Collection Analysis Sanders Corner Elementary 1-800-245-9540 FAX: 1-800-369-5490 Email:
[email protected] web site: 3505 County Rd 42 West, Burnsville, MN 55306-3804 Collection Analysis Summary Sanders Corner Elementary Thank you for using Mackin's free Collection Analysis service. We will be contacting you to review the analysis and consult with you about free solutions to improve your collection. In the meantime, here is a summary of your analysis. In putting the analysis together, we first indicate the average age and number of titles in each part of your collection, then we compare it to a brand new "exemplary" collection that would meet size standards for the number of students in your school. You should then be able to see some of the potential problem areas in your collection and where the collection may fall short of standards. Obviously, what is exemplary for one school may not be completely right for another school, but this does give us a good starting point. You know better than we how your collection is used, so please adapt these recommendations as you see fit. The following summaries highlight the areas that seem the most in need of attention in the report on the next few pages. Please look at your report closely to determine detailed size, age and weeding needs. v With the information you supplied, we were able to successfully categorize 100% of your MARC records. v Throughout the collection, the average date of publication is 2006 or 15 years old. v The average age is 5 years older than recommended.