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POLISH ACADEMY of SCIENCES 2016 2016 POLISH ACADEMY of SCIENCES 2016 Contents Foreword by Professor Jerzy Duszyński, Medical Sciences ������������������������������������������������ 57 President of the Academy ����������������������������������� 3 Polish Young Academy ������������������������������������� 73 Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences ���� 4 International Relations ������������������������������������� 81 General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences ���������������������������������������������������������� 6 Educational and Promotional Activity ������������� 90 Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences ����� 7 The FNP Prizes for 2015 ���������������������������������� 98 Humanities and Social Sciences ������������������������� 12 Selected Statistics ��������������������������������������������� 101 Biological and Agricultural Sciences ������������������ 25 Foreign Scientific Centers �������������������������������� 103 Mathematics, Physics, Research Units and Branches ��������������������������� 104 Chemistry and Earth Sciences ��������������������������� 36 Scientific and Task-Force Committees ������������� 110 Engineering Sciences ����������������������������������������� 47 Scientific Council: © Copyright 2016 Edward Nęcka – Editor-in-Chief Polish Academy of Sciences Stanisław Filipowicz Communications and Science Andrzej Jerzmanowski Promotion Department Paweł Kulesza Polish Academy of Sciences Antoni Rogalski PKiN, Pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warsaw, Poland Jacek Zaremba www.pan.pl Published by: ISSN 1640-3754 Communications and Science Promotion Department Cover images: Polish Academy of Sciences Topological crystalline insulator. Pb1-xSnxSe (x=0.23) monocrystal (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy Edited by: of Sciences) Elżbieta Jamroz Anna Jurkiewicz Woodcut engraving showing the former Medical and Surgery Academy, Warsaw (now: the Staszic Proofreading: Palace, Polish Academy of Sciences) by F.H. Anna Jurkiewicz Röber after L. Kapliński (from the Archives of the Photographical Documentation Archives of the Graphic design: Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences) Robert Dobrzyński Printed and bound by: DTP by: Wrocławska Drukarnia Naukowa PAN 53-505 Wrocław, ul. Lelewela 4 Andrzej Figatowski phone: 48 (71) 343 45 30 fax: 48 (71) 343 87 79 Photo editing by: Adam Wiciński Edition of 1250 issues ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Foreword from the President of the Academy A. POWAŁOWSKA A. The year 2015 was a period of important changes in the Polish Academy of Sciences� The new leaders, elected for the 2015–2018 term, intend to prepare the Academy for the upcoming challenges� By far the most pressing issue now is to maximize absorption of EU grants available to scientific institutions� If science in Poland is to evolve in accordance with the highest world standards, we must improve the level of EU funding acquired and use it efficiently� The Academy wants and has to play a significant role in that process� For this reason, the concept of the Excellence in Science Department was created with a clearly stated purpose, which is to assist Polish researchers in applying for grants awarded by the European Research Council� It is worth noting that similar organizational units exist in all countries which succeed in ERC competitions� The new unit will operate under the direct supervision of one of the Vice-Presidents of the Academy, supported by PAS members, substantive employees of PAS departments, as well as a large group of ERC grant winners and Polish members of ERC evaluation panels� The Polish Academy of Sciences is one of the leaders in obtaining ERC grants in Poland – I do hope our knowledge and experience will be an essential part of the ERC grants boosting plan� Annual Report 2016 of the Polish Academy of Sciences is a source of comprehensive information about yearly multi-discipline activities of the Academy’s departments, branches, scientific and task-force committees, scientific units, and foreign scientific centers� The emphasis is on last year’s outstanding scientific achievements, some standing a real chance to be put into practice� I hope the Annual Report 2016 will become a valuable reading experience for all interested in the performance of our institution and science in Poland� ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences The Presidium of the Academy is the statutory organ responsible for all strategic issues in periods between sessions of the General Assembly of the Academy� The Presidium is composed of the President, five Vice- Presidents, five representatives of the Divisions of the Academy (one for each Division), presidents of the Academy’s Territorial Branches, a representative of the Council of Directors of Academy Research Units, chairs of all Divisions’ Councils of Provosts, and the Chancellor of the Academy� President of the Academy ■ Jerzy Duszyński, Corresponding Member of the Academy Vice-Presidents of the Academy ■ Stanisław J. Czuczwar, Corresponding Member of the Academy ■ Elżbieta Frąckowiak, Corresponding Member of the Academy ■ Stefan Malepszy, Corresponding Member of the Academy ■ Edward Nęcka, Ordinary Member of the Academy ■ Paweł Rowiński, Corresponding Member of the Academy Chancellor of the Academy ■ Tadeusz Latała J. OSTAŁOWSKI J. The authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2015–2018 term (from left): E. Nęcka, S. Malepszy, J. Duszyński, E. Frąckowiak, P. Rowiński, S.J. Czuczwar, T. Latała 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk Representatives of the Divisions ■ Stanisław Filipowicz, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Dean of Division I: Humanities and Social Sciences ■ Leszek Kaczmarek, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Dean of Division II: Biological and Agricultural Sciences ■ Roman Micnas, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Dean of Division III: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences ■ Antoni Rogalski, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Dean of Division IV: Engineering Sciences ■ Witold Rużyłło, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Dean of Division V: Medical Sciences Chair of the Council of Provosts (for each Division) ■ Jerzy M. Brzeziński, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Division I: Humanities and Social Sciences ■ Romuald Zabielski, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Division II: Biological and Agricultural Sciences ■ Małgorzata Witko, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Division III: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences ■ Krzysztof Malinowski, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Division IV: Engineering Sciences ■ Tomasz Brzozowski, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Division V: Medical Sciences Presidents of the Academy’s Territorial Branches ■ Janusz Limon, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Gdańsk ■ Józef Dubiński, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Katowice ■ Andrzej Jajszczyk, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Kraków ■ Tomasz Trojanowski, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Lublin ■ Aleksander Welfe, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Łódź ■ Mariusz Piskuła, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Olsztyn and Białystok ■ Roman Słowiński, Ordinary Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Poznań ■ Andrzej Żelaźniewicz, Corresponding Member of the Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Wrocław Chair of the Council of Directors of Academy Research Units ■ Prof. Piotr Zielenkiewicz ANNUAL REPORT 2016 5 Polish Academy of Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk J. OSTAŁOWSKI The PAS General Assembly session, Warsaw, 3 December 2015 General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences • The Academy’s highest governing body is the Recognizing that cooperation among EU General Assembly, a gathering consisting of all member states under the framework of European national members of the Academy� The General solidarity should be key for resolving the current Assembly directs the work of the Academy and su- migratory problem� • pervises its whole activity, adopting resolutions bind- Undertaking broad efforts aimed at promoting ing on other bodies of the Academy� The General attitudes of mutual openness between the receiving Assembly of the Academy may make statements on communities and immigrant communities� • issues of importance to the nation and the State� Remaining open to the inflow of migrants, in In December 2015, a debate on the issue of mi- keeping with the country’s immigration potential, gration took place during the 131st General Assembly while consistently honoring the rule that they of the Polish Academy of Sciences� The members of must conform to the legal and social model that the Academy adopted a position statement on that prevails in Poland� • issue, in which they underscored the need for Poland Creating a system, more effective than at present, to cooperate with other countries of the European for preventing foreigners from being taken Union and to strive to promote attitudes of mutual advantage of in the labor market (by being offered openness between the receiving communities and low wages or no vacation time) and violations of immigrant communities� their basic rights (having their passports taken Realizing the challenges brought by the current away or being restricted from leaving their places humanitarian crisis and recognizing the gravity of of residence
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