24 2014,,59 nr 1

From cationic ring-opening polymerization to atom transfer radical polymerization

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski*

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.14314/polimery.2014.024

Dedicated to Professor Stanislaw Penczek on the occasion of his 80th birthday

Abstract: Roots of controlled radical polymerization, including atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), origi- nate in living ionic polymerizations accompanied by reversible deactivation, such as cationic ring-opening polymeri- zation of tetrahydrofuran and other heterocyclics. Recent developments in ATRP, including mechanistic understan- ding, synthesis of polymers with precisely controlled architecture and some applications of polymers prepared by ATRP are presented. Keywords: cationic ring-opening polymerization, tetrahydrofuran, atom transfer radical polymerization, ATRP,con- trolled radical polymerization, block copolymers.

Od kationowej polimeryzacji z otwarciem pierœcienia do polimeryzacji rodniko- wej z przeniesieniem atomu Streszczenie: Artyku³ stanowi przegl¹d literaturowy dotycz¹cy kontrolowanej polimeryzacji rodnikowej, w tym w szczególnoœci kontrolowanej polimeryzacji rodnikowej z przeniesieniem atomu (ATRP), wywodz¹cej siê z jono- wej polimeryzacji ¿yj¹cej, której towarzyszy odwracalna dezaktywacja. Omówiono rozwój wspomnianych metod polimeryzacji, monomery, inicjatory i warunki reakcji syntezy polimerów o precyzyjnie kontrolowanej architektu- rze, a tak¿e zastosowanie materia³ów o ró¿norodnych w³aœciwoœciach, uzyskiwanych z wykorzystaniem ATRP. S³owa kluczowe: kationowa polimeryzacja z otwarciem pierœcienia, tetrahydrofuran, rodnikowa polimeryzacja z przeniesieniem atomu, ATRP, kontrolowana polimeryzacja rodnikowa, kopolimery blokowe.

