./^Viite, r». - * ‘"■^1'if 'WU' u r*. 1 (TWELVE PAOIbS) PRICE THESE CENTS VOL. U ., NO. 218. i# ** S p i ^ mXN(^ TUESDAY; JUNE 14. 1^ . THE BIG SHOW OPENS AT' GHIGAGO k* At G.O.P. m H i M E r A r a w n w w W o n u ' Posbnaster Writes To Hosphal'Here Demamir FORCES ON WET PLANK ■ g DeaA Certfficate FLOORCONTESr Change To Wipe Ont Blot. ISCERTAIN ON BOOM FOR DAWES . Grindnal action will be instituted by Lawrence Huntley of Long- CHAU SEEMS SPREADING* meadow, Rhode Ldand, according to DRYLAWPLANK FESS a letter received at the Mandiester Memorial hospital, charging falsifi­ cation of the death certificate of Platform Builders Work Opening of Convention Ometest In Years — Keynoter Lawrence L. Huntley, late of Dob- sonvUle, Vernon, which has been Until Midnight To Get Dodges Prohibition Issue— Bnrst of Cheering At Men­ filed in the town clerk’s office here Huntley died at the hospital May 2 and was buried in Elmwood ceme­ Plank In Final Form But tion of Hoover’s Name— Calm and Harmonious As Del­ tery, Vernon, May 4. The death certificate filed in the town clerk’s office shows one “Veronica Huntley’’ B ad e Has Not Yet Begun. egates Seemed There Were Indications Worries Smoul­ to be the wife of the deceased and is so recorded. The death certificate dered Beneath the Surface— Real Work Begins Late is signed by Dr. Chester F. Hogsm, Cadcugo, J ^ e 14.— ( A P ) — W o rk ­ resident physician of Memorial hos­ in g -'iMUdfist -time, administration pital. forcce fnoitically kewed a prohibi­ Today For Hatform Builders— Dry Plank WiU Be De­ The action is indicated in a let­ ter received from Bertha J. Huntley tion rMubmission plank into final postmaster of Longmeadow, R. I., a form today with the. wavering hope bated At Tomorrow’s Session— Hoover To Be Nomi­ small town on Warwick Neck at the it would lead the Republican Party iq>per part of Narragansett Bay. safely past the threat of the most ^ e charges in her letter that Law nated On Thursday. rence Huntley was her husband tumultuous platform battle of the that he became infatuated with one -century. Mrs. James Bannon (Veronica As tke convention opened in an Chicago Stadium , Jime 14.— (A P ) PROGRAM FOR TODAY Huntley) and broke up her home atmosphere tense with uncertainty, — In the quietest of opening sessions, AT THE CONVENTION leavhog her with three children to piurty leaders here were waiting for the Republican convention submerg­ unequivocal approval by President s w ^ t , aged three, six, and nine. ed its troubles for the moment to­ Called to order at 11 a. m. 1 & happened five years ago, ac­ Hoover of the resubmission declara­ Central Daylight Time by Sena-, day, but did not forget them. cording to Mrs. Huntley’s letter. tion before going into action against tor Fess, chairman Republican Mjade His Choice the repeal campaign of undeter­ As its keynoter, Senator Dickin­ National committee. When Huntley became Involved mined proportions. son of Iowa, talked to restless dele­ Prayer by Rt. Rev. James E. w ith the V eronica in^ the case, the GXCKINSQH; The adi^nistration proposal sanc­ gates and half filled galleries about Freeman, Episcopal bishop of letter states that Mrs. Huntley gave » ^ Y r S G T E J ^ tions resubmission with' a call to almost everything but prohibition, Washington, D. C. Congress to provide a substitute for a g^oup of convmition chiefs sped him his choice of leaving the woman The big G. 0. P. show of 1932 gets under way! \^^th thoiisimds in attendance, the Republican National Convention Temporary roll call. alone or leaving the home. Huntley, the 18th Amendment, guuding the away across town' to their hotels to Election ^ temporary chair­ dcidined to quit the woman and l^t, opened in Chicago today, bent upon re-nominating President Hoover for another four-year term, in, the W hite House. Above wishes of those states de^ring to re­ try .to heal a new breach over the man, Senator Dickinson of Iowa. the letter states. are Senator Simeon D. Fess of Ohio, chairman of the Republican National, Comihittee, whose gavel called the. conven^on to or­ m ain dry. plank for re-submission. Keynote address by temporary Mrs. Huntley says she has had a der, and Senator L. J. Dickinson of Iowa, temporary ch^rman and keyrtote speaker. Intenor and exterior views of the Chi- ^larfteld As Chairman A boom for General Charles G. chairman. hmrd stru g gle to g et alon g w ith the The r^^utions committee, picked Dawes to replace Vice President 'Election of temporary officers. three children after her hiSbSd caR® Stadium, scene of the convention, are also shown, r-r-l" 1 with even more care than usual by Curtis as President Hoover's