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(TWELVE PAOIbS) PRICE THESE CENTS VOL. U ., NO. 218. i# ** S p i ^ mXN(^ TUESDAY; JUNE 14. 1^ .

THE BIG SHOW OPENS AT' GHIGAGO k* At G.O.P. m H i M E r A r a w n w w W o n u ' Posbnaster Writes To Hosphal'Here Demamir FORCES ON WET PLANK ■ g DeaA Certfficate FLOORCONTESr Change To Wipe Ont Blot. ISCERTAIN ON BOOM FOR DAWES . Grindnal action will be instituted by Lawrence Huntley of Long- CHAU SEEMS SPREADING* meadow, Rhode Ldand, according to DRYLAWPLANK FESS a letter received at the Mandiester Memorial hospital, charging falsifi­ cation of the death certificate of Platform Builders Work Opening of Convention Ometest In Years — Keynoter Lawrence L. Huntley, late of Dob- sonvUle, Vernon, which has been Until Midnight To Get Dodges Prohibition Issue— Bnrst of Cheering At Men­ filed in the town clerk’s office here Huntley died at the hospital May 2 and was buried in Elmwood ceme­ Plank In Final Form But tion of Hoover’s Name— Calm and Harmonious As Del­ tery, Vernon, May 4. The death certificate filed in the town clerk’s office shows one “Veronica Huntley’’ B ad e Has Not Yet Begun. egates Seemed There Were Indications Worries Smoul­ to be the wife of the deceased and is so recorded. The death certificate dered Beneath the Surface— Real Work Begins Late is signed by Dr. Chester F. Hogsm, Cadcugo, J ^ e 14.— ( A P ) — W o rk ­ resident physician of Memorial hos­ in g -'iMUdfist -time, administration pital. forcce fnoitically kewed a prohibi­ Today For Hatform Builders— Dry Plank WiU Be De­ The action is indicated in a let­ ter received from Bertha J. Huntley tion rMubmission plank into final postmaster of Longmeadow, R. I., a form today with the. wavering hope bated At Tomorrow’s Session— Hoover To Be Nomi­ small town on Warwick Neck at the it would lead the Republican Party iq>per part of Narragansett Bay. safely past the threat of the most ^ e charges in her letter that Law nated On Thursday. rence Huntley was her husband tumultuous platform battle of the that he became infatuated with one -century. Mrs. James Bannon (Veronica As tke convention opened in an Stadium , Jime 14.— (A P ) PROGRAM FOR TODAY Huntley) and broke up her home atmosphere tense with uncertainty, — In the quietest of opening sessions, AT THE CONVENTION leavhog her with three children to piurty leaders here were waiting for the Republican convention submerg­ unequivocal approval by President s w ^ t , aged three, six, and nine. ed its troubles for the moment to­ Called to order at 11 a. m. 1 & happened five years ago, ac­ Hoover of the resubmission declara­ Central Daylight Time by Sena-, day, but did not forget them. cording to Mrs. Huntley’s letter. tion before going into action against tor Fess, chairman Republican Mjade His Choice the repeal campaign of undeter­ As its keynoter, Senator Dickin­ National committee. When Huntley became Involved mined proportions. son of , talked to restless dele­ Prayer by Rt. Rev. James E. w ith the V eronica in^ the case, the GXCKINSQH; The adi^nistration proposal sanc­ gates and half filled galleries about Freeman, Episcopal bishop of letter states that Mrs. Huntley gave » ^ Y r S G T E J ^ tions resubmission with' a call to almost everything but prohibition, Washington, D. C. Congress to provide a substitute for a g^oup of convmition chiefs sped him his choice of leaving the woman The big G. 0. P. show of 1932 gets under way! \^^th thoiisimds in attendance, the Republican National Convention Temporary roll call. alone or leaving the home. Huntley, the 18th Amendment, guuding the away across town' to their hotels to Election ^ temporary chair­ dcidined to quit the woman and l^t, opened in Chicago today, bent upon re-nominating President Hoover for another four-year term, in, the W hite House. Above wishes of those states de^ring to re­ try .to heal a new breach over the man, Senator Dickinson of Iowa. the letter states. are Senator Simeon D. Fess of , chairman of the Republican National, Comihittee, whose gavel called the. conven^on to or­ m ain dry. plank for re-submission. Keynote address by temporary Mrs. Huntley says she has had a der, and Senator L. J. Dickinson of Iowa, temporary ch^rman and keyrtote speaker. Intenor and exterior views of the Chi- ^larfteld As Chairman A boom for General Charles G. chairman. hmrd stru g gle to g et alon g w ith the The r^^utions committee, picked Dawes to replace Vice President 'Election of temporary officers. three children after her hiSbSd caR® Stadium, scene of the convention, are also shown, r-r-l" 1 with even more care than usual by Curtis as President Hoover's running Selection of committee;] on left, and through the aid of influen- the state delegations, goes into its mate, spread in every direction, and credentials, permanent organiza­ tial friends was appointed post first session late today with James a real battle looked probable^ tion, rules, resolutions and order master of the town which appoint­ RL Garfield, of Ohio, the President’s The convention session itself took of business. ment she still holds. BOOMING JOHNSON ^oice, as its predestined chairman. no official note of these things. It Miscellaneous business. Mrs. Huntley states that she was Pfcildcnt' Hoover was given for was given over wholly to formalitii not notified of the death of her hus tb» his friends as mem- most of them so dry that ddegatM hand, until after he waa burled, a b«ra of this platformhuilding com- l and !tators -paid little--attentk>if. letter being received May 8 from mittee, but many of them, induding [‘They ked and walked aboiit so Mhw'ilBSem]}!^* At ll o’(fi6ck (Centrhl Daylight Time), the hour ‘Charles ’ HU&tley; 8 brother, who •.Vlv RecrewQT Mills of , were much that even the big voice of the wrote the particulars. Mrs. Hunt* ley said that had she received notice and the galleries had clusters of in du6'time, she would have sent her dhlcago, June 14.— (AP) — Here<^ Ihe Republican'tariffm a , .p re ­ Secretary H utlw reached the co;J . | When he mentioned the name of 14-year-old son to the funeral.,- Ddecation At Q ^ o Would Over 400 At Convention, 93 customers only here and there. are some striking sentences from served the American maricet for ;the vention early in tine day to add his , there was just a . About two years ago, the letter American producer. • t ' . : support to the band of Cabinet mem­ momentary burst of cheering. When On- the plaNprm, Senator Dlckih- Senator L. J. Dickinson’s keynote, states, she'received a letter from Ron Ijlandiester Man. For Gangdom, racketeering and thug­ of Whom Will Have'Pow- bers and advisers off the President he' ran qrdckly over the name ct son was'posing-for {fictures. Fntak Huntley, stating that he had tak^ speech, to -'Ithe Republican National gery iwould be stcuhped out;of our in the struggle to obtain a solution Dt^wes, he aroused some subdued O. LoViden of BUnols, several times ou t' wome insurance “fo r the chil­ convention: , nation. ' ' ■ of the problem. handclapping. Mostly, his pro­ voted for as the favoi s of sqvertl dren.’’ Mrs. Huntley is especially New "At Large” Post. Herbert Hoover was at grips-with The .world.'has.come to'know that er Report Progress nouncements of party principle were I states for the. presidential nomina­ anxious to find out if there was any the forces of depression before the, the Unitell StgVes.is without terfi- Garfield and members of ^ r. Hoo­ scarcely listened to at all. tion, stopped on his way to his plat­ Insiurance. country as a whole had had time to tori^ - ambition and is ' actuated, in ver’s official family here worked The block of passive faces lifted j form seat to shake hands with Dick* inson. •Huntley’s Mother Involved By THOMAS FERGUSON realize the menace it faced. Its. relation'witii. other nations by the Chicago, June 14^(A P )—In garb over the resubmission declaration, from the delegate section testified Mrs. Huntley gives considerable With, the co-operation of the peo­ until late last night. They left the ‘Tt’s good to be at a convention Chicago, Bl., June 14— Special— sole desire to prevent armed con­ ranging, from sombre hiack to color that the delegates were pre-occupied | information about Mrs. Nellie Nor­ ple, the President was able to resist flict. . Chicago Club w es^y about midnight with other things. and have no part in it,” said Low- -As the Connecticut delejgation at the splashed frocks, more \ than 400 ris of Rockville, who ie cited in the rishig clamors for a Federal dole. ‘ Our fleet ie at a, high of efficiency with the report of “substantial den. Republican National convention met death certificate, as the informant. The value of the dollar is uifim- and bur. army fbhhs & e backbone of women,-93 of whosa cast a vote on a progress.” . CONVENTION OPENS Simeon D. Fess, the. partes na­ The letter states that “Mrs. Nellie last night to fill, vacancies an - op­ ^ re d and the future security of the' a National t^ense. destiny shaping' proUbition plank— “It’s the toughest of my 40 years Chicago Stadium, Jirne 14.— (A P ) tional chairman, to whom fell the Norris is Mr. Huntley’s mother, and portunity was gained to get some has been preserved. Reforms 'can' come, quicker from leathered today in the steel-raftered of convention experience,” wearily —A Republican National conven­ duty of calling the convention to she made the statement that Mr. Restoration of the agricultural in­ within our party than by opposition exclaim ed one o f the psurty chief, tion which had almost worn itself order, appeared beside' Dickinson, opinions on the political situation stadium fpr the formal opening of Huntley was married and that his dustry hsis been and still is a pri­ ffoin without '' tains. out in advance in the prohibition accompEmied by a group of party of­ back home. Under the new appor­ wife was “Veronica Huntley’’ be mary consideration of the Republi­ Qiir' 'yictbties have been; Won on the Republican Niatipnal convention. Regarffless of the decision late to- wars came together in Chicago ficials, just at 11 o’clock. They held cause “she did not want it known tionment authorized hy Congress can P a rty . conBtrUctIve''.iM(ues. . '-Some were delegates with full vot­ night or ecurly tomorrow by the reso- stadium today feeling a Uttle several whispered consultstions^' that he was living with this woman and based upon the census of 1930 There cem be no evidence of the Today partisanship is subliisated ing'powers; other' alternates and lutlons committee, a floor contest is 1 solemn over its troubles but pre- prohibition was on every tongue. who had broken up his home, leav' Connecticut g^ts another repre solicitude of the Republican Party certaln. Senator Bingham of Con- ponderantly confident a more har- The^test word was that President before i^tribttsm- . .: . still others . spectators, some of ing a wife and three chUdren in sentative in the House. Judge Ray- for the farm er more convincing than Ahd-yet to my mind there , is no necticut, a member of the commit- monious turn was in sight. Hoover had not yet let 'the leadere Rhode Island.” the sums of money placed at the dis­ Sweater. pqtMbtism tiian'the employ- whom had nxbre-party Influence tee, has given notice he wUl go be- The day’s brief opening session know whether he would______approve Mrs. Htmtley contends that it is (Continu^ on ^ g e Tsyo) posal of the agricultural indust^ meiit of ’ every eifort tbwip^d the re- than, many on

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n - r ' ^ I--- ; . * / ^ r > A . . , PAGE TWO MANGBUn in^BNINO HSaUUiD, SOUTH BUMQB^inWB* O O m T U ^ lA 198ft

dally to the notice of the coowm- EPlTOOiafOE DOOyOBS tion. STUDY FURIBERPOUCE, OAKaBIISnESS |y.itf.c.AJVi,to| ,.Tbe session ended a few minutes Xh^. N. A> B m and Dr. XX A ' later, at 1:15, Juat 'an hour and tluree Y^ Moore'win be on emexfsn^ AH boys who wish to take part ''4 quarters after it.begeiL It will meet call tomorrow. FIRECOOPiSATION BUKZ DAMAGEDthe HEtftford Times baseball day again a t 11 a m. touiorrow. roRSToaM ARnr should see D avid HEunilton ait the m H in n u r - N - S i P ^ T. M. C. A. befdre Thursday eve­ HDOVEB ANH CUBTIB. : Cotoudssluiifin Waiit 3|i^usln« ning. Ohicago, June 14.—(AP)-.*The 8t«lle4.At Important Points; Bosrs.who would like to enter in A BOOK WIDOW ABODTTOWN Foy a Detefatt. E ir^ Monung Rre Thnat- seU-reihovBl eff CRmuIos' G. Dawes Noted Economist Sajs Ridos PraviiM a County Y tennis tounmment from the vlce-presldeDtisl picture .(CoaUiined from Page one) Rev. and Mrs. Knut B. Brloson shoidd leave their niuues at tbe Y. made administration supporters Following a confefaice on Sunday and family of four children arrived tns GomiaD Property; Db- M. C. A. as soon as possible. ^ more confident than ever today that Used For Railronds Slioald between the pohee oommlssionew. m m Rev. E. T. Tbienes will be at the by making a fUse statemmit which in Manchester yesterday, making I Qp CliyEl it would be "Hoover and Curtis" Chief Samuel O. Gordon of the pMlee building Wednesday evening from stands as a permanent record” that the trip from Chicago, m. Rev. cor«rtdBjDePninpos. he WEIS married to aqother woman.” again in 1932. Ericaon, who will formEdly amwina departnmt, the emnmissionera of 6:30 to 9 to meet psirents who wish Only a few hours before the con­ to talk- to him about CEunp Wood­ Demands New Record the pastorate of tbe Emanuel Luth­ the South Mahetestor lire District As Em indication of what she In­ vention opened this morning, ^ w es eran church next Sunday, (ive stock. Registrations for Camp announced in Wasihngton that he at their meeting last thgifA gave fu r­ Fire of uadotermlned origin gain­ Woodstock may be made at the Y. tends to do about the ease, Mrs. Washington, June 14.—TAP)— in the remodeled parsonage at 64 ther consideration to plains for bet­ Huntley says, “If the law can reach waa not a candidate for the vlee- Church street. Washington, Junal4,— (AFV^^Hba ed considerable beadway in the two any evening between 6:30 and 9. p re d d e n ^ . Full pubUci^ on the opemtions of ter ccc^ rat^ between the police Senate banlrliia rfimmlftfie ' * ^ Mrs. Nellie Norris. . ^ . she will flrenien. etoiy frame building at 26-84 Oak The re-conditlohing of the base- ‘ 1 am n ot a CEUididate fo r the eorpomtions waa recommended to proved the administration ball diamond has been finished and have to Emswer for this underhand­ There will be a meeting of the It wsa the opinibn .of the fire dis­ ed piece of business . . . .J insist nomination for vice president. No the Senate banking coiunflttee today house bill for the creation 4 a street, owned by tbe' estate of the Twilight BasebaU League re­ Democratic Women’s dub at 2:15 trict ^officere that the present buy­ that unless they can prove that one is or will be authorised to'pre- tern of more loan disoount baakft/ Patrick M. Gorman, at 2 o'clock this sumed its sdiedule Uut evening. by Prof. WllUam Z. Ripley, of Har­ tomorrow afternoon at the home of ers on the poliee alarin system are Lawrence Huntley wew l e ^ y mEur- sent my name to the convention and Mrs. Edward Broman; on Hudson The cosamlttee qpprdVed’the. l i ^ morning, before an alarm from Box A ll girls who desire to play on I request nay friends not to em- vard University, to prevent stoMc not the proper Jdnd of a horn, but ried to Veronica BEumon, or Ver­ s tre e t instead somqtiilag with a larger son-Luoa bUl In the form In 44 at Main and Oak streets brought volley bEdl teuns axe requested to onica'Schofield, alias Veronica Doe, bEurass me by their support," he manipulations. it la now befOra tile House, p ro d d in g meet' on the playgrounds at 4 to- said. Ripley, a noted economist, was range o f sound should be installed. CompEUAies 2, 3 and 4, of the South that the certificate as filed be ex­ Educational dub members are They have under consideration the for the creation of a systMS 'of 8: to Manchester Fire Department to the mprrow. punged from the records and a cor­ Leaders in the delegation, called as a surprise uness in the 12 home loan banks, to looeea'up Bowling for women will' be at 2 p. reminded of the important special InsUdlatioo of a'alren that will have scene. The building is one of the old­ rect one filed in its stead.” unaware that Dawes lu:d spoken, committee’s investigatien of tbe business meeting to be held in the credit for home buildhig. endorsed him as Presidcat Hoover’s New York Stock Market. a canylng distance, of about 2,000 est In town an^ consists of six It v w reported from the Dobson- Nathan Hale school auditorium to­ A substitute offsred by Senator running mate. The Iowa delegation "When a man tries to run a bull feet mat will work with the souxtd- stores on the ground floor and has ing. Mrs. A. aviello, another tenant, ylUe home this morning that Ver­ morrow at 4:15 p. m. Ing of the poliee alarm. Oouzens (R., Mich.) to set- im . a several families as tenants on the was making her way downstairs onica Huntley bEul left Emd was now voted to support him. There was pool or bear pool be does it by dis­ home loan discount division of th e. seminating false information," he The locations as euggeeted on Sun­ second floor. with a large bundle of clothing. living In Springfield. strong sentiment also In tbe New The ski-boat given away by the Reconstmetion Corporation with a . Mexico and other groups for the said. Ri|^ey recommended that all day were alio. concidered at last Discovered By Children Salvatore Euid his wife and Huntley formerly worked in Center Auto Supply to the holder night’s meeting. The installation capital of 8400,000,000, was defeated H artford eui an fmroplime machinist. one-time vlce-presideBt corporatlona engaged in interstate on a tie vote, 8 to 8. Tbe Are was discovered in a room fEunily o f six children w ere awEiken commerce, with apsets of more than of the lucky ticket was won by John of a siren in the vicinity of Depdt occupied by children of Mr. and Mrs. ed by the commotion and Mr. Reale He was a patient at the Memorial Mr. Hoover wants Curtis Euid, in A. SandhQlm of 65 Biro street The The home loan intern would be keeping with Republican tradition, a certain fixed amount, be required Square, as . was suggested at Ito Salvatore DePumpo in their flat, quicUy telephoned for help. His hospital from March 22 until his winning number was 6852; Sunday mimting was ^iproved. It capitalized with a maximum -'fit death May 2. those high in puffy circles are to file current reports on earnings, located above the store and pool son, Louis, rEui from the building depred|ation and other operating waa considered that better results 8126,000,000 from tbe government room conducted by Mr. DePumpo in and turned in the alarm from Box working to carry out Us wishes. / AH com m ittees o f tbe Luther Ltsa? together with the sale ef -neemltles Onlookers, however, recalling the facta with tbe government woidd be obtained it a new elgnal tbe same building, Awakened by the 44. Senator Brbokhs^ (R., Iowa) gue of tbe Emanuel Lutheran church were Installed at Oak and Spruce and subeoriptiott of stock by'bulid-; past; did not regard the Issue as en­ .. smoke, the boys called to their par­ Out at 8:05 asked If there had not been as much that are in charge of arrangements father than at Blsiell and Spruce ents and in a short time tbe other G.O.P. FIRES, FIRST GUN tirely 'blosed. for the New England CcitfereDoe The committee amended tlm-MU Two of tbe six stores in the build­ Blay Start Stampede fluctuation in railroad stocks sinee ■treete because an alarm In that sec­ tenants of tbe building were arous­ ing are viuiant. The rest axe oc­ they filed reports with tbe Inter­ Luther Lieague convention to be tion ealla not only No. 8 but also No. to include Porto Rico and the-Virgin Leaders have met and chosen a Islands. ed and esci^Aed from the building to cupied by Mr. DePumpo, a restau­ AS CONVENTION OPENS state Commerce Commission. held here next week, will meet in the 2 and No. 4 and thsra Is hiiavler traf­ vlce-presideniial candidate before church vestry at 8:80 o’clock to­ Moabers. of ths oemmittee indi­ the street. ' rant run by EdwEurd PagEUfl, Green­ "No," Ripley replied. “They have fic over Oak street only to find their followers stEun- n ig h t ' cated they would ask for sarlr eon* It is believed that the Are started berg’s CleEmers Emd D yers and a peding with suddenness and flUEdity ^ne where they had to go— Chief Albert Foy was ddegated by in the DePumpo store. When dis< (Oonttnoed from Page One) the commissioners to attend the slderatton of the bill in the House, barber shop run by HEury ^tullo. at tbe mention of an appealing The vote came after Secretary XA- covered, the flames bad eaten The recall was sounded at 8:06 Apply \ame Boles chiefs’ convention to be held in New­ through a partition and under the Cermak, and did it in a few words. nEune. port It L, June 20 and 21. mont had approved tbe measure. o'clock, but No. 4, with its ladder The mayor reEul his speech, declar­ Young , gov­ Mpley said there was "no reason floor of the room in which tbe boys LOTTERY RACKET CAUSE truck and two lines of hose connect­ ing Chicago welcomed tbe visitors ernor of tbe Philippines, has been in the world!’’ the same rules were ideeping, progressing so rapid- ed, remained to giuurd against fur "with a warm heart.” suggested from time to time as an that have b w applied to railroads BOOMING JOHNSON : yl that the floor gave way beneath tber trouble, which did not develop. attractive second place possibility. and telephone companies should not OF HARTFORD STABBING one of the bedposts. In black r cletical cut, the Rt be required of other ootporatlons. HOSPITAL NOTES Tbe building was at one time a R ev. Jam es E. Freem an, EplsCopEd Spice has been added to specula­ Four Hose lines one story structure situated on Main tion over his chances by the ap­ The economist said "a qtuuffer of F m p G R E S S M ^ The box alarm brought out three bishop of Washington, latched the a billion dollars" in Kreuger and street on the site where the High opening prayer, asking Almighty pearance In Chicago Of Dolly Curtis Hartford, Juno 14.—(AP)— pumps and a hook and ladder corn* school now stands. It was pur­ Gann, Curtis’s sister, and Alice Toll stock was sold to tbe American Mrs. Leon Nelson of Munson, pany, all of which were needed in God for "freshened courage, renew­ public as an investment formation eonesmlng ^ s reasons Mass., and William Stiles of 129 Hol­ (O oBtlauei f i f i O a e ) chase by Patrick Gorman and mov- ed hope, a cleEurer vision." Roosevelt Longworth, Roosevelt’s flgbting the flames. Hose was con­ sister. Tbe differences of tbe two "You can discourage speculation that ltd to the mysterious stabbing lister street were admitted yester­ e to Oak street, where an addition Tbe whole company, on )ts feet, nected to hydrants at OEdc and Main women over social precedence made more effectively by toehting on the of Salvatore Randasso, 42, of 62 day. mend A. Johnson, of Manebeitsr,; is was later added to make it a two was really silent for the first time. streets, at Oak and Purnell Place, Interesting conversation at bridge disclose of the "earnings and real Baftvlew'street in a tenement at A son waa bom at tbe hospital being urged as the, candidate for story building. It brokd into a mounting hum of status than by taxation,", Ripley this post of Cdngmimaa-at-large, and at Oak and Cottage streets. Two and tea tables tbe country over in 181 Temple street Sunday night be­ ^terday to Mr. and Mrs. JosejA T raffic conversation agkin as George De B. said. because of his sttoeess as Republican lines of hose werp directed into the gan to filter through today when Pohlman of 14 Williams street Traffic at tbe fire was well handled Heim of , reEul the offi­ tbe past. "If tbe real earnings of Aubtim floor leader in tbs (Xeberal AsseaWy DePumpo store, another was taken Mrs. Gann, official hostess for the police revealed that the tovMtlga- A eon was bom today to Mr, and by the police, in charge of Sergeant cial call of tbe convention. It was stock were revealed every quarter, tbe last, two sessions, to tbe second floor and a fourth was vice-president, said categorically to­ Mrs. John J. StilUvan of 4T Lancas­ John McGllnn. Only Are apparatus only a formality and KClm ran there would not be a blind p^ l and Uon had turned to ao alleged lotteiy ter Road. Keeler for OomptroUerf. run to tbe rear of tbe building, was allow e down the street, fire day that her brother deserved re­ racket which-has been la progress where by the use of an extension through it quickly. it woifld curb speculation. Harold Hennequin, 28 Cottage Aleom for govenmr sentlmeat ls*) men and spectators paking on Main Fess then presented Senator nomination *nd everybody knew It. "You don't find Western Union in Connecticut, New York, Xthode rowing stronger and Judging from ladder, the root was reached and Mrs. Longworth, wldchv of the late street end August Larson of 66 streets or other side streets. The Dickinson as temporary chairman, played with as it was in Gould’s day Island and other easteiu ^states for Strickland street were admitted to­ le (Unions of dalegMes bo would flames shooting through were ex< number of persons who attended tbe Speaker, sidd nothlxig for quotation, because it has tr disclose its earn­ tbe past few months. Thin /latest tinguished. and Eunld a universal handclapping day. be readily accepted oy sU branches . early morning bliue was noticeably the Senator waa escorted to the although nunora persist she is dl- ings to tbe Interstate Commerce lottery racket is said to be based on of tbe party in the state. As men­ Tbe density of smoke hampered smioler than has. been the case at rectmg strategy intended to ' give Comi^ssioo." the offiolally oondUots^. lottery the flremen considerably and caus­ chair by Governor James Rolph, tioned yesterday there is some talk other recent fires. The total loss has Jr., of C^onila^ Governor Dan her brother, Theodqre, a place on scheme which Is supervised tbe GtlLFOYLE HBAIUNa SHT of running SOiiafor Ai L*vety d f. ed them to work in relays, made not been determined. the RepublioEUi tick e t Italian government in that country. necessary by the need of fresh air. Turner of Iowa and General Edward Fairfield as lleutMMLB^goVi Martin of Pennsylvania. Last night, Corrado Puglisl, 49, Hartford, June 14.—(AP) Thft AnZott F. Keeler of N bfw i^ li 1 Chief Albert Foy crawled into tbe MUSIC, ELOCUTION strange petition of Dr. Harold Guil- Starts His Address who lives at 181 Temple street, sur­ groomed for comptroUer through k store through the dense smoke and foyle, euling attention to the fact In dark blue,/with the spotlights rendered himself to the police. He is quiet but well organised movement. located tbe spot where the Are had POLITICAL ISSUES that he was convicted of second de­ picking out tbe white of US shock PUPILS IN RECITAL held as tbe man who stabbed Ran- MEmebester 'people wl9 remember gone up through the partitions. His gree murder, when be had been in* of curly hair. Senator Dickinson dazso, now a patient at the Hartford that Senator Robert J. Smltb; now k knowledge of tbe construction of ..dieted for murder in the first degree, plunged into the reading of his hospital. Ihiglisl, it was said, "felt depu^ coniptroller, has also beeh the building caused Chief Foy to di­ NO AID TO NATION w ill be heard by Judge P. B; O’ Sulli* speech with a vigorous impetus. He safer" in. the hands of the police. mentioned' as a poislblt cafldidats rect the streams of water from the Younger pupils of Mrs. David'Me- van In Superior Court Tb\irsday got the delegates to Uielr 4eet DEATHS Puglisl was.' arraigned before for tUs afUce. It ii'iofderstood tluft DePumpo store and flat towank the Ocmib and Mta Arthur Scelert momlng.at 9:80. (OoDttnoed from PHa Om > cheering almost gt once by a trib­ Judge William M. Harney in Police Schuyler Merritt former Fourth east section of tbe building. In so will present a vEuied program of Dr, Gutlfojlle, who i/i seir^Hiig a life District- congressmen trill be m ute to Herbert Hoover. Almost Robert MoDowelL piano numbers, readings and dia­ Court today. Prosecuting Attorney doing, the spread of the Are to tbe him re-elected "because he Is the' Daniel C. Flyim is charging him sentence, wUl be brought from tbe candidate to regain that seat in tab there was a demonstration, but not Robert McDowell died last night logues at tbe Center Church Per* other stores was prevented, saving best fitted man for the Job." with committing an assault with a State Prison at Wethersfield, on a faU. i quite. Governor Rolph of the Presi­ at'the home of bis daughter, Mrs. lors tomorrow eveninig at 8 o’ clock. the west section of tbe building dangerous weapon. The case was writ of habeas corpus, and be given Bingham Looming . Just Meetings dent's home stato waved the Cali­ Herbert Phelon of 162 Cooper street This will be tbe third annual spring from little more than a water loss. One thing that should be cleared an opportunity to m aka^ow n ar- U. S. Senator Hnam BiUfhax|i fornia flag high above his delega­ alter a brief illness. He also leaves recital held Jointly hHj^Mfs* McComb continued until Friday pending other Hard Battle up,” he said, ^ that-these national investigation by Pstectivq.MlchaM' fument to tbejcoui^ . ^ A, tin roof, covering a blind attac, tion, tbe band played a few bars of two other daughters and a son. and Mrs. Seelert aoS the iparenta be presehtiS'labile Defend­ conventions are not sq -Important as "America" but It was all over in D’Onoftlo. . ana pantleiBiy n ere. xBm; stana op was tom open in many places and They Eu:e Mrs. George Beeny o t 147 Emd friends of the children and all er Reinhart L. Cfideoh, who hEw had beer for taxation and repeal havp they are made to seefn. They can’t less thEUi^a minute and Dickinson others interested will be welcome to water played into these holes as the give the people anything, and they Holuster street and Mrs. Frederick it under/ consideration for several marked b! thtohghout the country went aheEid.. Vennart of 164 C oo^ street and attend, Are spread under tbe roof. The can’t take anything away from the He was working hard St the CHABRON BEARBESTED days, but he expects that the con­ as a man' of independence. His re­ flames,appeared most often in the people. So far as the Constitution James McDowell of 41 Chestnut Joyce Emd Emma Lou Kehler will victed veterinarian bimscilf' will cent bratorlcal triumph over Sena­ speech, and his collar Began to wilt street. liiere are 10 grandchUdren. appear in a dialogue and in indivi­ southeast end of tbe building and it of the tJnited States is concerned, before he got far. After days of Hartford, June 14.— (AP) — Wil make his position clear to the court tor Bomb inffhe Senate is rttmirkep was there that the flremen bad their they axe simply private sesslona of Mr. McDowell had been em^oyed dual recitations. Barlmhi Lundberg, liam Cbarron of Springfield, Masa, about everytriiere. The (Tonneetic pleEUSEUit Weather, the sun wels beat­ by Cheney Brother^ for many years. Nellie Burnham, and Marjorie In­ hardest battle to subdue the Are, politicians. A lot of this excitement ing down mercilessly on thb StEi- who yesterday was released from delegatitm oceuples.» strategic which had swept through a large over tbe various so-called issues in Funeral services will be held to­ man will present a little sketch in tbe Rhode Island State Prison at' HEADS WOMEN VOTERS ' tion on the oonTentlOn floor / dium and some palm leEtf fEms ap­ morrow Efftemoon at 2:80 at the W. Colonial costume and also give part ot the east sectiou and had CbicEAgo today baa been-drummed peared in the galleries, still but Cranston, after serving two years, eminence of «Its senior done considerable damage that up to deceive the people into think­ P.. Qulsh funerEd home. Rev. James Separate readings. Shirley Clemson, was arrested for the Connecticut Waterbury, June 14.— (A ?)—Mrs. places It In a favorable light.' ing that conventions really mean partly filled. Stuart Neill 6t 8 t Mary’s Episcopal Louise.. Dewey and MEurgaret W ood­ State police and will be reLufqod to D< H* Stiurtevimt o f New Haven was could not be seen through tbe heavy No Stampede Altomato Change something." church w ill officiate Emd burlEd w ill ruff will have recitatioos. Norwich where he will be presented elected president of-the New Hayen screen of smoke. Copies of the speech had been At last nl^t’s meeting eC. NalionIsO. K. be in the East cemete:^. Mrs. Seelert has arranged a on a charge of Issuing fraudulent County League of Women Veteri: at DePumpo and his family were de­ plEused in the lumds of ccmvehtlon delegation, - . yovfr oorrespbnfic Declsudng there lS'"notiilng wrong vEiriety o f short plEmo selections, checks. the annual meeting, today in the Thomaa Ferguson;> 'waa: s scending the stEdrs. to the street leaders long in EuivEuice and those when Officer MichEiel Fltzgendd ar­ with the country today,” Mr. Ford some of them patriotic. They will be Thonuul B. Conloh of New Haven home of Mrs. F. S. chase in MJddle- altemEite-at-lEi^ to. sueceeff' SEdd “there is nothing wrong with vko heEU-d rumblings of a qimnpede played by Dorothy Johnson and rived from Maple street He assist­ ETATE DEI£GATION and Providence was Etfrested lu t bury. Others elected were: Vice Euri Alcorn, who was unaUe tcH anything except the money system to General Dawes watched carefully Dorothy Earle, Margaret Henne- ed the fEunily to the street and then night by State police and will - be preridents: Mrs. Ward Church of to Chicago. and Hoover certainly has no control when Senator Dickinsop approached quin„ Frances WEdlett, Janet Car­ presented In court at Berlin tonight went to tbe second floor of the build- HEutford; progrEUns; Mrs. F. J. New­ The much-heralded “w#ti’ over that. He'should have imd a passEige in which he mentioned BEHIND BINGHAM penter, Mildred Knight, Anna HCr- on a chEuge of obtaining money uu' comb of Watwbury, finance; Mrs. A. down Miobigen' Avatue last' some day the people will have such Dawes’ work for the Reconstruction vatb, Frances Hyde, Margaret Carl­ der false pretenses. R,Teta, of New Haven, organisation; was a flat failure.; Many idfi: control.” FinEmce Corporation. But when the son, jEmet Elliott, Madeline Wallace. (Continued from Pbge One) Mrs* Bituio, of Stony Cmek, mem­ automobiles in the fine bira ktite. 4 "We are ' interested today In name was pronounced nothing much bership; record^ secretary, Mrs. no decorations and wOre oecnpid putting money in the pocket of the MAY REORGANIZE BANK happened. whatever battle he may wage if the Angus Fraser of New H»v«n; c6r- by the lone driver. It did the *%otf. Textile average mao, reversing the eco­ "Under the direction of General cause no good. nomic spiral by putting men to com m ittee ot which he is a member Hertford. June 14.— (APl-e^A ten­ respondlng n^retary, M^s. John Dawes," said Dickinson, reading does not go the distimee he desires GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS Bristol of H^riden: treasurer, M n. Visit Swift Plaat . ; w ork,” he iA)}d, "and all t ^ stu ff rapidly and not very clearly, “this tative plan to reorganise tne closed wlflch is that of repeal, and it will F. A, Webster, Waterbury. Yesterday aftemoon aeversi of News in ChicEigo has no effect whatever agency hats furnished aid to hanks, •City Bank and 'Drust Com pany b y the delegation, on inriUtiem iofMor^ on that. Tbe country knows what stay with Mm, if offering a minority ON INSPECTION TRIP separating the commercial and sav­ railroads, agricultural organisations, report for reapeal qn the convention g n BriiinELM'risited the Ife- its real task is, and is hot going to ings departments ban been ad- FIND FIVE RUNAWAYS building and loan associations and floor he shall also demand resubmis­ mpauy yards and enjoyed’imicht- be switched off by propagandists of other orgEudzations.” Most of the vEmced b> Thom aa Hewes, receiver. Another Shipment any s o r t ” sion or modification of existing laws. eoD served in the S-wift dining hklh delegates Quality Groceries the front of the platform, the dele­ question as they saw fit. A light is from our household gone, F illed VacEMioies. and votes 6f thanks gi^en all Who A voice forever stilled gates rose and cheered for the better The delegation meeting last night,' bad a oEuff in making that exhibit H IS 86TH BIRTHDAT A place is vacant in otir home, pEirt o f a minute. Then they sat vi For Less 'Which never can be filled. down again to resume their private probably the only: pastor o f the church. Seedless Balsins, bulk. cal nurseries contirlbuted. flowering He pre'riouSly served in Meriden, man who Only wiiiihd Elbows, 4 lbs. fo r ...... vention WEIS completed by a series ing. 2 5 c Mrs. Ernest Howe of Ldtchfield shrubs or evergreens, for the plant­ NorwMk and other Coxmecticut to borrow it ! , ‘ V .-.n Fairy Soap, of motions seqt to the platform by ing. ' The recent rains haye greatly messenger, reiad by the clerk and Etsked to be relieved of duty m*the cities. 5 cakes for . » e o.s 0 0 o o o* 1 9 c improved the new grass and shrub­ Cut Bed Beetle adopted with only a few delegates- permanent organization, conuxflttee and Ifiss Katherine BTyne, statp bery. can ...... !• sC 9 c voting at all. CROSS APPOlNTMEirT Sanl-Fiosh, Under prearrai^ement, the mo­ vice chairman, took her place. Mrs. Howe was nuide a convention hon­ tion for adoption of rules'was sent Hartford, June 14.—(AP)—Gov­ 2 1 c orary vice presiden t Clarence *G. Star W acA^ Powder/ in by William G. Bkeliy of Tulsa, ernor Cross has appointed EfiWEurd tVIllEml; state zergean t-at-am u , was PURUC RECORDS la rge | * g ...... OklEu; that putting the credentials SL Martin of Middletown a member- 1 8 c GOING appointed ^ convention assistant L entils, committee to Lyert W. Jefferies of o f the State BoEird o f Exam iners Saturday, Jane 18 Omaha, Neb., who was made the secretaiy, the other-three with like for three years from July 1, He has lb. ^4ig/ ...... appointments behig'Womeh. ' Attaohinent ro il ^ 1 0 c or Sndday, June 19 committee chairman; that for per­ also. ap. dinted William R Green­ Blue Bose Bloe, Coxmecticut’s. delegates, were In NMAon Caye again st H arry R ob­ whatDl#i 4 Ibii. for ...... manent oriMkization by General berg of Waterbury member of the 1 5 c RETURNTING their seatsdose to'ths platfmm in bins, attEKhment in the sum of o f l o T O M . ^ Three Bingo Malt Syn^, James G. Hubord of New York; 876.00 dainages and costs o f suit on state dental commisslen for five that appointing the platform com­ the kuge Stadium long before moat yeans from July. r i g h i l M s f j 8 lbs. for ... • sess s s s s * - 4 8 c Sunday, June 19 of-the other state groups. Naticmal- real eetote on Oaldahd street Target TObaooo, mittee James R. of Ohio, Jndgmeirt Uen Lovf agreed on weeks ago as chairman of ly known politician and officehold­ WEATHER IHBLAYS FLHSBT 8 phgs. for ..> • o O • S S.o 0 .0 *C The Contolldated Rendering Com- W ith 2 5 c B o y a d 7 c^ that trouble-beset group. ers crowded' tbe aISlea to Hre4t 8en- Kkeomery Butter, $2.75 Fata t i o t Binghain, Rorabadc, Repfesen- o t Boston, Mass,, against lb . >,• The first taste of the coming pro­ Parrla Island, S. C , June 14. — 1 9 c • oora tktive TUsa and other members of Brown, Judgment in tbe (AP)—Because of adverse weather Bold Seal Salmea, >st. or . hibition struggle was given tbe ;tihe state paxfy.-Wfll Rogers was of 8653.23 dE^ges and coats conditions reported along the coaat.' tan can Sua, S o t . Only dtiegates by Dr. Nlchcdas Murray junoUg the yisitofs'who sto^nd tor of 843.64 remalnihg tmfiatisfled and 1 0 c Er. . . 9:$0Aht. 41S0TM, Butler of New York. Riping in bis U eut Commander C. E. Rosendahl bae .....U tlfAM . TilorJI. n hkN^tiS)CQhnrsitibn.^^ ^ * lien .placed on real estate cb Keeney declM today to keep 12m dirigible aamnumni sunoAT place in the Enuflre State delega-l tim ddegtttton M'sMtsd so S treet bv...... S:18AIC 4:M9Jt ^bsr l^ aiutottaced he was sending; Akron tied-up to the mooring masU front of the haH thht the hi' MAiiiiage ^toaiiotti hMM until tomorrow, -. " MAHIEUS l>so .lltOSAM. 7t099M.' to the- chair for reftfenee to tbs' ' ouJtfpd An applicatimi tor n ' marriage time of the vriU de*^ ^ auorm committee^' his resOlutim license was nmto clerk's fa m ttr s / ___ nihr^ ii^onw inthst izdorniaj for ri^ML HO did not ask ttwt It ba group, ■the. attaaiitiir ~ offlee ysstesday aftaihiqioa by Mat­ satd. is C oteb tt «s Trsfei IsBcsMb Not read, anji in the noise aad confttsioa GROORY Mb of SiaOem T U kii Blim« edmfoiffaUy:hi thew M. MoriiMff^ eff New York Iking'ia swift trans«continentaI 188 Spruce St few ddegatei ttiaf: the issue City and Jiflia Teresa Smuddan of trip, ^ giant s2r finer errived hetei/ 1HB NEW ulitoN r Uh of the diy laws now had come Mhndhester. lest nfeht the Penlfio ooeat. 7 4-’ S .^'■ sv K -5: h .T90 ■ f'^ r ^ ! .■^- 3 3 Irrwnrt i . n . ^ ' - -.r d oeer. W e - f ^ 't o ciie^inaito of the derdict'and'then' I ~.8toppcfd R N K G O N N . t t CAPTAIN DESCRIBES the ship.- Wetdrtftod and, slpwly- CONVENTIONAUTIES closed to. - My men, watching from the rail, RESCUE OFHAUSNElI were amazed to see the-figure of a C9UcBgo> June 15.—(AP)—^A^bere tlmt he will arrive Wednesday man which seemed to be lashed to woinan wet worker approached a to look over the situation. McAdoo is to second the nomins' the machine.. Gal|tomla,ddegate with- a “wet We blew a blast on the Mflp’3 vote” l i ^ d hadjse. tion of Speaker Gamer. siren and the Agfure. moved. . He “ I hardly thiwfc that would be the My Ship” W ere His waved frantically. We could' see Alice Roosevelt l^ngworth, at Father, M other and Six C ld ^ thing for Mabel Walker Willebrand now that he was not: lashed down. ^ to wear,” amiled ttuat lady herself. least one woman not afraid to recall Right away I ordered a lifeboat Fightiii^--Pressore, Spac- M enu Based Lar^ely ohrl^ou^^ “On the contrary," the wet work­ the advance of years, told friends to­ First Words When Reach­ away.' It was manned by volun­ er return^ “I think you’re just tbs’ day she saw her flrst convention here teers under my s^ n d officer. R^.(>(piss'Sia^^ :: person to Wear ii.*! in Chicago twenty-five years ago. ed Adrift On Ocean. From the bridge X Watched them ' But hhe did not press the p

