Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15843-6 — Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865–1968 Boris Heersink , Jeffery A
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15843-6 — Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865–1968 Boris Heersink , Jeffery A. Jenkins Index More Information Index 38th Congress (1863–65), 69 gradual takeover, 243, 252 39th Congress (1865–67), 69 takeover, 214 45th Congress (1877–79), 8 Theodore Roosevelt’s lack of support, 46th Congress (1879–81), 108 251 47th Congress (1881–83), 8 Populist Party, 1890s, 250 48th Congress (1883–85), 113 Rapier and Haralson split, 249 51st Congress (1889–91), 8 removal of white suffrage restrictions, 52nd Congress (1891–93), 123 246 54th Congress (1895–97), 8 Republican strength at federal and state 55th Congress (1897–99), 8 levels, 1868–2012, 244 56th Congress (1899–1901), 8 state election 70th Congress (1927–29), 155 1868, 246 71st Congress (1929–31), 155 1872, 247 72nd Congress (1931–33), 164 1874, 248 1876, 249 Ackerman, Kenneth D., 109 Alcorn, James, 322–23 Afro–American Council, 241 Aldrich, John, 341 Agricultural Wheel, 261 Alger, Russell A., 119 Alabama Allison, William, 130, 231 1868 state election, 244 all-white primary, 317 1901 constitution, 251 American Independent Party, 186 Black-and-Tans Ames, Adelbert, 93, 322 Theodore Roosevelt’s intervention, 252 Anderson, Eric Henry, 238 descriptive Republican success, 1865–1968, Arkansas 244 1868 constitutional convention, 258 GOP black belt success, 1870s, 247 1874 constitutional convention, 260 GOP control of federal patronage from 1875, 1874 state election, 260 249 1916 state convention, 264 GOP failure to compete in state elections, 250 Agricultural Wheel, 261 GOP support from white voters, 251 Black-and-Tans, 257 GOP uniqueness, 252 no presence at 1920 Republican National Ku Klux Klan violence, 246 Convention, 264 Lily-Whites Powell Clayton control over, 263 347 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15843-6 — Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865–1968 Boris Heersink , Jeffery A.
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