running Selection of committee;] on left, and through the aid of influen- the state delegations, goes into its mate, spread in every direction, and credentials, permanent organiza­ tial friends was appointed post first session late today with James a real battle looked probable^ tion, rules, resolutions and order master of the town which appoint­ RL Garfield, of Ohio, the President’s The convention session itself took of business. ment she still holds. BOOMING JOHNSON ^oice, as its predestined chairman. no official note of these things. It Miscellaneous business. Mrs. Huntley states that she was Pfcildcnt' Hoover was given for was given over wholly to formalitii not notified of the death of her hus tb» his friends as mem- most of them so dry that ddegatM hand, until after he waa burled, a b«ra of this platformhuilding com- l and !tators -paid little--attentk>if. letter being received May 8 from mittee, but many of them, induding [‘They ked and walked aboiit so Mhw'ilBSem]}!^* At ll o’(fi6ck (Centrhl Daylight Time), the hour ‘Charles ’ HU&tley; 8 brother, who •.Vlv RecrewQT Mills of New York, were much that even the big voice of the wrote the particulars. Mrs. Hunt* ley said that had she received notice and the galleries had clusters of in du6'time, she would have sent her dhlcago, June 14.— (AP) — Here<^ Ihe Republican'tariffm a , .p re ­ Secretary H utlw reached the co;J . | When he mentioned the name of 14-year-old son to the funeral.,- Ddecation At Q ^ o Would Over 400 At Convention, 93 customers only here and there. are some striking sentences from served the American maricet for ;the vention early in tine day to add his Herbert Hoover, there was just a . About two years ago, the letter American producer. • t ' . : support to the band of Cabinet mem­ momentary burst of cheering. When On- the plaNprm, Senator Dlckih- Senator L. J. Dickinson’s keynote, states, she'received a letter from Ron Ijlandiester Man. For Gangdom, racketeering and thug­ of Whom Will Have'Pow- bers and advisers off the President he' ran qrdckly over the name ct son was'posing-for {fictures. Fntak Huntley, stating that he had tak^ speech, to -'Ithe Republican National gery iwould be stcuhped out;of our in the struggle to obtain a solution Dt^wes, he aroused some subdued O. LoViden of BUnols, several times ou t' wome insurance “fo r the chil­ convention: , nation. ' ' ■ of the problem. handclapping. Mostly, his pro­ voted for as the favoi s of sqvertl dren.’’ Mrs. Huntley is especially New "At Large” Post. Herbert Hoover was at grips-with The .world.'has.come to'know that er Report Progress nouncements of party principle were I states for the. presidential nomina­ anxious to find out if there was any the forces of depression before the, the Unitell StgVes.is without terfi- Garfield and members of ^ r. Hoo­ scarcely listened to at all. tion, stopped on his way to his plat­ Insiurance. country as a whole had had time to tori^ - ambition and is ' actuated, in ver’s official family here worked The block of passive faces lifted j form seat to shake hands with Dick* inson. •Huntley’s Mother Involved By THOMAS FERGUSON realize the menace it faced. Its. relation'witii. other nations by the Chicago, June 14^(A P )—In garb over the resubmission declaration, from the delegate section testified Mrs. Huntley gives considerable With, the co-operation of the peo­ until late last night. They left the ‘Tt’s good to be at a convention Chicago, Bl., June 14— Special— sole desire to prevent armed con­ ranging, from sombre hiack to color that the delegates were pre-occupied | information about Mrs. Nellie Nor­ ple, the President was able to resist flict. Chicago Club w es^y about midnight with other things. and have no part in it,” said Low- -As the Connecticut delejgation at the splashed frocks, more \ than 400 ris of Rockville, who ie cited in the rishig clamors for a Federal dole. ‘ Our fleet ie at a, high of efficiency with the report of “substantial den. Republican National convention met death certificate, as the informant. The value of the dollar is uifim- and bur. army fbhhs & e backbone of women,-93 of whosa cast a vote on a progress.” . CONVENTION OPENS Simeon D. Fess, the. partes na­ The letter states that “Mrs. Nellie last night to fill, vacancies an - op­ ^ re d and the future security of the' a National t^ense. destiny shaping' proUbition plank— “It’s the toughest of my 40 years Chicago Stadium, Jirne 14.— (A P ) tional chairman, to whom fell the Norris is Mr. Huntley’s mother, and portunity was gained to get some United States has been preserved.
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