INTRODUCTION sealants, adhesives, dispersants, health and beauty pro- ducts to materials for electronics and biomedical or drug This short mini-review is intended to show how a con- delivery systems [2, 3]. cept, developed for cationic ring-opening polymerization For a long time, anionic polymerization of non-polar of cyclic ethers in the laboratory of Professor Penczek at vinyl monomers such as styrene and dienes was the only Polish Academy of Sciences, has been applied to control- synthetic method to prepare polymers with precisely led polymerization systems, comprising several radical controlled structure and low dispersity [4—6]. It was sub- polymerizations and, in particular, atom transfer radical sequently used to synthesize various segmented copoly- polymerization (ATRP). mers and macromolecules with more sophisticated archi- Current progress in polymer science is enabled by tecture, including cyclics, combs, stars, pom-poms and new synthetic avenues, permitting precise control over many others [7]. For a long time it was considered to be molecular architecture [1]. Indeed, controlled polymer impossible to extend the concept of living polymerization synthesis is the first and the most important prerequisite without chain-breaking polymerizations, introduced by to prepare polymeric materials for targeted applications. Szwarc, to cationic vinyl polymerization and especially When supplemented with an appropriate processing, it radical polymerization, characterized by significant tran- forms basis of macromolecular engineering. Preparation sfer or unavoidable radical termination reactions, respec- of well-defined, essentially tailor-made, functional poly- tively. However, a strong suppression of chain breaking mers enables their organization into many nanostructu- reactions under appropriate conditions has been succes- red functional materials for advanced applications, ran- sively demonstrated for essentially all polymerization ging from thermoplastic elastomers, coatings, various mechanisms, including carbocationic, coordination, radi- cal, and various ring opening processes (cationic, anionic and metathesis) [9]. Nearly all of these advances are * Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, 4400 Fifth based on dynamic exchange between tiny amount of pro- Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. pagating active centers and dominating amount of dor- Corresponding author: [email protected] mant species [10]. Cationic ring-opening polymerization POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 25 of tetrahydrofuran studied in Professor Penczek labora- OTf ... O k tory was perhaps the first system in which kinetics, ther- d OTf ... O modynamics and dynamics of exchange reactions was ka i k e established in great detail and with high precision [11]. k k p p t/tr k i >>k e ; K =f(DC) Subsequently, similar concepts have been extended to p p eq essentially all controlled/living polymerization systems. Scheme A. Ion/ester equilibrium in cationic ring-opening poly- merization of tetrahydrofuran CATIONIC RING-OPENING POLYMERIZATION OF TETRAHYDROFURAN thermodynamics of ion-ester equilibrium, but also the I joined Professor Penczek’s laboratory in 1972 and dynamics of these equilibrium by rapidly changing the started to work under direct supervision of Dr. Kubisa. At sample temperature and were able to directly measure that time, new very strong acids (or superacids) such as the rate constants of ionization of esters to oxonium ions triflic (trifluoromethanesulfonic) and fluorosulfonic (activation, ka in Scheme A) and their temporary termina- acids were introduced and used in polymerization of te- tion (deactivation back to the dormant state, kd in Scheme trahydrofuran (THF). This generated a significant inte- A). Since access to NMR was quite limited, most of these rest in academia and also in industry, resulting in com- studies were performed at nights and evenings in colla- mercial products including polyTHF diols, which were boration with members of Professor Goethals’group. The subsequently used in specialty polyesters and polyure- results of these studies were published in several papers thanes [12—16]. Initially it was not realized that under that revealed effect of temperature and solvents and sub- such conditions two types of growing chain ends can be sequently nature of counterions on the ion-ester equilib- in equilibrium. We originally studied the kinetics of THF ria [22, 23]. Similar studies were also carried out, in paral- polymerization in various solvents using various initia- lel, in several laboratories in the USA and also in Japan tors under classic dilatometric techniques. Polymeriza- [12—16, 23, 24]. tions employing relatively stable complex counterions The studies focused on ion-ester equilibrium were la- such as BF4,PF6, SbCl6, AsF6, or SbF6, all had similar poly- ter extended to equilibria between ion pairs and free ions merization rates but relatively higher than those with tri- in a collaborative effort with Prof. Slomkowski [25, 26]. flate derivatives. Moreover, the rates of polymerization Surprisingly, for the first time in ionic polymerization, with these complex anions were not significantly affected similar reactivities for all ionic species were observed. by solvents but the rates of polymerizations conducted The information collected on the thermodynamics and with triflate anions clearly increased with solvent pola- kinetics of polymerization of THF provided a very comp- rity. Thus, a hypothesis was born that complex anions are lete molecular picture and permitted a precise descrip- counterions of propagating oxonium ions, whereas tri- tion of all molecular events in these systems [11]. The acti- flate anions can also form covalent esters that are much vation of esters occurred predominantly via an intramole- less reactive, which meant that esters could ionize more cular process in low-strained five membered ring of THF efficiently in solvents displaying higher dielectric cons- but via external bimolecular ionization in more strained tants and form a higher proportion of more reactive oxo- seven-membered oxepane [27]. While access to high reso- nium ions. lution NMR was at that time limited, access to heteronuc- In order to verify this hypothesis, it was necessary to lear NMR, especially 31P NMR was available in Lodz. We, perform NMR spectroscopic studies to explore the struc- therefore developed an ion trapping procedure to quanti- ture of polymer end groups present at very low concen- tatively determine the structure and concentration of trations. At that time, high field NMR was not available in growing chain ends in various polymerization systems and Professor Penczek decided to collaborate [28, 29]. with Professor Goethals from University of Ghent, Bel- Subsequently, the studies of cationic ring-opening gium, who had