l a g i s i i R C i k 4 K I I 4 £ H CAN I C«M an tke Days of dotonj D ig n ^ ! - Gono azo the times vtiim.peo- ple painted tilings dark, so w not to show tile dirt! Today’s

happier, cleanlier style says J.-A “color in "the home—gay, sun- - * T * / sfai^ eoloi:^. Mb? A - So easy! So inexpensive! - Once yon diseover HOW easy, '-f S t ; ‘ 7* --| HOW inexpensive, yea’ll rtaSa “ 2 . - home'smile with joiMry ^loT. in '! I every room. I- - lxV.£-

Sodi colors to idioose froin in * r - w f* —_ WATERSPAR Varnish and *f * - siii Enam ds! Soft, p a std toiades, -t-*- -£ - ddicate hues! Ridi, entrancing ■ k tones! Gotgeons, brilliant, stun­ ning colors! Never before did women have sudi a palette of XMdy-toHUKniieaoty, and best o f a^ the fuss and muss of r ^ * is gone because of the ______of WaterSpan Var- nisb a^lEbuon^. ^ ^ 3

Forget Price-Per-GaDon When Ton Buy Paint! Forget it because cheq^piice- p«>gtolon paint is expensive paint! Ton can pay over a dol- u r less Tper gallon for it, but beeanse of its short coveting capadty it saves only $4 totto on the initial cost of pafating average house. And in five years it costs $28fl more than as tf yon bad nsed quality paint sodi as PATTON’S SUN­ PROOF PAINT in the flrst place. « • • TUa Store is Headquartom for paints, varnish, enamels and bruuies and featum the Pitts­ burg Froof Products line— famous for 76 years as products of the finest quality at reason- lAIe prices. • • • Varni^Enam el FesMrsibsr tUs About tiie Mas* tor Painter The MSsto^ Painter isn’t Just rOT A sample cai^ Imt a full-sized 30^ can-rand costa* a bandy man. He is a U^ily yon only lOj? if yito bring the cewpon irt: the botcam ■vniii, ze^nrible craftsm aif of diis ad. yritii the knowledge and experi^ 'enee to solve special probwns Qioose eidier dear iWaterSpar Vatnislr to give a'tzd^ to ptontfag and decorating-' liawr vamiah finish to shabby floors, fotnitnte or woodworics nrear investment in a good or your from tibe wonderful hoes, shades, and paiatac will be proAtaUe- “Let sleeping dogg lie” colors of Colored yamiilii * • « OC Hnamyl, Bsittm * H ogasaSol CB* the ceaspMt kmr/ 'Come is for. W h y should sm okers accept tlus old-fausHioiiied Delft try to de a good poiiit Vfj fom fki i ttMud Arne only, ovmsUc nt lOf* dr va^ah Job witii a poor notuM i o f the digairette trade? braiili. It can’t be done. If it ia a HORSESHOE Brand brpdi, This Coupon POOP FOR 20c B it w in iM ^ yon do the best poa> y Aistiffle you must be ptetty well Aeir aniwer ttf ywt? Do yoa inhak? tfU aJob. For a tims enty dda ooupeo, fillsd m adih yooe I eonvincedofdiefiwtthatotherdg- Lucky Strike does OM a y o U ^ asms mid addiesa hjBO^ for 20^on dw poRhase «C a 3M cot of WttnStfm ^ amui, dm ar cpIotiMh Iflto tp talkeboBt inhaUny. It laeett & i ^ . m d ! 'i ! ^ I-Tf KlUC'tS 0.K.AMESJC4 ^ ■ X m o N L U C ftr IK&—60' uOt^m •weidldo^knovring^ociipko^^ miimttt w iA xd t vnH^t •p^saablMthfeiiAeaiiiec^^ ^ ' • jEasOdsawsydsttoft oini nhie draws OUtoffi d gStettC. fomim lm A ) mm ^ 0 ;{ fiotnmf em j: tnadt^ /ie t sleeping dogs to**, Ik Ae Thm)iey.\4mi, S o l^ o y ivira/agtSMr.-N:°A C V- -Tr.-v. . M « -t r X.. J

; T’- -%- ■ 'i‘- .''V '“ z^r-' --fls'’

PAOEFOtm MANCHESTER-EVENING h e r a l d . B1ANC3HBSTBE, OOMK^ tU B ^ A y i JtN E 14.1982L

