Annual Report 2013 Visitors – 6 Exhibitions – 10 Laboratories – 24 “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium – 26 Events: • Science Picnic – 38 • Science Picnics abroad – 44 • After Hours – 46 • Summer in Discovery Park – 50 • Summer Cinema – 52 • Przemiany Festival – 54 • Health Resort – 58 • Other Events – 60 Copernicus and Education • Average marks for playing bridge, or a teacher out of this world – 62 • Copernican Revolution – 64 • Show and Tell Conference – 66 • Young Explorer Club program – 68 • Educational Events – 70 Local partners – 74 International partners – 76 Notable visitors – 80 Sponsors – 82 Partners – 84 Copernicus Conference Centre – 86 Media – 88 Awards – 90 Our team – 92 For the third year running, the Copernicus truly cares about the This ongoing development is annual number of visitors to the social and cultural aspects of made possible by our working Our mission is to Copernicus Science Centre has learning and education. It sup- closely with a wide network of exceeded a million. This shows ports the formation of ecosys- partners: our Organizers, various that Copernicus isn’t popu- tems of people, organizations, universities and research insti- encourage personal lar simply because of being a spaces and contexts that foster tutes, nongovernmental organi- novelty, but rather because the collaboration and partnership, zations, science centres, schools Centre accurately recognizes communication and civic and and companies. Our activities engagement in discovering and meets public needs. social engagement. It helps culti- would also not be able to grow vate the culture of science, since were it not for all the creative So, what are those needs? First the way in which scientists work people who are personally and and understanding the and foremost, people’s desire to (seeking the truth, focusing on actively engaged in pursuing our actively discover the world, and facts, respecting others) can and mission: to encourage people to to shape it creatively. This atti- should serve as a reference point get directly involved in discover- world, as well as taking tude is common to us all, regard- not just for contemporary educa- ing and understanding the world, less of age, gender or education. tion, but also for the general and to take responsibility for the It lies at the root of innovation, format of public discourse. changes occurring all around us. responsibility for the which itself is the key to the fu- ture of our society. However, we The Copernicus Science Centre’s – Robert Firmhofer, Director don’t always successfully foster team would not be credible in changes occurring and nurture this instinct, and our fostering of learning, crea- even go as far as stifling it: stu- tivity and innovation if we did dents who ask too many ques- not strive hard to manifest such around us. tions at school are rarely praised, traits ourselves. Progress is quite while employees who suggest simply written in Copernicus’ unconventional ways of solving DNA. Our High Voltage Theatre, problems are frequently regarded the interactive exhibition “Scent as unnecessary troublemakers. – An Invisible Code” and the film “Dream to Fly” made using Things are different at fulldome technology – awarded Copernicus. Exhibitions, work- the planetarium equivalent of shops and events held here pro- an Oscar – are all innovative vide a space for expressing the elements and also serve as a individual freedom within each promise of more novel concepts and every one of us: the free- that will be made real at the dom to discover the world, make Copernicus Science Centre in the sense of it, and change it for the near future. better. Visitors 7

Since the Copernicus Science well represented (15.7%), as are more accurately and allows us Centre first opened its doors adults aged 26–35 (12.3%). The to present our activities more to the public three years ago, majority of school groups come effectively. As well as providing we have welcomed over three to Copernicus from beyond the information about exhibitions million visitors: people of all Mazowsze Voivodeship (80.5%). and tickets, we also publish up- ages, from all walks of life, with For organized groups and indi- to-date multimedia materials and all levels of education and with vidual visitors, 43.4% were from popular science articles. all kinds of interests. They come Warsaw and 43.1% from regions to visit us from across Poland other than Mazowsze. Visitors and beyond. Our attendance continue to rate their satisfaction levels continue to be sky-high, with their trip very highly. The year after year. This is testament vast majority state that their level to the potential inherent in our of knowledge increased follow- society, and to the value pre- ing their visit and they feel more sented by science. We are proud interested in science than before. of the trust we have earned, and we wish to use our experience To make planning visits easier, 1,030,617 people visitors to help shape a society based last year (7 May) Copernicus in total on learning and appreciation of launched an online ticket book- knowledge, as well as sowing ing system where guests can the seeds of change in Polish select the exhibitions they want 781,962 attended exhibi- education. to see, including the planetarium, tions at the Copernicus Science workshops and laboratories. We Centre Once again, the largest group of have also launched a new web- our visitors were schoolchildren site for Copernicus. More ex- aged 7–12 (32.4% of all visitors). tensive and dynamic, it captures 195,710 visited the Heavens The age group 13–16 is also the character of our institution of Copernicus planetarium

Our three-millionth guest arrived on 28 August: Małgorzata Dębska from Raszyn, with her sons Marcel and Mateusz, were visiting Copernicus for the fourth time.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Visitors 9

It’s hard to know where to start, and impossible to leave. Loads of Visitors by age fun for kids and adults! 11.8% – 0–6 32.4% – 7–12 15.7% – 13–16 7.9% – 17–19 6.2% – 20–25 Brilliant… you can lose yourself and 12.3% – 26–35 10.4% – 36–45 feel like a kid again. 2.1% – 46–55 0.9% – 56–65 0.5% – over 65 years old An amazing place, which manages to surprise me every time. Visitors’ opinions (guests over 15 years old)

Opinions from the CSC’s Facebook page

Following your visit to the CSC, do you feel you have a greater Education levels of our visitors Following your visit, do you feel understanding of a particular Are you generally pleased with more interested in science? branch of science? your visit to the Copernicus 64.3% – primary / middle Visitors by region (individual Science Centre? school level (students in edu- guests and organized groups) Visitors by region (school trips) 27.1% – yes, definitely 29.7% – yes, definitely cation) 31.9% – yes 40.9% – yes 79.1% – yes, definitely 0.3% – vocational 43.4% – Warsaw 6.7% – Warsaw 23.5% – neither yes or no 15.3% – neither yes or no 18.4% – yes 0.4% – college 13.5% – Mazowsze (outside 12.8% – Mazowsze (outside 11.4% – not really 9.1% – not really 1.6% – neither yes or no 10.3% – secondary school Warsaw) Warsaw) 5.1% – definitely not 4.1% – definitely not 0.8% – not really 24.7% – higher 43.1% – other voivodeships 80.5% – other voivodeships 0.9% – I don’t know 0.8% – I don’t know 0.2% – definitely not

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013

Exhibitions 13

We continue to improve our We continue to surprise our visi- demonstrations, witnessed by Which galleries did you visit In general, how would you rate existing exhibitions and design tors with our latest displays. In around 32,000 people in total. today? each gallery you visited today? new ones, and they all fasci- March, we opened a new, elec- nate and inspire wonder. We trifying venue at Copernicus: the In 2013, we worked on develop- 93.5% The following were rated as deeply believe that science is High Voltage Theatre. More on ing the concept and creating Roots of Civilization “very interesting”: a driver for progress, and we this later on in this report. exhibits for a new travelling ex- strive to present this message hibition called “Captured Mind”, 91% 79.2% through our exhibitions. And we We also make sure visitors to which we will roll out in 2014. World in Motion Buzzz! believe all the greatest scien- Copernicus are kept up-to- The exhibition presents how we tific, technological and social date with the latest scientific perceive and discover the world 87.7% 72.1% changes start with an individual; achievements. Two days after and how we form and develop Humans and the Environment World in Motion with each of us; with an indi- the Nobel Prize was awarded relationships from the perspec- vidual sense of responsibility, for the discovery of the Higgs tive of physiology and psychol- 66.9% 64.4% creativity, courage to ask ques- boson, visitors were able to take ogy. Our brain uses our senses Light Zone RE: Generation tions, and capacity for critical a peek behind the scenes of this to create an image of the world thinking. momentous discovery at the around us; how do we cope with 49.2% 62.1% “Accelerating Science” exhibi- such vast numbers of stimuli? Is RE: Generation Humans and the Environment Our exhibitions evolve with us. tion fresh from CERN. Our next reality in fact as we perceive it? We dedicated last year to con- temporary exhibition, “Scent – The exhibits are now being tested 15.9% 58.4% ducting an in-depth examina- An Invisible Code”, was not only by our visitors, and we value their Robotic Theatre Light Zone tion of public opinion about our the first of its type in Poland, but impressions and opinions while exhibitions, and we are now us- it was also a perfect example of we continue to perfect the exhi- 15.7% 54% ing this information to formulate successful international collabo- bition. We hope that its final form Buzzz! Robotic Theatre plans for the future and develop ration. These exhibitions are de- will be a success for us as well as current exhibits so they can bet- scribed in more detail in further for them. 46.5% ter serve their purpose. We are chapters. Roots of Civilization thrilled that our exhibitions con- stantly receive rave reviews, and The travelling exhibition that – in spite of the high visitor “Experiment!” comprises twenty numbers – the average rate of exhibits constructed at our own exhibits kept in good working workshops. In 2013, the exhibi- order at any particular moment is tion had 32 outings to Poland’s extremely high, at 97.7%. schools, public institutions, commercial companies, spon- The most frequently visited gal- sors, and – for the first time leries in 2013 – as the year before ever – to shopping centres. We – were Roots of Civilization, On provided access to the exhibi- the Move, and Humans and the tion free of charge on eight of Environment. Our guests also those occasions. “Experiment!” frequently participated in short was seen by a total of 33,330 scientific demonstrations and people. Additionally, com- workshops within the exhibition missioned by the Ministry of spaces. Regional Development, we presented 16 external scientific

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High Voltage Theatre

In March 2013, we opened Poland’s most highly charged theatre. Although it’s safely lo- The opening of the new space cated in a Faraday cage, you feel was celebrated during the High electrified with each step! Voltage Weekend (23 and 24 March). Top attractions included Inside the gloomy interior stands electricity-related demonstra- the gleaming globe of a Van de tions, an electric cinema, an Graaff generator, and the silence electric current discovery alley, is broken by the zapping sound and workshops in laboratories. of electrical discharges. There are plasma exhibits and dem- onstrations that literally make visitors’ hair stand on end. Guests can learn about electrostatic ping-pong, and discover whether electric current flows the same way as water flows through pipes.

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What happened during the first Accelerating three minutes of the Universe’s existence? How do we study the Science tiniest components of matter? What do we know about them, Curiosity takes us to all sorts and what still remains secret? of unexpected places. One of How do they interact? What are the more unusual and fascinat- their properties and how were ing, placed 100 meters under- they discovered? Visitors were ground, is the 27 kilometre-long able to trace the evolution of the tunnel in Geneva that houses Universe from the Big Bang as the world’s largest particle far as the formation of our Solar accelerator. The experiments System. The exhibition intro- conducted at the Great Hadron duced the mysteries of the struc- Collider, questions about the ture of matter, techniques and origins of the Universe, and equipment used in studies of el- mysteries of elementary par- ementary particles, and the links ticles were presented at an between experiments conducted visiting exhibition from CERN – at CERN and the development Two days before the exhibition the European Organization for of diagnostic medicine and the opened, news broke of the Nobel Nuclear Research in Geneva. creation of the internet Prize in Physics being awarded for the theoretical discovery of Exhibition creators: a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin European Organization for of mass of subatomic particles. Nuclear Research (CERN) in The hunt for the missing par- collaboration with the Dudley ticle – one of the many types Wright Foundation present throughout our Universe – finally came to a successful Duration: conclusion at CERN. Visitors at 10 Oct 2013 – 30 Mar 14 Copernicus were able to learn more about the Higgs boson at the “Accelerating Universe” exhi- bition. We wanted to reach out to a broad audience in an new and striking way: our video about the Higgs boson (created by the Copernicus Science Centre in collaboration with Łukasz L.U.C. Rostkowski) was viewed by around 30,000 people on YouTube during the first month. One frame from the video is shown on the right.

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Elements of popular culture are often useful in portraying com- plex scientific discoveries and experiments, rendering them easier to understand. What do CERN, piñatas and Angry Birds all have in common? Or, to be more precise, how do these two games relate to the particle collisions that are staged within CERN’s LHC? In fact the ideas are strik- ingly similar: accelerated protons collide at velocities approaching the speed of light, and the result- ing collisions cause the formation of vast numbers of entirely new particles – components of mat- ter. Between 4 and 10 October, we held games promoting the opening of the exhibition: partici- pants could win entry tickets by colliding piñata ‘particles’.