access to the first 300 MHz NMR machine polymerization of cyclic ethers were extended to cyclic in Europe. Thus, after barely finishing my first year in the amines, iminoethers, sulfides, acetals and orthoesters laboratory of Professor Penczek, I took a portable va- which resulted in establishment of a general theory for cuum line, NMR tubes, all necessary reagents and went the cationic ring-opening polymerization of heterocyclics for a two-week intense research project to Belgium, pre- [30—32]. Reactivity of monomers scaled reciprocally paring samples under high vacuum, sealing off NMR tu- with the reactivity of onium ions and the rate constants of bes and studying structure of the end groups of polyte- propagation were determined by onium ions reactivities trahydrofuran initiated by triflic esters in various sol- rather than those of monomers. Ions and ion pairs had vents [17—19]. Accordingly, we established effect of sol- similar reactivities and active — dormant species equilib- vent polarity on the equilibrium between propagating ria were affected by monomers nucleophilicities, ring oxonium ions and dormant esters [20]. Subsequently, du- strain and nucleofugacity of leaving groups as well as ring my second stay in Ghent, we were able to extend the- solvent and temperature [33—36]. After completing the se studies to cover not only effects of temperature, i.e. studies on cationic ring-opening polymerization of hete- 26 POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 rocyclics [37—40], I turned my attention to cationic vinyl active and dormant species affected the degree of control polymerization, whereas the laboratory of Professor Pen- [61, 62]. Scheme B presents the three fundamental equi- czek continued studies on ring-opening polymerizations libria present in carbocationic systems. In addition to the [41] and focused more on anionic/coordination polymeri- equilibrium between free ions and ion pairs, equilibria zation, especially of polymerization of cyclic esters, between carbocations and covalent species and/or onium where they made many ground-breaking discoveries ions are responsible for the controlled chain growth. [42]. These studies were continued after I moved to Carne- gie Mellon University in 1985. However, since research CARBOCATIONIC POLYMERIZATION funding in U.S.A. is quite different from the European principles, I had to broaden my research activities to or- At that time cationic polymerization of styrene was ganometallic and inorganic polymers due to their poten- considered to be impossible to control, due to several tial applications as electronic and biomedical materials so chain breaking reactions and, especially, the very fast rate that I could secure support for my research. Initially, we of propagation [8, 43]. I started my research on carbo- developed new synthetic pathways to polysilanes using cationic polymerizations in the laboratory of Professor ultrasonication, and also ring-opening polymerization to Sigwalt in Paris, where I studied structure of carbocations prepare well-defined polysilanes and corresponding and their reactivities using various spectroscopic techni- block copolymers [63—70]. In addition, we also discove- ques. At that time, a so called pseudocationic polymeri- red new routes to polyphosphazenes via phosphine azi- zation was proposed to operate in polymerization of sty- des and phosphoranimines [71—80]. While the results of rene initiated by strong acids such as perchloric or triflic our research were quite well recognized, a program offi- acids [44—50]. It had been postulated earlier, that styrene cer from one of the funding agencies told me that they polymerization occurred in this system by means of were no longer interested in polysilanes, and he very a multicenter rearrangement, without involvement of much appreciated our accomplishments, he encouraged carbocations [51]. A similar mechanism was proposed for me to apply for some “wild” or “crazy” project that could the polymerization of isobutene in the presence of Lewis have a real impact on polymer /materials science. Thus, in acids and also for polymerization of vinyl ethers, where 1992 I was analyzing major challenges in synthetic poly- polarized covalent bonds where postulated to be the ac- mer chemistry and decided that we should try to apply tive species in contrast to carbocations [52, 53]. Neverthe- principles of exchange between active and dormant spe- less based on various mechanistic and spectroscopic stu- cies [81, 82] to improve control in radical polymerization. dies we proposed a unified theory of carbocationic poly- merization in which carbocations (free ions or ion pairs – EARLY STAGES OF CONTROLLED RADICAL also with intrinsically similar reactivities, as in CROP) POLYMERIZATION were solely responsible for polymerization [54, 55]. This was in excellent agreement with very profound studies “Living” radical polymerization (IUPAC recom- made by Professor Mayr on electrophilic additions of car- mends a term reversible-deactivation radical polymeri- bocations to alkenes [56—58]. Covalent dormant species zation) [83] was proposed already before 1980s by Borsig, could not react with monomers due to their sp3 hybridi- Braun or Minoura and was then more intensely studied zation [59, 60]. Thus, tiny amounts of carbocations (well by Otsu, who was brave enough to drop the quotation below 1 % of chain ends) were responsible for the entire marks and used the term living radical polymerization polymerization and the dynamics of exchange between for polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene (St) mediated by benzyl dithiocarbamate, a sys- tem not that far from a modern RAFT process. The first evidence of reversible deactivation in radical EQUILIBRIA IN CATIONIC PROCESSES polymerization was reported by Borsig [84, 85] who used 1. IONS AND ION PAIRS diaryl and triaryl capping groups in polymerizations of ...-C+R R ,A- ...-C+R R +A- MMA and observed an increase of molecular weights 1 2 1 2 with conversion and also formation of block copolymers. 2. COVALENT AND IONIC SPECIES This system was later studied by Braun, [86] however, ... R1 dispersities were always relatively high, initiation effi- - C A ... C+ ,A ciencies low and the molecular weights (MW) did not R R 2 R1 2 evolve linearly with conversion. In the seventies, Minou- 3. CARBENIUM AND ONIUM IONS ra reported that MMA polymerization initiated by pero- xides in the presence of chromium (II) acetate led to a mo- + + ...-C R1R2 + Z ...-CR1R2- Z notonous increase of molecular weight with conversion [87]. He attributed this to a “living” propagation via radi- Scheme B. Equilibria in the carbocationic polymerization of alke- cals coordinated to Cr which were not able to terminate. nes Later, this system was critically evaluated by Banderman POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 27

