
CES-11-2013-DEL-A Safe Quiet Lakes Safe Quiet Lakes

Delegation to the Corporate and Emergency Services Committee; District Municipality of Muskoka October 24, 2013 Safe Quiet Lakes Purpose Today

To request funding for 14 permanent boating code signs similar to below:

Signs which further the safety and enjoyment of the Lakes and contribute to recreational values

2 Safe Quiet Lakes Background

Our Mission Make the Muskoka lakes safer and quieter to ensure the sustainable enjoyment of a treasured shared resource

Our Program Encourage safe and considerate boating practices through education, and awareness – get the conversation going Collaborate with governments, law enforcement and lake associations Engage and recruit more residents, cottagers and businesses as supporters Advocate for enforcement of existing noise, equipment and boat operating laws

Produce powerful communications3 tools to broaden reach and impact Safe Quiet Lakes Boater’s Code Our communication program includes the production of 1000’s of 12 different types of material such as the original three inch by five inch Boater’s Code

4 Safe Quiet Lakes Boater’s Code – Large Permanent Signs

Last year, by request, two permanent signs were erected: • one at the Port Carling locks • one at the Moon River access ramp We have been asked for more. Our model is this sign located at every public beach in Australia

5 Safe Quiet Lakes Boater’s Code - an important educational tool

The Lake Activity Survey shows the 2291 respondents overwhelmingly support more education and communication about responsible boating

Figure 26. Is there a need for education and communication?

Percent of respondents Statement (average agreement, 0-10)

More education and communication about 6 8 25 31 30 responsible boating (6.8)

Make the current Pleasure Craft Operator's exam 14 14 27 25 21 more rigorous and complete (5.6) 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Strongly

6 Safe Quiet Lakes Boater’s Code - contributing to enjoyment and value

The survey also showed that safety, noise, traffic correlate near perfectly with “enjoyment”

Figure 1. Impacts on enjoyment Level of safety Amount of noise 10 10 8 8 6 6

4 4 Enjoyment Enjoyment 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all Very Very Not at all safe safe noisy noisy

Successful mix of boats & activities Amount of boat traffic 10 10 8 8 6 6

4 4 Enjoyment Enjoyment 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Strongly Very busy Very quiet disagree agree area area

We propose that enjoyment is a key driver of economic value for tourists and residents alike

7 Safe Quiet Lakes Boater’s Code - Permanent Sign is effective

The Boater’s Code is a cost effective way to educate and communicate: Design and test - Pro Production - $300 Installation - $200 - $300

The Boater’s Code is an effective communication tool Simple and direct Put in high boat traffic locations - large number of people saw the sign at the Port Carling Locks last summer Extends educational reach Positive messaging

8 Safe Quiet Lakes Thank You

We believe that permanent Boater’s Code signs, erected in high traffic areas, will contribute to the safety and enjoyment of the lakes