inattrtfpBtpt: Ewtttng Ifrralli

T - r Engined But Strui^rs Hiss Denies He On Denial of . * S ‘- ‘s /’ { . . f: On 12th Fate Data to ' M .'V Chinese Nationalists As­ Pleads Innoeent to Fed­ sert Troops Escape Reds Sw^m Over Navy Plane^ Devices eral Grand Jnpy^R Trap While Commun­ f'b • n • « Charae; Judge Names ists Announce Com­ Suburbs D i a g r u m s K b c b w b u j « . 2 4 airDate for plete Destruction; Nan­ Trial and Sets Bail king Stunned at Re- Li/e Goes on Much os At 83,CM)0 .Which Ac­ Possible Leader : fiort Reds Allowed to Vsual Within En- Court Asked cused Posts; Another Readi Peiping Walls circled City*s WaUki From Government t'n- Not to Pass Jury B^[ins Work Rifle Fire Is Heard its While Red Courier Nimking, Dec. 16.—ewN>w York, lOTK, oec.pec. 16.-H/P)—' The Chinese government and Peiping, Dec. 16.—(JP)— v l U J a p I p l l l l t ! Alger Hisa todajr pleaded in-: the Communiats made simul- Washington, Dec. 16.—(/P) ■ 8 nocent to a F^eral ar The sound of rifle Are punctu­ —Diagrams of some Navy Federal grand tnnequs announcements to­ ates the crisp air of Peiping „ . jury's charge he lied when ha night one saying the govern­ airplane devices, it was dis- Government Pleads To- denied giving secret govem- today, but trithin the Com­ closftd today, were among the ment 12th Army group had munist-encircled city’s an­ escaped a Red trap, the other doc’jments Whittaker Cham­ day With Supreme cient walls life goes on mud) RaMia. DeWovs, 2T, meets her future hosband at Portland, Oegn for TabSKaanml ^ hittakcr Qluun* saying it had been “ complete­ bers says he got from govern­ Iribunal INol to T mhi- bers. The indictment wmw- as usual. The dty has not the amt tine at train depot on her arrival from Csechoelovalda. ment soui-ces when he was a ly w i ^ out.” lallen, although the Reds are Thoy h s | a a eorfetponding after she put a matrimonial adterUaewieiit per* With Decisions turned last night as aTclimiu REG. 1.49 Joins other Fercee ta'S Pragoe aewspaprr which clrcnlatcd la this country. (.LP'tilre- Communist courier in the ------1. •? l*-nxonth jury probe of al- Ihe government announcement, Swarming over its suburbs 1930s. by the Defense AOnistry, said the and rolling toward tha thick Makes Secret Papers Pubae SHEER NYLONS 13th had broken through the Cbm- arched gates. ’This came to light when____ the Vnited SUtes government plosded, Justice dspsrtment S5Su*^'d«- numiat encirclement and Joined Fll^ttag Ob ShmU Seale House Un-Aiueri<^ 'ActiviUea the Supreme court today not' dared that a new graafl Jury IN NEW SHADES other Nationalist forces northwest The flghUng appears relatively committee made pubUc two .aeU | to "tamperV’with the-InternaUoaal I'rtileh began work would of Pengpu, a little over 100 miles amall-acale and concentrated Oefiense Setup Seen jrf the secret p s p ^ tribunal which doomed former Pro-1 espionage proba fUUy trom Nanking. mostly west of the city walls. CSiamocra in Its investigation of j % I would prosecute “wbemever 51 Gauge— 30 Denie^i^ the I Communist broadcast aaid Small arma fire is occasionally in- communist espionage activities. “ 1 six other Japanese the evidence hits.” the remnants of the 13th, after 33 tsnqtersed by mortar bursts and Acting Chairman Mundt (R-SED . war lordi to death. Campbell, asstatant attori- days of eloae entrapment, had been aome li^ t artillery which can be ‘Enormously’ Costly A brief filed in edvanM fit to­ ney ger.4rai in charge of 0 » de­ beard clearly throughout Peiping. •jiwr aaid he understood the data on deotroyed Wednesday night as Navy flying devices reached day's historic war crimsa ‘ argu­ partment’s Oiminal dlvlsien, iaid they toied to break out towards The Reds thus far have thrown Chambere from “contacta” in the ments cited the goverament’a at s news confanaca_____ ao instruc- the west. only snudl forces into the attack, ‘Taidt'Eopce’ of Hoover i s s s a is s Bureau of Standards in the Com­ “deep concern lest irreparable - tloa ever had been rivwi “b » niv. th e 13th had been tnqiped In evidently reserving their main merce department, rather than damage be done” if tha American one to w U te w a S rJ W e ’’^ ^ tha Buhslen sector 145 miles from Commission Asserts' N e W Q court “arrogates” to itself powor sbtqngtb for an attempt to botUe lls from the Navy department. He 1 The dcpsrtment and tiia Buy now and SAVE I Thty’r® Nanking. A previous government up the city if Gen. Fu Cao-Ti gov- to review the Tokyo trtbunsf's ac­ MittiliitMMry in Need aaid tha committee had been given tions. . Uh-Americaa ActtvHiaa ooBsmit- sheer—all flawless nylon from report that it had broken tree last enunant commander of north Chi­ Called Froai (/P i Wirca to understand that no high mili­ I tee have been sharply at o44o oo week proved incorrect. na decides to flM>t all the way.^ Q f ^ Overhauling N olv Solicitor General PhUtp B; Perl­ top to toe; with slim, straight tary eecreta were involved, but man said any such mova not only conduct of tha proba. ^ the government admitted three The Oommimists have pushed that the informaU->n would have I Hiss. 44-ycar-oId formar high* daya ago that tha I3th had lost MT T., Z Balpb JeaalBgs. woodehoppar. would be a blow to peaceful and seams to slenderize your legs. Aaasdatea ef Lice PresMeat U cloie enough to level cannon on been “valuable end useful to Rut- ranking poUcy adviser la the ateto Boys’, CHrU* soma 50,poo men—about half its the city itself—but they haven’). Washington, Dec. 16.— {JPj held-on ebatge or murder of Ruth judiotel scttlementa of internation­ REG. 1.98 ^ ^ REG. 4S.95 Weil reinforced at points of Tsuag-Jen (above) of CU)m' aaid ete.” al disputes and “ the continued department, made bis plea fa a strength. This baa given impetus to rumors — This country's national de- Elsenberg, Newark mu-se. In firm, clear voice. FULL-SIZED Stunaei by Pelplag New| hs la srilUng to aasuase leadeiahip Ossipee, N. H. . . . . Charlas Del- ’The data dealt with auch things growth of world tew” but: BOYS’ DRESS SHIRT ^ / C strain to w-e-a-r! We have of the goverasBaat, but only U the of peace talks between the Reds I fease , system is “ enormously as parachutes, fuel system dump "Other cooperative endeavors EQUIPPED The confllotlng snnounoementa and General ,Fu. zell, 23, New Haven, confesses that Tealativo Trial Dalo;ast IN FANCY P.4TTERNS 3 7 " ^ them in new, exciting costume came as Nanking was stunned by .tcaasfer ef that power- la made costly and its machinery he la Danbury’s “phiuitani bargtsr” ; valves, generator windings, aad . . . such 4a United Nations ac­ Foderal Judge Jahn W. Clanay legal la a eoiaatltntloaal aisBaejr. ReporUfrom ’nentain aaid Claire devices for linking head aets and tivities, also will suffer.” - White broadcloth, woven patteina or HAWTHORNE BIKE blending shades. Sizes from news that the government’s Chaoaault’a China Air ’Triu^port needfl pvarhsuling, a Hoover .... Members of Knights o f Sxed Jan. 24 as tim tantettea:4kta northern commander had allowed Ptesideat Oiiaag Aal-Shck -vte coniinis^n “tiuik force” ra- Columbw in Stoningtoh a«Mage te i microphones in ptena communtea- In fact' Perlman ipsteted, “most ^ t i » t ^ r after ordatlagv thsL striped percales. Pre-shrunk. Biff, amooth-ridinip balloon tires. Hsa 8^*101^. atddiHbS reeasaiiwadallsai sT company hafl conqpletad tha wlth- tiona sj'atema. unhappy coastquencaa can ba an-1 Hiss ba ftngerprii the Chmmunista to reach Peiptn^ ported tedgy, :'^j2n-paee take tefephoae calls from children j Airline headlight, rear carrier! Savel walla. — adriifra, that.Ae anwepder who want the station waa still off the air. to. questions he had “no knowl­ Tbtea Hoaro for ArganMwte bearings. Adjustable edge” as to whether the .eatimate against low rate of pav-increlteoa : Tha high court aoL aside three Berliners could, if they wished, granted...... Erast Nobs, Scmtel seat and handle bar. Backs M ove tune in to the fidnter program of Of Educating was made by Air Force intelli­ I Tells of Row houre for today’s arguments—an gence. Democrat, is first of his party over i Local Maa Rsiys Vtaat . . the Soviet-controllad' Deutschland- hour more than customary. After i Fwtiaad. Me, Dae. 18 UP) • SOfi elected president of Switxortand. . I listening to the debate, the Justices Strong Man of Nicara­ sender, but live hours after the de­ Might Have Asked Mob)lUattoa .... U. S. military bulletin forWda at the Peadtebarty adtt at Re 148 molition, of which Radio Berlin Christian Scienice Moni­ An ofllcial source said President Testifies She Heard Mrs. likely will take up the cases In tea. a emaa taxtUo f toat. was aa- cun SUNEAII RUBIER DOU had been warned almost s month wearing of American uniform at tl.eir regular cleaed conference oo gua Said Supporting Truman might well have aShed for any conimunlst-.sponsored public i Sattirday. cenM . la Cnmbtilaod eeoaty in advance, Deutschlandsender still tor Editor Points to almost complete mobilization of Yharbo Say Son Not regtetry at deeds today. Reg. 2.98 3 3 activity in Berlin. I Their decision may ba announced ^ Costa Rica Invasion ignored it. Task Press Faces the country if ho had followed the Her Husband’s Child The traaeter was fMro tibe Drinks, wets While western-licensed after- 'mistaken" estimate that “aa im- Agriculture department objacts f Monday or, if not then, on 4he Sebago Weeiro MIB. lac.. w blA San Juan, Oosta Rica, Dec. 18— mediate military move .was afoot!*® ' baa epeaated tba odR eioce 1848. Ureaaed in cute a un­ (CoBttauad oa Page Sixteen) ML Vernon, N. T.. Doc. IS—(P) abroad, rather than intenalflc^atton I ^ ftelght rates in New^^^nd Marburg, Germany, DaC, 16—uPv t (L'osHaued on Page rwq) Tn-u prlaonera seized at La ta Max H. Fwtmaa at Aco Waalea —Erwin D. Canbam, editor of the of...... the ‘cold...... war’.”• •• '^ States...... Purge, of faetocy —A beautiful German girl tsstiflsd suit. Pretty composi­ cyuB aay Uen. Anastasio Somoza, ofticiala in Russia followa com- ^ ' at .Maacbester. Cano. ■■ TRa Christian Science Monitor, aaya As it tufned out, tho committee today she heard Mrs. Wilms i tion head. Sleeping Nicaraguan strong man, is report­ the preaa at this country must do plaint that soine ^ew shoes lasted “BllUe" 'Ybsrbo say her aix-year-' ed to have pledged full support for said in referring to this incidenL •aly four days. . . . .Russia issues eyes, l l ' tall. 30 on Plane a job of educating—to prove to the centra] intelligence agency and old son was not her husbsnd'e Weather May Horthy te Leave Gerosaay - the current invasion of Costa Ri­ Americana their inheritance of 84 page “ white paper ’ giving Moa- child. ca. other intelligencoi groups “ fortu- eon’S side of Korean question. . . . WeOiMtni. Getmaay, Dec. 16—uN press freedom "le central to • II; nstely" snd "correctly evaluated Mrs. Ybsrbo, comely 33-year-oId —Adariral Xlcbolaa nsetoF* !••* The organizer, they say, ia Dr., Die in Crash their freedome.” Army making Ouistmae gift of American woman from Malden, Delay Rescue Rafael ChJderon GuaitUa, former j . . 1 the avsltebie Information In g o ^ w oror rageat ef Haagary, wtR leave CHIIDRIN’S 1.49 '9 8 RAtnC MIOOST AUTO RACm I’lh e American proas,” Csnham time.” freedom to 450 Army and Air Mas^. te on trial for th^ murder riw aaay with hte wife Doe. 18 tqr |27 ROYS’ IN-OR-OUm president of OMta Rica, whom o Force men now in military priaons. of her husband, Sgt. John Tbarbo, REG. 2.29 g -ft COTTON UNIONSUiT 3 -9 8 aaid in an address here last night, The committee recommended oa gadlacleaed deattaotlea. ' N RIO. 8.9S CHICAOO WOMRN’S OOWNf . . ^ WOOL PLAID SHIRT ^ miUtarir junta has prevented from “must do a far batter job of pub­ . . . . Winston Churchill gets ao of Golied. Tex. waa roaeiiii widaiy tho| toer 9 im reasaumlng the presidency. Packages of Fireworks, this six-point program to hold dol­ reply as he asks Labor government Describes Qaarrel Blindiu^ Snowstorm WINE FELT BOOTEE | Popular "Don Dee” nuke with conven­ ••T" REARS POOTRAU Uc education than it haa ever done lar outlays within bounds arid im­ weald gw to Arocatiaa, wheea rets Many ehanping laoe-trimmed styles to Convertible collar, fully sell-labric- 77. ’The field commanders, they say, Smuggled Aboard^ Be- before. We must convey to Amer­ why it has not com^ained to Fraulein Elfriede Kruemmelbein Blaokrliiig Much of FOR REAL COMFORT are a Nicaraguan and a Hondu­ prove the operations of the secur­ tiVM live, bat Madam* HerU^ ient no-butlon seat for aces 2 to 12. Endorsed by Sid Luckm sn. T<--pgrain choose from ! AH of pdid-smooth ray­ faced button front. Shirt style cufis. icana more fuUy and concretely Israel about alleged shooting down waa describing to the United States ahrogged otr'sH oaaatioas except Scale replica, with adi ran. ity setup: of R. A. F. plane oVer Palestine Military government court a quar- , Grcenlami .4rca Todav Bhs’U appreciate its warmth, handy cowhide cover. OOdal tUe. wei^i. lieircd to Be Factor j the importance of free informa- to eeadtim that they w en loavtag on crepe in pretty flower prints on Unlined. Assorted plaids. justable front wheels; Army staff officers questioned tlon.” 1. Give the aecretaiw of de­ last month. tel she witnessed between Tbarbo, ------sUda fsstnsrl’ With hard soles. 4-9. I fense more direct control over the Gcraiagy. pastel grounds, b ..91^ 34 to 50. long-running spiral the prlaoncrs. in the presence of Cgnham. who alpo te president and tall wife, a few minutaa before 1 Westover Air Force Base, Mass, • • • reporters, at the San Jose jail last BarranquiUa, Ckilombia. Dec. 15 three armed forces because his K motor, ezhausta. Investigators' pushed todsy of the American Bociety of News­ he waa ehoL TVe is _ raven Higher fnlerfre nlghL They Identified themsetvea present “diflIculUes Ue In vague au­ Trcaaury Balance Elfriede said the Ybarboa house- “ toward a plateau rim 25'miles w4at paper editors, spoke at ceremo­ thority.” f Waahtagtea* B*c. 16—UR'' Rea- as Pedro Jose Ordonez and Flor- of Bogota, where Lansa alrtines nies marking the 157th anniver­ maid, Liw iotte Tptmwa at tha • ^•*^«**' today thstaatened to delay ater. Laeaa (D.. 01), wh* aaoy h* enclo Ordonez, brothers. 2. Take steps to assure s “full­ Washington, Der. 18 r — The time waa holding the atigry aer- * daring attempt to reaciie nine said one of its passenger planes sary of the ratification of the bin er measure of tesmwork” the Seaate Detwseratte lemtae la The two were among 38 men crashed yesterday, killing all SO er niMSure of teemwork ’ among i position of the Treasury Dec. 14: geant sway fron) his )Mfe and u. S. flieii isolated on • bleak, the west Coagreps. said today he 11' RUItSR SUNSASE IN CASE i of rigbte-the first 10 amOndmentc the ofBces and services which com- 1 ~ captured in fighting at Le Crux, persons aboard. to the U. S. constitution. pose the national miUtary eatab-1 **«eMpts, $.—,j.0.53« 01, ex- pleading with him not to l ^ t her. anow-clad Greenland plateau. favere higher salaries fse o«v- in northwestern Costa Rica 17 Lansa oSciate aaid packages -df He and other newspaper figures pendltures, .7l«1.83S.,5TP 24; bal­ “Raroeinber vour ron, Jimmy." | c.ooae Bay. Ubrador. repc.rted eniBient aMrials, Prseldrat loro- miles south of the Nicaraguan fireworks, aimarently ‘ sihujggled man haa leeaaeiin adad aus towHaro met at the national shrine of the (Cooiisued oa Page N'lae) ance, 83.696.625.718. iO. M*^Sf**i*’ , • blinding snowstorm bUinketlr.g frontier, which fell to the Invaders •Imsrd the plane, may have cauaed biU of rights, located at 8L Paul’s i ®uch of tha rorth country as frroi 818,68# to 933,888 a #IM far at the week end. the craah. . eahiaet sMnre aad torwaaia tor She drinks, then wetsi church here. - "**Ve/th«*EifriedrmM^ equipmant was assembled (A five-man investigating com­ The plane, a two-engine •'DQ-3, Tbieata Frosa ’Throa Saweea n.r IS NarsarssuaJ;. 100 miies from other top aMrialSi W ith delieate organdy mission, appointed imder terms of was en route from Bogota id Rar- ner, who trotified yrotertey, made ^ stranded airmen. « • 6 Canbam said ttareate to fr«a- clear what the Ybarboa No Deetetaa hy Coavaaaen dress, bonnet, rsttlsb tha Inter-American mutual de­ ranquUla. It carried a crew of dom of tnformatloa today oome Would Cover Freight Cars Officers said weather reports fense treaty, is due to Irovs Wash­ four' and 26 passengers. Two from ttarse sourcao: q u srrri^ a ^ t . i "sketchy" and it could not aaftfqrd. Dec. IR— — Ttus and bath equipment. ington for San Jose late today. j stewardesses were aboard. etate Beard ej r “ThreaU to internatienal inter­ Mrs. Y ^ S ? a a t t ^ ^ have 1 immediately if tha ^ taaatlaf al l*.RR The commission was named yes­ > A member of the Civil Aviation! change of lafermation. With Advertising Posters terday. Juan Bautista de Lavalle : Beard at Bogota said the plane' announced ehe will p)ead salf-da-) womd delay tha re*.ue mte- ao-dto i crashed withiiIn five minutes after 'Throats to frat lafarmaUea fense. ; ____ of Peru ia chairman. Other mem- within the United States. bfera are Paul C. Daniels of the I tekweff. Alfriade, 22. testified ehe hsairi! . . ^ ilic t r ic t w in w A m i ir o n I Two aritteh Bagteeers Killed Threats te free infonnatian Mastgomsry. AI6., Uae. 16—li^atiiag sponsoi s’ mesiage* through- the bathroom door forced open a ! Neanwhlie radio communiM- to' United Statee. Jose Marla Bello of from the media themsalvas." __Traveling biUbosrds? out tha country. was being Brazil. Silvio Villegas of Colombia I The dead included two BrUteh few eeconde before she heard tbrqo j 6emg maintained with whether U . engineers, connected with the Shell IsternationaUy, -he said.' efforts Why not 7 asks Rempa A. (Men WaoM Help la Other Wave shots. tha tce-cap castawaya. who report­ anae to rolaito ^ 10*^® AC-DO .vnd Luis Quintanilla of Mexico. by newspapermen to find out AxuL Says the man with an idea, ed they el) weie in excellent , Petroleum (Company at Bogota. of (Thiideisburg. Ala. Oden figurea Mrs. Tessner said yesterday she ; ROOTU :. 2 9 REG. 10.95 FLANNELETTE 1,98 VisiliHi At Farm House , They wrere identified ss A. C. Bu- what te going on In the world and it would help the tailmsd* in other saw Mrs. Ybarbo standing bsforo j health.' good spirits and conident RUDOLPH SUPPERS'. Dial on each iron Klorenclo Ordonez, 52, dressed transmit news across frM tie n ! It would be a welcomed change of of rascue. 2 6 9 35-PC. EGGSHELL 8-88 JR. SOYS’ JACQUARD 0 9 8 I chan and E. Howrey. ways, such aa; the half-open door with a pistol' 1MTH RIU ON NSOI GOW NS ■ shows when to pour in dirty khaki trousers and shirt, All the other passengers, includ­ have ^ “teweasingly restricted acener}' if railroads would cover “ How easy it will be for the. con­ ll. her hand and eaw her raiad the Plana for their rescue caliec for KNIT PUULOVIR ^ said Calderon vleited him . four For ^ who wants eemfort and SERVICE FOR SIX ing eight women and one infant, since tha end et the war.” the ur.alghtly sides of frsight cars ductor to ycO to the brakeman: gun and flra into the bathrooin. two fUders tc slight nsar tho msn at).-a. Ihe bells jln^e; the eyes roll! Warm Favorite# in ageorted pasts! solids and bptter. Chronm-pUt- times at him farm house at Naiv- apparantly were Colombians, ths Within tba tJ. I „ aalA “ ‘Cut aO three cars ahead of Blfriede roid she had aeon tha and taka them aboard. Tha ghdara t8RI 100% new wool worsted. Front arid back with eye-catching advertising ji e o w a ^ * aenr wwnib! Soft, nadded sole. i-9. ahesrling, w ^Jined. Siseo 6 to 12. Ughtwmght yet more dnrsbte than ad: W sbnt handloa. daimt. ia waetara Nicaragua 60 atriina said. “too many AnMriaaqs, ir iM br Radle; tend Baked aergaant go Into the bathroon aad than trouid U ysnksd into tha qir stripsa. W * » « design. Blue, maroon with white. 4-10. seml-poreolatnt Striking Apple pettem. milaa north of the Ooata Rieaa Nye-iritaeeBae wore quoted as xaalous aad untramnteled ^ poatera—hghtsd at ntgtiL of , I d' the house. Seamsome eloaa the door a few mbnitoa 0 6 two lines by trsnaport planro border. saying tha plans hit a fog-shsdud- free expression, would impose re- course. Host to the team-track and put earlier ' and towed back to civQlaUoa. Ha said Calderon told him that ed hill and burst into flames. News­ strictlons. BesideJ. he suggested to the Stidteas Reap on the transferf ’’ Elfriede did not say what tho Brig. Gan. Caleb V. Haynsa. head General Somoza. former president paper accounts said fragments of "This te particularly true of men Alabama Public Service cemmte- LAta easier than: memoritir.g a sergeant's reaction was to Mrs. et the Newfe'undiaad base eCM- t4^ railroads probably could pick bunch of unimagtnativa t»xcar treatlaasd ea P a n Feartesal * (Oaatii aa P iM I) lO allaasd m Pago ■) up a Bice piece of change by shut­ numbera. \ i (Caatteoad oo Foortosaj ea Pago T i t 'V I r ^ ' ^ >

If ^ MANCHESTER EVENS76 HERALD. MANC8E8TER. CONN.. THURSDAY. BEOCifBER 16, 1948 ?!>f' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES’reR, CONN., THURSDAY, DCCEMHISR 18, 1»4» PAGZ TWO son to banapuhaoiad by the! W8C*4 speak os the ninth chapter of 8fc| Delegates. PhyUU Clark. B.irbgrii night This completed a revolu* ford attorney, aa Senate majority of .the, veiaon .Mcihadlpt rh'ir»-hrh'irrh ! John’s Gospel. Btnson. Lydia Hemman. Shirley« tlon such as Costa Rica, Paraguay, leader and Oomelius MnlvlhRl, WIU be held Saturday, Descniberj f -Offlcem Nanwd . ' Roy, Ngtalie Spieiason; alternates, Junta Rules Peru and Venesuela experienced Court Asked Alsop Seeking Jr„ vatcran- Bridgeport legislator, mt HWW tOlth at the DobsonviUe ochcot. Mrs. Mhhel Morgonaofi nsa been LydU Tmnstedt, Betty Abofn, earlier thia year. aa preaidant pro tempore. /T h e W8G8 will held a Christ- elected president ^ Burpee .Worn- Lucile CarpCBter, Beatrice Minov. Jokn P, Cotter, Hartford attor­ maa party Tuesday evening. De- ep^a'ReXef Oorpp .with othnr offi­ Virginia SUlee. El Salvador NottoPass Finance Post ney, will be renamed Houae mi­ ceaabw flat at the home of Mrs. cers as follows: Senidf vice'presi­ Bleetlee Friday Planes to Fly- nority leedef by the Democrats. Igartln Lehen of Vernim. €Hfts will dent, Mrs. Alice Wells; Junior Vice iOowa Council, Twgree of Pock- "On Jap Guilt O n ^ s t a i i g s be exchanged by the members fol- president, Mias Phyllis Clark; hahtaa wlD elect officers on Fri- Fifth SucceMful Anny May Head Important Opens Beallgnnient Uanriag knving the buatneas meeting. treasurer, Mrs. Alics Klngtoif; .doy evening, the meeting being Soldiers Home House Committee in Thr WSC8 of the RoekvUle Chaplain, Mrs. Harriet Nuthmd; advanced one week due to the Uprising in Latin (ContinMd frwn Page Oac) Hartford, Dee.. 16 — 0P>—The l^ te ' OffidsUi; Attend Methodist church arlll hold its Conductor, Mrs. Lydia HoifisUa; holiday. America During 1948 Next Legislature State Public Utilities commission meeting and CSiriatmaa party this Fort Lewis, Wash., Dec. 16—UP) court’s next opinion-reading day. opened a hearing this morning on CHEF RodnrRle SeaiitMh Die- evening with a pothick supper-to —A chance remark—the wish of a Jan. 3.' the petition of the State Highway be served at six o’clock. Ouatamala, Dec. 16 — (O — A The decision will affect all 25 Hartford. Dec. 16 —(«}—SUte Says our New Rmd cnasing Road' H am d GI that he could fly home for department for the realignment of TP Leogoa Donee Jimta of five young men haa taken of the top Japanese leaders con­ Rep, John Dek. Alsop, Avon Re­ Christmas—has snowballed Into an publican and former O U ««r****j the Mew ITaven railroad tracks In - The Rockville Toung Ptoplc’s over El Salvador’s government in victed by the Tokyo fhbunal, even Watsrbury in connection with the The Rockville, Dec. 16— (Special)— ahr lift that will carry an estimat­ inay head the Important Houae Ft- Ltemae wUI sponsor a dance at the though only seven sppesled. Tojo construction of the Baldwin street Following the fifth aucceasful Army uprising ed 700 soldiers east for the holi­ is not one of the seven. nimee committee in the next legis- a two-hour oeaoloa op *iwlah Goaummlty Center, 54 Tol- in Latin Ahierlca of 1948. latune. viaduct which will cross the tracks B^^eiday di ^ ' the m t avenue on Saturday evening, days. Their eases came np for argu­ in Watsrbury. “Abaolute calm reigna in ail the The demand for chartered ment under the unprecedented dr- *1110 gS-year-bld tanurence man Glentaft Trio hozorde of thehe wubar Cnoa Blgh- December 18th arlth musle being is an active cesdldsfte for tha poet, country and the people applaud the planes la so great, in fa ct that cumstanees ttuit-four of the Jus­ way east' of ’Taleottvilla wart dkP fUrnUhed by Bud Hearltrs orches­ action of the Army,” aald a bulle­ expected to be m>ea after the like­ Large Ftrae In Bleefawds Sounds tra from 8;3(lr to 12:80 a m. The travel agencies have had to call tices slready have publicly de­ wwMd. WUUam Jf. Gkaont, dirao- tin broadcast from San Salvador, for help from California. clared their'bellef that the court ly elevation of John R. Thlm, cioramiUee In charge of the dmice the capital of the little repub- .Hamden lawyer, to the speeker- Rangoon, Burma, Dec. IS—(if)— Exc§lhnt tor of tha’ Stato'BlghWag’Obnunla- So far, 17 planes with a capacity hau no authority to Intercede. The Air passengeia from Bessein said iaplude the .Muiaea Bette Slh^r- AW wBEerj^a^' Uc. of 26 to 50 passengers have been dews of the judges on pending shlp. Thlm held the post last sei- oioa oad Bnglaeer Howard Bhorpe qua, Ann Ifoaea and Lois MoaeO. The Army ousted Creaident Sal skm. today large fires were burning ia Playing Nightly reserved. More probably will be litigation ordinarily are among tha Delta . riorianda. Commumsta of tha State Highway DepartaMOt the patrons tor the evening'afiU vador Castaneda Ckatro after a the capital’s most closely guarded "I would very much like the po- He Rabbi and, Mrs. Paul S ie ^ of short fight with police Tuesday. needed, travel service officials in the area threatened to hum the oteted that whOe tbm hod no au­ said, and it is expected that with­ secrets. slUoa,” Alsop said today, ’l.bave thority to promiae arbat would ha the Temple B’hal Israel. During It la holding him at El Zapote fort informed all my legUlatlve friends new rice crop, presently being liar- in a few days they will bf "crying Beveai Optoioa vested. to prevent it reaching ports dona, they wmiM refer tha ouggao- the evening refreshments arlll he on a charge of violating the con­ The fouis-Chlef Justice Vinson I’ve met recently of that Interest” served. - stitution. The charge ia based for planes.’’ for overseas shipments. tloqa made, at the aeeshm to the i and Justices Reed, Prenkfurter Alsop was an active member of pnmer depertmeat for atudy and Service ef Prayer ill* «vl|olt fMiilly will cNrhib f«rtv*rf upon Castaneda’s efforts to obtain It was a few days before and Burton—revealed thfcir opinion the committee in the 1867 Gener­ conalderaaoa. The eeaaion wot a two-year extenafon of his tenn Thanksgiving that P vt Gerald in a brief court announcement Dee. al Assembly, which waa hia fln.t. by Fint Selectmen of ' A prayer service will be held, of office, due to expire March 1, Roberts of Peoria. lU.. was sort of He is one of the more influential this, evening at 7:30 o’clock «t;.tha • that the Ji^wneee had been I of Vemua, Ybllond and lUiekvllIe w p tist church.-nc poo- 1949. thinking out loud about getting Rented a hearing’ Iqr a vote of 5 element of young Republicans in Union, each of arhbm ateted the NEW PRICE.^UR W oteh their eyes sparkle when a beautihil Described As Bightiat home for Christmas the state and wraa head of the tef, Rev. Adolpk Johnson Wll^ MaJ. Oscar Osorio is expected to hozorda of the grade croesinga in He uked a fellow OI In the 9th Thus ettomeys for the Japeneee state, Steasen for pikeldent group. theti' particular towna. The WU- new Wurlitzer is discovered by the lead the Junta (provisional coun­ Infantry barracks: bur Oraoe Hi|ri>way coat of Tel- cil >, which is d^cribed as rightist. miist rely heevUy on convincing Chief Rival far Pest NOW EMs SAVimnAT REGULAR 2.98 ’T wonder if 10 or IS of the Justices Black, Clouglas, MurplQ’, Chief rival for the post is Mans­ tcdtvllle ia a tWo lone road adth on Christmas momi He has been a member of El Sal­ fellows around here would throw First MsnehsaNe ghewlag i JiLUrlBWil vador's diplomatic stafli in Mexico Rutledge and Jackson. field D. Sprague, New Canaan enjy’ one oyer|Mm, during Athia on- in with me and charter a plane-to Jackson, who served as chief lawyer, who will also begin hia tlre dlatante. It araa felt- that Glh' BANDED Thia rvosonably pricad. pracisiea ceastnictcd City. get us home.” M i0 E n i "T H E «MUUA MIBBBHAVES** iuldltianal whrnlng aigna, addition­ His associates are Lt. Ck>l. Man­ U,S. prosecutor of top N u i wer sophomore legielattve term. wtan instrumtnt will bacom* tha chariahad poaaaaaioa (hot He was almost overwhelmed criminals, cast' the dedding vote Republican legiMatora meat next Oner GonWi . Walter FMgeen al' directional aigna and poaaiMy uel De J. Cordova, MaJ. Oscar So­ with takers. The “10 or 10” grew S A X O N , Pla«t,*8cctgt Load’* (la OeW) traffie llghta at the mo«t arideiy will giva andlaaa houia oi anjoymant to your family. •I lanos and two lawyers, . Dr. Reinal- in favor of today’s hearing. In e Monday at 9:80 p. m., at the State u n m / BRENT SHIRTS to SO and in short order the group statement explaining his vote said Capitol to organlM and aelect the Featoro—ltM. iSe. 8tM baed croasrooda amuld be a meona do Galindo Pohl and Dr. Hum­ ,M >m K CHARM Laat Show Tbalght—Oiie Of avoiding oerioua aeoldente, pend­ berto Costa. All are in their 30s. had chartered a OO-paasenger C-47 Black, Douglas, Murphy and Rut- s p ^ e r to succeed Frederick H. for a flight to CSUcago. iMge had not committed them­ Holbrook, Madison merchant, who — PLUS — __ Bat. Mat.—Fro#' C^ady Ooam ing the enlarged four lone rood Most of the fighting Tuesday which ia exp«ried pooaibly in I960; $650.00 and up was between El Zapote fort and The idea spread like a barracks selves. is now public utilities commlsaion- "Maa-Batsr Of KtMnau’* To Kld»-.«apcnnaa Berlol ' the police station, to which the rumor. Jackson said he hoped today’s e>. Representative Thlm, oonaldar- SATt *«epenW * CM#, t oB i g—Oartooao—8 ^ Aatoe Donoaged ! president appealed for protection. arguments would "convert” one ed a popular and able lawmaker, Four automobllef arere dam­ I There was a heavy exchange of or more of the Judges on one side is said to be tha likely auocessor. aged on Wedneodey when the j machine-gun, automatic rifle and or the other so that there would The speaker appifinta committee brobee «> a large truck oamed by KEMP’S, Inc. I mortar fire. Four civilians were E llin g t o n not be another 4 to 4 tie on the heads, generally wdtb the advice GuiaeppI Lcrensettl of Stafford Reduced'in time fo r (Christ­ I reported killed. The police ran question of the Supreme court’s and recommendations of party Springa, operated by Paul A. Le- FURNITURE AND MUSIC power in such cases. He said he **See You in M y Dreams** at mas only ! Luxury Brents to TEL. 5680 ! up a white flag and Castaneda was i The Town of South Windsor is leaders. May,. 38 of 15 Hawley atreet,' 763 MAIN STREET ______; surrendered. He resigned. Army would not take part In the final Republicans are expected to re­ Springfield, let go wMIe the track solve your gift and your bud­ 1 planning to establish Its boundary decision unless such a deadlock de- More people buy Vv’urlitier pinno.. I officers pledged no barm would name George C. Conway, Guilford waa parked In the .^eriean.M lU get problem. They’re styled < tinea and the work will include es- velopes. Be pointed out that so far rard end rolled to o' epot arheta come to his family. ; tabllshlng the lines along that aec- lawyer, as House majority leader, to a man’s taste; feature the 1 tbon tho^ic o f ony other nomc Martial law was lifted last he never has committed himself and Charles B. House, Manchester, four outoB of min .arorkera were ! tion of the town which borders El- on the question of the court’s Jur­ ^ k ed. The Bret ear araa that of flattering TBooma “collar-ad” lington. It la planned to set up as Senate minority leader. Louis isdiction in war crimes esses. Shapiro. Farmington, ia axpseted FARRV Donald R. Neff of 181)6 Orchard Collar. Chooee from Sanfor­ eight boundary stones between the “ Will Influence Reputation’* to be House chairmen o f the Judic­ “Dining Room of Distinction’* atreet, then Albert Rauptmon of ized* broadcloths in snowy towns which border Saiington with Jackson commented that the T6 Mountain efteet, next Joaeph P. EHlington being asked to share the iary committee. The latter held whites, new patterns, airgaily court’s decision ’Vill esUblish or the seme poettion In the 1947 leg­ Matyto of R.F.D., onq laat Hector gift banded. / Lehigh Valley expense of such work along the deny that this court has power islature. 'I ^ l e Enjoying J. EDolr of 187 Hlih-etreet. There section bordering Ellington. to review exercise of military araa an open apace next to Blair’s •Leae tkaa t% Joseph MaeVarish of EHlington power abroad and the president’s Wecbsler Sees l>ader auto, 00 that this was the final one la one of the candidates for ap­ conduct of external affairs of our Democrats, who meet FriJhy Tender, Butter Flavored Steaks damaged. All Sutoa were dam­ pointment as a rural mail carrier government. The answer will In­ night at Hotel Garde, wrin likely aged, the Neff cor damage being on one of the rural routes from fluence our nation's reputation for name Alfred F. Weohaler, Hart­ the m ost serious. — Patrolman Let Winter Weather the Rockville Poat Office. continuity of policy far a long Odorge Trapp invesUgated. COAL The Men's Club met in the social time to come.” , WBOB Aettvittw rooms of the Congregational If a majority of the Justices Hia lost cord party of ^ e soop Be The . Other / Roppert church with their new officers, should decide that the court has President Kenneth W. Cook; vice power to intercede, court attaches Plan Your Xmos Fellow's Worry! president. Raymond Peltier; secre­ said the Judges likely will take tary James Patric and 'treasurer, the next step and rule simultane­ Edward Batterthwaite. ously whether the Tokyo tribunal NOW PLATING Party Now FENDER AND BODY Mra Laura Barber who has was legally constituted. Them will Quartsv/uans COKE made her home with her nephew, be no ruling on the guilt or Inno- Clifford Barnett .of Main street is cense of the Japanese. A t Club WORK / Mobil Kerosene a patient in the Rockville City Old hospital where she was taken fol­ Chianti SoBmewe snff Pingg, Inc. lowing a fall which Injured her Korea Is Viewed right arm. Monastery ’The Boy Ssout 'Troo’p Commit­ You*U Enjoy iti RANGE tee is sponsoring if Christmas par­ As Pi^oviiig Ground ty for the Scouts. Cuba and thsir - Plnsi-iSMifkl Wind** IVlake Yohr New .Yefr’ s Reservations Now! . V W i n e s parents to be held in the .eocial Seoul. Dec. 16— ECA Ad­ FORA .rooms . of the Congregational ministrator Paul Hoffman ex­ $4.00 per person church yViday night at 7:30. Mov­ pressed belief today that Korea REG. 1.56 s ,%.« OIL ies will be shown and Santa Claus "can be a proving ground for demo- Do It Now, Don’t Be Disappointed Call 6195 BABY-SITTER will drop in for a short visit and craUc principles for aH of Asia." Floor Show—Noisemakers—Favors SAVE 1.60 NEW GIFT NECKTIES 127 SAW RMUUm 19t / Mobilheat refreshments will be served. He told a news conference that, ALL-WOOL COSSACK 0 9 8 OF LUSTROUS RAYON ■... Miss Nellie McKnigbt who has C 9 C A L L 7 B B 2 t MKHAIHC WORK lO X for this reason, he is confident the to ; I ij n DANCING EVERY STYLED JACKET Big colorful collation! Ties te plsaaa Have Your Car Winlerited been clerk of the Congregational U.B. Congress will appropriate sub­ eveiy man. Wrinkte-free liiiets. Here’* ecoBowy phs woml Kimid ealk church for 17 years haa resigned U’» Outdoor man’# favorite. All Wool hi stantial funds to aid the new rcr to T h e SATURDAY NlGHl' TO manly buffalo plaids. Action'6tUored. ton; reg. and slock lengdB. 10 te H i N ow by Our Experts her position and Miss Alice Hyde public in American-occupied south HIANTI Reg. 9.91. FUEL of Somers road is the new clerk. Korea. THE TEDDY PAGE IRIO Miss McKnight is her assistant. "But only the Koreans them­ HOUSE’S Making sure your car doesn't break Tuesday the other officers, ot4h* selves can make a reality of their down is cheaper than repairing more church were announeeff as fol­ dream of having a great demo­ estenske damage later. OIL lows; Trustee for one year. Jarvis cratic republic here," he added. N. Clapp; paatoris asaiatant for Hoffman said an' Industrial' sur- Make ReMrvatione Early! Floor Show one year, Llnwood R. Campbell: vev now In progress will provide^' FR£;S;E.NTS treasurer. Gordon H. Dimock; au­ a 6a.sls for planning the three-year TONIGHT Get I* At ditor, CTharles O. Peterson; mem­ aid program ^authorized by the When Mhuttes bers at large of the prudential Economic Cooperation administra­ AH Day Friday MORIARTY committee for one year. Harry O. tion. ECA funds from Cragress Count Ahom and Mrs. Nathan Edwards will be sought for the 1949-50 All Day Saturday Thurs.* Fri., Sat., Dec. 16, 17, 18 Mrs. Ira Eggleston hs* returned fiscal year, beginning next June 30. BROTHERS to Westbrook Mouse after a few ! Hoffman leaves tomotrow for Mall yoor order aowl Eaeh Eve. (Sffi8)l On The Level At CeAter And Broad It’s MORIARH dsv's vacation and Mrs. G. F. i Tokyo en route to San Francisco. Oreh. $ M i. fSJie. 82.40| let Bale. 88.06, Be IT who was suonlylnsr in her, 83.46,81B6: 2nd Bale. 81-36. Sot Mat. (StSO) TELEPHONE 5135 absence has returned to her home, j British statesman O cil. John BROTHERS Rhodes went to Natal In 1870 — Lobster Orch. 88.00, 83A0, 81A0t let Bole. 83.48, “Un The Level A t. Blue point ovsters were orl"’ln-1 the year diamonds were discovered 8L88. 81.301 Sod Bole. OOe (lacL Tax). ally so named from Blue Point, a In the Kimberly fields—and the 1M. Hartford 8-8173 REG. 39c WARDS Center and Brofid" 'T »n g Island village near which next year struck it rich. Before, MIN’S SOFT, NATURAL RIOUCIDI MIN'S small oysters he was 19 he waa financially In­ Time CRESTWOVENS certain dellcioua WELDON'S SHEARLING SLIFFIR 498 4 .2 9 M O W N RC.-VUCS 397 |00 were found. dependent. At The V M l MAIN n W R GIVE LONGER WE.LR! Good-looking and worm with slide fast­ Soft brown leall’cr with elastic side Long lasting DuPont “Cordura” rayon It ener for snuR fit. Leather sole. 6-13, inserts and hard ' '--r fi-ll body; nylon reinforced. Sixes 10 to IZ. SHERIDAN •BOCI FEMBERTOR Also In slack ienotfi. presents Live broiled lobster, frMh crispy salad, French fried potatoes, fresh home made F B A N K F A Y roUs and coffee ■■all for in. $ 1 .5 0 BABm THi PULimo own h a t ■ near tossedy b y MART CRABR Plan your Sunday dint direeted by ANTOINETTE PERRY ner at the Sheridan, MAIL TOUR OBOEB NOW Over De luxe dinners from y Hundred $1.23 up. May, we R8G. 2.69 PIONEER have your reservation .30 Oak Finished Monnufcnts end MIN’S S.9B SRENT 0 5 7 THE OAK GRILL street ilariiero -tn Onr IMsFlay MOADCIOTH FAJAMAS O OVERALLS, JACKETS ^ Ynrd To Chonot Fmni! THE PRIDE OF YOUNG AMERICANS Tel. 3802-^847 Invites you Cut for comfortable sleep. I^foriscd. Stock up NOW! Sonfbrtesd btaw denim. Double aeamo. Bortackee. Bog. steso. For Mother! Glamour to enjoy a pleasant evening Tho Finest In WESTERNS • TUHTLE-NECK • BASQUE • SPORTS • ETONS Coal and tniddv .VB-C-D. falore—lovely embroid-. cred satin sl^pen. For Dancing: TONY OBIGHT . (8p9fftsM ifm HtiRtdi.ifM rm % and his Famous Ordiestra Workifionshlp y. iWwttWyoBedOTWIIaiRifiiri^ RESTAURANT ‘ For Entertainment: Material :,B8irisiitfits.SRNrt«^idiayMaiMlM ^ RAY’S 37 Oak Street TeL 3922 ^ETE DUBALDO .. y • - and hia Sflvertone Trumpet This it njust a few steps down Oak St, MANCHESTER Piioi fm C JO 8 RJ5 for the finest food in town. D IC K R A N N Y The Gift! Ace Drammerman MEMORIAL IHEIE IS SOMETMillG VEIY WONBEIEDl HOlil CHIPS For Dndl Warm, hand- For the tots! Fuzzy foot •Our specialty is Italian spaghetti amne wool lined atep-ins. warmera — in gay de- Sho's sure to welcome Featuring: COMPANY SAVE 1.06 Fine iMlhfin. aigOB. theta beautiful nylons. any style, DEUaOUS FOOD. COURTEOUS SERVICE A Alwefn Flew Footwear 3.98 WOOL SWEAT- *" ATMOSPHERE tuon. PBAKi enuH ABBtunw ERS! COATSt ^ 81ipp«rg $1.S9 to $4-95 Pair 81.35 and 81.65 Pr. aino.RYn PULLOVERS! ‘ ENJOY JACKIE JACKSON AND HIS HEP MAKE SURE-OF YOUR For All 1.89 VAT-DYED NEW YEAR’S EVE RESERVATIONS CKHOUSESSONI ISI Man! Priced slMkedl 10 8 » riigte woeT CATS THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY WOBK SPIRTS * yeses In a warm, apnw y. skant ksiirt-ir V D n w T? IB 9 Cl SHOE MAKE IT NOW! PHONE 3894 GIVE g r e e n s t a m p s The Family Thia 'weak onlv! Soaferiase ekoi knit. Solid eolera rsKeel Get youre It Pays to Come to Ray*s hroy. vron’t- fod* Trtplc-eswn seams. NOW St thU lew ^ tor'saTinglri IT Xl 1% 0 II ii!l 1% 9 SjTO R E ■are Mooeyl 825 MAIN STREET THE OAK GRILL