[88] who demonstrated that the system conforms to con- ture and pressure to maximize kp/kt ratio, compartmenta- ventional radical polymerization, and the apparent con- lization and polymerization of monomers with intrinsi- trol resulted from a combination of the dead-end and gel cally high kp, such as acrylates [94]. We also discussed effects. Indeed, efficiency of initiation was very low, often three types of exchange reactions, including degenerative below 10 %. exchange, a concept that we introduced at that time. In 1982 Otsu, for the first time, used the term living ra- Scheme C shows three types of equilibria between active dical polymerization to describe a radical polymerization and dormant species in controlled/living radical polyme- in the presence of dithiocarbamates [89, 90]. In analogy rizations via: (i) spontaneous or catalyzed reversible acti- with the inifers used in carbocationic systems, he propo- vation of dormant species, (ii) degenerative exchange sed that dithiocarbamates acted as iniferters, i.e. agents and (iii) reversible trapping of propagating radicals. Sub- which initiate, transfer and terminate. Unfortunately, as sequently, all of these concepts have been implemented with the previously discussed systems, dispersities were in many controlled radical polymerizations [95—98]. We always relatively high, molecular weights did not evolve used TEMPO in thermal, AIBN (azoisobutyronitrile) and linearly with conversion and initiation efficiency was BPO (benzoyl peroxide) — initiated polymerization of low. A new system for controlling radical polymeriza- styrene, used various substituted nitroxides, e.g. 4-phos- tions, based on nitroxides as mediating stable radicals, phonoxy TEMPO derivative and nitronyl-nitroxides to appeared in the patent literature in 1985 [91]. Unfortuna- accelerate polymerization, phosphites and organometal- tely, the work of Rizzardo and Solomon was not sufficien- lic derivatives to control the polymerization of several tly recognized at that time and it was not until 1993 when vinyl monomers [99]. Another approach was based on Georges published his first paper on controlling the bulk degenerative transfer with alkyl iodides [99, 100]. It radical polymerization of styrene in the presence of TEM- should be stressed that although we estimated at that PO that interest in controlled radical polymerization was time what values of rate constants and equilibrium cons- revitalized [92, 93]. TEMPO-mediated systems have been tants are needed for efficient exchange between active generally limited to styrene and its copolymers and other and dormant species [94] we were in a continuous search nitroxides were needed for polymerization of acrylates for better systems, hopefully catalytic, to control radical and other monomers. polymerization. The timing for Georges’ paper was perfect for our group, as we already received funding for research on ATOM TRANSFER RADICAL POLYMERIZATION (ATRP) controlled radical polymerization. We analyzed possibi- lities and limitations of “living” radical polymerization In 1995 two promising systems for controlling radical based on principles known from other “living” polymeri- polymerization were reported. They were based on cata- zations in which a small proportion of terminated chains lytic systems used for atom transfer radical additions existed but could be tolerated [94]. This allows selecting [101] and therefore were named atom transfer radical conditions under which the highest degree of chain end polymerization (ATRP). One of these systems was based functionality could be preserved: high initial monomer on the RuCl2/(PPh3)2 catalyst which was used for poly- concentration, relatively low targeted MW, high tempera- merization of MMAinitiated by CCl4 [102]. However, this catalytic system was inactive alone and required activa- tion by aluminum alkoxides as cocatalysts. The exact nature of this activation has not yet been established but could involve reduction of RuIII species or exchange of ligands on Ru complexes. The second system was based on the CuX/bpy catalyst (bpy: 2,2’-bipyridyne) which had been used in most efficient atom transfer radical addition reactions [103]. The Cu based ATRP system was successfully applied to the polymerization of styrene, (meth)acrylates, acrylonitrile and several other mono- mers and comonomers. Various alkyl halides and pseu- dohalides were used as initiators. Originally, complexes with bpy ligands provided heterogeneous systems and were later replaced by bpy substituted with alkyl groups such as dHbpy (4,4’-diheptyl-2,2’-bipyridine) and dNbpy (4,4’-di(5-nonyl)-2,2’-bipyridine) to provide a Scheme C. Three types of equilibria between active and dormant homogeneous catalytic system. This considerably impro- species in controlled/living radical polymerization proceeding by ved control and provided polystyrenes with very low spontaneous/catalyzed reversible activation of dormant species, dispersities, Mw/Mn<1.05 [104]. degenerative exchange and reversible trapping of propagating ATRP has progressively expanded during the last 15 radicals years resulting in development of a very robust and 28 POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1