JlHlir^rBtnr great sugar and tobacco plantationa ^ the bu^ess could 'hardly stand, do not compare with the many lAt all evehta it it a matter of l i e G, 0 . P. Cohyeiition Win Now Come Order EttMthin linraUi ■man farms which make the Filipiiio I vsry narrow'maigiBa. PtiBUaUBD 81 -TM8 a self supporting and self respeefcj it is to be suspected that there MS BSXAIjO PHINTING UUMPARf, IMC ing man. It la on this smaU, inde-jmay be a number of other things II BIm «U StTMt iloDtb tUDOAMMr, Ctaa» pendent farmer that the future of the matter with this too-perfect ar- THOMAS rM H obsm Qwf»l Man— r the country depends." ^ rangement of the count^s voters ’■y- r- Oeteiwt.i. i w It M nt this point that "Young for the elevation of Alfred Emanuel y. T. R." indicates that he possesses | Smith to the ^hesideni^. One PttblUbed Et*it EvtSlag HtMgft Sundays and Holidays. Bntarsd at tbs real Intellect and independence o f ' them mag be in its assumption that Post OSIra at South Manchaatar. thought. He says: ConsM as Saooad Class Mall Mattar. Mr. Hoover is going to lose any ap­ 8D880iUPT10N Aa TSS l.beheye ws have come to the preciable number o f his 1928 voters. M a raar. hjr maJl ...... |a m end of an era. The general busi­ fbr Month, by owll ...... Ad n g and financial .depression is As a matter of fact while they may COPl€* a'a a 0 a a »•:•••««• • 0 • •••9 ^9 not be so largely the victims of r s Ptllvarad. ona ...... t f % nierely indicative of a change in rr‘ the social and economic order. personal infatuation as \^e Smith s t- MBMPBlt OP THt. AMOOIATBD The tinoa has come when the peo­ Democrats there is very little reason PRESS ple of the United States, for in­ ^ T.^f ^•.•®**5**^ ^fa8a la aaalualvaly to believe that any important per­ aatlUad to tha uaa for raoublioatloit stance, must choose between wild- of all aaws dlspatohaa oradltad to It eyed radicMllsm and a retum to centage of I^ublican voters will de­ ’ 21 or not otbarwlaa omdiud ta tlila simidiclty. I think they will sert their p ^ y this year;4 md 5"^ *••• >®«* • • • ■ w b- Itahad baralfi. choose the second; that they will instead of Smith's fifteen million All rtphia of raoublteattoB et remove from the class of necessi­ apaclal'diapatohas harala ara also ra* ties mi^iy things which actually votes being plenty to give him the are luxuries, and that simple living, Presidency, the twelve mSlion he . lUorofaBUtlaai TSo self denial, greater self reliance might get would be pretty sure to Julius Mathews Speolai Agsnoy>»Nafr and individual production wlU Tork, Cblahco. Oatrolt and Bostok. solve great economic and social run a very bad second to Mr. Hoo­ ver's score, more.or less, of mil­ Pull aanrioa eliaat of tl B A Bar problems which at times seem so visa, Ino. ovsrwhelming. lions. ■ Secretaire Safe Ths effect of this kind of thinicing Mambar Audit Buraaa of OlroBla« uoaa has manifested itself in the new Gov­ DAWES AVAILABLE IX.*, Keeps private matters private! \\ Tha Herald Prlntlnf Company, ino., ernor-General easing the tax penal­ ^The avMlabnity of Charles C Kwps ^rsonal and bustoess correspondence, can- assumas no flBsneiaT raaponslblllty ties to for ty^^Brtphteal ^rrora appaarlnc in prevent the confiscation of I Dawes as a vice-presidential candi- w cell^ checi», r^ipted bills, insurance policies and * advarttaamaBta in tha Manahastar farms and. their acquirement by land date is by no means foreclosed by Evenlny HaralA other papers in order and security be- monopolists. By this step Colonel his announcement that he is not hmd steel walls and sesamee Combination lock. TUESDAY, JUNE 14. Roosevelt has already made enemies candidate ahd his request that his 8 ^ - Complete ^ of index folders with each cabinet among Manila Americans—but be friends refrain from presenting his A SLEEPING GIANT r - ' More titan one commentator can afford enemies o f that sort. ' name for the nomination. If Gen- y Tvbto Sofsmoking standi found occasion, within the last two Anotber wise thing be said dealt | eral Dawes had said that be would or three days, to remark on the as- with education: not accept the nominetion that mahogany flashed . . $19.50 tonlehlng lack of Interest in eco- The educational system iif the would have definitely put him out of Philippines suffers from all tbe de­ the running. It would be an an­ aomio questions manifested among fects of ouf educational system at BRO’^aERS. iiio the delegates to the Republican na> home, upon which it was founded. nouncement he, as one wlio has al­ tional convention; and it le agreed Education should never unfit a‘ ready enjoyed thia Ugh honor, could among sUch observers that there is man for making a practical living have afforded to make. He did not in the environment in which he |The conclusion to be drawn is that no indication that the Democratic must live. No man should be conveatton, to be held two w^eks educated to a point wbera he be­ if nominated by the Republican na­ hence, will present' in any wise a lieves labo;' is undignified and tional ctmvention he would not re­ different aspect. overalls are degrading. I believe fuse to nm. And that if you'please, that in the fiftiire manual labor At a time whefl it might have will acquire the honorable posi- makes' his declaration merely a HEALTH-DIET ADVICE been expected that the great poUti tkm it had when our fore­ jxdite gesture. The party could do cal gatterings would seethe with fathers were settling our great infittitly worse than to give Presi­ BY DR, FRANK McCOY country. • • • So I believe the dent Hoover^ the virile Dawes as a proteet agatnet the bustaesB paraly< government funds should be,used iiuestlona In regard to Hsalth and Diet wUI Hs and industrial and agricultural for primary ecboola and that high., running mate. be Answered by Dr.MoCoy Who can be difficulties and with a hundiad sug< schools and colleges should W •ddreseod in ears of this Paper. s!iMi«ff gesUons and demands for tUs, that self supportir^. I fully bSlleve stamped, selfsddreseed Envelope tor Reply, that, as in the United States, WATKINS b r o t h e r s , Inc. or the other remedial, action, there those boys who efave a higher IN NEW YORK is lees than usual, instead of many education would-be wililng to^jwork Cohan’s Conversion JVING Y.OUTHFUIXY IX>NGBB^gradual decline to physical stiMoatb times nM>re, of agitatton for changes for it In this way pmeseloiial ------* “ O attractiveness sssn after forty funeral Direetprs ffroupe would not be overcrowded New York, June 16—From Broad- Many|a man.and many a woman in our governmental and economic is due to ths failures of o f the ■' ductlese FQUB DAYS IS CONVENTION and tha neede of the agricultural I way’s own favorite son; George M. has searched through groves of bar­ glands. The rtgbt kind of food un­ ' ESTABLISHED 67 YEARS eystems. In neither party doee community would*be met Cohan, comes sonutbing liks a ren theories for the fountain of TDIE LIMIT SET BY doubtedly helps to kosp the ductless DEMOCBATIO LEADERS there H>P«ar to be at this time any Yet, proving that there is noth- commentary on the changing youth. Some bavp believed that t^ glands fuhetiontog as they should. CHAPiEL AT 11 OAK ST,' times. way to live long is to drink butt r- aliment of protest worthy of tiie tog whatever o f anobUshneas to tUM The next important ptont after BY RODNEY DUTCHEB _ Broadwty, presumably anaes- nfilk, or sauerkraut Juice.'wUls oth- diet is reasonabls exercise. Walking Robert K. Anderson Phone; Office 6171 *osltioa, Cotoosl Roosevelt has Just] tbetised against shocks, allowed have- looked to • operatlona;,/for NBA Service Writer is a splendid exsrdse for those who Funeral Director Residence 7494 It is one of the atrangest political abolished an iniqUty—tbs qpeiwtlon Itself a alight quiver when word transplanting gUuds from, .wijk' to stay, young. phenomena that the country has a Ugh school to araniia fh« I caipe, that the far-famed Cohan ofr animals into wqm-out humans, and > Washington. — Political conven­ The third valuable aid in pro­ tions have os their primary busi­ ever experienced. It could occur, coat the Knickerbocker build- still others believe that ah ope a- longing youth is a hopeful, happy cost of the Philippines government, i ing ha fame and fortwA t i^ saytog behind it: "You will rust useless through spurious education I any great producer o t a few years An Engliisb doctor states' that you hoo festival with which the party ready to have almost overtaken that out quicker than you ' will wear and iUiat they hn’ s been, crueUy de- j back and you'll find a score that should live to be 3,000 years ok out," attracts the attention of the coun­ o f our Oriental parallel. goes something like this; A1 and believes that men will reach try. luded by/half-baked.^ economists who I Woods, momentarily of the the Few delegatee would cere to ar4j Incredible as it may appear to tbs this age; while other doctortr state QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS have told them that some macUnery receiver's clutches, tried one that you have within your body a rive and turn around toward home people of other countries, the voters almost immediately. Non would the would do the world’s work for them come-back and faUed; Wtotbrop sort of time clock and that this de­ (Hair on Face) of America have, no sllghteet inter* whUe thJty played golf and went Joy-retired; termines how fast you will grow local hotel men and othets who have > 1 Question: Mies Ellen R. writes put up good money stand for a con- est in any possible economic pro- old. They say an attempt to wind "I am troubled with hair on my rtdtog. Our admiration fOr ’“Young | ed • but flirted with "tlm up this clock once it is run-down is yentim of only one op twd days. posals in connection with their two T. R.’’ has grown gniatly with the Charles Dillingham lay iU to a hos­ face, but cannot afford an electric: doomed to failure. It is claimed that needle, as you/adviseC I pull toe great party conventions. Their only reading of his Fhnipptoes stat^- pital when his theater wisnt to the the best way to live to a good old tttoatlons to tkintm at 11 pair banks; Arthur Hamxuersteto’s hair out, but they keep comlni This year, the Republicans prob­ concern—and it is not very profounl mant age is to come from ancestors who back. AJm , 1 am only 18 years an<; playhouse passed through a cou- lived long. ably will have trouble'stretching out at that—is with the personalitiet of very much ashamed of my appear­ their show,, whereas thS’ Democrats; Silhouettes to blisck frames, ____ pis of hahds: WUUam Harris, Jr., AVERAGE LENGTH OF-LIFE measuring 4x6 1-2 inebef. the candidates and the matter of ARITHMETICAL VICTORY I u e Dwight Deere Wiman didn’t ance. Can> you help m e?" with a flock of cftodldetes ~ real $6 '5P The average man’s lifetime' is Answer: The electric needle meth­ and ao-palled — have titoen special Gaorge and Martha Washing- prohibition. In a social sense the Smith Democrats, perhaps to good ^ now around 58 years. TWs repre­ ton, Napoleon and Josephine; ...I M Only a couple, of productions od is toe only satisfactory one measures to keep toetoTjconitosed latter is, of course, really Important toith and perhaps by way of throw- came from Jed Harris, William A. sents a great improvement over the know of for completely. destro.ytog' within fCur days If ppesifile; and other subjects. A gift for June Brides! Au­ It is not, however, a hundredth part average life in l^me which at one toe bato root, but there are inany The principal variation from I thentic colonial ' in tog a scare into the Roosevelt canq>, Brady, Brook Pemberton, Arthur time was only 18. Very few cave­ black iron. 14 1-2 inches high , as vital as half a docen . other key ore bqdnntog to .talk to whispers I Hopkins and several others preparations on toe market which routine conVMtion procedure will be men ever reached 30. Yet we have you can use to discourage toe hair toe meeting of toe Democratic with large baU tops. problems which wUl ns^^ be nsed' a record of Noah, father of Shem, about a Ixdt to ease their man is Whereas, Cohan attempted a growth. The rosin qnd wax prepara­ platform committee Just prior to l ^ T K I N S tloned in either conventlim or either denlM nomtoatiim by the Demo­ said to have lived to 950. I doubt If tions are put on toe face while too toe convention Itself, a device, to' reiteration of the new generation any now living can hope to reach save time. platfora; or, at roost, will be cratic naticfnal convention. ' This le theme and hit the rocks. He has preparation is hot, then Jerked o tills mark, yet I believe that, if after it has cool^ carrying tE touched on in meaningless phrases the way they present their case: bad^ more recently, a play "Confi­ everyone lived correctly, we could l»e Way They Work tion of tiw Star-Spangled Banner by Involvii^ no commitment whatwer. dential Service’’ to Chicago and hairs iway with toe hardened wax.. wme celebrated female singer and WATKINS There were fifteen million Smith eaisily add another 60 years to the Sometimes some o f the hair ro o ts Otherwise the procedure of toe rdeei^ of the credentials confinii mid-west points. life of man. That would only make nwo conventions is about toe same. Seemingly the whole American voters to 1928. AU .of them would Then a movie opportunity-came. come completely out, to which case, toe report iw toe tempbitry chair­ nation has gone fatalistic. Its peo­ 108 years, lyhlcb is vety little when those particular hairs will not re­ They adc^t toe rules o f toe House man. Sometimes a row then vote , for Smitb agidn if'given the Cohan, cool to such offers to the commu^ to the 150 yei^' given to o f RepresentlitlveS to work with, ple appear to believe that yidiatever turn. By keeping up this treatment breaks out over which of one or chance. If Roosevelt is nominated I 'S*oth^®dSSi*hia I fisn, toe carp; - or the 200'yean - ______of regularly there Is a tendency also to plus certain traditional deviations more sets (M contesttog delegates is to be will be and that there is at Chicago they wlU be given the Broadway offlMs had contto^ to ^ yea rr o t the discourage toe growth of toe other which include toe two-thirds and sh^ be seated. . VISITORS WEL nothing that can be done about it. elephant hair. unit rulM to toe case of Democrats. chance because the Smith faction I function. Now he has sliced off A convention is first exiled to or­ Otherwise the stupendous oppor­ ! that overhead and requested his HOW TO STAY YOUNG ^^^__^Offldal at Loot will nominate their iikfi as an inde­ I am convinced that food is toe (Dried Beef) der by toe obairman of toe party’s S m M l L L W ' tunity of a national electhm would staff to Join him in toe West. national committee. Each sessita, A t this point, the conventionto not pendent. Prudent Hoover poUed Thus is a theater legend sur- most important factor to keeping Question: Mrs, Agnes L asks: “Is see them gathered on every street young. Those who have already after toe^l, is launched by a, yet ^ "official” or permanent. -It Is wenty-one million votes in 1928. He I rendered to toe Janitors! dried beef a wholesome food,jtbat is prayer. 'That touch of . piety is al-15“ ’^® “P * temporary roQ v* comer demanding the adoption of reached middle age can still length­ to be substituted when fresh meat of ONCONVENROi could not pdll anywhere near that en their span If they wtD b e ^ Im­ ways impressive, if only by con-M^^®^^.®® approved by t^ v na- their respective views and would Never Too Old is not av^lable?" trart. I remember that a t committee.. But toe commlt- inumber today'and would have to However, in a more cheerful mediately to practice right eating. Answer: Yes, dried beef is a good witness the most strenuous contests I have seen cases to families where Square Garden to 1924 the Demo- ^ permanent'orgaiuatkm fol- Chicago.— (APl-J-MlUiOns ofTokjil- divide- toe aatl-Smith vote with strain, Adolph Lewitohn, 83- food if prepared preperiy. It should crats rotated Protestant dergy- wito in the great party conventions over one member has learned, even late be Ixfiled to two or more waters, lars will be spent this month as ’sil Roosevdt. Say that approximately year-old phiiantoropist, starts men, priests: and rabbis until to w report and barring & flg^t, toe roads lead to Chicago and toe nh- issues affecting the material well taking singing lestons. But in­ in life, to eat rlg^t and lived from and seasoned only with a little but­ had used about afi there were to iP®fi3>xaent chairman — enacted to the same number of votes are polled ten to twelve years longer than his tionai political '’onveiltlons. being of a hundred and twenty-live sists he ter as eaten. Never flavor it with a New York. 'And toe convention was Hdrt Sn^.for toe next fan as to 1928, that would leave I gr . . 7 TheM errickTi^f out^lSng I brothers who’ ate not wUwdy but too flour sauce which is the customai'y Probably more ^ than 31.000,000 million human beings. in toe throes of' the...... bitterest; mean RepulWcans and Executive Cbair- some twenty-one or twenty-two mil-I Island way, looks blithely toward I hearty old age way of spoiling Jt as a wholesome est religious fight ever seen-at a mtui Joubtt Shouse for the Demo- will be spent by delegates and pdtCT> It is an incomprehensible situa­ toe summer with 'Texas Guinan depends on toe^food eatto and the food. national politlaa] meeting. crate-r-takes the diair. nates, alone—merely .for basic-costs lion to be split between Hoover and The con- Involved in their .trips to. and . fTOm tion. We make no slightest pr^ back from Europe and Smith Bal- way it is digested. Probably toe rea­ After a short speech by toe na­ vention then re^y begi Roosevelt. I t they broke anywhere son so many people thjnic thflt toe Chicago and during their stay, here. tense of being able to explain it or lew leading a band just down toe (Training Diet) tional chairman and toe reading of The commltt^ on ndes leportnl- near even each would be about four road at toe Pavilion -Royale . . . first rule in growing old is to be And they will be only a ’; Question: Robert McG. writes: toe coll for toe convention toe first usuiMiy jm unimlKirtant ftmeition— fraction of the m qtetor towingy .to' imderstand it. It is, however, worth or five million votes short of Smith’s born poor is because the poor man am going to participate to a cowng adjournment ts taken. and toe roll la caOsd for toe' na­ recording in one's memory—for it Is forced to use simple foods and to athletic 'exhibition,, and T wish you imoffidal attendance. Chltogabopm' otaL The result should be that 'joBodmoo ‘ttiax smojap pay tional. committee whteb' wfll take to attract more than 10(1000 dub> is unbelievable that we shall ever who once received 315 a week in work hard enough to burn it up ta would Inform me of a suitable diet fir s t Chance for Fight office for toe next four years at toe Smith would probably carry enough the body. If you want to live long. tog . toe weeks to * which . toe Jparty London, got a note of congratu­ on which to train.’’ At the following .session a resolu- end o f toe oonyeotioin; ______Resnlutionn nominating shows are heid. witness a similar situation again. states to be elected. ___ , ___ then be sure, to Use simple, small lation from P. G. Wodehouse, who Answer:. I have prepared a spo- tion Js mused to adopt toe House I «TO mode next, toe awet.-egroltimrof It requires no wizardty to tohihe- The giant cannot sleep forever. This is a novel andi interesting was getting 312 for providing but include toe raw. and dal mimeographed article pn the rules and toe rules of the last con- which is likely to the na- books and lyrics, when Kern’s | cooked vegetables which furnish toe Vtotion.. 'Then *a list of temporary tional committee to call another na- matics to calculate that tos Ayerage Some day he will awake. view of toe sltuatioxL It overlooks,- athlete’s training’ diet, and I will be conyentlon delegate’s exiMiilM ; to- "The Cat and toe Fiddle" and mineral salts necessary' to presence glad to send it to you if you will ofneers is read for toe* convention’s thmal convention in 19||8, necessities may total at lan O lT however, one very important' fact, "Show Boat” turned out to be two tissue tonis. write mb again, giving me your iVl) syproval- and it is always possible H the platform YOUNGER T. B. or 3800. . whidi is that ftpt an toe Democrats of Broadways’ most profitable at­ DUCTLESS GLANDS FAILUBB name and address on a largo stamp­ t e te ^ ° flS t ' I roport a diattogulshed I t he comm frmn ! Jaeks(inylija, Theodore Roosevelt, Governor- tractions . . . May Questel, who There is no ^estion but that tod ed envdope. tate a f i ^ t over who is to be tern- member, of toe party-m aete u Itph .who voted for Smith four yean ago t^ rm a n and keynoter, as t o ^ S s T « « PWty toty he asked Pla., or Dallas; Tex.,'fate rditod-tfip General of toe Philippines, has been provides the voice of ‘^Betty Boop’’ trainfare—even at special fate^ d- would vote for him this year. Grant on toe screen, puts on a mean baby Winiam Jannlwga Bryan I ..» « t regarded by a great many Ameri Alton B. Parker tol^2, ** ; ®y® ronvention aphalf rates—plus a berth anjl-itrato that to many par;t8 of toe country, taUc act off s t ^ . . . Bob Hope, “The Ladder," Is reported coming espedaUy birds and that fish had meals will exceed 380, '*"2 ' cans as toe fortunate son of a great the vaudevUlian, bills performers into Manhattan with a mude If that doesn’t happen toe tern- “ 2 the Smith Democrats are peculiarly been killed during periods of drought porary toairman- Is’brouxbt to th« 1^ ”-. P“ «w nv«it n tha way and If he stays only ato.daJw tovCStt^ man. Back from a tour of hla to his act as "others too huniorous show. . •. . ' and toe association took the stand em o and spends only Atoj a day., loyal to their leader there is stiU to to mention’’ . . Rian James start­ chair forthwith and usu^y deUvera lt>S5*S^*** idartad by toe provinces—forty-eight of them—he And Morton Downey is now that the . time to save the game and an address of' w deoSr"^ while here that will. W 312Antoraj-.^ be reckoned with the . entire South ed a .vogue of penthouse premieres scheduled to open toe Democratic fish, was before they were further dr a mtoimum te ta lo f 3200-. has Just issued a statement concern­ by giving friehdiB a first view of convention with toe "Star Span­ Because of toe radio audience, the 1 and toe ^rder states where toe d^Htecb The association set Sep­ keynote speeches,, which used to be ' In toe case "iff nddw^ ing the iiimilar possessions which, i( smith vote was not a Smith vote at his film, "Loye Is a Racket’’ atop gled Banner," usually * warbled by tember 4 as the date for raccoons deUvered *to the | Immsifiately. the convention; trip' is conceiHble, his father would a 24-stpty apartment . . . sopranos or contraltos. trials at (Chesterfield. doubtediy will« be madc^ at night, be less expensive... fpr on but a tenadousiy Democratic gate from a niihtli toalh never have thoui^t of making. It ______GILBERT SWAN. Keraote.spmchae are mighty im vote. 'The Happy Warrior woifidn’t A Little o f This spirational ejEforte Ip which one RUUN6 cm coibgr; t a x —say Columbus, 1 presents the younger Rboeevelt to get a -qwoofiil of tooee bailote as Key Westv fast becomes toe ASKS HUNTING BAN. WAR VETERAN SHOT costs easily - mUtot' most axdusive hide-away cd - • / party is pcmuveiy identified with |t will cost a “ toe light of a thinker, a socialogist against Roosevelt. And the' South New Londdn, June 14.—(A P )—A toe hosts o f heayen qnd the ^ 4r Britain;- jtm e i< .~ (A P )—• - ^ *i®W ^® with Ernest ban on hunting and fitotog in this Bridg^xirt, June 14.—.(AP)-.-Suf- painted as the' forces of darkness more than .-3160- and an econonatot o f rare insight. and the Border atates ppDed 17 1-t Hemingway as the self-starter vU y 'Treasurer ■ Curttos L. Sheldon fate—ev y at'|n state for ttv t yeiws to give game fertog from bijllet wounds to bis Md the great enemies of the poor. b y a s ^ ^ qfflea 0^ the attorney Perhaps he is a great man. Perluq« per cent of toe total Democratie | From a j^ d m t comes a postcard —plus Pullman^ and fish a chance to come back legs wbich he reedved -aiien police­ They are supposed to rouse fret ghharal at Itortford-fty-a -ruliag on he is a greater man than toe original vote o f toe country Mn 1928. That offer of the "keys” to toe dty favored Ity the United Fidd Trial quent outourrts of pandemonium., I Oh, well!. . . men shot tilm: doam after he had tha' qveetkBi MVhethw eltiro and tnddentols raimbp::' T. r T wiould mean that something like two' end Raccoon Hunters noteetiva -towns must hrtwo oent Fcrierai Show boats will navigate toe AssodatioiL ^ tbreatmied them with a butcher to his “In toe United Statoa." says Aetiial business befttos after tho taxf it t bsidi' te;*-■poa^ and three-quarters millloa of toe Hudson this summer, for a change The assbeiatloo, having member- knife, Arthur a Salola, 82, of lynn, mmo.- eva- of'bllto Roosevelt, "we have an entlrtfy Mass,, a 'Worid War v ete^ on bis h«p. 1^ 000,000 "Sm ito" ^ te s wouldn’t . . . And dude ranches have sprung ship toqptigfatmt the state, so voted ddne m toe .m :- wn^.vlewpotot r^;arding the 1111- ra to Jersey to eonqwtitioa with at. a moating yaatarday a t tha 'New way to Join ' the bonus ypAmy to , the roll of states is cqllffi qatot materiaHxe but would be added to Washington, ^ being treated at ^fhe at- ptoo people. Judging the Pwiin- London Coon aubT^proparty to dttHhtton’s member ' to States toe anti-Smlto total. This is a re- where toa train fare is higher . . . Ch*wterfleld. Bridgeport hospital today where hia eaA oflh e sto eemmitteciB. chitf of .p i^ hgr Ibuilla to like Ji|%lng W dnerieii of tks vote qasets to thaiHdgw. B. - Dayis, .vdio earned toe In ' PmdfiiSislli, rmes aim 'iw i: ...... tioto V-vA- • •’•■vfV* „ |V i BIANGHESTBR-EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MAN(RiESTESRj G0NWi^TUESD:^, JUNErl4, i m

'rapidly^; “Thb Strange Love’^ of Molly >W sfner .tlM vigoroustone as newspaperow Louvaih” is the story of a young e role and rtoeiyito si^pO^ RiMSEVRT ; pressed hm ' bn his plans.' ' ^ ^ RSt The; governor has said he would ^rl, betray^-by her. lover, who re­ ftom KEureh Morfey. inCtoe Ibidtng HOOVER PREVENTED fetoinine -ps^ ------hot abtend toe oohvehtioti. How- AT THE.STATE' signs henmlf to' a life of vagabond­ TOTAIX(ONRifORSl ever,.a.Butte.iEff hptel rooms reserved HbllywE^ Jmto ;; GretaiG{^te.wto.:|ie.shto^n^;toe % ise with one Grant, a potential .State next ‘ Sunday,. ' and -at CbiciagQ. two months a$b are c£ ^ ',^ sts|ge~,ana:, acrelfaiadljM ii^J^ Ann Dvocak Tomorrow criminal. The sto^.is tense an^ Tuesday in .her latest jitotote' '‘‘As . -Albany, N. Y., June 14— ^LP) .— being [retained'for the. governor in <^t fatMng amtion ^cb^rto^a^bue- John Barrs^]^ in “State’s At­ ; dramatic, leading frbm'tme situation You Desire’Me;” \ ‘ ' ^ the events a'Crisis devdope'd in the A FINANCIAL PANIC torney” , and tou^hara Stimwyckvin to another with matolne gim rapidi­ Recurring Chicago .' I re^rts ^that Roosevdt;flght for the hominatibn. ly, die said today'ItoiB^nya she “Shopwom,’f win be shown at the Governor R q osev eit.'y oold '.a^pemr.: ty, carrying observers along at a h i t ' BY ilASlS^XL V ' ' . . One' of the ' Ohicago reports yes­ had severed by her 1 4>- State for tiie last' times tonight. breathless pace. Hie two leading before' the Democratic -National con­ terday was‘ to^t tile governor would contoact with ’ Goid(j^^ pro- Representatives flouted their own The new . progr^ on Wednesday players are supporte'd by a cast Willimantic, June liJ—(AP) vention if nominated, or that he make X dramatic apptormiee before ducelr. ., V'- ■ •;. leadership; their tax bill was com­ and Thursday ' will'consist "of Ann which includes Richard Cromwell, the convditi'on-if 'nominated. Seo. Dickinson’ s Kepote Adolph (R ^) W air«i;'21, [‘tofl^er would take direct charge of his fight /. ‘“It didn't w o i^ aidd -ltoto CUdre pletely rewritten by the revolting D vorak and Liee Triacy-in ‘ T h e Evelyn^ Knapp, (Guy Kibbe and on the Cojmecticut Aggito ‘baseball for the presidential 'nomination if Democratic majority; their economy Strange Love , of Molly Louvain,” Frank McHugh. . HABy^BD CHOICE referring'to her ctoido^Pn-^tii^l^ team suffered a coheujuidh of' .the the opposition held have brought films. ‘ T m a stage a I Q«4to ^ c h At Chicago Out­ measure wras torn to shreds. and Warner Baxter in "Man About Triangular love affairs - have brain yesterday when;>.[WJ; by ..a this answer from the governor: . Rye/'N . Y., June 14.—(AP-) — Democratic sponsors call for un­ Town.” Ann Dvorak in .her short motivated many a photoplay/ but time to find th e^ bt'^ ay, ton right pitched ball. His cemditidB'was not ■ ‘Tm not going to make any stoto- Thirty three' players representing as part, the-/right .qlrectpr^ to devote due inflation of the national curren­ career in talking pictures has creat­ seldom bo as fine an effect as in believed serious. ment in answer to the dozens of un­ many colleges have entored the , an­ lines President’ s Actions cy. The safety of the country re­ ed an enormotu fOUowing. This meticulpus atlmition' to- 'maketip, ‘•Man About Town”, with Warner ’The aeddent ocqiirred. in Eagle- founded rumors that will appear nual Eastern' Intercollegiate Uhesl 'ray pwL - MoVlee - were all quires the maintenance of the young lady is an actress of the flrst Baxter leading the way. The story ville during an Inter^ounty league every few minutes during the next tournament beginning today at the wrong'for.'me. I:inade mistakes. I standard. The value of the Ameri­ rank and .few newcomers on the is-sketched vividly against the glit­ ■ Apav^mis Qub'here. Donald Frame During World’s Worst De­ game. Wturen was admitted to St few weeks.” ' didn’t have my spy. ; 11 took the can dollar must be maintained screen have jumped into stardom so ter and intrigue of Washln^n Joseph’s hospital. The statement was given in a of Harvard heads the seeded list [ throughout the world. mories't(M) serioiujy.”. . ■ pression ^ Portions of Nor was this moribund issue the sum total of the products of the master-minds of Democracy. They Text of I^s Address. proposed billions in bond issues for unnecessary and improducttve pub­ lic works, presumably on the theory Chicago. June 14.— (AP)—A por­ that when your bu.'get is unbal­ tion of the text of Senator L. J. anced—when your outgo exceeds your income—you can squander r :. 1 Dick^son’s keynote speech before yourself into prosperity. the Republican'national convention In their efforts thus to debase tbe follow s: dollar by flat money and other Perhaps it was with prophetic equally unsound flnancial schemes, / . vision that the American people the Democrats stalked forth with elected Herbert Hoover four years the ghost of 1896. ago with the greatest popular 'and Unjust Criticism . electoral college vote any president The Far^ Board has been the ever received. At any rate, he had butt of much criticism, the greater scarcely taken the oath of his of­ part of which is unjust. We have ^ ...... ^ .. '.•.'A*.'.'.r.v.v.%J fice before economic storm clouds heard much abuse of the board’s had begun to cast their sinster operations in stabilization of cotton shadow over the nations of the and wheat by their flnancing of co­ world. operatives to purchase these com­ His first act prevented a finan­ modities, but we have heard very cial panic. Invoking the powers of little of the fact that by their entry the Federal Reserve Board, he pre­ into the market'in February during vented this catastrophe. Thus he the crop year of 1930 and again in cushioned the effects of the debacle November of the next crop year, in Wall street which followed the greatest period of stock speculation they stemmed the panic which had ^ ^ \ the world had ever known. broken in agricultural prices. W^th the knowledge that every The FeuTn Board held prices in major economic convulsion in the each of these two crops above world past had been attended by strikes, levels to such a degree that the rlot^, bloodshed and death. Pres­ very moderate estimate of the f' >> i > 4 ' ident Hoover’s next concern was to amount realiz^- by -toe—American . -if- . ,.^.j ' ^ -y S maintain social order. . farmer over 'and abbvi [what they Calls Leaders would have retdizMotherwise is b^ To this end he summoned to the tween $2,000,000,000 and $3,000,- " ' " I - ' White House industrial leaders Of 000,600. ‘ ^ * the nation and obtained from them It matters' little if- the govern­ * * > * -Ji a promise to maintain existing wage ment loses $150,000,000,000 for the '" v 4 't,' '^scales as long as it was possible to savings it made to homes of farm­ do so. ers throughout* this whole land. It On the same day leaders of or­ was throwing a feglment into the ganized labor, sitting aroimd the front of [the battleito lose, but saVid same copferencc table, gave their m illio n is !...... ; .[pledge that there would be no In- Farmers’ Friend '^dustrial wage disturbances. Directly and indirectly, the Fed­ Had Herbert Hoover accomplish­ eral government has, during .the ed no more in this depression, he last three years, poured into the would have done more than all of agricultural industry nearly $1,000,- the other Presidents had done in 000,000. As I said before, greviotm tbe fourteen major economic dis­ as his suffering may 'be, no farmir locations which have gone before. cam deny the-undeviating..friendBlflp [Bpt our president planned a -.of : the^RepuW cim )^#arty.' piid^ to deal with the unprecedent^' Since the beginning of the eco­ ed situation in which the world V found itself in the back-wash of the nomic crisis, the Democratic Party greatest of wars. has shown an utter lack pf ephasion on every important issue, and on Panic Averted ^ 'v ■' 4v J / With financial panic averted; with none heus it been more, divided than industrial peace assured, the Chie^ on the tariff. Its leaders have run Executive moved rapidly to mitigate the scale, toomr ’iseei^tcade to the \ S k; unemployment distress. highest pbssibl' protection. However, no action of the govern­ With falling . prices 'and depre­ ment or of the people could stay ciated currenciM ; overseas, there thf naarch of the insidious enemy stands just one>.buiwarl&.for tbe sal­ vation o f O' r.m i^le. Without the * < '■/ •. I within-our gates. Unemployment ,y aad Buffeting were inevitable. To Vates of toe Cto^y-SiflpQt Act of ri^ve this to the fullest .possible 1930, we would Id^vSinPe have been

measure, the President' se^up in Inimdated by a flood of .cheaply pro­ •' 'ff, , j ^ /f vK* AS y ■’ A>y M-WM Washin^on a National imemploy- duced foreign, products. m ." * ment committee to cooperate with Gentlemen of the opposition cried tt« states both in finding employ­ to high heaven agai^t some of ment and in relieving the needy. the rates that were being written There was a generous response into that bill- But while they thus from every state and with the co­ wailed, they were not' pnly volun­ operation of the people the Pres­ tary, but eager partners in the ident was able to resist rising clam­ writing of duties for toeir local and ors for a Federal dole. state industries wMch in many Contrasts Pictures cases even surpassed what staimch Contrast this picture of a stable Protectionist Republicans believed W "'t' m 8 p r e m iu m ' FEATURsii social order, the people united in were necessary. aid to their less fortunate fellows, In the Senate alone 1,010 votes with the chaos in many countries were cast by Democratic Senators AT NO EXTRA COST abroad. There revolution followed either for ineveasfa rates or I’cvolution. Government after gov- against decreases to rateSigr'And the ment fell. Battle and bloodshed be­ Democrats furnished the margin of came an almost every day occur­ 1. Anti-K^ock ence. votes that were necessary for flnal This was the foreign situation enactment of the measure! only a year ago. Drastic action Even more recently—in Congres­ 2 . M q m ( ^ b w « ,r was necessary if the international sional consideration of the budget balanding tax bill—we have had financial structure was to be pre­ 2. M bi« Mliift; served. Herbert Hoover tofik that further Ulustrations of the avidity action. ' He proposed and tbe other with which the Democrats pursue . .f V .■ powers quickly agreed to a one high tariff rates. They generously 4. Quick Starting supported duties on copper, coal, oil year’s moratoriifm on' reparations ■ ■ y . ■ and lumber. And all thi» after two NEW and war debts. Germany was saved from financiu. chaos that years of the most bitter and venom­ 5. Qum<^Aii would have involved the entire ous denunciation of the Hawley- world. Sm oot A ct! with this catastrophe averted, Today partisanship is sublimated '' A.Add.iiM« [ ' the President continued to wage before patriotism. the battle against depression on a And yet to my mind there is no 7. 'Stall.hi^ hundred fronts in the ITnited States. greater patriotism than the employ­ Before Congress assembled last ment of every effort toward the December, President Hoover pre­ restoration of normal conditions. 8. Alwiiys; Unifoita ; pared for it the most far-reaching And there can be no more depend­ ;■? ■ rehabilitation - and reconstruction able means to this end than the re- Tide Water; oil ^ e s Corp^gtiiMb program that has ever been design­ election of Herbert Hoover as Pres­ ed by any leader in any country ident of the United States. 3390 Afoin Stireet, H artford,. GOBn.. ■ t * under any circumstance. Today wo bring Tel. 2,2134, Craates Corporation SEEK AUTO THUTVEB. Foremost in this plan was the creation of the Reconstruction Fi­ Bridgeport, June 14.—(AP) — gasoline In Tide nancial Corporation with reserves Three youths who boldly dashed to of two and a half billions of dollars liberty while they were' being to furnish necessary credit other­ brought in an automobile to Bridge­ wise unattainable. port by Constable Stanley Bush of As Herbert Hoover poured out his Easton to be locked up on suspicion In epbatingithis notable new m o* only vrith higher-pifl^ fuels. tremendous energies and abilities were being sought by the police to­ upon the altar of public service aqd day as members of. a gang of auto­ tor fuel, w e believe that w e have the welfare of all of the people, mobile thieves. An automobile what of the Democratic oppoAtion ? We know that Jt which the trio had parked near a For two long years they* ham- developed entirely new factors ' pared thf President at every turn. reservoir in Easton where they were Through a highly subsidized press fishing proved when checked to be gasoline that TideW |||^«|ti^ ever Uie property of Ffederick Oakes of bureau. Democratic leaders, Demo- of econonly and perform ance. . cratlc Senators and Democratic Rowayton. It had been taken from Lyon Terrace Satiurday night. y produced. It is : thfcvieS^rtm Congressmen sought to distort bis ...... I * r . , / .* . ■ every word; to belittle his every ef­ Police recently received numerous complaints of toe theft of automo­ fort at human and economic jrelief; W e' believe that outstanding achievement in 52 / years of to impugn his every motive; to biles and on the descriptions given frustrate his every move. Their by Constable Bush are wecldng up V orders were to "smear Hoover.” to ascertain whether tbe men are not iin’proyem ents in anti-knock deyelbping and refihipg superior UiKm bis shoulders the anvil leaders of a group of automobile chonis on Democracy placed the re­ thieves. ' products.-.. - sponsibility for every ill at home ^aU ty, pow er and niilei^e Twill an^ abroad. TIDE WATER DIV|pi»n)3

