

research team says it could help other threat- displayed an aversion to toads with naive Melbourne colleague Chris Jolly, decided ened species, too — including Tasmanian devils quolls from a toad-free island in the North- in May 2017 to see whether toad-smart and and corals on the Great Barrier Reef. ern Territory. Kelly and Phillips then exposed naive quolls would produce toad-smart off- In the 80 years since agriculture officials the resulting offspring to a toad leg to gauge spring in the wild. They released 54 quolls on introduced the cane toad (Rhinella marina) whether the young quolls recognized the toad-infested Indian Island — a mix of naive to northeastern Australia to control a sugar- threat. They found that most of the young Northern Territory quolls, toad-averse quolls cane-devouring beetle, the amphibians have quolls wouldn’t touch the toad legs. from Queensland and hybrid offspring. spread across the state of Queensland, the The finding suggests that the trait is inher- When the researchers returned in April this Northern Territory and large chunks of West- ited, rather than taught by mother quolls, and year to check on the quolls, they found good ern Australia. Their rapid advance has devas- may be dominant, the researchers say. “That’s and bad news. Many fewer quolls survived than tated northern-quoll populations, which have the first hurdle that needs to be jumped in the team had anticipated — just 16 animals, shrunk by more than 75%. showing targeted gene flow,” Phillips says. according to the researchers’ population esti- Ecologists Ella Kelly and Ben Phillips knew “Without a genetic basis, there is no point in mate. But encouragingly, the group included from their previous research that some quoll introducing [toad-smart quolls] into the popu- offspring that seemed to be toad-smart, which populations in Queensland had developed an lation. And we found there is a genetic basis.” would suggest that they had inherited the trait aversion to the toads over the years (E. Kelly The captive-quoll study is an important step from their parents. The team is now analysing and B. L. Phillips Behav. Ecol. 28, 854–858; towards demonstrating that targeted gene flow genetic samples taken from the survivors. 2017). The researchers, both at the University is a viable strategy to aid quoll conservation, Kelly and Phillips plan to return to the site of Melbourne, wondered whether the trait says Sarah Fitzpatrick, a conservation biolo- again next April, to see how the remaining could be successfully bred into vulnerable gist at Michigan State University’s Kellogg quolls fare. quoll populations that cane toads hadn’t yet Biological Station in Hickory Corners. “Many As the experiment continues, the pair is reached. That could make those ‘naive’ quolls behaviours are plastic, and therefore are not seeking permission from wildlife officials more resilient to toad invasions, if enough necessarily controlled by certain genes,” she in Western Australia to introduce northern animals in a given group have the trait. says. “If this were the case for toad-eating quolls with the toad-smart trait into popula- To test this idea, the scientists bred animals behaviour, targeted gene flow would not work.” tions in the path of the cane-toad diaspora to in captivity, mixing northern quolls from Buoyed by the results of the captive study, gird them against future invasions. “It would a toad-infested area of Queensland that Kelly and Phillips, along with University of be a tragedy not to try,” Phillips says. ■

ASTRONOMY The aims to answer some of the biggest outstanding questions about the , such as how its corona is heated to mil- lions of degrees while the surface beneath it NASA aims for stays relatively cool1. The will also visit the birthplace of the wind, a flood of energetic particles that streams out into the Solar System at of up to 800 kilome- Sun’s corona tres a second. When the slams into , it generates beautiful aurorae, but it can also disrupt satellite communications The Parker Solar Probe will make humanity’s closest and navigation systems. approach to its home star. “We’re going to be right where all the inter- esting stuff happens,” says Nicola Fox, a solar physicist at the Johns Hopkins University BY ALEXANDRA WITZE take the first-ever direct measurements of the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, star’s maelstrom of energy. Maryland, and the mission’s project scientist. tep aside, Icarus: NASA has made a But that’s just the beginning. Over the next Data from the deep-diving probe should spacecraft that can fly through the Sun’s 7 years, the craft will loop around the Sun allow researchers to improve their under- atmosphere without melting. another 23 times, passing nearer and nearer — standing of the complex picture of how SOn 6 August, if all goes to plan, the US$1.5- ultimately flying about 6.2 million kilometres particles, magnetic fields and energy com- billion Parker Solar Probe will lift off from a above the surface, well within the solar corona. bine in the Sun. “This is going to be such a launch pad at Florida’s Cape Canaveral. Just That’s nearly seven times closer than the record game-changer,” says Nicholeen Viall, a solar three months later, it will whizz much closer to mark set by the German 2 spacecraft physicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight the Sun than any spacecraft has ever come, to in 1976. Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.