R' R-R + 8 -1 -1 R' + kt<10 M s R' R' R X N -1 -1 N N ka =0.45 M s N H3C Br + Cu R + X Cu N 7 -1 -1 N kd=1.1 10 M s N M N R' R' R' 3 -1 -1 kp=1.6 10 M s R' Scheme D. Bulk ATRP of styrene at 110 °C catalyzed by CuI/bpy derivatives powerful synthetic technique. The research has been de- xes can be employed. The newly formed radical can ini- veloping in three different directions. Mechanistic/kine- tiate polymerization by addition of a vinyl monomer, but tic studies focused on searching for new and more effi- can also propagate and terminate by either coupling or cient catalytic systems and reduction of the amount of Cu disproportionation, or be reversibly deactivated by the catalyst. They are accompanied by expansion of range of CuII/ligand complex. In ATRP, formation of radicals is re- polymerizable monomers, media and reactions condi- versible and one should seek to maintain a low stationary tions. The second direction is towards enhanced control radical concentration and shift the equilibrium between of macromolecular architecture: preparation of statisti- the activation (ka) and deactivation (kd) processes, cal, gradient, alternating, block and graft copolymer, KATRP=ka/kd, strongly to the left-hand side (ka


O O O O (Me) R (Me) OH N N O O O R' O

CN O Cl Scheme E. Examples of functionalized monomers that can be O polymerized by ATRP POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 29

OH-group, such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) [118], with one or more radically transferable atoms or groups 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) [119—121], and [142]. The best results have been obtained when X has glycidyl acrylate [111, 121—123], and precursors of ionic been either a chlorine or bromine, but iodine has also monomers [124] including dimethylaminoethyl metha- been successful for acrylates, vinyl acetate and vinyl crylate (DMAEMA) [125—127], 2-(trimethylammo- chloride [140, 143—146]. nium)ethyl methacrylate, trifluoromethanesulfonate and An appropriate combination of the initiator, catalyst 2-(dimethylammonium)ethyl methacrylate bromide and reaction conditions must be selected in order to con- [128] or ionic liquid monomers [129, 130]. Glycidyl acry- duct a successful ATRP. The primary reason is to provide late [124] has also been copolymerized by ATRP yielding high efficiency of the initiation reaction [147]. Generally, well-defined polymers containing the reactive glycidyl activation rate constants are highest for tertiary alkyl group that can be used as a precursor for other functional halides, followed by secondary ones. The activity of alkyl groups [123]. Furthermore, both neutral and ionic wa- bromides is several times larger than that of the analo- ter-soluble monomers can be polymerized in a controlled gous alkyl chlorides in reactions mediated by the same fashion by ATRP in protic (aqueous) media [131]. Several catalyst complex. Additionally, polymers prepared by macromonomers have been either homopolymerized or other polymerization processes can be functionalized at copolymerized by ATRP [132—134]. Additionally, simple the termini or along the backbone and incorporated into alkenes have been copolymerized by ATRP with polar an ATRP as macroinitiators [148—152]. This methodo- monomers [135—138]. Recent improvements in catalysis logy leads to the preparation of well-defined block and and expansion of suitable transferable atoms or groups graft copolymers comprising a broader range of mono- has also allowed successful ATRP of N-vinylpyrrolidone mers. Furthermore, the initiator(s) can be attached to any [139], vinyl acetate [140] and vinyl chloride [141]. type of polymer, solid surface [153] (particle [154], fiber [155], porous material [156], etc.) leading to chain growth Initiators in several directions. A functional initiator may carry a second non-initiating functionality, in addition to a ra- The polymer chains in ATRP start growing by homo- dically transferable atom or group, to yield hetero-tele- lytic cleavage of a carbon-halogen bond in an initiator. chelic materials [157—159], and since ATRP is a radical The initiator in ATRP can be either a small molecule, ma- process, many functional groups can be tolerated in the cromolecule, or a functionalized surface of any topology, initiator molecule including hydroxy, epoxy, amino,


R N N R N N R N N R R N N DETA R=H NPrPMI R=n-propyl 1,10-Phen bpy R=H PMDETA NOctPMI n dNbpy n R=CH3 R= -octyl R=CH( -butyl)2 R R N N R R N R N N R N N N N N N

Gllm-R PMDETA tpy R=H BPMPrA R=Pr tNtpy n BPMOA R=C H R=CH( -butyl)2 8 17 BPMODA R=C18H37




Scheme F. Examples of N-based complexing ligands for ATRP 30 POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1

+ monomer amido, cyano and azido. Additionally, several other ones can be incorporated in a protected form. kp

Ligands for copper catalyzed ATRP ka I CuII-X /Ligand + P Pn X + Cu -X/Ligand 2 n kd The primary role of the complexing ligand in an ATRP kt is to solubilize the copper salts and tune the catalytic acti- P P vity to optimally conduct a well-controlled polymeriza- n m tion. Neutral nitrogen based ligands are typically used in copper catalyzed ATRP. Some representative examples CN are shown in Scheme F. Depending on the type of amine CN D 1/2 AIBN (or thermal) ligand, the complexes are either neutral (triamines) or ICAR X ionic (bpy and tetramines) [160]. 1/2N2