were poated on the ship and state­ Uquated la form and abatract' in tainment was given and gifts were ■erred to the kiddies in tha lower hsld latsr with an exchanga of Aircraft Carrier ments had bden taken from the Goldwyn Fires concept. Aaked to Pay UoapUal passed out to each chHd present by hall after their program. gifts ahd singing of carols featur­ Australian crew. *7 am determined to never set WELDON’S presents RHvniES oi R[RSon Santa Sent? G range H ead Santa Claua. Refreahmenta were The adult Chrlstmaa party waa ing the program. Toddfs Radio « Damage Probed The Admiralty said T t Is not Teresa ^Wright my name to another on*.*’ i s m j o r I n j u r y D o g considered that any interference T o B ack L ot Names Aides GIVE A WAkil will be caused to the ship’s ^.ror ■MtOTB Staatard Tlim Hellywood, DB:. 16;—(in—After Atlanta, Dec. 16—4FV-Clty " ’ ■' * ' I.x>ndnn, Dec. 16 — OP) — The I gram.” Oouncil has been asked to ap­ British Navy is investigating damr j alt, a louay |8,000 • weak or no ^Repulsive Leer’ on 15- prove a fS8 hospital bill—for Committees AppointeH Warm Friends AD 4:0t— .e 11:66— age to an 'aiteraft carrier. One j To Oo to Trenton Beoaion lan't evary^lng, Actraaa Tereaa INSURE a dog. WDRC -Hlitt Hunt; Nei*«. WONS—Dance Orchestra. Ijondon newspaper aald the ve.sael! Wright indlcataa. vmL Foot Replica Results Major, the dog in question, By Master at Meeting With a Universal Electric BhAduil \V< ,'CX7—Hertford Police Speak; WTIC—Dance Orchestra. leaped from the roof of the ft had been sabotaged and four oUicra ' Hartford, Dec. 16—(45 — The Mtsa Wright got fiped yesterday MeKiNNEY RKOTHKRS ItBst E yeing .Snnta (lauR Show. WTHT—Gema fdr Thougnt; said aabotage was suspected, by her bosa, Movia Producer Sam­ In Banishment v five^rtory police building when WKNB .News; Pled Plpera; Dance Band. state Department of Education Goal Bstatc osR iMNmyMS police sought to place him In a W ith the fam ous ’^Slumber Schfinoci** j " An Admiralty announcement last has announced Dr. Hensy C. Herge uel Ooldwyn. QoMwyn called Miss 666 MAIN srv. THI. C666 OommitteeS for the new • year f^etch Book. 12:06— {night said a main engine of the Wright "uncooparative.” bhe had. Hmtbon, P*., Dec. 16-r-W)—The cage after arrorting hia mas­ WTHT—BandiUnd; Hall or WTIC—News; Musicians. ter for drunkenness a month were appointee* by James BiAer, • The "Sluoabcr-; i 14.000-ton light carrier Terrible will represent the department at a he said, refused to go to New Yofk Hatboro Oimnber of Commerce Fame; ! Iiad been d am ag ^ by ateel bolts meeting at Trenton, N. J.. Friday to publtclM a picture In which aha ago. master of Manchester Grange; at exclusive with the Uoitwniali V^'^tC-.Backatagc Wife. Frequency Modalatton ' found in the oil pit of the engine's on reciprocal teacher certification. la co-starred. ha* banUhed Sant* CUu* from a Major’s left foreleg was the meeting of the organlntion 4 ltd—^ W 'lmc—FM; 661 MC. gearbox. t The announcement aaJd that edu­ place of glory on Main street to an fractured by the fsU, and po­ held last night In the Orange hall. Electric Blanket, U a saiiiri6» JSnr \NTJC— Stella nnllas. WFHA—108.1 file. Miss' Wright aa:d she couldn’t MARY CONSOU lice—responsihie by law for They were as follows: Rome I The announcement said "pend­ cation offlciala from all New Eng­ make the trip becauae of 111 h ^ th . ineonapiciouB epot behind a gaso- Temperature Control that wakhip 4 :3«— W THT-FM 106.1: .MC. ing resulta of the investigation, land atatea. New York and New the valuebles of prlscmeir*— Economics committes, Gertrude WONS—Story Time. WTIC—FM 43.8 MC; 96,5 MC. She countered that aha accepted Dreaamaldag and Altaratlocie llne station. took Major to an animal hos­ Buchanan, Olive Mutiny, Ruth while you sleep. Alt tlttmi|h tlm f ' no definite information can be Jersey would attend the meeting. the firing "without protast and In Covered. Bafteae, Bottoahelee. / WDRO—New England .Note- WDRC—FM. ; given.” Don’t get excited, though, kldi, pital. Hutchins, Grace Baker, Lillian- restful night, autoonticaih Same aR WDRC. fact with rallaf. Alao Wemaanta' for the Santa dans in this case la H w injured leg was ampu­ book. I The carrier was scheduled to be Evamlnatlon Date Changed 'The type of eontract standard­ Wilson, Mae *r0urtellote, Kenneth the Blanket at the degree of NS'TTC—Lorenro Jonen. WFHA I turned over to Australia today. 68 Elm Street. Bast Hartford a thing of chloken wire, mualln tated, and Majw remained Morrison and Wgrren LaFerte. P. M. ised between playera and pro­ Phone Hartford 8-5886 and plaster of paria. hoepltallsCd for three weeks. warmth )-ou desire. & ^ a s « J |. . . 1 The Daily Mall said the engine ducers,” she said, "ia, .1 feel, aa- Charity. Mildred Morrison, Iv* e o WONS—T\vo-Ton Baker 4:00 Meet MiRR MsRon. ' stuck when tested at the Devon­ Hartford. Dee. 16—(45 — The Tpe Chamber of Commerce ex­ Last night, the Council’s Por Ingraham. Flora Grade, Helen and forget it. WTtC—Young Widder Hro n. 4:45 South Amorlcah Way. shire dockyard Tuesday. Engi­ State Board of Barber Examiners plained yeaterday that the Santa lice committee tecommendOd Dion, Arthur Loomis and ftoval ,«aid that the next examinations Claua fi^re was created In hopea that the city-foot the bUI. 5jOO— 5:00 Evening Ccntincl. neers located the trouble in the Uham. on Christmas morning Adventure Piirndi'. 6:00 Newa. gearbox where the steel bolts had for barber licenses will be held of bringing cheer to the oommunt- The reception committee in­ WDRiC—Don Ameche. e:!.** Sports: Weather. stripped a cog. here on Dec. 27 instead of Jan. 8 ty'a/dilldren and inatalUng the cludes, Nina Rood, Daisy Csnade, give her M tVTHT—Green Hornet, 6:30 Supper Serenadera. Newa. The DalDaily Expreas said guards i as scheduled. Chrtatmas spirit In the hesrU of Overseas Plane Marjorie Crosaman. RIU Leonard f WTiC—When A Girl Mariica. 7:00 Youth RFD; W'eather. the grownupe as well. PuMIe Reaetien Unexpected Mary Warren, Laura Loomla anil I 8:15— 7:15 Outdoor Sporf.aman; UN Guess which B-letter word means... Olayda Schubert; Publicity, D*vid KIUFT * WONS- . Nena. The IS-foot replica of SL Nich­ At Brainard Field Hutchinson and W illlw M; Ander­ I B’TIC—Portia Faces Ufe. 7:30 Sundowrt Serenade. olas was Installed on Main street several days ago but the public son; .Insurance, Elisabeth Dunb*r, ft 5 :80— 8:00 Concert Mart. Khrtford, Dsc. 16—(iSP)—A trans­ Raymond Thomaa and Robert i i WONS—Captain Midnight. 8:30 Airforce Concert Orches- reaction, the chamber said, was one of horror and fright rather atlantic passenger plane with 40 Schubert; Transportation. Char­ iOCKm S MIACILfTS WDRC—Old Record Shop tra. Of course you can adults and nine babies aboud en lotte Hutchins, WIRiert Uttle, Ed­ WTHT—Jack Armstrong. 9:00 News. then Joy. ■iNasouTsacRosm It seem* the chamber said, that routs from Munich, Germany, to ward LaChance and Jsansttp 9:16 Evening Pi-aver. New York, landed at Brainard Buchanan; Legislative, Stanley . . . packaged in the levcl]r’*Swceilwait WTHT—FM. Santa was Mlghtly wall-eyed, had WTIC—Just Plain Bill. a "repulsive iMf” and a nose that field here yeaterday. Mankiw. - Jewel Box’** wkh penoaaliacd gift CHOICE OF THREE TINTS 5 4 .Same as WTHT except aflbtda Bad weather over Nekr York Sidney MacAlpIne was appoint- card. See ear icleclien of gold-filled • :A— 6:45-7:30 p. m.. Concert Hour. "looked like a hot water bottle.** } WONS—Tom Mix. Reluctantly the chamber order­ caused the big C-54 to be ordered eld Grange pianist and choir lead­ and lOK gold jewelry trday. I WDRC—Herb Shrlner and Rayw n c — FM. to land here. It had previously er. WW.N» Double or Twin Bed Sites Same aa WTIC. ed Santa removed to a vacant lot mvrt $8.80 re 618AO *taa Ms i * mond Scott. behind a gas atatlon. been grounded by weather at New­ At laat night’s meeting Mrs. W nc—Front Page Farrell. foundland and Hkd then been clear­ Carl Hilding, who served for sev­ Evening i Television ed for La Guardis field. eral years as chairman of the W’.N'HC— TV. “ 6 00 The plane, chartered by the U. Home Boonomics committee, was : —* i P . M. Carol Services 8. Army from Truns-Wdrid Air­ presented with * gift hy the four WDRC—News. .5:00 WONS—News. Teletunea; Program Rea- lines. was being used to transport past masters under whom she aerv- WTHT—Music At Six; Sports. lime. At the Emanuel soldiers of the occupation forces, ed. The Dewey-Richman Co. WTIC—News. 6:00 Small Fry Club. their wives and children, to this Before the meeting of the 6:30 Russ Hodges Scoreboard. coimtry. Grange a children’s Christmas JEWELERS—SILVERSMITHS—OPTIClANg 6:45 Telephone Glee Club. .The annual Christinas candls- Potterton’s WDRC—Sportscast; Record Al­ Among the passengers were Ola party waa held at 6:S0 o’clock with AT THE CENTER $39-541 MAIN STRICT bum. 7:00 Ailventurea of Oky-Doky. light carol service of the Emanuel from Hawaii, Ohio, Pennsylvania, upwards of 75 children in attend­ »-i-WONS—Sports Edition; News. 7:30 Camera Headllnea. and Junior Choira of Emanuel Kentucky, Georgia and lUtnoia. ance. A special program of enter­ fkMwiiimsaiqmsgsmninBnnwiisi ♦* VtTtC—Strictly Sports: Weath­ 7:45 Jack Eigen Show. Lutheran Church under the di­ er. 8:00 Film Shorts. rection of Clarence W. Helsing, 8:30 Charade Quia. 6:80— will be presented Sunday evening. W'DRC—Record Album. 9:00 Sport Film. December 16, a t 7:00. Chriatinaa WONS—Deema Ta.vlor Concert. 9:06 Wrestling, Parle Arena. carols win be played on the Caril- VSTTIT-Sereno Gammell; lonlc hells from tha church tower Weather. from d:4S to 7:00. WTIC—Emile Cote 01ee

r;- ■■ . .. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1948 KANCRESTER S ym n N G HERALD, V A N C R E Sim . CONN.. THURSDAY. D EffiifEER 16. 194f -HH------HI-— I— :------j.,..|-:.,...— - ■' ■ ' B 'tl 'I distance from the farm of Thomas (llctecl for conspiracy to Violate the j operation in' the ThompranvUtw tarn. Conn., now amounting ' to Eutivit^LAseRe with Christmas star sage of a scope that embracra n t' ||| to the man in the boapltal where Kinkaid to Give 1 u t o p p m e n M s Loc;al Resident about 91.750.000. Unusual Display he was improved After being on Albano. As the result of the raid­ Fedc-a' rrv('n> '> '"’v:!. Tiihooting investigation, hot pol^ roanuerMAt ofic:t. prepared and arranged by this time, all Chriatendom. Prau K ills Engaged to Wed Doubts Tale the criticef list: ing of s giant still on the farm, 11 Federal sgenta of the alcohol in Maasaebusstts dropped the 6h 6 An RFC spokesman said the Mr. and Mrs.'Conrad E. Johnsofi. testant and Oatholic, occupiei tl ^ ‘‘Dolori now says he came ot his men in> three states have been in- la., i-.i.i ua., ^ouw.i.u tuelr CO- j after Dolori -"changed hla gfory." Carbiun^on P r i h e ^ ^ d r ^ Is Prize Winner corporation made several loans to B y Zion Lutheran ia the feature of one side of the center of the Christmas window I own free will with the three men. the company in 1940 when It had windsw -space, while a rare, ' re- display. I Dolori Tells COMPLETE war contracts for airplane seats. ;volving Christmas tree music box. ;e Man 1 don’t believe it because I don't New London, D«q^(^ (^" The' Miss Dorothy Prentice ot New The music box melody of an old | think anyone would freely go for a T hs-lotsl amounted ,tp shout .92.- A Main atreet Christmas window over 40 years old. the possession Chriitmaa song has appeal to chil-' SERVICE Bubmsrihe base ’ disclosed today street, employed tn the Asssasutf display Is being arranged aa a ■ '.f ride in the country with itrangere 500^650. Ba Mold not cite axact of the John Matchulot family in dren aa well as adults, especially at 1 o'clock In the morning. that Admiral 'Thomsa C. Kinksid. office, won ten dollars on the proi^ flfuras on the total loaned or still community Christmas project at Wapping. has been placed on the parents. The display will remain Thoinpsonville Police AT ■ tarsi Nor Hiiven Road Em­ "He aays they shot him on bent U.S.N., commander of the Eastern gram. "Can Tou Top ThisT” ovrt< outstanding. the Manchester Gs* Company of­ other aide. This music box will be for about a week. Chief Agrees Shoot­ fice, aponaored by the Young Peo­ played and amplified from 12-1 ploye Suffers Death road, Ehifield. I believe that be­ Frontier ' and ‘ Atlantic Reserve the Mutual Broadcasting Systnn,' V Jgsgatlattons tow'srda finding s cause I checked and found evi­ SUPERIOR StaUon WONS, last night Way to permit the losms to stay In ple’s Society of the international ■p. m.. and from 4-5 p. m., except­ Finished manufactures account' ing in Enfield fleet, will deliver the principel ad­ W alther League. Zion church. Coo­ ing Saturdays and Sundays. At Hartford Station dence on the spot. Moat of his dress to thy 87th afficers!:. class of Contestants submit. JrtKes'thst force, the spokesman said, have for 70 per cent of American eat-' story I don't believe. It’ll be a SERVICE are told to the atudio audience., been carried on for aome time. per and High streets. A unique A community Christmas mes­ ports. i Tbompsonvllls, Dec.' 16—(F)—I the Submarine school at gradua­ Neith Hartford, Dec. 16— Harvey hard case to break.” 248 Spruce Street tion exercises tomorrow at 9:30 a. The amount of laughter following "Tbie situation finally reached a don't believe bis story,” Police The reported scene of the each story is registered on a point whore there was no recourse U Splegal, *7. of Wllttaroaport. shooting is a mile and a half Manchester m. , at Dealey center theater at the Pa., New Haven road »W»S« Chief William J. Fleming aaid to­ base. "laugh meter.” Miss Prentice’s except To foreclose on the loans,” from Dolori's home and the same Joke registered 600 on the laugh he iwid. handler, suffered a painful death day of Domeolc M. Dei polort's Rear Admiral James Fife, At­ meter. at S:SO a.m.. today when hla arm version of how he came to be mys­ lantic Fleet Submarine force com- I think I’ll g u t m y buddiut a Miss Prentice is the second Man­ was cautM in a movlnf elevator n, snder. will present the L. ,Y. at the railroad auOon and he was teriously shot throe times in bis fuw rhbhfts’. fuut fur good chester person who has had a Joke car near the state line early Sat­ Spear foundation prise, an exgrav- lucicr’'- Oh, fny gosh, \^ a t. accepted by the program. She ■traiialcd and crushed. PRESCRIPTIONS cd marine wrist watch to the said she submitted her entry three ^SSe'foi Medical Examiner Walter Wels- urday. Bisl>Kiioiini honor man. Ensign James B. Wil­ am I sayin’7 months ago. senbom said Spiegel had loaded But he said he does agrse on one home leinedy to rdiere CALLED FOR son. a native of Wayne, Pa., and several hand trucks onto the ele­ point in Dolori’a "new version" of mlsertteof chUdli eoU AND a graduate of the Naval academy vator. On the way to the u p ^ r the crime, that the shooting oc­ This it just a token showing of will the class of 1947. Capt. Thontas B. Klakring, ofl;cer- floor one of the truck handles curred in Connecticut in the town the taking'giftt at Kohn's. Ws Others to participate in the pro­ in-charge of the school, and Ctiap- RFC Authorizes dropped against the wall. In at- • "V isile DELIVERED lain Robert A. Bonner, base chap­ of Enfield, not Just over the line don't mtan to shew off but ws gram will be Capt. Frank W. Fen- tem pW to puU it back Spiegel a In Longmeadow, Maas. no, base commanding officer; lain. The Coast Guard academy or­ Loans Foreclosure arm was caught between the wall do want yoa to know that ws chestra. under the direction of and the UAwtor. This caused the Saturday on his way to Spring- There’s Nothing Better Than PINE Mlea Barbara A. .lohnnon field hospital, the alleged boot­ havt mors gifts for more people Advertisement— ______• Chief Musician George H. Jenks, sipper on his leather coat to tight­ legger who has been tadieted by e than any other jswsliy store in U.S.C.G., also will take part. In­ W’aahtngton, Dec. 16—WP)—The en and he was suffocated. His PHARMACY' cluded among the class of 55 Reconstruction Finance corpora­ a ,R K E @ Idre. Siuan Johnson of 149 Coo­ grand Jury at Hartford was quot­ Cennectfeat. . . and thay cost no Societies . . . clubs . . . fehow arm and chest also were badly 664 Center St. employees . . . have convalescent Naval officers arc two from the tion disclosed today it has author­ per Hill Btreet, announces the en­ ed to the effect th a t threfc un­ mort. • • S'J i ’ fib Hi S« crushed. known armed men took him for a TeL 2-8814 baskets sent from Pinchurat Gro­ Peruvian Navy and one from the ised the foreclosure of its loans to The contact stopped the elevator. gagement of her daughter. Miss Argentine Navy. the Warren McArthur Oo., of Ban- His screams attracted co-workers. Barbara A. Johnson,, to Stewart A. "ride” from his store in Spring ROASTING FrJrrW T«s if imclui$d. cery, Inc. Griael, son of Mrs.'ThoreS8a Grlsel field and shot him wp In Long- At 4k*i0 pri*t$; Firemen had to work two hours meadow. *11)0 FBI hurried into ttc DOLLS with acetylene torches to free the of East Hartford and the late Wll- CHICKENS c a r — iUET — CUDDLE liani Griscl. Inveetigatlon to cheek a poaslble in storiing, $13.50 DOLL interstate abductloh, but dropped Drive In Any lime co o l Th.y'f. WoBd.rlul! .**°8piege1 had been employed by in gold-filled. $14.00 ■'*• levabl.1 Baaulilully the New Haven road since NoV. 1. it as quickly the next day with Deliveries Friday Morning Earrings in storiing, S.700 ■ed. o Moealilcaat Array oi CARRIAGES He had been living at the Visiting Priest out full explanation. in gold-filled, $9.00 FIHZST DOUS W. Ho*, EVEBY SITE and Says Shooting hi Enfield REAL STYU YOU He leaves his widow, Mrs. Eve­ ROGER OLCOTT Lsdias’ Hamilton, white or ffiwwa—EACH ONE AN lyn Spiegel; two children, and his For Polish People Now Dolori saya he was shot In 403 West Center fltreet OUTSTANDING WANT! ro ld i^ TOther, all In WlUlamsport, Pa. Enfield, the chief reported. Flem­ Telephone 188S ysllew gold, $71.50' VALUEI Com. In. W. Typo* end Eny. ing declared today after talking Ladies' Omega, gold, with ESTATE Hove Iu*< th. Dot! H*li Ceech S)yl«. You Wont! Wide Vartoly — For the convenience of the sweep second hand, $100.00 Is Our Greatest OUTSTANOINC Parochial School Polish members of St. James’ Banjo-msn pin in all gold, $37.00 VAIUCSI TABLE & CHAIR SETS parish Rev, John L. Loughran, Basic ValucI 824-828 MAIN STREET TEL, 5161 MANCHESTER $9.25 To Meplo ruraiiufo Dnlsliod To Repeat Show pastor of St. James’ church, has Pearl Earrings, simulated, oad Won Mods — arranged to have Rev. Stanlslaws $4.50—$1800 When jrou bay it, aeO It $21.30 BXCEPTIONAI. VALUll ’‘ $ 1 3 . 9 5 Becuszka, S. J.. of Providence at I Pearl Necklaces, simulated, or trado it you want mhii A repbat performance of the the church Saturday and Sunday. S17 0?— WASHING Saturday at 3:30 and a t 7:30 EAOT HARTFORD mum value for your money Christmas entertainment by pupils When Yoa Enm iraTho NURSING PECKING BIRDS in the kindergarten, first, second, Father Becuszka will hear confes­ TELEPHONE 8-52.^1 Stirling SUver Lily Pin 910.78 MACHINE Wlad Tboei Up. third and fourth grades of St sions in Polish.’ Yhoy Hop Atoead James’ Psrochisl school will be The visiting priest will celebrate Pine Jswshrt Since 1865 Jarvis given at the school hall Saturday the 9 o'clock masa on Sunday, art Poch el at F;30 p.m. The entertainment Father Loughran announced to­ I Organizofion Yhoir Pood — was proaented last Sunday after­ day. To do any of tbcao tranaa& 2 m aoz— noon. hut the attendance was so eat that ul who wished to see llPereons Killed In Blaat lions yon get maalmum SWEET TONE PIANO Se jroungsters were unable to do valoe backed by a hlably 12 KgYZ-PnUEE so. Announcement of the Saturday Guatemala. Guatemala, Dec. Id trained and eipcrkmcad or- TYPE—loauaful Tooo. 3.39 7 9 e event was made today by Rev. Eleven persons were re­ "anlzation. LOOK! Wards t EET PIANO 11.16 John U Ixnighran, pastor of St. ported kUled and 15 injured Isst Jamas’ church. night when a Are works plant fill­ Sunday at 3 p.m. the Christmas ing Christmas orders exploded. Jarvis Realty Co. play to be given by pupils of the One of the deed and several ot the R BALTUR S TOTS sixth, ssvenUi and eighth injured were infants. The plant gradw will be preeented In the was in s private home which burfl- 654 Cantor Stroot TRICYCLE seheol haU. ed Bfter the blast. Latin Ameri­ ToL 4I 1S O r 7275 An Sta.1— cans use fireworks in celehrhUng Sabhet Tirad Christmas. \ I PANDAS. DOGS, W]i*.l«. Sw. tact tor th. •E6INNIII*S Robertson P TA n TEDDY BEAat. rirM Triko. 2 . KRTEN6. Etc. Guests of Pupils SN Thoy’to e* I C i S K A T I S Cotoe* Yhof sm o BAaowooD ootnu auwB BODY—AU S«Mt VMtar. AdhuMto, ooRiat.—Snbbnr Ttcod ' The Robertson Parent-Teacher Wlw.l*-St.U Vol ^ In Damage Suit Harry Berger's clever new two-way ticket . . . beaa- AU. s tzn 8 LIGHT lUINLE tUnUy tailored Tommleooat and Tommie pajama . . . sleep TREE SETS 2 . 9 S ia them aeparately, wear the Tommleeoat aa a handsome tADicr ^ tJawrmce J. QaskeH. of Florence robe. Deep tone aada Tomihieeeat liver pastel riiyoa pa> WMITt CIK WINDOWfiQcSLIGHT 4 IQ _trest was awarded ILBOO in eet- Janma. BrientUloally designed to St yonr height. Specially f riQuazaxATt CANDLE OO'* c a n d i e s / ~tlement of a suit yesterday against packaged 15.98 for the set. I.S5 m M. Legasse, HsrcrhlU, Mass., eo owner of the Ross Maiming Car­ nival abow. Lawrence. Id yean ROLLER SKATES '“ 98e S 's ? '" 2 ' old at the Umc, was injur^ June nOUTASr HoSoaony To. ludoblo■to49 * taaa* 922 la tseo an dsnatwr* ataa* AU Stao* — 26" .s e a t Now Haven, Dec, 16 — (F)— •WliR|.ITZER S v o r t Joseph R. Audette of Wallingford oad 24" Juvon- ® 0N E *S c e a s s n rff rsar ttxfs ro sav rtt- loor. eod 26" today was ahoolvad of criminal re- •HARDMAN Adult) ■ponsibility for the auto mjuriee FINANCE COo SUo*/ death of Theron Hawley, 50, of Madiaon, in a finding lasued by 2nd Hear • fTSTf TMIAT22 tUltOINO Coroner James J Corrigan. Haw­ rss su m tnun, suNCManR, conn. 30 denier, 45 Range, were 1,19 ley was injured fatally last Oct. KEMP'S Mel 2S96 • 0a«w Haver. VII MANanar tt when'struck by a car operated INC. Ua** a*4* W N|U*M •> *S ■imwAw «*a*i 2 - 9 8 by Audette. Tha accident occurred Furniture and Munic [EASY TERMS on the Port road, Madiaon. Open Safurdaye Until 1 P, N. Dec. 4th throogb Dec. 18th i ^ * s c $ 4 . 9 8

' Did You Know You C'Jin BUY A PACKARD Fur As Little As a a ? $ 2 2 / 4 . 0 0 OurfW 3A9

Spo**" 15 denier, 51 gauge, were 1,59 QC If you will give electric appliances for Now — Wards prices are even lower cri on first quality nylons! Now — you hS9 Christmas, you will make the happiness of can pay less — save more on every pair! Every stocking in this group is MUSICAL INSTIIMERTS Christmas last throughout the whole year. all exquisite nylon from top to toe, BULLETIN BOARD S TEN PEN GAME SSIh atomic without a single ring, pull or flaw to BUGLE or fox ChiM'f !!••«. IIWIINS FOI THEVNOUFMlilY SAXOPHONE a detract from its beauty. And — you Nafunr* Itichffiffi, torso•> 1 Inch Sino w have a scledtion o f ultra-sheers . . . OHie*. Ttnrdvrood ■■ . :0i2S>2 Inches SavviUy rin- mediiun-weight sheers . . . walking ltf«.Comp«sin«ib ■•hvd Duini notho* end Shoe* VIOUN Ptn* and S lUnulalfd Atonic Wiik Oo- Affi. sheers to choose from. Further, you’ll 8e9TG iR riRi9h*ff < Lots* Sovl. Boy*. ABSOlUTELT wohohlo l a ins BoU*. nos*. t*» *ww find they're in all the newest costume- nABMLESS —A lot ol Fun let That blending shades. Come in sizes 814 Tm—. 1.98 I 1 . 6 9 Uvsiy Younstwt. 95' V* to 10J4. Stock tip a supply — today!