As might have been expected, be apjparent to you upon your ■ • .-i ; -K. . . S>’. - -w. - I overplayed their hand. With New York, June 14.—The Board We introduce nhUon tnreatened by its great- of Directors of Tide Water Oil Com­ '■ r r> i, V o o ^aeoiiom ic orlais, people demanded pany at its meeting todey declared first trial run. TOnfideiit that its •ft- ttiit partisan polities be submerged a dividend of 25e per share our Democratic day also 'declared the rtovlar ’q^ar- , .£*'V .( ~ .#sre np longer able to .cqii- q u a l t t i e s ■ ..■I, I of wictory wltlntt teify dlvldenXbf fljlo bh T TD;i -'v-WA'TI R - -ot ^ ... .[ __ ‘ ■ '/ » ■A, V ■ ■ V 1, ; •■'..•i'/ ' T • • " - * - good or-tbe fkxoofnpany^sh isstied ^ / 4 ' ‘ ! • A .. 4 * . • • • r - 1 * . , . • ■: .x:.' ‘ v..‘ ! J '’’k.;'? . ton . ■■ ■ ' "/' V'.v- />.,•( ...... ,4 , ' I . • ; . , e fW tla ] ‘ " 0 percent eii«ifdisllvo;''^(tiotav«rtt , - t V .> •

/ ( .1 ! ■' " t • : < ; [. tk* c .r- . - i-r ■ ;•: ■ •:.•• . , V 7 ^ -v»rs -t? •r»v> •.' '-' * it • .. . V"-> ■•'S k . • " ^ • • ■ ' “-‘.t '■- ® ' PAGiasix MANCHESTER BVBNlHbaHBAI®. SOCra HANGHESTBR; COlW..-TUESDAY, JimE H lM a 'I -j : y:. ' 'cjm

one of tile beat ever had. WUfipd f-MOfEKACAINST Manchester’s MANCHESTERGiRLS ClarkK Henry Miller, CImiter L. HIGH SCHOOL RoUaMO And Arland JanUna tMp- D ate Book I^al Stocks ed-dir^ tiiis eiawd to the camp And DRTUWREPEAL GET B .U . DEGREES NEWS the ttatarially ineraaaea adw» HONORS CAPTAINS HerberC McKiiuiey, praaMent of the Tonight (FumgiMd by VckMutf * Oo.) club during the pu t year, arrived Tuesday, June 14. — Testimonial Central B ew , B k ra erd , Oema. with Elmoca Thim u! Honored At Hemewf Bir. Bat Has No Serioos Objec­ dinner to collage sport captains, at Fire Gradnatcd Yesterday At IP . M.8teeks I$i4 Ctoaa orncera School street ]£ bc, preceded by Joe |six Ihodiester Sindeats ^ At a recent meeting of tM aopho- N ight — G d i v T o Lri Bank Stoeks mor» home room chairmen, the of­ McQuskey’s farewell run at West Satorday.: tions Against Certain Re- Side at 6:80 o’clock. Bostos Arena— Twin Sis­ Bid Asked ficers for next year were nominated. Friday, June 17.—Class Day exer­ Cap Nat B and T .. — 200 Lead In Sports At Gdleges' ® I® A D D A TE D E G R ffiS ’The newly elected president win cises at High school, 2 p. m. and 8 Conn. River ...... 460 _ have aaiudi to d o In ^ Una o f pre­ A surprise farewell party in ^ submission Pbms. p. m. ters Among Than. Htfd Conn Trurt .. Miss Beulah IV)dd Gets Mas­ paring for the Junior Prom and oth­ of William J. Turktagtnn ot First National...... — They Are Attending. . I Reception to Rev. P. J. O. Cornell ter’s From BroWn and .lames er Junior eodal avuts during next Center street was hrid last night si^ and Rev. Knut B. Ericson at Eman­ Land Mtg and Title... — year. The following' peq^le were the home of Mr. and Mrs. „ New Brtt. Trust ...... — Higgins From Bostmi U^- la d ie d * :. Washington,. June 14.— (AP) — uel Lutheran church at 8 p. m. Boston, Mass., June 14.—-In the nominated: For pnaident, F. Rau- McCabe of 115 Russell street S'?* West HuMord T ^ t.. — Manchester will offlclally honor versity. ■vv Friends of the administration at N ext W eek tenburg and A. Judd; vice-president, party was attended by neariy flfty Tuesday, Jtme 21.—M. H. 8. graduating class of approximately I its unusually large number of coi- the Cailcago convention have sent Insaranoe Stocks A. Donohue and M. Wilson; seme- relatives - of Mr.' Tivkington and ok 1400 students who receive their de­ .Two of the teachers from Man­ t 'Word to the xanttal capital theythaw believedKaHavaH graOUBUOn. Aetna Casualty 1...... ' 18 lege athletic captaicr with a testi­ tary; Barbara Stotanfeldt and Ethel their behalf he wau. presented With . the Republican platform can be held Thursday, June 23. — Graduation grees from B ost^ University at the Aetna Life ...... 12 monial dinner at the School Street chester High school will receive Mohr; treasurer, R. Wilson and H. a Waltham wrist watch Iw Mr. M » exercises of Eighth District schools, Aetna'Fire ...... 19 Cude. Cabe. ^ to resubmission of the prohibition 69th annual Commencement exer­ Recreation Center this evening. The their Master’s' degree thi" week. ji’ question rather than a more drastic Friday, Jime 24. — Opening of cises held at 10:30 yesterday morn­ Automobile ...... 8 Miss Beulah Todd from Brown Uni­ T raofc 'The McCabe home waa decorated two-day state convention and field occuion will also be a farewell re­ " repeal plank. ing in the Boston Arena, local resi­ Conn.-General ...... 27 versity and Jam es L . w igyitiM frojo An outdoor party for the trach with unique'and striking effect, in a day of Loycd Order of Moose here. ception to Joseph P. Mcauskey, The telephone line between Chi­ dents who will be graduated are the Hartford Fire ...... 24 Boston University. This wilt make team will take place- at Ooventzy color sriieme of ted, white s ^ Uue^ Saturday, June 25.—State Mason* Fordham track captain, who leaves cago and the White House was open follow in g: National F ire ...... 23 a total of six teachers on the facul­ this Thursday at a cottage which is which was carried out through the ic Veterans at Temple. tomorrow for New York where he during tibe morning and conversa­ M ary Eileen Donohue, 18 Pesurl Hartford Steam Boiler 26 ty who wlU have graduate letters owned by the. father of one of the bouse. Robert and Donald, young Opening of two-day sessions of wlU entrain for C^ornia Sunday tions were held by President street. Candidate for the degree of Phoenix Fife ...... 31 after their names in addition to the hoys, Richard McCormick. The par­ sons of Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, dres^r 16th annual convention of the New to compete in the djmopic steeple- •Hoover’s sddes with various of the Bachelor of Science in Practical 'Dravelers ...... 270 usual Bachelor’s degrees from the ty will be sponsored by Principal ed in keeping with the genefri colcf England Conference Luther League I chase tilals. Quimby. scheme, asristed the guests as they administration leaders in Chicago. Arts and Letters in the College of Public UtlHtlee Stocks standard four yean of college work. ' While all word of prohibition de­ at Swedish Lutheran church. Those Honored arrived. , * Practical Arts and Letters. Conn. Elec Serv ..... 34 McCluskey is one of the six cap­ The Master of Arts or Muter of velopments were withheld publicly Education is generally given for the Each room on the first flomr etas Alice Mildred Harrison, 600 Cen­ Conn. Power ...... 28 tains to be honored tonight. One decorated with Streamer* *M th# at the White Hoiue, It was certain ter street. Candidate for the degree Greenwich, WAG, pfd. — equivalent of a full year of gradu­ on high authority that optimistic I young woman is on the list of NEW PARKING RULING flowers were also antatg^^n a rsdi QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL of Bachelor of Religious Education Hartfcffff Elec ...... 88 honored guests. She is Mira Ruth ate study in residence and a thesis reports have been received that a upon some limited subject in the white and blue motif that Usnded in the School of Religious Education Hartford Gas ...... — Bebrend. captain of the girls’ tanniff beautifully With the other decora^ atempede for a repeal declaration do, p f d ...... 37 fiqld of the candidate’s major study. STIRS DEPOT SQUARE and Social IService. team at Tufts. The others are A1 tions. During the evening could be averted. TO BE DEMONSTRATED S N B T C o ...... 89 Mira Todd is a Brown graduate rettmOi^ Against Repeal Ellsie May Harrison, 600 Center Lupien, Harvard bueball captain; mehte were served, IshltKHng tadi- street. Candidate for the degree of Jeff Helm, Princeton buketball and b u been teaching in Manches­ > It was declared last week in ad y Manufacturing Stoeks ter for three years. She h u bad full Claim That Spaces Were Merit­ vldual cup cakee with a mufaturl ministration circles the President Bachelor of Social Science in the leader; George Stavnitsky, Grove American Fag in the center. Blish Hardware Company To School of Religious Education and Am-Hardware ...... 16 17 charge of tlM German classes and ed Out To Accommodate Mail would not raise serious objection^ Am Hosiery 18 a ty College basketball captain and A musical program was fttrifiiOiadj Show How Lamps and Vases Social Service. Francis Burr, captain of the Wes­ hu filled out the r ^ (ff her time Trucks—To Take Action. to certain fo n n s o f resubmlsslon bi! Anroiv H and H, com. — with French. She bu done her Harold Turkfngtoo presentingnting piaae the prohibition question. But it Can Be Decorated. Emily Louise House, 201 East leyan swimmlnig team. The pro- selections, Mrs. Samuel — do, pfds —T graduate .study by attending sum­ Turktaftoa was stated he would object em­ Center street Candidate for the de­ I gram opeu with a rou t beef dinner Depot Square was all itirred up ■Inging several solos Billings and Spencer.. — mer school and some rodent work. aafi J a ^ phatically to any repeal declaration The windows of the F. T. Blish gree of Bachelor of Science in Edu­ served by The Coffee Shop at 7:80. this morning when town employes, Harold and Mri. B a isu a l____ Bristol Brass ...... — Her field h u been in secondary ed­ by the convention. Hardware Co. will attract attention cation in the School of Education. do, |rtd ...... — Speaker presumably acting imder police di­ singing duets. There was also White House aides today declined Frances Elizabeth Howe, 61 Ham- The principal speaker will • be ucation and her thesis w u entitled rection, applied a coal of warning singing. tomorrow and Thursday when a Case, Lodcwoiod and B — "The Use of Objective Tests In? to say whether President Hoover Un street Candidate for the diploma OollinajDai, ...... I Robert Murray, field captain yellow paint to a section of the Mr. Turkington will sail demonstration of coloring vases and 12 struction.” This w u computed in had received the latest wording o:l in Secretarial Studies in the College Colt’s Firearm s ...... " 6 of the Ricbmono Blues of the curb alongside the east parklet op­ on the Transylvania fo r ______the formula sought for solution of lamps with Waterspar, a quick dry­ (rf Practical Arts and Letters. Eutern League. Richmond is play­ her major subject, French, apd uh- posite the railroad station, eliminat­ where he will make his home wll ing enamel, will be given. Women ...... 12 der the direction of Pr^essor Eb- the prohibition question at Chicago, The Harrison girls are twin sis­ Fa&ilr Bearings ...... — ing in Hartford this afternoon in a ing three of the already too-few his Bister at Belfast. and all comment was withheld con- who want a vase or lamp colored for ters. Fuller Brush, Class A. — [league contest. Murray is a close strom. She will receive the degree parklBg spaces in that area. their home can have the work done of Muter of Asts. , ceming his latest stand upon the Gray Tel‘ Pay Station. 16 j friend of Principal Clarence P. It was the expressed opinion of Daily per capita consumptloB 0$ without charge by the demonstrator, Mr. Higgins bu been a teacher question. Hart and Cooley .... — Quimby of Manchester High school, the busineM puple on the square meat in the Imted Statea is eoa- in any color scheme desired. The here for tb ^ u t two years, coming While eight of the members of Hartmann Tob, com .. — who will be the xiutmaster tonight. that the no-piarklng wrrnlng was third of a pound. ' lamps and vases will be sold for a SOUTH METHODIST MEN here from Wlntbrop,*Mass. He b u Mr. Hoover’s Cabinet were active In do, p f d ...... — Murray studied under Mr. Quimby painted in for the purpose of insur- small sum which will Just cover bad charge of the work in book­ his behalf at Chicago, the President Inter Silver ...... 6 when the latter taught at West- mg a comfortable parUng place for held a brief meeting this morning their cost to the store. keeping, teuhing classM in both GIVE MULLEN A PARTY d o . ^ d ...... 28 I brook Seminary in Portland, Me. He the mail truck from Rockvllte which • with the two remaining here. Sen Waterspar Quick Drying Enamel Landers, Frary A Clk. 28 w u a classmate of Del Biwonette„ first and second year work, and h u retary Adams and Attorney Graeral can be used on any surface of wood, introduced a course in Salesnfim- several times a day stops at the UHlunn YEiu Manx A Bow, Clasa A — injured first baseman of the J^ook- Manchester postoffica. n ie Square;, M itchell. metal, plaster or any other material Bid Farewell To Manchester do, d a e s B ...... — lyn Nationals, while study^g at ship. The second half of each year Outwardly the White House re suitable for paint or enamel, and is the Bookkeepink n classes spend as a unit, prononnesd this an ill-ad­ Man Who Is To Leave Sat­ New Brit Mcb. com.. — Westbrook and went into the New vised proceeding. jnained politically quiet, with wort particularly suited for furniture, do^ jffd ...... England League with the Worcester their time in Commerdal Law NEWFMISM being passed out that Mr. Hoover floors, outside furniture or arbors urday For Ireland Visit. North and Judd ...... — ^tram. which Mr. Higgins also t«M>bes. He Depot Square merchants, resi­ was occupying himself with govern which are exposed to the weather, Niles Bern P ond ...... ' Toutm uter Quimby w u selected k u taught typewriting , in the eve- dents and habitues pointed out that mental affairs. toys, sporting equipment and similar The last meeting of the Men’s Peck, Stow and Wilcox 1 for his post tonight because of bis °kig school and will have classu in the potential parki^ facUitiss of KiuRB’s iiu -n w objects. After use on floors, it Friendship club imtil the fall, was Russell Mfg ...... — well known wit and speaking ability subject in high school hskt fall. tha area are not very well managed can be walked on after six hours. held at the South Methodist church BeoviU ...... 14 I coupled with the fact that be knows He is ruelvlng tbs dsgru of Moo­ anjnvay. Some of them thought' con­ Its_«Bulk” sad Vltamto B DICKINSON IN KEYNOTE A product of the Pittsburgh Plate last' night Prior to the regular Stanley Works ...... 10 the six guests of honor probably ter of Education from Boston Uni- siderable, spaea could be gained by Help ReUivt Constipa­ Glass Co., it comes in a number of meeting a supper committee beaded Standard' Serew ..... 28 better than anyone else u they vsrsity wbsre ha did rerident work adopting the angle stall system on by Mrs. Arthur Gibson put on 'a the north side o f N orth MiUn stre e t tion; Alio Baa Blood- LADDS ADIHINlSfRATlON attractive colors which dry.with a do., pfd., guar., A... 100 went to school imder his supervision whils teaching^ Wlnthrop. The r beautiful gloss. supper consisting of strawberiy Sipythe Mfg C o ...... — . hers. Other speakers will include balanu of bia study has bun in In any event they said, tbera wasn’t building Iron shortcake, sandwiches, tea and cof­ Taylor and Fenn .... — Superintendent of Schools Fred A. aummer school and extension any good in oloslnf three oar spaces fee., A business meeting followed (CoDtliitied from Pag* Om ) Torrlngtdh ...... 24 Verplanck and Harry N. Anderson coursu. His field haa baan commar- that would be used during the day at which it was decided to bold the - Nevr laboraterjr/sxpsriments underwood Mfg Oo .. 9 of Hartford, the latter being a mem cial in the department cf aecondary by forty or fifty cart Just to accom­ demonstrate that K slk^s A i l - ic;3iief Executive invoked Federal Ris BRITISH-AMERICAN annual outing of the dub on Satur­ Union Mfg Co ber of the Connecticut Olympic education. Hia thaaia, written under modate the inail vehicle three or Basic has sufleisat "baflr to ex- serve Board powers to cushion the day, July 16 at North Coventry, at U S Bnvttope, com m ittee. the direction of Pmaaaor Blair, fout times for five minutes at a ereii* the intestlass, as well as effects of the Stock Market debacle. which time a chicken dinner will be do, p fd Balance of Program waa “A Survay of Commarcial Edu­ tim e. Vitam in B io hslp tona the intes­ Conferences with industrial and OUTING SATURDAY served, to be followed by a series of Veeder Root Each of the guests of honor will cation in Connecticut’’ Depot Square expected this mom“ tinal tract ... labor leaders, Senator Dickinson field games. Whitlock CoU PlM ... — be' called upon for a few brief Thia thaaia waa writtaa with the tag to do sometblng about it James Wilson was dected seCre< J.B.WU’ma Co. $10 par — • la addi^ , Kellogg's said, prevented the bloody dis­ Will Be Held At Steiner’s Grove words. The Recrution Center Boys' advice and approval of the State snppliss twice as moen hloed-hnlld- ’ turbances which have attended other ary to fill the vacancy caused by Club orchestra will furnish music Department of Education of thia Ing iron, as an equal amount by economic crises. In Hillstown—Supper To Be the resignation of Frank Mullen, during the dinner and will play for atate and baa air^y received wrii^t of beef liver. ’ On A Hundred Fronts Served By Osano. who is leaving for Ireland on Satur­ dancing afterward. The captains much •favorable commandatidn. Mr. CENTER HOSE COMPANY • > ,i' day next. JUv* Robert A. Coijpitti^ you w e y e t e a m Then were reviewed stc^ taken I will be preseatAd with a scroll 1 laiv Hifgina ia a graduate of Burdette eonitipatien by thia ’’against depression on a hundred The British-American Club will at this stags took the opportunity of ’ ihg the official seal, of the town of Collage and lu ^ a dafrA6from ^ expressing on behalf of all tha mem- N« Y» Stocks fronts.” Among them wercf listed hold its annual outing and athletic Mancbeeter. Reservations have Salam Normal School. . ILECTS m OFFIdRS )ers of the dub, to Mr. Mullen their ______the formation of the National Credit meet at the Steiner Grove, Bushhill been mads for 76 persons to attend Soooer OMtaIn energy thet so frevieatiy zaratt. Association; erection of the Reeon Road, HUlstown, on Satur^y, June best wishes for a safe voyage and a and the number may be closer to Center Hose No. 2^ of the South The aoccer team baa had a aue- N o need to w orry along w ttb p ills struction Finance Corporation and 18. The sports will consist of speedy return back again to his AdAm rExp-'...... 2 100 wltb the guests included. uaaful year, playing both a fall and Manchester fire department last m d d ru ^ which often Isad to haraw a “determination that a balanced horseshoes; darts, volleyball, soccer, many friends in South Methodist Air Reduaten ...... 89% Previous to the testimonisl din­ apring aehadula. At a muting of night elected the following officers: budget was the first essential to eco­ and baseball. Prizes will ^ given churcbrand also in Mancbestar* R* Alaaka-liai ...... $% ner, there will be a special exhibi­ the boya who played in the lu t two Foreman, Joseph Chambers; first nomic recovery." the winners in each event. assured Mr. Mullen that tbbdgh his A llegheny ...... % tion track program at the West Side gamu Stuart Kennedy, ’33, waa assistant foreman, Fred FtanOgan; Instep, ^ - Mention of the tax bill was a pre Clam chowder and sandwiches saving them he hoped, would be AJjlled Cbem ...... 68 rounds in which the feature elected captain for next year. The. second assistant foreman, Charles fuls.daily of Kelloi^s A u A lude to castigation of the Demo­ will be served during the morning only for a brief time yet Ids absence A in Can ...... 89 will be a two mile nm by McClus­ team will be in the C. C, 1 L. ubed- Fantom; treasurer, Clarence Ckam- — adequate for m osrtypea.el___ crats. and at noontime, and a roast I)eef from their .xfidst would be felt by Am For Pow ...... 2% key against a picked thru-man ule. Gamu will be played with the bers; secretary, 8. Raymoiid Smiths stipation. If your Inteetlnal trouble' "For two long years they hamper­ supper will be served at 6:80 p. m., himself personally as wdl as ^ Am. Rad Stand ...... 8% relay turn from the local high other Mhoola on the day on which delegate to State Firemen’s Conven­ ed the President at every turn,” the Osano catering. Cars will leave the many others in the Church; He Am. S m elt...... 7% ecbooL There will be no ad doctor. The *’bulk’’^in AUcBBiM I*' the lame two uboola play In foot­ tion, Robert May* alternate, William much Uw that o f lettuea, Igaidf Iowa Senator said. “Through a high­ club rooms from 10:80 a. m. imtll hen presented to Mr. Mullen Oh be< itm Tel and Tel ...... 88% mission or collection. Everyone is ball, only the aoeoer game will be Maok; trustee for 6 year!; A. A.* ly subsidized press bureau, Demo­ 1:80 p. m. All members who have lalf of the meopbers of the club as a A m Tob B ...... 61% welcome to. attend. the body, it forms a s d t aassii at bne ubool wbila the football Knofla; auditors, William Mack, J. which, g ^ y elMrs tbeMnteimsa cratic leaders sought to distort his cars are requested to bring them token of good will and esteem, a Am Wat Wke ...... ;...... is % Track Program H. R ogers. Anaconda^ ...... 4% game will be at tha other; In addi­ o f wastes. ■ ; every word; to belittle bis every ef­ and are asked to call at the club be­ writing set Mr. Mullen in a brief The track program will include tion to playing .tha C. C. L L. teama, A tcblson ...... 28% A committee composed of Robert fort at human and economic relief; fore proceeding to the grove. reply thanked Rev. Colpitts for his i five events. Hartford Public H^h Manebuter will have gamea with Special ptpessste mate Au -Bsan expression of goodwill, and the mem­ Auburn ...... 68 May as chairman,'George Trueman finer, softer, more paleteUe. It-i# to impugn his every motive; to frus­ school Is sending a group of runners aome of the Hartford hlgb achoola and William Mack was named to ar­ trate his every move. Their orders bers of the dub for their beautiful BaW and Ohio ...... 6% b^re with Coach Lawrenu Amann not habit-forming. Equally t i ^ Beiidlx ...... 6% and ia conaiderlim invltationa from range for the annual outing of tba were to ‘smear Hoover’.” gift, and assured them that be would to compete against a similar repre the C. A. C. and Waalayaa fruhmen ae -a cereal, or uied in — ^ LUTHER LEAGUE always remember them no matter Beth Steel ...i...... ; ...... 8% company which will be held at RecipM on tha redrandqyc^.- Had No Program sentation from Manchester Hlgb teama. Osano’s Cottage, Bolton on Satur­ where he might be. iorden ...... 24% under the guldanu of Coach C. L. age. At ril grocer*. Made by Democrats in the House, Dickin­ Can P u ...... 9 TSTawriting certlfleatu were day and Sunday June 26th and 2fth. 1 ^ in BettM Creek. son said, followed Mr. Hoover tor a SESSION fRIDAY Following the business meeting Wigren. 'nere will be two relayi, awarded today to Stuart Vennart' George E. Keith then addressed the Cara (J. 1.) ...... 26% one a mile and the other either time last fall because they ham no Cerro De Pasco ...... 4% for writing 48 worda in one minute meeting and gave an interesting talk 440 or an 880 and two dashes, one program of their own but finally Cbes and Ohio ...... 12% with only one error, Ethel Walker, they broke away. The Republican Will Be Last Previous To Con­ on the work of the General Confer­ the 100, the other the 220. Full de­ 82 worda, 4 errors, Evelyn Fish, 41 ence, which he attended as a dele­ Chrysler ...... 6% ke3moter sadd the result w as the vention of New Englanc C oca Cola ...... 98% tails appear on today’s sports page. words, 6 errors. • wrecking of the economy bill and a gate. Votes of thanks to those The program begins at 6 o’clock. Sock and Buskin Leagues In June. ladies who acted as. a supper com­ Col G u ...... 6% fiouting of the party’s own leaders. Coml SOlv ...... 4% McCluskey is scheduled to run at The annual Sock and Buskin mittee and to Mr. Keith were passed 6:80. The relief proposal by l^peaker Cons G u ...... 88 dance will take place on Saturday The Luther League of the Etnan- in a cordial mapner, and an enjoy­ Gamer of the House which already Cont Qon ...... 22 evening of this wuk rather than bad been lambasted by the Chief uel Lutheran church will hold its able and interesting meeting was Corn P rod ...... 81% next Monday as waa previously an^ Executive as a.^ “pork barrel” meas­ final meeting before the 16th annual brought to a condusion. D rug ...... 28% SON QUESTIONED nounced. ITie initiation of new ure was assailed by Dickinsoiff He convention of the New England Du Pont ...... 28% members w i. take place at 7:80 and charged also that measures spon­ Conference Luther League convenes kurtmon Kofdak...... 43% guests are requuted not to arrive here on Saturday and Sunday, Jime sored by the Democrats threatened WARNOCK TO INSTRUCT Sec and Mus ...... 1% at the Country aub before 9:00. 26 and 26, Friday evening at V IN MOTHER’S DEATH to debase the dollar. It raised, he Elec Auto Ute 10% There will be an entertainment giv­ o’clock, the meeting to precede the Elec Pow and L t'...... 4% en by the newly eluted members said, the'“ghost of 1896.” reception and farewell party for ATPOCOTOPAUGCAMP The organizingV of farm ers' into Fox FUm A ...... 1% (Ooottnaed finmi Page Ona) and tble will be followed by danc­ Rev. Knut E. Ericson and Rev. P, Gen E le c ...... 10% ing. Last year the club depended en­ cooperatives for the marketing of J. O. Cornell at 8 o’clock. Gen F oods ...... 22% body had been dragged to the w - through the Smoot-Hawley tariff by Loew ’s ...... 16% wrapped about Mrs. Boyle’s face Dickinson was accompanied by the Annual Strawberry Season Pocotopaug, Ekust Hampton tomor­ L orillard ...... 11% Hultlne, vice-president; Stuart Jos- which Boyle said he had placed lin, secretary an*^ treasurer. Their contention that the Democrats were Party ‘ This Weelt—Concert row. McKeeim.Tin ...... 32% there after regaining consciousness. overnight Atey at Camp Woodstock badly divided on the issue, despite In competing for instructor at the M ont w a rd ...... '...... 6% By the Corps Band. A small bottle of chloroform found is still bring talked about as it was Pork Chops ms. 3 e their criticism of the Republican Eut Hampton w ^ known private Nat Biuuit ...... 28% 2 5 in the car was said by, Boyle oyie to1.______have stand. The annual strawberry festival, camp, the local swimmer contj^ted Nat Cash R eg ...... gbeen usedu ...... by him in treating an ail- RIB CUTS He said in the Senate alone there conducted each year by the Salva- with a. largo number of men much N a t DAlry ...... 17m in t were 1,010 votes for increases as ' Ion Army Corps will be held Thurs­ older tium himself, many of whom Nat Pow w d L t ...... 9% “I am in no position to give out a N Y .C ahtral...... against decreaais b]^ Democrats day evening on the citadel lawn were colnge gtaduates. For the 12 statement this morning, “BoylAiaid. N Y N H a M H ...... 8 From $10 to $100 during consideration of the last The festival will be imder the aus- put four years Warnock h u been a *T lost BO much blood I am weak. I Pork Chops 2 M& f N orth A m e r ...... 19 tariff measure for increases. >ices of the Home League, and will life guard and instructor at Camp do not care to discuss the eWeir un­ >egln at 6 p. m. The corps band Pioneer, the Hartford County Boy Noranda There has been,' he continued, M ok a rd ' til I speak with my attorney.” BEST* CUTS FROM TENDER MILK-FED VEAL < ' more recent Illustrations of the under Bandmaster David Andy as­ Scout Camp in Wlnsted and goes to sMrs. xBoyle was the widow of sisted by Deputy Bmidmaater Har­ P aram .P ub CASH "avidity with which the Democrats E u t Hampton well qualified for the Peter A. Boyle, prominent engineer old Turkington will give a concert Penn pursue high tariff rates." w*ork assigned him. PhlUipa Pate and leader in developing the Birm­ “They generously supported duties commencing at 8:80 allowing time The Flying Duck Camp -le one of ingham district.- The suburb of on your own Pub Serv N J eeeeeeeeeeee* Veal Chops ms; ||«: : hr the regular open-air meeting I w4a named for him. They 2 4 on copper, coal, oil, and lumber, the finest small aummer campa in Radio ..J'' Dickifison said, referring to import of the corps which will be held at Connecticut, located on a sixty acre 10% Davenport, Iowa. . signature the comer of Birch and Meteo;« plfiee to U f Trinity Methodiit balWPhoa»>«'W^te Albany Royston Troughton of ly):. HOtOhlnaon, Luella Larder, Ellen for the dlstanoe at 1:8$. WAmoek church 4n Lens. aty^ N. Y. ronto, Canada, in . Troughton’s suit Lyons, Elisabeth Bulla, Sarah Wil­ I a graduate of M. H. 8., aaci, of ' It J. Murray Bartels, stamp son, 1920 and won five oupi and meay lew t.y I, t yt% The’ inmnway ^waa perform bx « it,• k, 2 madaia M a ‘member of -the eohool ' Rey.' Fi^ertek Roten add tha double I D i A L ^ • • • I..', .'1 ^ t , 17 ^ ®Md. Mr, riNANCpNQ AMOOUTIUN. 79,0'* t i MbLdatt %ere Attended by INO. t* 1 14 Mra. Hunter of ~ ^ "Xaland; Mr., and 668 jlnln’ itH Second Floor. ___ J. -• 5 J i r i f Idk 7$$T, Ronth Man«|kiittr • . -h -