General order of activity of the copper complex for- ARGET Oxidized Agent Excess Reducing Agent med with specific type of ligand is: branched > cyclic > (Sn(EH)2, glucose, ascorbic acid, etc.) linear; N4 > N3 > N2; alkyl amines ~ pyridines > imines > aryl amines. Anionic ligands form stable and active neu- Scheme G. Regeneration of copper(I) complex in ARGET and tral copper complexes, but their deactivation rate cons- ICAR ATRP tants are lower [161, 162]. Because of the high stability of copper(I) and copper(II) complexes formed with TPMA, this catalyst is particularly suitable for ARGET (activa- tivator (X-CuII), to regenerate the activator (CuI). After tors regenerated by electron transfer) and ICAR ATRP the regeneration of the activator (CuI), the polymeriza- (initiators for continuous activator regeneration), as dis- tion kinetics resemble the kinetics of conventional ATRP. cussed in the next section [163]. More detailed informa- AGET ATRP utilizes reducing agents that are unable to tion about structural and mechanistic aspects of copper initiate new polymer chains such as zero valent copper, catalyzed ATRA (atom transfer radical addition) and tin(II) 2-ethylhexanoate, ascorbic acid or triethylamine ATRP can be found in several recently published review [131, 172—176]. This technique has been shown to be par- articles [164—168]. ATRP has been successfully mediated ticularly useful in aqueous and miniemulsion systems by a variety of metals but copper complexes have been where it simplifies the set-up procedure [172, 177—184]. the most thoroughly investigated in ATRP and are the most efficient catalysts based on broad range of mono- ATRP with ppm Cu catalysts mers that can be polymerized and applicability to diverse reaction media, including water, ionic liquids or CO2. Sufficiently stable and active ATRP catalyst could be used at very low concentrations. However, as a result of Methods to initiate an ATRP unavoidable radical termination reactions, the CuI comp- lex is converted to a higher oxidation state complex There are several methods to reach ATRP equilibrium, (X-CuII). Therefore, the deactivator (X-CuII) will accumu- including normal ATRP, shown in Scheme D and the late in the system as the propagation and termination upper part of Scheme G. The same equilibrium can be proceed and reaction would stop at low conversion. This attained from the opposite side, using conventional radi- could be avoided if the CuI activator could be regenerated cal initiators and CuII/ligand species, as demonstrated in as in ARGET or ICAR ATRP in the presence of the redu- reverse ATRP [169]. cing agent or radical initiator as shown in the lower part An improved reverse ATRP was developed to take of Scheme G [185—187]. advantage of the ability to use more active or readily oxi- dized complexes [170, 171]. This procedure was named Thermodynamics and kinetics of ATRP simultaneous reverse and normal initiation (SR&NI) because the activator and a small fraction of initiating ATRP is a radical process, and the chemoselectivity chains were formed in a “reverse” ATRP reaction, while [188], cross-propagation kinetics [189], kinetic isotope ef- the majority of the growing polymer chains were initia- fects [190], the reactivity ratios [189, 191—195], and regio- ted from the added normal ATRP initiator molecule. The and stereo-selectivity [106, 192, 196, 197] are similar to limitation of normal and simultaneous reverse initiation free radical polymerizations. ATRP can be conducted in in copper mediated ATRP is evident in the inability of the presence of water or other protic solvents, and is tole- these techniques to produce clean block copolymers. This rant to a wide variety of functionalities present in the problem was resolved in AGET (activators generated by (co)monomers [198, 199]. Cross-exchange between diffe- electron transfer) ATRP, where stoichiometric amounts of rent halogens [200] and different polymerization systems the reducing agents are added to the reaction mixture (thermal and ATRP or nitroxide mediated polymeriza- containing alkyl halide, monomer and the air stable deac- tion and ATRP) demonstrates that these reactions have POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 31 the same intermediates and supports a common radical ATRP can be carried out in bulk, in organic solvents, mechanism [201]. ATRP can be converted to a system that and in aqueous media under homogeneous conditions or displays conventional radical polymerization by the in dispersed media. addition of octanethiol as a chain transfer reagent [202]. Chain transfer in n-butyl acrylate polymerization also re- Control of polymer architecture sembles the conventional radical process [203], although backbiting could be less pronounced [204—206]. Lastly, ATRP is a versatile tool for preparation of various racemization studies using optically active alkyl halides polymers with precisely controlled macromolecular [207], direct observation of deactivator species (transition architectures. Scheme H illustrates some examples of metal complexes in the higher oxidation state, i.e.CuII) polymers with controlled chain composition, topology [208—212] and propagating free radicals in the polymeri- and functionality that have been prepared using ATRP. zation of dimethylacrylates [213] by EPR also supports Concerning composition, one can prepare homopoly- a radical mechanism. mers and statistical (random) copolymers from mono- Mechanistically, atom transfer radical process occurs mers with similar reactivities. However, if the reactivities via an inner sphere electron transfer (ISET) process, i.e. of the comonomers are different, then gradient copoly- atom transfer passing through a Cu-X-C transition state, mers can be formed [193, 232—236]. Gradient copoly- which is formally also a single electron transfer process. mers with continuously varied composition along the According to Marcus analysis of electron transfer proces- polymer chain can also be formed from comonomers ses, outer sphere electron transfer (OSET) should be app- with the same reactivity by using a feeding technique roximately 1010 times slower than ISET [214]. [237, 238]. Copolymerization of comonomers with very Perhaps, the most important reaction parameters in an low reactivity ratios can lead to alternating or periodic