On 10 October, we held an open by the European Organization meeting with Prof. Agnieszka for Nuclear Research The meet- On 17 October, we held an After Zalewska, President of CERN ing was attended by approx. 220 Hours session promoting the ex- Council, and Dr. Rolf Landua, people. hibition. This time, the key topic Head of Education and Public was “Elementary Particles”. We Outreach at CERN. The visi- constructed fog chambers at the tors – mainly schoolchildren – physics laboratory; the overlaps were especially interested in the between the worlds of quantum operation of the Large Hadron physics and popular culture were Collider, as well as asking about introduced by guest scientists the centre’s funding and future. including Prof. Andrzej Turos, The participants also took part Dr. Marcin Konecki, Dr. Lech in a quiz, answering questions Nowicki, and Maura Malińska. about scientific discoveries made More about the After Hours pro- as a result of studies carried out ject on pp. 46–49.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Exhibitions 21

What did ancient Rome smell Scent – like? What were Catherine de’Medici’s gloves fragranced An Invisible with? Using period documents, contemporary perfumers were Code able to reconstruct these aromas. Colourful stories, anecdotes and Curators: Scents are as unique as finger- unique scents recreated espe- prints. Each location has its own cially for the exhibition were used Agnieszka Łukasik (concept) specific smell; each memory, to introduce visitors to the history – expert and connoisseur of a distinctive fragrance note. of perfumery from the Antiquity fragrances, co-founder of People have been using scents until the present day. Guests one of Poland’s first boutique for thousands of years to nur- gathered around a perfumer’s ta- perfumeries. ture, camouflage, beautify, or ble to discover fragrances broken Annick Le Guerer (history of clothe themselves, or simply down into their individual com- perfumes) – anthropologist and to stand out. The history of ponents: woody, musky, spicy, philosopher, specialist in the perfume is long and fascinat- citrusy, floral. The latest meth- history of scents and perfumes, ing – from smoke and incenses, ods of creating and processing researcher working with the ointments, balsams, oils, to scents allowed us to discover Universite de Bourgogne in Dijon. fragranced waters of today. But the world through smell on an Katarzyna Sosenko (historical there is a lot more to scents unprecedented scale. Visitors collection) – art historian, owner than just perfumes: smells are could study how aromas affect of a collection of antique per- also a way of communicating. our consciousness, communica- fume flasks. Author of the “The This extraordinary, fragrant tion, and environment. One of Scent of Luxury” exhibition on exhibition was the result of a the components of the exhibition the history of perfumes. collaboration between partners was a unique scent city map. Sissel Tolaas (urban scent map) – in Poland, France and Germany: one of the best known fragrance the Copernicus Science Centre, artists in the world, an innovator the French Institute in Poland, of projects based on molecular and the Goethe-Institut. analysis of scents. The project was created in col- laboration with experts in fra- grance arts: Dominique Ropion Exhibition creators: and Daniela Andrier, the design- What an amazing exhibition! I’m greatly impressed by it, as well as by ers of perfumes and authors of this example of outstanding collaboration between three partners. The exhibition was created as a the historical scents created for Thank you to everyone involved. collaborative project between the exhibition, as well as Poland’s – Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch, German Ambassador to Poland the Copernicus Science Centre, own specialists: Dr. Władysław the French Institute in Poland, Brud and the team from Pollena A fascinating exhibition organized as part of the Weimar Triangle. and the Goethe-Institut. It was Aroma. It forms an excellent part of our ongoing co-operation. executed as part of the German – Pierre Buhlere, French Ambassador to Poland and French cultural fund cel- Duration: ebrating the 50th anniversary of 22 Nov 13 – 19 Jan 14 the Elysée Treaty. Quote originate from the CSC’s guest book.

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Scent map of the city – this part of the exhibition was designed by Sissel Tolaas, a biochemist, artist, and fragrance expert. Her works are eccentric and stimulating for the nose and the imagination, and they inspire a fresh look at the world of scents. They have been shown all over the globe, at venues such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Liverpool, and the National Museum in Beijing. Her project illustrates the concept of analys- ing cities in terms of their scents, and the potential of fragrances as a form of social communication.

(…) The Budzik centre, treating coma-stricken children, soon plans to introduce aromatherapy sessions. The idea came about dur- ing the opening of the exhibition “Scent – An Invisible Code” at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. Many of the exhibits were pre- pared by experts from the company Pollena Aroma, also in Warsaw. “We recreated scents such as oil-based Egyptian fragrance stickers that were worn on wigs, or Hungary Water, the first alcohol-based perfume, originally made for Queen Elizabeth of Poland in 1325,” says Władysław S. Brud, member of the board at Pollena Aroma. Following the opening of the exhibition, the company was contacted by representatives of the “Akogo” foundation, Budzik’s initiator. The clinic has already started collecting some of the most popu- The exhibition “Scent – An lar fragrances among children, such as oranges, mandarins and Invisible Code” was opened on 21 mint, which are being used by therapists. Representatives of Pollena November during an After Hours met with parents of children at the clinic to discuss smells loved or session “Empire of the Senses”. despised by the kids before they became ill. “They included things As well as previewing the exhi- like their favourite soup, specific brands of chocolate, or mandarins. bition, the guests were able to Some of the kids specifically hated the smell of cigarette smoke,” says attend lectures and workshops Dr. Brud. held by fragrance experts, art Perfumers from Pollena are currently doing volunteer work on recre- historians, aromatherapists and ating fragrances for patients at Budzik. They will reach the centre in producers of perfumes. More the new year. (…) about the After Hours project on – „Rzeczpospolita” 05.01.2014 pp. 46–49.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Laboratories 25

Our laboratories offer a wide the open labs during After Hours Festival and competitions such range of classes and workshops sessions for adults and the Long as Robomaticon and PIAP Robot On 30 April, we held Robots Day. for school groups, families with Night of Museums. Night, and attended events held In the technology zone, visitors children, teachers, and adults. abroad (the Science Picnic in learned about applications of ro- We present information in an Teachers were particularly fre- Croatia, and Science Days at botics in entertainment as well as easily accessible way, and en- quent visitors – not only during Europa Park in Germany). in more serious areas that make courage visitors to make their the “Show and Tell” confer- our everyday lives easier and own discoveries. The work- ence, but also during workshops help us work. In the construc- shops also provide an excel- held as part of the “Copernican tion zone, we converted old toys lent opportunity for learning Revolution” project supported into robots and held cyber-races. about teamwork, practicing by the Ministry of National In the relaxation zone, Maciej critical thinking, formulating Education. More about this pro- Wojtyszko – author of Bromba the right questions, and drawing ject on p. 64. i inni (“Bromba and Others”) – conclusions. was joined by popular artists who Laboratory activities have been read excerpts from his book. 2013 was a busy year for our held both inside and outside our laboratories, bringing many building. We have participated new activities for their visitors. in municipal events (such as the Chemistry laboratory: Sessions held during the week picnic celebrating International for middle- and high-school Children’s Day, held in the 6 different class topics groups covered subjects in the gardens at the Prime Minister’s curriculums of natural science Office, and the municipal picnic 9154 participants and technical subjects. Minilabs, in the Bemowo district), the 17th held at weekends, were aimed Science Picnic of Polish Radio at families with children 9 years and the Copernicus Science Biology laboratory: old and above. Also popular were Centre, the annual Science 6 different class topics

7862 participants

Physics laboratory:

4 different class topics

8317 participants

Robotics workshop:

4 different class topics

5710 participants

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 From the original film production “Dream to Fly” The “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium 29

People with passion!

Amazing experiences. Visitors’ opinions (guests Are you generally pleased with over 15 years old) your visit to the planetarium? Opinions from the planetarium’s Facebook page 80.8% – yes, definitely 16.4% – yes 1.7% – neither yes nor no 0.5% – not really 195 710 0.4% – definitely not 0.5% – I don’t know people visited the planetarium

Visitors by age Following your visit to the 10% – 0–6 screening(s), do you feel you 28.2% – 7–12 Would you recommend visiting have a greater understanding of 15.6% – 13–16 the planetarium? a particular branch of science? 4.8% – 17–19 5.3% – 20–25 84.9% – yes 38.7% – yes 13.7% – 26–35 13.5% – yes, definitely 37% – yes, definitely 15.5% – 36–45 1% – neither yes nor no 10.5% – neither yes nor no 4.4% – 46–55 0.1% – not really 6.5% – not really 2.4% – 56–65 0% – definitely not 6.3% – definitely not 0.5% – over 65 years old 0.6% – I don’t know 1.1% – I don’t know

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 The “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium 31

and airplane. Audiences discover The film was shown to an in- The best combination of dreams and new technologies at Warsaw’s Dream to Fly the great secrets of flight to- ternational audience before its Copernicus. gether with Leonardo da Vinci, official premiere. On 1 June, – Three years of work at our film the Montgolfier brothers and the it was awarded the Janus studio, using state-of-the-art Wright brothers. But what else Fulldome Award – the Oscar of technologies and innovative makes this film so special? planetarium productions – at ideas, produced this film about the Fulldome Festival in Jena, pioneers, made by pioneers. Fulldome is a very young tech- Germany, and in September it Even before it was completed, nology in early stages of devel- won the Best Script/Story Award the production received numer- opment. It works by projecting at the Imiloa Film Festival in ous awards at international fes- images onto a spherical screen Hawaii. The film has also been tivals. On 24 October, the world – such as screens in planetari- hailed by producers from plan- finally saw “Dream to Fly” – the ums – with the audience sitting etariums. One even said that first Polish film made using full- inside the sphere. Watching the “Dream to Fly” may become a dome technology. images all around makes the milestone in the development of viewers feel as though they are fulldome films, much as “To Fly!” The origins of aviation can be actually “inside” what they are (1976) was to the IMAX format. found in ancient dreams and seeing. The work on the film longings; the desire to rise up was highly unconventional: the The film was seen by 10,000 to the stars has accompanied initial storyboards and then entire viewers between its premiere in humankind from its earliest days. frames had to be in a circular October and the end of 2013. It features in Greek mythol- format. Once they were printed ogy, One Thousand and One out, they resembled CD stickers. Nights, and the Chinese tradi- The animation, lasting almost tion of launching sky lanterns. 40 minutes, comprises 63,000 “Dream to Fly” is an amazing frames, each one 4000 x 4000 adventure with science and the pixels – twice that of an ordinary history of aviation, taking view- film! Our three years of hard work ers on flights by balloon, airship on the film have been a huge Copernicus should be visited by everyone, especially if they are going success. Photo: our film stu- to the screening with kids. “Dream to Fly” is a simple but moving tale dio team with the Janus Award. of the power of human passion and imagination, which has made it The soundtrack was composed From the left: Maciej Sznabel, possible for us to soar in the air – and the fulldome technology really by Michał Lorenc, with Danuta Paulina Majda, Mirosław Restel, means we’ll be able to fly without leaving the ground. Stenka providing the voiceo- Bartłomiej Borawski, Maciej – ver. The film is also available in Ligowski, Maciej Rasała. English and Russian. On one hand, it’s a story about humankind’s dream of flying and the attempts to make it possible; on the other, it’s a cinematic dream- come-true with the power to enchant viewers and take them on an extraordinary journey. If you have ever envied the first viewers of “Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat” the incredible impression that film must have made on them, “Dream to Fly” will be perfect for you. While it’s unlikely to make anyone flee the cinema, it’s bound to provide thrill after thrill. –