ned for the present year. The re­ BUItBDEFanD SAYS MOVIE MDUSTRY p ort at Mayor A. E. Waite vdiioh IS FACING DISASTER sented to tlie ^tisens and a deti^ed M srrarA itur financial report ffiven. Hurt In Bead Oraik Miss Alvina Hatko, 22. of 308 Hbllywood, Juae 14.—(AP) — Wethersfield avenue, Hartford, re­ aoever represtotaUvei, struggling Financial disaster awaits the motion HEARS 1500 UWSUIT ceived treatment at the Rockvilie Forawr B ij State NitioDal picture industry unless it "conforms frame punk for one oompany to fall and for the ary last, when cars driven by the from Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean in at Chicago, thus doing his best to tlonal convention— Massachusetts Lathrope, Mrs. M orgu Strong and others to standi he said. He declared men collided. Satryb claims his car Mrs. Homer Walts. This is the last fantastic-plstt-'lto recover lindbergh dear the track for the old RephbU- and Rhode Island—as they prepared the industry was suffering from "too w u damaged to the extent of 8500. meeting of the season. baby. ' oan ticket: "Moover and Curtis." tor the opening session of the con­ many theaters, too many pictures— Judge Fisk reserved decision. Santiago,' Chiin-rRolutdo Merino, *T am not a candidate for the vention. many of them quite poCi—too much Satryb was represented by Attor­ N otes ^ The next in' a aeries of card minister of interior, thosen by Revo­ nomination for vice president No Massachusetts* position on prohi­ overhead and too little real co­ ney M. J. Blumenfeld of Hartfonl lutionary Junta ta fljl'idaec of Car­ parties under the auiqdces of the one is mr wiU be authorised to-pre­ bition remained undetermined so far operation between companies." and the defendant was represented los G. Dsvil% resigiied. sent my name to ths convention and as any official action by the delega­ ------by Attorney Louis Schaeffer of Vernon Grange wiU be held at the home of Edward Jackson of Ekwt Parris Utend, 8. C —Dirigible I request my friends ~ not to em­ tion was concerned but the attitude H artford. -Akron conqdetes Right ffom Stmny barrass me by their iuppmt." of the delegates was clearly in favor Blag Day Exerdses street, Thursday afternoon, June 28. You will wfint your graduiitioR The public is invited to attend. vale, Cilff., vdthout mishap. He deUvired these terse but com­ of resubmissiob of the prohibition The committee of the Rockville prehensive words from his Wash­ to be something of viuue and .R giftw question. Lodge of .^aks in charge of the Flag Frank E. O’Neill, son of Mr. and ChicSgo^-^-Condnualsts protestinff Tom Mooney impziaonment threaten ington home late last night, when toat will endure in the.years to ctene; ^ This was demonstrated in the Queer Twiste Day exercises to be held tonight Mrs. John O’Neil) of East Main street, received one of eight honor- demonsti;atioa against Gov. Roiph of oppoaiUon; to I^ce-President Curtis Choose a gift from this list of gifts: ^ selection of William Butler, former announced, today that in case of »ary degrees at Colby CoUege com­ Ckdlfonda but disappear when po­ bad begun to combine on hlmsdf in National chairman, as the state’s rain the program would be held in In Day*$ News mencement exercises at WatervUle, lice arrive. pre-convention councils at Chicago. representative on the platform com­ the Sykes auditorium instead of On top of an earlier similar declara­ Talcott Park. Preceding the ex­ Me., on Monday. Mr. O’NeiU’s par­ St Johns, N. F.—Prime Minister LadiesM5 Jewel Watches | mittee, at the delegation caucus last ents attended the exercises. Sir Richard $qu)res and liberal gov­ tion made by fieoretary Hurley the night. erdses the Legion drum corps ot Mrs. J. Arthur Drayton is hostess ernment defeated in election by stetemsnt was seised upon as mak­ $17.50 and up | Butler, whose name had been Hollywood—From stenography to Dilworth-Comell Post of Manches­ ing emphatic President Hoover’s de- stardom in a jiffy is Dorothy Wil­ ter and the local Legion- Drum at the member’s card social of the United Newfoundtend Pa»ty- heard in discussions of the National Rockville Emblem dub to be held termiaation to keep his 1928 run­ 'Strap Watches in 15 Jewels! chairmanship, was defeated for the son’s true-life scenario. Dorothy, Corps will parade. This will be fol- Boston-r-Red SOx t^ade Bart 'Webb ning mate. ' at the Elks Home on Wednesday to Tigen for Johnson and Alexan­ Massachusetts seat on the National 326-a-week typist, was assigned to loweid at '(:30 by a concert by the Dawes was almost the Only im- - $20JK)andup . I type a script When she delivered Boys’ Band. afternoon. Mrs. Drayton will be der. committee in a bitter fight within assisted by Mrs. H. C. Dowdlng, p o r^ t adviser to the president left the manuscript, an executive fixed Rev. Percy E. TBomas, former Burlington, Vt—I^ce President the delegation. The place, held for Mrs. P. J. Donegan, Mrs. Thomas m the cartel today. Pocket Watches | an. eagle eye on her. “You’re Just pastor of Union church, now of Curtis to be speaker a t Univertity of the past four years by Louis K. Lig­ Doyle, Mrs. Frank HaU of this city Is The Nerve Center the actress I want" he said. Now Lowell, Mass., will be the speaker. ’s 128 th commencement gett, was won by John Richardson, and Mrs. Robert Dower of Manches­ The Pres|(tent’s office, however, $12.00 and up | she’s the star of the movie she typed. Harry C Smith will deliver the June 20. of Canton, Mass., a comparative ter. was deariy the nerve center of the Washington— Tear-Jerklng bal­ Eaks* Tribute to the Flag. The His­ newcomer in the party coimcils. Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. R. St Jolmsbuty, Vt—Calvin Ooo- vast party machinery rumbling into Diamond Rings ' I lads are the latest plan to send the tory of'the Flag will be given by Butter’s Portion will hold a card party at the car­ lidge to be awarded a diploma “in action today in the middlewest Recently Butler declared himself bonus army marching home. Pel George H. Waddell of Manchester. riage room at Maxwell Court on absentia’’ at 89th commencement of metropdis. a telephone line was $25.00 and up | S t JohnSbury A cadem y today in- favor of resubmission. Previously ham D. Glassford, police superin- The soloist of the evening Is Mrs. June 21. Mrs. Fnmds T. -Maxwell open between the executive office John Fagan. (June 14). ‘ he had been regarded as a dry and tendent, suggested that the Army, win act as host^. It is expected andithfi Chicago hotel rooms where Birthstone Rings...... $3.00 and upt was defeated in a campaign for the Navy and Marine bands serenade Miss Gertrude Murphy, a pupil at there wUl be about twenty-five Hanover, N. H.—Mai Metcalf, Ifr. Hoover’s prindpal aides worked Republican Senatorial nomination the bivouacking vets with “Home, S t Bernard’s school, the Flag Essay tables. . Springfield, Mass., hurls javelin 211 out the party problems, and there Signet Rings ...... $2.75 and up| two irears ago when he ran on a dry Sweet Home," “Cury Me Back to contest winner, win read her essay Miss Enuna Stolarz, a Freshman feet 6 inches to shatter all Dart­ was constent consultati(^ and win cecdve a silver cup donat­ mouth records. platform. He served as chairman of Old W glnny," “CaUfomla, Here I at the Rockville High School, at­ A familiar figure of other days ed by Stanley Dobosz Post, Ameri­ Pen and Pencil Sets...... $2.00 and up ] the National committee In the Coo- Opme,^’ e t cetera. tended the ToUapd d)unty baking Cambridge, Maas.— Francis X. took possessiQn of the ante-rooms. can Legion. Harry Lebeshevsky, George Akerson, assbtant to Mr. lUge campaign of 1924 and later as Vancouver, B. C.—Financiers are owder biscuit contest held at Kenney, Lowell, sentenced to eight commander of the American . Le­ Hoover as secretary of commerce, Crystal Beads...... $1.95 and upl United States Senator. a scream to Charlie Chaplin. “After torn on Satiurday. Her bisetdts months on hit-and-run charge in gion, -win take charge of this part g connection with the death of Mary as presidential condidate In 1928, as He had the support of the older seeing financial conditions of the were considered the best, with Miss vtoi world," he said, “I have decided I’m of the ceremonies. Grace Reed ot Coventry coming in Conley in Woburn. prmddent-elect and than for an ex­ Crane’s Writing Paper.. 75c a box and party leaders for the place as Na­ Ck>nnty Home Graduation tended time at the White House, 24 sheets, 24 envdopes. | tion^ committeeman but was op­ as much an economist as financiers second. This will entitle Miss Concord, N. H.—Constitutionality Graduation exercises at the Tol­ of the hawkers and was back bustling about, jovial and posed by the srounger element in the are comedians.” Stolarz to one week’s short course land County Temporary Home at vendors law to be made bef



ANOtHEatPBBSmENT^I^ i r.T r.7 ,^ ^ 1%- ByHEUENW El^HlMER Wife'of New York Governor Schools a» < ' O O .o f t M 1 Im m Mowed fOBMoae tail OJfve Roberts Lertori. • BY NEA S^CC-IKIC. PflUticBlHofiteflO. ' ^ ; 0 Beeauielw «M(Rnmdediiieofyoii, Bints on How to tSmp WtH'ty hy Wotfd FvM d Authority r«tlieeed1inilDr • U o d i, Of bnA c iBwe, D IS H -W i 4^ter goes up. Let w tyy in ««sry Aad wadeied V lie talked die fvq* yoH do. HEALTH way are can to' dlsoMiriitye Old esedm n a laiMbladwd aoBiner dink, Man Summer CompUdut ' BLAlMB'IWheMBUr*' ' im»rmisnyiu,tic W ipiBactaoe were usi ilid oeeiiweet, Today the subieet is a homely Two Ihige pans of hot water, IF YOU H A V A 1 deMiflit I eew m ooniing down die road. on^. it coacatns wafhing dishes. one for wash^ with soap or ’DOm oULI* fwitas BEGIN HEBE TODAY And turned my head, and choie anodwr ftreet A washed diiih is npt alwajrs a soap powder, the other for rlmslng, CHERRY DKON, 19 and pretty, clean dish by: any means. True are needed. The water in the first Ooctore dsn’t ’Ohaage^ CMlAhm falls In love with DAN PHILLIPS, W AS afraid that you nnght read my face, ‘ the glaze makes it look clean, the should be changed two or three Willi T M tel niUoape’ newspaper reporter whom her I And find the dreams you diou^ Td duown glitter of glais makes it look se­ times; glasses and silver should jpealthy, aristocratic parents have aw^, cure, and the gleam of ityoons and be washed first, then china, then BY DR. MORRIS BISHBRIN xorbidden her to see. When Cherry I knew diat if you touched my hand w d nnled, knives and forka is ieassuring. the pots and pans last « Editor, Jonmal < of the Amerienn learns Dan’s telephone messages Gay, fbopsh sraids would be too toiay.< The dishes neatly piled up on the Tea towels should be scalded in Ifedloal Aseodatlon, ^ of Hygeia, have been kept from her she stmils But now I diiik youi den eyes m iihi have bdd paper covered shrives- In the pan­ soapy, water and rinsed after each the Health M agaiine out of the house to noeet him. Her Waim memories, doeehattaned so Biy o w n * try—could anything be more inno­ washmg unless there is a supply fa ^ r discovers this and tbreaieas So often I have fallowed aomeone tal cent of trouble; great enough to last a day or two. Practically all children have Hifjf periods of excitability and dliturb- Vb send her to California. Cherry de> To find it is someone Tve never knowa Let us not look at the glaze or In this case, th ^ can be boiled at the glitter of those neatly packed interirals. But they Should not' be ance. A child whose management fles him and he orders her to leave. ■an shrives, but back at the dish pan. used twice without washing. If and training never present any dif­ She goes to Dsn, tells him what ■'j ,;;J has happened and asks him to mar­ What color was the water the dish­ they can be' dried in the sun, all ficulties is not a normal child. The ’ es were washed in? Dark and ry her. The ceremony is performed the better. term “dUHcult cbflti” Is q ^ ie i' greaty and half 'old? Were they that night by c. Justice of peace. If the children do the dishes, therefore to one who constantly 5? the rack until needed again? they should be washed in another DIXIE HANNON, movie critic, '0's Dish washing is npt an art. It pan separately. Later they should constant refusal of food, Indlgestiot, - ‘ and anemia. * helps Cherry find an inexpensive is a necessity—right dish wash­ be boiled before the family uses '’japartment. Dan and Cherry move ing, I mean. Most houses have them agidn. Dr. A. Dingwall Pordyce of the . from,the hotel. Cherry, loadl^ with an almost unlimited hot water The bathroom glass is never Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, ~ groceries on her first marketing ex- supply now’ Or the means of get­ above suspicion, but now has it England, has .foimd that correction i l * ^ pedition, meets MAX PEARSON, ting it. lUid yet we would not been carri^ over to Billy’s or Bet­ of the physical disturbances in ~ handsome friend of Dan’s. % % ^ think of pdtting Oiir' ^bodies into ty’s room and back again for small many instances is promptly follow­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY the skimpy supply . water' into Die'; to drink out of? Glasses in ed by improvement in the meatal difficulties. C H A P T E R XVin which we douso the dishes. Why a sickroom should stay them until Cherry let Pearson relieve her of tdl the. economy? It is much boiled, when they may go back in­ ’ Many mentaUy defective chlldiCT the heavy packages. She stepped in­ more impoiriant because dishes to circulation again. are difficult children, but tiiere are to the roadster, settling herSelf with way would be to bake them. She tell Dan about her meeting with touch our- mouths and any minute I am probably telling you rome- also many who are mentally nor­ .: a., sigh. “This is awfully kind of tried to light the oven and wasted Max Pearson. particles of dessicated food that tbing you know. But occasionally mal. In such cases the difficiilty - you,” she said. half a dozen matches before she The week that followed was the breeds germs go into our stom­ w e have to be reminded. Ehrcry may not rest with the child but on Her shoulders ached painfully succeeded. The potatoes looked busiest, the most exhausting and achs and the children’s stomache. once in a while I get very virtu­ the shoulders of his parents or and she was beginning to realize rather grimy. Cherry scrubbed the most disappointing (Aerry Peril In Stmimer Heat ous and go on the warpath. We guardians. When the fault is solely how tired she was. them, thrust them into the oven Phillips had ever known. She had It is hot weather. 'Things that all need to, 1 think. with the chUd, it is possible by “Not at all! Not at all. What in and shut the door. much to learn and to unlearn. She lie latent in winter suddenly be­ Anyway, it is summer^ and that restoring normal health and by ■ the world have you been doing? It .vras almost 6 o’clock and Dan come active when the thermome- makes it more urgent. proper consultatf<' will at ed. ry did the only thing she could think brushed avmy quite, as though you drawn by the bums, to allow them ordinary substance that happens to dismal morning. Cherry, looking out; emplo^ent to youth and makes least set you thinking. . .rMr. Wood­ "The place is a sight,” she apolo­ of. Groping, half-blinded, she drew a hadn’t liVed ^em . to resume shape, and have “ ironed be advertised in any manner. " the window, was pleased at the pros­ copies of old American furniture ward has Yocused’‘ atk'een'‘ intelli­ gized. “I haven’t had time to half cup of water from the tap and When yoii are using creams Difficult children are not neces­ pect of spending the evening, at out” his right ear, which was curled . . . teacher in Todhunter School gence on the. problems' of \ the re­ finish and things are thrown every poured it into the skillet. There was arinmd your Ups, press the comers sarily feeble-minded. Idiots and im- home. She was pleased at the by the fire. for Girls . - . . commuted from Al- public and his .conclusions are w ay.” an enormous sputtering sound and of your mouth upward. Make your bodies arn mentally defective. Quite thought of seeing Pearson again. bany to New York to teach. . . . very, stimulating. . *' ' Pearson stowed the sacks of gro- clouds of steam. mouth so in the habit of looking up frequently a child that is a e v ^ y She did not dream that so long HE’D WALK 80 MILES Ran Navy section of Red Cross Most.'fuh^m it^tal'of.. our. trou­ ceries on a chair. He stood in the The* girl turned on the water tap that it can’t faU down on you, anemic or suffering from malhntrl- as she lived she was never to for­ during World War . ,. . was first bles, he believes,'.' is.'tiie '.fact that 'middle of the room, hands in his and held her injured hand imder it. whether your new hat gets soaked tion.may 'seem to he mentally de* get that night. Denver.— What is worse than a vice president of American Women’s the profits of the ' capitailstlc sjrs- 'pockets, and looked about. “It’s How good the cold water felt! The in a summer rain, or some other tern have been fective, whereas it la merely.tfiqrai- (To Be Continued) good, old-fashioned case of home Legion . . . served as former vice poorly , appor- homelike,” he said. “I believe you’ve minute she took her hand away the girl gets the man you wanted. cally Incompetent sickness? little Cimtis Phifer, 12, chairman and finance chairman of tioned, with the worker. getting 'hctually begim tu make this room stinging began again. SmUe! It is Important for paranto.;to remarks that there is nothing Just the Women’s Division in the New •too little. and the mim at the top look like yourself. Yes, it’s very at­ An unfamiliar sizzling sound Don’t let your Ups grow chapped. know certainly the pltysleal oritA-' as miserable. The lad was taken York Democratic State committee getting too . much. tractive.” The effect is aging. Makeup cakes tion of the child and only oa th# caused her to turn back to the TODAY from the custody of his mother, before her husband became governor As, a result,' he says, we fhave a He swung about, facing the girl. stove.’ The water cuveriug the peas IS-THE on chapped lips and gives your magnificent, productive rmachlne bads of . sudi information to. at­ moxith the appearance of a painted Mrs. Nan Phifer, and placed on a . . resigned from most of her com­ ""You have personality,” Pearson had boiled up and was dripping tied up with insufficient: purchasing tempt to emitrol its mental entaU- , and A poorly painted one at farm near Boiilder. Curtis didn’t mittees and offices when she went "said. “Did you know that? Of course over one side of the pan. power. He doesn’t believe' the de­ ties. ^ • that. think much of the farm, so he start­ to the state house at Albany. . . . you’re beautiful but it’s per Cheiry choked back an exclama­ pression can endim til - the' unem­ When you are applying Up rouge, ed to trudge 80 weary miles back Briieves that woman’s voice, should sonality that makes you different ployed are given purchasing ipowery tion and pusLed the pan from the beware of white lines. See that the to his mother’s arms. Authorities be recognized in political moves. . ■from everyone else. That’s why and he isn’t in, the leasf afraid to HE GOT HOME—AND ' JAIL blaze. That would not do, though. artificial coloring is blended so found him with his mother, and it Much experience as' political hos­ " like you. Few people have it, you recommend a'huge-sis^ dole to do The peas would never cook unless skilfully that no one is able to see was decided to let her keep him. tess as wife of assistant secretary of the trick. Loa Angeles—Spurgeon Amoit, ■ ‘know. ’They’re like so many dry they., w ere over the fire. Perh aps OISE OFFENSIVE ENDS. where it leaves off, no matter how navy and wife of governor of the His platform ..for the'future calls 19, walked into police headquarter*, sticks or stones. You’re real— ^your­ they were done. She fished out one On June 14, 1918, the Germ ans widely you . smile. Don’t try to The only thing decided by the na­ state of New York . . . intelligent, for the grouping of allm ajor in­ and demanded car fare heme. Po­ self. And you’re lovely and excit­ and tasted it Horrible! big push in the Oise sector ceased change your mouth. Just do the tions at the Geneva disarmament forceful,, energetic, interesting, in­ dustries into huge government-con­ lice auggeeted that he walk hmiie, ing and—well, I hope we’re going Cautiously Cherry dipped off and, despite their advance on a. front most you can with the one you conference was that all the other terested in everything . . . fem< trolled mpnopolies, with ■ pr^ts but it only made the . youth, afignr. to be friends.” some of tke liquid, placed .the dish west of the river of from.two ito'six have. A painted cupid’s bow looks nations should disarm. inine . . . dislikes personal pub­ strictiy limited and with'high wages He stam p^ out of tiio strijon'ttd Cherry said,, "Why, of course. over the blaze and tiumed it lower. miles, French troops claimed a vie licity. scales the rule. d ^ p p e a ^ A Short time afrar'too. Dan thinks so much of you. He’ll He> burned hand' was still painful tory in that they had stopped the You may- find aome of ’ this start­ pbiice ambulanoe was repmitSd want you to come to see us often.” but she could not spend more time advance. Allies inflicted enocraous ling, but it makes good ■ readifig. missing. The pdllee officer In “And you and I will be friends?” holding it under the water. Josses on, German divisions, and It’s written, too, in A^slanjgy^ breezy remembered Spurgeon. He sent ei ’ The girl’s cheeks were tinged with WJio would have imagined that P'dshed the enemy back at several Evening Herald Pattern style-that holds your attention.' couple e wcurth 100 tlmea timaroiril ooipt ov them. Armed with a paring knife Cherry'from her dark mood. mipport the weight', of. a’man. your m<»ey back.— Advti she sat down to remove the pods. "Of course you can’t learn it all For a Barald f f a t ^ .sand- iSo Pale and. anemic..’ padfiats de­ She did this laboriously, cutting off in one night,” he told her. “Nobody in stamps or ooin d b ^ B y to nounce tUie soldier wlu> stands guard -\ , -, the ends of each pod and removing could. You*re gefing to be'bne of the Fashion Bureau, Manchcat«r ]^ e - upon our* shores and gives proteo* ' V the peas one by one. best cooks in Wellington one of Ding .Hci^d. Fifth Avenue' abd tion to. oiir homes.' But it was meh ’ 4 '' The sunlight had disappeared by 8^-strsat, New Be these days.- And-.-right now you’re with Ironlln thrir soulslwho j^ve.us the time she had finished and long sure to fill In number: o^ pattern the prettiest!*’ an thS'llberty-we bave.— • shadows darkened the room. Cherry y(m;»’''rir^.-'- ' _ . “But I’m no cook at all. I spoiled -rJames /A. Reed, ex-senator straightened her ehouldsrs. V w i I ibe'moiv tkan pleued with Colttm Manoa m - eveiythlhg I. bought and It cost such from Missoioi. how they ached! Her. feet were a lot! Oh, Dan, rm not the right am artlngs A ll d ay aha hiad been wife for you at all.^ 1 don’t know • if, ■ **.'>**• - • , ^ I f Jiq)snes4 Imperialism seeks now wearing the only sect'of shoes she how‘to doianything— to entangle its population in a^new ‘ill. I N am e . > • ^ af', .. 4 fiunoiia *Vdp'a,Ded|r owned—tiny,'thin sded Ud pumps He janswered convincingly and ‘i'J i” .y y'Ajv'i'" - adventure in ' th a t' direetion, the TlW •• , 'piuoitanPlan Cdftirtd Bri' P ilit' with Louis XVI he^. Thty were ahortly. They' flfi^ eto a meal Address inqierialists-windbreak their ovm not the sort of shoes ^ w fgr tr a i^ oonalMjng of bowls of breakfast hew in teeth, .y l \ ^ ' 3 1 - '■ IM up eiui down stalie and w on- food, h e a ^ with strawberries and S iz e . i . . w •^^^BkBtorlkl. from the .Soviet-news* inff about a kitOhan. u p .', It ’s <'the coytyiM -with cream, cCleiy; cups of tooth. ■ If, ' V I. ' : papeV, livbstia. Mosoow. . She tnztisd baek to tbs took hbok stew ^.strou coffee tm i CheeiN. . to out hew to prnaiw ti|i.po> . they vriulhed the dishes 1(41 h i^ t and:i>d^them:As^;]S^^ la^. ;A'D0nvto,\'di^;theat^^ doft itdet