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streams away on its own. Crossing that boundary with a spacecraft will be similar, symbolically, to the moment when the Voyager 1 probe entered interstellar space in 2012, says Justin Kasper, a physicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who has studied the Alfvén transition3. The moment will mark humanity’s passage to another realm in the Solar System. “I’m confident that something special will happen,” he says. The Parker Solar Probe bristles with an array of instruments designed to sample the corona directly. Protecting them is a 2.4-metre-wide heat shield made of 11-centimetre-thick carbon foam sandwiched between layers of carbon composite. It can withstand tempera- tures of nearly 1,400 °C. The solar panels that power the spacecraft will be kept cool with a water-tubing system similar to a car’s radia- tor. During the searing conditions of close approach, most of the solar panels will fold back to shelter in the heat shield’s shade. Mission scientists hope that the Parker Solar The Parker Solar Probe will travel seven times closer to the Sun’s surface than any previous spacecraft. Probe will kick off a new era of studying the Sun. In 2020, the European Space Agency Space physicists have dreamt of a mission kilometres, or 35 times the solar radius, from plans to launch its spacecraft, that would fly through the solar corona, or its surface. which will study the Sun at higher latitudes JHUAPL at least travel inside the orbit of , the From there, the spacecraft will loop around and from a more distant point in space than innermost planet, since 1958. In the same year, the Sun, drawing gradually closer as it flies the Parker Solar Probe will. Also by 2020, the Eugene Parker — the physicist at the Univer- past Venus six more times. That trajectory Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope will come sity of Chicago in Illinois for whom the probe will give the probe ample time to gather data, online in Hawaii, where it will make daily maps is named — first proposed the existence of the says Yanping Guo, an engineer at APL who of the solar corona. solar wind2. designed the mission’s trajectory. For his part, the 91-year-old Parker is After decades on the drawing board, the Somewhere between the first close approach looking forward to seeing the waves and turbu- mission is finally approaching launch. Eight (at 35 solar radii) and its final ones (within lence in the solar wind — which he predicted weeks after lift-off, it will fly past Venus, using 10 solar radii) the probe will encounter the — measured by the probe that bears his name. the planet’s to slow down and slip into Alfvén surface, a boundary at which the solar “I expect to find some surprises,” he says. ■ a tighter orbit around the Sun. Five weeks after wind becomes supersonic. Inside the Alfvén 1. Fox, N. J. et al. Space Sci. Rev. 204, 7–48 (2016). that, on 3 November, the probe will make its surface, the Sun’s dominates; 2. Parker, E. N. Astrophys. J. 128, 664–676 (1958). first close approach — at more than 24 million outside, the solar wind is more detached and 3. Kasper, J. C. et al. Astrophys. J. 849, 126 (2017).

FUNDING Philippines sweetens deal for scientists who return home But some academics say more needs to be done to train and retain early-career researchers.

BY ANDREW SILVER Others suggest that resources would be to Filipino scientists willing to return home. better directed to mentoring early-career Last month, President Rodrigo Duterte renewed government effort to draw scientists before they think about leaving. signed a law that instructs the Department Filipino scientists back to the Philip- “If you want Filipino scientists, you grow of Science and Technology to allocate more pines by paying them to set up their them,” says Vena Pearl Bongolan, an applied money to the Balik programme by add- Aown research labs or teach has met with mathematician at the University of the ing benefits for returning scientists, such as a mixed reception. Philippines Diliman in Quezon City. a monthly housing allowance, medical insur- Some Filipino researchers applaud the goals An existing project designed to address the ance and assistance for researchers’ children of the effort. The government says it needs to issue is the Balik Scientist Program, established to attend schools of their choice. Between bring research expertise back home to solve in the 1970s. Since 1993, it has offered research 2007 and April 2018, 207 scientists joined the some of the country’s most pressing problems, grants for up to three years, as well as round- Balik programme, some for stints of a couple such as climate-change mitigation. trip airfare and duty-free equipment imports, of months and others for several years.

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