ATRP are the activation (ka)anddeactivation(kd) rate cons- copolymers. They can also be formed if one less reactive tants, and consequently the equilibrium constant for atom comonomer (such as simple alkene) is used in large ex- transfer (KATRP = ka/kd). They depend on the structure of the cess. Sometimes, complexation with Lewis acid can addi- alkyl halide/monomer, the structure of the copper com- tionally enhance tendency for alternation [239, 240]. Ne- plex, the solvent, temperature, and pressure [215—231]. vertheless, the most common products are segmented co-

Systematic evaluation of KATRP, ka and kd is crucial for fur- polymers such as block and graft copolymers. The former ther understanding of the ATRP mechanism and can pro- can be formed by sequential addition of comonomers and vide information about the nature and reactivity of active also by segmental coupling (using e.g. click chemistry), intermediates, and factors needed to design more active mechanistic transformation (from/to ATRP and ionic, catalysts that can be used in lower concentrations and also coordination or polycondensation) or even 2-directional polymerize currently inactive monomers. concurrent growth by different polymerization mecha-

Scheme H. Controlled molecular structures accessible by ATRP 32 POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 nisms [241—250]. Appropriate sequence of comonomer surfaces and even from linear polymer chains. There are addition is very important when preparing block copoly- many morphologies available for block copolymers, de- merization solely by ATRP,but sometimes cross propaga- pending on the block order, interactions parameters and tion from less readily activated monomer to more readily volume fractions, that result in formation of spheres, cy- activated monomer can be additionally enhanced by linders, lamellae and bicontinuous structures in various halogen exchange process. Radical polymerization is combinations [286—289]. generally not efficient for the control of stereochemistry Molecular hybrids comprise synthetic polymers cova- and polymer tacticity. However, in the presence of Lewis lently tethered to inorganic materials and natural pro- acids such as Y(OTf)3 and Yb(OTf)3 poly(dimethylacryl- ducts [290—292]. The well-defined organic-inorganic amide) with strongly enhanced isotacticity was prepared hybrids can be formed by grafting from flat, convex, con- as well as the first block copolymers with atactic and iso- cave or irregular surfaces [293, 294]. Surfaces of gold, sili- tactic segments [251]. con, silica, iron and other inorganic substrates were func- There are many examples of controlling polymer tionalized with bromoesters to initiate growth of polysty- chain topology using not only linear but also branched rene, poly(meth)acrylates, polyacrylonitrile or polyacry- architectures. They can include synthesis of star poly- lamide chains via ATRP [295]. It is possible to vary graf- mers using either the core-first or arm-first approaches ting density and prepare very densely grafted films, with [246, 252—261]. The latter relies on using macroinitiators density approaching ~0.5 to 1 chain/nm2 [296, 297]. Graf- or macromonomers and divinyl crosslinking agents. ting density can be continuously varied along the sub- Stars are formed in high yield and with high uniformity strate to prepare surfaces with a macroscopic gradient under appropriate conditions, instead of macroscopic [298]. Very dense grafting is not possible via grafting gels/networks. Gels prepared by ATRP are different from onto, since attached polymer chains collapse on the sur- those made by conventional RP, due to higher chain uni- face and prevent other chains in the solution from rea- formity; they swell more and can be degraded easier ching the surface. Furthermore non-uniform growth can- when degradable crosslinkers are used [262—268]. One not provide high grafting density. It is only when poly- can also prepare comb-like polymers by grafting from, mer chains grow by adding a few monomer units during onto and through using macromonomers. Very dense each activity period that high grafting density is possible. grafting along the polymer backbone results in formation The resulting hybrids have many new and unusual pro- of macromolecular bottle-brush structures. They can be perties related to their unique compressability, lubrica- very large macromolecules with Mn values exceeding se- tion properties and, reduced swelling or interpenetration veral millions that can not only be visualized by AFM as [297]. Grafting can be performed by normal ATRP but single molecules but also used as various sensors and also by ARGET [299]. model tensile machines [269—278]. ATRP has been also It is also possible to graft polymers and block copoly- used for synthesis of randomly branched and hyperbran- mers onto inorganic surfaces. For example, poly(metha- ched polymers and even for dendritic systems [279—282] crylic acid)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-po- and, cyclic polymers have been prepared by ATRP or ly(sodium styrenesulfonate) prepared by ATRP was graf- ATRP and nitroxide coupling. ted onto ~200 nm diameter iron particles to destroy resi- ATRP is tolerant of many functional groups such as dual chlorinated pollutants [300]. hydroxy, cyano, amino, amido, esters and others but The slower controlled chain growth in ATRP facilita- acids should be protected to prevent ligand protonation. tes better control in templated systems. Mesoporous sili- This can be accomplished at higher