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 The “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium 33

of the Universe. Four such con- extraordinary, fantastical and New at the certs were held in 2013, with 513 hypnotic graphics. The trip is people taking part. accompanied by the band’s planetarium greatest hits, including “Time”, Lectures “Money”, “Us and Them”, and The planetarium is about more “Eclipse”. The presentation also than just films and screenings: Creating the impression of flying features a specially designed we have also created a space for in a spaceship piloted by astron- laser display. discussion, scientific debate and omers, astrophysicists and other art. We try to keep surprising scholars of space – that was the regular visitors and attracting format of the monthly meet- new ones. This year, the plan- ings with experts, introduced in etarium started a wide range November and held in combina- of new activities – and we are tion with multimedia screenings delighted to say that they have at the planetarium. The par- been very well received. ticipants had the opportunity to learn about the latest scientific Starry Night concerts achievements, space discover- ies, and other stellar news. The 2013 premieres: Friday evenings in 2013 were a meetings were accompanied unique opportunity to participate by discussions with the speak- Films: in stellar musical spectacles. The ers and visualizations under the Secrets of the Sun, program included pearls of clas- planetarium’s dome. We held two Secrets of a Cardboard Rocket, sical music from Chopin, Bach, such lectures in 2013: Dr. Andrzej Dream to Fly (more on p. 30), Beethoven, Debussy, Messiaen Kotarba from the Space Research Chirpie’s Amazing World and Satie. The concerts, per- Centre of the Polish Academy Adventure, formed by young, talented of Sciences talked about the Extreme Planets, musicians, were accompanied by methods and equipment used Timespace: A Neverending visualizations of the night sky un- for observations of our own Adventure der the planetarium’s dome. 33 planet (7 November), while Prof. such concerts were held in 2013, Jarosław Włodarczyk from the Seasonal demonstrations held experienced by a total of around PAS Institute of the History of live before screenings: 4,300 people. Science revealed some of the The Antipodes, secrets of the Star of Bethlehem A Journey through the Galaxy, Around Jazz (5 December). Time of the Comet, On the Silver Globe We took fans of musical im- Dark Side of the Moon provisation into a monthly jazz Longer live presentations: orbit. The program featured In December, we unveiled a Planetarium – How Does It well-known standards for trum- new attraction for fans of rock Work?, pet and piano, as well as free jam music: a veritable tribute to Pink A Cosmic Journey, sessions. The music was accom- Floyd, one of the finest groups Special demonstrations held panied by visualizations of the of all time. The viewers are taken during the monthly After Hours cosmos and the farthest reaches on a journey into the world of sessions

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 The “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium 35

us to celebrate the transit of Observing the Venus last year. This year’s obser- vations of the Perseids exceeded Perseids our wildest dreams: on the night of 12/13 August, our Discovery Things like this only happen Park hosted over three thousand here… The outside lights are visitors! Karol Wójcicki, a present- dimmed at Copernicus, the er at the Heavens of Copernicus, planetarium, the National pointed out the brightest stars Stadium and the Świętokrzyski in the sky, and explained the dif- Bridge – all especially for fans ferences between meteoroids, of astronomy. And thousands of meteors and meteorites. Might them gathered to observe the we manage to dim the lights meteor shower! across the entire city next year? We’ll have to wait and see. The planetarium has an extraor- dinary capacity to spontaneously attract people who are discover- ing the fascinations held by the night sky. We still remember the 3,000 participants crowds of Varsovians who joined

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 The “Heavens of Copernicus” Planetarium 37

Other events: to find their chosen constellation Sun, we didn’t give up. The in the sky. We also presented the less-well known comet C/2013 International Planetarium running were the TELUS World It’s become a certain tradition premiere of the film “Secrets of a R1 Lovejoy also passed close to Society (IPS). The organization of Science in Canada and the to spend Valentine’s Day away Cardboard Rocket.” our planet; in good weather, it incorporates planetariums from Cite l’espace in France, but the from all the schmaltz and kitsch, was visible from Warsaw us- 35 countries from around the IPS chose Warsaw as the venue and instead taking in the re- Books were also a welcome ing just binoculars. The even- globe, and holds conferences for this prestigious international fined company of thousands of guest under the stars. On 22 ing’s guests were Prof. Grzegorz every other year, each time in a event. This means that June 2016 stars in the planetarium. On 14 June, as part of the Big Book Pojmański (discoverer of two new location. The next event will features double celebrations February, during the presenta- Festival (of which the Copernicus comets), Michał Kusiak (discov- be held in Beijing later this year, – the conference will coin- tion “Constellation: Love”, we Science Centre is a partner), the erer of over 150 comets as part while the following conference, cide with the planetarium’s fifth searched for sensual stories planetarium hosted a meeting of the SOHO Sungrazing Comets in 2016, will be hosted by the anniversary. hidden in the constellations of “Communication in the Future”. project), and Piotr Guzik (well- Heavens of Copernicus plan- the winter sky, and ventured to How is Facebook affecting us? known astronomy expert and etarium! Other candidates in the the most romantic corners of Do we face the threat of a com- observer). As well as lectures and the Milky Way. This astronomi- munication disaster? Why do we comet workshops, our guests cal “date” proved so popular, dream of distant worlds? The enjoyed a night-time marathon example, by joining online pro- we had to hold additional science fiction author Jacek of planetarium films and con- jects that harness our computer’s demonstrations! Dukaj joined us in the search for ducted astronomical observa- spare processing power to answers to these questions. The tions, culminating with breakfast conduct wide-reaching calcula- Scorpio 3, Hyperion and SKNL meeting opened with the screen- the following morning. During tions. Such activities are highly are all names of state-of-the- ing of “Extreme Planets.” Comet night, we also premiered popular, and they have already art Mars rovers. They weren’t the laser projection “Dark Side of resulted in the accumulation and made in secret NASA labora- The skies above us are open the Moon” (more on p. 32). analysis of vast amounts of data. tories, but rather in teaching to observations of more than The fields of neurology, medi- rooms of Poland’s Universities just the Moon and the planets. cine, zoology, astronomy and of Technology in Wrocław, During the annual celebrations the humanities are all undergo- Białystok and Rzeszów. On 15 of “Summer in Discovery Park,” ing a revolution in which whole May, representatives of the Mars the planetarium hosted out- For a whole week in the autumn Foundation, the Faculty of Power communities become involved Society came to our planetarium door observations of the sky. (14–18 October), astronomy and Aeronautical Engineering with projects, which in turn to present in-depth lectures The high point was the Night of ruled supreme at the Warsaw at the Warsaw University of creates entirely new opportuni- about each rover, introducing the Perseids, attracting record- University of Technology and Technology, and the Copernicus ties. On 18 October, Dr. Edward their creators and describing the breaking crowds of over 3,000 the Copernicus Science Centre. Science Centre. The event was Gomez – astronomer, program- tasks they are set during compe- people! More on p. 34. The conference Communicating held under the auspices of the mer and popularizer of science titions in desert in Utah. Astronomy with the Public International Astronomical – described innovative ways of Our celebrations of St. Nicholas’ (CAP) was visited by almost 180 Union. On 14 October, the public discovering planets beyond our We celebrated International Day featured something for people from 40 countries. The were invited to a meeting with Solar System. The participants Children’s Day for two whole adults as well as kids. On 6 participants attended lectures, Dr. Robert Simpson, astronomer, were invited to consider the days: on 1 and 2 June. The December, our guests were the demonstrations and discus- founder of the Zooniverse and motivation of humankind’s space festivities featured a special first to see “Dream to Fly” in sions on space exploration, the Astronomy portals, and blog- exploration. What are we really planetary repertoire. Kids built 3D, while on 7 December we International Year of Light 2015, ger for the Orbiting Frog. During searching for? Extraterrestrial life? and launched their own rock- hosted Comet Night. Although and the relationship between his lecture, Dr. Simpson stressed Or perhaps planets we could one ets, created their own personal C/2012 SI ISON, known as the popularizing astronomy and the importance of citizen sci- day inhabit? interpretations of one of seven comet of the century, broke business. The CAP conference ence. We are all able to be active constellations, and learned how apart as it passed close to the was organized by the New Space participants in science – for

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back home. All this goes to 17th Science show that the “Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Picnic Science Centre” is truly a phe- nomenon, unique on a global Held at Poland’s relatively new scale. National Stadium for the first time, this event is now a cele- How did it happen that just one The external ring of the National bration of science on an interna- species on Earth has been able to Stadium and the avenues lead- tional scale. The Science Picnic develop the ability to ask ques- ing to it held close to 200 tents seems to defy the flow of time tions? And it is those same beings hosting over 1000 scientific – even after so many years, it that created something even demonstrations presented by continues to evolve and inspire. more remarkable: culture, which representatives of 21 countries, This year it broke all attendance – together with our ability to ask from as far afield as China, South records, with almost 150,000 questions and think scientifically Africa, the US, South Korea, Italy, participants! It is Europe’s prime – gave rise to our civilization. France and Israel. outdoor event promoting sci- This year’s leitmotif was “Life”, in ence, and it is laying claim to the sense of human genesis and being the largest in the world. It identity, and, more broadly, in the attracts numerous guests from context of science as an integral abroad, who come to enjoy the part of all facets of social life that event and pick up ideas hoping have a direct impact on our lives to recreate a similar concept now and in the future.

The erected stage held further attractions, including a con- cert of original African instru- ments, presented by Derek Fish from South Africa to explain the physics of sound. In turn, Dr. Matt Pritchard from the UK demonstrated that science can transform ordinary people into superheroes with real superpow- ers. Guests from the Science Centre AHHAA in pre- sented explosive experiments.

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The picnic broke more than and everyday life, while 84.5% felt were equally positive (43.6% just the attendance record: the that science will provide answers – very good; 43.9% – good). balance between numbers of to challenges of the modern Almost 93% people stated that visitors from Warsaw and further world. they hope to come back for next afield has shifted over the years. year’s Picnic; in other words, In 2013, the number from out- The National Stadium proved to more than nine out of ten guests side Warsaw and the Mazowsze be an excellent location, attract- were so pleased with their visit Voivodeship was proportionally ing additional visitors interested to the Picnic that they plan to at- greater than ever before, rising to in the venue itself and the events tend again next summer. 17% from 8% during the previous it hosted. Until 2012, the majority Science Picnic. This means that (53.9%) of visitors had attended The Science Picnic of Polish the event is gaining in popularity the Picnic at least for the sec- Radio and the Copernicus across the country. ond time. In 2013, the trend was Science Centre was awarded reversed for the first time: for the the prize “Best Tourism Product 93.3% of Picnic attendants stated majority of guests (57.9%), this in the Mazowsze Voivodeship that science is needed by soci- was their first visit. in 2013” by the Polish Tourism ety, and that taking an interest Organization. in it broadens our horizons and The organization of the event understanding of the world. was mostly described as very 85.6% respondents could see a good (51.1%) or good (30.2%). link between scientific research Guests’ views on the program

The Copernicus Science Centre tent at the Picnic enjoyed great popularity: we had robots that mimic the movement of animals, and we hosted the Biosphere project. It seemed that everyone wanted to make their own self- contained garden in a jar – after the vessel is sealed, the plants don’t even need watering!

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Russia (Samara) into university buildings because was coordinated by the Centre Croatia (Zagreb) Science of adverse weather conditions. for Intercultural Initiatives. The In March, we participated in the involvement of its team, local co- The 2nd Science Picnic in Zagreb Picnics Science Picnic held during the It’s worth stressing the social ordinators and scores of volun- was held on 15 September, Festival “Science Museum in the aspect of Science Picnics, in par- teers made it possible to achieve gathering together numerous abroad 21st Century” on the invitation of ticular those in Eastern Ukraine, the seemingly impossible: hold research institutions and science the Dynasty Foundation and the where they are not just events five events popularizing science promotion groups. We presented The Science Picnic of Polish Samara in Space Museum. We that popularize science, but also in a short space of time, and in Copernicus’ laboratories and Radio and the Copernicus held workshops in aerodynamics integrate and change society. far-flung corners of Ukraine. The held demonstrations with the Science Centre has become a for around 100 children, during In some cities, they may be the project received financial sup- participation of the audience. mark of quality, and a product which we constructed extraor- only open, free events with no port from the Polish-American The Picnic was attended by over that can be exported. In 2013, dinary flying objects such as political subtext. The Picnics Freedom Foundation as part 10,000 people. nine cities in five European paper cylinders and planes with organized by dedicated and of the Regions in Transition countries held similar events. circular wings. The kids worked enthusiastic social activists and (RITA) program, implemented Georgia (Tbilisi) Copernicus regularly hosts as aerodynamics engineers, leaders of local nongovernmen- by the Education for Freedom guests from around the globe, making paper rockets which they tal organizations were met with Foundation. The Tbilisi Science Picnic made hoping to get involved and then tweaked and improved. We interest by scientific circles and its debut last year. The 2nd learn the secrets of the Picnic’s also held a special workshop for those promoting and populariz- The five Science Picnics held in Science Picnic (5 October), popularity. The egalitarian teachers and curators of scien- ing science. Ukraine attracted in a total of organized by the Ilia State nature of the event means that tific circles and clubs, sharing our around 12,000 visitors. University, formed a village of schoolchildren are as welcome experiences in holding classes The results of the picnic in 50 tents spread around the Old to present their experiments as and popularizing science. Ternopil speak for themselves: (Kaunas) Town. The Picnic was officially established, successful scien- a week after the event, during opened by the Mayor of Tbilisi, tists are. It is equally open to Ukraine (Ternopil, Lviv, Kiev, enrolment at local science clubs Lithuania’s first Science Picnic the Rector of the Ilia State people who are fans of science Luhansk, Kharkiv) and circles, a third of people was held on 13 September as University, and the Director of and those who question or hoping to sign up stated that part of the Science Festival the Copernicus Science Centre. challenge its usefulness. It is a The concept of holding Science their inspiration for joining was “Erdvėlaivis Žemė” (Spaceship The event was highly success- concept we want to share and Picnics in Ukraine came from attending the recent Science Earth). The Kaunas University of ful. We were delighted that one spread, and we provide sup- several young activists from vari- Picnic. For the first time, there Technology became home to a of the presenting groups was port to our foreign colleagues ous cities in the country during were more applicants than plac- scientific tent village. The event one of Copernicus’ ambassadors in their work to recreate this their study visit to Copernicus. es. The organizers of the Ternopil was opened by the University’s to the East: the Young Explorer grand celebration of science in Ternopil (7 September) and Lviv picnic were also approached Rector Petras Baršauskas, the Club from Rustavi. The CSC tent their own countries. This year, (14 September) held the first two with an offer to prepare a regular Science and Education Deputy presented experiments using Ukraine proved that nothing Science Picnics. Both proved to popular science program for a Minister Rimantas Vaitkus, and a microwave, as well as hold- is impossible, hosting five (!) be a success: the Ternopil event local TV station. Robert Firmofer, Director of the ing a science demonstration Science Picnics over the course was visited by over 2500 guests, Copernicus Science Centre. The about music on the Picnic stage. of just five weeks. with 23 institutions attending as We participate in all the Picnics Picnic was attended by numer- We were even more delighted presenters. The campus of the in Ukraine. Visitors to the tents ous organizations from Lithuania, that we weren’t the only Polish Lviv University of Technology of the Copernicus Science Latvia and Poland. participants: this year, Tbilisi also hosted 1500 visitors, with 13 Centre learned about experi- hosted a team from the PAS exhibitors taking part. The picnic ments in acoustics, launched Institute of Physical Chemistry. in Kharkiv was also very popular, paper rockets powered with even though it had to be moved compressed air, and solved logic puzzles. Poland’s participation