.i'i'fv-,* A'**"- \ , ^ ' I • . ,' • . . . .. •'^ ' , V. : .. ■• V

MAKCHESTBR SVENINQ HERALD, SOXJTB MANCHESTER, TUESDAY, JU l^ 14,1982; Runs Against S» Rekm Atias Meets First IfsFelsch Defeat In League His Weaving Defense <$>- At West Side Jock Hewitt E d(et Andy PIRATES SOMIE Stands Up S t r a it and Jabs GROVE AND GOMEZ ?i O irtfv rd ^ Sesdflx AddeiN Fw Two Dm Iws u d T iw Fiedler Id TkriiGDg Deel, EAR LYICW lN . In Ortkodox Fadwnt Gar- PROVIDE FEATURES Rdays; WMinaiui h Fnal Race ef Sekeel G inei; Lee 6-^ ' Losers Lead h Ser-* bett Says Sharkey Mnst . Bams aod Hurdi Rice A ga^ HeChskey h trd 0D T $ T04 W h Early Or Not At AD. Each Has W«n Twehre G a n n Mile R n « P r^ p n p Starts M 6 Skarp. * The Pilot* won a hotly conteited Tally ScTCD Times In Open­ Kingston, N. Y., June 14.—(AP) Thu Seaion: Forrdl Ku ball gaiuie from the league leading —A new Max Bchmellng, in fighting Five track evento atud the program which features the Atlas last night at the West Side ing Inning, o f Y. M. C. A. store at least, will he tmveiled to Won Eleven. appearance of Joe McCluskey iit field, score 6 ^ . Jock Hewitt, speed the gese of the faithful and Jack tile West Side Playgrpunds at 6 o’clock this evening. At le^t ball artist of the Pilots and Andy Leagne Tilt With Eagles. Iharkey in the new Madison Square By Assoolated Press a thousand pe^le ^ expected to join in giving Mancheste^s Fiedler of the Atlas engaged in a Garden bowl a week from tonight. Deprived for to* time being of most famous athletic son a memorable farewell tribute before he "If Sharkey thinks he’s going to anything resembling a close pen­ pitching duel thdt was very inter- nant race, American league parti­ aiyroaches the g i^ ^ t goal of his athletic career—a chance to ejs^g to watch. Hewitt held the At­ The Pirate*, wasted no time get­ meet the sort of a Schmeling he sans are deriving most of their mid­ walloped aroimd for four rounds win glory for Uncle Sam in international competition. las to four hits and smacked the old ting after the Eagles in their season excitement from toe hot duel ------— - .. ... ^ e Tordham track captain ahd apple for two doubles. 7.MX:.A. twilight league baseball two years ago before fouling him, between Vernon Gomes and Robert ------^ ‘ chief hope of United States in the Fiedler pitched a good game but he’s crasy,’’ muttered Jim Corbett, Moses Grove for pitching honors. C »n 0 1 A D PBCKHtAM game last night at the rsinodeled 3,000 meter steeplechase event of got a few bad breaks. Ihe Atlas a dtomphni himself back in tbe gas­ The two star southpaws are set­ the Olympics, will take part in an north end . playground diamond. The OiOO-T-Hondrsd yard *duh b*- scored one run in the fourth, Kerr light arsa of the heavyweights. ting a pace that promises soon to reen WlttaMon gad Eraser of exbibifion two mile run competing got on when he was hit by a pitch­ Pirates scored seven times In the "Sharkey will have to get this fel­ distance sUl rivals. i t/0£‘ M&CLUSKEV Manchester and Clongh and against a three-man relay teat^i ed biall and' came home on “Jasr” first inning and then coasted to an low early if he’s going to do it at Beating CHevelanu yesterday Bciad of Hartford. from Manchester High school. This COiapman’S'siagle to center. They 8 to 4 vlotory. aU.’’ ^ • Gomez stretched- Us record to 12 6:05—Mae relay: Manriieeter feature event of toe brief program scored another on* in the sixth Ths hitting and fielding was very Most striking la the complete wins against one defeat and scored using Leavtto Mozzer» IMana wlU start promptly at 6:30 but the when Kerr singled and Daklqulst even desidte the first inning rally. If it isn’t old HapI Yes, sir, old chahgw^ln the German’s ring style, his ninth straight victory for too andltowsell; Itortlord events before that are especially a^ brought him home on another rap. Cargo had. the pitching edge on Oscar (Hi^py) Felseh, who used to his new knowledge o f defense, and Yanks. Grovs beating Detroit 8 to Keeney, Morris, Piuiee tractive. They begin promptly at to oenterfleld. They scored tera in Cbpiuand and did not walk a iMitter. go and get ’em in the center garden an expanded punching repertoire. I on four scattered hits observed bis Helnfs. 6 o’clock. the first half of the seventh when The Bbanirooka and Cardinals will for the Chicago White Sox. But No longer does Der Maxie weave eleventh straight triumph and set 6:15—Spring relay o f' rtther Wlttman To Bnn Brimiey walkeu, Hedlund got on by play tomorrow night in a league his record at 12 wins and 8 losses. back in 1&19 the White Sox got into and bob. Insrtead be 'stands straight 440 or 880 yards between Man­ Through the cooperation of Track an error and with the Atlas toe run gatoe. . . up, his left band extended, jabbing Gomez has not tasted defeat since chester and Hartford High ron- Coach Larry Amann of Hartford down, Dave McOonkey drove a liner Plratea (8) a crooked world series and Bap and In orthodox fashion, slipping punches May 2 when Washington knocked nera ySt to be eeleeted. Public m gb school it’ has been pos­ to oenteifMd that aeored two runs AB R H PO A B sevsral teammatss ■ ware perma­ irith Us head, countering bard and him from tbe hill in five innings. 6rt6—EM yard dash- between sible to secure opposition fbr Cap­ bkWLUrtiBamcHa to put hli team in the’lead. Thornton, as ..,. 8 1 1 0 4 l nently ^suspended. Now Kap le short ^th solid rii^ts to the ribs The Senators also handed Grove Us W lttnaon awl Judd e f MaaciMs- tain Frans Wlttmann, star M. H. S. ‘ The Pilots oame to bat for the Harrlaott, lb .... 8 1 0 7 0 0 and chin. last reverse when they beat him 2 ter and aengh and Belsel ef dash man who graduates this month. L. PhlUips, If . . . 8 1 8 1 0 0 back, with pc^nfibielott ftom Judge to 1 on April 80. A number of requests for "the Hartford. last time bound to do or die and do Sciuneling believes that in aban­ inside story’’ of toe mobbing of Efforto to induce Pete Sllfkus of they did. Werner was hit by Iledler, Loveland, c ...... 4 2 1 6 0. 0 Landis, so it is said, to play baseball doning his former weaving style he Only two pitchera, Wee Ferrell of 6:80—Two mile exUbifioa nm, Bast Hartford, winner of toe C, C. BbermsDr 2b....40 0 2 1 1 for the Triangle BilUards, a sandlot has improved Us defense and ac­ and MontO Weaver of Umpire G^rge Moriarty bave Joe MeChiskey vs. three man BL L L. dashes' ih which Wlttmann was MoriarW' vi^ed. Werner tried to Rogers, cf ...... 4 1-2 0 0 0 been made of this department steal thltd but a neat pw to Mc- team in Milwaukee. He looks a quired at'the same time, a right- Washington, have been able to keep H. O. relay of AI Lengel, 8*hdy ineligUde to compete, to com* here Wogman, 8h .... 4 118-21 in hailing distance of the two crack Several have vritten to ask how Buraa add Billy Mnreb. Conkey by Hediun>* caught Werner little heavier than he used to, don’t hand uppiereut.. were, not successful and Wesley but M orla^ went'' second. John­ NiMmn, r f ...... 8 1 1 2 0 0 lefthanders. Ferrril is credited with a group of ball players, in whom -4- Wamoefc, local boy • starring at Cargo, p you think? Wonder if he can. still Today the German Wiaighs 190 there is supposed to exist a spirit ny Mikolelt Bthiok out but Hedlund pounds, about what he expects to II wins ahO four losses, while Loojnis Institute, had an appoint­ dropped the flfird strike and threw throw like he used to? Weaver, a rookie has vyon nine and of fair i>lay, could so forget toem- ment at Camp Pioneer for tonight, 31 8 9 21 10 3 loale when he weighs in for tbe 15- dropped four. selves as to pick on one man. the ball to first bSse but there was E a g l^ 4 j^ round match with Sharkey June 21. SOX TRADE WEBB Coach Amann, however, went to - no one there. Moriarty adcnied. iCik-r He is brown of skin and placid of Tbe home run race between Babe But there is no inside story, bat as a pinch-hitter and came Ruth of toe Yanks'and Jimmy Foxx unless it be that toe WUte Sox orelt went'to second and tiiooeeded Bal(A, 3b • * e e • • tompefamriitr Us muselas riimlo and through with his two dash aces, to steal third and Hedlund Was flow as he goes through bis lengthy o f toe A ’s remained at a standstill fw some time have looked upon TO TIGER NINE Eddie CSough and Phil Reiset to Copeland, p . '. . . 4 How They Stand as each belted on* out of toe park. George as their special enemy. It again guilW when he threw wild to Bycholski, lb ... 4 workouts without drawing a single compete in toe 100 ani tbe 220 ylrd tUrd- and ^Milroleit ScOred the win­ heavy bMth and h* has all the Foxx Ut No. 28 off Bridges of De­ is common knowledge that George dashes. He will also send bis mile Moeke, ss ...... 4 troit. The Babe nicked Jack Rus­ several times has cast aspersions ning run. Combers,, cf .... 3 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS poise and^calm of any champion in Boston, June 14.— (A P)— Now relay team consisting of Keeney, > The game between the Pilots and history.’ sell. for No. 21. Bill Dickey how­ at tbe managerial ability of Lew comes the Webb: deal, and Boston Morrin, Pariee and Heintz. If local Zapadka, If ..... 3 ever, Ut two of them for toe Yanks. Fonseca, who was one of those Echoes . which was played last Lane, c ..v...... 8 Eastern Leagne Schmeling had little idea how to baseball fans are.asking themselves opposition can be found for the half- Thursday chm* up befoto the com­ Soblt^, 2b ...... 8 No games playsd, (rain). block a lefthook, except with his in toe day’s only other contest, fined for his part in the attack. —what next? mile, Hartford wJU have Ott, Duffy mittee. After a lengthy' diseussioa Firpo, rf ...... 3 American Leagne chin, the night Sharkey whaled Um the Chicago White Sox jumped on Lu Flue, White Sox first base- This latest move of President Bob and Petrykowski ready for this It was decided to have the game reJ New York 8, Cleveland 7. for about tour , rounds only to. lose Ed Durham and Wiley Moore for man, who had no part in the af­ Quixm, who has rmdertakmi the dif­ event but it may have to be drop­ five runs in the seventh Inning to fair, hu regarded Hr. Moriarty played. 31 4 21 10 2 Philadelphia 8, Detroit 1. on X fouL ficult task of mending the boles in ped as Sandy Bums is competing Ty Holland, popular West Side Pirates ••••••« . .7 0 0 0 0 1—8 Chicago 7, Boston 6. But today the German calmly beat the Boston Red Sox 7 to 6. The with an unkindly eye ever since his Red Sox nine, sent Earl Webb, against McCluskey and «»Bud’’ athlete, has donated his services as Bagles . 2 0 1 1 0 0—4 picks o|f left jhbs with his right entire National League program he played under George’s manage­ hard-hitting outfirider to Detroit in Simon, the other local half-miler, Only games played. was rained ou t ■ ^umpire for the remainder of the Two base hits, Thornton, Rogers, National Leagne iiov* and drops over short, thud­ ment in Detroit, and was traded exchange for Dale Alexander, toe says he’s not in condition to com­ league game. The committee, in Moske; three base bit, Bycholski; No games played, (r ^ ) . ding counters to tbe chin. At close down toe river to the Browns by big first baseman and outfielder Roy pete. . charge of the league is very-g^mte-. uSacdfica ,hit, Hielsbn; etblra bases, quivers his hands are never still, ACES VIOXOBIOUS the man who now is umpiring. Johnson. Other Events ...... Thomtoh, Harrison, Nielson, Rychol- hammering to the body, ^and his But one of the funniest state- Coach "Pete” Wigren of the M. H. ful for his offer. THBBTANDbfbs The Aces won their fourth game No cash was involved In tbe deal ' Atias (5) ski. Moske; double play, Balbn to right hand uppercut under the nrents growing out of the fracas —the third important Red Sox trade S. team which v/as undefeated in Bobiskl; left on bases, Pirates 5, heart and to the jaw has driven at by defeating Birch Street at the Mill under the Cleveland grandstand duel competition, will run Wittmaira AB R HPO Eastern LeagiM Lota 27-20^ Don Madden was driven in a week and toe fourth in three D. McConkey, 3b 3 1 1 3 Eagles 8; base on balls, off Cope­ least three sparring partners . from was that of Milt Gagton, the pitcher weeks. and Fraser in the 100, Wlttmann land, 2; hit by pitcher, L. Phillips; W.. L. PC. tbs camp. to the showers in the first inning. who was the first to accept Moriar- -Kerr, lb ...... 3 2 1 1 0 1 Springfield ...... 27 17 .614 Connors, Simmons, Kose and Kur- President (^ulnn in Sinnounclng and Judd In the 220 and Leavitt, ^Stowe, 2b...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 struck out, by Cargo 6,. Time, 1:45. "I am better, yes,’’ isays Schmel­ ty’B challenge. Gaston now is mod­ M ouer, Diana and Rowselliin the Umpires, Cruller, Jamroga. Richmond ...... 27 19 .587 ing, "why should I not m ? I atudy lowiz starred, for the Aces. Vince, estly willing to admit that he was the deal ssUd he believed it would Dahlquist, ss «...8 0 1 1 1 0 Albany ...... 22 21 A12 my trade like any other man.; I Bosco, Maddra featured for the give his last place Red Sox addi­ mile relay which may be shortened Chapman,.If .....2 0 1 0 0 0 really winning the bout when it to a lap a runner for convedieq^e. Allentown ...... 22 22 AOO fight bettar this time.’’ losers. Don Madden got three hits was stopped. tional hitting strength in the in­ Bronkie, c, rf ....3 0 0 4 0 0 Bridgeport ...... 19 21 .476 for the losers. The Aces also lost field. Clough won the 220 for Hartford in Brimiey. cf ...... 2 1 0 1 0 0 JAPAN’S STAR RUNNER New H a ven ...... 21 24 .467 AT SHARKEY CAMP to the Invindbles 21 to 20. If that is true Phil Scott ought tbe state meet at Yale in 22 1-5 but Fiedler,, p ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Hartford ...... 21 27 Orangeburg, N. Y., June 14. — Aces to come back to- this coimtry and did not qualify for the century...... 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 .438 e'ean up with a demonstration of Burke, If N b rfolk ...... 17 25 .406 (A P)^It takes Joe Zeykra, Dayton, ' AB R H PO A E Reisel was fifth in the 220. Witt- Hedlund, c ...... 2 10. 8 3 1 PUMMELEDBYCOPS OUo, trial horse to wake up Jack Jones, If ...... 4 2 8 0 2 0 how- a man can win a fight after mahn took third In the hundred apd American. League he hss been knocked out. j Yesterday^sStars Ws Id* PC. Sharkey, these days as the Boston Connors, l b ...... 8 4 8 4 0 1 sixth in the 220 at New Haven. With t 1'i9''3'"i heavytrtiight prepares for hlS 16- Kose, c ...... 5 8 4 14 2 0 Our own idea of the bout be­ the half-mile more or less of a quM- tttoto w) ^ Shimonoseki, Japan, June 14.— New York ...... 37 16 .698 tween Moriarty and Gaston is that, Washington ...... 82 16 .582 roumf title match with Max J.'Simmons, cf .. 8 3 8 1 0 0 By The ^soolated Frees. tion, Hartford wiU send along its AB Jl ftPO A B (A P )—Japan’s premier marathon Schmeling next Tuesday night. A. Kulowiz, 2b . 3 3 3 4 2 0 If it had not been stopped just sprint relay of Murphy, Hary, Wilkinson,. 2b •. -3 . runner, the Korean Kuon Tai 8a, Philadelphia ...... 31 24 A64 when it was, Big Ed Morris would 212 11 Cleveland ...... 80, 26 Sharksy loafed ^through a two- J. Greene, ss ..'..3 2 2 3 4 1 Bob Grove, Athletics—Held Tigers Lulhk,. and. Ivers or Stum^ for a Sjpith, ss ...... 8 1 ,1 0. 0. 0 was severely beaten, and injured to­ .680 round aeaaiQn with Lou Flowers and P. Simmons, 8b . 8 3 8 1 2 0 not be the only pitcher slain in to four hits, fanned seven and won 440 or 880 run. Jr. Hewitt, p ...... 3 0 2 0 1 9 day by two Juanese pOllosmen Detroit ...... 28, 24 .688 B. Magnuson, c f 2 8 8 0 0 0 combat this year. bis llto consecutive vlctoty. SL l^ouls .27 26 a one-round aetto with Charles An- These four, events will be run-pff Robb, lb ...... 8’ 0 0 6 0 0 aboard a farry plying between Fu- A09 detion in. hjs workout, indoors hsre H. Magnuson, rf . 8 l 2 0 0 0 H. G^ Salslnger, Detroit newspa­ Carey Selph and Bob FothergiU, Ban and Bhlmonoaeki. < Chicago...... 83 A66 In rapid succession starting prompt­ M&oney, If .... .8 ’ 1 1 6 0 0 yestefday snd threatened to do the R. Ferguson, rf . 2 1 1 0 0 0 per man, kicks in with two amus­ White Sox—Drove in ' two runs ly at,6 o’clock so that McCluskey’S Alalbney, c ...... 8 0 1 12 8 0 Although his injuries were pain­ Boston ' ...... 10 42 JL92 same thing with Zeykra. But the Wiley, p ...... 8 2 1 0 0 0 ing incidents' of Moriarty’s old apiece against Red dox. ful It was hopid they would not pre­ National League exhibition may start at toe sched­ Werner, If ..‘.A ..2 0 0 1 1 0 Ohioan gifted ryith a good left hand, hurly-burly days as third baseman Bill Dickey, Yanks—His two home uled hour of 6:30. Running against ,Moriarty^3b .....2 l 0 o i l vent him from running in ths Olym­ W. L. PC. jabhid toe challenger with it a half 34 27 27 27 12 2 and captsdn of the Tigers, when the runs and single accormted for four pic games at Dos Angeles, Chicago ...... 81 *22 .686 McCluskey will be three of the beat 'Davis, rf ...... 1 ,0 0 0 0 0 doaen'times and Sharkey woke up , Birch street Tigers had 'such men on the roster runs against Indians. trackmen in Manchester High to­ Mikoleit, rf ...... 2 1 0 0 9 1 ~ . He was returning fr<«i a visit to Boston ...... 80 24 .656 with a start. He tore in, quickly and Frachey, cf .... 1 2 1 1 0 1 as Ck>bb, Rossman, Chawford, to# home in Kotoa, where he went Pittsburgh ...... 24 24 Costello, 8b ....2 3 2 0 1 8 day. Al Lengel, toe schooL’b 'secCnd .600 boxed with Us usual speed and skill Schaefer, Bush, O’Leary, Schmidt, NATIONAL best miler, will run first and then . 24::6.6 21 7 "8 fc^w lag his victories, in the Olym- Brooklyn ...... 27 28 .491 throughout the rest of the two Madden, p, c f ... 5 1 3 1 6 1 T'ulUn, Donovan, Slever, Killian, By Associated Press score by Ihnli^fs:' • - plo toyOuts here May 25. He plan­ St, Louis ...... 25 26 .490 round bout anid was going along at Bosco, rf, p.,,.8 8 2 2 1 1 Summers, McIntyre and Jones. (Same aa yeaterday). hand toe baton to Sandy Bums, Atlas ...... ■ 010^^101.2 — 5 ned with'^other membets of Jhpan’s New York ...... 24 25 A90 a fast clip at toe fixdsh. ConestI, ss ...... 4 1 0 2 0 1 George was a fighter then^ as now, AMERICAN half-miler, whip will In turn give ,it ,y .110.^002 2."'w Olympic team in Tokyo to leave for Philadelphia ...... *..26 80 A64 Coleman, cf, 2b. 4 2 0 8 0: 0 and his aggressiveness made him Batting—Foxx, Athletics, .876. to young Bilj^. Murch, toe semia- ^TWo bsM hits, Hewitt, 2; stolen America ^une 26. Clnciimatl ...... 25 38 .481 Vince, o ...... 4 2 2 8 0 .0 toe idol of toe Detroit fans. Runs—Foxx, Athletics, 58. tlonal freshXian miler who then bases, McConkey,. Mahoney, Kenr 2; The yoUceinen aboard the fSrry Intemattonal Leagne Bfyan Grant, tormer national Hough, lb ...... 4 >4 0 13 1 0 One day Hobe Ferris of toe Runs batted in—Foxx, Athletics, faces this gnlilHng task of fiTing to Moriarty; base Ofi bhU*; H ^ tt faid they ware conducting the usual W L Olay courts champion, has been Radley, 2b ...... 8 2 1 2 2 1 BroVms came sliding into third, 64. beat McClup&ey down, toe h on ^ .2. Fiedler 2; hit by pitcher. Werner, examination of Korean travelers Buffalo ...... 85 20 ' elects^ captain of the University AllesiT If spikes high, and ' cut Moriarty. Hits—Foxx, Athletics, 78. stretch. Whether McCluskey can Kerr, Chapmsfi; struck but, by and. that Kuon became insolent, so B altim ore...... 85 28 of North Carolina tennis team for^ ' George said nothing. Several Doubles—Chapman, Y u k s and beat three runners, is a questlian'»f' Fiedler 11, HeWitt 12; unipirto, Ty they piunmeled him*! Newark ....•••••..82 25 1988.> 84 20 11 27 11. 8 Oehrlnger, Tigers, 16, doubt. Some say he can, otoera that , ------■ montos passed, and Moriarty held he cannot. Holland, Ernie Powdl Montreal...... 80 87 his peace. Triples—Myer, Senators, 9. Rochester - ...... 80 27 . Another day Ferris was on sec­ Home runs—Foxx, Athletics. 23. Officials for the race programs Last N i^ t'i Pilots Jersey aty ...... 27 S3 Olympic Threat—-And Oply 13 ond again, and. hr.d to sprint for Stolen bases—Chapman, Yanks, 9; are. as follows: Thomas W. Stowe, Toronto ...... 22 S3 - toii4 .on a grounder. Moriarty was Pitcblng-^-Gomes, Yanks, 12-1. referee; Lewis Uoyd, starter; RAIN AIDS CREWS Reading ...... 16 89 set for toe thrj-.v. As Ferris slid Cbsules L. Wigren, timer;’ Edward By Aaeooiated Press into the bag Moriarty’s throwing SWEETS FOB SWEET F. Taylor. and Lawrence AmaXp, AT POUGHKEEPSIE Toronto—Emile (Spider) Pladner, TODAY’S GABIES arm completed a full arc, end Morl- judges. There will be no silmiSSlOa France outpointed Willie Davies, arty** fist, gripping, the ball, crash­ Washington —In its efforts to charged or collection taken for the Charleroi, Pa., 10. Eastern League' ed against Ferris' Jaw. Ferris was utilise sU waste farm ^products, program. Everyone is welcome. Fol­ Louisville—Bill Roedsrer, Louis­ scientists of toe U. S. Department lowing toe conclusion of the Me* Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jime J4. — Richmond at Hartford. unconscloui for 16 minutes after ville, knocked out Steve Kaplan, Norfolk at New Haven. they carried him from the field. of Agriculture have developed a will come the testimonial dinnei, to (AP)—^Unlike their brethren in , 8.' way to save “bagasse," toe residue Manchester’s six coUeg^ csptaln^ln other sports, college oarsmen are AUentowp at Albany. Moriarty was a great fellrw for San Francisco—Andy Dlvodl, New stealing home. His record of steal­ left after sugar has been extrsicted the School street Recreation . Center tempted to pray for *^0 and more York, defeated Paddy Creedon, New Bridgeport at Sprinj^eld. American Leagne ing home twice in one inning still from sugar cane, and convert it into St 7:30. McCluskey is one. o f to* rain. . ^ ■ York by a te^mlcal knockout, seven. a high-grade cellulose. Thjs nuiT guests Of honor. Most o f those plan» A good steady downpour can Washington at S t Louis. stands. In a certain game with Bos- Philadelphia f t Detroit tmi, toe score was 1 to 0 in favor of terial, to* base for rtycm, can be ning to attend tbe banquet will work wonders with choppy tur­ Stewart Aiken of Cleveland, O., made into women’s dresaea watch the trade program. bulent rivers and flatten theto out was awarded the Porter cup for New Yorh at Cleveland. the Red Sox in the last half of the to suit the taste of the most fas­ proficiency In athletics at the. Uni­ Boston at (3ilcago. ninth. Moriarty was on third and tidious of oarsmen. '' versity of this year. Nattonal Leagne two were out Bill Carrigan waa That’s all the six college fleets Pittsburgh at New York. catching for Boston. ' now here In training for thb Inter­ Cincinnati at Philadelphia. As the pitcher started his wind­ collegiate ■ rowing ' assodatlott re­ . S t Lqu1$ at Brooklyn. up, Moriarty dashed for home. gatta next Monday bave .haan wait­ Chicago at Boston. The pitcher, who had been expect­ ing. for and they got it yesterday. ing Mdriarty’s move,' cut short his An all-day tain smoothed out the PHANN windup and pegged to Carrigan, ' Hudson and made condittons ideal who tagged George as he olid into from, a rowing standpoint (flCHEft HftSIb w® U. S. NET PLAYERS the plate. CalifQjmia was the /only fleet IQ gerouToF A Carrigan, however, had been which made an admitted time trial niuaing a cbew of scrap tobacco, hut all the others, Oomell, Syineuss, SAE FOR EUROPE and at that time had a mouthful Navy, Psnnsylvania and Columbia ABANDONED of"the~brown julee. After tagging > init in a busy day. ■ Ltoriarty for the pUtout that end- The two last fleets,. Washington New York, June 14.— (A P)—John eia the j ball gatott he let loose s ihd Massachusetts Tech were ex­ Van Ryn, Frank Shields and WlUnsr loM * qU ix!^ to t* don iu tHi«i*«ql* Lla^e u ebnidte old riltoor , that the Chicago Cubs without any ehanea tor pro- of the dugou^ jriiere he whs are about to mhke a deal for an out­ iaiy practice. Their Davis Ciq> hy UXolf i^rahk Navln, Owner’ of and to adopt tho l^ tCBled* dotted fielder has imppednip again. . tsamipate, EUaworih Vines, howavsr the T l g ^ NavlX pleaded for Carri- T iu i lateat candidate la Walhe e gaa’s ^ s , and. hirid to* attsntom of has been In Binglsad moto than a BergW.. of. the Boston Bravas, .|i week. , to* crowd vntU poUceoMm a?rlfsd ’ ■type,. i¥idi‘'a n ’lh a v:p (n i^ strew ttttor;laM swaofi^b^^ not sb After the British champMoships,' and esmntsd Canrigaa to to* qtuto ctrohg thiis yearr'" - '' the Davis Cup team win awemblO houic. Wltl&un' Vetelc'hag ll^leB Lee Saltli, above, I8 yegr'eii ipoBi Ugh seliool ' A nmh waited for 'hour* fof tor practlee at Paris ptoparttonr to —^^lAMreelf a candtfate fm toe .tJsUeAL i jritll jMOtosat liBtl 9 ^ the totsr-ione finals July BL OtoriffiB to anicrg* firpm to* olvto ^ jio t ifflW|oied ^...... J team in tbe recent inisois WomexTs VtafAlbr 1m MiSMMd tort Btirt neo0gaue(l champtoxahto tto'Hoosiet ' -ito Igls^ Britain is the AfasriekHi •gfM’ftoX^e S9C-yi» ftos.i^Vret^.O pwtir' toe I nn-.d*: *■