¥ ¥ - 358 EAST CENTER ST. MANCHESi'EK T he C o n n ec tic u t P ow er C o m p a n y H i T E U 5i 91--N IG H T S 448,5 .1 . wpifusmfs 681 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER, TELEPHONE 6771 rV

' \

■\ V' '" W "V .-.'5

MANCHESTER HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBIHl 1«. 1948 IIAI^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Id^ IMS i M i was ntto m i^ g to avoid 34m lUttoW ifiatalled the AuxU- George Fischer. Charles Tedford lanes that ha had "only baea on flc analyaia "of a aort not gener­ without our knowliis snd si*pn>v* look back to aome of the eodal the Job tor a few daj^” but “al­ ally found in uniform.” (Forrestal i^ U ) another truck owned New Officers . laiy afHeaaa. - (deceased), Theodora Nalaori, Jr.. Mrs. Redick yesterday announced the creation ^ U f e d S iilM 'a Coal company. ^iuwir'Klrr ins. laws Hitler inaugurated in his ef­ Renews Plea Richard Reichenbach, Ralph Pet- ready 1 bare recognised that thsra CHaglar OCfleers fort to breed a super race, and are many reaponslbiUtlas. of a Joint chiefi-reaearch. board ^ 'ta -Hsagltal Sta Moataa ■ Deponding upoR yoRf erton, Otto Hellar, John Mroeek, group on Wfxpona evaluation.) Ifim.': Oarevel, it was claimed, Ttea SMtavtag chapter officers look around the world to present Ronald Carlson, Robert Kurland, Given $ ^ “Tlfore are a greet maay things Q £ S a lM # ^i^ F o r$ 18,8S0 Are Installed An0 l|rraUi view, MUier an extreme lunacy or F o r ‘Y ’ Fund 1 to M atrslghtened out bafora ^ LEftfMmilHY 5. Speed up plans fo r' civilian sttsttonad fractures of the right leg V. ■ i >■ ''' ^ wars IfiaraWi'i:. Senior vice com- aome very elemental common conditlona In some areas where Herbert Phclon, Walter Von Hone. mobiUzation in caae of war, .in­ and thtedi* 9be waa a patient In asaadar. John' Christ, Srd; junior ■l^nuuflnfwnira u ta Robert Alvord, Richard- DMaon, (Seneral Assembly convenee next DIO VQU senae la quietly muacUng Ita way the woman la sometimes little next month.” be aaid, “and wa got cluding economic, industrial and DuitoKF hoapitel more than tlx Vico cow tehdor, JosejA Kowell; I# ttmtn Btr.^ Robert Douglas, Thomas Gorman, BEMNGQSIGN Pro- neenUte-snd in October, 1946, waa adJutaaV'Chanso Varem; treasur- M«nehMt«r, Omb. more than a chattel. Contributions Lagging Baldwin Says Party a lot of work to do In the next two Rejects VAmerican manpower: mobilization. In anoth­ Donbnry Cool Compan­ Local D. A. V. Chapter oar coovooimt In upon world affairs. James E. Billot, Cheater Hughes, er section, the committee sgld tbe I ass wad ' to another inaUtutioa Or. Albart Sheffield; chaplain, Rob­ THOMAS rB R O O ^ The provisiona on property Burton Oarleon, Charles Trotter, yean. O fTM KM asv* Against Seiz­ ies to Pay Sum Tor bte And Auxiliary Hold room while " SNA. Tr«u.. 0«a'l Mkiiacw Here fo r the County- Must W rite Platform "We have got to build the foun­ reflllni.taiill^ li. ^ test condition of the nation’s stockpile wkera aha still is under treatment ert Flta^triar; sergeant-at-arms, Oetobtr l. IW. Gorden Keeney, Roger Schubert for a mental condition. Westey Mila; officer of the day, Articles 12 Through 17 seem, at first glance, an affirma­ In Next Six Months dation for the 1950 campaign,” % IMMMife ure of Oil ProperUeZ of strategic materials needed for a juries to Woman Joint Ceremony tion of capitaUam and a blow at Wide Organization and Bruce WUkle. war is "^plorable.” Mr. Oaravel, conservator for hie Fraacis Washburn, and auditors, 5 |ii«k|li4M« *»«rT B»««W Continuing with the text of the Baldwin aaserted, "and we have Located At . ■nMK> mK BoiXtay*. SattTMl at tlM fi.Make adequate provision for wife, brought suit against both Albart Dawning. Wilfred Bulla Bodalism or communism, but what got to write what la to be our 1950 ^udgpeet. Dec. 16— Hun- M t olllaa at Hanctieater. Conn., aa Universal Declaration of Human Edsnn Bailey, chairman of the Hartford, Dec. IS—(F)—Repub­ campaign platform in tha next six use of and protection againat "un­ Bridgeport. Dec.-16-riF)—John coal oompanlea and the case waa Walter Barioaa, I I Blrek street ta>d O. J. Agoatinelli. 53 Pamcn Ptaec SwEbd Ctaaa Mail MaUtn______they really mean will depend up­ New Strike Rights, adopted by the United Na­ County Y. M. C. A. committee for lican Stats Chairman Clarenoe F. months. gai^ haa told tke. U. S. State de- conventional means of warfare." Qaravel, Danbury, toddy aeoapted aaaigned for trial today before and Mrs. Isabelle Heritage, ION AnxBiary Offioeni i Bt)B8CRIi*nuN RATES on a definition of the word ’’arbi­ San Franclaco, Dec. 16—(F|— Baldwin says bis party must writs “I am planning a campaign pnriment to "mind ita own buni- This incktdes "not only the atom Judge Thomaa B. Troland and a Oppooite Park 8U yio.uu tions General Assembly at Paris Manchester, announced today that $18,880 from two Danbury coal Superior court Jury. The settle­ Main street w en Installed aa Auxiliary officers installed were: Ofi4'T«ar Ay Mall ...... trarily,” Presumably, any mea»- ’The AFL Sailors' Ualon of the Pa­ Its 1950 campaign platform “in from tha.gran roots,” said Bald­ neah.” bomb, but tiw other radiological gU'montba by Mall ...... I &.UU as the lin t world wide declaration contributions to the drive are and hlotogicm and chemical weap­ companies in settlement of a $126,- ment Id subject to approval by Um commandera of Manchester Chito* Senior vice commander. Mrs. .S I.UI ure adopted In tha name of the cific, demanding wags Increases, win. ■ 'nui.remark ww contained In a Orgea Bulla; Junior vice com- Una month by Mall ...... of its kind: coming in slowly And renewed his the next six nMntha.” IlungMan rejection of an Ameri­ ons that have appeared, definitely 060 negligence action. brought in Dsnbdry Probate court. tor. No. 17, D. A. V.. w d Its Aux­ SUMO Copy ...... t IH atate or the common good will haa raised the poaalhUUy of a new mnSiia Ml seXneaee DavM R. Laaaler reprceented Mr. nihfider, Mrs. Sarah Kowell; chap- L'V' wSkly. by cairler ...... S Jt* Article l*t "Ho one shall be appeal for funds that will go to-^ west coast ahlpplng strike if ita Baldwin was ona of the speakers ~ - (VAO*«*reMh. can proteat againat seixure of and terribly, upon the horizon ot behalf of hla wife, Florenee, who iliary at Joint cenmontail bald loat Tel. 5141 SIAUI riot be Judged legally to be "arbi­ last night at a teatiuionial dinner More Seek OM-Jeh Training warfare." ' allegedly became mentally ill as a (larevel: Pollman and Comley and lata. Mre. Alice Savard; treasuren Sulk dallaaraa. Un« Yaar subjected to arbitrary Interference ward the development of the “Y” demanda ara not met. The union American-owned oil propertiea. night at Tinker hall.' Bareipa suc­ Mrs. Evelyn Christ; adjutant. Wa« of Mlaa.. Eiuaicn .. ta w trary,” although it may seem Just program ui the amaller towns in for secretary of tha State Francis Tb.e note waa made public yester- The committee said it had re­ raotilt of injuries received in an outo ‘Joaeph Ck Shapiro were counsel with bis private family, bawe or filed a routine 6 >t. ar Bveryoae has the right to the pro- tice waa presented “as a safeguard ployment," the number of veter­ streets, Danbury, about 8:45 a.m. that Is little remembered: Abe Lin­ ford, state commander of.tlio Aux­ Iteabr, Md hospital chairmen. life is placing inoraaslng restric­ The County Y committee for —Just in- case we have to take the ed the “ability, energy, courage WORK Company (N. J.) were forced by general staff for all three services. East Center St. not oti>e>y*aa rroOtled in tb'^ napai tecUoa of the tow against such In- and forthrightness” of Mrs. Red­ ans seeking on-tbe-Job training is "This tremendous authority should Dec. 34, 1945, when she. W'ss coln spoke two minutes in a speech iliary. and theif aids, conducted Ml*. Christ and Mrs. COra Blow. anS aiM wa lonti n««» P«niiabay the that Is known to this day by school the ccremonlex Uricchio installed erty, and steadily diminishing that local business and profeaalonal filled at about the 1946 rate, Consumers’ Cool company while children. lowing the Initsllatlon. diatiatrhaa Wretn ar« alao raaenod. Article IS: “ Everyoae has the men, launched Its drive for funds Maay BeapoaalbUltlea •M UMiae M nol pfodiiction: '' The State depart­ military hands, with consequent the efflecra of Chapter IT whila right, these provialotia were the On Way Ta Barope Chairman Baldwin told bis aud- spokesman said. danger to our. democratic in^tu- Pull aarrif* cllont ol N. B. A. 8or»- right to freedoni of movenieat aad on Monday, Dec. 6 with the mail­ ment Bald the “confeaalona” were meaningless result of the determi­ tlons.” the report said. But two of lea. Ino______residence withla JtlM bordeni of ing ot several hundred appeals for need aa an excuse to aelae the com- nation of the driegates to write contributions. The drive, which Naw Toth. Dae. 16—(F)—Ac­ p^ny* a, properties.) the If-man civilian committee dis­ sented on this point—John J. Mc- juMOB Il4ltww» HiMH-mi Af«rK*y -Nsw each atate. > some plank on property, whether has reached the half-way mark, tress Rita Hayworth is on her xOraW Sabotage” HstahUahed “ Everyoae haa the right to way to Buropa aboard the liner Cloy. 'former assistant secretary Torh. Ch'eado. OetroU anO B»iat*in. or not it said anything. Bot’« Rus­ was organised when it became ap­ ■The Hungarian government re- leave any country. Including his parent that the decreasing contri­ Britannic on which Aly Kahn, plfd that they had eatabllahed of war, and (Tbester I. Barnard, ilBMRBK AUOIT BUREAU OF sia and the United States recog­ aon of a wealthy Moslem Leader president of the Rockefeller CTKCUIJITIONS. ______own, and to retnm to his coun­ butions during the past few yeara that "grave sabotage was carried foundation. nise the right of ownership, but would not be sufficient to conduct Aga Khan, also la a passenger. o ^ on higher instru^ana rf- 2. Merger of the three armed Tno Hersld CVmPMy. try.” each has Its own curbs on how a satiafactory Y program for The ship sailed yesterday. Beeent ce^ed from America.” •Mumes no ansnciil r*»p.'ii»ibinty fio Article 14t “ Everyone hns the youth population that has almost reports have suggested a romance forces into a single , "department tyoiiarapnicsi sm e* ipnesrms much may be ou^ed. We think j ^ e reply also said tke ■''United of defense." The "rincere and right to seek sad to enjoy In other doubled ainoe 1958. between the pair. They were fre­ Stetea State department. had bet­ vMtlMmenU and <>lhei rssdn^ niMlar. the Declaration flubs the Issue of deeply held differences” dividing In Tha lianrtiralei Evenins Herald. rountrlea asyhun troas perseeu- Sponsors CSmp Weodatoek quent companions recently at Hol­ ter mind Ita own bvtelnMs” be- property, and fails to set up as One of the projects sponsored lywood n l^ t spots. the services "cannot--and should tlen. ciusc American ‘third ' degree Thursday, December 16 ape^c a future standard, on this by the County Y la Camp Wood- nJibthodR of torturing'^ were notor- not be removed by Flat,” the re­ “ Thia right nmy not be Invoked port said, adding that such a mova very tangil>Ie Issue, as it achieves stock, for 3T years the center of idua outside the United States. la the ease of preaecuUons gen­ influence for a large group of lo­ probably Would do more to Intensl Hiss Indicted for some of its' more intangible The Hungarian note alao fy the splits than it would to uinely arlstng fram nen political cal boys and girls. Manchester charged that sabotage "la an or­ rights. lessen them, f ormer Secretary of The Federal grand Jury, sitUng crimes or from acts oentrary ta people were instrumental in tha ganic part” of the American at- founding and directing of the If: tooe ton-ard the present regime. War Robert P. Patterson dissenit In New Tork, which has heard a the purposes aad priaelplea « ( the cd. saying “ the military establiah. grMt deal more of the case than camp. The note aifoed that precious met-. United Natlona.” Some of the other projects of ^ and other valuables whose ment will not be on a sound oigan- the public knows, has made Its Article 15: ” Everyoae haa the the Y include the County Older 1 8 7 4 Hungarian owners i^ re murdered Isstlonsl basis, with waste reduc­ rasoluUoB of the, conflict between Boys’ Conferences,held annually by, German Fascists were sold in ed to a minimum, until we hava a right to a aatloaaUty. ('onnecticut single department of detena«.“ the stories of Whittaker Oiam- since 1918. and the Torch Fellow­ tbf U. S. In open auctions. “ No one shall be arMtcarlly de­ Under the present unification sya* ben and Alger Hiaa. Ithaadecld- ship. The conferences have always .The note amid Hungary dalms prived of his aaUenaSty;. attracted a large Manchester WMICINS tkf right "to compensate itself for tem the three forces are sepspate edi on the basia of testimony It aled the right to change hla na- Yankee group of older bova Interested in damages caused the U. S. goy-- departments, coordinated the WITH THE ACCENT ON ■ kOTHBRS. IN C office of secretary of defense. has beard and which has not yet UoaaUty.” By A. H. O. diactusing with other youths from erpment retaining Hungarian Would Merge Air Arms baan made puUic, that It la Alger These sections, as daring sad the county the serious problems FUNERAL pojperty by making use of Amer- Hlas who has been the liar. The 1M9 session of the General that are of great concern to boys. iein property in Hungary.” 8. Merger of the Naval air arm, sweeping as anything in the Dec­ Several of these conferences have SERVICE with the Air Forces—rejected on YOUNG WARM STYLING! |t charges that he perjured him- Assembly is supposed to see the laration, at once set up and knock been held in Manchester. the gronn4 that it would be unsafe a ^ vriien, the day before yeater- birth of a new system of appoint­ down the fcUch of naUonalism. ment of town and city court Judges. Torrii Fellowship Orniand J.We$t Defense Setup to "put all our eggs in one basket” dagr, he told the grand Jury that They set it up by proclaiming it We never thought, even while It The Torch Fellowship la an hon­ Director Gen. Robert E. Wood, chairman of h«^ had never turned over secret was being adopted, that the new orary countv-wlde society, nomina­ the board of Sears, Roebuck and' everyone’s right, and then deniol- (fo.,- dissented, saying the matter dboumsats to Caiambers. sysVem would accomplish much in tion to whicn la baaed on charac­ Viewed Costly ish it by making it entirely tha ter, leadership and aome worthy "iSi a tremend'>U8 one" snd should It chargsa that be perjured hlm- the direction of that reterm which property and privilege of the In­ has been agitated in Connecticut attainment on the part of the boy. receive more study— preferably sa(f, in the same appearance, when [ (ConUaued from Page One) by Congress. dividual ratmr than the claim of for so many, many yaars. We The Fellowship was founded .In hi^ denied that be had seen Cfliam- thought that, if the state really 1985. and Arthur IIMng, superint 3t96 The committee exposed some the atate. Before tnis ptlvtiege Itahment and the top-level national iMte aftalr the year 1B36. Intended reform. It should go to tendent of schools, was chairman security organization. skeletons in the military’s closet. of the Individiixl, national oarriem of the originating committee. In dlsbussing "disturbing inade­ Iriie grand Jury, on the teatl- the popular election of local Judges, l . Would Overhairi Budget are swept down, and if national so that the people could hava aome Touths 17 years of aga or older quacies in our intelligence sys­ mhny of nnrevealed witnesses, 7Aa Sign c t • ( 8. Overhaul the^mlUtaor bud­ aovereignties still exist, it la the opportunity to Judn parsonnel, as art rilgU>lc membership In the get system because the “military tem,” the committee disclosed: dmrgss that he did turn papers th ^ do with premta Judges, or organisation, and a nomination to “In th% spring of 1948, a mistak­ indivldiud who haa tha final sover­ WORTHY SERVIC6 teHices are far too prodigal with ovier- to Chambers, that ha did aee that it might even go to appoint­ the* Fellowship la a hlghly-togard- ^vemment funds.” en intelligence estimate, prepared eignty of deciding where his own 142 East Center St. Ggambers In the winter of IflSS. ment by the Judges of tha Superior ed honor. ' The committee aaid strategic by a departmental intelligence allegiance shall he placed, imd for Court Manchester boys Inducted Into ^ n s presented by the armed agency, Stimulated recommenda­ jniua, apparently, tha grand Manchester how long. Uke ao much of the But the reform selected by the the Torch Fellowship include nweea to the Munitions board last tions—which If followed— might Juky has baen Able to penatrate General Assembly waa a ebanga DeclaraUon, these provtsiona fore­ M l called for an outlay of $80,- well have had serious conae- hfkAMte the luridly conflicting In tha origination of nominations (lOO.OOff.OOO and the initial esti­ quences. Fortunately, in this in­ shadow the future, and the qiecl- for the ininor court banchea. In­ aeries of the two men, each of mates for the fiscal year beginning stance, the central , intelligence fle thing these provisiona for^ stead of coming from the Judiciary next July 6 “added up to more than agency and other intelligence Zipper Jacket of same 100% which might aeem aomathtng of a shadow to a world dtiabnahip Commlttoa of the General Aseem- $80,600,000,000.” groups correctly ev^uated t^e wool material tn multiple ^ ta a y ocaridered by ttaelf, to bly, which in practice has usually This waa aoaled down to $15,- plaids. which alone shall be IrrevocaUy avaiMle Inform^on in tip solid rorit of evlifenoa whlrii obtained them from the local party For Christmas m , 000,0(H jm b^b y "the most binding. tflkm Oommltteeo of the various ddmeat tar Secretary of % r jnifkes one fantasy come true, and mowt' Neither Jhe in^derit nor ’ A t These secUona proclaiming the eommunitlaa. tha reform is that ^fense ForrestaK'and a apecifld identity of the particular intelli­ rmuala the other to be a tissue of individual, and not the state, mas­ tha nominations ara to come from New Set Of directive from Prcttldent Truman, gence agency—whether one of the haU, depierate Uea. Hiss, of the Governor. A Ladies' ond Gents' the repor$ said. ter of his fate, offer the Declara­ three military services or from a oQdrae, Is not yet guilty. That will It the Oevemats who aemlaste ■ .4. Hehtte aSlentlflc research tion’s aharpest challenge to Rus­ More elosely to strategic planning. non-military department—was dis­ dqpand upon trial and the produc­ under the new peaeednre merely Rings Of All Kinds closed. sian iwactice and Russian theory. httllate the legUntIve dudlelaiy 'The failure to hava war plan­ tion of evidence in court. But the ning geared, to feasible scientific Also, in talking about need for a For, aa communism has been mai- Ooniqdttee, and take their aemf- SEAT COVERS better inventory system, the com ffigeral grand Jury baa been able dtvelMtnenta waa to constitute developcd in Russia, the so-called aatieas from the reeemmeada mittee said the Army reported it to maks up Ito mind, and that (act Hone af local party towa com­ FOR YOUR CAR “one Si the most glaring deficicn- stateleaa society wfaldl la siqiposed etea in (he whole panorama of the had 25,000 tgnks left over at the talmprcMlva. mittees, the reform dbappeara end of the war "iMit was able to Roomy, full cut pa­ to be the final result of communist without a praetteal trace. national aaourite organization.” jamas made by the fsr Bow 4lid It happen that Mr. Hiss Ladies' Plain and Stone The Joint chien of staff ( the account to the committee for only theory has been altered Into a new Governor-elect Cheeter Bowles AU $19.95 Sets about 16,000 tanks. It was unable moua Bruxtmi shirt his own story so boldly, ao hasn’t shown Ms hand In tha mat­ $10 commanders of Army, Navy and makers. In cotton or exaltation of the nationalistic to state what became of the . iiAst the trustees of the ter, at this writing at toas^"'^ Biii Air Force) "feel that their strate­ flanneL state. For a atate which regards Set Bracelets gic responaibillty must not be im­ others.” Endowment for Intema- local town committees, perhaps all human' beings bom "within its acting merely from the momentum paired. yet the rimple fact la that 1^: t6nal Peace, only a few houra be­ AU $55.00 Sets Fostoria |he Joint chiefs of ataff is not now Wins Year’s lae Supply borders as Its own creatures, ir­ of tradition, or perhaps aci $25 equipped for technical evaluation.” fore the grand Jury’s Indictment, aaaurancea from state partjf. 1( revocably, Uieae provialona must Quelph, Ont, Dec. 16—(FI-The nprcly tabled his rcatgnatloa and era, are behaving as if the; Glass Such evaluation requires scientl- $2.98 and seem a allocking impossibility. feature prize at last night's Board oqnUnliad his salary, a gesture never heard of the sui AU $75.00 Seta of Trade Ladles night wss a Russlaa criticism ot the Declara­ form. year’s supply of Ice, delivered. wWeb amounted to moral backing They are going through the $35 tion, In aome of its proviaionB, has ter Haa? The answer might be wranglee and contests typical of WJS HAVE MOST SIZES IN STOCK polVs Bridal Togs The winner waa Mrs. John Col- $3.95 been that it doea not go far Ien.s, wife of the proprietor of a tiiat whatever Mr. Hlaa may have the pre-lagislative season, and com­ enough. Here it went much too CUEV. |it)RD. PLYMOUTH, Wadsworth Compacts refrigeration equipment firm. given to the Communists, he ing out with their endorsemants far for^ the Russia of today. These of candidates for town and cite OLDS. PONTIAC. PACKARD. HUDSON, acqulrad from them the talent and are among the provisiona Mrs. court poats. BUICKS. DODGE. DESOTO. MERCURY Up tacbnlque for the Mg, bold Tha Democratic town commit­ Roosevelt hopes will seep through COUPES, SEDANS, COACHES Tree Decorations lib. I t P a talent which, by Com- tees which are doing thia are put­ Russia’s highly natlonaUatie ngunist stondarda, la a public vlr- ting Governor-elect Bowies on the screen against uie world, and help spot, making it impoastble for him Um, aa h l^ y esteemed by them create a Russia of tomorrow. < to nominate any one of hla own ab tbo.«a|iaclty for and loyalty to choice without defying those local But It would be error to regard tenth to cstoemed by our way of Democratic organiaatiom wMch BRUNNER’S, Inc. auch declarations as a challenge arorked for his election. They will, 358 EAST c e n t e r STREET MANCHESTER Ute. Poaalbly this briUlant young we suppose, transmit their e:i- iMtolloatual originally thought he to Russia alone. Russia Is mara- ly the extreme case. Repeatedly, dorsementa directly to the Gover­ asaklng some high Ideal when nor, and behave aa If they ex- h» fln t l^lproacilad tha way ol In this Declaration, the represen­ pacted his ratification to be auto­ the fcUow trsvelsr. Wbsit be found tatives of the West went forward matic and, therefore: hlsoam ex­ and beyond actual conditions in ercise of a choice nil. Watch —«A gpBild piMi took himt*lf The Republican town conunit- waa moral leprosy. their own aodety, stating fUtura teea which are likewise Indulging ideals for themselves as wall as In endorsements are not, ptasum- Chains . Marghmll Pbn Phrtner for others. In these provtatona, the ably, intending to send their en- And unwritten goal la that of world doreements directly to a Demo­ cratic governor, but rather to their One saettoa of the cokl war haa citlsenahip. It is a logical, Inevi­ own party’s legislative leaders, Knives faMU dteeipatod, and the remaln- table goal for humanity- ERA* who are apparently supposed to tng oepduct of that cold war made ala today to farthest from the figure out their own technique for tp seem a little more nonsensical goal, while aome of the wortd’a getting Mr. Bowlea to nominate the right Republicans. Beoutiful tjum ever, by the agreements Just smaller nations are doaeat to It, The fact that the organisatiocs laadied betwsen Italy, one ol with the United Btates in a middle of both parties are engaging in laar” western countries, and Rut- poaiUon, reasoning, intellectually, such endorsements shows them not Peorls ria. tefward that g o ^ but hanging only Ignoring the existence of the Tstr! new s^ em of nomination of minor In Single Or ; Italy, at long teat, is going to back and aloof emotionally. court Judges, but alao ahowa tham LADIES'AND lienor the peace treaty under From Its diacuadon of the privi­ heading uistfully toward another Multi Strandfl WELKINS which . BnaMa was assigned M leges of the dttaen with mgard of the so-callad 1u • Pattern No. 8948 is for dolU in you realty have a treat in store. i^—dlng amounts.” “ Marriage shall ha entered late As for us, we are nssumlag Seth Thomas and Mzea 12, 14. 16, 18 snd 30 Inches. Children and adulta alike will Join United States and Russia only with the free and tall coa- Itat tta aew Goveraer wtn have For exact measurements. ^ consult in the fun and most of the decora­ tlnw lorinii eemndm ta tha seat at th^ InlaaBag apaaaei. 1847 Community Silver tiaUern. f., tions will last as long aa there's aad weetopdet^t n1«t*tauM G. E. Clocks For this pattern,*'send 25 cents, fun in your heart! of Italian anonomie moo “The taarily la tha aataral aad To obtain tracing patterns, in­ _vaap nalt af ascisty have to aay, la aetiea If oat hi aa in Cblns. your name, address, size ;atthamsaiantwli ■RMy words, la that ha to oal {^esired. and the Pattern Number structions, drawings, crocheting SEE OUR EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS instructions ahd finishing dtrec- • ipa nmaii Is aalltM ta prateettaa by • Btaoip far tawa eaoi- U Sue Burnett, The Manchester aSttasa af rith y pasty- tlona for the nine ornaments illus- flvenlng Herald, 1150 Ave. Amer- trsted in Unusual Tree Decora­ .terns, Asttola n t "B m j aM km the tea*, flew York 19, N- Y. Ta Bs Omm Oa(y Half Day tions (Pattern No. 5643) send 15 ■ritnntjmia right ta awn prspsrty aleae as STATE THEATER ■ n a latest Fan and Winter issue cents te coin plus 1 cent postage. Hartford. Dac. 16— All weal 737 4( Fashion is filled with ideas for Your name, address snd tbe pat­ Mite It to axtraariy wah M In aaaociatlaa with athers. draft boards will be open for btisl-, F. E, BRAY BUILDING A smart winter wardrobe. More tern lAimber to Anne Cabot, The Italy antered this ar- “ Ns aae ahaU be srMtrarll.v de- ness only half a day the day be-! MAIN ST. peaigner Original patterns, fabric Manchester Evening Herald. .1150 than It get yrivad af Ms prafsrty.” fore Chrlatmas, Col. Vernon S. i JEWELER pews, and a free pattern printed Avenue of the Ameriesa Newj Moorehouse, state selective service wasehlps. The provisions oa marriage I m the book. 25 cents. York 19, N. Y. ^j^BtreriBg director bsq oimounced. % r ■ T- -- * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1948 fcTiaf

No PromisDig hiight In the Inveatlgatlon o f the there were no pnm M hg efaes huh w Broadcast Sceue at the New Arthur D rug Store Here A r t D e a le r aex s u y l^ of pretty Ruth Fame- were continuing a chock of a patp takes Guam. Dec. 16-^P) — A blood- worth of Ran Franciaco, Guam of maa’e treueeiB found eonalnerJ Extrasq Studios ^ staliidd ahlrt and man's underwear police -did not explain tha negativa ably distance from the scene o f U ic Doctor W ard L o se s C ase wera checked o ff as “ nO lead” t«>- raoult of tha dieck. They admitted brutal slaying. ' Sign Contract I; ______Hollywood, Dec. The l^romiiieiit Niantie Car> Rettaurant Chain Oper^ Screen Bxtree' guild and'the ma­ ator GeUi $13,508.26 o f Qualitya. jor Btudioa have a new* cmtract fdiologist ni Two and today—but atlU the old ratea of Judgment on Note ^Half Years pay. .1’ ' ^ Enduring The agreement, announced last Bridgeport, Dec. 16—(P)—E, W. night, ie subject to approval by the Itew London. Dec. 16—W —Dr. dlr'otora of the film companies and lAwrence S. Ward, 40, of Main Ingram, a Columbus, O., national Beauty restatirant chain operator, obtain- guild a rank and ilia. It continues alreet Ntantlc, prominent cardiol­ the old ratea—8D.45 a day for mob ogist In that town for 12 years, auc- ad a 618,S06.M promissory note seane extras, $15.56 for general tx- danbed to a two and a half years' ;udgment against David B. Find­ tras and $22.28 for drsM extras. ttlneaa early thl.i momtna at Law­ Still unanswered, however, ie rence and Memorial Associated lay, a New Canaan art dealer, in Superior court todisy. the problem of state unemploy­ bospltala. ment pay for extras. A graduate of Oomell Unlver- M agreement whldi preceded the entry of Judgment provides The State Unemployment board ilty Medical school. Dr. Ward has held that an extra must make moved to Nlantlc from New York that a painting, an etching end e dedicated book of compositions hlmaelf available for the mob • 'R i P e s City In 1936 and had maintained scene jobs or he can’t qualify for nn oAce there since. lie Joined now in poaeesslon of Mr. Ingram, will be sold and the proceeds ap- unemployment pay when out of the staff of the old Home Memorial work. Moat extras regtater hospital on his arrival here, and pUsd to tha dabt In a complaint claiming dam­ through the Central Casting bu­ when the Institution burned down reau for jobs in the two higher in October, 1944, transferred with ages of 6U,000, Mr. Ingram al­ leged that Mr. Findliy failed to bracketa A month ago, guild the staff to Lawrence and Memo­ membera rejected a studio pro­ leave your rial Associated hospitals. pay a $10,000 note executed Feb­ ruary 13,' 1940. posal for continuing the 9.45 rate. Dr. Ward was a fellow In the The new contract—to run five American College of Surgeons, and ORara Special Defense years with reopening clauses— belonged to the New London and The art daaler, in an answer and order N O W *k-.j special defense, asserted that he calls for continue negotiations on Connecticut Medical societies. He the disputed $9.46 rate. also, was a. member of Congrega­ gave Mr. Ingram title to a paint­ tion Iteth El. ing o f Nall Qow ^ Sir Henry Rea- for your Plump, He was bom April 25, 1908, in bum, an etching of the painting by New York. Say, and a dedicated book of com­ Factory Directors Surviving are hls widow, Pauline positions by Qbw. These objects, ^ • I Hahal Ward; one daughter, Ethel, the defendimt declared, were to be MATCHED CBRAMIO GANDT BOX, I BLfeOTlUC IPBBCOLATOB iBTS. I AMR Fresh, Northern and one son, Richard, all of Nlan­ sold by Mr. Ingram for $25,000, Get Prison Terms tlc, and a brother, Attorney Milton and the proceeds divided. CIOABBTTB AND ASH TEAT BBTS I 16 OUP SIZES. OGABAMTKgD Ward of New York. This transaction, Mr. Findlay frMB4.6S I 16.M London, Dec. 16—(Fj—The Mos­ Funeral services will be con­ further asserted, constituted an I . cow radio said today prison terms ducted this afternoon at Byles attempt by Mr. Itagram to exact a Memorial Home by Rabbi Benja­ bonus or additional interest on the ranging frpm five to seven years TURKEY min Kreltman of Congregation $10,000 note. have been meted out to 12 Soviet ^ t h El. Interment will take Pictured at the- broadcast over Station WONS last night o f the opening of the new Arthur Drug Store Mr. Gow was a Scotch painter, factory directors and engineers for on Main street, are, starring from the left: Fell* Blanc, director of the State-Board of Pharmaoy; Willard place tomorrow in Monteflers cem­ poet and angraver W o re the time producing defective goods. etery, Long Island. B. Rogere, president and general manager of the Hatel Bond* Pat Patterson, WONS announcer; Mayor of Robert mvna, end Sir Henry ^ Z j r i Harold Tiirkington; and Arthur Yatkin, owner of the new atore. Reabura was a distinguished Ths broadcast said they were Scotch painter and friend of Mr. sentenced “as a result of Investi­ Gow. gations into esses of production of tlaceRepetti could get by by without good trac­ Klangnan Evening Post reported defective and tub-standard goods tion or stoppinig aids. v Nationalist Army headquarten H ic k e y W a r n s Hlgher Bond Set In Soviet industrial enterprises.” On Probation Snow Left Ob Windows learned that 800 to 400 Reds suc­ H m report said a tank factory Remember, please, you can’t ceeded in crossing the broad at ChelyAblnak, accused of pro­ stream that way. Hartford, Doe. 16 — (P) — Re­ About Driving bluff your way through hard turned here from Greenville, S. C., ducing “ defective goods,” Is still Joseph Repetti, 48, of 42 Flor­ packed snow or ice, you've got to being investigated. Other probes ence street, pleaded guilty to a Walter RUey Harrison, of Hartford have what it takes )—An American F-47 fighter on. The state charges that Harri­ COMFLETB SELBCTlON-CHROIlflinR their usual time, hastily Bhovelled plane crashed In., Bavaria today, from Moscow radio yesterday that The case was reviewed in United son slashed George Alexander, of Soviet industrial output had reach States District court yesterday. Packed Snow or Ice’ their walks and then didn’t bother but the pilot balled out safely. The Hartford, with a knife last April PLATED BREAD TRAT8—ALL 8TTLBB to clear the snow from their wind­ pilot, Ueut. F. R. Parker of ed a point 17 per cent higher than Assistant United States Attor- 25. He fureiahed bond of $500 $.91 pre-war totals. sey Thomas J. Birmingham told Hartford, Dec. 16—(8>>--Oon- shields or rear windows because Weatherford, Texas, suffered only when presented in District court CRANBERRY they were already lata. a shaking up. The plane, which de the court that Repetif mul a pre- necUcut’e first fairly heavy enow here but went to the home of hls tious record for nareotica law “May I quote just a bit from the veloped engine trouble, crashed hls mothar in .OreenvUIa where he violations. of the season brought from State state law. One section says ‘each mile from Neublberg air bass. was arraetad. Three Guilty 5 A U C E ' Repetti claimed he had pur- Police Oommlssioner Edward J. motor vehicle shall be equipped burned the paregoric because he Hidkey this warning: with a mirror attached to and so CBBOMB WELL AND TREE TRAT8. A Of Contempt nMCAK-MUAKl was having trouble with hls teeth. ••You can’t bluff your way located lind adjusted dh ouch vehi­ USEFUL AND POPULAR GIFT Judge J. Joseph Smith placed Re- cle as to give the operator thereof ^ a rarrison r i s pattl on probationobation for sixn x nmtha,months, through hard packed snow or Ice.” a clear r^ected view of the high­ from $.98 Los Angeles, Dec. 16—CFj—Three MgjJa «vhli Fancy Nsw Crop U gUtiim that inveatlgatiqn Sbowed Said Oommisaionar Hickey In way directly to the rear of or on witnesses who refused to answer CqHsCod Cranbarrias JAR | that Repetti evidenUy did not use commenting upon reports of nu­ a line parallel to the aide of the questions of a Federal grand Jury the paregoric because of an addic­ merous tieups throughout the body of such motor vehicle.’ BBISTOL^aiANCRggnR—WIST RAUTrOBO tion to the drug. invsstigatlng Oommunlsm among I state: “An Inside mirror Is Ineffective L$TM when snow coven your rear win­ government employes will be sen­ Ocean Sjway SAUCI “Today ia the day after the sea- UNUSUAL tenced Tuesday for criminal con­ 17. aon'a first snow itorm of any con- dow. Remember that please.- tempt Forced to Land se^ence. Agencies concerned with “ Don’t make it necessary for U. S. Judge Pelrson M. Hall yes M a r g a r i n e a o v i i o A u uwcg2 9 c aafety yesterday gave warning of any police department to give you terday found Henry S te in b ^ , Tomato Jnica'. 2««.™“45. At Old Saybrook the conditions expected and re­ a written reminder of this safefety Samuel H. Kaalnowtch and Ben Uw." o l f T S ; 'iv minded automobile drivers through Dobbs guilty of criminal contempt. T M n M i n t s PANCY LIFKg 4 9 c the press and radio to check their Pineapple Men •«“ * Hartford, Dec. 16— Hp)— A two- The jurist promising them Imm Heda Croeolng Yangtze deated'liuacomb Sflvalre owned by chains, defrosters and windshield njty from pixRecution, ordered, thi the Brockton Airways of Brock­ wipers, as well as their own driv­ to aniwer quiMtibna Rhout Obm- Orange Juice sooba ' ««iim22. Chocolates »»«69. Nanking, Dec. 16—(Pj—A Chin­ EXQUISITE HAEGER AND munlet party organisation In Los ton, Mast., and piloted hy Shirley ing. ese newspaper reported today that Angeles county! They refused on Rideout, 19, of Weymouth, Mass., “ Yesterday in spite of that ade­ quate warning a number of mo­ Ooipniuniats are disguising them­ ROYAL HAEGER POTTERY grounds that they might incrimi­ Grapefruit Jiiiice «oztin20. Potato Chips 50ZIAQ 25. made g forced la n d ^ in sWwick, nate themselves Ost selves as merchants to cross the Did Seyhrook, at 4 p. m., Wednes­ torists caused traffic jams on va­ rious highways throughout the Yangtse river, last defense bar­ day during the enow storm. XMAS VALUES SMIAItS rier for this capital city. H ie Wedding Trip Postponed Blended Juice m^ IS t Chocolate Bars T S S K 6 ‘ The gUB-gange on the plane raad state because they thought they VISIT OUR agqrty and it is balltvad that only O lF I NOOK Children’s Tubular Hollywood, Dec. 16—(F) — Ed­ Asserted Cookies ^ " 7 ^ xKeJPc ■wmmits of Hying time ware le ft Ladies* White Tabular mond O’Brien and Olga San Juan Tangerine Jdee A fter being flagged to a safe land- Single Window have been prevented by movie b V by nearby workmen. Miss Shoe Skates work from going on a honeymoon 1 Rldedut and Oenrga Zaborsky of Shoe Skates Candles since their September 26 wed­ Orange Juiep 2»°.™«I9« Oatmeal Cookies ^ »ozncc|9c oxt, a pasaenger, continued FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS ding. Now, tbey have postponed t h e ort by train. Complete A Nice Buy At the wedding trip Indefinitely. The FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIAi.ATOK! FXORIST 46-OZTIN 37. K i h p y C r a c k e r s SUNSMNI LIFKG 2 7 . pUmo ItR Brockton at S p. Reg. $8.98. SPECIAL! reason: They’re going to have a V-8 C o ^ f I, haadlng for Bridgeport but be- Oar new sanitary process fives yon s delicious, crisp, 695 MAIN STREET baby. dauao of the storm and lack of ilNAST 16-OZJAR 43. E da^r Crax u k s 3 1 c gasoline, an emergency landing golden brown food — Seals in the flavor! Come in and Mayennaise waa a necessity. try them! FKIEU OYSTERS ANU CLAMS PACKED $ 5.95 Frank A. Burton, in charge of rO TAILE HOME. CALL 380.3. $ 5.95 the workmen, tied the plane se­ Sizes 13-5 curely to the ground. The landing FIRST NATIONAL SUPER MARKET dikes 3-7 W R E A T H 1 2 ” FRESH NATIVE was made oa tha PanwIck golf COMMUNITY RESTAURANT 1041 MARV ST„ MANCHESTER < - 4 i t oourae, a abort distance ffom the aiimmer booM of Katherine Hep- 14.3 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 9 5 c B r o e k s i d a . 'ly - 1 bum, the movie actresa. ISMWUCV \r9mat Footballs EGGS RETAIL. BAKESHOP A A SKIS Flexible Genuine Volt SjMcial ^ ^ e d CUTRITE LARGE SIZE FRESH LEMON ICING. REGULAR S7e m 4 Ft. to 7 Fl Flyer Bosketbollt WAX PAPflt Priced From DOZ A O c 0 ive the Season’e B eet! 125 M R O U 2 3 < LEMON LAYER K..h53c w TFerlhe'2^ SLEDS $9.95 GRADE A ^ fltOAi li. No. 47, $9.95 Bowling Shoes •fiEF $ up BORAX — Recently Reduced — Finast Pin Oust 2 ’.«29< ^ A 3.75 SCHENLEY No. 51, $10.95 19I»KG | 5 C FANCY CALIF a $ 4 0 • IN EXTRA HEAVY SYRUF ^ Basketboll Rnast Mince M eat 2 ’ . « 2 9 . • o * n u continues to give you the same Dduze Racer $6.95 Chlld^ These distlnotlve gifts were aapadally Shoes . BORAXO Finast Readies 290ZTIN 29. rich measure of 5, 6 and 7 S a e d l e s s Raisins' t5«z,Kc|5c l«E#f styled to a man’s tu te with the ehiqnent A Beautiful Universal 601 riN simplicity of design that faatIdioiM raea 16c C A U P O IW A a i ^ G - IN HEAVY SYRUF year old w h id *^’’ admire . . . the obvloosly due quality Touatwell Automatic Rnast Pinnpkin 2:’f'™ ‘23. that men look for. ’Come in to iay and Carving Set 290ZTIN Schenley’s k engine pre-war qual­ see our extm-eped^ array. They’re Jost Richmend Peaches 27. ity is backed, by the world’s the gifts you’ve besR aeeMag. Elec. Toaster See our assortment Stuffed O lives mSSJJIu SILVER DUST nRAST WHOU: largest supply of fine, aged, ' $ 9.95 A Beauty At : American, pre-war whiskies. For of Hand and Power D romedary zozciNlOf gift or guest, notliing so per­ Tools for the home IG i PKG 3 5 c Grapefndt Sectiens fectly expresses the season’s best Others $7,95 as mild, friendly Schenley — .50 workshop and me* Conmd B eef Hash NEw^w’ ia t1n 2 9 . friendly to your taste. and $11.95 Ifuit CodflBil m M A O Y 2 7 0 ZTIn 3 9 < chanics. SWEETHEART P u r e L m d NWf LOW PRICE LB PKG 2 3 . FREE WHILE THEY LAST: Other Toasters rOUT SOAP FniH CoditBil !ai^ i«oztin25c A'.v;- lour dealer hat these rich, From $3.95 M a r v e 3 Li TIN 1.03 LB TIN . . colorful oor/oiM to enhance * t * 3 *ARS 2 7 « 37 four gift* of Schenley Fruit Coctctail wchmomo 160ZTIN 23. 90 Case Cutlery 8 Lite SMes C r is c o i . > ' in 1.i i u t in 3 9 . $945 One Lot (4/sQT. dmt nttr Brook’s Girls* Shoe ZSOZITLS lut i/t nyr Basketbidl Shoes Xmas Tree Set SWEETHEART Beverages Assortad Flavors conlaMs S p r y 3u t i n | .]| u t in 39. TOUT SOAP t Roller Skates Were $4.95 2 Iath sizf 2 7 . Reduced to $16,95 ^ $ 2 -9 5 4 1 - 2 9 tITTY ALOBN J O A N C A M S J O A N C A R O L WHTE SLICED FRUIT CAKES Naifi • Sufarud or Cinnainen Sugarad B R E A D 2 » o iio a v b 2 7 * UgNorDark - Filkdwiihchokanutsandfruki PKG OF 9 BARCOLENE D o u g h m it s 1 5 . Key Chains 4.50 up Lighi DalteaW Ta^i$uru Dalad lot fraslinaM U C A K E ^ ^ C 2-UCAKI 9 7 . if -,1,7 i O ^ C A e o i T ie Holders 2.50 up MANCHESTER PLUMBING 1$ JAR 3 5 * The A lOa v is A/C UgM Fruit Ring 1.09 c ■i-'h. S b rffliw PlaiR PoMdl Cake 33 Cuff Buttons Dewey-Richman Co. and SUPPLY COMPANY i] V- '^RMTMMMQIMimilRlpbRWSKrr.TMtirsWrtv^^ 4.50 up OLD DUTCH ' eRTfjeMe W BSN SM. I M iM eM sSllhtr. W il ersB asatrsi Hlriu. M prsw. J ia n lf Jewclera—OptIdiHM **1/ ll’s Berdseare We Have It** t M il h n IRI eSUw 1 teen sM. ttR tfetlshi sBWiiy • rssn oM. 4K ttriltki Mirk •! MtrU rkitise t FIRST STORES . . aMilw 7 tom Be. Osniemi >•**. Ssbsalsir DWilkn CsrpkrabM, Nm YmI City. K r Ivcr _ 6.00 up SilversmUlM F. T. BLISH, JIL, PRES, and TREA8. NATIONAL J77 MAIN STREET TEL. 4425 2 CTNS 2 I « ^Vhen day is done...yim deserve Schenley