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inspired by titles of novels and Timetable for 2013: After Hours films. As well as opening our ex- hibitions to visitors, we prepared “Hopscotch” (23 May) We are constantly striving to workshops, film screenings, What are the underlying mecha- make Copernicus increasingly performances, games, lectures, nisms involved in games? How attractive to families. But, since meetings with experts and con- do they work? How do we rec- we also wanted to do something certs. Heavens of Copernicus ognize them? How can we use especially for adults, in May we also showed special live displays them for tasks such as inter- inaugurated a cycle of meetings of the sky, tying in with each preting reality? During the first just for them – whether visiting evening’s topic. Guests could evening, we invited our guests to alone, as pairs or in groups of take part in as many or as few observe and experience various friends; whether they are par- activities as they felt like – they aspects of games and play: from ents who want to see what all could experiment with the exhib- mathematical puzzles, actors’ the fuss is about, or even cou- its, or simply relax, listen to music performances, to playing musical ples on an unusual first date. A and chat with friends over a glass instruments. fascinating program, a curious of wine. The choice was up to approach to science, a good them – as always at Copernicus. “Crime and Punishment” dose of humour – that’s our (20 June) recipe for an excellent evening Similar evenings have been held Around two hundred years ago, at Copernicus. at other science centres, for ex- fighting crime took on a more ample in London, for many years. formal shape: successive coun- Each meeting, organized togeth- We hoped that our visitors will tries in Europe formed police er with Samsung – the strate- like the concept, and we weren’t forces, which soon started draw- gic sponsor of the Copernicus wrong: during the eight evenings ing on scientific advancements. Science Centre – focused on a (from May to December), we had Dactyloscopy, forensic medicine, different topic. The scripts were 7,174 participants. ballistics and toxicology are just some of the scores of new scien- tific fields created specifically to combat crime.

“I, Robot” (18 July) Robots are now very much at home in factories, where they perform the most monotonous, repetitive tasks at production lines. But is that all? In recent years, growing numbers of disciplines have been increas- ingly relying on automation. We have robot sappers working in bomb disposal, and robot sur- geons conducting meticulous cardiological and neurological

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operations. Will a time come with more being synthesized in comprehensively? Of course! As “Time Machine” (12 December) when robots fully replace laboratories around the globe. an added bonus, our guests had Is time travel purely a figment of humans? However, not all are useful; in an opportunity to view our latest our imaginations? Can it really be fact, some may pose major yet exhibition “Accelerating Science”, a genuine inspiration for scien- “Paradise Lost” (22 August) unknown threats to our health. straight from CERN. tists? Time is a mysterious and Ecologists are sounding the A new branch of medicine – elusive concept that keeps evad- alarm: our planet’s natural re- clinical ecology – aims to identify “Empire of the Senses” ing a concrete definition. Perhaps sources are running out, while threats resulting from the distri- (21 November) it can only be fully understood by overexploitation is damaging bution of these dangerous com- Our senses allow us to expe- physicists; in recent years, even ecosystems and leading to ir- pounds, diagnose illnesses they rience the world around us, they have been increasingly ad- reversible environmental changes may cause, and devise methods communicate with other peo- dressing this topic that has thus – and to the destruction of life. of treating and preventing them. ple, avoid dangers and make the far been firmly in the domain of Are such disasters really just best possible decisions. And, of science fiction. around the corner? We discussed “Elementary Particles” all our senses, two stand out in environmentally-friendly urban (17 October) particular: taste and smell. They planning, the impact of 3D print- Quarks, bosons, leptons, neu- are responsible for many the ing on environmental protection, trinos… elementary particles experiences that bring us the and the future of ecology in the have made their way out of the most pleasure and satisfaction. In era of mass personalization. safe world of quantum physics November, we invited our guests and come striding into popular to discover the secrets of the “Dangerous Liaisons” culture, taking firm root in lit- mysterious world of fragrances (19 September) erature and films. But is it pos- at the exhibition “Scent – An Over 60 million distinct chemi- sible to discuss the physics of Invisible Code”. cal compounds exist today, elementary particles simply and

Each evening features lec- tures held by eminent experts and scientists. Pictured here: Fr. Prof. Michał Heller talks about the boundaries of the cosmos and the tyranny of time (12 December, “Time Machine”).

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are services fully accessible to all answers to these problems, Summer at urban dwellers? To what extent we asked the experts: children. do all city residents benefit from During eight weekend work- Discovery the capital they generate? What shops, we worked with kids to is urban sustainable develop- build metropolises to match Park ment? We invited the partici- different climate zones, came up pants in our Summer in the City with alternative public transport The city as planet. The city as project to look for answers to systems and created models our home. Urban living makes these and many other questions. representing our urban visions of certain aspects of our lives Throughout all weekends in July cities in the clouds and in space. easier, but it doesn’t come with- and August, visitors enjoyed free out its problems, so we took a workshops, activities and other Grounded – workshops for closer look at the challenges attractions. Around 1300 people teenagers and adults faced by residents of metropo- attended. lises. Over the course of eight A healthy city starts in our summer weekends, we encour- Create-a-City – children’s homes, on our balconies and aged Varsovians to seek out and workshops in our gardens, and extends as use innovations and processes far as public spaces of streets, that make their lives in the city What do we need to create courtyards and parks. We in- easier, and to expand their un- a city? How should it look to vited teenagers and adults to a derstanding of the momentous make people feel good? To seek cycle of workshops intertwining changes taking place all around garden design and urban plan- them. ning, and promoting sustainable development in cities. Working Cities have become drivers of together, we tried to create new cooperation and progress. The green standards for Warsaw. We process has been gaining mo- designed miniature vegetable Sounds of the City – sound being played, bringing to life an Relaxation Zone mentum since the dawn of the gardens, self-watering plant pots, installation entirely new acoustic dimension industrial revolution. According and home pools with aquatic of Warsaw. The installation was Every weekend, visitors were en- to forecasts, by 2050 around 80% plants. The cycle of eight work- Urban noises come together to designed by the composer and couraged to borrow games, puz- of the world’s population will live shops concluded with a stroll form a diverse acoustic col- scholar of musical technologies zles and books – free of charge! in cities. But urban complexes along Powiśle, with the partici- lage. We hear them from differ- Paweł Cyrta. Lazier guests lounged about on also focus the greatest prob- pants using cracks and holes in ent places, levels, perspectives deckchairs, while the more active lems of our times: destruction of pavements and walkways as and contexts. Their impressions Copernicus August Sky played various sports. the environment, overpopula- sites for plant installations. The are stored in our subconscious, tion, and crime. Of course, this workshops were prepared as part where they come together to We spent Saturday nights in doesn’t mean that cities are a of the Warsaw Health Resort pro- form powerful experiences and August glued to telescopes, problem in and of themselves; on gram, forming a part of the KiiCS emotions. On Saturday eve- observing nebulae, galaxies, the contrary, they provide access project supported by European nings during the summer, we star clusters and myriads of rare to cheap energy, water, educa- Commission funds as part of encouraged our guests to create events. A special event was the tion and healthcare while being the 7th Framework Programme. interactive sound installations. Perseid night, which attracted responsible for the creation of More about KiiCS on p. 58. All participants used special over 3,000 participants! More on 80% of global wealth. However, equipment stations for model- p. 34. there are a number of questions: ling sound to shape the music

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Summer Repertoire: Medianeras, dir. Gustavo Taretto Cinema (5 July)

Our summer screenings under Waydowntown, dir. Gary Burns the open skies are now a perma- (12 July) nent fixture in Warsaw’s summer holiday calendar. The program La Haine, dir. Mathieu Kassovitz of the 3rd event, this year under (19 July) The 2012 International the banner “Planet City”, acted Architecture Biennal Rotterdam as a guide around contemporary Waste Land, dir. Lucy Walker hailed the 21st century as the era urban spaces. Each film was a (26 July) of great metropolises. According journey to a different metropo- to forecasts, with each year cit- lis, and each city provided a Detropia, dir. Heidi Ewing, Rachel ies such as Shanghai, Sao Paulo motif for discussing a range of Grady (2 August) and New York will be increas- perspectives of development. ingly able to concentrate capital As well as their indisputable Beijing Bicycle, dir. Xiaoshuai and innovation, to some extent educational value, our selection Wang (9 August) becoming countries within of films were a real treat for all countries. We are already see- lovers of good artistic cinema. A Thousand Clowns, dir. Fred ing the creation of smart cit- Coe (16 August) ies – fully digitalized and energy Each screening was preceded self-sufficient. And yet intelligent by a discussion with experts Sleeper, dir. Woody Allen (23 cities cannot rely on state-of- in the fields of cultural stud- August) the-art technologies alone. First ies, sociology, architecture, city and foremost, they must provide planning, design, urban activ- Invited guests (in chronologi- a platform for effective col- ism and publicity. We discussed cal order): laboration of three sectors: local global trends that are affecting government, business, and civic Warsaw, and examined which cit- Dr. Elżbieta Anna Sekuła, efforts. They must also invest in ies are creating standards that are Dr. Jacek Wesołowski, education, improve social oppor- worth emulating. We also talked Dr. Łukasz Jurczyszyn, tunities, and are environmentally- about how architecture affects Grzegorz Młynarski, friendly, but do such cities exist at our emotions, how city space is Dr. Joanna Kusiak, all? To what extent are the tenets divided, how we see the future, Joanna Erbel, of sustainable development be- revitalization and transformation Maciej Czeredys. ing implemented in actual, real of agglomerations, and how to urban spaces? Is life really better solve the problem of living space Talks were hosted by the journal- in cities, or are we increasingly in the future. The screenings, ist Adam Leszczyński. seeking alternative solutions? held at Discovery Park on Fridays, were attended by crowds of spectators: they were visited by a total of 2,400 people.