pH or in the presence ca was functionalized with bromoesters and used to of amines that scavenge protons. Functionality can be grow polyacrylonitrile, polystyrene or poly(meth)acryla- incorporated via monomers, or initiators [283—285]. One tes. The growth of polymer chains was followed by TGA, of many advantages of ATRP is the availability of various porosity and analysis of detached polymers. Highly uni- functional initiators and facile preparation of multifunc- form growth was achieved on the molecular level (as evi- tional systems by simple esterification of precursor mole- denced by low dispersity of detached polymers analyzed cules to form 2-bromopropionates or 2-bromoisobutyra- by GPC) but also macroscopically (overall porosity mea- tes. These precursor molecules not only include simple surements). organic polyols, but also natural products and flat, con- Functional groups in natural products have been con- cave and convex inorganic surfaces. Moreover, displace- verted to ATRP initiators (NH2 or OH groups converted ment of halides from the chain ends provide not only to bromoamides and bromoesters) [155, 291, 301]. In or- a variety of homo and hetero telechelics but also many der to retain the properties of the natural product the ori- multifunctional stars or (hyper)branched systems. ginal substrate should not interfere with the ATRP pro- The properties of many materials are defined not only cess during the polymerization and the functionality and by the architecture a single macromolecule but by their properties of the natural products should not be affected self-assembly to various nanostructured materials. In ad- by ATRP. Alternatively, chains prepared by CRP contai- dition, various pre-assembly procedures are also possible ning functionalities (NH2 or OH) can be used to grow by surface patterning, grafting from various functional polypeptides or DNA. It is also possible to fuse functio- POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 33 nalized natural products and organic polymers together composites. Also, dense polymer layers improve lubrica- either with click reactions, by biotin-avidin chemistry or tion, prevent corrosion, and facilitate surface patterning. from genetically modified peptides [291, 302—315]. Precise grafting from chromatographic packing enables enhanced chromatographic resolution of oligopeptides Applications of materials prepared by ATRP and synthetic prions [335]. Other potential applications include microelectronics, Block copolymers based on acrylates and other polar microfluidics and optoelectronics, as well as biomedical monomers could find application as polar thermoplastic applications such as components of tissue and bone engi- elastomers [316] in automotive applications, as they do neering, controlled drug release and drug targeting, anti- not swell in hydrocarbons. However, they can also be microbial surfaces [336], steering enzyme activity [291, used for much more sophisticated applications such as 314, 337—339], and many others. controlled drug-release in cardiovascular stents [317]. At Carnegie Mellon University, we formed two conse- Amphiphilic block copolymers with water soluble seg- cutive research consortia focused on ATRP and then on ments were successfully used as very efficient surfactants broader aspects of controlled radical polymerization [318] and were also used for higher end applications in- with participation of over 50 international industrial cluding pigment dispersants [319, 320], various additi- companies. We have signed 16 licensing for production of ves, and as components of health and beauty products. advanced polymers using ATRP technologies and com- Segmented copolymers with nanostructured morpholo- mercial products prepared by ATRP have been introdu- gies are being evaluated in microelectronic devices [283, ced to the market since 2004 in Japan, US and Europe. 321]. In summary, the process of intermittent activation of Graft copolymers have been used as compatibilizers dormant species, initially studied in the laboratory of for polymer blends and may be used in many applica- Professor Penczek at Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz tions described for block copolymers [322]. Gradient co- in 1970s has been expanded to many other controlled polymers display promise in applications ranging from polymerization processes. This procedure is the essence surfactants to noise and vibration dampening materials of controlled radical polymerization processes, including [193, 323, 324]. Designed branching allows precise con- ATRP, and provides a simple but powerful and efficient trol over melt viscosity and polymer processing while technique to prepare polymers with controlled composi- comb and star polymers can be used as viscosity modi- tion and architecture that are of increasing commercial fiers and lubricants [325]. relevance and importance. The ultimate example of controlled topology might be molecular bottlebrushes [326]. Such polymers, when ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lightly crosslinked, result in supersoft elastomers [327]. The author appreciates inspiration, many passionate dis- Environmentally stable materials were synthesized with cussions, and fundamental advices from Prof. Stanislaw Pen- moduli ~ 1 kPa, in the range attainable by hydrogels. Mo- czek. lecular brushes are swollen by their own short side chains Financial support from the National Science Foundation that do not entangle and never leach. 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