\ , I I ^ of the left lag aad thigh, dent body: at WsMsyaa, T i into the sea south of Tbl A firiA d | porte

BlA^uriESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COKN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 1#49 MANCHESTfilt EV&KlNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ THimSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1948 PACaC pbVRTESlC> ------i,ii v-______• ■ . ' ' ■■ . ■ ____ American Newapaper .Publishers tion today to team the cause of ican abducted by tbc rebels and BSsocisUon, paid trlbuta to 48 WeatherMay ' ^ Roti^e Factory the fire and the fUfi extent o f Greek Guerrillas later freed. Franeta L. MeSbana Textile ra tin g Must Do Job Storm Slows damage. of Newburgh. N. T.. was kidnap­ 30 on Plane Public Inspects Newest Journalists who ghve tneir - -A - ■ ■ , ' World war IT. Delay Resene :> 1 H m fire broke out in the upkote- Release Engineer ed in the Peloponnesus last monlli Pliints Merged the ttUa of A s^ e o k esrphrfilfste ' Of Educating Swept by Fire teiy departSBeat of the tlmil aa- and released anar 12 days. and the MaamB^uastte phinta isBI ' Die In Crash He unveiled a plaque—presented frenh-'*' ■ • ' . H- ’' State Traffic by Editor and PuUteh» magaxjpe aembty line “B " plant - where ha operated afi dprlatacis of tha Arthur Drug Store Here Detroit Dec. 18—(JT)-A 3500,- cracked from the heat. Athena. Dec. 18—(A5—carl A. Norerich. i>ec. 18 —(P ) - The (Continued from Page One) —In honor of the 'io r ' ’-^tObntlnued from Pag* tine) - spruce parent oorpiontiaa. tta m 9 a i9 » <)••> CHRISTMAS • 000 fire ewept a plant of the Ford ■ The blase waa brought under Oraeaaner, American engineer .oonsoUdaUon of three large textile Lathrop said that the priajkl Howe is business aiid advertising Olherwifie CRaaes Lit* Motor Oo.’s big Rouge factory last control after an hour’s fight by 15 abducted by Oomunmlst guerrillis Fire in Bedroom printing plants, one in Connecticut Ceremonies at the newly-opened'^-Rogers commented on the growth in reaponslble posts — military, manager of The Burlington. Vt., mand and In-over-all chaise of the officera and dtrectora will be eoh- rescue mission, radioed Westovtr ' THEE ia now night destroyed materials for 200 fire ooamaniea from Daurtxnm, De­ Dec. 8. waa released today in the and two la MasMchuactte, was sa- tinned te their reapectlVa capad- th« plan* w«rp «c«tlertd over a Arthur Drug Store on Main street of Manchester and welcomed the economic, political—who have not Free Press. tie Inconyenieuce; wMa area aid bodlee of vlctlma opening of Arthur Drug, stating that additional supplies, including stain available automobiles. troit and tha PV>rd company. foothills of Mount Olympus. In the South End nounoed bars last night by B. Dud­ tlaa. learned the ways of free expres­ Oraessnar. of Portland. Ore., ley Lathrop, treasurer of the Aa- ware mancled, many beyond recog- last night climaxed several years that he has more than ordin.iry in­ sion,” he declared. warm clothing, food and heating after DECEMBER 15 Snowfall Depth Varies Alert workers quickly put of business in Manchester for the terest in the occasion .since Man­ Given Veai In Jail equipment, had been dropped to wheels on more than a score of Daughter te Be Reeretary waa releassd near the village of plnook ' Oorp„ the OonnecUcut ItM Francis M. Flynn, president and with shiny needles Temple, 20 miles north of Larisa. Company No. 1 of the South plant involvM. v ^ ea a e a eald ope ,oI tbe ehlp’ii concei-n. Arthur Yatkln of Hart­ chester is his home town. the airmen,, seven of whom have . that will stay on for Mercury care on tbc assembly Norwi^, Dec. 18—(JP) — Con- Hartford,-’^ Dee. Ifi—P)— A sen­ By The Aasociated Preia line and rolled them to safety. greaaw om aa-E lect Mra. C2uwe Officials of ths American At- Manchester Fire deperunent wae Lathrop said that the consoUda- Uon of a chalrmaa te succeed Ed­ duty to ford opened the first Arthur Drug The drug department was offi­ York Daily News, asserted "there been on the 8,000-foot'''ice cap It was ttoping from side to side in Manchester 17 years ago, and cially Opened by Felix Blanc, who tence of one year In Jail was Im­ singe last Thursday, when their your XMAS entertainment A storm that-began as a pracl- No one was ' Injured. Firemen Going Woodhouae. announced last klMon-Drake-Parh engineering ‘called to 47 Waddell road yester­ Ubn. to became effective Satur­ ward N. Allen on the State mance n __ ___ is a growing tendency in some cir­ firm,/for whom he is equipment day, was deetdad upon at a sperial l « f ^ a ivUig*Wraped the hlU. slnte that time branch stores have said'that he had inspected the pre­ posed in Superior court today oh C-47 was_ forced down. Th« other and continue for sometime pitatidn of “graupcl," in tbs Naw rescued three men and six women night that her daughter. Margaret day afternoon to extinguish a fire Racial eonunisalon has bi Koba, urlMfh Mte’ ottcials mid packages of cles for press control such as we who were trapped by the blase. and John N. Dempaey, of Putnam supMVisor, said they talked with atockholdera meeting in New York ponsd until January, It was for the C U itnt ] been opened in Rockville and Hart­ scription department and the lab' Lewellyn McPherson, 33. formeriy i {"vyo shared their fate when their after the NEW YEAR party is Urmlnology of tha wefitbar fora- in a bedroom. — were found near the ford. The local store is the newest oratory to find them the most com­ have never had before.” of Bristol, on a charge of adultery.^ b -17 Fortress nose-dived Into a Three hundred persons were at would be her aecretarias for the him this morning by radio. He yesterday. nounced yaaterdas^ Morgaa\R. ‘'TS-V-' over. We' have a live tree in caatan, turned into ptaln, soggy said be was well. The fire was believed started by companies Included in the con- wredtage. ^ _ and most modern in the chain. plete and modem In the state. The '“We welcome the voices of He pleaded guilty. Judge John H.’’ snow bank in a rracue attempt. a pot to use. for^ XM.4S then set work. term b^;inatng next month. Mias Mooney, of Wost Hartford, JdUftt has Bamed Fren Plane* Those who attended the cere­ hospital laboratory style of thd criticism,” he said, “but at the King said the sentence was to be apd slippery snow early last night, With 3,800 employee laid off Woodhouss will accompany her Orsissner Is scheduled to arrive a cigarette, and a mattreaa and soUdaUon are the Aspinook Oorp.. been appointed temporary >Jo J a ABa Flieworka are popular during minute' drug department is one of th^! same time, let us be sure their suspended after McPherson had out after, you are thru with it. alowiiig up traffic on ConnecUout’s temporarily. Ford officials sad mother to Washington and Derap- at Larisa later today. curtain were burned. Firemen of Jew ett City, Conn.; Lawrence man to serve untR the election of bfir by ptaaa.ttefi' monies, including a 15 OrasasnsT was the second Amer­ the Christmas season In Colombia, broadcast over Station ■WONS. I newest innovations in drug store.s. zeal docs not destroy sohie cher­ ser\’ed two months and that he A taijnwuys out otherwise cauamg firemen continued an Invastlgs- soy will maintain her office here. confined the blaac to the bedroonv Print Works, Inc, Lawrence, a permanant cholnnaa. but a « banned from transport In were Willard Rogers, local resident | Mr. Blanc also represented John ished thing." was to be placed on probation for T little tnconvience throughout tba plariea " , who is president and genral man­ Dunn, chairman of the State I.i- David W. Home, president of the i the remainder of the time. JOHN S. WOLCOTT ft state. ■The right wing of the plane ager of the Hotel Bond and head quor Control Commission, who wa.* 'I’he depth of the snowfall varied appears to have come off by an ex­ of the State Development Commis­ unable to attend. SON. 180 MAIN ST. from one inch to four inches. Aft­ plosion and was burned together sion; Felix Blanc, state director of Tells History of Store Entrance directly er the “graupel,’’ which the weath­ with the fuselage,” a Lansa state­ the Board of Pharmacy; Mayor Arthur Yatkln told of the his­ opposite Henry St.^. erman said was an European term ment said. Harold Turkington; Pat Patterson, tory of the Arthur' Drug Store, used to classify snow rasembUns announcer for WONS, and the telling of his start in Manche.ster barley kemala, a drop in tempera- owner Arthur Yatkin. 17 yeara ago. He gave a descrip­ Do You Like or Does If you bought one last year tura changed the fall almoat into Geriiiail Girl Door* Opened to Public tion of the new store, telling of you will certainly want one aleet. The stuff froze on automo­ Doors were opened from 7 to 11 bile nindshtelds making visibility Cok YOUNG PLUMP the open visual front, the modern this year, for they are just p.m. to give the public an oppor­ and unusual lighting, and the vari­ ' as nice and fresh. Open all poor. Tells of Row tunity to Inspect Manchester’s ous departments. Manchester's Your Diet R^uire Treacharmw Glaze newest and largest drug store. No newest business la the largest in­ the time from DEC. 15 to 25 It coated the highways with a I (Continued tram Page One) items were sold, and every visitor dependently-owned store in the treacherous glaze virtually stalUpg — A 1.11.— was given gifts and refreshments. state, he said, and employs 35 peo­ traff c on hills and gradas and Ybarbo’s allegeA statement about On the radio broadcast. Mayor ple. Unsalted. Butter ?? making It necessary for highway sanding craws to stay on tbs Job TURKEYS the child. ’Turkington officially welcomed the The store opened to customers .Mrs. Tessner said yesterday new Arthur Drug Store to Man­ today and many people stopped in most of the night. while she was holding the chester and expressed pride that to take advantage a t the three day Btata police at the Westport SHgeant, Mrs. Tbarbo told her to the town and its large trading sale. Daily broadcasts over Sta­ We Hare To Builders and Others barracks early last evening re­ let him go. She said the sergeant’s area would have the advantage of tion WONS wiU be made at 3:30 duced the spa^ allowed on the now was bleeding when the Ger­ the use of the new store. Mr. p. m. until Saturday. We have some very desirable lots FOR SALE, cen­ Merritt parkway to 25 mligs per man girls went to 'tge bedroom in trally located at redonable prices:— hour. Motorists using the parkway response to Mrs. Ybarbo's call for didate, OtiUo Ulate. The lame duck were requlrad to use chains and BREAKSTONE'S Sixteen lots one block west of Main Street. Ideal for drivers found carrying their chains hrfp. , _ Say Somoza Congress, however, nullified the Make 12 to 18 lidbthnd tandet The sergeant was quoted as election of Ulate on grounds of a small bnildint development. in their cars were ordered to put ib. cup cakas by Jufit aUdiiig'iigg them on or face arrest for vlolst- shying “She bit me back." fraud. Ing the rules of the road. State Unofficial accounts said six- Backs Move Flgueres, a backer of Ulate, then | FRESH WHIPPED and milk to CuplataU. That’a Nine lots on Chestnut Street, near Cheney Mills, ripe \ :/ for a small, bnildint project. police said that about three inches yesr-old Jimmy remained asleep touched off a revolt. His forces' alL Dalicioua bacauaa tha ih- at snow felt in the parkway and in the bedroom throughout the (Continued from Page One) ousted President Teodoro Picado! gradianta ara tha aana flna Lot on Forest Street, 80 x 150. its condition was described as “us­ 69 quarrel and the shooting. in May and spoiled Calderon’s able but slippery.” The two German women and whe is the chief of Nicaragua's SWEET BUTTER onaa you . . . A i^ lb. chances of regaining the presiden­ Fifty (SO) lots west of Broad Street, near the New Bowles Speech Casualty ¥ ttaiee Amarlcan sotdiers were In National Guard (Army), had cy. ciaion-miaad fo r aufUj A scheduled speech by O ov- tha Tharbo home the night Mrs. guaranteed to support the Invasion $chool Sifte Z(Nied for u onp and two'famiiy house. Prices raaulta. Elect Chester Bowles at. Green­ Tbarbo is acd&ed of having shot fully. UNSALTED ure reasonable, lUture bright. wich was one of the casualties of her huaband. ^ He said the German-made rifle T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e Foor very desirable lots left in Hollywood, located on tbc storm. He was fbreed to turn .]iln. Ybarbo la the firat Ameri­ found in his possession was hand­ back at a point on the Wilbur Ib. can women to be tried on a capi­ ed to him shortly before the in­ Also Breakstone's Sour Cream Porter and Scarborough Street^ One of the beat neigh­ Cross highway, and guests at tha If* tal charge in the occupied zone. vasion by Ctept. Laila Somoza, a Dean Quito Post borhoods in town. Prices are Mlow coot to dear. dinner given by the Horse Neck .BA« ’.Tbarbo was abot the night of son of the strong man. club had to get along without him. 21 and died 10 days later. Twomera IndnstHal land on and near the tiailroad. He said the invaders were under New Britain, Dec. JW—(P)—Dr. Hartford reported a little more ’J l r a Tessner, who testified yes- command of MaJ. Davison Blanco ,ao*y baking' than an inch of snow and a few tstday, said Mlsa Kruemmcibein John R. Rackley, dean of the Business sites on Main Street and other sections. of the Nicaraguan-National Guard. Teachers C\>Uege of OonnecUcut, mixas for youl minor accidents, both auton ibtle fccw rly bad been a nunemald Associated with Blanco, he said, and pedestrian. Meriden reported ib. fthe Ybarbos but was only “do­ here, has submitted his resigna­ is Honduran Gen. Alejandro Plata. tion, effective at the close of the slightly more than an inch of When it comes to brlncinc super food vahica to tbo ing some knitting” for Mrs. Ybar- EDWARD J. HOLL snow, badly snarled traffic during Both Pedro Joae and Florancio school year in June, 1949, to be­ DARTS DAIRY pooplo of (hie (own, Sants can’t hold n candle to the time of the shooting. said Calderon promised them their come dean of the College of Edu­ HAKO MODUCTt «Oai>OIAT1«N Telephone 5117 Or 5118 rush hours in the evening and {VBMede said in croso-examina-' detours on main arteries while POPULAR! And so, with a (ouch of Christmas force, little more than 300 men, cation at the University of Okla­ Phone 6430 Makar of anperior baUog min* liM* **We Cot The Earth To Suit Your Taste** Since 1908 maRic, we brinic yon these fine foods to hichligrht yonr tliw^the aergeant and his wife would be Joined in Costa Rica by 1922 sanding crews were at work. “beating up each other" a homa In Norman, Okla. New Haven’s newly purchased 1^. Christmas dinner and (et-tocethera with the festive thousands of rebels, but they found He became a member of the \b* ^ o rt time before the shooting. out after they crossed the border Weather service from Boeton spirit of Holiday-time. Come in today and fiD your Stepping With Open Hnnds TCC faculty in 1939 and was a warned that the storm might be BOI They were slapping each other at Penaas Blancas that he had captain in the* Signal Corps fof shopping basket with good cheer. Onr low, low prices deceived them. expiMtsd about 3 pjn. but the first with open hands, but she did not two years during World War II. flakes began falling at Vp.m, ‘Hie mean EXTRA SAVINGS—i^nir Christmas gift te yen. knhw aiiat the quarrel was about, Visit lA Cmx Sector He is an alumnus of the Universi­ Elm City’s new one-way traffic tba pretty wltneea eaid. Members of Costa Rica’s mili­ ty of Oklahoma. BMtem TCt a severe workout and ^Tllfrlede, blonde end blue-eyed, tary Jiuita (provisional council) ■ ''j' the Christmas shopping crow ^ vAb attired in a red woolen suit, a visited the Ls Cruz sector yester­ Professional Boxer Drafted halped Jam the bottleneck in the fqinn-fittlng blue eweater, and day. They returned last night with business center. The fall up to U Y E R CAKES stockings. Her coemetics ep- the statement: New Britain, Dec. 18—(P)—Pat midnight was about four inches. u Pineapple peaiad to be of the beet. “(Jalderon la a traitor to Costa Byers; profeateonsl middleweight Busass Running Late ^ ih e spoke English felriy welL R lcs." ! boxer who has appeared in many ’The Connecticut company re­ ‘•The Germen girl said she never The Junta is headed by Jose ■ bouta throughout the state, is one ported many of its busses running I,ARGE ea. lAa heard the Yharboe arguing Figuerea. __ j of seven men called under the Ar­ from an hour to an hour and a ASSORTMENT DEL MONTE FANCY biitore. Oslderon was Che candidate of my draft to report at Fort Dlx, N; half late. Nqt>eriQ|w..|niffic ac­ ' She said the sergeant asked his government parties______for the _presi­ j., for training Dec. 29. His home cidents were reported. 48>e N.Y., wife to leave the Uvlng room, and dency In February election. He I is in KahnapoUs, N. C., but he has N.H. 4fc H. railroad reported all GUN T 4 6 OZ. CAN ^ t he became angry when he ran second to the opposition can -1 lived here about twO years. Of its trains on time. ha^ to ask her a second time. Bridgeport had four inches of i Show but no traffic accidents either 1(1 the city or in Fairfield county.^ LEAN RIB Norwich reported leas than two AMERICAN 'nieft Charge Inches, light traffic and no ac­ If you were one of the hundreds who had one of A MARid^T cidents. Wstertrary also was free Pork Chops Lb. 45c YWiQ B e Faced our turkeys at Thanksgiving, you know how good of accidents although many trafftc LOIN CUT L. T. W OOD ttcups on the slippery hills were Ib. MAXWELL HOUSE they are. We’ll have more of those “California Pop­ reported before sanding crews got Veal Chops »>. 65c Srid^jK>rt, Dec. Ifi—fPl—Cigr- pies’* for .vour Christmas feast. If you want to give to work. MILD CHEESE COOPER REAL L,.^3|lMlaon, 38, of 21 Pritchard LOCKER PLANT your family a real treat, place your order today for ITALIAN lEbord, Was bound over io TEL. 4824 a turkey from Bursack’s. Sausage 69e fljbi^rl0|r ‘court on a diarge ef f t'ire Department WHOLE OR SHANK HALF 4isft following a short hearing be- For this week-end we will have a good supply of our Honors Schaub FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE 1 LB. BAG famous country style home made pure pork SHARP CHEESE HAMS READY TO EAT Lb. LARGE CONN. “AA" Hamburg Lb. 49c James Schsub was guest of hon­ FOR BTU rn N G c ^ r t aitaignment. TOP GRADE, FANCY BONELESS liRlSKET or last night at a complimented ^ rii^ the hearing, Sergeant, SAUSAGE MEAT 63c dinner given for him by members Veal Breast Lb. 39e f^yden iestifled that a dlamond- the SouUt Manchmter Fire d oz. PURE RASPBERRY s^phlre‘bracelet, valued-at 32.500 CORNED BEEF Lb. department and the SouU) Man­ GRADE A vM ch a man answering to WU- chester Fire District. Mr. Schsub FRESH EGGS PRICES REDUCED CUDAHY’S SUNLIGHT s w s description had pawned here TOP QUAUTV WESTERN STEER BEEF recently completed 25 years of Sliced Bacon Lb. 63c etHier -this week, was - identified ser\-lce, being the first regular through police files as one stolen ON BEEF CUTS fireman appointed in the dlatrtct FRESHLY 8UCED fi«m the suitcase of a Greenwich • ’isv STEAKS 85c Deputy sheriff Jamas Johnston (SIrioln and Short) PRESERVES bfoker Oct. 30. 1947, on a New Boneless Chucks of Beef For Pot Roast ...... lb. 69< was toastmaster and presented the Pork Liver Lb. 35c Haven ^ Irq ad train. veteran fireman with a wriatwatch 1 LB. JAR ‘Extra Lean Fresh Ground Hamburg...... lb. S 9 t SMALL LINK BRIOHTWOOD PRINT BUTTER SMALL FRESH Sergeant Payden said the ap- of his friends. ’Then BY THE PIECE lU - pearanOa of the bracelet In the Tender Knit Beef Steaks ...... 1b. 79d ^ lef Albert B. Foy, representing Spare Ribs lk 47c A Money Saving ^wnshiop was first observed by Extra Lean Beef For Stewing ...... lb. 69d SAUSAGE 1 Lb. Pkg. 59c « 1 presented Chlarles E. Wskemsn, as he Schsub with s JacketV R etd Value DOES IT HAVE TO BE BIG? Those who s ^ e were Comrols- campanld the dally pawnshop re­ SNOW CROP Bursaclc’s is the biggest individually owned super-market in Man- 1/ i ports with the poUca stolon goods rioners Andrew Anssl^^ George Grate Weigel Products Hunt, and Jack Gordon; ^ e f Foy STOCK IIP NOW rte. chester~ MINCED HAM Pkgs. former commissioner Harold PURE PRINT Also lUiken from the suitcase. APPLESAUCE 2 Schieldge, Sergeant Fa.TdKi,sa|d were sever- F R A N K S ...... al rings, a bottle of liquor, a small KNOCKWURST ...... I ^ DOES IT HAVE TO HAVE VARIETY? handbag and a number of personal i FROZEN PEAS 2 Pkgs. Bursack’s has EVERYTHING— From baby foods to frozen foods. papers which ha*« not been recov B A K E D L O A F ...... lO ) Catholic Group I lb. pkg. 2 3 ^ ARMOUR’S STAR ered. 8UNCBE8T and Vegetables LONG BOLOGNA ...... I ^ 0 ^ DOES IT HAVE TO HAVE PARKING FACILITIES? Has Xmas Parly 12 OZ. M m m m m m m m m m iHl im CAN INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS MINCED HAM ...... EVAP. M ILK Tall Can M hc At Bulwark’s It’s like driving Into your own yard. There’s never a fc' Faces Charge SL Margaret’s Circle, Daughters f - j ; ’ H. L. HANDY PRODUCTS parking problem. of laabells. had a lovely Christmas CORNED BEEF VERMONT O fLareertvi P ^ y ‘Tuesday night at the K. of (atAPEFRUlT for Little Link Sausajre ...... 1b. 59d SYRUP MAID Bot. 25c 9- Home. ‘The supper waa ex­ POPULAR BRANDS ^ HUNT’S FANCY II Center Cut Pork C hops...... lb. 6 5 i DOES IT HAVRTO PROVIDE EASY SHOPPING? pertly managed by Mrs. Agnes B. i i M. OVEN Breen. Mrs. Mary Aceto made . Woodbridge, Dec. 16—tfP) — A] Bursack’s has aisle after aisle— Wide aisles—Llned with stacks CHRISTMAS WRAP JUICY FLORIDA nsan wanted by Sheriff Fred (^oe j | the favors which were small CAN STAHL MEYER PRODUCTS and stacks of the things you need. Christmas trees filled with candy lit Poughkeepsie. N. Y., was ar­ BAKED BEANS Can Hickory Smoked Feriss Sliced Bacon...... lb. 69d and nuts. Mrs. Elaine Nixon’s T o m a t o S a u c e d oz. rested here yesterday by Detec- j Daisy Hams ...... lb. 79d games proved hilarious and Mrs. ORANGES Rose (3iapdelaine played bsautl- tive John J. Doyle of the State] Short Shank Extra Lean Smoked Shoulders .. .lb. 49d DOES IT HAVE TO SELL AT LOW PRICES? CIGARETTESl fully while Mrs. Lillian Johnson “Police Special Service division. j, SWAN SOAP Bar CELLO PACK , He was John Brown. 60. of Peck j ' With thp purrliUM- of ’• bars for 2lc Bursack's meats, groceries and other foodstuffs «re priced as low cleverly represented Santa C3aus. ft>ACKED BY BUMBLE BE E HUl. Woodbridge. He waived ex- Swift’s Premium Lamb L e g s...... U>. 69d as you’ll find anywherer-Quality considered. The raffle waa quite successful SWIFTWATER—WHITE MEAT t^dition after being booked as a| EATMOR the dot! being won by Lewis Al­ f^ tlv e from Justice and w as, fonso and the tricycle by Susan C.\N ameduled to be taken to New' Whrrt Makes Bursack's super with most people Gorman. ■ TOMATOES l ^ k state today. CRANBERRIES Lb. Pkg. The children’s party next Satur­ $ U. S. NO. 1 GREEN MT. "And Now Let's Talk Turkey" day is scheduled for 3:30 to 5:00. i REG. 49e ‘.^ te c tiv s Doyle said that Brown ■ FANCY MrlNTOSII Was charged vrith second degree I is that they know us , . . and we know them! Parents are asked to note the CARTON TUNA FISH We were very lucky to be able to get these heavy SORRY, ONLY 3 TO A CUSTOMER l^bceny in New York. Manchester folktt like tp aclualb’ know the people they’re doing change in time. meated birds. These turkeys are from the Holland Tur­ APPLES Lbs. Jiusiness with. Artested for Specdtng POTATOES Fenser Editor Dies key Farms, Wilbraham, Mass., and are the finest that our buyer ever looked at. The prices for these birds arc CONNECTICl'T GROWN Plymouth, Dec. 18—(g>)_ g u ts , ^en ectad y, N. T., Dec. 18— 'JD | as follows: Trooper Ernest Schreder reported -ieChartes Henry Huntley, 70. for- Peck nilw aseociate editor of The Sebe- POTATOES today the arrest of Raymond W, Gazette died last night af-i FROM 10 LBS. TO 20 LBS...... 8 2 c L B . Johnson of Plymouth on a charge tit^ a brief lllneae. He retired in of speeding. The trooper aald John­ SUPER FREE 1|^ after 18 yoars as a writer for "Where son’s car left the highway on tha advert^dng and publicity de-l FROM 21 LBS AND UP ...... 7 5 c L B . Route 6. ran over the curb and ' ” nenta of ^ General Electric 11 Open Thurs. Until 8 P .M. knocked dowp the porch of a horns There's Never OT.Tted by Emma Shelden. Johnson PARKING BUBSAGK is to aopenr in Tov.-n court here MARKUS Dec. 21. POPULAR CAPONS—BBAUTIES A Parking dpen Frj. Until 9 P. M. Advertlaement- NEXTTOSTOaX Dae. Ifi-OH^-Dr. Philip F R O M S LBS. TO 8 LBS ...... 7 9 c L B . M A n / c e r For a picture of sheer delight rUaasup, United Btataa (Megatc Problem," ' • \ C C S / / / i ( i . ^ 4 ^ MAIN STREET OPEN THURSDAY NTTE ’TIL 9 Satnirity council, left the /r/ ’ I tl-'Te is nothing compare with As the supply Is limited we ask you to order early the splendor of to Pinehurat fruit -boHiltal. today fitter a - for * a hew please. baaketa. ' .TS ' y