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was transmitted live online. The the main implications of these Short Films, Big Ideas For External Use! socially-supported farming, while Przemiany Professor is working on a plan changes is mass personaliza- Marta Wajda talked about urban which will revolutionize con- tion – a way of fully adapting A review of documentaries Activities in urban space, civic gardening. During her workshop, Festival struction: using 3D printing, products to individual users’ portraying extraordinary peo- participation and new technolo- participants planted herbs to take building a family home will take needs. The exhibition Power to ple, made by acclaimed direc- gies all came together for this home to grow. The future cannot be divined, just a single day. He is also work- the People featured a review of tors. They included Jessica Yu, project. We held consultations but it can be shaped, and this ing on a concept of 3D printing new digital processing methods awarded an Oscar for her film with residents of the Powiśle Sonic Fiction power is within each and every NASA stations on the surfaces of and examined their likely impact “Breathing Lessons. The Life district – which is Copernicus’ one of us. Our individual deter- the Moon and Mars. on our everyday lives. We hosted and Work of Mark O’Brien” and home – as well as hosting work- Traditionally, the Przemiany mination, supported by modern the most important players on Eddie Schmidt, nominated for an shops and urban games. In spring Festival closes with a concert. For technology, can change the All festival events were free. The the dynamically growing market Oscar for “Twist Of Faith.” The 2014, we hope to work with the Sonic Fiction, the BarKa barge, world – the only limit is our Przemiany (“Transformation”) of 3D printing. The exhibition was screenings were accompanied project participants to affect real moored on the Vistula near imagination. Using sense and event was visited by 10,500 interdisciplinary, and it was di- by meetings with the protago- change in a number locations in Copernicus, was transformed sensibility, we are able to solve people. vided into seven thematic blocks: nists of winning productions: Powiśle which are currently seen into a concert stage. The main specific social problems, and design, architecture, fashion, Neil Harbisson, the world’s first as wasteland. stars were musicians represent- influence the future of science, Power to the People nutrition, medicine, open source cyborg who can hear colours, ing three generations whose the arts, medicine and manu- and fab lab. Massoud Hassani who builds Heroes 3.0 creative paths took very differ- facture of everyday objects from State-of-the-art production wind-powered constructions ent routes: Fimber Bravo, Victor furniture and clothing to food. technologies are no longer a OperaLab that detonate explosives in mine A multimedia exhibition pre- Rosado and Young Marco. All For in order to create, we simply domain of experts: a new way fields, and Ap Verheggen, crea- senting 25 visions of the future. artists were performing in Poland need to know what we create of creating objects is develop- The post-competition exhibition tor of the SunGlacier project who Experts from the worlds of for the first time. for. ing before our very eyes. The of designs for mobile pavilions believes that climate change science, art and business an- third industrial revolution, which for the Grand Theatre – National means culture change. swered questions about how As well as the finale concert, “In reality, the world is changed we are witnessing right now, will Opera was shown outside of the the development of science and every evening during the festival by people who dream and who transform the way in which we Grand Theatre for the first time. Constellaction state-of-the-art technologies we hosted the Distorted Club take action” said Prof. Behrokh design, produce and use almost The exhibition was an excellent will affect our lives in the coming – concerts and DJ sets held on Khoshnevis from the University everything. Digital production opportunity to see many valu- Created by the group panGen- decades. Participants included a specially designed outdoor of South California during his methods are abolishing exist- able architectural concepts from erator, the interactive installa- Jan Lubiński, Rafał Ohme, Paweł terrace. lecture opening the Przemiany ing divisions between design- around the globe. The display tion is based on the principles Janicki, Konrad Smoleński, Sister Festival (5 September). The talk ers, makers and users. One of intertwined architecture, con- of emergence – a phenomenon Małgorzata Chmielewska, and temporary design and state-of- by which complex systems and Wojciech Modest Amaro. the-art technologies. Visitors saw patterns arise out of a multiplicity ten design projects for new pavil- of relatively simple interactions. Breakfast on the Lawn ions, presented as 3D animations. Visitors became co-creators of OperaLab was based on the aug- objects comprising autonomous During the Sunday breakfast, mented reality technology, which modules – regular tetrahedrons guests got to eat a delicious builds relationships between the receiving and emitting light and meal, buy local produce and material and virtual worlds. The sound signals. The interactions learn some secrets of food exhibition was viewed on tablets between individual elements and production. Workshops were using a custom-designed app: the spatial configuration which led by well-known local activ- when the devices were within the was easy to rearrange created ists: Jodie Baltazar discussed range of trackers printed on ex- audiovisual designs with a star- urban composters, Nina Bąk hibition stands, the app displayed tling complexity. (from the Dobrze Cooperative) the designs on the screen. introduced the concepts of

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In 2013, we held a series of The project is documented on Warsaw incubation workshops for adults a blog at www.uzdrowiskoblog. (workshop of ideas and work-, where we post Health Resort shop of product design) and reports and results of workshops. young adults aged 16–17 (the Do you believe that Warsaw “Urbanauts” project), as well as To introduce the concept of a can be a healthy place to live? hosting a hackathon. Each ses- healthy city and ways of achiev- A place where people are full sion was planned differently to ing it by working together to a of vitality? Where all the resi- help us test different ways of broader audience, the Warsaw dents’ needs are met? We do! interacting within groups: an Health Resort project also fea- Since 2013, Copernicus Science intensive two-day marathon, a tured summer urban gardening Centre has been a member of a cycle of meetings held over the workshops open to the public three-year international project course of a few months, and (around 70 participants) and a called Knowledge Incubation daily workshops lasting a week. stall for constructing biospheres in Innovation and Creation for We invited several technical during the Science Picnic, where Science (KiiCS). The program experts and coaches special- a few hundred biospheres were is financed by the European izing in teamwork, and we used made. Commission and implemented innovative methods of project by the European Network of work, including design thinking. The KiiCS program continues Science Centres and Museums The activities were attended by in 2014, with more workshops ECSITE. It has nine member in- around 150 people, including 70 ahead. We will also be preparing stitutions with different scopes in the hackathon and around 20 recommendations for the inter- of activity: science centres, in each workshop for adults and national guide “DIY: Incubation universities, nongovernmen- young people. Toolkit”. tal organizations, associations and art galleries. They all ex- All incubator activities featured periment with different forms of open enrolment at an ear- interaction between scientists, lier stage. The interdisciplinary creative people and commercial groups were formed on site, and organizations, with the goals of all projects (solutions, services, learning about effective incuba- products) were prepared and tion of innovative solutions and refined in terms of content and preparing recommendations marketing. for institutions. “Warsaw Health Resort” is the name given to the Although the implementation series of activities conducted as of concepts created during the part of KiiCS by the Copernicus workshops was not part of the Science Centre. Participants in project plan, some are in fact the program learn about best being brought to life. The deter- ways of working together in mination of participants in one of multidisciplinary groups. The the sessions has resulted in the main theme of the program is initiative – a mobile “healthy city”. container used as a technical workshop.

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Other Events: acting as guides, screenings of February) and finals (11 May) at- people visiting attractions outside University of Technology and the short films, and workshops with tracted almost 900 people to the the building. University of Warsaw to conduct Family Workshops, aimed at kids the Wzorowo Group, where we Copernicus Science Centre. demonstrations and experiments. aged 5–8 and their parents and made family books of wisdom. Powiślenia Festival Organized school groups partici- carers, have been as popular as The event was attended by On 13 July, we hosted Sir Roger (14 September) pated in lessons and workshops, ever. Last year we pondered the around 200 people. Penrose. The eminent physi- We joined this celebration of our as well as attending the plan- questions of where clouds come cist and mathematician ad- district by inviting visitors to our etarium. Are all liquids miscible? from, whether we can eat frac- One of the world’s leading dressed the visitors gathered in Discovery Park, where we hosted Does a sheet of Styrofoam fit in a tals, and why we cry while chop- competitions of science com- our auditorium, discussing the experiments (building models one-litre jar? What happens when ping onions. In 2013, we held 193 munication – FameLab – visited cyclic model of the Universe. of fullerene, making rainbows we combine acids and alkalis? At Family Workshops, which were Poland for the second time. According to the theory, the Big and blowing soap bubbles) and the Young Chemist’s Zone at the visited by 4,292 people (2,215 Once again it was co-organized Bang wasn’t the beginning of scientific demonstrations on an “Little People’s Science Festival” adults and 2,071 children). by Copernicus and the British everything, but rather it was just outdoor stage. Participants in held at the Warsaw University of Council. The finalist of this year’s one point of an infinite num- Powiślenia could also enter vari- Technology (28–29 September), We also staged a performance of competition was Marcin Stolarski. ber of cycles during which the ous competitions to win tickets we helped kids and adults find the scientific fairytale “Wyprawa Dr. Stolarski works at the PAS Universe expands and collapses. to MiniLabs at Copernicus. answers to tricky questions. The po deszcz” (“Looking for Rain”) Space Research Centre; he cap- The lecture “A New Cosmological festival hosted 2,200 people. for children aged 3–6. The play tivated the jury with his presenta- Copernican Revolution?” was 17th Science Festival was created in 2008, before tion about electrical charges that attended by approx. 300 people. (20–29 September) During the campaigns Winter the opening of the Copernicus accumulate on our clothes and The talk was also available online The festival was a week of and Summer in the City (in Science Centre, and it has been can even cause a spark. While on our website. Sir Roger’s stay lectures, workshops, and meet- January, and July and August staged at venues including the the spark is completely harm- in Warsaw formed a part of the ings with fascinating people and respectively), we once again Ateneum Theatre. It is written less to us, the situation is quite GR20/Amaldi10 Conference, subjects. For two days, our con- handed out vouchers for free and performed by present and different with electronics: for organized by the Polish Society ference centre was transformed entry to our exhibitions. The dis- former members of Copernicus’ tiny processors, an electrostatic for Relativity and the University of into a mini-Science Picnic tribution was coordinated by the team – Małgorzata Karwowska, discharge is not unlike a powerful Warsaw. dedicated to particle physics. Education Office of the Capital Urszula Koss, Błażej Dawidson, lightning strike. The jury included We joined forces with scientists City of Warsaw. The tickets were Wiktor Gajewski, Aleksander Prof. Marek Abramowicz (astro- Events we participated in: from the Polish National Centre given to children from all across Kalinowski and Tomasz physicist), Dr. Jacek Wasilewski for Nuclear Research, Warsaw the city. Ruszkowski – and directed by (cultural studies expert), Irena Museum Night (18/19 May) Marcin Chydziński. The play was Cieślińska (Deputy Director of Featured attractions included our performed on 12 and 13 January, the Copernicus Science Centre), exhibitions, laboratories, displays and again on 7 and 8 December Piotr Najsztub (journalist) and in the High Voltage Theatre and as part of our St. Nicholas’ Day Monika Koperska (winner of last the planetarium, Copernicus activities. The performances year’s FameLab). The Polish final experiments on wheels, building were seen by a total of around was hosted by the historian and models of fullerene, observations 500 people. publicist Jan Wróbel. Dr. Stolarski of Saturn, blowing giant soap represented Poland during the bubbles, and discovering the ef- For the second time, we international finals of FameLab in fect of liquid nitrogen on solids. held a multigenerational cel- Cheltenham in the UK. He made There was also a cyberaquarium ebration of Grandma’s Day and it into the final round, which for the youngest guests. The Grandfather’s Day (22 January). included 10 of 21 winners of planetarium and exhibitions at- The program included a tour national stages of the competi- tracted 5,604 guests, with more of the Centre with animators tion. The national semi-finals (23 Sir Roger Penrose

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Copernicus and Education 63

You get a C for playing bridge, or a teacher from out of this world

As soon as he walked through the door, he got the nickname Woland. Tall, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, walking with a slight limp – and no, he didn’t have gold teeth or a giant talking cat like the professor of black magic from Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, but to us he did appear “as a foreigner, someone from out of this world”.