.'' fcffiNsu'a Read the &(mified Renlal Propertij Lishnq on tliis Paqe

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 APABTMENTS^FLATS— AGRICULTURAL NEWS '■.a FOR SALE —1926 CHEVROLET TENEMENTS 48 1,000NEWSMEN Coupe, very good condition. Inquire Om Y RADIO PROGRAM KENT HUNTING?—Tell ua what Manchester. ^ 25 Winter street. Phone 7713. Must wnc you want, w ell take care of it for TO TELL WORLD CAloken VaodnatloB sell 125. you without charge. R. T. McCann, TUESDAY, JUNB14) (Central and Eastern Standard nm e) •^Urening Herald ^ .e most effective method of vac- Timvetars Broadcasting Servloe 69 Center s tre e t D ia l 7700. Hartford, Conn. Prosnuas sa b j^ to Chansc P.!lL (DayUght tlms on* boor latar). ^ FOR SAXE—G. M. C. 1-2 ton truck, cinatii^ chiqkens against chicken ^ (Note—Ah to I w u d l»sio ehaio or croups thereof nuless speoll, CLASSIFIED OF CONVENTIONS pox, a disease which costa coimty 60,000 W-, 1060 R. O., ZSt9 M. 1923 delivery body. In quire 18 FOR RENT—5 ROOM upstairs flat, fled; coast to coast (e to e) dosisnation inclndas aU aTailaU* stetlona) poultrymen at least one-quarter of a ADYERTISEMENTB Wadsworth street Price |100. all modeni improvements, steam (B9 n $ 4s0oetaUd Pr0St) Cent. ----- East. Chicago.— (A P )^ M o r e than 1,000 million dollars a year will be demon­ heat furnished; also garage. In­ Tuesday, June 14. NBC-WEAF NETWORK 6:16— 6:15—Mills Brothsrs — Basie;i CooQt alz aT*rac« worte t* • Ua^ newspapermen will write the new strated by state poultry specialist, V (EMtem DayUght Saving Time.) Frsddi* Rich's Orohsstr/H>D)xl* ■ Initial*, nombcrn and abbranlatloH quire 92 Russ^ street chapter in American political his­ BASIC^Easti ir*af (ksy) w**l wtlo •!*2“ 6:80—Connis BobwsiL*^ ont •ach count as a word and oomponM AUTO ACCESSORIES-^ Roy E. Jones, Tuesday, Jime 14, at wjar wtaa weab wfl wUt wfb wro way 8146— 8:45—Qtorpi* Pries — B a ^ s tory that will emerge from the na­ A. C. Shddon’s in East Granby; irben wca* wtam — * wsal:— •* MMwsstt — *■ words as two worda lUalmnin oont m T IR E S 6 FOR RENT—MODERN flve room' W T IC — W E A F — 454.3 m. ^Dsutsch Oreh,—Olxl* tional political conventions in Chi­ Wednesday, June 15 at Leo A. wmaa well ksd woe-who wow wdM price of tbreo linos. , ^ flat witli garage. Apply Wm. P . M . NOCTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj w «st Lino nixos por dap for trnnsisnff cago this month. Grouten’a in Farm in^n and Thurs­ •i18— 7:16—Columbians—o to e ' SPECIAL TIRE Kanehl. Telephone 7773. A:15— ^WTIC Synchronlxed with wiba kstp w«bo wday kfyr ekew efet • 180— 7:80 — Kats SmKh. Sengs — -i- nds. From their typewriters will come day, June 16 at Alvah A. Russell’s UeetlTO llaMfc tf> tMf 2 Tires For Price Of 1. Detail! At W BAF on 660 k. c. (See W EAF for SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wis wjax Baslo: Colonel A Budd-i^xl* Cash Chars* millions of words, speedily written in Glastonbury. All meetings will wfia-wsua wlod wab wsm wmo warn •i48— Palooka—o to o . MANCHESTER TIRE CO. P ro g ra m ). wjdz wsmb kroo wky wfaa wbap kpro 2 *2 ^ 8rf»—B*n B«rnl*'s Oran.—« o it' t Consocutlro Days ..IT etal • ot* Center and Trotter Sts. FOR RENT— 5 ROOM upstairs and more speedily distributed, de­ be held at 7 p. m., daylight time, ac­ woal ktbs kths I ConsecutlTo Days ..| ^ etal 11 ots 1:00 A. 3i.—SUent, Pi8^ eao—Crim* Club—Bssie: Bar>| flat on Eire street Telephone 6720. scribing this pair of pc'itiaal spec- cording, to Chas. D. Iiewls, County MOUNTAIN—koa kal kslr kcU bars Maurel—Dixie; Kemp’s Oreh. 1 Day ...... I 11 eu| II eta ^cles for coimtless millions of read­ Agricultural Agent. PACIFIC COAST—kco !:fi kew komo Brooks A Rot*—midwest ! All orders tor isrosnlar inaortioas khq kpo keea ktz kjr kca ktedktar ksu ers not only in the United States Following the discussion of 5180“ 8:00—Shllkret Orchestra- to c will bo oharged at the on* tlmo rate. MOVING—TRUCKING— POR RENT—POUR ROOM'flat on Cent.East. 8:15— |:1^Past Prsight—o to r , Special rates tor long term erery but throughout the world. chicken pox vauscination. vaccine* STOIUGE Haxel street one 'minute ifrom 1:30— 2:30—Woman's Radio Rtvisw Symphony—r. to e day advertising given upon reanost. Hotel Sheridan. Inquire 9 Haxel Almost every physical arrange­ will be distributed to any poultry- 2:00— 8:00—Ths Maoie ot 8p**eh 9:0^10:00—Iron# Beasley—o lo e Ads ordered tor thte* or sis days m ent conceivable hais been m ade to men who will make use of it and 2:30— S:30—Toa.Dansant* 9:15—10:16—Nelson's Oreh.—0 to c and stopp^ before the third or fifth PERRETT A GIENNET £Na—W# s tre e t 2:45— 3:45—Tales of the Northweet •i3J—10:8^-Martin’s Oreh,—c to c handle this gigantic task of news- S. A, Edwards, director of the Bu­ WDRC day will be charged only for th* ac- Will move, pack and ship yonr 8:00— 4:C0—Compoaer.PIsnIet Orehostra—c to o tuhl' njiimbOr, of times the ad appear­ FOR RENT—ON HAMLIN street gathering and distribution with reau of Markets will lead a discus­ Ss15— 4:15—Skippy—east only Or.—c to -o merchandise quickly and e<»nom- 225 H a r t f o ^ Conn. m pg ed, charging' at the rate earned, bat half house, 6 rooms and garage, all record facility and speed. sion and demonstration in h an d l^ 1:30— 4:30—Qardsn Mslodiss—Also o —wabc wean wnao ' no allowance or refunds can be mad* tcally. Fast daily express service 4:00— 5:00—Dinner Musl^—Also sa 11:86—12:30—Ben Bernie—coast repeat' on six time, ads stopped after the improvements, newly decorated, Seats fo r 700 on P latfo rm eggs on the farm to maintain the 4:15— 6:15-rSklppy—midwest repeat to and from New York. Connec­ On the speaker’s platform in the fifth day. |30 month. Telephone 4812 o r 3356. highest possible quality. Tuesday, June 14. 4:80— 6:30—Mountaineers—weaf wtlo NBC-WJZ NETV/ORK Ko ?UU forbids": vUsplay liaes aeC tions with fast truck service out ot huge Chicago atadium, site of both During the past three years, vac­ onhy Melody Brief*—midwest only sold. New York going south and west. (Eastern Daylight Saving Time.)' 4:40— o:45—Back of th* News—o to c BASIC c h a in —East; wjs (key) .wba* FOR RENT— TENEMENT of 5 party conventions, will be more cine to inoculate 100,000 birds has 5 : ( ^ e:(^H ym n Sinn—Also coast WDw wbaJ wham -kdka wgar wjr wlw; The'Herald will not be responsible Agents for United Van Service, Midwest: wcky kyw kfkx wenr wIs kwk tor more than one incorrect insertloa rooms with all improvements. In­ than 700 seats for newspapermen. been distributed to poultrymen in 5:1^— 6:16—Florenc* Wiahtman, Harp one of the leading long distance 5:00—Tommy Christian’s Orches­ 5:30— 6:30—Ray Perkins, Humor kwer koil wren wmaq ot any advertisement ordered for quire O. Scarlato, 36 Cottage S t Special wires wiU be extended to Hartford County by the Farm Bu­ tra. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — w-tmj more ^han one time. moving companies. Phone 3068, within a few feet of the speakers’ reau and according to the poultry- 5-S“ Qoldborgs; Sketch 5:15—"Meet the Artist’’; Eddie •d)0— 7:00—Sandereon and Crumlt wday kfyr ckgw cfcf The inadvertent omission ot incor­ FOR RENT— AVAILABLE SIX stand. Wire operators using noise­ SOUTH — wrva wntf wwne wis wjax 8860, 88M . men’s own estimate lias reduced D uriiln. 6:W— J>3^Mary and Bob, Drama rect publication of advertising will bo rooms, all improvements and less equipment will lash important losses in egg production and birds 7:0^— 8KN>—Artists' Musleslo—c to o wjla-wann wlod wsm wmo wab wapl rectified only by cancellation ot th* 5:30— The Dusky Twins. 8:30—Ed Wynn a Music—e to c wjdx warab kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro charge made tor th* service .-endered. C A R L S O N db C O M P A N Y Express. garage, 360 Main street,, near developments onto vast networks of by a t least $1.00 a head o r $100,000 woai'ktba kths 5:45—George Hall’s Orcheatro. a:W— S:00—Danes Hour—e to c All advertisements must conform OaUy service to Hartford and Haynes. Inquire 358 Main street trunk wires as rapidly as the news saving to poultrymen who have •••OO—10dX>—Russ Columbo Oreh. M O U N ^IN —koa kal krtr kghl in style, oolpy and typography with Sprhagiield, and all Connecticut, is dictated. used this material. 6:00—Arthur Jarrett, song stylist 6:15—10:16—Opry House Tenite—e to c *‘8* kora* regulations enforced by the publish­ 6:15—Gertrude Coledee^, songs; 9:M—10:30—Dornbsrger*s Orehostra khq kpo keca kex kJr ’-ca kfsd ktar- and Massachusetts points. Loads 6 ROOM TENSiMENT, all improve­ Thus every dally newspaper office The vaccine can be applied by Cont. East. ^ ers and they reserve the right t* Hhrold B. Smith, pianist 10:00—11 rtX>—Ralph KTrbsryi Pettis Or. edit, revise or reject any oopy con­ or part loads moved anywhere. ments, steam heat garage, good in the country will have word of anyone who will use reasonable care 10:30—11:80—01* Foereh'e Orchestra 6:30— Baseball Scores. 1*52“ 2:3(^*Hello, Marla—coast out sidered objectionable. Furniture moving. Telephone Man­ location, rent reasonable, 32 Walk­ significant happenings almost simul­ and fiitelligence and has proven to CBS-WABC NETWORK Ji45— 2:45—Mormpn Choir—e to e CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to 6:35—Jack Miller and Orchestra. 2:15— 8:16—To B* Announced chester 8624. H artford 2,6229. er street Inquire 80 Walker. taneously with their occurrence. be almost 100 percent effective in BASIC CHAIN - EAST: wabe (key) be published same day must be re­ 6:45—Republican Convention Re­ 8:46— 3:4^Drama A ■ Literature ceived by It o'clock noon: Saturdays Springfield 6-0391. The great bulk of convention the control of the disease. wade woko wcao waab wnac wyr wkbw 8:00—4:00—Musical Moments FOR RENT—FIVE ROOMS, 2nd news, however, will be written and p o r t . wkre wbk ekok wdro wcau wlp*wfan 4:16 — Marley Sherris — wjs3 10:10 a. m. Under the stress of severe com­ Iwias wean wfbl wapd wmal; Midwasti floor, all Improvements at 137 Mid dispatched from newsmen’s work­ petition from other poultry produc­ 7:00— ^Tito Gulxar. wbbm wen wfbm kmbe wceo kuoz - • .F***I*2? * ’ Pianist—Spidsl group TELEPHONE YOUR -IjlSrrrThe. Mills Brothers. REPAIRING 28 die Turnpike West Inquire 1st rooms back of the spenkers' plat­ ing areas It is even more m ^rtant EAST AND CANADIAN — wpf wpb 4:45—Orphan Annis—east only W A N T A D S . floor. form and in the stadium’s basement. than ever that local poultrymen 7:30— Magician. wibw wbeo wlbs wfea wore efrh ekso 2*22^ ■••«k’a Orchestra Ads are accepted over the telepbons MOWERS SHARPENED, key mak- 7:45— Concert Ensemble. DIXIE — WRst wfsa wbre wbt-wdod = 4i30— 6:36i-FISQ Salute—c to c at th* CHARGH RAT£ given above Immediately back of the platform, bend every effort to maintain, the k n ^ klra wreo wlao wdsn wtpe krla 4 H ^ 6:45—LoweU Thomas—e. only| as a convenience to advertiaera but mg, vacuum cleaner, lock, gun, POR RENT—FIVE ROOMS, all and separated from it by an e:^e- superior quality which has prevailed ■ 8:00—Willard Amison, tenor; — ktrb ktsa waco kfif wqaih wdbe Orphan Annie—midwest repeat clock repairing. Bralthwaite, 52 Improvements, very cheap rent H. Roger White’s Orchestra. wdae wbic wbas wtar wdbj wflw wwva — 8:0(h-Amoe 'n' Andy — edst]^ th* CASH RATES will be accepted as cially policed aisle, will be head­ throughout past years and Mr. Ed­ MIDWEST—whom wsbt weak wmbd 8185 FULL PAYMENT it paid at 4h* busi­ Pear) street Mints, Depot Square. quarters of the three press associa­ wards is going to discuss each 8:15—^The Columbians. * ness office on or before th# seventh wtaq wkbb kfab wlsn ksej wibw kfb tions. M ore than 100 men repre­ step in caring for the eggs from the 8:30— ^Dictators. wmt wnax wkbn .. 8:8^ 6:30—Tn* Stebbins Boys—e to e day following th* first insertion ot FOR RENT—FIVE AND SIX room MOUNTAIN—kror kls kob kdyl each aVr'/'othorwise' 'the 'fSAROB senting the Associated Press v^l time the hen lays them imtil they 8:45— "Joe Palooka.” PACIFIC COAST—kbj knx koln kxb ainSrr * fifnl* Her* COURSES AND CLASSES 27 teneihents, with all modem im­ •lOO—■ 7:00—You A Your Qov’t - ^ to • RATE ^lU bo collected. No rsaponsir work there and on the speakeia’ are sent to market. He .will demon­ 9:00—Ben Bemle and bis Orches*' kfre kOl kfpy kvt '-am kmj kfbk kwg 6:30— 7:3^Plsne' Duo—wjs only bllity ifor errors in telephoned ads provements. Inquire at 147 Bast platform . tra . Cent. ;East. will b*i assumed; and their acoumay strate- the candling of the eggs *i48— 7:45—Sisters of Skillet—Also Sdk BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while Center street or telephone 7864. in the basement will be spadous show the g^wers what defects If 9:30—Crime C3ub; Wallace Mys­ 1:80— 2:80—Sitapshbta—0 to e - 7 :0 ^ StOO—Edsar A. Guest. Poet • cannot ;be gnaranteeA 8U)0— 8:00—Boston Symphonlo—c to e teaming. Details free. Hartford headquarters of telegraph com­ any ocOiir and explain why they oc­ tery Dramai. J186- S^aa—Pranks Q^dman Band IN D E X O F FOR RENT—5 ROOM downsbeiirs 2 :8 ^ 8:8^Piano Reeital'^ to e 81OO— 9KK)—Pickens .Asters, Song* Academ y o f H airdressing, 693 panies, which estimate ttot more cur. 10:00—Music That Satisfies; Alex 2N8-» 8:4S—Christian's Oreh.—o to • 81I8— 9:16—Sons Tuns Deteotivs CLASSIFICATIONS Main street Hartford. flat on Bigelow street Inquire i>3 than 12,000,000 w ords w ill be han­ All. poultrjrmen In Hartford G ray. 8:10—.4:15—'Moot ths Artist—o to e 8:80— 9:80—Paris Night Life 8:30— 4:80—Musical Comedy—o to e* 8: « — O^W-Mat^avy Brothers,'Sonjsi Births *, ********* .•.* o******* *.fi.fi * • • A B ige lo w street or telephone 5853. dled during both conventions. County* whether members of the ip:15—Eddie Dunste^ter, organ­ BDMRg4|xnoQ^ *•*»•••••*••#•*••• M 4:00— 6:0O*^rthur Jarrett—e ont 9:00—10d)6—To B* Announesd—b ( ^ ? Copy Bushed by Tubes Farm Bureau or not are invited to ist; Male Quartet 4:15— 5:16—R*ts A Dunn—e out ' Ai m # 'n' Andy—Repost for west Mgrrlr.ttAS .**».*.no**.*.**«».:•••••••• O FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement HELP WANTED— News copy will be . rushed there, attend any one or all of these meet­ '4:30— 5:80— Millar—coast ont A;1B—.10:15—Soder* Ceneert Orehastrai Dtatht;. 0* o ******* *Xd.d • 6 •#•••••• • D with all improvements, 24 Haw­ 10:3(t—Columbia' Symphony .Or­ 4:46— 5:46—SItele Orcta.—coast out 1vK)0...11 :OO^Danclng In Mliwaukes ^ Card of Ttiadko ****•••*•••••••• M FEMALE 85 both by pneumatic tubes from ' the ings. chestra. thorne s tre e t Velep^one 8048. 6;00-;jnta Qulsar coast ont 10:86—11:30—Agnew Ohoh>»biude In Memotlam. *******•• fijutfi M V speakers’ platform and by messen­ ll'.OO— Republican Convention. ZiOst Ukd Found 1 CHAMBERMAID 'WANTED be'- Annonneements ...... I FOR RES'lT—6 ROOM tenement, ger, for transmission over 400 spe^ Spinach IMffMeqoea 11:15—^Fr^dle Martin’s Orches­ tween 18 and 30, for small board­ .cial wires. Personals ...... I second floor, all improvements and Another difference that makes tra. 8:00—You and Your Cbvemzneht* Antemobfleii ing. house. S. Sobel, Colchester, Pictures of convention proceed­ garage. 27 Starkweather street spinach and spinach, s the fertilixer 11:30— Ozxie NClsop’s Orchestra. 8:30— (Concert. Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 Conn. Tel. Colchester 178. Automobiles for Exchange .. ..c« I ings Will be taken by some 60i treatment of the sdl in which it 8:45—Sp^alty Songs and Auto Abcessorles—^Tiree I FOR RENT—THREE ROOM suite, photographers representing press grows. A striking experiment that logue. Auto Repairing—Painting T new Johnson Block, all modem associations, individual newspapi|}rs shows this has b i^ conducted at 9:00—Edgar A. Guest, poet, guest Auto Schools '• eeeee******** n.fi • • • f I H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E 86 and newsreel coinpmiles. They teill T O im C E D O L E ;;fl||llngBeld Boston Autos—Ship by Truck .. *••••-•• s I Improvements. Phone 8726 or jani­ th# Vegetable field, statldn In Wind speadeer. be stationed on specially const^cted sor, which will be open cm Field Day; Autos^^For ^lire ...... I WANTED—LOCAL MAN to sell tor 7635. 9:30— ^Band— E d w in lY a n k o Gold-* Garages—Seyviee—Storage » . . . . tl platforms at either end of the sta­ Saturday, liie studies are con­ man, conductor. Westihghouse Dual Automatic Re­ ' Tuesday, Jane 14. . Hotoroycles^Bleyoles ...... It POR RENT—6 ROOM TENEMENT dium directly in line with' the ducted by the Connecticut Agricul­ B erlin, June 14.— ( A P ) — ^Presi­ 10:30—Paris Ifight life. Wanted Autos—^Motorcycles .... ll frigerators, In orotected: territories speaker’s box. ' ' ; (Eastern* Daylight Saving !nme.) Bnslaeis'anfi PsnfOSslonnI IssOlee* with all modem improvements, tural Ex^rim enf Station, New Ha­ dent von Hindenburg today signed 10:45—Republican News Bulle­ Business SerVloes Offered ...... II > Manch^ter and FamMngton.. garage. ' Inquire 172 Charter Oak ' Outstanding pictures . wUl_ be ven. Market giurdeners are invited an emergency decree putting into tins. For appointment phone Hautford rushed to newspapers by telephoto P . M .' ~ ^ Household Services Offered .....ll-A stre e t to come at 3 o’clock daylight saving effect a S^es (ff'new •financial . 11:00—Time; Weather; Shorts Re4 Building—Contracting ...... 14 2-5860. and the fastest Mr and train, con­ measuresa but he withheld until to- 4:0(1—Orchestra.'r . v Florists—Nurseries ...... if time. view . FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT with nections. Spinach treated with 40 tons of morroi^. another decree already pre­ 4:20—W BZ Health CUnie — "New Funeral Directors...... II WANTED— MEN: PHYSICALLY li:1 5 —Joe Rinea’ Orcheetrau Heating—^Plnmblni^—Roofing. . » tT garage, 17 Walker street Inquire manure an acre seemed, to grow pared lifting the ban which the Findings In O r^ Hygiene." fit wishing to enter government 11:45—Midnight Serenade—Louis Insurance ...... II W . M aim ing, 8.5 W a lk e r s tre e t Tel. only half as well as that treated Bruenlng go'vemment imposed upon 4:30— Stock Exchange Quotations. Weir, organist. Millinery—Dressmaking ...... II work. This district—^Washington, 7628. FRIENDS PAY TRIBUTE with 20 tons. of manure combined the Nationalist Socialist istorm 4:45—Rhythm Varieties — Danny A.M.’ Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 10 D. C. Age 18^5. Personal interview Cavanaugh, tenor. Painting—Papering ...... II with commercial fertilixer. Various troops. 12:16—Time. Professional Services .*.* ****** *tflH It by writing Mr. Ford, Box CS-27 in FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, fertilixer applications ure being The fiscal measures impose ' 4:58—Ba^ball Scores. Rei>airing ...... II care of Herald. with all improvements, heat and A T MRS. VALERA’S B e tried on other early crops, such as graduated tax starting at 1% per :J5:0Q—A^cultural Markets (talk). DUKXTSS ARMS PROPOSALS Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 14 ,( 5:15—Orchestra. Toilet Goods, and Service...... II garage. 169 Summit street Phone lettuce, beets, carrots, onions, and cent on all persons who hold jobs; Wxnt^d^Bnslness Service • • * II 5987. sw eet com . they reduce the-dole for the unem­ 6:30—Nursery Jinglw, Songs and SITUATIONS WANTED— Rochester, N. Y., June 14.— (A P ) Stories. Geheva, -Junie 14.->.(AP)—B w h Edneatlonal The lettuce now being tested for ployed and the wounded war veter­ Gibson amd Hugh R.VlTl8on, repr»' Courses and Classes 17 F E M A L E 88 FOR RBjNT— 4 ROOM tenement, —Prieneb of Ireland t^ay liaid tri­ 6:45— Childhood Playlet. : Private Instruction ...... II its' adaptability in tbis 'state ' has an, and they eliminate all exemp­ senting rite United States at the as*^. garage, LiUey street near Center; bute to the memory of Mrs. Cath­ made a much better show^g than 6:00—Time; WeaUier; Sports Dancipg .18-A erine T. Wheelwrighti mother of tions from the turnover tax. There armaunenl' ' (xinfermce, (flaCiused Musleel—Dramatic » * • * ejCH eae e also 6 room cott^e, Columbia that tested last year, wbich.'failed to R eview . WANTED—POSITION as mothei^s is also a new salt tax O f 6 pfennigs Ameri<^. firms proposalq,^ today: Wanted'^-Instruction Ie a e e e a Lake, electric lights, water, 2 car Eamon de Valera, president of the produce a single head in 4 out of 18 ■ 6:10—Organ—Louis Weir. ‘ helper. Telephone 7617. a pound This-tax Is expected to ^ t h Premier Herridt of Fniu " Fi*a*del g a ra g e. Telephone 5661. Irieh Free State, as her body lay in 6:15—The 'Monitor Views the Bonds—Stocks—Mortsaxea t l cases. Other early vegetables are jdeld 60,000,000 m ark s,.an d th at on Li^er . Mr.. amd Mrs, 5GMheon Business Opportnnitlee...... the neat little cottage where she died also being studied for their adapt­ N e w s. - hosts tb. Prime-' 'Iffiiister '-Raunsay. WOMAN OP SWEDISH birth FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, Sunday. the en^loyed 400.000,000 marks, thp Money to Loan ...... II would like housework, where she ability to Connecticut'conditions. . latter to he applied to the unem­ 6:30— Governor John G. Winant MacDonald and bis daughter UA m ,'' .Help and Rltnatlo** all improvements, 93 Charter Oak The casket was banked with Donald F. Jones, Lawrence C. New Hampehlre. Help Wanted-^Femal* ...... II could have her 10 year , old daugh­ ployment dole. Sir John Simon, the British foreign street Apply Sam’s Shoe Shop. flowers sent by the American Asso­ Curtis, and W. Ralph Singleton, of Help Wanted-r-Male ...... II ter with her. Mrs. Nora Birath, 87 The -Socialist newspaper' Vor- 6:46—Tojdcs in Brief ------L o w d P seeretmyr -and -Lady— Simen, a f 701 M ain street. * ciation for the Recognition of the the plant breeding department, and Thom as. Help Wanted-r-Male or Femal* .. 17 East Middle Turnpike. waerts said today that, the presi­ luncheon. - Ax*nts Wanted ...... 17-A Irish Republic, the consul general H. G. M. Jacobson and Dwight 7:00—Time; Amos ’n’ Andy. * FOR RENT—4 AND 5 ROOM ^ dent had been deluged w i& protests. SltnatlonB Wanted—^F>emale...... II of the Irish Free State in New York Downs, of the sofls department, will Sltnatlone Wanted—M ale...... II f7om> wounded veterans and from 7:16— Sketches, Songs, O rebee- The nine-banded arpaidido cf the. One rent brand new, just finished, City, and other friends of the Free be present to discuss the experi­ Employment Asrenelee...... 41 FUEL AND FEED 49-A workers against the - reduction of tWU ' ' ■ Southwest bears its offspriiqix in Live Stock—Pete—Poalt^—TeUelee $15-822., Walnut, near Pine street ments. 7:30— Comedy Sketch. State leader and his mother, who their allowances. litters (ff four. The four creatures Dor*—Bird*—Pete ...... 41 Inquire Taiior Shop, 3 Walnut S t The Connecticut Vegetable Grow­ Liv>-Stock—Vehicles ...... 41 FOR SALE—A PEW tons of No. had been the widow of a Spanish ______. _ e ______• 7:45—Billy Jones and Ernie H m . are always of thp; same uex. Ponltiy and Supplies ...... 41 1 hay. F. E. Smith, Buckland, sculptor and musician. ers Association is co-operating with 1 Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 Conn. Tomorrow morning, Rev. Thomas the Station in holding the Field Por Sale—m*eella*ce*B H O U S E S F O R R E N T 65 Day- 4.rtlclcs for S a l*...... 41 J. Wheelwright, a son by her sec­ Boats and; Aeeossorles ...... 4| ond husbiond, will celebrate a solemn Bnlldinr Materials ...... 4t WANTED—TO BUY 58 FOR RENT—TWO SINGLE houses, six rooms each and one 9 room, ail mass of requiem in Blessed Sacre- UNDBEBGH MEMORIAL Notice b hereby given that the an* Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 41 ment churd^ nual meeting of the Legal Voters ot Eleotrlcal Appliances—Radio ... 41 I BUY ALL KINDS of household improvepients. Apply Edward J. Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A • Mris. Wheelwright’s last message the ' goods, furniture etc. Better prices HoU. Phone 4642. Little Fans, Minn., June 14— (A P ) Garden — Farm—Dairy Prodnets BO to her son Eamon de Valera is be­ Household Goo^ ; ...... i i paid If you call or write NaUxan- —The memory of Charles Augustus ing carried to Ireland by the R t Lindbergh,'Jr., will live oh In Little FIFTH SCHOOL DISTRICT Macblnenr and T ools...... |S Liverant Colchester,- Conn. Tele­ 0ICTUQC8 sue Unsleal Instruments...... || Rev. Monslgnor Charles F. Shay, lfT O 0 / ^ H A L COCHRAN phone 97. REAL ESTATE FOR Falls where hie father, CoL Cbarlls of the Town of Manchester, Con­ Office and Store BqnIpraMit M pastor of S t Patrick’s cathedral hi Lindbergh, grew to manhood pedals at th* Stores ...... M ______E X C H A N G E 76 necticut, will be. held in the eebooi Wearlnr Apparel—F u rs...... IT this city, who is on his way to at­ A tiny seedling taken from « giant house of said district on Keeney Wanted—To Buy ...... f i tend the Eucharistic Congress in pine in Llxidbergb state park on the ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 FOR SALB-^R EXCHANGE a Street, within.eal<).Town, on Mon­ R®e**—B»hvd—Hetels—Beeerte .Dublin. site of the old Lindbergh homestead, day, June 20, 1932, at seven o’clock Bestaarante five room bungalow and garage, has been,planted In Memorial Park Room*: Without Board ...... M FOR RE37T—FURNISHED room in for a dairy farm in or near Coven­ Michael MeWhite, minister pleni­ (Standard Time) in the afternoon, Boardete^^anted ....ll- A private family, board if desired. potentiary of the Irish Free State here to honor the memory of the for the following purposes to wit: Country Board—Resorts try. For information call Rosedale kidnaped child *•*#**•• M Inquire 572 Center street. 13-4. at Washington, ,will represent the 1. To sleet a moderator of said Hptels^Restsuraats .. It will* be dedicated next Sunday Wan ted—Rooms—Board *.* 8 De Valera government at the mseting. Real BetatePor R**t TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, Ugbt fu n e ra l in the presence of representatives of 2. To beiur the reports of the offi* Aparttnents, Flats, Tenemsnts «. housekeeping, or room, board and the local grade schools, ears of said distrlet and to take Busineis Locations for Itest ... 8 garage. Pleasant summer location, HORN SAVES LIFE action thereon. . House* for Rent • s a ••Rs a II reasonable terms, 19 Autumn t SUFT. RESIGNS 8 . To elect tbe -offieers of sold Suburban for Rent ___ 8 Waynesburg, Pa., June 14.- Summer Homes for Rent * * s'# • • a Ir distrlet for th# ensuing year, eonsist- wanted to R en t...... M (A P )—niomas Parkinson’s ‘ bead New Haven, Jufl# 14,— (A P ) — . Real Bstaf* Per Sal* ing of three eommitteemen, eltrk, pushed a button and iaved'his life. Lleut-Colonel Walter L. Simpson, ’ Ssslsd bids will he recdvsd'by the treoeurer, tax ooSeetor and two Apartment Building for Sal* ... N COUNTRY BOARD- The blast of a horn sounding in­ Business Property for Sal#...... w resigned today as superintendent Of South Manchester Fire D e p o r^ n t auditors. Farms and I^nd for Sale R E S O R T S 60 cessantly brought neighbors run­ Grace hospital, a position he has at Hose company. No. , Sprues Houses for Sale 8 4. To transact any other buslnsfs ning to Senator C. W. Paricinson’s held for two years. street, not later th u 4 P. M., E- 8 > proper to come before sold meeting. Lots for Sal* •• ^ 9 • §9» 9 MILLIE ANN COTTAGE-^ Room gsrags yesterday. They found tbs sad board, all horns oooklaf, 182 Barry V. Whipple, former dty T., June 18,1982; for fiimlsblnf four Dated at Manchester,- Conn., this Buburban for SalsBill# I...... • «I • * •'. s ...... s •••••. Senator's son, 17, uneonsoious from treasurer, has been named aettw 88x7, 12-ply tires ind four hMvy 14th day of June, 1982. ^tat# for Bzobsag* ...... f| Atlantic Avs., Misquaaiiout, R. L carbon monoKlds gas, with his head euperlntendent He enee was pred- Wsnt*d--Rsal Estate ...... f f Dial Manchester 8678 for reserva­ duW tubsfi. teiWARD H. KBBNET, resting on tbs bom button. dsnt of tbs Merchants Nattmial Adders; should state name of .1 »A',****8— » tion. Mrs. Ann Waddell and Mies HENRY JORDAN, si Hotiees He was revived after several Bank and later of the Congreis tires and tubes. - Mildred Erickson. hours. LOUISE KAOBNOW, Bank and Trust Company. Ch i e f ^ b . f o t .< Committee. ______- ______. A GAS BUGGIES—SccHre One for Glen Bg FRANK BECK K joM A D fm n o n , n o D r o q l o b n m n o f u i B ) 1,41 VU$ elephant, drsoNd IHib a down, do, but he was only ptoyng. From h M w to swing his tnmk around. hla trunk'the water conMi * H m i fUT THE APPLES A CHILD’S GLANDS "HFe thirsty," dumltd Dunqy, *T *Ttemember,.jrott brought I t e that W H A T I* , ARB ,COOKED A N D ,THAT PRODUCE THE / , can help him out, I tUnlL drink. The wnde t l w f ' is. your X^VI SEEM i x A r o n c t w w n o BNZVM BS TO "You Tinymitsfl all trait right fkult Z think. A Mg bsASt Itnows I B b D B R N YOU PEED . THE CATALVnC ACTION PACiUmTE AMiMILATION AOTHORITIES hare. I know where * there's , a no bettor,, so I don't think IP's to HER N fC E M A R V TO' A U n h flUPPICIBNTLy O N CHUP buekst, near. ZR Ed it tm with blams." APPLEr COAGULATE THE AT water and then giee SUm^ Jim a RfARINO Ths Tlnlss then hoard < musie EAUCE.. eAREO-MYORAn». drink." , / swset Upon a tttti# wagoA seat AORII ON ON6 Off Duney ran and soon ha fataid THINa JOT LEAST / / there eat a maa asd ha oriiid out «BP SMS the bucket, sitting on ths groflnd. -'IR play aoflM tunea floT ybu. He filled it up with water and' . "Iw a Mg ealliope, you know, fur- TH AT The walked bock to tbs bunch. alihea idiisle for oUt show. Who OMMATUT They put It near the hto beofitfa PtetsTto try a n d ^ U r It is not, H AZZA/tO A feet The eleph«nt drank It 'Twas iorkaf#to do." - ' im CHtLO FA CM a treat 'T told you," ahouted Dun-i Then m Ttm e o o o cy,'that I had a h fi| ^ bUBoh.". 1 • N T »m O N § C A Just then he got A surpriaai A H iN P u u a m ir 8 0 ms WAtor splaMbed-right FATH9H ■ eycfl. The Tinymttea trin n Ui 'Whsit-hAppenedt" Dtai^eried.^* '1 feel ikO 'TO tMeBi-ifwliflaln^ GaalMt (Udnt fed so^dM Io aid • ■ *' ...... -i ^ l - •>. -f-v ^ ■ ..V': '-'4’ / . .•?■»■' w. OUR BOARDING HOUW B r Fontaine Fo i SENSE AND NONSENSE ToonerviUe Folks ~ GUMi Ahem =t - ■