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ THimSDAY, DECEBfBER 16, 194S MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMdiER W .194i — . ■ ■ .'■■■ " TV , ■ ■— ... • ■« ...... ■. ftlF>t)nr but Instead ^ wxix' Mght- H i m D enies Lying Red, G ovenm icnt ■eeliig in a holiday mood. Barkley Tells ' And In nfidat o f It all, B»U Snow Sloi?i^ Lriiid Transfer Ohifiipry glSn ' Obnaiil ' Malaagtxav News Tidbits O n G iving Secret R e p o ^ gavO' a aoclcteUifiiRy. i t%« ffiieate ;'^S lrikdsToi^ Called From OP) W im Parly’s Plans had to bdei^tweiireeWhAaiSr Last Period Down Revives RuiMor Papers to Red? On Arm y’s Fate keroaane lamps for lllumlnatlhB, P t w t h s bat thaia waix'aocktailA- ~Welaii- Marines being sent to Shanghai Pledges New Adminifi- greau wanted them to meet hla Turns StrMts Into Slip­ Property on East Center have orders to protect American (Conttaned from Page Oae) (OiBttoord from Pag* One) Bagliah brute, the forwar Daphne Uvea and possibly some American tration Will Pigiit for Carl F- Laagx Leach. pery Runways; All Wapping Wins Harmony and Good Will Poles Prepare Street Presumably to property but not to defend the Scherman, president of the Book- Carl F. Labga, 8$, of 1338 Silver with Peiping remains normal. Tha Offtciala walked out of Peiping’s Anti - Inflation Laws Lane, Bast Hartford, brother of official Central Dally News aald Hills Sanded Today Navajo Hockey Club Siirowiec and Tedfoi Be Site of Store city. . . . . Springfield College of-the-Month club. power plant,vOuVdde, the city It­ President Paul Llmbert reports The old Juiy'f term expired last John Lange of ihla town, died this' the Communist* out off Peiping's self. ' but left w’oekmen. Ii^n d. Qose Contest At Sportsmen*8 Banquet For Saints ■ "a growing tread toward breaking New York, Dec. 18—<8n— Vice night. morning at his home after a long power and water supply upon They eaid the Obpimunlate pfomiii- Manq^eater’a first Invortant Land fronting on the south side lllnebA reaching Shlhchingsrian, west of down of racial barriers" through President-elect Alben W. Barkley Hlsa’ words,. "I plead liot guilty ed to keep the power Uhea hum­ snow ftorin turned streets' and In Loop Match Tonight Pace League Vic of East Center slrert between YMCA aettviUes. . . . AFL Presi­ to both counto.” could be heard Mr. Langs came to.tbis country toe city, but that emergency pow­ ming—but toe lights went out All pledges that the new administra­ er plants inside Peiping later re­ highways Into allppery and dang­ Down Moriarty Brothers In agreementas real fighter to when the Entertain TenTrille ...... — j Madison and Foster streets was dent Green says President Truman throughout the large courtroom from Oennany *1 years ago and last night anyway. that the hsnnony and feehng of "no” Just dosm’t sxlet. H « has still feels Taft-Hartley law should tion win fight for -antl-Inflatlon at hla arraignment. has lived to n u t Hartford for tha stored electricity to cssenUal erous runwaya last night, and gave today transferred by Brae-Burn Local Punsters Paired 47 to 44 in Y Loop; good xrill prevalent at the diimer dons more probably than any sln- St. Casimirs Sunday Home FGreee OnpnBOom be repealed and Wagner act re­ legislation, repeal of the Taft- Proteata Dote TOo Borly past 43 yearA Ha waa a retired areas. the State and Manchester Highway ■nd following were of the highest , gle individual or sportsman to push Strengthen Lead ] tobacco grOwaf. Mr. Langs had Nanking waa alive with rumors. Marinmt Return At East Side Rec Estates. Inc., to Richard Stiegler, instated. . . . Police in Cedar Hartley tow and other parly plat­ Hla attorney. Edward C. Me- Departnvmte their ftnt extended With Springfield Bell Local Sport Cheneys Victorious order and lent dignity and an at- xo a successful result this ”aportS' Eleven - Point Ddflejl contractor and builder of Hart­ Rapids. la., seeking sU,ver of Lran. pretested that Jan. 24 was many friends in Manchester and There were so many ranging from activity of the wintbr season. mosphtrs of ssttefsctlon to toe men's dresm." Its provtsiohs would B>Ton C, Hattman. 29. aircraft form ptonkA was a member of the. Concordia the absurd to the probable that It To Shanghai, ] , Ctoaida(W) ford. Presumably thn sale was too early for the trial. It waa The .Wilbur Cross Highway and Sextet at Coliseum The W aning T scored s 47 to affair which cHmsxed one of toe relesse shout one-third more fttods Sunday afternoon at. the East P. B. To Gain Undiiptiifl made to provide a super-marlcet armament expert from St. Louis, Public housing and .extension of Lutheran church In this town. was almost impossible to uncover Shanghai, DeeCr'^f r* (F) — A (Shatter meet successful yssix In the club's for purchase and propagation of agreed the date would be tenta­ young cortiOrahBeanaod Bhaiigliai'a atata roads in Manchester were 44 win over Moriarty Brothers In Side Roe the PoUsh Americana 3—Sarvar, r t ...... 0 Lead fapi for The Great Atlantic A Pacific w’hosc body was found In hotel social security benefits also will tive. Ha leaves two daughters, Mra, the truth. In League Attraction history. fish snd gams on a stete-wlds win bs hosts to the Terryvilie St ■kyllno today,. spat raqaetively In­ s Senior T League gsnse teat 3— & ByttMteld. rC. 0 Company although no formal an­ room Vesterday with signs of ter­ be among the ' administration's Immediately after the arraign­ John Tanner and Miss Isabelle The rumors ooncerned largely sanded laat iriAht by atete eixwA -----— j Red Oavello (Quanto), Bd Rose basis. Osslinlix in a State Polish League rific stniggle...... Soviet press legtslatlve goals, the Kentucky Lange, both of East Hartford; to toe Wbangpoo rlVer and re­ night. Cheney Brothers had an 1 -J . Brehotekt. If. 8 nouncement to that effect has yet ment, Hies was token to F.BJ. the probable loss of Peiping, de­ marked: Manchester Highway department ‘ The Manchester Navajo Hockey (PA's-Baieb’s) and Johnny Green A hand all around to toe retiring ■neounter. The Saints wlU coma 4— Tadford. If .,..5 been made ^ A A P, authorlttas. discloses appointment of Pantelel- senator said last night. four aona, Carl W., Henry B., and parture of Chiang and changei. in Club wlU make ito second appear-1 (®As) « toe only mtmbers M easy time scoring s 58 to 33 ver­ group of ofleers for their constsnt- Attorney Samuel Gold, who is offices for the fingerprinting and "It’s better than *nilngtaa hat trueka atarted sanding at 5:30 Am. dict over toe Airport in toe other hsix boasting a toree-gams xrin- 0— Ermisch. if . . . . 0 Contractor Stiegler has purohasetf lanon K. Ponomarenko as a aecre- Barkley spoke at a dinner-sym­ Herman J., all of Bast Hartford, toe government. . IM a n c h eeter High s triple-cage 9 sm ied and well directed effort vies president of the Hartford ntng streak in as many starts snd 1— Surewlac; e . . . . S .718 tary of the central committee of photographing', a routine proce­ and Walter B. of West Hartford; It ain’t N*w York.’? : today and by 7 a.m. bad moat et ance In the Springfield Hockey championship teaih oMbsf-SS aUU game. property %nd erected markete for posium on "The Outlook for dure. Many of the tales originated in championship team o f 193' which gave toe iocsl club a well County group, spoke of the need SIX deadlocked with St. Cyrils of 1 —Shartdan, e . . . . 0 Tantagtaa ...... t the Communist party. 1949.” sponsored, to his honor by two atatora. Mix. Lmis Fleming Tbe U. 8. Marinas bad ratuened tha- atreeU in Manchester sanded. League tonight, when they face pteying. Other team members were Feature of the evening eras the rounded pattern of sctlvities and for a realisation by tos svsrags BrSdgapoet ...... fi the A A P in several communities The one-time State department Shanghai financial centers, where to China’s coastal matropoUa for Hartford for first place in toe Pol­ 1—Gavtilo, rg .... 3 Pope Plus removes Msgr. Pietro Town Hall. of Rochester, N. T., and Miss Anna some are convinced an upheaval The town la divided into aecUona the Springfield Beil ’Telephone iSrnie Ikluatrito and Johnny Wina- ■enssttonsl scoring epree by Bar­ a good year’s program. With the ■portemsn of the ovtr-sn picture 1—Steam, r g ...... 1 New Haven...... fl In the Connecticut area. Doimo Munzani as Archbishop of offielal furnished the .$5,000 bfU Lange of Southbury. Conn. toe first time since 1941. Nearly for the purpose of sanding, and nard of Morisrtys who caged S3 ish league. Today's real estate transfer In­ Opposed to Balee Tax la coming soon. They are seeking sextet in the first half ot the mid­ ler, both killed in World War II, sizeable surplus of funds left hy confronting toe State Department The loesl quintet will be out to 8-—Yost, Ig 8 1-1 , on Yugoslav coast, on ground Tbe new admtototraUon. be and was, releasod within an hour Servicea wui fw held at hla home 700 green-clad leathernecks of toe each truck is asstgnad to a certain week doubleheader at toe OoUsaum Ike Cole, Bill SchlUdge, Huck l^nts on fifteen hoops and two toe outgoing leaders, the club is )n snd the need for close cooperation: Man^iaatarta Ouaria are xafito- volves approximately 10,000 square of his'arrattnmanL to anticipate it- Ninth regiment arrived in toe extend its victories to two straight that Communist control there noted, is committed 'to oppose a Sunday afternoon at two tfclock. areA ’The system makes for quUik with toe face-off set for 7:80 p m. ’Taggart, Jimmy Murphy, Tad free throws. ‘ better financial Shape than at any between the clubs snd this body IS-Totete ...... 38 18-33 $9 puteJ oceupenta of fliet plana la feet of land trontlng 16S feet on Chutapball said the Federal Bur' Developments at Peiping con­ Navy transport Bayflsld from and thorough coverage. at the expense of toe Saints. Coach makes it "Impossible for him to national aalea tax and to reduce Burial win be at the East cemetery tinued to overshadow the critical A bus will leave from the Center Brown and Stan Savllonis. Wsppisg Y (47 ) time irince befbre toe advent of the rather than msirttslning a eritiesl Terriageaa (81) the Baatem LsagnFa Taahae Dl- East Center street with a depth of exercise his mission” . . . Gen. eau of Investigation “has alwaira In Mancbeater. Tslngtao. B r Pte war yean. attitude snd slwsya lobfclng at the Wally Psreisk will prohsMy start, taxes for low-liicome families situation northwest of Nanking, Lights Left on CanUon at 8 o'clock. Anyone tatensted Wlnpy KoMk and Ed Vilgs at tos 8—Gottlieb, rf . . . . 3 3-3 9 viMen today after teat a l| ^ a a *- 275 feet. The transfer was made Eflslo Marras. Italian chief of *whenever it IS posaibis to do so been” on the Job of tnvestigati^ ’The Bayfield shouldered its way may have this transportation furn­ 'Anderson, rf ...... 8 0 IS darker side of the picture. Ha eltl^ 59 to SI vietaqr arar tha for Brae-Burn Estates by the where Chlang’a major forces in Whan it became avidant teat Billy Psganl is all dona with forward positions, with Ed Koss 3— Ryxn. If ...... 3 8-5 7 staff, now In New York . . . CIO without unbalaAotog tba nation's espionage and aubverstve actl' ' through the aklttiry Jiraks cm the night that the snow wouM last ished by oeing at toe Center T w ili^ t League baseball but tbe Palmer, rf .4 I 9 Dr. John Flaherty, of Rockville, minded the gathering thst It xtm 6—Garrett, ...... 8 3-8 10 Torttag^ Hawarda a t. tha a»> ' Brae-Burn Realty, lnc„ local real­ launches new drive to organise ties. east-central China are trapped. Wbangpoo, wbidi anthers by Waldron, If ...... 7 2 18 veteran of ehtot yean on toe Fish far mors important to make holditig down the pivot post, sad amiy. Some MO taaa hwrafi mow economy.” Red raiders were reported to long enough to be troubleMime, After their gallant stand last mighty mite from the West Side 1—aheehan. e . . . . 5 0-3 10 tors. atore workers . . . Three western He diacloaed that Hlsa and F u lie n ils Shanghai’s'thpnt door, and Usd up SImller, If ...... 2 0 4 and Gams* Commission, had his small material gain on a sound Hogan Ssmaitls and Wally Psr­ and ley eondltloaa to wttaaaa tha Barkley recaltod Preaidant Tru­ have smashed toe vital rail line be­ traffle llghto on Main street were Sunday afternoon when they went (he now resides in the Kast 'Side) 8->Doherty, rg ... 3 1-3 0 To Move Bolldlags mUitary governors fall to reach Elisabeth T. Bentley, confessed at to# pier where Js»'->n**e luxury all .left on the cauUon aignal ao down to a 2 to 1 count to last Van Sicklln, If .? ....0 I 1 usual message of optimism for the basis than a seemingly large step eisk in toe back court. Slated to 4— Dlnnie, Ig .5 3-5 IS all important laagua attraetMn at man’s recommandiatiba to Con­ tween Nanking and toe Pengpu announced yesterday he would be sea plenty of action are (Thet Kur- Two structures now occupy the final agreement on occupation sta­ gress that tha excaaa profits tax former Soviet agent, testified be­ ThaaM McGIU, Jr. linen berthed before toe war. that vehicles would not have to year’s champions, the Smith and- connected with toe Knights of Wsjner, c ...... I 3 8 local chib and sportsmen in gen-' in a direction whicb would afford O—Splno, Ig ...... 0 0 -lj„,0 tha Main street vUtehad. tute for western Germany and re­ fore the old grand Jury. Tbta waa anchor of the Hwai river defense The Marines, unde); cuuunand come to abrupt stops and so that Brhlte, c .a...*...... 0 0 0 ersL He reviewed some recent only temporary relief: lewicx. Charlie Psreisk. Stan Opal- Al *ltublMr Lega” Sarewlae. tha land, a small story and a half resi­ be reenacted, and aald: Funeral aervlcea for ’Ihomas Me- line In 20 places along a 24-mUe Wesson Ounsmitos, the Nsvsjos Columbus softball team In toe Soft- fer the matter back to their gov- “I have nq Information as to before they appeared at congrea- efCol. T..B. Hughes 'o f Kansas they would not got stuck if forced will be out to get into the Win ball ’Twl League next season. Stead, rg ...... 0 0 0 developments in the sporting pic­ seh and Uoyd Jarvla 19—Tbtete ...... 30 11-30 51 laagua'S leading pelnt*ffattar. affdad dence In which Dr. Florence Marsh emmehta . . . Congressional in- OiU, Jr., were held at 2 p. m. to­ stretch south of Mlngkuang, about (City, Ifd., era hetx to protect ture and gave the figures on the Robert Arms, popular West The visitors wU) |>rebsbly line up lives and maintains a physician's whether that recommendation will sional heartoga to Washington last day at the T. P. HoUoixn Funeral to stop on a grade. colunui tonight. Oosches Emil P. Dodd, I g ...... 0 0 0 Score at halftime: 38-36, Tor- 31 potato to hla total wtth aaothar vestigatora of new car sales meth­ summer. 70 miles northwest of toe capital American citlsana in an emer­ F. Dodd. Ig ...... 0 0 0 ■pproprtsMons thst have been ask­ Hartford leader who Is setlvs In yrith Dubransky and Gudtstte M rtogton. ■pertitlng exhlMtton. JMh Tadterd office at 112 East Center, and a be repeated, but UDleae increased Hiime, 178ralw Center BLimCi*street, WlVllwith Before the lights were changed, Plitt end Les.Olson ere certsln Bill Murray calls Jackie Robb ed for the next bl-ennium and (testing club circles over the state, ods may recommend legislation income should be peqeaaapy, or un­ Miss Bentley,, who has named Rev. A government military spokes­ gency. Ehtcept for ehore patrol thst their club hss the msterisi to Orltwold, I g ...... 0 0 0 the front court and Wroblexrakl at Referee: KoslowakL flaohad old term la tha test parted. large two flat structure at 118 against “ gougers" . . . Csecho- Alfred Williams, psstor of man predicted, meanwhile, that and liberty parUtA they are to re­ however, several carf*were upabla ’’the best basketball player in toe pointed out thst toe commission warned about Indivtdusls becom­ center. Holding down the guard East Center, in which there are less Congress should bO convinced many government olBctala as sup­ SL Maryalarya IBpiacopal churcb, offi- provide plenty of tough (^position Rec Senior League.” Umpire: Ranudelt. hetUng four «MM goalB. white slovakia, turned down by World plying her with Information and toe trapped Nationalist 12to Army main aboard the transport—>m- O’* 20 7 47 and all others connected with Bie'' ing “needle artiste" and being b) posts will be Oiislnski, Lojesid or Coach Eai^Toot aceountod ter hla note several business offices. Con­ bank, makes deal for money and that a reenactment qf an exoese- elating.ig- Bdoart J. Gordon was Hotel Sheridan to the Center, af­ Ir. toe circuit. The addition of Tom sporting picture are most ■nxlons constant criticism of moves mads Chambera both wilt appear before group—north of the Hwai defense leas needed in force ashore la this ter being forced to stop by toe Msrtertys (44) KuskaakI, ail eapahle of scoring In largest p o m eutpot o f the eeason. tractor Stiegler U purchasing the machinery with Russia. proflts tax ahould be ah eaaential soloist and he xraa accompanied war-JIttery city. • McCusker to the squad further Robb, Qua Gsudino end Tommy to ooopsrsts and carry out the by club workers snd leaders. Ha part of an antl-toflatton prograni' the new grand Jury, Campbell aald. line—would join forces with relief ll^ht The grade on Main atreet. bolsters s fine crew of stickers B r Pte tha double figures. nine, to aseiet M tha wteiiera at­ Ian- only. The two flat atructura Nation^ roerebanta hope that by Mix. Gordon. columns "In two or three days.” Meson ere bright court prospects wishes of the license holders as far cautioned thst every Indlvldusl Bogey-Busters W in I am not in a poetttca to iwedlet May. Teatify Toutorrow Boaren were Lawrence Con- Just north of the Post Office, also thst includes Jim Carton. Ev Dudsk, rf ...... 2 1 B In toe preliminary game the tack. will be moved to the e»st on land :ood old last-minute rush is go­ (That has been predicted by Yor the Guards In another season. as possible. ahould make sure thst ht hss a fun Manchester GMs will be shooting Fiery Red Osreno tumid la an­ adjacent to the automobile service ng to brighten their' Christmas that such a tax will be reenacted.'' He added that Chambera. a for­ verM, Pterra Drapeau, Joseph Ca- Slight Accident caused can to gat stuck and many Thompson, Red end Jack Donahue, Meson lacks height but hss plenty Barnard, If ...... 15 2 82 ■tore of information on sny sub­ Sees Bra of piesferlty mer Communist courier whose government sources before, but toe of them had to got pushed toe end’Buffy Davidson. Jack HiU, in­ Gustafson, e ...... 0 1 I for their third straight victory to O vertim e Th riller other fine defenaiee Job. Ha held station at the southwest cornei of trade . . . Dutch government asks nade, Edxrard Moriarty, Stewart Red encirclement apparently has of natural sbillty end msy make Commissioner John P. Montgom­ ject before criticising another xrhe league play when they meet the Lao GottUM to but. two hoops in Secretory of the TheMury Sny­ charges led to the Hiss Indictment, Lynne and Hannan Yules. Inter­ hilL jured goal tender, msy see limited Grisel, rg ...... :0 0 0 Is striving to work out some solu' East Center and Foster streeU. EICA to repudiate atatemeat that only become tighter and tougher. H ere Last Night the grade. ery. of M t Carmel, who is Uling St. Cterimlrs Girls. The vlaitlnf toe first half and Tost took over The single residence will be moved Tha Netherlands re-aold to U. 8. der told the gathering that ”an msy testify tomorrow. ment was xt the East cemetery. .The new snow-removing side­ service tonight, with Herb Criiick Hein. Ig a...... a.I 0 3 out toe unexpired term of toe late tion to a particular problem. • There were three gamea on tap incomperable era of patlopal proS' Members of tha Un-Amarican The 13th la One of four Army Buckler. Ig *.3 0 4 girto are tied for aecoad place to the guarding aaeignmmt in the teat to a site on Jackson street which business aluminum and lead scrap walk In front of the Manchester shanks carrying the major portion Gene Enrico. wss sidelined last Francis X,. fihesne, waa on hand in the Intermedlata Laagua last half and held the New Toth hn- perity" lies ahsad fer tbe nation. Actlvltlea coromiUee had predicted groups trapped northwest of *of toe goal tending. for the first time at a local club Lyle Thorpe, State Aquatic the Girl’s Division having won txro runs east from Madison street to bought with Marshall plan dollars Poor driving conditions Isst night Savings Bank and Trust dOmpany night end Hsl Turklngton took decisions In three starts. His local night. Nassiff ArmsT e n t^ had poftatton acoreleea. The game eras . . . Justice department an­ He aald he baaed tm predlotion last week the grand Jury here Nanking.) building worked to perfection. The Bell Telephones have com­ 30 4 44 gsthsring. He made a distinct Biologist, hit an optimistic note In the sooth and parallel to East would indict Chambers, 'n ey as­ resulted in a alight accident at toe over at the "mike” at toe Ousnte’ girls will line up with Zagarakt easy going in toe opener^ wtanlng the teat fo r Johimy Bycbolakl ontU cu ter street. It la understood that nounces filing of autt aninst al' partly on the fact tiiat *Tong-de- Intersection of North Main aUxat Snow melted Immediately upon peted in this circuit for ssversl Score at half Urns, 35-23, Mori­ iminxasion with his forthright hon­ hla remarks when he polnUd out 34-13 over too D eM ol^ PonUIIo serted this would destroy the In­ Eastern League game. ^ srtys. and Holland at the forward poat- tba middle of January. Of. Marsh plans to move to other leged worid cartel to natural rub­ ferred public construction projects Moncheater Reds Swarm O ver and a N. Y., N. H., and Hartford hitting toe walk and as a result ■essons, end ere confident’ tost esty snd txsdily apparent grasp toe improvement in sportsmen’i and Shea were top acorcix with of states and munlCtpallUes” have vestigation. of tlfe knowledge and facte tost trends of thought snd action. Hla Uons. Blosle will be at canter and Tha gams was atvtad lata dua quarters. ber products . . . V. 8. Ambaass' ftompbell seid today the F.B.I R a t jr o a d driveway at Depot that area of Main street was clear .they can repel the locals. Ths The Ousitte' gams in Bridgeport 16 and 11. For DaMolay. Hodge to tha hasardoua travMlhg odn- dor to Oreace Grady says Presi­ entered the bustoesa pietttre. Date Rook throughout toe storm. By this 'Springfield clubs have the advant­ Cheneys: (88) he hss acquired in hie she examples of the work being done Dowd and Relchle will hold down Bapert Long Circulated probe was ”condueted for the pur­ SquarA Drivers inrolved were Sara toe guard posts. This gams xriU gat and Johnson wnaJbttA. dltiona from New Talk. New dent Tnnnan is "quite In favor of Secretory of Air Symington aald Peiping’s Suburbs J. Wilson. 80 Middle TurnpikA Biorning, toe area was almost age of having been able to skate B in office. He was intensely Inter* in pollution bstement siifl stream The second ghnw waa tha fan* ■May’s sals of the property pose of dlsetoslhg and proaacuttog Dsneosse, r f ...... 4 ested In the large stocking pro­ ■tebiUsstion ware long range pro­ under way at 2:15 with tha Raven and Torttagtan' whaia tha continuing the whole program” of the Amarlcan-BrlUi^ sir lift to - Sunday, Dee. 19 west and W. George Finnegan, completely dried. more often end practice more often turn of tot night and it showed tha vlMttng pteytre cMI their hemee. makes definite a report that even' American aid to Greece. Berlin is costing len par year than any and al) vlototlona found and A. Klelnschmtdt, rf . .2 grams thst the local club have sup­ grams that would one day bring attraction slated to start at 8:80. at no time was conducted for the Tuletidf carol aervlce at Onter (Cnatlnned Iraoi Pagn Uae) 188 Woodbridge atreet. A few weeks ago copper tubing then toe Nsvsjos. but with s ftw arn League start win be against Royal Kings trimming the Buck- Elevea pttato down in tha aarly tually the Imd would be used for Mrs. Ellen.PeterB,.21, Clncianatt, World War 2 coat per day. He According to police, the accident J. Kleinschmidt, If ...7 ported snd amazed at toe amounts ^despresd improvement but that eyee 38-22. Team work xraa the purpoM of destroying tha testi­ church at 4:30. Three choirs par­ waa Inatalled. under toe sidewalk more scrimmages under their belt, Bridgeport, Wednesday, 'January ■a in these fields wss liecea- minutes of toe final ptrM the i la^e biiUiess block. The erec­ willing to mve up one of her eyes said the air lift to “a conclusive occured when the car curated by toe Nsvsjos can be expected to Smith, e ...... 3 of money Invdlved which hss been progrei Cheney Laagoe winning factor for tha Kings with tion of a building for the A A P mony of sny witness.” ticipating. violating, la Peiping In' front of the building. IXiring 5. Christmas night toe Guards face Blsnctasrd, e ...... 5 ■pent by the local club In to# past ■arflyly slow. Ouarda ategad a whirtwlnd finish if she end her husband can pay off demonstration of tba truth of the Tuesday, Dec. 21 Mrs. Wilson was procerolng ..cast winter, storms heated water tlowe offer plenty of reeistsace to- all Weavlag No. 1 (4) Stevenson acoring 10 points. Strat­ to win gotag a w ». Tadtofd’a Itaw Stores an dfor other possible uses their debts and meet expenaea of slogan that air power to peace The indictment aald Hiss "un­ was proclaimed-toy Fu. the Hartford Hurricanes at the Lsppen, e ...... 0 several years. His pledge of con­ 110—378 Community Sing at Center Park on North Main street and toe through toe pipes a^d Um result­ sixes they oppoee. local armory. Champito .... 79 ton sad Zwlck triad hard for tha Noopa, a pair by Tost aad aaothar has figured prominently to etories a third child . . . Feed grates lawfully, knowingly and willfully" Even w*lth gims booming just a Dsi^, rg .. tinued support wss well received. ArroU Lamaon, Gama Maaage- power.” at 7 ^ m. Finnegan car started to pull out ing heat keeps toe walks clear. This Is toe only contest on the Healy ...... 89 'lOS—385 loaera. by Surowtee gava tha O m a U s a about the property for aeveral ■how a little strength on CMcngo ■wore Msely that he did not allp few miles away, toe one-tlroe cap­ Wilson. Ig .. ment head, expressed his perplex­ 90-387 confidential State department doc­ Wednesday. Dee. 23 from the curb. ’The ‘vehicles side- league schedule tost the locals Mahoney .. .. 89 Tha teat gams waa aa ovaitlma lead they never reUnquIahed dor- Todays purtiuM not only Board of Trade today • . • Clem ital behave unlike a city threat­ Hollister Trims Rooki-tlls Ferguson, Ig Dr. Joseph ()utnn, president of ity ht being able to bring about 105-387 uments to Chambers, and that he Christmas party. Memorial hos­ ened with occupation any day wiped in tbe resulUng collision, - have until after Xmas, so wa send the New Haven County Aseocia- a solution of improving ynid life Murpby ..;.. 94 contest in which tha Bogay- ingtoe teat four mtnutef o f play. toclQdes the East Oaatar street Doerboff, who tore down hla gn pital amploycA at Legion hall. Both drivers wefe insured, and no Rmerald production has long an urgent request to hockey fens Ballaieper ... 124 108—333 Buatera asked out a SS-8S win over Tha Howards tact Into- an aarkr frontage but alao n 38-foot drive­ rage because he had nothing to pqt Plane D evices did not talk to Chambers to Feb­ now. It was calm—grumbling been a virtual monopoly of mines 58 tion of Sportsmen’s Clubs and a conditions to toe face of present ruary and March, 1938. Friday. Dec. 24 arrests were made. to get up there tonig;ht, end wit­ The Hollister Vanity team the (Sieckera. Modean and Lafrao' lead with Was Dinnle and sn™ way from the rear of the proper­ In it, wtaa two raffle enra to one about rising food prices and toe near Qogote, ColomibiA although member Of the Advisory (teuncll, encroachments by building and 518 1434 CSiambers la a conteaaed pre Kiddles’ Chrutmas party at Considering the driving cendl- ness s fine sextet in action. This opened______its season yesterday by waa a aurprise but welcomed guest tarn population Increaaaa aa well Total ...... 475 44$, cis scored bast ter the winnara (terrett hitting tba bell ter twin- ty to Foeter, alao a JO-foot drlv- night . . . Today’s stock market Data Received lights going out but not jittery. Uons last night. Chief of Police ■mall quantities are mined else­ Pts Engraving (9) war courier of Red Intelligence. Depot Square. Advance Red troops were re­ is s fast league, end th« sctlor. hss downing toe Maple Street School Hla remarks were confined to out­ aa industrial usurpmente. He ex­ with 10 points each and Warren pointers. Surowtee and Toot ttita way to Jackaon street The pres­ changes moetly fractioosL Sunday, Dec. 28 Herman O. Stoendel said the oc­ where. But toe (tolombia mines Robinson, rf .. Tryon . .... 82 78 84—344 Leo the loaera. matebod toaaa baakato ter tba Hlaa leanea Statement ported -within several thousand have been idle for toe past 10 been equal to that offered by the five of Rockville 51-39. Frazier, rf ... lining the number of hours and pressed the State's appraciation of 120—398 ent owners havei been given untB Annual Red Men's Kiddies’ currence of only one accident waa American Hockey League. Face- antounts of efforts tost the leed- the local club's constant wlUing- Lennon ...... 91 87 Junior League will play toraa Guards. Neither team looked ateurp May Ifi of neat year to remove all (UoaUaned from Pago OooJ FoUowlng hla indictment. Hiss yards of Peiping’s northwestern pretty good;” years. Morgan, who played a fine Knopsk, If ... ____ 84 92 105—281 ened In Berlin the . Britlab ware issued this statement through Ms Christmas party, 3:30 p. m.,linker off is 7:30 p. m. eix and delegates of the chibs neaa to help itself by participation Gsttt . . gamea tonight atarting at 8:00 in toe first period and at Bu atnetnres from the property. It halt; gate. Nearby points fell—places floor game, and Fsrrel and Bslon MeCtommon. c Burke . .... 87 95 95-371 o'clock in toe following order. whistle. Torrlngton lad. 9 to 7. urged by the other western powers whoever put the mark tkere attorney: familiar to many tourists, Ulte the spend to attending 'various meet­ in cooperative and stocking pro­ la unfialrstood that Contractor to take over the station which Taeaday, Dee. 3g led toe winnara, while Plisks wss Messier, rg ... ings and pursuing toe Interests of grams. Dummy ...... 79 94 90—353 Clowns ve. Weat Side Rowdies. OottUeb’a two boo|M» 'brovldad raising a question whether It "My testimony before the grand summer palace, toe Imperial hunt­ high for the Rockville school. McClure, rg .. Sttaglar wlU begin arsetkm of the broadcast long tirades against the should not be "Lwanchow." There Jury waa entire^ truthful." Junior Oountiy Club Ball. Cheney Office League their clubs so that a true picture Animals va. So. Math. Mustangs. toe Howards xritb a two p ^ t mar­ n^Stors hloek at that ttpu. It (a ' InatoUatlon, Manchester Lodge ing part, th* temple of azure Hollister (81) McCann, Igg . Leslie Wiiliomson, Gome Tech- Total 423 437 497 1847 gin. 28 to 34 at ‘■‘tTmiaaUm western Allies. Is both a “jliancliow” end Chambera, formerly a Time clouds and toe temple of toe In­ of toe whole make-up of toe prob- Cardlnala va Panthers. a x p a ^ that the atopa wt|l be “Lwanchow” In China. The Bus- maffszlne senior editor, first ac' of- Masons. Temn No. S (8) B F Pte lenui can be brought out individ­ nlclon, told of oome of the definite Naaelfte (84) A f^ tiri^ an ;i-potet teqd. raaitr for occupancy during neat The British did not take action verted shadow. 9 5 33 Yarn (3) baeause of the danger of an Inci­ alana are reported to have fought cusad Hiss of supplying him with Friday. Dec. 81 C LA PParfiC fll m e . Stevenson .. 106 93 103 Millord, r f ...... 3 0 8 ually to each interested club mem­ steps being mode (n toe fields of > B r Pte. the Howards wxra neaHy gwopt g^ u r. Plans can for a larfie Annual New Year's party, The (Communists took over Dounowite .. II4 . i ; i 135 ^ a •‘a a • a « a f 4 1 0 2 Score at half time 31-9 (teeneya. ber and sportsman. cover improvement end rescorch | Copello ...104 117 92—813 1-2 11 off their feet by the drira at the dent Involving British and Soviet a major battle with Japanese secret gavemmeat data for trans Yenching and Tsinghua unlveral- C9-394 ' Shea, rf ...... aipaBltouirfatoll „ P S !^ . mittol to Rusalah agento In teatl' American Legion. A F » W A FI Hlgigiaa~r- ■ *. 1 ■♦la.aM a J^a a ' <4 0 10 work in uncovering some of the Johnson .• .. 98 107 Pontlllo. If ...... 0-1 18_ Guards, in the ftoat ten intetttaa troops. troopa near tbe totter city to Aug- tlea. appar?ntly without much op­ .. 102 85 100—387 aiwtad the store block. It is be- lut of 1938. mony before the House Un-Ameri Hayden ...... 180 105 92 327 Wintre i f ...... arena. 0 0 0 Jack Leavitt, president of toe fundamental reasons for trends Weir ---- Beherend, ...... 0-1 4 I of play. Before one eotdd iay "Jack It also was felt the Rusalans position: Robert Winter, Craw- 4 fcOW (Oppeejie OM Bate Heaee) Tai. 2-4171 Rec League Frey ...... 76 114 9.5—385 Uavsd that A A P Stores aqthorl- To Take Breather can 'Activities committee. Hiss Dubsldo _____ 97 94 101 392 Everett, If ...... 0 0 0 State League of Sportsmen’s CTubs. and developments in toe upland (teleman, r g ...... 0-0 3 Robinson," tha Ouardli had ttad tlaa w ill make a statement re­ might retaliate by cuttng off all fordsville. Ind., a Tsinghua profes­ Lukas, If ...... 1 0 2 explained toe democratlq work- game and other wildlife crops. He Low Man .. 100 78 tyj-372 0-1 0 toe ecore and forged to the ftant cahla communtcaton between Ber­ After releaslhg tbe documents has made repqsted dentals. About Town Post Office (1) Symington, rg . . . . . garding their tataraots In today’s The indictment oame at the end sor, telephoned friends here he Totals ...... 534 488 524 1534 Farrell, c ...... 4 3 10 inn of that organisation and out- predicted that with toe anticipated Morgan, Ig ...... 0-0 0 Each local pteyv rgealrad a wMl lin and the Soviet zone. tha oommittea announced It will thought toe Reds, wsll-equlpped LaRlriere ----- 98 88 101—285 . . . . . 480 499 473 1451 t&iM er within a few days. take a week-end breather to Its of the grand Jury's 18-months Clarence B. Bundle, who passed Team No. 4 (1) Madsen, c ...... 0 0 0 Arignonc ...... 108 103 108—819 liiM some of the objectives that increase in allotted funds that pro­ Total Flaherty.“ ,T g ...... 1-3 1 deserved hand in the wgrmteg Today’s Frai ch action came as and assured, would move Into TBE MECCA OF SPOBTSMEN Seeley, r g ...... 0 2 3 have been included in toe leglala- visions will be made for larger Dye-Ftalsklag (1) — \ minutea of tbe final canto whan a purpriae .to mapy, although tha spy hunt but said ll still Intanda term. awxy yesterdAV at hla hoine in Tournsud .. .. 86 83 81 250 Rodonls ...... 105 98 106—809 ' In Washington. House commit Peiping within a day or two. Sfwli EqiiFMiiil ftr tlii Grieder ...... 79 106 110 295 Pleseskt, rg ...... 0 0 0 tive program and other lines of stockings and more msterisi gains Hansen ...... 88 Itn 87—295 Totals ...... 18 2-7 34 j reaervea took over. French communique ^ d Berlin to find out whether a Bed espi­ Wethersfield after a long lUnesA The Communist soldiers he Twaronlte \ ...... 88 114 100—300 activities ond olao gove toe mem­ in this field. Zboray..... 93 114 54-290 onage ring atlU operates in the tee members viewed the Indict' waa the father of Mix. Wallace A. WhewaU .. . . 88 94 83 365 Mttctaell, r g ...... 0 0 0 Dummy 85 — — 85 UeMolay (Ifi) Sunday afternoon the Guards Flin ch W recks radio had bean warned to advance. ment as proving the value of their came across were neither un­ HUNTER SKIER PING PONG Morgan, I g ...... S. . 9 1 19 bers o smell Insight into the mog- Felice ...... 88 M 105—284 Hodge, r f ...... 2 x’iU face tbe famous Phltedalphia govarnmenL Shipman, of 28 Durkin street, this Dsvtes ...... 106 104 89 399 McCarthy ...... — 90 115—205 Andrew Scarchuk, who succeed­ Dickson . . . . 92 89 113—293 In hla atatament Qaneval aald investigations. town. friendly or friendly. Winter re­ BASEBALL Rau ...... 89 107 101 397 Holmes, ig ...... 0 0 0 nltude of some of the most com­ R. VonDock. rg . . . . 0 (telored Qtanta In an exhibition It alao announced that it SHOOTER [ SKATER plex problems like combatting ed himself in a second term as club Low Man .. .. 78 78 89—241 game atarting at 8:30. A pralimt- R i^io Towers that mnee Tege] air flald began op­ working on five reports to be put Reprasentotive N in o n IH; ported, Just indifferent. * 480 493 530 1503 L. Johnson, If ...... 3 erating at full capacity under thp Calif.), a leadlni^ member, said the The Nationalists gave up Feng- TENNIS Totals ...... 23 5 51 pollution and improving cover and treasurer, gave a complete and C. Johnson, ...... 0 nary- ia scheduled et 2;30, Former out before the year endf. These Charles Trotter, of 12 Cedar FISHERMAN HIKEB Totals 448 484 464 1406 Kaeeys (8) hobltot. After toe business tea- comprehensive report of the finan­ 454 493 477 1403 air lift planes have been coming indictment "vindicates the many street, this town, has been gradu­ tai on the Pelplrig-Hentsin rail­ BACKYARD Blapin S t (BoekvUle) (39) Davidson ...... 105 113 108—326 Total .. . . . W. Leggett, rg . . .. 0 members of tbe New York Renaia- ic from P tfa One) wUl deal with: sion, he mode o wire recording cial side of the past year’s aettvt- ■ance and Original Harlem Qlobe and going under all weather con­ 1. Tha current eslpuiage In­ long, months of work done by our ated from Morse ChUege, Hartford, road, 3H miles from toe souths SAILOR FOOTBALL CHEF Team No. 1 (2) * B F Pts (term ler...... 85 108 102—293 W.' VonDeck, Ig .. .. 0 commitfee despite criticism from western corner of the City. . The Pliska, rf ...... 5 18 which aiU be used on toe populor ties. This showed that present | li’enve (3) Trotters comprise toe peraoanei at Mwspapers splashed the ditions. quiry. He majored in business and eco­ CAMPER BASKETBALL Morral ...... 88 85 71 3 McOonville ...... I l l 101 94—308 radio program presented each Sun­ batences have accrued a net of 8‘J 94 87-2831 the Giants. "Now radar Is working,'” Ganeval ail sources from the President nomics. Marco Polo bridge became a war ARCHERY LflASy rf 1 0 2 Brimley...... 81 118 90—389 Mordavaky .. Totals ,...4 5-11 13 story. ^uiaotlandsender trana- 3. A Itoting of groups and or- prize again as it fell to the Reds. Pratt ...... 93 86 107 day morning over Station WCCC. seTcral hundred dollars over dis­ Frey ...... 80 99 90—274 1 ■aid. “ . • • but slnee the planes gantoatloha which have been, cited down." Johnson < HOClEOr. 'if aaaaannnaea 3 0 4 RusconI ...... 104 88 103—395 Score at half time, IS to 1— iptttod Chrtatmaa carolg.' Berlin SlmUar comment came from It was there, eight miles south­ rn m 6nKTAm m m ilVEHOLBIR Hartford, at 10 o’clock. Several bursements for the past yeor which Fallon ...... 98 90 , 101—289. Orammar Scboel Lexgxe rimo oOclals refused to comment are flsrtog without visibility, the as Communist or OommunUd front Dexter .. Af If aaeeenaaaa 0 1 1 prominent local members were in­ leaves the club in an enviable po­ 97—291 Nasaiffa. Represen toll va. Rankin (D., Miss, H ospital Notes west of Peiping, that toe Slnv Heavy Ooddne 1 Haberern . . . . 97- 97 i lloWater T-A (IS) on tha dtmoUUon. two lu g s towers of Radio Berlin enterprises by official agencies Ceilsfr ~ Teels Stratton C ••••aaneanaea 0 1 488 538 497 1509 terviewed and the broadcast this sition, financially. Golaa ...... 88 no 108—302 ! .; whidi stand In the Immediate and Representatove Mundt (R., 1 Japanese war started in July, Bsovy feelwear HflVMboM Oedgwts Ramsdell, c ...... 1 0« 2 Indlea A. C. (4) Royal Kings B r Pta. Brig. Oan. Jean Ganevsl, French Uka the Justice department, the Sunday be looked forward to Tully, r f ...... 1 0 s vicifil^ constitute a very great Hoiiae eommlttee, and atata and D.), also committee members. 1937. BfaMculm fkiglaes EqnlpiDeDl Burke, r g ...... 3 1 5 <)uey ...... I l l 90 118—317 niUitaiy commander to Berlin, said Patienta Today ...... : 141 The Reds have isolated Peiping Totals .. ... 482 464 466 1413 with anticipation. In Installing the new oflflcers. M. Total ...... 448 490 481 1418 Hoffnuui. r f ...... 0 0 0 ha was compelled to order French danger for Allied planes. I could l o ^ groupA Team Na. 9 (3) Oates, rg ...... 0 0 0 Paradiso ...... 113 131 91—825 C. Truman (tewles read oxcerpte lamonaco. rf Admitted yesterday: Mra. Ruth by cutting all toe railroadA 7‘be 1 Velvet .No. 3 (1) Mlrucki. rf .. If •■annnannnnn 0 0 0 troops to destroy the towers be- no longer accept responsibility for a. An annual report to Ooogreas Gixyb, 1089 Main atreet; Felraa lEMB m OBI riEE c m m u i folbei I Lawrenea . . . . 9 4 89 89 273 Hmy. Ig naaaaa«ne#en 0 1 Farrand ...... 98 111 92—399 President John Tattersall of toe from toe association’s by-lawx‘ de^ Caron ...... 87 ... 88—173 natlonists have virtually abandon­ BflbOOf ig n a a a a a'r a a a a • 0 0 0 Kochin ...... 93 39 139—381 Bambogna, if Ehrerntt. c ...... • 0 18 esuse there wss a "very great posMble accidents. Consequently I on what the committee baa done. Jones, Rockville; Richard Stevens, Cteaney ...___ 90 94 114 398 Connecticut Sportsmen's Associa­ fining the duties and powers of Stenger .. .. 103 79 84-26.1 Capello. rg ...... -0 8 aa executed today a decision taken W a p p i n g ed toe two a'r fields. ' Dummy...... 85 85 85—255 each offlee holfier. Thia waa a Stevenoon, c danger” to air lift planes coming 4. A hundred things that should 18 Feradsla drive. Wupperfeld 103 83 94 379 tion, complimented the member­ Bengtson . . .. in 78 ----189 Finnegan, c .. Hampton. I g ...... 1 0 2 la by radar to the new Tegel field ■oine time ago to demcdlsh the be known about OomnnintoQ and There were many strange twists Totals ...... 11 7 29 ship on the progress made by the new note but made an Impreaaive Discharged today: Ann Marie in toe unfolding struggle for Peip- E. Johnson .9 8 94 92 284 Re>’noIds .. .. 93 89 82—283 to the French sector. The towers towers." labor. The officers of Wapping Grange .9 5 98 808 296 Bcoro at half time 80-13, Hollis­ 498 588 833 1557 club this pMt year and pointed ceremony, for meny it waa toe McLaughlin . 