“I couldn’t care less if you take notes, or even if you have notebooks,” With time, we got better at biting into each problem, like a pack of the math teacher told us during the first lesson. dogs bites into bones. Some were easy to crack, others took longer, while some remain unsolved until today. Our efforts to solve puzzles “You’ll get a C from me if you’re a decent bridge player. brought us joy and satisfaction. The first one of us to reach the solu- tion was admired by the rest of the class. But the one who posed a “You’ll get a B if you solve the problems correctly. riddle, “threw a bone”, was showered with praise – and received top marks. “Now, an A…”, he paused for effect, “I only give As for asking smart questions.” A few years ago, I talked to Kenneth Ribet, mathematician special- izing in algebraic number theory, whose work is credited with paving We knew straight away that elementary school was over. the way towards the solution of Fermat’s last theorem. He told me, “If I regret anything, it’s that I generally can’t find problems to solve. He taught us to ask, to doubt, to search, to observe the world closely; Someone else must find them for me – I’m a hound dog for solving he encouraged us to question old truths. Of course sometimes he puzzles.” simply taught by showing interesting methods, introducing theories, explaining. But he never let us forget the most important things. And Even a genius such as Ribet needs to meet a “Woland” along his way. that wasn’t what we knew, memorized, practiced by mindless repeti- tion; it was the courage to face the unknown. And, most of all, it was – Irena Cieślińska – Deputy Director of the Copernicus Science attention that allowed us to notice new perspectives on things. Centre

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with their students, based on Copernicus at Large – 30 travel- Copernican conducting experiments, pos- ling workshops, held through- ing and verifying hypotheses and out Poland, focusing on using Revolution discovering scientific phenomena research methods and inquiry- through direct experience. As based science education (IBSE) in How do we make sure we don’t part of the “Revolution”, we are teaching lose the joy of discovery, the conducting workshops for edu- pleasure of active learning cators, held at Copernicus and Teachers as Explorers – 80 about connections in nature, in all regions of Poland. In 2013, workshops at Copernicus’ four and the creativity to make almost 300 teachers took part in laboratories (biology, chemistry, new things? We want to help the project, and we are aiming to physics and Robotics Workshop) children, parents and teacher double the number in 2014. change Polish schools for the Show and Tell – a conference better; make them modern, but Towards the end of 2013, we for teachers and educators, and not by investing in new build- finished preparing the first of representatives of institutions of ings, but in competencies of three teaching kits including formal and informal education teachers and improved teaching lesson plans centred around (August 2014) methods. The central point of experiments and gaining knowl- the education process should edge through direct experience. Copernicus in a Box – develop- once again be students, who “Professor Czochralski’s Suitcase” ing three teaching kits as tools will discover the world actively helps students improve their for supporting teachers and and with curiosity, discover their understanding of many chemical helping students improve their talents, and develop skills. The and physical processes, as well scientific abilities; includes 36 aim of this change is to foster a as introducing important events workshops on using the kits creative, open environment sup- from the tumultuous history of porting students in the process the 20th century. New Natural Science Labs – of gaining knowledge and skills, recommendations for tools and and shaping attitudes. The pro- This “Copernican Revolution” equipment for school science ject “Copernican Revolution”, is co-financed from EU funds labs for years 4–6 in primary supported by the Ministry of as part of the European Social school National Education, hopes to Fund – Operational Programme bring about the return of natu- Human Capital. It covers five ral science laboratories, where aspects: children use simple tools and techniques to discover relation- ships that occur in nature and create new things, with teachers supporting them in this process.

One of the key tasks of the pro- ject has been the preparation and dissemination of tools for helping teachers of natural sciences to use the best methods of working

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Copernicus and Education 67

was curiosity as a driver for were representatives of non- Show and Tell independent learning about the governmental organizations world, conducting research and (the Federation for Educational Conference verifying existing knowledge. Initiatives, “Citizens for Science”, the Civic Education Centre), in- The “Show and Tell” conference The conference included 22 dependent educators, represent- is one of the most important workshop sessions, discus- atives of scientific circles, and events devised with teachers in sion panels, lectures and sci- professors from the PAS Institute mind. How can kids maintain entific demonstrations at the of Physics, Warsaw University of curiosity in the world around Copernicus Science Centre. Technology, Wrocław University them? How do teachers inspire The event was attended by of Technology, University of them to experiment? The main 230 teachers from all regions Warsaw, and University of Silesia. theme of this year’s conference in Poland. Other participants

Teachers’ work should focus on making the most of children’s natural I’m an ordinary high-school student from Eastern Poland. I real- desire to learn about the world in their own way. If students conduct ized a while ago that I don’t have any books that would answer my experiments themselves, if we encourage them to ask questions and questions. I remember the moment when I approached my biology allow them to find answers to those questions for themselves, that teacher. I said I have an idea for a research project, but I don’t know will form a basis for feeding this curiosity. And curiosity is a natural how to implement it. And she helped me. human trait. – Kinga Panasiewicz, 17-year-old high-school student from – Krystyna Szumilas, Minister of Education Hrubieszów. Winner of the prestigious competition for young sci- entists Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Her research into the synchronization of brain hemispheres has won acclaim from The world outside our windows isn’t divided into discrete bits of international experts. chemistry, physics and biology. It’s a greater whole – thus education should also be interdisciplinary. – prof. dr hab. Marcin Pałys, Rector of the University of Warsaw Our brains don’t absorb information as though water were flow- ing from a full vessel into an empty one. Our brains learn when they focus on something that stirs passion and emotion. The scientific method in natural sciences is about more than discovering the secrets of nature. It is also about the ability to use the right tools, which in turn requires acquiring certain skills: teamwork, formulating If we are to develop fast and don’t want to fall prey to environmen- and solving problems, communication, creativity and innovation (…) tal or social dumping, we must be innovative or we will never be We expect modern education systems to find and nurture individual competitive. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg didn’t have talents in every one of us, and to provide us with tools to face up to to graduate from college. Having a great idea and a great curiosity challenges we don’t even known yet. The challenges of the future. whether the idea will work was enough. – Robert Firmhofer, Director of the Copernicus Science Centre – prof. Jerzy Buzek

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teachers and supervisors work Young Explorer Clubs also have a Young together and inspire one an- presence at the Science Picnic of other, we held the second Young Polish Radio and the Copernicus Explorer Explorer Club Forum. Science Centre. Representatives of five Clubs, selected through Club On 15 and 16 November, a competition, presented their Copernicus hosted supervisors favourite experiments. The Club program of Clubs from around Poland, tent enjoyed great popularity as well as visitors from Georgia, during the Picnic. Young Explorer Club is a place Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. where all children become re- They participated in lectures, In 2013, we held 15 stationary searchers. Without having their panel discussions and several and travelling workshops for knowledge tested and evalu- thematic workshops focusing teachers interesting in founding ated, without being marked. No on developing active working their own Clubs. On 2 October, one makes mistakes when they methods, non-standard forms we took the workshops to conduct their own experiments, of promoting local activities, Georgia as part of the Poland and everyone is encouraged to and improving social skills of the Partners Foundation project verify their own hypotheses. The Clubs’ young members. Some of “Direction: experiment – Working method is universal and inter- the most popular events was the together to develop Young national, with clubs in countries workshop hosted by Ian Russell Explorer Clubs in Georgia.” The as far-flung as Georgia in the – an independent constructor of most active teachers were invited Caucasus and the United States. scientific exhibits from the UK – to take part in the 2nd Young and the session “Do it yourself”, Explorer Club Forum and study The key to the program is an focusing on the maker culture; visits at Clubs near Warsaw. As approach that abstains from the visitors introduced the move- a results of the training sessions supplying ready answers and ment’s ethos of using new and and visits, new Clubs have been encourages independence unique applications of technolo- formed in Georgia, strengthen- instead. The clubs help kids and gies and examined the underly- ing ties between Clubs in the two young people to develop their ing principles. countries. own understanding, skills and competencies such as teamwork, Members of the Clubs are Young Explorer Clubs are part- creativity and critical thinking. increasingly becoming local nered with the Polish-American popularizers of science. They Freedom Foundation. In 2013, 116 new clubs were get involved in preparing Young formed (increasing the number Explorer Festivals and share their from 186 to 302). There are 283 discoveries and experiences with clubs registered in Poland, with the broader public. The festivals a further ten in Georgia, eight in attract other local clubs, former Belarus, two in Russia and one members, students from nearby in the US. The active, diverse schools, local authorities, media environment provides an ideal and institutions, as well as resi- opportunity for working togeth- dents of towns where the Clubs er on projects, competitions are based. Numerous events and science festivals. To help were held across Poland in 2013.

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and that they are keen to use the These educational aids, designed Edu-Action is a project co-or- Educational acquired knowledge in everyday and developed by experts at the ganized by Copernicus, aimed at practice. Copernicus Science Centre, are schoolteachers and higher edu- Events ultimately designed to have an cation lecturers, created as part Workshops in the exhibition impact on students, although the of the social movement Citizens We have also created a data- space direct beneficiaries are teach- of Science. Its purpose was to base of educational resources. Many extraordinary and creative ers at the schools that have the create links between representa- Available online, it is a tool for ideas can emerge on the bound- boxes. Our workshops form an tives of scientific, educational, reviewing articles, and access- aries of formal and informal intrinsic part of our educational research and NGO circles, and ing descriptions of exhibits and education. Almost 70% of visiting kits. Participating teachers not implement interdisciplinary re- routes to take during visits. It teachers are interested in find- only discover the contents of the search projects. The participants serves as a repository for hun- ing out how to prepare interac- boxes and conduct experiments, learned how best to use open dreds of texts about Copernicus tive classes based on what they but they also develop their own source materials and new tech- and our exhibitions, helping learned at Copernicus. During ideas of how to use the kits in nologies in their projects, as well teachers prepare visits by select- the workshops, we discuss how schools. Each box is designed in as discussing the concepts be- ing the most appropriate routes to make the most of our inter- such a way that it can be used by hind citizen science and compar- through the centre or devising active exhibits, laboratories and teachers of a variety of subjects ing ways of engaging students in their own. planetarium in the context of – so not just natural sciences, scientific research. We held two specific subjects and stages of physics or chemistry, but also cycles of the workshops, with a “Teachers’ Afternoons with education. We work together on math or history. In 2013, together total of 40 participants. Copernicus” are hugely popular developing ideas and on creat- with the RWE Foundation, we regular meetings, with higher ing thematic routes through the created the Power Box, aimed On 11 June, we held the third attendance in 2013 than in the Centre, keeping in mind different at students in elementary years “Summer Seminar of Wars and previous year (2013: 810 par- types of visitors. Importantly, we 4–6 dedicated to the subject of Sawa”, a meeting for teachers ticipants; 2012: 641 participants). don’t just host teachers of sci- energy. It is important for young from Warsaw schools aimed at During the meetings, teachers ence, but also those of technical people to understand energy introducing innovative ways of are able to visit our exhibitions subjects and the humanities such sources, be aware that natural working that foster their pupils’ free of charge, and participate in as languages, the arts, music and resources are being depleted, to interests and talents. This year, a selection of workshops, con- history. We have held workshops ask questions about new, alter- we devoted particular attention ferences and other activities. in music and physics, mathemat- native energy sources, and to to the role played by popular They also meet with animators ics, social sciences, and robotics, learn how we can all conserve science demonstrations, festi- and other members of our team, meetings about science in the energy. The free workshops vals and science picnics in the conduct simple experiments and media, as well as workshops on were attended by teachers of teaching of natural sciences. engage in discussion. Last year, fostering creativity by teachers natural sciences, technology and We also discussed the origins we held meetings with teach- and carers. A total of 187 teach- mathematics. Each participat- and purposes of activities on ers on 37 Thursday afternoons. ers participated in 11 meetings ing school received three Power the boundaries of science and We are delighted that over 90% last year. Boxes. In 2013, we held a total of the arts, such as theatre perfor- of the participants are definitely 17 workshops featuring educa- mances with scientific themes. interested or quite interested in Workshops with educational kits tional kits, both those designed The seminar was opened attending future meetings. We develop educational kits that year and ones from previ- with a lecture entitled “Seeing (known as “boxes”) which help ous years, such as the “Lessons the Invisible” by Prof. Andrzej 81.7% respondents said they teachers apply elements of of Marie Skłodowska-Curie” kit. Wysmołek, physicists at the feel their professional skills have the scientific method at differ- The events were attended by 345 University of Warsaw. Participants improved as a result of their visit, ent levels of school education. participants. attended demonstrations at the