r m « i 8M1 w« iniM6 itThoi^rd aponey In this tlm«*I^oM ( ^ EmploymMit Incmtnble.ptable. IBspecially|Sspec|aUy bo with the ■II PipiMrlty' BmaUvr bills now in‘ I vogue.vogue -jb Be A <9og3> Pibflt. Voa uia. TiRSf HXve-lb >ev/feL6PM MASTa M 1 43T Gran<^ Has a Severe Cold. Pa tye T6R oBeeRWAttoti -^Borr % T V 60R Bif Hen (boutfully)—I ge thir­ Has the Grip. And Sunny Has the Hu, Put They Are Ak Taking the Vviiu. VoU t HA'I' ! AeeMcV w AM’ AM’tt. ty (^ta. a dosen tor nay ega^ How ^ifrsMeuwM’ w e W muc^ do’you get' tor y o u n f Same Medicine. Masf we ABue-fo flLAAjce a-t a Qfff A -^LEM-f Ri’ EM 8n ^ Hen~I get twenty-five BUI—Don’t you ever use tooth- MAi^o /Uip AM Hour ArteRyiARP Bc cente a doaen« ABue.-tb BescRiBe Mis logics, si'ee* w var CAM -iAKe Big Hen (ecomfuUy)—‘YHiy don’t paste? T 6'’ tMSlXMce -W f r f Mi thirty PhU—Why should I when . C L o-rH eSt I -yv AHeM -.^u iMc l I l \ : you lay big egge and get haven't any teeth loose. A-tjM Boy< - ^ C M MJpe r r centa a doaen, too? Queer Creatures! They buy a \a1AS am iMSPeCfoR TOR S<:bnLAMP 8n»U Hen-^uhl I ahould exert bathi^ suit that is mostly holes and v: VARP, I OOUUP RlDe am Btf>R6SS "tRAlM _ AMVPLACe , AM’ AM’tU nayaelf for a nickel! thtfifc it ruined when a moth makes AMP>-tHft AJe»f PAV, MtMP Volt ri> SMIFF VO’ T«a>K another one. Won’t It Be a Grand and Glotioua peSCRlBS iM PertAlL tHS PeoPte vmMg -T6 l-rr-^VAS World Anin When We Are All Why buy a home ? The average BttGP oM -tHe S-fA^flftM • AM CAM SAAeu. Back At Work And Can Growl And man ii bom in a hospital; reared in PU-miRMS,ASrfMe QUrr A A Crab About B ^ Wage 81avea a boarding school; educated in col­ With No Leiaure T:me ? lege; does his courtlag in an auto­ ^-TPAIM 5 PeP T109 6B AOAttt* mobile; is married in church; spsnds r FAMcy rtHA-r/ ^. The Host—Mr. Johnaon, I’m sure his mornings golfing, afternoons »w> you’ll help., us out with a aong. plsying bridge, and evenings at the Mr. Johnaon—Sorry, but nay vocal talkies; when sick he .?oea to a efforts are. confined to ainging in nay hospitsl, and is buried from an un bath. dertaker’s. AU one needs today is The Host—Oh, do sing, and I’ll a bedroom and a garage. warn thena that you’re rather out of practice. 00-FILOT*B LICENSE Fable:’ Once upon a time there was a radio announcer who pronounced Waahlagton, —A recent amend the word “deluxe” correctly. meat to tie Air Commerce Regula tlon states that a co<^pUot woming Grandmother—The cow. says moo, under a chief pilot in a passenger the sheep says baa. airplane must possess a trapsport Child—What kind of a neiM does pilot Itosnss. ’This new ruling is an armadillo make? designed to give “greater* recognl tlon to the responsible position oo- t n e . You never see any of'thosoHmap cupisd by the chief pilot, who is AM P 1^ rv4-- orators around in a campaign wheye hud to a strict aooountahUity for money is being raised tor: a. good the craft and its occupants at all cause. Nqt yet you haven’t. times.” speciAus-i^ Carolyn—Don’t hosier your head GIANT BOMBER about him any nwre, dear, there Bordeaux—A huge night bombing are identy more fish in ttui sea. plsae recently tried out here is s Her Daughter—I know, but he SYanof’i nsfimst mllltam air threat j^rMMahw Va^ 1NI> . atju a goldfish. It ofip.take off with O.OOQ pbup^ of homtae and is equiraod ^ th three “ru never have to go to the ex- machine guae for defensive fighting. 'pense Of having H^rays - taken,” Its top epeed it about ITd xmles an SCORCHY SMITH Betty Listens In By John C. Teny boasted Amos Tash of BrushvUla hour at an altitude ; 11,500 feet. “My wife is able to see right In length it ie 70 feet Wd In width through me any time.” 120 feet Four motors drive It * Now isn’t this a “nutty” one to 1 un.-- crack? CHVC JQHES HhS JUST PLOW* \M ^ JAKE MUST iWEMWIktrO , SOMETUING UN&JESTiOMABLY^ The club members v^re passing FLAfPER fAljHy SAY& THE FORMPEH MOUNlAiN j MAS GONE W f^G . Jokes. . .. FROKITHS CROW W »W «TiO M ARP ^ I TVaNKWEOUSHTTO First a u b Member—Can you teU TWe mPlAHS R EFUU'tO owe ANV COUMTEV AMP'mESUPr m3 the difference between a Scotch­ DePlMlTE mPOWAATION AS TO TM€ . STTTIOUS REOSKINS, SPREAP TME AWAWA — man and a cocoanut? : PlRSCnpN SCORWy’S PLAHE WSHT I areapravpto AMP b e g in AN AIR After a while, as no reply was actasquipes , UAVE. ANyrUlMG, AHPGROUNP SEARCH forthcoming, the speaker decided to BTH€R» t x j n ' t supply the answer:. M0ReTt)‘‘l>O First Club Member—Well, you w r w 1T‘ nftw get a drink out of a cocoanut, Tmt— Scotchman—Ebtcuse me, but 1 happen' to be a Scotchman. Would you like a drink ? First Club Member—I’d be de­ lighted. , , '' '' ‘^Scotchman—'Then buy yourself a cocoanut. Lecturer—This it the skull of a who was shipwrecked tor two '^ ars oh a desert island with two beautlf^d,chorus girls.. Man Ifi! Hear of the Hall—How did By WiUiams he die? WASHINGTON TUBBS H By Cran« OUT OUR WAY Lecturer—He wore himself out tearing down the signals they put ' up. Ji^dging from the raipidl^ with . which the me^es.in the hose being worn by womui are increasifi^ in ea \NeLL.,VOUvJB 7 T h e " I D E A ». . sixb, it is not going to be long before The new tax bill must have tax­ OOOOW! GOT TO DO S O M E M EKl \ TS 6 ^ L y eTARTEO OM women will find It impossible to ed Oongreea’ energy. C A P E . FU U , SOMETHtuer! A R E WEARTIEGE/ FOR T H ‘ THAT VACAPOM CARE.PyL.» IF WOO GvviiKtG A m e r e s u m m e r JOB TPOAy-- 1 w O b *?E R ^ -IK L E A S T OOKT <5 CHOOL B o y VACAPOM Fl^BCkLES AKD h is FRIEN D S T P u C R ■ e o T b w « 5P i< A JO B CARRViMO T P MORROW/ W U P Y ^ SLA TE OP By Blosser v o o m i g h t ROOFE. LOSE VOUR MffSS COfSES POP!^MHAT DO JOB. RUHNIM9 A.1MS AU . VDO TWE d sr oar....8u r h e DOE CAnWER SOLD POODLE POP FIVE


g e w M , for the first p e c , comes the IfAVlPUL REAllZAPON TVWr.TWeV M?E REIKLWT COHMiCXS, B U t CONVIETS.


By Small SALESMAN SAM F irs t Aid! /


:.fT ? r 7 rVi?T^'-g-^ iiiart'asjM. - 0&- .ai-V o- ■■ " ' ' ■ '■■■■ ■ ' ■ ;a., oob in poor boalto tor Center street was called to South- pointed chairman of the commltteb' liner are: Mr. and Mrsi Frank W. Colb. It wao voted to hold the next proceedinge required JUet under flf^ Edward J. Murphy mads an cesoors and that' too award bo made some time. A dologntion ftom ‘the field, Mass., yesterday by news of in charge. The degree was eon.-' Mullen and family of i Fairfield teen mlnutee. AU of tbe officem amendment to hie propoeal a year only to pupils who are students of u e serious illness of her mother. Terred on several candidates at laot ■tate convention in Waterbury. street; Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of were re-elected. B^cheotor poUbo dopartmont vliit> ago that a trust fund be eetal^- the group of schools at this date od too homo last ovonlng nnd flow^ night’s meeting. A social time fol­ 95 Center street; Mrs. Rose A. Bar One Mill Tax ed from the eamlngs of which too known as the Eighth District Second Congregatlonallsts and lowed during which- the eonnaittef^ Friends in town have received ent of 96 Center street; and Wil A tax rate of one mill wae levied boy and girl of the Eighth district iBcbools.’’ OTs were also r a t by ths msmhsn' others interested will be welcome to for the evening served strawberry news of "the birth of a deughtor, am Turkington of • 125 Center payable October 1. Tble le expected OX tha local polloa. attend the meeting at the church shortcake with whipped cream and Carol Holdredge, to Mr. and Mrs. gstreet In many cases, the length of to yield between |7,000 and |7.8(K this evening at 8 o’clock when the tea. VarloAis gam es were played. John H. Crockett of New York CItv, stay abroad is dependent on busl whloh will take care of the eatlinat- i^eakers will be from out of town, formerly of thla town. ness conditions in this country. ed expeneee of tbe fire and aewer and the topic the "First Century departments. Prior to the recent ChrlstiEui Fellowship." Edward Dauchy, Henry W. Lord Mary Buahnell Cheney Auxillaxy, and Harold W. Walsh are the three school consolidation the district U. 8. W. V., will have a special meet­ voted a 4^ mill tax. Manchester men who are today in ing tomorrow evening at the State Mrs. J, Arthur Drayton of Rock­ Hertford to serve as Jurymen tn the OPEN FORUM Officers of the district were au­ ville is chairman of the committee Armory. Flag Day will be observed. thorized to borrow a sum not to ex­ criminal side of the Superior Ooui^ Action will also be taken on the of arrangements for the Emblem of Hartford County which opens to4 ceed 815,000 to meet current ex­ Club’s bridge tomorrow afternoon death of Slater Gertrude Simpson of FIBEWbBKB DISPLAY penses. William W. Robertison was day. Alexander Turkington had Bucldand which occurred morn­ at 2:80 at the Elks home. She will been summoned by Deputy Sheriff re-elected president of the district be assisted by Mrs. Robert Dower/of ing at 2 o’clock. Members will make Editor of The Herald: and as an economic move, tbe pres­ James H. Johnston, but he was ill their plana' to attend her funeral ' this town. and was excused. Could I intrude on your space » ident declined to accept the salary which will take place at the home little Just to voice my feeli^s in of 8800 which toe position carries Thursday afternoon at 2:80. regard to the Fourth of July cele­ He did toe same a year ago. bration as planned? The meeting last night was at­ ^e.^Salvation Army band will go I have always enjoyed the eve­ tended by less than 50 persons ani: to* EUington this evening to give a ning exercises on the old golf included in this number was a cqncert on the green and take part grounds in previous years, but real­ group of 15 eighth grade civics stu­ in the Washington Bicentennial cele­ bration. . ly thla Is so different I am Just dents imder the supervision of thinking today how many children Martina Gilchrist who took her pu­ Tim m ^m son^Stic. there are In Manchester that are pils to the meeting for a lesson In denied the necessary nourishment civics and parliamentary procedure ( B m d u t ttet their parents so much wish to Jndge Hyde Moderator 0. E. S. GRAND O m C E R S give them. I feel the citizens of our President Robertson opened the fair town should 'deny themselves meeting and called for nominations ARE ENTERTAINED IME this hour of pleasure, and study out for moderator. This post went to how many quarts of milk and other Judge William S. Hyde. President High Quality Towels necessities the proposed expendi­ Robertson then moved that toe fi­ This Season’s More Than 200 Attend — Rose ture would provide. There are chil­ nancial reports recently pubUslred at Lowest Prices. Party Feature — Initiatory dren in town who are beginning to in The Herald be , accepted and wonder what a real good drink of placed on file. This was so voted. Degree Exemplified. milk tastes like. The president moved that a sunTof Temple Chapter, Order of the Christ said, “Inasmuch as ye pi,000 be set aside to use in operat­ Eastern Star, entertained its grand have done it unto one of the least ing the north end playgrounds and Smartest officers at the. Masonic Temple last of these ye have done it unto me ’ this was also carri^ without oppo­ r think He meant it both ways l sition. Then came toe election of of­ evening. More than 200, including feel He would he much more pleasf(.'! ficers. Mark Holmes nominated Mr. 50 invited guests gathered in the ^ tb our display of patriotism alon- I Robertson to succeed himself and J l ' K , banquet hall at 6 o’clock and en­ the line I have tried in my simple WeDs A. Strickland named William joyed a. delicious supper prepared way to suggest rather than have under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy this money go up in smoke. (25e Grades) Frocks Viertel and her committee. It was Trusting you will find space for This is the lowest price at which these towels have a rose party, roses adorned every this, and that it may be received in sold in 25 years! The kind that will give years of table and at the guest table a minla- toe spirit of helpfulness;. . David Chambers service, ' e y ’re thick, heavy, fluffy, abirorbent towels tuer rose arbor called forth admira­ (Signed) "A MOTHER.’*- of a double thread weave. In the convenient size, tion of all. The decorations of ever­ 20x40 Inches. Colqr-fast borders. green trees and bougha used at the Contractor M: Unusual Values recent flower show in the temple banquet hall formed a perfect baek- grpimd for the colorful flowers. A.n and Builder arm bouquet of roses was presented to the grand matron and floral fa­ PAINTER AND DECORATOft vors to her associate'' grand officers. Good Work pt Reasonable Prices. iF m : .The initiatory degree was exem­ plified at the meeting which follow­ 113 Cooper St. Tel. 483!) ed In tbe main lodge hall which was SEE THE NEW presided over by Worthy Matron Mrs. E. Af Lettney. The spedal : EASY WASHER NOWI A DEEP WAVE at (29c Grades) miMde by the quartet added, much to The greatest towel value we have, ever offered. The the effectivenus of the ceremonial. MARCEL PERMANENl Styled for jrou heavy Cannon turkish towels—soft, absorbent, fluffy ^ tC ta ffo n s Jacket Models k $ 5 9 * 5 0 and thick! Snow white with color-fast pastel borders. . alone in mod- \ew agitator, balloon type Crepes Short Sleeves ' em manner Extra large size, 22x44 inches. The kind you want » rolls; new tub, new beauty, for summer use! Regularly 29c each. MANCHESTER ( M with our ex­ ■J inly 85 a month. Printed ^epes Sleeveless clusive cool White and Pastel Shades comfort pro­ Jacquard TD WED PROFESSOR cess. KEMP’S, INC. Misses’ Sizes.... .Women’s Sizes Free Home Demonstration. Turkish Face I Miss Elsa Jane Palmer To SETTING Second Floor Wessels S.« Middaugh, of Ringlets if Towels Cloths Faculty At Storrs. desired. Arthur D. Palmer of 129. Oakland No charge for consultation. 6 for S d c street announces the engagement of The his daughter. Miss Elsa Jane A. W. BENSON We’ve sold quantities Slip-On FRENCH BEAUTY of these towels! We of- Palmer, to Wessels S. Middaugh, son Neat two-tone Jacquard of Mrs. Edna Middaugh, of Ithaca, SHOPPE RADIO 7 fer them again for our N. Y. Miss Palmer, is a. graduate Dial 3058 Jime Towel Sale.»Fine, face cloths — fluffy, of Manchester High school and uf Aldea Petitjean, Mgr. SERVICE ■heavy quality turkish heavy, absorbent terry. Connecticut Agricultural College, Formerly with toe Beauty Nook. towels with Pine Tree Rose and green, orchid SWEATERS class of 1930, after which she re­ Johnson Block. ____ Di»l 3142 borders. Also Cannon ceived the appointment of state club bordered towels. Hand and-. green, . blue and f(^r the 3 to 8 years a g en t size. gold. Fast color. Middaugh was graduated from Cornell U^versity in 1928 and Hale’s Towels—^Main Floor, left. for severalf years has been op the faculty of Connectlout A^ci^turai 3 0 C i i £ i L College as assistant preffessor of agricultural economics. The Manchester Public Market SPECIALS AT OUR BAKERY DEBT. efe-KtttfatoCaMsat Rayon and lisle Slip-on Sweaters with short sleeves. / SOUTH Mf\NCHEST£R- CONN • Pink, green, blue, maize, white and red, LEATHER SOLE)S and Home Made Fashioned Raised Loaf Cakes 19c each RUBBER HEELS H w e w d e Strawberry Pies from native berries, ...... 1 9 , B. T. Inc.—Street Floor SdG^iir $ i ,od*"’ Haah,special ■■■■...... 15clb. RUBBER HEEI£ offrech fleh by truck early Wedneeday 25c SELWmSHOE ...... lO c c a c k PINEHURST KEPAIIUNG Schall^r Motor Sales, Inc., announce the opening: of aaoflier Selwttz BuUding, and EOari MEAT SPECIALS important branch of their business, a fire depariment with a o Eat. 1908 ' ...... 1 5 c lb 2 lbs. 25c Fresh live or Boiled Lobsters ridded Hgs* Feet ...... r.... 15c lb., 2 Ibfl. 2-5c complete line of tires. They will handle the most popular m»iry^ ^ “ JjGfound Hamburg for a lo^ or. meat and will have largest, finest and most complete stock of tires in department sug­ * * * * • * •»» 15c lb.p 2 lbs. 25c Manchester. gests lamb, beef or veal stew. ^ Stop Throwinsr Berries at right price._____ ; Again Wednesday Pinehurst will fea- Afvay Razor ture Lamb Patties at 4 fo r ...... 2 5 c Blade* ! F1)ee Delivery. DiSl 5111 ortii pattte wiU be wrapped with bacon and ^ weigh atent a quarter of a pound, neaae call your or- USE k r is s -k r o ss dor early as theie pattiea ceU out very fa a t^ ^ N STROPPER — a* Free blades for two years with U . 8 . first order. n s K Calves’ Liver Local Sales Bepnratattvik W. H. BURKE THE BEST FIBESTOHE All this Week, Sliced Bacpn .... 25c lb. Painb, SheUacs and Varaithes andothfriaalids Fresh Fowl for f r i ^ e e ...« .,. 28c lb. EWI hoH dlc^r At Prices That Are F^otn Our Best Butter ,...... 25c lb. Watch For Our Opening Sale! IWUB«N» m > TO 30% LOWQt ONE WiRK STMtTENG SATW^AY, j m B 18 i Bananas, H lbi...... 25c ciiB beboqght saywhere else^ Aaparagna (Ssaaon for this soon ovorl) Decorating and Painting done by us Is guarantied to Now Potatoea, 1-2 peck...... 22c be sattsfaetoiy, ; .Green Beans, 2 q t^ ...... 2gc L . JeniMty

Nktfvs 2 qts...... - ^ ^ ^ ,25c X- -X'. Watennelons .. ^/JB^vifitol BSad and Proo|to)t M 884Center:SteMit ■7.- % tw|iyNigHts7to«. i '•■ccldwwsnyili nm..e«MdlM Lugi^:8d|tetioii, ■ •' . 'Vi'' a , -•■j ; ■■ 1^ • '■j:**, ■