109 89 99 -2971 Hansen, 95 Cedar street; Mrs. Ing-r-whlch may be more p o litic Benson ... ter. Garden Grove (0)—Forfeit. Tctata ...... 8 3 IS were near the field. 5. A hundred things that should were Installed at the Community Esther Mannipg. $0 Green Hill out especially the two fine field original contact with the provi- Wilkinson .. — 89 97—188 1 ItaOiatar d-8 (8 ) n e action waa taken between B to u military. I trials conducted by Chairman ■iona of toe by-laws. Ail odioera be known about Oommuntom (n road; Maria Camaratti,. 89 Eld- Totals .. .. 479 485 495 1439 Totals ... 18 4-9 38 Warren, r f ...... 0 0 0 a. m. and 10:45. during a regular the irovernment. House Tuesday evantog by Harold Government troqps In full, re­ Store Pongratz. Hla recommenda­ axpreaaed their optimlam and vart- D rkm atic Plays ridge street; Mrf. Helen laiugbrey, galia moved out .of the city. 6to- Total 501 434 448 1373 Bnekeyoa (33) Mobardt If ...... 0 0 0 two-hour pause of the atation. After Mundt told a newa confer­ Humphries and hla staff from Columbia; Eknest Bilodeau, 103 tion in regord to the Lee's Blinker lled the general feeling that if con­ IVflght, C *ne*aa*ana*> 0 0 0 era also with hill eouipment. Memorial Trophy .will be dis­ tinued cooperation la prevalent, ; .\rgiros. rf Radio Berlin waa scheduled to re­ ence no more committee hearings Bloomfield Orsnge. They deserve Congreaa atireet exae Leagne Zx1ck. If .. Bverrett c ...... 0 0 0 sume programs at 11 a. m.. but At W oodruff H all or meetings are planned until marched in. Peiping was full of cussed further at toe next ses­ that even greater strides of mate­ aa much credit for the very fine man­ Discharged yesterday: Richard troops who might have been out j fitratton, c Xalamone. e ...... 1 0 did not do so. Apparantly Soviet 10:80 A m., (ea.t.), MoodAy. Rep. sion. rial progress ran be made in a H lfley, r g ...... 0 1 1 ner In which the work waa con­ Bickford. Rockville; Walter Stan- material way in club affairs. Highland Park Na. 8(1) I Stiirdevant, euthorities had b«*n unable to set McDowell iR., Pa ), addOd: "in kevlcb. 39 Florence street; Mrs. By Partons ...... 108 84 82 -274 Pish, r g ...... 0 0 n up alternate towers, to time. Woodruff hall waa the scene of ducted. Aggressive Norman Webber, Taylor, ig Washington." Alison Rhodes, 15 Plymouth lane; Fleming .... 89 78 82—249 Grant. Ig .. Martin. Ig , ...... 0 0 0 Denounced DemoUtlos much "litUe theater workshop” ac­ Subcommittee May Operate Following are the officers in- H B M U t U i EaHW, presT^entreside of toe Hertford County The (Same committee’s report tivity last evening, when the Thes- Mrs. Ernest C^ampanelll and son, clubs, spoke impressively of the will be gone Into more thoroughly R. Dennison . 89 91 91—281 X^te In the day, the Sovlet-ll- That Indicated that parbspa a ftolled: Mix. .Dorothy Foster, mas­ Thdd ...... 80 107 81-288 •aaaaaaa.aeaaae X t 8 eeneed news agency ADN de­ pianA Center church Dramatic So­ 27, Drive B, Silver -Lane homes; You plans thst are in the works for and analyzed further at the next Totals 9-13 33 subcommittee might bf operating ter: Robe I Wataw. overseer; Mix. LorfBo Maehia sad daugh­ Dommy...... — 81 83—163 Score at half time 22-9,' Royal nounced the demolition of the ciety, played host to the Commu­ In New York or etoewhtra av«f Chaplato, Mrs. William Foster; ANCLE pushing the Sportsmen's License monthly session. It waa wisely nity Players. The first presenta­ ter, 20 Drive A, BUver Lane BUI and other legislative measures bandied to avoid unnecessary die- Kings. HelBatcv t-B (84) tralumlsaion towers-rone 282 feet, the week-end. lecturer. Mra John Kocarnlk: sec­ . B r Pta. the other SM feet, tall—es "an act tion by the latter group was a homes; Roy Dowher, WHUmMtlc; in the next session of tost body cuaaion on this very controversial ToUl ...... 368 481 418-1315 Mundt said committee investi- retary, Walter G. Foster; tressur- Mi a Mary NavraUI and daughter. HIghlani Bogey-Busters (38) Turklngton. r f ...... 1 0 8 of vandslistlc destruction brought Christmas Fantasy, expertly di­ gaters arc being reaaalgned and er, l,evl Deweyi steward. Roland which convenes in January. He la iaaue at tots general gathering. by reactionary circles because the rected by Mary Jayne Crandall and South WUllngton. A Arrspttag AppOeattoxa Bhete Bora aad Them Hexitt ..... 101 185 95—332 B r Pta. Vlttner, rf ...... 5 0 10 some will be eift of toxm to the Carter; aaalstant steward. Elmer Discharged today: David TutUe, Made by the nwliert af "Braves BuUatto,'^.offlclal publi­ Hogenow ... 83 85 98—250 T. Shea, rf .. . 1 3-3 4 R tckert I f ...... 4 0 s BiNttn radio broadcasts had created staged by Jean Moore. The Juve­ next few days. Uoyd Muler, fom er Unlvxrxlty nile lead was playad by WUllam Dewey; lads' asslataht steward, 53 Drive A, Silver Lana homes; \3 *he Hammend Organ cation of . tba National Baseball W. Dennison 94 84 78—248 LaFrancis, If . 4 2-5 10 Selbie. If ...... 8 0 8 dissatisfaction among German and The spy inquiry bah dealt only Mrs. Harry WaHa: Ceres. Hazel of Indiana eager, has been signed iMst /Sight's Fights H igh M arkBiiieii ‘nternatlonel reactions for a long (Buddy) Brown, eight years old, WUUam Carlson, 380 Woodland • hasily stUched to yonr pianA League champion Boston Braves, .SchUdge ... 82 79 80—341 Modean, c .,. . 4 3-4 10 Belansky, c ...... 8 0 8 with alleged pre-war espionage. CDllins; Domsua, Veslle Parent; the SoloTox give* you the beee. is Just off toe press and Volume 4, by toe Middletown American Le­ 0 0 time.'' who won the hearts of the audi­ atreet; Howard Sentiff,. 132 West Dougan .... — 94 82—176 Johnson, rg ., . 2 1-2 5 KJaUquist rg ...... 0 But Representative Rimkln (D., Fldra. EHe* Chapman: gatekeeper. tiful tones of the clarinet. eellA No. 1, arrived in toe mail bag gion of toe Eaatera League... Suffer Defeat Prior, rg .... , 1 0-0 2 SedUk. rg ...... 1 9 3 ADN said the Fre.nch explana­ ence. Others participating were Miss.), said apparently spying street. . By The AswKiated PrcM Gloria Della Fera. George Walker- Porter CoOtoA the' new membee of Births yaaUrday: A aon to Mr. and many other aole iaatnuneata earUer tote 'weak. Edited by BiUy Joe Lynch, standout Bristol baa- Total ...... 359 474 434-1257 Froh, ig .... . 1 0-0 3 Buck. Ig ...... 0 0 0 tion for blowing dorm tha.atruc- continued at least durmg 1941 toe execuUve committee was Ella Sullivan, diief drum-beater of toe Phoenix. Aris.—Nlckle fimlto, JoAn Handley, and a group of and MrA Walter Bubacha, 90 ketbaU pli^or for the past decade, 130, Los Angeles, outpointed Can- Wood! aad Na. 1 (1) Jensen, ig .•< . 0 0-0 0 Ortawold, I g ...... 0 9 0 tures was "bsseless.” it said the through 1943. Burnham:' assistant lecturer, y>\a f y Tribe, the *BWletto" contains Manebaster High School'a rifle 93 95 Soviet occupation authorities of­ young choristers, Inclbdlng Pstri- North street; a daughter to Mr. Call Manchester 2-1988 i v; , ■ > is sidelined xrito a bad back... guro Zavala. 132. Mexico (3lty, 10. Dulka ...... 101—359 “1 want to show how much of Wataoa. chairman of Home Eco­ timely information concerning toe Johnny Mariucci and Ed Olaon, de­ team was defated in its first C. C. Leister ...... 89 80 75—344» .... 18 7-15 33 Totals ...... 17 0 34 fered-a long time ago to let th -' "to Treat. Jean Whltehlll. Jean this espionage was carried on dur­ and Mra. James Dougan, 14 A, For Free Hobm DeraoaetrBtiaa •Syracuse, N. Y.—Joey DeJohn. ' Ro.^rers, Joyce Jarvla, Viola Brit- nomics ooBUnittee, Mrs. Ruth Garden drIvA Braves front office plans. fensemen with toe S t Louis Fly­ I. L. encounter yesterday when W.. Fuller .. 117 83 84-384 (I hm (S3) Hafftater d-t (1) Ppench use another area for an air ing the war," be aald. "If ao, it Burnham an4. 8 t Louis. 10. L L. Rifle League. Hough ...... 79 79 81—888 Totals...... 15 3-3 33 Mathlaaen , I g ...... , 0 0 0 agement tiRU. to arrange new In- nailed down evidence ot a pre-war CHubs and groups planning trips east were Doris Beldlng, Beth Ros- Wednesday afternoon at toe h 1/... . /;. trr the Braves' ticket department my (terl. 188, .San Antonio, Tex,. J. Bordooaro ...... 172 vmbout Incldjent. The final play was approprisle held a r o ^ n g Wednesday night POCKET berry, a promising rookla. Stave A. Kmietak ...... German postal authorities said to the season and ably directed by spying still is going on to the gov­ The early bird gets toe beat Sou chock, recently acquired from ernment. at ti»a boms' of H'*- Olcott King. UMBRELLAS .. ■eats. ^*Ncw York (Jamaica Arena)— O. Augustyn ...... !•* ' the French not only blew uj the Betty Walker. Presented by the Mix. C. F . Budd of toe State toe New York Yankees, will battle T. Bialield ...... 1«1 r a ^ towers, but also , the control Oonununity PlayarA the cast In­ I'hey claim that a man atUl McKINNEY BROS. (Opena to tall aise) A VOar Ago—Snow Jimmy Watkins, Jr- 135, New worki.-ig for tha Army aa a civil- Laagus of Women Voters spoke on Tony Luplen ter tha firat baoe London. Oonn.. outpointed (teariic J. Daxraon ...... 160 ■ insUIiatlofta for the towers. cluded Carl Chibberiy, Artlne TaxatioA i M 1. IHSI'OS \1, CO. *Prleed From Skiara are aak^ to be patient post’ with toe Chicago White Sox Oliamx of Dispute Holmes <3ulv»r, Qcoige Walker. tan stole secrete of tbe famous A year ago to New England on Donovan. I58H. New York. 8. Manchealer (802) There was a public hearing 68.75 next spring. Tha guess is that Btngbemton. N. T.—Joe Taylor, C. Millar ...... -....a.. 173 '. Demolishhig the towers cllmax- Mary Ann Handley, Mary Jayne Nordei. bomb sight and passed l.iO I’l .itl " 1. I''I. r many a lo ^ there was from one Lupiea ia toe better man of the ed 8 long four-power -dispute over Crandall. Fred Malto. t-oretto Mia- them along to Rqiwla to 1938. Monday svoi^g at the Tow-n HaU to two feat of snow. In contrast 157, Binghamton, stopped L«on R. Deaoon ...... 763 to diacupa the proposed regula- three but will moat likMy be with Gabriel. 158, Atlantic Chty. 7. E. ()ulnn ...... 762 Radio Berlin. k^uk and Olorla Delia Fera. today thare are reports of grass the Detroit Hgeca ... Harry BASKETPALL • ■ ------PRO FoUowlng the ahov# program of Uona for plotting subdivisions DON’T DISPAIR! fires, dandeliona la bloom and def­ W, Schubert...... 752 « 11m r a ^ station lUalf Is locat- wWob wore drawn up by \ the Stuhldreber, who recently resigned ' M to the BrtUab sector. The Itua^ Ptoya .the community Plavers Public Kecords It ynu can’t find the right initely no anew. M. Pbameuf ...... 752 T ^ EoBtog and Planning 0>m- ■a bead teotball coach at the Uni- CoUege Basketball Other MsBchestcr abooters were MONDAY NIGHT, DEC. 20Hi, 9:15 ' 'ftsas teve succeeafuQy reaieted ware r■quafl^4 to put on a hiiari- gift . . . A jraar ago the official snow re­ varsity ot Wlaoonain, said last ooa skit, which was acted out by rnlffilnn Jabn KaitoUne of too P. Jobert, R. McOaw. D. Bennett. Bfttlsb efforts to foroa tham from GIVE HER A iAMES port read like this: "M t Mansfield. yaar that two profaaakwal foot­ Worcester Tech 50. Masaacku- t FtmI Malto, WUUam Cooper, BUI Warrextoa Deads State «iaa present and 8. Sblrxr. and A. Schubert. fka ststiOB, which they took over axidataad tachnleal points and an- 4or*» GIFT CERTIFICATE 28 to SO Inches, one powder, ski­ ball leagues would not optrato be­ STANLEY ARENA, NEW BRITAIN Berlin feU. Brown and Edwin Lamb. Louis and OamiUo Andiaio to M anch ester ing good. Ptokham Notch—11 to A social time followed and re- aWarW ffuaationa. ^ Far Any Amexnt cause toe aateriea are too high. "*^ tO T Univ. 47. Northaastarn tnien tha vmstan powers cams Harold and Bather C Hubbard, 15 packed powder, skiing good on Tbe former Notre Dame All Amer­ THE FAMOUS freshmenU ware served by Doris property on Cambridge atreeL There wore 14 In favor of toe 30 Hackey at a Glaoce Beidto tha^'KoMlaM. inatsted Mominfs Are The Best Time For LIstenInf ah tixlte." ican quarterback aeema to have Arnold 68, (Juonsett Naval Air and Everett Beldlng. John and John C. Prouto to Henry Turock. regubsUona with ■ few ebangaa Snow between now and tola retain octroi, of the radio Lotto Ugbt, MiA Helen P. Skin­ bit the nail on tha hand aa thare 88. Last NIght’a Raaults. saying it their only property on Cooper street. and UO against; toerefoix It waa Padkage Delivery weekend will find some apote is much talk that the top teams In Proridence 74. American biter- HARLEM GLOBE TROTTERS ner, Mix. Edwin Ktott, “Butch ” Eugene J. DouviUe, et al, to decided to revise toe regulations, JAMES' Nation League it outtet to . the Soviet Perrett and Joseph Strobel. opaii. Meanwhile, akiert will have toe National League and the All national 47. _ Montrnal 4. Boston 2 TS. Jarvla Agency, Inc. property on and prasant toena again later. to be patient and wait and aae American Oonfaranca win merge Rcnasclaer 59, aarfcaon 47. "X ------. ' — ;—“ Jarvto road. A CbrUtmas Partv was held tiiglit Trucking Potterton’s BEAUTY SALON New Terk 3. Toronto 1- Rnaatans posted annsd sol what the wxattaannan baa to atoca. for toe 1949 aaaaea.. .Bddia Shore, Vermont 58, Norwich 44. ’ eweago 5. Datroit L Always make gravy in the same' Jarvla Agency, Inc., to Doris A. Wednesday avenlng at tbe home of H Manditster> lAargcst Radioe Record and Appliance Store n gt aotixnoea to the bulMlnr pan in which tha meat was co<^ed : Keaton, property on Jarvis road, 74 Baal Oratar Bteaat Skiers are aa'anxioua to see snow one et heekay’a aS Uma grxata. la Williams 87.-Union 53. AmattaM Laogna HESSLER'S COPPERS Mix. Alex Marow.^kl bv t)ie mem- aa Uttte Ogle Is to sttde down to- "---- \4iraa alhmad In without so aa to lue all the drippingn; I q. Louise GUntsn to Silk <1 lv bera of.8t. Frances Obrini and Phone Monchester 2-0752 ' TcIPtilMM 4291 president of tha naarty-formed Broxx 54. Mit 49. S t Loote 10, Philadelphia 3. jb I bannistcrbamuvi.n' Chriatmas^nnsuna* morning to Connecticut Valley Hockey League i^eaguc Rutgers 59. Columblo 52. . I Pittoburgh 8. CTet eland 2 For RoserTstioBs CsB Stanley Ho(«L N«w Britalfi JteVy m iA t t o way will usually j Corporation, property on Tolland the St Ann's Motbers Circles of ‘11 hers It's Cnay Ta Park” Pennsvlvania 87. Mubtenbero 8L oiioVweet poatU^a wora- good oolor. ! TuraptkA S t Frasete church. I I see what Santa aaus droppad off of xrhlch tha Maaeboattr Navajos I .Providence a, Nex- Haven 2. T I. iflla t boms, undar tba trasi 'araaambtrs. Navy'58. Vlrglate 58. • Hmhiar i, SprlngtlMd 4 (tie). ■Hopoes far Salt------7*-— 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and DRESSMAKING-Better dressea Only Ons In A.UfsUma winter 50 FOXCTkoFI Drive -^Ik-rapai RV PflNTAINK PtIX Junior—Pop. what a n untenefe- repaired, burners, refrigerators, suits, coats. Wedding gowns, and WANTED To buy, cowa calves Such A Tremendous Vslusll Kolinsky collar, slse 88. Man’s Cape Cod i'ire'place, on," 'MSt ablet? SEDAN ranges, washers, etc. All work alterations. CaU 2-8909. snd bssf catUs, alao horsea Piela A-L-B-B-R-T-S nsw tuxedo, slse about SS-IO. 66 Water heat Venetian blinds rec- • Pop—Well, a good example of New mott>r, new radio and guaranteed. Metro Service Oo. Broa, 884 BldwslI street. Phone C^innecUcut’s L u g sst SNirnlturs Delmont street. reatien -roomr teundry room, ga­ Feminine Curiosity Sense and Nonsense an untouchabto la the guest towel do m heater. Very good transpor­ Tel. Manchester 2-0883. 740ft. Organisation Baeksd By 88 yaara rage. Many other featurea. Elva in the bathroom. erowttf. Moving—Tracking- Of "Honest DsaUngs'' TAN CAMEL hair legging set PreaeMag la Easy Mrs. Peoh—Henry, why la It do tation at low cost. ly er, agfsnt MaachaaUr 2-4469. you'auppoee, that it la said there OLANDER’8 Machine Shop. Open Storage 20 OFFER $1,600 WORTH OF- With Baton cap. Coat q ^ te d In­ (Thomas Richard Henry In the UnseUlehneas will work when we y T c r L 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DR. evenings and Saturday. Machine Articles far Ssle 45 BRAND NEW FURNITURE side. Never been worn. For S or 7Mf*ROOM house with aaeond floor Toronto. Ont, Can. Telegram) are ao roairlagea b* heaven? work unseUlahly. work and gas and electric weld­ LAVELL’S Express light trucking WHICH WAS ON DISPLAy IN A 10 year old, $16. Baby’s pink cor­ Bunpoiqh. Fine condition. Fire­ Henry — Why—er^lt wouldn't Lost and Pound SEDAN and delivery. Weekly or monthly PORTABLE Uiideswood typewrit­ A aaan who has been ordered by be heaven, would it, if there were ing. 68 Mill stre e t IW. 5717. MODEL HOME duroy snow-suit Flannel U n^ place, on burner. Convenient to his doctor to cut down drastically Gumboil—My wife apeaks atat liOST—Female, red Irish Setter, Reconditioned by factory rubbish routes Invited. Man­ er, rsasouabls. CaU Manchester FOR ONLY slpper front and crated fdr 8-|g HoUlstsr Street school, stores and m arriages? ANTIQUES Refliflshed. Repairing chester 2-4092. 2-21IL ' oh his smoking went on a fishing languages. urfmee number S-7777. CsU 2- methods. Very clean. See us $849 montht old, $4. Call 2-18S0 before bua.. Now vacant. and may be trip with the doctor. Fooale—I wouldn’t worry. about this one. dona on any furniture. Tlemann, 7 p. m- aeon a t any tlma. Call Madbina Vtsltbra from the east In San 1087. 189 South Main street. Phone RUBBISH and ashes removed. In­ FOR'*8ALB— Men’s rabuUt snd Hera is what tlis eompIeU horns The man complained bitterly: Gumboil—What do you mean, cinerators cleaned- Sand, gravel conaista of: Smith, Realtdr. 2*1642 or , 4 ^ Francisco night club: “And Juat worry? A small retailer la 'A M 6643. relaaud' high and low ahosa at Woman’B blaeV fur Jacket, medium “while my tongue was hanging think that T5 years ago they were suburb hnd been trying and cinders. Van service and raasonsbis priosa- Sam Yulysa Big 7 ft. Westlnghouss electrio out. he sat in front of the boat Foozle-- Well, she can’t speak See Balch For Bargains box, Bengal range, Phllco radio, slse. Would make peifect Christ- FIVE Room alpgla, ona floor gp- digging for gold on this very more than one of them at a time, to coUeet an ovesdu al RADIO — Electrical Appliance local moving. Phone H. M. Jones. 701 Main street mas g ift $12 . Phone 2-9288. Five room atpile, ont‘ floor fa- and smoked alt the time.” BVERTTHINO for t your peU. Service^ repairs picked up and 2-1362. bedroom suite, Uving room suite, •pot." can she? hie pleas and thraata ...^ dlnete set, rugs, lamps,amps, edlaiies. pie- rage. fireplace, steam heat and OaUfomia Friend—Thal'a noth­ pletriy dtaregaidad. Aa • 18E$ JP* Xmas stockingrs for all kinds of BALGH-PONTIAC, Inc. delivered promptly. 20 years' A-1 BLACK luftm.'Font ferd load oil burnbr. immedlata occupancy. nets. Dog beds, mattress and experience. John Maloney. Phone THF. AUSTIN A. Chambers Oo„ US. Wall atom and Bolbim stone. turea mirrors, spring msttreaa, BLACK , Caracul coat slse 42. ing. They're still gold digging on Grey TSnea sort he sent a taar-Jecfeiig' 156 Center Street local or long distance moving. Flagstone Block Company, Route pillows, etc., etc.I. Thur-room single V nings 'til 9. reflnished. Estimates now being with dormers. Excellent condi­ after* 6 P. M. ______ice, guaranteed work. Bets check' drawera oak knee-hole business gladly send , one ^ our “ Courtesy TWO • ROOMS, living room' an* AND SHE SAID GEE-MAVff given on outside painUng ' for Autog’’ for you. We will call for tion Large lot with plenty of XMAS TREES. Large display at 1934 PLYMOUTH two-door. Good ed In the home. Car . radios i desk, onp buffet two-burper oil bedroom. Bedroom furnished, IDHAVf HIMCALL |MR.GI6GlBeiiCK specialty. Manchester Rad 1 o next spring and summer. Call stove. The Old Mill Tfadlng Post you take you to our store and shade trees. Non - vacant T. J. Dougan’s Garage, 348 Charter condition. Dependable transpor­ Gilbert Fickett 4208. kitchen privileges and share bath Crockett BrokSh. Phoile 6416.. 6I66LEHEIMER ' HAS — 6iT MY Oak street. Pnone 5901. Ab and tation at a low price, $150. Phone Servica 78 Birch street Phone buys and aeU good used furniture, bring you back home. No obligation Cnil ^9966. 2-0840. whatsoever. ASSOONASHf HOME.PCIAMEY* Cliff Eagleson. Order early. Free 4165. INTERIOR nd exterior palnUng. 17 Maple street Phone 2-1089. MANCHESTER — E x clu siv e A-L-B-E-R-T-S IN l*RIVATT home, comfortable, COIffSIN, UNCLE FHI. MAY delivery. OIL S'TOVBS Cleaned, instaUed. paperhanging. Free caUmates. ONE BICYCLE, $6; 60-galIon oU Princeton street Beautiful pre­ SUPER VALUES Wallpaper sold. Raymond Flake. 43 Allvn St. Hartford heated room, quiet neighborhood. war Cape Cod. OU hbat fireplace, MICKBY/ CTILLBETHERC* Washing machines, vacuums re­ barrel with faucet two bird Near bus line. <3entleman prefer­ paired, lawn mowera, hand and Phone 2-9287. Csjjtea one with stand, six new Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. brass plumbing. Insulated, with SEE TOM AND HOWARD Mondays To 9 P. M. red. nione 8188. atUched garage. Vacant Reason­ power. sharpened, repaired, PAINTING and Paperhanging. window saah, $10 ; heavy screen YOUNG GIRL desires ride from saws died. Friendly FU lt Shop. door. 80 X SlH, parlor heater, $6; e v e n in g APPOINTMENTS FnRNISHED Room near Main ably priced. Phone 7728 i t 6278. BEFORE YOU BUY!! Free esttmatea Proim)t service. GLADLY^ ARRANGED Brae-Burn RepIty, Sliver Lane Homes to Retreat Phone 4777. Reasonable pricea Phone 7680. coal stove with L3mn burner. street. Gentleman only. 9 Haael Avenue, between 7:30 and 7:45 a, 1948 DODGE 4-DR. — A really D. E Frechette. Phone 2-2440. G. E. REFRIGERATOR, used. Ex­ street. 2-2170. m. momlnga only. Phone 2-9406. beautiful car. Jet black paint and RADIO Servicing Dependable low onDnpntV cost and guaranteeo. A.B.C. Ap­ cellent running condition, $75. FURNISHED Room for rent Gen­ Lots for Sale .73 y f / not a scratch. Low mUeage. Ex­ INTERIOR and exterior painUng, GOLF Equipment Call evenings Phone 2-1141. \ nai3r-r;:^Q COUPLE Want ride from Laurel tra special trades on this one. pliance, 21 Maple s tre e t 2-1575. paperhanging, celling rellnlsh- after 6:30 p. m. McKeever, 81 tleman preferred. References. LARGE 'X)T, 100’xl40’, near, bua \ a n a n o ^ ' street to vicinity, of Traveler’s, Seaman drola Phone 2-0242. 84 □ □ a a o 4mL FURNA(2IES Tailored to St.irour ed. Men Insured and property FLOOR problems solyad with line. Owner leaving state. Must ■k a a n a r a ^ Hartforii dally. Phone S662. 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. DELUXE sell. G o ^ buy. Ir.qtdre 729 North DIJgOI 0/ —Beautiful beige color and ex­ home. Van Camp Broa. I%one damage. Expert work. Edward R. WASHING Machine, In good con' linoleum, aaphsH tile epuntsr. M GIVE A Personally recorded tra ciPan. Attractive trades. Flill 6244. Price. Phone 2-1008. dltion, also a'Waterfall vanity Expert workmanship, free esti­ ROOM FOR gentleman. 27 Braln- Maindl'reet' after 0 pi m. " Christmas card of your own voice price $1,460. and bench. Air Line, floor model mates. Open evenings.. Jones' ard Place, second floor. Fl'NNV HI1SINI’:»4S BY HERSHiiBKGKR BUGS BUNNY BUO'I'S AND HHR BUUWKS;^ A m g Ho] BY KlIUAR MARTIN pinjing your favorite carol and FURNITURE Repaired, reflnish­ Furniture. Oak street. Phone Repairing 23 radio. CaU 2-0639 after 6. 2-104t . Soborbas fOK^Ialf 'Ro«it.,>^ove c * K you T ' COMY. Q\8»« message greeting. For appoln^ 1940 FORD 4-DR. DELUXE—m ce ed, chairs re-seated. E. C. Nash, ♦ FERY NICE 'room next to bath, OkBOUR ■niKxft mont can 4418 from 5 p. m. to 7 fresh clean paint E^ill price 8700. Box 88, 714 Nortl. Main street CARPENTERS, two, wish extra PIANO ACX3DRDION, 80 liase, suitable for one or two people. COVENTRY, Jtate highway. Two stuor C4AVI.O On*, iplnute walk from Main p. m.. Mon., Wed., ’Iburs. and Frl. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2-DR.—A real S'.... . work week-ends. Attic rooms, or .will trade for woodworking FAVORITE Tabletop gas stove, bedrooms, living rpom, kitchen NOO AI4 ,______nice clean car. A low price trans­ garages, porches, recreitUon machine. daU U08 before noon. $15. Phone 8683. atteef: Inquire 17 Pearl street and bath. OU heat, insulated ga­ THERE’S Still time to knit for HousehoM Sorviees after 7 p. m. , ^ rage, large lot with fine view, $8.- Xmas. I have sonta Ideas that portation car for the winter. rooms, cabinets, roofs, etc. We SPEED QUEEN washing ma­ Offered ISA will do anything. Reasonable 300. Eliper Turklngton, agent work up fkst Tarns and knitting Many Others ONE O'DELL B-flat olarlnet. Good chine with automatic pump. Per­ LAI^GE Room for couple. Light C>11 WilfimanUc 2279J4. auimlles, very reasonable. Open WEAVING of burns, moth ho,es rates. Phone 2-99M or Hsutford condition. Tel 8174. fect condition, $46 Phone 8406. housekeeping. References re­ evenlnge ’til Xmaa Ed-Mar Knit- snd torn clothing, hosiery runa 4-5348. quired. Call 8895. VENTRY-^—Owner sacrlflcing. tingM ook. 97 Crestwood Drive. BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. handbags repsii^ slpper i 12-GAUQB Stevens double barrel M. A W, ELECTRIC refrigerator AttracUve.6 rooms, bath. Insul­ plscement umbrellss repaired, REPAIR and motorise sewing shotgun. W’alnut stock. Very TWO LARGE completely furnish­ Turn north at Stone street off 30 Blssell S t Phone 7191 machines Also clean and repair for sale. In perfect condition, $60. ated, furnaoa,. Immediate occu­ C tubft street at new apartment men’s shirt collars reversed snd good oohdition, $30. Call 2-9349. 80 linden street, Town. ed, double bed, rooms in private pancy, |5,6(iK>. Terms. Wells 1942 FORD clUb coupe. Seat replaced Marlow’s U ttls Mending motors. Frank X. Dion, 2 Ridge­ famUy. Next to bath. Private en­ covers, radio, heater, retrosters, wood street. Phone 7779. b e a u t i f u l Magic Skin mama Agency, Ck>v^try. Tel. WllUman- Shop. HOT WATER Heste>7~Universs1 trance. Automatic heat and hot Uc 618J2 or 1701W4. $876. 44 Griswold street. 2-0484. dolls, Benrua, Bulova Helbroa 50-gal. electiir. Reg. $148; floor water. Ontral with buses at e ••'uAT FINISH Holland window watches, Roger's • silverware, sample $119 95. Watkins Broth­ AEtomeMks f«r S I*— 4 HUDSON 1948 sedan, 4,000 miles, door. Especially suitable for FTVE-ROOM house and 15 acres ahadea made to meaaure. Keys, Private Instractions 28 rings, radios, vacum cleaners, ers, Inc. working couplea accustomed to ’ of land Would be good pn^xssi- DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES like new, will accept trade-in. made while you wait. Mariow'a blankets, dMea etc. Immediate $2,300. Tel. 2-9001. A liro DRIVING, duai ntrol En-ECTTRIC Ironer, Ironrlts Inmer: eating out. Extensive grounds and tlon for bUllder. V. Buded, Taylor SAYS: "Yes Kiddos, absolute­ AAA certified instructor. Bal­ delivery on above items. $ 1 per free parking or two garage atalla street, TalcottvUIe, Conn. DE-LONG’S refrigeration aervice. week. Call 8491. reg. $209 60, floor sample, $189.96 ALI-BY UUP Hc*a A Killtr ly then is a Santa Claus, but, 1934 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Repairs on all makes, commer­ lard's Driving school. (IsH 2-2246 Watkins Bnuthers, Inc. available. Phone 2-9467. BY V. T. HAMLIN there is no such thing as a 1937 Ford 2-door, both In good cial and domestic. 24-bour serv­ BLUE STEEROMA'nC baby car­ MU 'SOSm emay.’ th' Sin running condition. Priced for PLEASANT Furnished room to Wanted—Real Estate 77 m e w L0V8 IT' SO-CALLED BARGAIN in a ice. Phone 2-1797. Musical—Pramatie, 29 riage. Very good condition-Phone REBUILT Cleaners. Eureka vac­ rent, with garage. Gentlemen t juar WK1CM wHxr quick sslp. Ill Benton street 2-0471. ■ uum cleaner. I'actory rebuilt Was preferred. Tel. 2-1984. WILL PAY cash for Nstdentlal )«V06 WHEN wa good can,” ^ after 4 p. m. PIANO TUNING and repalra $34.95. Special $24. Watkins building lota. Nice locition. Must free -rxia c u These Sae GOOD CARS priced BaiMing—Contraetlng 14 RUSCO Storm aash and screens. Brothers, Inc. B4& UPAtmAR’ bo eell la 'tempetltioa with other STATION Wagon, 1986 Ford. Ex Leonard EcceUente. Phone 4757. be close to school and bus Una. CARPENTER work of aU kinds. 118 Center street. Free estimates. T. D. Colls. 2- Business Ixications W rits Box J, Herald g o o d c a r s , not neoeaaarily with ceptlonaUy clean car.'Mechanical' 9219. . , MAGIC CHEF gas range, white OTHER ears of the same year, ly exceUent. Body In perfect con­ Attics flnlshed, cabinet work, al­ _____ • ______combination kitchen sink and set -For Rent 64 BLLINO Youf property T Why terations and also colorful plas­ PIANO TUNING, repalra, racon- 6 make and asodeL dition. nU s Is economlcstl sU pur­ dltlonlng, etc John Oockerham. tub. Reasonable.' Gall 5768^ not place ttao Job In sxperiaaoed pose transportation. Price $680. tic tUe bathrooms and kltchena. HEATING Boiler and nearly new MODEiunZED~Store. 16x21, suit- 1948 PONTIAC CONV. 28 .Bigelow street Phone 4219. able for showroom, offico or hands? Wa aim to give sattafPo- Can Storrs 9-2008. Charlea Davla Phone 2-0294. oil burner controls. Phone 8008. NORGE Space heater, pot type. tlon. Alice Clampet Real Estate CLUB Heats four rooms. For sale rea­ workshop, with full basement. krill'' • wesks dd. Loaded. Cost 8290L WILL SELL 1987 Do Soto for CARPENTER Work of aU klnda. FOR SALE— Chain driven tfl sonable. Tel. 5760. Fluorescent lighting, linoleum and Inauraace, 848 gtpsst Roofa Bldinga, additions and al­ Help Wanted—Female 35 cycle, $16; stake wagon, $8 Manchester. Phone- 4998 6r 8- $200. Radio and hsater. Phone 2 floor. Bedard’s Floor Covering 166 0880. V m fsIuSSAKER 4-DR. 2449. terations. Alao new conatrucUon.- l AKING AppIlcqtioAs for Jkalea- scooter, $2 ; rirl's white sho PROCTOR A Gamble wringer type School street Phone 2-08(16. REGAL DELUXE Slaffert. Phone 2-0268. . ladlea for (flhristmab rush. Apply skates, aixe A never worn, $( washing machine, In^ excellent WE WILL- handle your real astats "Mayba I should hav« gona south aftor all!” A new car fully sqtdpped. No 1941 BUICK Special aedanette. Phone 2-2847. condition. Reasonabla. Chll 6761. anc Insurance problems prop:pt- Excellent condition. One owner. HOUSE Wiring. Ught snd power F. W. W odwortb Co. Wanted to Rent 68 installation and maintenance. MAGIC CHEF gas stove. 8-plece ly. ChUl Suburban Itealty 8 FrY y ._ X 'Stb * ^ 7 * ^ ffleW o L E T CONV. Heater, radio, aeat covers, new WANTED — Practical nurse 'or Realtors, 49 Perkins stre e t Tel. IDK GLANCKS BY GALBRAITH tiresi single carburestion. See at Standard Elet'tric Service Co. 16-OAUGE double barrel shotgun. walnut dining room set, crib, (XIUPLE with teen age daughter CARNIVAL BY mCK TtlRNKR CLUB Phone 2-1624. trained attendant for semi-in­ Uke new. $35. Call 2-4037. medium chest, two bureaus. $3 8216. FRECKLES AND Ills FRIENDS b That Good? 61 Goodwin street, 12-1 or valid. George E. Keith, 19 Lewis will pay up to $66 a month for * BY MERRILL C. BL08BKB FuBy aqdppsd. This ons is a evenings. each; gas heater, 9x12 rug, seven four-rooma or more. Occupancy Bttle awsaithreart _ street. Phone 3160. BEIFORE You buy bs sure yen try ' we lUcEE KINGS |. Ruoolfo/ HEY! WHOSE ■ZnMBR 0 0 carriage wheels. Call 2-2021. January. Beat references. Write the office of MadeUas SmltA, 1941 PONTIAC 4-DR. Florists—Nurseries 15 Bottled Gas 45A Box D, Herald OF Oft-I ------WOMEN For bookkeepiqg snd FOUR-BURNER gas Btove„ In Realtor, Room 26, 848 Mala SEDAN 1988 CHBVROLE’T 2-door sedan. general office weg^. Write stat­ RURAL gas nalet. snd servtes. Im- street 2-1642, 4679. 8 cyl. Beater, Def. An bnmaou- Good condiUom Phone 8612. good condition. One heating pot­ RESPONSIBLE businesa man de- ing experience and salary expect­ medlste installstlon Manchestet belly, s^ovp, almost new. Charles aires 6-room house or flat unfurn- late car. For any famUy to enjoy. 4 TO 12 FOOT TREES ed. Bog B, Herald. and surrounding towns Capitol w a n t e d -B etween 8 and 16 Lakliig, 180 New Bolton road. labed. Will pay reasonable re n t acres of land in vicinity of Man- 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB 1986 TWO-Door PoAtlac, In good Grinding Oo., Sft Ifaln. Plume Phone 2-0206. Phone 6030. COUPE oondiUon. CaU 4041 after 6. YOUR CHOICE $1.00 EACH WANTED—Waitress, nIghU. Call 7958. cheater or Vernon. W r^ Box L* Heatsr and Def. Priced right, in person, any time. Cm ter Res- RENT OR Lease 4-6 rooms. Pres­ Herald giving d^taiia- .aurant GENERAL EHectric stove and a clean car. 1947 FORD 6 SEDAN 236 SCHOOL ST. ent occupancy 14 years. J. Doug­ WILL PAY cash' for four or ahs- Boats and Accessories 46 Spin Dry waaher. Phone 6344. las Robertson. Phone 8371. OH 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Heater and defroster, ex­ hwm single, convenient to boa SEDAN ceptionally clean. Guaranteed, WAITRESS Wantid, days. Apply 16~ DUMPHY boat. $298;, 14’ PHIIXJO Table model combination line. Write Box H, H erald Heater. An Ideal ear from a lot BUY YOUR Poinsettlaa direct Cavey’s Grill, East Center street. I Amesbury skiff, $130; 12’ Ames- radio. Excellent condititm. Rea­ of standDoints. $1376. ' sonable. 106 Porter s tr e ^ -Phone F am s and Land for Sale 71 from grower. We have 160 pots WANTED— Experienced book­ bury tkiff, $115. Flambeau 194L CraJVROLET CLUB to mi&e your selection from. (Champion Mercury outboards. 3406. FOUR ACRES, loted on South COLE MOTORS keeper. Must be familiar with Robert Meintoah, 28 Harvard COUPE Priced $1 to $3. Also extra color­ I.B.M. machines snd double entry road, Bolton. 250 feet frontage. ______4164 ful cemetery baskets at to $ . R«>ad. ANTIQUE And ihodern china, Heater. Def. This week's spedaL | 1 2 systems. Must know shorthand glass, bric-a-brae, curtains, lamps, Beautiful view. Half^ olaar.. half WANTED Total price $895. 1942 PLYMOUTH club cosverti- Holden’s, 61 Washington street. wooded. Good road, school bua. Phone 3743 and 2-1571, and typing. Good clean surround­ mirrors and - other househdd PRISCILLA'S POP The Gamester BY AL VERMEER 1940 CHEVROLET 2-DR. ble, excellent condition. Best offer ings snd regular stors hours. Ap­ Diamonds—.Watches— items. 05 Delmont street. McKinney Brothen, .b d , R«au- tora. TeL 6060.7482, FT SEDAN takes I t TSl. 2-2067. ply In writing to Box M. Herald, Jeweliy 48 Caroenters. OKBOVI Blltfl GOODNESS, 90METIHM rr 5EEMS THE Radio, Heater. Priced to please stating salary required and all Floristg—Nurseries 15 LARGE Slse Easy waging ma­ THAT’S 6VEBVTHINO IS I STORES OONT WAMT u s you. qualifications. LEONARD W. Tost. Jswelar. Re- .WHAT I CERTAlNLy 1936 FORD, black sedan, $160. GET YOUR Christmas tree hers, palrs snd adjusts watches expert­ chine. (Tall 2-1410. Hoosas for Bale 72 1938 BUICK 2-DR. SEDAN Call 5719 sfU r 6. Laborers > WANT. EXPENSIVE i Heater, amall model. This is an snd get a free chance on a big ly St rsasoar.bls prices. Open BENGAL (Ilom.blnatlon Oil and gss VACANT SIX-room Cape Gbd on exceptional car. Mnehanlcally per­ turkey. 239 McKee atrset. Phone Help Wanted-Male - 36 Thuradsy evenings. 129 Spruce A REAL 1941 BUICK special sedan, w tn t^ 2-294S. range. Dual oven, automatic oven bua line. Fireplace, oil heat rec- Apply ForeniMiu fect. Ised, Sno-cap Urea Call 8851 bs- WANTED — Assistant-inanager. street. Pboas 2-4887. control clock salt and pepper dis­ nation room, combination, storm lABKCT 1936 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN , fore 6, or 7443 after, Apply State 'nieatar, Manches­ pensers, covers. Price $150. Phone windows and screens. P r^ $1 1 ,- ladio, Heater. Quick starting Roofing—Siding 16 ter. 49A 2-2425. (XU). Elva Tyler. Agent. I^ n e 2- Dplmoht jQh Jnomv here. DE SOTO . 1941 custom 4-door Fad and Feed 4469. 1936 FORD COUPE Mdan. Fluid drive, radio, heater, ROOFING — Speclallalng In re­ BE INDEPENDEOT- Sell .Raw- .SLAB Wood for sale, $9 up, de­ HO.SPITAL BEDS tn d wheel- Radio, Heater. Cleanest 36 in black. Excellent condition. PrlV' pairing roofs Of all kinds, also lelgh Products. Good nearby lo­ livered. Martin Schadtls. Phone . chairs for rent or .sale. Rates rea­ BRAND NKW . town. Mechanically excellent. Fully ate owner. Reasonably priced. new roofs. Gutter work. <3itm- cality open. W rite today. Raw- East Hampton 695J2. sonable, Phont Keith's Furniture. guaranteed. Call 2-4498. neys cleaned and repaired. No lelgh’a, Dept, CUL-26-D, Albany. 4159. Now being llniahed.' W d Job too small or large. Good N. T .______' rate to M t 'nureh^r. Four raomat. Plan Your , , J 1935 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 1938 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. FOR SALE at bargain pricaa, two SEDAN work, fair pries. Free sstlm stea s e a s o n e d '*^ Hardwood for fire­ two uninlane*...... hed Hot water heat. r t U A i t r Radio, heater, defrosters. Good Call Howley. Msneiheater 6361. WANTED—Good worker for win­ place, furnace or stove. TsL 8876. oil stoves, at 131 Charter Oak oil burner. House Painting Rsrt'n: Hen^er. rondltion. Inquire at Trailer, dow cleaning.. Steady employ­ street. Phone 3977 or 4238. U-/G / /r-/0n 'l l -tinaM TRUCK SPECIALS West street, RockvHle. ment. Can 79U for Interview. Six room single, garage, excel­ ROOFING and siding our special­ COAL OR Wood kitchen range, lent condition. Now! etnt IMS efSM ttsvMS. mc. t. n. 1 . w. a MT. ere. TIC FLINT Prints Are Thera BY MICHAEL U'MAI.LEY AND RAN'U LANI 1936 CHFl^ROT.ET U-TON ty. New ceilings and carpentry. Garden—Farm—D sby one gas range. Both reasonable. eewt IMS e» m> stsvKt. we. r u sss. u. a ret, wr. PICK-UP. Auto Acccsmrii Highest quality materials. Work­ Sitnatioiui Wanted— ______Prod acts______50 <3all 2-2097, or residence 817 TbI- Five nxmi ■ single, vacant, I1m« Pajrmentft Arranged ‘THt $4MUIR OIUNK$ OF fttASa iMt earnra ON 1M6UUB BOJ V*ife sood. Two to choose from. manship guaranteed. A. A. Dion, 10% Down '‘Grandma, la your^will a aaerot? Mothar ktapt wanting "It's for oxtraordinary bravory— ha gave hia own 'wifa a WOK 9MEARECt FUNT, BUT IK gOT ______Tires______6 Feomle 38 FOR SALE—Mealy Grssa Moun­ land Turnpike, Manchester. MA*H iweMOMAHik aew ibis 19^6 yORD 14-TON PICK-UP Inc. Phone 4860. ARTHUR KNOFLA, Realtor to Mt Dad ha won't got a ponny!” double!.” CUM FBNTS FBOMt THI B07TU u s t HANOicD m ar t o n u . tain potacoss. Osll AmsUa Jarvis, Balance Monthly tiofcat for parking NIOC AND VOU «KRI aMNT/ Radio. Heeter. 2-1 SNOW (hip Urea Rscapptng d a il y c a rs of children in my 'YJMBINATION Qlenwood gas and 876 Main Street • 872 Parker street. Phone 7028. oU range. Gray enamel. Price $15. UUI UUH tVAY BY J. K, WILLIAMS UUU llUAKUIMi HOIISK with MAJUK H O U I'LK MANY MORE C.OOD CA and vulcanising ons day aervt. • Heating—Plumbing IV home, board considered, exper­ Telephone 5440 Or 6938 Wm. Dickson and Son rnick Ura servtes.. guarantt ienced. references. Tel. 2-9394. In good condition. CaU 8167 after "Selling Manchester Real HOWDY, ‘ AT COOD TERMS 6. PataHng Oeatrartere FINE, ^ OM.THAT WELL,WITH NO ) 66AO,TWiS&S.' WOW /U(XNV OF MV V / THE WAV VOO ^TUMBLED ricmanshtp Nsw KaUy Spring REPIPINO, AlteraUdna, aU types HooschoM Goods 51 I Estate Sinqe 1921” Rear 118 Baal tleatm S t MRS. , THANK FATHEAD.' 0RAVNS HE'S / CflSOITOCS M6ARO ME vMiN • \ 0 0 j ) ONTO TUW ANSvOeQ ,VOU &eld"WQd ,Rl(;hland tlrsa . Man. of fixtures and*hesters svsllsble. SUsAR/ ■ TXJ, < 'CALLING HER DOIN’ BETTER N TEL. 8854 Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 WE BUY and aaU good used REBUILT Cleanars. (2) Hoevar Hiiieee $ ■Mi Ot n$8 ON That q u iz * — t h e v 'll P ickI K ( could ?>6Lt iHe HAquess Chester Tlrs sad Recapping, 296 Jobbing a specialty. IClnar L Lor- t h i s is oaa of the beat offaringa •MRS. SU(iARV THAN US--HE'S MV b o n e s Be f o r e i c a n pav V i o a to a mcjtormanto ? 24 MAPLE ST. Broad street Phone 2-422A entxen. Phone. 3412. furniture, combination ranges,' vacuum cleaners, factory rabuUt; 8 (T’S A NKX- FOUND OUT SHE BEAUTIFUL Sable and white formerly $44.50. rSiolca $28. Wat- wa have had for some time. "(HW FEROCIOUS MRS. ROLLWELL'f USE WHEN THfc Open Till 9:00 T h^s. Onie puppies. Price $20 - $30. gas rangea and beatsra. Jon rooms, 8 x 8 with aneloeed aun- NAME.AND DONTT OBJECT EFFICIENT Plumbing snd heat­ Furniture Store, 36 Oak. Pho klas Brothers, Inc. poteh—aU neat as a pin and is T IF SHE’S SOUR TOTH'NAME.' ho rse c a r s Wanted Avto»—. ing. Plugged drains machine 396 Woodland street. 2-1641. Now i$ thm Time ON SUGAR, CONt FAMOUS A. B. latest anodel thrap- wonderful coadltion from top to BACK* 1936;. CHEVROLET sedsn. Price Motoreydes 12 cleaned, 'lari J. Nygren. Phone bottom. Frice has been reduced .THWlLMWee $10d.^CaU 2-2632 6497. FOR SALE—Stager naming ma­ burner apartment alae eledMc HERDETEST «■ (X)LLIE Puppies, seven weeks' range. iKill oven and brailsr. to 811,500. James J. Rohan * TO ORDE9 HIM/ WANTED— Ford or Chevrolet chine. Good condition. Reason­ en, ReeltoM. Telahpoaa 7488. . 5937 f o r d , fair condlUon, $176. sedan. Must bs clean with low GENERAL repairs and servtes, old, $10 each. Call 2-1404. able. Telephone 428$ for further White enamel with black top. Bx- 8 d e s k ? t a b l e ANO Can be seen at Don Willis’ Oa- mileage. 1937 to 1942. Phone remodeling, alterations, water BOXER Puppies, ready for Chrlet- information. ceUent condition. Private aale SIX ROOM aingle. targe lo t $1,600 DRESSER TOPS. I 6500. pips replacements sdth copper mas. ODcksr Spaniel, Fox Ter­ $60. Phone 2-9467 anytime. down required for a veteran, now tubing, bath room fixtures. sIq m lUNIOR Washers. • (81 tiy is r vacant T. I. Crockett Brokelr. WA.SH TI’BHS Keeping Faith BY LKSl*m" PONTIAC 6 2-DR. rier. Betters. Seven months' old. electric washers, table model; . Toil Lei^^ Door and cabinets, botlera and radls- Zlmmerman’9 Kennels. Lake Phone 5LET H-ton pMt- ooverlng. Done by reliable, well- work. Expert repalra Honest ^------and counter top linoleum. mowers and OBaga'Riots lia r and garOge. Eeautiful corner lot,- IZ-A ^ B ^ k . Good coaditiioo. trained men, AU toba guarantreo workmanship Satlstaytton gusf ger’s Floor CSoverlng, 41 P i^ e ll snd trues Mioa plows lawn Cloee to schools Immediate oc- Plenty ’ fark in g a ^ OMli svsslngi after .Hfraltl Ailviu oupancy.' Priced to eell. Phone Hall Unotoum Co.. 82 Oak atrest. antsacL Call UoughJtaC Han chas­ PlaSe, formerly Ward's Farm sweepers OapitoJ (yim tina Co, On “ifHe LACY IDU Phone 2-4028, evsnlnga 8166, ter 7707. ^ StoML PWm 9-4198. U Mam otsaat. INMiMTfaL' i m ^ t 8 0 6 . .-WfflHOOT THINkjaf _____ \ ' \