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Copernicus and Education 73

High Voltage Theatre and joined final were presented to the jury in discussions on the design of a and to all visitors to Copernicus. functional guide to exhibitions at The research was presented as Copernicus. The seminar, co- posters, available for viewing for organized by the Warsaw Centre all. The festival was co-organized for Socio-Educational Innovation with the Polish Children’s Fund. and Training, was attended by Winners of the competition 170 people. represented Poland during the European finals of the EUCYS In September and October, we competition in Prague, where hosted a cycle of seven meet- they received numerous acco- ings with students and teachers lades. Finals of this year’s EUCYS from rural schools in regions will be held in September 2014 in where cultural institutions are Warsaw. frequently inaccessible. We had a total of 350 guests, mainly from The year 2013 was hailed as the the Podlaskie and Warmińsko- year of Prof. Jan Czochralski Mazurskie Voivodeships. – the acclaimed Polish chem- The concept of their visit to ist. As part of the occasion, we Copernicus, our planetarium designed and developed our and the Children’s University next educational kit, this time was brought forward by the aimed at high-school students. Navegadores association. The It is intended for use by teachers organization implements hu- wishing to enhance their teach- manitarian and developmental ing program with experiments projects supporting local com- in material science, crystallog- 339,020 group tickets munities, as well as providing raphy, studies of the structure of access to one of the key catego- matter and historical research. ries of fundamental human rights The educational kit “Professor 79.3% of organized groups – that to education. Czochralski’s Suitcase” will be that visit us are school trips unveiled in 2014. Can children and young adults conduct serious scientific re- Breakdown of school trips search or make momentous discoveries? Of course they 49.4% primary schools can. The Young Researchers’ Festival was held at Copernicus 30.9% middle schools on 15–17 March. The flight range of the honeybee, the principle 11.7% secondary schools of solar blinds, new butterfly species – these are just a hand- ful of examples of subjects that 2540 people have attended fascinate young scientists. The events for teachers organized or twenty works shortlisted in the co-organized by Copernicus

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Local partners 75

We are delighted that 2013 has During the second day of the Members of the Agreement: Jagiellonian University Museum Supporting partners: Program Committee of the taken us closer to creating a event, we prepared the final draft (Kraków) Interaction – Integration strong environment for commu- of the Collaborative Agreement Hewelianum Centre (Gdańsk) City of Zielona Góra Conference: nicating science in Poland. We between conference partici- Olsztyn Planetarium and came together with institutions pants – non-profit organiza- EXPERYMENT Science Centre Astronomical Observatory Gen. J. Ziętek Voivodeship Irena Cieślińska, Copernicus with which we share a mission tions involved in the promotion (Gdynia) (Olsztyn) Culture and Recreation Park in Science Centre (Warsaw) – Chair of fostering a society based on of science and education. We Chorzów education, science and tech- hope that working together will Copernicus Science Centre “Signum” Centre for Popularizing Anna Grąbczewska, Children’s nology to forge a Collaborative make our activities more effec- (Warsaw) Mathematics at the Faculty of Secretary: University (Kraków, Olsztyn, Agreement and define joint tive. Our plans include exchang- Informatics of the Białystok Warsaw, Wrocław) goals for the future. ing best practices, preparing “Knowledge Mill” Modernity University of Technology Robert Firmhofer, Copernicus joint projects on a national scale, Centre (Toruń) (Białystok) Science Centre Ewa Jasińska, EXPERYMENT We held the latest national voicing opinions in public dis- Science Centre (Gdynia) conference “Interaction – course, obtaining financing for EC1 Łódź – City of Culture (Łódź) Regional Centre for Developing Integration” for representatives our work and ideas, and develop- Education (Opole) Tomasz Michalski, “ExploRes” of science centers, interactive ing international collaboration Correspondance des Arts Association for Disseminating exhibitions and planetariums. aiming to serve common goals. Foundation Museum of Art Books “Island” Creative and Educational Knowledge (Rzeszów) Although it was the 5th event of Participants in the session also (Łódź) Association (Sopot) the cycle, it turned out to have decided that the next confer- Monika Wiśniewska, Centrum been pivotal. The participants ence, scheduled for 2014, will Prof. Jerzy Stelmach “Eureka” “ExploRes” Association for Nowoczesności Młyn Wiedzy were joined by representatives of take place at the EXPERYMENT Foundation (Szczecin) Disseminating Knowledge (Toruń) festivals and science cafés, chil- Science Centre in Gdynia. (Rzeszów) dren’s universities and universities Silesia Park Foundation of the third age. (Chorzów) Silesian Botanical Garden (Mikołów) The event featured a lecture by “Prof. Inquisitive” Foundation Dr. Dominik Batorski and Edwin (Bydgoszcz) Educational Establishment Bendyk outlining the structure, Complex (Opole) dynamics and modes of opera- Children’s University Foundation tion of social interactions, as well (Kraków, Olsztyn, Warsaw, as nine sessions including work- Wrocław) shops on devising concepts for interactive exhibitions and pre- Community Cultural Centre paring scientific demonstrations. (Świnna) Participants had opportunities to talk about their successes and Institute of Competence – difficulties, and meet companies Explora Park (Wałbrzych) from Poland and abroad work- ing in developing interactive Municipal Cultural Centre exhibitions. The conference (28 (Olsztyn) February – 1 March) was attend- ed by around 150 people from 69 Museum of Municipal institutions from 41 locations in Engineering (Kraków) Poland.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 International Partners 77

Supporting the communities Many of them hope to discover to the 17th Science Picnic of of individuals involved in exist- the secrets of Copernicus from Polish Radio and the Copernicus ing science centers in Poland the inside. Such meetings can Science Centre. and the new institutions being bring surprising results, such as developed in Poland and around the concept of hosting Science More about Science Picnics the globe is one of our strategic Picnics in Ukraine modeled in in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, aims. We believe in formalizing part after the successful Polish Lithuania and Croatia on p. 44. and strengthening ties with exit- event (the idea became real- ing partners, and paving the way ity in September and October for building relationships with 2013). We have also created a new ones. We are passionate Russian version of our website about science, and we feel that and monthly newsletter providing as well as being fascinating in information on the most impor- itself, it can also serve as a foun- tant events at the Centre and also dation for close social bonds, at Europe’s other science centers, shaping independent inspira- aimed at both existing guests and tions and critical thinking – fac- potential partners. tors that are a key part of social capital. We provide a platform 2nd Copernicus Science Centre for connecting science-commu- Academy. On 14–21 June, 16 nication circles from different guests from Russia and Georgia countries, both those that are took part in a week-long course members of ECSITE and those for museum and science cen- just starting out, for whom tre staff and people interested international collaboration may in creating similar venues. become an important catalyst We shared our experiences for development. of building interactive exhibi- tions, planning and implement- Eastern Projects ing programs, combining art and science, and working with Copernicus hosts many Russian- children, and introduced the speaking guests, and we have concept of Young Explorer Clubs published Russian versions of and the work of animators. The the Centre’s plan and guide. We participants also came along are visited by school groups, organized outings and individual guests, as well as representatives of numerous science museums and people involved in creat- ing science centers in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and even coun- tries in Central Asia.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 International Partners 79

European projects we are VOICES (Views, Opinions and In June 2013, Robert Firmhofer, members of: Ideas of Citizens in Europe on Director of the Copernicus Science) is an excellent example Science Centre, ended his KiiCS (Knowledge Incubation of how science centers provide two-year term as President in Innovation and Creation for people with a voice on important of the European Network of Science) is a three-year pro- issues of scientific and techno- Science Centres and Museums gram financed by the European logical research, and shows how ECSITE. In his present role of Commission and implemented those issues have a real impact Past President, he sits on the by the European Network of on their everyday lives. The Executive Committee of the Science Centres and Museums project focuses on urban waste Board. He also represents Europe ECSITE. More about the project as a resource, and started with on the International Program “Warsaw Health Resort” on p. 58. in-depth research into the prob- Committee of the 7th Science lem and ways of dealing with it in Centre World Summit. He has PLACES (Platform of Local different EU countries. In Warsaw, presented lectures outlining Authorities and Communicators focus groups discussing the is- Copernicus’ program, activities Engaged in Science) brings sues of generating, segregating and success stories at numerous together science centers, mu- and collecting waste were held international conferences, as well seums, festivals and European at Copernicus in March, with a as speaking during debates on regional networks. The project is total of 30 people from Poland’s the importance of informal edu- coordinated by a consortium of largest cities taking part. Similar cation and the key role played by European organizations working meetings were held in parallel in science in shaping society. in the field of scientific com- 33 locations in all 27 EU member munication, led by ECSITE and states. The consultation aimed EUSEA . The aim of PLACES is to to facilitate the exchange of create and develop a set of best ideas and experiences, with the practices in science communica- ultimate goal of devising strate- tion, and disseminate it to other gies for minimizing the impact of Robert Firmhofer, Director of the Copernicus Science Centre, during his tenure as President of ECSITE – European cities. The project will waste on the environment and annual ECSITE conference in 2013 in Goteborg, Swe- create the model for a European reducing the depletion of natural den. Copyright: ECSITE City of Scientific Culture. PLACES resources. The main conclusions includes around 90 cities and were that the participants want regions from 34 countries; packaging that is fully biode- Poland is represented by Warsaw, gradable or easily recyclable, Białystok and Wrocław. The new technologies that make Copernicus Science Centre par- waste segregation easier (such as Irena Cieślińska, Deputy Director managing innovative solutions at Joanna Kalinowska is a mem- ticipates in the project through smart bins), and improved ways of the Copernicus Science institutions. Our goal is to cre- ber of the Annual Conference its partnership with the Capital of incinerating waste to gener- Centre, is one of the select ate a center that engages adults, Programme Committee of City of Warsaw and the Science ate energy. The participants also group of graduates from the builds a sense of community and ECSITE. The team is responsible Festival. suggested how research could annual Robert Noyce Teacher respect for different views, and for selecting sessions and pre- be directed to improve waste Scholarship Program for leaders stimulates discussion on the vi- paring Europe’s largest confer- management. of science centers from around sion of the future development of ence for science centers and the globe. The US-based pro- our country. interactive museums. gram aims to improve the ef- fectiveness of introducing and

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Our guests 81

Delegation from Croatia Visit of representatives of the Nobel Prize laureates (29 January): (24 October): One of the fathers of the internet, inc. Branko Grčić, Deputy Prime (25 June): Prof. Carol Greider, laureate for Vint Cerf was instrumental in the Minister and Minister of Regional inc. Gregory Paulger, Director- Physiology and Medicine in 2009, development of the first com- Development and EU Funds of General of the Directorate- and Prof. Theodor W. Hänsch, mercial email system. During his Croatia, Ivan Del Vechio, Croatian General for Communication laureate for Physics in 2005 visit, he described Copernicus as Ambassador to Poland one of the most creative science José Manuel Barroso, President Representatives of the Sejm centers Delegation from Germany of the European Commission, Committee for Education, (12 February): and Donald Tusk, Prime Minister Science and Young People inc. Guido Beermann, Secretary of Poland (5 November) of State for Economics, (11 July) Technology and Research; rep- opened the meeting held at Vice President of Intel resentatives of the Archimedes Copernicus dedicated to a new Corporation and President of Vint Cerf, Source: Wikipedia, Author: Joi Ito Exhibitions narrative for Europe the Intel Foundation Shelly Esque Delegation from Croatia Visit by Wanda Nowicka, Deputy (5 November) (20 February): Marshal of the Sejm (17 July) inc. Hrvoje Marusic, Director- Romanian Ambassador Ovidiu General for the EU at the Foreign Delegation from Lithuania Dranga José Manuel Barroso, President and European Ministry, Ivan Del (26 July): (20 November) of the European Commission, Vechio, Croatian Ambassador to Eduard Trusevič, Deputy Minister and Donald Tusk, Prime Minister Poland of Culture, and Rasa Rimickaitė, German and French of Poland, opened a debate on Cultural Attaché Ambassadors “A New Narrative for Europe” Delegation from Lithuania (21 November): held at Copernicus. Participants (14 March): Delegation from Croatia Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch and discussed the future, and the representatives of the Lithuanian (17 September): Pierre Buhler attended the vern- problems and challenges it Ministry of Culture representatives of the authorities issage of the exhibition “Smell – brings. Guests included Bogdan of the Capital City of Zagreb the Invisible Code” Zdrojewski, Cultural Minister, and Delegation from Croatia artists and scientists from across (10 April): Delegation from Mongolia President of Croatia Ivo Europe. José Manuel Barroso a group of journalists from (9 October): Josipović with colleagues (24 talked about the right time for Croatian media representatives of Mongolia’s November) new investments. He mentioned Ministry of Education and the roles of science and culture Delegation from Tatarstan Science and educational Prof. Manfred Spitzer, psychia- in Europe, and Europe’s role in (18 April): establishments trist and neurobiologist, author the development of science and representatives of the Tatarstan of books “How the Brain Learns” culture. Our task as Europeans – named after the outstand- Ministry of Culture Visit of representatives of the US and “Digital Dementia” (26 is to question, to query, and ing Polish and European man of Embassy (24 October): November) to seek solutions to new chal- science, a man of culture, who City mayors Cultural Attaché Mark Wenig lenges as they arise. He also drew a new vision of the world.” (19 April): and Daniel Hall from the Political Vint Cerf, Vice President of mentioned Copernicus in this It was Barroso’s second visit to from Riga, Sofia, Kiev, Vilnius and Department visited exhibitions Google context, saying, “I really appreci- Copernicus: he first visited in Belgrade and the Copernicus Conference (5 December) ate the venue for today’s meeting 2011, during Poland’s Presidency Centre – the Copernicus Science Centre of the EU.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Sponsors 83

We are proud to be able to In 2013, our Strategic Partner was Other companies helping us count on support from business Samsung Electronics Polska, develop our program are BASF circles. We are an organization providing us with financial sup- supporting the Chemistry that helps people develop highly port and electronic equipment Laboratory, Polskie LNG back- desirable and marketable skills: since our opening. This year, they ing the Physics Laboratory, and creativity, innovation, and flex- joined us in the design a new Polpharma looking after exhib- ibility. The financial support we project expanding the content of its focusing on health; we also receive from companies and the our galleries: trolleys with work- work closely with all our partners partnerships we forge during shops linked to individual exhibits to prepare workshops for our individual projects mean we fitted with Samsung equipment visitors. have a real opportunity to influ- such as tablets, smartphones and ence the future competencies of cameras. Other companies also sup- young people. port projects organized by Together with the energy com- Copernicus: FameLab has been pany RWE, our Supporting backed by BMW since its incep- Partner, we have developed the tion, while the Science Picnic Power Box project – a box dem- has been sponsored by Warbud, onstrating future technologies Toyota and the Polish Security for generating and processing Printing Works (PWPW). energy. The kit enables teachers and students to work together The “Heavens of Copernicus” to generate solar and wind planetarium enjoys the sup- power and make a car driven by port of bank PKO BP, which electricity. co-finances the production of screenings.

