Deportation of Koreans, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks in Uzbekistan (1937–1944) and Their Comparative Social and Legal Status ......... 233 Ilnur Mirgaliyev, On the Question of Recognition of Tokhtamysh Khan’s Supreme Authority in Moscow .......................................................................................................... 241 INSCRIPTIONS AND SOURCES. ANALYSES, INVESTIGATIONS AND IMAGES ................................................ 245 S.G. Klyashtornyj, The Yenisei Runic Inscriptions and the Possibilities of Their Historiographic Assessment .................................................................. 247 M.N. Sdykov, Medieval Urban Settlements in the West Kazakhstan ........................................ 253 T.M. Sakarya Bozalioğlu, Some Notes on Perception of Turks in Books I–VII Historia of Niketas Choniates ........................................................................................... 263 I.G. Konovalova, Печенеги в контексте рассказа Константина Багрянородного о «северных народах» ....................................................................................... 269 Shahin Mustafayev, Views on Supreme Power and Law in Medieval Nomadic Society (Case of “Oghuzname” by Yazicioglu Ali) ........................................................ 277 Călin Felezeu, Images de l’Empire Ottoman dans l’historiographie transylvaine du XVIIIe siècle .................................................................................................. 287 Margareta Aslan, From the Correspondence between Géza Kuun and Ármin Vámbéry. Documents .......................................................................................................... 295 NOTES AND REVIEWS .......................................................................................... 319 6 Foreword The journal Studia et Documenta Turcologica is the first specialty publication in the field to appear in Romania. The Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies was inaugurated on 30 October 2009 within Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. The goal of this Institute is to bring closer the Turkic world through knowledge, with a view to consolidating and developing the relations between Romania and the states and communities that form this wide and complex world. At the same time, the Institute aims at contributing to the extension and thorough- ness of the research done in the field of Turkic studies. Studia et Documenta Turcologica appears annually, as a scientific publication of the Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies. On its pages, there will be published with precedence the results of meticulous scientific research, based on inedited sources or which brings forward to the scientific circuit of Turkic studies unknown documentary sources. In our opinion, Turkology represents everything pertaining to the Turkic world, namely the independent states: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, the turcophone autonomous republics and regions, as well as the larger or smaller similar communities within many other countries. The Turkic world consists today of almost 200 million people who speak similar languages and dialects and report themselves to common or analogous cultural and historical traditions. We believe that Turkology comprises not only notably the history, language, culture, and civilization, as an ensemble and particularly (for each people and community) of the Turkic world but also the geography, economy, geopolitics, state structure, and past and present politics of this consistent part of the humankind. Despondently, there are still a plethora of clichés, misconceptions, and unfounded conclusions regarding the Turkics, all coming from the depths of history. We believe that a correct and deeper awareness on this world, on its connections with other peoples and states, is meant to provide a more realistic perspective on the current and future cooperation with all the peoples and communities of the Turkic world. We look forward to receiving, from renowned specialists in the field and from young researchers seeking their scientific affirmation, materials which could clarify the less or wrongly known aspects of the complex history, culture, and civilization of the Turkic peoples. We are also interested in studies that undertake the current 7 Studia et Documenta Turcologica • I situation and perspectives of a country, people or community belonging to the Turkic world, so diverse, yet so connected to common values. We wish Studia et Documenta Turcologica to be a prestigious scientific publi- cation, capable of internationally drawing the attention and support of the specialty scientific world. Prof. Dr. Tasin Gemil Director
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