i r'i I 't. , MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI^D, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1948 ■i (f ^G B BiGHlEEIC MAISLHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1948 f A O i li AntoMiobilcn for Salt 4 Buaiaeaa Services Offered 13 Milliqcry— Dreaamaking 19 Wanted— I’eta— Poultry- Hooaeheld Gooda i1 Wisrtng Apfwrcl— Purs' >67 r-forSfde------’ 72- Stock 44 1939 f^YMOUTH 2-DR. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and DRESSM AIONO-Better dresses, Only One In A.Ltfetlme LADY’S Black krlntp. cost With 50 FO X C R O n Driya —SlX-irodm TUONBHVILLE HV NK Foit Junior—Pbp, what are untouch­ Qassified repaired, bumera, refrigerators, suits, coats, Wedding gowns, and WANTED To buy, cows, calvea Such A Tremendous Valuall Kolinsky collar, slse slae 38. Man’s Cape Cod. Fireplace, oO," MSt’ ables? ____have______great SEDAN ranges, washers, etc. All work alteraUona. Call 2.^909. A-L-B-E-R-T-8 new tuxedo, efae about 88-40. 8$ krater heat Venetian blinds, rec- Pop—WeU. a good example e^yatt'bgMrt New motor, new radio and and beef catUe, alao horaes. Fiela Feminine Curiosity Sense and Nonsense guaranteetL Metro Service Oo. Bros., 364 Bldwell street. Phone ConnecUcut’s Largest B^imiture Delmcnt street rMtien Moor lauedry room, ga­ an untouchable la the guest towel ' heater. Very good transpor­ Organisation Backed By 88 ysars rage. Many othar features. Blva in the bathroom. crown?, . . . Advertuements Tel. Mancheeter 2-0883. 7405. PreacMag Is Easy Mrs. Peek—Henry, why ia It do tation at low cost. Moving—Tracking- Of "Honest Deawigi" TAN CAMEL hair -le n ln g aat TVler, agent Mancheeter 2*4469. 7 She-I think pi ^ Ot-ANDER’6 Machine Shop. Open Storage 20 with Baton cap. Coat quilts in­ (Thomas Richard Henry In the yoii'euppoae, that it la said there W f ER $1,600 WORTH OF are no marrltfse U. heaven? Unaelfishnese will work when we ^ I ^ t r y It eu ^ 9Rf; 194& CHEVROLET 4-DR. eveninga and Saturday. Machine Articles for Sale 45 BRAND NEW FURNTFURB side. Never been worn. For 8 or 7H-ROOM house with second floor Toronto. Ont. Can. Telegram) n-brk unselfishly. work and gas and electric weld­ LAVELL'S Ehepress light trucking 10 year old. $15. Baby’s p i ^ cor­ Bunporch. Fine cmidltlon. Fire­ Henry — Why—er—it wouldn't Lost and Foond SEDAN and delivery. Weekly or monthly WHICH WAS ON DI8 PLAV IN A A man who has bean ordered by be heaven, would it, if there were ing. 68 Mill street Tel. 5717. PORTABLE Underwood typewrit­ MODEL HOME duroy snow-suit Flannel lined, place, on burner. Convenient to Reconditioned by factory rubbish routes invited. Man­ his doctor to cut down drastically marriages? Gumboil—My wife speaks six Some man are Mka I lO S T —Female red Irl*h Setter er, reasonable. Call Manchester FOR ONLY slpper front and crated for 6-1$ H oU l^ r Stroet eehooL etoree and languages. ANTIQUES Refliflshed. Repairing chester 2-4092. 2-219L on bis smoking went on a fishing -they won’t week. UcenM number 8-7777. Call 2- methods. Very clean. See us $849 monthk old, $4. Call 2-18SQ before bus. . Now vacant'and may be trip with the doctor. Foosle—I wouldn’t worry. "r -i- done on any furniture. Tlemann, 7 p. m. • seen at any time. Call Madirilne I Visitors from the east in Sen 1087.______about this one. RUBBISH and ashes removed. In­ Et}R~BALB— Men’s rsbullt and Here ta what tbs complete home The man complained bitterly: Gumboil—What do you mean, 189 South Main street. Phone Smith. RolUtor. 2*1642 orj U ^ |P ! Francisco night club: “And Just worry ? A small rvtajler la g 6643. cinerators cleaneq. Sand, gravel relaststf high and low akoea at consists of: "whUe my tongue was banging Woman’s black fur Jacket, medium -r H f think that 76 years ago they were Foozle W ell, she esn't speak ■ Xiom txp aa fm Annoancements 2 See Balch For Bargains and cinders. Van service and rsaaonabls prtosa. Sam Tulysa. Big 7 ft WeaUnghouss electric FIVE Room single, one floor gp* out he aat in front of the boat box. Bengal range, Phllco radio, idae. Wo-jld make petfect Christ- digging for gold on this very I more than ore of them at a time,J i? coUoet an ervwdua MB, a n RADIO - - E3ectrical Appliance local moving. Phone H. M. Jones. 701 Main strsst mas g ift $12. Pbons 2-9288. and smoked all the time." bedroom suite, living room suite, Flve room single, one' flkior g ^ 1 spot." 'can she? pleas and threats work UVFRYTHINO for i your pete. Service, repairs picked up and 3-1362. rage, fireplace, steam heat and s t ® BADCH-PONTIAC, In Xmas stockings for all kinds of delivered promptly. 20 years’ oil burndr. Immedlaita oecupancy. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers O a. SIS’. Wall stem and Bolton stone. tures, mirrors, apnug mattress, BLACK Caracul cost slu 42. ing. They’re still gold digging on i Grey Tbnea ! ■«>? .* taar-Jarklaif laMap pets. Dog beds, mattress and experience. John Maloney. Phone Near Hollister eehooL'Priced to 165 Center Street local or long distanes moving. Flagstone Block Company, Route pUlows, etc., etc. There are many Nearly new. Pries $40. Call 8254. H a v q r this very spot 1 Only the past remains a fixed; ^ ' toys. Wild bird seed, suet rackq 2-1046. 1 Walnut street. sell. 4-room attached jpuagn. flre-^ He and kegs. Nationally 'advertised Tel. 2-4546 Moving, packing and storage. 6. Manchester pboiTe 2-0617. other Items too numerous to men- t o thing— I daughter. Under the pletora PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. F. Phone Manchester 5187 or Hairt- Uop. place, steam neat with ^ $ l v A rt Student—You're the * first The present is a tumbling, fu m b -'^ *’*®**= ‘;p»a ra^»a 1 mup kaae brands of pet foods. Free delivery Wanted— ^To Buy 000. Can bo seen,>y appointment service. Kennel Supply. 995 Main 1937 PONTIAC 8 with 1947 motor. M. Broderick, 848 Main street. ford 8-1423. INLAID AND felt linoleum rem- EA8 IE8 T P088IBLB TERMS 58 model Pve kissed. Ung. crumbling mass! ' moneyl” New tires, brakea, seat covert usnta. One-half price. Langer'a George L Oraxladlo, Realtor. 10$ - Modal—ReaUy? How many have street. Tel. 2-4278. ______Phone 2-164it. ARRANGED! WANTED—Garage, vicinity of 1 -7 -.V j The future leaps and bounds t prompt teptiel anrigrafi a UOHT TRUCKING. Hslf-toa Floor Covering, 41 Purnell Place, Henry atreet Phone 5378. ' ' ' you had? and battery. Will consider srtrade Free storage nnUI neede ers and adding mimhlnes sold or tite isn't robust; he's busted! started growing in the middle! >of most debts. made to order, alim recondition­ 6718. rented. Rspsira on ah makes. PHONE HARTFORD 6-0858 clean throughout. 1941 Dodge ASK FOR CALL OStRINBKY 8879 for fui- NEW SIX room single one block Hand made articles. Chil- sedan. It's a honey. 1947 Bulck ing. Best quality. FlndcII Manu­ Msriow*a. naca removaL raga, scrap mstala facturing Oo., 485 Mlddlb Turn­ MR. PI8 CATELLA. MGR. from Center. Many deelrabla fea­ 511CKEY FINN RccaU! sedanette, selling for private AFTER 8 P.M. PHONE 4-2471 Top prices. tures Oceupanoy aoon. T. J. LANS LHUNARO dren’.s woolen skirts, play party. Terms. 1M6 Ford sedan, pike East. CaU 4865. Painting— PApering 21 ONE FlVE-bum er oU stove with side and top oven. One combina­ Come Prepared To Buy! Crockett Brakar. Phono 6416. suits, aprons, mittens,* doll’s full price 1295. Douglas Motor t.v.s.r.i.oeM PAPERING, Inside painUng, ceU- tion. stove 2 and 4. Rocking it«»tm«»swi^t clothes. Manchester 2-2934 Sales, 333 Main street. Open eve­ RADIO need Sxlng? Have It re­ If you have no means of trans­ paired by expeita Pick-up serv­ ings whitened, fioors sanded and chairs, bookcase, maple chest of portation phone us. and We will Rooms Without Board 89 WEST SIDE — Elour-lmom alngls V nings 'til 9. reftnished. ElsUmatea now being with formers. Excellent condi­ after* 6 P. ______ice, guaranteed work. Beta check­ drawers, oak knee-hole business gladly send one our "Courtesy ■TWO ROOMS, living room' and ANDSH6SAIP 6EE-MAVBE ed in the home. Car. radios a given on outside painUng ' for desk, one .buffet, two-burner oil Autoa’’ for you. We will call for tion Large lot with plenty of XMAS TREBIS. Large display at 1934 PLYMOUTH two-door. Good bedroom. Bedroom furnished, shade trees. Noa - vacant T* J. ID HAVE HIM CAU MK.6l6GLBeMR condition. Dependable transpor specialty. Manchester Rad I o next spring and summer. Call stove. The Old Mill Tfsding Post vou take you to opr store and Dougain's Garage, 348 Charter Gilbert Flckett 4208. kitcheh privileges and share bath Crockett. Broker. Pboile 5416.. 6IC6LEHHMER HAS— 6ETMY Oak street. Phone 5901. Ab and tafion at a low price, $150. Phone Service, 78 Birch street Phone buys and tell good used furniture. l*ring you Imck home. N o obligation can S-9968. whateoever. A5 SOON AS HE HOME, DELANEY/ Cliff l^ le s o n . Order early. Free 4165. 2-0840. 17 Maple street Phone 2-1089. MANCHESTER — Exel:usive INTERIOR nd exterior painUng. IN j^RtVATT home. COMES M» UNUB $IUL MAY delivery. _____ OIL STOVES cleaned, laatalled. paperhanging. Free esUmates. ONE BICYCLE, $8 ; 50-gsIlon oU A-L-B-E-R-T-8 Princeton-streM. 'Beilfttriil pre­ SUPER VALUES Wallpaper sold. Raymond Flake. 43 Allyn 8 t. Hartford heated room, quiet neighborhood. war Cape Cod. OU hbat fireplace, MICKEY/ STILL K THERE/ Washing machines, vacuums re­ barrel with faucet two bird Near bus line. Gentleman prefer­ 3 paired, lawn mowera, hand and Phone 2-9287. Cagha, one with stand, six new Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. brass plumbing, insulated, with Personals SEE TOM AND HOWARD Mondays To 9 P. M. red. Phone 8188. attached garage. Vacant Reason­ power, aharpened, rapalred, PAINTING and Paptrhanglng. window sash, 810; heavy screen YOUNG GIRL desires ride from BEFORE YOU BUY!! saws Oled. Friendly Ftzlt Shop. door, 80 x Slt4. parlor heater, $5; e v e n i n g appointments FURNISHED Room near Main ably priced. Phone 7728 jr 8273. Free estimates. Prompt service. GLADLY ARRANGED Elrae-Burn Replty, S 3 . . Silver Lane Homes to Retreat Phone 4777. Reasonable prtcea. Phone 76Sa coal atoVe with Lynn burner. street Gentleman only. 9 Hsael Avenue, between 7:80 and 7:45 a. 1948 DODGE 4-DR. — A really Phone 2-2440. street. 2-2170. RADIO Servicing Dependable low D. E Frechette. O. E. REFRIGERATOR, used. Ex­ m. mornings only. Phone 2-9406. beautiful car. Jet black paint and cellent running condition, 175. Lots for Sale 78 an D n pn L .S not a scratch. Low mUeage. Ex­ cost and guarantaec*. A.B.C Ap- INTERIOR and exterior palntlj», GOLF E^iuipment Call eveninga FURNISHED Room for rent. Gen­ □ a c r COUPLE Want ride from Laurel pUance. 31 Mapla street 2-1575. after 6:30 p. m. McKeever, 81 Phone 2-1141. tleman nrefelrred. References. □ n a n o * m ' tra special trades on this one. psperfaanglng, ceniag refinUh- LARGE >>OT, 100'xl40’, near, bus □ a a o d 43$/ street to vicinity of Traveler’s, ed. Men insured sad property Beaman Olrole. FLOOR problems soivsd with Phone 2-0243. - ■ line. Owner leaving state. .Must r = ^ a a o a r a * / Hartford, daily. Phone 3662. 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. DELUXE FURNACES Tailored to flt.your home. Van Camp Bros, n o n e damage. Expert work. Edward R. linoleum, aaphsH tile epuntsr. sell. Good buy. Ir.o^re 739 North (7e BGJOl PI —Beautiful beige color and ex­ WASHING Machine, In good con­ Main'-elraet' after 6 pi m. GIVE A Personally recorded tra cl8an. Attractive trades. F^ill 6244. Price. Phone 2-1008. dition, also a'W aterfall vanity Expert workmanship, free esti­ ROOM FOR gentleman. 27 Braln- mates. Open evenings., Jones’ FUNNY Hl'SINESS « BY HEKSHIIEKGER Christmas card of your own voice price $1,450. and bench. Air Line, floor model srd Place, second fioor. BUGS BUNNY BUO'l'S AND HER BUDIHE8 A Big Hel] BY EUGAR MARTIN singing your favorite carol and FURNITURE Repsira^ reflnlidi' Furniture. Oak street. Phone Repairing 23 radio, ca n 2-0539 after 5. 2-1041, .Suburhaw ^grig f;;47;T5 'uoaw.HOiM CA>5 veu COH2. Qva*W \V4 SMO \ » message greeting. For appoint­ 1940 FORD 4-DR. DIff*UXE—Nice ed, chairs re-seated. E. C. Nash, VERY NICE room nekt to bath, auPL A«ou(t tw\a, fresh clean paint Full pries $700. Box 88, 714 Nortl. Main street suitable for. one .or two people. ment can 4418 from 6 p. m. to 7 CARPENTERS, two, wiah axtra PIANO ACCORDION. 80 ^ase. COVENTRY, Gtkte highway. Two ^ siuav CAivuO LOkJif] MIK9$ANTUR% AMO PCI « or .will trade for woodworking Onb iplqute walk from Main p. m., Mon., Wed., Huira. and Fri. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2-DR.—A raal work week-ends. Attic rooms, FAVORITE Tabletop gas stove, bedrooms, living rpom, kitchen MOD AM garages, porches, recreaUon machine. CsU 6808 before noon. $15. Phone 8583. street; Inqitbre 17 'Pearl street and bath. OU heat. Insulated, ga­ ASP\R)»5i THERE'S Still time to knit tor nice clean car. A low price trana- Household Services after 7 p. m. 4 . • . . • portation car for the winter. rooms, cabinets, roofs, etc. We rage, large lot with fine view, $8.- Xmas. I have aome Ideas that SPEED QUEEN washing ma­ • • • . * • ! . • : o - Offered 13 A will do anything. Reasonable 300. Elmer Turkington, . agent work tq> fast. Yams and knitting Many Others ONE O’DELL B-fiat olarinet. Good chine with automatic pump. Per­ LAl^GE Room for couple. Ught call WUIimanUc 2279J4. supplies, very reasonable. Open WEAVING of bums, moth ho.ea rates. Phone 2-99K or Hartford condition. .Te) 8174. fect condition, $46 Phone 84(18. housekeeping. References re­ evenings tU Xmas. Ed-Mar Knit­ end tom clothing, hosiery runa 4-5348. quired. can 8895. COVENTRY-^-Owner eacriflclng. ting Nook, 97 Crestwood Drive. BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. handbags re p a ir^ Epper re­ 12-OAUGE Stevens double bsurel M. A W. ELECTRIC refrigerator Attractive. 8 rooms, bath, Insul­ o placement umbrellaa repaired, REPAIR and m otoriu sewing shotgun. W'alnut stock. Very for sale. In perfect condition. $60. TWO LARGE completsly futnlsh- Turn north at Stone street off 30 Bissell S t Phone 7191 machines Also clean and repair ated, fu r n a ^ Immediate oecu* Gentfr street st new apartment men’s shirt collars reversed and good oohditlon, $30. Call 2-9349. 80 Unden street. Town. ed. double bed, rooms In private 1942 FORD club coups. Beat motors. Frank X. Dion, 2 Ridge­ pancy, $5,59 aell la -tompetltion with other STATION Wagon, 1988 Ford. Ex- Leonard EcceUente. Phone 4757. be close to school snd bus line. CARPEINTER work o f all kinds. 113 Center street. Free estimates. T. D. Colls. 2- Bukinem fiOeatiofls Write Box J, Herald. GOOD GARB, not neoessarlly with ceptlonaUy clean car. Mechanical­ 9219. MAGIC CmEF gas range, white OTHER eara of tho aams year, AtUcs finished, cabinet work. al­ ly excellent Body In perfect con­ PIANO TUNING, repslre, rectm- combination kitchen sink and set For Rent 64 SELLING Yottf property T Why make and modeL dition. This Is economical sU pur­ teraUona and also colorful plas- tub. Reasonable. (>aU 5708^ not place the Job tn ezperteaoed Uc tUe bathrooms and kitchens. dlUonlng. etc John COckerhsm. HEATING Boiler and nearly new M O D BZtN lZ^ store, 16x21, sult- 1948 PONTIAC CONV. pose transportation. Price $650. 28 .Bigelow street Phone 4310. hands? Ws aim to give aatliafae- a Can Storra 9-2003. Charles Uavla Phone 2-0294. oil burner controls. Phone 8008. NORGE Space heater, pot type. eble for ehowroom, office or CLUB wurkshop. with full basement tion. Alice (fiampet Real Batata Heats four rooms. For sale rea­ and Insurance. 848 Main g t ^ t g weeks ol|t Loaded. Cost $290L WILL BEU, 1937 Ds Soto for CARPENTER Work o f aU kinds. FOR SALE— Chain driven t#l- Fluoreeoent Ughtlng,:- linoleum Heip Wanted— Female 35 sonable. TeL 5750. Manchester. Fhotte- 4998 6r 1- $200. Radio and heater. Phone 2 Roofs, sidings, addlUons and al­ cycle, $15; stake wagon, $8 ; floor: Bedard’s Floor Covering 185 IM TsIffioSSER 4-DR. PROCTOR A Gamble wringer type 0880. V 2449. teraUona. Alao new oonstrucUon. TAKING AppllcqUons for jMles- scooter. 82; rirl’s white shoe School street Phone 3-0868. Bleffert Phone 2-0253. skates, size 5, never worn, $5. washing machine. In*^ excellent REGAL DELUXE ladies for Christmsk rush. Apply WE WILL handle your real estate .‘Mayba I thould havt gona south after alll” A new ear fully svdppad. No 1941 BUICK Special sedanette. Phone 2-2847. condition. Reasonable. CJall 8751. ant Insurance problems prompt* BbcceUant condition. One owner. HOUSE Wiring. Light and power F. W. WotHworth Co. —...... i Wantfid to Rent 68 InatallaUon and maintenance. I MAGIC CHEF gas stove. 8-pJece ly. CaU Suburban .Realty Q o, Heater, radio, aeat covera new WANTED — Practical nurse 'or SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH kcY .V, * * 1 9 4 7 * ^ S W o LET CONV. Standard Ele<'trlc Service Co. I 16-GAUGE double barrel shotgun. walnut dining room set, crib, (X)UPLE with teen age daughter Realtors, 49 Peridns steMt. TM. CARNIVAL tires, singls carbureatlon. See st trained attendant for seml-ln- BY DICK TURNER CLUB Phone 3-152«. ' Uke new, $35. Call 2-4037. medium chest, two bureaus, $3 will pay up to $85 a month for 8216. ‘ - - FRECKLES AND Ills FRIENDS b That Goo(n_ 51 Goodwin street 12-1 or valld. George E. Keith, 19 Lewis - BY MERRILL C BUMBBB fV lty -a ^ p p o d . This ana la a eventags. each; gas heater, 9x12 rug, seven four-rooms - or more. OeouMney Rttts awssthoart street. Phone 3150. BEUi'ORE You buy be sura yen try RypoLFo/ T SlDP.'SlpP./ Give IT HEY: wHose'znueR DO carriage wbeeL. Call 2-2021. January. Best references. Write the office of Madeline 8 mlt& 10 THINK VOU fi 1841 PONTIAC 4-DR. Florists—Narseries 15 Bottled Gaa 45A Box D, Herald. TO w e ! WOMEN For bookkeeping and FOUR-BURNER gas stove^ In Realtor. Room 38, 848 Mala (SRXBB1N&? SEDAN 1936 CH EVRO LET g^Ioor sedan. general office work. Write stat­ KIlRAL gas dslet. and service. Im­ street. 3-1642, 4879. - 6 cyl. Beater, Def. An tanmaou- Good condlUon. Phone 8512. good condition. One heating pot­ RE1SPON8IBLE business man de­ ing experience and salary expect­ mediate installation Msnchestei belly, s^ove, almost new. Charles sires 6-room house or- flat unfurn­ late car. For any fsmUy to ei^y. 4 TO 12 FOOT TREES ed. Bog B, Herald. and surrounding towns Capitol WANTED— BetweOT 6 ’ -end 16 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB Laking, 180 New Bolton road. ished. Will pay reasonable rent acres of land in vicinity of Man­ 1988 TW O-Door Pontiac, In good Grinding 00^ U Main. Phone Phone 2-9206. Phone 5030. COUPE oondlUoin. Call 4041 after 6, WANTED—Waitress, nights. Call 7958. chester or Vernon. Write Box U YOUR CHOICE $1.00 EACH In person, any time. Center Res- ' Heater and Osf. Prised right RENT OR Lease 4-5 rooms. Pres­ Horald, giving details. -aurant. GENERAL EHectric stove and s clean ear. 1947 FORD 6 SEDAN 236 SCHOOL ST. ent occupancy 14 years. J. Dmag- WILL PAY cash' for four or six* 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Boats and Accessories 46 Spin Dry washer. Phone 6344. las Robertson. Phone 8371. HI Heater and defroster, ex­ room single, convenient to bua SEDAN WAITRESS Wanted, days. Apply line. Write Box H, Herald. ceptionally clean. Guaranteed, IS'.DUMPHY boat, $298;^ 14’ PHItiOO Table model combination Heater. An Ideal car, frqm a lot BUY YOUR PolnsetUas direct Cavey’s Grill, East Center street. Amesbury skiff, $130; 12’ Ames- radio. Excellent condition. Rea­ F am s and Land for Sale 71 o f standpoints. $1376. bury skiff, $115. Flambeau sonable. 166 Porter streei. -Phone from grower. We have 150 pots WANTED— Btepertenced book­ •; 'V 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB Champion Mercury outboards. 8405. COLE MOTORS to make your selecUon from. keeper. Must bs fkmlllsr with E^UR ACRS9S, loted on South COUPE Priced $1 to $3. Also extra color­ Robert McIntosh, 28 Harvard I.B.M. machines and double entry ANTIQUE And modern china, road, Bolton. 250 feet frontage. Heater. Def. This week's spedaL 4164 ful cemetery baskets at $1 to $3. Road. systems. Must know shorthand glass, bric-a-brac, curtains, lamps, Beautiful view. Half^ clear., half WANTro Total price $895. 1942 PLYMOUTH club coavertl- Holden’s, 61 Washington street. and typing. Good clean surround­ wooded. Good road achool bits. Phone 3743 and 2-1571. mirrors and other household PRISCILLA’S POP The Gamester BY AL VERMEER 1940 CHEVROLET 2-DR ble, excellent condition. Best offsr ings and regular store hours. Ap­ Diamonds—^Watehc items. 65 Delmont street. McKinney Brothers, .Twg BaaL tore. Tel. 6060 -* 7482. SEDAN takes it Tel. 2-2067. ply In writing to Box M. Herald, Jeweli7 48 Curoenters. OKBOVI ♦ n i i ~i-TON PICK-UP Inc. Phone 4860, ARTHUR KNOFLA, Realtor - Balance Monthly to btt-Dad he won't get a penny!" ticket for parking double!." CUM HUNTS FKVK THI iOTTU K M a » war BorttC^ Radio. Hetrter. 2-1 SNOW cap Urea Recapping tain potacoea Call Amelia Jarvis, ^XIMBINATION Glenwood gas and 875 Main Street NICX. ASO 7DU w e st RIONt / ^ DAILY Care o f children In my 872 Parker strseL Phoo# 7026. and vulcanising one day aervli^ Heating— Plumbing 17 home, board considered, exper­ oil range. Gray enamel. Price $15. Telephone 6440 Or 5938 Wm. Dickson and Sun UU'l UUH 1VAY BY J. H. WII.I.IAMS UUR HOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOI'LE MAN>' MORE GOOD CARS rnick tire eervice,, guaranteed Tn good condition. Call 3167 after ienced. references. Tel. 2-9394. ’‘jelling Manchester Real palatlna Oeatractocs AT GOOD. TERMS workmanship New k ^ y Spring REPIPING, AltersUdns, all types 5. OM.THAT Y v»/CLU.WITHNO , EGAO,TvJlS&S.'»4Ov0 MAMYOFWV \ / t KE WAVVOO STlIMELBD Household Goods 51 Estate Since 1921” Bear Iti laal Claater Ut , RKTHEAP.' \ BRAINS HE'S ------...t vxir. — Oeld and Richland tlraa Man of fixtures and ’heaters available. I CRBOITORS H6ARO ME VJiN a io o } ’ OVTO ------TLKT-- ANSwtEQ - ,VDO TEL. 8854 r e b u il t Cleaners. (2) Hoover pfeoaaa $-69N Or 6999 ’ CALLING HER \ DOIM' BETTER \ ON THflCT QUIZ ‘ — TMEV'LL PiCK ‘ CCULO 66M. twe *(A«»leS6 Chester Tire and Recapping, 296 Jobbing a specialty. Efinar L Lor- Doc*—’Blrda— Pets 41 WE BUT and ssU good oasd THIS IS one of the beet offerings vacuum cleaners, factory rebuilt; ‘ MRS, SU(jAR*» 1 THAN U6-HE'S MV eOMES BEFORE 1 CAM PAV Oil to a MOTDRMANTO ■ 24 MAPLE ST. Broad street Phone 2-4224. enteen. Phone. 3412. furniture, , combination rangea ws havs had for some time. 6 IT'S A NICK- found out she BEAUTIFUL Bsble and white formerly $44.50. Choice $28. Wat- ) “IHAT FEROCIOUS M(?6. R0LLV4ELL-' USE VJWEN Trtfc Open Till 9:00 Thura. gaa ranges and haatara Jonas' roenu. 8 x 8 with enclosed sun- NAME .AND VDONTTOBJECT EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ Collie puppiM- $20 - 130. Furnltute Store, 38 Oak. Phone klas Brothers, Inc. IP SHE'S 5(X)R VTOTH'NAME.' h or se c a r s 396 Woodland atreet. peteh—aU neat as a $tn and In Wanted AnU>»— ing. Plugged draina machine 3-1641. * ONSUSAR. COME u------FAMOUS A. B. latest model thnNH wonderful condition from top to Now ti thm Timm BACH.' 198*;.qHEVROLET sedan. Price • Motorcycles 12 cleaned. Tarl J. Nygren. Phone bottom. Price has been reduced xTHxrtLMAKe tl56.r