In 2013, we have received backing in various forms from Samsung, RWE Polska, Plus, PKO BP, BASF, Polskie LNG, Polpharma, BMW, Intel, Sony PlayStation, Warbud, the Polish Security Printing Works, Toyota Motor Poland, Ivona, Fido Intelligence, and RS Components.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Partners 85

2 + 2 = 5. When can such an For the second year running, equation be true? When the Young Explorer Clubs are part- synergy effect comes into play. nered with the Polish-American Teamwork is more effective Freedom Foundation. The than individual efforts, so we Foundation is involved in de- are delighted to have the sup- veloping the methodology and port of our partners, and we are promoting the program, as well grateful to all the institutions as providing financial support. that help us further our mission. Just last year, 116 new clubs were Joint ventures and projects are founded in Poland and abroad. an expression of our sense of responsibility for the changes FameLab is one of the world’s occurring in the world around leading competitions of science us. Together, we have a real op- communication. The Polish sec- portunity to influence the future tion of the event was initiated by and drive our society forward. the British Council. Since 2012, together we have been looking The annual Science Picnic, origi- for researchers who aren’t afraid nated by Polish Radio in 1997, to think outside the box and who has been co-organized with have a knack for popularizing the Copernicus Science Centre science. since 2008. Our joint efforts have resulted in Europe’s greatest The exhibition “Scent – the event celebrating and presenting Invisible Code” was created science and new technologies, through a collaboration between contributing to building a knowl- the Copernicus Science Centre, edge-based society. The Picnic’s the French Institute in Poland, management board includes the and the Goethe-Institut. The Chairman of the Board of Polish project was supported by the Radio and the Director of the Embassy of the Federal Republic Copernicus Science Centre. The of Germany and the French Organizational Team includes Embassy, and implemented members of both institutions. as part of the French-German cultural fund. It was Poland’s first exhibition dedicated to smell, and it has enjoyed enormous popularity.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Copernicus Conference Centre 87

Events held at the Copernicus Events we have co-organized Capital City of Warsaw, Centre Example events Bank and public and non-public Debate “A New Narrative for Science Centre are close to for Citizenship Education, the universities “Quality of practical Europe” held on behalf of the the mission and values of the Discovery Festival (15–17 March) Koźmiński University, the Junior 20th Invention Exchange (Giełda higher education – European Prime Minister’s Office in col- Copernicus Science Centre. featured Polish heats of the 25th Achievement Young Enterprise, Wynalazków) examples and opportunities for laboration with International We host institutions and com- European Union Contest for and the Copernicus Science Poland” Conferences, Workshops and panies marked by innovation, Young Scientists (EUCYS). The Centre. European Seminar on Sustainable Exhibitions bold thinking and the desire to jury assessed 20 best research Urban Rural Partnerships Young Innovators – Young change the world for the better. projects by high-school students The Fifth International Entrepreneur Forum Citizen Dialogue We also co-organize debates on and selected a group to represent Conference on Science in 9th Warsaw International Medical hot topics in science, technol- Poland at the international finals Society (22–23 November), Congress Europolis: Smart cities of 5th Final of the European BEST ogy and social issues. in Prague. During the open post- organized by the US-based tomorrow Engineering Competition EBEC er session, finalists talked about Common Ground Publishing, DG Climate Action – European their research to Copernicus’ visi- publisher of the magazine Commission Conference of the Patent Office Scientific Conference “CTA tors. Organizers: Polish Children’s Science in Society. The open- of the Republic of Poland Consortium General Meeting” Fund, Copernicus Science ing lecture was delivered by 13th Educational forum for Small Centre. Robert Firmhofer, Director of the and Medium Enterprises 4th Innovative Economy 20th anniversary of Intel Copernicus Science Centre and Congress Technology Poland Communicating Astronomy the former President of ECSITE. Meeting of the Management with the Public (14–18 October); Committee of the EUROCITIES 5th PGNiG Conference 6th Public Library Congress more about the conference on network “Accountable Energy” p. 37. International conference “Shale Polish-Swiss Round Table AIESEP 2013 International gas as a bridging energy carrier – 10th Intel Education Summit Conference “Physical Education from fossil fuels to green energy” (5–6 November) was a prestig- Meeting of the Minister of and Sport: Challenging the ious forum on the challenges Science and Higher Education Future” and opportunities faced by with representatives of the World education around the globe. The leading topic of this an- nual international conference was “Entrepreneurship and Education.” Speakers included Simone Baldassarri (member of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry at the European Commission), Shelly Esque (Vice President of Intel and President of Intel Foundation), Jean-Christophe Pic (lecturer in entrepreneurship and finance at the Sorbonne), and John E. Davies (Vice President of Intel and Director-General of the In 2013, we hosted 84 events Intel World Ahead Program). The with the participation of 16,640 event was co-organized by the people.

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Media 89

9,153 appearances in the media, including:

3,242 on TV and radio

5,911 in the press and online

1,827,765 hits on the 58,718 Facebook fans of the Copernicus Science Centre Copernicus Science Centre website

11,020 Facebook fans of 177,598 hits on the Heavens the Heavens of Copernicus of Copernicus planetarium planetarium website

6,533 Facebook fans of the 24,895 hits on the FameLab Science Picnic competition website

5,019 Facebook fans of the 24,632 hits on the “Przemiany” Festival “Przemiany” Festival website

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Awards 91

Gold Cross of Merit for Prize for the Copernicus Science Przemysław Wielowiejski, Deputy Centre awarded by the “Beautiful Director of the Copernicus Poland” group, striving to find Science Centre, for his contri- the most attractive places in the bution to the development of country Polish education and science promotion Gaga Heart 2013 for the Copernicus Science Centre Prize for the Przemiany Festival in the category Venue of the awarded by the Klub Twórców Year, awarded by the parent- Reklamy ing monthly “Gaga” for inspiring children to become personally Grand Press Photo 1st Prize engaged in discovering, studying for Agnieszka Rayss for “Distant and understanding the world Place” in the “Environment” category Titles “Superbrands 2013/2014” and “Superbrands Created Janus Fulldome Award – the in Poland 2013/2014” for the “Oscar” of planetarium produc- Copernicus Science Centre tions – at the Fulldome Festival brand. Poland’s best brands in Jena, Germany, for “Dream were revealed through the to Fly” made by the Heavens of Superbrand Certification Process. Copernicus planetarium The Copernicus Science Centre was the winner in the “leisure” Best Script / Story Award at the category Imiloa Film Festival in Hawaii for “Dream to Fly” Nomination for the title “Najwyższa Jakość Quality Best Tourism Product in the International 2014” for the Mazowsze Voivodeship in Copernicus Science Centre. 2013 from the Polish Tourism Najwyższa Jakość QI is a national Organization for the Copernicus competition program held under Science Centre the patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Best Tourism Product in the the Polish Forum ISO 9000 Mazowsze Voivodeship in Club, and the Polish Agency for 2013 from the Polish Tourism Enterprise Development Organization for the Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre

Copernicus Science Centre — Annual Report 2013 Our team

The Strategic Team (including our We increased our employment The Copernicus Science directors and department man- by approx. 4 percent (from ap- Program Board Centre is a cultural institu- Text: agers) prepared our strategic prox. 221 full-time staff slots in tion organized by the Capital Patrycja Strzetelska (CSC) plan for 2014–2016, including late 2012 to approx. 229 in late The Program Board has an advi- City of Warsaw, the Minister of Design: strategic and program goals in 2013), and signed 225 annual sory role in overseeing that the Science and Higher Education, Michał Romański (CSC) terms of target audience, fi- contracts with animators recruit- statutory objectives and activ- and the Minister of National English translation: nance, development, and internal ed during the first quarter. The ity program of the Copernicus Education. Sax Translations (D. Sax, C. Stupnicka) processes. Following consulta- team now includes 189 anima- Science Centre are met. The Cover: tions with the entire team, we tors who had already worked at Board includes representatives The cover illustration was created in an unusual way, using software searching for solutions to prepared a list of key values of Copernicus, and 36 new recruits. of scientific, artistic and teaching algebraic inequalities. our institution: collaboration circles in Poland, appointed for Legal Basis The white line illustrates a set of solutions for the inequality and trust, creativity, innovation, terms lasting six years. |(x - 3y - 7)4 + 4(x + 4y + 4)3 - 6000| > 3000, courage, integrity and account- Agreement dated 1 Jun 2005 where x and y are Cartesian coordinates. The software was designed by Dr. Lech Nowicki from ability, and team engagement. prof. dr hab. Łukasz Turski on establishing a joint cultural the Copernicus Science Centre and the National We also defined a vision for Management of the Copernicus – Chairman of the Board institution named Copernicus Centre for Nuclear Research. Copernicus’ ongoing develop- Science Centre Science Centre, with annexes Photos by: ment. The Copernicus Science prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche dated 21 Jun 2006 and 26 Jul Sebastian Czarnecki (CSC): pp. 34, 35 Angelika Gumkowska (CSC): p. 85 Centre brings together people Robert Firmhofer – Director – Deputy Chairman 2010 Bogdan Janus (CSC): pp. 24, 63 and organizations, builds a soci- Filip Klimaszewski: pp. 25, 28, 48, 71 Przemek Kulaga: p. 9 ety that believes in development Jolanta Brzywczy – Deputy prof. dr hab. Jerzy Axer Granted the status of a cultural Robert Kowalewski: pp. 21, 22, 23, 69 through science, and presents a Director, Chief Accountant institution on 1 Jun 2005, with Adam Kozak: pp. 5, 6, 15, 19, 37, 49, 76, 89, 92 Stanisław Łoboziak (CSC): p. 25 standard for other science cent- dr hab. Konrad Bajer amendments dated 21 Jun 2006 Katarzyna Nowicka (CSC): p. 18 ers in Central Europe. Irena Cieślińska – Deputy and 26 Jul 2010 Agata Steifer (CSC): pp. 2, 7, 10, 13, 18, 31, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 65, 66, 67, 71, 73, Director Irena Cieślińska 75, 77, 81, 85, 87 The Polish Parliamentary Act of Wojciech Surdziel: p. 14, 33, 59 Bartek Warzecha: p. 54, 56, 91 Przemysław Wielowiejski prof. dr hab. Magdalena Fikus 25 Oct 1991 on organizing and – Deputy Director implementing cultural activities prof. dr hab. Maciej Geller ISSN: 2083-2486 dr hab. Dariusz Jemielniak Numer of copies: 500

prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Konarzewski

Maria Mach

prof. dr hab. Henryk Skarżyński

prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Skośkiewicz Organisers Supporting Partner Strategic Partner

Hanna Wróblewska Copernicus Science Centre Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20 00-390 Warsaw