1SCX8DAT, CEdfiMBSK 1%, fAoa9in«STt iSanrif^atrr Emttins Ifrrald Manchester Stores Will Be Open Until 9 O’clock For Xmas WUUaa Munale, Jr., o f 43 Ben­ Miss Halana Waohtel, daughter Edwart T. Lucas, Sreman ap­ ton street wiU preside at the or- of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wachtel of prentice U. S. N., aon o f M ra . About T«wm^ ,|sn at the CSiurch School Ouiat- 41 Pioneer Circle, was chosen Catherine Lucas o f 117 North ■•Cinderella" at the WTIC party School street Is serving aboard Avaraga Dally Net Prcee Rnn BOSa service In the South Metho­ rsr Ihs Month nt Nsvsiqber, IMS tl» W. ». A. wll dist church, Sunday at 0:80 a. a . Sunday evening, sponsored by the the light cruiser, U. S. 8. Hunting- FOR ttMt rM ay «v«nU« at 7:80 at The prelude will be “Qesu Bam­ Slsteriiood of Temple Beth SHo- ton, which has Just completed a tto iieoM w tko OMiMJn, Mr». bino" and the posUude will be *‘In lom, and revived a beautiful coat. four-month tour of duty in the let* White oC 88 *lne street ThU Duld Jubllo" traditional. WlUlam These were seven or eight other* Mediterranean, and a two-month 9,635 « m he the C hrM tau party and has been studying'' the organ un­ wtje^^wre Iwdiy enough to win good-wlU cruise o f port* in Africa THE .Msmbet *f e l eteiiUiet* at* i*Boliided to brine der the superWsion of George p.' piwes' o f various kinds. The pro­ and South America, covering 28,- ^Ashton, organist and choir direc­ gram was In charge of Floyd 807 miles. Mimehamar^A CHy of VUIaga Charm tor of ^e South church. This Richard and Bob Ti^ol who have foaJS^iSltwS^^aa for rtidey service will be held a the Sanctu­ managed slmUar affairs for sever­ Advertisement-^ Tht** new nembera ary. a l - o t h e r local organizations. VOL. LXVUL NO. 66 (Clsssiasd Advertising an Pngs 1$) Ma n c h e s t e r , co n n .. Fr id a y , De c e m b e r i 7. i »48 (Tn’ENTY-SIX PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE POUR GIN1B win l eealved into the club. “Vicky" as Mias Wachtel Is known The welcome gift . . for every be occasion. . .Gorgeotis baskets of King David and Sunset Rebekah to her friends Is a student In Man­ chester High school. luscious fruits from Plnehurst pattMaan WUUaa Pearson win lodges will have a Joint Christmas Grocery, Inc. iunre Saturday from IT Runtlnf* party for members and their fami­ Soviet Radih Tower To^iples ten street to UT Hemlock street lies In Odd Fellows hall tomorrow The Past Mistress Club of News Tidbits evening at eight o’clock, each Daughters of Liberty No. 25, L O Nationalist Units Truman W ill Request lanior aeabera of It Mary’s person attending to -bring a 28- U I., at Its meeting last night at . Colled Froa (A*) Wires OUla Friendly Society will meet cent gift. The Odd FeUows wlU the home o f Mrs. Joseph Johnston tomorrow cvenine at 7:80 in the have a short business meeting at of HaWley street, aet the date of Monday, December 20, for its an­ pAHeh house. seven n’clo:^ HALE’S Begin Evacuating U.' N. launches $30,000,000 pro­ nual Chriatmaa party at the Sher­ gram of aM to Palestine war raf- The monthly meeting of the dls idan restaurant Dinner will he Headquarters ugaes . . . Strlka of gao wark' Congress to :eii trict committee Boy Scouts Md served at 6:80 and the members or* in St Louis ends after all- committee chairmen will be held have the privilege of inviting a FUR night session beriveen union nego­ tomorrow evening at 7:30 In the guest. “Shadow” ladies Win be re­ Pengpu Positions tiators and gaa company offi­ Asthmatic? Municipal building. Scout Adrian vealed at this time and a good From HALE'S SELF SERVE cials . . . A 46-year-oia New Jer­ Schmidhauser who attended the time Is anticipated. Tlie lodge held sey father who sent baakethall tot- a successful gift and food sale Laws Covering Spies Scout Jamboree In Switzerland Withdrawing to Chuh- OMO to hospital for calling foul on SANSON'S last summer will give an account Tuesday evening, followed by a Labor Croups son la ordered to undergo psycho­ o f his experiences. Christmas pageant and gifts from and HEALTH MARKET sien, Only 30 Miles analysis and keep away from a grab-bag. sports contest for a year . . Hour ASTHMA NorA of Nanking; Ac­ strike called by Cbmmuniata In darik Makes Stateneut The combined membership sup­ Land O' Lakes An Sweet Likely to Go Favors Raise Video Tests per and Chrlstmia party of the tion Coincides With Re­ Roma to protest police setUm Afk«r Attending Od»- REMEDY American Legion A^liary will HEALTH MARKET against demonstrating war veter­ take place Monday evening at 6:80 ans and unemployed turna late inet Meeting; WiR ffaa broufht relief to Johnson's liable Reports' of Wip­ Varied Ways For Employes Will Reveal In tte I/eglon ball. The meal flop. Hevie Some Reeomnien- iMiiy by renorioB the wlU be followed by a brief busi­ Poultry Form Butter OLEO Lean Meat Farorita ing Out of 12th Army Duck hunter found dead in drift­ synptons of uthins. ness meeting and the Christmas ing rowboat in Delaware bay with M ind Quirk dationa Ready R i^t Fresh Drened Chlckeiu, CIO* No Nearer Success o f Railroads program, with Mra Emile Leves­ Nanking, Dec. 17.—(A*)— hla companion lying unconsdous que and the other past presidents Friday night and Saturday. FRE5H PORK Than Ever With Re­ on bottom of craft . . . Chlnase At_B^(inning of Try It Today! In charge. The latter group will Rangea, Refrlgeritora Supreme headquarters ^ of Communist spokesmen say that F r^ qnkk frozen poul­ Presidential Board Rec­ Tidevision *Lookers* Go­ lion; Refnsea to 'Go furnish dessert, coffee and cream, try. any ttauc. Chiang Kai^hek’s east China newed Plea for United Fu ’Tso-Yl, governor of Suiyuan fbr «lo at tiw laOewIng rolls and butter and the favors. Washers and ^ Oth­ 5HOULDER5 ROAST command today began with­ province, la using Peiping to build ing to Be Shown They Into Detail on Shifts The other members are asked to Order C^pona Now for Front by All Unions ommends Seven Cents aiaMbsslar Dree Starasr er Appliances drawing from threatened up his bargalaing power . . . Son bring a hot dish or a salad. Each Chriitfoas. Gold Medal Confectionery of Church of England's highest Hour Increase Now Can*t Believe Their QHDnra PRAH8UOT member a also asked to provide Pengpu to Chuhsien, only 80 Washinfton. Dec. 17.—(A*) 847 Middle Tnruplke, West Bulletin! ranking clergyman will marry Ro­ IW. 4181 a llftjMwnt gift for the grid>-bag. lU JiW tIM M cOti lb , miles north of this uneasy man Catholic artist in London And Cut to 40 Hours Eyes in Experiments —Attorney General C ) ^ MOVra BM» PHAHMACT Mrs. Howard Halsey of Windsor, Near HodMinum River At Waahlngton, Dec. 17—(P)— ceremony as result o f romance capital. Pengpu, 105 miles The White House said today Mid today the adminiatratioB XbL IM S department membership chair­ Love Lane \Phone 2-0065 FLOUR SUGAR that blossomed despite strict nmr- northwest of Nanking, was Piealde*t Trumaa’a \iewa on Washington. Dec. 17—(P) — A Baltimore, Dec. 17—(P) — -Tele­ will ask for tighteninff of the p r a h i a c t man will be a guest. riage rules of two churches. i i a m a 8 SMALL, LEAN SMOKED the anchor for the government’s labor legislation will be clear­ presidential board today recom­ vision “lookers” are going te be XWL 4888 new Hwal river defense line. It be­ IT. S. Army investigators in naUbn's espionage laws as ly stated In hi* state of the mended thst the railroads give ahown they can’t believe their | soon as WBLOON DBDO came • Nationaliat- headquarters nnlon message to Congieso Austria report that woman who the new CMigzeas M . 8881 5HOULDER5 ' LI). 49c after the abandonment of the once Said four Russian soldiers their “non-operating” employes a eyes. And it isn’t because' many meets next month. Clark ~ Jan. A William Green, head seven cents an hour wage Increase 1 1 ’ stronghold of Suchow, 100 mUes of tho American Federation slew Irving Ross how tells them— sets are in bars. made the statement after at­ rtee Dehrery immediately and put th «n on a 40- farther north. of Labor, said after a call oa after more than six weeks In Rus- Soberly sclentiac experiments by aisn custody—that she raa’t Iden­ hour week next Septemoer with­ tending a meeting o f fteai- LEG O ' LAMB . Lb. 65c The withdrawal coincided with Mr. Tramaa yesterday that out loss in pay, . Johns Hopkins university p sy ch o l-jdmt______Truman's. eahlaet at tea RADIOS Cat reliable report* that the the preeldent still favor* re­ tify the nationality of the killers. The non-operating enBployea— ogists will set out to demonstrate i W*hite House, ment’a battered 12th Army group, peal of the Tett-Hartley law . . . Finding of accidental death re­ the clerks and mechanical work­ Walnut LEAN BONELESS trapped by the Chinese Commu­ aad re-lnstatement «f the turned by Bridgeport coroner In thst: I, told his news can- ers who do not operate trains— nists northweat of Pengpu for 18 Wagaer act Thafa what the A large Sovtet-coatrolMI BerHa radio topples toward the case of Truman S. HIckcox, 8d, now work 48 hours a week. Whsfs in your pocket may hava u Mixed CORNED BEEF Lb. 65c days, has been wiped out. labor uaioBs want. ground wlGi the kntst of an expleelaa (buttons) la the Freadi sector of Danbury, who waa killed Nov. ’The board proposed that the Official dispatches Thursday re­ at the Rnsslaa blockaded city. Hefisaalal lUes sire telepboae cables. 22 when struck by auto driven by seven-cent increase be retroactive your eyes—a coin may actually ■ tisKteBin* im Atlantic Washington, Dec. IT—(P)— Or­ Meats FRESHLY SUCED TOP GRADE ported that the 12th was making a AathoriUeA la the French sector eeld the towers were dangeroas to George Eisenbeg. to October 1. to i J«Mlc? d ! S ^ Fruit last stand with leas than half its ganized labor groups appear like­ western air lift planes. Radio BerHa had baea warned elnaeet a Stock market tries to get ahead ly today to go their separate ways No Change In pay Range and Fuel Fop Fruit Cakes original force o f 110,000 troops. month In ads-anee that the towers wonid he demolished. (AP photo but can’t quite make the grade Under the proposal, thp shift to May Be Clue Te PereeaaBty | som e*1Serb2t^M t w£^*^ itf! ’They were dsacribed a* compreued in demanding that Congress wipe hy radio from BerUn to New York.) . . . Praaident ’TruaaaA presents Your personal needs InSuence Hcult matter to handle and sttU BACON Lb. 69c out the ’Tkft-Hartley act. the 40-hour week would be made into an area of only three miles Oolllsr Aviation tro^ijr'for 1947 to without___ any change in ‘^teke home" the way your eyes perceive objects. | stey within the constitution's hill OIL in elrcumfarence. But even though the CIO aeema thraa msirl pHo .htlpad piuve that I pay. ’The board calcalculaSKl that It and pretty often you don't actual- ®f rights. (The Chinese Communist radio no nearer auccea than ever with rcaa can Iqf tSaler than sound ...' would take the eqUivaUmt of a 20 ly see what you think you see, sny-{ Today. Clark was ashed vstet WeWe received a supply of fresh its renawed plea for a united front 4 9 * claimed yesterday that the 12tn Some sort of wUd animal breaks per cent increaae in bate rates to how. But Just how you as* things! was being done by his dspaitmant labor picked up a promise of Re­ Israel Fails to Win *• S 9 * had been wiped out.) into Mohegan park, Norwich, and preser\'e the ’‘taka home” pay un­ may be a clue to your per*®nality. I along thm Ihiaa Mr. Truman men- — Associated Press Corrsspondent publican support for the repeal fatally injuras four pet goats ... changed. AU of this, and mote. Is to be 11-! tloned. He replied: L. T. WOOD CO. dressed poultry from Coventry drive. l a b o r j a b b . a b . Seymour Topping reported from Decatur. 111., worm scientist says ’The board estimated its propos­ luatrsted In a half-hour telecast! “Wc'lI have some reoommsnda- 51 BiaaeU St. TeL 4406 Roasters, Fowl, Broilers, Pengpu that transports which had Senator Morse of Oregon, call­ Membership in UN he has developed new type of als would cost the railroads 8340,- January/r,iwith testa un/rJding on titma right at the bagtanbig ef PLUM PUDDIHG been air lifting supplies to the ing the 1847 labor act "a dead earthworm that Is longer, tougher 000,000 in 1M9. ’This Wuu’d In­ the video screens involving pie-1 the session—amtndmente to the . encircled 12th, no longer could be duck.” predicted that fellow G.O. and more aetiv, than any worm clude 4150,000,000 for the coat ot tores, people, and psychologists— j present statutes on espionags." FOR ECONOMY, BONELESS seen. P. “llberala” will back administra­ previously developed. the 40-hour week from September the latter Dr. CJilfford T. Morgan He refused to go into detail. tion efforts to supplant the Taft- Five Nations in Security | TE7 OCEAN SPRAY Take Seatkboond Train Apparently still In high spirits; V*? ’'"^ ■•*'*'^****’ As Clark made tela atataasant, Hartley act with the old Wagner iht Pkuiev cent increase for all o f 1849. LOW PMCIO SIN$ATI0N-M0DIL S47 NOISI CONQUUINO "m"-M0DEL 602 Personnel end eqiUpment o f Gen. Council Vote for Ad-j after more than w'eek marooned _ , . , __- It rspreMnta part of a newcougiaaslonal hunters told ra- Bonded Memorials POT ROA5T Lb. 65c measure. The pressed swen-ewt j ndieatone In tha oft-dlscusscd tels- pmtefa te# nam accuaod at gattinx CRANBERRY SAUCE OR U u Shih’s q u t China command on Greenland Ice cap, nine 1'.. s. wm Help Draft Ohaagw m ission , V v re - Absteiw r I alnaen radio; “ Send'uS Some ham would be to a third t-ot^nd 9®*** vUion-education tlsup. For Hop- the Norrien hmubaight aocret- for CONNBCTtClT Ebony Msifk CcM isf hesdquartera began loading Morse told a reporter he then Set war wage increase for these work- Station WMAR-TV, Balti- “ ...... 1 6 " Tb#''Coiw|w#ror- 2 » ~ Thursday night and advance eche- sandwiches.” . . . More than 4,000 Rusois is a balUstlca axparC wh* VALLEF will help draft changes to safe- And One Opposes era. Raises of 18'it cento and 15' more, will put on a whole aerisg ot ACOC t sowkilin di'si ' A s n Us as AsMlm a Mhtet abSSlI As AC-DC Suptr WHOLE CRANBERRIES It will pay you to visit our FisK Jews are en route from Yugoslavia has baap spotted sod gnssttinesd aiBMOKlAL CO. A Ions took * southbound train to- ^ghte of both unions and cents an hour were granted inj such programs, the frat undsr- by Federal .rsaitesifusa* bsHis their , “flyer" night. Earlier the Brilieh had oidy to Its atudents but to a wide laae Osflaa Patna, I* • i Schmidt began broadcasting again Thus Green may use Murray’s President to Keep Cun* ( —popularly known as the “ W tty aanounced that one ooldler had Professional Bondsman public in the U n lt^ Statea. day. apestoled te* f**r ariHtefy last night on the same wave Invitation for united action in Con­ Hawk” for the North Cacoliha he*N killed. Correcting this, “Television has given ua anoth­ g*v*z**r* te c*aUa** I* IM r length and apparently with the gressional Leaders touTi near which It flew. Killi’d in Home; Two po*ta, h«t wHh rivWaa statea. PEACHES______^c.43c FROZEN PEA5 2 piws. 49c gress as a way to try to re\1ve the spoke-man said the MthUer er method of bringing education • • • same broadcasting power, even merger efforts. Posted in Advance Chief Juitice Vinson waa sched­ who was shot Inside the Rus­ Coiiipaiiions Arr Held into the home—the opportunity bfi Bulldozers SNOW CROP thpugh the station’s two tall Murray invited leaders of key uled to accept tlie wood, wire and sian cone i\andsman‘.s melodra­ lar aad Baaar ra m adiwil iH tai* te to say how*Uiey managed it, Ger­ found some comforting signs to­ Onllle liled last Jan. Sb^Two matic gunshot death today aet au- attrad a e**ta* *■ what ktad «t amp. D. C Portable All Kinds of Candy and man engineers said they-might be day that President Truman wlU decades after he had sent the plane Berlin. Doc. BiitUh thoritics off on an Inveatigratlon treatm eat wW ha aaeded far ale* POTATOES 3 25c using another tower at Potsdam. keep them posted In advance ofi Army spokesman said today one probably without parallel In Mich- Maas *f alsaale haaah *a Murder Case hia legislative plans. t to London because American au- Casts Doubt 1 . . - Schmidt declared in hia broad­ ______, igan police history. I O staae* H ecrttary Fsrreetal Welder. Run it youi> Fruit Cakes cast that an “order from Wash­ r g l 1 Mr. Trungm went out o f his way i (Contlsiied on Page four) (('ontlnuert .m I’sae lo u r) Bonil.sman Ailolph Nelzcl. 44. the CM ita*' wlU h* held frew S ington" not the French had been I S l K f ^ l l I ®®bterence’yesterdav toj —PtMaafi- be entered in future accounts and sage to Omgreas personally Janu- L b . aU necessary conclusions drawn cused, Mrs. Ybarbo On Cancer, Heart Trouble Jumping hoodlums who gave up *xtrav*g#eee ha glalrilalffathp- CAMPBELL’S TURNIPS 'S 25c aiy 5. !I . , ' : 480.000 in order to flee fiom jua- Doubling Authenlirity pwarh- to m ■ I badir from it.” Editor S. Tlmofejew Puts la Plug For Pay Raiae With Any Make Of wrote. “German public opinira ful­ ^ tice. Rap. Dliiilll i-day fresh no. 1 Marburg, (Termany, Dec. 17— (JPt And the President.put In a plug- t e t a a p ^ l Model Cars, TOMATO SOUP 3c«»29c ly and completely supports the de­ Richmond, Vg., Das. IT-r-ePSrrAfi fradlo stations, magazines A n d NeUel was bondsman for one Moorhead. Minn., D*c. 17—oP/— —The prosecution wound up its for a pay raise for Barkley,- the executive a«t out today trad* publications, as ueil as labor ol the pair, .Mike Sellk. With Hai< Fourteenth century Vikings may ■lg*ed aa a aCtea Schaal cisive protest of Soviet authorities vice president-elect. Washing Machine murder case against Mrs. Wilma . i«hhv President Truman and '“**®*“ employers of ry Fteisher. the latter haa been a , have vlaited America before Col­ tta*. te* Tap* KOUNTY K18T POTATOES 15 Lb. Pk. 59c in Berlin against' the high-handed Ybarbo today with testimony Some of Mr. Truman's congrea-' to lobby President x n m a n m o fugitive for months from convic-' te* to- Fionas, Boats act of the French Military govern­ umbus. but the famous Kensing­ from a U. S. Army investigator slonal lieutenants have grumbled the 81 Congress on a matter of life They will be asked to push the tlon in a 1944 night club robbery i ctasestor ewealtte*. Mr. BMpto FRESH ' ment,” the Russian editor said. ton runeatone doesn't piovsij It, a quoting her as saying she waa "not in the past that the first they had and death. . drive along. Citizens who want to *nd a 1945 murder conspiracy ' college professor tald today. reaaateig rahst b* tonaad "toiiBf* Bolso, Tools, PEAS 2 cm33c Manifeato to Workers sorry” she shot her war hero hus-; heard of several White House pro­ fereac*'^ aari tea General Electric The Uommuniat-led Socialist He wants the govamment to ap- ; Join in tho lobby ate asKed to con- ■ against * state senator. Dr. J. A. Holvik. professor of SPINACH 3 Lb. Pk. 25c band. j posals was when they read about . propriatc the necessary money to ' tribute rfcivdhly their .sionatmes.signjtmei'. r...,..*, i> w , Norse, at Concoidl* college here, *M*»y far Accessories NO. 8Vi CAN PREMIER ...... Unity party lasued a manifeato to The defense was ready to go i them in the newspapers, Goen Remerk la Worry letter 1* 8>*aat H. all Berlin wockers warning them hire—or draft if necessary— the . “There is no fimini’i'ion or or­ The account to {Hiltce indicated cited two rrii.w>ns for doubting ahead with a claim that the piet-! f^e parUcular case In point Was ganization be iig Silt up.' .-aid the • *uthentlei*y of the rimeatone. a i«aa ot te* aris**l JUICY FLORIDA that “American monopoly-capital ty 23-year-old mother from Mai said to have been Mr. ^xmian’e scientific brains needed to find that Netzel went berserk In bis aaatear c«aMBaNiic6lla «1 1 9 95 to $369 95 PUMPKIN OR and its henchmen” planned “furth­ preventioiw or cures for mnejir young exeiutive. “We don't want Worry over his financial troubles. '202-pbund slab found in 189S near den. Mass., acted, in self di tense in quickly shelved plan early this any contributioiJi and ue won't Kensington, Minn. One reason re- sMsUed te* Laag*a •c 6ra Hobby Shopiie er sabotage acts." and lieai't trouble. In i'ustoily were bondsmen t'Sr- lV ORANGES 2 dok. 49c the shooting of her husband, Sgt. year for a 840-a-person tax cut. accept any. Tlie only role I'll play lates to certain charactetf in the 6 GriswiM SL I Cans It caUed on BerUners to insti­ John Ybarbo o f Goliad, Tex. Think Tinwa Have Chawed "It can be done, too,” said J. men Mitcbcll. 48, and Guy Carter, * J SQUASH tute “security measures” in aU in­ Louis P.aynolda. vice president In I* that o f messenger boy. If they . 48, both of whom told of being i runic message chiseled on the r.fore turning the stage over But politicians think Umas have sign them and send the petitiont j Thraa lajared I* ItM C^tiB 10-7 ) Bendix Na 1 MoINTOSH dustrial plants of the Soviet sec­ changed. ‘ charge of operations of the far- called to Netzel’s home to "talk atone, to the defense, tho prosecution to me here, singly or in batches.; Not Drilled by Vlklaga F**4 Maada. M d . . Dae. 11 NO. 8 CAN BURT OLNET tor to “fight In unity with the drew from a ballistica expert testi­ They now axpaet Barkley and flung— - P,»ynolda Metals , ,ucompany. business.” SacialUt Unity party against de- Rayburn, aa tha chitf liaison man i " ‘^ tee govamment givaa th# a a ^ I’ll see that they are delivered to i Police Lt. Waller Krause said' Th* other reason Inx-olvas pecu­ APPLES 3 Lbs. 25c mony that a bullet taken from Ser­ tea right places in Wash'ngton.” itrayer* of the German capital.” geant Ybarbo’a b ^ y was . fired by between tea Senate aad Houa* to pu®** te the raaeamh m it did they told of being mat at th* doer liar halts in anothar larg* rock «199 »5 to ^349 95 CREAM STYLE HUBBARD Cemmimist-centrollsd trad# a gut) which waa wrested from the be kept abreast o f Whita Mmiae te devalopmg the stem bomb. Hap*s 4* Enlist AM.% .Aid by Netzel with a revolver in ageh atlU lyltig on the shoe*, o f Lakf unions and cultural organizations haibda o f his wife shortly after the ' thinking on Isauea that affect Cton-' Reynolds wants every cltiacn in R*yn OJ0C Green Steaipn tice last ffionth that the dcmoli- attorneys have announced they Inaugurated. Mr. Truman couldn’t Uon___ __ urging _ tha preaidcut and Oon- ,■ hatt miUion Americana were' poaitlaa .kJIfKIUif COW !.• n would be carried out. will try to show that Mrs. Yb.xr^^ benefit Under the law. cress to wage Intraediate war on kUled by them last year alone.” ber.v caw here. winter, about 1906. that Willis , R.N.. Given With Cash Sales The hoodlum pair aUo have for-1 tha rocks along the-lak*. Ha Mala SL. TeL 2-2667 CORK MAUeHISTUl Coilll* MaJ. Gen. Alexander Kotikov, acted in self-defense against an He certainly wouldn't veto such the two klUing diaesaca. Th# peU-1 “ N ot wieugh monev and acien- j riAHCHISrM MMU- DUZ I... pkfc. 34c tions *111 r* te a goodie share o f Uflc hraina are beinif devoted to | Qvsr Marlew*a . \ ■ ■ iOMiHanad a* Fag* ra*^ (OoaUaoed a* >Wf* i-^Ooattaoa# a* Pag* pa«rx the naUon’a daily aawapapara. I hading th* aaswera.” ha daclarad. (Coattaaad a* Peg* Ya*) (OaaliaMd #• f# «# . ae«J

4 - j - p ------. 1 * ' A \